DOCUMENT RESUft ED 227 273 y CE 035 300 ' TITLE APharmacy Spicialist, Militkry Curriculum Materials for Vocation47 andileChlaical Education. INSTITuTION Air Force Training Command, Sheppa* AFB, Tex.; Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Natfonal Center for Research in Vocational Education. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW)x Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 18 Jul 75 NOTE 774p.; Some pages are marginally legible. ,PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use Guides (For Teachers) (052), , EDRS ?RICE 14P05/PC31 Plus Postage. ` DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; Course Descriptions; A Curriculum Guides; Drug Abuse; Drug,Therapy; 4Drug Use; Learning Activities; Lesson Plans; *Pharmaceutical Education; Pharmacists; *Pharmacology; *Pharmacy; Postsecondary Education; Programed Instructional Materials; Textbooks; Workbooks IDENTIFIERS. Military CuFr.iculum Project liBSTRACT These teacher and studdnt,materials for a . postsecondary-level course in pharmacy comprise one of a numberof military-developed curriculum packages selected for adaptation to voCational instruction 'and curriculum dei7elopment in acivilian setting. The purpose stated for the 256-hour course iS totrain students in the basic technical phases of pharmacy and theminimum essential knowledge and skills necessaryior.the compounding and - dispensing of drugs, the economical operation of a pharmacy,and the proper use of drugs, chemicals, andbiological products. The course consists of three blocks of instruction. Block I contains four, lessons: pharmaceutical calculations I and laboratory,inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry. The five lessons in Block II cover anatomy ,and physiology, introduction topharmacoloe, toxicology, drug abuse, and pharmaceutical and medicinal agents. Block III provides five lessons: phdrmaceutical calculations\I and II, techniques"of pharmaceutical compounding, pharmaceutiCal dosage for s, and compounding laboratbry. Instructormaterials include a cb se chart, lesson plans, and aplan of instruction detailing instructional,bnits, criterion objectives, lesson duration,and support materials needed.
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