The Union and Journal: Vol. 22, No. 3
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J l'! 7 K-' t TBE PUBLIC LIBERTIES. BE TRUE, AND PAITHFirii. AND VALIANT FOB JAN. 1866. NUMBER 3. VOLUME XXII. HIPDEFORD, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, 12, wm wm an awful broken tho • incrod- from that time he lietter'n uny hired man, There silence, only by •• Mid Mm. Ducklow. "Oh, he'« Tn jour said Mr. Ducklow, Taddy?" «lecp!' for hp faithful, and took an interrat, and clock ticking, and Mr. Ducklow lifting hia AND JOURNAL, I never in life hud such a THE UNION NEW abed,—though my olouily. and took cure of a* no him) knife and fork, and them fall so. t vu drramin' brought looked after things, letting again. Editor, time to him off out of the way; lor he'd 41 guess you to J. K. UUT1.KK. get intn ever would or could do, aa I'vo lien red At last he forced himself speak. idee that mo homo a now down yer bout- j«ki »w»t» irniiw »f J. F. STKAItNS somehow gut with the you drum,—lucked 1 us a smart lectur'. m niumiii nui possessed Mr. Ducklow!' Wall, read pretty was to to set faltered yourself say, you're M« »n<l tli» buT sumthin', and be wanted up leg,' Taddy. I can't conseivo As WmiM InlWrtu frl«i»!« puMIe a wan u faithful boy ; 1 never Miss Ifoswick, I must J". E. BUTLER GO. rt«|trrtruHy COUPON BONDS. said Mr. Ducklow, with 'Ileiilien good, aay! lli*l !"• ha* nil< <| up the »l«ro uu-ler ami hch what it was." 'Strange!' what take such an interest in ^riHTnlly a * dented that f I never denied that !' should muke yc if (ilkiii YOHK 1IA>K, ttaeo, »hero w») l»c IouikI On a certain mild March eTening, A. D. •• will kctch at hit wife. Hut how could I bring T»M<! ||j* |« !■*,« Ikrjmw; how childron thing* glnnce was twen- «>ur kind in «■■■ <ir |.| ul 01 Strange " with till he affairs; but it'a je,—very M in ■»(>». Mr Bill I a r<»)i> UW ic»xl a air lie you * very f I I# 1SG4, tho Ducklow kitchen had general sometimes, liest can do to said a drum in my boot-leg?' •Well, stayed .« «-lnh >4 #»» Mrw ab«rttrfi, ual • taliii. ye prevent! a service for the laat five kind, to be sure!' irrwi ifUiw* «t|* ici: of for Mra. Ducklow nit 'Don't 'thout it 's a now kind, one did man's in »t«ai*f. at any id Ik' nnul) iioiL«ii:iioLi> ri KMTi waiting somelwdy. Mr. Ducklow. know, ty-one,—he Take an I seen " or six then him what call- ,* interest! Haven't Sophro- 1/ liv tho of a kerosene hut 44 that will shet years ; you giv' yoi flw which kr will ml knitting lij»ht lamp, Hut did ye up.' And i»r of all <lr.<«ri|ili<>n', •/ buy? new suit o' a with them children! un< mwm«iii her " but saw noth- ed a settin' out,—h clothes, joke ny'i itrugflea *1 41 « I4M| Imtl •/ «!)'"'( over and anon, stocking, You hotter takothem matches and looked eagerly around, fl.'iV fftf MlM/odiall paused neglecting je*t put Tadd) a hundred dol- havo'nt 1 seen RouUn come home thia very Iw.i iioarUnn* 1# !••«« In in. an soma curious- of oxen, Home farinin' tool*, and Otl* 4>j>nrr, Jl »•» all »ku i«tri>iiii« and knitting her hrow* instead, with aspeet 'eta out the fust 'fore ing new or interesting, except t * nark a^ittnul o' way, thing, ye forgit • a man, with a broken constitution, 1*1 Vlk, I I J 41 waa hasti- lars in with thousands, Mr. night, sick of anxious The old cat, coiled are tu havo looking which Mrs. Ducklow money You, yer Hjr »!»•• listening. gray it. Matches clangorous layining jMpere and no before him but to giro up hia N K W into an a hundred do'larsin money?' procncct Na<* nhrn art on a cushion at her aide, in her and 1 nnver feel wife till safe." tucking Ducklow,giv'bim i» n-m|wri|, up purring uround, ihry'rr ly envelope. • has and be thrown TV r4UUl*Jw»l Lhnt whii a a (arm, low ull he paid, upon a «waralMl Urtfrr »!««>• U alk<>«ri| as if she knew did ?' only begin- Urffrr U|*» •«* .li«|4at«*t. and perfectly And Mr. Ducklow his hat, and Inid yo, pa only heginnin', wife chil- In ukr (law ran W I alcop, purred slept hung Say, of the world with hia and .\4«<f u«m«»u m*«t in atari STEAM up course What noo* I've said!' declared the rod-Qushod charities t»i« »|«ik. BAKERY! well who wan won to that chair, overcoat across a in the next 'Did I? Of I didn't! nln', alwuya no coming occupy his chair room, dron? And if tho charities of friends an* (Ik |«J«f of it. old* Out how camo down here? farmer. nuWriher* an extensive and meant to mnko the moat Tho with o carefulnew and deliberation exhausting sense! yc Speak of the oharitini of the »pIIK having romplete«l f rontinner to cold, what can he expect I HTRAM BAKKKY lathi* city. Invito the men- laiihiowd the high mantel* and no tho truth.' «l know it; and a'poao you'll JOB PRINTING. clock, perched upon to the of good Mrs. Ducklow, an I wish you look th.- iiio-*! tion of th« t«> tin- rli.'i'M- ami excellent arlicl** patience no the of death ! Then world ? Take interest! Ol kiml«, h'«n tfx- rmwn pM«t hwyjvtfk, puhlle of the low-studded room, ticked was I wm blowin' it and 1 My till yer may-be Of or their whlrli pure away lees to that of Master who dreampt you up, day I've sot half un hour, and atlk M4um awl ilu|»tk.-U. lMit« *4mUi|. muiiu^i'iurt, tliey ««>nn<l**ntly trying Taddy, win That'* half aa much ! Hero (twiikO he to hh tick when an- to ketch when, fuat I knowed, I remeuitier Keut*n in yer will. will tu*-el the wi<he« o| all who may iliapoeH loneomcly, clocks only somebody to hear the aprung it, you'll to ask how Reuben OuroelehraW»l waiting important quustion the ! him of!* aa uf have'nt thought ap« Uvor them witlt liielr patronage. ic waited for who doc* not come. Even the swered. on the floor, liko a thousan' o' brick ! Moa' way Keep puttin' long you or about him !' se- " can hold on to red, tea-kettio on the atore seemed to tie in the " alter broke my Taddy. you possibly your property pen anything Miss ••Nutritlvo Crackors" Come ! said she, hastily disposing kneo-pana!' whimpered there's a nwaon (or that, •• mo nothin'7— when see to good fur it simmered iind after tho manner the didn't ye home yourself—then, you you've got go May-be a MILLINERY cret, sang of the matches, what's use'of 'Say, bring on to usk half dosen have oMaiiicil a whle celebrity, ami heeii luannfac " keeping to've Res wick. Twoa of awisoold conscious of the What's them and leave it, givo him what you ought my lip* lurv«l h> ua lor a long tuna at haco, .Maine Their tea-kettle fully me in Did things?' ao wouldn't GOODS. suspense? ye buy?" • no in but talk'd fast, you In wliurn known U Tho " Nothin' little know about. him yeara Iwtore. There an't merit time*; you rt|iuUlivn thia ami »«fry |ilar« important of its minion sido-tahle, Where did ye Viu ? asked Mr. Duck- l>oya anything gi'n uii*I arc ol the put to tlmt kind did know Mr. Duck- me a chance.' firmly tliuy invariably which W;»« a lenf on fixed in the Now run back to bod 1 o'justice, ye it, give <1 i* hinges down the agin. forgot buy • some excuw, <»um oxi'ollnii <|ualit> These Crackers are the Dimply low, taking bootjack. to be- I'm got MRS. A. A. TAPLEY, an when it was 44 wo a drum to but I'll to aomethin' low? I tell ye, what helonga Reuben Well, glad you've •mqi of aw Ki.reman, Mr. K. II. IIamkii.i., ami are wall, and looked like In the littlo tin whero always you day, git Heswick. apron pail, to ten or a one!' said Mis* BLOCK. FACTORY ISLAM*. 8AC0, MR. the only Cracker* to he touml In Naw Kntilaml that to that sido of tho kitchen a cu I next time I tn I think on't.' longs hiin noir,—not twenty yeara though poor ADAMS down, giving 'cm, of coureo! Whero should put go town,—if • are ami U|u>ii ix.rrn'l ehetutaal keep and be How is Reuben ?' Mrs. Ducklow meekly c<>uipoun<le<l prr|*r«l ineo to and rested 'So to always but never think on't,' henco, when done with it, "most Instead of into a flair riom reMPtnbl Mrs. Ducklow, 'era?" say, yo you've RETAIL DKALKK principle*. rotting Hie dough won't need it. A few dollars of loathoiiim* and on one arm it was in which •• 'cause I likely hundred inquired. dli^'U^tlng putrescence, thereby when up, position You nwJn't fx> cross! I asked, Taddy. mero shudder of the a.itvhaiine an<l nutritive complained• comein'! What now will be more useful to him than all 'All broken to utterly destroying it remind-d y»u more of Mr.