Near Las Flores Acres for Site of Malibu Beach Malibu Sent To
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Complete Local News All Malibu Coverage The Malibu Times Newspaper Vol. I—No. 21 MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, SEPTEMBER 20, 1946 Price 5c Back to School Petition Requesting Post Office in Malibu Sent to Postmaster General; More Than 350 Signatures Obtained Residents, Business People in Determined Attempt To Get Own Post Office; Fourth Try in 10 Years The names of more than 350 petitioners seeking es- tablishment of an independent post office in the Malibu together with letters from community leaders were dis- patched by air mail to the Postmaster General in Wash- ington, D. C. last Tuesday. This marks the fourth con- certed attempt in the past ten years on the part of resi- dents and business people in this community to obtain their own post office. Enthusiastic Approval Numerous petitions were circu- lated throughout the entire Mali- Fire Completely bu district from Topanga Canyon Destroys McCray to Decker Canyon. 'Gene Brod- rick, past commander of Malibu Legion Post No. 605, headed the Cabin Near Piuma committee in charge of distribu- E:0 : *=te Loss at $1600; ting the petitions. Had it been necessary, hundreds more would Ong'n of Fire Unknown have signed the petitions, Brod- Fire bf origin thought rick said, so interested were the unknown hay: the people in realizing success this to started sometime in -Photo bit Templeman night or early morning completely back to Malibu the big yellow bus at Las Flores time in establishing their own post Well, it's school again! school children board demolished a small cabin owned to For office. Canyon. Sheriff's Deputy R. L. McMackin stands by watch proceedings. the first week of by Mrs. Gordon McCray at the school, deputies from the Malibu office will be stationed at school crossings in the district to assist "There's no stopping them this junction of Las . Flores Canyon misun- Brodrick said. and educate the new pupils as to where they can be picked up, thereby avoiding confusion, time," "They want Read and Piuma Road Sunday, derstanding and of the a post office and they intend unnecessary crossing highway. to get to' records of the Las The according one. people will not be satis- Flores Forester and Fire Warden fied with half measures. Other station. Damage was estimated at Kerwin Acquitted Option to Purchase Two and Half postal a interests, recognizing lu- $1,600. cretive field in the Malibu, would Violating McCray, who lives Of the Acres for Site of Malibu Beach like to prevent the establishment Mrs. at 821 No. Los Angeles, of an independent post office here. J/2 Sweetzer, Offing, Says was not around at the time of the State Labor Code Theatre in Guttman The people simply will not be fire. The cabin was used for stor- Cafe Man Plans to File Progress Made in Preliminary Business Negotiations satisfied with a branch or rural station." ing lumber intended for construc- Counter Suit for Damages With Officers of Home Improvement Assn., Claim tion work on the mountain proper- Inspector Visits Malibu ty. (By HENRY GUTTMAN) Postal Inspector William F. Acquitted in Judge L. The un- John Over the weekend some progress was made in the Oaley of Beverly Hills conducted fire was not discovered Webster's Malibu justice court til it had all but burned itself realization of the Malibu Beach Theatre. Partial meetings a survey of the Malibu area last out. Wednesday afternoon of a charge Several hunters stopped at the Las took place in the different homes of officers of the Home week to learn first hand the needs of violating Section 222 of the Flores Forester Station and Improvement Association with the result that an option of the community. Daley talked report- Labor Code of California "With- ed the fire around 9:30 to purchase two and one-half acres will be granted, right to many residents and business Sunday holding of part of wages- as estab- peo- morning. When equipment at the old entrance to the Malibu Beach Colony where the ple in the Malibu and seemed im- arrived lished bv collective bargaining," at the location an area anticipated theater and the parking facilities will be built pressed by the peoples' determina- of 4 or 5 Frank Kerwin, owner of the Sea- acres had been burned over and Malibu Road in the near future. tion and unity of purpose. comber Cafe on near the cabin was in smoldering ruins. the Malibu today declared Contrary to the mistaken notion Pier, Same Location As Fire his intention filing counter anyone else, and from the creative of some residents that establish- '42 of a Fire Warden officials reported action for false arrest, naming the closing the much point of view, it is nearer to his ment of an independent office in that it only miracle that Culinary Workers' Local heart. In this direction we will this area would mean the loss of was a Union, prevented the No. 814 and its president, Robert have to look for the dynamo that rural delivery, Daley said that such fire from spreading into the thick growth of sumac C. Holwagner. will keep the wheels of this thea- would not be the case. Should an and brush and causing a repetition Kerwin was tre moving. We could also take office be set up rural represented by here, delivery (Continued on Page 12) Marcus C. Clarkj Los Angeles at- theatre project this literally because a modern would continue out of the Malibu torney. The union and its presi- revolving stage is being planned. office just as it does now out of (Continued from Page 10) Spare No Efforts the Pacific Palisades office, the Results of Annual of the associa- Once the blueprints of the thea- inspector said. tion who own tre are approved and the policy All of the 358 signatures were Membership Meet Hunter Arrested the land, and if Henry Guttman settled, and the financial problems obtained under a petition-heading you give an op- arranged, we will know what type requesting that a post office be At Trancas Told , want be (Continued on page 3) Near Las Flores tion to yourself, you to established in the Malibu to be than when dis- Elect Forestry more conscientious known as "Malibu, California." Officers; Adopt Station posing of same to outsiders. No Telephone Co. definite location was requested By-Laws, Outline Plans • Tells Judge He Was Told Problems to Overcome in the petition, it being recognized There other problems to that postal (By IViisun B. Heller) Ignore Posted Signs' are Answers Service authorities would deter- To overcome, before the actual con- mine the most convenient location The annual membership meeting of this theatre take for the of the Trancas Beach Association, Apprehended in the actual act struction can Extension Bid greatest number of people. but with the most held Sept. 1 at the home of War- of shooting at a deer on Las Flores place, coopera- Appended Letters George den Woolard, 30800 Broad Beach Canyon Road within 100 yards tive spirit of Mr. Barrett Legion Resolution Brings In a letter appended to the peti- Road, resulted as follows: of the Las Flores Forester and and the Marblehead Corporation, Promise of 2 Pay Stations tions from the Malibu Beach Fire Warden Department and who arc willing to waive their Home Owners Association, a re- By-Laws, drawn up by the exclusive rights for any business within sight of a" "No Shooting" In answer to a resolution adopt- quest was made that the post of- Board of Directors, were adopt- .sign, Elmo Smith Evans, 38. venture on the Marblehead land, ed by Malibu Post No. 605 of the fice be named "Malibu Beach Post ed. it seems that the last obstacle can Office." M<3M studio _ laborer, pleaded American Legion and printed in Enforcement of deed restrictions is anticipated guilty to a charge of discharging be It this newspaper two weeks ago, The text of the letter is as fol- by the Board and the Association both George Barrett the a gun in a closed area and w>is that and asking the Associated Telephone lows: Attorney was authorized. Marblehead Corporation will give The Postmaster given one week to pay a fine of Company to establish emergency General Four of the 5 Directors were waiver, which will be Washington, D. C. $lOO or serve a -50-day "jail sen- telephone stations at convenient lo- re-elected as follows: Merle ded with Dear Sir: Oberr tence. together the option cations in West Malibu, the fol- Young, War- In connection with the attach- on Ballard, Robert • This, ever uy the land, after which a lowing letter was received this was the largest fine ed petition from j den Woolard and Wilson B. Hel- meeting of the parties direct- (). residents in the imposed for violation of the no week by K. Sherman, com- Malibu ler. Richard Polimer would Kritten area please construe this | not ly interested in financing the shooting ordinance; by Malibu's mander of the Malibu Legion as a formal request by the Mali- stand for election. Welton T. theatre venture will take place. : fighting jurist. The fine could Post bu Beach Home Owners Associa- Beckett, LA. architect, was elect- The work will be so divided that a have been heavier, Judge Webster Malibu Post 605 tion, non-profit corporation, ed in his place. the burden will not fall on said, had there been any evidence any American Legion representing all of the people liv- At Board individual. This will Department ing a meeting held later, that Evans actually killed a deer. one give the of California in the Malibu Beach Colony, Dear for Warden Woolard was elected Told To ranee of Quicker and better Commander Sherman: a Fourth Class Post Office, Ignore Signs to be When asked why he deliberately This will acknowledge receipt located at any convenient chairman, replacing Wilson Hel- of the resolution passed by your place in the Malibu district; said prom- he most enthusiastic support- resigned.