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© Council of Ivy Group Presidents 173 ® Ivy Manual 2011-2012 © Council of Ivy Group Presidents 173 COUNCIL OF IVY GROUP PRESIDENTS Shirley Tilghman, Chair, 2011-2012 Princeton University v Robin J. Harris ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 7+(,9<0$18$/ 5HYLVHG$XJXVW 174 175 PREFACE TO THE 1996 EDITION ,DPSOHDVHGWRLVVXHWKLVÀIWKIvy Manual LQDQHZJUDSKLFIRUPDWDQGIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHDVD SHUPDQHQWERXQGYROXPHDVWKH,Y\/HDJXHHQWHUVLWVÀIWKGHFDGHRIIRUPDOFRPSHWLWLRQ7KHQHZ Manual HVSHFLDOO\UHÁHFWVWKHFDUHDQGFUDIWRI&DURO\Q&DPSEHOO6HQLRU$VVRFLDWH'LUHFWRURIWKH Ivy Group. The substance of our rules, the clarity of their presentation and the effectiveness of their DSSOLFDWLRQDOOEHQHÀWLPPHDVXUDEO\IURPKHURYHUVLJKW This edition continues to be based on the substantial changes in organization made in 1987, under WKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHQ$VVLVWDQW'LUHFWRU&RQVWDQFH$+XVWRQ>+XUOEXW@3URGXFWLRQRIWKHWH[WKDV been the responsibility most recently of Jane Antis, and earlier of Marcia Staton, Lynda Jarvis and Celia Jacobowitz. We owe special thanks for format revisions in this edition to Marion Carty of Princeton University Printing Services. Although the Preface to the third edition of the Manual IROORZLQJ UHIHUVWRLWDV´OHVVDVWDWXWH ERRNWKDQDVWDWHPHQWRIFRPPRQSURFHGXUHVµWKHManual clearly now is a book of rules, albeit one which we hope is directed toward high purposes. Our ability to play together by these rules GHSHQGVRQERWKRXUZLVGRPLQGHYHORSLQJWKHPDQGRXUÀGHOLW\DQGJRRGVHQVHLQDSSO\LQJWKHP 7KHIRXQGLQJ,Y\3UHVLGHQWV·ZRUGVLQDUHQROHVVUHOHYDQWWRGD\ It is the spirit of this agreement that it shall be carried out through wise DQGÁH[LEOHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQDQGLQDVHWWLQJRIPXWXDOUHVSHFWDQGFRQÀGHQFH among the members of the Group, as institutions having a common dedication to the purposes and principles of higher education. This revised Ivy Manual is dedicated to all those who have dedicated themselves, in countless ways, to Ivy athletics. Jeffrey H. Orleans August 1996 Princeton, New Jersey 176 177 PREFACE (THIRD EDITION) 7KH,Y\*URXSEHJDQDVDIRUPDOJURXSLQZKHQWKHHLJKWLQVWLWXWLRQVH[WHQGHGD agreement regarding football to all competitive athletics. The 1954 Ivy Group Agreement established both formal rules and standing committees to enforce and to interpret these rules. ([SHULHQFHDQGFKDQJLQJFLUFXPVWDQFHVOHGWRPDQ\PRGLÀFDWLRQVRIWKHRULJLQDOUXOHV,QDGGLWLRQ the decisions by the various committees established a body of procedures and policies governing the actions of Ivy Group members. In 1967, Jeremiah Ford II, former Director of Athletics at the 8QLYHUVLW\RI3HQQV\OYDQLDSUHSDUHGWKHÀUVWHGLWLRQRIWKHIvy Group Handbook . Designed for intra-group guidance of and information for the standing committees, this handbook collected, synthesized and presented in a usable form Ivy policies previously found only in committee minutes and selected policy statements. )XUWKHUGHFLVLRQVDQGFKDQJHVOHGLQWRDVHFRQGHGLWLRQSUHSDUHGE\$GROSK:6DPERUVNL Director of Athletics Emeritus at Harvard University. The second edition established a format in which each section was as self-contained as possible and organized by the areas of major responsibilities of the standing committees. 7KHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIDQ,Y\RIÀFHLQODWHPHDQWIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHWKHUHZDVDQ,Y\RIÀFHUZKRVH regular duties included participation in the deliberations of all Ivy Committees. Preparation of WKLVHGLWLRQZDVLQLWLDWHGE\5LFDUGR$0HVWUHV([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRURIWKH&RXQFLORI,Y\*URXS Presidents, and completed after his retirement. This third edition of the Ivy Handbook not only XSGDWHVWKHVHFRQGHGLWLRQEXWH[WHQGVWKHFRYHUDJHWRDUHDVRIFRPPRQDJUHHPHQWOHVVUHODWHGWR the conduct of athletics. The task faced in turn by Messers. Ford, Samborski and Mestres makes clear that the Handbook must EHDQHYHUFKDQJLQJGRFXPHQWLILWLVWRVHUYHLWVSXUSRVHRIJXLGLQJDQGLQIRUPLQJ,Y\RIÀFHUV and the standing committees. It is less a statute book than a statement of common procedures. It is hoped that the loose leaf format will allow for annual updating of the contents by the insertion RIQHZRUUHYLVHGSDJHV7KHVHLQVHUWVZLOOEHVHQWWRWKHRIÀFHVRIHDFKPHPEHURIDVWDQGLQJ,Y\ committee. Other users of the book should be careful to see that their copies include all revised pages. James M. Litvack August 1, 1977 Princeton, New Jersey 178 179 CONTENTS Page PREFACES CONTENTS PART I PRINCIPLES A. Introduction 1 B. 3UHVLGHQW·V$JUHHPHQWDVDPHQGHG 1 C. 3UHVLGHQW·V6WDWHPHQWRI3ULQFLSOHV 4 D. 1&$$5HODWLRQV([FHUSWVIURPWKH,Y\0DQXDO 5 PART II ORGANIZATION A. Generally 7 1. Standing Ivy committees 7 Chairs 7 B. The Council of Ivy Group Presidents 8 1. Responsibility 8 Membership 8 3. Relations with Committees 8 4. Chair 8 5. Meetings and minutes 8 6. 9RWHVDQGGHFLVLRQV 7. Appointment of Legal Counsel 9 C. The Policy Committee 9 1. Origins and responsibilities 9 . Membership 10 3. Chairs and meetings 11 4. 9RWHVDQGGHFLVLRQV D. Committee on Administration 11 1. Responsibilities 11 Membership, meetings, and decisions 13 180 E. Committee on Admissions 14 1. Responsibilities 14 Relations with other Committees and institutions 15 3. Membership, meetings, and decisions 15 F. The Committee on Financial Aid 15 1. Responsibilities 15 2. Consent Decree and Section 568 16 3. Relations with other Committees and institutions 16 4. Membership and meetings 16 5. Decisions 17 G. 7KH,Y\2IÀFHDQG/HDJXH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 17 1. ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 2. Rules administration 18 3. Processing ‘serious’ cases; Advisory Disposition Committee 19 4. 5HODWLRQVZLWKQDWLRQDODQGUHJLRQDODWKOHWLFDVVRFLDWLRQV H. The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee 1. 6WXGHQW5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV 2. 9RWLQJ 3. 0HHWLQJV I. Ivy Legislative Process J. Ivy Directory 1. ,Y\2IÀFHDQG&RPPLWWHH&KDLUV 2. &RXQFLORI3UHVLGHQWV 3. 3ROLF\&RPPLWWHH 4. &RPPLWWHHRQ$GPLVVLRQV 5. &RPPLWWHHRQ)LQDQFLDO$LG 6. The Advisory Disposition Committee 30 Committee on Administration 31 6SRUW/LDLVRQVDQG&RDFK&KDLUV PART III ELIGIBILITY: RULES AND PROCEDURES A. Establishment and application of rules 33 1. Establishment of Ivy rules 33 2. Application of Ivy rules 33 3. National and regional rules 33 B. Procedures in eligibility matters, including appeals 34 1. ,QVWLWXWLRQDOHOLJLELOLW\RIÀFHU 2. Eligibility decisions 34 3. Appeals 35 4. Eligibility responsibilities and coaches 35 5. &RPSHWLWLRQZKLOHLQHOLJLEOH³HIIHFWRQUHFRUGV C. Determination of forfeiture as a penalty 37 181 PART IV ELIGIBILITY: AMATEURISM A. Principles 39 1. 1954 Ivy Agreement, ,9$ 2. 1979 Statement of Principles, Number 8 39 B. 6SHFLÀFLVVXHV 39 1. Prohibited practices 39 2. &RQÀUPLQJDPDWHXUVWDWXV 3. Non-professionalism and multiple sports 41 C. Employment 41 1. Generally 41 2. &RDFKLQJWHDFKLQJLQVWUXFWLRQDQGFDPSV 3. 2WKHUVSHFLÀFHPSOR\PHQW 4. 2O\PSLFSDUWLFLSDWLRQ D. Special elements of men’s ice hockey 43 E. Ivy Sports 43 PART V ELIGIBILITY: ACADEMIC STANDARDS AND RESIDENCE A. Residence and years of eligibility 45 1. Seasons of competition 45 2. Seasons of competition Waivers 45 3. Years of Eligibility 46 B. Freshman eligibility generally 47 C. )UHVKPDQHOLJLELOLW\DGPLVVLRQZLWKDGYDQFHVWDQGLQJ 47 D. Transfer students 48 E. Matriculation and academic standing 49 1. Generally 49 2. Matriculation 49 3. Standing 49 4. Changes in eligibility status 50 5. Practice 50 6. Dartmouth calendar and athletic eligibility 50 F. Completion of baccalaureate requirements 51 PART VI ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATION: SPORTS AND LEAGUES A. Generally 53 1. The Ivy Spirit 53 2. Application 53 3. 6SHFLÀF6SRUWV 4. Principles of Conduct 53 5. Use of Tobacco and Alcohol 55 B. Ivy Sports and Championships 56 1. Ivy sports 56 2. Ivy championships generally 57 3. Round-robin championships 58 4. Qualifying championships 58 5. Inclusive championships 58 6. Men’s rowing championships 58 7RXUQDPHQWTXDOLÀFDWLRQV Budgets and Finances 58 Awarding Championship Trophies 59 C. Squad sizes 59 1. Home teams 59 2. $ZD\WHDPVWUDYHOVTXDGOLPLWV 3. 9DUVLW\DQG-XQLRU9DUVLW\WHDPVWUDYHOLQJWRJHWKHU 4. Sport-by-sport travel squad limits 61 5. ([FHSWLRQV D. Practice and season calendars 1. *HQHUDOO\ 2. Team Rest Periods 63 3. Season declarations/forms 64 4. Fall Practice and Competition Prior to Start of Classes 65 5. )DOOVSRUWFDOHQGDUSURYLVLRQV³VSRUWVRWKHUWKDQIRRWEDOO 6. Football calendar provisions 68 Winter calendar provisions 70 6SULQJFDOHQGDUSURYLVLRQV E. Contest Limitations 73 1. Season contest limits generally 73 2. Countable dates and contests 74 3. Countable individual dates or contests 75 4. Numerical contest limits 75 5. &RXQWLQJH[HPSWLRQV 6. Post-season contests 78 All-star competition 80 183 F. Out-of-season activities 80 1. Activities Outside the Delcared Playing Season 80 2. Coach Supervised Activity 80 3. Captain’s practices 81 4. 3K\VLFDOHGXFDWLRQFODVVHV 5. Summer Activity 83 6. Non-institutional clubs and teams 83 G. Schedules and travel 85 1. Scheduling policies generally 85 2. Academic considerations 85 3. Other considerations 86 4. &KDQJHVDQGFRQÁLFWV 5. Travel 87 6. Ivy League one-way mileage chart 88 H. Foreign travel 88 1. Approval 88 2. Ivy and NCAA calendars, geographical rules 89 3. Ivy rules 90 4. NCAA eligibility rules 90 5. NCAA contest rules 90 I. $ZDUGV 90 1. Plaques, trophies, medals 90 2. Institutional Ivy trophies 91 3. Medals 91 4. $OO,Y\FHUWLÀFDWHV 5. $OO,Y\(OLJLELOLW\DQG9RWLQJ 6. All-Ivy Selection and Distribution 94 All-Ivy nominations 95 8. $OO,Y\9RWLQJ 9. Academic All-Ivy honors 96 J. Communications activities 96 1. Generally 96 2. 6SHFLÀFDVVLJQPHQWV 3. Coaches’ responsibilities 97 4. Display of the Ivy League logo 97 5. &RPSHWLWLRQZKLOHLQHOLJLEOH³HIIHFWRQUHFRUGV 6. ,QHOLJLELOLW\IRU,Y\/HDJXHFKDPSLRQVKLS³HIIHFWRQUHFRUGV 184 PART VII ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATION:
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    “THE IVY LOOK POCKET GUIDE” Interview by GSTAG. 1) Could you please introduce yourself? JP Gall: JP Gall, modernist, flaneur, salesman and author. Graham Marsh: Graham Marsh is an art director, illustrator and author. He never wears double breasted jackets or black shoes. 2) How did you both come to The Ivy Look? G.M.: As I said in the book, Ivy clothes were addictive. I got hooked the first time I saw them being worn by the pilgrims of modern jazz who inhabited the London based art Department of Marvel Comics where I first worked back in the early 1960s. It was an insider’s world of narrow lapelled sharp Ivy suits, narrow knitted ties and narrow haircuts. The soundtrack to this cool, detached world included the music of Miles Davis, Gerry Mulligan and Jimmy Smith. This was a world I wanted into and like a sponge proceeded to soak up all it had to offer. JP.G.: I made a concerted effort to be different from my peers. I was a teenager in the 1980s and I felt completely disconnected from the music and fashion of that period. It left me cold. I thank 2 people. Firstly Paul Weller who made me a mod, because from there it was a process of curiosity and research that led me on from elementary mod to the whole Ivy League thing. And I also need to thank John Simons, a mentor for many of us kids keen to get the feel of the original Ivy League jazz culture under our finger nails.
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