Magoni City Territ Archit (2017) 4:19

CASE STUDY Open Access Resilience thinking and urban metabolism in spatial planning: which possible integrations Marcello Magoni*

Abstract The concept of resilience has been used for more than a decade in ever-widening intervention felds and it has assumed ever-wider meanings that have made its applications and measurements uncertain and ambiguous. That is why some authors started to talk about “resilience thinking”, to be considered more as a useful idea to draw guidelines and strategies than a rigorous concept.The use of resilience thinking in spatial and urban planning is rather recent and uncommon, while the use of the concept of urban metabolism is much widespread because it is well combined with all those plans that manage resource fows.The integrated use of these two concepts can give an important contribu- tion to the development and implementation of sustainable development strategies. In fact, through the concept of urban metabolism, in which concepts and tools are mostly geared to the integrated and sustainable management of the resources afecting a territorial system, it is possible to defne the objectives and intervention strategies for sustainable spatial development, while through resilience thinking, in which concepts and tools are mostly oriented to the management of complex systems under uncertainty and to the elaboration of bottom-up solutions, it is pos- sible to integrate those strategies with suitable solutions in order to enhance the system’s adaptation capabilities to risk situations and those of uncertainty.The paper deals with the use of resilience thinking in spatial planning, with the integration between resilience thinking and urban metabolism and gives details of the features of this integration by analysing a strategic spatial project of a river. Keywords: Resilience thinking, Urban metabolism, Spatial planning, Sustainable development

Background draw guidelines and strategies than a rigorous concept from Te concept of resilience has been used for more than a which to derive consistent elaborations and applications. decade in ever-widening intervention felds, including the Te use of resilience thinking in spatial and urban planning development of strategies and actions aimed at enhancing is rather recent and uncommon, although there are numer- the capacity of cities to respond to the ongoing internal and ous approaches, aimed at capacity building, enhancing external stresses to which they are subjected, from local to participatory processes, reducing territorial and social vul- global ones. At the same time, the concept of resilience has nerability, and increasing capacity for adaptation which can assumed ever-wider meanings that, on the one hand, have be also considered to belong to that way of thinking. led it to become an “all-encompassing” concept and there- In spatial planning and, above all, in the sector one fore useful in building reasoning, on the other hand, have related to territorial infrastructures, the use of made its applications and measurements uncertain and approaches that may be related to the concept of urban ambiguous. Tat is why some authors started to talk about metabolism is much widespread. Tis concept was intro- “resilience thinking”, considered more as a useful idea to duced in the spatial planning much earlier, in the early 1970s with the UNESCO Man and Biosphere program,1

*Correspondence: [email protected] Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani (Politecnico di Milano), Via 1 See the website: Bonardi 3, 20133 , MI, ment/ecological-sciences/man-and-biosphere-programme/.

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and it is well combined with all those plans that manage its development opportunity, requiring high organiza- resource fows, such as plans for the increase of energy tional and managerial skills, and the ability to jointly and water efciency, for the reduction of hydro-geologi- think of the system development scenarios useful to cal risk, for the protection of air quality, for the reduction identify the objectives and orient the strategies. Resil- of soil consumption and the enhancement of ecosystem ience thinking can strengthen those positions that within services, for the development of sustainable mobility. the spatial planning make up the innovative transforma- Te integrated use of these two concepts in spatial tion approaches and, on the other hand, spatial planning planning can give an important contribution to the devel- can provide proven tools to facilitate the elaboration of opment and implementation of sustainable development development scenarios under of uncertainty. In addition, strategies. Tis integration, favoured by the fact that both a resilient process should aim to improve the develop- concepts adopt a systemic view, would improve the qual- ment of a system even in the absence of disturbances, and ity and the capacity of the strategies. In fact, through the this purpose, which I fnd useful to consider though it is concept of urban metabolism, it is possible to defne the not explicitly stated in the literature on resilience, is well objectives and the intervention strategies for sustainable matched with the purposes of territorial planning. territorial development in a strict manner, while through Te resilience of a system can be efectively identifed by resilience thinking it is possible to integrate those strate- considering three types of complementary performance, gies with suitable solutions in order to enhance the sys- that are not always present at the same time in a system tem’s adaptation capabilities to real and potential risk (Martin and Sunley 2015). Te former is the ability of a sys- situations and those of uncertainty. tem to oppose, or not to sufer, any signifcant damage to Te paper is developed in three parts: the frst two one or more real or potential disorders. Te second is the are theoretical, while the third exemplifes some of the ability of a system to return to an “equivalent” condition to notions included in the article. Te frst part deals with the one before the modifcation. Te third is the ability of a the use of resilience thinking in spatial planning, while in system to seize the opportunities for change, resulting from the second part the integration between resilience think- one or more potentials and/or active disorders to improve ing and urban metabolism is highlighted. Te third part itself. gives details of the features of this possible integration by While the frst type of performance does not imply analysing a strategic territorial project of river process any transformation in the system, the other two perfor- management and environmental redevelopment. Specif- mances have very diferent perspectives for a community, cally, there are indicated the project choices that are con- which must choose whether to aim to return to an “equiv- sistent or not to the application factors that characterize alent” condition to that preceding the system change or the two concepts considered in this paper. try to seize opportunities for change as a result of a dis- order. Te frst choice is often preferred by communities, Resilience thinking and spatial planning since they are not obliged to make signifcant changes In resilience thinking, the object of study and interven- to their systems, turning to a “normality” that does not tion that is closer to that of the competence of spatial question what this normality entails (Pendall et al. 2010). planning is constituted by the socio-ecosystem, which In addition, when a catastrophic event occurs, this choice indicates “a bio-geo-physical unit and its associated is often indirectly and consistently favoured by public social actors and institutions (that is) complex and adap- and private aid because such aid is geared to compensat- tive and delimited by spatial or functional boundaries ing for what was before a catastrophic event. Conversely, surrounding particular ecosystems and their problem the second choice is much more complex because it context” (Glaser et al. 2008). frst requires to accept the change and thus to react to a Resilience in a socio-ecosystem is given by the “abil- potential disruption by achieving a “leap of quality” into ity (…) to change, adapt, and, crucially, transform in the system. To a community this means identifying and response to stresses and strains” (Carpenter et al. 2005). making the most innovative factors necessary for change, Tis skill is exalted in the evolutionary approach outlined while increasing its adaptive ability. Te anticipation of in Holling’s “adaptive loop” metaphor (Gotts 2007). Te change requires action to guide innovative factors on resilience is a constantly evolving process that occurs those values of the community that give stability to the when the system compares with a real or potential dis- system and this can be regenerated with broad consensus turbance factor, here understood as both a sudden event on the identity and symbolic references of the commu- that has a traumatic efect on the system and a gradual nity (Portugali 2000). Tis involves the identifcation of or cumulative event whose efects are incremental and/ the system’s identity characters, that is, the set of values or with slight rips. Above all, this comparison must aim (perceptive, relational, functional) through which a sys- at transforming a possible crisis within the system into tem manifests its character. Magoni City Territ Archit (2017) 4:19 Page 3 of 8

Resilience thinking seeks to change the assumptions of are self-organizing and share managerial responsibilities approaches to the management of environmental with public stafs (Olsson et al. 2004). resources based on balance, stability and predictability Te exploration of the relationship between resilience with other prerequisites capable of considering the thinking and planning is at the beginnings and can be dynamics of change. Specifcally, it makes the most seen in the two directions of the relation: how resilience advanced outcomes in the management and governance thinking can be useful to planning and what planning can of territorial systems such as overcoming the paradigm of do to increase the resilience of a system. command and control, taking into account in an inte- In order to make resilience thinking useful to planning, grated way the human and natural factors and, in general, this concept should be clearly and efectively declined in the whole dimension of problems to address and focus on urban planning, identifying the cognitive tools, the forms interscale interactions. With regard to the latter, the of interaction and the operating dimensions (Newman efects on the diferent scales of resilient strategies are et al. 2009). In particular, resilience thinking can infu- considered, as what happens in the upper and lower ence planning in three ways: making new metaphors scales afects the resilience of the system considered and, available on the nature of changes in systems that favour in general, the connections to the diferent scales, if renewal and uncertainty, providing new visions and tools appropriately oriented, increase the overall resilience of for analysing dynamics in urban systems and activating the system.2 On the other hand, reductions in the overall more efective urban and territorial governance modes. resilience of a system may also be the unintended conse- Planning can help to increase the resilience of a system quence of resilience strategies that do not take into by improving the capacity to govern/manage both pre- account the efects of feedback and interaction stemming dicted emergencies and catastrophes, as well as uncer- from the changes produced by those strategies at difer- tain change phenomena; the organization of strategies, ent scales. Tis can also lead to the need for some subsys- actions, interventions in the management of disorders tems to change in order to maintain a resilient system. in the antecedent, synchronous and subsequent phases; For example, in the case of agricultural areas character- the enhancement of the capacity to seize opportunities ized by an increase in drought periods due to climate by existing and potential crises to innovate the system. change, crops with higher water consumption per unit of In addition, planning can provide the tools for systematic product could be sacrifced at such times in order to monitoring of strategies and actions and makes the sys- ensure water supply to other agricultural crops. tem able to change them in case they deviate from the set Resilience thinking has taken as a goals the achieve- objective and learn from the experiences it has made. ment of a robust and extensive participation in the devel- opment of change-oriented strategies and the fostering Possible integration between urban metabolism of spread knowledge and learning in communities and and resilience thinking it has considered change and uncertainty as intrinsic Urban metabolism is a concept that focuses on dissipa- factors of systems. Tese goals have required to adopt tive systems3 and considers the city and the territory in and contribute to the development of tools such as co- an entropic way, concentrating primarily on direct and management, adaptive management and adaptive co- indirect fows of material, energy and information.4 In management. Te frst one keeps attention to how users the resource budgets it has the main references to defne are involved in the decision-making process and it is the objectives of a plan and to identify the strategies and characterized by the search for a strong operative con- actions and focuses primarily on urban and territorial nection between the community and public executives structures and infrastructures, where energy, materials and ofcials. Te second one adopts as strictly as possible the “learning by doing” criterion to deal with situations of uncertainty (Armitage et al. 2009). Te third one is a synthesis of both methods because it is a fexible resource 3 Dissipative system (Prigogine 1981) is an open system that works in a state management system that allows to learn from your own away from the thermodynamic equilibrium by exchanging with the environ- actions and change them and it is therefore very useful ment energy, material and information. 4 From an entropic point of view, the information, considered in its mul- in governing long-term processes where stakeholders tiple aspects of genetic, cognitive, educational, training, organizational and archival type and taking into account the elements through which it fows and accumulates and is used and managed, it is the resource that allows to reduce the use of material and energy resources at the same level of activi- ties, functions and services performed (Rifkin 1980). Information is also the resource that characterizes the dissipative systems, that is, the bio- 2 Overall resilience is the resilience that applies to all components of the ref- sphere, including all living beings, and the anthropic and natural organiza- erence system and the above and below systems afected directly and indi- tion, which acquire negentropy from the environment by expelling entropy rectly by the strategies considered. (Prigogine 1981). Magoni City Territ Archit (2017) 4:19 Page 4 of 8

and information are consumed and accumulated and dynamic environmental sustainability since taking into they transit, on the behaviours of inhabitants, communi- account these goals, typical of urban metabolism, stimu- ties and companies that infuence such fows and on the lates and promotes the considerations of aspects such as economic costs of all the activities related to their the adaptation, the ability to act in uncertainty, the bal- management. anced and efcient redundancy of resources, infrastruc- At the contrary of the concept of resilience, the concept tures, and connections, the support to the communities of urban metabolism is rigorously defned and that makes to improve their capacity to provide adequate responses its application in the various felds in which it is used to changes in social, economic, and environmental fac- more accurate and shared, planning included. Te anal- tors. Trough the concept of resilience it is possible to ysis and evaluation factors that characterize the urban favor the consideration of factors such as social cohesion, metabolism approach are therefore conceptually identif- with which are indicated the set of behaviors and ties of able and measurable, and their measurement fnds a use- afnity, trust and solidarity between the individuals of a ful tool in lifecycle analysis. community, the awareness of the community conditions Resilience is an attitude of a system that in itself is nei- and of the behavior and action efects of their members, ther “good” nor “bad” and that, if well built and main- the civic sense, understood as the propensity of a relevant tained over time, allows a system to remain in the long part of a community to contribute to the protection and run without having to overturn its structural charac- improvement of the conditions of collective well-being. teristics. Tat is why resilient strategies require to be On the other hand, through the use of urban metabolic associated with goals. Many experts tend to incorpo- principles, criteria and tools, it is possible to contribute rate environmental and social sustainability objectives to improve the quality of analyzes and evaluations of in resilience capacity (Folke 2006; Stockholm Resilience many resilience factors that require quantifying available Centre 2009), the achievement of which contributes to resources and identifying thresholds for possible insta- maintain the system in a stable state over time. In addi- bility in the system considered. For example, in defning tion, in order to develop a resilient strategy, the levels of the adaptive strategies of a system under poor availabil- possible trade-ofs between the diferent values (environ- ity of resources, in identifying the amount of redundant mental, economic, social, cultural, territorial,…) of a sys- resources that could be used by a system to provide ef- tem should be defned and hence there is a need to use cient performance when an element fails or an unpre- tools that identify the thresholds for the proper use of dictable event happens, in favoring the connectivity diferent resources, such as those used in urban metabo- between subsystems of a system and between the lat- lism analysis. ter and other systems to increase its ability to withstand Tus, sustainability is the ability of a system to last over pressures and to continue to perform the functions previ- time and covers environmental, economic and social per- ously performed. formance, with particular attention to possible future scenarios and the development of strategies to achieve The analysis of the Progetto based on the the desired scenario. Resilience is the ability of a system concepts of resilience and urban metabolism to tackle the foreseen and unexpected disturbances over In order to better understand what can be the contributions time, developing an adaptation capacity of appropriate that resilience thinking and urban metabolism can give to magnitude and character to absorb them in a non-trau- territorial planning, on the basis of the evaluation criteria matic way. Resilience does not require much perfor- derived from such approaches, an articulated and complex mance as well as building social and natural capital to territorial transformation project has been analyzed. Tis deal with future uncertainties (Redman 2014). project, called Progetto Seveso, is part of a set of plans and To integrate resilience thinking and urban metabo- programs developed over time and it is the ultimate out- lism, the identifcation of the strategic goals should come of a long process of decades through which the set of be based on the concept of urban metabolism. In this indications of hydraulic regimation and landscape-environ- regard, the relationship between territories and local and mental redevelopment afects the stream Seveso. global resource fows, which represent one of the main Te Progetto Seveso addresses in an integrated way the structural components of the development, is a central management of one of the main fows of urban metab- aspect of resilience because the territories must be able olism, which is the water, it is based on tools that have to intercept such fows and interact by adapting to these resilient characters and has activated other resilient bot- dynamics. tom-up projects and actions. Te use of resilience thinking in spatial planning inte- Te purpose of this analysis is not to evaluate the Pro- grated with the concepts of urban metabolism improves getto Seveso but to indicate how much it can be related to the quality of solutions developed in the perspective of resilience thinking and urban metabolism. Terefore, this Magoni City Territ Archit (2017) 4:19 Page 5 of 8

section considers the planned interventions included not only in the Progetto Seveso, but also the ones in plans, programs and projects that concern the area and directly or indirectly afect the hydraulic regimation and environ- mental reclamation of the stream Seveso, and constitute the framework for that project.

Objectives and characters of the project Te Progetto Seveso, drawn up within the framework of the national plan of works and interventions for the reduction of hydrogeological risk, which is called Italia Sicura, was elaborated and approved in 2015 as a result of the highly damaging foods afecting some municipalities, including Milan, along the stream Seveso. Te objective is to respond to the ever-increasing need to control those phenomena that have been taking place with increasing intensity in these areas for several decades. Tis pro- ject realizes much of what was planned in sectoral and general plans and programs following the availability of fnancial resources from the Municipality of Milan, the Region and the National Government. While the main objective is to ensure the safety of the area crossed by the stream, the Progetto Seveso has taken on some complementary objectives of environmental enhancement such as the protection and connection of natural, semi-natural and agricultural areas, the improve- ment of water quality, the increasing of biodiversity and recreational use of the areas crossed by the stream, the reduction of the vulnerability to the climate change, the enhancing of land-use maintenance. Interventions have started in 2015 and are following a program that plans to complete the hydraulic works in 2020 and the environ- mental ones in 2025. Fig. 1 Territorial framing of the stream Seveso river basin (Source: Te Seveso stream crosses one of the most urbanized Contratto di fume del Seveso) areas of Lombardy and Italy (see Fig. 1), and has had a strong urbanization process, especially developed after the Second World War, which has led to a signifcant Te main projects of the Progetto Seveso are: increase in the speed of meteoric water fow, a drastic reduction of golem surfaces and the worsening of water 1. building of rolling tanks and fooding areas in the quality. Te intervention area concerns the stream Seveso Seveso’s foodplains. and other nearby streams, including the foodable areas 2. doubling of the NOC fow from 30 to 60 m3/s, as the and those ones subject to interventions of hydraulic regi- canal is a fundamental work for the defense of the mation and landscape-environmental regeneration. city of Milan, so as to complete the doubling already Te Progetto Seveso assumes the River Basin built. Authority’s approach to minimize the risk of fooding and 3. restoring the functionality of river crossings in the foresees the rolling and checking of foods in the water- subsoil of Milan and the removal of sediments in the way, avoiding diversion into other water courses. Tis covered area. is because there is a general fragility of the waterline of 4. the closure of the small purifcation plant of the territory that goes from the river Ticino to the river and the transfer of its waters into the much larger Adda and therefore there is no intention to increase the purifcation plant of Pero and the completion of sew- amount of water of the stream Seveso, which is of low erage in the 12 municipalities that drain their waste- quality, discharged into the river Ticino through the water directly into the stream Seveso. northwest canal (NOC). Magoni City Territ Archit (2017) 4:19 Page 6 of 8

5. the implementation of extensive environmental rede- arrangements have been made in the management of velopment projects, including the renaturalisation of rolling waters and the maintenance of the relative tanks the banks of the stream Seveso and the area of the including the control of the interference with the aquifers purifcation plant of Varedo once it will be disman- and the periodic removal of the residues and sediments. tled, the works of phytodepuration and drainage of Te Progetto Seveso has also adopted a systemic water in some urban areas, the environmental rede- approach to the design of interventions of environmen- velopment of the areas afected by the rolling tanks. tal redevelopment in some areas crossed by the stream. 6. the extraordinary maintenance intervention of the Seveso was considered a “green infrastructure” in which riverbed and shores of Seveso after food waves. are carried out interventions of de-fragmentation of land- scape and ecosystems and biodiversity increasing, through The analysis of the Progetto Seveso from the point of view the construction of shrub zones and tree bands and the of urban metabolism naturalization of slopes, of usability enhancing, through In the Progetto Seveso there are several principles that the construction of spaces and paths for playing, exhibition refer to the concept of urban metabolism since water and didactic related to water, and interventions of connec- and natural and economic resources are considered in an tion, by building cycle-pedestrian pathways and integrat- integrated way and the information and knowledge about ing them with existing paths in the crossed green areas. these resources are used to identify more efective inter- Te seven rolling tanks are located close to the urban- ventions from both constructive and management point ized areas and allow to handle high volumes of water. of views. Teir design has considered the requirements of hydrau- Economic resources have been found when were iden- lic and environmental safety, the environmental and tifed the actions to be taken to meet the goals of con- landscape integration and the relationship with local taining throughout the stream the 100-year return communities. All rolling tanks will be held clean and foodplains, to improve the landscape and the environ- without materials and wastes and will be subjected to ment and to obtain social consensus to the interventions periodic cutting of lawns. Te excavations for the con- to be carried out. Tus, through a comparison between struction of rolling tanks and ancillary works require the cost estimate for the interventions and the available the movement of large quantities of land for which a bal- economic resources, the three institutions that fnance ance has been made between the land to be reused in the the Progetto agreed on the economic contribution of arrangement of slopes, embankments, artifacts and land- each one to achieve the objectives set (i.e., the City of scaping items and the land to be disposed in landflls. Milan for about 45 million euro, the Lombardy Region for about 35 million euros and the Italian government for The analysis of the Progetto Seveso from the point of view about 100 million euros). of resilience thinking Water resources have been considered both quantita- Among the numerous analytical and design factors tively and qualitatively, as measures include the mitiga- that characterize resilience thinking, for the analysis of tion of hydraulic risk, the improving of water quality, the the Progetto Seveso has been considered the ones that river retraining and a sustainable management of urban are most widely used in literature, such as adaptability, drainage. From the quantitative point of view, the his- robustness, redundancy, diversity, connectivity, social torical series of seasonal water dynamics of all the areas cohesion, information and participation. that the stream Seveso crosses are considered, while from Te Progetto is part of the Seveso River Agreement, the qualitative point of view the historical series on the which was signed in 2006 by the River Po Basin Author- quality of surface and underground waters have been ity, the Interregional Po Agency, and all local authori- considered. ties concerned, and it is based on many general (see, for Te consideration of the quantitative aspects was used example, the regional and provincial spatial plans) and to defne an integrated rolling tanks system of food sectorial (see, for example, the water protection plan, waves distributed in the river basin, while the integrated the food risk management plan, the rural development consideration of the quantitative and qualitative aspects programs, the plans of management of protected areas) has characterized the structural aspects of the solutions. planning tools developed over two decades which are Tat is because it was decided not to discharge in the characterized by a good integration. river Ticino the Seveso waters, being the Ticino water of From a participatory point of view, the Progetto Seveso a much higher quality, to complete the sewage collection has involved the interest of many stakeholders, such as throughout the stream Seveso and to optimize the water the population and the activity managers located in the purifcation system to greatly improve the quality of the alluvial areas, the inhabitants of the areas afected by water that will end up in the rolling tanks. Finally, special lamination tanks or by landscaping-environmental Magoni City Territ Archit (2017) 4:19 Page 7 of 8

redevelopment, and has the contribute of all the institu- Even through information provided by professionals, tional levels with expertise in the area (Region, Provinces, local communities have gained a good understanding of Basin Authorities, Municipalities). Participation was what is happening in their territory and the efects that done on the basis of the process of the Environmental their behaviors may have. Tis condition has favored the Impact Assessment of the Progetto Seveso, but it has also organization of many initiatives of public assessment of been developed in the design of the Plan of Sub-Basin the solutions adopted to improve the quality of interven- and the defnition of river retraining interventions. Tere tions and their relationship with the environment and also have been many bottom-up initiatives to discuss on communities. Tis allows to maintain the level of social the functional, constructive and managerial features of cohesion despite the Progetto has important trade-of rolling tanks along with the dissemination of information between the diferent areas of the Seveso basin. In fact, and cultural activities on water. Finally, various institu- there are disadvantaged areas, such as those not afected tional and not institutional initiatives were initiated by alluvial phenomena where rolling tanks are built, areas involving the population to better tailor interventions to with balanced conditions, such as areas afected by allu- local interests.5 vial phenomena or improvements in wastewater man- Te Progetto does not increase so much the capac- agement where rolling tanks are built, and advantageous ity of the system to adapt to the water dynamics, which areas, such as those afected in the past by alluvial phe- is already quite high since the whole area has been sub- nomena, by improvements in waste water management jected to alluvial episodes for several decades and has or landscaping-environmental improvements without the therefore built good adaptation mechanisms over time, construction of rolling tanks. as well as its capacity to oppose structurally and organi- zationally to such events. By this Progetto it is possible Conclusion to achieve a good integration between adaptability and Te integration of resilience thinking with the principles robustness, integration that is a fundamental objective of urban metabolism improves the quality and efective- for the resilience of a system. However, it will still be nec- ness of environmental, social and economic sustainabil- essary to maintain that degree of awareness and organi- ity strategies and actions by operating on all the phases zation already existing in the community so that it is not that characterize a planning process such as processing, unprepared in case of extreme events exceeding the cen- implementation and management. tenary food waves. Trough resilience thinking, the concepts and tools Redundancy has been considered for hydraulic aspects more oriented to the management of complex systems in terms of modularity and connectivity, which is the under uncertainty and to the elaboration of solutions most efcient way to manage unforeseen situations where stakeholders are most involved and the bottom- through an increase of a system’s elements. Regarding the up activities and actions which are mostly considered are connections, the Progetto has taken them into account in widespread. Trough the concept of urban metabolism, a systematic and difused manner from a hydraulic, envi- the concepts and tools most geared to the integrated and ronmental (ecological networks) and territorial point of sustainable management of the resources afecting a ter- views, linking the subsystems and the diferent dimen- ritorial system are widespread. Both of these concepts sions of the system as much as possible. have achieved many innovative aspects of planning, such From a hydraulic point of view, within a project as the systemic vision, the detection of integrated solu- mainly characterized by the regulation of water fows, tions, the involvement of stakeholders and community diferent types of intervention were carried out including and the integration of the processing, implementation the controlled diversion of water to other watercourses, and management phases of strategies and actions. Tere- the cleaning of the riverbeds and the reinforcement of the fore, they can be easily integrated. On the other hand, net of water monitoring to reduce reaction times to allu- plans, programs and strategic projects of an advanced vial phenomena. Biodiversity has also been enhanced in character are already explicitly or implicitly inspired by environmental redevelopment interventions, envisaging most of the principles and criteria of these two concepts, the planting of diferent native plant species. so we fully or partially fnd these criteria and concepts in all the most advanced planning experiences.

Acknowledgements 5 Rachele Radaelli has supported me in fnding and collecting information See, for example, the project called "Te River Calls", which aims to about the Progetto Seveso. reduce the community vulnerabilities with regard to hydraulic risk and to improve the capacity of the community to respond to foods and food Competing interests waves, through a close collaboration between institutions and communities The author declares that he has no competing interests. and the strengthening of existing relationships and competencies. Magoni City Territ Archit (2017) 4:19 Page 8 of 8

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