San Francisco Antl=.Apartl!Udijeid Committee
San Francisco ANTl=.APARTl!uDIJEID Committee VOLUME THREE, NUMBER ONE t\lE RT JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1988 Break all dlplomatlc, economic and mllltary relations with south Africa ~~~BERG: 'YOU · HAVE .THE POWER, SWITCH ON' When ANC leader Nelson Man· dela was sentenced in 1963 for '"trea son" against the apartheid state of South Africa, seven others went with him. Among these was Denis Goldberg who, after 22 years, was released in 1985. He has since worked out of the London headquarters of the African national Congress (ANC). He was invited to tour the U.S. by the American Friends Service Com mittee, and in February the San Fran cisco Anti-Apartheid Committee org DENIS GOLDBERG at City Hall steps, lauding Supervisors Walker and anized his presence at the Third Bap· Kennedy (at left) for proposed resolutions declaring apartheid a crime tist Church. against humanity and offering sanctuary. Additional sponsors were the AFSC, National Conference of Black that sanctions were weakening the break all relations with that govern· Lawyers, National Lawyers Guild Anti· apartheid regime and that we here ment. Apartheid Subcommittee, Women's needed to step up divestment and mnti.nued on page 6 International League for Peace and Freedom, and Bay Area New Jewish Agenda. APARTHEID CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Goldberg praised the mass cour At a press conference on the steps of cials or employees from meeting with age of Black South Africans, drawing a the City Hall on, February or hosting any representative o! 1, 1988, Supervisors Nancy Walker, South Africa or occupied Namibia. parallel with Vietnam.
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