THE CTU 50TH ANNIVERSARY Bible Land Tours with Fr. Don Senior, CP
THE CTU 50TH ANNIVERSARY Bible Land Tours with Fr. Don Senior, CP From the very beginning of its 50th year life-span, Catholic Theological Union has had a deep connection with the lands of the Bible through its renowned Bible department. Each year CTU students and faculty have spent a semester abroad studying in Jerusalem and exploring the adjacent biblical sites in Jordan, Egypt, Greece, and Turkey. Beginning in 1988 and continuing every year since, Rev. Donald Senior, CP, professor of New Testament and President Emeritus, has conducted biblical tours designed for board members and friends of CTU. Nearly 800 people have participated in these special tours that include deluxe travel, five-star hotels, opportunities for worship at sacred sites, and expert biblical commentary on archaeological sites that form the historical foundations of our Christian faith. To celebrate its 50th anniversary year (2018–2019) as a premier school of theology, CTU will sponsor three special tours of the biblical lands: The Birth of Christianity: The Holyland: The Land of Egypt Greece and Turkey Israel and Jordan OCTOBER 5 – 20, 2018 FEBRUARY 8 – 18, 2019 JUNE 15 – 28, 2019 fr. donald senior, cp professor of new testament and president emeritus My work has focused on the study and interpretation of the Gospels, the Pauline literature, 1 Peter, and New Testament archaeology. Along with teaching, I have also been involved in administration of theological education and with exploration of the biblical lands in the Middle East. I am currently working as a General Editor of a new edition of the Jerome Biblical Commentary and writing a full-length biography of noted Catholic Scripture scholar Raymond E.
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