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Vol. 120, No. 19 May 15, 2009 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 • $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Oslo Three die in shooting in The Viking Rally 2009 Norway Three people are dead after a shooting in Aker outside Energy-friendly car race kicked off in Norway on May 11 Oslo in what, local police told the BBC, was a domestic incident. Norwegian media Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e quote police as saying a man Norwegian American Weekly shot dead two women, his ex-wife and her daughter in the suburb of Nesoeya before The Viking Rally 2009, a race killing himself. The gunman for battery electric, plug-in hybrid is believed to have been in his and hydrogen vehicles, kicked off 60s and his ex-wife in her 50s. on May 11 at the new hydrogen At this time, the age of her station in Oslo. The station was daughter is unknown. opened by Norwegian Minister for Transportation Liv Signe Norway begins laptop- Navarsete. The minister will also based exam project open the new hydrogen station The government in Norway is in Drammen as the race passes giving out laptops to 16-year- through the town. old students to help them with His Royal Highness Crown their everyday schoolwork. Prince Haakon of Norway, Now, some 6,000 students international rally driver Henning are involved in a trial to use Solberg and American race car these laptops to take their driver and environmental activist, final exams. If successful, the Leilani Münter, took part in the plan could be rolled across the event. His Royal Highness Crown country. Photo: Pål Bugge/Innovation Norway His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon participated on the first leg of the race, driving a hydrogen-fueled Ford. Norwegian police detain CONTINUES PAGE 13 six people in bank scam Police say six people have So, do you actually been detained on suspicion of Norway: Quest for seeking to swindle Norwegian banks out of NOK 100 million have to do anything? ($15 million) in a real estate the Viking Spirit mortgage scam. American Ambassador to What’s inside? Norway Benson Whitney reflects News 2-3 Le s l e e La n e Ho y u m Business 4 Rockford, Minn. Sports 5 Op-Ed 6-7 Just three and a half years ago Benson K. Whitney was sworn in Taste of Norway 8 as U.S. Ambassador to Norway. Travels to Norway 9 Shortly after his confirmation, he bumped into a friend who offered Roots & Connections 10 congratulations but was quick to Faith & Religion Photo: Børge Jomaas/Innovation Norway ask, “So, do you ever get to go to 11 On Wednesday, May 6, adventure traveler Richard Bangs spoke at the premeire of Norway? Do you actually have to his new documentary “Norway: Quest for the Viking Spirit” part of his Adventures Arts & Entertainment do anything?” Such questions are 12 with Purpose Series. The event took place at KCTS in Seattle, Wash. common, Whitney told a full house In Your Neighborhood Photo: Mattis Sandblad, VG 13 Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e at the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute It’s not all play and no work for U.S. Norwegian American Weekly of Public Affairs in Minneapolis, Norwegian Heritage 14 Ambassador to Norway Benson Minn. Whitney. Education 15 “Norway: Quest for the Viking to Bangs, “Adventures with “Yes, an ambassadorship Spirit” is a new documentary in the Purpose not only quicken the pulse is a job,” Whitney respectfully with actors, such as the stars from $1 = NOK 6.57 “Adventures with Purpose” series and fire the synapses, they are also advised his friend. “Sure, there , and opportunities updated 5/11/09 of adventure travel, eco-conscience, were the occasional baby kissings and historical specials. According and ribbon cuttings, encounters CONTINUES PAGE 13 4/17/09 $1=NOK 6.80 CONTINUES PAGE 12 2 Norge - Uken som gikk

CeciliaNytt nest best på i verden Nett Ole Gunnar Solskjær er årets Peer Gynt Stortingsrepresentantene har valgt Ole Solskjær har framstått som en utmerket 8. mai nå også veterandag Gunnar Solskjær (36) som årets Peer Gynt. rolle- Fra de 15 saluttstasjonene rundt om i Norge Statuetten deles ut til personer eller insti- modell for barn og unge verden over, og at kunne det klokka 12 den 8. mai både sees tusjoner som har markert seg på en positiv han har engasjert seg sterkt i Unicef. Det og høres 12 saluttskudd. De var til minne måte på det samfunnsnyttige plan, og som trekkes fram at han har fått mange priser og om frigjøringsdagen 8. mai 1945, og nor- har gjort Norge kjent i utlandet. hedersutmerkelser. ske falne under tidligere og nyere krig- I 2008 ble han utnemnt til Ridder av shandlinger. Over Akershus festning var Solskjær (foto) blir den 39. Peer Gynt i første klasse av Den Kongelige Norske St. det også jagerflyparade med luftforsvarets selskap med blant annet politiker Gro Har- Olavs Orden og i 2007 fikk han Kniksens F-16 jagerfly. lem Brundtland, forretningsmann Kjell Inge hederspris. Han har vært ambassadør for Røkke, Dronning Sonja og skuespillerinne Unicef siden 2003. TVNorge legger ned nyhetene Liv Ullmann. Solskjær ble kjent over en hel fotballver- TVNorge vil satse mer på underholdning Solskjær får prisen for sin mangeårige den, gjennom sine år i Manchester United. I og legger ned nyhetssendingene. Program- innsats i fotballverdenen og for sitt store dag er han trener for reservelaget i samme postene Aktuelt, Sporten, Spotlight og samfunnsengasjement både nasjonalt og in- og internasjonalt, både for sine idrettsprestas- klubb. Været forsvinner fra nyttår. Kanalen har ternasjonalt. joner, men også for den personen han er. Han Etter planen skal prisen deles ut 1. au- hatt nyhetssendinger siden 1991. Bakgrun- – Ole Gunnar er en verdig og flott pris- virker flott på alle måter og vil passe godt inn gusti, under en festforestilling i Vinstrahal- nen for beslutningen er en stadig sterkere vinner. Jeg har fulgt han i mange år og i mine i Peer Gynt klubben, sier Breivik. len. konkurranse blant nyhetsmediene. øyne er han en fantastisk idrettsambassadør. I begrunnelsen for valget heter det at Det er ingen tvil om hvem stemmene gikk Rømt krokodille skremte barn English Synopsis: The well-known soccer player Ole Gunnar Solskjær has been named til, sier Marit Breivik, leder av nominasjon- En barnehage måtte ta beina fatt da en Peer Gynt of 2009. The values enshrined in the Peer Gynt prize are everything that Peer is skomiteen til GD. – Han bryr seg om mer krokodille kom seg løs ved Akvariet i Ber- not. A person or an institution that has distinguished oneself/itself in a way that is positive enn den rent sportslige delen av livet. Han gen 5. mai. Mens barna sto utenfor buret, and beneficial to society, and who/which has promoted Norway abroad. har en veldig tilhengerskare både nasjonalt klatret den filipinske krokodillen opp et to meter høyt gjerde og kom seg ut. Like utenfor buret ble utbryterkongen fanget før den fikk gjort noe skade. Akvariets rep- tilsjef Remi Andersen beklager hendelsen Tellefsen på sokkel i Trondheim på det sterkeste. Døtrene Kari Sofie (7) og Ingeborg (5) avduket statuen av den folkekjære fiolin- 10.000 vil sykle til jobben isten Arve Tellefsen 4. mai. Skulpturen Vel 10.000 har hittil meldt seg på årets står i Tordenskioldparken ved Vår Frue Sykle til jobben-aksjon, som startet 5. Kirke i sentrum av Trondheim. mai i Oslo. Aksjonen ble formelt tråkket i gang av samferdselsminister Liv Signe – Så ble jeg endelig høy og mørk, jeg Navarsete (Sp) og hennes politikerkollega også, sa en munter og fornøyd Arve Tellef- Jan Bøhler (Ap). Så langt er det 1.043 lag sen da han fikk se statuen av seg selv, som er som konkurrerer med hverandre i aksjonen laget av billedkunstneren Per Ung. - over 400 lag flere enn i 2008. Arrangør er Statuen er en gave til Trondheim by fra Norges Bedriftsidrettsforbund. Bunnpris-kjøpmann Trond Lykke, som sier at kunstner Ung bare lager statuer av de han Årets Avis og Årets Nettsted mener fortjener det. – Vi er stolte av deg, Bergens Tidende er “Årets Avis” og Af- Arve. Det er en glede å gi deg den honnør er “Årets Nettsted”. Det slo du fortjener, sa Lykke. Ung har også laget jurien fast i forrige uke på Ole Bull Teater skulpturen av skøyteløperlegenden Hjalmar i i forbindelse med konferansen “Hjallis” Andersen, som står bare noen hun- Nordiske Mediedager. Juryen utalte blant dre meter lenger borte. Tellefsen (til venstre) har nå fått en plass i barndomsbyen sin. Foto: Tom E. Østhuus/ Dagbladet. annet at har i lang tid hatt – Det er ekstra spesielt for meg som Oslo-gutt en massiv nyhetsdekning kombinert med å få lage to statuer i Trondheim. Jeg trykker English Synopsis: On May 4, a statue of the well-known violinist Arve Tellefsen was en rekke nyttige og brukervennlige tjenes- Trondheim til mitt bryst og håper Trondheim unveiled in Trondheim. Per Ung is the artist, who also made the statue of the legendary ter. Om Årets Avis sa juryen blant annet: trykker meg til sitt, sa Ung til NRK. Norwegian speed skater Hjalmar Andersen (aka Hjallis) located close to the new statue. Bergens Tidende er markedsledende i sin region, og en av de sterkeste merkevarene i medie-Norge. Kongen vil redde Slottsplassen Få feirer frigjøringen Hver gang det regner kraftig i hovedsta- den, havner mye av den røde grusen på En ny spørreundersøkelse Visendi har i Norge sett filmen. Slottsplassen i gatene nedenfor. Dette vil gjort for NTB, viser at 78 prosent av alle Norges mest kjente nålevende krigshelt, kongen nå gjøre noe med. Et nytt rehabi- nordmenn aldri markerer eller feirer Gunnar “Kjakan” Sønsteby - som ledet den literings- og fornyingsprosjekt omfatter frigjøringsdagen. såkalte Oslo-gjengen under krigen og utførte nå Slottsplassen og Slottsbakken opplyser en rekke livsfarlige sabotasjeaksjoner – Slottet. 17 prosent markerer den av og til, mens synes derimot ikke det er verken skuffende På Akershus er det minnesmerker for FN- og NATO- bare 4 prosent svarer at de alltid markerer eller sårende at dagen ser ut til å gå i glem- styrkene, for Lingekompaniet, Shetlandsgjengen, Kina vil lære av Norge dagen. meboken. – Nei. Jeg synes det er nasjon- Skottlandsbrigaden, luftforsvaret og Tysklandsbri- gaden. Foto: Flickr. Finanskrisen sto høyt på programmet da Kyrre Kverndokk, førstelektor i kul- aldagen som er viktigst. Vi veteranene vil jo utenriksminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) turhistorie ved Universitetet i Oslo, forteller fortsette å markere 8. mai så lenge vi lever, er i for eksempel Danmark. – 17. mai dekket møtte lederen for kommunistpartiets inter- at mange veteraner har vært såret over dette. men så vil nok dagen falle bort. Det synes mye av behovet, fordi frigjøringskampen nasjonale avdeling i Kina, Wang Jiarui, til – De er skuffet over hvor få som flagger jeg egentlig er alright, sier Sønsteby. raskt ble en sentral del av den offisielle 17. arbeidslunsj i Oslo 11. mai. Wang slo fast denne dagen, og er redde for at den skal bli Han forteller at veteranene delte seg i to mai-liturgien, både i talene og i de offisielle at møtet ga inspirasjon til videre arbeid i glemt. I bunn og grunn handler dette om en leirer etter krigen. En som ønsket å feire 8. bekransningsritualene på morgenen, sier Kina. Han sa at Kina ønsker å lære sosial- følelse av at motstandskampen ikke lenger mai, og en som ville kutte ut dagen. – Jeg var han. og velferdspolitikk av Norge. Samtalene blir verdsatt, forteller han. Unge markerer blant dem syntes det fikk holde med 17. mai, omhandlet temaer som regionale spørsmål minst, men interessen for hjemmefrontbe- forteller han. English Synopsis: A survey shows that i Asia, blant annet Pakistan og Afghani- vegelsens innsats har fått en ny omdreining Kverndokk tror nærheten i tid til 17. mai 78 percent of the Norwegian population stan, samt menneskerettigheter og kli- etter “Max Manus”-filmen som kom i fjor. er en viktig årsak til at 8. mai ikke er blitt en never recognize VE Day, but the film maspørsmål. Så langt har over 1,1 millioner kinogjengere viktig markeringsdag, slik frigjøringsdagen “Max Manus” has created more aware- ness. MAY 15, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY 3 Norway in the News Drops use of controversial air base scaffolding from the drilling area on the B 2010. A pre-program demonstration project Chrysler followed, on the day that it filed for Norwegian authorities have shelved plans platform. Investigations have been launched starting with 550 TH!NK city vehicles will bankruptcy protection, stating that it would for using the Termez air base in Uzbekistan by the police and the Petroleum Safety Au- begin early this summer. These first vehicles suspend production indefinitely at all its US for the transfer of troops and equipment to thority Norway (PSA). StatoilHydro will are intended to gather early real time experi- and Canada-based plants. Hydro delivers ex- the Norwegian units of the ISAF force in conduct its own inquiry into the incident. ence of running and operating EVs in Spain. truded aluminium products to each of these Afghanistan. Norwegian aircraft will in- (StatoilHydro) ( automakers, either directly or indirectly, stead make intermediate stops in Turkey, from four plants in North America. These and from there fly directly to Mazar-e-Sharif King Olav V’s death brings eviction fear Norwegian fishing boss urges McCartney are mainly precision tubing products for heat in Afghanistan, where the runway now has A soccer club may have to vacate its home boycott over seal trade ban transfer applications, and bumper beams for the capacity for such aircraft, according to ground in Norfolk, England because of a The head of the Norwegian fishermen’s as- crash management systems. ( Defense Department Secretary of State Es- clause in the lease linking ownership to a sociation has called for a boycott of Paul pen Barth Eide. Norwegian authorities were king of Norway who died in 1991, writes McCartney’s music over the former Beatle’s Soldiers suffer from metal fume fever earlier strongly criticized by professor and BBC. Cromer Town FC were given the lease support for a European Union ban against In a preliminary report, Norwegian defense senior researcher at the Norwegian Institutt in 1922 by Evelyn Bond-Cabbell. But the seal products. Reidar Nilsen called for the experts have concluded that health problems for Foreign Policy (NUPI), Daniel Heradst- gift of Cabbell Park included a clause that the boycott in the wake of a European Parlia- among a large number of Norwegian soldiers veit. He said the regime in Uzbekistan could lease would expire 21 years after the death of ment decision to ban the import of seal prod- may be caused by so-called metal fume fe- be compared to the Taliban, a totalitarian re- Queen Victoria’s last surviving grandchild. ucts on May 5. ( ver. Many soldiers have become ill after they gime who was carrying out what he called Norway’s King Olav V, the monarch’s last have used what is considered environmental- “state terrorism.” (NRK / Norway Post) surviving great-grandson, died on January Norway documents continental shelf off friendly ammunition for the standard army 17, 1991, meaning the club faces eviction in Bouvet Island and Dronning Maud Land rifle HK416. The soldiers have suffered chest New U.S. journey for Norwegian salmon 2012. (BBC) Norway submitted last week documentation pains, sore throats and coughing for several After six year of absence from the Ameri- on the extent of the continental shelf off Bou- hours after the shooting practice is over. Ac- can market, the Norwegian Seafood Export Norway says yes to Arctic oil vet Island and Dronning Maud Land to the cording to the Norwegian Defence Research Council (NSEC) has decided to renew its in- On May 8, the Norwegian government gave Commission on the Limits of the Continental Center, repeated contractions of metal fume vestment in the United States. The budget in blessing to oil company ENI’s development Shelf (CLCS), which is based in New York. fever could result in permanent harm to one’s one of the world’s largest seafood markets plans for the Goliat field, located about 85 km There are particular considerations that ap- health. (Norway Post / NRK) will be NOK 10 million in 2009. The invest- northeast of Hammerfest in the Barents Sea. ply to Dronning Maud Land in the Antarctic. ment comes as a direct consequence of the Among the government’s conditions are low ( Cave-in at power plant claims two lives challenges in the Chilean seafood industry. carbon dioxide emissions. It is expected that Two subcontractor employees were killed on Norwegian fresh whole salmon has had a the government will demand that all electric- Arctic Council keeps EU in the cold Saturday, May 9, in a cave-in during work punitive duty in the United States of 26% ity is taken from the mainland in order to The Arctic Council has not let the European on a tunnel at Hydro’s hydroelectric power since 1991. This, together with the fact that reduce emissions of CO2, The government Union get permanent observer status in the plant in Western Norway. The cave-in oc- Chile has contributed to developing a mar- approval is a blow to cabinet junior partner Artic Council, despite the Union’s growing curred just before 2 p.m., May 9, in a tun- ket for fresh salmon fillets, has meant that Socialist Left Party, which long has called interest in the High North. The European nel where the two workers, employees of Norwegian actors have focused much less for a stop in the Goliat plans. Also region- Union has applied to join as a permanent Veidekke Entreprenør AS and another sub- on the United States: Now Chilean salmon al authorities in Northern Norway remain observer to the council. However, the Arc- contractor, were performing repairs. The production is expected to fall dramatically as skeptical towards the field plans. It took long tic organization concluded at its meeting in Røldal-Suldal power plant is located in the a result of sickness, and Norwegian salmon time for ENI to convince regional politicians Tromsø that it would defer a decision on new county of Hordaland, about 200 kilometers will again have an interesting market in the about the need to develop the field offshore applicants until its next gathering in 2011. northeast of Hydro’s aluminium plant at West. The major product for the U.S. is fresh and not land the oil. Many now fear that the (The Barents Observer) Karmøy. ( salmon fillets. So far this year, more than project will not generate jobs and new indus- 2100 tons of fresh salmon fillets have been try in the region. Environmentalists fear for GM/Chrysler announcements sting Hydro First cases of H1N1 flu confirmed exported to the U.S. with a value of NOK the consequences of the project. Hydro does not rule out further reductions in The first two cases of H1N1 flu were con- 114 kroner, which is an increase of 280 per- ( its production of extruded aluminium auto- firmed in Norway on May 9. The Norwegian cent for the first quarter. motive components and systems as result of Health Directorate said two students in their ( Think says “Hola” to Spain the announcements that automakers General 20s are recovering from “mild” forms of the Think’s expansion across Europe is continu- Motors and Chrysler are suspending vehicle disease. Both of the infected people, who Dies in fall on Norwegian platform ing quickly, with the EV charge now head- production at most of their assembly plants in live in the Oslo region, have recently spent A person died on May 7, after an accidental ing into Spain. Think has signed an MoU to North America. GM first announced it would time in Mexico. ( fall on the Oseberg B platform operated by deliver 550 TH!NK city EVs to the Spanish idle 13 of its assembly plants in the United StatoilHydro in the North Sea. The accident market. The vehicle are planned to be deliv- States and Mexico for up to nine addition- happened in connection with the removal of ered during the second half of 2009 and early al weeks this summer, starting this month.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the com • Website: Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Norwegian American Weekly NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • MAY 15, 2009 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: (May 11 09) Vinnere Ambassador Strømmen gets Navn Siste % Petromena ASA 0,36 28,57 down to business in Texas Norsk Kr. 6.4173 Dolphin Interconnect Solutions 0,59 25,53 Petrojack 2,62 24,76 During his trip the Ambassador visited the annual Dansk Kr. 5.4711 DNO International 8,75 18,72 Offshore Techology Conference in Houston, where Petrolia Drilling 0,48 17,07 Svensk Kr. 7.7308 60 Norwegian innovators were represented Tapere Canadian $ 1.158 Navn Siste % Camillo Eitzen & Co. 8,51 -14,04 Birdstep Technology 3,10 -10,14 Euro 0.7346 Apptix 2,35 -9,62 Goodtech 2,30 -8,73 Frontline 146,25 -8,02 MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w

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Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo Photo: Liv Jenssen Eckhoff / Royal Norwegian Consulate General Houston to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations From Left: Ambassador Strømmen, William Christensen (from the Embassy in Washington, D.C.), Director General of NPD Bente Nyland and Torgeir Knutsen (Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 Energy). Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 Li v Je n s s e n Ec k h o f f you. Debuting this year, Norway introduced Innovation Park, an area dedicated to the Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] most cutting-edge technologies in the Oil As part of his trip to Texas, Ambassador and Gas industry. Strømmen met with Governor Rick Perry Ambassador Strømmen spoke at four at the Texas Capitol Building in Austin. events, including a reception in the Consul Services Among the topics discussed were shared General’s residence. The group was given interests and possibilities for increased • Financial Planning a guided tour of the impressive Norwegian collaboration in the energy and healthcare pavilion by Senior Vice President of • Retirement Planning sectors. Innovation Norway, Mr. Finn Kristian • Investment Strategies Prior to his meeting with Governor Perry, Aamodt. Additionally, the ambassador met

• Insurance* Analysis Ambassador Strømmen visited Houston and with Houston Mayor Bill White during a the annual Offshore Technology Conference luncheon hosted by the World Energy Cities • Succession Planning Judy A. Cooper (OTC), accompanied by Director General Partnership. • Charitable Giving Financial Advisor of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, In San Antonio, Ambassador Strømmen Ms. Bente Nyland, and representatives from • Business Planning [email protected] was given a guided tour of the Alamo. the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Afterwards he met with representatives *Insurance products are provided 2601 • 4th Avenue, Suite 450 • Seattle, WA 98121 Energy. through insurance companies with which from the City of San Antonio and the city’s Waddell & Reed has sales arrangements. Tel: (206) 283-6661 x 103 Sixty top Norwegian innovators business community to learn more about participated at OTC 2009 in Houston, Texas possible cooperation opportunities for and they are all looking forward to meeting Norwegian businesses.

LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Key policy rate reduced by 0.50 Sales and Service percentage point to 1.50 percent Norges Bank sets the key policy rate at a low level in order to curb the decline in activity and prevent inflation from falling too far Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Gjedrem. The global recession is having an Norges Bank adverse impact on the Norwegian economy. Developments since the March monetary Norges Bank’s Executive Board policy meeting have been approximately as decided to reduce the key policy rate by 0.50 [email protected] expected. Production continues to decline and 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 percentage point to 1.50 percent with effect unemployment is rising. Inflation is slowing. from May 7, 2009. Lower inflation abroad and lower capacity New information has confirmed that utilization in the Norwegian economy will the current global economic downturn exert further downward pressure on inflation is the deepest in the post-war period. If LOOKING FOR YOUR roots? ahead. anything, developments have been weaker “We are setting the key policy rate at Let me help trace your ancestry! than expected, but there are also some a low level in order to curb the decline in Norwegian Ancestors Found™ signs of improvement. In order to mitigate activity and prevent inflation from falling too the impact on the Norwegian economy, it far,” says Gjedrem. Visit: is appropriate to reduce the key policy rate or write: [email protected] further, says Governor of Norges Bank Svein MAY 15, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Sp o r t s 5 Controversial Norwegian referee Tippeligaen Results & Standings Fixtures & Results Tippeligaen PLD PTS back in Norway, ready to referee 1. Rosenborg BK 8 18 Norwegian referee Tom Henning Øvrebø, who was 5/6 Start 3-0 Lillestrøm 2. Molde FK 8 16 Bjorkoy 6(o), Hulsker 36, Khalili 89 3. IK Start 8 15 strongly criticized for his role in the European Champions 5/6 Strømsgodset 2-0 Ålesund Winsnes 24(p), Nystrom 63 4. Fotball 8 15 league tie between Barcelona and Chelsea, he is ready to 5/6 Bodø/Glimt 2-1 Stabæk 5. Odd Grenland 8 13 referee again Nannskog 88(p) 6. Fredrikstad FK 8 11 5/6 Molde 0-3 Vålerenga Leigh 25, Dos Santos 49, Zajic 79 7. Viking FK 8 11 Sp e c i a l r e l e a s e 5/6 Sandefjord 3-1 Viking 8. Vålerenga IF 8 9 Monsters and Critics Sohna 53, Salcinovic 61, Rascic 88 Steensild 45 5/6 Lyn 1-1 Rosenborg 9. SK Brann 8 9 Guastavino 53 Sapara 59 10. Tromsø IL 8 9 Øvrebø turned down four Chelsea 5/7 Fredrikstad 3-0 Tromsø Ramberg 10, Borges 77, Martinsen 81 11. Ålesunds FK 8 9 penalty appeals and was harshly criticized by 5/9 Odd Grenland 3-1 Brann 12. FC Lyn Oslo 8 8 several Chelsea players after a last-gasp goal Brenne 10, Akadueze 12, Kovacs 17 Huseklepp 7 gave Barcelona a 1-1 draw that saw them 13. Strømsgodset IF 8 8 through to a final against Manchester United 14. FK Bodø/Glimt 8 8 on the away-goal rule. 15. Stabæk IF 8 7 In text messages to Norwegian public Photo: EMPICS 16. Lillestrøm SK 8 3 broadcaster NRK, Øvrebø on Friday said he Tom Henning Øvrebø at the 2008 UEFA had been advised not to give any interviews championships. by European football’s ruling body UEFA. “I am not shocked,” Øvrebø wrote in the text that Øvrebø has sent his report of the match message, NRK reported. The Norwegian to UEFA headquarters for assessment. football association has listed him to referee Chelsea are likely to learn in the next Norway confirmed as Fair Play winners the May 16 match between Norwegian teams few days if they are to be sanctioned for the Norway have won the UEFA Respect Fair Play ranking, based on Brann and Start. behavior of their players, while Didier Drogba, all UEFA competition matches played at club and national-team who had to be restrained by teammates after Øvrebø also said he was not in hiding, levels between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009. Norway finished despite published reports that fans of London the game and Michael Ballack—who chased side Chelsea had allegedly threatened the referee after a penalty appeal was turned ahead of and Scotland, and all three associations will him. Oslo tabloid Dagbladet reported Friday down—could be sanctioned individually. be granted one additional slot for the first qualifying round of the 2009/10 UEFA Europa League Suzann finishes 58th Norwegian golfer, Suzann Thorkildsen Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Pettersen, finished a UEFA disappointing 58th at the wins at Doha Michelob ULTRA Open The 27-year old Domestic fair-play winners at the Kingsmill Resort in javelin thrower is The three associations that are allocated Williamsburg, Va. an additional UEFA Europa League place will at it again be entitled to enter the club that has won the domestic top-division fair play competition. Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e If this club has already qualified for a UEFA competition, the second-placed team in Norway’s Andreas Thorkildsen won the domestic fair play competition may be the season opener javelin event at the Qatar entered and, should they also have already Super Grand Prix at Doha on Friday, with a qualified, the third-placed side would be throw measuring 83.39 meters. Latvian Erik considered and so forth. Photo: Photo: Rags won silver with 82.23. The Fair Play assessments are made by the official Russian Sergey Makarov placed Minimum 30 matches UEFA delegates on criteria such as positive play, Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e respect for the opponent, respect for the referee, third. This was Thorkildsen’s fourth For the final ranking, only associations behaviour of the crowd and of team officials, as successive title, but he said to NRK that he having played a minimum of 30 matches well as cautions and dismissals. was not satisfied with his own result. His are taken into account. This cut-off point Pettersen carded a disappointing final Relegated clubs can also qualify round of 6 over par during the competition personal best is 91.59. Thorkildsen has been is calculated by dividing the total number in Doha since April 20, training for this first of UEFA games by the number of national It is even possible for a team that has on Sunday May 9. Four bogeys, two double been relegated to the second highest division bogeys and two birdies led to a score of 77 (+6) major championship of the year. associations. The Fair Play assessments are Over a dozen world’s best performances made by the official UEFA delegates on to qualify for the UEFA Europa League, as meaning she finished +5 for the tournament a result of its exemplary fair play conduct with a score of 68+73+71+77=289. Her of the year and meet records (no mean criteria such as positive play, respect for the achievement in itself, considering what’s opponent, respect for the referee, behaviour during the domestic championship, provided winnings for the tournament were $5,770. they hold the mandatory UEFA club licence. Winner of the tournament was Christine Kerr happened here before) emphasized yet again of the crowd and of team officials, as well as with a final score of 16 under par and 268 for the quality of the Qatar Super Grand Prix in cautions and dismissals. a total prize of $330,000. Doha. Celebrating 120 years! Special Anniversary Issue • Norwegian Colleges in America • Norwegian business and industry in With fascinating features on: • Norwegian Clubs in America: America: Sons of Norway, Norwegian Commercial shipping, fishing, manufacturing, Club, Norwegian-American Chamber of Ad Deadline: finance, and more Commerce, and more June 3, 2009 • Norwegian museums • Norwegian retirement homes • And more! • Norwegian film and music stars

Advertise! Contact Jake Moe at [email protected] or Berit Hessen [email protected]

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • MAY 15, 2009 6 Op Ed from th Letters to the st e P Past headlines from a Editor: la st Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: B the second week in May Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief [email protected] 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 1969 Dear Editor, Dear Norwegian American Weekly, Greetings to Arne Gunneng: Norway’s Ambassador to USA Hilsen to everyone at the Norwegian Congratulations on your 120 It is with great pleasure that Western Viking, on behalf of its thousands of Norwegian-American American Weekly. I hope everyone had a anniversary! And, thanks for the notice readers, welcomes His Excellency, The Honorable Arne Gunneng, Ambassador of Norway to the United States, and Mrs. Gunneng, to Seattle for the 17th of May Festival. great Easter holiday. I do enjoy the Norwegian about your big Anniversary Birthday Party American Weekly. I like the Ole and Lena June 11th at the Nordic Heritage Museum in jokes. We get a good laugh out of them every Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. It is quite week. I really like the recipes too. There isn’t an accomplishment to be in business for so a day that goes by that I’m not baking or many years. The Norwegian Male Chorus 1979 cooking Norwegian or Swedish dishes. is also celebrating 120 years of singing this Alvorligste opptøyer i Oslo siden krigen da ungdom slo seg rebelsk natt til 1. mai I just recently found one of my year. We were founded on Dec. 9, 1889. Oslo sentrum var natt til 1. mai skueplassen for de alvorligste opptøyer siden krigen. En mann grandmother’s recipes and like to share it all We’ll see you at the big Birthday Bash! fikk sprengt bort en del av foten av et hjemmelaget sprenglegeme, en kolonialforretning på Karl of the NAW readers. Johan ble regelrett plyndret og tallrike utstillingsvinduer ble knust under urolighetene som først All the best, tok slutt da politiet hadde spredt de 1000-1500 demonstranter og tilskuere med tåregassgranater. Kaffebröd Robert Johnston Vel 70 personer ble innbragt av politiet og bøtelagt, 28 personer ble behandlet på legevakten. 3/4 cup milk Norwegian Male Chorus 2 yeast cakes Most serious riots in Oslo since World War II when youth protesters rebel on May 1 On the night of May 1, Oslo city center was the stage for the most serious riots since World 2/3 cup sugar Dear Robert, War II. A man shattered part of his foot with a homemade explosive, a grocery store on Karl 5 cups flour Congratulations to you and your group Johan was looted and a number of store windows were broken during the demonstrations. 1/2 cup butter for 120 years of carrying a ‘perfect pitch’ Approximately 1000-1500 demonstrators and spectators were dispersed with tear gas grenades. 2 eggs with the Norwegian Male Chorus. Yes, our Over 70 people were brought into the police station and fined, 28 people were treated by 1 teaspoon salt Anniversary Birthday Party will be a very emergency medical technicians. 1 teaspoon powdered cardamom seed fun event, celebrating so many years of publishing. There will be food, music and Mix in the same why you would for speeches at the Nordic Heritage Museum. In a bread recipe. Knead and punch down fact, Dr. Odd Lovoll, from St. Olaf’s College, 1989 dough twice. Shape it into buns or braids. will be in attendance to speak to the crowd Western Viking celebrates 100 years Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with about the Norwegian American press and Western Viking (formerly Washington Posten) is one of the oldest newspapers in Washington a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Bake in a review his upcoming book about that subject State, and is celebrating its centennial of publishing its first issue on May 17, 1889.The name was moderate oven for 15 minutes, then reduce that will be published later this year. changed to Western Viking on January 1, 1965 to better suit the goal of nation-wide coverage by heat to slow and continue baking for an Look for all the details about our our newspaper. Being the only Norwegian-American weekly to have published uninterrupted for additional 15 minutes. upcoming celebration in the next issues one hundred years, this special edition of Western Viking will be printed in several thousand extra copies and widely distributed throughout Norway, Canada, and the United States. of the Norwegian American Weekly. It Uncooked butter icing for sweet breads will be open to everyone, because so many 1/2 cup butter Norwegian Americans have played a part in 2 cups powdered sugar making the Norwegian American Weekly 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract what it is today. Thanks for writing! Looking forward to 1999 Cream the butter and sugar. Then add seeing you soon! Bondevik as popular as Brundtland the vanilla. With the momentum of Foreign Minister Knut Vollbæk’s impressive diplomatic performance, Sincerely, Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik’s popularity soars again in a survey conducted by Scan- Fact for Verdens Gang. After a slump starting last autumn, 73% of voters now indicate that he is This a recipe the whole family can enjoy, Editor I know mine does. I would also like to say a doing a good job as prime minister. Mr. Bondevik is now up to the “Gro level,” where he started right after forming his new Government in October 1997. The reasons are obvious: the voters are big hello to Berit Hessen. We wish her well! satisfied with his handling of the Kosovo crisis. Mr. Bondevik and Mr. Vollbæk have delivered an impressive performance on behalf of Norway. Sincerely, Kathy Thunder Menominee, Mich.

MAY 15, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Op Ed 7 Norwegian American Editor’s Note with Jake Moe W EEKLY Else Hvistendahl celebrates WEST COAST 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 90 years! OFFICE tel:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 EAST COAST Berit Hessen - (914) 337-4737 OFFICE Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Jake Moe [email protected] WA Managing Editor Tiffanie Davis [email protected] NY Managing Editor Berit Hessen [email protected] Copy Editor & Christy Olsen Field [email protected] Subscriptions Manager (206) 441-3044 Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected]

Contributing Editors Anita Alan Carmel, CA Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, FL Eric Dregni Minneapolis, MN Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, LA Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Donald V. Mehus New York, NY Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, VA Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, NY David Moe Juneau, AK Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, MN Roman Scott Herre, Norway Else Hvistendahl New York, NY John Erik Stacy Seattle, WA Photos: Berit Hessen Solveig M. Lee Seattle, WA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, NY Else and her son Jon. Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, CT Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Norwegian American Weekly’s Else friends in this city. CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a Hvistendahl celebrated her 90th birthday We, at the Norwegian American question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right with an intimate party for close friends Weekly, congratulate Else on her decades to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion and associates at her Manhattan residence of quality work and wish her the very best. writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those on May 2. She is loved by the entire Norwegian views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by Else Hvistendahl graduated from American family! the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian Smith College in 1942, and was one of the American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual first Norwegian women to get an education Subscription Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. from the United States. She wrote her All the best, first article for Nordisk Tidende, now SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . Comprising Norwegian Ameircan Weekly, about this Jake Moe Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and experience, and has since written hundreds Skandinaven of articles about her meetings with people from all over the world. She became the NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. first Norwegian female correspondent in New York and was working freelance Proud to bring you the for major newspapers and magazines in Norwegian American Weekly Norway. She has been active for 60 years in the business. As an official journalist for the United Nations, Else has covered many diplomatic sessions there. In 2006, she was awarded the prestigious St. Olav’s Medal in What did you pay for that? recognition of her outstanding and life- long contribution to promote Norway and USD USD Norwegian culture in the United States, $42.50 $59.99 and for her active role in the Norwegian- is the median price for is the median price for American community in New York. Mrs. 3-step stool 3-step stool Hvistendahl has both professionally and personally been an exceptional supporter in Norway. in the U.S. of Norwegian music, arts, and culture. She Happy Birthday Else! has been a cornerstone in the Norwegian community in New York and has many

SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • MAY 15, 2009 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y salads simple Photo: Pål Bugge/Innovation Norway

Strawberry Spinach Candied Walnut Roquefort Pear Salad BLT Salad with Basil Salad Gorgonzola Salad Mayo Dressing

2 tablespoons sesame seeds 1/2 cup walnut halves 1 head leaf lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces 1/2 pound bacon 1 tablespoon poppy seeds 1/4 cup sugar 3 pears - peeled, cored and chopped 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup white sugar 3 cups mixed greens 5 ounces Roquefort cheese, crumbled 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup dried cranberries 1 avocado - peeled, pitted, and diced 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh basil 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar 1/2 cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheese 1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions 4 slices French bread, cut into 1/2 inch 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon raspberry vinaigrette 1/4 cup white sugar pieces 1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon white vinegar 1/2 cup pecans 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/3 cup olive oil 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 10 ounces fresh spinach - rinsed, dried and 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon canola oil torn into bite-size pieces Place walnuts and sugar in a skillet 1 1/2 teaspoons white sugar 1 pound romaine lettuce - rinsed, dried, and 1 quart strawberries - cleaned, hulled and over medium heat, stirring constantly until 1 1/2 teaspoons prepared mustard torn into bite-size pieces the sugar dissolves into a light brown liquid sliced 1 clove garlic, chopped 1 pint cherry tomatoes, quartered 1/4 cup almonds, blanched and slivered and coats the walnuts. Remove walnuts from skillet, and spread them out on a sheet of 1/2 teaspoon salt Fresh ground black pepper to taste In a medium bowl, whisk together the aluminum foil to cool. Place bacon in a large, deep skillet. Cook sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sugar, olive oil, Place in a large salad bowl the mixed over medium high heat until evenly brown. vinegar, paprika, Worcestershire sauce and greens, cranberries, cheese, vinaigrette, In a skillet over medium heat, stir 1/4 cup Drain, crumble and set aside, reserving 2 onion. Cover, and chill for one hour. vinegar, and olive oil. Toss gently; add of sugar together with the pecans. Continue tablespoons of the drippings. In a large bowl, combine the spinach, candied walnuts, and toss again. stirring gently until sugar has melted and In a small bowl, whisk together the strawberries and almonds. Pour dressing caramelized the pecans. Carefully transfer reserved bacon drippings, mayonnaise, over salad, and toss. Refrigerate 10 to 15 nuts onto waxed paper. Allow to cool, and vinegar and basil and let dressing stand, minutes before serving. break into pieces. covered, at room temperature. For the dressing, blend oil, vinegar, 1 1/2 In a large skillet over medium heat, toss teaspoons sugar, mustard, chopped garlic, the bread pieces with the salt and pepper. salt, and pepper. Drizzle with the oil, continue tossing and In a large serving bowl, layer lettuce, cook over medium-low heat until golden pears, blue cheese, avocado, and green brown. onions. Pour dressing over salad, sprinkle In a large bowl mix together the romaine, with pecans, and serve. tomatoes, bacon and croutons. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss well.

All recipes courtesy of

On vacation from June 28th to August 4th!

“A Taste of Norway in the Heart of Brooklyn!” 2248 NW Market Street, Seattle, WA 98107 206.783.8288 visit us online at: Phone: (718) 748-1874 providing quality scandinavian Fax: (718) 833-7519 ORDIC E-mail: [email protected] specialty food and groceries since 1960 DELICACIES 6909 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 Store Hours: M 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., T-F 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. MAY 15, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 Norwegian champions explore Swiss Alps Alpine ski champions, Lasse Hamre and Otto Tschudi, experienced an adventure of a lifetime by completing the Haute Route

Ot t o Ts c h u d i over high cols, hidden valleys, and immense San Francisco, Calif. glaciers. The complex system of huts in the Alps permitted us to enjoy the skiing as only traveling light can. And the Haute Route, Lasse Hamre and I have spent our lives with its logical start and finish gave us a goal alpine skiing and exploring the mountains and a line to follow, both improbable and of Norway. Two of our favorite locations impressive. The changing snow, sky, and in Norway are the Lyngen Alps of northern company brought a freshness to each day’s Norway and the Sunmørs Alps near passage. Trondheim. The mountains and glaciers of It took seven days of touring and skiing these locations are very jagged and rugged to complete the trip and along the way we with spires, cliffs, bergshrund and couloirs. were treated to overnight stays in some The exhilaration one feels standing on top incredible high mountain huts with great of the mountains and ridges in these ranges food and drink. Our guide was a third is overwhelming. But, how does it compare generation climbing guide that has made to Europe’s other famous mountainous the trip countless times. Along the way, we country’Switzerland? We just had to find out experienced some extreme exposure, great by signing up for an adventure that is sought downhill skiing and energetic climbing. by people all over the world – the Haute The perspective at the end is that Route Alpine Ski Tour. Switzerland has spectacular peaks and The Haute Route is definitely the world’s stunning vistas, no doubt. However, the major The first evening sitting on the little deck in front of the Refuge looking at the sunset after ca 3,200 most famous ski tour. It encompasses difference between the rugged mountainous three different countries, France, Italy and feet vetical up using skins, Ski crampongs and boot crampongs plus to everyone’s surprise we had terrain of the Lygen and Sunmørs Alps is that to rapelldown this cliff. Half way down, to my surprise, there was no more rope (no time to take any Switzerland and circumvents some of the when you are looking down 6,000 feet from photos). Then we heard the guide, Richard from Zermatt shout down this couloir in broken Swiss/ most famous peaks in the world. The Haute the top of the mountain, you aren’t looking English “unhook.” We thought he had to be nuts, but no that was what had to be done, the adrenalin Route is a unique experience. There are few into a valley with a town, but the water of was flowing fast, as I was holding on climbing down to the bottom of this ock/snowr covered couloir! places in the world where skiers can travel Northern Norway – and, in my mind, that is a unencumbered, in the heart of the mountains, much more daunting and unusual view. All photos courtesy of Otto Tschudi.

The first day we had an 8 a.m. departure from Argentiere (right up from Chamonix) we arrived at our Two good Friends in the evening sunset at the Montfort Refuge, in the vicinity to Verbier, Switzerland real starting point, top of the Gondola at the Grand Monte ca 3,200 meter elevation. We were greeted (Lasse Hamre and Otto). by this friendly sign! In the background the glacier The Chardone that we were going to skin up the next four to five hours. The whole thing gave some us a little chill, perhaps we were in a little over our heads?

After a 80 km storm and 30 cm of new snow, it cleared up the next morning and after arriving on the back side of Zermatt close to Kleine Matterhorn it was so still so we could light a match. Under a perfectly blue sky and not a cloud, we climbed up right next to the highest mountain in Europe, the Lasse Hamre and I inspecting the next downhill as we have just come up about 2,400 feet vertical climb. Monte Rosa, and from there, lock in our bindings and here you see me proceeding to ski about 4,000 Another great day in the middle of the Alps right on the border of Italy and Switzerland. vertical feet down towards the valley floor close to Zermatt. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • MAY 15, 2009 10 Ro o t s a n d Co n n e c t i o n s EN NORSK SJØMANN By Solvi Dolland Ole and Lena Ole and Lena was at the kitchen table for the usual morning cup of coffee and listening to a weather report coming from the radio. “There will be 3 to 5 inches of snow today and a snow emergency has been 15. mai declared. All vehicles should be parked on Ted Hagfors Minneapolis MN the odd-numbered side of the streets today John Lowell Juneau AK to facilitate snowplows,” the radio voice Orlene Ericksen Kingston WA declared. Haldis Bartness Juneau AK “Oh, gosh, OK,” said Ole, getting up, Corey Myer So Laguna CA bundling up and heading outside to dutifully Joan Kleven Davis Santa Clara CA put his car on the odd-numbered side of the Chris P Solem West Dundee IL street. 16. mai Two days later, Ole and Lena were at Dag Nilsen Mission Viejo CA morning coffee when the radio voice said: Richard L Strand Seattle WA “There will be 2 to 4 inches of snow Philip R Deraas Wanamingo MN today and a snow emergency has been Priscilla Sorknes Grefsrud Minneapolis MN declared. You must park your vehicles on the even-numbered side of the streets.” 17. mai Ole got up from his coffee as before. He Dr AJ Koltveit Elgin IL bundled up, shuffled off, and put his car on Kjell Tengesdal Bartlett IL Dolores Mysse Libby MT the even-numbered side of the street. Ragna Berntzen Racine WI A few days later, the couple was at the Ruth Karoline Compton Seattle WA table when the radio voice declared: Eric Stubb Aberdeen WA “There will be 6 to 8 inches of snow Melvin R Flom Minneapolis MN today and a snow emergency has been Borghild Solvang Bellingham WA declared. You must park your cars on the ...” Nanna Mathisen Borkenes Norway Just then, the power went out. Gunnar Guddal Edmonds WA “Park it where?” Ole asked in the dark, Klara Songli Orkanger Norway “What should I do?” Joyce (Babs) Greenwood Orlando, FL “Aw, to heck with them, Ole,” Lena Wally Bothner Durham NH said, “Don’t worry about it today. Just leave Jim Engebretsen Saute Nacoche GA Erik Lucas St. Paul MN the car in the garage.” 18. mai Don Takalo Vancouver WA Thelma Dangel Kelseyville CA Christian Flagstad St Croix Falls WI Did you know? Inga Grosvold Nova Scotia Canada In the Photo: Sölvi’s dad, Asbjörn Brini. He sailed with the Norwegian Merchant Marine during World A M Hegge Seattle WA War II. He was lucky and returned home to Norway safely, after five and half years at sea. Norway covers 125,180 Olga Peterson Kinneberg Portland OR square miles, which is 19. mai Norwegian American Weekly Carrie Webstad St Croix Falls WI a little less than half the Knut Henden Seaside OR Photo of the Week size of Texas. Norway is Tracie Weeck San Francisco CA Lillian Bergem Arnegard ND the fifth largest country Sara Elise Saatvedt Columbia City OR in Europe. The length of 20. mai Norway is 1,100 miles, Bert Aunan Sioux City IA or the equivilent of the Sverre Olav Staurset Tacoma WA Olav Orvik Ålesund Norway distancce between San Solveig M Jacobsen Santa Cruz CA Diego and Canada. Matthew Allen Herset Kalispell MT Betty Hammer Marysville WA Arlene Bredeson Olson Kone Rapids MN

21. mai Oliver Offerdal Conrad MT Harald J Hansen San Bruno CA Gyda Mahlum Beloit WI Adrienne Dahl Rochester NY William Johnsen Brooklyn NY Kitty Delin Plainvill CT Answer Key from Want to see your birthday in the May 8, 2009 Norwegian American Weekly? Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. NETT-NØTT 2 Birthday listings are free, but must be submitted one month in advance. Food For Thought “Marriage! Nothing else demands so much This photo is from the Norwegian American Weekly archive. of a man.” Unfortunately, we have no information about when or where it was taken. - Henrik Ibsen

MAY 15, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11 In honor and memory of Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Send a brief memoriam to [email protected]. Weekly Wisdom With Bruce Larson Atle Tonning 1936 - 2008 WRITER • PASTOR • SPEAKER Atle Tonning died Atle was much loved by all that knew him. of cancer in his home One of the highlights of his life was meeting Stein “The Road to Your Place” in Lake Oswego, Ore. Erickson again during a stay at the Stein Erickson on June 19, 2008 after Lodge in Deer Valley, Utah. Atle trained under battling the disease for Stein Erickson for several years and was the He think He is, claiming that He is the more than three years. Men’s Class A ski champion for the Western part (Continued from April 24) fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy?” Atle, the son of of Norway at age 16. Atle continued his love In my first church, I think I would have Lilly and Kaare Tonning was born August 20, of skiing by introducing the sport to his son and Most of our hymnbooks contain that gotten the message that maybe I should be 1936 in Stryn, Nordfjord, Norway. Atle had nine grandchildren. Many days were spent with all sentimental hymn that goes, “I think when doing something other than preaching. I’m siblings all of whom reside or resided in Norway three generations enjoying the wonderful sport of I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus conditioned to success, not failure. ,and two surviving brothers who reside in the skiing. In addition to skiing Atle enjoyed taking was there among men, How He called little Jesus was undeterred. He moved greater Seattle area, Ove Tonning, MD and Per his entire family back to Norway where he Helge Tonning, MD. introduced them to Norway’s wonderful nature. children like lambs to His fold. I should immediately down to Capernaum beside the Atle moved to the United States in 1960, and A memorial service was held for Atle on like to have been with Him then.” It’s sea and preached and taught and healed with met his wife Lois in April 1960. They were married June 25, 2008. fun to sing, but it’s sentimental nonsense. tremendous results. He called the disciples in Lake Oswego, Ore., on March 23, 1963. Atle Atle is survived by his wife Lois, their one Nobody misunderstood Jesus more than and they dropped everything—business, resided most of his years in Lake Oswego, Oregon son Wayne Tonning, daughter-in-law Korin those who were with Him then. Obstinately family ties, friends—and came. He healed with a vacation home in Sunriver, Ore. Atle and Tonning and two grandchildren, Danika and and repeatedly, they didn’t understand Him. the sick. We could say His waiting room Lois also lived in Seattle, Wash. during the years Cameron Tonning, who reside in Wilsonville, Throughout His ministry, He reproved was full all the time, and He had a 100 1963 - 1965 and in Stryn, Norway during the Ore. them with words such as, “Have I been so percent rate of cure. Unbelievable. In the years of 1966 and 1967. long with you, and yet have you not known midst of all this healing success, He left me?” Or, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” town to go into the hills alone. The twelve They simply didn’t understand Jesus. But protested, of course, “Wait a minute. You Kong Olav V’s kirke we need not mope about not having been can’t go. You’re a real success in this town.” Sjømannskirken with Him then. By the coming of the Spirit He didn’t come to be a successful healer or The Norwegian Church in New York at Pentecost, we have intimacy available teacher. He came to proclaim the Kingdom. 317 East 52nd Street (Betw. 1st & 2nd Aves.) to us that those who were with Him in the Success and failure were incidental. flesh did not have. It seems to me the key to walking New York, NY 10022 - Phone: 1-212-319-0370 We may think we can “walk in Jesus’ in Jesus’ steps is no to ask, “Where did [email protected] - steps” to a successful and triumphant life. He walk?” The real question is, “Why?” Åpningstider: man.- torsd. 12-19, fre.- søn. 12-17 The Old Testament message was that if you And that has nothing to do with success are really walking in God’s steps, you’ll be or failure. He had a commission. He was Gudstjenester: blessed with health and wealth and many God’s Messiah. The marks of any authentic children. That same gospel is preached pilgrimage are that we are pursuing a vision Formiddagsgudstjenesten : Hver sønd. kl. 11 m/ kirkekaffe i etterkant. today, especially on television: If you follow beyond this life. This earth is not our home. (Første familiegudstjeneste til høsten: 4. okt.) Washington DC: Hver 2. sønd. Jesus, your life will overflow with material A comfortable life amid a loving family is i måneden kl. 15 (sept.- juni) Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 7730 Bradley Blvd blessings and worldly success. However, not our ultimate goal. A successful job or (7 Locks Rd. og Bradley Blvd.) Bethesda, MD. Philadelphia: Hver 3. sønd. Jesus’ three-year ministry was not a success profession is not what we’re called to do. i måneden kl. 16 (feb-april og okt-des) ved “Gloria Dei” - Old Swedes Church, story. He began in His hometown, reading We are pilgrims just passing through, and the Scripture in His home synagogue, and along the road, God gives us jobs to do. Delaware Ave/Christian St. Kveldsbønn: Kristi himmelfartsdag, torsdag 21. His hearers were mad enough to want to That’s the key to walking in Jesus’ steps. mai kl. 19.00. Konfirmasjonsgudstjeneste: søndag 7. juni kl. 11.00 kill Him. They took Him out to the nearest hill, determined to throw Him off, and we This excerpt has been reprinted from What’s Happening: can imagine what they were saying: “This Larson’s book “Faith for the Journey,” is Mary and Joseph’s oldest son. Who does with permission from the author. Business Lunch: A delicious “smorgossbord”, a Norwegian “hot meal” & dessert. Only $22! June 3, Noon - 2 p.m. (This season’s last lunch, Our Funeral HOme's reputatiOn is Based On first lunch this fall: Wednesday September 16) Family service, nOt a stOck market index! LunsjSuppe: 20. mai, kl 12.-14, Pris: $10. “Nattklubben”: Vi samles til småprat og en god matbit 28. mai kl. 19. Large corporations have worked their way into the funeral industry and taken the Ung i New York: søndag 31. mai kl. 19. Aldersgruppe ca 16-35 år. intimacy and integrity out of funeral service by making it “a profit driven” business. Småbarnstreff: kl. 10.30, 28. mai; lunsj på nordsiden av Sheep Meadow, At Edw. C. Halvorsen Funeral Home, we have earned our reputation in the community by providing quality, caring service for over 150 years. Our pledge to you and your Central Park. Sesongens siste! Neste treff: 3. sept. annenhv. uke (partallsuker). family is to keep our locally owned status and continue the highest Grilling på takterrassen: Sesongstart 21. juni kl. 18. (Hver søndag quality service possible. We have all your best interests at heart. gjennom hele sommeren). Donasjon: $15. For studenter og au-pairer: $10. Café de Concert - Classical concert: 19.mai kl. 19.30. Don’t miss Edw. C. Halvorsen Funeral Home, Inc out on some of Norway’s most acclaimed talents, highly renowned around the 5310 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11220 world! Program: Brahms, Mozart, Fritz Kreisler, Schumann/Kolstad. Tel: (718) 435-2276 • Fax: (718) 435-5137 Trygve Lie Gallery: We are the only Scandinavian Funeral Home left in the Tri-State Area "Kaleidoscope" by Harald Schioldborg Jr.: Until 4 years ago Schioldborg’s professional life revolved Full Service Agency With Experienced around shipping and international transport. He is today by Norwegian Speaking Consultants! many considered to be one of Norway’s most promising Our daily specials and regularly updated contemporary artists. His paintings vary in expressions, Scandinavian & Cruise Specialists information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! depending on choice of material and size – but ultimately Let us take care of all your travel needs! colors and light is the main emphasis. May 7 - Sept. 16. Specials to Scandinavia Our friendly & knowledgeable Europe & the Caribbean Scandinavian staff has a combined 60+ Call us for details! Funeral Home years experience in the travel industry! Verrazano Travel & Leisure and Crematory SOlie [email protected] (718) 979-6641 Honoring • Caring • Serving [email protected] 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 (818) 884-4047 • (800) 747-9093 [email protected]

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • MAY 15, 2009 12 Ar t s a n d Entertainment Politics needs the arts Finding family On May 20, the largest arts festival in the Nordic countries opens in Bergen and politicians are encouraged to be inspired

How to trace your Norwegian farm name Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Er i c a Ol s e n Blanding, Utah From May 20 to June 3, Bergen will out with enthusiasm. be buzzing with cultural events that should It was my first trip to Norway, and provide something for just about everyone. Politicians accept the challenge by chance, the photograph hanging in my According to tradition, The King will The Norwegian Foreign Minister Grimstad hotel room was of Grefstadgård, the formally open the Bergen International Jonas Gahr Støre will take part in a debate farm that generations of my family had called Festival. This year’s theme is “politics needs with several Norwegian writers who have home. The name had been an important piece the arts.” made a name for themselves as critical of information as I researched my Norwegian Per Boye Hansen, Artistic and Managing commentators on issues relating to identity, ancestry at Digitalarkivet (digitalarkivet. Director of the Festival, commented to the freedom of expression and cultural diversity. major regional newspaper Bergens Tidende: This will be the second time Støre takes part, the Norwegian National Archives Photo: Erica Olsen “Many of us working with the arts are in the Festival. “Culture is an important part online. There were nine Aanon Aanonsens An item in the author’s family collection provides living in Aust-Agder in 1900; only one was a farm name, used here as a personal name. challenged by politicians to be more political. of modern foreign policy. For culture can my great-great-grandfather, Aanon Aanonsen The inscription is “Greetings from Torborg and I want to turn this round. Politicians have a build bridges over divides that traditional Grefstad. Birkedal. lot to gain from the festival. There is a great foreign policy cannot span,” said Støre in But researching farm names can be narrow the search. deal here that can broaden their perspectives connection with the opening of last year’s tricky. Best case scenario: they can lead you Here’s how the database works. If I enter in relation to their work.” Festival. The Norwegian Minister of Culture to your ancestors’ front door. At worst, you Birkedal, another name from my family, in and Church Affairs Trond Giske will give the might end up in the wrong part of Norway. the “farm name” field, my search results Wild ducks and elephants main speech at this year’s opening. Jerry Paulson, Director of Genealogical show Birkedal farms in the counties formerly Two important productions with Research at the Norwegian American known as Nedenes and . The political overtones are Vegard Vinge’s and European heavyweight Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library locations include parish and municipality. Ida Müller’s The Wild Duck by Henrik The Bergen International Festival has in Madison, WI, offers advice—and some Since this part of my family was from Aust- Ibsen, and Tore Vagn Lid’s Elephant Stories, become one of the most appealing arts words of caution—on researching farm Agder (formerly Nedenes), I now know which includes texts by the Austrian Nobel festivals in Europe, wrote Berliner Zeitung names. which parish records to search. Laureate Elfriede Jelinek. after last year’s Festival. Increasing numbers As the Birkedal example shows, farm “These stage directors demonstrate how of visitors from far and wide come to the Identify Your Farm Name(s) names may appear in more than one part drama can expand our capacity for political Festival each year. Advance sales of tickets Farm names look like an additional of Norway—just as there’s more than one reflection and how art can provide a valuable have increased by over 10% this year. surname but function as an address. “The Springfield in the United States. The more framework for fostering political thought Read more about the event on name goes with the farm,” Paulson explains. unusual the name, the easier your search and understanding,” Per Boye Hansen points “When the family moved, that part of the will be. Citing the example of the name Vig, Norway: Quest for … name changed.” Paulson says, “Vig in Norwegian means an (…continued from page 1) In the mid to late 1800s, Norwegians inlet or a cove, so you can imagine how moved toward fixed surnames (which were common that is.” journeys of enlightenment and discovery— finally required by law in the 1920s). Some odysseys that make a difference.” families kept the patronymic they had at the Check Your Spelling On May 6, nearly 100 people gathered time. Others went with farm names. Paulson reminds researchers that the to celebrate the premiere of “Adventures If, like me, you have a patronymic Rygh database uses the letters æ, ø, and å. If with Purpose, Norway: Quest for the Viking surname, look for farm names in previous a name has been Americanized, the database Spirit” on KCTS public television in Seattle, generations of your family. Check Ellis may not find it. “That’s probably the largest Wash. at the KCTS studio downtown. Island ship manifests (www.ellisisland. stumbling block on the Internet,” he says. “This is a match made in heaven,” org), the Social Security Death Index (ssdi. “You can’t just substitute an o for an ø. It Hege Vibeke Barnes, Innovation Norway, and U.S. census changes the word completely.” representative and the event’s coordinator, records. In the U.S., farm names sometimes said of the program crossing paths with reappeared as middle names. Don’t overlook Use Multiple Resources Norway. “Norway is a true adventure Photo: Børge Jomaas, Innovation Norway cousins’ surnames; the grandparents and Farm names are just one piece of the destination.” Richard Bangs speaking at KCTS in Seattle. great-grandparents you have in common genealogical puzzle. Use multiple resources, The Royal Norwegian Cosul for pirates and modern, civilized Norway? The came from the same farm. such as the Rygh database plus census records, Washington and Idaho, Kim Nesselquist, Viking age ended over a thousand years ago. If you’ve inherited family memorabilia, to narrow your search. “For instance, if you opened the program, emphasizing the So why does it still resonate today? Could you may find farm names as part of the know from approximate or exact birthdates important connection between Norway and it be a romantic revision of a grisly past or address on old cards and letters, or inscribed that someone was in Norway in 1865, you the United States and expressing his gratitude cynical pandering to a growing tourist trade?” on household items such as decorative can check the census,” says Paulson. “If to all those involved in the production of the In this documentary special, Bangs explores wooden boxes. you know the farm name was used in four program. the Viking Spirit and how it survives today in counties in Norway, then you can check all After an introduction from Richard, the modern Norway. Find Farms Online four counties.” audience got to view a preview clip of the Host and co-executive producer,Richard Farm names can help you identify the documentary that aired on May 7. Bangs is a pioneer in travel that makes a county and parish where your Norwegian Visit the Digital Archives Richard’s Quest for the Viking Spirit difference, travel with a purpose. He has spent ancestors lived—a big help in searching After you’ve identified a farm, go to begins in Oslo and travels to the extreme 30 years as an explorer and communicator, online censuses and digitized church Digitalarkivet, select a census year, then northern tip of Norway with stops in Alta, and along the way led first descents of records. search by farm name. You can then search for Kirkenes and Lofoten. Like early Vikings 35 rivers around the globe, including the You can look up names in Oluf Rygh’s people who lived at that farm. (Keep in mind he sails from Tromsø down the western cost Yangtze in China and the Zambezi in , a 19th-century that farms could be subdivided for multiple and experiences the beauty and majesty Southern Africa. Richard has published more encyclopedia of farm names. So far, 17 of families. Thus, families with the same farm of the mountains and fjords with stops in than 1,000 magazine articles, 18 books, a the 18 volumes have been digitized and are name may not be related.) Digitalarkivet also Trondheim, Bergen, Flåm and Sognefjord score of documentaries and CD-ROMs; and searchable in English or Norwegian at www. offers digitized parish records and a growing before returning to Oslo. has lectured at the Smithsonian, the National If collection of photos of farms linked to the Richard’s journey focuses on the Geographic Society, the Explorers Club you aren’t sure what part of Norway your 1900 census. You can view photos or upload connection between that past and present. and many other notable venues. He writes ancestors came from, Rygh may help you your own. “Today modern Norwegians are active in a semi-regular feature for the New York peace and conflict resolution on a global Times. His latest books include “Adventures scale. Norwegian women have one of the with Purpose,” “Quest for Kaitiakitanga,” We want to hear from YOU! highest political participation rates and are “Quest for the Sublime,” and “Quest for Send your letters, photos, recipes, and active in gender equality issues worldwide. the Kasbah,” companion books for episodes Norway is proud of its successful ecology in the Adventures with Purpose television event recaps to: [email protected] or by mail to: efforts at home and actively supports ecology series. 7301 5th Ave NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 solutions in developing countries. To learn more about Richard Bangs’ “So why is there such a discrepancy Adventures with Purpose visit his website at between the ancient stereotype of marauding www. MAY 15, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 Vesterheim under new leadership The “Champion of the Earth Steven Johnson kicks off new season as Interim Executive Director 2009” visits New York

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum kicks off a new season of activities under new leadership. Long-time Vesterheim employee Steven Johnson, who recently assumed the position of Interim Executive Director of the museum, said he is sure that “everyone will find something to enjoy in the 2009 series of events, exhibitions, and other programs at Vesterheim.” Photo courtesy of Vesterheim. Johnson’s history with Vesterheim began Photo by Berit Hessen. Steven Johnson, Vesterheim’s new Interim in 1974, when he became the museum’s From left: Peter Schlosser (Vinton Professor of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Fu Foundation Executive Director started his relationship with Architectural Assistant, after graduating from School for Engineering and Applied Science and Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vesterheim in 1974. Luther College with a history major with Columbia University), Joanna Rubenstein (Chief of Staff to Jeffrey D. Sachs Director of Strategic concentrations in art history, anthropology, Foundation, the Winneshiek County Historical Programs Earth Institute, Columbia University), Ambassador Sissel Breie (Consul General of New and museum studies. He left Decorah in Society, Winneshiek County Tourism York) and Erik Solheim (Norway’s Minister of the Environment and International Development). 1976 to work as Site Manager at the Museum Council, Winneshiek County Civil War Be r i t He s s e n were, for the most part, non-existent. Now of Medical Progress, State Medical Society Monument Restoration, and the Winneshiek Managing Editor through the Obama administration, these of Wisconsin in Prairie Du Chien, Wis., County Records Study Committee. He most concerns have flourished into necessary and then as Restoration Supervisor at the recently became a member of the Decorah The Royal Norwegian Consulate actions and policies that can be used as the Heritage Hill State Park, Wisconsin State Board of Adjustment. General, Norway’s Permanent Mission to standard for other nations to follow. Dept. of Natural Resources, in Green Bay, From May 1 through Oct. 31, Vesterheim the United Nations, the Columbia Climate Just before arriving in New York, Wis.. He returned to Vesterheim in 1979 is open daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with hours Center and the Earth Institute at Columbia Solheim was appointed “Champions of as the Jacobson Farmstead Curator, with a extended until 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays. University hosted the event “Towards a the Earth 2009” by the UN Environment brief sabbatical to attend Western Kentucky From Nov. 1 through April 30, Vesterheim Copenhagen Protocol on Climate: Challenges Programme’s (UNEP) at an event in Paris University where he received his M.A. in is open Tuesday through Sunday 10 a.m. to and Opportunities” in New York City on on Earth Day, April 22. The respected folk studies in 1983. During his 30 years at 4 p.m., with hours extended until 8:00 p.m. April 27. Erik Solheim, Norway’s Minister Norwegian Minister has been a “key the museum, he also has served as Associate on Thursdays and is closed Monday. For of the Environment and International supporter of environmental actions at Director of Development Internal Auditor, more information on the museum’s exhibits, Development, was the keynote speaker. He national and global levels throughout his Director of Development, and Director of activities, and membership opportunities, presented the Norwegian perspective of political career, spearheading for example the Historic Preservation and Facilities. He was consult Vesterheim’s website at vesterheim. climate negotiations. early implementation of REDD (Reducing promoted to Deputy Director in 2002. org, call (563) 382-9681, or write to Solheim expressed great enthusiasm Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Johnson has been active in preserving Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, for the Obama administration. He was Degradation).” Solheim has also “paved community history as a member of Nordic 523 W. Water St., P.O. Box 379, Decorah, very pleased with Obama’s initiative in the way for Norway’s membership as one Fest, Inc., the Norman Borlaug Heritage IA, 52101-0379. fighting global climate issues. He said of the founders of UNEP’s Climate Neutral “everything has changed.” During the Bush Network, catalyzing Norway’s action So, do you actually … “With regard to Norway, we need to administration climate concerns and policies towards a low carbon society.” (…continued from page 1) ask the questions: How will it deal with the emerging power of Russia, China, India and with Olympic champions. Plus, we had the Iran? How will it help with the need for privilege to travel throughout Europe and environmental change in India and China? Africa and live in the most beautiful country How will it help with the arms issue in in the world—Norway. But there is a job. Iran? We require global solutions for global Ambassadors are responsible for relations problems.” Whitney feels there is great between two nations. potential for a continued strong partnership “Original ties to Norway came through with Norway. “Norway is a good partner immigration to the ‘New World’,” commented because it shares our values and concerns for Ambassador Whitney. “But today’s Norway global resources and energy,” he said. is not your grandfather’s. It’s risen from the “Representing the United States in Photo by Berit Hessen poorest European nation to the wealthiest. Its Norway has been the opportunity of a From left: Anita Rabben Asbjørnsen (Coordinator of International Education, North America at the Norwegian Consulate, New York) together with four out of the six Norwegian Students currently fortunes are tied to the world, which gives lifetime,” radiated Whitney. “My overall attending Columbia University; Tore Langhelle, Maria Gilani, Johan Tingulstad and Christiana Wiig. it an important diplomatic and active global feeling was one of pride in our relationship presence. It’s been my job to operate within with Norway, in the Embassy and its team, The 2009 … The rally will test the performance of the what I call Norway’s place in the New New and in our military. By living in a foreign vehicles and the skills of the teams through World. The U.S. Embassy’s work is defined land I learned about country. We are (…continued from page 1) several special stages along the route, by its host, whether it’s peacekeeping in the innovative; we are generous. Your country is Prince Haakon and Henning Solberg will testing maneuverability, fuel consumption, Balkans or Sudan or providing world-wide a force for good in the world, and no country participate on the first leg of the competition, acceleration and other vital attributes. The aid to improve health conditions for mothers does more for less. Yes, we make mistakes, driving a hydrogen-fueled Ford. rally is open to all road legal hydrogen, plug- and children. We cannot rely on historical but we admit them and try to do better the Among the participants in the zero in hybrid and battery electric cars. ties.” next time. emission rally are Mitsubishi (electric), Ford There are several special stages en route: “I encourage everyone to spend a year (hydrogen), Think (electric and hydrogen), auto slalom in Kristansand and Klepp, a hill The Transatlantic Alliance in another country. Expose yourself to the Lampo (electric), Elbil Norge (electric), climb outside Porsgrunn and a drag-race in Today the United States has the most world. The skills you learn outside the United Tesla (electric) and a modified Toyota Prius Lyngdal. Parts of the route follows the 1931 impressive relationship of all time with States are important to life here.” (hydrogen). route of Rally Monte Carlo, which started Europe, according to Whitney. He concurs When asked what he plans to do next, The route goes from Oslo to Stavanger in Stavanger that year. There will also be with former British Prime Minister Tony he said, “I don’t know. I do know I want to regularity tests along the route, testing fuel st along Norway’s scenic southern and western Blair, who said that to maintain a 21 continue in international relations, so my coast, through varied landscapes perfectly consumption. For cars that lack the capacity Century Transatlantic Alliance, the United family and I will be moving to Washington, suited for testing and demonstrating the to complete the full race, a non-competitive States must reach out and Europe must stand D.C.” Ambassador Whitney earned his Juris real-life practical use of renewable energy mini rally is staged from Egersund to up. Ambassador Whitney added that this Doctorate degree from the University of vehicles. Stavanger. includes sharing the burden of leadership. Minnesota and has extensive experience in The aim of this rally is to show the ZERO, KNA, the Norwegian He feels that President Barack Obama and business law and community affairs. Automobile-Sport Federation, Norstart and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are, indeed, public and decision makers that hydrogen, plug-in hybrid and battery electric cars HyNor are the organizers of the rally. Some reaching out. But we can do more, he added. Note: While in Norway, the Ambassador are roadworthy alternatives, and to inspire of the best and most experienced motors “We need more diplomatic resources. We found that he actually has Norwegian blood. manufacturers, researchers, students and sports organizers in Norway have organized need more educational exchange. We need to A great, great, great, great, great-grandfather others to further improvement of the the competition. expect our partners to be strong. was born in Bergen in 1609. technology. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • MAY 15, 2009 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e

Discount Car Rentals in Norway We work exclusively with HERTZ 1.800.870.7688 Scandinavian owned & operated Prices from NOK 2492 (~$366)/1 week NOK 4634 (~$681)/2 weeks * rates include unlimited km's, liability insurance, & VAT tax 108 N. Main St., Cranbury, NJ 08512 • [email protected] • Treasure Island, Florida 2-Bedroom beachfront condo Vacation Rental on the Gulf of Mexico Amazing sunsets Large pool, jacuzzi & Beautiful interior & dolphin viewing tennis courts on site features: stainless steel appliances, 3 flat-screen Just 20 from 3rd floor corner with golfing, hiking & balcony fishing nearby TVs, washer and dryer, minutes from and amazing views Tampa! Museums and Art Galleries in St. Petersberg, only 10 minutes away Where has all the fun gone? To see photos and for more info visit: Questions? Call (631) 375-6075 or Email [email protected] People, it’s time we learn a thing or two will arrive at the dinner destination, a third from our family and friends in Norway about couple’s home who knows they will not how to have fun. The other day I was talking have to serve too much wine with dinner, to my sister who, like me, has a husband and since most of the guests will already be quite children, works and lives a domesticated life happy and bubbly. Then, after a sit down in the suburbs, except she is in Norway. It was dinner with plenty of toasts and speeches, Friday afternoon there, and she was getting songs and conversation, they’ll clear the ready for a weekend of fun and relaxation, table away to make room for a dance floor, that is some real R&R Norwegian style. since most people in Norway do not have Telling me of her plans I noticed I grew a such expanse of space in the living room that little envious, in a good way, but not without dancing can happen without the shuffling a sense of regret for a vitality and sense of around of some furniture. Dancing! They “joie de vivre” which it seems Norwegians dance and boogey, get raunchy and wild, just possess and express at a higher level and and most likely a table will be danced on and with more gusto than any circle of friends I the wooden floor will get a new scratch or have formed after many great years of social two. If a vase or a couple of glasses break, bonding here in the United States. it’s considered par for the course; for a Her weekend was to start by shipping successful party you have to count on some the kids off to their grandparents for an minor material losses. In the wee hours of overnight in their town about two hours south the morning, as it becomes obvious that the of Oslo. Even though it entailed driving quite hosts need to recover some normalcy in their a bit meeting them half way, it was clearly home before they turn in, the guests that still worth the effort considering the prospect of a have the stamina to continue will chose a last night alone and even better, getting to sleep home to retire to, for the closing nachspiel, in the next morning without any parental generously offered by someone who is not responsibilities. In case you have forgotten a lightweight or needs eight hours of beauty the Germanic party vocabulary or never sleep in order to resume life the next day. really heard it, this ritual of hedonistic fun My sister and her husband had left the has a carefully worked out pattern of spiels: nachspiel at 4 a.m., slept until 11 the next After a detailed grooming process where the morning and over breakfast called friends outfit and makeup, cologne and hip accents from last night reminiscing and thanking are thoughtfully put together, both his and each other for a fabulous night with the meaningful experiences • exceptional care • inspired to serve hers, the couple (in this case my sister and traditional “Takk for sist!” – “thanks for the brother in-law) has invited some friends last time [last night].” over for a foredrink (this is the actual word This German string of vocabulary was they use). During this ritual party used by my parents in their partying days “Bonney-Watson is a place where meaningful foreplay, music is played and a drink or two of the 1960s and 1970s, I used it as a young experiences and exceptional care are enjoyed by all, except if there’s a designated adult before I moved to the United States provided by inspired employees.” driver, something most Norwegians take back in the mid-1980s and as my sister very seriously, considering the risk of death reminded me the other day, it is still alive and penalty if you get caught driving under the kicking today, in the new millennium. Sure, influence of alcohol. This group of people there are regrets the next day as the headache will then continue on together after about is doctored and the reality of parenting needy Wiggens & Sons Funeral Home an hour or so to another couple’s house in kids once again is resumed, but in between all 2003 NW 57th St. the neighborhood for the vorspiel, that is the the reality stuff of hard work, responsibilities Seattle, WA 98107 spiel before the spiel, the party before the and the mundane, Norwegians know how 206.782.4700 party, where things heat up even a little bit to enjoy themselves and create pockets of more, with yet another drink or two, more celebration of friendship and life. Even if one music and snacks. could argue that all the schpiels can wreak a Finally, around 7:30 or 8 p.m., they bit of havoc on the liver. Scandinavian American Music for all Occasions Other Bonney-Watson Locations: Please call: Bonney-Watson Eastside Bonney-Watson Capital Hill Bonney-Watson Federal Way Ellen Lindstrom (718) 680-8361 or 211 Bellevue Way NE 1732 Broadway 1535 SW Dash Point Road & Company (917) 968-2926 Bellevue, WA 98004 Seattle, WA 98122 Federal Way, WA 98023 425.373.0020 206.322.0013 253.839.7317 SCANDINAVIA Washington Memorial Bonney-Watson Parker Chapel • Heritage Tours and Theme Tours 1-800-437-5302 16445 International Blvd. 900 SW 146th Street • Customized Group Tours SeaTac, WA 98188 Burien, WA 98166 • General Interest Tours 206.242.1787 206.244.2320 • Independent Travel Request a brochure today! MAY 15, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Ed u c a t i o n 15 Events on expanding in the United States A great opportunity to learn Norwegian, says Ståle For more information on these and other events visit us at: Heggset during Globalskolen’s first visit with students, Does your organization have an event coming up? parents and potential new students in the US Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217.

Georgia time employment. The interest for art has Memorial Day celebration of been nurtured many years, mainly by the Norwegian soldiers expression of photography, but also com- May 24 bined with painting. Over the last years it Andersonville, Ga. has become exclusively painting in acrylic Norwegian soldiers who died in Ander- and oil paints.The pictures vary in expres- sonville Prisoner of War Camp in 1864-65 sions, depending on choice of material will be commemorated at Andersonville and size – but ultimately colours and light National Historic Site on Memorial Day. is the main emphasis. This will be the first time that the Nor- wegian soldiers who died in Anderson- Pennsylvania ville are commemorated with a program. Norwegian Duo Thinguma*jigSaw Colonel Ole Martin Hojem from Superin- Photo: Inger-Torill Kirkeby May 20-21 Ståle Heggset with students in Florida. L-R: Simone Gramstad, Margrethe Hopstock Havgar, Ståle tendent (and Norwegian descendant) Fred Pittsburgh and State College, Penn. Heggset, Anna Hopstock Havgar and Enok Gramstad. Boyles, Andersonville National Historic Thinguma*jigSaw is a Norwegian duo Site, will be in charge of the program. In g e r -To r i ll Ki r k e b y his students, getting to know them better. playing what they call “splatter-folk” or Program begins at 11 a.m. Colonel Ole Sunny Isles Beach, Fla. He spent time talking to parents and “snuff-pop,” on banjo, musical saw, flute, Martin Hojem, Royal Norwegian Embas- students that might want to take advantage melodica and vocals. Thinguma*jigSaw Globalskolen was established in 1998 to sy, will present the wreath in memory of of this great way of learning Norwegian, has existed for two years, released provide free education in the three subjects the Norwegian soldiers. Visit www.nor- and quite a few liked the idea of studying their album (awakeinwhitechapel) on included in “Complementary education for more information. online. the Irish cred-label Deserted Village. for children abroad:” Norwegian, Social In Miami, there are only four students, Minnesota Thinguma*jigSaw has rapidly become a Studies, and Religion & Ethics from first to attending the full course, but Heggset met highly beloved live-phenomenon, stun- 10th grade. Globalskolen thus gives children Dialogue for Peace — Bridging Our with them and both teacher and students ning audiences wherever they play: Time living abroad for a shorter or longer period of Differences seemed to enjoy meeting each other. Out London ranked them as one of 2008’s time the means to go back to Norway and fit May 19 live highlights, and New York Post de- right in to the Norwegian school system. Minneapolis, Minn. Norwegian as second language scribed their live-performance as “deeply Join us for a panel discussion titled “Dia- Globalskolen also offers lessons for unsettling, yet strangely comforting.” 1,000 students in 87 countries logue for Peace — Bridging our Differ- students that do not want the three subjects. Show on May 20 at the Morning Glory Globalskolen is internet-based, and ences” at the Humphrey Institiute, Uni- While in Miami, Heggseth met with Coffeehouse in Pittsburgh, and May 21 at the students are spread all over the world. versity of Minnesota. Panel members Norwegians living here permanently, some of the Schlow Library with Sharron Kraus at Approximately 1,000 students in 87 countries include: Norwegian Ambassador to Syria them married to Americans and with children State College. are signed up to study Norwegian online. Rolf Willy Hansen; Iman Senald Kobilica, naturally a part of the American society. Many Twenty teachers coach the students through head of the Islamic Council of Norway of them had never heard of Globalskolen and Washington their weekly assignments and help them and the Iman responsible for Bosnians in did not know about this opportunity to sign reach their goals. All the teachers are well- Norway; Ingrid Vik, who is responsible Nordic Night at Safeco Field up for lessons on internet. Globalskolen has qualified in the subjects they are teaching. for the ”Dialog for Peace” program at the June 4 classes in basic Norwegian for those not Teacher Ståle Heggset emphasizes the Oslo Center; and Professor Abdi Samatar, Seattle, Wash. speaking the language, and classes for those flexibility of Globalskolen. All the students Professor of Geography and Global Stud- The Seattle Mariners are making a dis- who know a little Norwegian. This is a great can study when and where they want; and this ies at the University of Minnesota. Event count ticket offer to members of the way to learn how to communicate with family is what matters most to students attending is free, but seating is limited. Make a res- Nordic community! Come enjoy a spe- and friends in Norway. When listening in on regular local schools as well. ervation at cial outing with your family and friends! the conversations going on, it seemed like Special discount for view reserved seats Globalskolen may have more students in the New York for just $11 (regular price: $20). Place an Visiting Houston and Miami Miami area for the coming school year. There are 100 students with The New York Scandia Symphony order for group seats! Orders are filled “Yes, we have the capacity to teach on a first come first serve basis, and are in the United States, 60 of more students,” says Heggset, “hoping for May 28 them in the Houston, Texas area. Heggset New York City, N.Y. based on availability. To order online up more students in the United States while at to 25 tickets, go to had invited all the students and their parents, On May 28 at 1 p.m., Dorrit Matson, Mu- the same time emphasizing that quality is Nordic. Deadline is June 3 at 5 p.m. For and potential students to a gathering while sic Director and Conductor, leads the New more important than quantity.” groups larger than 25, call Corinne Fowler visiting Houston recently. York Scandia Symphony in a program For more information on Globalskolen, at (206) 346-4515. Groups larger than 40 Heggset himself teaches fourth-graders, highlighted by the N.Y. Premiere of Chris- visit will receive two complimentary tickets and he said that the gathering was also a topher Ernst Friedrich Weyse’s Symphony and their group name on the scoreboard. great opportunity for him to meet some of No. 6, and the U.S. Premiere of Gunnar Questions? Call Corinne Fowler at (206) Berg’s Hymnos (honoring the centennial 346-4515 of the composer’s birth). Join us at Trin- ity Church, located on Broadway and Wall Washington, D.C. e Scandinavian Hour Street. A donation of $2 is suggested. For Celebrating over 40 years on the air information, call (212) 602-0747, or visit Detour Exhibit Through May 25 Washington, D.C. KKNW - 1150 AM Harald Schioldborg Jr. Exhibition In recent years, small but sensational Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am Through August 16 architectural projects along Norwegian Streaming live on the internet at: New York City, N.Y. tourist routes have gained national as well Trygve Lie Gallery in New York present as international attention. Inspired by the the exhibition “Kaleidoscope” by the Nor- initial success, the partners behind the wegian artist, Harald Schioldborg Jr, May exhibition, Norwegian Public Roads Ad- 7th through August 16th. Harald Schi- ministration and Norsk Form, bring an oldborg Jr. is educated in shipping and exhibit to showcase these eye-catching logistics – and have most of his carrier constructions to those not able to travel to worked with liner-and shipping agencies Norway. Located at the National Building and management of companies within Museum. the freight industry, both in Norway and Norwegian American Weekly abroad. Since 2006, art became his full Proud to bring you the NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • MAY 15, 2009 There’s no place like Norse Home A neighborhood... landmark built to serve the community.

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