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Bibliography Bibliography 1. Abiko, Seiya. 2000. Einstein’s Kyoto address: ‘how I created the theory of relativity’. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 31(pt.1): 1–35. 2. Adler, Carl G. 1987. Does mass really depend on velocity, dad? American Journal of Physics 55(8): 739–743. 3. Alpher, Ralph A. 1998. Message on the Internet to the History of Astronomy Discussion Group on Einstein’s “blunder” over the cosmological constant, 2 Apr 1998. 4. Arnheim, Rudolf. 1969. Visual thinking . London: Farber and Farber. 5. Baigrie, Brian. 2007. Electricity and magnetism: a historical perspective . Westport: Greenwood Press. 6. Barbour, Julian, and Herbert P fi ster (eds.). 1995. Mach’s principle: from Newton’s bucket to quantum gravity , Einstein Studies, vol. 6. Boston/Basel/Berlin: Birkhäuser. 7. Barnett, Lincoln. 1948. The universe and Dr. Einstein . New York: Mentor Books. 8. Bartusiak, Marcia. 2009. The day we found the universe . New York: Pantheon Books. 9. Bernstein, Jeremy. 1996. A theory for everything . New York: Copernicus (Springer-Verlag). 10. Bohr, Niels. 1949. Discussion with Einstein on epistemological problems in atomic physics. In P.A. Schilpp (ed.), 1949, vol. I, 199–241. 11. Bondi, Hermann, and Joseph Samuel. 1996. The lense–thirring effect and Mach’s principle. Available online at: arXiv:gr-qc/96070-09v1 4 July 1996. 12. Born, Max. 1949. Einstein’s statistical theories. In P.A. Schilpp (ed.), 1949, vol. I, 161–177. 13. Born, Max. 1964. Natural philosophy of cause and chance. New York: Dover. This is reprint of a series of lectures delivered at Oxford University in 1948. 14. Born, Max. 2005. The Born-Einstein Letters, see Einstein 2005, below. 15. Brian, Denis. 1996. Einstein: a life . New York: Wiley. 16. Brush, Stephen. 1979. Einstein and indeterminism. Journal of the Washington Academy of Science 69(3): 89–94. 17. Brush, Stephen. 1980. The chimerical cat: philosophy of quantum mechanics in historical perspective. Social Studies of Science 10: 393–447. 18. Brush, Stephen. 1999. Why was relativity accepted? Physics in Perspective 1(2): 184–214. 19. Brush, Stephen. 2002. Cautious revolutionaries: Maxwell, Planck, Hubble. American Journal of Physics 70(2): 119–127. 20. Brush, Stephen. 2003. Review of the Cambridge history of science. Vol. 5. The modern physi- cal and mathematical sciences, ed. Mary Jo Nye, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in Isis, vol. 94, no. 4, 687–688. 21. Brush, Stephen. 2007. How ideas became knowledge: the light-quantum hypothesis 1905–1935. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 37(2): 205–246. 22. Bucky, Peter A. 1992. The private Albert Einstein . Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel. D.R. Topper, How Einstein Created Relativity out of Physics and Astronomy, Astrophysics 235 and Space Science Library 394, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-4782-5, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013 236 Bibliography 23. Calder, Nigel. 1983. Einstein’s universe: a guide to the theory of relativity . New York: Penguin Books. 24. Canales, Jimena. 2005. Einstein, Bergson, and the experiment that failed: intellectual coop- eration at the League of Nations. Modern Language Notes 120: 1168–1191. 25. Cassidy, David C. 2004. Einstein and our world , 2nd ed. New York: Humanity Books. 26. Clark, Ronald W. 1971. Einstein: the life and times . New York: Avon Books. 27. Cohen, I. Bernard. 1955. An interview with Einstein. Scienti fi c American 193(1): 68–73 (July). This interview was conducted two weeks before Einstein died. 28. Crelinsten, Jeffrey. 1980. Einstein, relativity, and the press: the myth of incomprehensibility. The Physics Teacher 18(February): 115–122; Physicists receive relativity: revolution and reaction. The Physics Teacher 18(March): 187–193. This is a two-part article on how the idea that relativity was an incomprehensible theory arose in the popular press and among some physicists themselves. 29. Crelinsten, Jeffrey. 1983. William Wallace Campbell and the ‘Einstein Problem’: an observa- tional astronomer confronts the theory of relativity. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 14(pt. 1): 1–91. 30. Crelinsten, Jeffrey. 2006. Einstein’s jury: the race to test relativity . Princeton: Princeton University Press. 31. Darnton, Robert. 1968. Mesmerism and the end of the enlightenment in France . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 32. Darrigol, Olivier. 2003. Quantum theory and atomic structure, 1900–1927. The Cambridge history of science. Vol. 5, The modern physical and mathematical sciences, ed. Mary Jo Nye. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Darrigol’s essay is Chapter 17. 33. Dewhirst, David, and Michael Hoskin. 1997. The message of starlight: the rise of astrophys- ics. In The Cambridge illustrated history of astronomy , ed. Michael Hoskin, 256–343. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 34. Duerbeck, Hilmar W., and Waltraut C. Seitter. 2001. In Hubble’s shadow: early research on the expansion of the universe. In Miklós Konkoly Thege (1842–1916). 100 years of observa- tional astronomy and astrophysics: a collection of papers on the history of observational astrophysics , ed. C. Sterken and J.B. Hearnshaw, 231–254. Brussels: VUB Press. This is a rather obscure publication; fortunately it available on-line: be/~hduerbec/hubbleshadow.pdf . 35. Dukas, Helen, and Banesh Hoffmann (eds.). 1979. Albert Einstein: the human side: new glimpses from his archives . Princeton: Princeton University Press. 36. Dyson, Freeman. 2003. Clockwork science. New York review of books (November 6), 42–44. This is an essay review of Peter Galison’s Einstein’s Clocks, Poincaré’s Maps, below. 37. Eddington, Arthur S. 1963. The mathematical theory of relativity . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. This is a reprint of the second edition of 1924. The fi rst edition appeared in 1923. 38. Einstein, Albert. 1923. Fundamental ideas and problems of the theory of relativity. In Noble lectures: physics, 1901–1921 . Vol. I. New York: Elsevier, 1967, 483–490. 39. Einstein, Albert. 1930. Raum, Äther und Feld in der Phyisk (“Space, Aether, and Field in Physics”). Forum Philosophicum 1: 173–184. An English translation by Edgar S. Brightman, 180–184. 40. Einstein, Albert. 1931a. Professor Einstein at the California Institute of Technology: addresses at the dinner in his honor. Science 73(1893): 375–381 (April 10). 41. Einstein, Albert. 1931b. Report: gravitational and electromagnetic fi elds. Science 74(1922): 438–439 (October). 42. Einstein, Albert. 1934. Essays in science, Trans. Alan Harris. New York: Philosophical Library. This is an abridged English translation of the Mein Weltbild (1934), consisting mainly of scienti fi c essays. See Einstein, 1949b, below. Also see Einstein, 1954. 43. Einstein, Albert. 1949a. Dr. Albert Einstein and American colleagues, 1931. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society , vol. 93, no. 7 (December), 543–545. This is a copy of Bibliography 237 Einstein’s handwritten lecture (in German), with an English translation, which he delivered at the Caltech faculty club, the Athenaeum, on January 15, 1931. 44. Einstein, Albert. 1949b. The world as I see it . Trans. Alan Harris. New York: The Wisdom Library. This is a collection of essays from 1922 to 1934. It is an abridged English translation of the earlier published Mein Weltbild (1934), leaving-out the scienti fi c writings. See the second English (companion) anthology Out of My Later Years , 1950b. See also 1934, above, and 1954, below. 45. Einstein, Albert. 1950a. On the generalized theory of gravitation. Scienti fi c American vol. 183 (April), 258–262. 46. Einstein, Albert. 1950b. Out of my later years . No translator cited. New York: The Wisdom Library. This is a collection of essays from 1934 to 1950. It is a second (companion) anthol- ogy to The World as I See It , 1949b. 47. Einstein, Albert. 1954. Ideas and opinions . Trans. and revisions by Sonja Bargmann. New York: Bonanza Books. Based, in part, on Mein Weltbild. Edited by Carl Seelig, and others (Amsterdam: Querido Verlag, 1934); plus a further edition by Seelig published in Switzerland in 1953, and other sources, such as Out of My Later Years (1950), cited above. Seelig’s 1934 German edition was translated by Alan Harris as The World As I See It (but recent editions, see above, leave-out the scienti fi c essays). See 1934, above, for translations of some of the scienti fi c articles. Many of the essays in Ideas and Opinions do not cite original sources. According to Schilpp (ed.), 1949, vol. II, p.737, Seelig “gives no clue as to where items were originally published; some may never have appeared in print previously.” 48. Einstein, Albert. 1956. The meaning of relativity , 5th ed. Princeton University Press. This book contains the four lectures delivered at Princeton University in 1921 (pp. 1–108). Translated by Edwin P. Adams. An Appendix was added to the second edition of 1945 (pp. 109–132). Translated by Ernst G. Straus. For the third edition in 1950 another Appendix II was added, which was revised for the fourth edition (1953), and for the fi fth edition Einstein completely revised this Appendix in December 1954, about four months before he died. This last version of Appendix II he titled: “Relativistic Theory of the Non-Symmetric Field” (pp. 133–166). Translated by Sonja Bargmann. This last paper was written with Bruria Kaufman, an Israeli physicist and his last collaborator. 49. Einstein, Albert. 1960. Relativity: the special and the general theory , 15th ed. Trans. Robert W. Lawson in 1920. London: Methuen & Co. This popular account was fi rst published in German in 1917. This edition has fi ve appendices, the last (1952) is titled “Relativity and the Problem of Space.” 50. Einstein, Albert. 1968. Einstein on peace, ed. Otto Nathan and Heinz Norden. New York: Schocken Books. Also cited below, Nathan, 1968. 51. Einstein, Albert. 1979. Autobiographical notes . Trans. and ed. Paul A. Schilpp. La Salle & Chicago: Open Court Publishing. This is the corrected version of the original 1947 German manuscript, fi rst published in 1949.
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