Bibliography Appendix
Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Somers, J.A. Title: Women and the written word : textual culture in court and convent during the twelfth-century Renaissance Issue Date: 2018-10-25 Women and the Written Word | 219 Bibliography PRIMARY SOURCES Adam de Perseigne. Eructavit: An Old French Metrical Paraphrase of Psalm XLIV, Published from All the Known Manuscripts and Attributed to Adam de Perseigne, edited by T. Atkinson Jenkins. Gesellschaft für Romanische Literature, vol. XX. Dresden: Max Niemeyer, 1909. Anna Comnena. Alexiad, translated by E.R.A. Sewter. London: Penguin, 1969. Anselm of Cantebury. The Prayers and Meditations of St Anselm with the Proslogion, translated with an introduction by Sister Benedicta Ward, S.L.G., foreword by R. W. Southern. Hardmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1973. Baudri of Dol. Vita Prima B. Roberti de Arbrisello, edited by J. P. Migne, Patrologia cusus completus, Series Latina, (Paris 1844-1864) 162: 1043–1058. Benedeit, The Anglo-Norman Voyage of St Brendan, edited by Ian Short and Brian Merrilees. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1979. Benedict of Nursia. The Rule of Saint Benedict, edited and translated by Bruce L. Venarde. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011. Donizone. Vita Mathildis Comitissae, edited by L. Bethmann. MGH Scriptores 12. Hanover: 1856, pp. 348–409. Elisabeth of Schonau: The Complete Works, translated and introduced by Anne L. Clark. New York: Paulist Press, 2000. Goscelin of St Bertin. Liber Confortatorius: The Book of Encouragement and Consolation, edited by Monika Otter. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2004. Guidance for Women in Twelfth-Century Convents, edited by Vera Morton and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne.
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