09 – 13: X : 2017 CHINA: 19º CONGRESSO DO PC | CHINA: 19TH PARTY CONGRESS China and the World After 19th Party Congress AA.VV., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace What is Xi Jinping Thought? Willy Wo-Lap Lam, China Brief Xi Jinping's Moment Richard McGregor, Lowy Institute China’s 19th Party Congress: Political Precedent and the Politburo Standing Committee Andrei Lungu, The Diplomat ACORDO NUCLEAR COM O IRÃO: INCUMPRIMENTO? | NUCLEAR AGREEMENT WITH IRAN: NONCOMPLIANCE? The Trump Administration and the Iran Nuclear Deal: Analysis of Noncompliance Claims Jarrett Blanc & James M. Acton, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Iranian Foreign Minister: ‘Arab Affairs Are Iran’s Business’ Javad Zarif, The Atlantic Decertifying the Deal: What’s the Next Step in Negotiating with Iran? James Phillips, The National Interest RECONCILIAÇÃO PALESTINIANA | PALETINIAN RECONCILIATION What’s different about the latest Palestinian reconciliation effort? Khaled Elgindy, Brookings Institution The long road towards Palestinian re-unification Hugh Lovatt, ECFR COREIA DO NORTE: TENSÃO NUCLEAR | NORTH KOREA: NUCLEAR TENSION The Growing Danger of a U.S. Nuclear First Strike On North Korea David Barno and Nora Bensahel, War on the Rocks ARCO DE CRISES | ARCH OF CRISIS How to Turn Battleground Ukraine into a Success Story? Anna Tikhonova & Cyril Fokin, National Interest Mali’s Fragile Peace Allison Chandler and Benno Zogg, CSS Trump's Surge in Afghanistan: Why We Can't Seem to End the War Daniel Byman and Steven Simon, Foreign Affairs TERRORISMO| TERRORISM Ties that Bind: Dynamics of Group Radicalisation in Italy’s Jihadists Headed for Syria and Iraq Francesco Marone, The International Spectator Turkey–EU Counterterrorism Dialogue: Different Perceptions, Different Priorities Kadri Tastan & Tobias Kutschka, German Marshall Fund RELAÇÕES TRANSATLÂNTICAS | TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS Macron, the Atlanticist Tomas Valasek, Carnegie Europe The Ties That Bind: Germany and the United States in a New Era Alina Polyakova and Henning Riecke, Atlantic Council GRANDES POTÊNCIAS | GREAT POWERS It's Not the Collusion, It's the Cooperation Noah Rothman, Commentary Russia Needs to Think Small in Its Relations With the EU Irina Busygina, Carnegie Moscow Center EUA| USA U.S. to Pull Out of UNESCO, Again Colum Lynch, Foreign Policy Some American Voters Are More Equal: Election Law As an Arena of Partisan Strategy Lauren Schwartz & Johannes Thimm, SWP The Need for a Real New Strategy to Deal with Iran and the Gulf Anthony Cordesman, CSIS CHINA Did China Use Water as a Weapon in the Doklam Standoff? Joel Wuthnow, War on the Rocks RÚSSIA | RUSSIA Moscow's House of Shadows Joshua Yaffa, New Yorker Dress Rehearsal for Russia’s Presidential Election Fabian Burkhardt & Janis Kluge, SWP What Are the Limits to Belarus's Sovereignty? Grigory Ioffe, Jamestown Foundation Is Putin Losing Control of Russia's Conservative Nationalists? Alexander Baunov, Foreign Affairs Post-Soviet De Facto States Russian Analytical Digest UNIÃO EUROPEIA | EUROPEAN UNION The Finnish Model: To Improve Europe’s Militaries, Look North Elisabeth Braw, Foreign Affairs EU Enlargement: Door Half Open or Door Half Shut? Ian Bond, CER A Paradigm Shift in the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy: From Transformation to Resilience Annegret Bendiek, SWP AMÉRICA DO NORTE | NORTH AMERICA What if NAFTA Ended? The Imperative of a Successful Renegotiations Adrienne Arsht, Atlantic Council Can Trump Terminate NAFTA? Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Peterson Institute MÉDIO ORIENTE | MIDDLE EAST Arab wars: calculating the costs Florence Gaub, EUISS Saudi Arabia Must Prepare for the Post-Petroleum Order Mark P. Lagon, National Interest AMÉRICA LATINA| LATIN AMERICA The Trouble with Cuba’s New Economy William M. Leogrande, America’s Quarterly Nueva etapa entre Cuba y la UE. Escenarios de futuro Anna Ayuso y Susanne Gratius (Eds.), CIDOB La democracia a la defensiva en América Latina Manuel Alcántara, Estudios de Política Exterior ÁSIA| ASIA A Stronger Australia in Southeast Asia? Luke Hunt, The Diplomat Cambodia Draws Closer to Outright Authoritarianism Joshua Kurlantzick, CFR A new front in Asia’s water war Brahma Chellaney, The Strategist ÁFRICA | AFRICA Mozambique’s Stability Is Being Put to the Test Alex Vines, Chatham House The Gambia: An Ideal Case for Prevention in Practice Lesley Connolly, Global Observatory Traditional natural resource conflict resolution vis-à-vis formal legal systems in East Africa: The cases of Ethiopia and Kenya Tsegai Berhane Ghebretekle, ACCORD Looking at Africa’s ancient kingdoms through a DRC rebel group Tom Collins, New African Magazine ÁRTICO | ARTIC China Preparing to Bypass Russia’s Northern Sea Route in Arctic Paul Goble, Eurasia Daily Monitor NAÇÕES UNIDAS| UNITED NATIONS Elections at the UN: Australia’s approach Sally Weston, ASPI Less is more? The US at the UN Bart M.J. Szewczyk, EUISS NATO Basic Instinct: The Case for More NATO in The Western Balkans CEAS NATO’s Expanding Military Exercises Are Sending Risky Mixed Messages Ralph S. Clem, War on the Rocks ECONOMIA INTERNACIONAL | INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY Global Growth: Choppy Forecasts, Smooth Sailing John Edwards, Lowy Interpreter Going It Alone in the Asia-Pacific: Regional Trade Agreements Without the United States Peter A. Petri, Michael G. Plummer, Shujiro Urata and Fan Zhai, PIIE GUERRA & PAZ | WAR & PEACE The Myth of Accidental War James H. Nolt, World Policy Journal RELATÓRIO | REPORT Liberal Democracy and the Path to Peace and Security Brookings Institution LIVROS & RECENSÕES | BOOKS & REVIEWS Communism's Shadow: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Political Attitudes [chapter 1] Grigore Pop-Eleches & Joshua A. Tucker, Princeton University Press, 2017, 344. Is Globalization Drawing Us Together or Tearing Us Apart? James Traub, New York Times The Ordinary Virtues: Moral Order in a Divided World, By Michael Ignatieff, Harvard University Press, 2017, 265 pp. La culture européenne, culture de l'échange Christian Ruby, Non Fiction Une brève histoire culturelle de l'Europe, Emmanuelle Loyer, Flammarion, 2017, 512 pp. Mark Lilla and The Future of Post (Identity) Liberalism Omri Boehm, Los Angeles Review of Books The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics, by Mark Lilla, Harper Collins, 2017, 160pp. “China as a Polar Great Power” by Anne-Marie Brady Kyle Hutzler, Asian Review of Books China as a Polar Great Power, by Anne-Marie Brady, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 280 pp. The Postcolonial Cold War Timothy Nunan, Foreign Affairs Winning the Third World: Sino-American Rivalry During the Cold War, by Gregg Brazinsky, University of North Carolina Press, 2017, 448 pp. .
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