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2-19-1887 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, February 19, 1887 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era

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Recommended Citation The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, "The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, February 19, 1887" (1887). Kentucky New Era Tri-Weekly. 206.

This is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kentucky New Era Tri-Weekly by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Tn-Weekly Kentucky New Era. ost 63 NUMBIR KENTUCKY, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1887. es. We HOPKINS/FILM CHRISTIAN COUNTY, soon ar- MIMS II. the city 011elal. Seta. Ilathews, The Colored LAYMAN AND JACKSON. Iforkbto County saame-sees-ipme Ti EDIPPIts p 9(21 e9oe The republican. In the U. S. senate N MO, blunder I Beautifully A Pathetic War Incident of John T.. "have evitieutly made a political 'Hoe heirs and relatives It is not sammui- pek8, Described. by a train, have In rejecting Mathews. DOM Frein Reyes' Chattel. Jenkins, recently killed is me, peretno- the L. & N. rail- ed that, this adored luau brought emit against tor the utllots to which ulk you to I lackett (ity, ally well fitted UND[RWEAR The following fr the rose. loom.-Ile la a MUSLIN the New are: the Presideht appointed LADIES s week one will be read with Inter- yet by State and reputation The young folks had quite all eujoya- Mo., Horse Shoe Nothing has been (Ione man uf good education of to apprehend the of Use recorder's we sold by dan,* at the hospitable re/deletion est by our people: or L. 6. authorities and In his management who have been making time of his appointment line of Ladies' Muslin Underwear uire Morris oe the Mehl ef the 711s• did the soul and grace- man or men unto' frotu the We have just received a full J, t'. Latham here, although circum- by the senate, he Si- erecting • ittrWilt to llie etienterfelt coins until ids rejection ful thing le very strongly to a certain eeonornical and to state that or[presume lila pereonal friend) staece* point proved industrious, Don't fail to examine It gives- us ninehplemure memory has been buying large efficient. 'rise assumption at extremely low figures. am (if Mr. S. Jackson. The surtitioe Individual who thoroughly which we are selling ortolan. the bright little Gen. James -A' bolder and slue rejection was predica- the little Jackson's liattle Mollie to Mind quantities of limier that the senate's ohn flamed, and Pearl, of Gen. past year. wish to favor residents of buy the who have of the late war that had Inure fur the ted on tile per cent cheaper than you can metier of Win. Maunders, at. incident for district oNces tied Oust them. You will find they are 20 is no idle pneumonia, are faded from luensury. It occur- IL Mills, at NortsenvIlle, is • Washington t quite sick with Hearty Mr..t. was from Albany was trump- Pl•RELY VEsIETABLE. the field of the great "mid out" wlii PI pistol. At Norton- Matthews since our tivalesceed. red on to-m.1..11m the occasion as the senate has It acts it ith extraordinary efficacy on the of Perryville. Ky.--15,000 Con- ago he gave an old ne- ed up for them. Johmens battle vine a few days confirmed nou-rmosident re- goods and make one wish- We are [proud to learn that defeating-15,0W Federal*. We shot to shoot at souse repeatedly bien quote federates gro cents a local district offices. The nd Louis Kuaue, who have the enemy back all a :14 S. W. plated, pideicana to L pushed toed IVER, have 100 had sitradily ckickens. lie lay lit the are well again. when iiight put an 11 chick- true remota for his rejection Ick, through the clay, auel elletenee 114 yards, and killed his polities. The via- struggle for the wa- color of his akin and Mist Mary litiatoat, of your city, end to the desperate ens out of II shwa condoned its ohjec- 1.11),I- we held both the Senate woulul have BOWELS. her parents lately. Mr. Win. ter, ea letplet, Creek ladies have adopted but it could retool at ground, with HA The liopkinsville lions te either separately, AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR y Is trachhig a five montleid stream mud the battie the thea- should be given pliblie of Union blue and the eenbible plan tit attending not agree that a negro Rowel 1'omplaints, it Walker school hoopoe, partly cOntitaiigleel Omits hate. It la en ex- by• democratic Malaria, was a cool, crisp ter without their high an office of importance Dy•peptila. Sick Headache, subscription. Confederate gray. It gener- be an ItiloSISOCSA, lid partly after strolling entitle we woulol She to see very ann3inistration, when it would t motipation is evening when the writer, young ladies that the Ketne• A ffeetions. Jnundee. from near Trenteui, it several other ally followed here. The advertisetueut to Use country IS•pr....,,,,c.. t olie. ES. Mies Chilton, over the battlefield, 1111 Min- lle•tal at };(1- opera hood at the and that a colored citizen •ffing a anhecrIplion sch000l en attracted to and ad- Who wore and war IR over Confederate s, w 'light showed good democratic office- anis' school house. figure and hand- strel* eliow &atuiriity was toot alo impoasible miring the soldierly for the rights of oth- Union officer, whose home and a regard holder. ',Jowl Walt 4•0.111lielieed Mime face (.1 a (lead Fani1y Medicipe A subscription the ers. 'The radluala wish to perpetuate time Best school house ori the features appeared as II in Haves' Chapel that only in their aiteendancy ahould he without it, aaii,by be- by J. II. sleep. lle was dressed in the all Mph))e of the delusion No 110u/who'd ,,, save rat Monday in this mouth repose of Thew. Longetaff, for office of the enfran- teg kept ready fir ee is il tioilorm. TIse hat lying gives it, the following was there hope A11.1 a 1o11111!1• SALE 1113/ty full regulation Itoineecke !niece, negro, hence their deep chagrin many Is i.ur of plItc1-111yr the lam with They are. chised .1.ctor'. SPECIAL oil the head hied discloasel item' roncerning the mines: to de- time and litany girls arid hop( hut the Ile feet be- whoa they find they have failed There are riot a sear to mar its manly beauty. down now about 310 feet-liony The THLRE I. lIt T ONE Cho will make men and go forty lude observant colored citizens. ity Mel fallen it, f t uf liberalism's low No. 11 vein, and expects to by • it ill continue through Chip. No. o von'. vote of thanks recently tendered omen If they 1111 the first held after miming feet deeper pefure striking fel- Liver Regulator 1.eglif.-fruthlid, stu- bat- colored bishop and hie twenty-one Simmons ta- e it. they have let, near that desperately stubborn They are now working through porous re- are displaying on our center low pastors to the President for GIs roe that you get the nith red -1."us and Insertings. We nt. tint unibitotte. that had heroically wititstood-per- rock, and their progress is of Torchon Laces Mniitei tery samietone Mathews and condemna- trout of IA rapier l'reenred only by his preeeatome-the re- as the rock is lard to nomination of hap, Inspired neereesrily slow, rejection by the radical J. H. /.k..11.1N , Sole Itopriellorv, to four inch- - - charge of the Confeder- to break up much tion of the in width from one pea mil yelling drill, and too porous the unfair Pahl. 11.0e of Torchon Laces, ranging guns and bat- progrese they senate, will poetibly awaken rblishapininsPa. bles 100 pieces Cerulean Items. ate.. infantry, until borers, In blasting. In their to a realization all destroyed; a oil and some ()laurel politicians lit that body terynien were nearly have found some moved forward in 1-2c. per yard. Our prices having been pierced in paying quantities. They that has is good value at 12 Ilgra: few of the gunners, gas, but not 'Feu years of tiro- the cheapest piece tor New were lyieig around trouble with the heavy the past two pears. CITY DIRECTORY. es; in this tow ii. With the bayonet, are having some convinced the Diesple. still prevailing Use short sword Is going on night ver Cleveland has about their guns still grasping flow of water. Work III eliffall- ZEN E ()LENT SOCIETIES. ken pox, near the body sensible colored man that he will be 10c. iirliooping cough and clii( Iii death. staielleg and clay, without intermission. of while they last die- Chloe(' for good, aml that no change I A M.- next r Gen. Cheatham rode up, hastily HopittnevIlle Lodge, No. W. A F. at to party administration can endanger leis Hall, hi story hit Thompson all motioning and betiding over in order ARE YOU MADE miserable by lu- Mho et Meaning! Lucian 1."Pool'a family are the fallen Loss rights or contract his liberties. Mork, legalondav night in each month Mr. Solo- more closely scan the (see of digestion, Coostiestioe, DI/einem, wn with meselea. Mr. livery "By Shlinh's Oriental Chapter, No 14, It. A. M.-Stated luols officer, with emotion exclaimed: of Appetite, Yellow Skin/ 1.1 holiday of each mouth at Mason- at Mr. Pool's, mho Mr. friend by Wonderful Caress men vocation n died heaven, that's my olt1 California Vitmlirer is a positive cure. For sale le Hall. Mr. II iris Stewart lost two then in boy. from Kentucky." Ile A nettle ad. Moore Commandery No. 6., K. T -.Nests 5th oilier death's in Jackson, J.R. & Co., Wholesale and Re- Hall. dike'', also aevaral the coat of the dead soldier, W. D. Hoyt Monday In each smooth in MaaOnic mobtottooned of Rome, Ga., say: We No, I. vicinity. a handkerchief from his DIAMONDS. tail Druggists AIM A Manure, HopkinaVille Council, and taking Dr. King's New Dis- 161 and 4th Thursdays is each month. Walionla has • fatal folded and bound the hands over have been selling 664.-Meet* We learn that pue.ktt, anti Sucklen'im ( eel!. No. SA hose's Friends-Meets one hand thereaperk- covery, Electric Bitters Moiyon e of railroad fever. the breast. Upou in Leuisyllie Times never In K of 1'. Hall Id and hit Monday en each of as wetly ring. Alvin Patton Arnica Salve for two year's. Have ing is very led the diagnosed set this country or on UI. Embroideries, pejo) well, crielean Just trow Is tribute to There Is more money in handled remedies that sell as Hamburg paid this last tender C'hriMian Ledge. No. 420. Knight. or Honor.- moving :it all. flavitig in Manton& than In gold satiefaction. There A et seesaw. No tobacco of his old friend of the gol- repreeented give such universal Letge meets Id an I id Ttieadis)s at ndereon's are nearly thioligh the remains $1,000,000,000 per- wonderful cures effected t of our fanners thou soldiers said lie amid silver dollars, have bun souse Hall. plant hand den West, are fend of jewels, this city. Several No. IS, K. of P.-Meela 3d pping, auntie have burned failing t•ar from his haps. Our people by these medicines in Evergreen Lodge. will hot raise brushed a wealthy they gratify have and 411 Thurada)s in each month another crop, some charging hie "buys" and whelo they are mace of pronounced Consumption year, ow leg to cheek, amid stint. You Pee• Ink of a fevi bot- Endowment Rank, K. of P -Meets 3d Mon- of the weed this the body he monists thole tastes without been entirely cured by to not touch of jewels at some of the Discovery, taken day in every month. price, II. The old friend in gorgeous display tles of Dr. king's New Crows -Meets first sad Embroideries, ed and duelled off. seen $3,000,000 Hitters. We Knights ,d the Golden Hamburg here. I have with Electric George Boyd. son of the dead General's other reeeptiona lui connection third Fridays in each month. e liar. Mr. gray expectiog entertainment, and there always. Sold by Harry of to Hymens altt r to recover the remains worth at one guarantee them A whet Order If United Workmen -Time r ex-sheriff, will lead friends in blue in this city now to 40, in each ineuth. of Judge as he knew full well are no doubt jewela U. Garner. meeting, 11.1 and Tuesdays PA Eddie Kelly, (laughter ere another einiset, l. F.-Meets lie XL elvokied to withdraw ties-milue of $10.008.000. Sawa Inver Lodge. Na.a4.L,_0. Ily on Thursday evening Gen. Ilregg hod diamond necklace is fertility night at I 0.0.I Hall. before the overwhel- Mn. Cleveland's A St. Petersburg dispatch says that every Wilke-rime, our polite from Kentucky- toast noticed anti noted col- and Mercy Encampment. No. $1, I. 0. O. Ir.- ill r. firmly 11. that were nearing dawn one of the China is tossming troops in Kashgar and 11.1 Thurelay nights town last week, ming coluene.s in twirl circles. It was Lodge meets lit Embroideries. collect.M. w as In would before the morn- lectiont seen and that :Mead) men are already over Russell's dry goods Hamburg bine, and Kuldja, V. M. C. A -Rooms upon gift of her Istithanil and cost open on log up the boys. begun that memora In and the bridal hieeaibled in those districte. Mon% earner Main and Eighth. Rooms nig atm have forty-mason diamonds and Saturday e ven I nue from a this' opentrig--M-Sisle niasa nifty- I,.....A1PV.TUWAlAy ie-ffiet g the In the necklet* oh' an aft-trige Weight 6 ki 10 sclera. tithe flouring midi!, -*leo tor deetined, ere again reach sin- and Liver Com- •first a or tnore two carats each. By far the finest FOR DYSPEPSIA COLORED LODGES. are exquisite. tobacco buyers. Over Confederate lines-101.1 miles by guarantee on tat iful line, the patterns r three stens ever seen here wee brought plaint. you have a printed Union Benevolent Seelety.-Ledge meets We have a beau this immediate in- ani-to mareh barefoot and gle It at Hoofer pound* hi pout Is w exhibition. It has a peculiar every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. an .12.1 Monday evenings in each Mo. rocks anti thruugh snows myself tor Hall. bleeding over The King of Belgium we. try- never fails to cure. Sold by J. R. Arm- * Clivershiner's it• . hotness of Eastern history. No. 75. U. B. F.-ostr. Neiceeilii to the Xew F. 14u the mountain the diamond-cutting trade istead. Freedom Lodge, returniug later in the ing to get mtsmeet' on jot and 5.1 Towels nights at P More (mom 1 clothe:re. Out to Antwerp, and at the I stopped to again look upon from A ineterdano Hell. evening .of the lapidaries, and dia- Temple, No. 1614, S of F -Lodge warrior. Ile was lying in Exposition elemadora is approach- CROFTON ITEMS. Ilse dead work at the latter place, meets 1.1 and 4th Tuesdays la Pentair@ Hall. house-cleaning time upon the grandest Of motel-cutters' THE MARKETS. us. Ladies that state, as it were, this jewel was exhibited Ucphun.sdle lodge, No. ItM9. t: U. of 0 Lace deatiee field of "Ameri- last February, SI and Ilta Monday nights in should need new Carpets, all catfalque-a for the beet finish hese by the dealer.' of F.-Lolge meets ing. If you 1887. bare earth of his and took the premium coree-it...1 ter every a Ovenihiner's Hall. CROPTON, KY., Feb. 8, can Valor ;" upon We weighs twelve Hower F - Remember finest material. II Hopkinevilie Tie Lsige Ni' 1907, U. 5.0 of where the shut of death and 61.003 Mystic at We native states, -eight carats, and in color Is Cork, . Lodge Miele let sad Id Wednesday night and give us a call. liter New are: him C hile leading and and one . 00010 etc., etc., be sure is had stricken • When first cut It weighed Raison sides, Mule Hower a ovensimiaer'sitaii. Curtains, Oil Cloths, Blattings, --J7t1T-Weeslami„w -lemisolation-of 4-aiigrat weed/ --11M•11 litra; of the c ieerhog his vouorsof.* iias reltare. Mon- 1 ill with ottagestIon moot holy; amid the eighteen moats, WC- Rhino , country), - angerously a cause lie deemed to Its weight, • 10 J. N. -his sieur Latenee cut it down Lard. SO B•rr lee Cerlieelle-traChtelinZahreet, Rev. ach. grim setting of the gory battlefield not Flour. Eames, patent - • debool every Sun- save money for you. returned it is perfectly round. Though • - 4,54 Prestredge, pastor. !Sunday will Woodruf.ei Empire, blood added to it,, crimsoned and Fleur, Standard - Prayer meeting every Wednes- Jas. B. own Ilfe'e Is imusidered by experts to hen IS be. 15 day morning. to-day with a irove of and its dying; the the largest, It arenas,* shipstalf, less Murray Isue, with Its dead stows in the United Meal, - - - Otte Kid. offer or of afar be_the _hest Nista C'es -96 Camay Alo f..101411....-Wieth street. 01011-Ifilitetrbe-vei13 battereff and-rtrirmed--insplenmeute fcro-feety.-and Piaii-ilial, - - --z -, pastor. • Ilinolity wheel every lying, States.' It Is my ptieate Franey. dLaY.T1W.enWineg McCown of the Methodist In chaotic confusion around him at $18,000. New Orleans Ileissose, morning. Prayer meeting every Wed- Rev. Alex. Is toot for sale. Iii. valued Caudle.,star, Si • - Sunday next Sunday clouds of the fierce • evening. Regular service* urch will mash here with the sulphurous owns the largest pair of - ..• .day contest yet hanging like• Mrs. Downs Butter - h(010 aw.g.iag ight. fratricidal They weigh gels- - street-Rev. TIMOTHY, in Kentucky. 10 melteIt:I nth-Ninth & scene, while the ear-rings per gallon, - - M. Church, METZ that Louisville pall o'er the ghastly cost $10,000. Hominy, Services every Sesday What in the world did who had twenty-five carats, and per gallon, - • 36c J W. Lewis, passer. time in army of the enemy in gray proprie- Orite, 6, and evening. Sunday School every want to waste his precious shank, wife of one of the Clover eetell, - - storming Wed- ate ev- him. In pamints, paueid to review, Mn.. . 2,71 Sunday morning Prayer meeting every a cork retainer for when shill' the shortie it Middleton house. tot nails. retail, OF LOW PRICES. veliting the surroundings of his tors of na•y, per bushel. 2,24 AND CONTROLLERS the aeerege mid marking selected set of stones in Beane, 2.00 Assembly:- LEADERS yhody koowa attested the valor of their has a beautifully Pees, per bushel, lasidPresaTbyetevertnalung.Church Southern retain corks? It mat heroic ending that coot $7,000. It per pound; - IV ye Street.-Rev. W. L. Nourse, pastor. Reg- out want to -of the a pin amid bracelet latos, lima. Ninth 11 went. fallen foe-and yet a brother Mrs. green,golden, - 10q15 Serviced every Sunday morning at Hopkinsville, Ky. extractor they a very intionaome collection. Coffee, ular P. M. Sllivtay Grissam's Old Stand, oiseless We left the body upon the field a good green rio, - INS* o'elock A. M.and night at 7:60 Moe. Fultosi has a $5,000 set. Mr. Chloe, 25 morning 9:10. Prayer of the nowt melancholy falleil. but the di liii ring Etiward Coffi.e. Java, school every Sabbath You may talk as lilted has the largest and factory, - . 13= every Wednesday evening. year, but men w hoes inter from the hand. This Robert Newhouse Cheese, soot meeting a)'id . the ban ditoappeareol in that city, collimating of Cheese. Young American, Presbyterian Church-Corner Liberty show bay whitlows, was reported Cu Gen- bestcollection _ - - 6'00.4 First May, lothing begins to act of Vandalism valueol at $25,000. Rice, and Seventh sheets Rev. Montgomery thee will not Ili, retreat twenty-five diamontit, Rice, - - Sunday at 11 o'clock, •. net w hoer leafs are that eral Cheatham w hilt MI carat stud Is the Cracked pastor. Serviees every ltsto and two-and-five-eights Sugar. N.O. - V o'clock, p. in. Sabbath School at 9 the days of palmetto the pass ot Wildcat Moontain. His - m., and at until away in its size In your State, and Clarified, New Orleans. a. Is. Prayer tneeneg Wednesday York. abandon- and of- finest gem of . eVals o'clock, New Nair mortified - Co., of '4 le pant* willeatraut Ho.woo exceedingly blue-white, old-mine, 4haattlate.1. Insurance Ellis, Ills . i.76 Life as to the the recovery of most $10,000. Masao's. 6 buehele, -Ninth street-Rev. Melody Mutual have no controversy a large reward for halt. .ve:tkioangnn Church The mot, will fered 'Phone- 1,110 end a beauty. The wife of Maj. liminess, 7 bushels, serener every Sundity morn- umlaut-holy days. the ring. whiling to restore it to the $2,- Salt i,*$ lamer. Regular - - 81143.181,803.24. 'et - Gen. as ow la a pair of ear-sings titer cost Lake, 5 liusliele, .4".S.,S==8, 7.411.1NT. 1.188'7. Smith, whilst of tile frieml of other days. be 7 bushel., - . - - - 1,26 A. Another eon of Than family are quite handeoine, Not to Lake, 1.0141 25 mgi,, eamt helei"rMe1n711Pres. hytenan i hurch-Rev. kicked the lit- possessed of strong at- 200 Wet Pointer.. Irish. per bushel. (seed) services each Sab- FOUR POLICIES. the same mere that leeittliain was M. Atherton is a keen bushel. 105 ('. Biddle, pastor. Regular TALE OF ding severe anol apps- a dealer, Mr. J. tweet. per and 7.20. Sabbath School RESULTS-A with means stated below: whom we made Mention adamants. Though and Imo*. No. I. per kit, bath at 11 s'e;ock ACTUAL for 11,300 each In the following Computes, e fellow of was yet Keel tine judge of jewels, Mackerel, eanh ',biotin morning Prayer meeting (Wed as, took life policies by her a few days reedy cold atod indifferent he a great Barrels, No.2, . . 11,710,66 at ti Ise. demote Timm..of Omaha. Nebo Tots) Coati 1 Average at Week, was Ottoman he is talking about. lie is Mackerel V5 on Thur..tay evening at 7:30 31. tsa. Per hearted and generous and sus- %hat Lemons, per dohs - - street. nee. .1. Assail Dividends1 Annual go and his arm broken. warm ruby. Mr. Fonda Is another down% . 40 Rpiscobal hurch-Court No of Dates. Cwt. tenderest emotions and lover of a Oranges, per Rector. Regular service* at a quar- Coaraais. Premium ...lira i„vidends. and J no. W. ceptible ot the bushel, choice LOU Vesable. Peliey Lawyera Heir& J. Stile, were first-rate amateur judge. Apples, per 3.05 to eleven o'clock, A. M.. and 7:30 o'clock $W 12 ff sisal sentiment(' is hen the chords came per barrel, - ter at DIM IPA , March I, ISIS U.4 en-day to attend a epee- the diamond. of the wort., Comte ear. et tole P. K. every Sunday. Sunday School -u 15544 ay no we glf Were So late Ills Chickamauga the AN- Oats, pw bushel, - Iluttrat Lilevit meiw-leet_ 91.130 Feb`ry S. INTL Se 1e51 141 Locs hada awn touched. until 1728, when dlainotiols . 60(.060 o'clock. Jersey. IN, W IS 711 5 I term ot'Sqlerli recovered. I Was in- from ladle Slay, cwt. (clever) M. IL tieiesi neuedi or New 111,0e0 ' March 55 41 1111 - 17 ✓ing had not been In 18611 they 00 Liberty street Freeman's Chapel.C. Lae Felery H. MM. W 15 I latmeck took silvan- the occur- were discovered in Broad. Tim seer cwt. 10e pastor; Sunday School New York 210.151 Master tiltvether ftortuesi several tits after Africa, and fist, Church. Rev Nib-Md. Life. weather and pith. the discovered in South Hides,dry, 5(.46 every Sunday morninp at Equitable OF THE MUTUAL LITE: ge of the oprIng-like that a buy- soldier had taken were re- aireen. - at 9 a. m.; preaching IN RIGHT TRAR.S IN FAVOR and piscatorial in: voice cumniug now faun that Leos in. mad at night Prayer meeting h ed. DIFFERENCE IN COST Eqnitable Life, $55.25 first spetimena of dead General's hand and they are all Tallow. II a. night. Over New 'fork Life, $111 57; Over the ring from the received from tofoi night Clcss meeting Friday Mutual Ikment, $23.29; Ter., rookItA. of the mill pond oft gion. The dim Is B of Cat le. hero a - nesday Over midiut; same Plaa-tisit erre d °ply le Spur cent abitanta to the surface gold the Paine. to the surgeon letle OCSIOOL LI same Man: same A is lets, is di,idend "Ve RAP Guns, had wince the discovery In Hogs groes Hoecisliv tiLl ergot in the Southern Mutual Life of Ry. His dlvi,lee4lue$ warn 42.5. I cannot South Africa, 411.- Friday, except during age K., 'poured Vise 55 per cent. few days ago. West Tenneeare regiment. Open On Tuesday and Story, Trigg eounty, v , Lute la 1072. ills /mods* cli•Idallit vggreeste in value $300,000,000. 3. M. i-uS p m. Free to ail Jesse! ky ,'age le insured in the Mutual It. RICHARliSON. Agent goo together. When the number of the regiment would vacation. fi,m,hi It Nielson. liot.kineville. SA M'L Ky. Health and mirth how recall on the globe w Ore Le:misville Market. the linpkinsir Me Public Schoolo above Mutual Lae Ins. Co., Hopkuisville, and sick- /engem'. 1 saw The only three points pupils of llariici to all in MeDsaiel Block. irth and fun exist titelalichofy nor the mune of the Golconda, In In- fourth year grule. AcnniutalufeiLwe,ibra cep- Office happitima being pointed diamonds are fo tttt ti are the are driven away. True hien many times after. be South Africa. Feb IS, 'ahem eas where and dia; Bahia, Bruit, and Locnivitta, • no lodgetimit in a household O11t 1111 the person Cho purchased ac- iids their There are too well-authenticated 111."fTKR- and melancholy wield wore the famous battle deld diamond. found to 17 propene*e and in counts of diatoms& havitg been Country package. 11 MUSTY DIREUEORY. Do Not Neglect to Read of power. Let mirth, fun I have seen this same ex-surgeon "old-time . . 20012$ *pier au- this country. The term Dairy t:UURT.-4 W Eel e. ad lit however, and assert ninth' the past year. lie did in Creamery CISCHIT Ility cOn.e Memphis formerly meant from India, September. AYR'S former leaves by the I think prior to enlisting diamoutis" Ile:ANS ANL) PRAM- First Monday la March mid retnacy and the not hive there, from Brasil, in con- Judge. sioushine, it did, and per- and now Includes Kentucky navies J. It. Orate . door. A house wants In the Southern army, but African mines. - MarlIeSt Alt k health, in tradistinction to the new Mixed Si.. R. Clerk. 188ware, light, it wants air, it wants haps was practicing his profession In 'selling Hand picked lad. see Med (.14 Brown, ISGRIBNER'S ants can many novel experiences Sherif, Cure and three Mona) Of July last. I have John Rovd Thompson prosiwrity, the FRATIHIRSS- Ague appiness and the city during temperaments 40 of In order jewels, for I deal with all ,New 1st Udell') is Jan and July, two rabid when the dismal inductive. I have been time particular Se to 40 Civil Term, fain Cu, cure every form of Munk/ ot inelan- is yet living known to the human tribe. Mixed weeks. Never It tear dark, quiet. unwelcome that if I mu correct and lie FLOUR- peculiar to Idslarta-lufected districts. be and If not wises, wheat 15.26 team 0.21TARTRILLT COURT. MAGAZINE are felt. We can not always twteliance he may read tide, CholeePlaiiit. Judge. holies we lie may be Choke Misageoth A. H Anderson that la true. Yet because leaving already renewed 4.76 tete* la April, July, October and Is Warranted, seerful Plain to 4.16 Fourth Monday 1t I., I. For Febrsary. ought not tunnsummiesus 110 to do In emulation of such 4.16 when tired in n.1 erdanee annot im we milekened A SENSATION.are 8 3.76 to SOS In every ease, our nature to oth- as that of Latham's. Now three isie then if It, it. it DOUNTY COURT. It contains no ecinitic, ie uncheerfulnem of graceful acts Why is it that blood reuse. 3.56 to 3.110 with directions. it Contains: gone out to the Atlanta to one of any other Maim grease Tint Monday M Ansa swelli. mutrsilxes Miasmatic 1101.00. who want to he cheerful. that ''Old Frank" has sell in in the state iif . .Peemidhig Jladffe. Mid not only rs fur dead el.)•.•ail twice as inueheonnuilie.1 citteVtalONS- A. H, Anderson... the Liver to helve hy Caesar as Poritirax Maximus )rations to join Jackson forever, other preperateeto Ne oue IC fe 'Jahn W. Pa. .. Lomat, Athwart bet stimulates priiitiotee Julius in the share front ehorg.a as any theirur Miss Pose-Tient comity elingh. to the Stoma. It, end ree.meeesem. From the Bust Rake, ahOtilel restore the hal- our wool, butt wmply nolt lb hose Teac. John W. Breathitt • •.. Wile tone Hardware, Vatican. Engraved hy Cheatham's wed take are uwuu.pruent BACON-par Chieramonti. in the family of Jackson %-k the people They *Walden ('01*1"!COMM OF‘LA Me appetite. after a photograph trom the The Ilablenberg Bourn. lowed jewel to the glide. Lieut. are buying W. It. Ciossene, tribute is witnesses Aix Immo.In A uf Clear ritosides la Oetober tad mildest he rah ,t ere that other Confederate's grove Iota, mot 610111e .. 7.60 • Third Moodily "Pottersville, ortgenal. IP It. in five and ten theme Clear . timely the'Aunty eaten Jellm• Caesar. to the memory of lils Union as every two esenths. Why - say 15, 1684. The LIkeneeses speaking of the unveiled thein a. (ten with at little BI/1 IN BATS ILL/ CITY COURT. Jan. Cutlery and from the •uttior's collection. The Greenville Echo, unprecedentedenales here at hems Shoulders . . &ix HOPKINR1 With illustrations friend. forted. us reaktag • re- . . ,S Maron dyer 4- Co.: Jose C Rorie. county, says: len. Res. advertising' Modesty a Clear rib sides Third Monday in Novembehlebreary. "Dr. J. C. T1111 on lu Mehlenberg Six-rot Taxis. N. It. bees before the pubile 7 06 than Neeldnary Lyi_ate; ply. Inadlt not be flee- leer aides and August. For more Guns, The LATE JNO. a reliable ammo that les • IS half• century, it would Brasher Judge, "Gentlemen: POSTHUMOUS /SST OF THE We' liattrOteere quarter or Pale J. C. Ateorsey. locali- WILL. J. O. et and Col. Kellar, ol Records. to be bolstered up with crutches of Choice leaf . . Harry Ferguao• ..... City I have live.d in AUSTIN. Part neut.-THE it. .1. W. Moore. About 11111tory • cy Merit will cusgerr and 6 12 Jellor. 40 years ELLIS In the ea- edvertisernente now. Prille steam U. W. Long, in Malarial Queensware, DAL*. are the pritae Lome Ma•TO-- abounding story Oce•vs noire vier, • have Wiern money. Moan..['alit 4441 1 ,1 sa tissArs POMO. Nos Halls Chew. A that tiaq are backed by dome of Senator liar) is' friends llama . 10 °Hee Seventh the sulileet C Has erpriee and W. Ti aormstSeventh . disorders; have been ivory and fiold. Poem. Kendra capitalism*, of !finery reeords WORTH $500.00. Bewares% Whoa tiling company of preemie(' the setter $1.00 from a . It, street, near Main, in many forms. itv Lunges. Seen quite fee- ,leal of thinking four years I have been a sufferer Shoulders of their attacks French, amid oh w hum haVe been solar as to beget a vast Sr hich mho mi CHURCH SILL MU& NOS. Remalmlecessees ot the Siege Po we Mrrible form of it hwumniiam, ci Damn Italie- P of rente(ly so reli- Second paper.- proopeetleg along Shit 0. eubjeet, and the talk has recalled remit cry was mien ille . . 10 to 1 Officers id Church Hill oriole*. No. 1111P. and fouiul no irenesammis• of Fortis. 'aridly of late tie the e ci he that all hope of Loewy W M A. li. nitrations from portraits From the butt one mati Ina been made ▪ the most excruciating pain lease and St. Louis to H., for J. W. Mid•onghey, safe as ayer's .4gue E SI SUE. With N. railroad lee tlelevellorty. the fact that I have suffered ae- Pttree. 1..; .1 11. Walker. able and China and in Mr W aslibu roe's Toeseasioa. Capt. of the war on ▪ night, and often while writhing In URA IN- Wallace.0.; r K, to and doenmeuts source we illarited that Governer since theology de) and tried ev- A. S ; M. V. Owen, C ; W Taken according R. W•SNIVINII. lex-Ilinister to Femme me the 111A11 was on) hate wished I 1,411.1.11e. I have WoNA?- S.: J W. Lawler, Cure. • E. Col. Kellar hove haul a civil his military record, alid .lisease, but nothing No.1 ite.I 012 A tame, ;J. X Allanik:r.,_• Ci. 111. Pierer, fail to Nresher,s Wile.-Chapiors 11. mores and erything known for that Noes Howie, it will never oath's tor some tune engeg- hy the mime ni en w ho are end have hied eonie.d the limpet /to.' 1.ongberry uS .; Mrs .11,a U. Hairy, l'.• MHO directions, It atoi.D Fainaste igIneer at !levier 1101111iivited do Me env good, all C ; Mies LIZAW ORE/M. Glassware, IX whole we'. claims of Seliabir Har- of the State to work ..n me, but F.; Miss Lulu Pierce, Farrow. Coati I. thanking a map of thst now preesing the 1,h3sicien• without Coal.- Mims Tam,,.). Clarity. 1...; T4111•01111: ChM The Last iii It. 51 ol'rea- to no effort, I have spent over esmo No.9 relSed L A. 111 FICA-TER." ef Oen wee. Meeting it imminent That imishi was Jellied to say that af- W. W. Wert. ,I M. MVP, and P. .1.4:lam. Gllos pose at the Marie* mm Of country. ris. lifeline relief. 1 am now proud Se. 1 white Wall Papers RoCIAL LIFE AND CHAU- in town Tuesday, Mauliso.. county, who, by the one Mettle 14 B. B It I am able GRANGE. steurIllorelle„ - llten of Kicedale ry, oh ter using only and I Bar QUINT IN THE PARIS or Tilt REVO would be on the hi- a first-claps Governor. It walk •nintet and attend to business, (Dwell - No. r. if K. for ACTIEK •ewlie C. loom we supposed way, made benefit reeelved Ste Oflicere of Costa Grasp., Cure. TuduN. &mood dmnoluding) Paper. take $600 for the I L. U. Garrott, Ague enterprise een would not No. mixed HU: Thos. L. elivelens,-W. M.; Ayer's such Itramiette all NORRIS de if there were any When the war clewed Gov. ODA single bottle°, IL II. R. I niter to white Die Leetwer- Joh. C. subject from this town. N., I W. 0.; Thus. areas, W stew. and New Vera Illenes.-1111 &ammo:bed bitu on the alr. Ile was folhowed by merchant. and nest nem men of UTE- ; Jas. j, ..1t.pirt,*, PRIT4I17.1) BY The et•*fp of is t, we wap in the et holy, $16 glogley. W Chaplain by A B. nweir,F. Horatio Snivel to give any informatioft, before he reached Your., meet Mo.I Walter Wartleid. W An't Stewardi Br. Lowell, Mars. Illustrated lit lie de.TTIdeti Helm, who died 8 0, itOSS API; W.Soo M. J. C. AT= 11. 00., and 0 W. XVII Mans, It C. MUNOZ'. would hear aomething by the Loeis•it-xt strl Riess W.Trust:roe; Winston Heary. Ong that we Frankfort anti was eticceteded W• eerl y, W alb er county. Texas. to coma ppm., err Jackson, W. Gatekeeper; Druggists. Teiiey.-• LWOW FROM front good au- lie was C•rnat--theiei 4 40 tor 4 16 rotary: Ches. F. Sold by all Decorations tour Naval n. We have It also Governor, Stevenson.' -47:7-Er/ 3.(15 export oetth in. J. Stuart, Citreit. Mee. Thos. Graham, Ceiling 101 is,. I ilsoter. U. S. Navy. made to Lieut. 1--1= B77ZT.A.7....T-.0 4 '410 Mrs. Mee. N. bottles, $6. that an effort ha tieing S. Senate mid was suc- dis- 'Agin *hippies 71 POMONA: Mrs. Wishes Hemee. Flees; Price $1; six Of the liaskatengst erity elected to the t'. been troubled o tub a erelong Morel torso.* 1 Cu " a dohn C. Beeley. The Ilinseharaseo beteeen the him- I have I'yen epees, lewd Itronaugh• Stewardess; Story the treie m to( hind lying Leslie, who aucceeded 'ears. and have expended awl rough "511 C ad Tel. I). C score. A y ceeded by ease forma me au Ivan COM mo. ill Baseness Agent. eirange moots tat sad Illoet.Toe. Oreenville amid MANN kitt was fol- for worthless remedies Aloe 11,11,1 lute Artier Illoatb. Pews. L C. per and self by toopidar elective, $1110 SO it, hes about Iteb's pond 70 "ITS day le sash moats. the latest styles. It hown ae the toy Dr. goo', The inse of is bottles of R. B. starkers I in all 01 Damien* Narvesen. Is on. 'sseek, by McOreary, and he than all other rem- Light 711•• It 55. Cogemoilis. that the homes lowed cored mu -lung more inset Feeders. rod T. S. Tatar. ickner Iton works, and amid lie by Gov. Kelott. It le • quick end cheap blood 3 71 4 hi Iluselan N•v•lis. a Blackburn, edies rk/1111/Ined Riiuoiia. Butobers, beet "III to prole down there. About the U. S. Senate have I). H stadium te good Iii likely Those elected to I,lurhuler. Mutehers, 1 Ill "3 00 25 Cents a Number. Penrod, near the Cr- Mr. film-k- Talladega, Ala April W. ail. Bueenera,eseallielk ft wedium. Payne, elf mile east of about Ilse same way. sad L.P. 11.. of six or 'stood neigh assess, peer epos 1113.00 AL "Y-M.A6.3 • anlale Sellout house, a party the only ex-rebel elected Tien, "1 50 han' being sings's. to & ELLIS SONS, have been Wring for several beishers 4$ "t THOMPSON CHARLES SCRIBNER'S ven men since the close Of war. Dem ontrat edlerit sad Publisher., weeks sluice a party of of the State S. Oa .; May IL 18/16. Falr le aye. Three The Lieut. Governors ar•14T I ";:1 or ail days primi- Capt. CO: Light 110018111 New 'Teak. pitailms spent live have stood in shout the name ratio, 111.00P/IiIA1 ow 1 WI •• 4 741I 111 748 Broadway, Lr of l'enirod and an Yoe Chit ewe*, ship us per drat freight Shoal. ng in the vicinity II imitoian, a gallant Fedor ii bonnier, 00L- St. the nun who so able grew it, B. II trade fer Ifeetilheiee Is to 17 Omer No. 8,8. Itain winging/1y sent hack ill pllahntu I gentlemen slid glees as pleasure to report a rood 'leer mednuas, tie- acei It farerlipsed all 411100,10.1 C10410111 SA sioroek, as it la suppoSed, officer, being thre only mill- this preparation. Indeed it has lis College now prealdIng la demoustrated essortml C.W. Female In att- Mips, remedies, both to SS Cm 'wirers oh the espitallete. to hold that position sitter the other Berry, Seetheith Is r of uiry man merit awl rapid 'ale with us. te II Notice. the 1114111117111.4 of the citizen, cuf lift talk about "military Matta & V ttttt AR. Sorry. Ken het, Commissioner's er to war. All 70115 Ciii lat Ian I Iretilt ('curt. Votice. the men state that they are only au appeal to Black ba 119 erk:leilty recortie- is therefore Tie b • weaned IR for Mal. The movements so very sickly a. to Information emelt the Hupkinsville,Ky. A. A. Fuqua'. Sauer. peeting "sickly sentiment;" A ll sou, desire foil GINSENG- ar- is stock the unseat assortment V Equity. with the affair (*r- the blue nerefule and Orsol to wish $1.10 1 lips, thus Keeps always used es. parties connected 'Heusi decent people of both awl cure of Blood Pelson*, limeorlea. embracing eve ry thing heirs au" eredttone nit Court. tonne torches. Was nuns Fusee etIon oft I- HO indicate that there is soinethiag and all intermediate ool- Cores. m•• rival In table supplies; elan • eholce Pete haves( Mahal stalest the white oily and the gray errofolons evenings, *Inks- ALT- mem,pit v v ered All phileeMm to Catarrh,ete . as ex. Ti.. Fall Term will open oe MONDAY. gars awl telmeevia. lineda A. Fuqua, lea A. are hereby melded foot. ors.-Leziegton Observer. tom, Kelsey nemplaints, Primo llist .:=4 tin clay Call at tlesatore., oft ef A. at my el prime dr7 O('ST le. 4111. An ex partemicet anywhere in the lama peeperie 'wiled, whit me • by mall tree. &ropy at our et page Ideates. aod Seem,. depot. Si. at beers theast eine migkInstrueties Ninth Street, Doer ells is eleplisev ilea. Ky., se of filled with the moo won- So., call co or address HE REV. Glal. hi. 111AYKR, cough when Shi- led Book of Wenders, A - other informatios Say ellen*. Irm. si the shah WHY WILL YOU before knows. II NS le 11 06 . 55. UUST. I. 114.7113isTr, Masser Osis'e. huuui., says; '"Iloth myself relief? derful sae 'trate se proof ever All Timothy gold I. prime far Cavalry Pratfall iy notified to rboto, Cure will give immediate to mixed 10.0 By GrOef~ faaharageal rii• at my tsar live. to 11111.41H'S loh's SLIMS 111A11.1111 tsa, Bedlam Ilask townie., of - wite owe 50 cents and $1. Sold by J. R. mitideres, hew Timothy . .. LIN MILO imfop th. tes U.)11 (:UME. Sold by J. Price Atlanta.(ma. th, NSr Armistead. taster rilakitead.

1101.1. - 1 11111111.1111211&- seems... -r,i,•11=111••=li.• J. IL- 0611,11alosaan a------sammosmiseinsma- AITIlltit, Manager. NERITI'Cli T ram. "Chris" is giving the Oesitaboro Li- TIIM articled on the silletabt." Company, gonier some almirallige I AYER'S CI-ant dz Gaither THE TRI-WEEKLI NEW ERA. Blair Educatioual Bill. it 1141 TM LP It /0. -- -_ • linelturt Iler161.1 Nth,4.- PILLS. BEES! ---111C0111111c110 ST- Beecher se,s lati has 'Elie Artivefit pit-es of polities' 61117 osiesoss=pgatsd,or if tile situnaeh :•‘.1 I I --IPLISLOWISD Heury Ward _,_/..nee * it brie been attempted during Me. sigs...... e...... iisatariuma aid Poilishing Co. hese bort' three Dille& Henry wanti to ich &se Era Priebe, pre-rut Sessiom l'ougress, is that Lu,irijus7e:' couditioes of the future •hey are We oiler the fullowitig "IntitiormenIs exhaust all the which would remove the tax Irises pe 4`41•-•"P••1 1" DRUGS 'Warehouse, Sheeineyeihrs,1 was a victim to Liver : Planters' 0. Mt - Baiter. Slate!. bacto and whisky. to subeeribers to the New Kits Fl ion olhilkiliqUeset• of which I ellfd. Klan. General Debility and Indi- XVICEANTS. said about Jude Hines' IsNOW it INK TOBACCO An wnver °mass= 11111.1111184,11111,11011 Leas is being o*easboto isomers Wes& •lea lam.* of Ayer's koks&SICollory WJA trembling lips Weekly New year. UN aity other candidate for 111101wal woutzerlart health.- W. T. PREMIUM LIST. A burning Imo she Firaorell atiolislacy than It (lie President con au Ito Se-vinare amotary. elesouttia. : 110 or ram, W. Va. aminged for the fol- KY., The Wocup -4 love tiovertior. Is the Judge still hunting Bayard, lie Will not spootiet our own We have thus fur HOPKINSVILLE. Thr,4, us. Ibt, spot I " Mow, moutisa, : I have relied more upets Coos- Per isms lowing premiums. The list a III be com- 1141 Is he making• still bunt? 4.'erre Gordo i I hales a Railroad lu telhe'elltalletft•IthIL 10 sekly new Kra, one year, : era-1111s than aeything elate, to I'Tewic3.•Tit Mn. Ras ard served le the Ar pleted up us SI ,IM0.00 as soon as possible. 2.4LcI3stairl-ley. And tears fall fast : : VI inisaknier. 7. Cr.7. " at monies, $210.cwi iiminiente torso I Prtays.. 'Ill loyal he, thou IIII Markin, 0., Miss Mary Fieler mar- senate with hint anti ktiowe his lad al Regulate . o ° four months. At "4-5111w. 5 retool Keel* of Ita NIKO Tot": Till stare of boo fro qua:Ideation. 'fhb' is why t'erre Llerde in an- th sold and fully eLra a•vga. ried Mr. JIIWIPO Fent.11 &IA tio-11 re- way bowels. Three Mho am Layne sash, tialsee. S. Lip.tire.•.(. heals. I drew her form oat Moskva. hy It. It. Boldsrl• Moder tr. a Y.-wee,1.0 IS was not aptiointed MIMS*, to wadi do then work thoroughly. I guarauteed /i. IL Sarre, II 11, And Orcherleal the I n-Weaaly, la clubs of get, : could Woa, nasal's V to hint. No lady I•Pute1111e, ky fused to 'peak thew with good effect, in O., .. ** ''' - tea, : I IN Mille Rea KT* ARS have awl Willi Lhat/Wr be blamed for ietusing to speak to a eases KtertAttliblinAte WWI 1 14614,41•114. - Light One steel eitgrar togs- While flioriu4 a. of eve . : I III N.Z. V wally, t• clubs Loa is).11e Thew Illitier..trtlishorouglk. Moss. $80.00 hambetine frames, 110 small SOISSIO1U11 N. F.SHAY litrrame 100 felon. U. MEANS AND T. C. II AN BERN'. • will the pre tot it lilt till life Where the femur. is, there Ayes.'. Palls cured we ilionuieh and Harper.* Rosner Patt•rn•. Mt w loyal b.., CLI'll SLITIna. of lor heart be also. Or. Stasooliford barn in Later troubles,from Ns Moll I lind suffered it.. NUM I•r0 5 11 tiree 14 alpha, mars melted aa ii.,- at) Ins P111.46141. And shales the puldiabers a the M ill• all.• : ...The three near...ard We hare arranged wits to the valor of more ....redder th, us the twat pills $75.00 thietlh Ilthhyhaweltth Rvi.tio•Ar trrssore he Testa. I It )ou wo-uld make home riumfortalile hue WAREHOUSE the Tat - Sinai." P. litiliklY1 in till HopKiNsvILLE mauled below to Written are thelittl- elithout 'brut. li cvnipapers to eat agents in Y11111.6.4111szti a million &diet n, and oases we weels, earl st.s11.1 not your ,IIPI•rto all of thaw at 9 Now La• and any or Monts Gate.a. Doe tile. N. Y. Is M atuttir pit, the schoolhouse atid the railroad." property beysnisi the borders oil his - ONO ArlodarelOp ertilrate THE filACTI postage, to pub. Col ege, II is tullowtag Woo true, of State. Mr. lieu-k's a obilly persesalems I was sineeked with Bilious "'ever, $50.00 !iota r u Itaetllatee Paper Twill, Somebody said the lien. email accept Louis,file, 110., good for a ruti Heavy i twitters: js,Oeti, la which sae hollowed by Jaitatlire, and Prop're., are located : Kentucky. ri•IIIVIP of Prier ttral Howl • ler p HANBERY BHRYER, A Ferfornsawee Now IIC•• sad Weekly Lou- • l'refearorahip its the Ilittlr-Staal CO01- .0 dragerously ill that toy friends Ilitep out the cold mid save your chapels. 3ai -It alai.? Washinigton ity,1116,tatal; in Wymaisig was Ithig Wed Commercial .krithnie- Illeyelitei rier-Jourual - - $ $ SO naoaary. I eieunieneed Thrt hoc,' a lards' mock 11.1' stationery. )ou li t*olloge. of the North- threnutralof lay Loattsvtlle Commercial - - 11 'nerve Territory and other parts reFaened wm.',I .10 welt to chewier Their •tock of we Weekly 11 $O taking Ayers Mil, sal 'eon Bet. 10th and 11th. 1 had boon Daily Louisville Commercial - - - west, between $1.000,0110 said $2,00.4.1u0. - An elogn t• 'teeter A Walesa STREET, 11 it/ emensmary strength and RAILROAD portunity to we slut t wirier Journal - - - The rallraade will probably refuse to Lowell, Nebraska. $45.00 iimewmng Plachlele nods all and toursal - $0 oPINton. zwiC. Pottison, latest loitirot od attach Meals. during nt3 Moe ay I. ourter AX ADeltitallt us. occur I wirier - - M eilyone save employes front a Anil fully warranted by ell Tobarro ronsignel to Weekly iv easy Ilk grant paswes t . collimate& Spectator Ism sewing I suffered greatly ,d1.1 attention even to earopling and selling at, when four o illy J0oruitl • - bo h. West. mid ou ethIliitton at Drum Medicine:, this, Paints &c. gareareful Weekly ICY•ast Ii) tosoosge of the Inter-State ineahlassne ht11130( uty aide. lit spite dam Home Journal, LyttitsytIle - sluice the Republicans all over the State los 01110e III ilupk In.,ill. these dusky /farmers' ito The ei et effort to titre this era pt Mou. lit- Maaoute Journal - - - railroads at too vvi Woolly ttttttterve bill. IV lieu the iostructing for W. at. Bradley to be bireanw outirely ride STORE. ant:lest - - - SO are Until the Noah I 5,-at'. TOBACCO IN Meekli New 1 ork "on - $30 DVANCES ON for the aim time, 1.reerh. k.adi us, Owl s LIBERAL A with their 'owe Mettler's Monthly Saguia* - le waist to operate on the Legislature Hie their lit the rev eaw. I sae troubled, at the mune .00 sr• Weekly 70 There is not a luso in taw ak ladan.etwo.dna dtatresain4 pains iii rustled Ilret-ciew. Picture Frames! again, smiled us Marper's 70 pars route is a very tempting path to of Governor. Pictures, and Teamsters. Harper's Hauer - - - . Republican party of this part of the n A II anilmome, library set of Cood Quarters for Teams atuiltsi I ours People - 10 Work. Marper's 00 travel. ramie more Illeasocrate The Bowels. $30.0vac Diet-IL- Wit complete iNIi but nee, Zebareita's• ag ^Ain,/ - State who can luermy Anisette Magazine 60 leave the occlusion oh their looms said We the a.t, 1..-e of a friend 1 began taking Three Tuition!, l'ertillertlea in the fatal*, and every - isi 111 time 1 was free ki anat. Me Ijonlown-aal College, Laaly Reynosa Post Lieut A. W. Gristly has been appoin- go to the polls and vote the I seitesuratie Ayer s nits. a short $30.00 pearly teeth. v root II inserted priims•rly, the good 'or fare value In tuition. Weekly Evening tel to eend than No twee pais, my!- ...I MILLS liewley's Lady's Book - ted chief of the Signal Snvice Bureau to ticket from relict outman-aryl Itralitui, t'ert111- U. WHILE1.101 tottld tale have 00 owes my basty $30.00 Two Sail eeholannip MOULDING!W. • .• keeper. w It Saturday kteuing rust - Bradley. was cured. ealca i. louisville abort-band There is no 1.1 in asteceed Gen. 'learn, deceased. Lieut. mat ea lam then .,11e111..111 h. t :New York Ledger Atlimite. and 1) pe-W eating laallitute. uu OF 11114.1•1331T•SCE- - beogorl W kite. Brushes, more tanily und Century Magmas* Greet'''s experience with arctic waves too vox Tooth ou A• Elegant Cookies Stove. ctunittances, tic St. S mc hot as Paducah Sews. I hige-w Ions used Ayer's Pills, in my & CO„ lineage - - - - 00 graphic enough t a make bum furnish $2000 with all the attachmenu, ei- Combs, Toilet Soaps WHEELER, MILLS The Current, is fanaly. emd Behove them to Imo the beat Mew Brushes, exposseiont. NII anti New bra :0 Senator Voter- ther for WOW, or Oral. 1.01,1 and Cinctunati Saturday Night of It is underatocyl that liatols-n, tinnier*, Miss. Mo.pdagazoie awl Sew bra SO the country with a very mild variety -S. C. Warranted by t ebtwkli a Randle. mid eet ry thing in a well orltred itrig store. IVIIN necessary. Demonist' IS here awl Congressiiire Ma1-0011, _Detroit Free Press awl New lira and lode girl were taken with Handsome- stock of id the I Se* Era 7$ blizzard. Ilowatil and Bynum. of this" Indi- My wife A Sue Suit of Clothes .to be Sts- smiles Elt,la. Saturday Night ant liayessier_r a few days wet,. asta 1 at ones Merchants , New Kra 110 $20 00 'relied by the purchasier. Commission they interpret. at Naricry snit vs oppose the Presi- Warehousemen & Our Little Ones ana delegation, of 's Tobacco and Sew bra Ism imams: thom sou.sli Ayer Louisville Semi- Weekly Fuel of the dependent pristisoo W113Pas.iser mission to go it on An unknown well &views" lady en- dent's veto km:4 1 stroUld, all Li disdor if the an;;•71- Southern Bivouac and Nee Kra tot ttiregi II $20 00 1:17 ‘itvaarireahntl It- the bra 2.:. bi'l. So much the worse Seeman. any worse. In a short AN the smile Spirit of the Vane ant Sew Louisviil.,. jewelry store and descose clam in every recoct. tILtIN DEALERS, bra Jo tered .a wits. slisee noir go AND of the t, kinerican Farmer au I see they dos. 'I'he man nese the Moiety diechiorges stopped, all A haniiiimitse decorated Dialler and Fanner and N•vir purchased %tort,' of illa- was teetered. Is Mional nu...Linen 70 cooly with the lteeeitlent Whet' he is right i• pen went away.amid health $2000 Set of t lona. ceiling Decorations. -geascolui.as4o. 'Ha of hunt 14 bra SO cult for the Ronne. It lett. Mr. Matron - Theodore EriLug, Ittchniond, Va. ft E'ix--rz-c,fILPSTasa Ilan Fireattle art New Kra nuoinle pay lug List- one oho will get live pertaiuing. each 011111 tear's ots 'toile /arm and More •tilentIon a glees to these deeerallose Ban Ley c anti New Era IM in few of the house committee on $12.50 ontreription to the Tr -Weekly Illopkineville, Ky. the Ile Nurliugtos you will Blown you will hear a is chairman than ever I...fore Call anti see 1111 •fttli w. 111111 iII.- and Railroad streets, tunong Poet and Sew Kra w Nits Kra. Mori- Weekly penaione, which, it is said, will • you our goods. of anytItii and New bra. $5 clays the reverberating report ot a heavy- Ayer's Pills, With 1'istil...01V bare Home aad Farm bill ewer Tobareo matte by lb. largely tavor a passage of the Feepmed by Be.J t' Ayer &Co ,Lowell, Kra $1.2.511 One 9.crew. Respectfully, Tobaceo arta uls li-vs-red toy I nauranee. uppeuortion It robbery. Metcalfe Manufacturing t'ii Liberal Advance Ott '...i.ivaisentA. All weight the presIdent'soveto. It will do an atoad, mil Dealers Om 1111estkirea. . after t FEBRUARY 14, 1OS7. isas Itit cloth SATURDAY, the douut being that the friends, of tie till 'Bodoni fent are suc- even a majority. $12.60 • .Tat to the --- As soon as the Prohibit:toilets bill can ntiw have opper & n. calico reticles' Webeter's Unabri tied Diction- opposiers have gener- cessful they are ipso fin-to adjourned SECKIrreET. II. II. ABERNATHY. on every toe It Glen. Buckner's THE PRIV•I $12.00 ary, latest edition. fully Illus- H. G. A ItEltNA•111Y. for PROFESSIONAL CARDS. trated, leather-bound. tiny bell ally conceded his nomination. Sine tie. There is then nothing left iiitien•buto M ~eager with Haa.t-niatk gentleman's they w but peg out. N hat is the lite been repeatedly stated, and $10.00.1 Ia. when them to do It oeli...33=1:Z1NT.A.THY (3= CO., have a bonanza in Mr. that we have matted. that 1111111111114;11Ana. w-ore a twofold( The museums of *electing a State ticket on never denied, lcea tiCoti lock;.gruaraa - use then eelected - of rubite, who ate $2 Mr. II. A. Sonlmers hots beets $10.00 Emile Paul, of New York, that has about as much need fist- 15- •"°- "1". an idea by Gen Buckner as his Storetary .‘...t.eacti one o JOB WORK IF. pendants and days. $7 50 pre7,..,..i.: quails in 41 Slate odic, is ae the South Sea Islanders State, in veto; of his elections as Gower- DRS. YOUNG & GUNN, ring in the lefi toboggan slide. 'the folio% big trout Gen. Buck- relieve I of its I the Ilarttoril lier- have for a nor. Neatly an I I r CII, eirenteil st TOBACCO correspondent of A ner's bottle organ, the Hart oounty $7.60 rtjewi e il:XtrIi e'lli.ear ::.."kly) eNat: scentlei from a HOMCEOPATHISTS aid suggests lion. E.[). Walker as oerat, is Offictic,/ tip Weiz;lit. a tautest sport, is il.'1*K11011-11.1.A. by. nriksiles Denny McAuliffe, evioletat that the twit tl...eernue Worth of advertising is Tri-Wreilk Nautris candidate for Governor. It is 00- 5th end Maim. , in a pleasure resort A.SIMI- $5.00 ly New Kra going to put $20,001 will be a Iveutocrat, and Mr. into a led1 cir resigned the ewe of the Klizabethtowe Newt', is Worth of advertignag In Weekly They say Mr. Manning in Louisville, where jousig men can nwrs, leb.1111T11111re. ft g a brie begin most likely to be riecretary of Sasso $5-00 New bra. CVMMESION Secretaryship of the Treasury to anything from a plugging match to a tither end Iisl II is claims are inlet for Gm no other gee- Worth of Joh Printing at New Ira los to the t$ line corialsat. The tier and the $6.00 Deer half onkel the work of paving itte way cock-foach the State, ant gh in pots tlematt in A.P. halt- ol.ive to rest of the menagerie will be on ezbi- reaching forty. In schsilanthip, CAMPBELL, Worth of Domestic. House. hardly $6.00 costumes scat bition and an extensive bar-room will anti all the attributes which it takes to frank admission of isbeavy- EU% dancers. Tie Harrison's he Senator floor, make a true gentleman, =DENTIST, Worth of Cameo. ',tab- be operated on the ground to kis care $6.00 uppriliriatc the legallty_of Turpitf_s, election beaded. A trust cosadded --Berasuctil• - -ehHtitting- ustemwruit._ - - oiNi.. drum with hi claims to prefe-iment -Hie will be sacredly kepi, -1voritiof-uryu Belies his those. *boar COWS- Utak* ewer M. Frankel &Nine' $5.-00 girls advance, Republi- Thobe, the I.abor candidate, has chal- and distinction to bands tit his party, should the -tuber, oneensware favoring we v lenged Mr, Carlisle to run over again artier he has enlist...I. Items Har- 45.00 Worth of get on top again In Indiana. Walt! 4 -:-Warehouse, soiling and i cans ever ry sottiniers is the Central the race for Ctstutreno. Of course the gratitioiTTIMir --- THE 11401Nti STUMP. OLLWTrnLEY The hart County News has discovered Speaker will pay no more atteution to $5.00 commence to 41a esoborts 1 nu rer Fins Roots. in clot that Senator Beck was once a farmer. it than if he had received a banter from A l'air of - Ky. previiii it eolltret tiseraging pump,se: mbiarirrisscure $6.00 Hopkinsvillc, politicians have Warren, Thobe's ides of an %%lien .411 Nadir!' The wonderful weakness 'fonimie may as nets HOPKINSV ILLS, K. Hat. ator A I Berry's opponeute $3.50 Aline sing, lett lit kinship to the farm election is that it is a kind of prize-ring speaLin' in for asserting their Lake to the. staid% Until the truth'. Uf oleisesreer Kemos Jewelry Sloes. The Weekly Stoentillr Auncrle. Vise 1 1 t barge. their enduring love contest and the victor is not entitled to lie la per rirclierecr the Kamp Ample Aessononoelatios for "Ifs-asins aria Tessiostere exhibits beautifully over, $3.00 oil.. year. ty, &tool no .1 Keistucky. lie can talk pow the office unless he can hold it, the de- speaker of cats many & of a vote. Tarty years' tics, poetry. religoon, art, seiroce, aorta- AVT1IIINEta. iftor feated candidate reservieig the right to paleon- miperiannie la the in the Tennes- physics, mathensatice, geology. preperstlen arrow,* There is a bill pending mem am he catches Our BookOffer us is decorott issue a challenge as tology, archaeology ailsi r very tither Ihea On• Huudriat grant a pension to all JOHN FELAND. JOHN IPTLAND,Ja. Ttontiondfl ii'atitio• {.410111 44 III rI" 'sorer" see Legislature to for ti eid wee- whim breath and gets the backing another kind of ology froui the PRICES! h• Cuslu..d PLO. sad F.dourn front Tennessee in the late Con- and every- MARVELOUS r ,sos too publishers sof ub. Sawmill* tions met "Iv,: soldiers tact can talk on anything LO set SA indenter. tight. Anserloaa Garin, U• army who lost both legs or thuig. and can talk all day. Ile le jest THE FELANDS, f..r paseete, eareets. mail federate - - ?OWN. and itit hie stockings, to portly rights at, for this roiled ful iLuieers, arms or the use of both legs or arms Senator Harris, one of the nutty gm- six fret six BOOKS:::MILLION to obtain poem. in Canada. Kaglaset, Teases, and at Law, awmpleao !Swirls mord 01 • Si orate hi awes. ifierm•ny. and *1 other .iipottirs Thor, wporl- DivIAN eye as purely all. tuot greceful members. bee Attorneys Willie engaged-in -actual servier,-end Bernatort I hopefulc- Is taboring -unrier A•liera. Whew' VI• VIA t• . t re SPIroinsy-1•••••••• -eweta Isowleated and Omar larall4410 We wheat- otis the asiourence of a Tornio 'foteralry. 11 Non 5.41015,/.1(1 rid all ore prier.. panted. Venus or not ITLI1 pe•WIPWS is all Ike (starts of this cola- of • Federal soldiers in like condition several serious cherges. One is that he intetnis follow the tan frst..• Reed tree WW.1 geed parse. Tr. rest Draelage and •perlioatlese prepared and ow tair's studio. Mr. Hardin mineweellk. too .ibri.11 t• or .1 o. tIsii• a.i PSC raft el•Mtle• In th• Patent on.., eht/rt Tern. very pensions; from the Feder- Lit-long about Ken- 011ie a Hopper Sleek. sat lir •islorit 11oSii.e iSef•io ftir ts Ur •••54 r..s,nahI. It. chase,fur emataailea of erateie LEADS THE would conies now receiving has voted the Republicen ticket and the s)cainore of tiw slier s_ a. •••••/1 ore WORLD1 I ke 'wooer. Sirs St dreamy. Adetes by mail frea and answer Ids charge, against III SAM eget. it.. h bor.. •••••vitur to Moir. dion,oveso nuleco al Glovernment. otherje that during the war he hell a tucky Famous *Mai n mft hnough Mean OW siewthrell -Wight-Mr- ed fAis.WIres.._Itionett_Pasern_lemi_k_cite -entree WI has ilmiutirti• 4 ewer •1.4..• le., • •• le•cle 1 VIP tier Cs .5. we' SIVFIVIC AVIGMIC&Norholi four-it - - th• rirralat tah •nd i• it.. sassel i•VsS•O 1,41 "- 'fife paying government emitract to feed begin- ii'. ,la. •• .s •..• veto put on oseveti-league boots at the IserlIjossre or to tad pa-Lltalle1 In the ward gunneli! One sentattee in Mr. Cleveland's C.A. Champ' in. I. VI tater !orioles leyereeeterw, a Wee iliellorre red mules, and on one occasion he mid lie ning. The Attoriley General is a gourd of &et., I •••••iir 1 as, Garr - Petah. wo. a,.. The ad•anteees al each • sultall every peWohoe linger of tie worthy of being eel gisrerIesy• II .40 sheets ere osd wee. eptdoretaade of the pension raid is N rib'met neeepaper how long the strife contin- smuttier,. I • eelt, het the Attalla. sad Counsellor at Law re.41.• .me Meson • rou it, Am/ nits large sad Adeihdtdly Illeetrated dishi't care Illork Is tootle folds up In your parlor: that C.. Noy soree a Nil leo I,oils Is published Ii‘13111.1' as O3 JO• year sal framed led hung imekle-Berry is one of the kind t., means ues] if he could but hold the contract. Bank, • 11111.1.1perhIlesitsolres ana It.raglogn,• ...go ad.noted te be the best paper devoted hut by bring measure rump. twhiiiii tions mod O.over Planters art aothsitloos Sir • Our ••1116.1....• sod I okra art mach•nlos. I ions isegIneoring works •ed "lain unwilling to approve a burn their A 11 The Senator has never taken the trouble ether dopartnoonte el Indust/1st progress pub- lIlsist tilt leave preciosue little foothold tor those - - - - Ky. the presenting the ohjectiona to which a bill 4. The illaseniard Lessee% vetoers met-.,ass Ger halted t• ear tenhaere It thentalw saw. of mantle sit I to deny these charges and the nearest who come alor. Stereo • or.r...e sot f• ertrieraeur, g1•11.1 Ora all patentees .44 11114. et every a ems,inn potented is subject, anol whicia, morever, will dirroior O•• ours a ow; Kiri. vita each nee/ Ti'l It fear mouth. for ono &mar with silver is akin to a is an apology of- Ihartirals. arr. ass s•••,,,Se• fleol by all semidaalors. thing denial A hotel My watts ohs have the effect•cf diaappointi tag the hope The (*.aim. If lee h•se ea Invention to natant welt* t• beatl and fered for him hi a 4 liteitilleti paper by a Friends Will Never Tell lee, hotrod TO. 11 roan la %%bite. ' Mean • es pobliehers of hometheo Lamar", graced people, and Veer I lied goer& r••••. • SewL 5, Hrs. Remy 111111u.11=1, Nam York ally and the expectation of the ao.loor ear I ••••• eh. Republican correspondent, who says: moo paean, millad how Slit' S1ain:41s from but perhaps-eomeholly. who isn't your • The Lady .•'.1o. Lela es Ph Walsertenat. 'Tar desire and hops for relief er. i.sto l• a newer., la wens ead el all She their ant by Mr. Harris to gay presence IS ren- Iner of this aloft peace." "I Instructed friend, will, that your Worts of Poor besot/hi shah this. war taxation in time of total, fetid smell ie gerpitre Net. • hotel. By re amber es tho -fan•' ii that he makes no denial of the chargee, dered offensive by the t- Dare Throe word you utter. Of Ames Illareee. A Novel Il• ffrewilo tau, as- St ANTIAN, tou twirl re that he did of your breath. Every 0.1. MAILYIL s. s. of the strong points in Mr. Cleve- on the contrary be admits ADVERTISERS law sr a...TIlbe Cli oulli.• 'less or. -lit One though it be the very echo of als tedium It Lee, Itieredetletee IIIrseun. • %wet. ay Ile with eat against two • rt...4 Vht. land's character is manifest in the care vote for two Republicans poetry, disgusts your hearere, and eoWer IlleitniwItilo I and can learn the exact cost is Toe•., .5th. Molly Tree. • Ils•O. ay he is selecting the Inter- Ihnutocrate-for Mr. Ballard ag-sinet your laugh is produetive of *by-thing nut 10 0.1$.. it-a tiotioas with which is. The Begirt iii,. est Toe.• lose and mirth to them. It is a duty von one, ,eorretori• of or loco, •1.4•5.• oroeikisr. pesos. time. Nsow State Commerce Commioaioners. In- Ed. Turner for Repreeentativey not only to yourself, tnit tim tiecirty to re- of any proposed line of OW paw 1114:1111.4 Of hand in the bag and Mr. Burnham_ against Mr. Miller for lc Jel.• Wire. A lervel a7 Wes stead of *ticking his this cause of offense. lit, Sagto•- Ma cr.. chet .5 1.... tt •• crat'.awe na Works, aril move Inuville Cruku and upw County Judge. He voted for these two la TA. tire, 14 sower. 14 lin 55s05r11. out a lot of out political duffers will ht•al the diorama.' of Wart •• pulling Catarrh Remedy adverting. tn American ▪ Hwy asatniai look- gentlemen for reasons pectiliarly stabs- membrane, will bring relief to 14. PI•teen 5 Orpleille PtIor5e.11 0 Peyote, Awbers, to suck the plum, he is carefully mucous owl i•••• bun. • ••... 11.4.1 doors... error More, of dusky ta bliP TIIE vases lyrists f al II CFAS of-III& and factory to himself, and that is all there yourself and other'. iSo not hesitate to srerli 'Pr 4 sel.•ay 1.14. . art very le 315 Upper Fourth St., coqnctr, ing for men of energy-, experience papers by addressing terrtind No. log employ it. t• Jaser• heieret. A hotel. 5,IlIss a. 1.1rge braina. Should lie select practical men is of it.'"the most natural thing about thi• bi fnr wooly fro, till.(C. ditty and .give the pol- this is that the reagone werc "pro-Wier- rersocal who will do their Geo.P. Rowell & Co., luig mititim ly satisfactory." (If course they batik tin-silents are well • iseii•••1 see eiviaetty iticians, whose idea's Of railroading are New York News Adwort using Bureau. herr. Lling iit to the Sen- paid. They have little to to and plenty, latvet•e confined to a free pass, the go-by. there not have been onsatisfactory ILI Spews* St New York_ to ertwev.P.b.s ose..1.• P.., tthe twerag. PIANO tiny ankle I to.sco.psg. H do lila dozen erector I fl at,W•••• the; these same of 011ie 10 it. A tomea MarsliScantlin,ARDMAN another yelp from the trenches. ator: but, we olire say, will be $50,01110 per year each for their not very 4-.••••1 of lo us.-' •' • •S • so-agreeable to him - - - -- ▪ In reasons a hich were arottema labors. A score are paid 1M.- - - - - TEC LT DILKFU I.. A Ora American: Ttie prohibits).- affiliations a • Tow Datt.T rentWr • 1 ...1.11 kneel. ea. OtIti..e. • Nashville at the time he violated his 'POO, and even the very email inetnutioni greassissas The coun whet moi ry-submission amendment has passed now rest on his weary brain like hor- pay the respectable oloi getatiemen The Light Draught Steamer a oo • 1.14 I -To Be Seen Is But To Be Admired,' and the Lit snot elegance to their cornetts . I 4.- Ilewe f mot. 11...1. el- _ both houses of the Legislature and re- rid night-mare. lend grace oil•• one of this- $12,000 and $15,tru0 each, 1T IC STIINT mains now only to be signed by the M *mit-scullery of every variety of But When Heard Is Sure To Be Desired. that dark Cai•••• ...soil moo••••• la trot I awl..• which It will be as a matter eln -•••- J .11. Tucoursom .wasweer tier who ri Governor, A Prohibition Miatake. • IS 0.•1611144.111.15 et re prole Nava. Clot*. elegance of ile,.ign and Its !marvelous lone, lovely country tea of course. The Legislature must now Is your kidneys are inactive. von will It. cowparnion.',while .4 .1. I•ors•11•• nelliars ii.•bw-h more. h Sod phenomenal durability_ ha- myrtle tt lag familiar ai the election, and feel and look wretched, even In the moo: Az a time for holding The Poilliliitionists of Hopkins coun- WiLl brave Evautsaifle f Cannelton thally I, 5 rhea Howl. • 5•• At Hasty to..... ftwaiting, society, and melancholy on the Mt prohibition will cheerful amps angstay. at o'clock,• et,. mak ing oars tt At Ow tht erlar• Me..', a %veld. Worthen fight for and against I., Mart' yoke the ty are called to meet In Madituoiaville to- Dr. .1. IL McLean'. mismerthea. with the D., R.• N. R. •isiiI•o jolliest osoasions. .- • Soo, re. Demo- 1011.1.4 l'ers•w1. P.m I` be on. From the time that the- to the State Con- Balm. will set yew lea rs tamunetto. it•ily at 434p •sini.• •P liranclues day to eeleet delegates Liver and Kidney ▪ FailcyCrackers and Standard Piano of America, N. a, swear at •• - Leading Pd Awe • A•O ter Celled Plaill wh.Sessitay excepted,and Owensboro at 9 p.m S.,. cratic convention declared in favor of vention width meets in Louleville March right again. $1.00 per bottle. eristi•T TIME Cala, I' Ike ••••r. A "tiros 5,5 r_ three tii I was delibitely eettled that HON you are (anti--tips/ad, with lose •••/•••• of • 1...4 di Cheer ••4 It.,..; or submission it 3rd. It is aatoisiatiing what folly the W m. sharp ▪ taking front Taal 5. barep.r. Tti•• hate rerently lb' wooderrill 1/1010 Evansville 9a. et lasollee. • Se'a IS, Mrs I err Mir easier el III14 It II raps.11y introdueed thickest p anti of apiwtite,, take ones/ Be.J. . Sp. m. shan. Evansville, Ind. motel stwa Mame het hos -tit of its- moat •aleablis improyeameate the amendment would be submitted Prohibitionists are guilty of in attempt- Lamast.laeosbeee •Plirred• lia•• harp stop elle. botent and fork a II. Mt-Loan's Little Liver and Kidney tripes Sunday, lint not ii Oabearre Marrieds, A evs•1 Pv a its% camas, of the age, it e haie also• full hor ellfgekaie nialtee of risme and 5 ir Kau,. ilw of needle's Dmolgragr fee rested arilsa Ii•• Seine. • or there has been a great deal into organize themselves into a party. aid pan by the nI an iron Meta. They are pleasant to take illiossomate he same -based steward. Ss kenning re. it 11.1rIello5. A ev..1 it, leery of lay wboireato •oth••• woo Mose.. no. riorg.whiran be bought anxiety on the part of probibitioniete could olo nothing which vial. 111111/8 SN'DIKK,•gent• 11•• Noldo • and as lark its wr They would will cure you. 25 mode• IA Dedtey carte... si•••• I Os Mir a a. Prod groeer in Et asedrille at factory pones, 1.0W F011 ir I• If , or ea Easy 11111011T101.101111K•111TKIIILT IPA ir mums. a I •1. s • Orr rd. from Na, t and a great deal of declamation and more surely defeat the final triumph of in ambush for the weak; raelbillonter eamses moot osi board. fresh is if ordered direct finans Dissium lies 14 A 14•14.4. Mbar. A Sot.: 111, bbs •eviter sr Whet, torderthe ...Is of Wholesale Grave* Seel for eta ,igtiee, T. ro.e., FAB *tort id pa crlinisiation_and_ denunciation which their-pritretriesk ':'-hey-frave-bot-a--wirrs 111 adapted In eta please asty-4.sterr4 A Swasstistiat-saisk• Vateellee rate. A Novel Ps Nn A toligolor. dee (meta may be seal. collar, li have been spared. As it eounter a malarions atmosphere sal sod- UP.• a The to I we. ere," otherwise mho° might,aiowell gle idea whitii is moral iti its nature. A,so t., es.. 4 Nur: PyCbits. Centime. settee JESSE FRENCH. upon it eh change of temperature, and the hese a 41... •ee beeh avowed object of prohibi- den et Tle. awe,. tv has an time and effeet. It comb-Its no political robitet are usually the easiest vietints; rI• Aare. A 11, Ifro Whey •set. amber el night miti out of pol- ran I qt.,' =Insrt -c Eielpot for th• 8ceta. t2a.„ tionists to keep this question faith but can be logically ap- Dr. J. H. MeLean'a Strengthenhot Oar- •• Tao Lemuel Neap. 5 Netvl (AT. Wb to will give teak • .of doittos 4.•••••1•-•••• ea. 1997 the men itics and as that is an object sincerely proved or reject est by members dial and Blood l'urifler • Iletteeee (Sr...... I/ 11.11.1 nerrsili• ov Pir.1•4 and vitality and strength to your ectint Pie ••••..treo.1•1•A sr rt.• i• /•••.• of• *warm.. isi the Presh lashed ist be desired by all, of course the Legisla- of all parties. It cannot, thete- Prithe 5- an NASHVILLE,TIN N. body. $1.00 per bottle. •.l Maw so Cab. t'weltry l'or. h ww•eat see Ow pair _fixing the •-. I It Joe..5. ture will have that in view in fore, afford to become atlas-bed to issue* la•tre•w• lint OLD people suffer much from disorder-, 1.11. TS• logol •r ler till. .••••••••1 Harper's Bazar, With date for the popular vote to be taken are liable to defeat. It III rooter lIngle eel I loontral 1:•proteseele.• fare which must of the urinary organs, anti are slimy* bane whioll L.P. woo ••• ••••1rea.oe •••••... roar. tiwir upon the amendment. stand on its own Intrinsic merit and live wonderful effects of Isr_ In g•nee e.A In•trot • •• ire ••••... •IA wrop.• or on $141D14111 r gratified at the • Wows Lb. Perth, ri-- i• *we weep . II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Rolm it... from trio• or. .• •A "ire i5na. Islato•soy• Illustrated. Onzetto. and die by its' worth. Wore. Poem. au eta,. etc., Every now and then some such elite in banishing their troubles. $1.tiO per Ithitidieg Plea. ere Prwelool. 11.e.••••••• TheeProhibitioniste are foolish to sub- lawmen • tali 1•••r1 0--•n •. ••ii.• of P Soho weer• saying as the following, from the Dan- bottle. hot...,.,tic, f•iir •ss 11 ISRI'V.IC, HA/ A It combine. the cholesial ject their to the Sor i 1,00.11 principle* vicissitudes A) ro. Pervert.. ea Pretty 11.• emelt. %realm...teed the fln.••I art ditietration with CT digestion and saidasilattee liv hr.,. • .5., 1 tt.••••. Sew lenro Prt.14. I ville Tribune, travels the rounds of the fsehl.,n• anti the moat toiefill family Prc'c.hls of politics...Were theylonee to be formed the eye- ilii•1•,••••• Prior Plorpo. I., ••4 all U. lesiodlop ref the lateet produce disordered conditionaof lie sterie., poi.... an 1 moseys are by kiwi unit Kentucky press: "If of the of 11, •••.t.” trotters, into a i arty, it could not be expected tem which grow and are tonlowed by ...oh... irvie •••Is •• peeler. the heel writers, and itti humorom sketches , 01,ileflei• ad igro•• lot)' ties 'Stela IMO prior minsurpaserd Its papers iin awlsl et,- Rata would devote one-haif of the ener- neglect. lir. J. II. MeLean's Stomach- 11. are that meat would desert timer cardinal 4 goer Isom oil... ,inette, decorative art, huts.' keeping in all Bargains for All! 'oscine al by tie RI now thrown away upon political ening Cordial anti Blood Puriier„ SFS 11-749:41"Al.ILU OFFER. etc , make it in.liaponaitile gy, doctrines, w hich have been establialied branehee, cookery, it icy, cures indigestible east the rotollabar• ad houeeholil. Ito lieftutiftil fardiloa - bums, to calling the attention of capital tonic properties, We /into arranged with in (dter! (iiiithuste for us by the heroes of niany battle given 10tie to the stomach. Vie per theme Mask•Ilit furnish Ole *bole forty•Ilve plates awl pattern sheet aupplements rumble to the undeveloped mineral resom cm of With OHO year's suleserhition SO our paper ladies to ante many lime. the coat of Rolm-HIP °lag ti) til fields, to endorsee an idea which may bottle. • and ticket lo our drawlnig for 5109 for Lion by being their own dressmakers. Not pen • we would soon have a boom r• that could shock the Kentucky, been stowable to headache, POROUSED Weekly, and ,0 0141 for Tri-bi welly ; Ilse imm admitted to in col um* have all *Wow them. Foe sick female trembles. will any five for elf eta., as-the W1101111 fastidious taste. that a all over the State. Let's quit making pains iii the head take Be. J. send tie moat Our Prohibition friends must not con- neuralgic gond -aye for 01.50. Adder-as all orders le fleet. 114 majors and captains and use II. McLean's Little _Liver sad AWN, ElEKI 1110 ti assist I Ilt all a. TOOK %SU PT•11111 us V•111.1L as.111111W111111 colonels, vert their belief into a jealous mistress.' "SEW ERA ri-1.1.1efirlefi alley a- II Pillete. 25 cents a vial. Ila•klis••1114-. Kr. awelos oser.waso we our columns in telling people where who will monopolize the entire and in- with Isis with die- PLASTER Harpers Periodicals. profitable investments can he made at ArtnisLa are often aMictes1 a divided attention of her followers. dimmer Backache, L-' Trodbles ." NAN, this is a very catchy re- eaae called the mane, the same cares Year Many men would like to vote for Pro- we will forntah the Weekly Per Pe in human beings is called the itch. sad AR 400 niark hut there is absolutely nothing In For $4.25 New Era I tear, with tick- 114RPF It .4 ItAl hibition, but they are not willing to I, highly contagious: to cure it Mil dem Kidnei iseases, Here.+ IllAilAZINS lit 00 Is to et in our drawing, awl the Weekly it:miner- e A 400 it. The State press lore not devote too of sulphur with Dr. J. II. Mel.ree's awl a WIllterlillre Watch H 011'ElCia WItElliLl give up or violate the precepts of a loormil I s ear. PIMPLE 11 00 JOHN MOAYON, THE FARMER'S FRIEND, used. ' thor- eamatism, Et& we will send flu-Weekly el % VOUNI• nitwit time to "political tonne:" in fain, Volcanic Oil Liniment, bathe St It 11.15441'ARK 1,1 ementa grand echoed of political philosophy to For $5.25 ow' year, tii ket and t 115 RIMS'S thA e and take Or. J. If. McLean's erwrince the most skeptical tlhal KT.Plar year in ...tbcr,1 10,00 if It haol time enosigh to them all oughly, A sit W11 miler Journal and Watch. nit A lnurhllg do it. Th.or are meditated aid., ra•-•.- HANDY SEE11113, One tear Liverand Kidney Balm. 111.W ww`ad not we will furnisih the Week If•11PEK'e ig no est-pile Into private lilt- and give is public 'nee am end IV revere pawl* of him 1 ill Numbers) . ., Then, again, as a separate party the ly New Kra, a ticket la IN (-sees of fever and ague, the blind Ike ewer ',wog.] in libellee-1ton ,han of her For $2.40 Gari ms-rit, the time :Slew York World, and a Poiitarre Free Is all sidiseribers In tb• United of genuine would be not as hasger. Derr be hirmaill took, ,shem but he roe Anii draw ing, the Ut eeklt Prohibitionists can hope to become noth- Is as effeetually, thong*, gilt-wilted II Newry of Slates or COM11411. it take 50 growles "Petwaket," which is shmes so- handsome leather-60unit well spent, were to years and oushy polowined by Me efli uvium of Me eta Unitel stater ing but a Zealous minority, to be trailed cri lo go swirl... with the alsreitine of the the Mrs. nothing elite was accomplished. Then members as it could he by the deadbeat The P W P to, and directions in we will furnish tic. 're.,- Olt siff and tartored by the par- The volume• of the Bazar height white the her dominant McLeati'a bills and Wim"r rws.ges haw seal on front ard hin of $3.40 Weekly New bra I year, as to the Lewspapeni converting them- poison. Dr. J. H. For first No nu., for January foveae* year. W heti Wealth ties awl co .pietted with and cheated by Sold by nrsi-.11. druggist., .: IS Shekel, New York World anti 1; N. History. ine•tioned, anbseriptIons will be- Fever Coro will eradicate this poises no time is tileMOl eel vee Into real estate el relaters •nol land gin with the Somber rurrent at time of weeps shirt-al Iritiottere. Thee*. Is no possible from the system. SO mots a bold& Notions, Dry Goods, opialtit office dodgers, the Ides Is really absurd. of order. hope for the idea loileasi It be cut loose Fazquiterte accidents term le the tolome• of 11111rper'e 11111211r, for three time is any mats 011 the Kentucky on 5.51 rloth lttntu.g, Will Ire WW1 If there from il'a cokes year, task, from hi pont Red left to nano] on its household which cause buns, Attention! or Its elpreeet. of Ity mall. poolape free press who can point out "where prod- for tree in such cas- CLASSES «01.! Ord 1hr freight 40491 011it ezegoall matt"ri anti bruises; WORKING pros sprains pen.. Ow II laterite. TIte tinsel exalted service employ- el hats, Hoots Shoes, &c. Oil prep ired to furnish till 'lame. with Clothing, table investments can be made at home," es Dr. J. it. MeLeen's Volcanic lin- CORN PLASTERS dollar per volume, for V 00 per volume. that eali dome the cause of temper- ment al home. the whole of the tise, or for one iment has for many yeare been the Own- Iiiinineas new, light and Lot. eeeh sultabl• for No Ile een throw up his Joh sod gel deo by /was 1.••• knew* anasefir Mir bard owl son onr % their' ,pare moments. I loth r mare ance Is :or none fear!~ men to go 10 set easily earn ter nen{ toy mall. pootpaid OA re- slant favorite family remedy. solisiewo nose.. Poo. rs r• profitable. Pertions of either biuding, will All of the Latest style at the Lowest Prices. it self s using his index finger. All the world from Wilmot. to E.00 per rimming. and • prin• ceipt of 11.00 each. LoulavIlle end break up that eonvention. no use for sperterilee to the Yor will have portionate sum toy devoting all their time Eamittaaras sh• 1.14 It, toads by Pent-0111041 Serest if eapitallet• is lookieg for just such a IfitePeleg White Proprietary C • ae meek There Is misting in the hleas-allieg for you use Dr. .1. H. MeLean'e Stressetb- 61101 114.14. Heys tool girls earn nearly Money (Order or dre ft. to• v old chase* of lot*. •Ihrl.•11i-r1'11111PS., That all cuss see thia may seed their c hi man. ening Eye Salve ; It remove* the She as men. Newspaper, Sr. not to ropy this advertla0- the nomination of • State ticket, and addrems, gad teat the business., we make this of- Samar g se the age 113 w.Broadway. N. Y.. 17. without the PI;WOMB order of er offt and scum which accumulates fer. To sueb as are mot well sistiolted we will sent JOHN MOAYON, the Prohibitionists will be tin wise to oteor-cLuss orttsor.orrs NIP Brother, lig SHILOH'S CURE will immediately malls, subdues inflamation, cede seed one dollar to pay for the trot ef writing. edged and outfit free addrella its. Lillian 11 auras a Nueirstaten, or. Ninth sod Virginia SU permit a ring of ambitious office-seekers boothea the irritated nerves, strentim 10T P. GA RS Int, Inetriet Areal he Fall partieuiars T..k,U. felleVe l'roup, Whooping Cough and 111•111111A1 Miaow at CO.. Porkiest'. Maine, the be Bronchitis. J. R. Armistead sells it. to delude them Into making nominations. weak sad tallies sight. 311 evenSUR Illeohnovtillo Ky. rinahmshanal 111Olierialleson Ilediset !Leash. Frames PI asidinat'a _ A Mesh le is staged um what WORM good au- tares, TO leING01-Ne - AN APPEAL Issaa Pk the other day leipeened --- A reporter thority that des Immo% ilea of the promit lioseretary neat successful haiike and After an looter•tew watts one of our weasel will be tottered by• new kind if coot II 44444e. prehielent, a Mall .4 large tosoo-A 'tog reeked the entertainer. Prom certain firma from eft. e up:meted to, ati and genemtia hemetality, eating a recta Mr. iincsilai mint dealth whom parks %Mania, drawing everruk. the ••I Immo alwaya" said the it a suit of uple late to erneker. Innich anti Judy.. Ay., can be hind, caltinet i411- ••had a hale*, sheeted an untsfit- BA FURDAT,PRIBVART 111, 1017 i•aureus judgment.' of his hanker, would imago that professional hinny men, MATERIALS. a lie- in peint which vri,vit, one, 4 linty eng a cro Ler fir festive of Seeds In ARTISTS' none-other a Num to keep any nude-randy We have the largest stuck i'.'.I me Irma warranted $44.11 100.1 lwart of a Connecticut Mit or some simple lunch it th fig e., all kinds. hail School supplies. girders to mail preespirly ugld joy to the "lace. table- iu a roar, enit *Li eiscurol this market, of •full steel of flootiv Stationery, se, perhoes a talok• to lvt at the e btapent Puno ii. tbe ovustary. son, who was the lane:lad "(tinny men" will Iv land sali•Alit task ginaiautcuiJ Iler ne: to do h a night. Them 3,000 aileaslamdmi. MOEUTV. one day. returning free' It ha.. Isceene a mails.' with gUltratitintal wit little wild, had it mix 1A All brUnita, and are We have iii Moult Three Thousand Bush- wine New York att. tau! 1 but din oldtd tInilL 1 it sehmel, bras trapped by imams t omshy to I prtmed with all the Damen the very Anima Northerto Seed .11.1 3L."`KrCIPPliF me farewell; iii a can. to 1.1IF tomb els of ). treartaiaa Ups my love bede botinty am-tit" paid $'401), eatirtool thirty yews. I 'weer slo whoa Mel bootee' jokes, but also sell at the toottiall. SVASSVILas. A burning kiss alio taressed upon brow - elf to sanely tenni a Lae ta funny Oats, which we shall 41T Melnik. regiment mei. hurried at this lints and I 1111 III iniproeuptu efforts of an The nia/1111 /Ay temple even Doe Neer York Is take it nal to be well without hie prirtnits' knowlishre. stay my atoms:Ali. I prefer Fer imitation there are Throb u the myna her him emelt but the front roe- anitining kind. 1-11C,C1C1.. armee dietrectol. cure fur it, rather than go 'sat tam it tricks Li ogee. wartfelt mime. My pules. men motley WWI I no Ion thee met evitden amorteal Husi.cla ttis soneehing that might We waist to buy Oroe ?hemmed And were fall ram as I recall Isr vow: tither, tiwn as tem till'' of the line tatirant wed get can he perforated by then) while er Mod at wow,rug hoir c . Anode r which Cho es MICOCOEMEnE16 thou. in 111tbril. •7. ow fanfares intervened (AA. "I'll loyal is thou• true sons of Cannecta•ut, had tempt me to eat sitting at a table without any Till elam of Imo from taillight *toles dig...I"' n rule of my life actually to get lin Mame. A deli-a:Item thing that I have node and v. ith the. shmile aid .4 an 1 Orme her lorat ume my 1 n.Uuç Ineirt mile apparatus, it lois teiwit came le La 1.441411 any etimillielt llt our tidal-mg dreams citizens imee been Deter gifts, a eervisette, and • And oiler ned the Erna of protninemt You know 1 um orange, a %yule stri, ape.ailon. at% nine-ale-el the weentoy banker:, lieune. '' with Wit:, Leafier wreath" and %Vtusitingion and during a %walnut shell. For a "funny man Tr:3E1U 1 swift mum tleiught ou mighty ine.t with a (-ruff refus- man always. but I take PLOWS. KY While ilowim, of war, but were a temperate mentrilequal ahility the price per evening ER. whited to dinner. I have me :oele it,,. of I'lows, which al. Dixon end I were then glam of wine at I,, the dialing.' mere titan for one who 6 We handle the following loyal e• till life mod soul depart .4 nt, ,.r IAKI11 made: glaat. I "I'll beet office,. with Mr. Stantoet. Meted Illyealf to take. a of coo are the And Miklos.4 tom Not out tbe aeries beams." tr-e our goal awl dam net go beyond "imitations knowing Cot litrall OW between breakfaet Wallace Cook. We reluctantly canweiteel, Wine at avows," in a mimetic direc- -William from two .4 the tempentry South Bend gnat wer at•Cietitry oalt.V tot Lea diimer." lisswe worth' it may be desired RELIABLE, when the ted-I. In cams where OLD JSE, that Albany limo DANCE. hi jaws the eitlie Was gete•rally hele-itose moat anrcesasful hankers this 'tins! entertainer should free as Chilled Plows. THE NAGTCH GIRLS' 84011 vi,',: that aumemehet kuon ii cutlery a ,1 ••tta awl Mien niftwia4. W. heft Ise will ma- We visited the ih'Ur °nice with eve r of the host mid limner POWDER oa hied at 1,11.. L01,1 Ot1111.1.. oelter a facetious rebottle° again alexia to to isucrestfuleariere he re. , and •ell Mout,cheap hat feelings .4 men wise were Melt who amire that a "preliminary inter- & Son's tor hi. oh I friends and the i. tilie generally •(Performance Artistic and imeorons. the Journal. it is imago seed Absolutely Pure. Avery tined- •eirellle It. in his elem. We found lieu. anal dam here.-- Albany between him in War of NI • DeiverietIon. board it view sheold le. arranged clic, purl- and Chill'd Plows, ean11, everything !lie his standing holt upright family whese rela- at.les. A wart Steel -twitter an mo- tie was cuisines, am! tlie Iteadie .of tht. • Vell111,111- Ith. I had bean wondering a 'wad Neellusallesi Ares. I). ft•loij I II all-I Ilnie•Potillenel101 e onier oof his deidm, with it Trade lielsevele sad the, id be," with a view, and ran toot loo- sold Hell man's too the helmet% dative %Vidal at tie. by tive he is the opli nary allot., portunity ao inamive Ilia trade the lett itItIllie "Mr WM., in.ha, and him a lime. eriimem bull. sliert The apprentice lettrlla &subtleties, to Ow mend...trance uf hie leart I. r.mtia•11114.1i all Plows and Herat deong my tour tlineigh advice the wooglat iie phosphate pam.lers. Steel OUEENSWARE gned Is. us re pore Iwilt triune awl iren he can ato or by what stourt o 4.44wily 1011 and TINWARE, prettiiet of no la what later on. - London" Figaro. 1114V• L. )1•111,11 1•4044 tits STOVES four or five of the P. r•1461. so, whom down over his team!, a or jourticyntan Is good luiturosl 1. New Ground Plows, enema Int% I oc.lril Marine foremen Wall, tieet, N. awe II/ 11 iuse-kirepleg Is invited thew dusky damsel.. gathered of of all kinds. liver) te vein 4 inui-with eves leering full of to give him. It is a system as 114 Is Abased. homed. ?tarnishing rocas Ludy at me wino onely, (ogled me Willi enough lerylsg John Deere i/UP11110110 awl low priest° ;TORE. entied oletermiledion, lie not count fur much in to call lefore buying. strict attention I ilack eyes. mailed etwrgy, will and chance that does Frying. tam tlw operation is usually done with thoir la-witching illemnionled inspn- The remedy fur this t vil is Steel Plows and 4 all and see use. unani- heard my appeal with the lone roil. einutiirlItell the latiiiii rit again Kindest semmitely, mailed ale isim.iols, wlwre in this 114 untry. era. lila- tiaiwe mei mortal out an instant fuel la Is. remind in the' trek. hi tie- eslinary art, Cultivators. -looser°. mously. milled all .over their went emee biter.; It is semeht Amereem eimmlicity 31:1. Or.I refusal: • •11.• haul laurel tlw boy be to be taught thut prelim We keep repair.. for all Plows st. oil Yu InigituyI.t.t neverthelem not unlowlenue ...olute the 0- and all playsiciala4 tire agreed An Efficient Remedy c of :eel had olee•iiied it. The lea. too inake any money 41111)414* hint. .•..5 rely teat THOS. II EAG Elf"FY, Salmon and every tittle dispktying lees I. fere et Lily ne other einale fector is en pr. ambient In all i :ow, of Bronchial and l'ulmo- faces. ealists41. If be learn their protensirms could I do? What Liiont his ferniotuil men 1,:ikluntion of ottr national ilialeitrie, nary Arteetloas to Artie/ CMItItitY 'early teeth, what the better fo :o- in the mmii I X in return? edema! eliseleiem all the miteiroi their own *ammo- and are I de net dilate to be rocionam.. such It recotrateed M3L1411. ceaild /101. have 1111110 1111i No dospepeia, as this. Ii,.- Inedie-al pref.-aeon, and BARBED WIRE. eliten le elle he womiel it will be with the merhanite eNerlbcti toy is no language nein. eloquent or hens wanted il; en underateed as condemning frying ur any thousends of families fur the There to ltandle ii old apprentke Lew Ia M many Moen Wire eir- somi fiet Imre a men modification of the this Mimi* of all sell the celebrated weeders wide-mead, her certain of the ineatifiamtions of pant forty y earv,it has bees regiadett as We noun, Randle, attire mealy harem 1144 e 'our orders & In these echoes'the lad It Is a sue the iruperiur rt ire. Caldwell the language of facial musket. Itedrahle. ILI w)king, when ion mole- dome. On the- tame aluable Isaias-bold remedy. mutest/mem, than lion's of the trade. its Sin is to.• 44% Aare. wore elad t) get out of the line., the toils nnil otiglis preparation that only requires to be taken IN- Nt3 verbal question or mower We I think it ie an excellent nwthed - -DEALERS exprensi. Leaving the the shop as an apprentioa contrury, la %ere email quatifitiem 'mid a few dews *item me den wehout being letten. then he gam leo Multi 4, flash and nuue.• %tom was neve/wary. I interpreted the Holm% awl I meeleas a of pretoring of It administered in the early stages of a 4 We went to t!.t. White speed Ia acquired, is Nautch dancers right and war where tables for the table. But how rarely or it Ill efteet a speedy cure, Hittites 4 the Mr. ai•Ilinthi have hero a cold cough Wagons, re-salving to appeid utile Ciesara mechanee Trade pan &nettling else save life. There Ichants they interpreted very quickly the le•r- butts-eel' na- the Anieriton trying and may, very isesibly. la leard the Clint. with symmitheter necemity in the conipetitiori an arti- Ii no doubt voltmeter that mitibiett to go Memel that re-emit...1 itself in Line. lesteaue tlian a utentel for slowly stewing Goods, was 'They have Chilli meritorieue appeal in Europe. Buggies, Glassware, from nee interest. No tions grtin4e. Saturated and permeated Tillwaro, had forced in Stoves, the sindu they tender heart in experietwe 'elbows how rap- cle were co. otiplace ever made ti that great. popular, and with fat, the fried tertieleof feud leseemes Eieht of the twelve on one it the in them. By the kiat Cherry Pectoral Harness, and the other four vain, lie at OHM weate idly bop; learn indigo-debit. mem. incapable of iwting Ayer's j?...amps, 'rhe of from 14 tu 18 oriechanies in an hoe. nf great numbers trews Mead:dole envelopes: "Let yorung census there were 20.000 II. Rohe, M. D. Iles pre-en e4 ti,- ere quite haitelenne, as bandanna hy of these as an aliment. --(heorge by arresting the ties' hipment of Cematoseiciit, a minor, enlist/el the building trade in New Yark: of persons. Spring Wagons, among the Ilindeem. Their anus Were of birth -- -- • ------Laryngitis, lironehlthe Pneumonia, in the- New York regiment. km than 13.000 were of Anwrican by bare 4 anything wive bracelets' smut the (mud le New A ellimiele of skill. , and Pulmonary Cossumption, and elialuireed. A. lencoln." and but a Innen portion were burn of olairtzerotia inalndiel. It Grates, I imuratiee. upper portion 4the body was but wantily Oswahlus Nothingerm he said to have (hi.-Niro of We took Ude. not witieeit aim air of York.- Building. should be kept ready fir UPC rye-my clothed. after the manner suet mutant 1,600 dishes of tunuel ivory, till children, as 1( 15 a triumph. back to Sainted% to knee (lie - made finally Where. there are Mantels, 'Nubs'femalm; but an ample skirt of in every part, yet so to all others In the all lamed. Ile glared at it Curiosities of Neale.. perfect and complete nooslieine far superior noofing,GutteringandettideTiork ankles. Hinge were necemary order were- in- (roup, the alleviation of calico nete7heel to the it in Isis fit. know how te thin anal bletiale.r that all of Halal treatment of Klima anklets, for an instant, crime:dal A Mexican wankl net out of a and tnecare of Colds Lime, ;IINATHY. on every tat. iuttl itimeive tine) growled which is at "nee cluded at "'wont a Cu;. turned WhoopIngt•ough, 11144410 umiuic threw it on the Hoe. live without his blanem, They an.1 Influenza. ailinente peculiarly SCI.t.I4T2 with tiny lells attached, won't do it.'' bed chithine loy slitter corn .of the contention nize. and youth. Prompti- &mond. They thronezh his set teeth. '•I his cleak by day end his to teal it, chill, Hair, When they walked or to the Keit- whereve r -ere so suiall as to lie uhuolat invisitio tude in dieslime with all ollowasee of this Dem tor:to-lets, nee•kewee I said: ••Shall we re-part that night, mo that he is prepared wore a prefusicin of w eye. They were prevented to Tkope class Is of the Importance. The all kinds of your nide. Mr. Secretary?" may overtaLe lime Of MUrse i We are the only partiee ii town 'slam make ornaments, teir rimed awl hly itt as thirknesee toes of a *Ingle day, may, In many cows, Cement, Seal and Pruniptly Done. of rulite, a Crille1 but in the l'aul V.--Ilestent Budget. Work. mohl or lamse 'Vu-;,'' maid he, lorietline liku the winter nightie are cold, entail fatal conaequiticeirs. Daraot warts iialvanized Iron la•ndante and a inameive may add starry imetril was old Nun:ideal houi. ••iinel you sunnier time, under the bright pre, toous !tine In experimenting with ring in the left "metre. The Wiese 1 eneugh Whales Not Wishes. elheaey, 'simile the Plaster, that ele-- that I will re ...ilea inv liorifulio heaven... the blanket makes a mood mosie•ines of doubtful relieved of ha burden by a string certainly lire not fishes. They have no malady is conetantly 'treeing a deeper took it-di tat stie!i The Mexican carts, art. Whaltii acende I from a hoed elniameut and wariii blo eel: they give bold. but tat" at once the metelleet and Pumps feturivil toi liresAellt nth' re- a geed do-al of curimety. tee waleru they lime a titan. A Tr. as objects of they Must certain to cure, it W. MIT( Al inSi,-,. Pree't up the weialin and the worai ver- instaneoe ina.le of milk to their young, and finally, VI %I "• • I t i i- &lounged thenteelvoe .1 iii, noew wheels tieing ft, to The Nattleh girls; weed. which have Issit would be dreamed if they were Cherry Pectoral, and otearloot coatumes solid blocks of water, Ayer's into a latht circle. their niter reading my or as. The bodies of lunges than half an hour under BY terminating at -Did he that c.hopped out with an rerressu for g a bright aresieent funned, but yk ass-ms---- Naas. Belting. we r?" aelce 1 the paaident. thee carts are rudely Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, SSION a of asetatore. w i, either end le "expecting an ex- pLamd. and a mom, SIII1A_HCS CATARRH REMEDY- prii•tit. in eater Irma ••Yea," I replied, uprights are iiroperly Diphtheria, ttoM allI -half tisiltell Wilke., %aryl:el; thrown over. they are mem & positive cure for Catarrh, bi Paint, Were arrayed in plore. ft: covering is o. For sale by J. R. UN, Pale e:lee• tO Inathigialy he. ••I game he a-mild posopl.• carry their pr and l'atiker Mouth. libilliN11111111 said The ••We II," comfortable. MON than the ecarcely less showy to II Lead, costume* We must find reedy other way when trtiveline, tuel with Antileteatl. - • - White 1.0111-tkalla an do it. visions along ass -se- WITS, tlaucera. Tito elem.-row to Ina mother:" and. ulole to comk their mole --ow 81"-ECT..A.2.1r1=18: a me this leo 'Nene keg of water are ii, a a good Founders and Machinist', appropriate Natitch accatineinimenton wrote: ''Ti. 'I lee- Dr. Talmage, of Br.0th Oil, General taking. a 'les, f rotor, he attest any piece along the nod. a high regard for Linseed with his fingers, and four pretty story -tell. r. hl.- has - - turers of- drum rho Lunn! ; meteor at -: Dis- do with very lottle, and an.•fritgal acel -flaunts( 3 eirele, and, can men of the pridession, girls A.1%111100 from the half now the discreet Oil, charge miung oof semnectictit. beyond any eenceptem.-tliihualitut. for ORM, who are ir- Machine Fencing taverna; isse With a quartette of keine; to plenty ea charity SHOW CASES Wrought Iron ill the --- New Yo r* .aid soul him Tex.,. Cur. Chicago Timm. • Ile appreclatee• Ise, saiiilee anol a quartette if dined to be omelet:O. MOO --43H-Cans freifinanter vole mite, IMP mass. As V r PAMPHLET "aIN la liii. rantlicr's Illaired 14 :1 Vico% Tennyeee's Golden all dengue idea- Hernia (a It tally b. reproving fin'Wasona all Mi commence to .1:tuee. An - Augusttu Brand.- Ile girth' are all All Ando of In. arTn:i C. 11,.1.4,q-eport. Tennyson ti lasting. •Fl ip . Han(er' in ozeitkeititl minds thaethe TERRY SHOWCASE Cn etaiwry. tool Morse "dos rally, chatting. Ky. prevail New York T.-atrium hair. Se are his men, fee It., Bueklea's Andra Kaiive. deuce is a very naughty gee in of go %hien _- Cesilritetiosig and Illailding a an Smite!' - But we reseect his cold. gold n SCREVIS nothing ho berth. r from the' uuitter. Iii the world for Cuts, NAHVII LE TENN apeelaity. Make it Niro out of Reps:ram EL - WROL6h1 IRON TOBAGCO Meg, loat The Greet Libraries. We elen't loom. theta. They TPII5 HEST SALVO AIM Machinery. course it can lei• naugh• haired girls. Uleera, Salt Rheum, Fe- ft‘ sines and Mill litge. truth. Of woe,' i.e the you: yet It is a re- Brunie*, Sores, but then eo The laro...-.1 liheary jim the send a chill throw,41 Hamlet, Chil- •A'oire riopeetful!- . ty, and no doubt ofteet wheei um girls that you ver Sores,'Fetter, Chapped Anil Ratchet Screw., of hineeent Paris. spectable chill. They Entiothens, and cr can many unother form fur eietere, Ile is thc blaitio, tiurn,and all Skin ,73 dance ent• itains 2,00,600 :minima. and is would like to have no pay retiair- 44,074:11 LI ,4 The proper Natitch lenitive ly cures Pees, or ItTe anufact•rs of the emcee:am timuisemott. Malin ere .4. The ne-at evelveol frota icy reagweta• eecently adduct Loom'factory a We and artistic perfortiLuita. elerfully rich in poet who has Searle:teed In give perfect sat- rerSafil We have is it decorate' the Brit ...It niteleutn, of !donde hair, tall, mettle ed. It le danced: the graceful mate. largest is that of bility the girl lefarte on, of inlieley Price 16 when preperly reel the third is Worship hff II( othiok.;Tiess Department, mei...teems of the hu- with Le.00.00.1 volumea. whom you can etalta per box. For sale by Harry B. General Repair tissis Ullil eli.mat St. Pettreliurg, with huge. pale 'mistook :eve of '71 by lithe and grace- the trimmed, in of brain, but Gamer. do repainng of num form, us revealed (It to r great III irarit• you could em out ot the where we will Fence to be a ith an 1.100.00e voolemee. manners, and Fotim m CombiRatioR ful thuwerte, are Meal. Dres- regret of her; but critical as a are: Royal. Berlin, l'oo0,mote world in death witlueut A lady of New York city gave a lunch eye as purely artistic mid t.011,000 be trusted net to LOANS WACONS, PLOWS, of the+ sculp- den, and Ciro tihagen, you know that she couhl party the other day, to widen she 'naiad Venus er ether emaluction Such l',.r t.hriatisua, Todd eadaTrigg assation Royel, reeMen Ineeeriel. emlate the pantie* nicety of life, seventy la ire and served a plate ot PRORPOSORIf NOTE'S. tor's studio.-OnTY-the "Br-Trai h Illatretr"- &,--"YrNE UUT UNNING sHOEINC It tribe best and Cosiermeional. Wil.411- Tilley:will ILIA Ind lids) te each guest. . maw Noted. of weii rated ounfoyea dance in any Vieenue 400,000: girl WAS lierries W I Eli- Amount. would conaeler a Nautch Say one montli twelve mouths. eke. iiiir i-ulitris sad woof ington. 3N0,11011, and Citiversit2r. Leipsie. creatol Miranda; Tennyson • I. an thew:are fifty cents apiece. fog and and dam degree intkete ore am. is golden and tiwre goes $1,000 to 11.060.000. Strictly confidential workmee are Ilsemon iittiolie library ereantil th te cold, that. owl" lady had five, Monde given, settlements made. Correa- . -fi00.000The - _ take the hem ottheir low - -- -.--e------CREAPEga The (tsar ileriever hi Aliterienee-iifteme -75761- ffie Uinta alone: ------pondene wiffea." IreteTE a feif-eiretzpertneree. thunib and the !text larme4 hair. -11 40 liroadwav. NI. red garment between the tug, incl.' I: • , manufactured. Call gad made its the Cottgre-me wet. hae from the Sphinx. finger of the right hand. sioreading Y:• I. Clearing Attire, l'ambiag and tellable. lie an open IT:inches. 3e5.(W011 voltunta the. of , fulds into the. figure of ,rk. the Sphinx and 1M14114 lila-airy has 1 ha r,tatat: t I New Y. Between bringing the outstretched anti W- plate.'rim a %est apace has east always be reBed tied tan by i.00); Ow Mercantile. ia Fliihulelphee the- l'yramiel !tarry B....Garner We manufacture all good; we sell level with the shoulder. A 1 thua bringing to view fine he Mock the perked and Top inced on a the- Philadelpliet I'-as-. 1 05.0et been cleared, mem to earl-) Our Iron Cistern trate:parent amain. fringed I C5.000: some tarty feet in weim. meelo, and ',twain the reputati,,,, cit opera- 'mantle of the Natiemal. of 'Mexico, inti.tioo flight of 'Moe beet Trittnnes are daily made by enecessful Guarantee Them Fully. is worn about the and the Sphinx a further es- wave. pushing and rellehle, by Grata and Olt. is the Newt non yen tent. durable &nil chem.- with silver spangles, Iteolleiau library, Oxfc.rd uni To the right of being tors in %twee*. pay from IMO SO We manufacture in the sante hetet-a-rib- The fe.mous result of whit-hi tttttttending ankles it ith aril estab- Them itiveettivente frequently Ind Lep Manufactured. I, to 1 ttC prices or ni•lut anel sheaddere vtolumts. t-avation is in po r;ress. roe ars or more on each Sae invested. our mantilla of vcreity. Eneland. etwatiees of and melt as are popular. MOW dolt oiti mate. on all work in graceful manner as the probaloly confirm the lieheel merit Address ter cireulars, ably opiiiies. will in for the celebrated IIICHARDS, PUMPS Sieutish senowita. Raising a portion who believe the Sphinx to ettuel Ilatieg the ageney WILLIAM E. OUR Very Truly, the those Discovery foreomump- Banker 111111 Broker, in the left hand and keeping of a huge artiticial amphithea- Dr. King's' New and II`le tile best of materials. of this aloft the mithd lie will sell it on a At 42 ftroaderav. New York. with the right the dance Hers ae Reedinakers. of the stolid reek. This tionecleis and coughs, the "fan' hitact eovele (h.. tre hewn out will minlly cure and change matitions Among the farmer's iteact fr woule...f course, be con- poeitive guarantee. It ere twirl around gantic weak of throat, lungs, their helmet.. figures make themselves umful. and a the Sphinx itself. any and every affection with each tither. bees temportineems with to prove wir claim of grace- itelispensilde. mimi lets hitaki -el to the mythic or cheat, mid in order metuimbile assuming a variety some think, which Marlette attribute get a 'I'rial Bottle frenit time to pollen on their lees frt ei the find we ask you to call ard ful motess nrel mostureet by carrying ague before the tviveut of Mena, A :teem- made Willie t•'. Stand- Fame Shull!. ',Lint. lairwin York they imitate the-e'er:LI piant I., elynasay.-Lonelon New first time. Now of king of the _me e.t ae.---.. and serpent, climbing nround periaients in rem:al te fertilizateon - le Everybody otelignted wan he tasteful mode of the whirl" ard. 'The Sperdelt Government hole ammo aelections made by Mrs. Lamar. who -MACHINE on an imaginary pole: again thowers hy home awe u f the beautiful her customers. New SEWING and upward Dal heads Relielons Sect. eel to the financial autonomy has never failed le Mem.) a charming posture. their 'sill tratmaile. Ile 'riveted A Strange beefs of their Spring circular 'tot issued. Send for it. Addrem HAS NO EQUAL they memos the elects %SPIVs on the half hieklen in seem- of led dower whieli h. c7..eltliltsi frum the of the 'drain:est i.f relifeioult to the MRS. ELLEN LANAR, dusky imeastenancese anti onitribution of 60 per cent, extra mantle, i:triects. but tra'Ve (heal the otle r which calls itself The New ing coquetry behind the muslin visite of is that Exchequer. ERFECT SATISFACTION HERB ----is. , rdlelight Its Ileathittarierit fun waved gently to and 1-amiable of ro pre sleet ie on Latter liaise Of Larne!. tho• Liam red make MMes the undubat- obi:titre. Ile aLes selected list headvi Elighind. Li vellie•li Veen ETACK" a laming and fra- can love at home. and Jr.'. the feet unmoving. but and too W in (*halite:le "HACK SI money at work for us than at any- and the trou- them fro. to the cots .4 iineeta devotees are building au perfume. Price 25 and 50 Tv-itto - world 4. •pital not &chine Co. 1887! motion.' of the body and left its grant thing else in the NEW am Selin FOR lug both AM !nark. vl They Maned free; I to jingle the the• fa .11. act osults: The which will taint $1:541.1)00. Son' by J.. R. Armistead. needed; you are MASS.- bling eif the limirst suliiciug with teMple ran do the cork. -ORANGE, inserts .11.1 the eel totalled will net die and tliat INIZell; all Agee. Stymie with their patronage to Mart bells. heads that the hellion, that they find start Costly outfit N.Y. Cheap., IL St. LONA Na have RO generously aided me sIo tiny ankle' hie seat In earsings cure from 30 Union Sena, Thank ing rny many friends who tn:future, as I've dose to produce a single sad, while theme that are the remnant of true Israelites Mr. Gladstone will resume terms free. Better net delay. Coate you Si. Fran6;ca, ea'. ask a continuance (of their favors. promising they end Bad out: if Aeaek, Gt. Dallas, Tax, my business. I respeettally stock of the insects melte-eel ('brief fer a Bem- on next Monday. notkieg to 'wed Us year aildrem and satisfaction. I have a emu:Ante a-ere Visited by whet will reign with Parliament If. H a I.- in the pada, to gtve them A Greet Shire Hunting Region. inseam a man you are v. ise oil will do m atomic. '27,000 mods, thus showing that oans! years. Their bounder was Portland, Maine. '1.antliemi river of liii tare d Co., The onintry beta een the are a great factor in the fertilization teuntel Jeeriel, who im. now .lead. of central Africa is (lie beBevere,, and the lake regions flowers.-Chit-ago death W:114 It great shock to gr. Is of acci- one (411w gn-at daverhunting but his wife claimed that it was an 1887 Tr -Weekly Englieh trav- sue- that dark continent. An 4.emen by a Deer. dent and claimed herself to he hie eler who recently jouriwyed threeigh the inv fittlwee family York Tribune. Caps, the A let deer In cessior,---New Shoes, Hats, IS tom, Neely country stip that every village elem.. to cat *fool that leen Clothing, Boots, the yoke always refuted WEEKLY. the slave in 1 HARPERS of !IOW:. Advise. ERA familiar eight loitten by it 11111111.111 , A nit sof NEW tented or departure 4 it caravan. fur from paper, eon - 'malting, the have often taken a Moo .4 vegetable. Ilappineses is a mosaic formed A cell rinte.1, eight column TRUNKS AND NOTIONS. made from the forked a are found Illustrated. Malang This yoke is which the deer line previously hbown many email stones. and theme &hat five or six feet teeth - p'rooeseion in gouts •nd prices branches it a tree and having driven iny In beauty by the hand of love determined to korp up with the 3rica, ein.1 from partiality, anal at Foreign, I have con,e to stay and am of all kinds (all and cameos' are much longer the effral. The loving words, loving Its poeition as libiA INs in At INTER ti00118 long--aoree into it. waited to olaerei• love in little things, It Rrint'A Wits! s insenlains I an, now offering SPKC1A I. BA iiiehee in thanieter at the wara jo iss nevrepaper in America: Yours truly, three to four animal would appronele. smell, and walk acts. and a largo part of this the leading illnetrated National and my stork, in Pesten Block. hi s molerfel each prong of hold upon publte raiment awl ePaildenell thickest tort. Through iliegust. This reminierence of where the greatest portioat a andita present time. MENDEL. as p r.•mll•IS Option away in the home. V W Drier vIronger than at the MAX fork a hole is hared for the. nee- thinking, and I have buseaellould be spent. Inalids' Hotel and Surgical Institut it ese ma %master al- Home News. time sett illiroue boyhood has at me -our time mid the ..d Ikneles the peter... an iron pin. This ready. a conch:akin that the wife mid Imetond anol saaar „. a ways contains tour AP11.11‘. -TO BE ISSUED- with John Moayon I. It now arrived at the Live this year for novels of %ht. ilay. finely illus. Formerly until the whole a eh, bon. oed surgeon*, of two, of the hest Intl is wrapped motile! food 4 man in 'sir emealled iren. awl let selfish pleasure take ret ro,', sue seort stories. poems, sketches, awl TMENT111. of leak, makine a ordinary ellil A SPECIALTY.- teda noes popular Calle; ft thick collar fon- leatIth'm "Jake. Korp,uttaaoltem the iiniek re- AU. CHRONIC DREASE$ papers on important tepee, by tbe home's l'inglier civilization, litiCk Seat. ho re oir at tin ir I,,, we. Many has been, sureemfuity Thursday and Satarday sad niuehm rougher than a "modeled so as Patients t mate! an Writer* The rare that Tuesday, mot it mialit be aolvantageouely tort. the fretful sonainiailig. 'treated at hOille, through correspinekmee, (cii s wage. A staunch:Dv:mentor organ. 1887. slimed to remain Clad roma-ma week. often wall the food is 14Ia iort tor NUCII as, if liere Iti pamwr.- as We eotile viol r - -every offered to aolvertioierr, te to more nearly hammier word, for life successfully Minim for our L V a Mr. . Beet Inducements ever H. a %lam for nine usseltiet or a year. enel fleeteet of the scar never lited see us, or stud ten cents in boassileid will not be rel•sed is the future. or exonerate- upon the mote leettitiful Idirtvit, and then the all Obtained for new inventions, 011(.0 taken of "lesallie Cads-Seek," which gives NM. anol day, without being II. Kersey,. it with bitter DISPIINNAKT Menu. NEW ERA ones, for medical or night vegetable eating uninials.-1. thoalgil Vial may lathe ware. Address: WORLD'S THE WEEnt Young People. meets on old labels. Caveats. As- >lath, it caravium is ready to Hart - - CAL ASSoCIATIOR.IN Main St, Buffalo, N.Y. Harper's pounds. trade- marks sod In- off. When - - team. Dr. Kittrolem. be maned every Friday aa amid. Interferences, Appeals. Suite for are coupled by the yoke being Willl signments, capes arising under Palest the im•n Chinese Indifference. Periodicals. Weekly. fringements, am! all that lashedme. as Is. form • rigid pole, lending Viserineetlesa. Ha.rper's An Illustrated Law* promptly attended to. Inventions TENN. is dill worse than Compulsory I. II ear: RATES I) by tbe Patent oar* may from neck to neck together. Chinese indifference per- re SUBSCRIPTION hays been REJECTIL ha us. Being op- the pair "The Chinese ie in future, will be ii OfI in most eases, be patented they then tuft' Chimer enperstition. Taemeniana 11.1Reelee WEEKLY Sr. the subeeriptios rates of still, taker Department, and saram With heels eon their hearls. aims or not, a.ethe.y 1-kin" MAGAZIN* 4 in The fallouts, posite the C. S. Patent and leave their born a MUD, live/ a dog, and dies neittod to vaccinate II RPER•e 4 00 ie KivereceT New Ens, payable strictly cash been call- in the Patent lousiness delusive- their faces to the eastward of thi. neither ItS INPEIUS RAZ sit RI'KICS Vill'NG PEOPLE has beingemage.1 and serer* Pat- can he found in the example I. 2 110 adynnce: 11A for young make closer usenet).* (eanniercial ata.•' No amide:we Fellowing H A It e EH'S Y4 WWI; I. KOP I.: of what a periodical ly, we can homes forever. -Iltiebtag a e4 ea- ed "the model of am promptly, and with broader 'Salami, one hams to rely on Ilitelanol. they enacted FRANKLIN ARE 1.111K %Ill nought tr la," ano tie- justice enta more that oountry. velwre country. HA KPIKK'S 00 reader. the largo aril remote from (lateens. law swine e-care nem Year (12 Number*, 1110 Tri-Weekiv. I- amply Oman these alio no man. The want IntLawy viterimition debilitated One It at , us a model or sketch of - believe "run-down," SI borne • and -ova." one leer 1.411 at INVENToRS.ownot - hieuelf worn ES, be ai i.trong For e houses HA RPItIt'S II VA DI heitl /crone year rIrrill•tion a has attained and ad- med. an.I of t.. it les-nine to milliners. seitnistresow ill 00 ,, hay oievice. We make examinattom of a sense of the common It'ett:stanee memo'treetwew .13 Numbers) l's Brmia,n. Ti,,. +twee. your All evie- Hirt*. the overworked twollaril irenenelly. Icor a months Great Iheenseh ea to to patentability,free of charge. Tor Hoy. •nd that all the house of a.o nibly. kovisors, and heist tweribers In the_ United methods that m tot nommen', Vineall all solf sacrifice'. is so great tied the PreeeriptIon is the Postage free to An TT by than to the strictly oonadent(al. Prices tow, Jtilcns Hop- the Dr. P1,`TeIP.It Favorite Pov 3 mouths no in. reepondenee D. C. Ullman. 4 If such as the year, dects'ael to revert to It Is not dl" ins-all," Statee oor Canada. the judgemeet parents, and patent is secured. Precedent celebrated fall into olecay, chose of last of all morons-tire toortke. purpow. of children-namely. iv an earnest awl no charge miler If aster that for a girl or a of fulfills a soingionese of of the VI zanily heels with the tastes the best sad in Washington to Hon. Poet- kins nniversity. says tombs, many of which optional syetetu.-IIt.rald but admirably those The Volume 'Week!y. otestalneol effort to provide We refer The than the temple-A and royal being • ro,wit potent Specific for all Orai %umber for dolman( of eaeh year, Whets well for young people at a General 1). M. Ken R.V. F. I). Power, is nothing better peculiar to heels $1 $O most attractive reading SO oftelale in boy there are beautiful.-London News. Chronic Weaknesses and Inseam* en time is mentioned. eubecriptios will For one year illastratioss are copious and of Herman-American National Rank, and. torticularly tot' of mnny thousands at time ot receipt of low pore The and to Senators sad north. and aciatione Origin sit the Ward °Fseny." women. The treatment Surg- with the •utriber current 6 months TS high standard of exesliesce the U. R. Patent office, that still more Koch came,at the Invalids Heel and for a conspicuously In l'onse,and especially to the jackk utho; Curlews renal Formations. in Scripture Pibe- of order. itepreseetatives sad a boy. At Bubastis, called Institute has afforded n hove orPericereat H •It WISELY. for ter 4 momlis is every Stat. is tios Calm pencil, which enables worehip ical tbo ir 1111.1 Bound Volumes our (-nests fundamental is the mutton; fromently find curious now Basta. the chief of In adapting remedies for Is neat eleth binding, ill be Canada. more precision than Coed melt. three years hack. free one to delineate with in a vein of med. An Annot. Panit. the goddess of lire, who is sent by mail. postage paid,or by expresso. Club Rates. every-thing that Is attractive to express, and formation.. was Prescnption the freigbt demote'eteeed An epitome of literature.-neeton the pen veluit one wishes' miner took out a piece of sulphur a to bate tnuieformed bereelf into a Dr. Pisrc.'s Faronte of ripened:(provided per vol- n aim emirate« is Juvenile SNOW & CO., thinker anol a Pa., Kahl this laud erect-fence. For oar dollar per volume), for $7 Oa rrt•Weekly Is clubs, oft C. A. that a num is a better a hielt was a perfectly gods 'boot into Egypt. In Is the moult of OS Courier. boys and can repro- few days two cat when the internal congestion, leilii•mmaillois atile.. Tri-Weeklv in clubs of 10 weekly resat of good Wags to tbe (Mee. Washington. D. C neetwate worker if he the kentile and row't wetly kept am mend ani- It Is a Breelfir. It for eh snitable for • which it visite.-Itrooklyn Opp. Patent WINTON prate thought formed tar of corn, le r temple. eats and ulceration. tonic Cloth Cases on m- /iris in every favnily his lute.' witnt he has twenty l'aelit, our powerful gonend. am. ,v, as utorlor binding, wilt ti, feat hy mall, postpaid, of I Ill II duel. with being very distinct. It was under mals, aryl front her name. use Igor and strorarth Weekly in elute Union of piet ores, on Dame. to have man and tier, foe. ami Imports m10 of $1011 each. 10 It IP woederfol It. wealth with hie brain. --Harper', of solid rock and in the middle of tail wen'" rtissy " eepposed whole inatern. fl eons weeknoss of Tost.Onee Weekly in clubs of 10 interest --4 hristian •dvocate, feet to the 'teak back, Remitt•neem should be made by Weekly New Ira who formation and Budget. Stomach. indisrostion, blooding. to avoid chino.. id hula Peewees now taking the coal vein.-Doston derival.--Connegeolitan. exhumation, do taltty and Money .1"lee OP 1,111n, rri.I•eelly, can ,to so New tort. noorvoit* proetnatioon, this wolverine/- desire to mimes to the Prepaid, *II. a Tear. BROS., Pemerey's reressed Plaster - steephenism. iti Voi% "rite Preerrirs Newspapers are not to napy •ad twelve• credit for all max Weed time due Terms: Postage FRITZ --X-stwat I. Cocaine. by drogrims "motor our WIWI.* event without tie expires order of II Weekly. wherever lion is soil hot Ile. Nem on tie Noventor 2.1.188. nail vernally endorsed ob- Row DM HP Get There? witaro re. See wrupp-r aro not Hiol-uuimus. vol. VIII. cow Is it rival in an alkaloid New York. trenlict is supported by doe- Cocaine luta boring A Wan near OR 015 emsyruts Addeo BARN:it A BROTHERS, Five lent., each. IEND, used. 'Ibis Australia from the juice 4 Eu- M, T, Elmore, whilst Single Numbers, from thonsande of tained in a solid 1111.00,, PM. *mac.. Commissioner's Notice. made by Post Ware memototry evidence which Dr. John Remington, bet, encountered PRICE Dr Farce's Remittaneee should be loos. Stable, who have proved Its phorbia Druirettentlii. feet. Pend 10 meta In ramps fot MTV cilitisTIAN cutcurr COURT. Order or Draftjto•void chasm of Livery, Feed and Sale intelligent people calls Drumine. The black walnut log at a depth it 140 t.n Inseams of tt HO pages, Money by druggists and II. arid, ita discoevrer, Treatise. DIPeNN. 11. Shepherd's Adni'r In ropy this edgier- exec-Heiler. Sold i•litirely wood area perfectly sound. and the paper..eovv..rodi. Addrosa. W Netrerapere are not lea-al an:mile-tie acts almost The AilliandArloa. on Hata :dryer, ve order of liar- Garner, iIo.plrinavlhlo,Ky. new get down to that N %NY Menu' it. S tasiowitt without the espress Icy Fuel does not excite.- (modem Li. Ilinr did it X. Y RENSHAW &CLARK, now and Creditors roralyeing. Herald. Buffalo, claims against the estate per & Brothers. Ninth St., Near Depot, Mechanic. reautitiable: depth?--Chicago All memo having Clime Spremse, who lmist English -we •• of W. H. Shepherd, decet, are hereby noUlled Address HARPER & ISIROTIMIRIEHE Mr.. Kate properly verified. with me at my ew Tara. home stilled 14.1gearood. Hear NASAL INJECTOR free wlth c IA LITTLE I, rule same, or Wore the la her old her "One Nall Drives Out Another," A xev °Mee in Hoplovisoville. Ky., on reatucky. Is engaged la writhes bottle of Shilohle Catarrh Remedy. IOC I BURNETT, Ilopldnsville. - ▪ - %Vall11114(tOil. exemplifi- each ipxw. LIVER day of Mama, Master Cosier. !the had opporm nitlee of se- Is a French saying that finds 60 cents. Sold by J. R.•rsdatead. ‘ct memoirs. her sub- Pries VS(It as, with the public men of (mann In the way one disease. will qualntence a work graver one, de- IS• %IV tikIA.v a PILLS. Grocers, etieh moodier and pnblish New Shop. to make itself Ior onntinsie to el\ Barber time thet ought stitute for Palle papers Commissioner% Notice. New great addition to the lit- many cams. Liver disease. of German troops In end CATHARTIC. COURT. from her pen a In very disor- tails of movements ANTI-MI.101% Main Street, HopkIneville, Ky., CHRISTIAN CIRCUIT soon Induce blood for the accuracy of a erature of the country. Inetance will Alsack, vouching Toi•xt door to Dan Merritt.) TrotelTs -We have just Opened Our loans sad "Addeo aft rood as soy Is -- ailments,skin &freedom' and R. J. WHOP mil ample ae- ems ders, throat their atatenients. HEADACHE, always in stork the nicest assortment of V. rallmmet.aan MARINES thinly. Con has won for of Impoverished SICK Keeps In Re Nelms Vergr a fweeley missy abetter No other spring medicine eventually, because --onom Fteastaehe, r•we ions-mom, embracing everythinguse4 It Em Mares. 41,1134•Inis Reek. ea Muth It. eneenseinelisse. Itself, unless, In- a rholee ieleetlen of I. 'rare swam against the meats it rear to the Nate, has ilia, oar assaainsla. ronfidenee as Ayer's blood, consumption or midelleasged men, suffering Iminese, onetips- table atipptiev; also All peewee having to Crewam bitbeat Barbers Itselfsuch universal In Its Incipiency and Young at awl Tobaciro* of It J. Trowel, dee ,t, am hereby setified se and will •Iwaye he haul powerful deed, It be treated nervone.leollity sell kindred weak- I ow, Illisdlgesition. preperiv rerilled, with on at my •I.. hoes met Mill tidy mid Orviasaaerfro Wall• It Is the most her, Pleree'e "Golden from ialliou•Att•eka, DELIYDDED flue mass. let in the . trerythisg rivet Maw Sarsaparilla. early progress by arenel ten manta In stamps, and ny se. 00111111ES rotworrior lies Ky, es or litharaldesii. Olalliolts I /braver*. alteratlifee ev- alike' acts ast a spe- Ilefeell, uouipuy cooed I. IIINIONINI WINS aa e hination of vegetable Medical Disenvery" giving etweeeshil treat- Ple••sist More ma day of Merck, ION, accomplishing a for large treatise Hereon. at anywhere In the city Call at Moir Omar. public, and is acknowl- cific in thole ailments, Dispensary Medical As- ensile* Pellets. Mats street er offered to the alterative ac- ment. World's f •%ed. by Druggist& Ilesth profession to be rapid cure by Its powerful Buffalo, N. Y. emits edged by the medical organs of the body. sociation, tion upon the great the best blood portlier. aM

FOR CHAKIIABLE WORK ase-er-see are 1.1691.19411 5118;E2.9- - - - ir'w-vr---,r me- 1 '11--"C'''V-4F- 'Wm!.'''sw "Sr "V'e-Te'W'''I1PrNP'mlr"i'r'"T',V"-V-Nr'"Ire NRi H. C. .441.-A1A-4.-41...A...,A.-A.- THE TM-WEEKLY Jan. M. Huse, I. M. Latham aud 13.100 busisels of Clovt•r fleet wanted Gent herdic Priest-mils Froill J Nu. It, Ghltiftri A Co. --PUILLJAMILD SY- Mr. Job" C. Lathmu. A protracted meeting *ill be bevel at -- Ow ire Pei**, ewe Puhliehteg Cs. the Idetliceilat church by pastor Lewis, Tileite gentlemen, alio have b. en so Sunday. effiolent in superinteriklikkg tile work of r Whig. lean 0. MUST. - The Fair Ground Cottage tor rent, ap- haprovieg anti beautitylog the city cem- etery, have been the recipient& of hand- ply to lee. B. S. 11'ootoe. vo-ffrifi SATURDAY, FEBRUARY le, 11187. some preselita luau Mr. J. . La• GA.64/flu A Griffith brought to the thaw, of New York City, in recognition Stock! city front the country, this *telt, over Wright The John T. Dr of their valuable 'service. Mr. Latham 750 dozen eggs. with exemplary generosity gave large- Niel Maggie Taliaferro. if G!Male, Saturday in ly to the work and has taken great in- and Mr. Eugene Smith, of Nashville, ore(' of New Duvet in the progress of the ituprove- were married Tuesday. and Most Complete Stock of yea im, the eit! 'dents. AS& public benefactor his name The Finest Lyle. Herrin, We acknowledge the receipt of com- will be revered by the people of Hop- AGENDA says Lyle 4:S11 plimentary tickets to the entertainment kinsville. and as long as "the 11101W- and Boys' a lilt Henderson last Men's, Youth's ileitis, of the Mozart Society at Went- stands guard over the graves of Who are authorised to collect sub- 'tome'. and night. the "deathless dead" it a ill remain • scriptions to the New eel lie was a g Thursday morning at Guthrie a sect- symbol of his kindness and generosity. Lee Thacker-Lafayette, Ky. out to iiistilll P.O. ion hand Wan struck by a moving traiu Mr. Gant, assisted by Mr. Jar. M. Dr. G. W. Itivee-- Williams 1.4/ 1101.41 1 and se'i Ioutiui though not dawscrously Road and Mr. C. M. Latiown, has par- how C. A. Brasher--Crofton. rule of Dom' hurt. ticipated in this charitable work and has Gilliland & Kennedy- Bainbridge. tett itionarl1 and energy to It INN to 1.11,411 hie to ot. the Capin. given his time, taste PH 11. Arunarong-Cerulean Springs. A a edditi4 CLO ; lie then clan tiarnett-Peurbroke. Ai.iiotittt'cuieti(. a iil be made ikk a few with magnificent resikilta. Ills HAIM' is W. 11. &J. 1'. Chrh.than 0/11 Hill. days, but don't ark us aim it is; fir we inseparably linked a Ith the horror that J. W. Richardson-Fruit lierring.n tu you. has been placed upon the dead and Is a great will slot fall Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hats has been purchased at convey hims. OCR CUB OFFER. deeds %%ill live after him. 'File watch is B. ilext "door to New Era, at once. Every article throughout this agree og ti t a titling expreesion of the gratitude felt sacrifice and must be closed out will furnish the best treat meat and below cost that it - day in it ti 30o Get ue• dab of.Ffee mew subscribers,for by Mr. Latham It is made of rich, yellow great stock has been marked down to prices so far J. W. Boyd, the experienced stock, The I01111 am teller WK./LIMY at $1. 50 or Till-WILXKLY gold finielieti with perfect Oldness. On will astonish all Remember that this is not au old. shelf-worn butcher, will cut you a nice weak. atart,i1 Oil ill at $1. 50 a year anti we will pee rot the one ride Mr. Ganes initials are wrought portion has only been Stems Roos roe MALKY.-Coruer oh but new, desirable, stylish goods. as the greater at thc appon e &eater NNW KRA for one year with tick- out in a beautiful blue enamel monogram Vila and ('Ii) streets, formerly ock:upied received within the past few months 1'11111 5.-situ et iirour drawing. and on the other is a uitmogram of the by J. Bourow. Apply to mail rider ot For a clot) ot ten new subscribers We T. figures lss7. Oa the hiterior face of the J:40. R. 1.1; REIGN tt CO. who lit C in give the Thi-a KKILLY NNW KRA One ease is the following handsomely carv- to Ilopkno. yt air. ticket In the drawing and the forty Fink Gray and Walker Colt Mill, built ed: Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats! the mall ctir, five books solvertiaed in our list of "In- colored, had a fight near this city, Wed- HILIIRY C. 11•XT over- cever his bk. tiumments." nesday, In which Gray was badly used PROM As the season has so far advanced, and having a great many For a i to of more than ten we will up. The vette a ill be before the courts. JOUR C. LATHAM, JR. the entire lot on our counters coats on hand, we have decided to place 5Iorr wee the paper, ticket and books as above The Lethani monument, the magnifi- FOld CH•Itt I aaLlt St oiK. in astonish- up stairs at four uniform prices which will open your eyes 1.11 fout..1 h and • liberal commission, which we cent shalt to be placed over the soldier'. The emelt is full-jeweled avid the fin- this opportunity to purchase goods at prices never be- k p.etece. guarantee to be satisfactory to the club- groves in the city cemetery, will be est ever seen in this city. It is impaled- ment. Embrace is known to all as the best ever in 1 lilt thc raiser. Go to work and GET US UP A shipped from New York to this city in a ble to attempt a description of it. It fore heard of, as the Wright stock CLUB. • few weeks. came in an ebony Case lined with red this city. ay lllll min for Hon. satin on which is staniptal Tiffany A Shelby county has hate:Med arrant tor John Feland for Lieuteeant Governor Co. On the outside of the ease on a erse9ai • ent deteet It motile Republican ticket. It begins to pearl plate are the words taff is now look as if the Republican can't do cub- R. W. Wars weal to [Wawa Thursday. H C OANT -Glass Corner out him on their State ticket. the Place te the city Remember Mira Mollie LiMy, cagily, was _ y110111 lierrieg s TheleaSf Mr. Granville Jordan, of Guthrie, had J. C. -1...STUZW. " wife in Na. ea.. in the city Mr. John Garnett, Pembroke, the misfortune to lom hid house and rent the au M. Howe and M. C. M. La- /1 Thursday. nearly everything in it by fire on last Me. Jas. -gr- 4 th -•••• 7" 7P, probable Mr John I. Latham and wife, Rea York, less 'elf-sacrificing .1"te"'WrIrTfr••T - - -.. A. Monday morning. it was a new frame tham have been no -L titilig:;6,1:1, wh are taftbe city, uvwthwirereasradd uoaeiitu had in this charitable work than Mr. Gant. went down dwelling and just been completed. 11 J. Stites and John W. Pirtle anti they too receive the kindest thanks I.> Crofton, Thunalay , on legal 1,11,111Ver. As a toilet article, Ayer;e1.Mair.Vipeor weeks tit the people of Ropkinsville. Mr. La- Mimes Lou Ilteod anti Lion W at kt no bro.' re statute unrivaled. It cleanses the scull; gratitude properly est. r.kled to turned from a vinit to frumMt. in t Iarl,.s ile and reamers dandruff, cures itching hu- tham's tu and is symbolised in •gift of• Mum Lucile Penn) hiker, of Let tenon, Tenn , mors, restores the original color to laded them tlu is stinting the faintl of Mr E P. t otttpts-II. handsome scarf piii to ea.+ of the gen- and gray hair, and promotes its groatik. the COUlay Dr. Sherman IS back from • mccessfu1 trip tlemen. The pins,sre circular moon- Mr. J. 1V. Givens, of. Givens, Reality sight of hii to:Irairvicw. Ile t-it Tr. ntou ou the 22u4 stones set in diamonds and are tit alitiful comuliseion merchaws, brush Slid "tilted dt Co., Lobate.° in design and workmanship. They are Cost re- a the papers Below umerous Buckner Lan-hr hare Louieviile, the man ho - Miwton Linnie anti Value Nal boxes on w hich are of in rich red plush ot Regardless urned from a not to frtemis at t 'roft•-t• and had disappeared, was lick to be reported last week stamped in -gilt the name', of the recip- that will astonish you for cheapness. We rtington. looking hale awl offer our stock, but we will offer you goods at such prices in this city Thursday ient.. Do we propose to soon ar- missoellitaima Melee Lakin an to make room for our immense Spring Stock, which will Ce nititibly blessed have cut prices way down,in order to reduce our stock . . Brown. of the vomit), are s :saw.; Mies Leona Ilay the donor he or clearance sales Having a resident buyer in the city empfeton. Mr. II. II. Abernathy V. t;. C. has and may "those that reveler" feel the rive. Our prices are down far below any goods offered at forced stock of A merii! Mr. A Fool. one or the genial and scholar- gone to Rumellville'and Adairville to cheering effect of a contioushjve of tin ir gives us advantages which no other house in the city has Our antitrer. itald in • with 35 years experience era...Wive ly editor, of the tie enshoro I organize K. of P. Lodges. Should Mr. fellowmen. rch 7thi eat! rriday. etbernathy besumeseful in his visit, the Socks, Ella rratt. who Mtn been anteater Mrs Overcoats, Boots, Shoes, Underwear iventioi • '"i Mums entire Loolgein this city will go up to Alkether Burglary. Winter Clothing, Suits, D Rodgers, has returned LO her I Ill of Lusinesi Matilson•ille do the initiatory work. be had from any other house in this city. We ask you to • fact, everything in our Clothing Department will be sold at prices that cannot at this Ifni Mrs ftelle W:t..tgeuer. of [adieus, is expeetel The set of forty-live books, for 50 cts Wednesday night th: room over Brad- Hats, and in this week one ▪ and learned our prices. We pledge ourselves to save you money. We will place on sale themselre Ti rem-h the to.d.. 1112 a Vial to her mother which we furnish its connection %% Rh Idlest:6 re-taurant in the Bell building, make no purchase until you have seen our stock and Silver Shirts for money than ever before sold by vention lea nt Mrs .t J Waller's the New ERA make almost a cemplete on Main Street, was -broken open and Shirts worth 75c., which we will close out at 45c.; also the Gold Hundred Dozen Unlaundried Executive library within Itself. See advertisement entered by burglars. Tile room con- A Clear Complexion. any one. -Tot v tained a quantity of whisky ate! cigars, AT HALF PRICE. item under the head of '•inilucrinente. BOOTS AT HALF PRICE. WINTER UNDERWEAR volt all carefully guarded in an inner box- WINTER retie How can you cape-it a clear complex- Col. John W. McPherson is being PRICE. WINTER OVERCOATS AT HALF PRICE. WFICIA I. room. Them goods hal been stored WINTER SUITS AT HALF ion when the blood is full of impurities reorninently mentioned in conneetiork Root here for safe keeping by Mr. Langley see for We stand ready to prove any :1-sertion we make. This is- no idle and the stomach clogged? The blood a ith the Senatorship from this district.. In fact , all our Winter Goods must go. We ask you to call and yourself. Bell shoe the prohibition law went Into ever. Our stock has reduced since our beeemereinipose because the liver_ cn* mci'ik,re.,,kk would 114.111ke All whip Department we are ready to offer butter bargains than been greatly effect. The thieves went- up use Dace boast but plain fa4.1-s: In our Dryi not act properly and work off the poison representative and deserves almost any and must be reduced still more. We will thereflire make it to the interest of anv one wish- To th- e m- br.www._„Toon___ItepiLlg_the_Qpera theme and broke in a ,barg.aiRsak! was inaugurated, but our stock is still too large twet.ltig.N from the eyetem, and the (Prosier restate- -some -ttte--pe„pk. „ite goods Ingrhalf their former Trice. -We- ietco rear second story window. They took give us a eta lie tort, miikiiig.a_purautse. out a great' many at nil Kew are blotches, pimples and eruptions. ing Dry Goods to the four boxes of cigars antt an unkown Call at once on ity, Purify the blood with Simmons Liver Col. L. A. Sypert has closed 3 con- Cloaks on hand which must go. Price no object. re beret) stom- anemia of whieky. The burglars who _ cons Regulator, and regtilate the liver, tract with the L. & N. Railroad for the ate in did the job were t vIdently well ate ille. at 1 ach and bowels, and then the sk:u ill tarot use of the rock quarry on his north queinted with the premise,' anti scene- "The COlcil 11Ete1lim.131e," he 4th di become clear. company will of of the city. The railroad wined to the work. The robbery is one pay him 3 cents per topiary yard tor the arious The Storm. of a series that have teen perpetrated lvi.FIFL 1%11 Lic CZ/bl%T next at this rate his !awl is a orth lie rock, and and should be thoroughly investigated. lug delep $733 per acre. Thursday evening Roes Ealing. a the vote Thursday evening •fierce wind came Substitute Ca 12:1 ,t, 1;,notta vote on ttae $20,000 lower than last. The All ElegaUt airieks bt in on the night shade's which blew with The correct railroad young white boy was arrested charged NOTES. this year are far PREFERRED LOCALS. • TOBACCO grades of the crops have been most- ratio of r can be no tax at Princeton, Tuesday, was 210 to with having conenitted the deed. best wide, vengeance. There rfor ever3 ly wild, at an average of 31v crusts. The For Oils, shine, Pills, and all klitila of much damage has been 27 in favor of the tax. If Princeton Ware, of c lug in and one for question but that says: "It ii Henderson Gleaner: Dr. peorer grades are now and can raise $10,000 additional stlbserlp- A Washington special about two coolie. bitter, nauseous Liver Medici:we wini ove done. The smoke stack at Forbes' llopkinsyllle, has rented the Brooks fac- the average price I. 4-4 "" ....4 tion, of which $6,000 has by 'mid at the Chinese legatimi that the re- Yonts. siC Ymits & Short. gives Cathartic,' is the very agreeable liquid 111=1, that - tht planing null was blown down, and a been given Dixon, and is buying tobacco E. L. cent order guaranteing rellgloue liber- tory at as the 'irk., a prevailing fruit Syrup of Figs. Ds ad- li **very co was Fredonia, the capital of Caldwell will the following remedy, chimney at the Burbridge house going and coming. lie is a bustler eel:: Trash and tugs, nothing to the 2341 k assuredly -get the 0. V. road. ty to all classes througliont China, is 'tiara- vantages aro eviolent--it is more easily toppled over. Out .in Sharpe's field from a way back. $1 per laindreol, medi to good leaf, tier II but another step in theupward ankl pro- taken, more aecelitable to the stomach, at IVI1SOII'S k to 5 all comity several trees were up-rooted. Win. Subscriptions to any paper or maga- including length and wratipeiP, $3 gressive movement of the Empire. The Henderson Gleaner: A strike occur- snore pleaisantly effective, itiel more MAW a I Skerritre fence on Jackson street, was zine in the world taken at this office at per !minket'. 41:>4 dowager Empress, who has just abdi- red at Thos. liodge'd tobacco rue:mine- truly beneficial to the system than any ke act blown into the street, and we are in- club prices that will in many instances cated in favor of her young kinsman, Wry Tuesday morning. The tobacco Democratic leirmIttee Meeting. Recommended by lead- elegate alive of NEW °tiler remedy. Oasts Ho formed much damage was done to fen- the price the Egg. For in- demanded an advance of ten For Cream Cheese, avat t/t1011 k a i.e.".." of broad, twisters ing phyiielana, and fee sale in 50 cent :.§1C -°I 2:49$4° C:Cbr 4 2C)::14: 6%‘ c.4171f:1210;::1 1C.24 )C2)I: eiti at t ing in the country. stance, In wages. The inerease being Executive Committee in ", ),Lirier ,: jfiur"1,.‘i ix 111 views. It vim under her reign that per cent. 'rite Denineratie land $4 bottles by H. B. Garner, Hop- Pickle bulk, Pig's Z CCI 0' i l r youn Wastes a week and trie irs•Eitif I Y -N EM I Is t;:.,..... CI) rill likina renounced intoleration and Isola. refused the twisters quit work. Mr. of 1 hristian county is hereby calico' to Ky. Feet, Maple Syrup. *wrote Fine Tobacco. ERA for $10.:•0: Titr.WEEstv for were making In Ilopkitirville 61:4I do F.4 4 hat, as Gun, and joined the nations of the earth. Hodge informs us that they meet at the court holier Q 0443 $11.50. Dozier-Weyl Crackers, the 4 During the reeent troubles between the from fourteen to nineteen dollars per at 11 o'clisek, M lay, March 7th, for Mr. Henry G. Hanna, of Pcinbroke, Fine Smoking and Chet Gray hid small boy named Chinese and French, orders at-re given week before the ten per cent. was de- the transacthni of important boldness. PREFERRED LOCALS •0 .ic ;..,•"4 has shown us a sample o(2 acres of to- Barnett arrested for Chewing Tobaccos, Charley -wearing, tait:i"thie:.naarrtritey.Lentill u, tothi eteNotre mewled. When the steamers found A full attendance In person or by proxy amilia=1 Cd f:401M tge relit to bacco that Is the finest and largest we and Chantey reaporided a ith a warrant a strike and tioim w Euuu- that the twisters were on Is desired. Work Baskets, Lunch ii.'"' P co have ever seen. It measures '20 inches a WV1:1 00 for Gray charging him itik striking his I peror, Is a bright young man of seven- the cause, they demand an advance in S. O. lit I linen. Baskets, etc., etc. The 1.• 4-1 length. Mr. Hanna across and 34 in little brether. 'the ease was heard by ven, thoroughly edileati,,i mmi imbued tneir wages and being refused the ad- CHAO. M. MA•CII•N, Stlhey. • old reliable "La Pica- took the premium at Louisville Jan.'' I R • 0 CD oo-o ecj III3 ant about with the humane and progressives !Or- vance joined the ta Were in the strike. Nota Bena awe 17th on this, as the best wrapper in the Chautauqua'. I dura" Cigar. Fresh hi Se 613 0 witnesses were on hand mostly little Madisonville Times: Farmers are ,The 60 fa, RopkinsvIlle and Clirkevtlie district. h.q. and they were giving their groan • F. & J. Heinz Key-Stone Oysters daily S:1 ND 0 bi) moving In the matter of reducing the EN-a=5 He raised over 40 acre* this season, but a very Frying Meat On A Big Seale. liormseviu.s, Ky., Feb. 11, 1587. ' antagonist black eye. All the acreage. The farmers of Webster coun- Preserves in Peach, this was a special lot to which he gave Chautauqua Circle, known as parties were colored. Last Wednesday night a week ago, ty meet soon, and a general meeting of The Quince, Strawber- .5.-~0.)1 03.0 "g, Individual attention. He has been offer- tioe o oert Burns Wilmot] Club," met tenttal ity Republican : "Honor ec l air smoke-houee on M. P. 1'. Mason's the farmers in the "Purchase" a ill soon In the handsome parlors g ed $9 around for It, but still holds it. In open session ry & Raspberry. 4... l>,..1 1., whom honor is due is a motto nhich place, near Belle-view, caught fire by be held to iliscum and adopt some plan of Mrs. Or. Guth Monday eveioltig. A plc-.ii; crci This shows the possibilities of thebuel- •es CD, i .SD pl The Republican always endeavors to sonic unknown means and 2,500 pounds of stopping over-prothition.-T. B. full attendance of the members amid the ness, when our farmers go In for quali- invited visitors: Ales K vsr, 4.4 P. 11.1 34 ed egul keep in mind. Therefore it feels that it ; of fine meat were consumed. A buggy and Herschel Porter, of the Maniton whowilig Atmore's Mince Meat Hays, Cole. Mc- Ii O CD ao IQ e-; at Ili al ty rather than quantity. If more of McKenzie, Miss Allee LLSJ1JJA 5J5 a0 0; would lack in an honest duty if it failed house close by also ignited and was neighborhood. will ship ten hogsheads Meows. Henry. $'-Ss.- \ I t M and Clark, C111 Pherson itecoUl them would follow thia line, there is no - _ it.- 0 El El m7.4 opiestion of t e u mate pro t o t, the '8 wealth. Attorney Garnett are good and I the inside. Mr.,., Mateo' estim eat@ Ids dale, Hopkineville, this week.- W Our worthy president rrealileil over- ..cii: 0.--. 0 t; 0 naturally and inevitably resulting from lien usual ablity. The Leggett's Oat Flakes CLIP efficient officers and that they dins! total two, but he had $200 in- Littlefield, who lives on Elder Whit- meeting aith basis for evening'a entertainment corniced of in- You Are Right. F- ..,..r) To the raising of the standard as a onerou4S-and importsiet year 5,01.0 are all to be hail very cheap sit charge the sranceu on the meat. Liners farm, raised last struments] multi(' thieta, recite- I prices. 1 .--1.ffiEA .fii owls ties incumbent on them with' dignity pounds of tobacco tot 31 scree, ail av- dons and an interesting lecture 'tom Sew Mtoldro• men romp anti go, Notice, you, Not and fairness, Speaking erage of 1,4211 1-7 pounds to the acre. Mr. Nourse on the Wet of"Geology. - but C. E. West motes with end A Railroad Shake-up. vvas enjoyed by all, and a Jib B Galbreath &Co warrants Ma work. • ce" co 9, it Who can beat it? The lecture Za t* 4 Cli) J)1 0 Settle of the colored dtizena afe otren- Col. G. A. C..IIolt, of Calloway foun- vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Nourrel •••-) cli ::: 1443:44 Ale following advice Is from the responding to our in- 109 So. Main St. There have been many big changes ded at our report of the row at the Opera lty, candidate for the Democratic guber- The for lois kindm•sa in Blank Notes for sale C) pi-4. 0 'Kill eour 'flue social feature was not the made in our local railroad officials this House. We can assure them ae did not tutorial nomination and a speaker of Morgantleiti Sun: Be sure that vitation. le co A least er.jclaide. With ant+ elegant at this office, cheaper E., say more are to follow. a discourtesy. Those power and fluency, a ill address the citi- seed Is of the variety beet suited to your ="11=ig ce 1-1 1:3 .1:1 week and they intend who at- hostesses as Mrs. Gish and her daugh- Ill carefully cleaned than can be bought in asz Mr. S. E. Tingle, road agent for this tend the theatre mire' well behaved and zens of Christian county at the court purpose. Have them ter. Mra. eareeant, one catinot faU of SPRING C.) 0-4 • at Make • It was eith much Louisville or Cincin- cp ed 0 ,, • with irk this city, intelligent listeners, and their patronage house in this city, Monday, Mardi 711,, and then prepare for sowing. having a good time. ('nil division headquarters Circle said rood- 41:=11 of the Wank engagement is evidence of at 1 o'clock p. brol of suitable size-of live coals in front relutamicy that the nati. has resigned and moved to Indiana. other and Went their sep- 1887. t -74 "t1 $64 your fire. Sumner your seed evenly night to each .E.4 cp 04 Ile is succeeded by Mr. II. Fazier, of their culture. We are sorry they had of %aye, all wielling for another open 'TI Iii Rentoriain. whole bus- arate T 4-3zceLoci3 the evening marred by the disturbance, over this and then rake-the day. Mum. W. L. Novena, Pies. the fire place. While Noma C. Steak, See. Tailorin ce 0 fl 8 a) were only Inten!led for iness beck into Fi e T. L. Grant, the yard master, has atool our remarks At a meeting of Hopkinsville Lodge g. imegal those who took a hand in the row. No. Ii'. B. Society, the following reso- waitlig for your plants to (mime on de- WEN YO7 ET DTI flITI.til dzIti been promoted to the position of coal have just received lution was adopted: vote the time you would have put tin the Congressman Springer eh The We supply agent at Guthrie. Ilia suc- one thousand dollars is a big sum of has borne away our - lii Whereas, death to your corn, wheat, oats, hay President. our New Spring Stock send to headquarters brother, of aekson Moorman, tobacco D. Printing neatly executed at cessor is Clarence liolemitn, at one time money to invest in advertising, I. it not? beloved MP' this office at low • .1 lie is forever loot to us; though and stock, and the remainder to putting of Foreign Novelties, Special inducements to prices. night operator here. But then "printer's ink" brings in more though Illinois. the bonds of iiti1011 are broken, still the your farm In (order and you will soon otogresenian Springer, of consisting of all the lat- CONSUMERS,who will - - er A. L. Purdy, the yard engineer, has money to the milare hie!, than any oth- cords of love, shall entwine and our direction for expresses the opinion that no man ever learn to thank us for our before a road er commodity in the world. We be- to thee that were spoken, shall filled the (Ace of President est designs, of' Diagon- be supplied in any been given engine. and Mr. vows sowing tobacco seed. have heti the ink mid taking ever be true to thine. cirvelanol ho would Frank Marlin will take his place on the lieve in printer's ere Depentleet Pension als, Corkscrews, Wors- quantity at wholesale Though thou bath rename', the dark river, The Gant & Gaither Company receiv- boldness to veto the yard engine. $1000 worth this year; time out April can see bad passed both I see by Scotch Goods JUGS can be ' w4le‘; We fanny yet still we ed a consigisnient of 5 Wt.of tobacco, bill, which ted and prices. 15th. See all about it kinder ofriaine. The spirit arrayed ha its glory, more than two-thirds niajorIty, and aha Mr. E. R. Mentz goes from here to Awaiting their baker to see Tenn., and more is to We make only the shipped direct at less in this paper. from Springfield, which hail ouch a powerful sentuneet at Louis to become the cheek clerk meats" in another plate Bro. St.. Be it resolved: that In the loss of follow. Our home market Is beginning the beck of it. Tht,.. opinion is shared best goods and guar- expense than from oth- rt. there, and Samuel MeGarviri will step Stanford Interior Journal: "Mr. J. G. Moortuan we have loot a true and faith- by a verde large number of people. Mr. thun absence will be to boom. antee their wearing er points Write for Into the position he vacate,' here. Seargent, one of Lincoln county's beet ful member, one whose Springer adds: "My admiration for telt ; the wife has lost a devoted Leaf: The breezy corres- an great as now. and perfect send trial or- got' chi:lens, died at his home Sunday of Tobacco the men never wag qualities prices or band, the chlkiren a loving father and this place seisitInient before which all la or Firs pondent of the American at Against a We have the lar- der to Syrup blood poison. In his 70th year. He bad the community a good citizen. have bowed, against the tnefori- fits. et sorrow says our tobacco reoelpts last year was perdu Mannfactured only by the Calitornis Pig been confined to his bed for about three B.soleed: that we plight our ethis own party, against the over- gest and best selected that these and that the receipts S. SON his a with the bereaved family and 50,000 hogsheads, whelming niejority of Congrepo and at KARN & 114 Syrup Co., San Francisco, cal., Is Na- weeks and oleatb was not surprise pa- stock we ever had and resolutions be printed In the city this year will reach 75.0tX). Now the the risk of ruining his proepecte politic- _ ii,,LEsAT.t: AND REF 511.- ture's Own true Laxative. It is Use to Gina. who had been with him In his be sent to the family. and emir- pers and a copy entire receipts were less than 38,0011 ally, he has had the etrength will sell at the lowest must easily taken and the most pleem Illnean. Mr. Seargent was• member of Tcamta. according to the convictlittia of NED hogsheads, and in all probability will age to act prices for CASH. •• # * 11:21.aQice antly effective remedy known to cleanse the Christian Church, joining In his P. Possess. Committee. his heart moil his mind. II the Presi- Liquor Dealers. not reach that figure this year. This by Congress it will & CO. the system when bilious or costive; to early youth, and Was a most devout R. McNees. dent is not sustained N. TOBIN Evansville. Ind. figures were evidently given from a be Mel tor him : if he is sustained, then Howse Block. dispel headachve, colds and fevers; to christiati. lie wee born In Albermarle 108 Main Street, Opera -point. this incident may be the turning point tsti-eijtitaTtir,b. medielne has won for boom stand ''Ire habitual constipation, indigestion, county, Virginia, bat its spent the No other spring of a popular reaction against the abuse Palliation Twos W fla.•astr as Ayer's calmed City Itepnbltesin te. For sale in 50 cents and $1.00 bot- greater portion of his life in Kentucky." itself such universal confideoce of that whole pension No. 6. Enve- c„,statrzr,,,, _ The tobacco crop has begun to move, -- 10,000 llopkinsvIlle, Ky. Mr. Seargent wan the father of Dr. Sarsaparilla. It is the most powerful - Gushy H. B. Garner, net yet very freely, and only about sale at a bar- DRS.IPAIRLEIGR1 BLAKEY, A new lot of Station- of vegetAle alteratives ev- but S1111.011%4 CATARRH' REMEDY- lopes for Andrew St-argent, of this city. lie is combination 225,000 to 250,000 pounds have been acknowl- & positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Apply at this of- Physicians &Surgeons. cozy just received at this for "Induceansots" In another well known here as a gentleinan of no- er offered to the public, and Is nusrketed. The crop is probably a lit- gain. Look it and Canker Mouth. Fee sale by J. H. en )ffire elir- Cli, and ble character and many estimable quali- edged by the medical profession to be tle heavier than that of 1886, I eorner Main office for the biggest newspaper bar- l'riees Armistead. purifier. was about 4,500,000 pounds. gain 411 the INM10011. ties. the best blood