-- t - -- THE FARMER: JULY 26, 1913- - PORT OF BOSTON OPEN BLOW IS DELIVER ED IN GRISOLLES REGION L : J i - 1,200 AIRPLANES Marne is Crossed East ofiniTr AlItBIP All? LEAVE THERE AT PERIL niin.t.Pnn TViiottv Aiifhrvri- - BUT LINES ARE lit! WORTH 6 MILLIONS tative Report Says. FOR BRAVERY IN ADVANCE 1 MILES Submarine Headed South When Last Observed HAD TO BE 'JUNKED' SOUTH OF SOISSONS VOSGES FIGHTING Between Marne and Rheims, North of the OuraJ, Yesterday, But Fear is Felt That Submersible German Reaction Is Limited to Big Gun Fire, One Railroad Now May Appear at Any Time, and Prepare to Meet Responsibility for Delay In Only U. S. Men With French In- Which Is 'Notable Feature in Woods About U. S. Placed Held By Germans in Such Occurrence Report of Plymouth Skip- Production flict Heavy Casualties Courton and Roi It Is Believed That Teutons on Aircraft Board. Rheiis Region. per Places Vessel Well Within Massachusetts With No Losses. May Meet With Disaster In Withdrawal From Be Washington. July 22 Waste of London, 22 American '" Bay Efforts to Raise Sunken Barges May July With the American Army in Marne Salient. millions of dollars in experimenting troops crossed the Successful. with the English Bristol and other .yesterday France, Sunday, July 21 (By the types of aeroplanes will be reported river Marne between Charteves Associated Tress) American troops 22 counter attacks delivered last to Congress by the Senate military in the raid into the German lines In Paris, July Strong night . and east of Chateau subcommittee investigating aircraft Gland, the on inflicted the on front between the and the Marne Boston, July 22 All the facilities at the command of the j Vosges Friday night by Germans the Ourcq production, members of the commit- Thierry, and captured the wood 150 casualties on the enemy and suf- the office announced The naval were in a search tee said in that were broken by the Allies, war today. F;rst district brought, iyito play today today announcing of Barbillon, according to au- fered virtually none themselves. The of New waters for the German submarine that attack- their report now is being drafted. German prisoners declare they had Allied positions have been maintained. England Other findings of the committee, thoritative announcement here been receiving bad food and poor off God within view of said Senator The enemy counter blows were delivered in the region of ed and sank three barges ynsterday Cape Thomas, the chairman, today. ammunition. t and some members, will be that 1.200 Six officers and 16 men have been Grisolles, seven miles northwest of Chateau Thierry and Bezu the Orleans shore. $6,000,000 re- not training planes costing commended in French and American St. Germain, four miles north of Chateau Thierry. Though the port of Boston was closed, merchants ships cently were "junked" because they With the American Army on orders for "conspicuous bravery in were as too and between the Marne and Rheims craft were warned of the of leav- regarded dangerous for the Aisne-Marn- e the preparation and execution" of a North of the Ourcq and other unprotected danger use: that several aviators have been Front. Sun- last raid in the Vosges recently. This raid the reaction was limited to artillery fire. The fire, was ing the harbor. The, submarine was headed south when killed in flights with dang'Vous types day, July 21, night (Bv the was preceded by a half hour's artil- enemy's of and that amateurs in the notable in the of the woods of Courton and seen yesterday, but naval authorities expressed the opinion that planes; Associated Press) South of lery preparation. Two hundred particularly region engineering and administrative sec- Americans, including 32 band men as boat boh off the New coats and were to Soissons ad- the might up again England tions have contributed the delay American troops stretcher bearers, penetrated 800 prepared for an eventuality.. In production. vanced today two kilometres, yards into the German trenches and Responsibility for part of the pro inflicted nearly 100 casualties. They the Associated Press)" v Reports to flie headquarters of the First naval district here duction was commit- (about 1 -4 (By delay placed by miles.) also took seven prisonrs from crack the Germans north teemen cn al Rear actions are indicated the presence of the submarine in this vicinity since the former aircraft pro- The Allied artillery has found the Uhlan troops sent into the line sev-ar- guard being fought by duction board. Soissons-Chatea- u Orrin Rarllett of that about range of the days before to make a raid o'n of Chateau Thierry. These probably were organized for the Saturday, ('.apt. Plymouth reported All members of the committee were Thierry railroad, while American the American trenches. The Ameri- the motor is a of the relentless of the fleeing enemy dusk on Saturday he sighted the periscope of a submarine four agreed that Liberty troops are astride the ts cans anticipated the German plan by purpose delaying pursuit complete success. It is too heavy for railroad. As a result only n few hours and occupied only the French and Americans, who on Sunday morning miles off the port of Plymouth. He said he was .in a motor boat the Bristol senators and by passed plane, said, there is only one railroad line in the 45 minutes. Chateau and advanced northeast of that cor- and close enough to the periscope positively to identify it as a that type, so successful In Great hands of the Germans south of a line through Thierry Britain, has been abandoned by the drawn from Soissons to nerstone of German conquest in eastern France. part of a submarine. war Rheims. department. Northeast of Belleau, northwest of IILITARY HONORS The reaction of the Germans is said to have been marked His report placed the submarine well within Massachusetts Chateau the Americans Thierry, earlv between Grisolles and Bezu St. Germain, two villages north- - bay. Other reports of the presence of the under water boat FRENCH ACE DOWNS Sunday had made an advance of five kilometres. Some of the most ter- ani north of Chateau at a distance of ap- also bav bpen received, but not in all cases have they been FOR ROOSEVELT northwest Thierry 56TH AIRPLANE rific fighting since the offensive began seven and four miles The distance of a conclusive nature. occurred between Givry and Vaux, proximately respectively. the Germans ma- and Bezu St. Germain is about four miles. A feature of the attack yesterday near Orleans was the fact Paris, July 22. Lieut. Rene Fonck, using artillery and between Grisolles one of the leading French aces, chine guns. WHERE HE FELL this line German, attacks were broken and the Allied line that Ihe submersible 'opened fire without warning. In all other brought down two German aeroplanes The Allies occupied hill ;04, com- Along IS, 18 Chateau was reported cases of attack on an American coastwise boat warn- on July two on July and three manding Thierry, at day- maintained throughout. on July 19. Six of these machines light Sunday and shortly afterward North of the Ourcq river the reaction of the enemy was ing was given. were brought down in flames. Fonck's were pressing through the city itself. Amsterdam, July 22 The death of now is 56 machines. limited to fire. total officially Progress east and north by the (Juentin Roosevelt is confirmed by artillery French and Americans continued This also was the case between the Marne and Orleans. Mass., July 22 Efforts were made by a wrecking a Wolff Bureau message from the Rheims, "WILLIE" FORCED throughout Sunday. to a Berlin - to a The Germans front, according dispatch- in the region west of the Rheims mountain and in the fleet today raise the (hree barges sunk by German subma- north of the Marne received here. The message adds notably TO CALL FOR HELP were subjected to a terrible Courton and RoL woods. rine off shore near here yesterday and to salvage a fourth barge pounding that Young Roosevelt was burled with to resist. honors the Germans. The ousted and the Perth shell fire from sub- Orders been military by Since the Germans have been from Chateau Thierry tug Aniboy, damaged by the AVith the French Army In had issued, the prison- story of the "fatal encounter, as told France, ers to to a 10 conditions that that the withdrawal was marine. 22 Frederick William, the Ger- added, retreat point by the Wolff Bureau correspondent, under suggest precipi- July miles but indications to- man imperial crown prince, has been north, the follows: tate, the most movements in the battle are south of If the barges and tug can be saved, as expected, the ex- night were that the Germans would interesting obliged to call for help from his cou- "On Sunday, July 14. an American the Americans are to have advanced a of will trove a bit of business for the Crown Prince of Ba- not for long be allowed to remain that of twelve was Soissons, where reported ploit yesterday costly sin, Rupprecht to squadron battleplanes varia. German divisions from th.jr close the Marne, for the Allied to German distance of a .'mile and a the where the Germans. II is estimated that the Ihree torpedoes launched at movement trying break through the quarter; Ourcq valley, army in the north 'have been hurrrWl flanking is progressing defense over the Marne. In the Allies are their toward Nantueil Notre the boats cost $15,000 each, to say nothing of the other ammuni- down to protect the western flank of steadily.
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