09 – 13: X : 2017

CHINA: 19º CONGRESSO DO PC | CHINA: 19TH PARTY CONGRESS  China and the World After 19th Party Congress AA.VV., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

 What is Xi Jinping Thought? Willy Wo-Lap Lam, China Brief

 Xi Jinping's Moment Richard McGregor, Lowy Institute

 China’s 19th Party Congress: Political Precedent and the Politburo Standing Committee Andrei Lungu, The Diplomat

ACORDO NUCLEAR COM O IRÃO: INCUMPRIMENTO? | NUCLEAR AGREEMENT WITH IRAN: NONCOMPLIANCE?  The Trump Administration and the Iran Nuclear Deal: Analysis of Noncompliance Claims Jarrett Blanc & James M. Acton, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

 Iranian Foreign Minister: ‘Arab Affairs Are Iran’s Business’ Javad Zarif, The Atlantic

 Decertifying the Deal: What’s the Next Step in Negotiating with Iran? James Phillips, The National Interest

RECONCILIAÇÃO PALESTINIANA | PALETINIAN RECONCILIATION  What’s different about the latest Palestinian reconciliation effort? Khaled Elgindy, Brookings Institution

 The long road towards Palestinian re-unification Hugh Lovatt, ECFR

COREIA DO NORTE: TENSÃO NUCLEAR | NORTH KOREA: NUCLEAR TENSION  The Growing Danger of a U.S. Nuclear First Strike On North Korea David Barno and Nora Bensahel, War on the Rocks

ARCO DE CRISES | ARCH OF CRISIS  How to Turn Battleground Ukraine into a Success Story? Anna Tikhonova & Cyril Fokin, National Interest

 Mali’s Fragile Peace Allison Chandler and Benno Zogg, CSS

 Trump's Surge in : Why We Can't Seem to End the War Daniel Byman and Steven Simon, Foreign Affairs

TERRORISMO| TERRORISM  Ties that Bind: Dynamics of Group Radicalisation in Italy’s Jihadists Headed for Syria and Francesco Marone, The International Spectator

 Turkey–EU Counterterrorism Dialogue: Different Perceptions, Different Priorities Kadri Tastan & Tobias Kutschka, German Marshall Fund

RELAÇÕES TRANSATLÂNTICAS | TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS  Macron, the Atlanticist Tomas Valasek, Carnegie Europe

 The Ties That Bind: Germany and the United States in a New Era Alina Polyakova and Henning Riecke, Atlantic Council

GRANDES POTÊNCIAS | GREAT POWERS  It's Not the Collusion, It's the Cooperation Noah Rothman, Commentary

 Russia Needs to Think Small in Its Relations With the EU Irina Busygina, Carnegie Moscow Center

EUA| USA  U.S. to Pull Out of UNESCO, Again Colum Lynch, Foreign Policy

 Some American Voters Are More Equal: Election Law As an Arena of Partisan Strategy Lauren Schwartz & Johannes Thimm, SWP

 The Need for a Real New Strategy to Deal with Iran and the Gulf Anthony Cordesman, CSIS

CHINA  Did China Use Water as a Weapon in the Doklam Standoff? Joel Wuthnow, War on the Rocks

RÚSSIA | RUSSIA  Moscow's House of Shadows Joshua Yaffa, New Yorker  Dress Rehearsal for Russia’s Presidential Election

Fabian Burkhardt & Janis Kluge, SWP

 What Are the Limits to Belarus's Sovereignty? Grigory Ioffe, Jamestown Foundation

 Is Putin Losing Control of Russia's Conservative Nationalists? Alexander Baunov, Foreign Affairs

 Post-Soviet De Facto States Russian Analytical Digest

UNIÃO EUROPEIA | EUROPEAN UNION  The Finnish Model: To Improve Europe’s Militaries, Look North Elisabeth Braw, Foreign Affairs

 EU Enlargement: Door Half Open or Door Half Shut? Ian Bond, CER

 A Paradigm Shift in the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: From Transformation to Resilience Annegret Bendiek, SWP

AMÉRICA DO NORTE | NORTH AMERICA  What if NAFTA Ended? The Imperative of a Successful Renegotiations Adrienne Arsht, Atlantic Council

 Can Trump Terminate NAFTA? Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Peterson Institute

MÉDIO ORIENTE | MIDDLE EAST  Arab wars: calculating the costs Florence Gaub, EUISS

 Saudi Arabia Must Prepare for the Post-Petroleum Order Mark P. Lagon, National Interest

AMÉRICA LATINA| LATIN AMERICA  The Trouble with Cuba’s New Economy William M. Leogrande, America’s Quarterly

 Nueva etapa entre Cuba y la UE. Escenarios de futuro Anna Ayuso y Susanne Gratius (Eds.), CIDOB

 La democracia a la defensiva en América Latina Manuel Alcántara, Estudios de Política Exterior

ÁSIA| ASIA  A Stronger in ? Luke Hunt, The Diplomat

Draws Closer to Outright Authoritarianism Joshua Kurlantzick, CFR

 A new front in Asia’s water war Brahma Chellaney, The Strategist

ÁFRICA | AFRICA  Mozambique’s Stability Is Being Put to the Test Alex Vines, Chatham House

 The Gambia: An Ideal Case for Prevention in Practice Lesley Connolly, Global Observatory

 Traditional natural resource conflict resolution vis-à-vis formal legal systems in East Africa: The cases of Ethiopia and Kenya Tsegai Berhane Ghebretekle, ACCORD

 Looking at Africa’s ancient kingdoms through a DRC rebel group Tom Collins, New African Magazine

ÁRTICO | ARTIC  China Preparing to Bypass Russia’s Northern Sea Route in Arctic Paul Goble, Eurasia Daily Monitor

NAÇÕES UNIDAS|  Elections at the UN: Australia’s approach Sally Weston, ASPI

 Less is more? The US at the UN Bart M.J. Szewczyk, EUISS

NATO  Basic Instinct: The Case for More NATO in The Western Balkans CEAS

 NATO’s Expanding Military Exercises Are Sending Risky Mixed Messages

Ralph S. Clem, War on the Rocks

ECONOMIA INTERNACIONAL | INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY  Global Growth: Choppy Forecasts, Smooth Sailing John Edwards, Lowy Interpreter

 Going It Alone in the Asia-Pacific: Regional Trade Agreements Without the United States Peter A. Petri, Michael G. Plummer, Shujiro Urata and Fan Zhai, PIIE

GUERRA & PAZ | WAR & PEACE  The Myth of Accidental War James H. Nolt, World Policy Journal

RELATÓRIO | REPORT  Liberal Democracy and the Path to Peace and Security Brookings Institution

LIVROS & RECENSÕES | BOOKS & REVIEWS  Communism's Shadow: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Political Attitudes [chapter 1] Grigore Pop-Eleches & Joshua A. Tucker, Princeton University Press, 2017, 344.

 Is Globalization Drawing Us Together or Tearing Us Apart? James Traub, New York Times The Ordinary Virtues: Moral Order in a Divided World, By Michael Ignatieff, Harvard University Press, 2017, 265 pp.

 La culture européenne, culture de l'échange Christian Ruby, Non Fiction Une brève histoire culturelle de l'Europe, Emmanuelle Loyer, Flammarion, 2017, 512 pp.

 Mark Lilla and The Future of Post (Identity) Liberalism Omri Boehm, Los Angeles Review of Books The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics, by Mark Lilla, Harper Collins, 2017, 160pp.

 “China as a Polar Great Power” by Anne-Marie Brady Kyle Hutzler, Asian Review of Books China as a Polar Great Power, by Anne-Marie Brady, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 280 pp.

 The Postcolonial Timothy Nunan, Foreign Affairs Winning the Third World: Sino-American Rivalry During the Cold War, by Gregg Brazinsky, University of North Carolina Press, 2017, 448 pp.