IN GRISOLLES REGION L : J i - 1,200 AIRPLANES is Crossed East ofiniTr AlItBIP All? LEAVE THERE AT PERIL niin.t.Pnn TViiottv Aiifhrvri- - BUT LINES ARE lit! WORTH 6 MILLIONS tative Report Says. FOR BRAVERY IN ADVANCE 1 MILES Submarine Headed South When Last Observed HAD TO BE 'JUNKED' SOUTH OF SOISSONS VOSGES FIGHTING Between Marne and Rheims, North of the OuraJ, Yesterday, But Fear is Felt That Submersible German Reaction Is Limited to Big Gun Fire, One Railroad Now May Appear at Any Time, and Prepare to Meet Responsibility for Delay In Only U. S. Men With French In- Which Is 'Notable Feature in Woods About U. S. Placed Held By Germans in Such Occurrence Report of Plymouth Skip- Production flict Heavy Casualties Courton and Roi It Is Believed That Teutons on Aircraft Board. Rheiis Region. per Places Vessel Well Within Massachusetts With No Losses. May Meet With Disaster In Withdrawal From Be Washington. July 22 Waste of London, 22 American '" Bay Efforts to Raise Sunken Barges May July With the American Army in Marne Salient. millions of dollars in experimenting troops crossed the Successful. with the English Bristol and other .yesterday , Sunday, July 21 (By the types of aeroplanes will be reported river Marne between Charteves Associated Tress) American troops 22 counter attacks delivered last to Congress by the Senate military in the raid into the German lines In , July Strong night . and east of Chateau subcommittee investigating aircraft Gland, the on inflicted the on front between the and the Marne Boston, July 22 All the facilities at the command of the j Vosges Friday night by Germans the Ourcq production, members of the commit- Thierry, and captured the wood 150 casualties on the enemy and suf- the office announced The naval were in a search tee said in that were broken by the Allies, war today. F;rst district brought, iyito play today today announcing of Barbillon, according to au- fered virtually none themselves. The of New waters for the German submarine that attack- their report now is being drafted. German prisoners declare they had Allied positions have been maintained. England Other findings of the committee, thoritative announcement here been receiving bad food and poor off God within view of said Senator The enemy counter blows were delivered in the region of ed and sank three barges ynsterday Cape Thomas, the chairman, today. ammunition. t and some members, will be that 1.200 Six officers and 16 men have been Grisolles, seven miles northwest of Chateau Thierry and Bezu the Orleans shore. $6,000,000 re- not training planes costing commended in French and American St. Germain, four miles north of Chateau Thierry. Though the port of Boston was closed, merchants ships cently were "junked" because they With the American Army on orders for "conspicuous bravery in were as too and between the Marne and Rheims craft were warned of the of leav- regarded dangerous for the -Marn- e the preparation and execution" of a North of the Ourcq and other unprotected danger use: that several aviators have been Front. Sun- last raid in the Vosges recently. This raid the reaction was limited to artillery fire. The fire, was ing the harbor. The, submarine was headed south when killed in flights with dang'Vous types day, July 21, night (Bv the was preceded by a half hour's artil- enemy's of and that amateurs in the notable in the of the woods of Courton and seen yesterday, but naval authorities expressed the opinion that planes; Associated Press) South of lery preparation. Two hundred particularly region engineering and administrative sec- Americans, including 32 band men as boat boh off the New coats and were to Soissons ad- the might up again England tions have contributed the delay American troops stretcher bearers, penetrated 800 prepared for an eventuality.. In production. vanced today two kilometres, yards into the German trenches and Responsibility for part of the pro inflicted nearly 100 casualties. They the Associated Press)" v Reports to flie headquarters of the First naval district here duction was commit- (about 1 -4 (By delay placed by miles.) also took seven prisonrs from crack the Germans north teemen cn al Rear actions are indicated the presence of the submarine in this vicinity since the former aircraft pro- The Allied artillery has found the Uhlan troops sent into the line sev-ar- guard being fought by duction board. Soissons-Chatea- u Orrin Rarllett of that about range of the days before to make a raid o'n of Chateau Thierry. These probably were organized for the Saturday, ('.apt. Plymouth reported All members of the committee were Thierry railroad, while American the American trenches. The Ameri- the motor is a of the relentless of the fleeing enemy dusk on Saturday he sighted the periscope of a submarine four agreed that Liberty troops are astride the ts cans anticipated the German plan by purpose delaying pursuit complete success. It is too heavy for railroad. As a result only n few hours and occupied only the French and Americans, who on Sunday morning miles off the port of Plymouth. He said he was .in a motor boat the Bristol senators and by passed plane, said, there is only one railroad line in the 45 minutes. Chateau and advanced northeast of that cor- and close enough to the periscope positively to identify it as a that type, so successful In Great hands of the Germans south of a line through Thierry Britain, has been abandoned by the drawn from Soissons to nerstone of German conquest in eastern France. part of a submarine. war Rheims. department. Northeast of Belleau, northwest of IILITARY HONORS The reaction of the Germans is said to have been marked His report placed the submarine well within Massachusetts Chateau the Americans Thierry, earlv between Grisolles and Bezu St. Germain, two villages north- - bay. Other reports of the presence of the under water boat FRENCH ACE DOWNS Sunday had made an advance of five kilometres. Some of the most ter- ani north of Chateau at a distance of ap- also bav bpen received, but not in all cases have they been FOR ROOSEVELT northwest Thierry 56TH AIRPLANE rific fighting since the offensive began seven and four miles The distance of a conclusive nature. occurred between Givry and Vaux, proximately respectively. the Germans ma- and Bezu St. Germain is about four miles. A feature of the attack yesterday near Orleans was the fact Paris, July 22. Lieut. Rene Fonck, using artillery and between Grisolles one of the leading French aces, chine guns. WHERE HE FELL this line German, attacks were broken and the Allied line that Ihe submersible 'opened fire without warning. In all other brought down two German aeroplanes The Allies occupied hill ;04, com- Along IS, 18 Chateau was reported cases of attack on an American coastwise boat warn- on July two on July and three manding Thierry, at day- maintained throughout. on July 19. Six of these machines light Sunday and shortly afterward North of the Ourcq river the reaction of the enemy was ing was given. were brought down in flames. Fonck's were pressing through the city itself. Amsterdam, July 22 The death of now is 56 machines. limited to fire. total officially Progress east and north by the (Juentin Roosevelt is confirmed by artillery French and Americans continued This also was the case between the Marne and Orleans. Mass., July 22 Efforts were made by a wrecking a Wolff Bureau message from the Rheims, "WILLIE" FORCED throughout Sunday. to a Berlin - to a The Germans front, according dispatch- in the region west of the Rheims mountain and in the fleet today raise the (hree barges sunk by German subma- north of the Marne received here. The message adds notably TO CALL FOR HELP were subjected to a terrible Courton and RoL woods. rine off shore near here yesterday and to salvage a fourth barge pounding that Young Roosevelt was burled with to resist. honors the Germans. The ousted and the Perth shell fire from sub- Orders been military by Since the Germans have been from Chateau Thierry tug Aniboy, damaged by the AVith the French Army In had issued, the prison- story of the "fatal encounter, as told France, ers to to a 10 conditions that that the withdrawal was marine. 22 Frederick William, the Ger- added, retreat point by the Wolff Bureau correspondent, under suggest precipi- July miles but indications to- man imperial crown prince, has been north, the follows: tate, the most movements in the battle are south of If the barges and tug can be saved, as expected, the ex- night were that the Germans would interesting obliged to call for help from his cou- "On Sunday, July 14. an American the Americans are to have advanced a of will trove a bit of business for the Crown Prince of Ba- not for long be allowed to remain that of twelve was Soissons, where reported ploit yesterday costly sin, Rupprecht to squadron battleplanes varia. German divisions from th.jr close the Marne, for the Allied to German distance of a .'mile and a the where the Germans. II is estimated that the Ihree torpedoes launched at movement trying break through the quarter; Ourcq valley, army in the north 'have been hurrrWl flanking is progressing defense over the Marne. In the Allies are their toward Nantueil Notre the boats cost $15,000 each, to say nothing of the other ammuni- down to protect the western flank of steadily. Both the railroads and the violent combat which ensued with steadily pounding way wagon roads over which the enor- 1 -2 the defeated army which has been seven German machines one American Dame, and southwest of Rheims, where there seems to be an tion expended in the hour bombardment of the vessels. mous stores for the German over Marne forces i driven back the and aviator stubbornly made repeated at indication that the Allies have initiated a new drive for the pur-- Capt. Charles Ainslee. commander of the barge Lansford, elected from Chateau Thierry by must pass are so menaced as to make tacks. This culminated in a duel t ,i l : 1 i . i , , , wus m i. Franco-America- n troops. them unstable. between him and a German pose of outflanking the Germans between Marfaux and who woimued notn arms ny iragmenis oi sneiis. was were Streams of prisoners taken to officer, a His while not all who, after short resting comfortably today. wounds, painful, are the rear day Sunday. Since fight, succeeded in aim AMERICANS DOWN Americans have cap- getting good If this last movement tevelops, the veloping movement Is proceding up Furious. Other members of, the crew and Iheir families who Thursday the at his brave, but inexperienced op tured German soldiers representing 10 Allies' "nut crater" will be In full the Ourcq valley and, at last ac- the night here were none the worse for their 2 FOE AIRPLANES ponent, whose machine fell after a motion. Between the known Allied counts, was very near Oulchy le Cha- passed experience. different divisions. y, few shots near the village of Cham-hr- front south of Soissons to the town of teau. The third is the advance of the ten ir. kilometres north of the southwest of Rheims, there is eastward to catch the Germans With the American Army Washington, July 22 Fresh suc- Marne. Bouilly, France. Sunday, July 21 (By the cesses for the American forces in a gap of about 24 miles. This gap, south of Soissons. Two more "His pocket case showed him to be however, probably is much smaller Thus Foch tentacles Associated Press) Ger their drive between the Aisne and Lieutenant Roosevelt of has projected man are to have Marne were in Gen. Quentin the at present, for the Allies' positions from the Marne. If another aeroplanes reported the reported aviation section of the United States to treating teen down on Saturday by for south of Soissons seem probable claw is thrust out from the Rheims brought Pershing's communique yesterday, Army. The personal belongings oi been advanced since American aviators. Neither report received today at the war depart- have materially, salient the situation will become much the fallen airman are being carefully they were reported at Hartennes et more for the has been confirmed officially. ment. The Americans were driving with a view to them perilous enemy. was kept sending Taux on Saturday. If the French, There are few details of the fight- One of the enemy machines ahead with undiminished vigor and to his relatives. The E. Put- later earthly Italian and British troops southwest ing between the Aisne and the brought down hy Lieut. David spirit, the statement said. remains of the brave airman were Ourcq. nam of 'Massachusetts. Lieut. Baker 6 000 more of Rheims make an advance of any It appears, however, that the report- More than prisoners, buried with honors Ger- This Fact Is Out of Ber- - 100- military by Ger Importance the position of the ed advance of the Allies south of the Brought In Report Capture of P.rody Freeman engaged in a fight than cannon and many trench man airmen near at with a German and tumbled mortars machine have been Chambray the mans father south will be made even Aisne, below Soissons. isj simply the billon Wood Germans biplane and guns spot where he fell." more critical. Stubbornlv It to the ground. taken by American divisions in the carrying out of the French strategic Aisne-Marn- from the Allied today. They of on the last few days on the e artillery plan keeping the Aisne Resisting French. 22 unsuc- French flank. The occu- WINSTED PAVILIOJT BURNED. front, Gen. Pershing reported. This Paris. July The Paris edition responded heartily although left actual was as the of the Chicago Tribune says: cessfully. The Allied artillerymen pation of Soissons would be a matter Wnsted, July 22 The dancing pa- accepted meaning that were out German rear of was burned reference in s statement to Kermit Roosevelt arrived in Paris feeling the slight importance in comparison London. 22 The of Bearbil.lon wood the vilion at Highland Park Saturday lines with the with demoralization or of July capture by included those cap- three days ago after serving with the telling effect, making the capture early today. A bucket brigade saved 17,000 prisoners rear action the German armies to the Americans means that the overseas men have advanced be- Th Connecticut Co. tured both French and American British artillery in Mesopotamia enemy's guard costly. southward, other buildings. by Prisoners captured near Chateau which appears to have been in Gen. tween and four miles from had a !.ase on the place. units. where he was awarded the Distin three their old position on the guished Service Order. He has now Thierry confirmed the soundness of Foch's mind as a possibility when the Marne. been transferred to the American Gen. Foeh's plan when they declar- smash on the German flank was be- ed a German retreat became imper- gun on The Germans are Army, but before beginning active Thursday morning. stubornly resist. on account of decreased sup- con- the F'renrh work will take a course at a French ative If the Allied "nut cracker" ing crossing of the Marne, TNEY DRIVER SHOT Stores of both ammunition tinues to close in the remorseless TEH but the have succeeded in get- artillery school. plies. MILLION FROM French and foodstuffs were becoming low, manner that it has for the last three ting two elements over p.t Mezy and Capatin Archie Roosevelt under- went a on they said, and the officers had re- days, the Germans will be' fortunate Courcselles. which are constructing secondary operation July was if foot 4 and the doctors do not think it prob- ported that it virtually Impossible they extricate all their forces from bridges under heavy Are. The There to be at two, the Marne Their railroad AMERICA FIGHTING Germans in Y ROBBER PASSENGER able he will return to the front for appear least salient. are using gas shells large are un- numbers. eight months. and possibly three, enveloping opera- communications virtually all tions along the western side of the der Allied control or are under heavy Owing to faulty working of the tele- Major Richard Derby, former President Roosevelt's has salient south of Soissons. The first of fire. The tired and defeated Germans THINK GERMANS graph lino between Paris and London must retreat roads news been in Paris this week from these, evidenced by the breaking oyer wagon by of the French advance up to Bridgeport Man Held Up Near Danbury By Man Who suffering of the Allies northwest of way of Fere en Tardenois or to the influenza. He will return to through ' R:30 o'clock last night is not very de- Spanish Chateau on morn- eastward of that and the task tailed. is Hired Vehicle for Advent of his division today. Major Derby has Thierry Sunday place, It learned however, that the Day Touring had Immediate results in forcing of bringing them safely out of tha With th? American Army on the French line now runs from been in the thick of the recent fight ing, Aisne-Marn- e 21. Breny the G'ermans back from 'the extreme sack in which they have been caught Front. Sunday, July the main Chateau road Car Prevented Murder. ing around Chateau Thierry. Pres.)---- Ger- along Thierry tip of the salient. The second en is a heavy one. The Asiriated to Rocourt and then Le man j,rir-ne- raptured by the Ameri- through cans was a baker in Charme and Kpirds to the Marne at today formerly Charteves. X. Vesnik, a driver, of 542 Putnam street this city Xew Yer'rf city and Lebanon, Fa. He jitney BRITISH ADVANCE was as' cl what the German soldiers Between the Ourcq and the Aisne was seriously wounded shortly before twelve o'clock last night JAPS WILL INTERV vio- the Germans again are making Dan-bur- thought ai'nut the Americans. when he was held up and shot by an unknown man near y, Simpe Thuredny, the prisoner said, lent counter attacks, but the French NEAR HEBUTERNE the Gerrrns had concluded that the are maintaining their lines. who had chartered his machine for a trip to Danbury. IN announcement that a million Ameri- His life and money were undoubt- - went smoothly until the lonely part SIBERIA, IS AS cans were in France was false, and the or a on edly saved by occupants large of the road In the vicinity of Stony rumors among the Germans this car which was following close Hill was man London, Jaly 22 Further ground fornt are that there are ten million SEC. ROOSEVELT touring reached. The young lbehind the in the vicinity of who was rear of jit- has been the British ir. Americans in France. jitney seated in the the gained by Government's to Proposed Plan Made United Btonv Hill, as the man had no time ney said something about being lone- the Hebuterne on the fron Reply By victim before the region, to rob his powerful some in the back of the car and between Albert and the was States Is Believed To Be In Affirmative MERIDEN MAN NOW IN FRANCE machine was alongside. climbed into the front seat near the Arras, that the office announced today. The British Silent. The gunman, seeing larger driver. likewise. In with the Washington DIES ON AUTO TRIP machine was full of men, did not wait He had not been sitting on the front conjunction of his the he French, carried out a successful en- N NAVY DETAILS to press the trigger gun seat many seconds before struck to the south of Villers Merul-n- . 22. Georse P. Smith, time as he had treatened to Vesik on neck. terprise 19 Ju'y second a crashing blow the east of in which Toyko, Friday, July (By the Associated Press) It is aged 7,3, president of the H. T. Smith rob his victim but The and almost Amiens, do, or to jumped jttneur alarmed were taken. circles here that the Expre? Co.. riled of acute indigestion from the uncontrolled jitney and dis stunned by the sudden attack yelled prisoners believed in political Japanese government's The German trenches were entered - in Xew Ijonc'on yesterday. VTith his of Visit into the undergrowth near at the man to keep quiet or the car to- the made the United Stales relative to En- Mr. Smith had motored to the Purpose Primarily appeared during the night by British raiding reply proposal by family the road. would be run in the ditch. The thug's in Siberia will to naval hospitn! to bring back his son, to Administration ' who was unconscious from answer was a to shoot if there parties at several points on the fron. tente Allied intervention be dispatched Wash D. Hmith. who is in the Inspect Vesnik, threat Neuville Vitasse north Carl navy and loss of blood, had put on was another whimper out of the including and and who had been undergoing a nasal of There. pain of Beilleui, and prisoners were taken. ington today. Department the brakes almost instinctively when driver. He followed his threat with a It is understood that the Japanese operation. The tnn is known as bullet which the driver's On every front the Germans are re- is fistic the first shot hit him, was lifted from penetrated government's answer accepts the Young Mack circles, 22. his shoulder. sisting desperately and are making STRIVE TO EXCUSE of- Washington, July The arrival the wheel of the jitney and trans- right arm and lodged in American proposal In every partic- , Mr. Smith hod held many local violent counter attacks. Neverthe- fices. seven of Assistant Secretary of the Navy ferred to the powerful car Vesnik collapsed at the while while ular. His wife and children touring au- less the French MARNE RETREAT survive. Roosevelt in France was announced which rushed him to St. Vincent's hos- the car came to a standstill as he troops yesterday today by the navy department. Some of the of the tomatically applied the brakes as his made progress along the river Masne pital. occupants to a maximum of miles. 22. "The with- Washington. July 22. The govern- Mr. Roosevelt made the trip on a big car remained behind to look af- senses left him. depth eight Amsterdam, July ment continued its reserve on The of his visit is did not The of the counter at- today 2 VON RICHTOFEN destroyer. purpose ter the Jitney and to form a The gunman apparently object enemy drawal of our troops to the northern any announcement of with Ja- to the naval administration on ptjsse behind on tack is to the ex- plans inspect with the sheriff in an endeavor to run take the troubJe to look the probably expedite bank of the Marne came as no sur- pan for military aid to Russia in Si- 'the other side of the Atlantic, espe- - for car trication of his from the pock- FLIERS KILLED down the desperado. road, a big powerful touring troops prise to circles because beria. Officials said that until some ciallv with reference to contracts. was in the rear. Imme- et between Soissons and Rheims. command had conden-tiall- y official of When Vesnik was made as com- tearing along the supreme communication from the Jap- ' lease cf buildings, land, expendi- the shot rang out, the driver Meanwhile German troops in southern Its intention anese there Amsterdam, July 22. Lieutenants tures and other matters connected fortable as pomible at the hospital he diately communicated government arrived would stated that his assailant of the bis car put on speed and came end of the pocket must be undergoing says the Cologne Gazette, be nothing to say for publicaiijv, frledrichs and Klrschstein. members with the (business organisation of the had charter rob- ed his car on Main, street in front of abreast of the jitney just as the great difficulty in getting supplies. and adds: of, the Von Richthnfen have He also will confer with -- squadron, department. ber jumped out on the road and made Southwest of Rheims there has "The which the forcing of 22. The been kl'led. says the Lokal Anzeiger. of other government the Lyric theatre and mada a bargain cibject London, July Japanese representatives with him to drive him to off into the fields. been heavy fighting and the French the Marne had in view was attained. diplomatic oouncil has agreed to the Friedrlchs was credited with 21 vic- departments regarding matters which Danbury. was lost in 27. The was $4. Xot a moment's time have made progress. Therefore it did not appear dangerous American proposal for Joint interven- tories and Klrschstein with require and slose price agreed upon man into the In order to save un- the abroad. The money apparently was paid In getting the wounded big Between the Ourcq and the Marne to retreat locally tion by Japan and United States car which a record run to St. riTere took 400 losses." in a Central News dis- VON FRAXCIR TtFSIGXS. During Mr. Roosevelt's absence the advance for in making chance Ves- made the French yesterday necessary Siberia, says y with the victim of from under date of office of assistant secr-ar- will be- in nik displayed a good sized roll of Vincent's hospital prisoners. ' patch Tokyo July to a late HOKDTTRAS WITH ALLIES. 17. 22 Gen. Von of D. McL. Ho ve. Mr. Roose- bills. It was this bank roll It seems the murderous assault. Up Amsterdam, July charge robber could be A will be issued as- commander cf the Seventh velt's assistant. that the gunman was making sucn a hour no trace of the Rome, July 22 Italian troops are proclamation Francis, bid found by either the city, county or to in the bend Washington, July 22 Honduras suring Russia that the Entente has army corps rtn the western front, has desperate for when he was Beared continuing gain ground with In The Rev. Walter of East away the of state officials. of the Devoli river In Albania, the which broke diplomatic relations no aggressive designs intervening resigned, says the Lokal Anzeiger. Murray, by occupants the big . m followed that ac- - in the adds. to X. J.. with the T. M. C. A. car which came Italian war office announced today. r, nn vrv Siberia, dispatch The emperor has refused accept Orange, touring tearing along war. The I is that a relief oommis- - in killed while the of can troops yesterday took THiiflv hv Anrlartnr It probable the resignation and has given him an France, was serving lonely stretch road Just in the Before either political party get of will accompany the - canteen near nick of time. fall. It must as- a hundred and state department was notified today sion joint expedi- honorary appointment in one of the soldiers near an army the farmer vote this prisoners captured n. " Chcteau-Thierr- y to of rain. seven machine action. , " guard regiments. & Uie Motor. According Vesnik, everything sure them there will be plenty guns. Ithe