Page | 2 PRECOP-RF Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation from Corrupt Practices Technical Paper: Comparative analysis on preventing misuse of public authority in the corporate sector Prepared by Valts Kalnins, Mjriana Visentin and Vsevolod Sazonov, Council of Europe experts ECCU-PRECOP-TP-1/2014 Page | 3 The PRECOP RF is funded through the Partnership for Modernisation, a jointly launched initiative by the EU and Russian authorities. One of the priority areas of this initiative is the effective functioning of the judiciary and strengthening of the fight against corruption. For further information please contact: Disclaimer: This technical report has been commissioned Economic Crime & Cooperation Unit (ECCU) by the PRECOP RF project team and was Action against Crime Department prepared by a team of experts. The views Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of expressed herein are those of the experts and Law-DG I, Council of Europe can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union and/or of the Tel: +33-3-9021-4550 Council of Europe. Fax: +33-3-9021-5650 e-mail:
[email protected] Page | 4 Abbreviations AML/CFT Anti-Money Laundering/ Combating the Financing of Terrorism BGH The Federal Court of Justice (Germany) [Bundesgerichtshof] CCL Corporate Criminal Liability CE Corporate Entity CC Criminal Code (also the Competition Commission of the United Kingdom in Box 17) CCL Corporate Criminal Liability CCP Code of Criminal Procedure CEO