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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

1-9-1947 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1947). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2358.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,chnol of �l "nlveroltlJournafllao:." T.I!:N RULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, JAN 2, 1947 \ °G A. BAL1{WARDLOOK I I MORE THAN The True Memorial TEN YEARS AGO. HALF CENTURY IS AN UNWRI'lTEN BUT BLO­ From Bulloch Times, Jan. 7, 1937 SERVICE Annual observance of day BULLOCH college rr STOaY OF ALL TIlAT QUENT WIll be held at the MethodIst church IMEsTREN& WHERE NEEDED church (STATESBORO IS BEST IN Ln'B. next Sunday at 11 30 o'ciock NEWS-STATaBORO The EAGLE) college choir WIll render music • under direction of Mrs Z S Hen BoJlOab Tim... E.tablUlhod 1892 ! 0Ul' work helps to :reflect the dcrson StaMllboro Newa, E.tabllebed 1901 ! CouaoUdated JUIUlrJ 17, 1117 IV C Brantley spent the holidays JACKSON-SMITH which eplnt prompta ),OU to end SOCIal events Mrs JImmIe Olhff Stateaboro Eacle, Eatabhebed 1917-Conaoildated D_ber II, 1910 BTATESBOIlO, GA., THURSDAY, JAN 9, 1947 VOL 54-NO 44 with I elatives In Dublin The home of Mr and MIs Carl the stone a8 an act of re._ and MISS Menzo Cumming were joInt Personal with Purely Troy Jones spent the hnlldays I Ear l Jackson, of Dublin formed the and devotion Our hostesses at an 'open house" Christ � his at their home in Valdosta for the of ehelr mas afternoon from 5 till 7, when I Rural farnily setting marrrage Ie at your servlee. Electricity refreshments 10 and red eNOl'S WOMEN AND WINE Notifies Constituents MIss Gwen Dekle, of Atlanta, nnd MI and MIS Ph'ilip Sutler, "r daughter MIss Jacqueline Eleanor green COUNTY IN were served -The T E T 's enbertain­ In BUREAU STORY OF FIcnON lilt s Eula of Claxton, w re Columbia S C were visitors her e Jackson to Hubert Smith at Popular Demand Debouch, RII"y ed WIth an Is To Serve Brannen - all mght party Thursday Eager here the week a Thayer Monument Co. Bullooh VISitors Friday during lovely candlelight ceremony taking night, beginning WIth a banquet at RANK NEAR county farmel'Jl paid, A Local EQUAL ANNUAL MEETING Metter, Ga, Jan 7th 1947 Mr 0 B to Since 1922 'BIter was a a HAS and IIIrs MIss Madge Cobb has returned place Chrtstmns eve 10 the presence Induetry Cecil's which dance through local collecting agency, $86, To The Cltlzens of COUNTERPART "Love of Takes the 49th Dlstrtct week end of Mr after her moth JOHN M THA.YER theater and 0 seeond dance a Money" 37565 for For guests Washington viaiting of the Immediate families TIW! Rev Proprietor party current u..ed III 1946, a Second Term Followmg [ WIll be nt the PIedmont Hotel III Enoch Arden the Woman's Club room which lasted Came Home I, Bland at er Mrs T J and Mr and Mrs A J double Subordmate Posltlons m chec� on Atlanta durtng the session of Augusta Cobb, Bruyere performed the 41i West MaiD Street PHONE 489 0.. the Excelaior Electric Mem Mikell Elected President ccnung )\fler Absence To Btateaboro, till daylight, -A number of delight the stnte Long MISS of Wulh. Cobb of whita Court legistuture, and WIll be glad Mary Hogan, ling deremony Baskets ful ties were the Mayor's Monday bership Corporattons deposits showed A pat grven during Most Successful Tenure t heur from the citizens of t�" 49th Discover Many Changes VISIted the holidnys Mr and MI s Nuth Holleman and 0 during gladoh completed the arch formed by week m honor of Mrs Ralph Howard, Durtng 1945 these same USIll'S Senatoral Dlatrtct Whoever It was that said some R (Bulloch, ,ElVRns Some of who and Mrs Beaver Hal net and spant candelabra who before her recent marriage was REA 128 P MIkell was renamed presi you read the.e Un.. Roy daughters, Lucy holding hghted tapers TRIPLE-S CLUB PARTY and lilts Braswell entertained WIth puid $29 21 for sen'I.". and Oandlei counties) on any matter MISS SImmons 'thing- obout "the love of money" be lines wtll recall that Mrs J W of Orlando, Fla Dubhn WIth frtends und a mass of lIIary -An enjoyable from dent of the III which be there Is- fre­ Shaw, flanked by southern A dehghtful holiday party among a small bridge and dessert party. this orgnniautlon, or $7,2473S Bulloch County Fal m Bu they may mterested If occasion was tHe dinner mg a t the bottom of the evils of hIS and blrthday [ can be of, service to citi quently spoken of 1\ lIetltlous lS viaitmg' IIIrs Leon Donaldson and relatives smilax which formed the the young set was the progl'eSSlve For scores IIIrs McDou­ less than 10 1946 reau any any penon­ Improvised ••• • high Walter for Mrs B I It at the annual of that gwen Sunday evemng day-was Solomon I-was talking meeting zen of this dlatrict as s of dinner and theater On New won towels and Fred T Lanier please fee� free to age known Enoch Arden 1>11 and MI Roy Beaver IIIr and IIIrs Lonnie Waters, alta, White and Chrtstmas Mr and Mrs Jack Harvllle an party gald Smce there WOI e few If any more Maybe 'holly Swinson at the horne of her daughter about a rent u which cult on Year's Eve The wera served A diff ei from that winch organisation convened Satur me [wIll be to have I Dublin was nounce the group received handkerchiefs box of glad not all of you ealiae that he was MISS Trnbue Daley of North Tonawanda, N Y spent sev berries were used elsewhere for dec birth of 0 daughter, Jackie Mrs J A Crawford -A lovely hoh customers on the REA hnes In 1946 cocktails at the home of Ann Rem 111 s the benafit of your views on matters Jet at the marshmallows as floatmg prize Wrs annOUnCe TWENTY YEARS AGO whIch the had to deal-and secretary, respectively only WIfe, beHev­ nen, Charles Simms, Sue Simmons mel, MI and Mrs Frank Wilhams, mllyOI MI und Mrs VOl non nail and chll �II and Mrs B V Colhns be t man L FATAL CAR mg hIm to be 11s MIller Mrs E N Brown n few days IS a of the Chff and 1111 S to Sutherlm College Washmgton, ber 10 E 0 OfflC18t IIIr Shaw enumerated the of spent He graduate RegIster Bradley Judge Holland two wIves In the home were unneces added) "we must have an organtoa- value young man from the Portal dlstrtct, turned to Bulloch and dIed at hi. honor of Mrs Jack B Blann.n for W H Blttch New MI s W V HIli and famIly of week m Atlanta and weI. Unlvel sEve Mr o C -MIsses and M11e the Farm Bureau In dUllng the School and attended the mg Doroth} Lucy Ious of tton to wrIte holdIng tho prIce "as He new home near Brooklat HIgh MISS Bellllce at the sartly Jea the fact that theIr suf�clently strong who only sltghtly IIlJured Bess medy Blown, Brannen Martha Donaldson and J08le t "Blooklet, Enll Bonnett of Savannah home Mrs \ He lcccived hiS diS fann of tobacco where It .s It was accompnmed by Slty of Georgi husbands, who had program tbat WIll maIntaIn today was carrted IIrst to the ho.plta! and Lonnie Waters, who taught school home of Mrs Loy Blown on ParrIsh Helen Mathews left Monday ta re operate taXIS, :nnd Bllhe Snllth of Statesboro wero Hunlllton HamIlton who sel v the Fann Bureau that started the and Buddy m Decembe. 1945 after around women pnce. at a level that WIll to the ta the for further m -Statesboro like charge stteat ChrIstmas decOl attOns ami sume thelf studIes at Shorter 001 been rid mg wIth gIve later county jail IIOmethlng forty­ gusets of MI and Mrs Cannon Don have letUl ned to Rochell'C afte. I few 10 the All' - for tob•..,o and the II1g fOUl years Army lege, Rome -[n observance .f Mr the was agam prodllcer 11. fair profit abo.. the l!cI.t support program III the condition of the two years ago-and I. ",called by lights cast l\ oft glow ove! the home pomt developed developmentB 31dson Chllstmas day days VISIt hel e FOices Manta' Mri R. M Monts Fam Bureau that has kept tt "f Home of tho.e who were In claseea Mrs Robert Zettelowel received the blrthClay, "wine IS 11. mo�ker strong drmk 18 at p�iluctlon" IIljllred penon. 1111 and MI s Wllikel HIli lind John Mrs W P PIckett of AS SEEN IN "ntertailled with a a,,_oUN to M� He 1ft MI und Followmg t)le receptton the couple laYeb- ... and T Iralll wbleh will come to lUI feet, accordmg Sha�In Mr "as rual)ed to the hOB­ under hlm-move4 to a p<'lnt guests nt tHe door and IIltroduced • .....u..: .,.., .",oever III.. deCIIIYf.d rarrl.� ()Iltlf GtoovC! spent a few days at MI and M.s J W Powell In dlJIIIR .sr.__ '" thlI .... \0 Vldalta loft on r� weddlllg trip to pomts , .....r. IJ- �•• TIle IlltIer 111 ....;._, � � l..t_,tobaqjlo � pltal, diad short� af� arm.1 �h.PII It Wall '1'uIu). them to th'8 recelvlIlg hne IiIIIf Qklalulp., "then home hOI e thiS "oek ufter Ituv lVhs BIU composed the for of Newnan and MI nnd Plollda the brtd. travehng III u hand of this was to ant... that ptiee of speelfted l'Ilrm �eudy "p'lilll,atIOll protrt'am there, Mr. Parrl'h Wall rendered un After a yenr theN he changed hi. of MIS -Loy Brown MISS Btown Mrs 'l'IIIRTY YEARS AGO. episode "permftted" ))lg spent Chllstmas With EdwlI1 Pickett of Cl"nwfOi dville who wetC WIth black prior to marketIng sea and for a while _. sante blue \\001 gabardlll'e IVOGUE pay a substanttal ellSh dIVIdend p'toduets WIll not be permttred 60 t;obpcco th,e canoeIOU. WIth badly bruleed head oceupatll,n, and 10l)g W A Blown and MI s J B BI annen From Bulloch Times. Jan. 11, 1917 ClooV'al III Richmond Vn rhm fOI the fune! al of SOn here and be to take full 11\ Guyton sday nCCeSSQlleS and shoulder corsage A whIte dellled he was drunk, fall below 98 per cent of the panty t-..ady At the ho.pltal she remamed connected IWlth the management of Sr MTS Hubert Lee dIrected the The follOWIng arc top prl�es for bOy body MI S nnd SO'l ence of It and 1\11 Jarncs Bland of then blothoer III Clul I -925 cent the case of adwlIltage for hOlll'S a bureau the", Then he wa. law, pink ase buds On the Sea but the declared that they per Iii unconSCIOUS twenty-four lyceum to the room where Mts cotton local,market today poltcemen ... and Donaldson have of MI guests gIft c?tton H L state lllnmy, Bobby Guyton "ere dlllnel guests �It SmIth and hIS bride WIll Ie Island 41 cents, upland, 17 cents, ca,rled hIm bodIlY from a house some cases the gowrnment buys Wmgate preSIdent Mr Dougherty waa Ie•• seriously lit in Detroit, and moved here and there, A \V Jones was In chal go MISS In returned flam a VISIt WIth Mr and Deal cotton ... trodueed Mr Shaw, and m hIS un. nnd MIS Stoth"ld SIde III Statesboro ed, $54 WIthout awakenIng hIm (If h. was surpluse. to keep the pnce from fall jured, thouCh he, toa, remamed changmg oc.upatlons and remalnlnl Balbma Jean Blown kept the brtde s III caUed to vote on :111 rs 0 0 Keown III EUStIS, Fin CIty electIon In eaaes dre.. warned local farmers that for too to back to the ho_ asleep, how was he to know that he mg other It offers loans to CO BCIOUS at the ho.pltal .evetal busy com� book Mls& JackIe Zetterowet and $60,000 bond ISsue fol' enlargement "They also ISlt"d SIlver Sptmgs en HOLIDAYS AT HOME W.S C.S. TO MEET Two had Itke for the same proclam,allon endIng th" war gave hours of hili youtb. of electrtc Itght and water systems was drunk') brothers farme� purp,ose route home Powell of Duke Unt­ Th" Woman's of Chrtsttun them two now to Wrtte a ..,me over Woodrow SocIety and street wIse celeb""ted the hohdays ThIS lecf�jatlOn was pa.sell In 1941, only y�ars {ntennent ...a� 1ft East SIde Last Friday evonlng he stood ad and saltmes With s\\r�et crackers addItIOnal pavmg durtng MISS Bllhe Jean Parket of Atlnn vel Durham N the ServIce WIll meet at the MethodIst prtce sup program that would t 2 30 desk at which tIt...e Imes are b.... slty C, sp"nt Begmnmg the first of the year tFte One was and heard the cash Mr WIngate .ald, and was for the _port tery TUellday afternoon the and hot clv.>colate MISS lIIyra Jo ttl th" holidays WIth her pllr It the bome of hIS mother, chul ch Monday aft"rnoon at three wholesale grocery firm of W H Goff, to work He expressed the beltef that WIth Barnes Funeral Home and 'Do r.... spent holtdays verdIct tpreionthe other had escaped by purpose of enoouraClll&, farmers o'''lock Ing written, asked, you A Zetterower fUl"rushed the musIC whIch has been In eXlsten... for sev would work ents, MI and MI s Roy Parker IIIlss Mrs John Powell He was accompa o'clock Rev Chas Jackson to meet wa" n""ds the NatIOnal Congress services at the member me?" How could One re· thIrty • • • • forfeIture of hIS bond expand prod'lctlon dlrectmg followmg eral years, IS succeeded by Goff John- "Parker the week end WIth rei M.s B R SmIth and who WIll conduct the mstallatlOn WIth th.. Farm Bureau ta th,s end, were can member a man who been spent med home by Jr, Two or three hkeWlse were ..nd to a degree of prIce FIrst church whIch had cone BROWN-BRANNEN son Co, the new member negroes Baptist mes Grocery glve.)them was atives m BeaufoIt S C, before ra Catherme of Chapel HIli, service, Will also bring a timely and mcome the If the membershIp strong enough the Rev T E Ser forty had turned gray daughter, Mt and M.s W A Brown an bClng W W Johnson, formerly Wlth aUeged to have been out of lme, and protectIon durIng ducted by pastor, years-and tUt to Atlanta on ta answer for most of the farmers of T mng N C sage stewardship the MIllen Grocery Cr was to �very post war p bers 1947 100000 (.01 td announcement by the clay plans lb. women dlllg W M U MEETING Adams and MIS E V Groover of s most one BOARD GeorgIa deltghtlul WIth thIS total the GFBF ex'Ccutlve Cent,al of Geolgla Rodload and A Jr two months • • * * tor, Rev Chas Juck"On spend White McLemore of a and Bacon Mrs L as 0 as well chIld pal 25c preSIdent speakers saId It WIll be for local spenker mude short pl"asant WIll be Thank Boiling FORTY YEARS AGO. pOSSIble GeorgIa sermon subject the Woman s Unton of excellence and DEER MISSIOnary ent psychologIst pal to In a talks at a luncheon for the honor KILLS TWO MORE From Bulloch 'lImes Jon 7, 1987 co operate Wrttlng program For Good Scho I Teachers the FIrst church IS a commIttee IS BaptIst call1llg the PTA program of whIch was served at the Nor , Hal SI nnd Wators and Gene school that WIll contrtbute to the welfare guests Our teachers are one of the great Loy of the executive Drooklet opened Monday to all Large speCial meetmg mdeed to ptesent he. flS deer hunt grateful Hotel are went on onothel under management of J E Herndon every segment of the state S economy est assets of ou� community and L Hodges board at 3 a ciock Monday afternoon, of Statesboro s mothers of chIldren ,------dur­ TOIllatoes can 17c aSSIsted by IIIlsses Zulteme Lane and we can J01l1 With other states and the least often ot theIr club In South Carohna No.2 th� poorest poul, fo. 1m avaIl them January 6th at the church and Bertha Blasmgame assIstants It IS hoped that many WIll the week Hal kIlled two more 111 wriJ:lng � national farm progralJl Hereford Breeders thanked We shall try tn do them Ing buslIless Each member IS 110 were enrolled the first of her I portant pupIls selves of th" priVIlege hea",ng cItIzen of the us WIth Gene that WIll benefit every and talk to the reat of deer one shot another boy day � honor UI ged to be present speak ' To Sell Here L shot on. deer and W W WII natIOn Again about what makes a school We Brand new! ••• • J A McDougald good I last week from B the teachers of State8 Lard DESSERT PARTY IIams purchased -The GeorgIa Heteford ASSOCIatIOn are mVltmg all the home whICh h" oc PTA LOCAL METHODISTS TO E Turner WAS THIS YOU? COUNTY COUNCIL ItS and the communi Monday evening MISS _Barbara has agam selected Statesboro for boro neighboring Cans 33c on South street th" Each MaIn cuples In theu ENTERTAIN VISITORS Frankltn was hostess at a deltghtful wore a rust MEETING AT NEVILS show and sale ac ties who do not have selVlces $7,000 Monday mornlllg you annual sp"rang at her home all Savan prtce bemg o.t our dessert pal ty shoes to W of own churches to be p[e8�nt The Statesboro lIIethodlst church J G Bhteh Company IDcreasea Its colored coat, brown hat and Th� regula. meetmg of the Bul cordmg S RIce manager nah avenue AmbrOSia cake nuts ----=--- m IS that night The hOUI'S WIll be host to several hundred repre­ personnel by takmg as members and green scarf Your haH gray loch CounCIl of Parent­ the associatIOn servICes On and hot chocolate wele served County s the firm 111 L and H S over station sentatIves of the Woman SOCIety THE TOREADOR SUIT, of Tmley three sons and a daugh ASSOCIatIOn Will be held In The 1947 sale WIll be held at the servIce WIll be broadcast Guests Included Agnes Bhtch Bdly You have Teachers an and mlmster. and the name was of Ohrtst ServIce int Pari Ish finn we trust thut a OYSTERS on but lMge 59c Kennedy Jan.. Hodges EddIe Rush marrted Two of your sons the Nevils School Saturday Bulloch Siock Yalrds February WWNS flam the Dublin und Savannah dIS­ to Bhtch Parrish ter, all HIgh BY ETTA GAYNES changed Company WIll I", Illg Mary Janet Agan Bobby- SmIth, huslnessmen 0 clock Th" M.r RIce stated The offietals of of teachers present trICts next Wedn.. Jan 15 Tour­ For disturbing thvlOe worship an are Statesboro young January �1 at 11 00 27, group sday, S,.. Nen SmIth Johnny Brannen IS the second of a selles of South MethodIst dlstrtct. fA SUIt as dIstInCtive as lOtrud., was slam m the FIrst WIll call at NeVils Parent Teachers ASSOCIation the are selectmg fifteen ThIS mg GeorgIa Ken castanets:_ as Bap If the lady descrIbed organizatIOn LIla Brady Walhs Cobb EmIly 111 whICh the week four work­ STEAKS, T-Bone, Round, lb. 55e CHUCK ROAST lb. 45e ttst church last officlOls the TImes offIce she WIll be gIven and males and females for the Gesture' servlccs, during holding I as Sunday by WIll hove of the program thIrty Friendly irVin Brannen Betty Rowse exciting the host of OCCaslOOS 11 charge on alcohol the VISIt­ nedy you of the church-W G Rames Home� two tIckets to the Hodlday to whom shops problems, Helen Johnson I pIcture Will serve dlllner after the busllless Statesboro sale Col Tom McCord, we 1 ccogntze 811eclOl groups John Groover, Bobby (dISCover to wear It The W and Frl mg group WIll brIng to Statesboro braId bound C Pa�k"r and B Martm The In Moexlco shOWing today IS saId the ROAST lb. Joe Anderson Pete Royal of th� Each local pres Alabama WIll be the the commulllty mdebted,' ties of th" First PORK 43e PORK STEW· lb. 29c Rev 111 H his at the Theater She part meetmg lIIontgomoery, Dr Cha Forester, - Massey gave • •• * bolero, the sklft so pastol dllY GeorgIa Mrs. hIgh rtdmg to a of auctIOneer MethodIst church of LaGrange very o!'Ianctloll With 'Thank God for a can t afford to mISS the pIcture Ident IS urged send delegatIOn HERE FOR FUNERAL ETIA GAYNES' In Amencan M E un offIcer of the JurtS­ , Woolen who can shoot m t her tickets tf the at to thIS meet The entTles In the sale WIll be from TIlley � mem!:,., (The After ecelvlng least eIght members Among those from out 01. town who DEER HUNT ,hctlOnal staff of the W S C S, Mr•• twdl trudel wa a woodpecker lady WIll call at the Statesboro ThIS wtll be a the Hereford herds m Georgm SUCCESSFUL were here of last WE&la of unde, such retumed too lote to make use of the add by Quality find a veld ct acqUIttal IIIrs Delmas PreSIdent Local ltvestock men wanted hud an hunt on Sat­ �[ncon' Rev and MIS J R Bo"en Rushmg nah enjoyable semmar throughou I conceive how the ttckets offered her She IS a con Ing 'Ind groups Bowen MlsQ H. Minkollitz & Sons evulence, cannRt Maude cattle last that Janua at GreeD'S Pasture 248 Free and Austeen Baxlej; and ineod of the IIIlss WhIte, Secretary, polled year 4, the Luncheon wil be 8en'ed by Phone De'illery Phone 248 stnte can ever hope to secure cOnvlC stant reader pa 'lrday, iday LottIe Gay Atlanta MISS Marton Statesboro's Largest Store ' CounCIl PTA here deer "ell9 killed Statesboro women Department tlon fOl such an offt nse per and never oveclooks a lme In It Bulloch County brought E'ghteen th� " H Izelhurst MISS Ruth 'Or , I .l"'4 Penlllngton •• " \ '.... Dowhltjton Hoboken :l'W\) BULWCH TIMES AND S'fA1'};SBOKO NEWS THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1947 .1 • ".rn:URSDAY, JAN. 9: 1947 BULLOCH TIMES AND I CHRISTIAN WOMEN TO BUSINESS HOUSES RESUME �:rATESBORO .NEW� LEEFIELD NEWS NEVILS MEET NEXT TUESDAY THEIR CLOSING PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF BANltING, STATE OF GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF The Christian Notice is that, beginning BANKING, STATE OF GEORGIA 1>hs ..J. H. and Miss Erma Miss Sarah Davis visited her sis- regular quarterly requested Beasley Statement of Condition of PORTAL of Sn- Women's Union meeting will be held with Wednesday of the present week, ESLANEWS Statement of Denn Beasley spent u few duyt:l last tel', Mrs. William A. Rutland, I TIRES! Condition of the business houses of Statesboro NEW �r.'. at week in Savannah visiting rclntives. vunuab, during the holidays. Tuesday, January 14th, 3:30 p, m., SEA and M,·s. W. W. Woods visited M,\ and Mrs. Chris Mu.l'phy, of of Co- at the Methodist church. An inter­ will resume their regular summer ISLAND BANK' in Savannah Sunday. School open d for the spring term Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Givens, l'eln�ives Hugun, visi�od 11'11-. and Mrs. Delbert BULLOCH COU'NTY hours which have been in ef­ MISS Elln Saunders is BANK S. were week-end esting program has .been arranged closing STATESBORO,GEORGIA spending Wilkos. with nn excellent enrollment. lumbin, C., gueata weeks with , M!jMlday for sevCJ'ul relatives in Au­ M,'. and Mrs. W. H. Davis. by the program committee of which Iect the past several years. This At STATESBORO, GEORGIA SiKeen new pupils were added the of S_zes ,_ \\ Close of Business Dec. 31, 1946 gusta. M,'. and Mrs. Willie Ennis visited Miss Sadie Maude Moore Is chair- program includes the Wednesday Assort�d At of Miss Rose Close of Dec. 1946 opening duy, Miss Frances DaVIS, Savannah, As Called for by the Superintendent of Banks. Davis, of Atlanta visit­ Mr. and Ml'S, Bill Duvls in Suvunnnh Business, ill, man, Mrs. Herbert aitel'nron of all businesses. ed Mr. D. hus returned was the week-end guest of her par- Weaver, who was closing and Mrs. Rex dur­ Clnrence Beasley in C. P. President TrapneiJ Saturday. As Called for the oJ denn , -tbe best trade OLLIFF, KERMIT R, CARR, Cashier the by Superintendent BlinD. after the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis. formerly of women at Vander­ gille ing holidays. to Minmi, Fin., spending ents, Date of 1901 Robert Lanier bilt NO TRESIIASSING Charter, Date Began Businesa, 1901 Misses Gene, Elenncr and Kath­ left Sunday to enter R J. KENNEDY with his Mr. and Mr. und Mrs. Sikes and son, University, will speak on the SR., Proaident holidays parents, Layton erine a W.D.ANDERSON.� Notice is that the Gard, of Tallahussee, Fla., are hospital in Atlantn. He has been Date of Jan. 1934 were timely subject, "Opportunities in the hereby given Bulloch Charter, 19, Date Busln.. Mrs. I. H. Bea ley. Wendell, of Statesboro, guests I visiting friends here. Began l, Apr. It. ua. Ct;J�ntr ill for fifteen weeks . New Year." place known as the Dan McElveen RESOURCES L[AB[LITIES The Leefield Parent-Teachers Asso­ of M�. and Mrs. Sikes Sunday. Mrs. Roger Holland Mrs. John of Jackson­ Coy Loans and discounts .... . Shearouse, in. the Brooklet district is $1,045,108.01 Capital stock ... " •.... $ 50,000.00 Thelmu will have of the music. All place post­ . Flu" .Miss Mitchell, of RESOURCES its Mr'8. Therrell Turner and charge State Ville, is her mother' Snvannah, LIABILI'l'IES ciation will hold January meeting of and Mu- S I f d ...... visiting daugh- Georgia .un 50,000.00 visited are ed to law, and Mrs. Edna Brannen. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loans nnd.discounts .... women according ..•.. "" were Christian invited to at­ trespassers bcndsowned .. $ 464,978.38 stock Wednesday night, Jan, 16, at 7:30 tcr, Myra, of Savannah, guests nieipal , 4;000:00 uu�y �d it 16,000.00 Capllal .• 50,000.00 Mrs. Jaek Suddath and Council U. S. Government secur- tend. will be for failure to n, Government little son, Mitchell, the Surplus fund . o'clock. All arc cordially in­ of Mr. and Mrs. R. Buie Nesmith procesuted S. securi- Rfse;:':ee�u��� �.:::::: 18,854.41 during holidays. 5b,ooo.OO patrons ties owned . of the . Jack, with . ties owned .. , Uvalda, spent week 1,989,620.00 Undivided . . serve the law. Nath 1,321,570.00' Due .to bunks . 21,220.47 Mr. and pr08ts 36,381.11 ���"""�"""",,,,��====� Holleman Mrs. Edwin Yited to be Futch and • present. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul house and lot. .. Suddath. Banking Res_ funds, ...... •.• FOR SALE-Slab wood; haul it your- Banking houss and lot .• 10,000.00 Dividends . 1,170.00 • 10,000.00 23,OOO.QO of Sa- T. A. HODGES. unpaid daughter, of S. visited Furniture and Mr. and Mrs. Eulie and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nesmith, , Emory 0.[ visit­ Charleston, C., fixtures.. Due to Byrd Furniture , Watkins, Atlanta, 6,634.12 banks •.....•... self. CLAUDE HOWARD CO. and fixtures.. 3,372.30 Cashi..r's checks . 7,077.90 26,786.14 ltp (2jan2tp) ed hIS aunt, Mrs. J. E. and Mr. and M.,·S. Jim Futch the Cnsh in vault and amount Jerry, of Brunswick, wen) week-end vannah, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ob-I Cash in vault and amount Demand deposits 3,948,938.61 Parrish, during Divillends unpaip . 1,480.00 Mr. Parrish the week. due from approved re- BUests of M,'. and Mrs. I. H. Beasley. Grady Futch and Mrs. Jim Futch due from approved re- Tim. certificates of de- during holidays. CMllier's checks ..•.... 17,370.80 and Mrs. Inman serve agent. . and 707,319.28 Certified . . . serve . -Hulsey chcelrs was agents 1,898,703.57 posit.. 134,830.83 !'fl'. l\ '"I 50.00 J. H. Bradley caned to At­ Sunday. of M d Mrs, J'im S·mith havo re- Checks 'for and children, Columbus, are clearing Demand . . . visiting Ohecks for ,clearing and . 83,478.41 dello.its 2,814,208.85 lanta last week on account of the ill­ Mrs. W. S. Nesmith has returned Savings deposits their turned to Ft. niter due from mother, Mrs. Lillie Finch. Lauderdale, Fla., other banks . 12,689.26 Time certificates of de- due from.other banks. 1Jj,910.12. Other liabilities . 1,690.00 . and death of a with Mr. and Mrs. . . . ness his Mr'... few Vernon McKee and Mr. and Mrs. O. B. White .53 : ... " ...... sister, d�ys ...• •. visiting home,aCter visIting Overdruft... ',' 696.53 pqi!lt 49,262.88 ", little son, Advance on cotton and 10vel'drafts . .. Nora Reid. Nesmith near Gary, spent Christmas holi- and Mr. and Mrs. •.• : M,·. and Mrs. Bryant .. - Emory Strickland, Savings deposit. llG,55t78 . other . . • •• days Mr. and Mrs. commodities. • 43926'99 ,* . witl) parents, Total ...... • Total .433226063, her Cla"xton. �4,332,260.53 ...... • , Mr. and Mrs. Basemore and Othel' resources .... '. J. N. HOWARD G'a'orge Turner. Dewey . and . .'520:00 M,'. and M,·s. H. W. Nesmith - DII. Leila Denmark, of Horuce -Bazemorc, of Richmond Hill, ----- Johnnie died GEORq[A:_Bulloch County. ,Atlanta' Howard, 33, Saturday were of Mrs. .. Mrs. S. Nesmith Mallie .. J. guests the an ad· Denmark 'und Mrs. visited Mr: Mrs. L. . Personally appeared· before undersigned, officer anthorized to Reme; and B.• Bunkley' In tho Bulloch after ="='='='= County Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Jim in Savan­ DllDi8ter oaths In said C. B. McAllister who on that he a Clark, of Savnnnah, were of =."'.=.;$3;;,==18;;5;;"O;,;8;,;8�.5;,;6�...;;T,;;{\tn;;;,I...;,."';''';';'';''';'';.;�.;,.,;,. Taggart county, oath, .ay.' guests during the holidays. ,,:,:T:::(\:::t:,a=:1_ :='='=:'=' ;"";';'J';;;3,�1;;;85�,O:;8�8:;;.5�6 .. friends an illness of five years. He is sur­ nah the vice-president of the Sea Island Bank, and that the abo e and forego­ here Sunday. GEORGlA·-Bulloeb Coont7. Wednesday. Mrs. E. W. and vived his of the condition of said bank is true and correct. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Reddick and Purvis daughter appeared before tbe officer wife, his mother, Mrs. ing report . underslwned, an' aothorlHd tiel ad­ by Mrs. T. Mrs. H. J. An­ . �enonally J. Martin, r • ':. Rev. and Ml'S. J. 'El. and- MI'. and Mrs. James and mtnister oath In ....:, •..••• C. B. MCALLISTER Vice_President. C. Tillman have- Mitchell .• said W. G. Cobb, who, on oatl\ aay. that b. Ia Daisy Oglesby Howard, of Suvunnah; derson and Donna, and Con­ !'Ounty, daughter, , Sworn to and before this 7th of 1947. we-ak's stay sons, of visited Mr, und the oC the Bulloch Cou Bank and that tile six small children and two .ubscrlbtil day Janu�ry, retu�ned ,from, H. with, Savunnoh, viee-preaidant nty above aacI sisters, were of : In . way Baldwin gueats Monday ELIZABETH R.. Bulloch Ga. relatives Mtnmi Fin foregomg report of the condition of • aid bank truo ::;":-<' Notnry Public, County, Mrs. S . W . S· the holi- Is and correct. Mrs. Eunez and Mrs. B. I{_�Q.ERY, Mrs. Vernon tarhng during Kennedy Mr. Mrs. Jim Beasley. the dlrectora do tha� we care­ �fcKe� entertained W. G. and !'nc!ersigned �, certify have days. . COBB, Vlce-Pre.ldent. both of one bro­ LWe, the Sworn to and Bub8erlbad bofore me thi. 7th dav Nesmith, Savllnnah; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Nesmith and ·fullT,. read saId report anil·�' the same IS true and correct according to the Aldepnan-Fenster wedding I"rty of Januury 1947• at the homO'J of her Ml... G. We welcomo the new LOUIDA ther, Howurd, 'BI·ooklet; one Wil­ bat of our Information, knowledge and belief, and that the above signature mother, families that HENDRIX, Notary Public, iloU,�h 0.. Grady son, W. L., Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Comtti. of the of said bunk is t he true and "f that Turner: Fl'iday night. have moved into (lUI' Mr. nunt, Mrs. vice-president genuine signatUl"\o community, We, the directors of laid do .... Floyd Fordhum, Register. son nnd Burrill Martin were Miss !,nderslgned bank, certify that have._ guests '. Kllte Suddath left otficer. Dorothy Mr!#! read saId and that the lame Funeral services were held at Cor­ fuliu. Boyett, Mr. and Mrs. fully report I. true and correct BecordlDs to tbe of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Nesmith Sun­ This of 1947. HINTON F"iday fOr Atluntu. she .joined aryl best of 7tl\ day JanU!lry, BOOTH, Joll1l MI', and belief, and that the above Inth church at 2 o'clock aft­ friends to New Scott, and Mrs. Lucius �ur Info�matlon. k�owledg. alpature Sunday R. J. BROWN, motoring Orloans to o,f saId Is the day. Mr. vlce-pre",dent bank true and genuine signature of that ernoon. Bnrnoes Funcrul Home was in attend the Bowl New Kendriok, and M,·s. Charlie Futch, Mr. und Mrs. Donald Martin and Directors of said Bank. Sugal' game ::8!��. Yeal"s day. Mrs. !]rene Foxworth and charge. Mr, l\l1d This 7th duy of 1947. J. L. son, Alton, little Jimmi-e Lu Lanier, Mr. and Mrs. JUlluury. MATREWS, •• • • Harold Hendr·ix and Mrs. And....son. Those fumi- Anderson 24·0•. Henry H. W. SMITH, Misses Hazel and Vivian H. W. (TINK) FUTCH daughters, Nicky nnd Ann, have 1'0- CARL RIGDON Loaf lies moving out of OUI' community are Directors of laid Baal!. und Eddie Kemp, of Savannah, were Funeral services wera held Mon­ o [,1 turned tro�l a two-weeks' stay with l')ROOKLPJ'I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Finch, Mr. and Carl died l1 at Ash her - Rigdon, 53, suddenly J. hawson day morning at o'clock ___ parents, Mr. and Mrs. It-room ouse guests of Mr. and Mrs. CHUCK Simpson, Ig at 20 FOR SALE-Two good farm mules at his home' in the Branch church, conducted by Elder Mr. and Robal have in Tva, S. C. Mrs. Otis Owens and Mrs. Flore. '.Eust Parrish ·stroet. See Saturday morning Anderson Wednesday. Mrs. Warnock A. HOW-for sale reasonable. MRS. A. L. 1I1allie Jones and Rev. V. P. Th• set a danc a' Leofield from a heart at- .43e Bowers, moved to their young enjoyed Floyd. ARD It) D community Ethan D. Proctor has returned to ROAST, lb. recently llUrchased -F-O-R-S-A-L-E--E-.-I----h-----I------_;::._:=:....:==--(2j for H. W. (Tink) Futch, who died tack. He was a veooran of World a COCKTAIL No. fu� M�Milw� Jacksonville, Fla., after spending GROUND 21 suddenly white visiting in Savannah ����e�d:'�=lM�:�� War I. He is survived his wife, Mr. and R. re- by . Mrs. C. have few days with his father, Allen Proc- Libby's-Del Mont. Can Saturday afternoon Hall John and Jasper F,."nklin, were two Misses Varetn and, 'BEEF or lb. • 3ge Mr. Futch is survived one son fr'Om vis- the at iiiiiiii�i�ii_�iiii·i�'i"'i�I��'���i'iaini'iiiAiViliSi'iGiri"ieili�id�'iGia�·i'i·�(li9id�e��lt�p�) daughters,' VEAL, by turned Miami, where they spending holidays home. two Carl Jr. Dan Futch, of. Pembroke; two grand­ ited M.r. and Mrs. Clifford The Woman's Missionary Society Jac.kie Rigdon; sons, TABLE DRESSED Hall. �:�g:t�:, �;s.b�:�t�:;:o:r:� ���r�:' three sisters, Mrs. Nathan of the Baptist church met and Jimmie Rigdon; one sistor, Mrs. children; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warnock have Monday is still at the bedside of her fatber. Brown and 'Mrs. R. L. of afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oscar ... 67c Durrence, J. W. Cliiton, of Macon. FRYERS, lb. returned from· where Mr. Mr. andlMrs. R'IF. Young and 1am- Pembroke, and Mrs. Sulaking, of Atlanta, Johnson. New offic'ars elected for Funeral servicIe8slngs . tW_OtK ';.L",8411.ts,ll,yv.eral'�l�"Sj. alu Iftle met Junuary May 1<0 n Sr. Cliff Wallis Sunday night, hospltnl. . Cobb,. Harry lowship S-Lbs. Ill.' Bl'Rdhiy, with ellCh and everyone is' our' Feastet� 'Rtl�jl�hi .s: ,C., Tl)e?Rev. at {\'clock. The of the abi,!e -"be,rtao' C. 'Jr. of8C1ated in a double 6, six '�nbjeCt ' who' had the misfor- Varnell Pari�; lI�d Bradley. . James Robert eIGA,RET�ES Mesh prayer. , Lanier, .j!, "Panf/alfi� Greeh.' .padtS' Rev. Carswell Milligan, of Port progrum was "Looking Ahead in the .. MR. AND MRS. H. A. N'EIiI�nTH' tuoo of breaking hi. leg two l'I'1lg ce�qinq.riy; ,I • weeks, ,Arranll'0ments Of "wlllte and Rev. T. Earl Serson, M·ethodist Youth' Fellowship." The AND Bulloch 'gltiaioj�s, Wentwol't'h, ,_:CHILD,REN ago; is at home from the· c"matibns and'II"lms decorated'tbe' BU['iul was was rend Dewec�e Mnr­ Carton ,---- of officiated. scripture by Fla. Golden Heart to altar , ,Statesboro, 2 Lbs County Hospital recuperate. churcl\: whlth l' �,or�:s�', a IN of,.,the, .LllJ:l\'ted, �, � �"l. '; ,in Corinth ohurch cemetery w.ith the. tin. The progl'am chail'man gave MEMO�(AM a soft Sizes 10 to 18 Years' and M'rs •. of tape)'li.'ln glow' 29c CELERY In o� White, �andei�'bra':cast Funeral Home in charge. discussion on ilWhat Is the Metho- 10vin8'._lJIllmor.y·.q �th!�l ,Mr. ,Julian'. over the' setting 'and the family peWs COAT SWEATERS' , Barne� Lge. Med. W and Mr. and Mrs. Ray- 100 per cent Wool: �..URS. HORACE A"TERS, H.ln88v!lle, we... marked' with dist youth Mrs. Vernfln 5AUER No. 21 I wllite carnations· Fellowship.1t 5, mond of New York, will visit For Men WESTERN WASHINGTl1N DELICIOUS Stalk Stalk passed awalf Janua.ry 193�. White, and ribbon. A program of 'nuptial and Boys' NOTICE Edwards a very inUo2resting talk �RAUT Can w�b gave STOKELY'S We cannot say aria we.�ll. not say Mr. and Msr .Tom Domi"y this week. music was rendered by' Mrs. Cecil Fellow­ 100 per cent Wool on "The Meth.<>dist 'Youth That she IS deal-she IS Just away. . . Work GEORGIA-Bulloch County. GOLD 1·Lb. LIttle Bill Townley, of Atlantn, C·anuette, pla"lst. Jack Averitt sang Biue Chambray a ..nd a wave of 2,OQP:, Pursuant to section 106-301 of the in Our Church." The progr-am 12c With cherry smile Promise 'Me" and "Because." "To ship LABEL 8c . COFFEE 2 Bag. hand' grandson of Mr. and Mrs. L. A, War- Shirt's code of Georgia, notice is hereby given chairman turned the meeting over to 2 Ibs. the I :0,Wild Rose" was played softly dur- an ill in the TO of of the for No. She wanderad into unknown land, nock, has been seriously and the :$4.25', the filing uplication reg­ fOJ' n 21 Bulk , ceremony traditional 56.$,5 SPECIAL Hazel t�e the pl'esident, Cr..aasy, Calif. how a of a trade nnme E. 25c Iceberg And left us 'areaming flingW. a marches ware used. All Colora istruti('ln by Percy Flotill or Air Mail Can .v.ery rt :Crawford Long Hospital.",ith wedding business meeting. The secretary, APRICOTS she IS there. , us Hutto PI'O­ lt needs must be"smce .. maid Butto, doing business bronchial infection . T,lle of.honor, Miss 'Maxie Lou A FLORIIlA STRING LETTUCE and that the of Aldric Cox, read the minutes, good Hb. And you-you who wouldst yeal'll- sister of th.. and 95e EACH duce Company, place Med. Alderman, bride LARGE LIMA Lgo. and the The Brookle t ta If' farm'arly und the '''�l'e to tuko For the old time step glad pos Ice, a MEN'S AND business of said applicants many members present BEANS C.1l0 Lb, ollly attendant, ch,ose suit of tan BOYW' HeOid "sad located in the H. addresses of said applicants is Stutes­ in the business discussions. 'Vo BEANS return, �. Warnock building imported gabardine with brown hat part There as the land of In the land of has been moved to the J. W. Robert- and brown lizzard accessories. Yel- HOUSE SHOES SHOES bora,' Georgia, were dismissed with the youth Fel­ WORK 1946. Here', low ,formed her This 31st day of son on the cOl'ller of Parker gladioli corsage. Leather Soles. Felt and Leather Decell1bCl� bcnedictoin. The next r'Jg­ -12c 8c her still as the we say: building Uppers �rilla Tan and Black HATTIE lowsl1ip t, Think of same, Harold served as best man Brand, POWEIJL, . W�ters , and will be held on the FLORIDA CITRUS not dead-she is away! avenu'a Lee street. ClerK of Superior Conrt ulm' meeting JUICE She is just fa" the bridegroom and ushers were and Low Deputy EN. High Tops Bulloch 19. All THE C HILD� Mrs. J. C:-Preetorius entertinned Mike brother of Of County, Georgia. third Sunday night, January Kiln Driod Fancy Alderman, the bride, '$l.95 TO $4.25 .. were and Harold young people are urged to attend. SALE " with a dinne" Sunday. Covers Herrington. YAMS of Sale of The in ARMINDA BURNSED, Notice Municipal laid for Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warnock, brid'a, given marriage by Shoes 1- �" \. .•• Jarman Custom Built . 5·Lb,. 5·Lb•. Bonds her father, selected a dressmaker Publicity Chairman. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Alderman, Ml'. SPORT SHIRTS (ORANGE-GRAPEFRU IT-BLENDED) Select that sealed style suit of pearl gray imported Reg. Notice is hereby given Olm- French and Other Toes and Mrs. F. W. Hughes and Jay with which a WOOL AND RAYON bids foJ' the purchase of lIlunicipal gabardine she wore Black the of Statesboro will stead. gray hat and navy HzZ/aNi. accessories, Solids and Checks. All Sizes and Tan No. 2 46-0z. bonds of city 47C at the council chamber of with She carried a White satin prayer REGISTER THEATRE 37c be received Little Jay Olmstead is staying Can Can on book topped with a purple orchid and of Statesboro, Georgia . the city Mr. and Mrs. F . W Good his grandparents, with white and W. H. SUTTON, Manager 21· 1947, for fbu� bend showered. stl-.amers 30 % DISCOUNT January iOth, Men's Part-Wool Union Suits ======while his Hogs as Hughes, parents, carnations. The mother of the bride REGISTER, GA. ssues d-ascribed follows: Li�ut. an.d (Reise - arc m Call was attired in black Brand) Need Water and Seewerage Bonds Mrs. CeCIl J. Olmstead, crepe t"immed Good.Treatment SUNSHINE CRACKERS AUNT JEMIMA in Pink carnations form\1d Thursday-Friday, Jan. 9-10 '$89,000.00 in 2% bonds, d�ted Janu­ fornia for a week or two. Little Jay sequins. Boys' Mackinaws and Eisen­ Knox All-Cotton Union J.Lb. Pkg. 24-0•. her corsage. Suits KRISPY 2Sc GRITS Pkg. r6c 1947, and payable January continues to from a seven- Th� bridegrooom's Let's Do Our Part! "Kitty" . 'al'Y 1, qn improve from 1948 to 1958. mother was gowned in black crepe hower 7 :00 m. untif 11 p. m. �st of each year weeks' illness last fall. jackets p. BLEACH QUAKER worn with black Her Also Shirts and Drawers Garbage Disposal Bond8-;-,20,000.00 accessories. left ' ·Qu.,t Botti. 20·0•. Pkg. The following college students corsage WaS of pink carnations. Miss Rugy Sweaters and January 11 CLOROX' lac OATS 13c ';n 2.%% bonds, dated January 1, 1947, Boys' 1st. Worm them with Wat· Saturday, La- Lizzie Jones, aunt of the Jockey Shorts Trail" 'and payable on January 1st of each .for various colleges this week: \>rldegroom, the Navajo FINE TEA PORK AND BEANS ·was in black Jackets' kins worm "Phenothia- "Along QUALITY from 1959 to 1968. Bobo gowned crepe. White with 'year w�na Daves, Betty Thompson, T Shirts' to Match zine." Roy Rogers in 2'h% he.r corsage. Miss TETLEY i·Lb. Pkg. 2Sc BUSH'S No.2 Can 19c Pav{ng· Bonds-$38,000.00 Aldel'- carn�tions I:formed .' Coats and Jackets 3:30 p. m. lIntil 11 p. m. Bryan, James Bryan, Eugenia- Sue Alderman. of Atlanta, sister of �oys' Sport bonds, dated January 1, 1947, and EII.. n Parrish, Mineral! OLD DUTCH STANDARD CUT OREEN man, Ann Hendrix, the b�ide, was attired in' brpwn with 2nd. Keep Watkins on January 1st of each year Shirts '. 12th -payable Boys' Sport AND BOYS' Sunday, January John· Mrs. J. C. Proctor, John which she wore brown reptile acces­ �EN'S befcre them. CLEANSER 2 Can. 19c BEANS 2 No.2 Cln. 23c from 1960 to 1968. Proctor, "Dragonwck" 2 sories. Her corsage waG of School Bonds-$56,OOO.00 in 'AI 0/0 Theus McCormick, Glenn Harrison yellow Boys' Sport Pants Bath and Robes lice 3 p. m. until 7 p. m. Again at 8:30 and carnations. Lotlnging 3rd. Keep the mites and JUNKET POWDER STANDARD bonds, dated January l!, 19'7, a'nd Denmark, all to Teachers Joyce Immediately tll-o cere- and on January 1st of each year following Navy Maroon off Utem with Watkins •. Pkg. SPINACH No. Cln payable to Wil- Monday-Tuesduy, Jan. 13-14 RENNET '16-0 9c 21 ISc College; Joe Jone. Dahlonega; mony a reception was held at the Oil." -"from 1959 to 1968. :All Oolors Work Shirts ''Mange "Lost Week End" of said liam Cromley to University of Geor- home of the bride's parents. QOLD MEDAL BELF-JUBINO AIR MAIL More particular details to Cincinnati Aft�r a the ·Sizes 6 to 19 REDUCED with Ray Milland bonds be had upon application gia; Emory Watkins Jlhort wedding trip ,30 0/0 25-Lb. B 2-Lb. may 7:00 m. until 11 111. FLOUR •• P-RUNES Pkg. 43c of States­ couple will re.ide in Jacksonville, p. p. $1.�4 I to J. G. Watson, clerk city School of Embalming. where Feaster is attach­ I Statesboro, Ga. Lieut. J. .T. CLEMENTS, boro, ed to the Seventh Naval· Station W-adnesday, January 15t.h Purchaser to pay for ts attorney's "'ir Ga. IN MEMORIAM and the bride is a teacher in the Statesboro, "]lehind The Green ,Lights" .. and printing bonds, BIC STAR Qpinion o.f �nd In sad and rememb.anCd of Rive",lde School. 11'(luth ··Phantom Rider" Iit.. LITTlE STAR furnish final resolutIOn acceptmg loving ',Fl",qlentr-al chspter � i � to '* The to I. G. WILLIAMS1 7:00 p. m. until II �. m. MARKf1fS 'bonds and levyir.g tax. I'ight FO-RENlr=iiiiiiJjj';y 15;-thr,ee-ro;;=;;; ,SUPER *. FOOD STOR�S and all bids is RO .. any :AL1)utF�a�)iOCTOR, for Groveland, Ga. \: \..,0 0 nlU, � 0 accept 01: reject "0 apartment, unfurnished, p�ug 1 �t res . 16-17 who this life seventeen T.hur'JlaiV-Friday, Jan. teset·.... ed. �eparted c-Iectric stove; also one ·'pstnir.; (12dec4tg) 1930. "Glass Alilti" CJTY 'OF STATESBORO (GA.) yearG ugo, JanuarY 9r apartment, two rooms. and - .'.' V' , ••••••••••,_u JJ;..••-."oI'J'J'o..,y."."••,••-.-••_••-"" -,-•• •••••••-...,...� -- we loved you, but God lowd 7 :00 p. m. until 11 p. mo. By GILBERT CONE, Mayor, Daddy, ette, unfurnished; no children, only best. Gone but not kitchen-l J. G. WAT�ON, Clerk. you forgotten. two persons. B. R. OLLIFF. CHILDR�JN'. �(9janltc) (9janltc) FOUR BULLOCH 'Il'IMES AND .STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1947

Reminded By A Rat MISS NESMITH PASSES CLAXTON VISITORS BULLOCH TIMES LEDFORD TO HEAD Miss Barbara Nesmith, young 1\:11'. und Mrs. J. C. Mincey, of Clax- MOVIE CLOCK EVEN THE SMALLEST incidents of i AND daughter of Mr. and MI'3. Arnie Ne- ton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. died after illness life often serve a smith, a early THE STATESBORO NEWS purpose beyond brie! Fr;nk Olliff. The� were accompanied (�EORGIA I WAR ASSETS SALE last week. A student 10 the .,. THEATRE their reasonable expectations, Else by their daughter, MIss M irram M'10- tory school at Teachers College,labora-I'she NOW SHOWING lJ, B. TURNFH, Editor and OWUfJr Banks I member of th� Iac­ would a rut in another serve County Farmer rated us one the most cey, how city of. p�J)lIlnr. I Stntcsb�ro in Mexico" Assumes Direct.ion Of Her funeral, which was held 111 the ulty, who hud spent the holidays at "Holiday SI!JBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR to remind a newspaper editor in Geor­ $200,000 Sale Statesboro Baptist church, was at- her home in laxton. (in technicolor) Program Plus Pathe News _lered aa secoud-ctasa marter March gia of a duty long neglected ? tended by a large throng of scrrcw- 1"...--,""''''''''''''''''-----,,....,,..,.,''''''''''== &,. Slates' •• 1906, at tbe pOlltO'ffice Atlanta, Jan. 7.-PRrvin E. relatives and frlneds. Starts 3:40, 6:15, 8:50 .. ing State 01 bora, G3 .• under tbe Act ot COtlgTe (Pete) Depnrtmc,'lt of Banking, in the of this from town at- ot March 8, 1679. WeIl, daily papers Ledford, Among those out of 40-year-old former Georgia Georgia. Mr'S. Dan Blitch Sr., a were: Mr. and 1\Irs. L. J. Saturday, January 11 past president. MR. AND MRS. BARNES HERE FOR week there appeared story of the Iu rm who tending Stnt.ement of Condition of FUNERAL boy worked his way AI Mr. and Mrs. William Eason Jones, Local Carroll, Mr'. and Mrs. Burton 111'1'011, Pearce in presidents: Mrs. J. W. Donald­ HOSTS TO BRIDGE CLUB Friends and recovery of a set of teeth which hud school relutivos from out of through and later became a of Metter, announce the engagement son What Is A Democrat? Mr. and Mrs. Rerner Smith, 1\11'. and Brooklet Co. "One Exciting Week" Jr., Registe.r; Mrs. Cecil Kenne­ New Mr. and Mrs. E. town disappeared while the owner slept. Banking Year's night who were hero to uttend the recognized authority on business Mrs. Grady Spence, Mrs. R. G. How­ Starts 2:30, 5:03, 7:36, 10:00 and approaching marriage of their dy, Miss L. THI MIGHT BE a about Brooklet, Georgia, Jimps; Ruby Lee, Warnock; Barnes were hosts to the members funeral of C. M. question Not, to be sure, from his mouth, but methods and Miss Carroll Bowma Mrs. Wood­ Added Rushing r. were: accounting, has been ell, n, (Private Bank, Not Incorporated) Special Attraction youngest daughter, Annie Ruth, of Mrs. Doris Mrs. which there is (In Cannon, West Side; of her bridge club and a few other Mr. and disugreement from lhc table on which he had laid lOW Conger, Gary Conger, Mr. and At close of business Dec, 1946 Sunset Carson in Mrs. L. K. Mr. and named regional director of the At­ 31, Metter and Atlanta, to Charles Har- John I Rushing, e­ Fields, Portal; Mrs. George guests. and Christ- some ponits, but on one definite point thcm before retiring. Several days Couch, of Attanta ; Mrs. Reginolrl "Cherokee Flash" Flowering quince Mrs. C. M. Stanfield and Mr. lanta region of War Assets Admin­ RESOURCES vey of Macon and Atlanta. and Mrs. Anderson, .•T. R. Den­ one A smith, of Ala.; Mrs. Chance, Arcola: Mrs Ginn, mas decorations there is but answer: Demo­ later the was found in a rat Montgomery, Furniture and fixtures .... $ 600.00 Starts 3:40, 9:45 honeysuckle formed G. E. plaJ;e iatration and will assume the chief 6:13,. The will be Feh-' Waters, Glennville; Mrs. E. Mrs. Buna Couch, Jerry and Gene marriage sol�mnized mark. Other were Mrs. a a Leans and . .., Plus a guests Percy and dessert course was served. crnt is person who supports the bed along with a number of other discounts 92,046.50 "Bugs-Bunny" Cartoon For. Mull and B. T. A.I respoonsibility for selling an estimat­ Lehman Nesmith, Mr. and Mrs. Tom ruary 2 at the First church Rushing Oharlotte Gov. bonds owned . 12,000.00 Baptist Rimes, Mrs. E. L. Barnes, Miss Sue high score towels went to IIIrs. B. B. program and party nominees. more or less valuable trinkets where N. Mr.•nd party ed worth war Ridgdill, of Mr. and Mrs. C.; Mrs. L. R. $20,000,000 011 surplus Savannah; CCC notes . 747.25 12. of Metter, with Elder J. Walter Hen- Andel'so� other of Sunday, January Snipes, Miss Eunice Lese...nd Miss Morris a double deck of cards to No type Democracy really they had been carried away by a in Arthur Nesmith, Miss Gnnelle Ne­ and J. L. Gcorgia. Cnsh and due from banks 74,391.29 , , Janis dricks, of as- an� Anderson, Summit; Mr.•nd Mr. and Mrs. Savannah, officiating, Doris Wheeler, home demonstration Frank Olhff. For the score nearest counts. rat-possibly a mother whose smith, Lewis Hert-ing­ Marth. Vickers in Mrs. B. L. frugal Ledford's appointment as Paige, sisted the Reverend J. A. Rushing and sons, Ber­ region.1 ton, of Sylvania. by Reiser, agent from Mettel·. the number Dorman re- . .. 1947, Alfred Jack That young had been slow in developing Total $179,785.04 "Two From Milwaukee'� ,.' nard, and George, Mrs. person who reserves the director, effective January 4, was an­ Guys of Metter.. Augusta; LIABILITIES " " " • ceived • box of Guests in- J. Mrs. its own grinders, don't you know? Statts 2:14, 3:58,.4:52 c.ndy. S, W.ters, B. Tippins, Mr. to go with the pm-ty when nounced by Col. W. E. zone ad­ right only Goe, . Miss Jones' mother the . 'is and Deposits $166,635.67 and ·at 9:45 forme� LOVELY BRIDGE PARTY cluded Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson, .Mrs. J. P. Rushing,. Mrs. Homer it is and is (Mothers are thoughtful that way.) ministrator of pleasant convenient, by WAA's Southeastern Cashier's checks out...... 89.21 Miss Ruth daughter of the Daniela, Mrs. and Mr. Sponsored by Junior Chamber Proctor; Misses Carolyn Bowen and Betty Mr.•nd Mrs. Dorman, Mr. and Mrs. Pon�er and no stretch of entitled to Zone 2. Ledford will Reserve . . Mrs. C. M. imagination of the reminded auceead H. L. 12,000.00. of Commerce late Marion Proctor and Eliza Bunce a Rushing Jr., Claxton' The reading story In Statesboro Sue Brannen were hostesses .t Morns, Mr.•nd Mrs. Mr. and' Undivided . Ollllf, Mrs. be clnssed as a Democrat. The re­ Kennon who has to profits 1,060.16 Olanton, Mrs. J. C. us that a set of teeth had been resigned enter Proctor, of and her pa- White, Mr: Statesboro, lovely bridge party during the past E. L. Akins, Mr.•nd Mrs. J. S. Mur- and Mr�. H. L. cent declarations on that business 13 , DeLoa.h, Mrs. S. T . party point to the Times private after twenty years Monday, Janu.ry ternal were the- late office several . .. grandparents week -a brought .. Churches .. Total $179,785.04 t the home of Mi08 Bowen, l'IIy, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Cobb and Ellis Jr., L. Rushing, Bartlett AD- pronounced at the state convention, Of outstanding government service. "Two Guys From Milwaukee" months ago and left for a claimant GEORGIA-Bulloch County. William Jones and Susan Dek'll! Jones where attractive decorations were Mrs. derson and and Mr•. J. Starts 9:40 C. B. Mathews. M,r. C. Thalr'-' are sound and sensible. The high Ledford, • native of Banks before the 2:30, 4:18, 6:06, 7:54, and' who- had sent them to the 'Pressing county, Personally appeared un­ of Metter. The bride-elect received used. Prizes went to Mrs. Bob Big­ • ••• gard children, Savannah; Mias ... test of the matter is how a penson Georgia; had been associate CH dersigned, an officer authorized to ad­ Lt. 'club in his The ·teeth' were regional U.RCH " her secretarial from the IBerth��r�mar:>,Dover; Col. Jobn: clotliing. ME'TH?�IST Tuesday, Janu.ry 14. diploma lin for 'high -e

- to ers Hnd a right reject .ny and all bids, left cOl'J'espondiug panic The \Vol1lun's Society of Christian to the discl'etion gf the propel'ty cOm­ among the speclllatol's--price-cutting Sel'vice will Ill'oet .t the Methodist m ittee of the . Legion. and a panic to sell. You can't beat chul'ch M'onday afternoon Ilt 3:30 for A. S. DOOD JR., � \ �� the low of and can suppty demand, lh

._"- ...... , .... .f'.:;I0;'.�.••••• '._


SIX . Petition For inc�r�tion. under R. p, Mikell and Mr. Wingate; I

. our local and Vickers 'Announces STATE OF GEORGIA, ._ third, busineas men, . NEW GOVERNOR 'NEGRO'LEADER' DENMARK NEWS fourth, our schools and teachers . Aircrewmen Court: Openings �����·��.Il�?hU��;;�ior IBE With this gl'oup the Jilanes super­ The of ' • Mr. and MI·s. R. P. Miller and fam­ petition Hazel E. . 1\1 AD� Smith, IN'SIDE OF WEEK? TALKS I\F FUTURE visor, Miss requested the FarDlers and WAlWT Chief Signalman B, H. Vicekrs, Ella Wade Thomns, visiter in Anderson, and M. Larkin DERE" ily relatives Jacksonville county teachers to the Farm KNOCKS U.S,N., of the Savannah Navy Re­ Smith, shows as Political- Writer Forecasts a Past join ftOPPORTUNITY respectfully follows ' Thinks, Survey of during the holidays. Bureau crujting' Station, announced today FARMERS to-wit: For Thompson and bedome closely linked NOTICE TO All Victory Be An Aid To The J. A. Denmark is a patient at the :1 That they desire for themselves May with the farmers of the To­ in con- that he has been authorized to pro- In county, MRS . FOR SALE-Gas range I,(ood Forthcoming 'nattle SLIP COVERS made Bulloch County Hospital. th:eil' ussociates, and Betterment Of The Future MRS. R, for in the successors, t� day eighty per cent ure members. Stockmen East Hill atraeb, dition. J. GAY, Portal, ce s applicants enlistment MARSH 212 Miss Foss visited relatives in THE BE IN THE be incorporated and made a body pol- Sometime within the next week, Ltc) Ga. (njun I Lp) Fay in of STATESBORO PICKLE CO. WILL' As chairman of the county agricul­ 58B-R, (9jan the branch aircrewmen. itic under the laws of the State of With the farmers, business men, pjhone Savannah th,o week, Navy M. E. will take over the FOR SALE-Choice lots in during MARKET TO BUY YOUR CUCUMBERS AGAIN IN'1947. Thompson tural for I am SALE-Used for Ford building This is the first time in over n yenr Georgia under the name and style of laborers and all citi- planning negroes, FOR planters Mr. and Mrs. James Denmark vis­ AND office of the induatrialista, Rt. different sections of city. JOSIAH CONTRACTS WILL BE READY IN A FEW DAYS "AMERlICAN _ governor, following for the farmers of this coun­ tractor. PAUL' ANDERSO.N, that the recruiting station has had ANl'1 COMMUNIST pressing ex-I relatives Arnall. zens of tbis have i ZETTEROWER. (9jantt) ited at Register Sunday, PRICES WILL BE ANNOUNCED THEN. INC." resignation of Governor Ellis country, ,,!e just our to all for 2 Statesboro. (9jonltp) openings in the aircrewmen branch. ASSOCIATION, ty thanks agencies WE WILL DO GRINDING SALE-Two farm mules Gene Denmark has from for a term' of in the As- CUST�M, mare mule, FOR good returned thirty-five (35) years There will be a quick test completed anether round on the cal­ their in these FOR SALE-One good This branch requires that an ap­ SEE OR WRITE ANY INFORMATION. YOU participation organiza­ J. L. at T, J. Hagin's place. W, E, MOR- a visit with US FOR with the of renewal at at farm at Hubert, relatives in Savannah. privilege the sembly, and it is most improbable our tions. further S"" my be a school .endar, and are nQW beginning And may I ask that Rt, 1, Statesbom. nllcant high graduate, MAY NEED • expiration thereof. (OjanUp) RIS, (Ojanltp) Mr. and Mrs. Otha Akins are visit- that the to declare .RICHARDSON. force. seekjng we go into 1947 under­ FOR SALE-One work pass a rigid physical examination, 2. That the principal o�fjce and for 11147. While this unselfishly HAULING-Day or night; 'pric"S good young ing Mrs. Akins' parents in the election of foormer Governo!' Eu· l'o�nd ma�ing LEf GRIND • YOUR Tampa. • US I business of the each and t�­ • � SAVE place,of standing otlmr, , mare or near Friendship and be of mental caliber. proposed.cor- working 1 t Ft);P 188. ROBERT horse, high round we reaUze tbat we have made reasonable; phone Mrs. T, A. Hannah is improving will be gene voided his death church. L, L. HARRIS. (9janltp) station's for poratlon in the city of States- Talmadge by gether courageously in attacking BAZEMORE. (19dec4tp) This present quota in after suffered a heart attack, ,Bulloch will so. some and we have loot the', having 1 boro, county, Georgia, su�ceed ,in do'ing Nosecount- 'mistakes, that to retard SALE-Coolerator ice regriger- FOR SALE-One '41 model pickup these applicants covers the month of problem" tend l'OR .• 3. (the said i. not o�r Mrs. Alice Mille , of Jacksonville, PICKLE COMPMV;' .as�9ciation ers with a for some But for those of us H. truck with new motor. KEN- STATESBORO' ; .lIair accur,cy instances. vou'�e� excellent condition, MRS. Ford who are greater progress. ator-; January only: Applicants formed for the p�rpose of trade or NEDY FURN1TURE CO. is Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Miiler. that th'e numbe'f Main street. (9janltp visiting FRED E. say mRXllIl\im r,o . E. BRAY, 228 South ltp interested are to to the �ERALD, Manager or fol' the ,wilo have won and have entered H. L. urged. apply . protl� pecuniary gain .of .",ho ��RDEN FOR SALE iron Mr, and Mros. F, L. of be ARE INVITED T0 OUR FOR SALE-Large heavy quilts, $7 =Fire-Proof sare, DeLoach, P. O. 384 member but for tim pledges by of I am that we rOU VISIT Navy Recruiting Station, room 236, BO� '.' any social, edu- ·.�at, �n obtain� ', .the year 1047, hl'pin, or for MRS, A. double door, mudium size, MRS. visited Mr. and Mrs. T, A. the apiece, tWD $13. Savannah, c�ti,,)1ai,: political, ,litera�y, eharlta- org'UllzatlOn it with coun go NOTlOE Ga. Post Office Building, Savannah, at Harrls-Gilh�;l'eters ellter appreCiation, W Rt. 1, Box 28, Pulaski, C. C. DAUQHTRY, Register, (1t) Hannah last week. ble and mutual COLlJlNS, I betterment and ad- sponsoring the Talmadge move, is and faith. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. PUNT an date as quota for this , G�. (2jan2tp) FOR SALE-Two good farm mules Mrs. �arly .the of it members. 'PUrsuant to the code of M�. and Hayward Mill... , of vilnc�megt and that some of will Georgia is to revoked' ninety, thes� To. be appreciative, I think that SALE-One Martin trl,fmpet in ""aighing about 1,100 pounds each. program subject being .����;;;;�;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;��;;��;;;;������;;iii�� 4. ti'he object of the proposed cor- I Section 106-301, notice is hereby FOR Jacksonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. desert on the tlrst test vote. be seen at MRS. J, R. Portal, Gn. time. is to one must understand. One of the of the for condition; may GAY, at any .' ppra1;on expose and com. given of application excellent R. P. Miller last week: fight filing or PHONE Tbere will be several days of 13S North College street (9janltp) 'Il)unism and communist activities, .?ra- tools of. underatanding Is reading. registration of the trade name by Mr. and Mrs. Carl of Sa- no vote as ::J21-L. (Ojanltp)F="'O"'R"-'S='AL�E"""'-""N:-:-ew-';;'fo-;I-;d""in-g-;-b-a;-by--'c:-:a-=-r­ Denmark, DONALDSON IS WINNER Von't Gamble . • and to accomplish this purpose they tory, doubt. The tlnal upon Each tin\e I r'ec-eive this newspaper John M. Thayer, doing business cents a value cut to vannah, were recent of Mr. desire to enlis� the services of writers resolution the "Thayer Monument Company," 96 $23.95 guests' . the Eugene .Milling Co�p8ny dandy declaring :ral- am in two 6ull�ch SALE-Black pepper, riage; IN I l"OR INSURANCE CONTES'l1 in�'res�Jo,d particularly 1 for E. S. LEWIS. 174-M. and Mrs. J. A. Denmark. YOUR CLOTHES ARE TOO VALUABLE and speakers-: to disseminate infor-. stating that his said place of busi­ pound; add 10 cents postage. $12,95. phone ;';lidge to have been elected probably and the Maccnbee mation columns:":"P,,� is the news, ness and hi. address is that of On C.-of Ga. at Dover GROCERY, Fort Lon- Mr, aud Mrs. Jack The Company educate the public Ry•. Croslling .cORNELIUS _ and Tnsur)'nce FOR-CHANCES a�d .general will not come before 16th. "(9,,,j=un�1�t=-p,-)�_-,----,,....,.. Ansley January other is the column on "Backward of the evils of to . Statesboro, Georgia. can announces as winner of first communism; oppose . Pa. (2jan2tp) owner prize . don, FOUND-Female pointer; chlldren have returned from u viRit When you 'new "clothes choose them care- In- buy you - The results In the other races, 1046. any communist or pro communist Look." This column on "Backward This December 23, circulutor heater, hnva snme upon identification. Cull and title of champion district man- FOR SALE-Coni with relatives at Columbus. fully and them to be' and long that for O. L, BRANNEN, expect good looking candidate for public ofT ice and to sup- eluding lieutenant-governor', me a historic record of both in PHONE 111 Look" is to. - 17' also coni heater, $10, Saturday morning. ager, in a contest sponsored through­ Olerk Bulloch FOR RENT Furnished WANTED-First cla8s housekeepee, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones and wearing. Choosing your cleaner with that same "ort candidates for office not until the Superior Court, condition. Apply 20 EAST (9jllnltp) those. who possibly may come the important developments in this located. 102 white or colored. LANNIE D. good' out the state of Georgia, Dock B. a'roe committed to , Bulloch Oounty, Georgia, sonable; conveniently LEE. Billie Jenn Jones are Mr, care pays dividends with no risks involved. Your fight communism; next A zuess on the .IONE AVE. (9jllnItp) visiting day pr.obable am back­ West Main street, (2janlt Rt. 1, Statesboro. FOR-SALc.,E=-�P�u-r-e-'-b-r-e-;d""C�0-r-n""is7h-g-.a-m-e Donaldson of the Dock B. Donald­ to hold meetings, country. Today I looking (26dec2tp) rO�rCa-1 (2jan1tp) and Mrs. Robert Miller at Miami JI·., clothes the even after give - nice for MRS. keep "band box" freshness �ntertainm�nts, of ' there- SALE Two coal hens; breeding. Mr. Tho;;'pson a 50ev Bulloch FOR circulntin� of Statesboro. lectures and to publish pertodicals inauguration ward bit, Here ,I enn Jnsllrancoa Agency, several vnHAN •.• WHOLIIALEU •• nAIURS JO .... s • aters in condition, 'PI' cb- RUFUS .JOINER, Rt. 1, Statesboro. Beach, FIn.' ,son ... safe at would 20th. .• A,,'O.TlU • "AMU'A�'U.'.) ".. good cleanings. Stop gamblilng play to stimulate the interest of its mem- fore, be January at the time when we had very .. Mr. recently of county • � Miss has returned I IDEAL .. Betty . the com- Two other than �etterower Donalqs�n, Savnnna�, CLEANERS.. bers and public generally in factors, public few educational or z hus In training organiza­ ... J'g:rNnsok ,�20S�aO�;E�ay b( 9j���t:�� ����_�_n_lt�;-il-L""E=_�L""o'-r-g-e-S-;i-ze-""b-o""b-y-c-ri"'b to Teuch'ors College after having and destroying communism in have favored the o established. headqum:ters YOUR CLOTHES IN bn�ing sentiment, Thomp- tions. We knew little about what ... to- with coil and four-inch and Will move I\ls �ow a SEE ME for Smith oil bur'lling springs pad; the with he,' Statesboro BRI�G M spent holidays parents, . son One is If the � order 212 East Hill fan�lly victory. legal. was on, and we had less to do bacco cUI'ers; place your �22, stl'eet, phone hOl'e as soon as he is able to find th� ���::y,e d' th ht t going .. Mr. und Mrs, H. H, Zetterowel'. had the election C as nre to be hard to 588-R. (9janltp) Assembly atte';'pted with this I melln that ... .,Ilrly they going suitable living quart.,·s. IDEAL CLEANERS obt�in �r�o;:��, �:�e ande ;!�sona� little. By this, Brooks Denmark, of Brooklet; Mr. of the .. get. W. G. RAINES. (9janltP) FOR SALE-Two young mules and by purchase, gift, devise or bequest, younger Talmadge, Thompson we had no voice and not even a r in and Mrs. Charlie Denmark -and son, East Vine Street· to and the to have laid claim to the office I . TRAY ED-From 227 South Broad riding ,Intemotional cultiyator same, would the ,. CARD OF THANKS �old .enjoy chance to take part in democracy "Il�·"_ ' • December cocker ",ood condition. B. C, FORDHAM, R.t Charies, Mrs. Tom Denmark and reeeive and to own, und"r the that he was "" , street 28, spaniel donatlo�s legal theory we were to build. We, ! that' helping z VISIT o.UR wish to lease or' mvest m and ex- � .. blnck, about five months old. i, Brooglet. (9jan2tp) sOlfs, of Atlanta, and Owen Den­ T thank my many friends hold, Faced . -�A ,�� iemale, entitled to the succession, · I as pat'lent8, �re SlCk and weren't It or the of ex­ real to . 'For rewnrd call 574 or 596-R, (2tP) FOR SALE-1937 1 'h-ton Chevroict of visited Mr. nnd for expressions sympathy LOST-Mattress for settee on ro�d FOR SENT:'_Furnished room with Monge personal property' o n mark, Tampa, with two claimants, Arnall was dcred ma in r�ent illness. The elect to membership allowed to tell the doctors SA LE-1939 Ford tires and in con- my ,between Statesboro and Josh Ha­ one double bed and one bed, persons su'blect G?vernor FOR deluxe, $800; truck; good gOO? Mrs. R. T. Simm(lns last week, hav­ single have mto the courts �hat MODERNISTIC DISPLAY ROOM. flowers and cords and visits will al­ farm to the and only gone us. cause of I _4�" rules, regulations by-laws feel, also 1937 four-door Chevrolet, $650. dition. J. D. GAY, Rt. Summit, Ga. gin's Thursday of lost week; suitable for ladies or gentlemen, ad­ cou.'d hurting The thiS, �. been call-ad here on account of ing be remembered with ap� return to me or Qf the and to make rules to obtain a determinatio;:: of the WILTON HODGES SERVICE STA- ways deep W. C. Akins & Son's joining bath with bot water, ari tole­ corpor'lltion was due to our not having the or­ P _ OF (Ojl_II1_2_tp�)� its HUNDREDS SURPLUS ITEMS the deuth of their mother, MI·s. T, pl'.�ciution. store for suitabl·. reward. GEORGE with Phom and by-laws for the regulation �f olaims. by eitlmr Mr. TlON, North Main street. (9jRnltc) FOR SALE-Lot on Mikell street, phone, private family. Any attempt ganizations that we have today- MRS. Z. F, TYSON. W. Rt. members and to have all the nghts • J. Denmar·k. KING, 1, Statesboro, (2janltp) 305-R or III Inman street. TIdrna or M Th t0 r- PRICED FOR SALE LOST-New Year's sil- 75x200; also 1934 Master Chevrolet (2janltp) ge ompson that tend to tie man close to- QUICK day, Sterling and as provided by the .a ,I'. those : if privileges .. vcr chatelain pin, three chains; sedan. R. D. BRAGG, 308 South Col­ clse the of the office wouexeld and z laws of this state for similar corpor- autho�lty 'kether in their understandings : found please phone 382, GLADYS le�e str.·,t, (9jan2tp) have and the .. "tionB. been frUItless, ve,ntual in their unselfishly working together. · CUSTOMER SERVICE cal'e Johnson's StOT'e. (It) and three " SASSER, FOR SALE-Two horses . D1IVISIO,N: STILSON 6, That said will decision could in fa- ... NEWS t�e aSBociati?n only gone as we enter 1947 -we find tim can be s"en at �ave Today U EFFICIENT AND llUY PHELPS MEAT SMOKEl, 75 01' four good mules; have no capital Or ex- who COURTEQUS stoc� capl�1 VOl' of the incumbent governor, situation different. Here we have o cents made in Bulloch coun- in West Setatesboro. B. T, a.ane has to De­ as from time to bme be � .. my returned _ quart. place Brown cept may . . IN" would be honor-bo d not t0 sur '" FOR "PROP BUYERS .. in county; MALLARD, • and the and we have cap- ty' keep you mone.y 'your (9janltp) after the by contributions �n orgamzatlons, " .. troit, Mich., ending ,""cumulated the until he merchants. R. L. PHELPS. fair and and post As a result c ",' >loid by FOR SALE-One 1936 Pontiac, �ues from its members gifts able unselfish leaders. w•••" It ••• " It'. , •• '" tlte St.t.s : days with his family here. re�der knew.from ::I Surplu. UIII,." Se-a at donations from others, the court who was entltl�d to It. <2jan9tp) condition, cheap for cash. sp. we moved 1946 with ease and .. A, W. Robinson III has retul'n'ad to through • farm in .len- near Stilson. J. L. RICH- hOIi-1 : The names and addresses of the The othel' factor is the • FOR RENT':""T!m-horse Hubert, inexperi- 7., satisfaction. The agencies respons- .. miles froin Four ARDSON. Dover after visiting his grandparents, for the the cor- kins couniy, t�o (9j.nltp) apphcants �harter �f ence of the two Talmadge campaign .. I'bl e for thisa,re first: Our farm rent. E. W. BRAN- house with Mr: and Mrs. M. P. Martin, portion are' . z ,WI:R A.tSETS :: standinl!' SALE-Six-room I tn '�DMtlJS;rIRITIO. "Points; FOR H' d J' G'Il'"IS, c Hazel 225 Roy clubs and 4-H clubs which are undel' NEN, Rocky Ford, Ga" Rt.· 1. bath at 107 East Parrish street; Mrs. E. L, Proctor underwent a E: Smith, % Broughton chl�fs, �rrls an. .Im. 699 Ponc. d. Leon A"•• N, L to obtain a majority 111 a leg- : , Atl.llta 5, G.. ' :Street, West, Savannah, Ga.: trYing the, oj' County Agents � (2jan2tp) also one corn ... lot adjoining same. major operation at the Oglethorpe supervision AT-Ill M Ella Wade 512 42d· islative Both have been :;; .. - , Antlerson, body. and sec­ WANTED Unfurnished apartment PHONE 397-M. (9jan3tp) Sanitarium in Savannah Monday. W�tt Byron Dyer, Martin Wynn; and' JE- 'Street, Go.; I'blocking experts" in assembly >NON-rIOfIT INSTITUTIONS • flDIlAL AGENCIIS • STATE •. LOCAL GOVIlM"EMUM for January February. FOR SALE-Wood saw for Farmal! Sa�anna�, t -:n�t- ond, our Bureau organization, Miss Sara Helen has re- M, Lark," 225 � Farrp :ROME 211 South Zetllarower it at Upchurch : Sm.lth, Broughton on a negative pOSitIOn SAULS, tractor, slightly used; see Ga. ters, relying -....:...----i------_.:..--.,------r Street, Savannah, . • . aft.. . turned to .. ",venue. (9janltp) time at my place, O. B. CLIF- Auburndale, Fla., !Vest, to achieve power. ]n this case, they; I any 8S herelD- , . 8. BeSides such powers .' , SALE-Mare mule Rt. State�boro. the holidays with her moth- of FOR W"ighing TON, 1, (9janltp) spending do not face thell' usual test . desire . -above enumerated, petitioners • �etttng • n, around 1,100 seven years _ Fend-ar and man Mrs. lIa of' MI pounds; WANTED body er, Upchurcp, that said corporation shU'll have all one mot'e vote above one-third , work �'"u.cti()n:" I d ' J lIt ..,Iel; safe, gentl� anyWhere. who' knows his pay " business; good ;the common· of a ma- . t and Mrs. D. C, Harvey, Miss pm""rs 'incorporation the membel'ship; they need , J I, ,Mr. . :nUEL CLIFTON, Rt. 1, Statesbjlro. for " I" ,J for partIculars apply GeneT'll1 Assem- . right man; Jean Harve.J ana Harold ttnlt ·under the Acts of the 1', J �l' , , Betty ¥ I �2jan2tp) to .JOSIAH ZETTEROWER. ... -- jOl'ity. � �(r (9janlt) -bly app�oved�iJllnuarY-t8, �988. "':' """'01I I , f. • · If.& Robert Harvey, of Lanier, spent Sun- Some sentiment was casi y obtain.· { I J'OR SALE-Six-room house In good live In Petitioners to ,. , WANTED-Small family to WHEREFORE, pray • I'C- a renovated and with Mrs. J, E. Br.own. r""ling . ., DR or, ed for Mr. Talmadge by _, I 8 condition, newly tend 40-aare the name and Iltt .. hous� ana day ibe under I,FO'RD farm, � incorpol'ated , mar · B inside and lIainted out, sollooli just live with me. MRS. W. T, Mrs. C, C. Glieely. and Mrs. Rob);le style as aforesaid together with .all that his father had b�en elected. I JOSIAH ZETTEROW- ,EVE'WI' • 1I1'iQup of interlopers" olle..•_ nt, price $5,250. »ilih pf,�lson '1111 Ie" li.ns,'Il""'Ol'l)�II}he .'.. ,'-. fac- "",. Statesboro. into their -6 (9janltp) anltlf) In the Year. :: 'Rain or intruded themselves (9j at the Bulloch C SHine . i{O�jl , OUl':, ORDER. AN to • W'''''"TE-D-Someone wop.k regu. SALE-Good mIlk I h Djece).ll!lllr tion. Th..y fear that, under' the rules 'FOR cow, ,!Olt t IU 't I H h" th The within charter Bf:\ Balloeh Sitek hou"; 'Is r , npplication f?r larly ; eMt abollt old, at MRS. I the Mocon conv.ention wrote, -Mr. _t , and that Y�I'�;,nlonths ".a'b un : been rend and consIder-ed �ur1lishedf- goijd oppdtttlnity, for the GEO'ItGE'LORD'S'farm on-rlni£." 2, .,.pS�\� �ermlT.;ee� Il'I"i I� having �!l)AIO �., �we. ,,�n9"fy ': it to the that the T3)mndge can never become a ,candi-. Contact J. V. 88, l)llss Annie or_�o 'HC?lid'a7 appearing c�u�t rigHt pe",on. T,IL�; mile road, !'Il the olle north..yest "o� �liver �II ;I;"?te"l\>er� same is a Democratic or hold MAIN. (2Ja1i2lp from of Stilson. \� legitimately, wJ�}iin pu�'- date in primary seven mile. Stateslloro.. • I, the laws of thiS Ruth/l¥a�ln, .. view and intentiOn of If - for 1- any party post. �is six-room . : WAiNTED fi�an,..:)'opper WANTED-To buy. ,. The Farm Bureau be, and Cfwrite-i�U meeting will, state, are, not vahd. horse ,farm;· 7-room hOUR.; 2% two smal , from votes were a jok�, they horse'fann, good house, houser 16 .at the' 1 saId last weeK1'at IT FURTHER APPEARING Jal1;uary' an acre. to' helil"Th1jt�<\ay' gog� r· were intende d d )tlapl" btl_lnesB 100000Mf IlI'I $20.50. I of the of If seriously 'grOe�jly' the certificate Secretary they to!.';elil_alliltlftfllt.carl!' ej)UIi�";r'l.l,"·c'�·"'''''·....g a 111. R,."P' M.'k�I'Ie, 0r' ··SHARE.(!:,ROPPER," BullQch r suburban JOSIAH ZETTEROW- of that the name of he is bolting the - t State Georgia he accepts them, of Statesboro, will be the 'Time. or . (9Jan1'tY. (9janitp) "uest spealmr. is not the tiel'. �R'" Otnet salis bundred�: the proposed cOl'pomtion convention which nominn,t�d his fath- will be served at 7 o'clock $1!t7'5�'Per· cor'Pora· LOST-Oite SALE-One coal or wood heater, Supper by � nam'e of any other existing streets.l,'oi StateB1iO�� FOR er and passed a regulation providing one the senior class. Also on the tion in the offi�e of the Thursd�y y,�116w ,!:old �othlc J' $12; one baby carriage, pro­ registered affiliated w;th. .$12.50; that any public officer III snd - w1i.t :watch; almost new. all. good will a of Secrtnry or State, jar-proo!J�dy's r��rd, 'Vogl!e rBdio, g�am .be nllmber spirituals You can see f6r <:>ur�'elI we official-such MlSS ANNIE LAibRIE McELV.."EN, 102 y lead in APPEARING to court that the pr lIny pHl'ty condition. MRS. ED MIKEI:L, the ciub pl'ice� I'l;' the. party, by glee '. or Mr. . - With all !. (9janltp) Main street. the have complied Mr. Mr. Harl'ls :Brooklet.tCa. W'oat ,(9jaHltp) * � *. * applicants as. Peters, of law to th� OIC male - the relating in "bolt," STRAYED-Pure" white FOR RENT Two-t'Oom furnish�d provisions Boone-who assisted any or BASKETBALL SCHEDULE of charters: bog weighing 3VO pounds morej bath, electrlc granting to Messrs. npnrtrwant, private EIIERw.08Y ED or any in refusal support TREATED ORDER IfI2'KEl� TT TS THEREFORE . been about a month; cold _marked; gOne appliances in kitchen, hot and The Stilson High Sehool basket­ Coo,k C 'avey and and . liberal t·eward. CAP H. RUSH- that the application be granted Thompson, Colhns� .' MAL.LARD, water; no children. MRS. J. ball team, Coach S, A. an­ their Driggers, that the is created unde:' other nomin'aes In obtainIng In. 5, Statesboro. (2jan2tp) 410 Fair road, 20B-R. It cOI'porotion lNG, phone nounces the remainder of the sched­ CAlli FeR OUR TRIJCI{St thc name and stvle of the HAm'2:l"ican I be party outlnws forever FOR SALE-72 acres, 25 cultivated, STRAYED-From still Dec. I posts-shal1 Bryan's - ule as Inc." are of small house, follows: Anti Communist Associ.otion, Some of the'se old-timers best grade land, 22 one yellow heifer weighing 315 aftel'. Portal at with the power to obtam property. balance of land timbered, some stockmal'ket No. 7'77 January 10th, Stilson: I t'Ing that Mr Peters well. poundsi :had devise 01' bequest y '. saw JO- by purchase, gift, vlg01'OU� ass�l' ost good timber; pTlce $2,750. on Find'ar L. D. 14th, open; 17th, open; 22nd, Reids­ vacate IllS p pasted body. notify hold and the sam,,; to should mlmedlB�aly STAH ZETTEROWER. (9janlt) and to enjoy SANDERS, Rt. 2, Brooklet. (jonltll) vill'a at Stilson; 24th, Springfield at to Democratlc corn­ Will have 25 bred and Jer­ receive donatifllls and elect PCl'- as chairman of the SALE - 1941 1'A:-ton Dodge pure Guernsey ;FOR WE WTLL your message Springfield; 28th, Rincon at Stilson; SOllS to membership subject to the for DELIVER mittee. truck; new body; trade at a low rute from "'-"',' of wi!l or pncktlge very 31st, Guyton at Februnry 'rules and by�laws the been truck of to fnrm- Guyton; regulations, Bolters have never punished smaller. car; gomg 7:00 in the morning till 8:00 in the some and to conduct and corry all �­ 4, Nevils at 7th, Guyton at sey with calves corporation, b bI"Ie disap lng, qUIt trucklng' W. W. MURRAY, MESSENGER & DELIV- Stilson; Heifers, bred� by in Georgia exc�pt Y pu .. evening. on a �odu.l, ed1ucationnl, poLitical, mile from Stilson on route 2. Stilson; llth, open; 14th, open; 18th, Macon convention's <>n� ERY SERViCE, 43 East Main str',et, literary nnd charitable organization provo]. But the (2Jan2tp) Ludowici at Ludowici. mal' (9janltp) side; health certificate;' all blood tested. for the betterm'ent of its members rule!' are· so stringent that they W ANTED-Some one to hang 2,000 In the basketball and communism the �F'::'O::"R-�S"'A�L�E�--=P""a"'ir--m-a"'te-;h--I-n::u;:le::Cs tri-county leag�" and to expose fight be effective, and in some counties turpentine cups and work on around each, the Stilson Athletic Club has the fol- and communist activities together to weighing 1,150 pounds local committees can be expected also have for sale black mare mule the . halvc!:;; seven also one odd You can see these cattle with all powel's alld privileges a or years old; lowing schedule: time after Its , A. PROS- any Friday. them. Several legIS mu;'" 8 years old, $200. S" wei�hing about 1,050 pounds. W. gmnted to similar corporations by the implement near Side school. Ja.nuary 9th, Sport Shop, Savannah, the elder' Tal- SER, Rt. 4, West EUGENE DEAL, Rt. 4, Statesboro. If a laws of this state. who strongly supported in Athletic you need milch cow, see these cattle. 1946. declare that (2jan2tp) (9jan2tp) Stilson; 10th, Guyton good This 27th day of December, madge in the primary, - room with Club in not 'FOR RENT Furnished Stilson; 27th, Bethesda J: L. RENFROE, Judll'l, will not vote for anyone F.!,'.'=O""R':':';;S"'A"'L"'E=-O=R"T=R"'A"'D"'E""'--;;H"a::v-::e-e::x:;t:::::ra Ga. they one double bed and one smgle bed Alumni in Supel'ior Court, Bulloch County, nice mule colt eight ,months old; Stilson; Feb�uary 3rd, bearing th'a party label. or near With A true copy of the original filed in for sleepers couple, bath, trade or one to raise West Savannah in Sears controls will sell, buy Stilson; 6th, Meet your af Public seniim"nt, which hflt water and use of phone. Phone C. friends Statesboro' Live­ office this 27th day of December, with; come to S'2e this colt. J, R",obuck Co. in Spring­ stl'ong- MRS. MOSE 111 Stilson; 12th, to a extent, has swung 305-R. ALLMO!o!D, I QUATTLEBAUM, Rt. 2, Statesboro. 1946. great street. (9Janltp) field Athletic Club in Stilson; 24th stock 0, 1;. BRANNEN, Clerk, whIle the law Inman Ga. (9jan2tp) Commission C.o. every Wednes­ Iy to the feeling that, Bulloch Go. has been at National Gypsum in Stilson. SupcI'jor Court, County, would 'leave ESTRAY-There my FOR SALE-Tb"ee-p;'ace bedroom' unquestioTlably Govern�r October 1 on.e red horse ======HATTIE POWELL, IS place one Kim- day. The few that·don't us for four years, .sinc.e suit, double bedsteead, sell'with .. fall Deputy Olerk. Arnall in office h� mule, bhnd In both owper please (2jan4tp I calmsI :ayesj ball pian<', one 2:cap heater, and one in the mora him. L. S E R VIC E ! right �ecognizing come and get heater for coal: all in ex""l­ in line FOR FRAJ;lK ,I-cap and w:flat'·YOUF is. SUIT DIVOIlCE Mr. whom the ADAMS, Rt. 4, State�boro, (9jan1tp) get livestock of Thompson, �eople condition. WALLIE SPARKS, On 1st I will a mes­ len� January open · GEORGIA-Bulloch COUl1ty. in a CHEAP-1940 two-ton chose for the succession primary FOR SALE 226 Institute street. (Ojanltp) senger and servi� for your plaintiff vs. delivery worth. Mrs, Rubye Thompson, election. sentl­ truck also 1941 and �-�I)eral Public. il' good condition; STRAYED-From my place about convenience, Am unable to obtain Clrarence Lee Thompson, defendant th e Thom­p 4-door cave, for now bolstered, in Chrystler passenger Christmas Eve, five h'aad of cat­ phone at present, but hope to get -Suit for Divotee in Bulloch Su- ment is ale or md .. rensonable See W. H, ma- .. .. tle-one black Angus cow, butt-head­ Oll"3 Soon. perior Court, January Term, 1947. son case, by a clear legislative OLIVER at Farmers Co., or Eqlllpme.nt ed, and red cow, both with youn� Any time you have a package To Clarence Lee Thompson, defendant Main street. (2Jan4tp) jority. ERst CHives nnd marked upper-bit in ench message you wish delivered., stop at in said matter: ;;�======:=:====;;=��=== SAuE-Pair mare mules, weigh- ear: one whit.. fa'ced un- 43 East Main street and you will re­ commanded to be FOR yearling. You are hereby COUNTY LIBRARY TO arou\ld 1,050 each, reward. J, J. ceive prompt and courteous service. next term of the ing P?unds marked; suitable Statesboro and appear at tbe DRIVE l LWesfOCk' PER two- in Com. A wh'are limits. Co. P 1;welve years old; cultivator, THOMPSON, Rt. 1, Statesboro. city .�1 UY ';4 WI .... superior court of Bulloch county, SFONSOR ESTIMATES fREE-USE OUR BUDGET �LAN middle buster, two Messellger service 15 cents; deliv­ the of norse plow, o."e- (9iunttp) Georgia, to answer. c�mplamt Betweim the 6th and 13th of Jan- at four mIles cry service 20 cents, anywhere in the "F. m the IS barge plows, my farm, near C. PARliER & SON the plaintiff, ca�- Bulloch Library ';'S';"T�R�A�Y';''=E'''D�--=F�I-'o-m--m-y--p-:l-ace limits. Your will be mentlO�ed uary the Co�nty from Porfal. JONES_._ about 10th .of December, city patronall'l in her suit agamst you for dl- car.­ AU.!l�EY Stilson. tiOOl sponsoring II paJX!1' drive. T appreciated. .' BUY YOURFERTJLIZER enrly; yellow butt-headed cow, one black Auctioneers: votee. all and books whlCN you A. W. L. Ren- ry magazines cow and tWl' onC Statesboro; Brannen, Witness ilhe Ho;'orable J. to the can ,,-you, plaster \Vi�h hartis, stE·.1rS, StockdaJe, �onnie Register are will ing to discard garage S. W. ING., �upplv cont�lnJngl-eaf & Delivery LEWIS, spot are Messenger said court. sulphur which will pre,�ent rcd .ind one 'dun,: coloi'cd': th,l'ee froe, judll'l of located next to the jail on Hill street. 'and will save applymg sulphur; marked under-bit, upper-blt on.d Service This \ FOR SALE-Circulating conI will be short for �947 j)'.anut smooth crop in right ",aI', under-bIt Octob���:E l:��ELL, h�a.t.r, Main St. 41 plaster I The Oldest " conditIOn; 38-40 Php,n,e and save Uvestock :: used three months, good buy it by carload ,n leflo: will ,pay su.itable rewttrd. 43 East Main Street Men.' IWe Know Their Worth Clerk Bulloch Superior Court. N0�th· crop' Dep. set! for MISS me guano R. nt, Go" BRANNNEN, cost $70, $30. 'JTlon�y; let supply YOUI'. J. SCOTT, 1, Pembroke, ,JOHN W. Owner .wOHN F. . ( BARR, �06 Sout.h Main sb;eet. �2l0J�N':�;, -needs. B. R. OLLIFF. l (9jan2tp) (2jan2tp) :(7nov2l11{1) I

I EIGHT BULLOCH' TIMES AND STATESBORO NEW� THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1947 I BACKWARD LOOK I HALF CENTURY TEN YEARS ..(00. �-'-���=C=ll��=��"�;=�=��"=��U=�=�=�==�==m�;�;r=�=:H=i=�=.�="=A��=��I�------�----����'-�-�� From BUlloch Time8, Jan. 14, 1937. SER¥ICE Public spirited citizen. of Rocky BULLOCH TIMES WHERE NEEDED Ford have inaugurated movement to (STATESBORO MIN procure opening of farm-to-market 'NEWS-STATimBOllO EAGLE) in OVITI' Personal roads to connect with nearby com­ Purely counties, to which end a was Bulloeb TImes, E.tabU.bad 1892 __ meeting """"oUdated Janaarr 17. 1817 . ::��:::�:lf���;. w�. :e::::� held Wednesday ',vening of last week. New•• Establlabed 1901 1" STATESBORO, GA•• THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 1947 VOL. 54-NO. W Bill Adams is spending a few days Greatest Exactly. like a picture from the State.boro Eaele, E.tatin.bad 1917-Co�01ldated D_ber II, 1Il10 . in St. Louis. January center of a picture book is th'i! mod­ Sr. • •• • sp:. :::u::;. ::stZ��::dCOCk :..=-�_�; ernized grocery of Olliff & Smith, were in Savannah '-_ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Martin were visitors Tuesday, oldest going concern save one in this TALMADGE SEIZES • 0 o. .visitors in Savannah Friday. . city. (Save one? Th'i! Bulloch Times BULLOCH IS GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. Olin Smith and Mrs. SUPERIOR- COURT •• •• ',!:\! was established one year ahead of EXECUTIVE. OFFICE � �� - Sr. was a business Olliff spent Friday in Savan- Olliff & Smith-in 1892. The Times Remer Brady Dight .#>=� Over r.dlo .bout ",In.morning � OllIff & RECORD AMOUNT visitor in Atlanta during the week. nah. __ congratulates Smith.) today cam. the announcement that JURORS SELF£l'ED ... ���.n�w� Social events: Mrs. ...n. ... • • Inman Foy • •• • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grant Till;n Herman Talnladre has obtained tertained with Highway Bullding . Projects , 'Imrs, Fre d S mtith and Mrs. B rue e M� Nattie Al len has returned Wpdnesday a bridge physical po._alon of the Grnnd and Traverse Jurom Jr. announce the birth of a Ed- govern· son, luncheon at h'.)l' home on Savannah Past Four Years Olliff were visitor'S in Savannah Tues- fron:o� two-weeks visit with relatives During or', olfiee In the capitol. This Called To Serve - at.,. . win Grant 3, at the Bulloch County avenu �n Wednesday af,ternoon During Is an . In Exceed All Previous Aids additional atep In the eon­ day. Reynolds. Mrs. C. P. red at her 4. Mrs. Tillman' Olliff entertaiJ Iee Coming January 0 • " " 0 0 • 0 January • t growing from the formal nam- home on North Main street the memo Sessl.o� Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olliff of Mrs. Hinton Booth is a HosPiftalwas ormerly Miss Marian David- The Georgia Highway Department 109 of Talmadge to the governor. .Ir., spending bers of her bridge club and other The followinr jurors have been of Mass. ship by the (,erlalature at an Sunday with Mr. and few days in Swainsboro with Mr. and son, Worcester, three of has spent upon projects early Millen, spent guests making tables play­ $2�7,981.65 hour drawn to serY\'! at the January te1'lll ·Mrs. Wednesd.y mor.linr. Mrs. Olliff Sr Gibson ers.-Miss Marion Schley, of Savan­ in Bulloch county during the past Upon thla . election, Talmadge Bulloch court to convene " " * J�h�s:on� I Mrs. N·allie Miller, Lee and Mrs. superIor .• Billy nah, guest of. Jordan Printup. WINTER. four to mnde made formal demand upon Arnall GOODS years, Bill has returned to the Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shuman returned Janell Evans visited in Savannah last DISPOSAl was honor at a according reports Bradley SACRIFICED-lOA guest lovely bridge Monday 27, at 10 �UICK for surrender of the office, which warning, January their to week. ntternoon. at which available University of Georgia after a week- today from wedding trip party Wednesday by Dlrector-Englneen George was refu"ed. During Wednesday o'clock: Mrs: J. M. was hostess.c-Orre SECOND FLOOR Thayer . end visit here. Florida and New Orleans. I of the night by some prOCt!is� WaYcro's.-Mr. and Mra. L, A. Seal). pOSSIble servloes broadca.t over HONQlt'ROIL L. 0", LIe, Jo o ** * wcliolhlp lip aJl, W. G. JJ p. . their home at • ha�e returned to In I Broo�,. hair ew alma.' Gra'dl: A�"ay" have returned to th'eir home M"I , bon! tIUIOllllSLtb ft1l&ncIal po\lcles !by. L·leu.t and M'rs. Rabert Mprrls hav� Inaul(urated n4"'li !I�rkt .�-torty-fl" let the, Christmas hoI. • Mr. and Mrs. after spending c1aUir1l'm-, f.i1llfii1I;' l'�, .vemor'1:l1ta A:ma1t.- An a after visiting und'i!r the 8 , '""turned to Fort Sill, Okla., after \ num· with more of the cost.. from a visit with her parents. Mr. �Ivania, visited. Sunday •••• constant session since the night of Church. in the' U. S., the Protestant FIRE UNIT ors and sizes at rare Be Turner. ber of outstanding agricultural anel FOR�T at their home Urs. W. R. Woodcock. V.ISITED FOR A WEEK savings!' 17, 1865-having dispersed that The that Georgia high· and Mrs. M. S. Spears, mother, "April pounding Episcopal Church and the M.athodist - ' Finance Gilbert Cone, chairman; leaders from all 8ections of • •• • re· without formal upon the immense. busine8s in I Rev. and Mrs, R. S. New have wise! Shop early! night closing ways took as a r.sult of Each of these de· Valley Mr. Mrs. Den Anderson have of Pres· Church. religious H. J. Ellis, Julinn Hodgoas., Buford Mr. Morris sold a total and learing of the to the war the .tate. NOW IN * .turned from a week's visit in Sum. assuspination increase in traffic due OPERATION HeBd� ! a� her., nominations over this same broadcasts M. William Smith, returned from Daytona Beach, ident Linccoln. Knight, L. Durden, of 173 are eligible to attond thl8 Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bal'nes ha� ter. S. with their Dt. led to for C., children. Statesboro mal'ket was more spending network for a of three months. J. In With The Mrs. W. H. hog increas�d ,main� per�od Josh T. NesmIth, J. L. Mathew8, nn record for Co.;Operntion returned from a visit with relatives they accompanied Sharpe, In year, which' is and Mrs. Eddie Gilmore and Mrs. Overstocked on Winter Goods due to warm weather! flctive than ever at any tim'a tenance and reconstl·uetion. sp,te The on nll-t!me w'i!eks there unseasonably today Presbyterian hour has been L. L. Hinton borrowers In Department of Forestry Ha& in where attended II who will spend several .. for this Renfroe, Seligman, the number of paid·out , Where, mOI'e than Marietta, they Earl Gustafson. accompa. in the hogs of the sums required . . . They w�re past-I'Cally large the air the fall and , during quarter ., Booth, Lehman Franklin, Harry the state in anyone year. Mean· Number of Fires :reunion of his family. DIed R. S. of Cost now for cold loqal demand coul� care for. It had .and to match the Federal -Suppress'e� Mr. and Mrs. Dick Barr, .... ho spent by Buy days' ahead! purp�se the Methodist hour will be followed H. H. Olliff. ... Washlngt?n, disregarded! been adverti-ad that a from Vi· BI'unson, while R. L. lan.ant, st,," director, D. who New,..Jrvhrlstmas here WIth buye'i sufficient money was made which Is 60 two the with her parents, MI'. C., spent gvants, the Baptist hour which will be Bulloch eounty, per Mrs. BObby" 'Mc�e:'ol" and holidays dalia would be he"e prella rell to pay by Public Welfare and Health-Dr. announced from Atbens that the col· \Vnde have to hiS l>arents. Men's LeaJther 40-in. Unblllached DuPont failed to available to the highway department heard the months of cent fore8t land, is being protected 1ittle duughters, Andrea and Guyle, and Mrs. Hodges, gone 7 cents per pound, but he during April. John Mooney, chairman; Dr. W. E. have been extreme· ...... fh"'i! lections this year to make their home. appear; local buyer half a cent to· permit approximately and June. E. against uncontrollable forest fires b, are spending awnile with Mr.' and Colu"';bus, Ohio, Muslin Hose paid millio� May Floyd, Dr. B. A. D'i!al. Dr. C. Through June 30, he VISITED IN SAVANNAH Coats and Jackets Nylon the advertised on all·state proJ' Iy gratifying. below price. dollars to be spent Other to be heard J. the county fire protection unit. Mrn. O. L. McLemot�. MI"S. G. W. has returned speakers during Stapleton, Dr. A. B. Daniel. Dr. borrowers who were Mr. and M:s.· y.�. ·0, Coll-ey and Rodges 15c "A tie game of 'baseball of the said 3,991 d�e in yd. ects. are Senator John E. L. fire fighting unit, co·opera­ $1.50 was in E. January If. SparK' H. Logan Hagan, had ',I'he have returned from n from Savannah, where she sp.oant sev· $14.77 ]816 season played Judge roads Whiteside, to pay $1,586,697 actually pa.d of 1\1.1'. and Ml':. ��� ('If At- Butch Colley , Usual 19c Value The total sum spent upon tion with the G'i!orgia Department �innon, D. Holland's court mnn, U. S. senator froRl Alabama; R. Pound. above Sara­ eral days. She was accompanied by Usually found at $1.95 Monday, occupy· Barnes, C. or 373.8 per cent who were enl'oute to holiday trip t('l Miami, Tampa, to Light weight. Limit 20 yds. the foul' of th'a Arnall $5,930.93&. has sev­ lunta, DeLand, Originally $19.95 ing th·, entire day and running fat' during' years President Humphrey Lee, of Southern chairman; Forestry, already suppre8sed intel'est in Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and small THIRD FLOOR 48 Glamorous sheer Marketing-Byron Dyer, the amount due. were the week o,f sota und other places of gauge. to was fires are FIn., guests during Sizes 34 to 46 into thc night." (The story had do administration $50,�29,738.40. M.•thodist and Bishop Chas. eral fires. The be'ng spot­ who had been her to University, F. C. Parker Jr., Cliff Bradley. borrowers from Bulloch coun· Mr. A. Florida. son, Billy, guests Nylons. Sizes 81/2 10%. with some debt. due the baseball about sixteen Eight located and Mrs. M. B,·aswell. by This does not include William C. of Kan· G. E. .ted from three lookout towers ...... Martin, Topeka, John Olliff (Rt. 2), to attend the din· • * ... .. fOI' a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Cannon 50 per cent Wool team to the Ba-liollr·Melvin Hardware and Bryan', will be eligible 1 pair to a customer. million dollars in construction ty at at the airport and ju.t sas. Senator Sparkman speaks on L. D. Collins. J. Rufus Ander· county Arcola, Mrs. Maude Cobb Bretz and sl11all Jimmy Redding spent the week end and son have now returned to thoail' Company, who brought suit against it· B'aan, ner., to Hal Melton Blankets the departm-ant occ�roing .s.oach.,! across the line in coun­ Boys' Limited quantity. individuals who deni'ad muintenunce by "Our Responsibility for War I d G. & F. R. J. tnese oounty Bryan of in Atlanta nnd' was accompanied home in S. C. certain per­ son, J. E. Fay, Agent, Mr. c1aughter, Muudiku, Augusta, spent Columbia, a of supervisqr. of another tower sonal The case ended in a self. In general, policy pushing Dr. Lee has chosen fOl' his R�ach sal� ty. The construction the week end with Mrs. 1'. J. and children...... $6.77 FIRST FLOOR liability. Peace"; Kennedy, O. L. McLemore. fOI' thClr farms from home MI·s. I . men had Redding Jackets paid }n In qobb by which the Fed·aral gov· located near Hopulikit will begin mistrial.) projects upon subject, "The Community of the Can· - Alfred Dorman, chair' .md Mr. and Mrs. Wallis Cobb. Patricia and Jimmy, who had been PRILATHEA OFFICERS Originally $7.98 • • • • share of Highway three to five yeal's altl)ough they ad. ernment paid u substantial will the next few days. Two well·equip­ · ... Ml's. offiC'i!rs $2.97 Heavy \Vt. Siz""s 6 to 16. fident," and Bishop Martin speak W. Hodges, H. M. in which Mrs. Redding's mother, Newly elec