UA68/13/4 the Link WKU Journalism
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Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-1-1988 UA68/13/4 The Link WKU Journalism Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Public Relations and Advertising Commons Recommended Citation WKU Journalism, "UA68/13/4 The Link" (1988). WKU Archives Records. Paper 3240. This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. the ______________________ O~ct~o~b~e ~r _1~,~1~9~8~8 __ • In Advertising * Print Journalism * Photojournalism * Public Relations News from the Department of Journalism, Western Ke ntucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101 -- CLUB HAPPENINGS Where are they now? Ad Club 1988 Graduates: - The Ad Club is off to a booming start this semester. Kim Kolarik, Photoeditor, Courier·Journal, Lou. , Ky. The chapter has already enrolled 49 active members and Bob Bruck, Photo, Brentwood Journal, BrentwOOd, Tenn. hopes to get a membership of at least 100 people. Mark Grube r, Photo, U.S. Marine Flight School ' Th e chapter, wh ich is a member of the American Doug Gott, Journalism, UK Law School, Lex., Ky. Advertising Federation, has set up its own advertising Tom Stone, Journalism, reporter, News-Enterprise, agency. Greg Herschel is the director. Elizabethtown, Ky. Dues for the Ad Club will be $16 until October 5, but Wade Daffron, Journalism, Aeporter, The Times-Journal, will increase as the year goes on. Russell Springs, Ky. If you have any questions about the Ad Club, stop by Carla Harris, Journalism, Copy editor, The Courier 313 or 31 4 Gordon Wilson Hall. Journal, Lou isville, Ky. Joe Lally, Journalism, Copy editor, Neighborhoods, The PASSA Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky. Nancy Murphy King, Journalism, Correspondenl, On September 22, the Bluegrass Chapter of PRSA Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Mich. held the tenth annual professional development workshop in Keith Paskett, Journalism. Receiver, Green Bay Packers, Louisville. The theme of the workshop was ~Results You Can Green Bay. Wis. Mea s ure . ~ Laura Sullivan, Journalism, Copywriter, Data Express, The sessions gave step-by-step examples of the Tallahassee, Fla. processes used in fund raising, developing special events, Todd Turner, Jou rnalism, Graduate Asst., Spo rts Info., and the do's and don'ts in desktop publishing. - WKU, B.G., Ky. Nine members of the Kelly Thompson Chapter of Carolyn Bowlds, Advertising, Krogers, B.G., Ky. PRSSA attended. Mark Brennan, Advertising, Unjv. of Miss. Law School Pam Carey, Advertising, Lebanon, Ky. newspaper Emily Cecil, Advertising, WQXE, E'town, Ky. Pau l Davis, Advertisi ng, Brown & Forman, Bosto n, Ma. The Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Beth Kachallek, Advertising, Eric Ericson, Nashville, Tenn. Della Chi, will be having a fundraising raffle beginning the Paul a Rutherford, Advertising, WLKT-TV, Lexington, Ky. first week of Oct ober. Randy Ward, Advertising, WalMart, B.G., Ky. Booths will be set up in DUC and in Garrett fo r people Robin Weaver, Advertising, Media Mixers, Charleston, SC to buy chances on free dinners, sporting goods, movie tickets, LeAnne Banna, Advertising, Evansville Arts Council, etc. The chances will cost 50 cents a piece or three for $1. Evansville, Ind. The drawing will take place the end 01 October. Annette Boyd, Advertising. Domino's Pizza, B. G .. Ky. Sigma Delta Chi hopes to raise between $500 - $600 K.K. Cheah, Adverlising, Graduate Studies, Univ. of Baltimore by having the raffle. Joe Johnson, Advertising, Henderson Gleaner, Henderson, Ky. James Roark, Advertising, Hopkinsville, Ky. TV station Alicia Rodriquez, Advertising, Portland Leader, Portland, Tn. The student chapter of the National Press Photo· graphers Association will be conducting its eleventh annual Mountain Peoples Workshop October 6-8. The workshop, which will be held in Russell Springs, Albers Honored by Prestigious Award Ky., is designed to help the student photographers complete picture stories on assigned subjects, work on shooting Our department head, Jo-Ann Huff Albers will be techniques and storytelling skills. honored later this month by the College Media Advisers and The assisting staff will include: National Association of Student College Publications. She has Jack Corn, Director of Photography, The Chicago been selected as the fourth recipient of the Noel Ross Strader Tribune; Dave Davenport, Editor and Publisher of the Times· Award. This award is presented only when meritorious Journal. Russell Springs; Dave LaBelle, photojournalist-in cand idates are found . residence, WKU ; Bill Luster, pulitzer-prize winning photo journalist for the Louisville Courier·Journal; Michael l. Morse, Chairman of photojou rnalism program, WKU, and the workshop director; Larry Nighswander, illustrations ed itor for the National Geographic World Magazine; George Thompson, photo journalist for The Chicago Tribune. 1988 Summer Internship List Tammy Ober'"' o:. usen, Advertising, B.G. Tourism, B. G., Ky. Scott Wiseman, Photo, Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach , Fla. Robert Phillips, Advertising, Container Worl d, B.G. Ky. Carla Harris, Journalism, Chicago Tribune, Chicago, II I. Kim Scanlon, Advertising, Louisville Tourism, Lou., Ky. Lisa Jessie, Journali sm, Courier-Journal, Lou., Ky . Jennifer Vincent, Advertising, Grayson Co. News-Gazette, Lynn Hoppes, Journalism, Washington Post . Washington, DC Leitchfield, Ky. Leigh Ann Eagleston, Journali sm , The State, Columbia, SC Beth Blandford, Advertising, Texas Gas Co. Mary Wilder, Journ alism, The Daily News, B.G ., Ky . Jamie Raybon, Advertising,Nashville Tennessean, Todd Pack, Journalism, Herald Leader, Lexi ngton, Ky. Nashville, Tenn. Tory Maimer, Journalism, Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach, Fla. John Sears, Advertising, Landmark Pub., Shelbyville, Ky. Toya Richards, Journalism, Courier-Journal, Lou., Ky . Steve Broderson, Advertising, McAlpins, Cincinnati, Ohio Mike Goheen, Journalism, Courier-Journal, Lou. , Ky. Greg Herschel, Advertising, TBWA Adv., SI. Louis, Mo. Eric Woeh ler, Journalism, Paducah Su n, Paducah, Ky. Thomas Mireault, Advertising, Clip-It, Bowling Green, Ky. Dana Albrecht, Journalism, News Enterprise, E'lown, Ky. Eric Taylor, Advertising, Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky. Eleska Aubespin, Journalism, Jackson Sun, Jackson; Ten n. Rachel Howard, Advertising, Owensboro Messenger- Kelli Patrick, Journalism, Daily Independent, Ashland, Ky. Enquirer, Owensboro, Ky. Chris Poore, Journalism, Ky. Post, Covington, Ky. Lisa Bland, Advertising, WHAS, Louisville, Ky. Jason Summers, Journalism, Commonwealth Journal, Tom Walthall, Advertising, Sjothun Media, Lou., Ky. Somerset, Ky. Paula Daniels, Advertising, Celina Citizen, Celina, Tenn. Julius Key, Journalism, Dwayne Whitis, Advertising, Shard Adv., Nashville, Tenn. Kathy Tucker, Journalism, WTVF-TV, Nashville, Tenn. Scott Ezell, Advertising, Cadiz Record, Cadiz, Ky. Anastasia Hudgins, Journalism, Balti more, Md . Teresa Hagerman, Advertisi ng, B.G. Neas, B.G., Ky. Lamar Weaver, Journalism, Daily News, B.G .. Ky. Andrea Strange, Advertising, Butler Co. Banner, Cyndi Stevenson, Journalism, The Recorder, Northern, Ky. Morgantown, Ky. Jane Mosser, PR, Smith-Kau fmann PR, Ci ncinnati, Oh io Thorn Coleman, Advertising, Voice/Skyline Co., Randolph Mitchell, PR, SI. Joseph's Health Center, Kansas Louisville, Ky. City, Mo. Melinda York, Advertising, WKU Athletics, B.G., Ky. Paul Thiry, PR, News Bureau, Interlochen , Mich. Fred White, Advertising, WVE2, Louisville, Ky. Leigh Borders, PR, Public Affairs, US Army, Ft. Knox, Ky. Herman Adams, Photo, The Ky. Post, Covington, Ky. Ray Skibinski, PR, Sen. McConnell's office, Wash., D.C. Jeannie Adams, Photo, Emporia Gazette, Emporia, Kan. Karen Denham, PR, Lou. Baptist Hospitals, Lou ., Ky. Amy Biggs, Photo, The Local, Franklin, Ky. Becky Shirley, PR, Alumni Assoc., Ka nsas State Univ., James Borchuck, Photo, Lansing Journal, Lansi ng, Mich. Manhattan, Kan. Tim Broekema, Photo, Courier-Journal, Lou. , Ky. Carrie Arvin, PR , PR/Media Mngmt. Co., Nash., Tenn. Matthew Brown, Photo, Providence Journal, Prov., R.I. Angela Gibbs, PRj Dollar General, Scottsvil le, Ky. Bob Bruck, Photo, Messenger-Inquirer, Owensboro, Ky. Chris Daniels, PR, Opryland USA, Nashville, Tenn. Beth Courtney, Photo, Kalamazoo Gazette, Kalamazoo, Mich. Cynthia Casey, PR, Norton-Kosair, Louisvi lle, Ky. Amy Deputy, Photo, Parson Sun, Parsons, Kan. Chuck Hartlage, PR, South Central Bell, Lou ., Ky. John Dunham, Photo, Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon, Mich. Bobby Atwell, PR, Lee College, Baytown, Texas Joe Futia, Photo, Gazette-Times, Corvallis, Ore. Richard Cunningham, PR, Barren Co. Speedway, Patti Longmire, Photo, Elizabethtown News, E'town, Ky. Glasgow, Ky. Scoll Miller, Photo, The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash. Jennifer Brinkman, PR, Walt Disney World, Bue na Steve Perez, Photo, Cincinnati Enquirer, Ci ncinnati, Ohio Vista, Fla. Rex Perry, Photo, Brazosport Facts, Clute, Texas Pam Shook, PR, General Motors, B.G., Ky. Heather Stone, Photo, The Tennessean, Nashville, Tenn. Greg Raymer, PR, BRADD, Bowling Green, Ky, Ta:mara Von in ski, Photo, Evansville Courier, Evansville, Ind. OCTOBER 1988 SUNDAY MONDAY I TUE SDAY IWEDNESDAYI THURSDAY I FRIDAY I SATURDAY I I i 1 I i I------~------~-------+~------l-~------+------- ' ------- 3 5 7 14 6 ""'~.. " , c.... i,