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ED227273.Pdf DOCUMENT RESUft ED 227 273 y CE 035 300 ' TITLE APharmacy Spicialist, Militkry Curriculum Materials for Vocation47 andileChlaical Education. INSTITuTION Air Force Training Command, Sheppa* AFB, Tex.; Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Natfonal Center for Research in Vocational Education. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW)x Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 18 Jul 75 NOTE 774p.; Some pages are marginally legible. ,PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use Guides (For Teachers) (052), , EDRS ?RICE 14P05/PC31 Plus Postage. ` DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; Course Descriptions; A Curriculum Guides; Drug Abuse; Drug,Therapy; 4Drug Use; Learning Activities; Lesson Plans; *Pharmaceutical Education; Pharmacists; *Pharmacology; *Pharmacy; Postsecondary Education; Programed Instructional Materials; Textbooks; Workbooks IDENTIFIERS. Military CuFr.iculum Project liBSTRACT These teacher and studdnt,materials for a . postsecondary-level course in pharmacy comprise one of a numberof military-developed curriculum packages selected for adaptation to voCational instruction 'and curriculum dei7elopment in acivilian setting. The purpose stated for the 256-hour course iS totrain students in the basic technical phases of pharmacy and theminimum essential knowledge and skills necessaryior.the compounding and - dispensing of drugs, the economical operation of a pharmacy,and the proper use of drugs, chemicals, andbiological products. The course consists of three blocks of instruction. Block I contains four, lessons: pharmaceutical calculations I and laboratory,inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry. The five lessons in Block II cover anatomy ,and physiology, introduction topharmacoloe, toxicology, drug abuse, and pharmaceutical and medicinal agents. Block III provides five lessons: phdrmaceutical calculations\I and II, techniques"of pharmaceutical compounding, pharmaceutiCal dosage for s, and compounding laboratbry. Instructormaterials include a cb se chart, lesson plans, and aplan of instruction detailing instructional,bnits, criterion objectives, lesson duration,and support materials needed. Student materials areeight study guides or workbooks with exercises and problems, three programed tests,and seven handouts. Suggested audiovisualaids are not provided. (YLB) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by Ens are the best that can be made from the original document. ********************************************************************, l-. rJN.. (NJ cz 1.1.1 REPRODUCE THIS EbUaTtoN "PERMISSION TO US. DEPARTMENT OF MATERIAL HAS BEENGRANTED SY TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION ED ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (EMI Thts document has been Terendueed 0 received .frOm the person or organization MA,WI ofiginefing it .... Minor changes have been made to improve' 1 "production quality TO THE E CATICINAL RESOURCES (ERIC)." Points oiiiiFor opinions stated in this docu INFORMATION CENTER ment do not nocessanly represent official NIE POSitten or poecY P MITTTAXY CURRICULUMMAMMALS curriculum materials inthie course the mklitary-developed Research in, package were selected bythe National Centerlor Military Curriculum Projectfor-dissem- Vocational Education and ination bo the six'regionalCurriculum Coordinat±on Centers The purpose of other instructionalmaterials agencies. disseminating these courses wastohake-curriculum materials developed by the military moreaccessible to vocational educators in the civiliansetting. project The course matrials wereacquired, evaluated by prepared:for staff and practitionersin the field, and the nilitary dissemination. Maerialswhich were specific to either caitted or appro- were deleted,copyrighted materials were These course packages contain val for their use wasobtained. to support Curriculum resourcematerials which can oe adapted Vbcational instruction andcurriculum development. , et, V. r 3 Mili a y Curriculum aterials for The National Center Vocational.and Mis Sion Statement Technical Education 9 " - Information and Field The National Centel. fOrResearch in Vocational Education's mission is to increase Scr vices Divir;ion the ability of diverse agencies, institutions, , and organizations to solve educational prob- lems relating to individual career planning, The Valiennl Cenicr forficsearch preparation, and progression. The National / in VocrItionalEducation Center fulfills its mission hy: Geneiating knowledge through'research Developing educational programs and products Evaluating individual 'program needs and outcomes Installing educational programs and products Operating information systems and .services Conducting leadershipdevelopmhnt and training programs FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT Military Curriculum Materials WRITE OR CALL Program Information Office The National Center for Research in Vocational .ti Education The Oltio State University- 4 1960 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 1Telephone: 6104803656 or:Toll Free800/ 848 4815 within the cOntinental U.S. '4`il.,kA2i'; 414 (except Ohio) Alr Military . How Can These Curriculum Materials What Materials Materials BeObtained? DisSeniinatiOn,ls. Are Available? Curriculum Coordination Center One hundred twenty courses onmicrofiche . Contact the an activity to increasethe accessibilit9 of obtaining , of in your region for information on ;military developed ciirriculum niater. to (thirteen in paper form) and descriptions cost). They the vocational materials_(e.g., availabilitrd each have been provided to directly or refer . vocational and technical educators, and other will respond to your request Curriculum Coordination Centers materials agency instructional materials agenciesfor dissemi- you to an instructional' This project, funded by the U.S.Office of closerio you, Education,includes the identification and .nation. acquisition of curriculum.materialsin print , includeprogrammed form from the Coast Guard, AirForce, eoursematerials t?Lhl I E IS outlines,,instructor MCI RICULLIO COCA UJI NA I lOt Army, Mamie Corps and Navy. instruaion, curriculum guiders, student workbooks apd technical. EAST CENTRAL NOilTHWEST manuals; Access to military curriculummaterials is Rebecca S. Douglass William Daniels provided through a vJoint Memorandumof Director The 120 Courses represent thefollowing Director Understaiuling" between the U.S. Of fioof . Ouikiing 17 sixteen vocational subject areas: 100 North First Street Ethicatioq and the Department ,ofDefense. f Springfield, LI 62777 ,Airdustr ial Park Olympia, WA 98504 Food Service 217/782-0759 The acquued materials are teviewedby sta f f Agriculture 206/753.0819 Aviation Health and subject matter specialists, and courses Heating & Air deemed applicable to vocational andtech- Building & SO UTHEAST , Conditioning MIDWEST nical education are selected fordissemination. Construction James F. Shill, Ph.D. M'achine Shop . Robert Patton Trades Director Management & Director. The National Center for Research-in , CleriCal Mississippi StateUniveriSity Supervision 1515,Weit -Sixth Ave. Office of Occupations Drawer DX Vocatimial rdircation'is the U.S. Meteorology & Stillwater, OK 7410' 1 Education's' designated representative to Communications 40. Mississippi State, MS 39762 Navigation 405/317 2000 :icquire the materials and conduct theproject Drafting 6011325-2510 Electronics Photegraphy activities. Engine Mechanics Public Service NORTHEAST WESTERN awrence F . II. Zane, Ph.D. , Project Staff: subject areas Joseph F. Kelly, Ph.D. The number of courses and the Director Wesley E. f3udke, Ph D., Director represented will expand as additionalmate- Director 225 West State Sheet 1776 University Ave'. National Center Clearinghouse rials with ,application tovocational and Trenton, NJ, 08625 lionefulti, HI 062 technical t,41ucation are.identiliedand selected Shirley A. Chase, Ph.D.Ai- 609/292.6562 808/948.7834 Prtect Director for dissemination. lo4J14. SC PHARMACY SPECIALIST Table of Contents ,Course DescpTption. Page 1 'N.,. Course Chart Page 3 , .Plan of Instruction Page 5 Block I - Funaamentals of Pharmacy Lesson Plans ' Page 29 Worksheets and Handouts - Page, 34 ( Fundamentals_ of Pharmacy - Programmed Tekt Page 56 FAdamentals of Pharmacy - Workbook I-1 Page114 Pharmaceutical Calculations I - Study Guide Page178 and Workbook 44 Fundamentals of Pharmacy - Workbook 1-2 Page233 Prefixes, Rootsvand Suffixes of Medical Page294 Terminology - Programmed Text Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry - Workbook Page 345 Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry - Page 363 Handout 1-5 Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry - Page 370 Handout 1-13 ". Bl;4ck II - Pharmacology Lesson Plans Page' 378 Handouts'II - 3 through 7 Pagt0395 Pharmidology - Workbook Page 408 Pharmacology Anatomical Drawings)--,Handout Page 454 Anatomy'and Physiolo"gy - Programmed Text Page 477 ONO 8 PHARMACY SPECIALIST (Table of Contents cont'd) Block III - 'Pharmaceutical Prepartions and Manufacuture Lesson Plans Page 580 Handouts III -I through IV Page 591 PharmaceuticalPreparations I -Study Guide - Page 599 apd Workbook PharmaceuticalPreparations II -Study Guicie Page 650 and Workbook PharMaceuticalPreparatiolis III - Workbook Page 716 01 ( Classroom Course 10-8/ 'PHARMACY SPECIALIST D.O.T. No.: Developed by 074.181 United States Air Force Qccupational Ares: Devoopnient Health Dates Target Audiences: July 18, 1975 Grades 13-adult r Pnt Pages: 748 Cost: Military Curriculum Project, The Center tor Vocational Education, 1960 Kenny Rd., Columbus, OH 43210 2 .2 .; .1 o. 0 .2 0 31 C .1) .2 z.; t.) a T.7 7 x 2 0 Ce lp- <CC Contents. t- C77 No. of Paces 148 Block I
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