Hearing Order OH-001-2014 File No.: OF-Fac-Oil-T260-2013-03 02



AND IN THE MATTER of a Notice of Constitutional Question dated May 5, 2014 and a Notice of Motion dated May 6, 2014 with regard to the constitutionality of section 55.2 of the National Energy Board Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-7, made by the Applicants Lynne M. Quarmby, Eric Doherty, Ruth Walmsley, John Vissers, Shirley Samples, ForestEthics Advocacy Association, Tzeporah Berman, John Clarke and Bradley Shende


I, Wendy Andrews, Legal Assistant, of the City of Vancouver, in the Province of , SWEAR THAT:

1. I am employed by the Government of as a Legal Assistant with the Department of Justice Canada. I have personal knowledge of the facts and matters deposed to except where stated to be based on information and belief and where so stated I believe they are true.

2. I conducted internet searches with respect to the Applicants in this matter using the Google search engine. Specifically, I entered each of the Applicants' names in Google and reviewed results of those searches. I also conducted searches entering each of the Applicants' names along with keywords such as "pipeline" and "Kinder Morgan".

3. I have printed a selection of the webpages located when these searches were conducted and true copies those print-outs are attached to my affidavit and marked as the following exhibits:

Exhibit "A" webpages with regard to the Applicant Tzeporah Berman

Exhibit "B" webpages with regard to the Applicant Lynne M. Quarmby

Exhibit "C" webpages with regard to the Applicant Eric Doherty - 2-

Exhibit "D" webpages with regard to the Applicant ForestEthics Advocacy Association

Exhibit "E" webpages with regard to the Applicant Ruth Walmsley

Exhibit "F" webpages with regard to the Applicant John Vissers

Exhibit "G" webpages with regard to the Applicant Shirley Samples

Exhibit "H" webpages with regard to the Applicant Bradley Shende

Exhibit "I" webpages with regard to the Applicant John Clarke

4. The webpages attached as the exhibits listed above are simply examples of the webpages located as a result of my internet searches, and are not comprehensive of all search results.

5. I make this affidavit in response to the Applicants' Notice of Constitutional Question dated May 5, 2014 and for no improper purpose.

SWORN before me at the City ofVancouver, ) in the Province of British Columbia, this ) day of June 2014. ) ) ) --'L-£:;&___~_yf?__c::__~__,..,...:-:::....____ ~ Commissioner for Taking Affidavits ) WENDY ANDREW within British Columbia )

Barrister and Solicitor Department of Justice 900 - Howe Street Vancouver, 2S9 This is Exhibit "A" to the Affidavit of Wendy Andrews, sworn before me at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 2b day of June, 2014.

A Commissioner for taking affidavits within British Columbia Hey Kinder Morgan, let's talk. - Ecojustice Page I of3

Canada's leading charity using the law to protect and restore the environment. Hey Kinder Morgan, let's talk.

By Kimberly Shearon, communications coordinator

Earlier this week, Ecojustice was invited to participate on a panel that debated the pros and cons of Kinder Morgan's planned Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

The event, which was well attended by pipeline opponents and industry folk alike, was a unique opportunity for both sides to come to the table and state their positions before a diverse audience. Participants included well-known Canadian activist Tzeporah Berman and Kinder Morgan's Michael Davies.

Staff lawyer Karen Campbell attended on behalf ofEcojustice. Karen, who is working with a group of Burnaby landowners directly affected by the pipeline plan, pushed Kinder Morgan to answer tough questions about safety measures and risk assessment.

Late last week, after a groundswell of public opposition to pipelines, we learned that the National Energy Board (NEB) ruled to shut the Burnaby residents we represent out of upcoming toll application hearings for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

The ruling is disappointing, given that- judging from the turnout at this week's debate - public concern about pipelines is at an all-time high.

Read the media release: Company interests trump public interest in Kinder Morgan ruling

And while Ecojustice has been critical of Kinder Morgan's seemingly inconsistent approach to public consultation, we also recognize that the company's decision to participate in this week's debate was a positive step.

Read the blog: Will the real Kinder Morgan please stand up?

We stand at a critical juncture of Canada's history. From coast-to-coast-to-coast Canadians are talking about energy - how we're producing it, how we're transporting it and how to make it more

http://www.ecojustice.ca/blog/hey-kinder-morgan-lets-talk 2014-06-23 Hey Kinder Morgan, let's talk.- Ecojustice Page 2 of3

sustainable. There are no easy answers, but open, respectful debate is one way we can start to bridge the gulf between groups that, on the surface, look like natural opponents.

Beneath it all, we all want the same thing: A Canada where everyone has what they need to thrive. For some, that translates to economic indicators. For others, it means a wealth of biodiversity. At Ecojustice, we believe a healthy environment = healthy Canadians = healthy economies.

And as Canada grapples with tough issues like pipelines, oilsands and fossil fuel consumption, Ecojustice's legal and scientific work- made possible by the incredible support of Canadians like you- matters more now than ever.

You can help us stand up to Kinder Morgan and other unsustainable energy projects by making a s4~H?-ation today.

Upcoming Kinder Morgan community information sessions:

Nov. 6- Belcarra Info Session Municipal Hall 4084 Bedwell Bay Road 5-?p.m.

Nov. 13 - East Vancouver Info Session Pacific National Exhibition (PNE), Hastings Room 2901 East Hastings Street 5-8 p.m.

Nov. 15- Downtown Vancouver Info Session Harbour Centre, Segal Hall 515 West Hastings Street 5-8 p.m.

Nov. 17- West Point Grey Info Session Aberthau Mansion 4397West 2nd Ave. 5-8 p.m.

More dates to be announced.

Related content

• Blog Entry Will the real Kinder Morgan please stand up? • Blog Entry Helping landowners protect themselves from a Kinder Morgan oil spill

GW and Ocean Acidification

Posted by paul magnus at Nov 02, 2012 11:16 AM

http://www.ecojustice.ca/blog/hey-kinder-morgan-lets-talk 2014-06-23 Hey Kinder Morgan, let's talk. Ecojustice Page 3 of3

Nice clip. It, however did not mention the above!!!

Which are just as important if not more so that the local impacts.

For this reason alone the Tar Sands have to be closed down in short stead.

Please ensure that you highlight them when covering Tar Sands issues so that the public gets familiar with the consequences associated with them.


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11 Environmentalists challenge Kinder Morgan at Board of Change Event

tff,~Yl\ •UW~W~bQMMft~MflaH~ 6£

On October 3oth, Kinder Morgan ex~cutives and supporters, had their work cut out for them in a debate vs. local Environmentalists. A packed house of guests and media came to hear the exchange between Mike Davies: Director, Engineering and Marine Development, Kinder Morgan Canada, Frans Tjallingii, President SMIT Marine Canada, Captain Chris Badger, former CEO Port Metro Vancouver and Tzeporah Berman, Author & Environmentalist, Damien Gillis, The Common Sense Canadian and Karen Campbell, Lawyer, Ecojustice.

At stake is Kinder Morgan's current proposal to twin the Trans Mountain Pipeline which runs from Alberta's oil sands through Metro Vancouver to the Westbridge terminal in Burnaby. The result will be a dramatic increase in tanker traffic through Burrard Inlet.

While attendees expressed their appreciation to the advocates of Kinder Morgan I Trans-Mountain pipeline for showing up for a face to face discussion, they also offered strong concerns about the dangers surrounding the project and questioned its value on both environmental and economic levels, given the tremendous importance of the Lower Mainland's shoreline and waters.

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Much emphasis was placed on what the risks are, and how "manageable" they are. SMIT Marine Canada president, Frans Tjallngii, argued that "I think there's always going to be a certain level of risk, but it's about evaluating what that risk is and taking mitigating measures."

Panelists questioned who benefits from these risks. Tzerporah Berman, environmentalist and writer, noted "The pipeline will benefit big oil, it will benefit companies like Kinder Morgan. We're being asked to bear incredible risks and told it's in Canada's interesf'

Berman stressed that Transport Canada and the industry define success of cleanup of an oil spill as a staggering "between ten and fifteen per cent", a number which was confirmed by Tiallngii.

The passionate discussion went 30 minutes into overtime, but the audience remained hungry for more information. The two sides did not agree on what an "acceptable risk" was, but the dialogue and ensuing passionate question and answer period did shed some light onto a topic that is often confused with misleading statistics and media lines.

Thank you to panelists and attendees for making our 2nd Tankers & Pipelines debate an engaging, thought­ provoking, and productive exchange of ideas and values.

Special thanks to UBC Continuing Studies, Vancity, and Board of Change Directors and volunteers for helping making the event possible.

A full account of the debate can be read at the Vancouver Observer's (http://www. vancouverobserver. com/politics/kinder-morgan-rep-wont -rule-out-possibility-one-million-barrels-day­ expanded-pipeline) coverage of the debate.

Video of the event has been requested and will be posted as soon as possible.

More photos (https://www. facebook.com/pages/The-Board-of-Change/145371128838767) by Jennifer Strang Photography (http://www.jenniferstrangphotography.com/) and links to TV and radio coverage (https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Board-of-Change/145371128838767)

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RSS Feed GET UPDATES FROM Tzeporah Bennan

Tzeporah Bennan is a founder ofForestEthics and PowerUp Canada, and a fonner co-director ofGreenpeace International Climate and Energy. She currently works on tar sands and pipeline campaigns in Canada, the U.S. and Europe with many environmental organizations and First Nations.

Entries by Tzeporah Berman

I i61 Comments I Posted November 13,201315:42 PM

There are moments in history when it becomes clear that our leaders are failing us. They are the moments when people from all walks of life need to dust off those placards, stand up and speak out. This is one of those moments.

Canada is failing as a country ...

Read Post

LEl..L£}:mll)}~.ill..\i I Posted August 21,2013110:00 PM

Between 1990 to 20 I 0, carbon dioxide emissions from Canada's oil sands nearly tripled. Scientists estimate that average global temperature will rise anywhere from three to six degrees Celsius by the end of this century. Some foresee that an increase ofjust two degrees Celsius by 2050 will cause the extinction ...

Read Post

•4 J Commc:ms I Posted May 9, 201312:08 AM

In the last election, I wrote a letter to Carol James, then BC NDP leader, telling her how disappointed I was with her inadequate climate policies and posturing over the carbon tax.

I wrote that letter because as an environmentalist with over twenty years experience working on ...

133\ Commcn1s 1Posted December I, 201119:09 AM

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/tzeporah-berman/ 2014-06-23 Tzeporah Berman Page 10 of 12

Oh Canada, do you remember when scientists identified a grave environmental threat caused by the release of gases from everyday objects used by billions of people around the world? And do you remember how we were forced to come together to agree an international deal that phased out the release...

R~a.d Po~t

(471 Comment;; I Posted October 21,201115:56 PM

Polluting the political process is one thing but get out of my kids head!

Last night I arrived home after several weeks of traveling in Canada and Europe. Over dinner at our local Chinese restaurant, I caught up with what my kids had been up to and how they are ...

l7j Commen1s I Posted September 14, 2011 1·10:17 AM

I awoke this morning to the stories of Kenyan parents trying frantically to douse the flames burning their children after yet

With those horrible images seared into my mind I logged on to a video conference to conduct an internal evaluation ofGreenpeace International's ...

. .. . " • Ill " Connect with your friends Check out stories you might like, and see what our friends are sharin

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/tzeporah-berman/ 2014-06-23 Tzeporah Berman. (Fred Lum/The Globe and Mail)

Tzeporah Berman

The ugly pipeline debate is preventing dialogue on oil sands Add to ...

Tzeporah Berman

Contributed to The Globe and Mail

Published Wednesday, Jun. 11 2014, 12:55 PM EDT

Last updated Wednesday, Jun. 11 2014,5:45 PM EDT

81 comments • SS1 azs '125 • AA


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Tzeporah Berman has been working on environmental campaigns, policy and solutions for over 20 years. She is the author ofThis Crazy Time: Living Our Environmental Challenge published by Knopf Canada.

I have fumily who work in the oil sands. They know that I have been a vocal critic of cun·ent oil sands operations and plans for expansion, yet they didn't hesitate to welcome me last week into their homes and to invite me to a fumily gathering in Canmore. We had a wonderful time. We shared some memories, laughed a lot and even tackled some hard stuff. The conversations were rich and surprisingly easy. Perhaps in part because although we have different opinions there already was a basis of trust and shared experiences.

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The weekend sits in stark contrast for me to the ugly polarizing and simplistic debate about oil sands and pipelines our country is embroiled in. It was also an important reminder for me of a simple lesson I learned during the war in the woods in the '90's - that there are good peop Ie everywhere and sometimes the people you need the most to figure out intransigent problems are the folks on the so-called other side of the fence. I left thinking about how important it is for us to overcome the 'taking sides' attitude over oil sands, pipelines and climate change that has taken root in our colllltry and find ways to create real conversations about solutions to some of the greatest challenges of our age.

One ofthe interesting things I am noticing lately is whether it is with my fumily members, industry executives or workers coming on or off shifts that I have had a chance to talk to, it really doesn't take long to find common grolllld in the oil sands debate across what is often portrayed as enemy lines. Within a couple of minutes there is usually agreement that there are problems. That we have some things to be proud of and also lots of issues to figure out. There is a shared concem about the pace ofgrowth and a concern about water and growing toxic impacts. There is confusion about climate impacts but general agreement we need a real conversation about how to balance today's challenges like climate change with the need for jobs and how to deal with our cunent dependence on oil.

On my part these conversations have made me realize that in our frustration to highlight the dangers ofour current trajectory- a dramatic and escalating push for expansion ofthe oil sands, more pipelines, more oil tankers, more oil railcars many of us have minimized how difficult these challenges are to address and how hard reducing our dependence on fossil fuels is going to be, especially for those fulll11ies currently dependent on the oil sands for their livelihoods.

Yet that sure doesn't mean we shouldn't be trying to figure it out. Together.

Imagine ifwe had a government who actually assessed all the economic opportllllities for Canada and created programs to support the development of the high tech, clean energy, manufacturing, film or tourism industries as aggressively as they have been pushing pipelines as nation building? What ifwe had a senate hearings on how to build commllllity resiliency in the fuce of the dramatic rise of extreme weather or how to build safe, clean jobs in Canada while reducing pollution instead of senate hearings on whether to include ' in the new formal definition of domestic tenorism'

What if instead of prohibiting so-called 'critics' in the regulatory reviews for new oil sands projects or refusing to allow intervenors in pipeline hearings to talk about climate change or environmental upstream and downstream impacts, our governments actually encouraged open, transparent debate and decision making?

Imagine what we could accomplish if we agreed we need to reduce pollution to fight climate change while increasing jobs and began to work together to figure out a path forward for Canada that benefitted all our fumilies instead ofjust delaying critical policies (like oil and gas regulations) year after year.

Imagine if energy companies decided to lead the transition to renewables and critics acknowledged that we can't shut down the oil sands overnight and got serious about a conversation that looked at how much oil we will need and for how long?

I am not suggesting these are easy conversations or that the solutions are painless but they will remain polarizing, intransigent problems as long as we continue to just scream across the fence at each other. It's time for all of us to stop accepting schoolyard bullying and ideology in place of governance. The last couple of years it has fult a lot like we have propaganda masquerading as policy. Perhaps its time for academics, scientists, environmental organizations and industry to start trying to fill this leadership vacuum in Canada and work to create some real conversations, pull the issues apart and develop some options and pathways forward.

We need to look at issues of pace and scale, if it is possible to 'clean up' the oil sands, whether we can keep the world at safe climate levels and still grow the oil sands, whether expansion needs to be capped, and if it's really possible to build alternatives so that in the next 30-50 years we can move away oil. None of us on our own has all the answers but together maybe we can create a real conversation that respects our current challenges and each other.

Follow us on Twitter: @GlobeDebate

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81 comments • 991 829 37 • AA Tweets Tweets ies Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah e2h Campaigns for clean energy. Focused on tarsands & pipelines. Must read: "A willful effort Former co-director Climate Unit manufacture ignorance & Full name International. Co­ founder ForestEthics. Author. fundamental rejection of evidence- Email Mom. based public policy" p Password . Vancouver I c Sign up Y Joined January 2009

18 9 ·51 Photos and videos

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman I'~ Cara Pike @pikecara eJun 6 "' Lessons learned from the Cowboy Indian Alliance. I Gel de Torres #AUSvsESP 3 #NEDvsCI-11 #Mexicano&'\IC Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 22 Tesla prepping Supercharger network for big growth across is Natior Europe zite.toi iltD58N Helena Cost.a View summary Vamos Valdivi<:

Retv1eeted by Tzeporah Berman Greenpeace USI\ @qreenpHaceusa \'>..Jun 21 Happy #solstice You could be using the sun RIGHT NOW to power this very tweet! #clickclean biLly/

13 7

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman Climate Progress @climateprogress eJun 21 UK to get the largest offshore wind farm in the world s/1zdWht 74 35 View more photos and videos

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 21 Gitga'at Nation protests Northern Gateway with symbolic blockade bc.ctvnews.ca/ g a-at-natio I via

2 View summary

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 21 Every Four Minutes, Another American Home or Business Goes Solar zite.to/


Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 21 You're invited to a conversation on the Kinder Morgan pipeline proposal on June 24. Find out more at vancouver.ca/ ta!ktankers #talktankers


Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman Mike Hudema @MikeHudema eJun 20 Eco-rider: #Harley-Davidson rolls out first electric motorcycle tinyurl.com/ #ev

28 17 View more photos and videos

Reiweeted by Tzeporah Berman Mark Jaccard @jliarkJaccard 8Jun 20 My interview on CBC discussing why gas prices need to go up cbc.ca/!.2682136

6 6

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman The CIC @TfleCIC eJun 20 on the dangers of relying on the boom and bust cycle of natural resources in Canada. featureslthe-t I Paul Jorgenson @F'aui_.)orgenson eJun 19 Government admits Northern Gateway likely to threaten caribou and grizzly bear populations ow #cd

22 7

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman ':ft'" Toronto350.org @Toronto350 eJun 19 ..... has put up a great podcast about resistance to the #NGP in British Columbia: cbc.ca/ thecurrent! interviewed

View summary

COSt~ Thunder Bear

COSIA Thunder Bear

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporari eJun 19 Video: Globe Now: Why the Northern Gateway Pipeline will be a 'Mount Everest' for Enbridge

5 2

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 19 Are u watching this? 43,000 new pledges at let bcvote.ca since rid decision 48 hrs ago. This war will be won w clipboards not weapons.

6 7 .-...... !'"''"'' ...... '' ,_,...,,,,,._.,. ~--....-,.,. .... ,,...,, "~""'"'''' '"" Mayors don't want it. First Nations don't want it. Scientists don't want it. !twill never be built. lobai com/news!

3 View summary

F\etv.Jeeted by Tzeporah Bennan ·


Retweeted by Tz.eporah Berman Vancouver Observer @Var.Observer 2Jun '9 "Carbon tsunami" lead by e Northern Gateway takes aim at BC ht.ly I BC

17 View more photos and videos

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman ~' City News Vancouver (f.


Retvveeted by Tzeporah Berman Andrea Mac @.AMacOr.Air eJun '9 on pipeline: "The gov is acting on behalf of the oil industry ... not on behalf of British Columbians."


Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun E Solar price in India falls 60% in 3 years zite.toi 1


F~etv.1eeted by Tzeporah Bennan Mike Hudema @MikeHudema eJun 13 #Canada Approved an $8 Billion #Tarsands Pipeline That Will Probablv Never Get Built: - motherboard .vice.corn/ read/ can ad as-t

36 35 View more photos and videos

Reiweefed by Tzeporah Berman Kate Heartfield @kateheartfield eJun 13 "There's ad ifference between looking cautious and looking nervous" -our editorial on Northern Gateway. ottavvacitizen.com/business!energ I #cdnpoli

13 3

Ret weeted by Tz.eporah Berman ft Jennifer Ditchburn @ienditchbum eJun i7 I notice the Gateway announcement news release doesn't say "Harper Government accepts recommendation" but "Government of Canada." #cdnpoli

105 40

F~etvJHeted by Tzeporah Bennan ~I Chris Turner @theturner eJun 18

·Zl ICYMI, here's DFO in 2012 telling the NGP Joint Review Panel it can't do full assessment due to budget cuts thestar.com/ news/ canada/20 I #cd

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 18 Umm why didn't I read 'The Longer I'm PM' before? Learning so much. Requires scotch but that's sacrifice I am prepared to make

7 9

Hetweeted by Tzeporah Bennan 11 Emma Pul!man @emmacaroline_. eJun 18 Canadian officials under fire for approving #Enb e's Northern Gateway pipeline #oilsands #cdnpoli

8 3

Retweeted by -i~?.eporah Berman PV Solar Report @PVSolarReport eJun 18 Solar democracy is here! Lets take the nation solar on Places: ow

7 2

Retv.;eeted by Tzeporah Berrnan g:~;-~ Gravity Dynamic @GravityDynamic eJun 13

''>A•'' "@solarmosaic: How much will solar panels increase the value of your home ow .ly/xWZk7 #PutSolarOnlt"

3 2

Retvveeted by 1zeporah Berman Climate Progress @dimateprogress eJun 13 The American people are in favor of the EPA rule to cut carbon

9 3

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman ~ Jigar Shah @JigarShahDC eJun 13 it;. Folks in Wisconsin, Madison electric utility declared war against energy efficiency- express your frustration here host. mad ison.com/ ct/ news! local/ I

9 Vie\V SUllliTlary

Retweeied by Tzeporah Berman 9, Thor Diakow @ttlordiakow eJun 13 ~ Don't miss environmental activist & author on tomorrow at 7:40am.

7 View more photos and videos

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 13 Umm current gov in Canada very offside w your climate agenda see this Conservative MP ressca pressprog ress.ca/ en/ be-con I v


Sarah Scr1midt Katie Ullmann Thor Dial

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman Stephen Leahy @Stephenleahy eJun 18 RT will not be built. Not now. Not ever. Check out our blog: ow .ly/ybmD2 #climate

5 2

Retweeteti by Tzeporah Berman Claire Havens @CiaireHavens eJun 18 on :"this is a nation building project! Building a nation of engagement, resistance and hope"

7 3

Retvveeted by Tzeporah Berman CBC- The Current @TheCurrentCBC eJun ~a The government has approved the pipeline ... with 209 conditions: bit.ly/ 1a9B3F LBA

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Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 18 I am on t this morning talking about and the strength of the opposition to the pipeline.

i2 10

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 17 Ooh Ezra and the oily twitter trolls really don't like the Clayoquot comparison. Maybe because Clayoquot....worked? And was peaceful fyi

2 5

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 17 Disaqree with NorthernGateway decision? stand with First Nations leadership today at 6pm CBC building. spread word

47 11

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 17 That's right I ran my first campaign without internet. No twitter, no Facebook ... not even cellphones. Broadcast faxing was revolutionary.


Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 17 Media keep asking about Clayoquot comparison. This will make Clayoquot look like a walk in park. Much bigger. Plus there was no internet.

30 11

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun ·17 U can almost hear MP's conversation. "Maybe if we blame NEB & enbridge by the time election rolls around we will be fine." Think again.


Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 17 Wow. So many Nations working together. First Nations announce dg legal challenges. No pipeline anytime soon.

26 20

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berrnan 11 steven guilbeault @s_gu!ibeau!t eJun 17 • poll on Northern Gateway; 65 %say No, 28 Yes cbc.ca/ news! canada/ br I

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Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 17 Dear u say these pipelines r nation building? Yes. building nation of resistance & resiliency. This pipeline will never be built. Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 17 Is it just me or does the Feds release read as though all responsibility on #Enbridge and NEB? Nothing to see here folks. Move along ...

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman George Hoberg @-ghoberg eJun 17 I'm surprised at how quick the BC gov's response has been and how defiant it sounds. #NGP

'13 3

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman ~Ben West @BenWest eJun 17 Easy to approval a pipeline in ottawa much harder to actual build a pipeline in BC. This is far from over. e #cd

73 29

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman forestethics @forestethics eJun 17

17 4 Viet,;v photo

Retweeted by Tzeporah l3erman Tar Sands Soiutions @TarSandsSolns e,Jun 17 This pipeline will never get built. Tell Christy Clark to stand strong now: stand .ca

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Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 17 What if #enbridge decided to throw curve ball? Thx very much but we've decided build transmission & ship clean energy instead

3 < 8 Retweeted by Tz.eporah Berrnan Mark Jaccard @MarkJaccard c-':Jun B Stern challenges the Nordhaus model. We're massively underestimating climate costs, experts warn g news/were-mass! via rist

25 7 Vie\v summary

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporar1 eJun 17 This wait is exhausting. Do u suppose at Spm EST black or white smoke will come out of parliament chimney? #Enb

4 4

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun i7 TODAY: respond to decision by standing with First Nations. 6pm @UBCIC m.facebook.com/ events/25379711

6 5

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman VaughnPalmer @VaughnPalmer eJun i1 Enbridge pre-conditions for construction: unlikely to be met without significant cooperation, support from first nations. Period.

17 7

F~et\.veeted by Tzeporah Berrnan The Globe and Mail @globeandmail eJun i7 Background on the Northern Gateway pipeline review process before the federal government's decision later today bit.lyt·10N4FN

11 3

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman James Keller @ByJamesKeller eJun 17 in Kitimat today, repeated that no heavy oil project (incl. Northern Gateway) has met her 5 conditions #cdnpoli

28 5

Retweeied by Tzeporah Berman Clean Energy Canada @cleanenergycan 8Jun 17 On one blustery day this past spring, wind power delivered 100%of Alberta iS. electricity needs. bit.ly/

3 View summary

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun i7 They say these pipelines are nation building. They are right. They are building a nation of resistance. Watch watch ?v =CQOSi K I l!J YouTube

2 3 View more photos and videos

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman fJ Jess Housty @heiltsukvoice eJun 6 · "If politicians can llmuster the world-class leadership necessary to protect B.C.IS.coastal waters ... we will." vancouversun.com/ news! I

g 4 V!evv sumrnary

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman fl Jess Housty @heiltsukvolce eJun 13 · Unwanted pipeline, unwilling province. "This is an issue of democracy." coastalfirstnations.ca/ news-release/ j I #cd inal

14 8

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporar1 eJun 17 5 times Canadians were utterly misled about the Northern Gateway pipeline ress.ca/ en/ 5-time I via ressp rog ressca

5 3

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman jennifer keesmaat @jen .... keesrnaat eJun 14 "- When vve get away from the idea that cycling is only for recreation and radicals, we design streets differently. 416 223 Vie'-N rnore pt1otos videos

Retweeted by Tzeporah 8ern1an Andrew Leach @andrew_ieach eJun 13 Irony: fed gov't complains that regulatory processes drag on too long, then holds decision on Gateway to the ith hour. #cd

20 6

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporar1 eJun 13 Right Now We :]Grossly UnderestimateLEconomic Damage From Climate Change, New Paper Says 1vvr JaJ via ress

6 5

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah ejun 15 Gateway opponents prepare for provincial referendum campaign /via be lobeandmail.com/ news/

6 7

Retvveefed by Tzeporah Berman Mike De Souza @mli1edesouza ejun 9 Read: transcript of Harper/ Abbott climate comments and Twitter commentary from McLA over here: mikedesouza com/20 14/06/09/ ste I #cd

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Ret\40612/ I

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Retv1eeted by Tzeporah Bern;an Mike De Souza @mikedesouza ejun 13 Peter Mansbridge: We should be investing more investigative journalism programs, not cutting them 27 12 View rnore photos and videos

Retweeted by Tzeporah Berman ~ Margo McDiarmid @Mcdiannm eJun 11 · Northern Gateway opponents targetting BC fv1P's in last ditch attempt to stop approval bit.ly/SzZZ5P

3 View summary

F~etv·Jet::ted by Tzeporah Bennan . Mike De Souza @rnikedesouza eJun 12 Read my latest piece in :Quebec & California make polluters pay with cap n trade insid news/20i406t2/ I #cd

ii 3

1'\etweeted by Tzeporah Berman ~- Margo McDiarmid @Mcdiarmm 8Jun 12 With focus on looming Northrn Gateway decison by fed cabinet Ont First Nation quietly wins court decision re: Line 9B b H

r? 8

F~etweeteli by Tzeporah Berman P.J. Partington @PJPartington ·eJun 13 New blog, new post: Parsing Ottawa's Coal Claims­ ton.word press. com/ 2014/06/13/ par I #cd #climate

< 3 View summary

Retwee!ed by Tzeporah Berman 350 dot org @350 eJun ~6 Yes, everyone's catching on! Line from Obama's energy speech: "You need to invest in what helps, and divest from what harms."

G4 , 34

F~et,.veete(i by Tzeporah Berrnan

At least the website freely admits to being an astroturf group for#CAPP. #cd

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F(etweeted by Tzeporah Berman ~ \J!IIIICHc; VVCH.VIICI f,._~iJ>IL::::t.~ll CVUl! H If Keystone gets nixed, Canadian pipeline operators have a Plan B: Olive thestar.com/business/2014/! via

7 2

Hetweete£j by T:wporah Ek:rman Mike Soron @MikeSoron eJun 13 BC premier "preoccupied with transporting hydrocarbons, not people". vancouversun.com/touch/ I #LNG

9 3

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah e.Jun 13 Conservatives' go-to expert on fossil fuels sees glass half full (of oil) pressprogress.ca/ en/ conser I via ressp rog ressca

2 3

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 13 Missed this when it was printed. Important. Harper Govt Makes Moves to Silence Canada's Leading Environmental Groups

8 5

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 13 A tale of 2 countries: U.S. #climate action vs Canada climate inaction via #tarsands

4 3

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 13 RT @envirodfence U.S. action vs Canada climate inaction

•I In the U.S.: Climate pollution from coal to drop by ) f

7 View more photos and videos Tzeporah Berman @Tzeoorah eJun 12 In today's issue The Dirt turns out #tarsands expansion not inevitable,@pmharper shows true colours on climate & more us6 cam n-archive1.com/?u=e66924a9d72l


Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 12

interview here on why!

Retweeted by Tzepor ah Berman Doug Saunders @DougSaunders eJun 12 It is possible to reach solutions around the oil sands, writes, if we stop pretending it's a binary issue theglobeand lobe-debate/t i

11 6

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah 0Jun 12 To be clear. I dream of collective problem solving. But if they approve I will join 5 on road.

9 7

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 12 So frustrating. Hard to problem solve & build trust while standing front bulldozer iobeandmail.com/ busi I

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah €Uun ii Wow. Lot if great feed back on my oped today. Seems I have struck a nerve. Love the questions and feed back.


Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 11 My oped today reflecting on what will take get past ugly polarizing pipeline debates, create jobs & address climate?

17 Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 11 A pipeline with even one inch of land it cannot pass is a pipeline that will never be built bit 15sGOW #LetBCvote

4 3

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 11 First editorial from new progressive news site Ricochet. Enbridge Not Now Not Ever ricochetmed ia.ca/ via

5 2 View summary

Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 11 what happens to the Canadian economy if is wrong on climate change? in lobeand mail. com/

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Retweeted by Tz.eporah Berman Andrew Leach @andrew~ieach eJun iO Unicorn farm to be constructed in Prince Rupert. Unicorns expected to solve all your problems. lobeand mail. com/

9 9 View summary

HetvJHet\.;.d by Tzeporah Berman Andrew Leach @andrew ieach GJu n XJ One could almost read Joe Oliver's comments as saying that GHG emissions would be higher with pipelines vs without. ctvnews.ca/ i View summary

Re\weeted by Tz.eporah Berman Beyond Fossil Fuels @CanadaBFF eJun iO RT le2050: Solar PV panels took care of entire German peak load today. Baseload plants ran all day, but... fb.me/ 2J2TaFCzl


Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 9 "It is not okay that 1 in 4 children in BC live in poverty" bentlnst

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Tzeporah Berman @Tzeporah eJun 9 I don't remember a time in my life that so many people were expressing dissatisfaction with Canada bentlnst