Study of Natuml Gas Processing in Bangladesh Muhammed Ha>sanuzzaman Shikder !o.lASTloROF PETROLEUM" & MINERAL RESOURCES ENGINEERING ,--- ; , I. ,- III~IImIIIlIIIJIIIIIIII ,: ltl02B5~ L " Depanmenl of Petroleum Engineering & Mineral Resource> Engineering BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, DHAKA BANGLADESH -,- December, 2005, RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD 01.' EXAMINERS The project titled "Study of Natural Gas Processing in Bangladesh" submitted by Muhammed HassanU7.7.amanShikdcr, Roll No 96130291', Session 1995-96-97, has been accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of?elrolcum and Mineral Resources Engineering fill. /~l~l~. , ...".. " ... Chairman Dr, Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman (Supervisor) Assistant Professor Dept of Petroleum and .Mineral Re,ources Engg BUET. Dhaka. Member Dr, Mohammad T mim Professor and Head Dept ofPelroleum and Mioeral ReSOlirces Engg. "AUET, Dhaka Member MD, Rakibul Hashem Sarker Assistant Professor Dept. of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Fngg, BUET, Dhaka Date Decemher 28, 2005 " , DECLARATION It is hereby declared that this project or any part ofil has not heen ,ubmitted elsewhere for the award orany degree or diploma. Muhammed Hassanuzzaman Shikder m ACKNOWLI£[)(;EI\IENT I wOLlldlike to express my doop appreciation to Dr Mohammed MahbLlbur Rahman, Assistant Professur of the Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resuurces Engineering, for his valuable guidance, encouragement and supervision of this work. 1 would also like to express my grati(Llde to Dr. Edmond Gomes, former Professor of the Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering, for his suggestions and inspiration at the initial stage of this work. I would also like to thank Mr Md. Rakibul Ha,hem Sarker, Assistant Professor of the Department of Petroleum and Mineral Resources for his extended support and cooperation in completing this project.
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