Promoting Native Plants since 2003 Certified Women Owned Business Enterprise

NATIVE PLANTS FOR SONG AND BIRDS Trees, shrubs, and perennials to attract, feed, and provide habitat for birds


Botanical Name Common Name Function Acer sp. Maples (red, sugar, striped, & mountain) Cover, Nesting Alnus serrulata Hazel Alder Cover, Nesting Amelanchier canadensis Shadblow Cover, Fruit Amelanchier laevis Allegheny Serviceberry Cover, Fruit Betula sp. Birches (grey, river, yellow, paper, & sweet) Nesting, Seed Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Nesting, Seed Carya ovata Shagbark Hickory Nesting, Nuts Carya tomentosa Mockernut Hickory Nesting, Nuts Celtis occidentalis Common Hackberry Cover, Fruit Celtis laevigata Sugarberry Cover, Fruit Chionanthus virginicus Fringe Tree Cover, Fruit Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood Nesting, Fruit Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood Cover, Fruit Crataegus sp. Hawthorns (Washington & green) Nesting, Fruit Euonymus atropurpureus Eastern Wahoo Nesting, Fruit Fagus grandifolia American Beech Cover, Nesting Hamamelis sp. Witchhazels (spring & Virginia) Cover, Seed Ilex opaca American Holly Nesting, Seed Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar Cover, Fruit Magnolia sp. Magnolias (sweetbay, cucumber, & umbrella) Cover, Fruit Malus coronaria American Crabapple Nesting, Fruit Picea sp. Spruces (white & red) Cover, Seed Pinus sp. Pines (white, red, , loblolly, shortleaf, & scrub) Cover, Seed Prunus americana American Plum Cover, Fruit Prunus virginiana Chokecherry Cover, Fruit Quercus sp. Oaks (red, black, pin, white, bur, scarlet, & ) Cover, Acorns Rhus typhina Staghorn Sumac Fruit Salix nigra Black Willow Cover, Nesting Salix discolor Pussy Willow Cover, Buds albidum Common Sassafras Cover Sorbus americana American Mountain Ash Cover, Fruit Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress Cover, Seed Tsuga canadensis Canadian Hemlock Cover, Seed Thuja occidentalis Eastern Arborvitae Cover, Seed

2415 Route 100 Orefield PA 18069


Aronia sp. Chokeberries (black & red) Cover, Fruit Aralia spinosa Devil’s Walking Stick Nesting, Fruit Berberis canadensis American barberry Nesting, Fruit Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush Cover, Seed Cornus sp. Shrubby Dogwoods (grey, silky, & red/yellow-twig) Cover, Fruit Corylus americana American Cover, Nuts Euonymus americanus Bush Cover, Fruits Hypericum prolificum Shrubby St. John’s Wort Seed Lindera benzoin Spicebush Cover, Fruit Lonicera sempervirens Coral Honeysuckle (VINE) Cover, Fruit Ilex glabra Inkberry Holly Cover, Fruit Ilex verticillata Winterberry Holly Cover, Fruit Myrica pensylvanica Northern Bayberry Cover, Fruit Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper (VINE) Fruit Rhus sp. Sumacs (fragrant, winged, & smooth) Cover, Fruit Ribes americanum American Black Currant Fruit Ribes cynosbati Prickly Gooseberry Nesting, Fruit Rosa sp. Roses (swamp, pasture, & Virginia) Cover, Hips Rubus sp. Blackberries & Raspberries Cover, Fruit Sambucus sp. Elderberries (black & scarlet) Nesting, Fruit Spiraea sp. Meadowsweet (white, steeplebush, & Virginia) Cover, Seed Symphoricarpos sp. Coralberry & Snowberry Fruit Vaccinium angustifolium Lowbush Fruit Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush Blueberry Cover, Fruit Viburnum sp. Viburnums (blackhaw, nannyberry, smooth, Cover, Fruit cranberry, maple-leaf, arrow-wood, & witherod)


Andropogon sp. Big Blue Stem, Broomsedge, & Bushy Bluestem Cover, Seed Aralia racemosa American Spikenard Fruit Carex sp. Sedges Cover, Seed Coreopsis sp. Tickseeds (tall, lance-leaved, pink, & cutleaf) Seed Doellingeria umbellate Flat-topped White Aster Seed Echinacea sp. Coneflowers (purple, pale, Ozark, & Tennessee) Seed Eupatorium sp. Joe-pye Weed & Boneset Cover, Seed Eurybia sp. Asters (white wood, Eastern showy, & bigleaf) Seed Helianthus sp. Sunflowers (hairy, woodland, swamp, & sunchokes) Seed Lobelia sp. Cardinal Flower and Great Blue Lobelia Seed Monarda sp. Beebalms (bergamot, Bradbury’s, scarlet, & dotted) Seed Panicum virgatum Switchgrass Cover, Seed Schizachyrium scoparium Little Blue Stem Cover, Seed Rudbeckia sp. Black and Brown-eyed Susans; Giant Coneflower Seed Solidago sp. Goldenrods Cover, Seed Sorghastrum nutans Indian Grass Cover, Seed Symphyotrichum sp. Asters (New England, N.Y., aromatic, blue wood) Cover, Seed