H2860 — HOUSE April 30, 2008 When not being a parish pastor, Rev. The gentleman from Massachusetts The Prime Minister of Ireland, es- Meador enjoys officiating high school (Mr. MARKEY); corted by the committee of Senators and youth athletics and playing golf. The gentleman from Massachusetts and Representatives, entered the Hall Welcome, Nathan. (Mr. NEAL); of the House of Representatives and f The gentlewoman from New York stood at the Clerk’s desk. (Mrs. MALONEY); [Applause, the Members rising.] ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER The gentleman from Rhode Island The SPEAKER. Members of Con- PRO TEMPORE (Mr. KENNEDY); gress, I have the high privilege and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. After The gentleman from New York (Mr. distinct honor of presenting to you His consultation among the Speaker and CROWLEY); Excellency Bertie Ahern, the the majority and minority leaders, and The gentleman from Ohio (Mr. Taoiseach, Prime Minister of Ireland. with their consent, the Chair an- BOEHNER); [Applause, the Members rising.] nounces that, when the two Houses The gentleman from Missouri (Mr. meet in joint meeting to hear an ad- BLUNT); f dress by His Excellency Bertie Ahern, The gentleman from Florida (Mr. PUTNAM); Prime Minister of Ireland, only the ADDRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY doors immediately opposite the Speak- The gentleman from Michigan (Mr. MCCOTTER); BERTIE AHERN, THE PRIME MIN- er and those immediately to her left ISTER OF IRELAND and right will be open. The gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. No one will be allowed on the floor of ROS-LEHTINEN); Prime Minister AHERN. Madam the House who does not have the privi- The gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. Speaker, Senator BYRD, Members of lege of the floor of the House. Due to MCCRERY); Congress, Senator KENNEDY, Chairman the large attendance that is antici- The gentleman from New York (Mr. and Past Chairman of the Friends of pated, the rule regarding the privilege WALSH); Ireland, Mr. NEAL and Mr. WALSH, my of the floor must be strictly enforced. The gentleman from New York (Mr. distinguished predecessor as Taoiseach, Children of Members will not be per- KING); Ambassador Bruton, distinguished mitted on the floor. The cooperation of The gentleman from New York (Mr. guests: all Members is requested. MCHUGH); and Thank you for your kind introduc- The practice of reserving seats prior The gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. tion. Your invitation to address this to the joint meeting by placard will FERGUSON). joint meeting this morning honors my The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The not be allowed. Members may reserve country and honors me also. It reaf- President pro tempore of the Senate, at their seats by physical presence only firms the enduring bonds of friendship the direction of that body, appoints the following the security sweep of the and esteem between our two peoples following Senators as members of the Chamber. and between our two republics. Those committee on the part of the Senate to f bonds have been built and nurtured and escort His Excellency Bertie Ahern, the refreshed over the centuries. America RECESS Prime Minister of Ireland, into the and Ireland have something that goes The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- House Chamber: beyond a friendship between countries. ant to the order of the House of Thurs- The Senator from Nevada (Mr. REID); To be an Irishman among Americans is day, April 24, 2008, the House stands in The Senator from Illinois (Mr. DUR- to be at home. recess subject to the call of the Chair. BIN); So, Madam Speaker, I stand here be- Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 7 min- The Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. fore you as a proud son of Ireland. And utes a.m.), the House stood in recess KENNEDY); I stand with you as a steadfast friend The Senator from Vermont (Mr. subject to the call of the Chair. of the United States of America. LEAHY); I know, Madam Speaker, like so f The Senator from Connecticut (Mr. many others assembled here, you share b 1053 DODD); The Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. many links with Ireland and with JOINT MEETING OF THE HOUSE County Wicklow in particular. A fa- KERRY); AND SENATE TO HEAR AN AD- The Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. mous son of Wicklow, the son also of DRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY an American mother, Charles Stewart CASEY); BERTIE AHERN, THE PRIME MIN- The Senator from Kentucky (Mr. Parnell, stood in this place 128 years ISTER OF IRELAND MCCONNELL); ago, the first Irish leader to do so. Par- The Speaker of the House presided. The Senator from Texas (Mr. nell turned to the United States, as The Majority Floor Services Chief, CORNYN); have many Irish leaders since, as we Barry Sullivan, announced the Presi- The Senator from Mississippi (Mr. strove to emulate the achievements of dent pro tempore and Members of the COCHRAN); and America and to vindicate the prin- U.S. Senate who entered the Hall of the The Senator from Maine (Ms. COL- ciples that inspired your Founding Fa- House of Representatives, the Presi- LINS). thers: the principles of liberty, of dent pro tempore taking the chair at The Majority Floor Services Chief equality and of justice. the left of the Speaker, and the Mem- announced the Acting Dean of the Dip- In the early part of the last century, bers of the Senate the seats reserved lomatic Corps, His Excellency Jerome Eamon De Valera came here seeking for them. Mendouga, Ambassador of Cameroon. help as Ireland struggled for her inde- The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints The Acting Dean of the Diplomatic pendence. In more recent times, many as members of the committee on the Corps entered the Hall of the House of Irish leaders have come here in the part of the House to escort His Excel- Representatives and took the seat re- quest for peace in Northern Ireland. lency Bertie Ahern, the Taoiseach, served for him. Whenever we have asked for help, Prime Minister of Ireland, into the The Majority Floor Services Chief America has always been there for us— Chamber: announced the Cabinet of the President a friend in good times and in bad. From The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. of the United States. the very outset, Ireland gave to Amer- HOYER); The Members of the Cabinet of the ica Presidents, patriots and productive The gentleman from South Carolina President of the United States entered citizens of a new nation. Beginning (Mr. CLYBURN); the Hall of the House of Representa- with the Irish-Scots in the 17th and The gentleman from Illinois (Mr. tives and took the seats reserved for 18th centuries, they came from all cor- EMANUEL); them in front of the Speaker’s rostrum. ners of our island and from all creeds. The gentleman from Connecticut At 11 o’clock and 8 minutes a.m., the The Irish helped to build America. The (Mr. LARSON); Majority Floor Services Chief an- very bricks and stones in this unique The gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. nounced His Excellency Bertie Ahern, building were quarried and carried by OBEY); the Prime Minister of Ireland. the hands of Irish immigrant laborers.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:12 Jun 26, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2008BA~2\2008NE~2\H30AP8.REC H30AP8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE April 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2861 A sculptor of Scots-Irish descent, people will look back and say: They the names of our families and our Thomas Crawford, created the figure of chose well. They did what was right for friends, the names of our nation. There Freedom, the statue later raised to the their country. are many other names, too, from many top of this famous dome here on Cap- Madam Speaker, for millions across other nations. Those attacks were an itol Hill. It reminds us all of the shared the globe, the great symbol of the free- attack on the free nations of the world values of democracy and freedom dom and the welcome of America is the and on humanity itself. No words of which inspired both our journeys to- Statue of Liberty and the New York mine then or now can adequately ad- wards independence—the values that City skyline. The promise inscribed dress such an immense tragedy. But I shine as a beacon of light and that there says so much about this country: could not come to this place today stand strong as a city upon Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled without pausing to reflect and to re- among all the nations of the earth. masses yearning to breathe free, member and honor those who died on That statue also tells our Irish immi- The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. that day. Our hearts and prayers re- grant story—a story which is an indel- Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to main with their families. Ar Dheis De ible part of America’s own story of im- me, go raibh a n-anam dilis go leir. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. migration, of struggle and of success. Madam Speaker, the relationship be- The great waves of Irish immigration Annie Moore was one of those who tween Ireland and the United States in the 19th century carried millions to heard that promise. She was a young continues to grow from strength to your shores in flight from famine and Irish girl, aged only 15, from County strength. It proceeds from all that has despair. They carried little with them Cork. She was the first immigrant to gone before, but it also thrives on the as they arrived on these shores, except pass through the Ellis Island immigra- changes and new challenges which we a determination to work hard and to tion station when it was officially must face together. In Ireland, we firm- succeed. In the words of the poet Eavan opened in 1892. She came here with her ly believe our experience of hardship Boland, that eloquent voice of America brothers to make a new life in Amer- and of forced emigration is at an end. and Ireland, they had: ica. Her story is one among millions. For that achievement, too, we owe so Their hardships parceled in them. The Irish are to be found in the police much to America. Our two countries Patience. Fortitude. departments and the firehouses, in the are reaping the rewards together. We Long suffering in the bruise-colored dusk of hospitals, the schools and the univer- are investing in each other’s econo- the New World. sities, in the board rooms and on the mies, bringing together our entrepre- And all the old songs. construction sites, in the churches and neurial energy and creating employ- And nothing to lose. on the sports fields of America. Their ment across Ireland and across the 50 To them, and the legions of others contribution is seen in much of the States of America. That is the true who came before and after, America great literature, film, art and music measure of our economic achievements was more than a destination. It was a that America has given to the world. together. It points to a friendship destiny. We see the same spirit in the Each of them is a green strand woven every bit as strong in the future as it is New Irish at home today—the many into the American Dream. In all of today. Our relationship is also part of a people from beyond our shores who are America, there is Irish America. broader relationship between Europe now making new lives in Ireland. They My friends, on September 11, 2001, and America. The Atlantic Ocean will too had the courage to come to a for- some of the most terrible, evil events always bring Europe and America to- eign place, to find their way and to in world history occurred. Close to gether. I do not see the Atlantic as provide for themselves, for their chil- Ellis Island, near this very building, something that keeps America and Eu- dren and, in many cases, for their fami- and in the skies and fields of Pennsyl- rope apart. Ireland, as Europe’s most lies far away. vania. It is a day that is etched into westerly state with so many ties to the The New Ireland—once a place so the memory of all humanity. On that United States, is a bridge between Eu- many left—is now a place to which so day, Father Mychal Judge, the chap- rope and America. many come. These newcomers to our lain of the New York Fire Department I ask you to consider what has been society have enriched the texture of and the son of Irish immigrants from achieved in Europe in the past 50 years. our land and of our lives. We are work- County Leitrim, rushed to the World We have put aside hostilities that led ing, as are you, to welcome those who Trade Center to help those who were in to countless wars over the centuries contribute to our society as they lift danger and to minister to the injured and to two world wars in the last cen- up their own lives, while we also ad- and the dying. Along with so many tury alone. We have created a Euro- dress the inevitable implications for other good, innocent people, Father pean Union of 27 democratic states, our society, our culture, our commu- Mike died inside the Twin Towers that committed to democracy, peace and nity and our way of life. day. He was officially designated Vic- freedom. We are committed to an open So we are profoundly aware of those tim No. 1. Of course he was no more market and to a single currency that challenges as we ask you to consider important than any other victim. He benefits hundreds of millions of Euro- the case of our undocumented Irish im- was just a simple man of faith and of pean citizens. We all recall two great migrant community in the United courage trying to help others. Irish Americans—President Kennedy in States today. We hope you will be able In recognition of the bravery of all 1963 and President Reagan in 1987— to find a solution to their plight that who died on that terrible day, I am standing at the Berlin Wall during the would enable them to regularize their deeply honored to be joined here today Cold War and calling out for freedom in status and open to them a path to per- by some of Father Mike’s comrades Germany and in Europe. That call was manent residency. from the New York Fire Department heard, as freedom’s call always will be. There is, of course, a wider issue for and the New York Police Department. Berlin is now at the heart of a united, Congress to address. And it is your de- I want to thank Officer Steven McDon- democratic Germany. finitive right to address it in line with ald of the New York Police Department On the 1st of May, 2004, in my native the interests of the American people. I and Chief Robert Sweeney of the New city in Dublin, 10 new members for- welcome the wise words of your Presi- York Fire Department for being with mally joined the European Union. dent when he addressed you on the us. I honor them and all of their fallen Many of them were emerging from be- State of the Union earlier this year and comrades—those who fell on that day hind the Iron Curtain after decades of said he hoped to find a sensible and hu- and all who have fallen during their oppression. I remember the intensity of mane way to deal with people here ille- duty to serve the people. the emotions. For many of these coun- gally, to resolve a complicated issue in There was a national day of mourn- tries, this was a moment that was un- a way that upholds both America’s ing in Ireland after 9/11. Every city, thinkable only a few years before. laws and her highest ideals. On this town and village fell silent in remem- Along with Berlin, the great cities of great issue of immigration to both our brance of the dead. The names on the Prague, Budapest and Warsaw have shores, let us resolve to make the fair casualty list of the terrorist attack in- joined Dublin, London, Paris, Rome, and rational choices, the practical and cluded Boyle, Crotty, Collins, Murphy, Madrid and Vienna as capital cities decent decisions, so that in the future McSweeney, and O’Neill—our names, within a free and democratic European

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:12 Jun 26, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2008BA~2\2008NE~2\H30AP8.REC H30AP8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H2862 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 30, 2008 Union. The Union now stretches from disease, countering international ter- of pain and suffering to the Israeli and the beautiful west coast of Ireland, rorism and containing nuclear pro- the Palestinian people for far too long. where the locals say that the next par- liferation are not national but inter- We must succeed in our collective ish is America, to countries with a land national issues. They cannot be over- international efforts to secure a peace- frontier with Russia and Ukraine. I come except by countries working to- ful future for the people of Israel and of passionately believe in Europe and I gether. In many ways, the modern Palestine. passionately believe in the European world is a much better place, but it re- Madam Speaker, this year, in Ire- Union as a force for good in the world. mains a dangerous place. The values we land, we are celebrating the 10th anni- It is profoundly encouraging that we share are our strength and our protec- versary of the Good Friday Agreement. are seeing the members of the Euro- tion. It was a defining moment in Ireland’s pean Union continuing to rise together Forty years ago, the threat of nu- history. In the years since then, some as a force for development, for sta- clear war hung over the world. Not doubted that the agreement would en- bility, for peace in the world. Soon, the least through the wisdom of America’s dure. I never did. I knew it would last Irish people will vote on a new reform leaders at crucial moments, we no because it is built on the highest ideals treaty that aims to make the European longer live every day under that shad- of democracy—the ideals of liberty, of Union work even more effectively, both ow. Ireland was at the forefront of ef- equality, of justice, of friendship and of internally and in the wider world. I forts at the time to agree to the nu- respect for our fellow men and women. trust in their wisdom to support and to clear nonproliferation treaty. Today, Above all, the settlement of 1998 will believe in Europe, as they always have. there are new possibilities for mass flourish because of one simple and un- My friends, between America and Eu- devastation. The need for concerted alterable fact. It represents the will, rope, there is contrast, but not con- international action to prevent the democratically expressed, north and tradiction. Energized by a common proliferation of nuclear weapons tech- south, of all of the people of Ireland to framework of values and imbued by nology is no less urgent now than it live together in peace and harmony. democratic principles, together we can has been in the past. That is far more powerful than any and we shall be a beacon for economic Madam Speaker, in Ireland today, we words of hatred or any weapon of ter- progress, individual liberty, and the are looking out from our own shores ror. dignity of all mankind. Acting in part- more than ever before—no longer with In 1981, in much darker days for my nership, there are few limits to the thoughts of exile but to be part of the country, the Friends of Ireland in the good we can do. We are all citizens of world. Connected to it, contributing to were founded. the world. We must, therefore, develop it, learning from it. The long and proud Their simple purpose was to seek a a true spirit of global citizenship. This tradition of Irish missionaries, of peaceful settlement in Northern Ire- cannot and should not be an alter- teachers, of nurses and of doctors land. The statement, placed in the CON- native to national pride and patriot- working around the globe to combat GRESSIONAL RECORD during a session ism, but rather a complement to it. We poverty, hunger and disease continues chaired by Speaker Tip O’Neill, read: should care for our planet as much as today. For us, famine and oppression ‘‘We look forward to a future St. Pat- we care for our country. We should are not tragedies that could only hap- rick’s Day, one that we can foresee, champion peace, justice and human pen elsewhere. They happened to us at when true peace can finally come and rights across the globe as well as at a sad time in our history. They hap- Irish men and women everywhere, from home. It is an affront to our civiliza- pened to those who fled here and helped Dublin to Derry, from Boston and New tion that there are children, anywhere build America and to the many who did York to Chicago and San Francisco in the world, who will die of hunger or not survive that fateful journey across shall hail that peace and welcome the of a curable disease. the ocean. For that more than any dawn of a new Ireland.’’ In this year of the 60th anniversary other reason, we recognize our obliga- On St. Patrick’s Day 2008, a few short of the Universal Declaration of Human tion to share what we have with the weeks ago, I came here to Washington. Rights, it angers us that some corners poor of the world. That is why Ireland I came with a simple and an extraor- of the world remain hidden from the is committed to reach the United Na- dinary message. That great day of hope light of the universal principles ex- tions aid target by 2012. Today, we are has dawned. Our prayer has been an- pressed so eloquently in that docu- the sixth largest per capita donor of de- swered. Our faith has been rewarded. ment. Although a small country, Ire- velopment assistance in the world. The After so many decades of conflict, I am land has always sought to play a full strength of our efforts to tackle pov- so proud, Madam Speaker, to be the part on the international stage. We erty, to cure disease and to feed the first Irish leader to inform the United have consistently advocated acting in hungry in the developing world is a States Congress: Ireland is at peace. accordance with the principles of de- measure of our common humanity. Madam Speaker, our dream, and the mocracy, the rule of law, human rights At this moment in our history, that dream of all the friends of Ireland in and human dignity. Ireland believes in common humanity is being tested in America and across the world, has multilateral institutions. We believe in parts of the continent of Africa—in come true. To you, to your prede- the United Nations. We believe in the countries like Sudan and Chad, where cessors and to all of the American lead- European Union. And we believe in lives have been lost on a terrible scale, ers from both sides of the aisle who multilateral action. For over half a where countless families have been have traveled with us, we offer our century, Irish men and women have driven from their homes, where con- heartfelt gratitude. We also recognize served the cause of peace under the flict threatens a whole region with the steadfast support of President United Nations flag. They have served chaos and destruction. Bush, of President Clinton, their ad- in the Congo and in Lebanon, on the Today, Irish soldiers are in Chad as ministrations, their envoys and of borders between Israel and Syria, and part of a United Nations-mandated their predecessors. And, of course, for between Iraq and Iran, in Cyprus, in force, led by an Irish officer, protecting us, the great Senator George Mitchell. Eritrea, in Liberia, in East Timor, in hundreds of thousands of refugees flee- Beyond Washington, there are so Bosnia, in Kosovo and, of course, in Af- ing from conflict in that country and many others, whether amongst the ghanistan today. Tragically, some have in neighboring Darfur. dedicated leaders of Irish America, or paid the ultimate price and they have America has shown the way in its in the smallest towns and communities given their lives in that noble service. commitment to healing the conflict in across this great Nation, who have sup- Madam Speaker, never has the ex- Sudan and to Africa as a whole. You ported us, and who never gave up hope pression ‘‘the global village’’ been have shown the way also in your enor- that a solution would be found and that more appropriate. The great challenges mous investment in the fight against peace would come. We have all shared that we face in the 21st century are HIV, AIDS and malaria. And you have that journey together. When we needed truly global. Falling financial markets, given huge support and leadership to true champions of peace, when we rising food and energy prices and cli- the peace process in the Middle East. needed true friends, when we needed in- mate change are global phenomena. That terrible conflict has been a cen- spiration, we found them here. We Eradicating poverty, starvation and tral challenge to the world, and a cause found them among you. Many of us

VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:12 Jun 26, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2008BA~2\2008NE~2\H30AP8.REC H30AP8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE April 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2863 found inspiration in the words of Dr. better world.’’ Making a better world is These are the values on which Ire- Martin Luther King, whose live we re- also the supreme purpose of representa- land stands. These are the values by call this year on the 40th anniversary tive politics in our two democratic re- which I strive to live. The vindication of his death. We believed, to borrow Dr. publics. of these universal values is the highest King’s immortal phrase, that we would Madam Speaker, I will shortly step tribute we can pay to those who have be able to transform the jangling dis- down from the office of Taoiseach after gone before and the greatest legacy cords into a beautiful symphony of almost 11 years. I am honored to have that we can bequeath for those who are brotherhood. His dream, born of Amer- been elected by the Irish people to yet to come. There are no finer words ica but heard by the whole world, in- serve them in that great office. Tomor- with which to finish and upon which to spired us through its unanswerable row, as I journey home to Ireland for say: commitment to justice and to non- the last time as Taoiseach, I will travel In history, in politics and in life, violence. We discovered that peace can to the great city of Boston, Massachu- there are no ends, only new beginnings. be found without suspending your setts. There, I will join my great So let us begin. moral judgment, without sacrificing friend, Senator Edward Kennedy, and Go raibh mile maith agaibh. your identity and without surrendering pay tribute to President Kennedy and Thank you for the opportunity. your most deeply held political aspira- to Robert Kennedy—great Irishmen, [Applause, the Members rising.] tions. great Americans and great leaders. In At 11 o’clock and 40 minutes a.m., Today, as I stand before you in this doing so, I will pay fitting tribute to His Excellency Bertie Ahern, the Prime great democratic assembly, I struggle all the Irish in America. Minister of Ireland, accompanied by to convey the enormous good that was On the 6th of May, Madam Speaker, I the committee of escort, retired from done by so many people in my country, will go to that famous field on the the Hall of the House of Representa- banks of the River Boyne in Ireland with your help. Do not underestimate tives. where, over three centuries ago, fierce the good that you have done. Do not The Majority Floor Services Chief es- and awful battle was waged between forget the legacy that you have forged. corted the invited guests from the the Protestant King William and the And if ever you doubt America’s place Chamber in the following order: in the world, or hesitate about your Catholic King James. It was not just an Irish battle. It was part of a wider The Members of the President’s Cabi- power to influence events for the bet- net; ter, look to Ireland. Look to the good European struggle of power, of politics and of religion. For centuries after, the The Acting Dean of the Diplomatic you have done. Look at the richness of Corps. so many individual futures that now two sides on that field remained apart and remained divided. Today, both stretch out before us for generations, f sides, proud of their history and con- no longer subject to conflict and vio- fident of their identity, can come to- JOINT MEETING DISSOLVED lence. Look to the hope and confidence gether in peace and part in harmony. that we now feel on our island. The The SPEAKER. The purpose of the They can offer each other the open joint meeting having been completed, healing of history. Look and be glad. hand of friendship. They will reaffirm Madam Speaker, there is, of course, the Chair declares the joint meeting of again what Ireland has achieved and no ending to history. We will always the two Houses now dissolved. what we know in our hearts to be true. have new problems, new challenges and Accordingly, at 11 o’clock and 41 Centuries of war, of strife and of strug- minutes a.m., the joint meeting of the new opportunities. We are seeing an gle are over, and over for good. The ever-increasing range of new techno- two Houses was dissolved. field of slaughter is now a meeting The Members of the Senate retired to logical and scientific developments, place of mutual understanding. Our their Chamber. which are created and diffused at ever- children will live in peace. And their greater speeds. Our societies are in- children will enjoy the fruits of their f creasingly diverse. Side by side with inheritance. This is the triumph of peo- great wealth and prosperity, we still ple and of politics. This is the achieve- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER see social exclusion and poverty. We ment of democracy. The great achieve- The SPEAKER. The House will con- endeavor to help families and commu- ment of Ireland and the great blessing tinue in recess subject to the call of nities ravaged by a minority who en- of peace. the Chair. gage in crime or deal in drugs. We On that same day, I will go to the strive to deliver quality, affordable President of Ireland, Mary McAleese—a f health care to all our people. We want woman who rose from the conflict-torn b 1215 the best education for our children. We streets of Belfast to be elected our head seek to provide social protection and of state and our first citizen. I will AFTER RECESS security for our older people, to recog- offer her my resignation as Taoiseach. The recess having expired, the House nize what they have given to help cre- I will humbly hand over the seal of of- ate our successful societies. fice which I have so proudly held. Fi- was called to order by the Speaker pro These are the challenges for modern nally, on the morning after, in the tempore (Mr. PASTOR) at 12 o’clock and Ireland, just as they are throughout hours before my worthy successor steps 15 minutes p.m. America and across the developed forward to stand in my stead, I will f world. These are the very essence of stand silently at the simple graves of politics. That is why, with all our the patriot dead who proclaimed Ire- PRINTING OF PROCEEDINGS HAD faults as human beings, we seek the land’s republic and who fought for Ire- DURING RECESS honor of representing the people. We land’s freedom at Easter 1916. There I Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask believe that diversity does not have to will discharge my last duty as unanimous consent that the pro- mean fragmentation or discord. We be- Taoiseach and pay the homage that ceedings had during the recess be print- lieve that wealth and prosperity does Ireland owes to those men and those ed in the RECORD. not have to be accompanied by poverty women. And I will recall the words of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and inequality. We believe that evil or the 1916 Proclamation, so resonant of objection to the request of the gen- injustice need not—and will not—tri- the United States Declaration of Inde- tleman from Missouri? umph. We believe—we insist—that all pendence and so relevant to humanity There was no objection. that is good and just is also possible. around the world: We believe in our republics and our The Republic guarantees religious f forms of government, in which the sov- and civil liberty, equal rights and equal ereign power resides in the whole body opportunities to all its citizens, and de- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER of the people, and is exercised by rep- clares its resolve to pursue the happi- PRO TEMPORE resentatives elected by the people. ness and prosperity of the whole nation The SPEAKER pro tempore. The An American President once said: and of all its parts, cherishing all the Chair will entertain up to 15 one-min- ‘‘The supreme purpose of history is a children of the nation equally. utes on each side.

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