J l'! 7 K-' t



wm wm an awful broken tho • incrod- from that time he lietter'n uny hired man, There silence, only by •• Mid Mm. Ducklow. "Oh, he'« Tn jour said Mr. Ducklow, Taddy?" «lecp!' for hp faithful, and took an interrat, and clock ticking, and Mr. Ducklow lifting hia AND JOURNAL, I never in life hud such a THE UNION NEW abed,—though my olouily. and took cure of a* no him) knife and fork, and them fall so. t vu drramin' brought looked after things, letting again. Editor, time to him off out of the way; lor he'd 41 guess you to J. K. UUT1.KK. get intn ever would or could do, aa I'vo lien red At last he forced himself speak. idee that mo homo a now down yer bout- j«ki »w»t» irniiw »f J. F. STKAItNS somehow gut with the you drum,—lucked 1 us a smart lectur'. m niumiii nui possessed Mr. Ducklow!' Wall, read pretty was to to set faltered yourself say, you're M« »nK, ttaeo, »hero w») l»c IouikI On a certain mild March eTening, A. D. •• will kctch at hit wife. Hut how could I bring T»Mur kind in «■■■ ». Mr Bill I a r<»)i> UW ic»xl a air lie you * very f I I# 1SG4, tho Ducklow kitchen had general sometimes, liest can do to said a drum in my boot-leg?' •Well, stayed .« «-lnh >4 #»» Mrw ab«rttrfi, ual • taliii. ye prevent! a service for the laat five kind, to be sure!' irrwi ifUiw* «t|* ici: of for Mra. Ducklow nit 'Don't 'thout it 's a now kind, one did man's in »t«ai*f. at any id Ik' nnul) iioiL«ii:iioLi> ri KMTi waiting somelwdy. Mr. Ducklow. know, ty-one,—he Take an I seen " or six then him what call- ,* interest! Haven't Sophro- 1/ liv tho of a kerosene hut 44 that will shet years ; you giv' yoi flw which kr will ml knitting lij»ht lamp, Hut did ye up.' And i»r of all n', •/ buy? new suit o' a with them children! un< mwm«iii her " but saw noth- ed a settin' out,—h clothes, joke ny'i itrugflea *1 41 « I4M| Imtl •/ «!)'"'( over and anon, stocking, You hotter takothem matches and looked eagerly around, fl.'iV fftf MlM/odiall paused neglecting je*t put Tadd) a hundred dol- havo'nt 1 seen RouUn come home thia very Iw.i iioarUnn* 1# !••«« In in. an soma curious- of oxen, Home farinin' tool*, and Otl* 4>j>nrr, Jl »•» all »ku i«tri>iiii« and knitting her hrow* instead, with aspeet 'eta out the fust 'fore ing new or interesting, except t * nark a^ittnul o' way, thing, ye forgit • a man, with a broken constitution, 1*1 Vlk, I I J 41 waa hasti- lars in with thousands, Mr. night, sick of anxious The old cat, coiled are tu havo looking which Mrs. Ducklow money You, yer Hjr »!»•• listening. gray it. Matches clangorous layining jMpere and no before him but to giro up hia N K W into an a hundred do'larsin money?' procncct Na<* nhrn art on a cushion at her aide, in her and 1 nnver feel wife till safe." tucking Ducklow,giv'bim i» n-m|wri|, up purring uround, ihry'rr ly envelope. • has and be thrown TV r4UUl*Jw»l Lhnt whii a a (arm, low ull he paid, upon a «waralMl Urtfrr »!««>• U alk<>«ri| as if she knew did ?' only begin- Urffrr U|*» •«* .li«|4at«*t. and perfectly And Mr. Ducklow his hat, and Inid yo, pa only heginnin', wife chil- In ukr (law ran W I alcop, purred slept hung Say, of the world with hia and .\4« tin- rli.'i'M- ami excellent arlicl** patience no the of death ! Then world ? Take interest! Ol kiml«, h'«n tfx- rmwn pM«t hwyjvtfk, puhlle of the low-studded room, ticked was I wm blowin' it and 1 My till yer may-be Of or their whlrli pure away lees to that of Master who dreampt you up, day I've sot half un hour, and atlk M4um awl ilu|»tk.-U. lMit« *4mUi|. muiiu^i'iurt, tliey ««>nn ua lor a long tuna at haco, .Maine Their tea-kettle fully me in Did things?' ao wouldn't GOODS. suspense? ye buy?" • no in but talk'd fast, you In wliurn known U Tho " Nothin' little know about. him yeara Iwtore. There an't merit time*; you rt|iuUlivn thia ami »«fry |ilar« important of its minion sido-tahle, Where did ye Viu ? asked Mr. Duck- l>oya anything gi'n uii*I arc ol the put to tlmt kind did know Mr. Duck- me a chance.' firmly tliuy invariably which W;»« a lenf on fixed in the Now run back to bod 1 o'justice, ye it, give <1 i* hinges down the agin. forgot buy • some excuw, <»um oxi'ollnii <|ualit> These Crackers are the Dimply low, taking bootjack. to be- I'm got MRS. A. A. TAPLEY, an when it was 44 wo a drum to but I'll to aomethin' low? I tell ye, what helonga Reuben Well, glad you've •mqi of aw Ki.reman, Mr. K. II. IIamkii.i., ami are wall, and looked like In the littlo tin whero always you day, git Heswick. apron pail, to ten or a one!' said Mis* BLOCK. FACTORY ISLAM*. 8AC0, MR. the only Cracker* to he touml In Naw Kntilaml that to that sido of tho kitchen a cu I next time I tn I think on't.' longs hiin noir,—not twenty yeara though poor ADAMS down, giving 'cm, of coureo! Whero should put go town,—if • are ami U|u>ii ix.rrn'l ehetutaal keep and be How is Reuben ?' Mrs. Ducklow meekly c<>uipoun cross! I asked, Taddy. mero shudder of the a.itvhaiine ann his sido tahlo was set I a lookin' are, to ho seen viaitora!' thousands will ho hv-and After our proce*.«ea ruuw tlx to lu:ikr U single plate, easy ye one of liitn of MILLINERY GOODS. th«irel'» 111 y our Cracker*. hut all the to hit trusted him; he whs that came within taking Mdatla|avl< and saucer, that the waited Mrs. Ducklow returned to the ; and Mr. Ducklow turned wife, apected him, everybody varied and mui'h eitreinctl article* of our pioductn.il. indicating |>er*on pantry anxioualy wu in know, was tho bonds in her doin' then ho married the world, lie the hospital, yo in a ami i>ali-U<-tort condition t» he u.*ed ux for was to of refreshments her u over who well, everybody said; proper ex|»vted |iartako husband, pausing moment, leaning hastily hiding palpi* or hut the doc* »«• oiTWr* fall lin«of Mllll- |.m«I who are to he a lit- and u and faithful wilo she's fur two months mom; finalljr I nm n«» |ir«|i«rr mankind, declared "only I•• •!»in«l tho «l"«>r wan a small kick- u cover the tin with tiling hoNoin. good " noy clinir, heurd the goon (mil Sophrony, wan to he wnt home, )•'( til tle lower than the angel* stairway * to and ho concluded to torn we't hid chance l)« f> f Cake, we call ing very u clink and a clatter which betrayed, that, night? that *»« comin' «ft>M Mem4 ml l.at?< liu|»«.r- pair mid Mm. in tho which Mid wm a weak a* he wan. A sergeant Xt>V« particular attention to the many kind* made Irum gn'«> of reluctance which showed that lie hIbo ever there was un and cover, 'Suites aliro!' Ducklow, farm, you yourself good angry impatient 4 and took him Ulioit, c<>««l»tiiig of our own which, we It-el *nf» lu were I wish idea, and him in't.* on him all tho way, receipt*. unite saying, wisht-d to nit and wait for somebody. tliut wan. whoso mind burglars uppcrnioHt, cnironraged brought will pn.»e l» all who become u|» homo and that'll tho reason ho got prrli-rlh ■itialVtiiry lie ex- 't do to tho 'S> it was; ilvubcn ucod in that, straight PLAIN AND FANCY: RIBBONS, with Iheiu. Among thc.«o we enumerate ma, riml I go to lied now !" heen hero Mr. Duck- whoever i», they'd keep nwuy! judgment to So* acquainted "Sij, ••Anybody to-day?" und he'd Imvc well il't had *o iiudden and even our highly prized claimed ratlier tlian to heel of his door,' alio resuming her work. got along enough, along unexjiectad, all wUMta all o»k/ra, in<|uiredv starting |>«ill low inquired, pressing tho right whispered, wen their meetin', an the viititor n't Ixi'n for tho miid Mr. Ducklow ; Uh, ii you could on tho trousers alter he had got one boot in tlin and tho too under Mr. Ducklow complied; and, war,' phrony. Pun ml. l(nrrii, Fruil, Tra, again leg jack, steadying aa Mirer at takin' BON>KT VELVETS. Spotisr, Fiiury. *• sat needle us in- while liiii wife Nat not to mciin- 1 did! then wouldn't my In v. Ilo'll want me to hold the lantern for a of the chair. entered, there she her dumb, during you HON CALIFORNIA IHtOI'. JK.NNV UNO COO KIM, round plying Miaa atrong- MKT SILKS. nn neither urn with their nnd an interval!' And Ilcawick, ami NKW VOKK CltKAM CAKKS. him to tako cure or tho how." "No!" Mi*. Ducklow. (hiHtriouoly ami demurely though tongues vigorous-minded UONNKT NVTl.NS, replied ininded aa she wai, (ound it ncceaanry to make " " Iwnds nor hud ever bccu beatd of in neighbor. We »Imi keep <«u hatnl »ui*rlor Kuu Himtit, from "No. no, Tuddy," for that wan tho boy's Vo liecn burglars plain speaking I1LACK CIIAI'KX. ah a unywhere? 'If it had u'l uao of her handkerchief. 'I didn't atop only Kn'{tWli rtvdpt Thin llixouit i.« t;rcat luxury. only ho in •• " tliut remote rural district. •Ji«t no!' said Miu Heswiok. name, for Yes! a MALIMVS AM> ILLUSIONS, Wo »l.n iiiiike )>r<>iii t*t 1> to unlrr (short Thaddous,) ••you'll to hiiu to and fix little; M M said been for tho wur! He Imd uiado lua tint pay- put bed, thinga M th*< if wt I want to Mr. Ducklow. 'Ah, Miiw Beswick, walk in!' Mr. help UU».M» ANI» TRIMMINU, 111* I'oI'MM. Ak«u!l|i, SlLVKK, ClITuAilllT, way, you up. Besides, Where? mildly and run over to tell " inquired ments, and would have met tho rest as then I left 'em alone, ye. IllTIIKs. KullO) >P»II';«, liulll, IlliJn't, lllt'll, Mllll Che** mend M No matter! said Mrs. with Ducklow. they LAl'Br. KIMJINU, Itieh your pant*." Ducklow, a didn't know he waa in town when CakcK.-Hlxi, Fancy I'mtniv JuiuMei, • somewhat fetnule due, no doubt ot it. Hut tho war broke It's pitv yo Ae. You're wuntin' to mend my decided ill A tall, iipare, qpmo Ac.. Fan.'.) U.iuinl-au* pant*!" teui|>er. prim-looking was so us to him home with a over her en* out, and he Irlt all to sarvo hia yo there to-day, bring In we ilinir* t>> nay thai wo .«|>uru no the who seemed to think Mr Ducklow drew a as ho turned of middle age, shawl head, country. Say# eliiiini;, jialn* t'omplained youngster, doep sigh, to But I had invest* FRENCH FLOWERS, to incrl llie wiulitnil wuheanr our patron*. We u*e a curt und he, 'I'm un able bodied nmn, and 1 ought with yo. s'poso you your that it was l»v no means to do him a favor, hut and looked her. tered, nodding pi^ciso good evening, Duck* invartaMy lite ln«t M>>ur (lie market Ntlortl*. All upon he.' His business was as ments to look after. Cone, now, Mr. OSTRICH VSATISMfc a " first to Mr. Ducklow, then to his wile. go,' important, tii« other article* eon uineil l>y u« lu our luaiiul'ao rather to afford herself gloating pleasure, Wall, you Iw about the most uncomf'tahle eayn have in* A " and his wife and children war as dear to him how thousan' dollars you tfTRAft UILT TniMMIXliS, ture* «r» cunlull\ »«l>'cte«l ami of the choice*! ti"in llakvry kept the to bo delivered to dissatisfied countenance. with curiosity and surprise. 'Where anybody's; duty go, * l"U«l) neat it ml cleanl*,anil our workmen |»irtake o| ing, required garment up no have been aufferin' to homo? You riLT A ItKAVKR HATS •« come ? her a and he went did n't such hia folks CAl-S.j t -.i 111 ii i> it .1- "I a as did froui Set chair, They give big Ik- .tih rtl cfi r tin* f»t tln» e«tal>. her. "I wish there wasn't audi thing If can't answer my 1 don't you why even «>f 1>m iK'* iikI you question, as havo been hundreds, or all tfj lw, lUliment,mil are mauler* of their hu«lnr»*. We don't father?' bounties to volunteers then do now, may tayin' up lully in the world !" seo I need take tho trouble to answer jo, they for A •►ellevo • oat your with us will hut con- pints why und it was a sacritico to him when thousands, that this very day, aught IUINNKT KRAMKN CROWNH,| acquaintance •'Don't talk that after all tho trouble —and Mrs. Ducklow returned with Mr. Ducklow, who was slipping his every way way, lirui 'oe we have feehly enrmte»J anil we loillclt to to !" Mid Yer feci into un old of shoes, hastened to says lie, jest my convey, r*»p«ctAilljr your patronage and expense we've Iwen clothe yo lips to her supper puir be a cuma to " compressed (uitching. 'and trust to Providenco for the of such only T^illo*! x co. \Y here would can with tho ty,' says he, good property,—it'll Onlo>K Promptly itibMUMi) 1L MtJOlUUM the good woman, reprovingly. is ready ; ye eat it when ye pleasu." ply hospitable suggestion. do tho Iteuben. » 0. T. ioNliJtl, > " I've suid rest.' You did n't his ve,—till you right thing by fr- iu tli« town*. you Im> now, if 'twaon't for mo and vcr I'a I was Hiiswerin' as fast as ] only jest got homo,' ho, apologet- ur num^n-u* fricndi iKiVcr, 11., Juno l,'4J. leet should croato mis- to.' There was unother long silence. Tf ♦'I shouldn't lie to bed when I don't sive full of sorrow and caught in his stocking you'd ought ru«t«>»u«'r* to «>wr i»nmail«*l *»- coin' mildness, discourage- bo Mias Hoe wick ?' said unTl pre*»*i»t so careful of some what Mini Hi-swick !*-Seems 'You a'n't going, vo, "«rlc«i»" Jk just enough picion: tho visitor had ariaen. KM will hear In titlm! that II >. Jordan Co.'* cracker* when to to me takin' it to Mrs. Ducklow.—for r.ut.t *o I'KR II.1T tow tliiUi lliu majority ♦• soen of answer- become, have you're upon yourself say cau Imj ohtaiuetl at the *torw of Purler Kuril, IliiUle beard. I have n't any signs your jmoplo thoy anything «r uikve MtJ lta«r>* |*Ttv, already his tea into his and buttered his her head, stalkod out of th» hunao liku iuiiI l*»l in til* Suir». lu tlMr «+l wouldn't Ite it came movement, und held hcrsell and poured IS INSM'RANO".ill Uk mH e«n|«ui«« when don't want to! You l)oot, drew gently on tho other. As angular prim plate, tho to ro- JUST WHAT NEEDED. you bread with a tall, gaunt leaving Ducklowa to lie I when want to, ; fell out on tho flinir. He oroct in tho chair. teaspoon. spectre, JKTSA. HARTFORD, CONN., going you mnrolikoly oil, something picked with covcr uh beat could from tho oonaternutiou ft no, I said Mrs. Ducklow, 'I h'jhiso who's lnvn talking Sophrony, they LEA V ITT'S Ckpiul lor ton to one you would'nt Imvo hod to go to. it up, and handed U with u smile Why, don't,' her triumphant samo and she has i>cnt her hero to interfere.' into which had been thrown by coming. of the sitewntion von was in when wo while at the time she did think they INS. NEW Think to Mrs. Ducklow. civilly; THE HOME CO., HAVEN, " it and iinwarrantahlo con. •Mr*. Ducklow, you don't b'|m»jo no such ni CONTIM'Kli.J adopted ye, and then talk tlmt way!" •'Oli, indeed ! in thin tho very extraordinary (TO Ca|rtUl JiUO.OUO. duct on tho of her to be You know wouldn't send Merchant As thid won an unanswerable argument, Tad- Shu wan radiant. Her hands tlieir part ticighl>or walking thing! Sophrony Tailoring dropped on such an and know I IIOLYOKE M. F. INS. CO., SALEM, MASS. contented himself with thrusting a hand and tho wliioli oonaiatod the streets and entering the dwelling* ol holi- anyliody arrant; you dy work, opened |»nckage, a NA8BY. STORE. Net AnMb |«»n,(Wo. est after on a dark il'n't u to do suvli urrants, or tw uiudu into hit* trousers and recklessly increasing the of a unsealed and folded paper people, alone, eight o'clock, (Hirson Tlir whMrlher h*« lm«ril thr f>t»r* orruuiwt large, envelop cut's of 1 a'n't handsome, Tho ia an extract from Naaby'g formerly "If nho like* an) |»iw by anybody. following h*.i a UNION FIRE INS. CO., UANOOR, ME., area of tho forthcoming within. Three unfolded and cxatuiucd uiglit. Otu ami ju-t ra«irwi ipleudkl patch. 4 by Uc*r>, You'ro in time to and take a not and 1 a'n't wuth my thou* last: aiwortaicitt «.f lluo.uoo. to mend no let her!" ho. with satisfaction. jest setup cup piirtic'lurly; " Capital well, thought beaming never ex luv i wm forat o* ton with husband: an invitation which sand*, like somo folks I know ; and 1 got K* much I Washington M. are them cried liut what made 'eta in boot my Broadcloths, English and By J. OOOPWIN, "Tnddy, you tearing pants?" yo carry ycr for the best reanon in tho tew leav it. i mite liov then-, but tho Woolons, u sound alarm- sho know would not ho and sho married, world,— atayed Ritkh tucil, Me., offlit u»cr llw |N«I OIHc* Mrs. Ducklow, hearing no? accepted, arc (•rrraiiu CmoUmt ll«*»*vrr Clulhi, Tri- 33 sharply, 4 them that odurod themselves I wouldn't have, trouth ia, tho nlanka o( that harder ol cracking threads. •To tell tho said Mr. Ducklow, in accordingly. Ye hotter, Minn Berwick, city ilrnvrr*. I'lUl ingly suggestive truth,' prcwed wuaaer to on than thoan uv other >!••«••»» CUlli, • t<) liim Tako olT and them I would liavo had didn't offer them- untl Bleep any ♦•I whs 'oin off," "aid "I n voice, I wan afrakl <»' Itoiu* rol» il company. yer FOR SALE. pullin* Taddy. only keep * bed lived two CUATINUS, »nf itinerant styles tut " to tako off I'm a warn. 1 know luck* an well roontha orf ex a dimerkratick has to ma, do think ho'll an I clear out o* the No, I don't go a-visitin', my might bo, my by ptirain myaelf it tear.—Say, you my lifo! So, got a Loan. jest and drink this timn o' a* ; hut and u cat's paw but that cood only larot abort Yesti City of BiMcfori'Sii per cent. hring mo homo a drum ?" town, I took it out not thine* tea, night!' anyliody hein'nspy kongriainan, €ioaking*, wz*, o'my pocket, (meaning a'n't one of 'em. I don't do and there not ov that $100,000. know in tho the the Mis* Befwick condescended, however, to things sly time, being many |ierNwaahun TRIMMIN08. "You'll morning." tho town, hut envelope containing pa- tho rounda or TAILOH8' throw hack the shawl from her head, underhand. II I've anything to say to any tliar tew penwnate. i lied gone "I want to know to-night. Ilo said iimhhy an* tucked it down ny boot-leg. Then, exposing —AIM,— anUmrity <4 an art >4 tfw ami by unlhidty per?) lines of 1 go to and it to their tho Uouao, cx orfon na it wax «»fe, nnd one nita I sot wan acaret wan rid to vinw a neck, the strong body, right 'em, say face, Inni llw City ''•*">» i' U*' |>an»""* "f oau'lklatinj; tlf ho would. Say, ran't up?" all tho way home, I when I long, sinewy (toin into Willard* nY <•( ran her and ramified into —sometimes blunt, I allow. Hut I don't commenced on tho Senit. Oontlomon's Furnishing Goods, >|. i.( ,4 ilw rity, lli"- uiiW'L'itil, Tivwiim tin* CUy "I'll let to know whether car set in* an* Mill more seuret when I Iw-ird which into cheeks, perty you up, nlono, uv which the lti.M lit.- |«iMic a M'liui U lluioli Iwrliix »i\ to her features. At wait to l»o xrnt other folks. I've a mind 'o i kalled for a go gin, gentlemanly after been told w» times!" com in' after iuo. You see, it'* wrinklos, severity by auif Ptalu HWf« Skirt*, /Jr<««rfr*, r iiitiim |*f aiiniim. you're many anybody jest giving own urbane b»»r not afore me. and I yy r«>U|»M« arranged and narrow, and destitute of tho usual you say you i, with imprcraivo my «41 anil »n any lUnk Btairwav-door great energy manner to tho lofty m-z $C., 4r«\ prevent sharpost-eved hurglar or sent mo here to I what •Yoor name,' he. ConftrUrt, at llw <>ilh>- >4 tin- Tiwwf. ornament, natural false, that you involute* interfere, say you s'poee lUnkrr, i# i. | Uio > anl or up crept lie neglected to Mcuro tho atairway-door, Mrs. Ducklow was annihilated ; and tho vis- Here i overdid it—hen vaultin ambition ovor- of a head. iua>lo InUi .imml' of vvrry I'arlioular FOK SAI-E, with the lightness and agility muirrel. however. in hin liohind it, it tnito There, hiding-place • run over to tell tho said itor went on. horaolf. lied i aed ".Saulnbury," allratkm Ui eNltli^ for other* to uiako. "All <»ri«t .71 ma, I'm a l»cd! lie I'vo you nows,' leaped |i«M " At lite Steam ill, ♦•I'm n«l»cd! Say, cried, utood in bin hut jest name for a valo K»»- Taddy, shivering shirt, peeping •As for Mr. Ducklow, I hare n't said hev anawered, hut to givo Sumner'a to save the excellent tho trouhlo of Mien Keswick. you, are ail NEW ANI» KIIKMI. IIIDUKKOKD, Mfc, eager lady und in a fever of which noth* a uv for which i tiirmUT, m)' ;i»l> listening curiosity 4 I said Mrs. Ducklow. you o*ition 4 town ? for sake?' And I've no doubt think you do, any karnt akount. i ignominiuidy eoun* «f liuuiau rvriiU. «<>iu« tu lh« ooroImIoii thai I ihn' «11if llruuli' •'imi|i|i'|i'. No robber* in massy you SiiiiiI Mm him- iml t 'll'NHtrr-.ill In n'ready!" could not see Mr. Ducklow or the documents, then can't leave me to tho rtrect. Drinka obtained at tho ov Clio true in all t>u*l*oM u <|uiok turn* aixl Mini llitn. \l<", Mrs. Ducklow laid her hand on her bosom, to 'Very well! why you ex|>en»e |*rin«i|»t« M.■ law mw utlwf Ifc-u ihK m One "It's a for you yon 1k>!" said to tho most r«'»'!» Uiat limine** romluctvU on |hi» |>rln- IW ImIciwiIIImi, good thing and his mind waa left freo revel in do what I think'm bein kickcd is cheap, but i don't want them on I* Haw, In oumIMhii. Wc tho ho make sure that the bonds were still thero. my duty? Everybody ought tu It*i, Intth for writer auuii- «M|>lo itwl «•«»■ Uiii4 lln in ; »miH regarding pur- 4 to liavo that than revolted, .it IrMl Ml rent. for Ilia r»«li Im»> er, wlia ilurn luir kU>> tttvatafa IUhAiU, how daring for at any privilege.' turinx—my pride in* jut tin- Kunnhirv had left behind tho door. of a No, good news,—good bophrony, tilw mo a irt, Nuniii.- mikI l*tilW>«, dr., k. In M, nil "Why, Taddy, chase Ho hud not tho idea The ami urbane kouduo* »»••* Iwvr l<> lor a») >>w t» a Itrvt rlw tlrUt, llmir Mini 111 did tear it! I've a notion to rate!' granted. ami *IL X« for «U«wiu;: »ml |» fi.iiiiini; you good givo ye new the which uv Outrul mo orer call prwre charge geod*. II »* drum, although image, vaguely I Miss Heswiek; don't tors the Pcnavlranv Irr Mill—nil U* l« wifcl yrty t>»w n|>|4Wil *■«, «^tv|i(iiii: a smart now !" •Ah! she h'is heard from Reuben?' 'Sirtin, you?' paraed nl IhU mill I• Ok- trouncing itself in his of Mr. Ducklow'a Tim did it with the aa«i«tanco o? m»- linn <4 Mdm !«• k* |< niuiiiM* |miI.- ahaped mind, of the features was then, to have the same.' their road. ALONZO LEAVITT, to and Mm. Ducklow • •No!' Tho 'Why, /ought w li |ii Id |n«Htt«l iiilu Mn> Taddv snore, severity Ik' dminilriin', llir IxiiMnm begun it down his diffi- 4 & urlwno which Mnidf. tucking boot-leg,' presented a smilo. No ! and the lit- 'Of course: in thin house'll 2 brakoeuien, Allied, rhiiw ,»ti"(> mi •««>•. tlw t.njrli»h ."|4iiiiintf lt>4l*r t'<4li|Miiy lm> concluded thut she would not wake him. modiGed by griiu nobody prevent gentlemunly IMF cult It*. mi' acront the track orf ov tho N«Tew»>er. I1**."*. Uhi I.I II U* lll.ll |Wir)>«r. All* I4«' ill M.llll .lilt "I tilt« knob of n huud waa shaken doiu' what satisfied'* tenderly inn •'It is mean uh hIii> rxclniin* • tle, high expres- your you're your duty.' drop|»ed in- ni» il«-1 t-- nil .it ll».- •* in- cloth, liewjn!" is tlio Mr. Ducklow |.f |.ri ,ii.iiikO. Mill, This bond, you boo,' 'Thnnk much !' s.iiu Mi** Ber- hind eund uv the lurst cur. For 4 ye ohleegud kit- r If wir furtlwr |MM»iiLir« >4 «1, examining it tlio kerosene anil all those littlo thut sively. NEW FALL STYLES i,uirv li; by lump. explained ; things • wick. with feature*. 'That'i i n vki.m iiakhv, .\irtii i: .*>. II. IV, I consider it u misfortm that What then?' Ducklow inquired. gloaming, gristly —or—— M-. my great Till out tlio *hect are tlio cowttons. You Imvo It. 11.1 i.i. part, • coine Immo!' The words were nil I ask. Now I'm witisficd it*M to ('ol.t.AWKB.— A little in- shoddy wart over invented, Ye can't lleulxn has my duty AnKI'DOTR OK Jl lMlK huy nny to cut off one o' these, take it to tho lmnk whnt I've liecn t**llin* nnd what I'm I'lflfeJI' KATK only and the keen grey eyes of tell ye eident oocurred *uon after hi* anoond election sort of ii ready made garment for hoys now-days whon it in and draw tlio interest on it in spoken triunphantly. duo, maiden twinkled. Koin' to tell ye : that's tny duty. And then which will illun* Y WOODS hot it niuini to piece* at the least wear or strain, the elderly to the supreme bench in 1850, VILLI Milt gold!' 4 home! home!* echoed both tho it'll ho to do wliut you think'* and ho brown • Cotno your duty right. tratu the NOW OPKNINM AT liko much paper." loso tho bondn?' sterling integrity incorruptuhility ARK ESTABLISHMENT But suppose you queried astonisnment. That's n'n'l it?' hi* commi*- TAILORING She wan the nroiwnrv when Ducklows at once, in great of the uiitn. Soon after receiving mIiii|iint» patch, Mm Ducklow, regarding, not without awe, plain,wall!' said Mr. Ducklnw, di*cora* Miss Beswick iisHured them of the fact. 'Wall, ■ion nn one of tho railroad cor- IRCAOE. FOR SALE, the pound of wheels coming into the told ol so judge, lending NO. 5 CRYSTAL ynrd tlio destructible 4 I ; paper representatives ! how talk !' exclaimed Mrs. Duck- fitted; 'I can't bonder yer talkin', in State nent him a for » UhIiIhIiuhI, her that the ho waited for had My you b'jkmw the pan* Llltorlr htriwt, person long much it seems h man to huvo a poruiionn property. * 41 never dreamed of such a—When did he though ought right over their road. This wan of AT A CREAT BARGAIN! arrived. • low, joar undoubtedly CulMl*llie That'll what I'vo been think in of; that'll and in his own house.' eomo ?' to |*'ace hs and in no other view. "That you ?" said she, the kitclien quiet a mere compliment and olft*'* fur Iil«mtirn »li«cli «I opening whnt's made mo no nnrvous. 1 nuppoBO 'twould nnd in hit own too!' said Plain Fancy Ribbon**, 11K rataeritor out into tlio •Ahout nn hour 'n' n hail ago. I happened 'Yes, conscienw, alter it the wan hold- Cl.oTIIINU. wllh the Sum* door and looking darkness. so lor nothin' receiving Judge all HMlluutl tVlort, CLOTH ah'I toolbar l>e like much railroad Mock, Rood over Mis* Ucswiok. 'And if hearken to me Shortly 1* a man'* voice. to Ik) in to 1 hud j«*t fcono you'll a term of ono of the court* in hia ••Yin," replied to hut the and Biimthin' that Sophrony'a ing judicial noxntr »i'i.i Km. nox.iKT ON FACTOHY ISLAND. nolnidy owner, and her com- now, I have and in cane* lor trial "Ye want a lantern ?'* to ant a lit tl« while with her keep promise you'll pence quiet district, and one ol the firnt hi.uk vkjI'L*. could 1)0 if I loot it. Hut tlio man to euch now at «ucli rale* a.« will l>e au In- replaced, aha bo conseionco, and in house, too, uiao MOMMMTtUJCM, i»ooujiU'«l l»y lilui, "No : net tlio in the and I 1'to often dona, aoomed lonely, your your wai a oom wherein the railroad corjwra- wlm mux wlnh In nn Ihf j'^t lamp winder, the bunk Baid was like bo much cur* m.oyn A*n tmimmixiis, •liii'i'ini'iit In any i>n« carry no,—'t two ulono in the as never have hud I you know wu* in the forenoon pcs- a Whoa!" And the man ivin' there with her children you yit I'poso tion waa a It bu«iiw« «f Talliirinii. Ttii- i>ti'Ck ciinnliU i>f well guess I can git along. and 1 murt look out lor it. Thnt's what Iuny,—»* party. UJLIML.s JltU ILt.VMIO.1S, renev, so. U«r friend* don't n.tid to tho writer of thin ar- »«f lrcu«l MMirliutnl of F»»i»ii>naM« to Iter hoHlmnd uway your great lauIt, yo? Graspin',—that's nion ; a* the tlu* ground. the bunliew with robbers an I como liouae, judge LACKS, KIHIiya, aUCHK#.+*. jumped tilled along loo to her in hit \our that's heMttin' sin, Mr. I)uok> •• nn I wan them "il.id tuck?" the woman in u havu'n't boon none attontive fault, your ticle : I felt though nitting good inquired the road. And I toll 't was a releal to leol it aa nn excuae for not •• ye, ubeenca, alio think*—and ao I think.' low. You used to give with a bribe in my Say* he, | ad- FRENCH FLOWERS, ii ST AI'LK GOODS low voice. I'd Balo homo at I don't Beo pocket." l-ANCY got luct; though « mean that na h hint to Reuben more, that hud your dangli- for went homo tell when I corac was the eva- 1_I you don't helpin' you the court early dinner, Straw 1tnd dill ♦•I'll ye in," how we'ro to the bo wo hope has journed Trimmings, AM|i keep pluguy tliiugu Miaa Mra. Docklow. ter to provido lor. Well, your doughter and encloaed the ticket in nn to tho sive answer. Hha'n't feel uliout 'cm.' ii4, Betwiok,'and envelope Straw ««./ uneuBy a* mnrried ; ahe married a rich man,—you it in tho offico flats llvnnrts, "Iln* he me a drum?" •You can tnkn it ua auch, or not, joat you got company, and deposited |M>nt bought l>awledTaddy • Nor I neather !' exclaimed Mrs. out sho'a lor, " ( Utrtrk Ducklow, ( letivo it to own conaciancea. looked for that,—and provided before 1 went into court, and that," f'm/Wi, from the chntuher stair*. 1 your one. again the Iiouho tdiould take plenae! lur as can for Now, " wu* and free on CLOTHINC! come and 'tend turninR palo. Suppooo l'ou know heat whether haro done jour pro|H>rty provide any aaid he, tho lant only pin* Ft/1 nml lUarrr llats 4 "Do you want me to up there you anxious Cups, lire! or should break in! I don't wliilat hor without a child in tho world to feel I ever h«*ld while on tho bench."— which aro of recent lie will con- Ducklow. burglars to and her nnv railroad *11 the »f* Slu|n »n l»«, tuujt ot purchase. to ye?" demanded Mr* duty Sophrony family, and'll of the butiitaa* a» heretofore, wonder was so about tho match- nn I I aha'nt at>out, in' up and layin' up, Slam!aril. tiituo The wan not ambitious of you particular hunlmnd linn been of! to the war; you keep lay Woodstock t'raiivs anil I l»oy pirtieularly inc till and IUmnrt Yominj, es ! Dear ! I Bhall bo frightened to death ! never had continue to up, I ye die, that honor. act tnvaelf up for ii You any luy s'poao. raanufaflurr*. Srllin: at Kriiurnl Mm! enjoving no wns to Ih» such judge. to that of all th« C«ltknt«l lirrally I'd ideo 't dangerous und ao Ileuhon and leave a great lortin' yer daughter, "You Ik? still and to then, or pro. hoya of your own, you udopted are aomo who rtr-t ol .March. Ill health i« the cau«c of go sleep, you'll I Bhall l>o of fires and our- Iihr and a to Jleu- Imhimitaiii.k.—There j>e<»ple ORDERS PROMPTLY FILIFP. until the perty! thinking na have Thuddeu*; and already enough, jest pittance the ol I»u*iiicm. git drummed joat you lately adopted lw claaatid hm tlio indomitable. I>iOic«i11i«**« — HWaeliad an.I r«Iin<|ul»hu>ent h!!» .. R. niH-t* an>l llaU Allcr««l. to glars!—O-h-h have dono well him, lien and Thaddeus.' may And she hitched the door, I you think you hy aro aorc to jro ahead. PjfMrtl In tlia litMt lit «tilt »tl! al Ike fattawimj ralr$ t stairway greatly a'poao • wrong, Miss never daunt them. thojr ijlgf Tho terrified woman uttered a wild aereom; na will do Thuddeua, if No, no, Miss llcwwick! you'm the of Master who felt that you think you hy we cIaaa a :*> ui dismay Taddy, joat tbeae would country dnin«', MRS. M. J. DAVIS. Klne heavy M It bU )U»t rvr*l*p«! M hi* rt'Tt • lirjc *x«k of i .so away sight slight everything opinion* the time's Mray one to make nn tho denircd number. IliwMnlMi pmtcdly to and mm from with a loat of tlic r £r«X S-30 wok to ho made by Mr. Ducklow apheroid impoaing II llio fowl thua aecun-d in the wagon, FIn firoaticlolh* purchase nature ha wu» nil tlio in tlio world. Then placing on his return, nl the intru^inn. altitude. 'Jleuhen camc to you when property you I tu ere I.il in town, and that, he, (Tad- • on her On at the market Fitch mi.| Wool Caw day • I do thia and started way. arriving La«lir*' Victoria**, Collar* Capes. Heavy Thaddeua! the 'flow old to he of uao nhout tfio house look back, and iwy, rate. was to l*» the of ejaculated lady, j'-t enough Why hud l>een ivrr«!l; American tfaM* Collar* an>l Union Cloth*, all kln**fcln« ST*at long 'atcad of hoiirdin' and hoardin' up Biddy had laid egg, ju*f madaop l.a»iw*' River C«|ed under *uch circumntan- whoso didn't giv- hi* handa much chance Ciwer, apend a reeourc# in Tweed ...... To ijuiotW Tiddy, abrupt en* * to a head, had Heavy appcaranrewan in can ac to didn't 10) than Mtutor pomcncd. Accordingly anj doaigna. you to b« in lifa. Taddy predatory of di»- a terrible You to've Mid him, 'Go, will all auccenafol Collars anJ AMo .40 etnir* and aurc, that, wurd farther and farther, in tho ardor the wrinkled feature* with might. ought they Miwra rhinohilli* Ca|**. ll»«»x Wv«l 8KK IK NT. »>)' and porti*]* Mr. Ducklow experienced phenomenon •Nobody day* down ihe n«m« and and from the into the or ill*uwd him in exclaimed tlie waa taking River Nabla, Oray ar*li«, » Itw MKWIXG MACHINES b««t unablo to relict the of ance, atairway hoy, any way!' country couiinciii.viurht of Lfehaa' Flfcih. Amarxwn tUbla. temptation thumping pitched the door *chuUri, at the klua la ***, at r«>luc«M prior*. pound. kitchen with a violence that threw Mrs. Ducklow, excitedly. •CM of Iter N|uirr« l ami Sit««rlan Njulrral aoftly to try it* ■ white-headed hack the wall with a and laid •No! /don'tit' But this I'll for terra. She aakrd boy, Mm. Ducklow waa taking her huahnnd'* against bang, aay, tin* name C. C. bu*y uki ... Wlfx# t> ^ Ilcmiid, BURLEICH, a in 1'to hud it in mind ftver tince w.t« W IIMI ^ •Bub, how oldarejou?' »My MUFFS! out of tho orcn, where it had boon out, aprawling figure, scantity, ghoatly my Sophrony «.«nl tbo actiool *w.*» FMlnrr l. •upper left couldn't win' and feelin", do. All the time Kcjhen'a been aarvin' hia Bub, it"» John." 'Well,* warm fur hot water into on tho floor. alone,—I help ain't k«H*pinj» him, apparel, h.i IiimI hia dehta hia ei 'what •• the ri»l uf jour dhu*?1 pouring • now to «.>t me a I m well and family mintrrw. R>|ulrr*l, niu<> »n<) Whit* C«»n*y, tho and tno la*t touches to tho What do want? What are ye hern and, you tnlkin', muy country, John.* giving you hem • «*»•*'• »H the mim I're gut—juet babla Rtvcr, Urojr auU Chinchilla THREE FARMS teapot, * out. Reuben wiia a him ; and you know it'a &|uirrcl chiho tho familiar noim; for? aternlv demanded Mr. Ducklow, snatch- nlwnje good boj, moTry Why, n>toie?' tahle. Then grating *penk r/T" her • what ia father'* J You BALE. a must all could do, forth all VV'«fl, jour FOR Ducklow one him. and willin* boy,i»a you allow; Niphrony by pottin' rummin of a h<»ot on tho Mr*. atop- ing him by arm, and ^baking your»<|r«w to name down, he aint acraper. 4 up Ihn tint.' energies, and atrainin' nanre, keep needn't put pap'a No I—I* my containing about '-"V arret lor Ducklow. the and he hi* wny from every to to COLLARS, VICTORIES, H to open tno door Mr. Don't know,' faltered young- jmld and tn weh«»ol any; bn'e t«H> big go school.' of aril III la**, and *' **m of P*»ture».*1 quioVly luckjeas •I don't know about Mr. liereell and children from hungry axd mowln; well uwan that ho waa an tho truth for onco in bis life. that!' interpoaed goin' *1 aint at I C1PW Mi-rrs. • within 3 mile* of the mill* In HMde- Taddy, committing ater, stroking now and how old arc ?' uld moil. || l%t un and anfl You've a little, •Well, jou ail, ol ♦ Ducklow, hit koifo lork, ragged. helped'm «*• ri.rtl and I*one of indiacrction, hut tho wild hope Fell.' taking dear me f' am Tha Ahor# will b« told »l LOW PRICKS, at thaba«lkrm'\n}orkCa««t>.of L. U. Miuilh. It con- inspired hy them in no little in drthleU, it's true; bat, young?' No. 'i-wu the h«nie»tnad a new drum come into tho ven- 'Fell! How did oomo to fall! What agum, agitation. then, her Wd acre* of •eeing kitchen, yon dropping abe emote tain* » mem or mowinc nuMture. It it within *tairway»door, open you boy, her hp. that feoator IVoolUlU, of Wis- • hie but the of clothitT him ana handi, downward, upon Humor aaya Straat, Hl.Mrft.nt. on a n>ad, and It a good fhrtu. crack, and Don't and expense keepin' palrua that word* IT U Mock, Liberty K»od of peep. know,'—entailing rubbing ia to sucoeel Secretary Harlan, aad Sen- Hnopar*a Kronebunk Port, within 4 mlln * to look and whioh etgnlfled Mnmn, No. :i—lata la Mr. Ducklow entered, a number of Didn't know as I waa.' bio achool' geature on the the of Po*tiaa»ter the mill* in Hlddelbnl. Contain* 17 #er*» of mow- bringing eye*. to her feelinga ator Diion is to take plaoc BOOKS THAT ARE BOOKS. 1 it! That's a •Ue hia from the firat!' failed expraai In* *nd tlllace. t» acre* of wa*d nnd |»a»lure. containing purchase* from the atoro, Got without knowio' paid way repeated utterly fleneral Denniunn, when theae gentlemen renign. lot t»f lha up mbwrlbar ha« lu*l rt*«lrr.l a d«w The atai« farm* are In condition and will ha t no drutn vinihle to that Mia Beewick, •lernly. »You him to J. to ba?e ! lUmkS p*»l Crool* Taddy. How oould happen, you kept •uhjerit. who. elnoe her Annihilation, What place Is lion. Henry Raymond Tintm—t vbo»l an.) Mi*«llinc-u- acli. ch«at>. PoMoaaiou Immediately. For ret- •• " likely itory? when he more Mr*. Uucklow, ai>pr«»«U glten Did Mr*. Mr*. Ducklow. echool winter*, did work 'fore mt her Uiar rf the •nhaorlhar o« the you buy? vhiapend Ducklow, Sir?'aaid ventured to look biting particulars enquire • aftai achool than other in town. had acareely up, reliering him of hia load. Don't know, 'thout't wai I got op in my and any boy breatha of an- Oermana and Swedes recently arrived Mil at tha /•«•«>< rt4ui*4 wmn. He worked all the time aoon he drawing quiok ewppNeeoi rjTTbe the far We»l. "*jloiS r"mlifn. Ducklow at th« mid who had on rare oceaaiona autnmera; and lip, and Uhj to I in Virginia are pulling up »takesfor Any buak ordarad trvai BmWmi or N York without Mr. mynterinoaly aleep,' TWddj, newing patch run want to a anil at K. II pointed waa aa aa a hired man to He nnvrr ger and'impatient, i not dodgers. cbaric*. IIORACB PIPER. TP set pHxl llktn*M hia been known to indulge in moderate aonaabu- good jrnu. tu her own under them, Tbey do Ukebaooo, eabbagaaadoorn nnd mmn luxe* aj ka *tairwayyo Juddaftwd. Ma aiwajra ]«U IVH friaika Iwr, tirely. ?\# 0 I the made delinquent members, to At a Court of Probata held at Saco, within and California the of LOOiJ, * OOtJNTY IHTELLIQENOE. charge* agafoat MARRIED. for [of forbidding exportation ] enforce the seventh article, and to prosecnti rum* the County of York, on the flr»t Tartar 10 EDITORIAL BREVITIES- arm* over the frontier, and whether such an or- January. In the year of our Lord eighteen liuo. NKW AOVCIITWKMINT*. aellete. In tlila Jan. } Iter. C. W. Hnnt. Mr. Jnhn H. An. mv( iIiImIi, bjr the Hon. K. K. Hoarne, & win dot w*a not a violation of toward* «<•» «» oeruwen- rity, h; ■|r«jl $he 3tmon neutrality llcat O. Drtokwairr k O®. the O. tctfi <4 II. of •*,<1 Coart peculiar prlaclpleeof ». journal. In Jan*. 1866, another attempt PMnrtryS BegeUtoe—K. been ber an<1 MUa LouIm IIimij, 5* 9 Mexico. Berwick National Bank. tlon, the of which, hate thua far Jan. lUr. L II Wlthaia, Mr. John E. named In a certain tnetrnment, ,IBI® J* Adopted. SUteoeot JCaeth applieation Io UiU city, 8, by ..... 'i: Tb'* attended huth of It. C l" «#d tarlament of mads to an Allantio cab!#, Hoes*.—Mr. Rice (Maine) introduced a bill Hard Tinea Onto 11. D Newhall. with wonderful auecesa. Smith and Ml« I'annlc K. fylrrator, Ju».n VM'r! 5 lay 0 401 our hearU tlx- Mr. Cturfc* II. Om u °' Par»on»fteld, lu (aid da- JAN. 1866 I" r°'nl as home» Special*—A Cifd. .«• take '^la opportunity to express In Ibu city, Jan. 6, l»y miw, county, BIDDEFORD, ME., 13, will be euccemful. .for the of lands «f M. ULm* fur enterpriee disposition public DteaoluUau of CoputiMnhlp— 11J11 k Dool- "* men of Saoo, for •»i Mm* Nurr Kurt, U4h tw»r»? rf l.h# probata l. « topmoM R#r. J turn W. Al- Caleb n. »• baIIm baf b*n iboy etende in the State* of Alabama, Miseismppi, OnarfltanN Bale uf Heal Ktfatr—John Kobrrtf. to In Hnulli lUkfinl, l«v. SI, by K*wjrrr, t<> all Cord gl the two failure, the kindly sympathy and material aid proffered •< Kick. mbZSVInaeald • and Florida. Referred. Protai* S<»• THE GOVERNORS MESSAGE. cable, although Dary Louisiana, Arkansas our association, to Mr. Charles Hill, llev. TMcumli, John were able to lay the Oreat itete rtf Dry (kwU-C. H. MilUkcn k Co. eepeoially !■ ttouth IWvmtlfU. Jan. H, by l*tiili|» .^iT?£jSS33<&& of the Mr. Stevens a bill'for additional ap- for the free use ot his hall during the month, 0. K*h1 nf Nil SoulUitl, N. V., and Mix Carrk E. Suiilh of (iov-rnor Cony delivered hia third annual Nnreme Superintendent reported Dental Notice—Dr. Majoo. paat .aid county, tbat they»u Jonc. th,r*by for civil expense*. Or- and to those who, through the exertions ItaondhU. Court to be ?!mm it to be propriation* Kundry gentlemen thU and Mln holden at i„ ,,14 eo,n. to a convention of both branches ol (Jr^o. the Maiden murderer, A billitrd match between Boston and New York Haines, so generously aubeoribed Id 8ao>, |»ee. -J, Mr. Alfml IVrrf of city, lint UiddrV.ni. n>eaa*i;e ,j0P dered to he Mr. Elliot a hill of Mr. Motes f Tutxtiy In Ffhnur* vit at i»n printed. reported to the MarcU 11. Krndiirk «f K. oftba?',o", not to come off In Hall. and a sufficient sum or money defray Mlw Ma> C|o*k In Ihafurrmmn, and ultm rauw tfauv the L ;ialaturo on of last week. It Go*- AnJww'e >iekly philanthropy to amend the act to eetabliah a bureau for the partiea is talked of, City paid tu Uu»rM:k, Im»*. 31, Mr. TIi<<«ii.h Whltnry and Thumlay hung. more commodious hall for tliay hare, why the Mid inatruuirnt i.« larger and raud.» D. Warrrii, U4h U L. «hocld'n»t ia nn tflmirahle a **w Council. of freedinen Mr. of while in expense*ofa •n«l allewcd a< the la-t kb| document, ahowing thorough h*in< bJ Many relief nnd refugee*. Mr. Stephen Hill, (Ciliary, walking iM. II lliiuno aul MUi S.vl- proved approved, will Raymond (he I'rrin of sis-month'. In C'nniitb, let. Mi. I.'i'hniui testament ot Ilia takl der*vw.). tho matter of introduced tx hill to amend the naturalisation on remarks tx» useful botli if llimm. knowl uf State nlf tin, and i* aiiteannnlik** Sut*1* »** envting Pepperell Square, Saco, Saturday evening, Trusting tliut these brief may Vina II Morrill, Atlett, II, dg« S. Rklurdfcxi uf Hiklwui, Ueotge Knowlton. iWflitM law*. Mr. Miller introduced a hill fbr prant- the to those desirous of forming similar associations In Coreuh, CM. SI. Mr. AlUcu A lon-1. tin to tliuir soldier*. The idea ie and broke hia leg Junt above ankle. trueenpr in Its Intolerable length in.tmiiufii'* praiee- ■lipped a aoJ Mitt Orcuda II. Ttiuai|K..n oi C. II. preclude* to soldiers of the war of 1312. in other I subscribe myself Ml* Su- AttMt.Ua«ii(a Koowlloa. IU*i«ter, w" somewhat aiuce inn pensions So aaya the Democrat. places, " In CoraUh, 22. Mr. Isaac L. Bargrat at Portrr, and of uur l( worthy, although tautological, Dasuawat." hold at puaaibility publishing Referred. un C. Wblta of Eawu, S. II. At A Court of Probata 8*ro,. within and It- I** church and Alvln t. TuR« and Mia* bally F„ Cor tba Countr ol York. on the Br«t In therefor* an extended of our soldier*, like that Roman noldicr whoa® Mr. Smith offered the resolution, The mambers of the Baptiet eociety iuvite atten- In CoroMl, I*e. 6, Mr. Tu»»day gire aynopaia following Bowr open AOAi.t.—We particular in the year of oar Lord eighteen hun. their Rev. of C. Milliken k Sirfpnt, liotb uf C. January. Governor commenced General wu the Muse*, havu rained a which waa agreed to : of thia city reoently praaentad paator. tion to the advertisement R. Co., Drc. Mr. U. Umltanan and Miw Ljrd- drr.l and »ixtv.«lx, by the Hon. K R. Bourne, by congratulating ulroudy worth of In Cornlab, 7, Joarph communicate to and added $200 to hie in another column. have $23,000 of I'ortrr. Judite of Mid Ooart attending monument more than and lof- NnolvtJ, That the President Mr. Hubbard, with 9100, They la A. LlUijr, both L<»£ialiiture upon the happy au^ic* enduring braaa, at a very Ror. Hatnurl Mr. ()«or|r« named Executor In a certain In- refen to this Houw, If, In his opinion, not Incompatible dry goods which have purchased In Kruurliuiik, Jan. 10, by Roy, BACON. •alary for the coming year. they will B. Iluichinaof Krone- ■truninit, to bathe latt alii and ft*, ♦he of the tier than th« eat Better the or low end which they can afford and W, Kurnod of K., and Mm LyUla FRANCIH purporting inauguration goveroMen'. high pyramid. appro* with nnblie iuterests, any corres|>ondence figure, > lata of in raid wtion from ita John nenr have also lament of Thorns Trefethru, Kitt**rv, oi our other information in of the (tavern- The dwelling honae of Mr. Brown, sell at greatly reduced They bonkport. ls*m- the **j*e for th« deliverance the to a Soldier's Home. po*li Tba military evening week, best selected assortments of dry to be found A. IMannof 0. V. inl»ni«tii|. c*u>laK a or.pi -f Ihla term* of the let* lW»r.t. are stored in Now and bush- usurper of that Republic, so-called un- goods IWwItk, and Miaa AdtUM* •II |tei»otM by York, 11,000,000 Emperor, in that tlirr* wwk» »aeee«*itrlv In Ilia at Our- der the nf such a insurance. in the country. All in want of any thing order la published Suie is dwelt upon length. making child prince, at lhat t.w. ol the ela of in not an can* pretense not to them a call. l'nl«n and J«uru*l, printed Itiddelord, they mint to gram.——Colfax unlikely and whether the United States has been aaked to Ken- line should (ail give ha «r*r Maioe into the eervica, The friends «>f Itev. Gideon Cook, North inav at a Probata Court to held at lllddc in* th* up a Mit|M>ar didate lor tho in 18C8, but tbe ran- interfere, with view to have the child restored Jam. inw. in •"> the third of (0. J>^, "1,558 uien, being moro than 1'residency nebunk, ma>le him a donation visit. In Urge num- Kirrcar Nkxy Ya«i», IOtii, ford, Mid county, Tuerday April to its parents, and what action, if any, haa been HARD TIMES COFFEE, next, at len >•( the clock In the f.»r»n<«»n, uf the of the State; and didate will not come from the Wwt. In as Wnlnwlu evening hat, February 1er.th the ber*, the eveuiug of the 'id inst, and did ju»t Mr. Editor:—On and their ?nii«e, if any tliay kari, why the said In- population taken upon subject. to TNI TNT Br Ui* llourue, periahed, up disposed speech-mak- Piooat's wngou and attacked him there, the number of ataff and lin* officer*. Their " Jnd-re of f.iiil Court. gallantry the Houm adjourned. Mrs. William of North Alfred, ctroc *ve irot a hit dient'a case. Ha thinka that ing. Jewett, name time mine the expression, I H. B. NEWHALL, lit* tiIimh «.t Mn Smith, inUfMt«4 ilk lb* ia oitied in tho term*. In addition to will take resolution )m highest Sinatk, Jan. 9.—'Tho following near kilted on week being bono to with During the straggle ONMt.ila «.f Charlt W. Ki>bin«un, htte of f.flH«rlc.k, out ol not the cffccts of a atifl blow being Thursday by pick you." these, »».G42 aoldier* hate been muaterod Cain, knowing was to the and before Mr. P. 2incois3 A'o. M, South Market St Motion. In mid eoantv,ilNt|i(d, prut ing that administration offered: a the horse and they both fell grouud, thrown from sleigh, taking fright of ifir e-tate of rthl f Lluivrlck, the recommend# aorno teatimo- free the Proclamation of and running the loss of the garroter absconded. on the flr»t In ed, government and therefor* was of by Emancipation blood), aii'I for tIf county or York, Tuetday suitable per»«u» guilty manslaughter only. are and i* a re- hun- nul to their memory, and urges the State to by the recent amendment of the Constitution ously injured. Picoat i* a resident of Eliot, very January, in the year of our Lord elchtcvn OrJ»rr4, Tni%t til* petitioner eit* the widow and The Dr. ia senile. It is ru- and to Cuba and Rr» man. necessitated to visit Kit. «lro«l and by the lion. K. K. I).time. of kin to t.ik* administration. ami Eire notiow and ameliorate the condition of the etiiiently getting now kidnapped transported The Directors of the Riddeford National Dank, sectable Being «lxty-*lx, n*«t iot**rp>«e as a new the he had to submit oliahl Court !•» Urn heir* of s-alil tl*r*aW and lo all per- for the in circles that tho New sil to be held slaves, and that in this way tery at 8 o'clock in evening, Judge th»r«if maim** 1 and Buffering The agenciea mored literary Yorkers, on are W. 1*. T. LOVK. widow of Franrl* tore, late of III *%id eOate, by rau*m;; a of slave trade has been commenced on our coast, chosen Tuesday, Haines, Qtiinby, to thin outrageous treatment. 0. non* Interested enpy cam of our aoldiera have been discontinued and ol the aucccaa of the Atlantic Klttery, In raid county, deceased, having pre- order t'> be iMihliihel in the l/ni<>« A J*»rn*t, gro»ting entioua therefore O. II. Adams, Joshua Moore, Hugh Wallace, N. The bouse to Melvin Stimsou at Kit* Sl'HAN thl« their belonging sented her petition for allowance out of the personal In lllddefbrd. In »ald county, three *m I< w» the varioue maintained for to atnrt a Itnulvr That the Committee on the was consumed by tire on printed organisation* an* abuut coloaaal maga l, Judiciary O. Kendall aud W. E. Donncll. Adjourned two tery Foresido. entirely estate of aalil deceased cwirely. that ther mar appear at a Prolate Court re- Monthly, tu all have also cloaed their labor* The be directed to if any further legislation is about 9 o'clock. Caused by That the raid sire notice lip at lllddeloid, In *ald euunti. on tlio relief, for are inquire in aud Wednesday eveuiug OrJfrnl, petitioner to held sine.—— Druse-coats gentlemen again weeks. Dividend* will be payable April -on •—f a ol thl* order to the of the (Jeneral ia alluded to, aa needed to prevent the kidnapping of freedmeu, the explosion of a kerosene lamp. Some of hi* n»«• -1. hi causing cop y llritTue»lajr tn F« l-ruary aetl. at tea of eloelt port Adjutant as .*JOO. he in the l/wie* unit Suiirrui/, printed at and »hew e-»ure, If hare, hi* for the in vogue drew occasion*, euch aa and the renewal of the slave trade on the South- October heretofore. Here saved. Insured $1 Cr |iuh|l«hed la the fitranoon. «ny they eiubr the of office coming upon goods in i>alil three week* »*eces»l»#ly, *houhf lint be M'ing operation* ern coast. has received hi* share of the lllddolord, oouuty. why the prayer nf m'ul petition granted. of Ken- Commodore Ilailey a Court to lie two a full compendium balN, call", Ac. Maj. (Jen. Wilson, Mr. William Hubbard. 69 years of age, that they mar appear at Crohate AltrJt.ilvurt* II. Knowlton. Kei-lrter piat yc-ira, constituting partiw, A letter waa read from a in Ala which amounts to on the tint to the gentleman prizo money, hidden at ltiddelunl, in raid county, A triiei* of valuable facte. Attention ia invitcnl Jeff, aud hia baa nebunk, went into the woods last Friday mom> Pook has been ordered from in i|>i who captured baggige, just bairn setting forth that tho facta stated in the Constructor 8. M. Tuesday In February next, at ten of the clock Attefl.tleorre II. Ku<*wlt»n. Remitter. condition of the State aa it waa at the firm he became at Il have, financial more in the and Ing. Not being of very health, this yard to duties Philadelphia navy yard, the forenoon, and shew oause, any the/ why agreeable baggsgw shape above actually existed, Federal At a Court of (Volute held at 8meo, within atirf of the rebellion and aa it ia at the capture*) preamble lie will be succeeded Constructor Thomas Da. tliu MUM should not he allowed. outbreak w<«ro the chilled, and alter a very short by of on the lirxt Tuerdav in of a machine that weursgaitcr*hoots. officers among guiltv persons. quite chopping who has of late AUest.Meorce i(. Knowlton, Register. for the count) York. On the Drat of January. sewing ol the Boston navy yard, our him- cloee of 1805. d»y was fell senseless. He was taken home and vidson, January. hi the year of le>rd eighteen The resolution time, he from Asst. Constructor to Con* A truecopy. 1 ^til, the funded debt of the State waa $GIW,- gr The admirable State K-wy of Governor adopted. been promoted Attest,Oeortce If. Knowltvn. Register. drvd and ilit)-ilt, t.y the llou. K. K lionrnw, The Senate then went into executivo session, became conacious, but had not sufficient strength structor. Mr. Pook is also to be Chairman of a J iitlK* nf «akl Court the commencement of the the »t s.w«\ within ftMI. At preaent is so much Hunger than moral law/* for the At a .Court of Prulmle hoUIrn the of FltAMCIS A. IHlW. of l»ay. Cony after which it to and died the next morning. Board, convened at New York purpose in petition it ia Th« difference between adjourned. rally, ami fur the county or Vork. oh th« lirst Tuesday t in. in -aid that h* it 'elird ye«r, $5,1(14.500. few of the are able to a select com- of candidate* for the office of Asst. liuu- UIDN eonntV, WpfMMtllMI that newnpapcrs publish House.—The Speaker appointed examining III the year of our Lord eighteen in fee a.« heir with wilier?, in tAe mil »«l4>ta nlwfiNif these sums does not exhibit the amount of At the anuual meeting of the First National January, mitteo on tho and Postal be- Naval Constructors. dred aii'iI sixty-six, by tin lion. K.K llournw, Judge Thoma* H.idim, late »d Ihn toil, In »a.d eount), tiled in aid of and its will prevent its he Military Railway K. State ma le gov- it, supreme length Hank of this on Tuesday, C. C. Sawyer, The U. S. steamer Mackinaw I* expected to go of nit ill four! ani am im'£ that ■ warrant bw expenditure directly tween and New York. city, reined po**e*>ed, pra) of the for the read. The Guvernor would Washington to-morrow * HAUNK I' WKI.CII, widow ol William F. Welch, in », thrm to •mm nt in the war. ing very generally II. Ranks, William Berry, 8. W. Luques, Mar- in commission (Thursday). grunted 'uilaliiu per*.*• aathoriilux preeecution A resolution was the from this late or Kllot, in pal«l county, deceased, having inaku u d*ht -xiatingat not make an "drawing," since he tho shall Pierce, T. II. Cole, and Leonard Andrews, her petition for n II'>w«h.-« out of tin* per- vni'h h«ir hi' in the phiii* apt pupil Military Committee to into HI old cannon; I t wero sold to Jones. Pow- presented pioporllon and a amount ad- inquire expedi yard, sonal eHtat* ol y*|i| decea»ed OrJtrtJ, That Ihv noli?* lo fbo duced $11>7 54)0, very large no well defined ideas of or as were a board of Directors for the to «Si petitioner the current revenue* of the from eney property Co., or.ttri.t. That petitioner give heli* of *a»«i irt«>erv«e»l ami .»!> intirvted, ded t treaaury N. a o«i»y ol this order to ; but he would take to the trade Heights into a homo for disabled and year. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, Consord, II. person* Interested, by o*umn< by i'uuiibc a cup) of tin* o/ilvr h» |iaMin r*l<4 impoeed wounded soldiers of the war, with n view of wan elected and 8. There is published the a Juum.tt, prinli ftiddefnid, The wwt" is C. C. Sawyer President A* some at lllddeford lit mill County, that the citisena of the State from year to year, of "great splitting Poi uu account of a prediction o( it ./uurn,ii, printed county, Ihre* wo*k.« MMciivrll, that tkey may upi>n spinning. an of tsmnuth, n to he bold at invalid for the Cashier. the they appear at Probate Court at a Probate ('earl tube b«M»t of the The as bo seen from the that last establishing corps purpose floothby, of its citizens, nlso it lady in Boston, that may appear Jublotord, during tho continuation atruggle. in two ; fact in said on the drat Tuesday in r* may such storm, etc., as bo re- in to be burned Home Hiililefom, County, In *;«l(l count v. on th* If I Titer» ttranteil. aid t.i families of soldiers, (or sick and wounded adjourned. II. was to ruins of the recent disastrous fire in that place, their insured a larger sum, in conse- Attest,tieorge KuowUon, Register, Atte*t, tieor^e II. Knowlton, Hejjinter. a oration from the Senate, Jan. 10.—A bill introduced goods by and other including intercut on wur and met with flattering vision. We A true copy. A true objects, the of tho It and soon the will assume its wonted busi- quence of their spiritualist wait, c«i(*>. fit military establishment army. village Attest. George II. KnowHon. lUgUUf. Attest, tirorvre II Knowlton, Itegister. reaches the mini of !)7. Of Gothainites.—-The Boston dailies have been very debt, $7^W7,172 for one lieutenant fivo ness Our local editor Intends to however, iiatiently. bounties general, major aspect. shortly of amounts a of Probate holden at within these Hums there has boon raid (<>r to enormous cost provide# The pay. roll (or the month December At Court Nmo, At Court ol I'rotiat* lumen at JWo, within advanced in owing the and ten The to con. thither to take the of on the lL»»f Tuesday In to since price, general* brigadiers. army moderately journey notes, (bills to 90. and Ibr county Vork, air«l r. r lli« n the lirM Tto<»lay issued M>l(li«r* 870,0.W our hun- alun->, including script Two Richmond nut of seven of ten of cav- "an' faith from loaded January, In the or Lord eighteen i>f in t^« vmr >4 *.ir I.huI hun- of paper. editors, regiments artillery, of denominations acceptable) The schooner Hhawmut, Bangor, year E. IWurne. Juliiuiry, the IHth of lust, The printing large dred and sixtv-six, hy the Hon. K. dred AIM <.u» 3r>. and of n with and bound to Uoston. wan towed lay lkltM| towns for aid to and on a ulry, sixty regiments infantry, portion he 'II them." lumber, Jildsfu or said Court Jttdice of *»M (Snrti s mount advanced cities und Examiner, Knr of t)w» soldiers to lNi>5, was six shots composed troops. Re*. petition famdieeor January 1st, duel, and unfortunate!/, although Sr.var sinr.—The friends of Mr. Powers, condition. Whilo anchored in the har- or Mollis, in saidcounty,deceived,having present- rMali' of KiliawJ llruwn. lale •>( Sanford, In raol Inferred. A resolution was to sinking " MAKV ON which has been refunded passed print went ashore on Fish- ed her Tor allowance out of the personal ei- iv4iiiiiN»tratiwii uf iliu #1,' by were neither were hit.——On the of the Church at Alfred Mills, bor, parted her chains and petition WlPty,rtwwMMl, juiylllllMIt fired, Sunday six thousand of (?on. Grant's pastor Raptist deceased s or made therefor. To this copies report. Her lumber is being dis. |||| uf hM crate <>l *ftld uia) bw £raut«d in Liu* or tu the State provision met at the and contributed ing Island Ledge." said nollce to stood 27 below at Charlestown, Mas*. IfoirsB.—A revolution was recently parsonage, OnlrreJ. That the petitioner Rive Iihvaj ultirr «ttit4Mv yvrriHii t<> be added the retimated sura of mercury adopter! requesting IIohatits. a or this or- in £400,(MM), Year's Iler. Mr. charged. all persons Interested, hy causing copy j OrJrrrJ, Tliut flip lietlliofirr iriUi lb" *liW* an5. Sixteen dollars day for story why Mr. of der to ho published three successively wxt of kin to take iMlt»inli>tr*tion, <%n«l j:i»® notice -iiijt purpose On evening last, Nickerson, coun- and others are in confinement. tor of the Methodist Church at Alfred, was made Wednesday Union \ at lllddelord, In Mid i'f *ald deeeaMjd and I« all r• the Davis, Clay kept was Journal, printed thereof tothe heir* |>«■ which has be^n already for by room is the in including the Laronia mills, surprised by at a Probate Court to he price paid Washington to agreeably that may appear f<*n< Interested iu n t»f provided A resolution tho House support the of $70, his Also, the re. ty, they ivtiilv, l>> cnuflnK ropy tax for that rear. Those debts the Gov- pledging recipient by parishioners. those under his charge, ami made happy holden at niddeford, in said countv. on the first lw in Hi* Prntti Jt J»«ra*f, large board.—(tame is so in Minnesota that of was re- till* order to |Hil,linlirr s.ij8 will be met with unflinching integ- plan evening Baptist ctpient Tuesday February printed In DiO Urunl, in mid u«tfy, even towns bears oooa* Tho Committee on Freodmen's Afliirs and salt cellars, as nn4 shew cause, ir any they have, why the at a I'rohatn the total in moderately populous ferred. of met at Mason's Mali and do. such as an ice pitcher, castors, forenoon. fut*v»»lvtiy, thai they tuav appear rity. For the 18tl5 expenditures ciety Springvale, «ame not he allowed. year wa* to into the truth of the tokens of the estimation in which he is held should Court t» I* liolilcn at WddwotJ, In mhl couit* been which are seen, and not deer* instructed inquire Rev. W \V. high II. Register. of the State have $2,H72,0;<0.H9tof sionally (infrequently nsited 8230 for their pastor, Boyd. the reoollectiona of that Attest, Georgo knowlton, ty, <>u the tir.« Tui'"4n>' of Kohriary imii, at ten of South Carolina to* the fair donors. May » the entire same alleged injustice planters by A true copy. of Ui« cln«k in tic foreman, a ad •'•• «aaaa, If the sum of represents show themselves. The is made a to both givers $^2-^,113..V discovery wards tho froedmen in their A writes us concerning school happy hour be lasting pleasure Attest. George II. Knowlton, Register. I hare, Urn i> further Legislature A bill was introduced to counterfeit- district No. 10, in Waterboro'; but perhaps it is At a Court or Probate holden at tjaoo. within xrauted. it ions (or the enlargement and punish on the first Attest llaorjju II. Kuuwltan, lUj£j*Ur. pri improvement one of Webster's and Wor- the truth entire. When Methodist aud lor the county or Vork. Tuesday themselves cwpy ing with death. not policy to tell politics Itev. James Sawyer, of 80. Biddcford hun- A Irno ol our institutions. The amount of in January, in the year ol our Lord, eighteen Cutiy. public Several other bills and resolutions wero offer- rile in a school the was the of a donation on Wed- K. K. lieurne lUttll.Uwitt )l Kn«M*ltan. Register. for soldiers* bounties, issued under resolve cesters dictionaries, nine copies of tho Re- and local feuds get district, church, recipient dred and sixty-six, hy tho lion, sciipt Isst, at his house. On this occa- ofsaid Court. will ed nnd referred. school* are of little or no the exem nesday evening Judge At a i'"«rt i.f |'r<.,'1,000, copy Lippinoott's " sion about one hundred flfty tlll.vNT, Tor Ifio County of York, on the lint Tmxlitv in as crows the old deceased, be at the oifia* of the Treasurer of the Gaseteer. to have Adjourned. plifying the addage.that cock, with their basket well laden with the luxuries of ]Mil,K>j Ntrtli Berwick, In paid county, having January, hi tlip year ot oar l#fl. eighteen nun* payable Pronouncing They ought her for allowance out of the per- is The story of this trou* was Mrs presented petition dred mid »i\ty-*i*. by the IKilFwK Bourne, Ju l*;a Si ite, 1, lSt'»7. with interest. It co crows the young one." life. A chowder prepared by Mitchell, deceased February added souio edition of an gram- sonal estate of aald ol >.ii• l Coast i its be good Knglish MAINE LEGISLATURE. and in the assemblage. notice b> all. re. oioaienr private »ale, all tha right, title and In- College English administration by turn the teacher out. A fight ensued, but the mention. $-18, on the first or and that as- receipts * at lllddeford, In said Tuesday terest of hi* all w*rd in and t«> certain real eitata, ti >ns of last year, strongly urges ernor, to The following all were County, In tha of for the Freshman year, and the inno- proceeded organisation. teacher got the best of it, although parents rush* expenses paid. February next, at Un or theeloek forenoon, vltuaiad in Kliot, In *ald county, and tlie proee«.- for nation*! existence, and to preserve in upon them, but never heard that they William Wirt of Oxford, President. petitioner ply Virgin, for of Island. A true copy. all per.O'Oi Interenteif In t>»id e»tale, hy cauaing » institutions in the United Thomas of ment was executed, and the school-house burned which is the purchase Qeorge'a Atte.it,George II. Knowlton. itegistee p rpetuity republican j any worse off for it. P. Clearee, Urownfleld, Secretary. Copy of this order to he ptiMi died in Ibo l.'ninn \ iCj " States. The mfl ition of the ami owner steamer Planter Whiting 8. Clark. of Sangerrille. Ass't Seo'y. down on 4th inst. If our correspon- held at 8aco, within Jnurm/U, prlnleil la IllilUelorl, la f.»i«l roanty, for Hire® currency CJT The of the Thursday, l.r In Uk'*u iU> • of high |>rio*«, when ibepMbiic la cot- At a Court of Probata Increase of on flr*t week* MieeejwlTel*. tlmt may appear nt a I'fo. ctf -eta the business of the coun Blake, Farmington, Messenger. an we should our UImjtIiik thai II take* two ilolUr* and for the of York, lli« Tuesday tliey upon which the Robert Small dent has given impartial account, |>Uiiiiiiir, e«|icvl»lly cLu#, county sirl to l>e atu lieid IIHiltforu, m in a statesmanlike tnannrr. The Ldgar lU-bbius, Union. Messenger. " " to iro k« fur iu inn- formerly did to |>ncure eaUl>k-», January. trotted the of Kurt Sumter, demands that like to to that school next win Jlon. K. K. on the ttixl Tuetday In February neat, at ten try past gun* engage keep »«> Imitation* « f K*nitlnr article* »f» hrmiffhl Into the hundred and alsty-aii. by the llvututt, Iy, the of the Trr-o»- Hoi's K. man/ ol llonlwek tn lh»> forenoon, and »h«a ea«*», H tujr indicated by SrcreUry the (tovernoient ahall return her. Learning to ter. mark*-!, there I* nothing which ba* *|>|«aral llatl come* «o Judiroof aald Court policy Administrator of the eataU they harti, *»:.y the prayar ui .-a'd (liould d^rfi the of all men we James M. Stone, of Kennebunk, 8|>eakcr. near the a* rcsranl* favor, as the "IIAM W1LLAKl>. pelltlon nr. he *»j<, support be at nothing now-a-d.iys, ahall pure, pUfMt 1)0KTKII uol I* surprised Franklin M. of Clerk. of the Class CorraB." 8eeiwlvrrtUrmeot. 1. of Samuel Powara, late ol Nsuford, in aald count)', grunt*-). to return to a stable basis. The Drew, Brunswick, Pkbsonal.—1The Secretary History Timw It. v.h<» dfsiro not be if "treason is mado odious" deo**ased. having ureseuted lila first account or ml. Anient, Uwri;« Kaowlton, lleglftar. surprised Snmiipr J. Chadbournc, of Dixmont, Asat.Clerk. writes ua as follows: }• taton can do but little to effiot thia matter. noticed by us last week, t r No tliitler ilare contradict the fWct tlmt the artklc* la- ol the estate ui aald deceased. fur at A true rtijry. hi Mr. luiniitratloa If returning Ferguson's property. A. L. Norton, of Messenger. " Atli'-1.lieornfp Knowlton. Remitter. it is recommended Liberty, You have done It is as line a beled uUMiA K*tr»ct»," now offered f»r aale In this market, lowanco In thu matter of bountice, There will bo no war between and 11. of VV. 11. of Au- splendidly. speci- the eitate ofaaid Spain Chili, F. Cary, Sumner, Turner, Alio, lilt accuunt against At a r..uft of Probate held ,tl a as our ■re The at the |«*»eni rate could private Saco, within and that the cause thorough inve^ti- to an arbitrament mrn of can often be found in best t/iMriout. genuine, duty, allowance > Legislature the lonner power consenting gu«'a, Assistant Messengers. printing deceased fur for the County <»f V»rk, on tin lift Tue#rlce of ItulouVi "Nitflit- aald Aeeountnnt notice to gation to bo made into the financial manage- France and l'he Semmes The usual preliminary orders were passed. Ten offices, and I am perfectly satisfied with the ele- GrJtrttl, That the give January, ill the y«.*r of ivur L"M eighteen hundred by Kngland.—— pirate Oereiu"—a of which irllhf I'arW nor Lon- Intereatod. causing a copy of ttiU or- inrnt of the and into all other o'clock of each was fixed as the hour of meet- IIIouiiIii;,' |ierfiiine all persons by and *lity.»u, l>y the IIuu li II. bourne, Jud^e of State, depart- is to have an immediate trial, and counsel has day gant execution of the work, and also with your der to ho three wecka successively In the was to don Iim never the Sold by dn«Ki»U univer- published Mid Court the that the ing- A j«>int special committee appointed produced equal. at lliddeford, In said coun- iivnta of service, been allowed and that is But it it at- * Union if Journal, printed the of Martha .Vt^on, AdininUtratrlx public people him, right. return of rotes for Governor. bill. You will certainly be justified in calling petition examine the sally. that may at a Probate ('ourlto beheld «.f of viiaT loam whether have l>een that his is mado ty, they appear ol the e»late .Nlchola* Namn. l*to lloiton, they properly rumored pardon already out, the committee to tcntion to it as a sample of excellent printing,— In said on the first TV* or not. is to Sesatk.—'Thursday appointed at lliddeford. county, in mid cotmty, deceased, reurercntlng tfv.it the per» tnd served Thia due that is not It is said that un- at ten of the clock In the faithfully and right. strange canvass returns of rotes for Gorernor, reported— and not do It?" It is The Copnrtncrxliip heretofore existing day In February next, •oirtl e>tjteoi* raid dcfea»e.t i« not ewflMent to | .1 v of the why certainly gratifying causo, If all concerned. The public institution* are about to be shown a* to how number of 8fl,073 der the of Hill & llond Is this ray» $100 Treasury Attest,Ueorgo 11 Knowlton, Register. lor a licence to *11 and the *>»y partial Speaker Representatives, C. W. Uond. be 1 and and that the local are tised their facilities for doing job work, we have At a Court of Prooate holdon at Saco, within greatly injured progivw. hop* jealous- the of the Massachusetts House, and Sami'el Coht was declared duly circled Gor. O'Utrrd. That tin' notice thereof to should Spaalter A Card.—I have retained the services of Mr. aud for the County of York, on the first Tuesday In petitioner girr ie* and animo«itie-t hanging around it both named James M. Stone.——'The Fenian ernor of Maine for the current year. done nothing ol tho kind, beouusc wc have had as the Ueirt of »atd decided, and to all nt*tHt« political C. who will continue to have sole charge January, in the year of our Lord eighteen hun* I person# Im rout .toidc in tlx1 of this Samuel took the oaths of office as W* Bond, ed in Mid estate, cau*lni; a couy of this order promotion ('resident, has coiuo out o' Hon. Cony mauy orders as wo could possibly complete. We ua dred and by the Hon. K. K. Ilourne, by important OMahoney, "atop of the cutting department of our place, and sixty-six, to lie three week* in the l't- Tho which it tho tho convention of Fenians Gorernor, for his third term, before a convention Jul go of said Court. published •BPCeMlrely enterprise. K^-iprocity Treaty heap,4* having have more and lurgtr job presses than any office cutter's ability is measured by his energy, then widow Jacob late ion aud Jmirunl, printed in Illrfdelorrt, 111 MMd on is al- of both branches, and delirered his nunual ad- UOODWIN, of tioodwin, to the 17th of March next, the action of the Senate. Th" llond needs no recommendation from us. that the* may at a I'robatc Court to expire Jay repudiated dress. resolution was in tho and our stock of fauov and Mr. of Lebanon, In said county, deceased, having county, ui/pear A passed by the House, couuty, plain RUTH Mid on hided to with plcasurablo feelings. This treaty London (iatette intimates that the We would merely say to our numerous customers her petition for her duw«r In aald. estate be held at Hiudetord. In comity, the nret Shipping looking to an inrestigation of alleged frauds in typo is not excelled, while our facilities for doing presented in next, at ten of the elo-k m has ♦•Stated the interests of Maine, es- is a in towu and that whatever they to bo nt'taned and set out to her.and that Commis- Tue»day February general Fenian Head Centre of Ireland, enlistments and credits. county, garment the forenoon, and shewc.m»e. If have, Stephens, all kinds of the nicest work, whether or will be with the sioners may ha uppointed for that purport) pursuant I any they why in the of the field and forest, the London l'iiues plain rany order from us, gotten up if raid •hould not \hi pecially products Brtti*h $py. But then, says In the Senate on Friday, a committee was up. to law the prayer petition |?ranter an allowance out ol the per- Attest, lieor^e hnowlton, itegister happy perceivo project that Stephens it. is well known that the work sent out petition j the Speaker to contract for the State and bettered steam which we shall upon It tonal estate of said deceased A tr«e copy. its renewal receives do favor at the hands of House of nnd Iwth K>intedouse, printing by adding power, II. tional Representatives, may from our ranks with the beat city style gar* OrJrrtd. That the said accountant give notice to Atte»t <"'<'or.'e Knowltnn.Register. ol binding, consisting of llobson, of Lincoln, Man* add ere Our Mr. A. O. shop U*«' Treasury. be The ch»ir that Robert K. l.ce sat probably long. foreman, ments and we can a*y tu our friends that all interested, of this order secretary wrong. son, of Penobscot, and Uurpee, of Knox. ; only persons by causlug ncopy At » Court, of I'rolialo In.Men si witliin of the he his to Mr. has Clough, and the former foreman of the office, be- shall not be if any to bo In the Onion 4 Jouin.U, printed In mo I of on !h« natiim.il affair* tho remarks in when signed parolo Urant, In the House, an order was passed, the Senate they surpassed, equalled, by published lor thfc County Vnrh, fir>t Tifdijr I'pon | In aald county, three weeka our as a Several of our office to fore the war, Mr. J. T. are almost in this vicinity. lliddeford, successively, in Jitnunry, in the yrnr ol l.onl eighteen linn- are wise and statesmanlike. been secured trophy. concurring, that papers relating prirate leg- Cleaves, wholly that at a Probata Court to b e held (loTernor eminently We can show the most extensive and they may appear y llie JIun.K.K. lloutne, Judga would not he so if se- submitted after shall he always on chairs rieketty, properly islation, February 1st, employed upon job work ; they are old exper- at lliddeford, in said county, the first Tuesday of mM Court He belum* th.it the (iimTimmnt Wing conquer- to next and that tho best selected stock of woolens to be fouud in York nt cured. Better men than 1/vi have sat referred the Legislature, In February next, ten of the clock In the fore- CvWl.lll K lll.A ISIlKfX, Administratrix of tho r«- Bohhy ienced workmen, and for good taste and skill in our oustomcrs can on 17th of County, and therefore always noou, and shew cause, if any the p or of aruinl enemies, has the and author- in them.—We considerable on Legislature adjourn tinaliy the Feb. they luvo, why fit** 01 Owel lUiixkll, lata of l.rtianon, In Ml that be condi- Land Airent—Isaac an owo Mty Mpiieitrnt Pwlwto wing right may dependent upon met for the tint lime since the liol doing extensive business in that city, who dred ami sixty-six,by tho lion. K.K.Uourne. Judgo on Congresa Councillors—York, Marshall Pierce; Cumber- field at llidilcfonl, In mid county, the fir»t hut the conditions Biddoford and Saoo Retail Price Current. of said Court In at tions, ua iode««d it ought, f»th. W, nothing either at home or abroad, and who are rnr»a»lr, lato of in Mid county, why should equally hoth Sknatk.—Mr. Sumner ioint Porter; Somerset. l>enuis|Moore; Lincoln, dollars, 1 Lyinan, Mine ihould not li# allowed. apply hli> second and final ac- the thoir tion an amendment to the Constitu- •tt W. Stetson; Penobscot, Hiram Ruggle; Aroos- had occasion to a of their Tin Jammy 11th, ISM. deceased,having presented Atlnt Georjro II. Ivnowlton, lie concludus for proposing cently discharge part count administration of the estate of ratd deceased Rei;l.-tar. hy ((tanking people took. K. H. Dunn. of A true copy. to tho of the nitiomtl bmhcl 00 and announces liis tion guarantee payment employes, when the story Immediately started A1TLE3, wtln*, ^ 2 «6 J&ol for allowance AllKt,(lnir»» If. Knowltnn. Re-rlftcr. confidence in him, The hiuhrpt Copperhead voto was twelve; for said Accountant notice to all expressed and ol rebel d -ht. M Hrio.1, lb IS (0 Ordrrnt, That the give debt, any it was a failure." few hours time was < tho chair alter prevent payment Councillors, ten. that A bmli 2 50 ft) 3 00 interested, bycausiog a copy of this order to At ft ""ft of Probate >.cl extraordinary one, involving hun- rilK tb 20 « 25 at a Probate Court to !>«• holden at died nnd etxtv-sii. the lion. K. tba Com. on tho Judieiury. Mr. Suiuncr pre* ing his acceptance of the office. Kr.NS.r they inay appear by K. Uuno, dreds of thousands of dollars ! Several individiu COKKKK, IU>, »f lb .-4 © as lllddelotd, In said count v. on tho fir«l Tuesday In Ju'lge of said Court; Tho of War, in with a of two citizen* of Iloston.ask The of the Ti easurer of the State was rc SocroUrj complianco pouted petition report Java, ? lb l-> fC February next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, tin* petition of Htisan A. L. IM.aon, Administra- lo*a the Ala'tuintt. ferred to the joint select committee. als devoted considerable time to anxious 1*1 i low thew oa«n>e, if any hare, why the same ONtrix of the estate of M » maolutioo of the House of ing for indemnity tor by making cons,v 11.'«| and they Jeretmnli llob*>n, late of Kcprneentativrfi, Ths President announced the Stand- 1 r> 'D • l>< it I be allowed. aald a of colored citisetu following about who had demands acaiust the con- MraipiHi not Mollis,in county,ileeoMeii, representing iDial the a «t;itoinent the of Referred. Alw inquiries H. estate ha* furnished of number petition ing Committees on the part of the Senate : I <11-'. 3Ml Attest,Oeorgo Knowiton, lt«;liUr. personal «'f said deceased is not sufficient U« foi their right* before tho law. cern, informing very of common blil 0 :») to true the dolits whleh at for the President at various asking judicial On Enarottrl Billt—Messrs. Mansou of Pe- everybody, confidentially KUJl'H, A copy. jtay just he owed the time ot volunteer* allied by colored citif-ns 1°"" ® 11 '•» Attest.floorge II. Knowiton Register. lilt death hy the tutu of lour hundred Referred. Alao a prot«at from nobscot, Uoynton of Somerret, llohbs of York, course, that they had it from good authority that Fiiiey dollars, and Kitra II no ft) lloo praying for a license to tell at.d »<> iuoeb of that lluwca of Eaton of Hobion of " At a Court of Probate, held at Haco, within and eonrey of ]**rio 1&i»» the real estate of raid deceased an KtduffJ I ajniiut DonMc f..r the of York, on the first In may l>e neceuary Affrtflt ita Richardson of Hinds of county Tuesday the on account of new constitution Lincoln, Cumberland, tt> 1<> for |n%ynirnt ol sai In tkr Tkrt* doing injui*- to does a strictly cash busines* and is not F1HII, I>ry O.I, t January, in tho of our Lord eighteen hun Incidental charges 1 of Denison of depen- 00 W 07 year That the m«Im Xtmt' MmM. to their race. i Kcnuebec, Campbell Washington, Mock dnd and the Jlun. K. L. llourne, OrJtrrJ, petitioner give nulive therrol t.. .iffrtjmi*. tice their and 14 oo <*» It 00 sixty-six, by t lie ol Raiusddl ot and one dent upon credit, reliability punctuality IIAY, If ton Court t he'r* Mid deceased and to all Interested NMr WfcM offered a bill to the Androscoggin, Piscataquis, Judge of mid j• :i4.«W4 JU.U7 llio F'rvedinan'i l(un>Aii. Mr. WIN being proverbial, in the and of I On Billt inthr Srcon'l Stone i.Ann,rn> 1 liruenlraf J. Pre scott, late of kittory, in aald published I'nlon Journal.printed in loo. S4.J4# ayMS Rending—Messrs. instance ; but wc speak of the matter MMK, dvford, in aald three week* (dm introduced a reeolutiun i Chase particular f«uk county, deceased, having presented hii tirst account county, niccrnirtlv, 141,7*4 ItVlM Gwcr joint submitting of Franklin, llnmorof Hancock, of Oxford, Owiii auo that a for the reason that the circulation of ol administration 01 the estate of said deceased,for al- tluy may apitear ut Probate t'onrt to he held <1,711 1TJI7* the article as hii amendment to the Holbrook of of Por- ordinarily V lb 1" en at following Cumberland, Burpee Knox, MACKKRKU N*2, lowance ■ lllddeforil, In said county, on tho Ant C iwirin* MiiW ao,ftU work to in «0 9P tti Constitution: "No shall exist in Con- ter of Penobscot, Smith of Washington, Moore of such reports great injury parties good MOUM&, cUyeil, f gall his account the estate Tuesday In February next, at ten of the cloek in lh«s UM*» 3M,<«0 power Miiv irdn. TO tt "1 Also, private against of 2** ?•** M*s<>u of Reed of Kennebec no ■aid allowance forenoon,and shewcatise. if hare, the J*—* **.»>» to for the of Somerset, York, in the business community, and per- Ml deceased, for any they why 44,7*4 gress provide |Ntymont uny person standing Trii.Ula.1 75 » of raid should not be *M» of Waldo, and one vacancy. ordrrrJ, That the said acconntant give notice to all prayer petition granted. »7,4 ami their appear Court to be lialdeu at At a Court of Proliate held at Saso, wlthta ev»*r be made a law of for that Horse —The announced the PKAS, V in <>n Of... ** Congress Speaker following lllddeford, said county, the flrst of and on oi'airt bj 8aoo, Jancary 8, 1800 rOKK.Mll,^ It) 1« «e jo Tuesday for the County of York, the first Tuesday in Mfetft 1*M47 Referred to the com. Standing Committers of the House : February next, at ten of the clock in tfc« fore- in hun- tSiu judiciary h— tlouml llnp, 14 Ht I S January, the year of our Lord eighteen llltu.4. purpose." Billt—Messrs. of West- "Tiik Dasiiawats Mr. Elilor: Many of noon, ami shew cause. If UoitK.—A bill waa introduced wound- On Engroittd Payson POTATO!*, V I'M "&«> «0 any th«y hare, why the dred and slxty-elx.hy the llon.K. K. Ilourue,Judge »>,U» V, giving Rurbtink rc»lrrs would, undoubtedly, be lame should iwl be allowed. of said Courtt brook, Jordan of Danville, of Limerick, your temperance lb. 13# 14 ... **,114.... in the naval service the same HICK, V ae- ed pension to learn sometblnc the 1 M 1 «l Attest, tieor^e II. Know)ton.HeffUUr. f\ KtilUih W. A dm In 1st rater of the J4«U |«'r*ooa of Nickerson of Orrincton, Farriug. pleased concerning princi- KVR, t IIANHCOM, MlMMW** 1».«4 acrvice. Referred. Pyrr Strong, " A true copy. VI tate of tildeon flanseon late of Kennel'itnx port, ■s is allowed in the military and Hill of Rlddeford. "t the Dashaways," and their roodea of op- Mmi i am i m Iowa 7 VMM ton'of Fryeburc, ples Attcorgc II. Knowiton. in Mid decoaee.i. haeinit Ikla ~e- The on commerce wan instructed These I to set forth m briefly as HALT, t l>u •» Register county, Mkaaxurl 1M.775 Il«,m committee On Pinaner— Messrs Williams of Augusta, eration. propose ond account ol administration o/ the estate «r laid a BL O AIW, Mtt*»ir»l(i, |h 15 & 10 At ft Court of Probate hrM KtuiNckr :viw 70.14* ^ into the of the Fairbanks of Wilson of Thoroaston, The name was adopted from temper- ml JWeo, wltlun inquire expediency repealing Farmington, possible. lltrana It«wti, IT *t 1'' and for the of the K*iwm 3a.0W7 1M*4 Stetson of anee association In California ; but the following County York.on AritTuMday in .11 *Utui« of for the Bnrleiirli of South Berwick, Rancor, Crutlnd, Cnfilrred ami OnuiuUI»l., IV • IB in the our italuSSSV«|« 1852, providing registering J»nu*ry. year of Lord eiKhteen ban- by causing a eoi.y of this ordery to u( of and Messer of Portland. which we deem peculiar, originated lb 1 10 a 1 JU dred persons Interested, TkftL 2,*43,0*1 2,19,041 foreign vessels. Also, that any American Hollsnd Lewiston, principles, TK.A9, (V4«ur, t and bv the Honorrtla K. K. in the f/as#w -a* printed In Messrs- Pos- amonc our own members: Japan 1 JO ft 1 40 Ilourne *i«ty.»U,of mid Ea^published that and took On Billt is tkt Third Rtmitnf- Judge Court m.l, ef .rd in said c.unty. thrae weeks This information was called lor to facilitate !p"*l surrendered her register the names of none to our YINKOAK, jHjfr Kali 40 8 successively, ter of Walker of Gordon of 1. We solicit pledge fMit.f LITTLKFIBLD, (luardlan nf Prank that they way appear at a 1'rohate Court lobe held foreign ahall never Watervtlle, Newport, to conl 7 00 ® 7 60 QASIUKL the on war p*j. Klriridc*. Fahraarr next, forenoon, J*®a»ve Pace of Fort Kent, Cousens WMte pine 4 00 « 4 25 Ute f In raid debt of the to whom it has been \ arious are for ont only; Well*, eonnty, deceaaed, having pre and eheweanse. if any they hare, why the saute should loj»l States, revolutions of wcr9 2. Our members pledged ytar (WHne In round boo, •*«?». double extim and raid jDqUir. passed, port. the nijtbt rapuw, vented bit Brit account ol Guardianship of lilt nut be all referred. «° on order fo that, whoever shall faithfully keep cnamno n*ir. adraoord. H««.J in ljuS. Also ths following Committee the helleriog lViialoet warda for allowance) oi^p j|t Knowlton, Register. that of time, may be easily in- cou,®'**®e on the investigate illegal funds in the matters of enlist- pledge for length TJ* market U rtry hare ri poUtora, apple* and butter. I Oriirtd. That the Mid Accountant fit* A true copy. for lif*. a »f Attest. II. ments and bounties: duoed to sign and the pledge to uotice all pereoni Intereeted by wuioi copy George Knowlton, Re;i., Mr J«ba 0o»«, M SHEET MUSIC ttBEAT SALE or More Throat« ! JUDICIAL OOUBT. A <'ough, ('olil, FURNISHING STORE SUPREME mioI'ld ik GENTLEMEN'S Kcgi'iHE* mmnuTi attk th>m aid at Hr\co. Torm, 1 mQO. CNKlKBD. Ir ALLOWED T" cuntnt'l, BOOKS. Jnnunrr MUSIC Suco & Porte Hi K. 8. a Permanent Throat Cortland, J., PauiDma. Irritation of the Lun«e, Ar^LKTOM Ornut a C. f l\ v —... Affection, or an Incurable Lung Tho subscriber baa constantly on band large ©&T &QOHS Sltpken Hrya%l »«. Georfr W*. Ltaritt, »u WINTER ARRANfiENKNT, Or«K» TBB BBSl'LT. of opened. Action on promissory not*, defence pay- It assortment COMMKMCIIIO MONDAY, HOV. 6. IMA. ment in goods; also Alteration of note after deli*, BRONCHIAL TROOHES cam wm BROWN'S TIUIN8 L'tAVK AM FOLLOW*, ery. ThU su«i»ended until Saturday uitk DiKgrr inn.rasca to the paris, m triiinK, f<>r the pUiatif to come in. On Satur- ■aviiq a CARPETINGS,( Vt i %fter the evidcnoe wu nil out, the Court ad- NEW SHEET MUSIC, Hiii.'iu do ».a» i w A LK AMD RITA 11* AT f. A. elwd that *u mtry of neither party be msdr. *nd Aathma, Catarrh, Conaump> WHOLES DAY*, «c*»Uio a.j do 9.id ror Dronchttia, £?* *° 110 x»« the cm# was not given to the jury. K. li. Smith Oiacaaoa, ICL0THINC8 hM?r.A._« tton and Throat FUKNI8HINC 000087jll <*«»<» BKldofbrd. 4. ,lo 3 for pllf.j P. hUitrnw A Son for "left. A nbtrri AltCmnt m«l' I" Mm tic V* >o« .Tml 6 CUy >«C- ALWAVtt tiOOl> ariTRSt. <® dt» ».i1 3.:«< wm neit Ttocmt* ABB I'MD WITH * lit>utI IK. Lord r«. .Mtlle<», the *• do 10. OA tad tf* in*!*. She* MC- 3.(0 case. Thin is also an action on * promissory note, SIXiKKS AND PUBLIC HPKAKKItS BLACK I COLORED lo"» 4,v* . r * w. and the u » i°4* 10.35 «.T» deface payuieut by Kruurt>uitk|»ort twice wh<*o Mil. u will find 7Ve«-4#« u-aftil iu electing the to of th* MUil 4o 10.43 town note for four hundred dollsrs, and the L*l- SIC m»lM any p«rt before or and rel;eriug th* «»a-( 4» *• lau w ancc ia cwh. the not* earn! for The taken Hinging Speaking, being on rf do do 11.06 Vbo wm ar- after an uou«ual exertion of the rocal urgas*. try, poti-pud, rwrtpi pubU»b- K.ld Gloves, erldfeoe wm all wut Saturday night, «ul throat i»rri?« u.io «u by t*bj " on Verdrat fir deft. II. Feirtleld The 7>e<*»« are recotaaended and prescribed cr1* IB l.«5pm 7 JO gued Monday. uian price. and Ira T. fur 3. W. for d*. and twr* hid teetlmoolalf frotn •nliwit Drew, plff., Luque* tlelana, unirr». EXTRA ALL SIZES, ol true rr rro«n|>t atlMiUon glTtn lo IUI QUALITY, Trace. tha Deing an article s I i •v BOSTON (or Portland, »t 7.30 9 90 throughout country. k SwrrrsER».| I U.K. HOW • hy a i»«t of CoRNELlj CO.} do 10.00 t> o The it a list of indictments found and thHr efltoaay Port*month following by merit. harint J. 8. LOCKE, do do 10 05 t.(>y ih»« In new loealltiee in Kit loll. the Qrand : many each yaar H» CATARACT DLOCK Eliot. „f tho wotId. end tha 7*reild|* Draftorn. Ptlir prtlfncH ; |>art< NATO, MK. 43 *i ." iu l. ■ownup Janet.,(ir*t better than otiiar artlcloa. 8. 0. A M. R.do 10.43 5.U James W. hoiuici John M. Harding, I rerxallr Dorwlck Junction, Dudley, le; pr»n.>un«e«l North Borwtck do do 10.57 5J7 common IIiuik hul T hoc iie*anr Norwich Fire Insurance .|:g •)iiI|H tl>4l IV Jjli'flHMi, U+* Mrinury, INCORPORATED MAY, IS03. Portland arrlra M. (liMvlwin for dfft. I I'd mm- 14 I'tM-ax, or Kurrb" .It^i «( k'*il, m Ui, !'•» In of Norwich.New London j [ Action for money had Moth and Frocklo Lotion. Ami luoated thoClty Co., l.iulta l'1,1'rwiralWM.Mi I inibilit) In ruler ttnii /♦#» wh*n i»re (•uodtris VI. Ho*U*. Porry's of 1865. l'nit«rMl gy Pnrot aro/v# tickati pur- to »nd Conn., on the flr»t day November. an l r«-c«:i»ed. Defrncr. did not promise pay. j r fhfc •««»*. or MAhputch (*1»> cilloi Uvrnr"*), •i t III i'li>*jriU"ttU uf *«.l«ljr. cbatad it Uia offica.than whan paid In tho r*i i. for deft. ur are "(trti to CAPITAL. K. l» Smith for plC; Drew & lUmilton L^idii •, Krvrkkw, \rry uniwvlnf, |auticuUrly Tl*liNioiiliili-iii.iHMf HlTilnl with Oipanir H FRANCIS CIIASK* Lfclir* of t>* the ilUcutfal ip»U »how nmr* in 00 lt{ht>uui|itauuu, Capital actually paid Caah, $300,000 • (!»-■ al l i4 >H» m« l<» m»l ■•p.^oiv ■craaiarudntnr. Verdict for deft. U a brunctlr I t»it rn)uir< am. (•UiiUy WI lln Uv uf * 1-kukU lluii tliry 1BM. 44MI p* 1'erkins n. 104,040 04 ninth JIKI.MH0IJ> |( CXTiUlT Mt'OlU in- Portland. Nor. Tnd. If# /wM'fay.— Thompson war the hrjiuy of cithrr | iu»t an* |4«|wnUi'*i that Burplua, lit >r*>m, for l>r*w \ Hamilton (or Krntlly AMKTt. Smith ft Un.wii put ; will rlf<nl l< »uI»r. II. C. l'i»- 1845. 8t*t»a 00 ilefln. Tim plaintiff (colored) right n»/»r •/ Ikf »iiM, Un rUii>Ijr ESTABLISHED United Honda, $91.50) »uiii;'tt<>ii or luMiuijr rtitiwu. • ha« -to iii SMlMafetr* and *l»o in Rmabir I*«t, ht, who Ium iiu>tr iIUmuw* <4 Uw «klii «|«rUlitjr, Conn. It »t dm HTOJSOO Five Cents Savings Institution, tho *ela>«tmen cuitaaMetcorrupt opprea- Ain't of Loaaea claimed and un> l*aiiifuln>w. »r Siipt>rp<«i«n <4 Ciwlomary Evacuation*, " noon. Thuman II. CoLR, ni*e. I'vi'lence aU in up to yesterday ITCIl! ITCH! ITCH! paid, $13,51319 uloil or t*cf»irru« Siiif <4 th<* L'l*rn« ; anriiJ<*n<.« iu, or tin tleciiM or cbtoffn Aril II. Jellrron, |>rttM. R LEARNRD. Prealdent. in II.'. William IIitrht. WHEATON'S OINTMENT { Seal.} Piircr, R. L. BOWERS J. L. DEN ISON. Secretary. Marshall J r Jomr *1. Uooi.wii*. of committed \\ 111 (TKK THE ITIII l\ h HOI RS. -ar Andrew C. Hateh. Bangor, Liomarii hid store an1ciiisli«*vl Peraonally l»y hanginse Friday. AI«a,d«rM8ALT apneared of Com- (William Kerry. mimI nil Kltl ITIONS OK TIIK Slvf.N. 1'rlcr OOfenU. and John L. l)«nl*on, Secretary, thr above HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTKACT BUCHU above »tate- r*c«ivnl errry fiK>/il« Kcr hy >!ru«i"ti pany, Mourn.at ittnk Liberty Ht. I9tflr mmIIm 0> ernHlii WKHKS1 IMTTKIl, S«l» inrnt by tlirm aubaorihad la In their belief true nit tlUt'tty Dy Public. SPKCIAL NOTICES. Agent.*. Int W:tn. it will he fur- HENRY K. I10WEI18, Notary wan!»i| hy mai!. ireo »( |>"-tH^», t«» itny |«rl of the Norwich. Conn., Dec. 14th, 1863. IMPROVED ROSE WASH rORTLAND BOSTON UNK. I'nllml sm*«, CLOTHING! A llidderord, ANI)_ R. SMALL City Building, Or SON, IIIIMMKR ARRANGEMENT! Oct. .'V I SUV yU ■ 3 fruin III** Mm IWja't AN I) > Agent*. Will ra Vill) »Tl»rmri4t«' »y arblng from lltl'it* «if Iiwi>i n' lil'l* >>■>*, U'lU Tli« niil)>n1«h- KK'H lARGE STOCK or no rh f it ilut, no intonr*ni*Ht* v -rpmtr*; KvrralClly. UwiiltK.tD Dwru*. rr will until lurthar notio* run ('«r« Ritliiojr —or— l>H.. y Mi|H-r llni; III ami 4H ire«l, follow* MlOl.ANHKRN KXTIIACT Itl'CKU in *'l IV** «1»). Wrdnrtliy, lliuridtv and Krtd*>, tt 7 KXTRACT HICKU 8TYI«E ami WORKMANSHIP i« no! rtcellctl by any iu the Slate, and which u'clnrk I. Central Wh»rr,lluitwB,«»ny Muu- SMiJJ.ANUKKS !»*<»•« *«.•« Which fur VAIUKTY, at I'urtM 1'rinary he in prepared lit sell at (he il<»), Turxlar, Wednesday, Thurmlay and Knday, SM«M.\NI»KR"S EXTRACT Ill'CKU USE HELMBOLD'S 7 o'clock l*. it. RHEUMATISM! t'lrn Unvcl, Fare—In Cabtn, On Deck, |l.u>. N. B. Each t»o*t InfUrnlslicl with a larijo number YORK N. KXTIIACT BtCkt FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU MMULANI»KIC8 PRICES! now iMILLINBRY.to .flt-r the HKHT 8T0CK erer t .mitu.itiiu 11 ladira CASH Wr in* Stale (too urn, the Cutri Mr let urn LOWEST 1.C ptv|MtvU of into ItiU market of desirable traveller* nr.' reminded that brought In nil nirwi of IIV'M RtMhtMHIni in »ii l iniiiiIi<'k. ami by IlKMP I'lnkl Kitnrt ItL'CKC ituw l>efor" the his with full confidence that lie can make it the intere.it of close buy «wcvi», of time andr Tli«t lie attention to stock " " thi* line, much vpcnra invite* " or taking Having •>•1* I.SM• H. XM'l.ll'S I' m .ill >1 '•*<«« ulibVtt, .V*lt frMi't." fivm origin t'ini, In1 Mild 11.ul lilt' tucullieuirio * ..r ..ri|. EYE, EAR,THROAT era to his establishment. will Millie, IN HACK, HK- patronise H* />««> ll .« K<.ilil til U l- • i..l fi.r WKxKNKss a»l PAINS TIIK VELVETS, SILKS & RIBBONS U.il id.ltlti Imt-J tlilmliog |> vlnic in Boaton at late hour* of the night will be " uimI INVAI- or boat* arrive In *ea«on for to take L. BOWERS. >•11 n ( lh.111 any r4 everv•liKf, R. A.X 13 FINI8H, lent traliu out of tin* 8HAD1C Th'rtf fn'lll //.•i»n >Umn or Miolt* Omsti the curl city. ONK DOLLAR. TRY IT! T.\Kh NO (•ulf'rtin *r«* not tor to PRICK th» shortest imMlble no. The Company r*«pon*ibla baggage MAIN 3ACO. which »e an- |>repsred to make up nt tutim, IKf rrmflynt inr- that OTIIKR STREET. we think our j»A.»r» an amount exceeiiint; fjo in value,aud perion* tice. For variety and eoroprehenslveuesii Imwi-vit Dl'NUliiu A R<»urn«, Whole.*le Mr; I* Ti»* fa'W mn#t lit «W4r*lbi< fll af- one tor every $.v»l additional valuu. DR. JUmivtr Mmli U*wl U(Ml>l A|Mrtfc ft, offrrwl t<> tin.' public u|«mi eiich terms a* will lw lh>* pa.«»engiT FRIEDRICH, Maine. J m hkuhI. hr taken Wuiri LK, IVrilnol, A^enl I> urn re their As heretofore, our fp«i hi- IMily lhul h, .U-ii/nl /'..wvri, * *Ik>v iIIsaumm Ihn ai l of a dlnn-tK. All rn|illrM IWtlaiid.Nor.W.IH&t. 41 (f FBOM C2 CARVER STREET, BOSTON, .V ('A It I). BUCHU Screw Co. Having *r*ml tt»»- #Tvfe*» «•! Mr. Wn. A. It.tNH, nwnily AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES! HELMDQLDS EXTRACT N. Knglaml "Steamship Vw I a les* than at other storea. •4 Itxi-Ni, ami wUliin^ niy frkmU "A War,'* ami, u nilc, many Great Diuretic. r«»wiM*ii»s Hir^icUii »rv1 fnr-^nn if Ck* Is tho LINK. y-fiurrljr ih«-»n I "(T r Ml a« l>wr m |>tk»* i%» SKXMVKKKLY > J Ifcir- irmiM uifunn Ihftt my c»«|« K' IfcUutn.v II-i-iiU, iivwt rMtiahl* on We aim at making It pnu our fritndt to patmnltc ui. Wf w.m l'«ir *r* In ilir Hrnta than Oil Wri is._Th* liu, I'r»«i4, wUI W t| etui K' Um-li| in il*- ntjr, Mr. y• secuud the service* of two of the have Tlif* and fort NU.uiisinpi ami fctt*IWM with Mr. H. IVilxs »f IVrt»- earth U h<- »▼ ii| iIk I'liitnl SiMra, lnrttietwiyinhiliKvliit which a>Hed to our tiiu.nl care In selecting our good* will cna COMPOUSU FLUID KXTRACT RARSIIMRILLJI. ALL'S HOTEL, wV*< (jrrtnii. of at the lowest Iowa II return. In- hu hull III Ihw nu|al»y of H«k« »* |N«lrr, Whole. Me u« to (Ire the best »tyle* prices. Wednea- I tin* ncma. Leave Ur«'wn'» Wharf, Porthod, avery • TVjr qui* «k UnwKi.«(j i4 IbMmt, ai»l c dill) llr hii;lK«l nt<«|. For purifying the 1»loo.|, removing nit chronic con ntu day AD'l Saturday, at 4 o'clock P. 51., and Mar 38 curt- ai»l Liver Cnni|>Uiut. Person* In want of inrixlalMh ALY.W IIACON, Tlwry D,vi|*|«u llonal dfeai'ea arising from km Impure rt i(« <■( (ha Kar*U' Sy»t«iu. will do well to (Ire ui a call before purchasing. IMIii* and Swelling of tb« n»n<-*. Ulceration of th« »af" and comfortable rout* for traveler* betweea the \VrwU ! Nirfuilb U cur* ll«wlar)i'', uivl BiliouswM. Throst and on lh« Knee, New York and Maine. Jan. 1,IStt, nntil (• Thry L. A. !/•£*, Rkdche«, Plmploa Teller, From Thnrday. TbursJ.iy. Ywuih liar Agrii:: JHn, FOMft, in Mate Cabin pajfagw, rw|>llr«r tft change of ilirt. Heat Erytipelna, ami all acaly eropliooa of th* I'd.'ka^e, Room, |6.iW. Tln-y Regulator! If No. a Cal»f lllnck. akin, extra. j-aist. AND Z2ST nf\ri radii*. fj.ni. Meal* 11, U. BIOKRENE, Tl*y iiwUiilly relieve tlUlrtva (ioodf thi* line to aix? from M •ntreal. it ANI> nEAlTU YIXJJ HIE COUn.f.XDV. forwarded by B wi lit*' t l>rilluuit, nt»l iirr 'Pill: admuta^v of till* Improved lic Regulator, uvcnntor! make (Ik* ak •Inm*.', in^uM and Ht. Or Life Tliey ii tu D. Uaugor. Bath, Auguita, Raetport i4 lli«» I or 1 >.i1111•«'r, l« Hint «In closed It opoiato< pre- SR. n. HEATH, Is m a nature'* n «t"T>-r. TVy ohn. TliN prep»ratior unequalled Hejuvenator e\liau«l"l (Treat veut .1 downward «lr:«lt thioimlr it, for when a down Nut a few of (he w>*r*i dlaorder* thtt aff ri mankind yuebeo, to a>*l are to tend their Freight the aii»>t* currut utrlku on «»f tlio bur*, It will shipper* requested IIIDDEFOKD, O'MT.ktol r.ilMiy.i l>ark, wintergrvmi, nm> any upper ■ ri«" from ihffiirmplkm thai •M>im>iUln In th- hi***!. Steamer a« ae 3 P. M.on the day Il it they Tin* ».rrv»» r*«l fierfcttly |«ur" and Practical 01 all (In) ducoverir* Uiil l»av« li-»n mule In puff* |l leave Portland. household k<«J.inasmuch ty ur concavities or tlio next adjicent tiarorhars, Optician! to or to v-' if* .m l upkiimI r.M'li Im4U<'. thit he l< none ran In For Preiuht Paa«a*e ful in feeling and in strength,and enable tliein tK-uUrn, .'in-ill trvtluMlllal* in eon nI'irio.i'will lie thrown I'tiok.or WwiM inform the riti/rns of ItktdefoH utojv not, npial alTxl IIKl.MHOLD'S COMC l.TSn apply •••)ii. up- KMKIIY k llrown'n Wharl. Portland of their It not 2w3 the HiiMrf-'nl H'ni**, with his noil rl^mm-a reno- POX, llnorrr k^in the days pristine joy. thctn, :u»l I* curat. wnut. mid will not pu.M through the openings hctwern ping at hr^t KXIUA1T OF HAllSArAHIU.A. I( and House, ami is an In- Try snort rarut of II. U. CROMWELL k Co.,No. H« Weit Stnet.New At the Bidilelbrd only oxhlUntn but strengthens. rtitlly the bur*. In order tu keep n iimwi* of luel In a »tjve ■uperior tiIm lli« hk! ln»lll» (he * »n«»r of h*allli into Iho to who have been York. valuable blr**lng, especially those in a t < 11• or combustion wlien the IMWIHT tl cloned, ralsfor- "Procrastination In the Thief of Time." QmImIhr and Kye CilnimeH, »y«t«tn. and iwrgr* "Ml th* humora which make dN Portland. May «. IHM. 19 reduced to a condition nf servility, sell abuse, there to be one or more openiuu* through Hpcctaclr», what the cause n of <'««'» l»y»- require cmi tn rwwr and ithort «ipM«l ar- e>w l( a(lmuta(*a III* be iiinclwna of IIm tune.or ordina>> siekiuss. N<> matter Ily (May ing an-l twjrcttlm; to have »U|>|4y the Thu mirrent over tlm IMmper boluic which be adapt Iat, tlOiy body, until Satur- » lUmp^r the i.v.«, mi will rill at tb«ir From Monday, Jan. 15, uf the liapotency of any hmnaii organ, tli superb |v|a>u t'ure iii Hie r>-.*ly f.»r ImaieHUtr u*% you may Klu^'iUli. In likely titie nrtMf'l by external current* conltnc to the condition of and eipcl* tho dlor lpri (b-U grow and rankle la lb« A Rare Chance Tor ! forvver m»l ilUln'M li m t(i«ii. when h» e.»n lie coikuIimI upon all itU Bargains will remove the effect at onceand h»»e In »«!!•'(, ('* nutny l»«n, |«lii uf wind*. no i\r to luoie or le*« Int irrniit tlio coiiihu*- miifnom with IIh'jii, Much a that could bo relied on, baa preparation ha. I on 2 blind. retnndy Jan. 20, «»»< (Jiikm/ Atrr. arouM h» enrol if >mi ulrv.uly e»»*n «>f the Kvr.. day, ItinUrrni' nch, which InonetliaMy tiou uf the luel, the lire In rucIi cnio* to mi ■ beini; likely been for, and now. for I ho flrn( the li*-. l» in 111>■ I. .i 1 it« anion, loin; glil (Ira*, ram »tptii. llrpmtinn, I.no nf App* f -i iinni- li »t«- Il Imtmp-ietlf. haml, n-.i'ly go out. ran « r.t an I all iu kliwlrcl tr<•«»»«|.-*. public have one on which lb"* d«pend. Our >pice tllt,L»W Spirit*. nt Ikr Qrt/.it, nf llrmi ai«l cure* |»tumwnHly l»y*|v|«U Ditnptr hak proved t»t»e of great * l». rvhol on lu ca*-* I'limroyU hnprnvol a n»t a lul l CTliflctlm (oahowKa IVH, ,V»afi/ ln>M»nrt, t'.mtriitmn, /.'nnmi. Ox^'i Cough IktUaiu may ab'i alvva) not only In i>revi-iitln£ down draft.' thro' $l,soo per"Yr. hrr» do effVta, NO. 4 hr ranwltnl Imhtrihlf. ndvantaco, n 8ew QUINBY'8 BLOCK, WW hr rw (wlwimljf rl all throat aii In aell our mraovi $20 p, \Vti. a more even InK Maohliy*. ha« trlrl'W"" have ever (aken. way |Hilmoiuiry lw fuel, wlirv or enmmtMtoni wiri*M«in<5 anything (Vjr OPPOSITE THE POhT MDDBFORO, MB nervous disabilities are earnestly a«l- A. lUmn, «<4r A ^ ml f.»r lii<|.t> f«p|. tie to a* Warranted Ore year*. Above large OFFICE, prostrated by Dr. temperature. It van u«'d ureal adrantauo T»v 11 llii'Kxtr.icl of added and une- The oxly machine* inM In the 1'nilnl Htate* lve. Kvory Dwelling, OIBeo. paid. whteh are lirrnitd Ay llnwr, It'krrlrr *, l« a pint <>f wil-f la e«|'ial to the I.l><»,, Orot if lUkrr, Singtr bottle U fuily eqml gtlkm Syrup of Sir- cure Mlii-r nutoMite* ure infrinyt mrntt. and I lie ttlltr FURNITURE I' It A I. V It ill It. will find and ttm of »t the All ehenp or till dMClioa M ma I", RHEUMATISM. as|>eedy periuauent hi* frlnnd*i»n«l th» obaerve ^r«.«t caving «xj>cu.-o prcuent Cir- KipirllU, usually NEURALGIA, Inform* |i«Mlolli»l «r >utr *rr liahlr In nrrrtt, nnd imprint»tmrnt. lu the HloUrrnr. uf luel. Jinr A WD ■ 1 he continue to d«*«»c hi* lluic high price or Shaw K Hiddefocd, the the the Old, ««/»; cular* (r«v. Ad of in all Carter » trial it will the practice lVntUtry or at Mo S£1 llroadway, New York | No. 33d at., should give this valuable discovery ; TRSTIIIUJIMLft. Me., TIIKUNimi -TAT** m l areaUo In iU l>ranchc*. I'.vi No. II lanl'« lllock, Chicago, III.} L'SKIV AKMY, All* ILL or T*« t>« found totally different froia all other articles for Mrat Philadelphia, Having nno of Pouiroy'j New American KiiirUt at., Cincinnati, Ohio, or N». * Hpanld very C'vi'taI uae in all (bo sut,i UfHI'irAM and I'lMk UPHOLSTERY the uiua purpose* Naro. with No ITAWmI GOODS, At Mo. i I'aiarart Block, mora, we deaire to exprpaa our attraction 111A —Thu Is Invalua Refill lug'i Exchange, >, New UlyJ ijo samtahy through*u i.»nd, preparation .Hr.l it work in It ftccoinpliMiea all that haa been r»- of the following articles 1 in nervous weaknesses oi all kinds, as it will re- Jan. II, IWt ja. wnll a* in iTivata practicea, and are couriered u iu- ConaUting hie uiorc,MM we would heartily rccoin- store the wasted strength with wonderful pcrma pWMlUJtM< Jftnrkei ! mend It at a fuel savor, as well aa a perfect regulator J%etv Vlnh valuable reinodl'A nencc. of K. D. 0. P. EAR AND THROAT! will relief in OPEN heat —W. C. Tyler, Godfrey, Bradbury, EYE, It i* a grand tonic, and give Dyspep- BO WE M duel Chamber Sofas. Lonses brief in its use W II. Prcaovtt, llamjor, P. F- JOHNSON «Sre /'rvptrfki 0/ flush*, Scls, sia with the fir.«t dos«. A persistence WaHWICK, 1*65. Ho nUwr M~U-.il nr Sirjvul ml. the stomach t» a of Sept.29, CLNTHK TAULEH, purine will renovate degree perfect not obtain another, I at old «tand for •AO-A-IKT ! t)rar Sir .-—Provided I could 1114 s opened a new Fish Market the ITUrtl DISI'tNiSATHHY OK IMF. UMTLO STATU*. «>n wlier would not part with the Patent Ileal Regulator im-rlv bt» Mr Chiur. Smith's Corner, that i» claimed lor It aa ocflupled aeaaon MIRRORS. any term*. It la not only all can l>o had FltiSdil FI8I1 of all kinds In their Sw rmfrtmr Piwm'a vtlmb'o work* on tba I'rtehci BUREAUS, SINKS, an oconmniiior of fool, an t heat controller, hut alao a addrosslug of Plijolc, Xprees anywhere, by WORTH of he ilth and comfort t the Tact that It nr®. OYSTERS A 1ST ID CLAMB What Not*, Hat Trcei, Hocking. Cant'- Kuy Y~i *™r rrtm-f'vr* »r»1 aprwt Cataract »kl1tftilly 1I0TCI11N8 A IIILLYKH. Pron'ra. $25,000 promoter N*» remark* iiwrte by tbo Ul« celotirslol Dr. Ilirw Teapoya, aervea Ore the alone recommends It to Chair*, Ottoman*, Cricket*, fim«l Aiutur »i« »ucr«-»»luH> lr>nt«>l. 81 Cellar New York. tnrough night, on hand. The are invited to favor and Ladle*' bowing |»r( iiM"|>trnt lySeo St, aacure their comfort. or their Constantly puhlio of rtiil.vlcliriiU. !•» rhiklrrii a(f-rt«l »uh iiMkir^> B —or— all who would preserve Itnl I'ariH ulir Kirnt us with a (hare of their patronage. rwmrk* tnvle by Dr. Knuum M'l>>w*u,»&>*>• rhtklmiaJlrrUxl are inturmr-l health.—l>r. C. 0. lllll, Her. 1.8. Lincoln. r.fr-»n Uw Sr. I'an-nt* having br«l;il.-*ltUtitirr Ua> I that thoroughly ami |. rtuan>-"ilr, 4'kl Out ihry Frut In Heather Bed*, Il ilr an lie nw u cm cdfa-tail. iwm Ihr |°n|«tntl Vnkw of |if i< II V1 It HKNKWKn. heat controller, It tlio rooin at an even temper- all ileakrx In town .m l c xtnlry. >liMiu(Vtored by nix TiUvkr K«'llow Kigral ol!•><•> Sii'I'iuk. Cradle* and Settee Cradles, Ik al KV lJ* imtrtri ttitk-ml j»ua. SICILIAN TO BK SOLD IN kvepa by description, .(KTII'IOIAL I oaaea »( aeeiu* ulinott India- Nxj inual «■!' lint bin f in U >1 W'orku of 1Io1khi«. Illack II U prr*vt aitl mlracuK^t lutk'k Cur»- ^iUikw. ature ; and lu aiukne««, and Kitchen Tables of all alia*, -Sii)" «r when a la to *iie* made to or- M.tkr« h iir irn>w. A Mlrf ilnwiiv than any "|h>- pcuaable, regular temperaturo re<|Uiaito «te Alcorn, Kxnucr wciii/, Walnut TaMe* ol all will takr — an nUwr* »•• oxwult Uv Ur«i«r, Silk- of alck K. 0. Woodward, l>r. K. Dyer *• Chil- tnU-mllni! &*l»i»» hrwsh, «lry .iml * Irv It tlr lui" IVwutlfttl the well-being the HAKSAPAHII.I.A." der. Also, a lar/e variety of -UV U limit*-1 In •**- niriiun". 4wi "4* Mm*i RiKIK th.ll |lx- |h«t>«** >• » t« tie Days!! U. l»r. llauuii'tid, II. P Osgood. 31* Crib#, Trundle en H »!• .11, i»» erv«t ni|4ililv Sixty Webater, dren'* Chain. (.• .J.> tin ttv full IwhM uf it, «• at«l in <**W Sohl all ti. Ac. rk with wh» h II rv.i-ot lilt AY II\lli I» IW OIIMINAL OHAitoi. Maaa Oct. 12, ISfi,'. hj l)rwjji. Dad a, Ac., Ac., Also, > u Cmilk-alH uf CIUVJ |»-r- ( of VliiMincMN. kU >U», an carl fall ikwr.il*'. 'Thla that we have uaed linu^c ultkv. I-ol/MI. Mr Pomroy may cortify, ITJNCTPAL DKItJT— fnriur-l Itirn can lw »vti .it Iti* It all or notice that he haadiaitoaed by I'* it > lew limn. ai»l your concave-convex Regulator, and find K uuderalirned glvea of the nwrtgiigeei buslneaa at Kinc'a HlMTlt, CIIANUK! The »uh«crlhcr«, having |iurcIi»»o>f good* lu the recently cxpreaa our oplnlou In favor pract cahllity, Corner, to llcnrv CHEMICAL nut .lv« lh" Init »lrik«» at Uk nwt ami HIU it In fuel. 2. l or re- having claim* agalnat hltn are reoueited DRUG AND WAREHOUSE, Htoah Boardi. II tl.wo hair, II. Bowc, Factory liUnu witli nrw lift? taining the coal«. allowing paaa to present the payment Immediately, m llaadlea. Ilor*e», Ao, Alao, K<-v. I" th» mIi! «to(% for the *«lo of thii are that hit ao BBOADWAY. Il wiU iw4 Uk>* a W«»ir, dlmiwiNt trial, prwp opened when closed. 4. In Urn over night —Rev. L. all Indel ted to him notified l*r. II. Ouiliii'ttr. I*. K lli4rL. Nmrnt keeping p'raona will truth "f thl« matter. TTh- flr«t t|n>lKMlH'ii will n«»»l I). K French, Levi Kll- count must hi settled within aixt> dayaor tbey lir. KHk y. JUO Ttmrnl >L, ILmIoq. Holme*, Cheney, Stephen A. hv the NATI'UAL CDUIIi niuminn rlwjr tlajr, K. R the handtof a collector. F. DASr, WINDOW 8HADES, Hr. lot Ti kT •!.. U-u-i. *t»i wiU AND ELEOANT STOCK !J burn, Ira llaatlnga, Parker, he left In TABLE C0VER8, Mart, loc know it, LARGE FRANK VOIlK. I'r ||. ||nmh, lki«cr, M. II. >.»i mvomi We havt cil the right for York County, l iijibv <>( tin- htlr will l« pmr, purcha 3A. I84M. 35 Holo Agnnt Tor tho fair* J. A. t N. II. Iko 'all, irra», *|n» and are to fell town at liberal rate*. Htddefhrd, Aug. Brushes, Kerosene and Fluid Lamps. Alao, I*. '«ng, U»»«r, >• mtlftil late held at I'ortlaud, within A«k (* 11*11% Siellitu lltir Knarwrr j ik> <wn, Hk, kl r» THY. Sold iu Sixty JDuyn! k«. iutroduoc this and alal SI KK TO HO YOl' tlnl. Catioetli Dytiolstery Wart, 12 «t, ll-tun, Iikl (4lwrm. of Probate for the Repairing, U lu>»', K«|., IWjUl<>«» the The »«!•< of A CO, Tor Vork iMMAIll) K. IIOI'IINK, Judge TVrr arv iii.iiiv iiiiit.tti-ak>. IU- «ure v«tt |*io»' Rvn Ami at that .lefy competition. R U. 1HUNKWATKIt Agenta prior* St., Ritldeford. of York, Kxecut»r ol tin- lad will and Done In all lt« branch**. Varnishing. PolUhing, maimfe-tnrol r It. I*. HALL & 1*1*., N.t-lni.i to r» County, Washington Ulook, Liberty ii County •line, tliU flock ufTor* greater ui'lu'WintnU purchanf testament ot Abigail II. Kliuball,Iate of Kennebunk, TENEMENT HOUSES and Pjirulture for transportation, Ao. N II. PRICE SI,SO. boxing packing (In.fl than ha* Mure t>»'cn In this County in aald county of York, deceased, having presented hand heatherJte•<« Kfi t« alt »'•< Unl llfjf FOR SALE! un- STATEMENT probate Reasonable Term*. •» »wi>t"il m |i«tit*iiu, iiikl- r vir f-iwlrralimi wlMhrnt, Co*li*Tnr** llir .llo*! Prolific Sourer of FOR FIVE YEARS. QUARTERLY Alao, bis private aocount against aald deceased, for Ihr that — abo «ne l«i lir ta hImM, hjr a nuvlul (uvuiuli<« >4 «*, III llrwllb. —or tiik and allowance t for Mir one 24an«acut lloute «m Pod Kwt j probate on in IwW. nwk' notice fcwt uf Unl the h ran » |Ih a mil «ud LmImmt \|>|>liratiiiiisi»*,Orpn«Mio!i rOffcr bouata ou H'aah mt'tlv Kllrf .,rr llr rr*«r tuiw\l> iMvk- •, Mai will to all interested, by cau'*n<;notice to be wwt iMt i>f Alfred »trf*t al«> two teuetnrot »•) 1 S N Mi.M M II. PALMTATIOilt, PbVBNtt or person* pub. airl OV ttt, L three week* successively in U)« t/*nn *r Jonr- .trort Tli"«r bi cic aixl on hand. THK K.\C«, I'.* I <• I* THK lUl'K Jol.1T*, FASHIONAHLK NORTH BERWICK at a will be *U eb*ap, If or lumen!, c>n«Unlly Addition* or NEW AND nul, tilled ni lliddelord, that they ui»y appear m Tbry very «pHM {fought.S"M u> )>• or Till Kri-> MI Km*, CoATun pi alwaynrrntablr. w. o. noorii. W« would Invite >11 Ui *W« a call ii VlUMMH to 1'robate Court to be held at aald Portland, on the to. Ma, i**pectfully gjT thafjc M omoih.itt'Hi. l*. vh.vmi I. > Aitktitk. UUUIM will t»« con*taully m.nlo the'took LIABILITIES •l*rwhtre, Tttiwi Li\m thlr-l Tuesday of January next, at ten ol the clock ■MMtol. July 'i*, lwu. « for* purchasing Im»iok*th>*. Jlo. Any thine likely to the «»le. Pl«*a.«e call and 00 I l>v«t*Kr»ia, during - the aaine should uot be allowed. Farm we luanl of pu(ch«4lii£. '**• why & M«uirn hatnl 10,220 A CARD. DR. HARRISON'S !>*<« amount A true copy. Atte.«t: nilinKKQHI), MA1WK 5,*sooo| I Register. ; WATERBOROUOK Saco. Jan. ■*, IW6. IiqmiiI ooMaaAlm QO I Kngene Humphrey, JWf k liMrwiA' A«r«U,Cli> llu.kl. Peristaltic /jozenzes 6,633 II iM.'iiin Nil, uo l>v|»»iU U* line of 0* PMtlud k The)' are ii;rml>l« to the p.«lato, mum j»ain« 181 *bmrt three mile* fr*n U-rl^er tim, K< LUlfil, Mr.; Sale. IMvklen U un|Kiid acre*. • l»nre of It covered m »t bmrtfclt think* never w«*iken the «t<>in*di like Guardian 00 I MJMBUIC. IUll Contain* !)00 P»rt —AU»« nw In ri| IV<- Sui- Batik •ivl cut My U* Ihr ca»«s ol l'05»TI V KN IvScJ anl irtito <>f licem* Wj. tt« Stock ami suod of with a l»ejvy growth of wood, twenty-Ave Fills, « IJ>| Imuuaia" IV, lHn«|lt )•«, *11 l*ili.*. In every .1,217 41 ML mWrtlxr, tuvinjc purchased I > In tin- N< Kaflinl neeer kit'* f * Ih* aI Yifk, I iImII fll at (ill* Profit and !/>«» f| the mux" Or FEMALE REGULATOR. f tujuN «»• liruvi PIU 8 they liuraMtate relief, anJ (Muntjr I .1 «ti.-* l' I'kic-., >;<•), j!,-i rtpknlahrd the iwut year. unit «h.' Ii llrjr hair |.^NM, produce 111«« 1 »"t 111 lor mil «rt»te In PfietUml, Sk« or W4l lieaiMttuo«' 1 wlih • ww aod ►rcnfril r«n tin' aii*«iiil liiMtrr>l H|«HI mjr lilr, ra|4. MBy 4- c-u foe it to twi •••«». »«"•• «•' *■«»< • t-> .Nrw fcm*l»« in*v u«e them under clrcuuutaucee. (livv of l«'ebru*i*y,lWfl.»t u, fori. <* the purcWr f*j ImI»| - M M ««•> |>uufi' on all l»t<- Uilr *i*l Inlrnr.-t of Ann Kliii- Khorl I.Ninbrr, Daora, Nmbi on ll. JOHKIII«jJ»Im IIOBMri* Ihc light. anil th* piik UtnWf • »*•« iw > HKNJW STATLIOS I'rioe «uialt b(>i»i jo eeuU. prvtttt**, Long «•'>< •«•»•<.»■•».*« HW», 3d, Ulv i< l.ttntn, la county, ricrcMttl, Note* and Btll* dl'counted f .V < Kjc», H4 n. lh* IbiiM ptb' Jan. l*W. .UnlliMMur. A *ln inli nn ('kit lieNKr. K:nm 10 000 00 llliMda, I>ec_.\«w- HnkWvl, lu, hi«tiv*l«>M>l Urin rnrtml awl by Mthl Jtwcph >n», IVH Irak >ctu|r*un who an tun" intorv. t In Ihr 2,000 00 Mmhrr lt'i»tnc«j in All iU >• <. will pay |l»»toany produces 3>l, at Ihtr lint- of liii Alio, I Ileal Furniture anl Fixtum for th» jwirjw* «( |w i>oT"ttn H, nnUtutug R»tnitunr** drtiil,, prrparrd BUT lJ« ••• •**"« H » A CARD. all l'hrtlehn> «lr- ltn»t"i) »2 him with their .»«..■■, »l i«e**l *w«l l»|i»mil t»y *nrii^szi.. Unu u »itiul-Al in n^-xii .S niW frmn K'-notmnk IHI-' frxn ."ufMk National lUitk, 7,849 niw xi may aee fit to favor patrun.ifr 'I" IW>« la MI, II »• imi m liM lik« I Ma mhS.I >4 Ma thank* l.vntan, many Mr. Hrkff»m "\pfe**ltu 8. IIAKHIMON A i#/***, i4 a mile (r-«n «choi4h, ntvl to MVnre etrruUlioo 40,000 00 llliril »•* |li|»l* KHawi x.irtM •» • n J. roM fi'if H init> > Iriu BiiMriunl, i 1'. 1*. deposited ntrh <4 llw kiwi t» lh* lift* |«•. I Tremont ll-»s good r. k n «»i« htiMi ~* I 'ifKiw, ami h hi- will hr rtakMril r>imt Lut Wn|i» «jr 77 hmmi Sqram. IH iviiii. m m Kor male all l>r«a;t»t*. yu rula In in 'J** I» ;'l tout "I lur. Th-iv i< a turn norly Note* of oth'-r Nutiontl H.»nk« fi»c«, IW 5th, 1M.V Nk «M N *r%tt**. M 9* • hy ami Circulating •« »« > fulur M »'ll a* in thr I trllf lS aMNhatim " ll. OWBIf & s*«N. I m Win f»« m iu »i" m• lu litr |>Ml. a »l Iwt, will It tilths 11 mic-aU*) W 1*411*, n kIM. Km Iiw dm r4 hW »>kl thr „-».| mil, r--«i»Tt ai»t rh*»rfwl •*- 141 I ni»j4«»jrpnuv« i« ilutv-fllih*. in l.ooi 00 Y,OUP *i»l faithful. aaitl l/til TwUr ** | HAVE Dr.W.II.NKKWII, IxXh (*urruu« ».til tui- .110 | rommon aivl uiklitrMnl, tutyfet It il»wer of Jo»»ph fu«n|>ooivl Int'ieM Note* DR. MOOilE That U the lurt roti [uw m>n», allow. Tli<- wM"w'« ann"un?e lo the eitlien# of Sacu, 1.1 -CWnH* hk li • •" l"|m' <«i null *!«■«¥ aaM will M I htrthjr WH>kn Mat ■*<•irini>"# |M,«71 WrOCLD and thai he haj returned the Whlakrr*! Whi«ker»! or «n »l Ulddeford vicinity, •hi*, h |imn, w IM1IW *»' r*i •/ MM 'I t'4. Im.k't\ Kmnvxt*, itntr U»o 3 P. lU'&SrY, t'a«htee. PATENT CLOTHES DRYER? (Il I't'-'* o« Medicine aud Hartrtry. HAWES' them want Whlili*r«wr)lou«UcW*r U«rUr*«ltn Mthacrllvr, (J) JOll.N Outrtlaw. practice aaOMbctioti, tod MaMe1»h*«a«d Itayoa PERIODICAL ihr KOBKHTfr, lie would lollcTt a ahare of pabllo pat* They (Ire perfect Call and *111 r>ro« thorn lo sw» «>n tha DROPS, reapectttilljr the woul I n turn to the utd method of drylof dothee. co tics ii: hy rloh (*>HU|M>un>l head*. in wiioofi\u ronate, feelln* confident tliat, profiting In ooe j e*r la tlM Dr. Elixfr, Im« ur or hair «>n bald Sli THE two lie can uatiiloc ihno. They will uti Unlr coM Ml ohln, REMAINING UNCLAIMED lor malady •lid varied of lha year*. end Wright's Kejuvenaling f"f II H*nt by nail LETTERS 1 Hare• POSITIVE RCMKDY thi*rkax*« M lit* lllh wlio favor blm with their rlothei, Or. KNHCNCB LIVK, of IN lit* |N»t Offuv IU'M--| «t>|, fuir of Main*, wiaaoti. Ulve (elUfactloii to *11 may pmernittou «hk-h Utter fact titty toalad.wn rrrau>t pri«« Hnvo.ic ehiltrrn, xt.trh r»r»ljr falt< whtt taken In Market. •nJ «l«o la th» Ueanllne** of the Udm, tim«h»r(.eluMlr of J confidence. (Mllce over Chulet llill'a A CO., l»ox lX Brooklyn. N.V. t rrat Fetunlc 1 iLtjr Miliary, Areadf. will Addr**«. WAKNKIl Remedy DR. ALVA* BACON, 4 Crptal Main Town Hall. houeewlfc appreciate. .. KM. —I*-4 lit T l/ol Mtu It Jriiok' Residence St., opposite autd 11. A DA Mil At 00, earner Yom Huruiwtm M to and • to »! P. M. I Nughrtii«l ut bjr • 1 •* Jan. lvyt. 3w3 Oflko hoara, S to 0 A. n., I »• "•«• V Kraikl .U»r* b«l llMp RfcMcfnrd, 1, ml LtVrtr «trr*t<, BMdef*l, *«• FOR I. ft 47 IRREGULARITIES. Duttrrflrkl Mr» !!«">• CrAgeoU »entwl. Romody. l««i • A The verictj of Tho Oroat Sngllnh HulUrll'H (YUnrta Ukin ifrcatctt COLLARS AND GUFFS, '* 11 K PAPER AIR JAMKH CLARKK1 l>n>p« »tf a «>»ientlfl \tMy compounded fluid r.inn.ui Minimi I I ; M»r> •« u»." •■ |B« • M« M« J »„d MIt than anv IWder* K VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM. IU«ta 1 mt 2^.U«II preparation. hlla. Ctark W * s II |/*tof Mary ■> •••» w4 «*NM k Mil pillsi TIIK.SK ol aod Color, for Mia ««4 *a m I*— *•* ^7 II I rr.i.r.iiKATKO pkmalk or N—trum«. i» £u**n .tllMillVKRY aver/ BtjrU by Ver C*a|be« CeWi re«ianpi|M, Heine tiieir action and I%*U a A MoctuI i«nm- fr. Ctarka, M D., m, m iw» to* Prepared .*» » j.m*iii.»loo of »»r J. rpoittnn- them a and car- In 1M». and itill Ike but knotcn rtmtiy rr >>miii rvliaMo, »|>eady Ihirjrmn # H MMfl ^u-phn I'BTABLIbllED Phytklan Kitr%«rf a|| nh«tru«'tisili*e,#paciflo i>o» Muj r WT in this vicinity. Vj ft ifMi— Thla w»ll kn<.«n la no tmpo«ltton. naluro. Thalr v la Indicated the nMlw. |h>|>iiI-uh by trill A MoaU'ii Jfltluni careful to j*t aad Ok- pra«. KUU>, l>r*f Kiiu Mortrai Ann* M ISta,lr Lanr B^ulw II. fault, It o«nuiu hurtful lo a ImiwmW raa*dy, nothing oil* of whom is tU« »tr»ng*«i Urm* Ih* «r*r) apeak D»«r E«th*r Jmk .Melntir* AofwU TV Mhtcnhfr wtxiM mprrtfully infirm t*r frkwij Mid PORK COO LIVRR Oil,, thocunjiilulion. »f their menu. They arc » M No. 3 C»1ef CtTLKR k I.f pralae ifreat rapidly 1%*U lint* E Num 11*13 Jlloek thai »Jk ha* hiat m»l »*n»i auortwal BottM *i|w«Mijr far MadMwU nm br MSKD. Tm MarrM U4Im ol »f»rjr other KeioaU Keiaedv, and K puMk- 11k mo* r4UM* taking Ihe place Fum Mr* L HmxWII Mary ...JllK >IA*ON A. IIAMI.IN CABIVRTOR. (4 HAIR WORK. Alv, w aaght or them aathe CO., «i»IT Dr. W. a. HEBW1N, S7 Walter It, K. T. II U H will, in * «Hort limr ar« eonaidered hy F«i R R'iM.1 £4«ph"i ■ (J A X*. f'*ty iliSrrvnt .vU|4*ri tn ucN Mid Urge betlK, |r pacallafljr moat lalklllibU pr«uarU«n in the I q«4llfy._ fllW. with Om*l»in nim ? l*mHh Furxh J < I.* <^cH. FIKTV-ONK GOLD SI on tfc* Monthly period regularity. wrnl,iiMaij the re- wnUr musk, %»n »M0 OP WORSTED 600DS ftineo brio< Marjr <* or niter IrM Ihm In all oa*M aud tAe promo, I SILVftl MKIIAUI, imhiiu Mr PWi call on munl all obMrwetlona of nature, tim A r II t4 all ihkh »ho (An at mj |*k«. Pala la lb* Ha*k and Limb* Fallen* alirht •«. of Stout Mirpurl ltliwtruol l'.uww ftwr. Addrn*. MASON k IIAMLIN, kUKU, lion aod atren(t*. Ksp1l«H llanl Jumi n Jr P M. IX. l-tenl J^HtHte.Jor Sal©! of Um Ilaari ttratarie*. and of healife, reSala«ty lUtttr hoem)*, w mason imimiKtu, n. r. ljrw O. •rtlon. Palpitation whan «V b* ■*«*• »■«* •** J. MOOBE, lhaaa Pill* will aflbeta ear* whan all ot*«r directloua »Uilng U»ay IIWM«I UiRM (•will Mary Ana SCIMIBON. A 2 «W) honw, h*rn tod WittlWJ«l Whltaa, ihould not, nor oould * 3WE. OORBON-, AMD and a powerful raiaariy. whan and why thay llurn Mirjf K Twtmi HukU A I—AOKTt* wented Jbr JL. P1IY8ICIAN oTu m ufltiyt, ittiutM <*Mft moan* bar* fkllad ,although plaining MONTH laUttl, ffflIhrw^nuihf" or not lloro \UrtUi Ttturj Dm t* without TlhWtU Lmrr<* —— — new urticlri ju*t out. Ad« af Smo, iwl mm do not contain Iron, oaloaial, aatimoajr, anything , producing •°P*r*rlp. m+m Or tnlirthi IWeldMtft, Mela Him, fcw, aatara'« will ha found earaftolly MM tUattlD * m Thnntan Mum A !*• th hart Mlm U tnmm. hurtful to tho ooartltatloa. rhoaen law#, dm* 0. T. Ruihlluf, IMIrfal. Mr. Ulyrt I Ofte* nm Chart— illf Mining How**, of ^JL. | tha written »kn«tnra of II Wm (1ARRY, City Knll diraotlon* in tlia around each pack. ar»und raoh Nulla, with Tlirf.uu HmiikI r notice. painphlat ara cawutne. SILK! nona Jmei _ ha Jon* L Uton. without which Uhcnrad W«feh »■ heel to FOK t»m » *wi»l »h— »»i «»;« ar». aKWh thoald raraftilly prajarrad. Uraat. IITIIKRK i* the place get rood plotareif TB.1K1IMT HQPSIS w« q M, &m*H" I M _ IX9IV IUna, who To obtain «r of WANT to wilfceN.WNierfMihwlmi., m0» oonoernlns all Hf e«oUlBl«C *<*hl filly, >nt |fc*rr l*a>l, ♦ lli)llh>l| • aaalo—d to aajr orhy mall (analoalnc »uraj>), «U1 «*»' AO**«Tlt*D U«TT«M- WM1 OBADIAH DL'RGIX, IWnJ ftff ft™""*- Am, U MM vw4 1I' poatac* ataaipa •ojmlly»»*•«!'••*••• waaknaaa. «5l P*X I «-»n fcm- aatborlMd7f- win lamra a bottlo ooaUlnlag Prl «„.! r.iaala torn B«»jaa»ii'* Oiatwlnt DEPUTY 8HKKIFF, H D. JOMa:> l*f<\ doll hy DrugUla everywhere. *****8" "0,rr"- r{ -""Til Dn.lH.U- A CO.. •"SittfiatSSlM'■* u,*y MAINE. J»a *, !■*«. a Xa^u!i« C O. CLARK »o *•1H*11 8AC0, blddelbrd. Oan'l (Or B and Canada* JOBMOGlS.r CoHlaadtal..N«»Tnrk. Ajanta 0. j£| F. COWAH. r. M. All biuiaesj ttUaltd to. 1 tor btddaifecd *al» JlfcouSt promptly 7» Ma Dal tad Mataa A^aat Dr. A BACO.N, tola A«eti Pulmonary and .Vrvoni DIubki. ROBES & MOURNING GOODS NEW GOODS FURNITURE. r.**Untly <*i hanl il THE —rot— Best Assortment or Furniture Hr*. Ij. A. Fonn', THE HOLIDAYS! is tub ootrrr, ca* •• romt» at th* or H.YPOPHoSpHlli?' r.if N*c. M Tlirll T. 41 OORHAM • — ntirrtiiM. ». WITMOTTII. tnratlon, the »m»t l)iirrno*». I *n 1 »rr now owning a Urg* Improve A|»|»etlt«, Hat* ioat rweivad promote refreshing »le«p, ami creata krt/lkp t'ifcii- CREAT SALE OF Mtortruent of (jwdj •uitablt for SOFAS, blanJ. Let noeuffertr (hi! to try thl* remedy. Uri Vrtt. (in /ViVm—In 7 01. and IC o«. h„tlln. «nd |a,«» TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, each. t>*ui»llor3 laraa boll lei l»r by axpreM « Patent • Medicines. M V Chiilra. ami at thu fuU « to »- Ea*jr RarltliiK Chair*. Solil by nil respectable druxfcUU. "holeMlc r»nd retail, bv in HARHLK TOP, IlLACK \TA!.!UT k MAIIOOANY general depot, K'abraciog many new nnd choice »tylen lleowy J. WlNl'IIKaTKH, s«i John »t., N. Y. The *u»i*?ril>er I* celling i.fflili lire* »tc«k of IV lent »Mielne* un Hip moit r»v..ri»i.|r term*. Th« mmd P«»«y Liter Trimmed, KmbroiUrrr«l, Centre Ta*bles, SKINNER'S tJiiiiiiohalviy Mlltvtt OUKIK,1 following are pom* of the mmi »aluahU an** of medicine* of tlii* rlii»« now in u*« t l'adI, Kvt» n«i'i»i, T"ilr( .v»l Cmiiibuii C..|t ••in ol the Br»t »U*« k GO lain Linen CHAMBER SETS, liilliinim. itn.l mil affection* FUR i.VNU COMrr.4l.1T*. loeriker III...! Ik. Mllltl till V A l>'«« Horiltrr-l. s UbMUIIAUru An B Oill liaiklaikl IVfr I'urUitw, llliml«, llair, llu of S 13 U»Ai«ir Wi.iUii uit>l llolkm uf to < K'.tlttrr*, llnrrau*, )iitc ii"* ii>i,,I ami l»y eminent l'hy»ielan«, WIM IVe'* Coujjli llalctm. ('.ulwrll's usurtiiwDt In j»rr.vril>on'* I'rrtoral Hal- hi»I Uim-k, Cktlm civlliiel T..y Tip CaftaJInNtrwt*.IU<.I Oimlii.Cbllm in every hotiiicholer°* Kjw Wiuh mi«I « vnal vnrMv U <4h EVERY STOVE WAREANTED. want of II'Cim,T«M l>«, roniitrlen on the Klohe. I>r. Hk inner, fur Cherry IVrtoral, l^triMikair* I'ul Embroideries, rr Oml* u kick m « lu/i ill tht I.UH't'.ST CASH name* of iiroinlnent New BOOTS J9JTD SHOES. off'tr /or »i»ace, rt'lrra to only a few liionkM) rup. Ma'lamr Porter*# Lace. Cambric nnd Valrncennen Seij, PRICKS. hntlanil men who )ia»e u-e.l hi' "ITL5IONALK3" Couch llalnwn, Vegetable Including re»ul(j> Itev.O. T. Walker, l'a»tor and Embroidered Willi marked good Cough Syrup. Cvllnra and Sleetes, Plain of the Ituwiloln Sf ll> inlritij;, t'|iliobUfinK m»l CuMoft Work Iter. II Hon. A. O. Ilrew»ter, Counsellor, .HI l'|ihain, Co*'* Cure. Sritvill'n Hloixl ami Llrer 8yr» full assortment of J. H. NT A FLKJi, y»i>ep«l« itreet, lln, tSellt-oma'* I,hit l(i i:uUlor, J. CIIADDOURN, For and 51. I>., Ocuflut ami Au- up, Ja>ne'a Arc still tho ]>eet that have ever been made. Durability, Economy Quick Working 5th Corp*, t'.S.A.. J. HkInner, Alterative. Liburty Mtro«*t, Biddfffonli M W.M. II. on own st., Ilo lloylton a They «iu>pljr KDWAltD and stocked It with they surpasmMl. « In every ileimrtinent of life. I'reunriil by FOR CATARRH. AND HOSIERY, Next door tboM Union Mock. a of GLOVES of 8. D. & H. W. SMITH'S merits. Also, assortment NK INNF.lt, 51. I» at lu< .Medical WarehoUM, T. Urge and elegant assortment good M. Catarrh Trcinont it., Huston, 5l:u«. Hol>l t>y druggist* gen- WanUworlhV I'rv L'p, WoleoU'* Remedy, 131uck Lace V^eils!! erally. Ileowy Hmitr. 1'errin'* Fuuiigatur. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, COOK, PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, It ITT MS. In all qualities, together with a carefully RUFUS SMALL TRUNKS AND VALISES, Enameled Ware, Ware, Sad Irons, Patent French fr SON, Plantation. I. F. Atwood'f, Jewtlfi WilliaB**. Lang* ■•elected stock of Plain Tin Ware, Britannia Ware, Jnpanned IUhiI ami llrrb, VrccUMe Strengthening. woald respectfully Invite hli Mends In Saco ami Md- Ash and Boiler Mouths, and all ley'* him • call, Roll Pans, Lead Cast Iron Sinks, Oven, deford. and the |»uhlio generally, to give Pumps, Pipe, Webster's Patent Flat Iron. uitAMKirrn. on command stove store. for Jt PERFUMERY feeling assured that hi* •/•—/« J frier» will other goods in a first clsm Agents SOAFS kept to sco the the attention of thoee In want of such goods. dono with neatness mtd dispatch. Don't fail Mageo FIRE AND MARINE Dr.Tutila*' llor«e. McRekronV Ring llnne, Meiiran, I Utl QT Jobbing and f*alt Hlieuiu OuUuiml. for the Toilet, which we offer at Mddefort. (tot. 13th, Stoves bcloro jou buy. LIFE, INSURANCE AGENTS, rOR It OR MS. & L1BBY, < >no Price, and no Variation. JOHNSON IN CITY Could** Pin Worm i»nd llnhrn^aek** Worm Nvrup, OFFICE BUILDINC, falinettoek, M'Uw und JaynaV Vermifuge, ilul- DlillM IN & WEST. of thoae ele- CUMMINGS BIDDEFORI), MTC.. nnd NltinimuV Worm Uiiengii. We are this Jay opening an invoice lowsiy gant and desirable GEORGE S. WEST. Rrprr*rn( tltr following OU ami mil r»taMMw*l Cmi panto yon cotMTii'JTiox w rut: no ml*. J. (J. CUMMIN(IS, Corn, Flour, Htonc'i Liquid Cath.irtU*, llirrl»«uvs l'«rUtaltle LIFE. Loitnftrf. Plaid popllna, —AMt>— * o« HRomm.u. vovrr.Jinrs. In Winter Color*. Also, a full line of THE NEW ENGLAND, American UroncMal CHOICE FAMILY ttROCERIEM, IIOMK Organ I'lioatc'n Mi^ie, TutTV t'uu;li, I'r<>wu'* MAKt» ATTRACTIVE, OF IIOSTON, Truefcca. and Thibet*, Aatl rrfliira it ml rlrvnlra lite mind* •( nil* iiJHOJM) 00 Poplins Fopporoll Square, Saco. C«|>«UI I'll.I. *. BBArnrtx i* it* Arruiuiiii a*d urnccrs. Indian Cathartic, llerrl«k*i «n4 IN WINE COLORS, INSTRUMENTS hi* MMMUMal Vegetable, Ayrr't W L. JOHNSON, Id 8. R.LinDY. hy com|«-trnt jnd|r< THE xMASSACIIUSf)TTS, Moll'* and llidx'MFiirk'j Uh- III5»T IlKKD INSTIUMKNTS mftimfccttuwl in Dr. I.Urr, llollowa) TIIKSK««, 1*1 .tnt iin-l nt'» San- a stock of Luraiu'», Jay Together with complete the 1'njt.il Tticy lore oil Or- |»ilm atUie rrmil Slatt OF SPIUNUFIEM), ative Till*. D. M. OWEN & SON~ Fnir krhl at Ihtrktultr, ,V. K.,aml nwlvnl tlw KIKKT PHK- IN OapiUl ^Jl,100,000 00 MUM «m the wh«4c catalogue cxhiMtml, Iim-IivIIiik iwtni- J. blLKS, ■nriiU Qfua the nxwt n>v^ THE U lu nil kind* of more to * "security; menu, iul.k|>t»l Mu»ic, n|«vi»ll)' CLOAKS, tone* Established 1 cnil Mu*lc, with IU *u«talmil himI LiniKmliii, *» much OF NEW YOIUC, Reputation ileviml ami MmM f«r in American home*. Capital ll.UUMXO oo OIUIANS are l» itll liutru- •7/m. S. « •Htm is a FANCY DRESS GOODS, TIk> AMKillCAN iu|*rlor illlier Aw«U l.» f. truly menu of llie kimi, ill many iiii|M4rUnt |«rtkuUr*. Total, U.WiWI 19 benefactress. and her Tit*') nrc »u|» rW In llieir (,'fi'tl'r fullm** and c*n|4i trnc** J public ». !J' AI^PACCAS, an- —A1B <•( bate, v>4ume mihI TIh'.t »ii|erlor in rx|4 action, ami cLullcity of batch, rvmlcriuK tin in THE MORRIS, unpre- I rf«.«-t in nt|4il movement*. fame and And Alonrning Goods.) Tliey are »u|*rtor in i|u.ility ami Nuui v <>f ton* i ami when OF N. yoitK, cedented tier cl Um Ihiublr lltlloH'i amf IIl»le Kikv NOW BE FOUND call attention to our stock of Goods, lijr l'nl'»/«, MAY Aulliorif I $5.000,000 00 I We would Furnishing fipllal 1 her discoveries hare Sw- 11k* iikxI i-fftvU can I*' (nan llit* gone II, Ac., chariuiiiit |>r>l. C.uli In |UOU,OUU of lu Capital ixikl One IVxir We*t of York Dank, miflMl »hi«|*r llie .tt4i.ui lur]> Uh* full ti4uine ami low- and she is er of the t'luirji Or/an, thu* enaMiux the |*rionner lu gltre AT TUB abroad, to-day nuwlnw u<4 In lie Haiml in any nUier instrument*. THE NORWICH, in her line the largest nuin- •If a i h Street, S aeo. TIk! Trintolo Slop liana |>lr.k»inKan|*Mlilijr In the temlcr m<4 loo* of the OF NORWICH, CONN., in • ufacturess the world* will, |>r'«lii<'in^ IVrU llw iikwI ch inning ami iu«>11>tti< | it lit III ~— (Incnqxmtnl 1MB) * uiiitrixilly ailminil ami a|>|*e*t Triers; and a full asnortment of COUNTY r-00.000 At th« llie i»Tf'amerlull con'r<4 of the tone, enaMintr him lu graduate YORK Capital | Interested. fr> tin* I'ianit'imn llw >Wfr**«mo at i4ea»ure, ami com* Everybody Minn llw effect of tlie K\|>re*iiion »f the KivimHi In WOOLENS, Naval and Firemen's Uniforms 8t«»|i l>rj!an i and old are. alitor* Military, tli*- AMKKICAN OIUIAN, iihwv |«tlttly ami racily ininaynl. THE PISCATAQUA, Youth age With all llinM' ciDiiUiutiiMH ami viiM-ntK nf I)uul4c PurnUhed at tlie ahorte»t notice. ini|>r>>% OF MAINE, benefited the use of Jffr. IV1W*. IViaU ami Swi ll, tlf AMKHK'AN OIUIAN rxrfh by £!0I,701 0* FLANNELS, iu Kximiuinii, VarMy ami IVmt-r, ami lia* all tin- <|Uaiity ami FUR STORE. Capital arnt tucU | S. •!. .Men's World's MMatr or All work Warranted. Term* Ca»b. i"H««rity of a full lVfliwtr,i, ami iu th<' Ii.ukU of h uunkr U AND— in|ttl>k: of Um* uwt o»n|.l<-ti" orrlnvtral ffirU. MARINE. Restorer and Hair I)reas- IIAN'h M. OWKN, 37 UFO. F.UWKX. JD. P03ST3D, act tiooth! Uh> autli«rixoorer olusa of goods. Ttal JUrta $7,U*,»7J TS grey or white by sickness or for .«ale Vt One Price. all ultra, l»y »I.«T re- (n*K MJtUHK Or tmoAliW.tr,) 0 The PIscattMjiia Marine, other causes, will soon be X Rrlwecii Coiirtluudt and Dcy Sto., (llnuirh Office In stored to its natural colo*% ELOK.Y IffffT.Tf.f.V, C. H. SELL.EA. OH EARLY PURCHASERS WILL FIND THE BEST ASSORTMENT. Capital (401,701 N K >V Y O It K. | and beauty, Dandrntferad- 3 Fire Street Illock. 18 N«». I Union lUo«*k, BlildiM, Mo. flint 11* JOHN PATT1CN, Jr., Proprietor. TtM-y rr-|if*iirnt icated forever. The itair l>«c. IWM. Portland, IV, _ J ELEGANT I'AriKH' IIOTKI. l« w< ll iiimI widely known toll* WM. TRAVELERS' & GENERAL falling stopped. The most For tli© Tilt'.trnrrlliiiK |'iiMio. Ttw l-n-.iti'n I* i-»|»ii.«il,v »iillnl4c »•> PERKINS, ACCIDENT| ILolidnys! imi to tin- head-dress or bon- mrirluuiU Hint l*ninrv«f 300 km**!* > of soiling. delight* l.cl inontliHieil ln«un' npiin»t acvklt lit* of all NEW YEAR it is wrll ftimitlml, ami tnry iiv>l«m Improvi-mcnl TIm* Cotnjwny to the hair is CHRISTMAS, for |)r oomlurt awl inU-rtalinK-nl of tta Inmate*. Tl^rinnw (Inert pUm. ful fragrance add »n* iuhI wi ll vt-ntiLitol willi iiihI wh- (|mm'Ioiu | |mi«iilnl kh» XjT A |*t»nHi>|>t Mini n-|»rtful \ ami (!*• UMa U wrnn** h imllcy i>| f.'iooo, altli flo |wr wrak o«n|irniMtl«ii. impartrd. Kt-iM-ruifely |hi>\ hlr>l Willi mfjr :i«mi. Or Mum a ut Willi $5 |*-r BRIDAL GIFTS! 45 It. U BOWMUT. l>y |wyiu/ #5,00, j»lk'y $1000 restore hairt as In Tla* tiilmVilirr who, for the jkmI fc'w jrmri, Im»* lnvit Oh* k»- Wit li rmnpciuwtiuii. your now wilv ami int<*mU to liiinaelt PorwUat TWAMBLKY * CLKAVKS*, M*. l< |iro|i(irtor, klrntify FUR^FTJRS. retain it Hoiinc Police. Fancy Dye Oioomalilv with the intrmU of III' limt*r. Willi l< m \|. i- youth,and through I IIAVK NOW IN STORE ONK OK 1IIK LARGEST AND BEST we 31 l'ry»Ul Aw»l«. nf the oluUition of the Pacific urn stock as• dvtay ISLAND rllK SELECTED STOCKS OF represent entirely coui|Minic»—no habitant* of Hun, Hittileloril and vicinity, th*t II. llaM. a of each of.lirs. sessmrnls in ant/ cttsr. bottle S. •!. Hows, HMu, reoelre* order* for (he Dye llou*e N. Ik To ptvmit m-trrvhariri* liy liacktuen, Uw cokIk* of In we > tin- |>ro|>ri< tor. jy Having the abovo named Cotnpnnie*, •IIten's World's Hair Re- HAIR DRESSING SALOON the l*«l manner and at low rtlti, and returned in lyan JOHN l'ATTKW, Jn. who ur« to take risks of all description*, dim week Work done by an experienced dyer, prepared storer and EPressing. Tt <• vnUrlUI fc* tivura. hai been engaged lu the hu»liie«4 over twontv-flve Ladies' Dress at tlio lowest stoi^c rates. ys w I ami will cwitlixM all now and Im- Furs, dMilbtriit he can till |+ Ik* > ear*, and haa putted hlinaulf lu A NEW APOTHECARY FIRM i Sold by Druggist* throughout Lhn World. "«»• ilflwc North uf Tin* Counting or ha* a new method for ir« M th* »N.l» proved mode* dyeing. Al«\ IN" MALI* ifi H. BURKE. Preyrlrter. and as low as money will them, ami will be aold aa low 1 y II Va. CIIARLW RRYNOLDH, care, purchased purchase CANADA UNDER T1IK UNION AND JOURNAL OFFICE. im the lowest. The stock consists in part ot FROM MAINE TO who (iror ll> will tilml la ami roihiwr In |>ir«a>' alt may Ul« with a call. Licensed Agency. Dr. E. Slrvrn* nnil IJ. \. Slrvrns AND THE WEST! HAIR CURLING, nurchascd the oldest I'ruir Establishment In FITCH 12 CAPES, OR AY COLLARS, jtRRE.IRS OF P.1 our OflU* via Ornml Trunk It. II V, HAVKtho city (A. S«w> er'i). and refitted and recently ran |forurr tlckcU at tic- Some Folks Cain Sleep Nights! •■4 Children nod I.ndir*' lliiir Cutting, PE.YSIOJ\'St furnished a New Stock or Medicines, which, together with the extensive ol and FITCH VICT0RINE8, FITCH MUFFS, I-I SS UKO. C. UOODWIN A CO M H. Ill'ItII A CO., AMD il<»» in thr M |>wil^ NMiinrr, ami *tli*C*ctioa variety proprietary patent $0.00 BOU.VTY.and mediolncs purchased In the stock, make it one of the WKKKH a imttrii, liunuilral iu .til cwn. lhan l>jr any other nail* frtmi tliU Stair t<» PRIZE V. inoat desirable tilaee* to buy Drug* and Mcdlclnrs In J>w with MO.YE FITCH SHORT COLLARS, R. SAHLE Ml'FFS, HT. wnui.RtAi.K *K llikml Wl.wk. OrrlNU lot »i>l Stitli Went! the trade, with the atandanl m»l Invaluable remedy, Uiddcford and vicinity are solicited to call anil sup »€WiDjf KI KI H MMAI.L A. ply their wnut* In the line of near, fresh and pure HON, »od»'s \i:itvi\i:. medicines— R. SAHLE V1CTORINES, CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS, 43 nty MMhv, ww ih» p. o. MACHINES PROPRIETARY A PATENT MEDICINES, Till* article *urpa».«e* nit known preparation* for tha PLYMOUTH GLOVES, THE TO BUY Cure of all form* »t lloiiKroiiathic Medicines,Tinctures.Extracts. Shaker R. SAHLE SHORT COLLARS, cj-e., ,\r. PLAGE TMR Sl'BMIIIRRH Toilet ArtU w.miIiI Herbs, Chemicals. Fancy (ioods. rcuprfthilly llalr nils, l'omarl purchased his new stock of goons, READY-MADE DIM mpereedlntr Opt. public t:«ner»lly, iiiii nnd Valerian—the m il known remit of which is and assures Ills Iriends and that ho will use th*t he mi lltlwl patrons tn CmllrriKM and ntlter aerlou* riiflicultlee— Y lit* heal atlorta to and his customers, produce up a rvotn on M»ln satisfy pleuse a* It lle*tle»trie** ami an«|i|>rrell &|iiar». —AND— omni< »n-l IU I- WOW KM*. it aud Principal of the for rci>*lrlnK _JA Kilo N« |irc|Minition for Nervoo* I»l*ea»e» erer told w> HIWIM TIIK FITCH CORD AND BUTTONS, TIPS, SC., TASSELS, or '•.IJuitin* CKUtBRATKD BIDDEPOKI) MEDICAL SKINS, readilv met with *uch universal appro rat. far M4CNIHM or ALL INSTITUTE, GOODS! Fit*. l*o*« of Fe- «la where the sii k aud afflicted can bo treated in the uiost FUil.VMSMil.VG Hifeplc**n«w. Knerjty, peculiar ■ lino Al«>, \grat far llairr'* t>lr»r«iroddV tine Can »* Iw l of dlfcn*e, Net lathel»e*t remedy pur«hM*r« will b« thoroughly Instructed In the u»e known to Mienee. Hold hyall l>rui;i£l»t* I'rlre ||. *f the nfhliwi. which will ha kent In upltr oo« ynr It. II. Morrr *r CO., Proprietor*, of Mtchlg* on F. A. rt»« e«pen>e All klml* filing* S. NKWCOMB, Agont, Ladies will do well to examine my stock before miking their purchases, m f shall endeavor to HUTCHINS', f.rn.Vt CI John Mreet, >ew Vnrk. band. «u«h *« N<«dlea *11 kiwi*;, Wrench?», Pcrew. rsr («>f as cuti also on what you «■ > JOB PRINTING OFFICE! the as low the can be afforded. Vou ,-ely getting just dnv»r«. Ollera, and Oil of the best put 11 At In- Mi M«! ufi. t r\. Nn»t. make price* Roods NO. quality, to be better than what are. 3, l»r Sewing Machine*. buy nnd jmy for, tin no goods will be represented they Long cx|M*ririiRc up eapreaely rnllK *ub»crlber taken tho Job lis done business. All cus- MOWEHS. bavin# Printing nnd mi increasing trmlc is gooit evidence of the manner in which I have my MOWERS, 1 tahlUhuicnt in Crralal Arrntlo ILL HMDS OF LIGHT JOBBh'G. lt«iII«IIi»k* tomer* will b« treated with rcs]»ect whether they bveomo purchasers ur Lot. Hooper's Block, Liberty Stroot, IlltlUefonl, I* prepared toexccuto ut ihortnotice and Tee/ m li-'-Mffj, tit., atlmJrU le Mill WOOD'S PRIZE MOWER, all torts or Utmj. on reasonable term*, BIDimyORP, i Hasheesh! Hasheesh! Jl'r+lck. with roLOMO crmi dak axd srmxu skat. PLAIN Ono of tho Oldest llemodlei to All «M»n rr<>ui abroad, t»y Kxpreaa or HU(t, will AND FANCY known MfldU This Mower surpasses all other Mowers in K. 8. H O fJ Ms oil HcioncA. receive prompt ittrntloa. TEH, and ea«c FORGET THE PLACE. »'HA*CIN M. HODNDON. lightneu of dratt, strength, durability, DON'T HACO, MAI NIC, ItAMIIEEHII CANDY n«w Imported and |irf> of ; al*o in and wet JOB PRINTING! l»v the Nvi.va* OniriT t'"., under tin* #u- ftintft management mowing lodged TilKpared 8*oo. Not l»t. IMk mall or Manufacturer of one the n»i>#t Medical ("hem. grass. It has taken the first prizes in comi>ctitioa All onlin, by othcrwire. promptly attend* pervUlon of of thorough r • Nt ami rellalilo with the leading mowers of Kngland, France, publle patronage respectfully eountn. u III® OMlf I Gi»OI> BARGAINS solicited. FRANK «>f till* rel'uMe e*er offered to and the United and at FOSS, GIG SADDLES, DOUBLE HARNESS TADS, preparation remedy Germany, States, every JOHN IIANSCOM. the ninl 1* f(Mt laltlnx the of and will exhibited. For sale l'RK88ED puMlc. place exhibition wherever by 8aco, OA>M. IKM. « 1 Deerlng's Blooli, Main St. WINKBRS. *>on tupet»-di« all other 5lediclnt» now u>ed fur lha (1KNRV JORDAN, T11K HKST I'LAC'H To DUV No. At wlinleiwle. Order* from llarne** Maker* an>e*taelect- NOTICE. e.l »tock oi PKIMM.KK'S PURNlKfllNU OOOIU wktwIHrn the tannery la Tho Uoat «fc Lowest Pricon UAS heaoacnk. Nave purchased Styles to t>o found In York *uch a* *>iaeevllle. where On* Door West of York Hank, 8aco, Me. County, Tin, Japanned, THR K»eo, built by Mr. Cole, Ibey nrltnnnia, Planl*hed, (ilaM. Women, Iron, Stamped PARLOR & COOK STOVES ami nil ilUriur* of the Ncrvon* Hyrtetu. In oriental will carry on the thcuio in cuntiiiinl at and Plated Ware i French and Knamelled Saucepan* countries. IU»lirc>h (i.»« lur e«nt«tlM been the are In thl* Ill* rtock of of Port*. r« mill Novel Writer*, Im>iIi f»r ita Tannins anil I.I linV* Sole Tor ttiln city, of J. and Kettle* i Ilrootn*, French Roll Pan* (a tip-top ar- that made country. riil|n».,|,in Cirryiix Bosilfu. and Proprietor, and all klnd*ot luarvrlmiK Influence nn the miikI when u*< li are known In pi pper 11*43 No. 3 C.\M Blurk. hack over the with a standard Thread*, Needle*. Pin* and Yankee Notion*, w»y» paipnlarly L^iUivr. lid turning plate corresponding Britannia anil Japanned Ilia anulh of Africa, Turkey. A>lt Minor. Kgypt. In- The of Dili of coffin* i* and all kind* of found In a flr*t cla** Tin, Ware, llalr for all. recent. great advantage stylo good* peddling and acn or clvirii •hop. I* not escellcd in till* nation* we lln«l It exten- WALLACE llRUCt. A CO. Selling Stone county. popular liie«llelna*auty ol the coffin. Challenge I'oluti at rate* defying com petition. sively Med Ira more than *lx W«. H. Wionii i WU adding LIBERTY BIDDKFORP. *• ntan'1arn »t., IU>»t<>n. Mau. I liffrr my »l«l K «illl»tr>l ntl Iff FANCY SLEIGH No will be spared to give satisfaction, and M<»nt adrtre#*«>n rreeiplof price un.l palm IIOlHKK KKI'KllH, corner <4 ud Ml. V»timi ta»any •taiup*. LIGHT CARRIAGE But tTnrt Eilahlitkmrnt Alfrwt Him-t*, l '> c«iiU. make thla the Cofin In tlila «■ I'rloe—lartfe box f| 111, poatag* Small box SABLE PURS nm<4 the hm i.. i.fii...i« |u Ibi »- AMERICAN Aa we are continually making new la,. Mood'* Flour Hlflcr no on* will be >i rent*, 6 cent*. 3iail county. Try Improred The l'< Iw iw li«r»lrrnl no lb>> Mnrt llotwr h«» It by SJL EMG H S beat atyl*. limit and of peddler* only Of All kind*. ~iili~RJYF. SES, HT upon purchase uiiin »u in a r«< Kobe* and Plvtea conatantly on hand and far- warranted of Andrews' manufacture. My ei. iavji, r»*i rr|*ur. ntylldi mill In the iuo.it manner, good* oilir; al»i, jr<«l Ntablc, CanUfle llmup, l"V>U>»« Y«r»,«e. JfANHOOD-flOW" LOST, HOW RESTORED. thorough nlahed to order, at our lew than other manufacturer and *nl MADKconstantly on hand. PImm call and examine. penset being any anil l < Mirmuii'tfl with ant • tm PibllabodA new edition of Dr. FRANK MAIN Tor ca»b, I can witli confidence offer In**, Gulrarwell'a FOSS, Saro, Xainr. Cafla Maiafkrlerr linr«a etrrrt. purchasing only tV TV Immr h Store. anv other* can aflord then. HrRRMATaiRHiiiKA.or Op|i. Qroeery 8. I have the exclusive right of aale In Didde* all in p-ol ami »IM oea* Involuntary bamlnai Loaeea Impoteney, Men. DL'Y VOIR P. Thankful for pa»t liberal patronage would eollclt rr.t.1n«T, rrpalr, Jnr tor Flake's Patent Metallic Ilurlal Ca*ea. tal ami Phy.lcal to Mar. ford tlie *ame in future. Incapacity. Impedimenta 1864. al«o a FUm ami U* "■ rU«a. and fila, In. FOR Dlddeford. Me., April, yis done to order and with Re- n!"har( IIhum, £"•»««AB »HMn «r« •Wo,Ceaiem;fiea, A>»Itpn. SALE, All work dispatch. IU t>* *^T doced extra va*anea. 'J6 the fumrnrr Htrert rk. by aaltlndulgenco or Miual member the place. Oreea *t., Oiddeford. Me. A** • cant*, ||YB IIOU8K. DMrC«r«r*.1 nrldra, Factory III- ralnuuV walk at th' MUU. In a sealed anvelaipe, oalr CLOTHING! It n V and. 8mo. VALENTINE FREE la to a celehraUd author In tbl* admirable eaaay A I Ttnrinrnt Story half lloow, prepared aId, can-. Bf*Prlca, Cotton,Hilk and WoolenMooda, U> l~* orer il.U prf^V cr MX |«rt claarly demonstrates. from a thirty yeara* sueoeasfal <4 eolorlngdnneojr him la warranted nottoamni.—iyr'b pointing out a mode simple, ami Um for Old lion, C',-: ,u ft. Heal mean* of Mi II— uhl Ittm at fAMf hltbaat prtoaa paid LKWIS V. MlALL. X,. A.. and effectual, by wbtcbeverysu(lcT*r,no Mm, J of m«UI. tmt TwIRS. FOBS', Hal«* In Bl«ld»»rorrarv man In tha land. ALFRED, MAINE. 16 acrai of rood fkrmtuf land, part of which la •SBKSS&g If fut» hundred aaal. la a ta ad. For Siale. jrou with wood, and located within about thraa Bant, aadar plats envelope, any bb.vdbur^aTweat, and Coal. aorered on tlx or two Corn, Flour, Heal "nTUIKI mb Ini tha nleeat photograph r» of a nil* m«m th« new block. Al»na dreae, pesfpasrf, receiptor ©eota, poeU KXTRACT OF TOBACCO for 8ha«p Waah fourth* city Addraaa tha and Couunellurn at ■pCRK Auction ud Coo minion llorchanta. ft At E. U. MrKKNNEY'8, whara of of bourn and itora loU In tha i;eS itam|>*. pahluhera. Attorneys Law, of v«rmln oa CaUla, Alao, plcturU of clothes, larce nornher viclallr CO.. Ayymfplaalai Shoop, Um all klnda cm bo obtained aa a* at anyplace genteel suit CI!Alt. J. V. KLIN* A HAINK. pU"u «* l«»r York •"•wW to In any of cheap •r the mllli. Tartu aaay. *46*. roHTLA.NI>. A(«at Coiiaty, part Blddefrr* or 8000. and war ran tod to bo better. IV Bo wary, New York, To*t OOce Bos Mu* UKNHY 8UU OBc* at tbe old •land of A. U. JelUoon. [a A BON. IftU TH0»I.Q0U«l»r.^f«»#. yt lUNtir. (la lb) U 0. H. k*UT ~tU JORDAN, 4 ttlook. 14 Call on D. M. OWEK J ICaaaabuah, Maiaa. An* 4Ui, I Mi. yrJi i No, Waahlaftoa