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CASE NO.: 1:14-cv-23100-LENARD/GOODMAN

AMBER GRACE TEUFEL, as an individual and on behalf of all others similarly situated,

Plaintiff, vs.

KARLIN FOODS CORPORATION, an Illinois Corporation,



Pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Amber Teufel

(“Plaintiff”), with the consent of Karlin Foods Corporation (“Defendant”), hereby moves for an


1. Conditionally certifying the following proposed Class for settlement purposes only:

All Persons who, for personal or household use, purchased in the United States from August 22,

2010 to the present, Wal Mart’s Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, which was distributed by

Karlin Foods Corporation and sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores1 . Excluded from the

Settlement Class are: (a) all Persons who purchased or acquired the Product for resale; (b) Karlin

Foods Corporation and its employees, principals, affiliated entities, legal representatives,

successors and assigns, and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and its parents and/or subsidiaries; (c) any

1. Product means Wal Mart’s Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

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Person who files a valid, timely Request for Exclusion; (d) federal, state, and local governments

(including all agencies and subdivisions thereof, but excluding employees thereof) and (e) the

judges to whom this Action is assigned and any members of their immediate families.

2. Conditionally designating Plaintiff Teufel as the representative of the Class.

3. Appointing Joshua H. Eggnatz, Esq. and Michael J. Pascucci, Esq. of Eggnatz,

Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP, 5400 S. University , Suite 413, Davie, FL 33328, as Lead Counsel

for the Class;

4. Preliminarily approving the terms of the Settlement as set forth in the Stipulation

of Settlement;

5. Approving the forms of notice and the methods of providing notice of the

Settlement to the Class as set forth in the Stipulation of Settlement and the exhibits thereto and

directing that said forms of notice be provided to Class Members in that manner;

6. Scheduling a Final Approval Hearing at which the request for final approval of the

proposed Settlement, Plaintiff Counsel’s application for an award of attorneys’ fees, Class

Representative Service Award, and expenses, and the entry of the Final Judgment and Order will

be considered.

As set forth in the Stipulation of Settlement and Exhibits in support thereof, the parties

suggest the following event schedule leading to the claims submission deadline, predicated on

preliminary approval by the Court on May 25, 2015:

Proposed Date2 Event

June 15, 2015 Publication notice begins (21 days after preliminary approval)

2. Pursuant to the Parties’ stipulation, the actual deadlines for the events listed in this schedule will vary depending upon the date on which preliminary approval is granted (if it is granted) and the date that the Court sets for the Final Approval Hearing. 2

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July 30, 2015 Deadline for opt-outs and objections (45 days after Notice)

September 14, 2015 Final Approval Hearing (112 days after preliminary approval)

September 28, 2015 Deadline for submitting claims (14 days after Final Approval Hearing)

This motion is based on the Stipulation of Settlement and Exhibits in support thereof and

upon such other matters as may be presented at the hearing. Plaintiff is also filing concurrently

herewith Plaintiff’s Unopposed Memorandum in Support of Request for Preliminary Approval of

Class Action Settlement, the Declarations of Joshua H. Eggnatz, and a proposed Notice Plan, all

in support of this Motion.


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Plaintiff, Amber Teufel (“Plaintiff”), submits this Memorandum in support of her

Unopposed Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement, for entry of the

[Proposed] Order Granting Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement. The terms of the

proposed settlement (“Settlement”) are fully set forth in the Stipulation of Class Action Settlement

attached as Exhibit A. (“Stipulation”).


Without objection by Karlin Foods Corporation (“Defendant”), Plaintiff respectfully

requests that the Court grant preliminary approval of the proposed Settlement of this action in

which Plaintiff alleges that the Product labeling was false and misleading.3

Karlin is a food company engaged in the business of marketing and distributing to retailers

various food products, among them cornstarch. Karlin at all relevant times sold cornstarch to Wal

Mart Stores, Inc., which sold it at retail under the brand name: “Great Value™ All Natural

Cornstarch.” On August 22, 2014, Plaintiff filed a putative class action, alleging that the “All

Natural” statement on the Product is false, deceptive, misleading, and sold pursuant to an unfair

business practice. Karlin vigorously disputes the claims and specifically avers that no state or

federal regulation or agency prohibits the Product from being labeled as “all natural,” despite the

presence of genetically modified organisms in the Product.

3 All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the same meanings set forth in the Stipulation. Although Defendant agrees the Court should approve this Settlement, it continues to deny Plaintiff’s allegations.


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The Parties have engaged in formal discovery as well as informal and voluntary exchange

of information, including written discovery, document production, and the deposition of Plaintiff.

On February 19, 2015, Teufel and Karlin participated in a full-day mediation session with Rodney

A. Max, Esq., but were unable to reach an agreement at that time. Since then, the Parties have

continued to engage in extensive settlement negotiations, including through consultation with the

mediator. At all times, the Parties’ negotiations were adversarial, non-collusive, and at arms’

length. Ultimately, the Parties reached a settlement in principle, which was memorialized in the

Stipulated Settlement Agreement signed May 1, 2015, and attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Plaintiff’s objective in this Action was to end Defendant’s alleged false labeling and

advertising practices regarding the Product’s “All Natural” statement, despite the fact that the same

allegedly contain artificial, synthetic, and/or genetically modified ingredients in it. Plaintiff

alleged that Defendant improperly labeled the subject Product by virtue of the above-referenced

labeling, in violation of state consumer protection statutes and common law.

The proposed Settlement compensates Class Members by providing Class Members both

with injunctive relief and monetary relief for damages incurred.

If approved, the injunctive relief component requires Defendant to ensure that its Product

is no longer being falsely represented to the public as being “All Natural,” as alleged by Plaintiff.

If approved, the monetary relief Defendant will provide is substantial and reasonable under

the circumstances. Specifically, Defendant will provide claimants who do not provide proof of

purchase of the Product a cash refund in the amount of up to $2.00, representing a $1.00 full refund

compensation for up to two (2) purchases of the Product. Additionally, claimants who provide

proof of purchase may seek compensation up to $8.00 for Products purchased, representing a $1.00

full refund compensation for up to eight (8) purchases of the Product. To satisfy these claims,


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Defendant has agreed to provide a guaranteed cash benefit payout available exclusively to pay

class member claims in an amount up to $515,000.00.

Furthermore, Defendant will pay all costs of noticing the Class, the costs of claims

administration, Plaintiffs’ Counsel’s attorneys’ fees and expenses, and the Class Representative’s

incentive award, in an amount up to $310,000.00. These amounts will be paid in addition to, and

separate and apart from the guaranteed cash benefit. Thus, the total amount of settlement funds

which Karlin is committed to pay to cover all costs associated with the Settlement is an amount up

to $825,000.00

Class Notice advising potential Class Members of their settlement benefits and their rights

will be effectuated pursuant to several methods. Specifically, the claims administrator shall cause

a website and a toll-free number to be created for Notice purposes. Such resources will provide

Class members with critical settlement information, including the opt-out date. Additionally, the

claims administrator will provide Notice to the Class via digital publication, not later than twenty-

one (21) calendar days after entry of the Preliminary Approval Order, or such other date as the

Court may order. All methods of providing Notice to Class shall comport with all requirements

of due process.

The proposed Class for which the Parties request certification for purposes of the

Settlement is:

All Persons who, for personal or household use, purchased in the United States from August 22, 2010 to the present, Wal Mart’s Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, which was distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores4. Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (a) all Persons who purchased or acquired the Product for resale; (b) Karlin Foods Corporation and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and its employees,

4. Product means Wal Mart’s Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.


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principals, affiliated entities, legal representatives, successors and assigns; (c) any Person who files a valid, timely Request for Exclusion; (d) federal, state, and local governments (including all agencies and subdivisions thereof, but excluding employees thereof) and (e) the judges to whom this Action is assigned and any members of their immediate families

In addition, Plaintiff moves the Court to designate Plaintiff as Class Representative in this

matter and, furthermore, to appoint Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP as Class Counsel.

At the preliminary approval stage the Court need only “make a preliminary determination

of the fairness, reasonableness and adequacy of the settlement” so that notice of the Settlement

may be given to the Class and a fairness hearing may be scheduled to make a final determination

regarding the fairness of the Settlement. See 4 Herbert B. Newberg & Alba Conte, Newberg on

Class Actions, § 11.25 (4th ed. 2002); David F. Herr, Annotated Manual for Complex Litigation

(“Manual”) § 21.632 (4th ed. 2008). In so doing, the Court reviews the Settlement to determine if

it “is ‘within the range of possible approval’ or, in other words [if] there is a ‘probable cause’ to

notify the class of the proposed settlement.” Fresco v. Auto Data Direct, Inc., No. 03-61063, 2007

U.S. Dist. LEXIS 37863, at *11-12 (S.D. Fla. May 11, 2007) (internal citations omitted); Bennett

v. Behring Corp., 737 F.2d 982, 986 (11th Cir. 1984) (A proposed settlement must be “fair,

adequate and reasonable and [not] the product of collusion between the parties”).

Based on evaluation of the facts and governing legal principles, and her recognition of

the risks inherent in continued litigation of this Action, Plaintiff submits that the proposed

Settlement Agreement is in the best interests of the Settlement Class. Accordingly, Plaintiff

hereby moves for preliminary approval of the Settlement.

As set forth in further detail below, the proposed Settlement plainly meets the standard for

preliminary approval. Thus, Plaintiff moves the Court to enter the [Proposed] Order Granting

Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement that, among other things: (1) preliminarily


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approves the terms of the Settlement; (2) approves the form, method and plan of Class Notice; (3)

certifies the Class for settlement purposes; and (4) schedules a Final Approval Hearing and related

dates at which the request for final approval of the proposed Settlement and entry of the Final

Judgment and Order will be considered. See Proposed Order, attached hereto as Exhibit B.


On August 22, 2014, Plaintiff filed a putative class action in the United States District

Court for the Southern District of Florida, alleging that the “All Natural” statement on the Product

is false, deceptive, misleading, and sold pursuant to an unfair business practice. Plaintiff is a

Florida consumer who purchased the Product for personal and household use. Defendant

distributes the Product to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., and it is sold under Wal-Mart’s private label

“Great Value.” The Product is only sold at Wal-Mart stores. Approximately 11.5 million units of

the Product were sold nationwide throughout the Class Period, at a retail purchase price of

approximately $0.99. Plaintiff asserted three (3) causes of action: Violation of the Florida

Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (Count I), Negligent Misrepresentation (Count II), and

Unjust Enrichment (Count III). See Pltf.’s Compl., ECF No. 1)

The Parties have engaged in formal discovery as well as informal and voluntary exchanges

of information, including written discovery, document production, and the deposition of Plaintiff.

Prior to undergoing additional and extensive and costly discovery and protracted litigation, the

Parties agreed to attend a mediation in an attempt to reach an early resolution of the Action. Prior

to the mediation, however, Plaintiff insisted that Defendant respond to targeted discovery requests

and provide confidential and sensitive financial information to Plaintiff necessary for Plaintiff

to engage in meaningful settlement discussions. Likewise, Defendant required that Plaintiff

appear for deposition in advance of any mediation. The Parties complied.


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On February 19, 2015, Teufel and Karlin participated in a full-day mediation session with

Rodney A. Max, Esq., but were unable to reach an agreement at that time. Since then, the Parties

have continued to engage in extensive settlement negotiations, including through consultation with

the mediator. At all times, the Parties’ negotiations were adversarial, non-collusive, and at arms’

length. Ultimately, the Parties reached a settlement in principle, which was memorialized in the

Stipulation of Settlement Agreement signed May 1, 2015, and attached hereto as Exhibit A.


A. The Injunctive Relief Component

The Stipulation of Settlement calls for Defendant to provide prospective relief relating

to the Product, including revising its advertising and marketing statements. Within sixty (60)

calendar days after entry of the Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement the injunctive

relief component requires Defendant to ensure that the Product is no longer being falsely

represented to the public as being “All Natural,” as alleged by Plaintiff. Specifically, Defendant

shall cease using the “All Natural” statement in connection with the sale of the Product. If

Defendant chooses to resume using the “All Natural” statement it shall obtain certification from

its suppliers to verify that their ingredients are not synthetic, artificial or derived from genetically

modified and/or bioengineered sources.

B. The Monetary Relief Component

Defendant has agreed to provide compensation to Claimants, without proof of purchase,

$1.00 per purchase of claimed Products, up to $2.00, for damages incurred from purchasing the

Product during the Class Period. Additionally, Defendant has agreed to provide compensation to

Claimants, who have proofs of purchase, $1.00 per purchase, up to a maximum of $8.00.


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Defendant has guaranteed that it will satisfy all valid Claims made, up to a cap on cash

payments to the Settlement Class in the amount of Five Hundred Fifteen Thousand and No/100

Dollars ($515,000.00). However, if the total of Approved Claims exceed this guaranteed cap, the

claims administrator will pay a pro rata reduction of the amount due each Settlement Class Member

such that the aforementioned amount will satisfy all Approved Claims.

C. Class Claims Administration, Attorney’s Fees, and the Proposed Notice Plan

The Settlement provides that Defendant shall pay for the costs of Class Notice and claims

administration, including any third-party costs to secure performance of the settlement obligations,

up to a maximum of one hundred fifty thousand and no/100 dollars ($150,000.00). Defendant also

agrees not to oppose Class Counsels’ application for reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses and costs

in an amount not to exceed $155,000.00, which shall be paid upon final settlement approval by

the Court. The Settlement also provides for a $5,000.00 class representative service award to


No later than twenty-one (21) calendar days after entry of the Preliminary Approval Order

or such other date as the Court may order, the claims administrator shall cause Notice to be

delivered to the Class pursuant to the Notice Plan. The Plan entails three parts: (1) creation of a

Settlement Website; (2) creation of a Settlement toll-free number; and (3) publication.

The long-form Notice shall be posted to the Settlement Website and will inform Claimants

about pertinent Settlement terms and criteria, including opt-out dates and impact of Settlement on

existing litigation, arbitration, or other proceedings.

The Parties have specifically set forth the mechanisms for Class Members to object and

opt-out of the Settlement, upon the Notice Plan being effectuated.


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A. The Standard for Preliminary Approval

Rule 23(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure requires judicial approval of any

settlement agreement in a class action. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(e). This involves “a two-step

process: preliminary approval and a subsequent fairness hearing.” Smith v. WM. Wrigley Jr. Co.,

No. 09-60646-CIV, 2010 WL 2401149, at *2 (S.D. Fla. June 15, 2010) (citing Manual for

Complex Litigation (“MCL”)). First, the parties submit the proposed settlement to the court for

preliminary approval. Id. If the court grants preliminary approval, the second step of the process

ensues; notice is given to the class members of a final fairness hearing, at which time class

members and the settling parties may be heard with respect to final court approval. Id. at *7.

The approval of a proposed class action settlement is a matter within the broad discretion

of the trial court and will not be overturned unless the district court “clearly abused its discretion

in approving the settlement.” Young v. Katz, 447 F.2d 431, 432 (5th Cir. 1971);5 see also In re

U.S. Oil & Gas Litig., 967 F.2d 489, 493 (11th Cir. 1992). In making the determination, the

Court should evaluate the settlement’s fairness in its entirety. Bennett, 737 F.2d at 986.

Settlements of class actions prior to trial are strongly favored. In re Corrugated Container

Antitrust Litig., 643 F.2d 195, 207 (5th Cir. 1981). The preliminary approval step requires the

Court to “make a preliminary determination on the fairness, reasonableness, and adequacy of the

settlement terms.” Manual, § 21.632, at 321. At this stage, the Court need only conduct a prima

facie review of the relief and notice provided by the Stipulation to determine whether notice should

5. Decisions by the former Fifth Circuit issued before October 1, 1981 are binding as precedent in the Eleventh Circuit. See Slater v. Energy Services Group Intern., Inc., No. 09-13794, 2011 WL 782023, *6, n.3 (March 8, 2011 11th Cir. 2011) (citing Bonner v. City of Prichard, 661 F.2d 1206, 1207 (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc)). 11

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be sent to the Class Members. Id. “In determining whether to approve a proposed settlement, the

cardinal rule is that the District Court must find that the settlement is fair, adequate and reasonable

and is not the product of collusion between the parties.” Cotton v. Hinton, 559 F.2d 1326, 1330

(5th Cir. 1977); see also Access Now, Inc. v. Claire’s Stores, Inc., No. 00-14017-CIV, 2002 WL

1162422, *1 (S.D. Fla. May 7, 2002). This is a minimal threshold:

In performing this balancing task, the trial court is entitled to rely upon the judgment of experienced counsel for the parties. Indeed, the trial judge, absent fraud, collusion, or the like, should be hesitant to substitute its own judgment for that of counsel.

In addition to examining the merits of a proposed settlement and ascertaining the views of counsel, the Court should consider other factors.

Practical considerations may be taken into account. It is often said that litigants should be encouraged to determine their respective rights between themselves. Particularly in class action suits, there is an overriding public interest in favor of settlement. It is common knowledge that class action suits have a well-deserved reputation as being most complex. The requirement that counsel for the class be experienced attests to the complexity of the class action.

Cotton, 558 F.2d at 1330-31 (internal citations omitted); see also Ass’n for Disabled Ams. Inc. v.

Amoco Oil Co., 21 F.R.D. 457, 466-67 (S. D. Fla. 2002).

The proposed Settlement satisfies the standard for preliminary approval.

B. The Proposed Settlement Was the Result of Serious, Informed, and Non- Collusive Arm’s Length Negotiations

The requirement that a settlement be fair is designed to protect against collusion among the

parties. Typically, “[t]here is a presumption of fairness when a proposed class settlement, which

was negotiated at arm’s-length by counsel for the class, is present to the Court for approval.”

Newberg, § 11.41; see also In re Employee Benefit Plans Sec. Litig., No. 3-92-708, 1993 WL


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330595, *5 (D. Minn. June 2, 1993) (“[t]he court is entitled to rely on the judgment of experienced

counsel in its evaluation of the merits of a class action settlement”).

Here, the Parties did not reach a Settlement until after a substantial investigation, exchange

of information, months of negotiation, a mediation, and continued post-mediation negotiations.

Indeed, the Settlement required the assistance of an experienced mediator, Rodney A. Max. Mr.

Max’s services only proved successful as a result of continued telephonic sessions following a

full-day of in-person mediation at his offices. By this time, Plaintiff and her counsel, who have

significant experience in prosecuting complex consumer class actions, such as the instant case, had

a “clear view of the strengths and weaknesses” of their case and were in a strong position to make

an informed decision regarding the reasonableness of a potential settlement. See In re Warner

Commc’ns Sec. Litig, 618 F. Supp. 735, 745 (S.D.N.Y. 1985); see also Manchaca v. Chater, 927

F. Supp. 962, 967 (E.D. Tex. 1996).

The fact that the Parties received the above-referenced assistance from an experienced

mediator is one factor which evidences that the Settlement is not collusive. See, e.g., Adams v.

Inter-Con Sec. Sys., Inc., No. C-06-5428 MHP, 2007 WL 3225466, *3 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 30, 2007)

(“The assistance of an experienced mediator in the settlement process confirms that the settlement

is non-collusive”); In re Indep. Energy Holdings PLC, No. 00 Civ. 6689(SAS), 2003 WL

22244676, *4 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 29, 2003) (“the fact that the settlement was reached after exhaustive

arm’s length negotiations, with the assistance of a private mediator experienced in complex

litigation, is further proof that it is fair and reasonable”). Further, the nature of the subsequent

negotiations between the Parties, the experience of Class Counsel, and the fair result reached are

illustrative of the arm’s-length negotiations that led to the Settlement.


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C. The Proposed Settlement Is Fair to Both the Plaintiff and Class Members

In considering whether a Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable and adequate

upon preliminary review courts should consider the following factors:

(1) the likelihood of success at trial; (2) the range of possible recovery; (3) the point on or below the range of possible recovery at which a settlement is fair, adequate and reasonable; (4) the complexity, expense and duration of litigation; (5) the substance and amount of opposition to the settlement; and (6) the stage of proceedings at which the settlement was achieved.

See W.M. Wrigley, 2010 WL 2401149 at *2 (citing Bennet v. Behrina Corp., 737

F.2d 982, 986 (11th Cir. 1984)). Consideration of the aforementioned criteria reveals that

the proposed settlement of this case is fair, adequate and reasonable and, therefore, comports

with the requirements of Rule 23(e).

The proposed Settlement is fair because it provides Class Members with the ability to claim

full reimbursement for up to $2.00 for purchasing the Product without providing any proof of

purchase. Furthermore, the Settlement also allows for Class Members to receive up to $8.00 for

purchases of the Product with proof of purchase. Thus, Class Members without proof of purchase

are eligible to receive a full refund of their purchase price, up to 2 purchases, and Class Members

with proof of purchase are eligible to receive a full refund of their purchase price, up to 8 purchases.

Moreover, all Class Members, and future purchasers of the Product, receive the benefits of the

injunctive relief to which Defendant has agreed.

Additionally, to account for the willingness of the Plaintiff stepping forward to represent

the consumers and to compensate her for their time and effort, the Settlement provides for a modest

service award in the amount of $5,000 for the named plaintiff — well within the range of incentive

awards commonly approved by the courts. See Fresco v. Auto. Directions, Inc., No. 03-61063,

2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 125233, *24, 25 (S.D. Fla. Jan. 16, 2009) (approving $15,000 incentive


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awards for class representatives who actively participated in litigation); Pinto v. Princess Cruise

Lines, 513 F. Supp.2d 1334, 1344 (S.D. Fla. 2007) (approving $7,500 incentive awards).

D. The Terms of the Settlement Compel Preliminary Approval

The Settlement meets the standards for preliminary approval. Cotton, 559 F.2d 1326.

Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s counsel are confident in the strength of their case, but are also practical

in their awareness of the various defenses available to Defendant, and the risks inherent in

litigation. Further, protracted litigation carries risks that would necessarily have substantially

delayed and endangered the class members’ recovery. The Settlement provides economic benefits

to Class Members without the risk and delays of continued litigation, trial, and appeal. The

expense, complexity, and duration of litigation are significant factors considered in evaluating the

reasonableness of a settlement. Litigating this class action through trial would undoubtedly be

time-consuming and expensive. As with most class actions, this action is complex. Cotton, 559

F.2d at 1331 (“class action suits have a well-deserved reputation as being most complex”).

Determining whether Defendant engaged in unfair methods of competition, unconscionable acts

and practices, and unfair and deceptive acts and practices; and whether Defendant materially

misrepresented the true qualities or naturalness of the Product, would require extensive analysis

by experts for both Parties. At a minimum, absent settlement, litigation would likely continue for

years before the Plaintiff or the Class might see a recovery. That a settlement would eliminate the

delay and expenses strongly weighs in favor of approval. See Milstein v. Huck, 600 F. Supp. 254,

267 (E.D.N.Y. 1984).

At its essence, this Settlement provides guaranteed substantial injunctive and financial

relief to the Settlement Class without further delay. Accordingly, there can be no doubt that the

settlement relief afforded pursuant to the Settlement Agreement is a fair and reasonable recovery


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in light of the challenging and unpredictable path of litigation Plaintiff would have faced absent a


By reaching this Settlement, the Parties will avoid protracted litigation and will establish a

means for prompt resolution of Class Members’ claims against Defendant. These avenues of relief

provided meaningful benefits to Class Members. Given the alternative of long and complex

litigation before this Court, the risks involved in such litigation, and the possibility of further

appellate litigation, the availability of prompt relief under the Settlement is highly beneficial to the

Class. Absent settlement, this litigation would likely continue for years before Plaintiff or the

Settlement Class Members would see any recovery. Thus, by reaching the Settlement the Parties

will avoid broader discovery, the attorneys’ fees, costs, and judicial resources associated with

litigating this case through trial, and will establish a means for a prompt resolution of the

claims against Defendant. The Settlement establishes a mechanism by which all Settlement

Class Members may obtain a benefit, where full-blown litigation could result in the Settlement

Class not realizing any benefit.

Although the Settlement in this case occurred without extensive motion practice, the

Settlement Agreement is the result of arm’s-length negotiations between experienced attorneys

who are familiar with class action litigation and with the legal and factual issues of this case. With

the issue of class certification approaching, and prior to expending substantial resources on

lengthy discovery, briefing, and retention of experts, the Parties on their own volition engaged the

services of Rodney A. Max, Esq., an experienced and skilled mediator, who, after an all-day

mediation and post-mediation negotiations assisted the Parties to the point of memorializing a

Settlement Agreement. See Perez v. Asurion Corp., 501 F. Supp. 2d 1360, 1384 (S.D. Fla. 2007)

(concluding that class settlement was not collusive in part because it was overseen by “an


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experienced and well-respected mediator”).

During the Mediation, the Parties took into account the strengths and weaknesses of the

Action, the risks involved with further litigation, and the likely recovery after trial and on appeal.

Based on the discussions during the Mediation, Plaintiff’s Counsel determined that continued

litigation was unlikely to result in any greater recovery than reached in the Settlement. Such facts

demonstrate that the Settlement was not the product of collusion. See Lipuma v. American Express

Co., 406 F. Supp. 2d 1298, 1319 (S.D. Fla. 2005) (approving class settlement that was “the result

of informed, arms-length negotiations by experienced class counsel”).


The Eleventh Circuit recognizes the strong public policy favoring the pretrial settlement of

class action lawsuits. See In re U.S. Oil & Gas Litig., 967 F.2d 489, 493 (11th Cir. 1992); Cotton,

559 F.2d at 1331. This is especially true, as recognized by courts from around the country, of

nationwide settlements, such as this. Hanlon v. Chrysler Corp., 150 F.3d 1011 (9th 1998)

(certifying nationwide settlement class); In re Prudential Ins. Co. of Am. Sales Practices Litig.,

148 F.3d 283, 314—315 (3d Cir. 1998) (nationwide settlement classes are commonly certified).

When presented with a proposed settlement, a court must determine whether the proposed

settlement class satisfied the requirements for class certification under Rule 23, Federal Rules of

Civil Procedure. Id. But in assessing those certification requirements, a court may properly

consider that there will be no trial. Amchem Prods., Inc. v. Windsor, 521 U.S. 591, 620 (1997)

(“Confronted with a request for settlement-only class certification, a district court need not inquire

whether the case, if tried, would present intractable management problems . . . for the proposal is

that there be no trial”).


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A. The Settlement Class Satisfies Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(a)

Rule 23(a), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, enumerates four prerequisites for class

certification: (1) numerosity; (2) commonality; (3) typicality; and (4) adequacy. Each of the

requirements is met by the Settlement Class.

1. Numerosity

Rule 23(a)(1) requires that “the class is so numerous that joinder of all members is

impractical.” FED. R. CIV. P. 23(a). The Product is popular nationally with hundreds of thousands

of customers; thus, the numerosity requirement is met.

2. Commonality

The commonality requirement is met if there is at least one question of law or fact common

to the members of the Class. FED. R. CIV. P. 23(a)(2). The commonality requirement is a

“relatively light burden” that “does not that all questions of law and fact raised by the dispute be

common.” Vega v. T-Mobile USA, Inc., 564 F.3d 1256, 1268 (11th Cir. 2009) (citations omitted).

Rather, it “simply requires that there be at least one issue whose resolution will affect all or a

significant number of the putative class members.” Fitzpatrick, 263 F.R.D. at 696 (citing Williams

v. Mohawk Indus., Inc., 568 F.3d 1350, 1355 (11th Cir. 2009). Commonality is satisfied where

questions of law refer to standardized conduct by the defendant toward members of the proposed

class. In re Amerifirst Sec. Litig., 139 F.R.D. 423, 428 (S.D. Fla. 1991).

Here, the case involves the labeling of Defendant’s Product. The uniform “All Natural”

labeling is similar such that Defendant’s conduct should be considered standardized. Further,

because the Plaintiff and the Class Members as a whole allegedly were deceived as a result of the

similar language in substantially the same manner, i.e., by purchasing the Product, it is clear that

the commonality requirement has been met.


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3. Typicality

The Rule 23(a) typicality requirement ensures that the class representative has the same

interests as the class. That is, “typicality measures whether a sufficient nexus exists between the

claims of the named representatives and those of the class at large.” Busby v. JRHBW Realty, Inc.,

513 F.3d 1314 (11th Cir. 2008). The typicality requirement, like commonality, is not demanding.

See In re Disposable Contact Lens Antitrust Litig., 170 F.R.D. 524, 532 (M.D. Fla. 1996).

Similarly, typicality does not require that all putative class members share identical claims. Rather,

all that is required is that the claims of the named plaintiff have the same essential characteristics

as the class at large. “[A] strong similarity of legal theories will satisfy the typicality requirement

despite substantial factual differences.” Appleyard v. Wallace, 754 F.2d 955, 958 (11th Cir. 1985).

Here, the Plaintiff and Class Members’ claims arise from the same course of conduct

(Defendant’s misleading Product labels), which allegedly led to the Plaintiff’s and Class Members’

purchases of the Product, and the resultant economic injury they allege to have suffered.

4. Adequacy of Representation

Finally, Rule 23(a) requires a showing that the representative party will fairly and

adequately protect the interests of the class. The requirement has two components: (1) the

proposed representative has interest in common with, and not antagonistic to, the interests of the

class; and (2) the plaintiff’s attorneys are qualified, experienced, and generally able to conduct the

litigation. Kirkpatrick v. J.C. Bradford & Co., 827 F.2d 718 (11th Cir. 1987).

Adequacy is plainly met in this case. The proposed Class Representative is not antagonistic

to the claims of the Class Members, and Plaintiff’s counsel are experienced in complex class

actions, similar to this one. A declaration of proposed class counsel is attached as Exhibit C.


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B. The Settlement Class Should Be Preliminarily Approved Under the Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3)

In addition to the requirements set forth in Rule 23(a), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,

in the context of the proposed Settlement, the Parties do not dispute that Plaintiff also satisfies the

requirements set forth in Rule 23(b)(3), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which requires that

common questions of law or fact predominate over individual questions, and that class action

treatment is superior to other available methods of adjudication. As set forth below, the Action

meets Rule 23(b)(3), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure’s, requirements. Accordingly, this Court

should conditionally certify the Class proposed by the Parties.

1. Common Questions Predominate Over Individual Issues

Common questions of law or fact predominate over individual questions when the issues

in the class action are subject to generalized proof that applies to the case as a whole. Rutstein v.

Avis Rent-A-Car Sys., 211 F.3d 1228, 1233 (11th Cir. 2000); Amchem, 521 U.S. at 625

(“Predominance is a test readily met in certain cases alleging consumer or securities fraud”). Thus,

in deciding whether common questions predominate under Rule 23(b)(3), the focus is generally

on whether there are common liability issues that may be resolved on a class-wide basis. See, e.g.,

Klay v. Humana, 382 F.3d 1241, 1269 (11th Cir. 2004). “[I]t is not necessary that all questions of

fact or law be common, but only that some questions are common and that they predominate over

individual questions.” Busby, 513 F.3d at 1354.

Predominance exists here. The central issue for every Class Member is whether

Defendant’s claims that the Product was “All Natural” was likely to deceive a reasonable

consumer. Under these circumstances, the requirements of Rule 23(b)(3) are present. See Weiner,

255 F.R.D. at 669 (predominance satisfied when alleged misrepresentation of product’s health

benefits were displayed on every package).


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2. A Class Action Is the Superior Method to Settle This Controversy

Rule 23(b)(3), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, lists four factors that the Court should

consider when taking into account whether a class action is superior to other methods of

adjudicating this action: (A) the class members’ interests in individually controlling the

prosecution or defense of separate actions; (B) the extent and nature of any litigation concerning

the controversy already commenced by or against class members; (C) the desirability or

undesirability of concentrating the litigation of the claims in a particular forum; and (D) the likely

difficulties in managing a class action. FED. R. CIV. P. 23(b)(3)(A)-(D). “[T]he improbability that

large numbers of class members would possess the initiative to litigate individually” further

compels a finding of superiority. Fabricant v. Sears Roebuck, 202 F.R.D. 310, 318 (S.D. Fla.

2001); Amchem, 521 U.S. at 617 (same); Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Shutts, 472 U.S. 797, 809

(1985) (same).

An assessment of the Rule 23(b)(3) “superiority” factors show that a class action is the

preferred procedure in this case. The amount of damages suffered by the vast majority of Class

Members is not large. Weiner, 255 F.R.D. at 671. It is neither economically feasible, nor judicially

efficient, for the hundreds of thousands of Class Members to pursue their claims against Defendant

on an individual basis. Deposit Guaranty Nat’l Bank v. Roper, 445 U.S. 326, 338—39 (1980).

Additionally, the difficulties of managing a class action are vitiated by the fact of this Settlement.

When “[c]onfronted with a request for settlement-only class certification, a district court need not

inquire whether the case, if tried, would present intractable management problems . . . for the

proposal is that there be no trial.” Amchem, 521 U.S. at 620.


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The threshold requirement concerning class certification is whether the means employed

to distribute the notice was reasonably calculated to apprise the class of the pendency of the action,

of the proposed settlement, and of the Class Members’ rights to opt out or object. Eisen v. Carlisle

& Jacquelin, 417 U.S. 156, 173 (1974); Mullane v. Cent. Hanover Bank & Trust Co., 339 U.S.

306, 315 (1950). The mechanics of the notice process are left to the discretion of the court, subject

only to the broad “reasonableness” standards imposed by due process. In this Circuit, it has long

been the case that a notice of settlement will be adjudged satisfactory if it reaches the parties

affected and conveys the required information. In re Nissan Motor Corp. Antitrust Litig., 552 F.2d

1088, 1104—05 (5th Cir. 1977) (the class members’ “substantive claims must be adequately

described [and] the notice must also contain information reasonably necessary to make a decision

to remain a class member and be bound by the final judgment”). Courts have found that when

there is no way to directly notify each member of a class, notice by reasonable means, including

by publication, is acceptable. See W.M. Wrigley, 2010 WL 2401149, at *6.

The Proposed Class Notice – collectively, the publication, website, and toll-free number

– easily satisfy these requirements. The Class Notice is written in simple terminology and includes:

(1) basic information about the Action; (2) a description of the benefits provided by the Settlement;

(3) an explanation of how Class Members can obtain Settlement benefits; (4) an explanation of

how Class Members can exercise their right to opt-out or object to the Settlement; (5) an

explanation that any claims against Defendant that could have been litigated in this Action will be

released if the Class Member does not opt-out from the Settlement; (6) the names of Class Counsel

and information regarding requested attorney’s fees and incentive awards; (7) the Final Approval


Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 23 of 26

Hearing date; (8) an explanation of eligibility for appearing at the Final Approval Hearing; (9) the

Settlement Website; and (10) the toll-free Settlement Phone Number.

The contents of the proposed Class Notice are more than adequate. The Class Notice

provides Class Members with sufficient information to make an informed and intelligent decision

whether to participate in the Settlement. As such, it satisfies the content requirements of Rule 23.

See In re Compact Disc. Minimum Advertised Price Antitrust Litig., 216 F.R.D. 197, 203 (D. Me.

2003) (“notice must describe fairly, accurately and neutrally the claims and parties in the litigation,

the terms of the proposed settlement, and the options available to individuals entitled to participate,

including the right to exclude themselves from the class”).

Additionally, the proposed plan to disseminate the Class Notice satisfies all due process

requirements. To facilitate implementation of the Class Notice and administer the claims process,

the Parties request that the Court approve Heffler Claims Group as Claim Administrator to

disseminate Class Notice after the Court preliminarily approves the Settlement. Heffler is a

nationally recognized administrator for class action settlement and legal notice programs.

Notice to potential Settlement Class Members will be achieved through a targeted

electronic media plan that will be national in scope and that will target a wide range of popular

websites and ensure far-reaching effect, as well as targeted advertising through a social media

campaign. media plan will consist of targeted advertising through Facebook, through

the purchase of 4,500,000 impressions. Additionally, keyword searchers using Google AdWords

will be targeted for over 300,000 impressions to unique users. Heffler will also deliver digital

publication notice through PR Newswire, with an average reach of 3,000,000 unique visitors per

month through over 6,000 news outlets and digital publications. Exhibits 1 and 2 to the Settlement

includes copies of the publication notices as well as the long-form notice.


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To facilitate the claims process, Class Notice and Claim Forms will be available through

the Settlement Website maintained by the Claim Administrator, and at Class Counsel’s option, on

Class Counsel’s website. In sum, the contents and dissemination of the proposed Class Notice

constitute the best notice practicable under the circumstances and fully comply with the

requirements set forth in Rule 23, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.


In order to provide the broadest possible coverage, the Parties have agreed to publish Class

Notice, which will contain the relevant dates for Class Members. The Parties’ proposed schedule

depends upon the Court’s preliminary approval and scheduling of the Final Approval Hearing. If

the Court grants the preliminary approval and sets a date for a Final Approval Hearing, the Parties

can provide the Clerk with dates in accordance with the Settlement process. Notwithstanding,

assuming the Court grants the preliminary approval by May 25, 2015 or earlier, the Parties propose

September 14, 2015 as an appropriate date for the Final Approval Hearing. Notice to the Class

would begin June 15, 2015 and would be completed no earlier than July 30, 2015 (at least 45 days

of publication notice, 46 days before the Final Approval Hearing), Plaintiff will file her opening

papers in support of final approval and request for attorney’s fees on July 31, 2015 (45 days prior

to the Final Approval Hearing), the last day for Class Members to opt-out, object or file notices of

appearance would be July 30, 2015 (45 days after Notice), and the reply in support of final approval

would be due August 15, 2015 (15 days after the objection/opt-out deadline and 30 days before

the Final Approval Hearing).

If preliminary approval is not granted by May 25 Plaintiff will provide dates by which

these other actions will occur, based upon any changes to the dates by which the Notice Plan can

be implemented, or as set by the Court. Accordingly, the Parties request that the Court schedule a


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Final Approval Hearing on September 14, 2015, or as soon thereafter as the Court’s schedule



For the reasons set forth above, Plaintiff respectfully requests, with Defendant’s consent,

that the Court enter the [Proposed] Order: (1) certifying the Class; (2) designating Plaintiff Teufel

as Class Representative; (3) appointing Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP as Class Counsel; (4)

granting preliminary approval of the Settlement; (5) approving the proposed Class Notice Plan and

directing that it be implemented; and (6) scheduling the Final Approval Hearing.


Pursuant to Local Rule 7.1(A)(3), counsel for Plaintiff has conferred with counsel for

Defendant, who agrees with the relief requested in this Motion.

Respectfully, submitted,

Dated: May 4, 2015 By: /s/ Joshua H. Eggnatz Joshua H. Eggnatz, Esq. Fla. Bar. No.: 0067926 Michael J. Pascucci, Esq. Fla. Bar No.: 0083397 EGGNATZ, LOPATIN & PASCUCCI, LLP 5400 S. University Drive, Ste. 413 Davie, FL 33328 Tel: (954) 889-3359 Fax: (954) 889-5913 jeggnatz@ mpascucci@

Michael T. Fraser Fla. Bar No.: 104108 [email protected] THE LAW OFFICES OF HOWARD W. RUBINSTEIN, P.A. 3507 Kyoto Gardens Drive Suite 200 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33401 832-715-2788


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Fax: 4156926607

Attorneys for Plaintiff and the Proposed Class


I HEREBY CERTIFY that on May 4, 2015, I served this document on all counsel of record on the attached Service List in the manner specified, via e-mail:

/s/ Joshua H. Eggnatz Joshua H. Eggnatz, Esq. Fredrick H.L. McClure Florida Bar No. 147354 [email protected] [email protected] DLA PIPER LLP (US) 100 North Tampa Street Suite 2200 Tampa, FL 33602-5809 Phone: (813) 229-2111 Fax: (813) 229-1447

Harout Jack Samra Florida Bar No. 70523 [email protected] [email protected] DLA PIPER LLP (US) 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2500 Miami, FL 33131-5341 Phone: (305) 423-8500 Fax: (305) 437-8131

Attorneys for Defendant, Karlin Foods Corporation


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EXHIBIT A Teufel v. Karlin Foods Corporation Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement

STIPULATION OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 2 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 3 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 4 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 5 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 6 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 7 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 8 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 9 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 10 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 11 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 12 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 13 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 14 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 15 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 16 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 17 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 18 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 19 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 20 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 21 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 22 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 23 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 24 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 25 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 26 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 27 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 28 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 29 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 30 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 31 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 32 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 33 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 34 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 35 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 36 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 37 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 38 of 212 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 39 of 212

EXHIBIT A Teufel v. Karlin Foods Corporation Stipulation of Settlement

PROPOSED ORDER GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 40 of 212


CASE NO.: 1:14-cv-23100-LENARD/GOODMAN

AMBER GRACE TEUFEL, as an individual and on behalf of all others similarly situated,

Plaintiff, vs.

KARLIN FOODS CORPORATION, an Illinois Corporation,



The parties to this litigation have entered into a Stipulation of Class Action Settlement (the

“Agreement”) dated April 28, 2015, which if approved, would resolve this putative class action.

Plaintiff Amber Teufel has filed a Motion for Preliminary Class Certification for Settlement

Purposes and Approval of Notice to the Class (the “Motion”). Defendant Karlin Foods,

Corporation. (“Karlin”) does not oppose the Motion, and supports preliminary approval of the

Agreement by the Court.

The definitions in the Agreement are hereby incorporated as though set forth fully in this

Order, and capitalized terms shall have the meaning attributed to them in the Agreement.

The Court has read and considered the Motion, the Agreement, and all exhibits thereto,

including the proposed Class Notice and Claim Form, and finds there is sufficient basis for:

(1) granting preliminary approval of the Agreement; (2) certifying the Settlement Class for

settlement purposes; (3) appointing Plaintiff Amber Teufel as Class Representative; (4) appointing

Joshua H. Eggnatz, Esq. and Michael J. Pascucci, Esq. of Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP as Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 41 of 212

Class Counsel; (5) directing that Class Notice be disseminated to the Settlement Class as provided

by the Notice Plan; and (6) setting a Final Approval Hearing at which the Court will consider

whether to grant final approval of the Agreement.

The Court now GRANTS the Motion for Preliminary Approval and makes the following

findings and orders:

1. The Court preliminary certifies, for settlement purposes only, the following

settlement class (the “Settlement Class”) pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil


All Persons who, for personal or household use, purchased in the United States from August 22, 2010 to the present, Wal Mart’s Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, which was distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores1. Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (a) all Persons who purchased or acquired the Product for resale; (b) Karlin Foods Corporation and its employees, principals, affiliated entities, legal representatives, successors and assigns, and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and its parents and/or subsidiaries; (c) any Person who files a valid, timely Request for Exclusion; (d) federal, state, and local governments (including all agencies and subdivisions thereof, but excluding employees thereof) and (e) the judges to whom this Action is assigned and any members of their immediate families.

2. The Court approves Amber Teufel as Class Representative.

3. The Court appoints the following to serve as Class Counsel: Joshua H. Eggnatz,

Esq. and Michael J. Pascucci, Esq. of Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP, 5400 S. University Drive,

Suite 413, Davie, FL 33328. For purposes of these settlement approval proceedings, the Court

finds that these lawyers are competent and capable of exercising their responsibilities as Class


1. Product means Wal Mart’s Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

2 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 42 of 212

4. The Court finds, for purposes of settlement only, and conditioned upon the entry of

this Order and the Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement and upon the occurrence of

the Effective Date, that the requirements of Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are

met by the Settlement Class: (a) joinder of all Settlement Class Members in a single proceeding

would be impracticable, if not impossible, because of their numbers and dispersion; (b) there are

questions of law and fact common to the Settlement Class; (c) Plaintiff’s claims are typical of the

claims of the Settlement Class she seeks to represent for purposes of settlement; (d) Plaintiff has

fairly and adequately represented the interests of the Settlement Class and will continue to do so;

(e) Plaintiff and the Settlement Class are represented by qualified, reputable counsel who are

experienced in preparing and prosecuting class actions, including those involving the sort of

practices alleged in the Complaint; (f) for purposes of settlement, the questions of law and fact

common to the Settlement Class Members predominate over questions affecting any individual

Settlement Class Member; (g) Karlin has acted on grounds that apply generally to the Settlement

Class, such that final injunctive relief is appropriate respecting the Settlement Class as a whole;

and (h) a class settlement is superior to other available methods for a fair resolution of the


5. The Court preliminary approves the Agreement, finding that its terms appear

sufficient and fair, reasonable, and adequate to warrant dissemination of notice of the proposed

settlement to the Settlement Class as provided by the Notice Plan. The Court finds that the

Agreement contains no obvious deficiencies and that the parties entered into the Agreement in

good faith, following arms-length negotiation between their respective counsel.

6. The Court approves, as to form and content, the Long-Form Notice and Short-Form

Publication Notice attached to the Memorandum in Support of Motion for Preliminary Approval

3 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 43 of 212

of Class Action Settlement as Exhibits A, 1 & 2. The Court also approves the procedure for

disseminating notice of the proposed settlement to the Settlement Class and the Claim Form, as

set forth in the Notice and Media Plan attached to the Memorandum in Support of Motion for

Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement as Exhibits A, 3 & 4. The Court finds that the

notice to be given constitutes the best notice practicable under the circumstances, and constitutes

valid, due, and sufficient notice to the Settlement Class in full compliance with the requirements

of applicable law, including the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution.

7. Karlin shall cause notice to be disseminated pursuant to the Notice Plan within 21

calendar days of this Order or June 15, 2015 whichever is later.

8. As set forth in the Agreement, Karlin shall pay for the class notice, settlement

administration, and any third party costs securing the performacne of the settlement obligation, up

to a maximum of $150,000.00.

9. The Court authorizes and directs Karlin to retain Heffler Claims Group as the

Claims Administrator to implement the terms of the proposed Agreement, and authorizes and

directs such Claims Administrator to (a) publish the Long-Form Notice and Publication Notice as

provided by the Notice Plan; (b) establish the toll-free informational telephone number; (c)

establish the Settlement Website; (d) receive and process Claims; and (e) carry out such other

responsibilities as are provided for in the Agreement or may be agreed to by the Parties in the


10. At or before the Final Approval Hearing (defined below), the Claims Administrator

shall provide the Court with a declaration showing that the Class Notice was disseminated in

accordance with this Order and the Notice Plan.

11. A hearing on final approval of the Agreement, an award of attorneys’ fees and

4 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 44 of 212

expenses to Class Counsel, and service award payment to Plaintiff (the “Final Approval Hearing”)

shall be held at on September 14, 2015, before the undersigned in Courtroom 12-1 of the United

States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, 400 North Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida

33128. At the Final Approval Hearing, the Court will consider: (a) whether the Agreement should

be finally approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate for the Settlement Class; (b) whether a

judgment granting approval of the Agreement and dismissing the Action with prejudice should be

entered; and (c) whether Class Counsel's application for attorneys’ fees and expenses and an

service award for Plaintiff should be granted.

12. Any Settlement Class Member may object to any aspect of the Stipulation of

Settlement may object to any aspect of the proposed Agreement either on his or her own or through

an attorney hired at his or her expense. Any Settlement Class Member who wishes to object to the

proposed Agreement must file with the Court, and serve on Class Counsel and Defendant’s

Counsel, at the addresses set forth below, a written statement of objection no later than July 30,

2015 (the “Objection Deadline”). Such statement shall include (a) the name, address, telephone

number and, if available, e-mail address of the Person objecting and, if represented by counsel, of

his/her counsel; (b) specifically and in writing, all objections; (c) whether he/she intends to appear

at the Final Approval Hearing, either with or without counsel; (d) a statement of his/her

membership in the Settlement Class including all of the information required by the Claim Form;

and (e) a detailed list of any other objections submitted by the Settlement Class Member, or his/her

counsel, to any class actions submitted in any court, whether state or otherwise, in the United States

in the previous five (5) years. If the Settlement Class Member or his/her counsel has not objected

to any other class action settlement in any court in the United States in the previous five (5) years,

he/she shall affirmatively state so in the written materials provided in connection with the

5 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 45 of 212

Objection to this Settlement. Claims Administrator Heffler Claims Group Karlin Foods Class Action Settlement 1515 Market Street Suite 1700 Philadelphia, PA 19102 Class Counsel Joshua H. Eggnatz, Esq. Michael J. Pascucci, Esq. Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP 5400 S. University Drive, Suite 413 Davie, FL 33328 Defendant’s Counsel Fredrick H.L. McClure, Esq. DLA PIPER LLP (US) 100 North Tampa Street, Suite 2200 Tampa, FL 33602-5809

13. Any Settlement Class Member who does not timely file and serve a written

objection pursuant to the terms hereof shall be deemed to have waived, and shall be foreclosed

from thereafter raising, any objection to the Agreement. Any objection that is not timely made

shall be barred. The filing of an objection allows Class Counsel or Defendant’s Counsel to notice

such objecting person for and take his or her deposition consistent with the Federal Rules of Civil

Procedure at an agreed-upon location, and to seek any documentary evidence or other tangible

things that are relevant to the objection. Failure by an objector to make himself or herself available

for a deposition or to comply with expedited discovery requests may result in the Court striking

said objector’s objection and otherwise denying that person the opportunity to make an objection

or be further heard. The Court reserves the right to tax the costs of any such discovery to the

objector or the objector’s counsel should the Court determine that the objection is frivolous or is

made for an improper purpose.

14. The procedures and requirements for filing objections in connection with the Final

Approval Hearing are intended to ensure the efficient administration of justice and the orderly

6 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 46 of 212

presentation of any Settlement Class Members’ objection to the Agreement, in accordance with

the due process rights of all Settlement Class Members.

15. Any Settlement Class Member who files and serves a timely written objection

pursuant to the terms of this Order and complies with the requirements of this Paragraph may also

appear at the Final Approval Hearing either in person or through counsel retained at the Settlement

Class Member’s expense. Settlement Class Members or their attorneys intending to appear at the

Final Approval Hearing must serve on Class Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel, and file with the

Court, at the addresses specified in this Order, no later than 45 calendar days before the Final

Approval Hearing, a notice of intention to appear, setting forth the case number, and the name,

address, telephone number, and, if available, email address of the Settlement Class Member (and,

if applicable, the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the Settlement Class

Member’s attorney). Any Settlement Class Member who does not timely file and serve a notice

of intention to appear pursuant to the terms of this Order shall not be permitted to appear, except

for good cause shown.

16. Exclusions.

a) Any Settlement Class Member may request to be excluded (or “opt out”)

from the Settlement Class. A Settlement Class Member who wishes to opt out of the Settlement

Class must complete and mail to the Claims Administrator a Request for Exclusion that is

postmarked no later than July 30, 2015 (the “Opt-Out Deadline”). The Request for Exclusion must

be personally signed by the Class Member requesting exclusion and contain a statement that

indicates a desire to be excluded from the Class. No person may opt-out of the Settlement Class

any other person, or be opted-out by any other Person, and no Person shall be deemed opted-out

7 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 47 of 212

of the Settlement Class through any purported “mass” or “class” opt-outs. So-called “mass” or

“class” opt-outs shall not be allowed.

b) Except for those Persons who have properly and timely submitted Requests

for Exclusion, all Settlement Class Members will be bound by the Agreement and the Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement, including the Release contained therein, regardless of

whether they file a Claim or receive any monetary relief.

c) Any Settlement Class Member who properly requests to be excluded from

the Settlement Class shall not: (a) be bound by any orders or judgments entered in the Action

relating to the Agreement; (b) be entitled to relief under, or be affected by, the Agreement; (c) gain

any rights by virtue of the Agreement; or (d) be entitled to object to any aspect of the Agreement.

17. Claims. The Claim Deadline shall be fourteen (14) calendar days following the

Final Approval Hearing, or September 28, 2015, which is due, adequate, and sufficient time. All

Claims must be submitted with a Claim Form and received by the Claims Administrator or

postmarked by the Claims Deadline. The Claims Deadline shall be clearly set forth in the Class

Notice, the Settlement Website, and on the Claim Form. Settlement Class Members who do not

timely submit a signed, completed Claim Form in accordance with the procedures set forth in the

Agreement shall not be eligible for an Award.

18. Supplemental Filing Deadlines.

a) The Motion for Final Approval of the Settlement and Certification of the

Settlement Class, together with the supporting memorandum and papers, shall be filed no

later than July 31, 2015.

b) Class Counsel’s Motion for Attorneys’ Fees, Expenses, and an Incentive

Award, together with the supporting memorandum and papers, shall be filed no later than

July 31, 2015. 8 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 48 of 212

c) The Parties may each file a supplemental brief no longer than twenty-five

(25) pages in length to address any objections filed by Settlement Class Members. Said

supplemental briefs shall be filed no later than thirty (30) calendar days before the Final

Approval Hearing, or August 15, 2015, whichever is later.

19. If any deadline set forth in this Order falls on a Saturday, Sunday or federal holiday,

then such deadline shall extend to the next Court business day.

20. Stay of Litigation. Pending the Final Approval Hearing, all proceedings in the

Action, other than proceedings necessary to carry out and enforce the terms and conditions of the

Agreement and this Order, are hereby stayed.

21. Termination. In the event the Court does not grant final approval of the Settlement,

or for any reason the Parties fail to obtain a Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement as

contemplated by the Agreement, or the Agreement is terminated pursuant to its terms for any

reason or the Effective Date does not occur for any reason, then the following shall apply:

a) The Agreement and all orders and findings entered in connection with the

Agreement and the Settlement shall become null and void and be of no further force and

effect whatsoever, shall not be used or referred to for any purpose whatsoever, and shall

not be admissible or discoverable in this or any other proceeding; and

b) The provisional certification of the Settlement Class pursuant to this Order

shall be vacated automatically, the Action shall proceed as though the Settlement Class had

never been provisionally certified pursuant to the Agreement, and provisional findings

related to Rule 23 shall have no force or effect for the remainder of the Action.

22. This Order shall not be construed or used as an admission, concession, or

declaration by or against Karlin of any fault, wrongdoing, breach, or liability, and shall not be

9 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 49 of 212

deemed to be a stipulation as to the propriety of class certification, or any admission of fact or law

regarding any request for class certification, in any other action or proceeding, whether or not

involving the same or similar claims. Nor shall this Order be construed or used as an admission,

concession, or declaration by or against Plaintiff or the other Settlement Class Members that their

claims lack merit or that the relief requested is inappropriate, improper, or unavailable, or as a

waiver by any Party of any defenses or claims he, she, or it may have in the Action or in any other


23. The Court reserves the right to adjust the date of the Final Approval Hearing and

related deadlines. In that event, the revised hearing date and/or deadlines shall be posted on the

Settlement Website referred to in the Class Notice, and the Parties shall not be required to re-send

or re-publish the Class Notice.



10 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 50 of 212

Exhibit 1

Teufel v. Karlin Foods, Corp. Preliminary Approval Order

If you purchased Wal Mart’s Great Value All Natural Cornstarch for personal or household use in the United States, you may be entitled to a cash refund from a class action settlement.

A federal court authorized this notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.

This Notice advises you of a proposed class action settlement. The settlement resolves a lawsuit over whether Wal Mart’s Great Value All Natural Cornstarch, distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold in Wal Mart stores, was falsely advertised and labeled as “all natural” in the United States after August 22, 2010. You should read this entire Notice carefully because your legal rights are affected whether you act or not.

Your Legal Rights and Options as a Settlement Class Member Submit a Claim Form by This is the only way to receive a payment. ______

Opt Out by Get no payment. This is the only option that allows you to ever be a part of ______any future lawsuit against Karlin with respect to the legal claims in this case. Object by Write to the Court if you don’t like the settlement and tell the Court why ______you think it shouldn’t be approved.

Go to the Hearing on Ask to speak in Court about the fairness of the settlement. ______

Do Nothing Get no payment. Give up your legal rights to sue Karlin about the claims in this case.

Your rights and options are explained in this notice.

Questions? Visit www.______DO NOT CALL KARLIN OR THE COURT Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 51 of 212

What is this Notice and why is it important?

The Court sent you this Notice because you have a right to know about a proposed settlement of a class action lawsuit, and about all your options, before the Court decides whether to approve the settlement. If the Court approves it and after objections and appears are resolved, an administrator appointed by the Court will make the payments that the settlement allows. This Notice explains the Lawsuit, the settlement, your legal rights, what benefits are available, who is eligible for them, and how to get them. A class action is a lawsuit in which one or more individuals sue an individual(s), company or other entity on behalf of all other people who are in a similar position. Collectively, these people are referred to as a “Class” or “ Class Members.” In a class action, the court resolves certain legal issues, legal claims and defenses for all Class Members in one lawsuit, except for those who ask to be excluded from the Class. (See below for more information about excluding yourself from the Class.)

What is this Lawsuit about?

The Lawsuit claimed that Wal Mart’s Great Value All Natural Cornstarch’s (the “Product”) labeling was false and deceptive in that it led purchasers to believe that the Product was “All Natural,” when in fact it included genetically modified organisms (“GMO”). Karlin denies it did anything wrong, inasmuch as no state or federal regulation or agency prohibits the Product from being labeled as “All Natural” despite the presence of GMO in the Product.

Why is there a settlement?

The Court did not decide who was right. Instead, both sides agreed to a settlement. By agreeing to a settlement, the Parties avoid the costs and risk of a trial and the Class will get compensation. The Class Representative and her attorneys believe that the settlement is in the best interests of the Class Members. How do I know if I am in the Settlement Class? To receive money from the settlement, you first have to determine if you are a Class Member. Class Members are those persons who purchased Great Value All Natural Cornstarch for personal or household use in the United States on and/or after August 22, 2010, up until the date this Notice was published. Excluded from the Class are officers, directors and employees of Karlin and its parent and/or subsidiaries, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and its parents and/or subsidiaries, as well as judicial officers and employees of the Court.

What cash payments does the settlement provide?

Class Members may seek reimbursement of $1.00 per purchase with a maximum of 2 units or $2.00 without receipts or other proof of purchase by submitting a Claim Form by mail or electronically; or up to $8.00 by submitting a Claim Form with receipts or other proof of purchase for each claimed purchase. To receive payment, a Claim Form MUST be completed and either be submitted online (www.______) or postmarked by ______, 2015. The actual amount a Class Member receives will depend on the amount of money availabl e from the Settlement Fund described below and the number of claims made. If the total of valid claims is less than the amount of money available to pay them, then Class Members submitting valid claims will receive the full amount of recover y they sought, up to $8. If the total of valid claims exceeds the amount of money available to pay them, then each award will be reduced pro rata. You may request a Claim Form online or by calling xxx-xxx-xxxx. Questions? Visit www.______DO NOT CALL KARLIN OR THE COURT Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 52 of 212

The Settlement Value Karlin has agreed to fund a settlement of up to $825,000. This fund will be used to pay valid claims submitted by Class Members, the costs to notify the Class about this Lawsuit and the settlement, the costs to administer the settlement, and payment of the attorneys representing the Class and related litigation expenses.

When will I get my cash payment?

Cash payments will be made if the Court gives final approval to the proposed settlement and after the final approval is no longer subject to appeal. A Settlement Hearing is scheduled for ______, 2015. If the Court approves the settlement and there are no appeals, the cash will be distributed approximately 45 days after the Settlement Hearing. If the Court does not approve the settlement, or if the settlement is overturned on appeal, no cash payments will be made.

How will Karlin revise the Product’s marketing and labeling?

Under the settlement, Karlin agreed to make certain changes to the Product’s marketing and labeling, including removal of the phrase “All Natural” from the label. Details are described in the Settlement Agreement, which is available at www.______. Who represents my interests in the settlement?

The Court has appointed the Plaintiff who brought the Lawsuit as the class representative. Class Counsel are the lawyers for the Class. The class representative and Class Counsel will act as your representatives for this settlement if you do not exclude yourself from the Class. The Court has appointed Joshua H. Eggnatz and Michael J. Pascucci of Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP, 5400 S. University Drive, Suite 413, Davie, FL 33328 (954) 889-3359 to represent you.

Do I have to pay money to participate in the Class?

No. You will not be responsible for any cost or attorneys’ fees incurred in this Lawsuit. If the Court approves the proposed settlement, Class Counsel will request that the Court award attorneys’ fees, a service award, costs and expenses in an amount not to exceed $160,000.

Can I exclude myself from the settlement? You have the right not to be part of the Lawsuit by excluding yourself or “opting out” of the Class. If you wish to exclude yourself, you must send a letter or postcard, postmarked no later than ______, 2015 to Karlin Foods Class Action Settlement Administrator, [administrator address]. Your letter must request exclusion from the Class and must be signed by you. You must include your full name, address and telephone number. If you do not include the required information or submit your request for exclusion on time, you will remain a Class Member and be bound by the settlement and Final Judgment and Order. If you exclude yourself from the Class, you give up your right to receive any money from the settlement, and you will not be bound by the settle or Final Judgment and Order, and you will not be barred from pursuing any individual claim you may otherwise have relating to the subject matter of the Lawsuit.

I wish to object to the settlement. What do I do?

Questions? Visit www.______DO NOT CALL KARLIN OR THE COURT Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 53 of 212

If there is something about the settlement that you do not like, you may file an objection with the Court. You will still be in the settlement, remain a Class Member, and will receive benefits if the settlement is approved and you timely submit your Claim Form. Even if you object, you should return the Claim Form to receive a cash payment. If you want to object, you must submit your objection in writing to the Court, Class Counsel, and Karlin’s Counsel. Your objection must include: (1) Your name, address, telephone number, and, if available, your e-mail address; (2) Your signature; (3) The reasons why you object; (4) Whether you intend to appear at the Final Approval Hearing; (5) The case name and number of this lawsuit, which is Amber Grace Teufel vs. Karlin Foods Corporation, Case No. 1:14-cv-23100; and (6) If you are represented by a lawyer, the name, address and telephone number of that lawyer.

You must file your written objection with the Court no later than ______, 2015, at the Clerk of Court, United States District Court Southern District of Florida – Miami Division, 400 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33128. You must also send a copy of your objection to Class Counsel and Karlin’s Counsel at:

Counsel for Plaintiff: Counsel for Defendant:

Joshua H. Eggnatz Fredrick H. L. McClure Michael J. Pascucci DLA Piper, LLP Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP 100 North Tampa Street, Suite 2200 5400 S. University Drive, Suite 413 Tampa, FL 33602 Davie, FL 33328 Telephone: (813) 222-5908 Telephone: (954) 889-3359

All objections must be received by the attorneys for the parties and by the Court by ______, 2015 or your objection will not be considered.

When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the settlement?

The Court has scheduled a Settlement Hearing on ______, 2015 in the United States District Court Southern District of Florida – Miami Division, Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr. U.S Courthouse, 400 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33128 in the Hon. Judge Joan A. Lenard’s Courtroom 12-1. At this hearing, the Court will consider whether the settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate. If there are objections, the Court will consider them. The Court may also decide how much to pay the attorneys for the Class. After the hearing the Court will decide whether to grant final approval of the settlement. We do not know how long these decisions will take.

Where do I get more information?

Complete copies of the pleadings and other documents filed in this Litigation may be examined and copied during regular office hours at the Clerk of the Court, United States District Court Southern District of Florida – Miami Division, 400 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33128. The Settlement Agreement, Claim Form and other information are also available at www.______. PLEASE DO NOT CALL OR WRITE KARLIN OR THE COURT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR ADVICE

DATED: ______, 2015 ______THE HON. JOAN A. LENARD UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Questions? Visit www.______DO NOT CALL KARLIN OR THE COURT Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 54 of EXHIBIT 212 2 Teufel v. Karlin Foods, Corp. Preliminary Approval Order LEGAL NOTICE If you purchased Wal Mart’s Great Value All Natural Cornstarch for personal or household use in the United States, you may be entitled to a cash refund from a class action settlement.

A proposed settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit about the labeling for Great Value All Natural Cornstarch (the “Product”). The lawsuit claims Great Value All Natural Cornstarch’s labeling was false and deceptive in that it led purchasers to believe that the Product was “All Natural,” when in fact it included genetically modified organisms (“GMO”). Karlin denies it did anything wrong, inasmuch as no state or federal regulation or agency prohibits the Product from being labeled as “All Natural” despite the presence of GMO in the product. However, Karlin has settled to avoid the cost and distraction of litigation. If you’re a Class Member, you may receive $1 per unit purchased up to $2 without a proof of purchase or up to $8 with proof of purchase during the class period.

A federal Court authorized this notice. Before any money is paid, the Court will have a hearing to decide whether to approve the settlement.

Am I a Class Member? You’re a Class Member if you purchased Great Value All Natural Cornstarch in the United States after August 22, 2010 up until the present.

What does the settlement provide? Settlement funds of up to $825,000 will be made available to reimburse Class Members for the Product they purchased and to pay case- related fees and expenses. Karlin has also agreed to remove the “All Natural” statement. Details about how much you may receive are available on the Claim Form below and at www.______.

What are my options? To ask for cash and remain in the Class, you must mail or submit a completed claim form online by (Month, Day, 2015). If you do not wish to participate in the settlement, you may exclude yourself from the Class by (Month, Day, 2015), or you may stay in the Class and object to the settlement by (Month, Day, 2015). Visit the website for important information about these options. The Court will hold a hearing on (Month, Day, 2015) to consider the settlement and Class Counsel’s request for up to $160,000 in attorneys’ fees and expenses. You don’t have to attend the hearing. For more information, visit www.______. Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 55 of 212 EXHIBIT 3 Teufel v. Karlin Foods Corporation PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ORDER CLAIM FORM

Amber Grace Teufel v. Karlin Foods Corporation CLAIM FORM You can also submit online at If you purchased Great Value All Natural Cornstarch in the United States for personal or household use, you may be entitled to receive $1 per unit purchased up to $2 without proof of purchase or up to $8 with proofs of purchase during the class period. You may submit only one Claim Form, and two people cannot submit Claim Forms for the same purchases. All Claim Forms must be postmarked or submitted online by [month day, 2015]. If mailing, please return this form to: Settlement Administrator [Address] [City, State, Zip Code] Fax xxx-xxx-xxxx CLASS MEMBER INFORMATION


ADDRESS: ______

CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP CODE: ______

PURCHASE INFORMATION Please provide the following information about your purchase(s) for which you seek recovery. If additional space is required, please attach additional pages. If you seek more than $2.00, you may recover money spent on your purchase(s) up to $8.00 by also providing proof of purchase or receipts to the Settlement Administrator.






SIGNATURE: ______DATE:______CLAIM FORMS MUST BE POSTMARKED OR SUBMITTED ONLY BY [MONTH DAY, 2015]. QUESTIONS? VISIT WWW.______.COM OR CALL 1-800-XXX-XXXX. Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 56 of 212


Teufel v. Karlin Foods Corporation PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ORDER

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NewsHX (Gilbert) KNAU-FM (Flagstaff) (Las Vegas) KPUB-FM (Flagstaff) (Lonoke) KVNA-AM (Flagstaff) (Peoria) KGMN-FM (Kingman) Wake Up America (Peoria) Tri-State News Network (Lake Havasu City) Wake Up America Blog (Peoria) KJZZ-FM (Mesa) Energy Delivery News & Solutions (Peyton) KXAZ-FM (Page) (Phoenix) KLPZ-AM (Parker) (Phoenix) Arizona Right Report (Phoenix) (Phoenix) KFNN-AM (Phoenix) Banner Health (Phoenix) KFYI-AM (Phoenix) (Phoenix) KGME-AM (Phoenix) Cities Planet (Phoenix) KHOT-FM (Phoenix) Dagda Mor Media (Phoenix) KKNT-AM Phoenix AZ (Phoenix) el break (Phoenix) KNIX-FM (Phoenix) Lovin' Life After 50 (Phoenix) KTAR-AM (Phoenix) Loving Life and Living on Less (Phoenix) KTAR-FM (Phoenix) (Phoenix) KAHM-FM (Prescott) Sports Arizona Monthly (Phoenix) KYCA-AM (Prescott) (Phoenix) Metro Networks - Scottsdale Bureau (Scottsdale) TrendLuxury (Phoenix) Money Radio 1510 (Scottsdale) Unnoticed Observer (Phoenix) Arizona Public Media (Tucson) Writer's Helm (Phoenix) Family Life Communications (Tucson) Jenn, Mom of Two Munchkins (San Tan Valley) KMXZ-FM (Tucson) (Scottsdale) KNST-AM (Tucson) EmpowHER, The State Press (Scottsdale) KNST-FM (Tucson) Metro Source (Scottsdale) KUAT-FM (Tucson) Random Musings (Scottsdale) KTNN-AM (Window Rock) (Tempe) Television (Tempe) Censored News (Tucson) (East Valley) KNAZ-TV (Flagstaff) Radio Kingman News Channel (Kingman) KVRD-FM (Cottonwood) (Phoenix) KYBC-AM (Cottonwood) KNXV-TV (Phoenix) KAFF-AM (Flagstaff) KPHO-TV (Phoenix) KAFF-FM (Flagstaff) KPNX-TV (Phoenix)

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KSAZ-TV (Phoenix) Log Cabin Democrat (Conway) KTAZ-TV (Phoenix) El Dorado News-Times (El Dorado) KTVK-TV (Phoenix) Northwest AR Times (Fayetteville) KTVW-TV (Phoenix) Times-Herald (Forrest City) (Tucson) Stephens Media Group (Fort Smith) KGUN-TV (Tucson) Times Record (Fort Smith) KHRR-TV (Tucson) Boone County Headlight (Harrison) KMSB-TV (Tucson) Harrison Daily Times (Harrison) KOLD-TV (Tucson) The (Helena) KVOA-TV (Tucson) (Hope) KSWT-TV (Yuma) Hot Springs Sentinel Record (Hot Springs) KYMA-TV (Yuma) Jonesboro Sun (Jonesboro) Arkansas Banker (Little Rock) ARKANSAS Arkansas Business (Little Rock) Arkansas Business Publishing Group (Little Rock) Magazine Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock)

GreenZineAR (Bentonville) Arkansas Times (Little Rock) Power Women Magazine (Fountain Lake) Baptist Trumpet, The (Little Rock) The Trucker (Little Rock) Benton - Little Rock Bureau (Little Rock) Mushing Magazine (Willow) Little Rock Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock) News Service Sherwood Voice (Little Rock) Banner-News (Magnolia) Arkansas News Bureau (Little Rock) Malvern Daily Record (Malvern) Associated Press - Little Rock Bureau (Little Rock) Malvern Daily Times (Malvern) Tribune Media Services - Little Rock Bureau (Little Rock) Mountain Home Baxter Bulletin (Mountain Home) The Nashville News (Nashville) Newspaper Newport Independent (Newport) Arkadelphia Siftings-Herald (Arkadelphia) The Paragould (Paragould) Henderson State University - Henderson Or Times Of N.E. Benton County (Pea Ridge) (Arkadelphia) Pine Bluff Commercial (Pine Bluff) The Signal (Arkadelphia) Arkansas Chronicle (Rogers) Batesville Guard (Batesville) Russellville The Courier (Russellville) Beebe News (Beebe) Searcy Citizen (Searcy) Benton Courier (Benton) Morning News of Northwest Arkansas (Springdale) Benton County Daily Record (Bentonville) Northwest Arkansas Newspapers (Springdale) Blytheville (Blytheville) Rogers Hometown News (Springdale) Camden News (Camden) The Stuttgart Daily Leader (Stuttgart)

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Online KASU-FM (State University) KKYR-FM (Texarkana) (Little Rock) KWYN-AM (Wynne) Radio Television KAAB-AM (Batesville) KNWA-TV (Fayettville) KBTA-AM (Batesville) KFAA-TV (Fort Smith) KWOZ-FM (Batesville) KFSM-TV (Fort Smith) KZLE-FM (Batesville) KHBS-TV (Fort Smith) University of the Ozarks (KUOZ-LP) (Clarksville) KHOG-TV (Fort Smith) KFAY-AM (Fayettville) KPOM-TV (Fort Smith) KQEW-FM (Fordyce) KSBN-TV (Fort Smith) KBFC-FM (Forrest City) KAIT-TV (Jonesboro) KXJK-AM (Forrest City) KASN-TV (Little Rock) KTCS-AM (Fort Smith) KATV-TV (Little Rock) KWXI-AM (Glenwood) KLRT-TV (Little Rock) Arkansas Radio Network (Little Rock) KTHV-TV (Little Rock) KABZ-FM (Little Rock) KTSS-TV (Little Rock) KARN-AM (Little Rock) Talk Business (Little Rock) KARN-FM (Little Rock)

KDJE-FM (Little Rock) KHKN-FM (Little Rock) CALIFORNIA KHLR-FM (Little Rock) Magazine KKPT-FM (Little Rock) KLAL-FM (Little Rock) Vanguard News (Acton) KMJX-FM (Little Rock) Clean Eating Magazine (Aliso Viejo) KSSN-FM (Little Rock) McMullen Argus Publishing (Anaheim) KUAR-FM (Little Rock) Pin Up Media (Anaheim) KVSA-AM (McGehee) Bakersfield Life Magazine (Bakersfield) KVOM-FM (Morrilton) Dairy Today/Farm Journal (Bakersfield) KTLO-AM (Mountain Home) KABOOM!! Magazine (Bakersfield) KTLO-FM (Mountain home) Bay Area Kids magazine (Bay Point) KNBY-AM (Newport) Los Angeles Times Magazine (Berkeley) KJBN-AM (North Little Rock) Mutineer (Berkeley) KCLA-AM (Pine Bluff) Pregnancy Magazine (Berkeley) KURM-AM (Rogers) celebrity society magazine (Beverly Hills) KWKK-FM (Russellville) B.Couleur Magazine (Burbank) KWCK-AM (Searcy) Contacto Magazine (Burbank)

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805 living magazine (Camarillo) BusinessWeek - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) White Digital Media (Carlsbad) California Apparel News (Los Angeles) Adams Business Media (Cathedral City) California Real Estate (Los Angeles) Mickey News (Clovis) Clinical Lab Products (Los Angeles) Ocean Magazine (Corona Del Mar) Crain Communications (Los Angeles) OC Weekly (Costa Mesa) Eastern Group Publications, Inc. (Los Angeles) Westways (Costa Mesa) Echelon Magazine (Los Angeles) Real Estate Southern California (Culver City) Economist (Los Angeles) Source Interlink (El Segundo) Film Music Magazine (Los Angeles) Brush Buddies (Fontana) German World Magazine (Los Angeles) Latino California (Fountain Valley) Glamoholic magazine (Los Angeles) What's Happening (Fremont) Good (Los Angeles) Pollstar (Fresno) Hitched Media, Inc. (Los Angeles) Beverly Hills Courier (Glendale) HIV Plus Magazine (Los Angeles) California Beverage News (Glendale) Hollywood Beat (Los Angeles) Indoor Comfort News (Glendale) Impact the magazine (Los Angeles) LAFM - Los Angeles Film & Music Magazine IN Magazine (Los Angeles) (Glendale) LA Splash Magazine (Los Angeles) Patterson's California Beverage Journal (Glendale) LA Teen Festival: The Magazine (Los Angeles) Tiger Beat/BOP magazines (Glendale) Los Angeles Lawyer (Los Angeles) Diversity News Magazine (Hollywood) Los Angeles Magazine (Los Angeles) VNU Publications (Hollywood) Real Talk LA (Los Angeles) Laguna Beach Magazine (Huntington Beach) Runway magazine (Los Angeles) Bow Tie Inc. (Irvine) Screen Actor Magazine (Los Angeles) Fancy Publications (Irvine) Southern California Physician Magazine (Los Luxveria (La Jolla) Angeles) Almost Famous (Laguna Beach) Thrive (Los Angeles) Firebrand Media (Laguna Beach) Tight Rope Magazine (Los Angeles) Anthem Magazine (Long Beach) Time - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) Long Beach Magazine (Long Beach) Treats! Magazine (Los Angeles) 944 Magazine Los Angeles (Los Angeles) TribuAmericas, Inc. (Los Angeles) Acquire (Los Angeles) Tu Ciudad (Hispanic) (Los Angeles) Advertising Age - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) Urban Network (Los Angeles) Advocate, The (Los Angeles) Werner Publishing Corporation (Los Angeles) Adweek - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) Where Los Angeles (Los Angeles) AIDS Healthcare Foundation (Los Angeles) Woodworker West (Los Angeles) BeE Magazine (Los Angeles) Worth Magazine (Malibu) Brandweek - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) Facebook (Menlo Park)

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Crittenden's Business and Real Estate (Mission Wired (San Francisco) Viejo) Recharge Asia Magazine (San Gabriel) Orange County Bride (Mission Viejo) BusinessWeek - Silicon Valley Bureau (San Mateo) Pet Product News (Mission Viejo) Advanstar Communications (Santa Ana) Pet Product News International (Mission Viejo) Hispanic Business (Santa Barbara) Veterinary Practice News (Mission Viejo) Hispanic Business Inc. (Santa Barbara) Red Herring (Mountain View) All In magazine (Santa Clarita) Asian Journal | San Diego (National City) Canon Communications (Santa Monica) Coast Magazine (Newport Beach) Flaunt Magazine (Santa Monica) Cuisine Noir Magazine (Oakland) Forbes - Los Angeles Bureau (Santa Monica) San Diego Business Magazine (Oceanside) Fortune - Los Angeles Bureau (Santa Monica) Official Magazine (Ontario) Kimathena Fashion Mag (Santa Monica) Jezebel Magazine (Pacific Palisades) Malibu Magazine (Santa Monica) Tuxedo Road (Pacific Palisades) Newsweek - Los Angeles Bureau (Santa Monica) Dune Magazine (Palm Springs) North Bay Biz (Santa Rosa) Palm Springs Life (Palm Springs) Hollywood News Calendar (Sherman Oaks) Courthouse News (Pasadena) Wine Industry Insight (Sonoma) Institutional Investor Alpha Magazine (Pasadena) Maximum PC (South San Francisco) Juriscape (Pasadena) Gloss Publishing (Studio City) Mr. Latino Magazine (Patterson) E.M. Publishing Enterprises, Inc., (Tarzana) STN Media (Redondo Beach) Flossin' Magazine (Temecula) Senior Spectrum (Sacramento) Wine Country This Month (Templeton) Kandy magazine (San Diego) Bobit Business Media - Auto Trim & Restyling News Luxemont (San Diego) (Torrance) San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles (San Diego) Bobit Publishing (Torrance) San Diego Jewish World (San Diego) Untitled Magazine (Venice) San Diego Magazine (San Diego) Affinity Group Publishing/RV Net (Ventura) San Diego Technology News (San Diego) ROI Sequoia Valley (Visalia) 7x7 (San Francisco) Diablo Magazine (Walnut Creek) Active Interest Media (San Francisco) Luxlife Magazine (West Hollywood) Adweek - San Francisco Bureau (San Francisco) West Coast PR Newswletter (Westlake Village) Afar (San Francisco) American Road Magazine (Woodland Hills) Business 2.0 (San Francisco) Latin Business (Woodland Hills) Cyclicals (San Francisco) Moxy Magazine (Woodland Hills) InformationWeek (San Francisco) Santa Monica Life Magazine (Woodland Hills) MacLife (San Francisco) Weider Publications/American Media (Woodland Hills) Newsweek - San Francisco Bureau (San Francisco) Posh Report (San Francisco)

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News Service Dow Jones Newswires - San Francisco Bureau (San Francisco) Azusa Pacific University (Azusa) New America Media (San Francisco) Associated Press - Berkeley Bureau (Berkeley) Reuters - San Francisco Bureau (San Francisco) Associated Press Television News (Burbank) Asahi Shimbun Publishing (San Jose) Associated Press - Fresno Bureau (Fresno) Associated Press - San Jose Bureau (San Jose) Afx News/Agence France-Presse (Hollywood) Nikkei Electronics - Santa Clara Bureau (Santa Knight-Ridder/Tribune Info. Services - Long Beach Clara) Bureau (Long Beach) Associated Press - Sherman Oaks Bureau Asahi Shimbun (Los Angeles) (Sherman Oaks) Associated Press - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Scripps-Howard (Sierra Madre) Angeles) Copley Press Newspapers (Torrance) Associated Press All News Network - Los Angeles Associated Press - Orange County Bureau (Tustin) Bureau (Los Angeles) Bloomberg News - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Newspaper Angeles) City News Service (Los Angeles) Vision Hispana Newspaper (Alameda) Copley News Service - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Anaheim Bulletin (Anaheim) Angeles) Anaheim Hills News (Anaheim Hills) Reuters - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) City Guide Community Newspaper, Inc. (Antioch) Reuters - Variety Entertainment Report (Los Auburn Journal (Auburn) Angeles) Bakersfield Californian, The (Bakersfield) Reuters Newspictures (Los Angeles) (Barstow) Tailor News Service (Los Angeles) Herald-American (Bellflower) Tribune Media Services (Los Angeles) Scot Scoop News (Belmont) United Press International (Los Angeles) (Benicia) Usc-Annenberg School For Communications (Los East Bay Daily News (Berkeley) Angeles) Oakland North (Berkeley) Bloomberg News - Marina Del Ray Bureau (Marina Del Rey) Canyon News (Beverly Hills) London Features International (Redondo Beach) Brea Progress (Brea) Associated Press - Sacramento Bureau ImpreMedia Digital (Brooklyn) (Sacramento) River Cities Business Journal (Bullhead City) Bloomberg News - Sacramento Bureau Burbank Leader (Burbank) (Sacramento) Calaveras Enterprise (Calaveras) Associated Press - San Diego Bureau (San Diego) Mojave Desert News (California City) Copley News Service (San Diego) The Weekly Calistogan (Calistoga) Associated Press - San Francisco Bureau (San Francisco) Ventura County Newspapers Inc. (Camarillo) Bay City News Service (San Francisco) Campbell Reporter (Campbell) Bloomberg News - San Francisco Bureau (San Campbell Times (Campbell) Francisco)

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Carlsbad Business Journal (Carlsbad) Fairfield Daily Republic (Fairfield) San Leandro Times (Castro Valley) Mendocino Beacon (Fort Bragg) Los Angeles Times - Chatsworth Bureau The Lagonian (Foster City) (Chatsworth) Fountain Valley View (Fountain Valley) Chico Enterprise Record (Chico) Argus, The (Fremont) ChicoSol (Chico) Fremont Argus (Fremont) American River Messenger (Citrus Heights) Tri-City Voice (Fremont) Chinese Biz News (City of Industry) Business Journal, The (Fresno) Daily Pilot (Costa Mesa) Fresno Bee (Fresno) Los Angeles Times - Orange County Edition (Costa The Sanger Herald (Fresno) Mesa) Gilroy Dispatch (Gilroy) OC Metro (Costa Mesa) Glendale News-Press (Glendale) OC Weekly (Costa Mesa) Granite Bay Gazette (Granite Bay) The Coast Report (Costa Mesa) Grass Valley Union (Grass Valley) San Gabriel Valley Business Journal (Covina) Sonoma West Times & News (Graton) Crescent City Del Norte Triplicate (Crescent City) Half Moon Bay Review (Half Moon Bay) Cupertino Courier (Cupertino) Hanford Sentinel (Hanford) Cypress News (Cypress) Hayward Daily Review (Hayward) Dana Point News (Dana Point) Healdsburg Tribune (Healdsburg) Peru News Review (Dana Pt.) Hemet News (Hemet) San Ramon Valley Times (Danville) Hesperia Star (Hesperia) Davis Enterprise (Davis) Hollister Freelance (Hollister) Coastal Community Newspapers (Del Mar) The Pinnacle (Hollister) Desert Local News (Desert Hot Springs) Hollywood Independent (Hollywood) East County Business News (El Cajon) Huntington Beach Independent (Huntington Beach) Adelante Valle (El Centro) Idyllwild Town Crier (Idyllwild) Imperial Valley Press (El Centro) Freedom Communications (Irvine) El Cerrito Wire (El Cerrito) Irvine Citizen (Irvine) Chinese Free Daily News (El Monte) Irvine World News (Irvine) South Bay Daily Breeze (El Segundo) Orange County Business Journal (Irvine) Informant Communications Group (Elk Grove) Amador Ledger-Dispatch (Jackson) El Gigante Hispano (Escondido) La Canada Valley Sun (La Canada Flintridge) Escondido North County Times (Escondido) Coastline News (La Quinta) Hispanos Unidos (Escondido) Laguna Journal (Laguna) North County Times (Escondido) Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot (Laguna Beach) Eureka Reporter (Eureka) Laguna Beach News Post (Laguna Beach) Eureka Times-Standard (Eureka) Laguna Niguel News (Laguna Niguel) Daily Republic (Fairfield)

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Canyon Life (Lake Forest) Los Angeles Loyolan (Los Angeles) Capistrano Valley News (Lake Forest) Los Angeles Sentinel (Los Angeles) Saddleback Valley News (Lake Forest) Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles) Lake County Record Bee (Lakeport) Los Angeles Times Magazine (Los Angeles) Lodi News-Sentinel (Lodi) Los Angeles Times/Washington Post News Service - Lompoc Record (Lompoc) Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) Metropolitan News-Enterprise (Los Angeles) Daily Forty-Niner (Long Beach) El Econimico (Long Beach) New York Times - Los Angeles Bureau, The (Los Angeles) Impacto USA (Long Beach) Northeast Wave (Los Angeles) Long Beach Business Journal (Long Beach) Our Weekly Newspaper (Los Angeles) Long Beach Post (Long Beach) Pasadena Star-News (Los Angeles) Long Beach Press-Telegram (Long Beach) Rafu Shimpo (Los Angeles) Campus Circle Newspaper (Los Angeles) Santa Monica Mirror (Los Angeles) Chicago Tribune - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) The Korea Times (Los Angeles) University Of California Los Angeles (Los Angeles) Daily Commerce (Los Angeles) Daily Sports Seoul USA (Los Angeles) Urban Light (Los Angeles) Us Weekly - West Coast Bureau (Los Angeles) Downtown News (Los Angeles) E Scene (Los Angeles) USA Today - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) Wall Street Journal - Los Angeles Bureau, The (Los East Wave (Los Angeles) Angeles) El Colombiano (Los Angeles) Washington Post - Los Angeles Bureau, The (Los H.G. Star (Los Angeles) Angeles) Hollywood Reporter, The (Los Angeles) Wave Community Newspapers (Los Angeles) Investor'S Business Daily (Los Angeles) West Wave (Los Angeles) Jewish Journal (Los Angeles) Whittier Daily News - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Korea Daily (Los Angeles) Angeles) Korea Times (Los Angeles) Yomiuri News (Los Angeles) Korean Central Daily (Los Angeles) Jewish Community News (Los Gatos) La Ola (Los Angeles) Los Gatos Daily News (Los Gatos) La Opinion (Los Angeles) Los Gatos Weekly Times (Los Gatos) La Watts Times (Los Angeles) Lynwood Press (Lynwood) La Weekly (Los Angeles) Madera Tribune (Madera) Los Angeles Bulletin (Los Angeles) Malibu Surfside News (Malibu) Los Angeles Business Journal (Los Angeles) Malibu Times (Malibu) Los Angeles Citybeat (Los Angeles) (Manteca) Los Angeles Daily Journal (Los Angeles) Marysville Appeal Democrat (Marysville) Los Angeles Independent Newspaper Group (Los Los Angeles Times - Menifee Bureau (Menifee) Angeles) Palo Alto Daily News (Menlo Park)

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The Almanac (Menlo Park) Pasadena Star News (Pasadena) Merced Sun-Star (Merced) Paso Robles Gazette (Paso Robles) Leisure World News (Mission Viejo) Petaluma Argus-Courier (Petaluma) Modesto Bee (Modesto) Placentia News-Times (Placentia) Los Angeles Times - Monrovia Bureau (Monrovia) Mountain Democrat (Placerville) Monterey County Herald (Monterey) East Bay Business Times (Pleasanton) Chinese Daily News (Monterey Park) Pleasanton Weekly, The (Pleasanton) International Daily News (Monterey Park) Tri-Valley Herald (Pleasanton) Moorpark Star (Moorpark) Valley Times (Pleasanton) Morgan Hill Times (Morgan Hill) Porterville Recorder (Porterville) Napa Register (Napa) Inland Empire Business Journal (Rancho Napa Valley Business Times (Napa) Cucamonga) Daily News (Red Bluff) Napa Valley Register (Napa) Marin Independent Journal (Novato) Red Bluff Daily News (Red Bluff) Record Searchlight, The (Redding) Hispanic Today Magazine (Oak Park) Oakdale Leader (Oakdale) Redding Record Searchlight (Redding) Redlands Daily Facts (Redlands) Alameda Times-Star (Oakland) Berkeley Tri-City Post (Oakland) The Daily Independent (Ridgecrest) Ripon Record (Ripon) East Bay Express (Oakland) Oakland Tribune (Oakland) Business Press, The (Riverside) La Prensa (Riverside) Ojai Valley News (Ojai) Business Press, The (Ontario) Riverside Press-Enterprise (Riverside) The Banner California Baptist University (Riverside) Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario) Ontario Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario) Roseville Press-Tribune (Roseville) Arden Carmichael News (Sacramento) Orange City News (Orange) Orange County Catholic (Orange) East Sacramento News (Sacramento) Land Park News (Sacramento) Oroville Mercury-Register (Oroville) Oxnard Star (Oxnard) Los Angeles Times - Sacramento Bureau (Sacramento) Newsinc. (Pacifica) Natomas Journal (Sacramento) The Chaparral (Palm Desert) Oakland Tribune - Sacramento Bureau Palm Springs Desert Sun (Palm Springs) (Sacramento) Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale) Pocket News (Sacramento) La Gaceta (Palmdale) Sacramento Bee (Sacramento) Palmdale Antelope Valley Press (Palmdale) Sacramento Business Journal (Sacramento) Palo Alto Weekly (Palo Alto) Sacramento Observer (Sacramento) The Daily Post (Palo Alto) Salinas Californian (Salinas) Palos Verdes Peninsula News (Palos Verdes) Calaveras Enterprise (San Andreas)

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San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino) Wall Street Journal - San Francisco Bureau, The San Bernardino Sun (San Bernardino) (San Francisco) Alianza Metropolitan News (San Jose) Peninsula Progress (San Bruno) San Clemente Sun-Post News (San Clemente) Almaden Resident (San Jose) Almaden Times (San Jose) The Bellingham Herald (San Clemente) Advisor Media Inc. (San Diego) Blossom Valley Times (San Jose) Cambrian Times (San Jose) Dream Villager (San Diego) La Prensa San Diego (San Diego) City College Times (San Jose) El Observador (San Jose) Los Angeles Times - San Diego Bureau (San Diego) San Diego Business Journal (San Diego) Evergreen Times (San Jose) La Oferta Review (San Jose) San Diego Community Newspaper Group (San Diego) Nuevo Mundo (San Jose) San Diego Daily Transcript (San Diego) Rose Garden Resident (San Jose) San Diego Lgbt Weekly (San Diego) San Jose City College Times (San Jose) San Diego Metropolitan (San Diego) San Jose Mercury News (San Jose) San Diego Reader (San Diego) Santa Teresa Times (San Jose) San Diego Union-Tribune (San Diego) Silicon Valley Business Journal (San Jose) San Diego Voice & Viewpoint News (San Diego) Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal (San Voice And Viewpoint (San Diego) Jose) Spartan Daily, The (San Jose) Bay Area Reporter (San Francisco) El Tecolote (San Francisco) Willow Glen Resident (San Jose) Willow Glen Times (San Jose) Independent, The (San Francisco) San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune (San Los Angeles Times - San Francisco Bureau (San Luis Obispo) Francisco) New York Times - San Francisco Bureau, The (San San Luis Obispo The Tribune (San Luis Obispo) Francisco) Intelligent Enterprise (San Mateo) Nichi Bei Weekly (San Francisco) San Mateo Daily Journal (San Mateo) Nob Hill Gazette (San Francisco) San Mateo Times (San Mateo) San Francisco Bay Guardian (San Francisco) Alex Diaz Productions (Santa Ana) San Francisco Bay Times (San Francisco) Orange County Register (Santa Ana) San Francisco Bay View (San Francisco) Santa Ana Orange County Register (Santa Ana) San Francisco Business Times (San Francisco) South Coast Metro News (Santa Ana) San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco) The Notice (Santa Ana) San Francisco Daily (San Francisco) Pacific Coast Business Times (Santa Barbara) San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco) Santa Barbara Daily Sound (Santa Barbara) SF Weekly (San Francisco) Santa Barbara News-Press (Santa Barbara) The City Star (San Francisco) Santa Clara Weekly (Santa Clara) USA Today - San Francisco Bureau (San Francisco) The Signal (Santa Clarita)

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Santa Cruz Sentinel (Santa Cruz) Signal & Saugus Enterprise, The (Valencia) Santa Maria Times (Santa Maria) Vallejo Times-Herald (Vallejo) Ask The Advice Goddess (Santa Monica) Van Nuys News Press (Van Nuys) The Mainichi Newspapers (Santa Monica) Argonaut, The (Venice) La Voz (Santa Rosa) Los Angeles Times - Ventura Bureau (Ventura) North Bay Business Journal (Santa Rosa) Ventura County Reporter (Ventura) Press Democrat (Santa Rosa) (Ventura) Santa Rosa Press Democrat (Santa Rosa) Mi Estrella (Ventura County) Saratoga News (Saratoga) Daily Press (Victorville) Marin Scope Community Newspapers (Sausalito) El Mojave (Victorville) Santa Cruz County Sentinel (Scotts Valley) Victorville Daily Press (Victorville) Santa Cruz Sentinel (Scotts Valley) Tulare Advance-Register (Visalia) San Fernando Valley Business Journal (Sherman Visalia Times-Delta (Visalia) Oaks) Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek) Simi Valley Star (Simi Valley) Walnut Creek Contra Costa Times (Walnut creek) El Sol De Sonoma (Sonoma) Register-Pajaronian (Watsonville) Sonoma Index-Tribune (Sonoma) San Gabriel Valley Tribune (West Covina) Sonoma Sun (Sonoma) West Covina San Gabriel Valley Tribune (West The Union Democrat (Sonora) Covina) Union-Democrat (Sonora) Pacific Review (West Hollywood) The Lead Type (South Gate) West Hollywood Independent (West Hollywood) South Lake Tahoe Tribune (South Lake Tahoe) Westsider (West Los Angeles) Sing Tao Daily News (South San Fransisco) Nguoi Viet 2 (Westminster) St. Helena Star (St. Helena) Nguoi Viet Daily News (Westminster) Central Valley Business Journal (Stockton) The Whittier Daily News (Whittier) Stockton Record (Stockton) Woodland Daily Democrat (Woodland) Sunnyvale Sun (Sunnyvale) Los Angeles Newspaper Group (Woodland Hills) Thousand Oaks Star (Thousand Oaks) (Yreka) The Tipton Trumpet (Tipton) Online Daily Breeze (Torrance) Ryukyu Shimpo (Torrance) VatorNews (Alameda) U.S. Frontline News (Torrance) (Albany) San Joaquin Herald (Tracy) Better Parenting (Aliso Viejo) Tracy Press (Tracy) cd journal (Anaheim Hills) Valley Voice Newspaper (Tulare) The City Edition (Antelope) Tustin News (Tustin) Electrical News (Arcadia) Ukiah Daily Journal (Ukiah) (Arleta) Vacaville Reporter (Vacaville) (Banning)

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Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 74 of 212 17 (Berkeley) (Fresno) Kounter Kulture (Beverly Hills) (Fullerton) (Beverly Hills) Hermosa Beach Patch (Hermosa Beach) Slebisodes Web Series Guide (Beverly Hills) Moon Tide Media (Hermosa Beach) SportieLAB (Beverly Hills) The Chic Moms Guide To Feeling Fabulous (Beverly Hills) (Hermosa Beach) High Desert Daily (Hesperia) (Beverly Hills) (Brea) (Hollywood) (Hollywood) Mom Logic (Burbank) (Burlingame) The Art of Charm (Hollywood) Alienbabeltech (Indio) (Burlingame) Macaroni Kid Camarillo (Camarillo) (Irvine) The Stiel Report (Irvine) (Camarillo) (Carlsbad) CompuServe (Laguna Beach) InnTouch (Laguna Beach) Lightside Reader (Castro Valley) A Toast To Me (Chino) TeleMapics (Laguna Hills) ThereArePlaces (Laguna Hills) (Chula Vista) The Chocolate Voice (Chula Vista) (Laguna Niguel) (Lake Arrowhead) (Coachella) (Corona) (Lake Elsinore) Lake County News (Lakeport) MyEveryzine (Corona) Supercomputing Online (Coronado) (Livermore) The Daily Sports Herald (Long Beach) Blind Squirrel Games (Costa Mesa) Orange County Local News Network (Costa Mesa) (Los Alamitos) AMFPT (Los Angeles) (Culver City) The Daily Beast (Culver City) (Los Angeles) BlackNewsMagazine.Com (Los Angeles) Healthimize (Cupertino) (Dana Point) CG Channel (Los Angeles) (Los The Catholic Business Journal (Danville) Angeles) Hometown News Services (Davis) Cookbookpedia (Los Angeles) WalletPop (Davis) Courthouse News Service (Los Angeles) (El Dorado Hill) Daily Candy (Los Angeles) (El Dorado Hills) Digital Media Wire (Los Angeles) Corvette Forum (El Segundo) E! Online (Los Angeles) Mother Nature Network (Encinitas) (Los Angeles) Cairns Bulletin (Encino) (Los Angeles) (Fresno) Fox Interactive Media (Los Angeles)

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Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 75 of 212 18 (Los Angeles) All Access Music Group (Malibu) Gloss Network for Women (Los Angeles) The Malibu Times (Malibu) (Los Angeles) (Manhattan Beach) (Los Angeles) Grades of Green (Manhattan Beach) Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. (Los Angeles) Manhattan Beach Momma (Manhattan Beach) (Los Angeles) Before It's News (Mill Valley) Just Jared, Inc. (Los Angeles) Parabolic Arc (Mohave) Lalawag (Los Angeles) L.A. Newser (Monrovia) (Los Angeles) (Moorpark) (Los Angeles) (Moraga) (Los Angeles) (Mountain View) Los Angeles 3D Club Website (Los Angeles) (Nevada City) Madrigal Online (Los Angeles) El Clasificado (Norwalk) MishMash Magazine (Los Angeles) Channel Champion (Novato) (Los Angeles) North Bay Bohemian (Novato) (Los Angeles) Oakland North (Oakland) (Los Angeles) Oakland Science News (Oakland) Patti's Prattles (Los Angeles) (Oakland) PHM Publications (Los Angeles) (Orange) (Los Angeles) Orange County Online News (Orange) (Los Angeles) Themis Media (Orinda) Real Talk LA (Los Angeles) Alltop (Palo Alto) Social Media World (Los Angeles) Alta Vista (Palo Alto) (Los Angeles) (Palo Alto) SuiteEvents (Los Angeles) Connected Social Media (Palo Alto) The Brad Blog (Los Angeles) Inside Facebook (Palo Alto) The City Maven (Los Angeles) Biotech Crossing (Pasadena) The Next Family (Los Angeles) EmploymentCrossing (Pasadena) (Los Angeles) (Paso Robles) This Yuppie Life (Los Angeles) ERE Media (Placentia) (Los Angeles) (Poway) Topicous (Los Angeles) Cabinet Report (Rancho Cordova) (Los Angeles) (Rancho Cucamonga) (Los Angeles) Excite (Redwood City) VOA - Voice of America (Los Angeles) Connect2Download (Riverside) world baby report (Los Angeles) GGS Gamer (Riverside) (Los Angeles) Grab Geek Points (Riverside)

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Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 76 of 212 19 (Riverside) Circle of Moms (San Francisco) (Riverside) CleanTechies Blog (San Francisco) Placer County Online (Rocklin) (San Francisco) Blackagriculture (Sacramento) CNET (San Francisco) (Sacramento) (San Francisco) Pet Law News (Sacramento) Credit Karma (San Francisco) (Sacramento) Dow Jones - San Francisco United Reporting (Sacramento) Bureau (San Francisco) DrBicuspid (San Francisco) (San Carlos) (San Clemente) (San Francisco) (San Francisco) ZumaPress (San Clemente) (San Diego) (San Francisco) (San Francisco) bizSanDiego (San Diego) Blue Mau Mau (San Diego) Honor Portland (San Francisco) (San Francisco) Daily Speculations (San Diego) Digital Daily News (San Diego) (San Francisco) Laughing Squid (San Francisco) Health Wellness Gems (San Diego) (San Diego) Mission Loc@l (San Francisco) New Colonist, The (San Francisco) Monkey C Media (San Diego) MySDScience (San Diego) (San Francisco) (San Francisco) Outside Comic-Con (San Diego) Pam's House Blend (blog) (San Diego) Pology (San Francisco) (San Francisco) San Diego Earth Times (San Diego) San Diego Loves Green (San Diego) (San Francisco) (San Francisco) (San Diego) (San Diego) (San Francisco) ZDNet News (San Francisco) (San Diego) (San Diego) EXODUS Newsmagazine (San Jose) (San Jose) (San Diego) Such a Smart Mom (San Diego) Intersect Insight (San Jose) (San Jose) The Third Boob (San Diego) The Versed (San Diego) (San Jose) Raspwire (San Marcos) Voice of San Diego (San Diego) (San Francisco) XBLA Ratings (San Marcos) (San Mateo) (San Francisco) (San Francisco) quinstreet media, inc. (San Mateo) (San Mateo) BNET (San Francisco) Green Diva Mom (San Rafael)

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Wonderdads (San Rafael) LA RAG MAG (West Hollywood) (Santa Ana) (West Hollywood) Voice of OC (Santa Ana) US-China Today (West Hollywood) (Santa Barbara) Vital Juice (West Hollywood) Urban Darling Magazine (Santa Clara) WEHOville (West Hollywood) Yahoo! (Santa Clara) Radio Just Kids Family Guide (Santa Clarita) (Santa Monica) KAHI-AM (Auburn) (Santa Monica) KAXL-FM (Bakersfield) (Santa Monica) KERN-AM (Bakersfield) (Santa Monica) KNZR-AM (Bakersfield) (Santa Monica) KSMJ-FM (Bakersfield) Outcast Network (Santa Monica) KUZZ-FM (Bakersfield) Wonderwall Latino (Santa Monica) KRXV-FM (Barstow) 8 Women Dream (Santa Rosa) KNHM-FM (Bayside) Pin-n-tell (Santee) KPFA-FM (Berkeley) (Sherman Oaks) Global Radio News (Beverly Hills) (Silver Strand) KFWB (Beverly Hills) On The Surface - Surtex Blog (Simi Valley) KBIG-FM (Burbank) (Sonoma) KFI-AM (Burbank) ImOnlyRicky (Stockton) KHHT-FM (Burbank) (Studio City) KIIS-FM (Burbank) The Clickcast (Studio City) KOST-FM (Burbank) (Sunnyvale) KYSR-FM (Burbank) California Travel News (Sunset Beach) KADV-FM (Ceres) Planet Style (Sylmar) KCHO-FM (Chico) Dessert Obsessed (Thousand Oaks) KMXI-FM (Chico) BurbankNBeyond (Toluca Lake) KPAY-AM (Chico) Dani's Vanity Blog (Torrance) Westwood One Radio Network (Culver City) Inlandnews (Upland) KDRT-FM (Davis) Think Youth (blog) (Upland) KRDU-AM (Dinuba) (Valencia) KUBO-FM (El Centro) (Vallejo) Blourt (El Segundo) (Valley Village) KGOE-AM (Eureka) Bitch PhD (Ventura) KMUE-FM (Eureka) (Ventura) KDOW-AM (Freemont) Things To Do In LA (West Hills) KHGE-FM (Fresno)

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KJWL-FM (Fresno) KWAV-FM (Monterey) KMJ-AM (Fresno) Quality News Network (Monterey) KMJ-FM (Fresno) KCAA-AM (Monterey Park) KMPO-FM (Fresno) KMJC-AM (Mt. Shasta) KSJV-FM (Fresno) KVON-AM (Napa) KSOF-FM (Fresno) KPFK-FM (North Hollywood) KTQX-FM (Fresno) themansmanshow (Oakland) KYNO-AM (Fresno) Wisdom Radio (Oakland) energia productions group (Fullerton) KNWZ-AM (Palm Desert) KBPK-FM (Fullerton) KPSI-AM (Palm Springs) KIEV-AM (Glendale) KPCC (Pasadena) KRLA-AM (Glendale) KPCC-FM (Pasadena) KTNQ-AM (Glendale) Southern California Public Radio (Pasadena) KNCO-AM (Grass Valley) KPRL-FM (Paso Robles) KTYM-AM (Inglewood) KZYX-FM (Philo) KCDZ-FM (Joshua tree) KKDV-FM (Pleasanton) KRKC-AM/FM (King City) KJPR-AM (Redding) KULV-AM University Of La Verne (La Verne) KQMS-AM (Redding) The Complete Sheet (La Verne) KRDG-FM (Redding) KPWR-FM (Lakewood) KRRX-FM (Redding) AER TALK (Los Angeles) KSHA-FM (Redding) City of Angels Network (Los Angeles) Green Seed Radio (Redwood City) Dezonmedia (Los Angeles) KRCB-FM (Rohnert Park) (Los Angeles) KFBK-AM (Sacramento) KFI-AM (Los Angeles) KFBK-FM (Sacramento) KNX-AM (Los Angeles) KHTK-AM (Sacramento) KRLA-AM/KLSX-FM (Los Angeles) K-LOVE (Sacramento) Marketplace Productions (Los Angeles) KNTY-FM (Sacramento) Metro Networks - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) KSAC-AM (Sacramento) National Public Radio - Los Angeles Bureau (Los KTKZ-AM (Sacramento) Angeles) KUOP-FM (Sacramento) Playboy Radio (Los Angeles) KXJZ-FM (Sacramento) Weekend America (Los Angeles) KXPR-FM (Sacramento) KMPO-AM (Mendocino) KXSR-FM (Sacramento) KYOS-AM (Merced) KHDC-FM (Salinas) KSBR-FM (Mission Viejo) KION-AM (Salinas) KFIV-AM (Modesto) KOCN-FM (Salinas) KRXA-AM (Monterey)

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KTOM-FM (Salinas) KRTY-FM (San Jose) KVCR-FM (San Bernardino) Eat Drink Explore Media (San Luis Obispo) KCBQ-AM (San Diego) KVEC-AM (San Luis Obispo) KCBQ-FM (San Diego) KCSM-FM (San Mateo) KFMB-AM (San Diego) KPBS-FM (San Mateo) KFMB-FM (San Diego) America's Network (Santa Ana) KGB-FM (San Diego) KSDW-FM (Santa Ana) KIOZ-FM (San Diego) KWVE-AM (Santa Ana) KLSD-AM (San Diego) KWVE-FM (Santa Ana) KMYI-FM (San Diego) KSBL-FM (Santa Barbara) KOGO-AM (San Diego) KTMS-AM (Santa Barbara) KOGO-FM (San Diego) KTYD-FM (Santa Barbara) KPBS-FM (San Diego) KZSB-AM (Santa Barbara) KPRI-FM (San Diego) KHTS AM 1220 (Santa Clarita) KSDS-FM (San Diego) KSCO-AM (Santa Cruz) Metro Networks - San Diego Bureau (San Diego) KUSP-FM (Santa Cruz) The Pet Engineer Radio Show (San Diego) KCRW-FM (Santa Monica) XTRA-AM (San Diego) KJZY-FM (Santa Rosa) CNET Radio (San Francisco) KSRO-AM (Santa Rosa) KALW-FM (San Francisco) KZST-FM (Santa Rosa) KCBS-AM (San Francisco) The Costa Report (Sausalito) KFOG-FM (San Francisco) Premiere Radio Networks (Sherman Oaks) KFRC-FM (San Francisco) Covert Media Group (Simi Valley) KGO-AM (San Francisco) KSVY-FM (Sonoma) KKGN/KNEW (San Francisco) KVML-AM (Sonora) KKSF-AM (San Francisco) KZSQ-FM (Sonora) KMVQ-FM (San Francisco) KATM-FM (Stockton) KNBR-AM (San Francisco) KJOY-FM (Stockton) KNEW-AM (San Francisco) KWSX-AM (Stockton) KPOO-FM (San Francisco) Slice of SciFi (Studio City) KQED-FM (San Francisco) CRN/Cable Radio Network (Sunland) KSFO-AM (San Francisco) KKTO-FM (Tahoe City) Metro Networks - San Francisco Bureau (San KCLU-FM (Thousand Oaks) Francisco) Pawsitively Pets Radio (Tustin) KBAY-FM (San Jose) Sky Radio Network (Valley Village) KEZR-FM (San Jose) KSAK-FM (Walnut) KLIV-AM (San Jose) KFWB-AM (Woodland Hills) KLOK-AM (San Jose)

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KSYC-AM (Yreka) Brazilian Digital Channel - Bdci Tv (Los Angeles) CNN - Los Angeles Bureau (Los Angeles) Television Docucinema (Los Angeles) KBAK-TV (Bakersfield) E! Entertainment Television (Los Angeles) KERO-TV (Bakersfield) E! Networks/Comcast Entertainment (Los Angeles) KGET-TV (Bakersfield) Entertainment Tonight (Los Angeles) Gosh!TV (Beverly Hills) Fox News Channel - Los Angeles Bureau (Los KHIZ-TV (Beverly Hills) Angeles) Playboy TV (Beverly Hills) Fox Sports Net (Los Angeles) The Broke Wives Club/ The Attitude Shift (Beverly Fox Sports West (Los Angeles) Hills) Fox Sports World (Los Angeles) KTSF-TV (Brisbane) G4 TV (Los Angeles) ACCESS HOLLYWOOD (Burbank) KABC-AM (Los Angeles) CNBC - Burbank Bureau (Burbank) KCAL-TV (Los Angeles) Dateline NBC - Burbank Bureau (Burbank) KCBS-TV (Los Angeles) KNBC-TV (Burbank) KCET-TV (Los Angeles) KVEA-TV (Burbank) KCOP-TV (Los Angeles) Reuters Television - Burbank Bureau (Burbank) KMEX-TV (Los Angeles) KHSL-TV (Chico) KTLA-TV (Los Angeles) KNVN-TV (Chico) KTTV-TV (Los Angeles) Deportes Time Warner Cable (El Segundo) KWHY-TV (Los Angeles) SportsNet Time Warner Cable (El Segundo) LA 18 (Los Angeles) MomsTown (Escondido) Morningstar Entertainment (Los Angeles) KIEM-TV (Eureka) MundoFox (Los Angeles) KFSN-TV (Fresno) Real Zeal Productions (Los Angeles) KFTV-TV (Fresno) Reindog Productions, Inc. (Los Angeles) KGPE-TV (Fresno) Si TV (Los Angeles) KMPH-TV (Fresno) TMZ (Los Angeles) KNXT-TV (Fresno) UCLA -TV (Los Angeles) KSEE-TV (Fresno) KSMS-TV (Monterey) EXTRA (Glendale) KTVU-TV (Oakland) Extra TV- The Entertainment Magazine Show KESQ-TV (Palm Desert) (Glendale) KMIR-TV (Palm Desert) KABC-TV (Glendale) KRCR-TV (Redding) KVEA Noticias at 11 (Glendale) KRCB-TV (Rohnert Park) Australian TV, Channel 10 (Los Angeles) The Trailer Talks (Rolling Hills) AXSLive (Los Angeles) KCRA-TV (Sacramento) Beyond Twisted (Los Angeles) KMAX-TV (Sacramento)

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KQCA-TV (Sacramento) ShoesTV (Santa Monica) KTXL-TV (Sacramento) KFTY-TV (Santa Rosa) KUVS-TV (Sacramento) KUSI-TV (Solana Beach) KVIE-TV (Sacramento) Entertainment Tonight / The Insider (Studio City) KXTV-TV (Sacramento) Fight Back! Productions (Van Nuys) Central Coast News (Salinas) KOVR-TV (West Sacramento) KCBA-TV (Salinas) Universal Sports (Westlake Village) KION-TV (Salinas) The "IN" show and KCLA (Whittier) KSBW- TV (Salinas) KSBW-TV (Salinas) COLORADO KBNT- TV (San Diego) KBNT-LP (San Diego) Magazine

KFMB-TV (San Diego) Alternative Medicine Magazine (Boulder) KGTV-TV (San Diego) Natural Foods Merchandiser (Boulder) KGTV-TV, Channel 10 (San Diego) Nutrition Business (Boulder) KNSD-TV (San Diego) Southwest Art Magazine (Boulder) KPBS-TV (San Diego) (Breckenridge) KUSI-TV (San Diego) Benefits Selling Magazine (Centennial) XETV-TV (San Diego) Colorado BIZ Magazine (Centennial) XHAS-TV (San Diego) Western Livestock Journal (Colorado Springs) Current TV LLC (San Francisco) 303 Magazine (Denver) KDTV-TV (San Francisco) ColoradoBiz Magazine (Denver) KGO-TV (San Francisco) ColoradoView Magazine (Denver) KPIX-TV (San Francisco) Frontier Airlines Magazine & TV News (Denver) KQED-TV (San Francisco) Museum Store Magazine (Denver) KRON-TV (San Francisco) Shine Magazine (Denver) Link TV (San Francisco) Media Business Corp (Golden) National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences AgJournal (Grand Junction) (San Francisco) Mile High Dog (Greenwood Village) Reuters Television - San Francisco Bureau (San Francisco) 5280 Magazine (Lakewood) KNTV-TV (San Jose) Onyx Magazine (Littleton) KSTS-TV (San Jose) Pieces of Denver (Littleton) KTEH-TV (San Jose) Gelbvieh World (Westminster) KSBY-TV (San Luis Obispo) News Service KEYT-TV (Santa Barbara) KCOY-TV (Santa Maria) Associated Press - Denver Bureau (Denver) KKFX-TV (Santa Maria) Bloomberg News - Denver Bureau (Denver)

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Copley News Service (Denver) (Fort Collins) Fort Collins Now (Fort Collins) Newspaper Fort Collins Weekly (Fort Collins) Alamosa Valley Courier (Alamosa) North Colorado Business Report, The (Fort Collins) Arvada Press (Arvada) Fort Morgan Times (Fort Morgan) Aspen Daily News (Aspen) Frisco Summit Daily News (Frisco) Aspen Times (Aspen) Summit Daily News (Frisco) The Aspen Times (Aspen) Glenwood Springs Post Independent (Glenwood Aurora Daily Sun (Aurora) Springs) Aurora Sentinel (Aurora) Glenwood Springs Post-Independent (Glenwood Springs) Boulder County Business Report, The (Boulder) Golden Transcript (Golden) Boulder Daily Camera (Boulder) Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, The (Grand Junction) Colorado Daily (Boulder) Grand Junction Free Press (Grand Junction) Broomfield Enterprise (Broomfield) Grand Junction Sentinel (Grand Junction) Canon City Daily Record (Canon City) Greeley Tribune (Greeley) Colorado Springs Business Journal, The (Colorado Springs) Clear Creek Courant (Idaho Springs) Colorado Springs Gazette (Colorado Springs) Lakewood Sentinel (Lakewood) Cortez Journal (Cortez) Columbine Courier (Littleton) Craig Daily Press (Craig) Longmont Daily Times-Call (Longmont) Cherry Creek News/North Denver News (Denver) Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald, The (Loveland) Chicago Tribune - Denver Bureau (Denver) Loveland Reporter-Herald (Loveland) City Substance (Denver) Montrose Daily Press (Montrose) Denver Business Journal, The (Denver) Pueblo Business Journal, The (Pueblo) Denver Daily News, The (Denver) Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo) Denver Post (Denver) San Miguel Basin Forum (San Miguel) El Semanario, The Weekly Issue (Denver) Amarillo Daily News (Silt) Empleo Ahora (Denver) Steamboat Today (Steamboat Springs) Los Angeles Times - Denver Bureau (Denver) Sterling Journal-Advocate (Sterling) New York Times - Denver Bureau, The (Denver) Telluride Daily Planet (Telluride) USA Today - Denver Bureau (Denver) The Chronicle-News (Trinidad) Westword (Denver) Vail Daily (Vail) Durango Herald (Durango) Wheat Ridge Transcript (Wheat Ridge) Elbert County News (Englewood) Online Canyon Courier (Evergreen) Braided Bandit (Boulder) Evergeeen Hustler (Evergreen) Evergreen Newspapers (Evergreen) Spot Influence (Boulder) (Clifton) High Timber Times (Evergreen)

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Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 83 of 212 26 (Colorado Springs) KKZN-AM (Denver) CSBJ.COM (Colorado Springs) KOA-AM (Denver) (Colorado Springs) KPRH-FM (Denver) Newspeak (Colorado Springs) KPTT-FM (Denver) (Denver) KRFX-FM (Denver) ePregnancy (Denver) KTLK-AM (Denver) Green Building Elements (Denver) KUVO-FM (Denver) (Denver) Metro Networks - Denver Bureau (Denver) Pintwell (Denver) KYSL-FM (Dillon) Reign Denver (Denver) KIQX-FM (Durango) Rocky Mountain TechLine (Denver) KIUP-AM (Durango) (Denver) KRSJ-FM (Durango) Thought Theater (Denver) KZYR-FM (Edwards) The Due Diligence Blog (Evergreen) JONES RADIO NETWORK INC. (Englewood) LiveOAK Media (Fort Collins) KCOL-AM (Fort Collins) KpopLIVE (Garden City) KFTM-AM (Fort Morgan) KMTS-FM (Glenwood Springs) Radio KFKA-AM (Greeley) KGIW-AM (Alamosa) KUNC (Greeley) Aspen Public Radio (Aspen) KUNC-FM (Greeley) KNFO-FM (Aspen) KVAY-FM (Lamar) KSNO-FM (Aspen) KSLV-AM (Monte Vista) KNUS-AM (Aurora) KCCY-FM (Pueblo) KBCO-FM (Boulder) KCSJ-AM (Pueblo) KNAB-AM (Burlington) KKLI-FM (Pueblo) KRLN-AM (Canon City) KPHT-FM (Pueblo) KCFR-FM (Centennial) KVUU-FM (Pueblo) Family News in Focus Radio (Colorado Springs) KPMX-FM (Sterling) KILO-FM (Colorado Springs) KPOF-AM (Westminster) KRCC-FM (Colorado Springs) KKPL-FM (Windsor) KVOR-AM (Colorado Springs) KUAD-FM (Windsor) KYZX-FM (Colorado Springs) KATR-FM (Wray) Colorado Public Radio (Denver) KBCO-FM (Denver) Television KCFR-AM (Denver) KACT-TV (Aurora) KHOW-AM (Denver) KKTV-TV (Colorado Springs) KKPC-AM (Denver) KRDO-TV (Colorado Springs)

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KXRM-TV (Colorado Springs) Newspaper KCEC-TV (Denver) Connecticut Post (Bridgeport) KCNC-TV (Denver) Bristol Press (Bristol) KDVR-TV (Denver) News-Times, The (Danbury) KMAS-TV (Denver) East Haven Courier (East Haven) KMGH-TV (Denver) Soundings (Essex) KUSA-TV (Denver) Sacred Heart University (Fairfield) KWGN-TV (Englewood) Gorham Times (Gorham) KJCT-TV (Grand Junction) Greenwich Times (Greenwich) KKCO-TV (Grand Junction) Groton Times (Groton) KREX-TV (Grand Junction) Guilford Courier (Guilford) Rocky Mountain Television (Gunnison) Hartford Business Journal (Hartford) KOAA-TV (Pueblo) Hartford Courant (Hartford)

New York Times - Hartford Bureau, The (Hartford) CONNECTICUT Lyme Times, The (Lyme) Harbor News (Madison) Magazine Sound, The (Madison) Soundings (Essex) Valley Courier (Madison) Westport Magazine (Greenwich) Journal Inquirer (Manchester) CT Business Magazine (Hartford) Manchester Journal Inquirer (Manchester) Flat Hammock Press (Mystic) Meriden Record-Journal (Meriden) Connecticut Magazine (New Haven) Middletown Press (Middletown) Taunton Press (Newtown) Montville Times (Montville) Faith & Family Magazine (North Haven) Mystic Times (Mystic) 1to1 Media (Norwalk) New Britain Herald (New Britain) LEA! Magazine (Norwalk) New Canaan Advertiser (New Canaan) Little India (Norwalk) Citizen News (New Fairfield) WWE Magazine (Stamford) Business New Haven (New Haven) Connecticut Home & Garden (Trumbull) New Haven Register (New Haven) News Service The Yale Daily News (New Haven) Yale Daily News (New Haven) Associated Press - Hartford Bureau (Hartford) New London Day (New London) Reuters - Hartford Bureau (Hartford) New London Times (New London) Associated Press - New Haven Bureau (New Haven) North Haven Courier (North Haven) Health Day (Norwalk) Norwalk Hour (Norwalk) Associated Press - Stamford Bureau (Stamford) Norwich Bulletin (Norwich) SIMBA Information (Stamford)

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Greenwich Time / Stamford Advocate (Old WPKN-FM (Bridgeport) Greenwich) ESPN Radio Network (Bristol) Ridgefield Press (Ridgefield) WLAD-AM (Danbury) Advocate, The (Stamford) WXCI-FM (Danbury) Weekly Reader (Stamford) WNLK-AM (Fairfield) Stonington Times (Stonington) WSHU Public Radio Group (Fairfield) University Of Connecticut (Storrs) WSHU-AM (Fairfield) Thames River Times (Thames River) WSHU-FM (Fairfield) Register Citizen (Torrington) WSTC-AM (Fairfield) Torrington Register Citizen (Torrington) WSUF-FM (Fairfield) Waterbury Republican-American (Waterbury) WYBC-AM (Fairfield) Waterford Times (Waterford) WRCH-FM (Farmington) De Witt Era-Enterprise (West Redding) WTIC-AM (Farmington) Westerly Times (Westerly) WTIC-FM (Farmington) The Wilton Bulletin (Wilton) WZMX-FM (Farmington) Online Business Talk Radio (Greenwich) WEDW-FM (Hartford) (Branford) WHCN-FM (Hartford) (Brookfield) WKSS-FM (Hartford) Coup d'étage (Darien) WNPR-FM (Hartford) (Darien) WPKT-FM (Hartford) (East Hartford) WWYZ 92.5 FM (Hartford) Hedge Fund Law Report (Enfield) WWYZ-FM (Hartford) (Fairfield) WZBG-FM (Litchfield) My Left Nutmeg (Fairfield) WIHS-FM (Middletown) Renewable Energy World (Greenwich) WEZN-FM (Milford) (North Branford) WFOX-FM (Milford) (Norwalk) WPLR-FM (Milford) Classic Rock Forever (Ridgefield) WYBC-FM (New Haven) Tornado-Insider.Com Magazine (Stamford) WMOS-FM (New London) (Stratford) WXLM-AM (New London) (Wallingford) WCTY-FM (Norwich) Make Every Day A Holiday (Westport) WICH-AM (Norwich) Shoot ( (Westport) WKNL-FM (Norwich) Safety Mom Enterprises (Wilton) WNLC-FM (Norwich) Radio WJMJ-TV (Prospect) WINY-AM (Putnam) WICC-AM (Bridgeport)

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WILI-AM (Willimantic) Online WILI-FM (Willimantic) (Newark) Television Radio ESPN TV (Bristol) WAFL-FM (Milford) Journal of Biomolecular Screening (Danbury) WXDE-FM (Milford) Nursery & Landscape Magazine (Ellington) WDOV-AM (New Castle) WELI-AM (Hamden) WVUD-FM (Newark) WFSB-TV (Hartford) WDEL-AM (Wilmington) WTIC-TV (Hartford) WILM-AM (Wilmington) WVIT-TV (Hartford/New Haven) WSTW-FM (Wilmington) WTNH-TV (New Haven)


DELAWARE 1021 Magazine Magazine Advertising Age - Washington Bureau Air Cargo World i4u News (Lewes) Air Force Times Delaware Today Magazine (Wilmington) Air Transport World Magazine Ideas And Perspectives (Wilmington) Airport Magazine News Service American Recreation Coalition American Scholar Associated Press - Dover Bureau (Dover) Asia Today – India Globe Bloomberg News - Wilmington Bureau (Wilmington) Aspen Publishers Reuters - Wilmington Bureau (Wilmington) Bond Buyer - Washington Bureau Newspaper Business Insurance - Washington Bureau

Delaware State News (Dover) BusinessWeek - Washington Bureau Dover Delaware State News (Dover) Congressional Quarterly (Dover) Corporate Crime Reporter Greenville Community News (Hockessin) Corrections Digest News Journal, The (New Castle) Crain's Chicago Business The Review (Newark) Crain's Cleveland Business Coastal Point (Ocean View) Crain's Detroit Business Wilmington News Journal (Wilmington) Crain's New York Business Crain's Tire Business Crime Control Digest

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Der Spiegel (Germany) Tri-State Real Estate Journal DESA News (United Nations) U.S. News & World Report Electronic Media Washington Flyer Magazine Energy Washington Week Washington Monthly, The Environment & Energy Washington Remote Sensing Letter Foreign Service Journal Washington Technology Forward - Washington Bureau WAZ-Mediagroup/Germany/Washington Bureau Governing Weekly Standard, The Government Executive World & I Hanley News Service Innovations Investment News - Washington Bureau American University Investigative Reporting Workshop Japan Economic Review INTL TV Services Inc. Joong-Ang Ilbo School of Communications at American University Kikaku Healthcare News Agence France Presse - Washington Bureau Kiplinger Business Forecast Akahata Kiplinger's Personal Finance Al Hayat Publishing (UK) Legal Times Al Majalla Market News International - Washington Bureau American Forces Press Service MEDIAWEEK - Washington Bureau Armenian Independent Press Medill National Security Journalism Initiative Asahi Shimbun Mediterranean Quarterly Asharq Al-awsat Modern Luxury DC Associated Press - Washington Bureau National Geographic Associated Press All News Radio National Journal Associated Press Broadcast Services National Newspaper Publishers Association Associated Press Television News - Washington Newsweek - Washington Bureau Bureau Paradigm 2000 Atlantic Information Services Incorporated PDR Associates and Windows media Block News Alliance Precious Times Magazine Bloomberg News - Washington Bureau Senate Computer Center Bureau of National Affairs Smithsonian Magazine Canadian Press/Broadcast News - Washington Sojourners Bureau State Department Magazine Catholic News Service The American Center For Public Integrity The Atlantic Corriere Della Sera Time - Washington Bureau Deutsche Presse Agentur - Washington Bureau

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Dow Jones Newswires - Washington Bureau Newspaper DPA (German Press Agency) Washington Hispanic (Silver Spring) Fairchild Publications - Washington Bureau The Chronical of Higher Education Federal Filings Newswires Al Watan (Oman) News Service - Washington Bureau Alameda Times-Star - Washington Bureau JIJI Press - Washington Bureau American Medical News Knight Ridder News Service - Washington Bureau Anchorage Daily News - Washington Bureau Kuwait News Agency - Washington Bureau ANG Newspapers Kyodo News Service - Washington Bureau Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Washington Bureau Los Angeles Newspaper Group Australian, The Los Angeles Times/Washington Post News Service Baltimore Sun - DC bureau McClatchy Newspapers Baltimore Sun - Washington Bureau Medill News Service - Washington Bureau Batavia News - Washington Bureau MLex US Billings Gazette - Washington Bureau NASDAQ Biloxi Sun Herald - Washington Bureau National Hispanic Press Foundation Birmingham News - Washington Bureau National Media Limited Boston Globe - Washington Bureau Newhouse News Service Business Research Publications Nikkei Butte Montana Standard - Washington Bureau Notimex - Washington Bureau Calgary Herald (Canada) Religion News Service Canton Repository - Washington Bureau Reuters - Washington Bureau Catskill Daily-Mail - Washington Bureau Reuters Daybook Charleston Daily Mail - Washington Bureau Scripps Howard News Service Charlotte Observer - Washington Bureau Scripps-McClatchy Western News Service - Washington Bureau Chattanooga Times Free Press - Washington Bureau Segye Ilbo Chicago Sun Times - Washington Bureau Singapore Press/Holdings Chicago Tribune - Washington Bureau Small Newspapers China Times SNG Inc. Chosun Iibo: Korean Daily States News Service Chronicle Newspapers Thompson Publishing Group, Inc. Chunichi-Tokyo Shimbun Trading Edge, Inc. Concord Monitor - Washington Bureau Tribune Media Services - Washington Bureau County News Turkish Radio & TV Cox Newspapers - Washington Bureau U.S. House of Representatives Info Systems Crain's Communications United Press International Cumberland Times-News - Washington Bureau White House Office of Media Affairs

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Current Newspapers, The Kankakee Daily Journal - Washington Bureau Daily Akahata (Japan) Kansas City Star - Washington Bureau Daily Deal - Washington Bureau Korea Economic Daily Daily Labor Report LA Times - DC bureau Dallas Morning News - Washington Bureau LaPorte Herald-Argus - Washington Bureau Denver Post - Washington Bureau Le Monde - Washington Bureau Dertagesspiegel - Washington Bureau Detroit News - Washington Bureau London Times (UK) Durham Herald-Sun Long Beach Press-Telegram Edmonton Journal (Canada) Los Angeles Daily News El Dia (Argentina) Los Angeles Times - Washington Bureau El Mercurio (Chile) Lowell Sun - Washington Bureau Evening Standard - Washington Bureau Maeil Business Newspaper - Washington Bureau Express - Washington Bureau Mainichi Shimbun Frederick News-Post - Washington Bureau Massena Observer - Washington Bureau Fresno Bee - Washington Bureau Massillion Independent - Washington Bureau Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette - Washington Bureau McGraw-Hill Publications Galesburg Register-Mail - Washington Bureau Mexico City News Galveston Daily News - Washington Bureau Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Washington Bureau Greeley Tribune - Washington Bureau Missoula Missoulian - Washington Bureau GW Hatchet, The Missouri Journalism Hankook Ilbo (Korea Times) Modesto Bee - Washington Bureau Han-Kyoreh Shinmun Moline Dispatch - Washington Bureau Hartford Courant - Washington Bureau Montreal Gazette (Canada) Hearst Newspapers Morning Call - Washington Bureau Hilton Head Island Packet - Washington Bureau Munhwa Daily (S. Korea) Hispanic Radio Network Munster Times - Washington Bureau Hokkaido Shimbun New London Daily, The Hour, The - Washington Bureau New Republic Houston Chronicle - Washington Bureau New York Daily News - Washington Bureau Huntington Beach Independent New York Post - Washington Bureau Il Giorno (Italy) New York Times - Washington Bureau Il Resto Del Carlino (Italy) Newsday - Washington Bureau Investor's Business Daily - Washington Bureau Nikkei Weekly - Washington Bureau Irish Independent (Ireland) Nishi-Nippon Shimbun - Washington Bureau Jijitsushin Ogdensburg Journal - Washington Bureau Journal of Commerce - Washington Bureau Omaha World-Herald - Washington Bureau

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Ontario Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Canada) The Daily Colonial Orange County Register - Washington Bureau The Nation's Health Ottawa Citizen - Washington Bureau The Straits Times Singapore Newspaper Ottoway Newspapers The Sunday Telegraph -- Washington Bureau Pacific Palisades Post - Washington Bureau The Washington Afro American Newspaper Palm Beach Post - Washington Bureau Times-Picayune - Washington Bureau Pasadena Star-News - Washington Bureau Torrance Daily Breeze - Washington Bureau Patriot-News - Washington Bureau Traffic World Peoria - Washington Bureau Tri-City Herald - Washington Bureau Quincy Patriot Ledger - Washington Bureau USA Today - Washington Bureau Raleigh News & Observer - Washington Bureau Vail Daily - Washington Bureau Redlands Daily Facts - Washington Bureau Vancouver Province (Canada) Regina Leader Post (Canada) Vancouver Sun (Canada) Richmond Times-Dispatch - Washington Bureau Victoria Times Colonist (Canada) Rochester Post-Bulletin - Washington Bureau Wall Street Journal - Washington Bureau, The Rock Island Argus - Washington Bureau Washington Blade Roll Call Washington Business Journal San Bernardino County Sun - Washington Bureau Washington Health Update San Diego Community Herald - Washington Bureau Washington Post Express San Diego Union-Tribune - Washington Bureau Washington Post Magazine, The San Francisco Chronicle - Washington Bureau Washington Post National Weekly, The San Gabriel Valley Tribune - Washington Bureau Washington Post Writers Group, The San Jose Mercury News - Washington Bureau Washington Post, The San Mateo County Times - Washington Bureau Washington Times, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer - Washington Bureau Waterloo Courier - Washington Bureau Seoul Shinmun Watertown Daily Times - Washington Bureau Southam News (Canada) Weekly of Business Aviation, The Spokane Spokesman Review - Washington Bureau West Group St. Catherines Standard (Canada) Whittier Daily News - Washington Bureau St. John's Telegraph Journal (Canada) Winston-Salem Journal - Washington Bureau St. Joseph News-Press - Washington Bureau Witchita Eagle - Washington Bureau St. Petersburg Times - Washington Bureau Yomiuri Shimbun - Washington Bureau Star Tribune - Washington Bureau Yonhap News Agency - Washington Bureau Straits Times - Washington Bureau, The - Washington Bureau Streator Times Press - Washington Bureau Online Tacoma News Tribune - Washington Bureau Technology Daily Cultus

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FedScoop The Truman Doctrine Think Progress blog Access News Net Vote iQ African American Pundit WCAI Blog WebMD Radio Boston Music Spotlight WASH-FM (Rockville) Caixin media WBIG-FM (Rockville) CapitalBeat WIHT-FM (Rockville) Center for Public Integrity WMZQ-FM (Rockville) CityRoom Inc. WWDC-FM (Rockville) CQ MoneyLine National Public Radio (NPR) CQ Politics WAMU-FM DCist Westwood One Inc. Deal, The WFED-AM Democracy Arsenal WHUR-FM Dow Jones - Washington Bureau WMAL-AM WTOP-FM FreedomWorks Blog ABC Radio Network - Washington Bureau Homeland Security Today All Things Considered - National Public Radio Hot Wax Newsletter Associated Press Radio InTheCapital BBC Radio World Services M80 Blades Wallis Media LLC Mayors & Cities Danmarks Radio - Washington Bureau Media Images International Dial Global Media Matters France 24 / Radio France International New Public Health G. Gordon Liddy Show - WJFK-FM National Public Radio Potomac Tech Wire Radio America Network Red Alert Politics Radio Free Europe Statline RMF FM (Poland) The American Spectator Swiss National Public Radio DRS The Daily Caller Swiss Public Radio The Football Girl Talk Radio News Service The New Atlantis blog The Diane Rehm Show The Seminal Voice of America

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WAMU-AM Emisoras Unidas (Hrn) Telesistema Hondureno - WMAL 630 AM Washington Bureau Fox News Channel - Washington Bureau WRGW WRQX Mix 107.3 Fuji Television Network, Inc. Idea Television WTOP-AM WVRX-FM Ihlas News Agency Knowlera Media XM Satellite Radio Korean Broadcasting System - Washington Bureau Television Lilly Broadcasting (Arlington) Middle East Broadcasting Company Ard German Television - Washington DC MSNBC - Washington Bureau Australian Broadcasting Corp. NAB TV Today BBC News NBC News - Washington Bureau CBC Washington Bureau NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation CBS News - Washington DC Nippon Television Network Religion and Ethics News Weekly On The Record with Greta Van Susteren RTTV America Inc. Reuters Television Univision Seoul Broadcasting System - Washington Bureau WFDC-TV Swiss Broadcasting Corporation ZDF German Television Swiss National Television ABC News Nightline Swiss TV ABC Television Network - Washington Bureau Tokyo Broadcasting System - Washington Bureau Al-Arabiya News Tribune Broadcasting - Washington Bureau Askimo TV TV Asahi America Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Washington TV Tokyo Channel 12 Bureau Voice of America C_SPAN WJLA-TV CBC-Canadian Broadcasting Corp Worldnet Television and Film Services CBN News - Washington Bureau WRC-TV CBS News - Washington Bureau WTTG-TV CCTV America WUSA-TV CNBC - Washington Bureau CNC World FLORIDA CNN CNN - Washington Bureau Magazine CNN Business News Worldwide Videotex Update (Boynton Beach) CWBN-TV El Hospital (Coral Gables) DFA (Germany)

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Latin Trade Magazine (Coral Gables) Tribune Media Services (North Palm Beach) Ecoflorida Magazine (Coral Springs) Associated Press - Orlando Bureau (Orlando) She Magazine (Davie) (Orlando) South Florida Parenting (Deerfield Beach) Associated Press - Pensacola Bureau (Pensacola) Boat International USA (Fort Lauderdale) Associated Press - Tallahassee Bureau Miami Metro (Fort Lauderdale) (Tallahassee) Gannett News Service - Tallahassee Bureau First Coast News (Jacksonville) (Tallahassee) Christian Retailing (Lake Mary) Associated Press - Tampa Bureau (Tampa) Exotic Dvm Veterinary Magazine (Lake Worth) WBUL-AM~ University of South Florida (Tampa) (Melbourne) Associated Press - West Palm Beach Bureau (West Bloomberg Latin America (Miami) Palm Beach) Florida International Magazine (Miami) Newspaper Florida Shipper (Miami) Onboard Media (Miami Beach) Alachua Today (Alachua) Orlando (Orlando) Grant Douglas Publishing (Apopka) Florida Trend (Saint Petersburg) Boca Raton Business Journal (Boca Raton) Tampa Bay Illustrated (Saint Petersburg) Boca Raton News (Boca Raton) Florida Sportsman (Stuart) Lynn University (Boca Raton) Treasure Coast Business Journal (Stuart) National Examiner (Boca Raton) UT Journal (Tampa) The Beachcomber (Boca Raton) Florida (Winter Haven) Real Estate Media Inc. (Boynton Beach) Florida Real Estate Journal (Winter Haven) Bradenton Herald (Bradenton) Motor Boating (Winter Park) South Tampa News (Brandon) Ornamental Outlook (Winter Park) Cape Coral Daily Breeze (Cape Coral) Working Mother (Winter Park) Charlotte Sun Herald (Charlotte Harbor) Chipley Bugle, The (Chipley) News Service Brantwood Publications, Inc. (Clearwater) Associated Press - Cape Canaveral Bureau (Cape Hispanic Magazine (Coral Gables) Canaveral) Hispanic Trends (Coral Gables) The Art Institute Of Ft. Lauderdale (Fort Lauderdale) Wall Street Journal - Miami Bureau, The (Coral Tribune Media Services - Fort Lauderdale Bureau Gables) (Fort Lauderdale) Citrus County Chronicle (Crystal River) Associated Press - Jacksonville Bureau Inverness Citrus County Chronicle (Crystal River) (Jacksonville) Daytona Beach News-Journal (Daytona Beach) Agence France-Presse - Miami Bureau (Miami) Boca Raton Times (Deerfield Beach) Associated Press - Miami Bureau (Miami) Pompano Times (Deerfield Beach) Reuters - Miami Bureau (Miami) South Florida Business Journal (Deerfield Beach) University Of Miami (Miami)

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South Florida Sun-Sentinel - Deerfield Beach Daily Business Review (Miami) Bureau (Deerfield Beach) Diario Las Americas (Miami) El Venezolano (Doral) El Nuevo Herald (Miami) Englewood Sun (Englewood) El Tiempo (Miami) Storch Report, The (Englewood) Hispanic Trends (Miami) Daily Business Review - Broward Edition (Fort Los Angeles Times - Miami Bureau (Miami) Lauderdale) Mercado De Dinero / Gentv (Miami) El Sentinel Del Sur De La Florida (Fort Lauderdale) Miami Daily Business Review (Miami) New Times Broward-Palm Beach (Fort Lauderdale) Miami Herald (Miami) South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale) Miami Today (Miami) Eagle News (Fort Myers) New York Times - Miami Bureau, The (Miami) Fort Myers News Press (Fort Myers) Onboard Media (Miami) Fort Pierce Tribune (Fort Pierce) The Beacon/Florida International University (Miami) Ft. Walton Beach Nw Florida Daily News (Fort Walton Beach) Washington Post - Miami Bureau, The (Miami) Northwest Florida Daily News (Fort Walton Beach) (Naples) Gainesville Sun (Gainesville) Navarre Press (Navarre) Independent Alligator, The (Gainesville) Nelson Publishing (Nokomis) Naylor Publications (Gainesville) Ocala Star-Banner (Ocala) University Of Florida - Independent Flori Daytona Beach News-Journal - Southwest Volusia (Gainesville) Bureau (Orange City) University Of Florida - Journalism & Comms East-West Times (Orlando) (Gainesville) El Sentinel (Orlando) University Of Florida Today (Gainesville) Orlando Business Journal (Orlando) Pelican, The (Gulf Breeze) Orlando Sentinel (Orlando) Chicago Tribune - Miami Bureau (Hollywood) Orlando Weekly (Orlando) Business Journal, The (Jacksonville) Palatka Daily News (Palatka) Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville) LRP Publications (Palm Beach Gardens) Key West Citizen (Key West) Palm Beach Jewish News (Palm Beach Gardens) Lake City Reporter (Lake city) Mediapost Communications (Palm Coast) Lakeland Ledger (Lakeland) News Herald, The (Panama City) Scrambling News (Lakeland) La Costa Latina (Pensacola) , The (Leesburg) (Pensacola) Leesburg Daily Commercial Tofix (Leesburg) Charlotte Sun (Port Charlotte) Alerta De Lavado De Dinero (Maimi) Port St.Lucie News (Port St. Lucie) Jackson County Floridan (Marianna) St. Petersburg Times (Saint Petersburg) Florida Today (Melbourne) Walton Sun, The (Santa Rosa Beach) Melbourne Florida Today (Melbourne) Sarasota Herald-Tribune (Sarasota) Christian Science Monitor (Miami) West Coast Woman (Sarasota)

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Sebring Highlands Today (Sebring) Beautiful Incentives (Jacksonville) Sebring News-Sun (Sebring) Big Government In Your Wallet (Jacksonville) Pinecrest Tribune (South Miami) The Blogger Addict (Kissimmee) St Augustine Record (St. Augustine) COED Media Group (Lighthouse Point) St Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg) (Maitland) Stuart News (Stuart) (Miami) Treasure Coast News (Stuart) (Miami) (Tallahassee) (Miami) The Famuan (Tallahassee) The Argo Journal (Miami) Centro Tampa (Tampa) (Miami) Media General (Tampa) Univision Online (Miami) Oracle (Tampa) (Miami) Tampa Tribune (Tampa) (Miami Beach) Business Journal, The (Tampa Bay) Carmen's Coupon Blog (Naples) Daily Sun (The Villages) Andrea's World (New Smyrna Beach) Vero Beach Press Journal (Vero Beach) (Orlando) Credit Union Times (West Palm Beach) Little Makeup Face (Orlando) Daily Business Review-Palm Beach (West Palm The Disney Blog (Orlando) Beach) (Palm Beach Gardens) La Palma (West Palm Beach) PetMeds blog (Pompano Beach) Northbridge Productions (West Palm Beach) (Saint Petersburg) Palm Beach Daily Business Review (West Palm Tempo News Florida (Sarasota) Beach) Mr. Media Interviews (St. Petersburg) Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach) (Tallahassee) West Palm Beach Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach) (Tampa) Winter Haven (Winter Haven) (Tampa) The Sandspur (Winter Park) Tampa Bay Online (Tampa) (West Palm Beach) Online (West Palm Beach) To Suit Your Fancy, Chic & Chivalrous (Boynton Beach) Radio

The American Reporter (Bradenton) WRMB-FM (Boynton Beach) Downtown City Style (Cape Coral) Radio Disney AM 990 WDYZ (Celebration) (Cooper City) WURN-AM (Coral Gables) CBS (Fort Lauderdale) WARO-FM (Fort Myers) (Fort Lauderdale) WFSX-AM (Fort Myers) The DailySkew (Fort Lauderdale) WGCU-FM (Fort Myers) (Fort Myers)

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WINK-AM (Fort Myers) WTKS-FM (Maitland) WINK-FM (Fort Myers) WXXL-FM (Maitland) WMKO-FM (Fort Myers) WYGM-AM (Maitland) WTLT-FM (Fort Myers) WLRQ-FM (Melbourne) WQCS-FM (Fort pierce) WMMV-AM (Melbourne) WFTW-AM (Fort Walton Beach) Advanced Radio Network (Miami) WBTT-FM (Ft. Myers) Metro Networks - Miami Bureau (Miami) WCKT-FM (Ft. Myers) WAXY-AM (Miami) WOLZ-FM (Ft. Myers) WKAT-AM (Miami) WTLQ-FM (Ft. Myers) WLRN-FM (Miami) WZJZ-FM (Ft. Myers) WLYF-FM (Miami) WKTK-FM (Gainesville) WMXJ-FM (Miami) WRUF-AM (Gainesville) WSUA-AM (Miami) WRUF-FM (Gainesville) WWFE-AM (Miami) WSKY-FM (Gainesville) WBGG-FM (Miramar) WUFT-FM (Gainesville) WHYI-FM (Miramar) WYKS-FM (Gainesville) WINZ-AM (Miramar) WAYR-AM (Green Cove Springs) WIOD-AM (Miramar) WJCT-FM (Jacksonville) WMGE-FM (Miramar) WJXL-AM (Jacksonville) WMIA-FM (Miramar) WOKV-AM (Jacksonville) WMIB-FM (Miramar) WOKV-FM (Jacksonville) WOGK-FM (Ocala) WZAZ-AM (Jacksonville) Cox Radio Inc. (Orlando) WBZT-AM (Jupiter) Stardome Media Group LLC (Orlando) WWUS radio (Key West) WCFB-FM (Orlando) WLKF-AM (Lakeland) WDBO-AM (Orlando) WONN-AM (Lakeland) WHOO-AM (Orlando) WPCV-FM (Lakeland) WHTQ-FM (Orlando) WWRZ-FM (Lakeland) WMFE-FM (Orlando) WHBO-AM (Largo) WMMO-FM (Orlando) WWBA-AM (Largo) WFLF-FM (Panama city) Clear Channel State Networks (Maitland) WFSY-FM (Panama city) Florida's Radio Network (Maitland) WPAP-FM (Panama city) WFLF-AM (Maitland) WCOA-AM (Pensacola) WJRR-FM (Maitland) WJLQ-FM (Pensacola) WMGF-FM (Maitland) WNRP-AM (Pensacola) WRUM-FM (Maitland) WRGV-FM (Pensacola)

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WTKX-FM (Pensacola) WPRK-FM (Winter park) WUWF-FM (Pensacola) Television WKES-FM (Saint Petersburg) Watchdog Wire and Dr. Rich Show (Sarasota) Information Television Network Inc. (Boca Raton) WCTQ-FM (Sarasota) WFTX-TV (Cape Coral) WDDV-AM (Sarasota) WDSC-TV (Daytona Beach) WLTQ-FM (Sarasota) New Home Journal- Platinum Television Group (Deerfield Beach) WSDV-AM (Sarasota) WBBH-TV (Fort Myers) WSRZ-FM (Sarasota) WINK-TV (Fort Myers) WTZB-FM (Sarasota) WZVN-TV (Fort Myers-Naples) WWOJ-FM (Sebring) WCJB-TV (Gainesville) WKPX-FM (Sunrise) WUFT-TV (Gainesville) The Florida Channel (Tallahassee) WJAN-LP (Hialeah Gardens) WANM-FM (Tallahassee) WAWS-TV (Jacksonville) WBZE-FM (Tallahassee) WJCT-TV (Jacksonville) WFLA-FM (Tallahassee) WJXT-TV (Jacksonville) WFSU-FM (Tallahassee) WJXX-TV (Jacksonville) WGMY-FM (Tallahassee) WTEV-TV (Jacksonville) WNLS-AM (Tallahassee) WTLV-TV (Jacksonville) WTNT-FM (Tallahassee) WOFL-TV (Lake Mary) WXSR-FM (Tallahassee) GenTV (Caracol) (Miami) Health Journal - WQYK-FM (Tampa) Nightly Business Report (Miami) WBTP-FM (Tampa) Nightly Business Report-WPBT-TV (Miami) WBVM-FM (Tampa) Reuters Television - Miami Bureau (Miami) WFLA-AM (Tampa) Univision / Telefutura Network (Miami) WFLZ-FM (Tampa) Univision Network (Miami) WHNZ-AM (Tampa) WFOR-TV (Miami) WMNF-FM (Tampa) WGEN-TV (Miami) WMTX-FM (Tampa) WLTV-TV (Miami) WUSF-FM (Tampa) WPLG-TV (Miami) WXTB-FM (Tampa) WSBS-TV (Miami) WFKZ-FM (Tavernier) WSVN-TV (Miami) WJNO-AM (West Palm Beach) WSCV-TV (Miramar) WLDI-FM (West Palm Beach) WTVJ-TV (Miramar) WOLL-FM (West Palm Beach) WPBT-TV (North Miami) WRLX-FM (West Palm Beach) WESH-TV - Ocala Bureau (Ocala) WSIR-AM (Winter Haven) Central Florida News 13 (Orlando)

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Golf Channel (Orlando) California Game & Fish (Marietta) WESH-TV (Orlando) Inside Gwinnett (Marietta) WFTV-TV (Orlando) Season Magazine (Marietta) WTMO-LP (Orlando) Atlanta Tribune (Roswell) WKMG-TV (Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbourne) Coastal Family (Savannah) WVEN-TV (Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbourne) Currents Coastal Georgia (St. Simons Island) WJHG-TV (Panama city) Georgia Magazine (Tucker) WMBB-TV (Panama City) Independent Processor (Woodstock) WEAR-TV (Pensacola) News Service Bay News 9 (Pinellas Park) Visual Data (Pompano Beach) Associated Press - Albany, Ga Bureau (Albany) WTSP-TV (Saint Petersburg) Associated Press - Atlanta Bureau (Atlanta) WWSB-TV (Sarasota) Bloomberg News - Atlanta Bureau (Atlanta) WCTV-TV (Tallahassee) Bureau Of National Affairs (Atlanta) WFSU-TV (Tallahassee) Reuters - Atlanta Bureau (Atlanta) WTXL-TV (Tallahassee-Thomasville) Knight-Ridder/Tribune Info. Services - Roswell Bureau (Roswell) WFLA-TV (Tampa) Tribune Media Services - Stone Mountain Bureau WFTS-TV (Tampa) (Stone Mountain) WMOR-TV (Tampa) WTVT-TV (Tampa) Newspaper WVEA-TV (Tampa) Albany Herald (Albany) WFLX-TV (West Palm Beach) Americus (Americus) WPEC-TV (West Palm Beach) Athens Banner-Herald (Athens) WPTV-TV (West Palm Beach) Red & Black (Athens) WPBF-TV (West Palm Beach-Fort Pierce) Atlanta Business Chronicle (Atlanta) Ivanhoe Broadcast News (Winter Park) Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta) Chamblee-Dekalb Neighbor (Atlanta) GEORGIA Cox Interactive Media (Atlanta) Decatur-Dekalb Neighbor (Atlanta) Magazine Dekalb Neighbor (Atlanta) Timber Mart-South (Athens) Dunwoody Crier (Atlanta) Atlanta Woman (Atlanta) Dunwoody-Dekalb Neighbor (Atlanta) Brides & Grooms magazine (Atlanta) Fulton County Daily Report (Atlanta) BusinessWeek - Southeastern Bureau (Atlanta) Georgia Bulletin, The (Atlanta) Fenuxe Magazine (Atlanta) Los Angeles Times - Atlanta Bureau (Atlanta) J'ADORE Magazine (Atlanta) Mundo Hispanico (Atlanta) Labrys Magazine (Atlanta) New York Times - Atlanta Bureau, The (Atlanta)

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North Dekalb Neighbor (Atlanta) Jonesboro Clayton News Daily (Jonesboro) Northside Neighbor (Atlanta) La Grange News (La grange) South Dekalb Neighbor (Atlanta) Walker County Messenger (Lafayette) Stone Mountain-Dekalb Neighbor (Atlanta) Gwinnett Daily Post (Lawrenceville) Story, The (Atlanta) Lawrenceville Gwinnett Daily Post (Lawrenceville) Wall Street Journal - Atlanta Bureau, The (Atlanta) Macon Telegraph (Macon) Augusta Chronicle (Augusta) Macon Telegraph & News (Macon) Morris Communications Corp (Augusta) Acworth Neighbor (Marietta) Bartow Times (Bartow) Austell Neighbor (Marietta) Brunswick News (Brunswick) East Cobb Neighbor (Marietta) Calhoun Times (Calhoun) Fayette Neighbor (Marietta) Cherokee Tribune (Canton) Kennesaw Neighbor (Marietta) Cherokee Tribune Plus (Canton) Mableton Neighbor (Marietta) Carrollton Times Georgian (Carrollton) Marietta Daily Journal (Marietta) Bartow Neighbor, The (Cartersville) Pinnacle Publishing (Marietta) Cartersville Tribune News (Cartersville) Powder Springs Neighbor (Marietta) Cedartown Standard (Cedartown) Smyrna Neighbor (Marietta) Clayton Tribune, The (Clayton) Vinings Neighbor (Marietta) Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus) Milledgeville Union Recorder (Milledgeville) Rockdale Neighbor (Conyers) Moultrie Observer (Moultrie) The Rockdale Citizen (Conyers) Newnan Times-Herald (Newnan) Cordele Dispatch (Cordele) Atlanta Latino (Norcross) Covington News (Covington) Tattnall Journal (Reidsville) Forsyth County News (Cumming) Catoosa County News (Ringgold) Paulding Neighbor (Dallas) Rockmart Journal (Rockmart) Daily Citizen (Dalton) Rome News-Tribune (Rome) Dalton Citizen-News (Dalton) Alpharetta Neighbor (Roswell) Douglas County Sentinel (Douglasville) Atlanta Tribune (Roswell) Douglas Neighbor (Douglasville) Bill Communications Inc (Roswell) The Courier Herald (Dublin) Roswell Neighbor (Roswell) Clayton Neighbor (Forest Park) (Savannah) Henry Neighbor (Forest Park) Savannah News (Savannah) South Fulton Neighbor (Forest Park) USA Today - Atlanta Bureau (Smyrna) The News And Banner (Franklin) (Statesboro) Gainesville Times (Gainesville) Thomasville Times-Enterprise (Thomasville) Griffin Daily News (Griffin) Tifton Gazette (Tifton) The Coastal Courier (Hinesville) Valdosta Daily Times (Valdosta)

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Valdosta Times (Valdosta) WSTR-FM (Atlanta) Waycross Journal-Herald (Waycross) WUBL-FM (Atlanta) Townelake Ledger (Woodstock) WWLG-FM (Atlanta) WWVA-FM (Atlanta) Online WYAY-FM (Atlanta) CNN Interactive (Atlanta) WBBQ-FM (Augusta) Lefont Take One (Atlanta) WEKL-FM (Augusta) (Atlanta) WGAC-AM (Augusta) (Atlanta) WGAC-FM (Augusta) Georgia Politics Unfiltered (College Park) WKSP-FM (Augusta) (Fairburn) WKZK-AM (Augusta) Cell Phone Digest (Jonesboro) WRDW-AM (Augusta) Sony Insider (Roswell) WZNY-FM (Augusta) Southeast Food Service News (Tucker) WDAK-AM (Columbus) Georgia Connector (Watkinsville) WGSY-FM (Columbus) Radio WDUN-AM (Gainesville) WDUN-FM (Gainesville) WALG-AM (Albany) WGGA-AM (Gainesville) WUOG-FM (Athens) WJGA-FM (Jackson) CNN Radio (Atlanta) WQCH-AM (Lafayette) Cox Radio Interactive (Atlanta) WMAC-AM (Cumulus Radio Group) (Macon) Cox Radio, Inc. (Atlanta) WGUR Radio (Milledgeville) Exceptional Radio Network (Atlanta) WMOQ-FM (Monroe) Georgia Public Radio Network (Atlanta) WHLJ-FM (Naylor) Peach State Public Radio Network (Atlanta) WTSH-FM (Rome) WABE-FM (Atlanta) WBMQ-AM (Cumulus Radio Group) (Savannah) WALR-FM (Atlanta) WHCJ-FM (Savannah) WAOK-AM (Atlanta) WVGA-FM (Valdosta) WCNN-AM (Atlanta) WFSH-FM (Atlanta) Television WGKA-AM (Atlanta) WALB-TV (Albany) WGST-AM (Atlanta) WFXL-TV (Albany) WKLS-FM (Atlanta) WSST-TV (Albany) WQXI-AM (Atlanta) CNN (Cable News Network) (Atlanta) WRAS-FM (Atlanta) CNNI - CNN International (Atlanta) WSB-AM (Atlanta) Cox Broadcasting Washington Bureau (Atlanta) WSB-FM (Atlanta) Georgia Public Broadcasting (Atlanta) WSRV-FM (Atlanta)

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The Weather Channel (Atlanta) Honolulu Advertiser, The (Honolulu) Turner Entertainment (Atlanta) Honolulu Hawaii Hochi (Honolulu) WAGA-TV (Atlanta) Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Honolulu) WGCL-TV (Atlanta) Islands Business (Honolulu) WGNX-TV (Atlanta) Pacific Business News (Honolulu) WSB-TV (Atlanta) The Hawaii Herald (Honolulu) WXIA-TV (Atlanta) Kailua-Kona West Hawaii Today (Kailua-Kona) WAGT-TV (Augusta) Ke Alaka'i (Laie-Oahu) WJBF-TV (Augusta) Island School Switch Newsmagazine for Kauai's WRDW-TV (Augusta) Teens (Lihue) Lihue Garden Island (Lihue) WCGT-TV (Columbus) WRBL-TV (Columbus) Maui News (Maui) WSWS-TV (Columbus) Online WTVM-TV (Columbus) Cheng Health (Honolulu) GNET - Gwinnett News & Entertainment TV (Lawrenceville) Honolulu Civil Beat (Honolulu) WGXA-TV (Macon) (Honolulu) WMAZ-TV (Macon) To Find Health (Kamuela) WMGT-TV (Macon) Radio WATC-TV (Norcross) WPXA-TV (Rome) KKBG-FM (Hilo) WJCL-TV (Savannah) KPUA-AM (Hilo) WSAV-TV (Savannah) KCCN-FM (Honolulu) WTOC-TV (Savannah) KHPR-FM (Honolulu) WNEG-TV (Toccoa) KINE-FM (Honolulu) KRTR-FM (Honolulu) KSSK-AM (Honolulu) HAWAII KSSK-FM (Honolulu) Magazine KFMN-FM (Lihue)

Hawaii Home and Remodeling (Honolulu) Television

Pacific News Bytes (Honolulu) Hawaii News Now (Honolulu) News Service KGMB-TV (Honolulu) KHNL-TV (Honolulu) Associated Press - Honolulu Bureau (Honolulu) KHON-TV (Honolulu) Newspaper KITV-TV (Honolulu) Metro Networks - Honolulu Bureau (Honolulu) Hawaii Tribune-Herald (Hilo)

Hawaii Hispanic News (Honolulu)

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IDAHO Lewiston Tribune (Lewiston) Networking Star (Nampa) Magazine The Moral Liberal (Preston)

Front Step News (Boise) Radio The Idaho Senior News (Boise) KLCE-FM (Blackfoot) Potato Grower Magazine (Idaho Falls) KBOI-AM (Boise) News Service KBSU-AM (Boise)

Associated Press - Boise Bureau (Boise) KBSX-FM (Boise) Public News Service (Boise) KIDO-AM (Boise) KJOT-FM (Boise) Newspaper KRVB-FM (Boise) Blackfoot Morning News (Blackfoot) KTHI-FM (Boise) Boise Statesman (Boise) KWEI-AM (Boise) Idaho Business Review (Boise) KVNI-AM (Coeur D'Alene) Idaho Statesman, The (Boise) KVTY-FM (Lewiston) Coeur D'Alene Press (Coeur d'Alene) KMCL-FM (McCall) North Idaho Business Journal (Coeur d'Alene) KRPL-AM (Moscow) Idaho Falls Post Register (Idaho Falls) KUOI-FM (Moscow) Shoshone News-Press (Kellogg) KZFN-FM (Moscow) Idaho Mountain Express (Ketchum) KISU-FM (Pocatello) Lewiston Morning Tribune (Lewiston) KACH-AM (Preston) -News (McCall) KBYI-FM (Rexburg) Moscow Pullman Daily News (Moscow) KLIX-AM (Twin Falls) The Argonaut (Moscow) Television Idaho Press-Tribune (Nampa) Idaho State Journal (Pocatello) KBCI-TV (Boise) Pocatello State Journal (Pocatello) KBOI-TV (Boise) Rexburg Standard-Journal (Rexburg) KTVB-TV (Boise) Bonner County Daily Bee (Sandpoint) KIDK-TV (Idaho Falls) Twin Falls Times News (Twin Falls) KIFI-TV (Idaho Falls) KLEW-TV (Lewiston) Online KIVI-TV (Nampa) (Boise) KTRV-TV (Nampa) (Boise) KPVI-TV (Pocatello) The River Journal (Clark Fork) KMVT-TV (Twin Falls) Environmental News Network (Ketchum)

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ILLINOIS Hinsdale Magazine, Inc. (Hinsdale) Sears Manage My Home (Hoffman Estates) Magazine Putnam Media, Inc. (Itasca)

German Pulse (Bartlett) Say What! Magazine (La Grange) Appliance Design magazine (Bensenville) Watt Publishing Company (Mount Morris) Farmweek (Bloomington) Machinery Outlook (Mundelein) ABA Journal (Chicago) Boat & Motor Dealer (Niles) Advertising Age - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Dana Chase Publications (Oak Brook) Appraisal Institute (Chicago) Illinois Manufacturer, The (Oak Brook) BusinessWeek - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Central Illinois Business Publishers (Peoria) Cafe (Chicago) Poultry International (Rockford) Chicago Collection Magazine (Chicago) Reactive Target & Aviation International News (Shorewood) Chicago Computer Guide (Chicago) Hoyt Publishing (Skokie) Chicago Health Magazine (Chicago) Chicago Innerview (Chicago) News Service

Chicago Lawyer (Chicago) Associated Press - Champaign Bureau (Champaign) Chicago Lifestyle Magazine (Chicago) Associated Press - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Chicago Tribune Magazine (Chicago) Bloomberg News - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Community Health magazine (Chicago) Copley News Service - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Corporate Legal Times (Chicago) Dow Jones Newswires - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) DeadSpin (Chicago) Knight-Ridder/Tribune Info. Services - Chicago Forefront Magazine (Chicago) Bureau (Chicago) HOY (Chicago) Medill News Service - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Illinois Police & Sheriff's News (Chicago) Morningstar Investor (Chicago) Insurance Networking (Chicago) Morningstar Mutual Funds (Chicago) Jellyvision (Chicago) Morningstar Stock Investor (Chicago) Jet & Ebony (Chicago) Nihon Keizai Shimbun - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Lumino Magazine (Chicago) Reuters - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) MARCH magazine (Chicago) Tribune Media Services (Chicago) Rock Products Magazine (Chicago) Zacks (Chicago) The Chicago Downtowner Newsmagazine (Chicago) Northern Illinois University (De Kalb) UnRated Urban Magazine (Chicago) Dekalb News Service (DeKalb) UR Chicago (Chicago) Associated Press - Elgin Bureau (Elgin) (Chicago) Thomson Target Media (Evanston) Candy Industry (Deerfield) Tribune Media Services - Evanston Bureau (Evanston) Stagnito Communications (Deerfield) Illinois State Univ - The Daily Vidette (Normal) Chicagoland Gardening (Downers Grove)

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Associated Press - Peoria Bureau (Peoria) Daily Illini - University Of Illinois (Champaign) Associated Press - Springfield Bureau (Springfield) News-Gazette (Champaign) Copley News Service Springfield Bureau Times-Courier (Charleston) (Springfield) Chicago Business - University Of Chicago'S Mba Gannett News Service - Springfield Bureau Paper (Chicago) (Springfield) Chicago Citizen Newspaper Group (Chicago) Tribune Media Services - Vernon Hills Bureau Chicago Crusader (Chicago) (Vernon Hills) Chicago Defender (Chicago) Newspaper Chicago Free Press (Chicago)

Countryside (Algonquin) Chicago Law Bulletin (Chicago) Alton Telegraph (Alton) Chicago Reader (Chicago) Antioch Review (Antioch) Chicago Sun-Times (Chicago) Arlington Heights Herald (Arlington Heights) Chicago Tribune (Chicago) Daily Herald (Arlington Heights) Columbia Chronicle (Chicago) Pioneer Press Newspapers (Arlington Heights) Crain's Chicago Business (Chicago) Post (Arlington Heights) Crain'S Modern Physician (Chicago) Aurora Beacon News (Aurora) Epoch Times (Chicago) Courier-Review (Barrington) Gleaner (Chicago) Belleville News-Democrat (Belleville) Harpo Productions (Chicago) St. Clair County News Bulletin (Belleville) Hyde Park Herald (Chicago) Belvidere Daily Republican (Belvidere) Inside Line, The (Chicago) Benton Evening News (Benton) La Raza (Chicago) Bloomington Pantagraph (Bloomington) Los Angeles Times - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Mclean County News Bulletin (Bloomington) New City (Chicago) Pantagraph (Bloomington) New York Times - Chicago Bureau, The (Chicago) Countryside (Buffalo Grove) News Star (Chicago) Weekly Doings (Burr Ridge) Northeastern Illinois University (Chicago) Canton Ledger (Canton) Skyline (Chicago) Carbondale Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale) Stark's News Service Interactive (Chicago) Daily Egyptian (Carbondale) Streetwise (Chicago) Southern Illinois Univ - Daily Egyptian (Carbondale) The Chicago Downtowner (Chicago) Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale) The Depaulia (Depaulia University) (Chicago) Carmi Times (Carmi) The Onion A.V Club (Chicago) Centralia Sentinel (Centralia) Tribune Company (Chicago) Morning Sentinel/Register-News (Centralia/Mt. UIC Today (Chicago) Vernon) US Business Review (Chicago) Champaign County News Bulletin (Champaign) USA Today - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Champaign News-Gazette (Champaign) Wall Street Journal - Chicago Bureau, The (Chicago)

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Washington Post - Chicago Bureau, The (Chicago) Galesburg Register-Mail (Galesburg) Windy City Times (Chicago) Zephyr, The (Galesburg) Chilicothe Independent (Chillicothe) Kane County Chronicle (Geneva) Doings (Clarendon Hills) News (Glencoe) Suburban Journals Of Greater St. Louis (Collinsville) Glenview Announcements (Glenview) Crystal Lake The Northwest Herald (Crystal Lake) Grayslake Review (Grayslake) Northwest Herald (Crystal Lake) Gurnee Review (Gurnee) Danville Commercial-News (Danville) Times, The (Harlem/Irving Park (Chicago)) Decatur Herald & Review (Decatur) Daily Register, The (Harrisburg) Deerfield Review (Deerfield) The Daily Register (Harrisburg) Kenya Empowerment Newpaper (Deerfield) News (Highland Park) Dekalb Daily Chronicle (Dekalb) Doings (Hinsdale) Northern Star (Dekalb) Hoffman Park Review (Hoffman Estates) Mediatracks Communications (Des Plaines) Chicago Tribune - Homewood Bureau (Homewood) Times (Des Plaines) Jacksonville Journal-Courier (Jacksonville) (Du Quoin) Times, The (Jefferson Park (Chicago)) Tazewell County News Bulletin (East Peoria) The Herald-News (Joliet) Times-Review (Edgebrook) Kankakee County News Bulletin (Kankakee) Times-Review (Edison-Norwood) Kankakee Daily Journal (Kankakee) Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville) Star-Courier (Kewanee) Madison County News Bulletin (Edwardsville) La Salle News-Tribune (La Salle) Effingham Daily News (Effingham) Doings (LaGrange) Eldorado Daily Journal (Eldorado) Forester (Lake Forest) Elgin Courier News (Elgin) Countryside (Lake in the Hills) The Courier News (Elgin) Lake Villa Review (Lake Villa) The Korea Daily News (Elk Grove) Courier (Lake Zurich) Times (Elk Grove) La Salle Newstribune (LaSalle) Doings (Elmhurst) Daily Record (Lawrenceville) Leaves (Elmhurst) Libertyville Review (Libertyville) Woodford County News Bulletin (Eureka) Lincoln Courier (Lincoln) Evanston Review (Evanston) The Courier (Lincoln) Metro Times (Evanston) Lincolnshire Review (Lincolnshire) Forest Park Leaves (Forest Park) Lincolnwood Review (Lincolnwood) Herald-Journal (Franklin Park) Macomb Journal (Macomb) Freeport Journal Standard (Freeport) Marion Daily Republican (Marion) Journal Standard, The (Freeport) Mattoon Journal-Gazette (Mattoon) Galena Gazette (Galena) Herald (Maywood)

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Moline Dispatch (Moline) Daily News (Robinson) (Moline) Rock Island Argus (Rock Island) Monmouth (Monmouth) (Rockford) Champion (Morton Grove) Winnebago County News Bulletin (Rockford) Daily Republican Register (Mount Carmel) Booster (Rogers Park) Times (Mount Prospect) Chicago Tribune - Schaumburg Bureau (Schaumburg) Mt Vernon Register-News (Mount Vernon) Mundelein Review (Mundelein) Schaumburg Review (Schaumburg) Daily Union (Shelbyville) Naperville Sun (Naperville) North Central College (Naperville) Hola America (Silvis) Skokie Review (Skokie) Sun Publications (Naperville) The Naperville Sun (Naperville) El Conquistador (South Elgin) Chicago Sun-Times Springfield Bureau (Springfield) Herald Spectator (Niles) News (Norridge) Chicago Tribune - Springfield Bureau (Springfield) Sangamon County News Bulletin (Springfield) Entre Hispanos (Northbrook) Star (Northbrook) Springfield State Journal Register (Springfield) Daily Gazette (Sterling) Herald-Journal (Northlake) Chicago Tribune - Oak Brook Bureau (Oak Brook) Dixon Telegraph (Sterling) The Daily Gazette (Sterling) Doings (Oak Brook) Leaves (Oak Park) Taylorville Breeze Courier (Taylorville) Chicago Daily Southtown (Tinley Park) Wednesday Journal (Oak Park) (Olney) Chicago Tribune - Tinley Park Bureau (Tinley Park) Daily Southtown (Tinley Park) Chicago Tribune - Orland Park Bureau (Orland Park) Lasalle County News Bulletin (Ottawa) University Of Illinois (Urbana) Chicago Tribune - Vernon Hills Bureau (Vernon Ottawa Daily Times (Ottawa) Hills) Countryside (Palatine) Vernon Hills Review (Vernon Hills) Paris Daily Beacon-News (Paris) Times-Republic (Watseka) Herald-Advocate (Park Ridge) Courier (Wauconda) (Pekin) The News Sun (Waukegan) Journal Star (Peoria) The (West Frankfort) News Bulletin (Peoria) Herald (West Proviso) Peoria Journal Star (Peoria) Herald (Westchester) Peoria Times-Observer (Peoria) Doings (Western Springs) Washington Times Reporter (Peoria) Chicago Tribune - Wheaton Bureau (Wheaton) Pontiac Daily Leader (Pontiac) Countryside (Wheeling) Quincy Herald-Whig (Quincy) Booster (Wicker Park) Messenger (River Grove) Life (Wilmette)

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Talk (Winnetka) (Chicago) The Sensory Spectrum (Lake Forest) Online The Rock Father (Lake Villa) Change the Rules of Politics (Algonquin) Running With Cake (Lake Zurich) (Algonquin) (Oak Brook) Rosie Discovers (Arlington Heights) (Oak Park) ConnectReviews (Batavia) antiMUSIC Network (Park Ridge) Four Player Co Op (Belvidere) (Riverton) (Channahon) MMA Recap (South Elgin) (Chicago) Global Food Forums (St. Charles) (Chicago) (Westmont) C-Style Magazine (Chicago) Dow Jones - Chicago Bureau Radio (Chicago) Foodservice Radio (Antioch) Emmis Interactive (Chicago) WJBC-AM (Bloomington) (Chicago) WIVR-FM (Bourbonnais) First Business News (Chicago) WVLI-FM (Bourbonnais) Flood Magazine (Chicago) WSIU-FM (Carbondale) Green Info Daily (Chicago) WVSI-FM (Carbondale) Guyism (Chicago) WROY-AM (Carmi) (Chicago) WRUL-FM (Country Music Widget) (Carmi) (Chicago) WJPF-AM (Carterville) (Chicago) WOOZ-FM (Carterville) LIVESTRONG.COM (Chicago) WILY-AM (Centralia) Marina City Online (Chicago) WRXX-FM (Centralia) (Chicago) WHMS-FM (Champaign) Morningstar (Chicago) DePaul University-Radio DePaul (Chicago) Orbitz (Chicago) Illinois Radio Network (Chicago) PR Junkie (Chicago) Merlin Media LLC (Chicago) PrettyCity (Chicago) Metro Networks - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Tails Inc. (Chicago) WBBM-AM (Chicago) Technomic (Chicago) WBBM-FM (Chicago) The Beauty Branch (Chicago) WBEW-FM (Chicago) The Red Line Project (Chicago) WBEZ-FM (Chicago) (Chicago) WCEV-AM (Chicago) Time Out Chicago (Chicago) WCFS-FM (Chicago) Tribune Interactive (Chicago) WCKG-FM (Chicago) White House Strategies (Chicago)

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WCPQ-FM (Chicago) WAAG-FM (Galesburg) WCPT-AM (Chicago) WGIL-AM (Galesburg) WCPT-FM (Chicago) WKAY-FM (Galesburg) WCPY-FM (Chicago) WLSR-FM (Galesburg) WCRX-FM (Chicago) WDCB-FM (Glen Ellyn) WDRV-FM (Chicago) WSMI-AM (Hillsboro) WFMT-FM (Chicago) WSMI-FM (Hillsboro) WGCI-FM (Chicago) WLDS-AM (Jacksonville) WGN-AM (Chicago) WCCQ-FM (Joliet) WGRB-AM (Chicago) WKAN-AM (Kankakee) WILV-FM (Chicago) WAKO-FM (Lawrenceville) WJMK-FM (Chicago) WLRA-FM (Lockport) WKKC-FM (Chicago) WIUM-FM (Macomb) WKSC-FM (Chicago) WJEQ-FM (Macomb) WLIT-FM (Chicago) WFRX-AM (Marion) WLS-AM (Chicago) WMOK-AM (Metropolis) WLS-FM (Chicago) WVIK-AM (Moline) WLUP-FM (Chicago) WMIX-AM/FM (Mount Vernon) WMBI-AM (Chicago) WMIX-FM (Mount Vernon) WMBI-FM (Chicago) WONC-FM (Naperville) WMVP-AM (Chicago) WGLT-FM (Normal) WNUA-FM (Chicago) WPNA-AM (Oak Park) WNVR-AM (Chicago) WAJK-FM (Oglesby) WRTE-FM 90.5 (Hispanic) (Chicago) WLPO-AM (Oglesby) WTMX-FM (Chicago) WLWF-FM (Oglesby) WVAZ-FM (Chicago) WCMY-AM (Ottawa) WVON-AM (Chicago) WPXN-FM (Paxton) WWWN-FM - Top News (Chicago) WCBU-FM (Peoria) WDKB-FM (De Kalb) WIRL-AM (Peoria) WNIJ-FM (Dekalb) WMBD-AM (Peoria) Radio Health Journal (Des Plaines) WPBG-FM (Peoria) WIXN-AM (Dixon) WSWT-FM (Peoria) WDQN-AM (Du Quoin) WBZG-FM (Peru) WSIE-FM (Edwardsville) WGLC-FM (Peru) WIND-AM (Elk Grove Village) WSPL-AM (Peru) WNUR-FM (Evanston) WYYS-FM (Peru) WHFH-FM (Flossmoor) KGRC-FM (Quincy)

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WGEM-AM (Quincy) WHOI-TV (Creve Coeur) WTAD-AM (Quincy) WAND-TV (Decatur) WNNS-FM (Riverton) WEEK-TV (East Peoria) WVIK Radio (Rock Island) Around Chicagoland-Chicagoland Television News (Hinsdale) WVIK-FM (Rock Island) WNTA-AM (Rockford) WMBD-TV (Peoria) KHQA-TV (Quincy) WROK-AM (Cumulus Radio Group) (Rockford) WPGU (Roselle) WGEM-TV (Quincy) WHBF-TV (Rock Island) WJBD-AM (Salem) WJBD-FM (Salem) WIFR-TV (Rockford) WREX-TV (Rockford) WMAY-AM (Springfield) WTAX-AM (Springfield) WTVO-TV (Rockford) WTVO-TV/WQRF-TV (Rockford) WUIS-FM (Springfield) KFNS-AM (St Louis) WCIA-TV (Savoy) WICS-TV (Springfield) WSDR-AM (Sterling) WDWS-AM (Urbana) WILL-AM (Urbana) INDIANA WILL-FM (Urbana) Magazine Television FFA New Horizons (Indianapolis) WSIU-TV (Carbondale) Network Indiana (Indianapolis) WCIA-TV (Champaign) Howey Politics Indiana (Kokomo) WICD-TV (Champaign) News Service WEIU-TV (Charleston) CNBC - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Associated Press - Evansville Bureau (Evansville) CNN - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) Associated Press - Indianapolis Bureau (Indianapolis) First Business TV News (Chicago) Gannett News Service - Indianapolis Bureau Fox News Channel - Chicago Bureau (Chicago) (Indianapolis) WBBM-TV (Chicago) Associated Press - South Bend Bureau (South WCHI-TV (Chicago) Bend) WFLD-TV (Chicago) Newspaper WGBO-TV (Chicago) WGN-TV (Chicago) Anderson Herald Bulletin (Anderson) WLS-TV (Chicago) Herald Bulletin (Anderson) WMAQ-TV (Chicago) Herald-Republican (Angola) WSNS-TV (Chicago) The Evening Star (Auburn) WTTW-TV (Chicago) Herald-Tribune (Batesville) Bedford Times-Mail (Bedford)

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Berne Tri-Weekly News (Berne) Jeffersonville Evening News/New Albany Tribune Bloomington Herald-Times (Bloomington) (Jeffersonville) Kendallville News-Sun (Kendallville) Indiana Daily Student (Bloomington) Mitchell News (Bloomington) Kokomo Tribune (Kokomo) La Porte Herald Argus (La Porte) Bluffton News-Banner (Bluffton) Brazil Times (Brazil) Journal & Courier (Lafayette) Lafayette Journal & Courier (Lafayette) Chesterton Tribune (Chesterton) Clinton Daily Clintonian (Clinton) Herald-Argus (LaPorte) Lebanon Reporter (Lebanon) Columbia City Post & Mail (Columbia City) Columbus Republic (Columbus) Linton Daily World (Linton) Logansport Pharos-Tribune (Logansport) Connersville News Examiner (Connersville) Crawfordsville Journal Review (Crawfordsville) Madison Courier (Madison) Marion Chronicle Tribune (Marion) Decatur Daily Democrat (Decatur) Truth, The (Elkhart) Reporter-Times (Martinsville) Post-Tribune (Merrillville) The Call-Leader (Elwood) Evansville Courier (Evansville) City News-Dispatch (Michigan City) Monticello Herald Journal (Monticello) Ft Wayne News-Sentinel (Fort Wayne) Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly (Fort Wayne) Ball State Daily News (Muncie) Muncie Star Press (Muncie) Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel (Fort Wayne) Star-Press (Muncie) Hammond Times (Munster) Times, The (Frankfort) Franklin College - The Franklin (Franklin) Times Of NW Indiana, The (Munster) Courier Times (New Castle) Franklin Daily Journal (Franklin) Goshen News (Goshen) New Castle Courier Times (New Castle) Notre Dame Observer (Notre Dame) Greencastle Banner Graphic (Greencastle) Greenfield Daily Reporter (Greenfield) Peru Daily Tribune (Peru) Plymouth Pilot News (Plymouth) Greensburg Daily News (Greensburg) Cal-Press (Hammond) Portland Commercial Review (Portland) Princeton Daily Clarion (Princeton) Hartford City News-Times (Hartford City) Huntington Herald-Press (Huntington) Rensselaer Republican (Rensselaer) Palladium-Item (Richmond) Indiana Business Magazine (Indianapolis) Indianapolis Business Journal (Indianapolis) Richmond Palladium (Richmond) Rochester Sentinel (Rochester) Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis) Omega Communications Inc. (Indianapolis) Rushville Republican (Rushville) The News And Tribune (Sellersburg) Herald (Jasper) Jasper The Herald (Jasper) Seymour Daily Tribune (Seymour) Shelbyville News (Shelbyville) Jeffersonville Evening News (Jeffersonville) (South Bend)

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Sullivan Times (Sullivan) Bob And Tom Show (Indianapolis) Terre Haute Journal Of Business (Terre Haute) Sound Medicine - WFYI-FM (Indianapolis) Terre Haute Tribune-Star (Terre Haute) WFYI-FM (Indianapolis) Tipton County Tribune (Tipton) WIBC-AM (Indianapolis) Vincennes Sun-Commercial (Vincennes) WTLC (Indianapolis) Wabash Plain Dealer (Wabash) WORX-FM (Madison) Warsaw Times-Union (Warsaw) WLPR-FM (Merrillville) Washington -Herald (Washington) WTRC-AM (Mishawaka) Purdue University~ The Purdue Exponent (West WTRC-FM (Mishawaka) Lafayette) WERK-FM (Muncie) The Purdue Exponent (West Lafayette) WLTH (Munster) Winchester News-Gazette (Winchester) WRAY-AM (Princeton) Online WZZY-FM (Richmond) WJAA-FM (Seymour) Weddings! Save Money (Anderson) WSBT-AM (South Bend) Crown Point Chronicle (Crown Point) WTHI-FM (Terre Haute) (Crown Point) WWVR-FM (Terre Haute) Biomarker Commons (Indianapolis) WAKE-AM (Valparaiso) Savvy Traveling (Indianapolis) WLJE-FM (Valparaiso) GeekTyrant (Newburgh) WVUR-FM (Valparaiso) Radio WXRD-FM (Valparaiso) WZVM-FM (Valparaiso) WQME-FM (Anderson) WKID-FM (Vevay) WKZS-FM (Covington) WAOV-AM (Vincennes) WVPE-FM (Elkhart) WUZR-FM (Vincennes) WNIN-FM (Evansville) WZDM-FM (Vincennes) WSWI-AM (Evansville) WRSW-FM (Warsaw) WAJI-FM (Fort Wayne) WAMW - FM (Washington) WBCL-FM (Fort Wayne) WAMW-AM (Washington) WBOI-FM (Fort Wayne) WFML-FM (Washington) WLDE-FM (Fort Wayne) WBAA (West Lafayette) WOWO-AM (Fort Wayne) WOWO-FM (Fort Wayne) Television WLTH (Gary) WEVV-TV (Evansville) WGRE-FM (Greencastle) WFIE-TV (Evansville) WIMS-AM (Hammond) WTVW-TV (Evansville) WJOB-AM (Hammond) WANE-TV (Fort Wayne) WBDC-FM (Huntingburg)

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WPTA-TV (Fort Wayne) Clinton Herald (Clinton) WEHT-TV (Henderson) Council Bluffs Nonpareil (Council bluffs) Pet Pals TV (Indianapolis) Davenport Quad City Times (Davenport) WISH-TV (Indianapolis) Quad City Business Journal (Davenport) WRTV-TV (Indianapolis) Quad-City Times (Davenport) WTHR-TV (Indianapolis) Cedar Rapids Gazette - Des Moines Bureau (Des Moines) WSBT-TV (Mishawaka) Ball State University (WIPB-TV) (Muncie) Des Moines Business Record (Des Moines) Des Moines Register (Des Moines) WBST-FM (Muncie) Farm Journal Television (South Bend) State Daily (Des Moines) Dubuque Telegraph Herald (Dubuque) WNDU-TV (South Bend) WSJV-TV (South Bend) Dunlap Reporter (Dunlap) Estherville Daily News (Estherville) WTHI-TV (Terre Haute) WTWO-TV (Terre Haute) Fairfield Ledger (Fairfield) Fort Dodge The Messenger (Fort Dodge) WLFI-TV (West Lafayette) Fort Madison Daily Democrat (Fort Madison) Corridor Business Journal (Iowa City) IOWA Daily Iowan (Iowa City) Magazine Iowa City Press-Citizen (Iowa City) Keokuk Daily Gate City (Keokuk) Material Handling Wholesaler (Dubuque) Le Mars Daily Sentinel (Le Mars) Verum Magazine (Iowa City) Marshalltown Times-Republican (Marshalltown) News Service Mason City Globe Gazette (Mason City) Mount Mercy Times (Mount Mercy) Associated Press - Des Moines Bureau (Des Moines) Mount Pleasant News (Mount Pleasant) Meredith Broadcasting (Des Moines) Muscatine Journal (Muscatine) Associated Press - Iowa City Bureau (Iowa City) Newton Daily News (Newton) University Of Iowa News Services (Iowa City) Oelwein Daily Register (Oelwein) Oskaloosa Herald (Oskaloosa) Newspaper Ottumwa Courier (Ottumwa) Ames Daily Tribune (Ames) Sioux City Journal (Sioux City) Atlantic News Telegraph (Atlantic) Spencer Daily Reporter (Spencer) Burlington Hawk Eye (Burlington) Storm Lake Pilot-Tribune (Storm Lake) Carroll Daily Times Herald (Carroll) Washington Journal (Washington) Cedar Rapids Gazette (Cedar Rapids) Waterloo Courier (Waterloo) Centerville Daily Iowegian (Centerville) The Daily Freeman-Journal (Webster City) Charles City Press (Charles City) Cherokee Times (Cherokee)

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Online WDBQ-AM (Dubuque) KDST-FM (Dyersville) (Bloomfield) KJYL-FM (Eagle Grove) Tech Gone Crazy (Boone) KADR-AM (Elkader) (Mason City) KCTN-FM (Elkader) Beth Ann & Jessica's Helpful Savings (Sioux City) KIOW-FM (Forest city) (Urbandale) KIAQ-FM (Fort Dodge) (Urbandale) KKEZ-FM (Fort Dodge) Radio KTLB-FM (Fort Dodge)

KLGA-FM (Algona) KVFD-AM (Fort Dodge) KASI-AM (Ames) KWMT-AM (Fort Dodge) KJAN-AM (Atlantic) KZLB-FM (Fort Dodge) KWBG-AM (Boone) KLMJ-FM (Hampton) KBUR-AM (Burlington) KHBT-FM (Humboldt) KCIM-AM (Carroll) KCJJ-AM (Iowa City) KKRL-FM (Carroll) KXIC-AM (Iowa City) KCCK-FM (Cedar Rapids) KOKX-AM (Keokuk) KGYM-AM (Cedar Rapids) KOKX-FM (Keokuk) KMRY-AM (Cedar Rapids) KRLS-FM (Knoxville) KZIA-FM (Cedar Rapids) KKMA-FM (Le Mars) WMT-AM (Cedar Rapids) KLEM-AM (Le Mars) WMT-FM (Cedar Rapids) KSCJ-AM (Le Mars) KMGO-FM (Centerville) KSUX-FM (Le Mars) KCHA-FM (Charles City) KMCH-FM (Manchester) KCZQ-FM (Cresco) KFJB-AM (Marshalltown) WOC-AM (Davenport) KXIA-FM (Marshalltown) KNEI-FM (Decorah) KCMR-FM (Mason City) Clear Channel NewsRadio 1040 WHO (Des Moines) KGLO-AM (Mason City) Iowa Public Radio (Des Moines) KIAI-FM (Mason City) KJJY-FM (Des Moines) KJCY-FM (Mason City) KPTL-FM (Des Moines) KLSS-FM (Mason City) KXNO-AM (Des Moines) KRIB-AM (Mason City) Radio Iowa (Des Moines) KOEL-AM (Oelwein) WHO-AM (Des Moines) KBOE-FM (Oskaloosa) KATF-FM (Dubuque) KCSI-FM (Red Oak) KDTH-AM (Dubuque) KOAK-AM (Red Oak) KGRR-FM (Dubuque) KDCR-FM (Sioux Center)

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KSOU-FM (Sioux Center) Associated Press (Wichita/Topeka) KUOO-FM (Spirit Lake) Newspaper KWQW-FM (Urbandale) KCII-AM (Washington) Abilene Reflector-Chronicle (Abilene) KCII-FM (Washington) Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City) KNWS-AM (Waterloo) The Augusta Daily Gazette (Augusta) KOKZ-FM (Waterloo) Chanute Tribune (Chanute) KXEL-AM (Waterloo) Clay Center Dispatch (Clay Center) Coffeyville Journal (Coffeyville) Television Colby Free Press (Colby) KCRG-TV (Cedar Rapids) Columbus Daily Advocate (Columbus) KGAN-TV (Cedar Rapids) Concordia Blade-Empire (Concordia) Sinclair Acquisition IV Inc. (Cedar Rapids) Council Grove Republican (Council Grove) KLJB-TV (Davenport) Dodge City Globe (Dodge City) KWQC-TV (Davenport) El Dorado Times (El Dorado) KCCI-TV (Des Moines) Emporia Gazette (Emporia) WHO-TV (Des Moines) (Emporia) WOI-TV (Des Moines) Fort Scott Tribune (Fort Scott) KDIN-TV (Johnston) (Garden city) KIMT-TV (Mason City) Great Bend Tribune (Great Bend) KCAU-TV (Sioux City) (Hays) KTIV-TV (Sioux city) The Hays Daily News (Hays) KWWL-TV (Waterloo) Hutchinson News (Hutchinson) ABC5 WOI-DT (West Des Moines) (Hutchinson) Independence Reporter (Independence) KANSAS Iola Register (Iola) Junction City Daily Union (Junction City) Magazine Kansas City Business Journal (Kansas City)

Review Magazine, Kansas City (Lawrence) Kansas City Star (Kansas City) Christmas Trees Magazine (Lecompton) Minority Press Association/Missouri State Post (Kansas City) Rural Lifestyle Dealer (Milton) Daily Kansan (Lawrence) Anthem Publishing Inc. (Overland Park) Journal World (Lawrence) Super Floral Retailing (Topeka) Lawrence Journal World (Lawrence) News Service The Daily Kansan (Lawrence) (Leavenworth) Associated Press - Topeka Bureau (Topeka) High Plains Daily Leader (Liberal) Associated Press - Wichita Bureau (Wichita) Manhattan Mercury (Manhattan)

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McPherson Sentinel (McPherson) KKJQ-FM (Garden City) Linn County News (Mound City) KVGB-AM (Great Bend) Newton Kansan (Newton) KAYS-AM (Hays) (Ottawa) KHAZ-FM (Hays) Parsons Sun (Parsons) KJLS-FM (Hays) Morning Sun (Pittsburg) KPRD-FM (Hays) Pittsburg Sun (Pittsburg) KLZA-FM (Hiawatha) The Collegio (Pittsburg) KMZA-FM (Hiawatha) (Pratt) KNZA-FM (Hiawatha) Salina Journal (Salina) KHUT-FM (Hutchinson) Tonganoxie Mirror (Tonganoxie) KWBW-AM (Hutchinson) Topeka Capital-Journal, The (Topeka) KJCK- FM (Junction city) Wellington News (Wellington) KJCK-AM (Junction city) Wichita Business Journal (Wichita) KANU-FM (Lawrence) Wichita Eagle (Wichita) KLDG-FM (Liberal) Winfield Daily Courier (Winfield) KMAN-AM (Manhattan) KMKF-FM (Manhattan) Online KSDB-FM (Manhattan) Musicians Gazette (Fort Scott) KXBZ-FM (Manhattan) (Lawrence) KJIL-FM (Meade) TechRepublic (Lenexa) KCMO-AM (Mission) Do No Harm (Olathe) KMBZ-AM (Mission) (Wichita) KKAN-AM (Phillipsburg) Everyday Citizen (Wichita) KQMA-FM (Phillipsburg) OnlineStoresResearch (Wichita) KINA-AM (Salina) Radio KSAL-AM (Salina) KSAL-FM (Salina) KJRL-FM (Abilene) KSKG-FM (Salina) KAIR-FM (Atchison) KYEZ-FM (Salina) KVSV-AM (Beloit) Kansas Information Network (Topeka) KVSV-FM (Beloit) KMAJ-AM (Topeka) KGCR-FM (Brewster) Member Feed - WIBW (Topeka) KKOY-AM (Chanute) WIBW-AM (Topeka) KCLY-FM (Clay Center) WIBW-FM (Topeka) KFRM-AM (Clay Center) KULY-AM (Ulysses) KFFX-FM (Emporia) KMBZ-FM (Westwood) KVOE-AM (Emporia) KFDI-FM (Wichita) KBUF-AM (Garden City)

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KGSO-AM (Wichita) Newspaper KLIO-AM (Wichita) Ashland Daily Independent (Ashland) KMUW-FM (Wichita) Bowling Green News (Bowling Green) KNSS-AM (Wichita) Daily News (Bowling Green) KRBB-FM (Wichita) Gamut News (Bowling Green) KTHR-FM (Wichita) Corbin Times Tribune (Corbin) KZCH-FM (Wichita) Danville Advocate-Messenger (Danville) KZSN-FM (Wichita) Elizabethtown News-Enterprise (Elizabethtown) Television Boone Community Recorder (Florence) Boone County Recorder (Florence) KCTV-TV (Fairway) Campbell Community Recorder (Florence) KUJH-TV (Lawrence) Campbell County Recorder (Florence) Sunflower Broadband (Lawrence) Crescent Springs/Villa Hills Community Recorder KOAM-TV (Pittsburg) (Florence) KSNT-TV (Topeka) Edgewood/Crestview Hills Community Recorder KTKA-TV (Topeka) (Florence) WIBW-TV (Topeka) Erlanger Recorder (Florence) KAKE-TV (Wichita) Florence Recorder (Florence) KSNW-TV (Wichita) Ft. Mitchell/Lakeside Park Community Recorder (Florence) KWCH-TV (Wichita) Kenton County Recorder (Florence) Motor'n TV (Wichita) Park Hills/Ft. Wright Community Recorder (Florence) Premium Member Feed - KAKE (Wichita) Frankfort Journal (Frankfort)

Georgetown News-Graphic (Georgetown) KENTUCKY Glasgow Daily Times (Glasgow) Magazine Harlan Enterprise (Harlan) The Harrodsburg Herald (Harrodsburg) Autos - Courier-Journal (Louisville) (Henderson) Today’s Woman Magazine (Louisville) The Northerner (Highland Heights) Sophisticated Living Magazine (Prospect) Hopkinsville Kentucky New Era (Hopkinsville) News Service Kentucky New Era (Hopkinsville) Garrard Central Record (Lancaster) Associated Press - Frankfort Bureau (Frankfort) Lane Communications Group (Lexington) Associated Press - Lexington Bureau (Lexington) Lexington Herald-Leader (Lexington) Associated Press - Louisville Bureau (Louisville) University Of Kentucky School Of Journalism Associated Press - Pikeville Bureau (Pikeville) (Lexington) Business First (Louisville) Courier-Journal, The (Louisville)

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Louisville Kentucky Combined Feed (Louisville) WQXE-FM (Elizabethtown) Umi/Data Courier (Louisville) WCLU-AM (Glasgow) Messenger, The (Madisonville) WGOH-AM (Grayson) Mayfield Messenger (Mayfield) WUGO-FM (Grayson) Maysville Ledger Independent (Maysville) WHLN-AM (Harlan) Middlesboro Daily News (Middlesboro) WSON-AM (Henderson) Murray Ledger & Times (Murray) WNKU-FM (Highland Heights) Murray State News (Murray) WHSX-FM (Horse Save) Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro) WLOC-AM (Horse Save) Paducah Sun (Paducah) WKJK (Lagrange) Pikeville Appalachian News-Express (Pikeville) WKHG-FM (Leitchfield) Richmond Register (Richmond) WBUL-FM (Lexington) Somerset Commonwealth Journal (Somerset) WLAP-AM (Lexington) Whitesburg Mountain Eagle (Whitesburg) WRFL-FM (Lexington) Winchester Sun (Winchester) WUKY-FM (Lexington) WVLK-FM (Lexington) Online Kentucky Radio Network (Louisville) Budget Earth (Florence) WAMZ-FM (Louisville) (Independence) WFPL-FM (Louisville) Inc. (Louisville) WGTK-AM (Louisville) Louisville History & Issues (Louisville) WHAS-AM (Louisville) (Louisville) WPTI-FM (Louisville) (Louisville) WFMW-AM (Madisonville) GlobalShift (Nicholasville) WTBK-FM (Manchester) (Russell) WKYM-FM (Monticello) Radio WMKY-FM (Morehead) WMSK-FM (Country Music Widget) (Morganfield) WLGC-FM (Ashland) WKMS-FM (Murray) WDCL-FM (Bowling Green) WKYQ-FM (Paducah) WGGC-FM (Bowling Green) WKYX-AM (Paducah) WKCT-AM (Bowling Green) WKLW-FM (Paintsville) WKPB-FM (Bowling Green) WPTJ-FM (Paris) WKUE-FM (Bowling Green) WCYO-FM (Richmond) WKYU-FM (Bowling Green) WRUS-AM (Russellville) WWHR-FM (Bowling Green) WKEQ-FM (Somerset) WVLC-FM (Campbellsville) WSFC-AM (Somerset) WNOP-AM (Cincinnati) WJCR-FM (Upton) Clear Channel Radio (Covington)

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Television Newspaper

WBKO-TV (Bowling Green) Alexandria Daily Town Talk (Alexandria) WYMT-TV () The Light (Alexandria) WDKY-TV (Lexington) Bastrop Daily Enterprise (Bastrop) WKYT-TV (Lexington) Advocate, The (Baton Rouge) WLEX-TV (Lexington) Baton Rouge Business Report (Baton Rouge) WTVQ-TV (Lexington) Greater Baton Rouge Business Report (Baton Rouge) WUPX-TV (Lexington) WYMT-TV (Lexington) Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge) Southern Digest (Baton Rouge) WAVE-TV (Louisville) WBKI-TV (Louisville) Southern University/A&M College (Baton Rouge) Bogalusa Daily News (Bogalusa) WDRB-TV (Louisville) WHAS-TV (Louisville) Bossier Press-Tribune (Bossier City) (Deridder) WLKY-TV (Louisville) WYCS-TV (Louisville) The Franklin Banner-Tribune (Franklin) Gramblinite (Grambling) WPSD-TV (Paducah) WSIL-TV (Paducah) Daily Star (Hammond) Southeastern Louisiana University (Hammond)

The Daily Star (Hammond) LOUISIANA Bayou Business Review (Houma) Magazine Houma Courier (Houma) Jennings Daily News (Jennings) 225 Magazine (Baton Rouge) Acadiana Gazette (Lafayette) Baton Rouge Parenting Magazine (Baton Rouge) Daily Advertiser (Lafayette) Louisiana Life (Metairie) Independent Weekly Llc (Lafayette) New Orleans Magazine (Metairie) The Advertiser (Lafayette) Ballyhoo Vue Magazine (New Orleans) The Independent Weekly (Lafayette) Sugar Journal (New Orleans) American Press (Lake Charles) News Service Lake Charles American Press (Lake Charles) The Lafourche Gazette (Larose) Associated Press - Baton Rouge Bureau (Baton Rouge) The (Leesville) Gannett News Service - Baton Rouge Bureau Avoyelles Journal (Marksville) (Baton Rouge) Herencia Hispana (Metairie) Grambling State University (Grambling) New Orleans City Business (Metairie) Associated Press - New Orleans Bureau (New Minden Press-Herald (Minden) Orleans) News-Star, The (Monroe)

The Daily Review (Morgan City)

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Natchitoches Times (Natchitoches) KRMD-AM (Bossier City) New Iberia Daily Iberian (New Iberia) KAYT-FM (Cheneyville) Delgado Community College (New Orleans) KAJN-FM (Crowley) Loyola University - The Maroon (New Orleans) KBON-FM (Eunice) New Orleans Citybusiness (New Orleans) KSLU-FM (Hammond) New Orleans Times-Picayune (New Orleans) KHXT-FM (Lafayette) The Courtbouillon (New Orleans) KMDL-FM (Lafayette) The Louisiana Weekly (New Orleans) KPEL-FM (Lafayette) Tulane Hullabaloo, The (New Orleans) KRVS-FM (Lafayette) Opelousas Daily World (Opelousas) KTDY-FM (Lafayette) Louisiana Tech University (Ruston) KAOK-AM (Cumulus Radio Group) (Lake Charles) Ruston Daily Leader (Ruston) KLRZ-FM (Larose) Shreveport Times (Shreveport) WIST-AM (Metairie/New Orleans) Sulphur Southwest Daily News (Sulphur) KEDM-FM (Monroe) The Nicholls Worth (Thibodaux) KANE-AM (New Iberia) Thibodaux Daily Comet (Thibodaux) WNOE-FM (New Orleans) WQUE-FM (New Orleans) Online WRNO Radio (New Orleans) (Baton Rouge) WRNO-FM (New Orleans) (Baton Rouge) WWL-AM (New Orleans) (Houma) WWL-AM/FM (New Orleans) Bargains4wahms (Kenner) WWNO-FM (New Orleans) Times of Southwest Louisiana (Lake Charles) WYLD-AM (New Orleans) (Laramie) WYLD-FM (New Orleans) The Sabine-Talks Reporter (Many) KLAA-FM (Pineville) (Metairie) KDAQ-FM (Shreveport) The Lens (New Orleans) KEEL-AM (Shreveport) (New Orleans) KLSA-FM (Shreveport) (Shreveport) KRUF-FM (Shreveport) Radio KTAL-FM (Shreveport) KVKI-FM (Shreveport) KRVE-FM (Baton Rouge) KXKS-FM (Shreveport) WDGL-FM (Baton Rouge) KVPI-FM (Ville Platte) WFMF-FM (Baton Rouge) KNCB-AM (Vivian) WJBO-AM (Baton Rouge) WLRO-AM (Baton Rouge) Television WRKF-FM (Baton Rouge) KALB-TV (Alexandria) WYNK-FM (Baton Rouge)

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WAFB-TV (Baton Rouge) Fort Fairfield Journal (Fort Fairfield) WBRZ-TV (Baton Rouge) Sun Journal (Lewiston) WVLA-TV (Baton Rouge) Katahdin Press (Millinocket) KFOL-TV (Houma) Portland Phoenix, The (Portland) KATC-TV (Lafayette) Portland Press Herald (Portland) KLFY-TV (Lafayette) Penobscot Bay Press (Stonington) KPLC-TV (Lake Charles) Morning Sentinel (Waterville) KVHP-TV (Lake Charles) Online KGLA-TV (Metairie) KNOE-TV (Monroe) (Augusta) KTVE-TV (Monroe) Missy's Product Reviews 1 (Bridgton) WDSU-TV (New Orleans) Mainebiz (Portland) WGNO-TV (New Orleans) Media and New Media Law Blog (Rockport) WVUE-TV (New Orleans) Radio WWL-TV (New Orleans) KSLA-TV (Shreveport) Maine Public Broadcasting Network (Bangor) KTAL-TV (Shreveport) WABI-AM (Bangor) KTBS-TV (Shreveport) Television

WMTW-TV (Auburn) MAINE Maine Public Broadcasting Network (Bangor) Magazine WABI-TV (Bangor) WVII-TV (Bangor) Mainebiz (Portland) WCSH-TV (Portland) News Service WGME-TV (Portland)

Associated Press - Augusta Bureau (Augusta) Associated Press - Portland, Me Bureau (Portland) MARYLAND

Newspaper Magazine

Kennebec Journal (Augusta) Dirty Linen (Baltimore) Bangor Daily News (Bangor) Grandparenting (Baltimore) Bangor News (Bangor) Maryland Bar Journal (Baltimore) Journal Tribune, The (Biddeford) Southern Maryland-This is Living magazine (Bel Alton) Times Record, The (Brunswick) FERC Power Report (Bethesda) Camden Herald, The (Camden) PDA Letter (Bethesda) Ellsworth American (Ellsworth) StormCenter Communications (Ellicott City) Forecaster, The (Falmouth) Harbor View (Fort Washington)

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Flight Training (Frederick) Washington Post - Howard County Bureau, The Nightingale's Healthcare News (Frederick) (Columbia) Cumberland Times-News (Cumberland) Insurance Advisor Monthly - Maryland/D.C. (Hunt Valley) Easton Star-Democrat (Easton) Curator: The Museum Journal (Lanham) Frederick Gazette (Frederick) Airline Procurement (Silver Spring) Frederick News-Post, The (Frederick) Washington Post - Frederick Bureau, The News Service (Frederick) Associated Press - Annapolis Bureau (Annapolis) Chevy Chase Gazette (Gaithersburg) Capital News Service - Annapolis Bureau Maryland Gazette (Gaithersburg) (Annapolis) Hagerstown Herald-Mail (Hagerstown) Associated Press - Baltimore Bureau (Baltimore) Kensington Gazette (Kensington) Tribune Media Services - Baltimore Bureau Washington Post - Southern Maryland Bureau, The (Baltimore) (La Plata) Phillip Merril College of Journalism (University of Landover Gazette (Landover) Maryland) (College Park) Lanham Gazette (Lanham) Associated Press - Hagerstown Bureau (Hagerstown) Largo Gazette (Largo) Associated Press - Lanham Bureau (Lanham) New Carrollton Gazette (New Carrollton) Patuxent Publishing (Potomac) Hart/Information Resources Inc. Publishing (Potomac) Rheinische Post - Washington Bureau (Potomac) PBI Media (Potomac) Tribune Media Services - St Michaels Bureau (St Michaels) Phillips Publishing (Potomac) Potomac Gazette (Potomac) Newspaper International Medical News Group (Rockville) Capital, The (Annapolis) Washington Post - Montgomery County Bureau, The (Rockville) Washington Post - Annapolis Bureau, The (Annapolis) Daily Times (Salisbury) Baltimore Business Journal (Baltimore) Aspen Publishers (Silver Spring) Baltimore City Paper (Baltimore) Business Publishers, Inc. (Silver Spring) Baltimore Daily Record (Baltimore) CD Publications (Silver Spring) Baltimore Sun, The (Baltimore) Pike & Fischer, Inc. (Silver Spring) The Washington Afro-American News (Baltimore) Silver Spring Gazette (Silver Spring) Bethesda Gazette (Bethesda) Southern Maryland Newspapers (Southern MD) Education Week (Bethesda) Bay Times (Stevensville) Bowie Blade-News, The (Bowie) New York Times - Takoma Park Bureau, The (Takoma Park) Middletown/Brunswick Gazette (Brunswick) Walkersville/Thurmont Gazette (Thurmont) Rose Sheet, The (Chevy Chase) Washington Post - Prince George's County Bureau, Columbia Flier (Columbia) The (Upper Marlboro)

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New Market/Urbana Gazette (Urbana) Syndication One (Lanham) Carroll County Times (Westminster) WJFK-FM (Lanham) Westminster Carroll County Times (Westminster) WLZL-FM (Lanham) WNEW-AM (Lanham) Online WNEW-FM (Lanham) Boundless Vegan (Baltimore) FMLink (Potomac) Center for Emerging Media (Baltimore) BCC, Inc. (Preston) Digital Harbor Online (Baltimore) WESM-FM (Princess anne) (Baltimore) Jerusalem Report, BNR Radio Netherlands Foreign Policy Digest (Chevy Chase) (Rockville) Robbins Brothers Blog (Fort Washington) WTEM-AM (Rockville) ACSM Bulletin (Gaithersburg) WAVD-FM (Salisbury) Financially Fierce, LLC (Largo) WICO-AM (Salisbury) It’s Good Stuff (Odenton) WICO-FM (Salisbury) (Owings Mills) WKTT-FM (Salisbury) TelecomWeb (Potomac) WSCL-FM (Salisbury) (Rockville) Metro Networks - Silver Spring Bureau (Silver Spring) Washington Running Report (Rockville) WTGB-FM (Silver Spring) Legendary Lifestyle by Saphan Pickett (Waldorf) WWRC-AM (Silver Spring) Radio WTTR-AM (Westminster) WACA-AM (Wheaton) WNAV-AM (Annapolis) WCRH-FM (Williamsport) National Federation of the Blind (Baltimore) WKHS-FM (Worton) WBAL-AM (Baltimore) WBJC-FM (Baltimore) Television WCAO-AM (Baltimore) WBAL-TV (Baltimore) WCBM-AM (Baltimore) WBFF-TV (Baltimore) WEAA-FM (Baltimore) WJZ-TV (Baltimore) WIYY-FM (Baltimore) WMAR-TV (Baltimore) WPOC-FM (Baltimore) WHAG-TV (Hagerstown) WZFT-FM (Baltimore) Sinclair News Central Bureau (Hunt valley) Interfaith Voices (Brentwood) Maryland Public Television (Owings Mills) WMUC-AM (College Park) WBOC (Salisbury) WFMD-AM (Frederick) WBOC-TV (Salisbury) WFRE-FM (Frederick) WMDT (Salisbury) WFWM-FM (Frostburg) WMDT-TV (Salisbury) WHAG-AM (Hagerstown) Broadband Daily (Silver Spring) WJEJ-AM (Hagerstown)

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MASSACHUSETTS BusinessWest (Springfield) IndUS Business Journal (Waltham) Magazine Bosy+Soul Magazine (Watertown)

Robb Report (Acton) Alloy Media (Westford) CCI/Crosby Publishing (Allston) Private Colleges and Universities (Westford) Northshore Magazine (Andover) News Service Aspatore Books (Boston) Associated Press - Boston Bureau (Boston) Atlantic Monthly, The (Boston) Bloomberg News - Boston Bureau (Boston) Boston Magazine (Boston) Dow Jones Newswires - Boston Bureau (Boston) BusinessWeek - Boston Bureau (Boston) Reuters - Boston Bureau (Boston) Continental Magazine (Boston) State House News Service (Boston) Directorship Magazine (Boston) Tribune Media Services - Boston Bureau (Boston) Edge Publications (Boston) NewsEdge Corporation (Burlington) Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Regional Review (Boston) Associated Press - Springfield, Massachusetts Bureau (Springfield) Harvard Business Review (Boston) Harvard Health Letter (Boston) Newspaper Harvard Management Update (Boston) Abington Mariner (Abington) Harvard Public Health Review (Boston) WheelsTV (Acton) Improper Bostonian Magazine, The (Boston) Allston-Brighton TAB (Allston-Brighton) Lawyers Weekly USA (Boston) Amesbury News (Amesbury) Mass High Tech (Boston) Massachusetts Daily Collegian (Amherst) New England Economic Review (Boston) Arlington Advocate (Arlington) The Weekly Dig (Boston) Ashland TAB (Ashland) Harvard Law Record (Cambridge) Athol News (Athol) Harvard Law Review (Cambridge) Attleboro Sun Chronicle (Attleboro) Harvard Political Review (Cambridge) Bedford Minuteman (Bedford) The Homesteader (Concord) Belmont Citizen-Herald (Belmont) Vrij Nederland (Great Barrington) Beverly Citizen (Beverly) Sportsbuff Features (Hamilton) Tri-Town Transcript (Beverly) Business Bulletin (Haverhill) Billerica Minuteman (Billerica) Monash Software Letter (Lexington) Bolton Common (Bolton) Boston Homes (Needham) Bay Windows (Boston) Berkshire Jewish Voice (Pittsfield) Boston Busines Journal (Boston) Provincetown Magazine (Provincetown) Boston Globe Magazine, The (Boston) Volleyball (Quincy) Boston Globe, The (Boston) NewSongTV Canção Nova TV (Somerville) Boston Herald, The (Boston)

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Boston Homes (Boston) MetroWest Daily News, The (Framingham) Boston Metro (Boston) Gardner News (Gardner) Boston Phoenix, The (Boston) Georgetown Record (Georgetown) Boston TAB (Boston) Gloucester Daily Times, The (Gloucester) Christian Science Monitor, The (Boston) Recorder (Greenfield) New York Times - Boston Bureau, The (Boston) Hamilton/Wenham (Hamilton/Wenham) Northeastern News (Boston) Hanover Mariner (Hanover) The Boston Globe (Boston) Barnstable Patriot (Harvard) The Daily Free Press (Boston) Harvard Post (Harvard) The Hub (Boston) Harwich Oracle (Harwich) The Provider (Boston) Haverhill Gazette, The (Haverhill) The Simmons Voice / Boston MA 02115 (Boston) Hingham Journal (Hingham) Wall Street Journal - Boston Bureau, The (Boston) Hingham Oracle (Hingham) Braintree Forum (Braintree) Holbrook Sun (Holbrook) Enterprise, The (Brockton) Holliston TAB (Holliston) Brookline TAB (Brookline) Hopkinton Crier (Hopkinton) Burlington Union (Burlington) Hudson Sun (Hudson) (Cambridge) (Hyannis) Cambridge TAB (Cambridge) Ipswich Chronicle (Ipswich) The Harvard Crimson (Cambridge) Kingston Reporter (Kingston) Canton Journal (Canton) Lancaster Times (Lancaster) Cape Business (Cape Cod) Eagle-Tribune, The (Lawrence) Main Sheet - Cap Cod Community College Lexington Minuteman (Lexington) newspaper (Cape Cod) Lincoln Journal (Lincoln) Upper Cape Codder (Cape Cod) Littleton Independent (Littleton) Chelmsford Independent (Chelmsford) Lowell Sun (Lowell) Boston College - The Heights (Chestnut Hill) Daily Item, The (Lynn) Cohasset Mariner (Cohasset) Lynn Item (Lynn) Beacon (Concord) Malden Evening News (Malden) Beacon Villager (Concord) Malden Observer (Malden) Concord Journal (Concord) Medford Daily Mercury (Malden) Danvers Herald (Danvers) Mansfield News (Mansfield) Dover-Sherborn Press (Dover) Marblehead Reporter (Marblehead) Valley Advocate (Easthampton) Villager, The (Marlboro) Easton Journal (Easton) Marlborough Enterprise (Marlborough) Herald News, The (Fall River) Marshfield Mariner (Marshfield) Sentinel & Enterprise (Fitchburg) Medfield Press (Medfield) Framingham TAB (Framingham)

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Medford Transcript (Medford) The Southbridge Evening News (Southbridge) Melrose Free Press (Melrose) Republican, The (Springfield) Merrimack River Current (Merrimack River) Stoneham Sun (Stoneham) Country Gazette (Milford) Stoughton Journal (Stoughton) Homes for Sale (Milford) Sudbury Town Crier (Sudbury) Milford Daily News (Milford) Swampscott Reporter (Swampscott) Inquirer & Mirror (Nantucket) (Taunton) Natick Bulletin & TAB (Natick) Tewksbury Advocate (Tewksbury) Daily News Transcript (Needham) Wakefield Daily Item (Wakefield) Needham Times (Needham) Wakefield Observer (Wakefield) Standard-Times, The (New Bedford) Daily News Tribune, The (Waltham) Daily News of Newburyport, The (Newburyport) Watertown TAB & Press (Watertown) Newton TAB (Newton) Wayland Town Crier (Wayland) Washington Post - Boston Bureau, The (Newton) Wellesley Townsman (Wellesley) North Adams Transcript (North Adams) Westborough News (Westborough) North Andover Citizen (North Andover) Westford Eagle (Westford) Salem News (North Andover) The Weston Town Crier (Weston) The Sun Chronicle (North Attleboro) Westwood Press (Westwood) North Shore Sunday (North Shore) Weymouth News (Weymouth) Daily Hampshire Gazette (Northampton) Wilmington Advocate (Wilmington) Norton Mirror (Norton) Winchester Star (Winchester) Norwell Mariner (Norwell) Daily Times Chronicle (Woburn) Cape Codder (Orleans) Woburn Advocate (Woburn) Pembroke Mariner (Pembroke) Telegram & Gazette (Worcester) Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield) Worcester Business Journal (Worcester) Old Colony Memorial (Plymouth) Worcester Telegram & Gazette (Worcester) Eastern Nazarene College (The Veritas News) Pennysaver (Yarmouthport) (Quincy) Register, The (Yarmouthport) Patriot Ledger, The (Quincy) Reading Advocate (Reading) Online Rockland Mariner (Rockland) (Acton) West Roxbury/Roslindale Transcript (Roslindale) Scoop08 (Andover) Salem News, The (Salem) EdgeBoston (Arlinton) Saugus Advertiser (Saugus) Trendy Mommies (Bedford) Scituate Mariner (Scituate) Boston Music Spotlight (Boston) Sharon Advocate (Sharon) Campus Compare (Boston) Shrewsbury Chronicle (Shrewsbury) (Boston) Somerville Journal (Somerville)

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CityBizList (Boston) (Boston) WBOQ-FM (Beverly) Dow Jones - Boston Bureau WNSH-AM (Beverly) (Boston) CyberSpace Radio (Boston) (Boston) WBIX-AM (Boston) GlobalPost (Boston) WBUR-AM (Boston) Health Business Blog (Boston) WBUR-FM (Boston) (Boston) WCRN-AM (Boston) PR Communications Blog (Boston) WERS-FM (Boston) (Boston) WGBH-FM (Boston) (Burlington) WKLB-FM (Boston) Digital City Boston (Cambridge) WMJX-FM (Boston) SmarterLiving.Com (Cambridge) WROR-FM (Boston) (Cambridge) WTKK-FM (Boston) ZDNet News - Boston Bureau (Cambridge) WUMB-FM (Boston) Digicraft (Charlestown) WUNR-AM (Boston) Savvy Saving Couple (Fall River) Greater Media, Inc. (Braintree) (Framingham) WRKO-AM (Brighton) (Hudson) WQDY-FM (Calais) (Littleton) WCXU-FM (Caribou) (Longmeadow) WDME-FM (Dover-Foxcroft) Casino City Times (Newton) WNSX-FM (Ellsworth) GameSkinny (Newton) WBSM-AM (Fairhaven) (Newton) WFHN-FM (Fairhaven) NEC Digest (Quincy) WGAO-FM (Franklin) (Quincy) WMSJ-FM (Freeport) (Somerville) WCIB-FM (Hyannis) Her Campus & What Gents Don't Get (Somerville) WQRC-FM (Hyannis) Lycos (Waltham) WXTK-FM (Hyannis) Filmfodder (West Roxbury) WCAP-AM (Lowell) (West Springfield) WFNX-FM (Lynn) (Wrentham) WATD-FM (Marshfield) Radio WJMN-FM (Medford) WXKS-AM (Medford) WBZ-AM (Allston) WXKS-FM (Medford) WFCR-FM (Amherst) WVBF-AM (Middleborough) WHSN-FM (Bangor) WMLN-FM (Milton) WKIT-FM (Bangor) WBNW-AM (Needham) WZON-AM (Bangor)

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WSRS-FM (Paxton) MICHIGAN WTAG-AM (Paxton) WBEC-FM (Pittsfield) Magazine

WPLM-FM (Plymouth) Michigan Review (Ann Arbor) Maine Public Radio (Portland) MyMac Magazine (Battle Creek) WIZZ-AM (Shelburne) BusinessWeek - Detroit Bureau (Detroit) WHYN-AM (Springfield) D Business Magazine (Detroit) WHYN-FM (Springfield) MediaPost (Detroit) WRNX-FM (Springfield) Lyons Circle Publishing (Grand Rapids) WUCS-FM (Springfield) Western Michigan Business Review (Kalamazoo) WMVY-FM (Vineyard Haven) Michigan Manufacturers Association (Lansing) Television Midland Daily News (Midland) Hour Detroit (Royal Oak) (Acton) Michigan Real Estate Journal (Southfield) Paybefore (Billerica) Fruit Growers News (Sparta) WBZ-TV (Boston) Quarterly Review of Wines (Troy) WGBH-TV (Boston) Snips (Troy) WHDH-TV (Boston) Supply House Times (Troy) WLVI-TV (Boston) Corp! Magazine (Warren) WSBK-TV (Brighton) Sportschannel NE d/b/a Comcast Sportsnet News Service (Burlington) University of Michigan News Service (Ann Arbor) Captivate Network (Chelmsford) Reuters Pictures (Dearborn) WWLP-TV (Chicopee) Associated Press - Detroit Bureau (Detroit) WFXT-TV (Dedham) Reuters - Detroit Bureau (Detroit) WCVB-TV (Needham) Capital News Service (East Lansing) WUNI-TV (Needham) Associated Press - Grand Rapids Bureau (Grand NECN (Newton) Rapids) New England Cable News (Newton) Saga Communications Inc. (Grosse Pointe Farms) New England Cable News Channel (NECN) Associated Press - Lansing Bureau (Lansing) (Newton) Bloomberg News - Michigan Bureau (Southfield) DC (North Attleboro) Associated Press - Traverse City Bureau (Traverse WAGM-TV (Presque Isle) City) WGBY-TV (Springfield) WGGB-TV (Springfield) Newspaper WWLP-TV (Springfield) Daily Telegram, The (Adrian) NewsProNet TV (Swampscott) Alpena News (Alpena) Ann Arbor News (Ann Arbor)

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Arbor Media Inc. (Ann Arbor) East Side Press (Flint) Michigan Daily, The (Ann Arbor) Flint Journal (Flint) New York Times - Detroit Bureau, The (Ann Arbor) Flushing Press (Flint) The Washtenaw Voice (Ann Arbor) Genesee Township Voice (Flint) University Of Michigan: Michigan Daily (Ann Arbor) Genesee Valley Press (Flint) Huron Daily Tribune (Bad Axe) Grand Blanc Press (Flint) , The (Battle Creek) South Flint Gazette (Flint) Bay City Times (Bay City) The Burton Banner (Flint) Birmingham & Bloomfield Eccentric (Birmingham) The Sunday Crusader (Flint) Booth Newspapers (Bloomfield Hills) Tri-County News (Flint) Cadillac Evening News (Cadillac) Weekender Advantage (Flint) Cedar Springs Post (Cedar Springs) Garden City Observer (Garden City) Cheboygan Tribune (Cheboygan) Grand Haven Tribune (Grand Haven) Cheyboygan Daily Tribune (Cheboygan) El Vocero Hispano (Grand Rapids) Clarkston Eccentric (Clarkston) Grand Rapids Business Journal (Grand Rapids) The Daily Reporter (Coldwater) Grand Rapids Press (Grand Rapids) Dearborn Press & Guide (Dearborn) Greenville Daily News (Greenville) Dearborn Times-Herald (Dearborn) Ile Camera (Grosse Ile) Warrendale-West Detroit Press & Guide (Dearborn) Grosse Pointe News (Grosse Pointe) Crain's Detroit Business (Detroit) Hillsdale Daily News (Hillsdale) (Detroit) Holland Sentinel (Holland) Detroit Metro Times (Detroit) The Anchor (Holland) Detroit Monitor (Detroit) The Daily Mining Gazette (Houghton) Detroit News, The (Detroit) Livingston County Press Argus (Howell) Detroiter (Detroit) The Livingston County Daily Press & Argus (Howell) El Central (Detroit) Daily Tribune (Huron) Los Angeles Times - Detroit Bureau (Detroit) Ionia Sentinel-Standard (Ionia) Michigan Chronicle (Detroit) Mountain Daily News (Iron Mountain) Michigan Front Page (Detroit) Daily Globe (Ironwood) New York Times, DetroitBureau (Detroit) Jackson Citizen Patriot, The (Jackson) USA Today - Detroit Bureau (Detroit) Kalamazoo Gazette (Kalamazoo) Wall Street Journal - Detroit Bureau, The (Detroit) Mibiz Southwest (Kalamazoo) Wayne State University (Detroit) Western Herald (Kalamazoo) State News (East Lansing) Lake Orion Eccentric (Lake Orion) The Daily Press (Escanaba) Booth Newspapers (Lansing) Farmington Observer (Farmington) Business Direct Weekly Central (Lansing) Cultural Village Voice (Flint) Business Direct Weekly West (Lansing)

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Lansing State Journal, The (Lansing) Allen Park News-Herald (Southgate) Canton Observer (Livonia) Ecorse/Riverrouge News-Herald (Southgate) Livonia Observer (Livonia) Flat Rock News-Herald (Southgate) Observer & Eccentric Newspapers (Livonia) Gibraltar/Rockwood News-Herald (Southgate) Ludington Daily Mail (Ludington) Heritage Newspapers (Southgate) Ludington News (Ludington) Lincoln Park News-Herald (Southgate) Makinac Island Town Crier (Makinac Island) Melvindale News-Herald (Southgate) The Mining Journal (Marquette) News-Herald, The (Southgate) Midland Daily News (Midland) Taylor/Romulus News-Herald (Southgate) Hometown News (Milford) Trenton News-Herald (Southgate) Milford Times (Milford) Woodhaven/Brownstone News-Herald (Southgate) Monroe Evening News (Monroe) Wyandotte/Riverview News-Herald (Southgate) Macomb Daily (Mount Clemens) Benton Harbor Herald Palladium (St. Joseph) Mt. Clemens/Macomb Daily Tribune (Mount St.Joseph Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph) Clemens) (Sturgis) Royal Oak Daily Tribune (Mount Clemens) Three Rivers Commercial-News (Three Rivers) Mount Pleasant Morning Sun (Mount Pleasant) Ottaway Newspapers (Traverse City) Mibiz West (Muskegon) Traverse City Record Eagle (Traverse City) Muskegon Chronicle (Muskegon) Business News Publishing Co. (Troy) The Muskegon Tribune (Muskegon Heights) Detroit Legal News (Troy) Hometown Newspapers (Northville) Michigan Libertarian (Troy) Northville Record (Northville) Oakland County Legal News (Troy) Norway Current (Norway) Troy Eccentric (Troy) Novi News (Novi) Troy-Somerset Gazette (Troy) Owosso Argus Press (Owosso) Our Hometown Newspaper (Vanderbilt) Oxford Eccentric (Oxford) C&G Newspapers (Warren) Petoskey News-Review (Petoskey) Monday Morning Newspapers (Warren) Plymouth Observer (Plymouth) Penasee Globe (Wayland) Oakland Press, The (Pontiac) Michigan Community Newspapers (Wayne) Port Huron Times Herald (Port Huron) West Bloomfield Eccentric (West Bloomfield) Redford Observer (Redford) Westland Observer (Westland) Rochester Clarion-Eccentric (Rochester) White Lake Beacon (Whitehall) Daily Tribune (Royal Oak) Saginaw News (Saginaw) Online Bay Mills News (Sault St. Marie) (Ann Arbor) Sault Ste Marie Evening News (Sault St. Marie) (Ann Arbor) Chicago Tribune - Southfield Bureau (Southfield) Sarah's Deals (Cedar Springs) Southfield Eccentric (Southfield)

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The Crazy Nuts Mom (Charlotte) WDVD-FM (Detroit) The Hollywood Revue (Clawson) WEXL (Detroit) Blogging for Michigan (Corunna) WJR-AM (Detroit) Parsimonious Pash (Davisburg) WRIF-FM (Detroit) Eshac (Ferndale) WWJ-AM (Detroit) Go Momma Coupons (Fllint) Michigan Public Radio (East Lansing) Issue Media Group - Rapid Growth Media (Grand WKAR-AM (East Lansing) Rapids) WKAR-FM (East Lansing) Emmy's Deals (Northview) WDBC-AM (Escanaba) The Mom with Moxie, LLC (Novi) WYKX-FM (Escanaba) Radio WDFN-AM (Farmington Hills) WDTW-FM (Farmington Hills) WLEN-FM (Adrian) WKQI-FM (Farmington Hills) WHSB-FM (Alpena) WNIC-FM (Farmington Hills) Michigan Public Radio (Ann Arbor) WOMC-FM (Ferndale) WAAM-AM (Ann Arbor) WWCK-AM (Flint) WLBY-AM (Ann Arbor) WKLQ-AM (Fremont) WRAM-AM (Ann Arbor) WFCA-FM (French Camp) WUOM-FM (Ann Arbor) WCSG-FM (Grand Rapids) WVOM-FM (Ann Arbor) WGVU-FM (Grand Rapids) WLEW-AM (Bad Axe) WJRW-AM (Grand Rapids) WLEW-FM (Bad Axe) WOOD-AM (Grand Rapids) WBCK-FM (Battle Creek) WOOD-FM (Grand Rapids) WCXT-FM (Benton Harbor) WJZD-FM (Gulfport) WIRX-FM (Benton Harbor) WCSR-AM (Hillsdale) WSJM-AM (Benton Harbor) WCSR-FM (Hillsdale) WYTZ-FM (Benton Harbor) WHMI-FM (Howell) WYBR-FM (Big Rapids) WUPM-FM (Ironwood) WBUV-FM (Biloxi) WJDX-AM (Jackson) WKNN-FM (Biloxi) WJDX-FM (Jackson) WMJY-FM (Biloxi) WJSU-FM (Jackson) WQYZ-FM (Biloxi) WMPN-FM (Jackson) WCKC-FM (Cadillac) WMSI-FM (Jackson) WCBY-FM (Cheboygan) WSTZ-FM (Jackson) WGFM-FM (Cheboygan) WKMI-AM (Cumulus Radio Group) (Kalamazoo) WCSX (Detroit) WKZO (Kalamazoo) WDET-FM (Detroit) WKZO-AM (Kalamazoo) WDRQ-FM (Detroit)

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WMUK-FM (Kalamazoo) WFQX-TV (Alpena) WLIN-FM (Kosciusko) WNEM-TV (Bay City) Network (Lansing) WWTZ-TV (Cadillac) WJIM-AM (Lansing) WEYI-TV (Clio) WLNZ-FM (Lansing) The Tony Trupiano Show (Dearborn Heights) WBBN-FM (Laurel) Univision WUDT (Detroit) WRBE-AM (Lucedale) WDIV-TV (Detroit) WRBE-FM (Lucedale) WJRT-TV (Flint) WNMU-FM (Marquette) WNEW-TV (Flint) WAGN-AM (Menominee) WOOD-TV (Grand Rapids) WMSV-FM (Mississippi State) WOOD-TV 8 (Grand Rapids) WQNZ-FM (Natchez) WXMI-TV (Grand Rapids) WOVI-FM (Novi) WZZM- TV (Grand Rapids) WOSM-FM (Ocean Springs) WZZM-TV (Grand Rapids) WMBN/MTRN (Petoskey) WWMT-TV (Kalamazoo) WBTI-FM (Port Huron) WILX-TV (Lansing) WHYT-FM (Port Huron) WLAJ-TV (Lansing) WPHM-AM (Port Huron) WLNS-TV (Lansing) WSAQ-FM (Country Music Widget) (Port Huron) WSYM-TV (Lansing) WNEM-AM (Saginaw) WNMU-TV (Marquette) WSGW-AM (Saginaw) WCMU-TV (Mount Pleasant) WMIC-AM (Sandusky) WLUC-TV (Negaunee) WTGV-FM (Sandusky) WEYI-TV (Saginaw) WSOS-AM (Sault St. Marie) CBS News - Detroit Bureau (Southfield) WCSY-FM (South Haven) Metro Networks - Troy Bureau (Southfield) Metro Networks - Troy Bureau (Southfield) WJBK-TV (Southfield) Shadow Broadcasting Services (Southfield) WKBD-TV (Southfield) WWJ-AM (Southfield) WWJ-TV (Southfield) WXYT-AM (Southfield) WXYZ-TV (Southfield) WLKM-FM (Three Rivers) WPBN-TV (Traverse City) WTCM-AM/FM (Traverse City) WWTV-TV (Tustin) (Tupelo) WBLV-FM (Twin Lake) MINNESOTA WEMU-FM (Ypsilanti) Magazine Television Bloomington Magazine (Bloomington) WBKB-TV (Alpena) Litt Magazine (Columbia Heights)

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Powersports Business (Maple Grove) Faribault News (Faribault) Beef Magazine (Minneapolis) Daily Journal, The (Fergus Falls) Great Lakes Boating Magazine (Minneapolis) Hibbing Daily Tribune (Hibbing) Minnesota Business Magazine (Minneapolis) International Falls Daily Journal (International Falls) Minnesota Monthly (Minneapolis) Jackson County Pilot - Lakefield Standard (Jackson) Minnesota Real Estate Journal (Minneapolis) Mankato Free Press (Mankato) Twin Cities Business Magazine (Minneapolis) Minnesota State University - The MSU Reporter Feedstuffs (Minnetonka) (Mankato) Marshall Independent (Marshall) Prairie Grains Magazine (Red Lake Falls) Specialty Fabrics Review (Roseville) American Jewish World (Minneapolis) City Pages (Minneapolis) Hooters Magazine (St. Paul) Finance And Commerce (Minneapolis) News Service Minneapolis And Saint Paul Business Journal (Minneapolis) Associated Press - Minneapolis Bureau (Minneapolis) Minnesota Spokesman Recorder (Minneapolis) Dow Jones Newswires - Minneapolis Bureau Northeaster And Northnews Newspapers (Minneapolis) (Minneapolis) Associated Press - St. Paul Bureau (Saint Paul) Southwest Journal (Minneapolis) Bloomberg News - Saint Paul Bureau (Saint Paul) Star Tribune (Minneapolis) St. Cloud State University (St. cloud) Twin Cities Business (Minneapolis) University Of Minnesota - The Daily (Minneapolis) Newspaper New Ulm Journal (New Ulm) Albert Lea Tribune (Albert Lea) Owatonna People'S Press (Owatonna) Austin Daily Herald (Austin) Rochester Post-Bulletin (Rochester) Bemidji Pioneer (Bemidji) Rosemount Town Pages (Rosemount) Brainerd Daily Dispatch (Brainerd) St. Cloud Times (Saint Cloud) The Dakota County Tribune Business Weekly St. Paul Pioneer Press (Saint Paul) (Burnsville) Savage Pacer (Savage) Blaine-Spring Lake Park Sun-Focus (Columbia Tommiemedia.Com (St. Paul) Heights) Virginia Mesabi Daily News (Virginia) South Washington County Bulletin (Cottage Grove) West Central Tribune (Willman) Crookston Times (Crookston) Willmar West Central Tribune (Willmar) Detroit Lakes Tribune (Detroit Lakes) Citizen Publishing Company (Windom) Budgeteer News (Duluth) Winona Daily News (Winona) Duluth News Tribune, The (Duluth) Winona News (Winona) Edina Sun-Current (Eden Prairie) The Daily Globe (Worthington) Sun Current (Elko)

Sentinel (Fairmont)

Faribault Daily News (Faribault)

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Online KBRF-AM (Fergus Falls) KJJK-AM (Fergus Falls) (Arlington) KJJK-FM (Fergus Falls) Inergize Digital Media (Bloomington) KZCR-FM (Fergus Falls) Bob Larson's Daily Tennis (Edina) WTIP-FM (Grand Marais) Internet Broadcasting System (Edina) KBHW-FM (International Falls) (Farmington) KKOJ-AM (Jackson) Directory Of Minneapolis Local Blog (Inver Grove Heights) KLFD-AM (Litchfield) MN Public Relations (Maple Grove) KLQL-FM (Luverne) Sportmentary (Maple Grove) KQAD-AM (Luverne) (Minneapolis) KRBI-FM (Mankato) Budget Lighting, Inc. industry blog (Minnetonka) KTOE-AM (Mankato) DebsHere (St. Paul) KYSM-AM (Mankato) The Uptake (St. Paul) KYSM-FM (Mankato) WEB Broadcasting Systems Inc (St. Paul) KARZ-FM (Marshall) ProEx Portal (St. Peter) KKCK-FM (Marshall) KMHL-AM (Marshall) Radio KBEM-FM (Minneapolis) KATE-AM (Albert Lea) KFAI-FM (Minneapolis) KCPI-FM (Albert Lea) KFAN- TV (Minneapolis) KIKV-FM (Alexandria) KFAN-AM (Minneapolis) KAUS-AM (Austin) KFXN-FM (Minneapolis) KAUS-FM (Austin) KQRS-FM (Minneapolis) KBSB-FM (Bemidji) KXXR-FM (Minneapolis) KBEW-AM (Blue Earth) Minnesota News Networks (Minneapolis) KBEW-FM (Blue Earth) WCCO-AM (Minneapolis) KJLY-FM (Blue Earth) WMNN-AM (Minneapolis) WWWI-AM (Brainerd) KKOK-FM (Morris) KOJB-FM (Cass Lake) KMRS-AM (Morris) KROX-AM (Crookston) KCHK-AM (New Prague) KDNI-FM (Duluth) KDIO-AM (Ortonville) KDNW-FM (Duluth) KPRM-AM (Park Rapids) KTNF-AM (Eden Prairie) KSKK-FM (Park Rapids) WEVE-FM (Eveleth) KTIG-FM (Pequot Lakes) KFMC-FM (Fairmont) KPRW-FM (Perham) KSUM-AM (Fairmont) WCMP/WXCX (Pine City) KVOX-FM (Fargo) KJOE-FM (Pipestone)

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KLOH-AM (Pipestone) KBJR-TV (Duluth) WCTS-AM (Plymouth) KDLH-TV (Duluth) KLGR-AM (Redwood falls) KQDS-TV (Duluth) KMFX-FM (Rochester) WDIO-TV (Duluth) KNXR-FM (Rochester) KEYC-TV (Mankato) KRCH-FM (Rochester) KARE-TV (Minneapolis) KROC-AM (Rochester) KMSP-TV (Minneapolis) KCAJ-FM (Roseau) WCCO-TV (Minneapolis) KNSI-AM (Saint Cloud) WFTC-TV (Minneapolis) WJON-AM (Saint Cloud) KTTC-TV (Rochester) Minnesota Public Radio (Saint Paul) KXLT-TV (Rochester) KKJM-FM (Sauk Rapids) KSTP-TV (Saint Paul) KCLD-FM (St. Cloud) KCML-FM (St. Cloud) MISSISSIPPI KZPK-FM (St. Cloud) WWJO-FM (St. Cloud) Magazine

KSTP-AM (St. Paul) Mississippi Farm Country (Jackson) KSTP-FM (St. Paul) KTIS-AM (St. Paul) News Service KTIS-FM (St. Paul) Associated Press - Jackson Bureau (Jackson) MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) News (St. Paul) Newspaper SKYLIGHT RADIO NETWORK (St. Paul) KSRQ-FM (Thief River Falls) Sun Herald, The (Biloxi) KBMW-AM (Wahpeton) Brookhaven Daily Leader (Brookhaven) KKWQ-FM (Warroad) Clarksdale Press-Register (Clarksdale) KDJS-FM (Willmar) Cleveland Bolivar Commercial (Cleveland) KAGE-AM (Winona) Delta Business Journal (Cleveland) KAGE-FM (Winona) Commercial Dispatch (Columbus) KHME-FM (Winona) Daily Corinthian (Corinth) KQAL-FM (Winona) Greenville Delta Democrat-Times (Greenville) KWNO-AM (Winona) Greenwood Commonwealth (Greenwood) KWNO-FM (Winona) (Hattiesburg) Desoto Times-Tribune (Hernando) Television Clarion-Ledger, The (Jackson) KCCO-TV (Alexandria) Jackson Advocate (Jackson) KAAL-TV (Austin) Jackson Free Press (Jackson) KAWE-TV (Bemidji) Mississippi Business Journal (Jackson)

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Northside Sun (Jackson) WDBD-TV (Jackson) The Blue & White Flash (Jackson) WJTV-TV (Jackson) The Chronicle (Laurel) WLBT-TV (Jackson) Holmes County Herald (Lexington) WMAV-TV (Jackson) Mccomb Enterprise Journal (McComb) WTOK-TV (Meridian) Meridian Star, The (Meridian) WCBI-TV (Tupelo) The Natchez Democrat (Natchez) WLOV-TV (Tupelo) Oxford Eagle (Oxford) WTVA-TV (Tupelo) Mississippi Press, The (Pascagoula) Picayune Item (Picayune) MISSOURI Clarke County Tribune (Quitman) Smith County Reformer (Raleigh) Magazine

Madison County Journal (Ridgeland) Germinder & Associates (Blue Springs) Starkville Daily News (Starkville) ManEater (Columbia) Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal (Tupelo) Kansas City InfoZine (Kansas City) University Of MS - Daily Mississippian (University) Sosland Publishing (Kansas City) Vicksburg Post (Vicksburg) Missouri Lawyers Weekly (St. Louis) Daily Times Leader (West Point) Missouri Sports Magazine (St. Louis) Online St. Louis Magazine (St. Louis) RiseUP magazine (University City) (Biloxi) The Natchez Blog (Natchez) News Service

Cotton Mouth (Ocean Springs) Associated Press - Jefferson City Bureau (Jefferson Knobias (Ridgeland) City) The Cable Pipeline (Tupelo) Missouri Southern State Univ - The Chart (Joplin) Associated Press - Kansas City Bureau (Kansas Radio City) WQRZ-FM (Biloxi) Associated Press - St. Louis Bureau (Saint Louis) WUSJ-FM (Ridgeland) Associated Press - Springfield, Missouri Bureau (Springfield) KWAM-AM (Southaven) Webster University (St. Louis) Television Newspaper WLOX-TV (Biloxi) (Boonville) WCBI-TV (Columbus) Branson Daily Independent (Branson) WABG-TV (Greenwood-Greenville) Linn County Leader (Brookfield) WXVT-TV (Greenwood-Greenville) (Camdenton) WDAM-TV (Hattiesburg) Southeast Missourian (Cape Girardeau) WAPT-TV (Jackson)

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Carthage Press (Carthage) Neosho Daily News (Neosho) West Newsmagazine (Chesterfield) Nevada Daily Mail (Nevada) Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune (Chillicothe) Gasconade County Republican (Owensville) Columbia Daily Tribune (Columbia) Daily Journal (Park Hills) Columbia Missourian (Columbia) Park Hills Daily Journal (Park Hills) Mu Student News (Columbia) Poplar Bluff American Republic (Poplar Bluff) Dexter Daily Statesman (Dexter) Rolla Daily News (Rolla) Sedalia Democrat (Edwards) St. Joseph News Press (Saint Joseph) Fulton Sun (Fulton) Chesterfield Journal (Saint Louis) Fulton Sun Gazette (Fulton) Saint Louis Front Page (Saint Louis) Ozark County Times (Gainesville) South City Journal (Saint Louis) Pointe, The (Grain Valley) St. Louis Argus (Saint Louis) Hannibal Courier-Post (Hannibal) St. Louis Business Journal (Saint Louis) Jefferson County Reporter (Hillsboro) St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Saint Louis) (Independence) Standard Democrat (Sikeston) Jefferson City Post-Tribune (Jefferson City) Smithville Lake Democrat-Herald (Smithville) Joplin Globe (Joplin) Drury College - The Mirror (Springfield) Joplin Tri-State Business (Joplin) Southwest Standard (Springfield) Business Journal, The (Kansas City) Springfield Business Journal (Springfield) Dos Mundos (Kansas City) Springfield News-Leader (Springfield) Kansas City Star (Kansas City) The Rock Road Reporter (St. Ann) The Pulse (Kansas City) St. Joseph News-Press/Gazette (St. Joseph) Wall Street Journal - Kansas City Bureau, The Riverfront Times (St. Louis) (Kansas City) St. Louis American (St. Louis) Daily Dunklin Democrat (Kennett) St. Louis Evening Whirl (St. Louis) (Kirksville) The Forum Newspaper (St. Louis) Greene County Herald (Leakesville) The Pulse (St. Louis) Lebanon Daily Record (Lebanon) Sullivan Journal (Sullivan) Lee's Summit Journal (Lee's Summit) Trenton Republican-Times (Trenton) The Licking News (Licking) Lincoln County Journal (Troy) Louisiana Press-Journal (Louisiana) University Of Central Missouri (Warrensburg) Macon Chronicle Herald (Macon) Warrensburg Daily Star-Journal (Warrensburg) Marshall Democrat-News (Marshall) Washington Missourian (Washington) Maryville Daily Forum (Maryville) Waynesville Daily Guide (Waynesville) Northwest Missouri State University (Maryville) West Plains Daily Quill (West Plains) (Mexico) Moberly Monitor-Index (Moberly)

The Monett Times (Monett)

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Online KSSZ-FM (Columbia) KZWV-FM (Columbia) Top 10 Diets (Battlefield) KDEX-FM (Dexter) (Ellisville) KHMO-AM (Hannibal) Becentsable (Grain Valley) KLIK 1240 talk radio (Jefferson City) Techpedition (Hattiesburg) KLIK-AM (Jefferson City) That Bald Chick (Hazelwood) KWOS-AM (Jefferson city) Daily Kos (Imperial) KZRG-AM (Joplin) Medical Construction Trendletter (Innsbrook) KCUR-FM (Kansas City) Blue Girl, Red State Blog (Kansas City) KIRX-AM (Kirksville) (Kansas City) KRXL-FM (Kirksville) Schizocarp Studios (Maryville) KTUF-FM (Kirksville) AlyGators (Neoho) KNIM-AM (Maryville) Plate & Barrel (Nixa) KXCV-FM (Maryville) Style on Main (Nixa) KXEO Radio Inc (Mexico) (Rock Hill) KJEL-FM (Moberly) Springfield Mo News (Springfield) KWIX-AM (Moberly) (St. Louis) KWOC-AM (Poplar Bluff) IntermissionMagazine (St. Louis) KMST-FM (Rolla) (St. Louis) KFTK-FM (Saint Louis) St. Louis Beacon (St. Louis) KMOX-AM (Saint Louis) The Moderate Voice Blog (St. Louis) KSMO-AM (Salem) (St. Louis) KDRO-AM (Sedalia) (Washington) KPOW-FM (Sedalia) Lipstick to Crayons (Wildwood) KSGF-AM (Springfield) wearemoviegeeks (Wildwood) KSMU-FM (Springfield) Radio KCLC-FM (St. Charles)

KYOO-AM (Bolivar) KFEQ-AM (St. Joseph) KADI AM/FM (Brookline Station) KSJQ-FM (St. Joseph) KAPE-AM (Cape Girardeau) KFUO-AM (St. Louis) KGMO-FM (Cape Girardeau) KLOU-FM (St. Louis) KSIM-AM (Cape Girardeau) KTRS-AM (St. Louis) KZIM-AM (Cape Girardeau) KWMU-FM (St. Louis) KMZU-FM (Carrollton) KFLW-FM (St. Robert) KDKD-AM (Clinton) KKDY-FM (West Plains) KBIA-FM (Columbia) KFRU-AM (Columbia)

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Television Blaine County Journal (Chinook) The Circle Banner (Circle) KFVS-TV (Cape Girardeau) Cut Bank Pioneer Press (Cut Bank) KMIZ-TV (Columbia) Dillon Tribune Examiner (Dillon) KOMU-TV (Columbia) The Madisonian (Ennis) KODE-TV (Joplin) (Great Falls) KCPT-TV (Kansas City) Ravalli Republic (Hamilton) KCTV-TV (Kansas City) Havre Daily News (Havre) KMBC-TV (Kansas City) Helena Independent Record (Helena) KSHB-TV (Kansas City) Daily Inter Lake (Kalispell) Metro Sports (Time Warner Cable) (Kansas City) Flathead Beacon (Kalispell) WDAF-TV (Kansas City) Kalispell Inter Lake (Kalispell) KTVO-TV (Kirksville) Laurel Outlook Newspaper (Laurel) KRCG-TV (New Bloomfield) Western News, The (Libby) KQTV-TV (Saint Joseph) The Livingston Enterprise (Livingston) KMOV-TV (Saint Louis) Miles City Star (Miles City) KPLR-TV (Saint Louis) Missoula Independent (Missoula) KSDK-TV (Saint Louis) Missoulian, The (Missoula) KTVI-TV (Saint Louis) Char-Koosta News (Pablo) KOLR-TV (Springfield) Herald-News, The (Wolf Point) KSPR-TV (Springfield) KYTV-TV (Springfield) Online

Belgrade Beacon (Belgrade) MONTANA Daily Climate (Bozeman) Treasure State Politics (Butte) News Service (Great Falls) Associated Press - Helena Bureau (Helena) AdSaint (St. Louis) University of Montana - Kaiman (Missoula) The Concordian (Moorhead) Radio KFLN-AM (Baker) Newspaper KBLG-AM (Billings) Belgrade News (Belgrade) KBMC-FM (Billings) Billings Gazette, The (Billings) KBUL-AM (Billings) Western Business News (Billings) KCHH-FM (Billings) Bozeman Daily Chronicle, The (Bozeman) KCTR-FM (Billings) Glacier-Reporter (Browning) KEMC-FM (Billings) Butte Standard (Butte) KGHL-AM (Billings) Montana Standard, The (Butte) KKBR-FM (Billings)

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KMHK-FM (Billings) Television NORTHERN NEWS NETWORK (Billings) KTVQ-TV (Billings) KBOZ-AM (Bozeman) KULR-TV (Billings) KMMS-AM (Bozeman) KCTZ-TV (Bozeman) KMMS-FM (Bozeman) KFBB-TV (Great Falls) KPRK-AM (Bozeman) KRTV-TV (Great Falls) KAAR-FM (Butte) KTVH-TV (Helena) KMBR-FM (Butte) KCFW-TV (Kalispell) KXTL-AM (Butte) K42BZ-LP (Missoula) KLAN-FM (Glasgow) KECI-TV (Missoula) KLTZ-AM (Glasgow) KPAX-TV (Missoula) KGLE-AM (Glendive) KTMF-TV (Missoula) KMON-AM (Great Falls) KTVM-TV (Missoula) KGVA-FM (Harlem) KWYB-TV (Missoula) KOJM-AM (Havre)

KPQX-FM (Havre) KRYK-FM (Havre) NEBRASKA KBLL-AM (Helena) Magazine KBLL-FM (Helena) KIMO-FM (Helena) Lincoln/Midlands Business Journal (Lincoln) KMTX-AM (Helena) Home & Away Magazine (Omaha) KGEZ-AM (Kalispell) News Service KOFI-AM (Kalispell) Associated Press - Lincoln Bureau (Lincoln) KXLO-AM (Lewistown) Associated Press - Omaha Bureau (Omaha) KMMR-FM (Malta) Data Transmission Network - DTN (Omaha) KATL-AM (Miles City) KBGA-FM (Missoula) Newspaper KGGL-FM (Missoula) Alliance Daily Times Herald (Alliance) KGVO-AM (Missoula) Ashland Gazette (Ashland) KUFM-FM (Missoula) News-Register (Aurora) KERR-AM (Polson) Beatrice Sun (Beatrice) KQRK-FM (Polson) Bellevue Leader (Bellevue) KCGM-FM (Scobey) Custer County Chief (Broken Arrow) KSEN-AM (Shelby) Columbus Telegram (Columbus) KZIN-FM (Shelby) Crete News, The (Crete) KVCK-AM (Wolf Point) The Doane Owl (Crete) KVCK-FM (Wolf Point) Falls City Journal (Falls City)

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Fremont Tribune (Fremont) KTNC-AM (Falls City) Grand Island Independent (Grand Island) KFMT-FM (Fremont) Hastings Daily Tribune (Hastings) KHUB-AM (Fremont) Holdrege Daily Citizen (Holdrege) KSDZ-FM (Gordon) Kearney Hub (Kearney) KRGI-AM (Grand Island) The Reveille (Kearney) KCNT-FM (Hastings) Daily Nebraskan (Lincoln) KFKX-FM (Hastings) Lincoln Journal-Star (Lincoln) KHAS-AM (Hastings) Mccook Daily Gazette (McCook) KUVR-AM (Holdrege) Norfolk Daily News (Norfolk) KGFW-AM (Kearney) North Platte Telegraph (North Platte) KKPR (Kearney) Keith County News (Ogallala) KQKY-FM (Kearney) Gateway (Omaha) KROR-FM (Kearney) Omaha World-Herald (Omaha) KSYZ-FM (Kearney) The Daily Record (Omaha) KXPN (Kearney) Scottsbluff Star-Herald (Scottsbluff) KRVN-AM (Lexington) Sidney Sun-Telegraph (Sidney) KRVN-FM (Lexington) Register (Stanton) KFOR-AM (Lincoln) West Point News (West Point) KLIN-AM (Lincoln) York News-Times (York) KLMS-AM (Lincoln) KRNU-FM (Lincoln) Online KUCV-FM (Lincoln) Nebraska News Net (Lincoln) KZKX-FM (Lincoln) Gluten Free Savvy (Page) Nebraska Radio Network (Lincoln) Radio KADL-FM (McCook) KIOD-FM (McCook) KAAQ-FM (Alliance) KELN-FM (N. Platte) KCOW-AM (Alliance) KNPQ-FM (N. Platte) KQSK-FM (Alliance) KOOQ-AM (N. Platte) KWBE-AM (Beatrice) KEXL-FM (Norfolk) KCNI-AM (Broken Bow) KNEN-FM (Norfolk) KCSR-AM (Chadron) KUSO-FM (Norfolk) KJSK-AM (Columbus) WJAG-AM (Norfolk) KKOT-FM (Columbus) KODY-AM (North Platte) KTTT-AM (Columbus) KGRD-FM (O'Neill) KZEN-FM (Columbus) KPNO-FM (O'Neill) KDNE-FM (Crete) KOGA-AM (Ogallala) KUTT-FM (Fairbury)

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KOGA-FM (Ogallala) KFAB-AM (Omaha) NEVADA KFFF-FM (Omaha) KGOR-FM (Omaha) Magazine

KIOS-FM (Omaha) Nevada Appeal (Carson City) KKAR-AM (Omaha) Nevada Magazine (Carson City) KVNO-FM (Omaha) Partners for Life Publications (Henderson) KXKT-FM (Omaha) Crypt Magazine (Las Vegas) KBRX-AM (O'Neill) GEM Communications/Ascend Media Group (Las KBRX-FM (O'Neill) Vegas) KNLV (Ord) IGWB Publications (Las Vegas) KNLV-FM (Ord) QVegas Magazine (Las Vegas) KMOR-FM (Scottsbluff) Racket Magazine (Las Vegas) KNEB-AM (Scottsbluff) Vegas Seven Magazine (Las Vegas) KNEB-FM (Scottsbluff) VividNUrban Magazine (Las Vegas) KOLT-AM (Scottsbluff) What's On, Las Vegas (Las Vegas) KSID-AM (Sidney) World Tea News (Las Vegas) KSID-FM (Sidney) Fairways + Greens (Reno) KVSH-AM (Valentine) Bonjour Paris magazine (Sparks) KTCH-AM (Wayne) News Service KWSC-FM (Wayne) KTIC-AM (West Point) Associated Press - Carson City Bureau (Carson City) KTIC-FM (West Point) Associated Press - Las Vegas Bureau (Las Vegas) Television Environmental News Service (Las Vegas) GamingWire (Las Vegas) KHAS-TV (Hastings) Associated Press - Reno Bureau (Reno) KHGI-TV (Kearney) University of Nevada (Reno) KLKN-TV (Lincoln) KOLN-TV (Lincoln) Newspaper KNOP-TV (North Platte) Elko Daily Free Press (Elko) KETV-TV (Omaha) Fernley News (Fernley) KMTV-TV (Omaha) In Business Las Vegas (Henderson) KPTM-TV (Omaha) El Mundo (Las Vegas) Member Feed - WOWT-TV (Omaha) Las Vegas Business Press (Las Vegas) Premium Member Feed - WOWT-TV (Omaha) Las Vegas CityLife (Las Vegas) WOWT-TV (Omaha) Las Vegas Review-Journal (Las Vegas) KDUH-TV (Scottsbluff) Las Vegas Sun (Las Vegas)

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Las Vegas Tribune (Las Vegas) KDWN-AM (Las Vegas) Las Vegas Weekly (Las Vegas) KLNR-FM (Las Vegas) Los Angeles Times - Las Vegas Bureau (Las Vegas) KNPR-FM (Las Vegas) Nevada Business Journal (Las Vegas) KTPH-FM (Las Vegas) Rebel Yell (Las Vegas) KUNV-FM (Las Vegas) The Las Vegas Informer (Las Vegas) KWPR-FM (Las Vegas) Today in Las Vegas (Las Vegas) KXNT-AM (Las Vegas) El Sol de Nevada (Reno) Metro Networks - Las Vegas Bureau (Las Vegas) Northern Nevada Business Weekly (Reno) Sparks to Flame Show (Las Vegas) Reno Gazette-Journal (Reno) KJFK-AM (Reno) Comstock Chronicle (Virginia City) KKOH-AM (Reno) Humboldt Sun (Winnemucca) KUNR-FM (Reno) KRLT-FM (Zephyr Cove) Online

Makeup Moxie (Henderson) Television (Las Vegas) KVVU-TV (Henderson) (Las Vegas) KBLR-TV (Las Vegas) (Las Vegas) KINC-TV (Las Vegas) DreadMusicReview (Las Vegas) KLAS-TV (Las Vegas) Eat Something Sexy (Las Vegas) KSNV-TV (Las Vegas) In Business TV (Las Vegas) KTNV-TV (Las Vegas) (Las Vegas) KTUD, Vegas TV (Las Vegas) Las Vegas Internet Television (Las Vegas) Mas.Que.TV (Las Vegas) (Las Vegas) KPVM-TV (Pahrump) (Las Vegas) KNVV-LP (Reno) (Las Vegas) KOLO-TV (Reno) LVRJ (Las Vegas) KRNV-TV (Reno) Real Invest 2.0 (Las Vegas) KRXI-TV (Reno) Signature9 (Las Vegas) KTVN-TV (Reno) Taylor Marsh (Las Vegas) RodeoBull.TV (Reno) Travelated (Las Vegas) (Las Vegas) NEW HAMPSHIRE (Las Vegas) (Reno) Magazine

All Things Aero (Zephyr Cove) Hearth & Home (Laconia) Radio Parenting New Hampshire (Nashua) PennWell (Nashua) KZBI-FM (Elko)

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New Moon Magazine (Warner) WBYY-FM (Dover) WOKQ-FM (Dover) News Service WPKQ-FM (Dover) Associated Press - Concord Bureau (Concord) WSAK-FM (Dover) Newspaper WSHK-FM (Dover) WTSN-AM (Dover) Eagle Times (Claremont) WFTN-FM (Franklin) Concord Monitor (Concord) WSCY-FM (Franklin) Foster's Daily Democrat (Dover) WEZS-AM (Laconia) The New Hampshire (Durham) WGIR-AM (Manchester) The Dartmouth (Hanover) WGIR-FM (Manchester) Nashua Telegraph (Hudson) WMWV-FM (North Conway) Keene Sentinel, The (Keene) WVMJ-FM (North Conway) The Equinox (Keene) WERZ-FM (Portsmouth) Laconia Citizen (Laconia) WHEB-FM (Portsmouth) The Laconia Daily Sun (Laconia) WQSO-FM (Portsmouth) Nutfield News (Londonderry) WSKX-FM (Portsmouth) New Hampshire Business Review (Manchester) WFPC-LP (Rindge) Union Leader & New Hampshire Sunday News WMTK-FM (St. Johnsbury) (Manchester) WXLF (West Lebanon) Telegraph, The (Nashua) WASR-AM (Wolfeboro) Portsmouth Herald, The (Portsmouth) (Portsmouth) Television The Valley News (White River Junction) WZMY-TV (Derry) Online SCAN-TV (Durham) WMUR-TV (Manchester) Cork & Knife (Bow) Industrial Laser Solution (Nashua) (Henniker)

GreenMountainPolitics1 (Manchester) (Peterborough) NEW JERSEY (Portsmouth) Magazine Blue Hampshire (Richmond) TMR Entertainment (Salem) Coaster Magazine (Asbury Park) (Tilton) Children & Science (Blairstown) In the Basement (Burlington) Radio Dance magazine (Clifton) WEVO-FM (Concord) The Food Institute (Elmwood) WKXL-AM (Concord) Medical Travel Today (Elmwood Park)

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Woman's World (Englewood Cliffs) The Robb Report (Ridgewood) New Jersey Jewish (Essex County) Bioscience Technology (Rockaway) New Jersey Business Magazine (Fairfield) Creative Homeowner (Saddle River) The Gazette Newspapers (Hasbrouch) (Spring Lake) Electronic Media (Hillsdale) Journal of Psychosocial & Mental Health Nursing Palisade Magazine (Hoboken) (Thorofare) Slack (Thorofare) BioPharm International (Iselin) Ascend Media (Jamesburg) Business Facilities (Tinton Falls) MegaYacht News (Totowa) Oil Price Information Service (Lakewood) Jobsite (Lambertville) Pharmaceutical Technology (Trenton) New Jersey Lifestyle (Lambertville) News Service New Jersey Medicine (Lawrenceville) German Press Agency (Closter) Suburban Home & Garden Resource Guide (Marlton) Associated Press-Dow Jones/DJ Newswires (Jersey City) Aviation Intl (Midland Park) PC Financial Network (Jersey City) ITEM magazine (Millburn) Associated Press - Mount Laurel Bureau (Mount Chief Executive Magazine (Montvale) Laurel) CRMXchange (Montvale) Shark Information/ADP (Mount Laurel) Medical Decision Poiint (Montvale) Associated Press - Newark Bureau (Newark) New Jersey Monthly (Morristown) Associated Press - Pleasantville Bureau US Industry Today (Morristown) (Pleasantville) New Jersey TechNews (Mount Laurel) Dow Jones Money Report (Preston) New Jersey Lawyer Magazine (New Brunswick) Dow Jones Business News (Princeton) The Advertising Red Books (New Providence) Dow Jones/Wall Street Journal (Princeton) New Jersey Law Journal (Newark) Dow Jones Asset Management (Shrewsbury) Seaports Publications (Newark) Feature Photo Service (Somerset) The Real Deal (Newark) Associated Press - Trenton Bureau (Trenton) NJ Webguide Magazine (Nutley) Gannett News Service - Trenton Bureau (Trenton) A M Best (Oldwick) Newspaper Best's Review Magazine (Oldwick) Corporate Public Affairs (Parsippany) Millville News (Bridgeton) Faulkner Information (Pennsauken) Courier-News (Bridgewater) (Princeton) El Latino Expreso - OH (Bristol) Fleet Executive (Princeton) Business First (Buffalo) Inside Central New Jersey (Princeton) Courier-Post (Cherry Hill) Reporte Hispano (Princeton) Greater Media Newspapers (East Brunswick) Happi Magazine (Ramsey) (East Brunswick) Consumer Goods (Randolph)

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COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY - THE SIGNAL PharmaVOICE (Titusville) (Ewing) Ocean County Observer (Toms River) Prime Times in NJ (Fairlawn) Engel Publishing Partners (Trenton) Press Enterprise (Flemington) New York Times - Trenton Bureau, The (Trenton) Wall Street Journal Report - CNBC Syndication, The Times, The (Trenton) (Fort Lee) Trentonian, The (Trenton) New York Times - Hackensack Bureau, The (Hackensack) Daily Journal, The (Vineland) Record, The (Hackensack) Herald News (West Paterson) McGraw Hill (Hightstown) Wildwood Leader (Wildwood) The Stute (Hoboken) (Willingboro) El Nuevo Hudson (Jersey City) Gloucester County Times (Woodbury) Jersey Journal, The (Jersey City) The Record Hackensack (Woodland Park) Wall Street Journal Radio Network (Jersey City) Online Wall Street Journal Report, The (Jersey City) Leader Free Press (Lyndhurst) (Carney's Point) News Record of Maplewood (Maplewood) (Clifton) Bergen County Newspapers (Midland Park) (Englewood Cliffs) (Neptune) Global Green News Service (Hamilton) Business News New Jersey - NJBiz (New Simply Thrifty/b5 Media (Hillsborough) Brunswick) Blue Jersey (Hoboken) Daily Targum, The (New Brunswick) PharmaWire (Hoboken) Italian Tribune News (Newark) (Howell) New York Times - Newark Bureau, The (Newark) Connors Group (Jersey City) Star-Ledger, The (Newark) (Jersey City) (Newton) (Jersey City) America Oggi (Norwood) (Jersey City) Zero Hora Newspaper (Nutley) (Kinnelon) Daily Record, The (Parsippany) (Long Branch) Morristown Daily Record (Parsippany) Resolution 365 (Manasquan) Atlantic City Press (Pleasantville) The Stratecon Group (Metuchen) The Princeton Packet (Princeton) (Middletown) Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition, The (mt. Freedom) (Princeton) (Mullica Hill) Perth Amboy Gazette (Rahway) Fausta’s Blog (Princeton) Rahway News Record (Rahway) (Princeton) Manitoba Society of Senior Journal (Somerset) Teleplexus (Princeton) Bridgewater Courier News (Somerville) (Princeton) Wall Street Journal, The (South Brunswick)

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Opalesque (Springfield) WNJY-FM (Trenton) Univision Online (Teaneck) WMBJ (West Caldwell) My Life on and off the Guest List (Weehawken) WAWZ-FM (Zarephath) A Delicious Obsession (West Deptford) Television

Radio NBC-40 (Atlantic City) WOBM-FM (Bayville) 12 News New Jersey (Edison) WDHA-FM (Cedar Knolls) CNBC (Englewood Cliffs) WTSR-FM (Ewing) Consumer News and Business Channel / CNBC (Englewood Cliffs) WSUS-FM (Franklin) WNTI-FM (Hackettstown) WNJU-TV Telemundo (Fort Lee) WMGM-TV (Linwood) WRNJ-AM (Hackettstown) WBJB-FM (Lincroft) I-TV Studio (New Brunswick) MSNBC (Secaucus) WJRZ-AM (Manahawkin) Breeze Radio (Neptune) WWOR-TV (Secaucus) Ebru TV (Somerset) WBBO-FM (Neptune) WBHX-FM (Neptune) WXTV-TV Univision (Teaneck) NJN-New Jersey Public Television (Trenton) WHTG-AM (Neptune) CN8 - Union Bureau (Union) WKMK-FM (Neptune) WMBC-TV (West Caldwell) WTHJ-FM (Neptune)

WWZY-FM (Neptune) WBGO-FM (Newark) NEW MEXICO WADB-AM (Ocean) Magazine WENJ-AM (Ocean) WFPG-FM (Ocean) AdMap (Albuquerque) WJLK-AM (Ocean) Albuquerque the Magazine (Albuquerque) WJLK-FM (Ocean) New Mexico Business Magazine (Albuquerque) WPUR-FM (Ocean) Nursery News (Rio Rancho) WGHT-AM (Pompton Lakes) Sun Country Golf (Rio Rancho) WCTC-AM (Somerset) ConnectPress (Santa Fe) WMGQ-FM (Somerset) Edible Santa Fe (Santa Fe) New Jersey Network (Trenton) NM Mags (Santa Fe) WENJ-FM (Trenton) Su Casa magazine (Santa Fe) WKXW-FM (Trenton) Western Shooting Horse Magazine (Tijeras) WNJO-FM (Trenton) News Service WNJP-FM (Trenton) WNJT-FM (Trenton) Associated Press - Albuquerque Bureau (Albuquerque)

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The Daily Lobo (Albuquerque) KBQI-FM (Albuquerque) Associated Press - Santa Fe Bureau (Santa Fe) KKOB-AM (Albuquerque) KKOB-FM (Albuquerque) Newspaper KNML-AM (Albuquerque) (Alamogordo) KUNM-FM (Albuquerque) Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque) KZRR-FM (Albuquerque) New Mexico Business Weekly (Albuquerque) Metro Networks - Albuquerque Bureau New Mexico Stockman (Albuquerque) (Albuquerque) (Albuquerque) National Native News (Albuquerque) Artesia Daily Press (Artesia) KDEM-FM (Deming) Carlsbad Current-Argus (Carlsbad) KOTS-AM (Deming) Clovis News Journal (Clovis) KDCE-AM (Espanola) (Deming) KAZX-FM (Farmington) The (Farmington) KCQL-AM (Farmington) Gallup Independent (Gallup) KDAG-FM (Farmington) Hobbs News-Sun (Hobbs) KKFG-FM (Farmington) Las Cruces Bulletin (Las Cruces) KTRA-FM (Farmington) Las Cruces Sun-News (Las Cruces) KYVA-AM (Gallup) Las Vegas Optic (Las Vegas) KRWG-FM (Las Cruces) Los Alamos Monitor (Los Alamos) KVLC-FM (Las Cruces) The Lovington Leader (Lovington) KFUN-AM (Las Vegas) Portales News-Tribune (Portales) KNMX-AM (Las Vegas) Roswell Record (Roswell) KRSN-AM (Los Alamos) La Voz de Nuevo Mexico (Santa Fe) KLEA-FM (Lovington) Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe) KENW-FM (Portales) Silver City Daily Press-Independent (Silver City) KTDB-FM (Ramah) KRTN-FM (Raton) Online KCHS-AM (Truth Or Consequences) (Albuquerque) Television Daily Kos (Albuquerque) (Albuquerque) KLUZ-TV (Albuquerque) (Albuquerque) KNME-TV (Albuquerque) Rock N Roll Universe (Albuquerque) KOAT-TV (Albuquerque) TravelLady Magazine (Albuquerque) KOB-TV (Albuquerque) Cyberhomes (Santa Fe) KRQE-TV (Albuquerque) KRWG-TV (Las Cruces) Radio KENW-TV (Portales) KANW-FM (Albuquerque) KOBR-TV (Roswell)

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NEW YORK Brandweek (New York) Bridal Guide (New York) Magazine Business 2.0 (New York)

Music Confidential (Brooklyn) Business Traveler (New York) New York Christian Times, The (Brooklyn) BusinessWeek (New York) Modified Magazine (Cohoes) Citizen Culture Magazine (New York) Capita Region Living Magazine (Delmar) City Guide New York (New York) ICD Publications (East Setauket) CMJ New Music Report (New York) Westchester Magazine (Elmsford) Columbia Journalism Review (New York) Celebrate with Style (Garden City) Computer Games Magazine (New York) PIA Magazine (Glenmont) Conde Nast (New York) Uptown Magazine (Harlem) Conde Nast Traveler (New York) Westchester Family Magazine (reaches NY and CT) Consulting Magazine (New York) (Harrison) Creativity (New York) Women's News (Harrison) Dwell Magazine (New York) CQ VHF Magazine (Hicksville) Economist (New York) Canvas (Huntingotn) Energy Risk & Environmental Risk (New York) The Long Island Connection (Huntington) EPM Communications, Inc. (New York) DTM Magazine (Long Island City) Esquire Magazine (New York) Advanstar Communications Inc (New York) Essence Magazine (New York) Advertising Age (New York) Euro American Group (New York) Adweek (New York) Every Day with Rachel Ray (New York) Agora Publishing (New York) Executive Media Corporation (New York) Alexander Communications Group (New York) Explorer's Journal (New York) All You (New York) F.W. Dodge (New York) American Baby (New York) Fairchild Publications (New York) American Banker (New York) Family Circle (New York) American Lawyer Media (New York) Fashion Wire Daily (New York) Animal Fair (New York) Fast Company (New York) Argus Research Corp. (New York) First for Women magazine (New York) AVON Representative Times Magazine (New York) Fisher Publications (New York) Babytalk Magazine (New York) Forbes (New York) Bartender Magazine (New York) Forbes Global Business & Finance (New York) Bedford Communications, Inc. (New York) Forbes Traveler (New York) Black Enterprise MAGAZINE (New York) Fortune (New York) Bloomberg Markets Magazine (New York) Fortune Small Business (New York) Bloomberg Wealth Manager (New York) FOX Sports en Espanol (New York)

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Gear Patrol (New York) Parade Magazine (New York) Global Vision Magazine (New York) Parents (New York) Good Magazine (New York) Paris Match (New York) Hallmark Magazine (New York) Passport Magazine (New York) Harper's Bazaar Dubai (New York) Paste Magazine (New York) Higher Education Risk (New York) People Magazine (New York) Inc. Magazine (New York) Physician and Sports Medicine (New York) Jobson Publishing (New York) Pilates Style Magazine (New York) Journal of Advertising Research (New York) PK Watch - Center for Democracy Studies (New Kiwi Magazine (New York) York) Plenty Magazine (New York) Lafferty Publications (New York) Latino University Magazine (New York) Plum Magazine (New York) Political Affairs Magazine (New York) Liquid Magazine (New York) Maritime Activity Reports (New York) Positive Thinking (New York) Positive Thinking Magazine (New York) Marketing y Medios Magazine (New York) MBA Jungle (New York) PRIMEDIA Inc., (New York) Progressive Grocer (New York) Metropolitan Home (New York) Mi Zona Hispana (New York) Quick and Simple (New York) Radar Magazine (New York) Mira (New York) Money (New York) Radiant Life Magazine (New York) Random Magazine (New York) More (New York) More Magazine (New York) Real Simple (New York) Redbook (New York) MOVES Magazine (New York) Movmnt Magazine (New York) Reed Business Information (New York) Retail Traffic (New York) National Geographic Adventure (New York) National Law Journal (New York) Robb Report Worth (New York) Rolling Stone (New York) New York Blade, The (New York) New York Law Journal (New York) Rollover Media (New York) Royal Media Group (New York) New York Law School Journal of Human Rights (New York) Scholastic Inc (New York) New York Magazine (New York) SCRI International (New York) New York Resident (New York) Seventeen (New York) New Yorker (New York) Shattered Magazine (New York) Newsweek (New York) Slique Magazine (New York) NY Black Book (New York) Smart Money (New York) NY Enterprise Report (New York) Spring O'Brien & Co. (New York) O, The Oprah Magazine (New York) Step-In-Style Magazine (New York) Oncology Business Review (New York) Tango Magazine (New York)

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Tennis Week (New York) Gannett News Service - Albany Bureau (Albany) The Improper Magazine (New York) The Pipe Dream (Binghamton) The Scenographer (New York) State University of New York - The Stylus The Week (New York) (Brockport) Associated Press - Buffalo Bureau (Buffalo) TIME INC. MAGAZINE (Time Inc) (New York) Time Magazine (New York) United Press International (Buffalo) Tribune Media Services (Glens Falls) Time New Media (New York) Time Out New York (New York) Reuters - Hauppauge Bureau (Hauppauge) Hofstra University - Journalism and Mass Media Time Out New York Kids (New York) Studies (Hempstead) TVSM, Inc., (New York) Cornell University - Cornell Daily Sun (Ithaca) United Entertainment Media (New York) Associated Press - Mineola Bureau (Minneola) Urban Box Office (New York) Agence France-Presse- New York Bureau (New Vanity Fair (New York) York) W Magazine (New York) Agencia EFE - New York Bureau (New York) Wedding Dresses Magazine (New York) Asahi Shimbun (New York) Woman's Day (New York) Associated Press (AP) (New York) Working Mother Magazine (New York) Bloomberg Natural Gas Report (New York) Worth Magazine (New York) Bloomberg News (New York) Youth Communication (New York) Bloomberg News - Princeton Bureau (New York) Page Six Magazine (New York City) Bond Buyer Wire (New York) The Nation (New York City) City University of New York (CUNY) (New York) Pure Contemporary (Niagara Falls) Columbia News Service (New York) Westchester County Times Monthly (Nyack) Copley News Service - New York Bureau (New Audubon Magazine (Ossining) York) Reader's Digest (Pleasantville) Dow Jones & Company Inc. (New York) College And Junior Tennis (Port Washington) Dow Jones Newswires - New York Bureau (New York) Business Strategies (Rochester) Fairchild News Service (New York) Classes USA-Online Degrees Magazine (Staten Island) Getty Images News Services-New York Bureau (New York) Nacomex Insider (newly active) (Tivoli) Independent News Service (New York) Hot and Trendy Magazine (West Hempstead) JiJi Press - New York Bureau (New York) In Town Westchester Magazine (White Plains) Kyodo News Service - New York Bureau (New York) Westchester County Business Journal (White Plains) Law 360 Newswires (New York) Consumer Reports (Yonkers) Moody's Investors Service (New York) News Service New York Stock Exchange - NYSE (New York) New York Times News Service, The (New York) Associated Press - State Capitol Bureau (Albany) New York Times Syndicate, The (New York) Bloomberg News - State Capitol Bureau (Albany)

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New York University (New York) Independent/Riverdale Press (Bronx) Nihon Keizai Shimbun-Nikkei (New York) Manhattan Times (Bronx) NYCity News Service (New York) New York Times - Bronx Bureau, The (Bronx) Press Trust Of India (New York) Bay News (Brooklyn) Reuters (New York) Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn) Reuters Health (New York) Haitian Times, The (Brooklyn) Standard & Poor's (New York) Hamodia (Brooklyn) Thomson Financial (New York) Long Island University Brooklyn Campus (Brooklyn) Tribune Media Services - New York Bureau (New New York El Diario/La Prensa (Brooklyn) York) New York Times - Brooklyn Bureau, The (Brooklyn) United Feature Syndicate (New York) Night Call (Brooklyn) United Media (New York) Buffalo Law Journal (Buffalo) Children's Press Line (New York City) Buffalo News (Buffalo) Media Global News Service (New York City) Business First (Buffalo) Associated Press - Rochester Bureau (Rochester) Ottaway Newspapers (Campbell Hall) Gannett News Service - Rochester Bureau Canandaigua (Canandaigua) (Rochester) Messenger Post (Canandaigua) WCGH Coler-Goldwater Hospital (Roosevelt Island) Indian Country Today (Canastota) WEMOCO CTE (Spencerport) Catskill Daily Mail (Catskill) Stony Brook University (Stony Brook) Chautauquan Daily (Chautauqua) Associated Press - Syracuse Bureau (Syracuse) Corning Leader (Corning) Associated Press - White Plains Bureau (White Plains) Cortland Standard (Cortland) Xinhua News Agency (Woodside) Towne Crier (Deposit) Observer (Dunkirk) Newspaper Star Gazette, The (Elmira) Albany Legislat. Gazette (Albany) Dot Publishing Inc (Fulton) Albany Times Union (Albany) New York Times - Long Island Bureau, The (Garden Capital District Business Review (Albany) City Park) Metroland (Albany) The Lamron - Suny College Geneseo (Geneseo) New York Times - State Capitol Bureau, The Finger Lake Times (Geneva) (Albany) Glen Falls Post Star (Glens Falls) Times Union (Albany) Post-Star (Glens Falls) Amsterdam The Recorder (Amsterdam) Gloversville Leader-Herald (Gloversville) La Voz (Annandalle-on-Hudson) Great Neck News (Great Neck) Auburn Citizen (Auburn) New York Times - Great Neck Bureau, The (Great Beacon (Babylon) Neck) Batavia Daily News (Batavia) The Evening Telegram (Herkimer) Press & Sun Bulletin (Binghamton) Mid-Hudson Post (Highland)

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Hornell Evening Tribune (Hornell) Jerusalem Post (New York) Register-Star (Hudson) Kitchen & Bath Business (New York) Long Islander, The (Huntington) La Republica (New York) Ithaca College - The Ithacan (Ithaca) Los Angeles Times - New York Bureau (New York) Ithaca Journal (Ithaca) Manhattan Media (New York) Jamestown Post-Journal (Jamestown) Ming Pao Daily News (New York) Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston) Minority Report (New York) Business Review, The (Latham) Mishpacha-Jewish Family Weekly (New York) Little Falls Evening Times (Little Falls) New World Media (New York) Lockport Union-Sun & Journal (Lockport) New York Daily News (New York) Ming Pao Inc. (Long Island City) New York Observer , The (New York) The National Herald (Long Island City) New York Post (New York) The Malone Telegram (Malone) New York Sun, The (New York) Courier-Observer (Massena) New York Times - City Hall Bureau, The (New York) Suffolk Times (Mattituck) New York Times - Police Bureau, The (New York) Journal-Register, The (Medina) New York Times - United Nations Bureau, The (New York) Cygnus Business Media (Melville) Newsday (Melville) New York Times Company, The (New York) New York Times Digital (New York) Times Herald-Record, The (Middletown) CNY Business Journal (New Hartford) New York Times Digital, The (New York) New York Times Magazine, The (New York) amNewYork (New York) Amsterdam News (New York) New York Times Sunday Magazine, The (New York) New York Times Upfront, The (New York) Chicago Tribune - New York Bureau (New York) China Press (New York) New York Times, The (New York) Nikkei America Inc (New York) City & State (New York) Columbia University Press (New York) Nikkei Weekly (New York) Nippon Hoso Kyokai - NHK - New York Bureau (New Crain's New York Business (New York) York) Daily Deal, The (New York) OGlobo (New York) Daily Telegraph (New York) Polish American Daily (Super Express) (New York) El Diario La Prensa (New York) Real Estate Weekly (New York) Financial Times - New York (New York) Sekai Nippo, The (New York) Forward, The (New York) Sing Tao Daily (New York) Hoy Newspaper (New York) Sing Tao Newspapers (New York) Huffington Post, The (New York) The New York Sun (New York) Imacto Latin News (New York) Tribeca Trib, The (New York) India Abroad (New York) US Frontline News (New York) Investor's Business Daily - New York Bureau (New USA Today - New York Bureau (New York) York)

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Village Voice (New York) Central New York Business Journal (Syracuse) Wall Street Journal, The (New York) Daily Orange, The (Syracuse) Wall Street Reporter (New York) Eagle Newspapers (Syracuse) Washington Post - New York Bureau, The (New Newhouse School of Journalism (Syracuse) York) Syracuse New Times (Syracuse) Washington Post Writers Group, The (New York) Syracuse Newspapers (Syracuse) Washington Square News (New York) Syracuse Post Standard (Syracuse) West Side Spirit (New York) The Polytechnic (Troy) Yomiuri Shimbun - New York Bureau (New York) Troy Record, The (Troy) Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls) Utica Observer-Dispatch (Utica) TONAWANDA NEWS (North Tonawanda) Weekly Observer (Utica) The Evening Sun (Norwich) USA Today Magazine (Valley Stream) The Journal (Ogdensburg) Hudson Valley Business Journal (Wappingers Falls) (Olean) Watertown Daily Times (Watertown) Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida) Wellsville Daily Reporter (Wellsville) Oneonta Star (Oneonta) Fairfield County Business Journal (White Plains) The Palladium-Times (Oswego) Journal News, The (White Plains) Lee Publications, Inc., (Palatine Bridge) New York Times - White Plains Bureau, The (White Cardinal Points (Plattsburgh) Plains) Press Republican News (Plattsburgh) Westchester County Business Journal (White Plains) (Poughkeepsie) White Plains Journal News (White Plains) Prattsburgh News (Prattsburgh) Online (Rochester) Gleaner (Rochester) (Music blog) (Astoria) Rochester Business Journal (Rochester) (Astoria) Rochester Daily Record (Rochester) (Bronx) Rochester Democrat & Chronicle (Rochester) (Brooklyn) Rome Daily Sentinel (Rome) (Brooklyn) Long Island Business News (Ronkonkoma) (Brooklyn) A/C Flyer (Rye Brook) Future Majority (Brooklyn) Adirondack Daily Enterprise (Saranac lake) Geeks of Doom ( (Brooklyn) Saratogian (Saratoga Springs) (Brooklyn) Saratoga Publishing (Saratogoa Springs) (Brooklyn) Daily Gazette (Schenectady) (Brooklyn) Online Reporter, The (Seacliss) (Brooklyn) Village Times (Setauket) (Brooklyn) Staten Island Advance (Staten Island) (Brooklyn) Long Island Press (Syosset) (Brooklyn)

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What’s Next (Brooklyn) Batanga (New York) Yeshiva World News (Brooklyn) (New York) CaribbeanNewsNow (Cortlandt Manor) BIZ BASH Masterplanner Yid With Lid (Dix Hills) ( (New York) (New York) GoCast Live (East Hampton) Reviewers Corner (East Islip) Bon Vivant Wine Guide (New York) (New York) (Fishkill) Celebrate with Style (Garden City) BusinessWeek Online (New York) BuzzFeed (New York) (Gaming blog) (Glenmont) (Hastings-on-Hudson) CBS Local Media (CBS Radio Digital Group) (New York) (Hicksville) (New York) The Long Island Connection (Huntington) (New York) iMPrint Magazine (Ithaca) (New York) Hearing Exchange (Jericho) CNET - New York Bureau (New York) ECA News (Long Beach) Cocktail Times (New York) WorldNow / Gannaway Web Holdings LLC (Long Island City) (New York) (New York) (Malverne) (Malverne) (New York) (New York) (Manhasset) (Melville) Doctor's Guide ( (New York) Dow Jones (New York) etanwish.blogspot (Merrick) DownWithTyranny! (New York) Mommy and Baby Reviews (Middletown) EDGE Publications (New York) Sparkles, Glitter and Glamour (Middletown) (New York) A Star Was Born (New York) Fameology (New York) ABC News’ The Note (New York) Family Travel Forum (New York) (New York) Fidelity Interactive Content Services (New York) (New York) (New York) Alerot News Service (New York) (New York) All Things Digital/Digital Daily (Wall Street Journal) (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) AOL GameDaily (New York) (New York) Apartment Therapy/ (New (New York) York) (New York) AT&T Tech Channel (New York) Girls Inc. Online (New York) (New York) Goddess Works Media Group (New York) (New York) (New York)

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Gothamist (New York) (New York) (New York) Pblcty (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) Political Hotsheet Blog (New York) HIV Plus Magazine (New York) Post Advertising (New York) (New York) Premiere Magazine (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) Raw Story (New York) (New York) (New York) Internet Evolution (New York) (New York) (New York) Rollover Media (New York) (New York) (New York) Jack and Jill Politics ( (New Silicon Alley Insider (New York) York) (New York) Jack and Jill Politics Blog (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) Jossip (New York) Supraspinatu (Unofficial official blog of the NYS) Joystiq (Gaming blog) (New York) (New York) (New York) Tango Diva (New York) (New York) Tectonik Media (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) The Albany Project (New York) (New York) The Alternative Consumer (New York) (New York) The Grio (New York) (New York) The Living Room (New York) Merrill Lynch Online (New York) The Rundown (New York) Miss Meghan Media (New York) The Scenographer (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) (New York) New York Reporters (New York) Time Digital (New York) (New York) UGO Entertainment (New York) NY City News Service (New York) UGO Networks, Inc. (New York) (New York) University of Southern California (New York) (New York) Vital Juice Daily (New York) (New York) (New York) Pam's House Blend (New York) WebMD (New York)

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Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 156 of 212 99 (New York) WNED-AM (Buffalo) Women's eNews (New York) WNED-FM (Buffalo) WORKS by Nicole Williams (New York) WOLN-FM (Buffalo) World Journal 360 (New York) WTSS-FM (Buffalo) (New York) WUBJ-FM (Buffalo) (New York) WSLU-FM (Canton) (New York) WFTU-AM (Dixhills) (New York) WBZO-FM (Farmingdale) (New York) WHLI-AM (Farmingdale) Yahoo! Finance (New York) WKJY-FM (Farmingdale) (New York City) WTBQ (Florida) Socially Superlative (New York City) WHPC-FM (Garden City) CoStar Group, (Queensbury) WEOS-FM (Geneva) Boy Genius Report (Rye Brook) WENT-AM (Gloversville) Loot Ninja (Saratoga Springs) WFAS-AM (Hartsdale) America's Best Dance Crew (Scarsdale) WRHU-FM (Hempstead) Digital Journal (Trumansburg) WVHC-FM (Herkimer) Immpreneur (Valley Stream) WICB-FM (Ithaca) Car Buyer's Notebook (Web Islip) WJTN-AM (Jamestown) (White Plains) WWSE-FM (Jamestown) Feeling the Vibe (White Plains) WKNY-AM (Kingston) (Williamsville) WGY-AM (Latham) I Am THE Makeup Junkie (Williamsville) WGY-FM (Latham) Big Picture Sound (Woodside) WSUL radio (Monticello) WFNP-FM (New paltz) Radio ABC Radio Network (New York) WAMC-FM (Albany) Air America (New York) WGBK (Albany) Batanga (New York) Family Life Network (Bath) Black Radio Network (New York) WSKG-FM (Binghamton) Bloomberg Radio (New York) WBSU-FM (Brockport) BusinessWeek Business Report - ABC Radio WFUV-FM (Bronx) Network (New York) WKRB-FM (Brooklyn) CBC-Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (New York) WBEN-AM (Buffalo) CBS News (New York) WBFO-FM (Buffalo) CBS Newspath (New York) WKSE-FM (Buffalo) CBS Television Network (New York) WLKK-FM (Buffalo) Cruise Control Radio (New York) DIAL GLOBAL (New York)

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ESPN Radio (New York) WHUC-AM (Poughkeepsie) FOX NEWS RADIO NETWORK (New York) WKIP-AM (Poughkeepsie) Hot 97 FM (New York) WKIP-FM (Poughkeepsie) Launch Radio Networks (New York) WPKF-FM (Poughkeepsie) Martha Stewart Radio (New York) WRNQ-FM (Poughkeepsie) Metro Networks - New York Bureau (New York) WRWD-AM (Poughkeepsie) Negocios Bloomberg (New York) WZCR-FM (Poughkeepsie) Sirius Satellite Radio Incorporated (New York) WBEE-FM (Rochester) The Takeaway (New York) WDVI-FM (Rochester) Vatican Radio (New York) WHAM-AM (Rochester) WABC-AM (New York) WXXI-AM (Rochester) Wall Street Journal Radio Network (New York) WNBZ-AM (Saranac lake) WAXQ 104.3 FM (New York) WQBK/WQBJ FM (Schenectady) WAXQ-FM (New York) WUSB-FM (Stony Brook) WBAI-FM (New York) WBBS-FM (Syracuse) WBBR-AM (New York) WHEN-AM (Syracuse) WBMB (New York) WJPZ-FM (Syracuse) WCAA-FM (Univision) (New York) WMHR-FM (Syracuse) WCBS-AM (New York) WMHU-FM (Syracuse) WFAN-AM (New York) WSYR-AM (Syracuse) WINS-AM (New York) WSYR-FM (Syracuse) WLIB-AM (New York) WWHT-FM (Syracuse) WLTW-FM (New York) WYYY-FM (Syracuse) WNYC-AM (New York) WFLY (Utica) WNYC-FM (New York) WBAB-FM (West Babylon) WOR-AM (New York) Television WPLJ (New York) WQXR-FM (New York) Capital News 9 (Albany) XM / SIRIUS SATELLITE RADIO INC (New York) WNYT-TV (Albany) WNYO-FM (Oswego) WRGB (CBS 6) (Albany) WRVN-FM (Oswego) WTEN-TV (Albany) WRVO-FM (Oswego) WXXA-TV (Albany) WALK-AM (Patchogue) News 12 - Bronx (Bronx) WALK-FM (Patchogue) HITN-TV (Brooklyn) WIRY-AM (Plattsburgh) News 12 Brooklyn (Brooklyn) WRKL-AM (Pomona) Time Warner Cable Buffalo (Buffalo) WCTW-FM (Poughkeepsie) WGRZ-TV (Buffalo)

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WIVB-TV (Buffalo) CNN - New York Bureau (New York) WKBW-TV (Buffalo) Deca TV (New York) WIXT-TV (East Syracuse) Food Arts (New York) WSYR-TV (East Syracuse) FOX Business Network (New York) WETM-TV (Elmira) Fox News Channel (New York) SINOVISION-TV (Flushing) FOX NEWS LIVE (New York) WENY-TV (Horseheads) FOX Newschannel / Fox Broadcast Network - New Newswatch 16 (Ithaca) York (New York) (New York) WBNG-TV (Johnson City) LMC-TV (Mamaroneck) Fuji Television (New York) GMTV (New York) WLNY-TV (Melville) [email protected] (New York) Good Morning America - ABC Television Network (New York) A&E - Arts & Entertainment Network (New York) History Channel, The (New York) ABC News (New York) ICIS Chemical Business Americas (New York) (New York) Infinity Broadcasting (New York) Al Jazeera (New York) Inside Edition (New York) APTN (New York) King Features Syndicate (New York) Ard German Television (New York) (New York) Left/Right TV (New York) ARD German Television-New York Bureau (New Lifetime Television (New York) York) BestWeekEver.TV (New York) M6 Metropole TV (New York) Maritime Activity Reports (New York) BET - Black Entertainment Television (New York) MSNBC (New York) BET - Don't Sleep (New York) MTV News - Music Television (New York) BET INTERACTIVE LLC (New York) NBC News (New York) Better TV (New York) NBC News - 30 Rockefeller Plaza (New York) Bloomberg Television (New York) NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams (New York) BLOOMBERG TV (New York) New Tang Dynasty-TV (New York) Bridges TV (New York) New York 1 News (NY1 News) (New York) British Broadcasting Corporation (New York) (New York) NFL Enterprises LLC (New York) BusinessWeek TV (New York) Nightly Business Report - New York Bureau (New York) CBS LOCAL TELEVISION STATION GROUP (New York) NY1 News (New York) CBS News / CBS Network Sports (New York) NY1 Noticias (New York) CBS News Broadcast (New York) Optomen Productions (New York) CBS Radio Network (New York) ORF - Austrian Broadcasting Corp. (New York) CBS Sports (New York) Oxygen Media (New York) CNBC - New York Bureau (New York) Public Broadcasting Service - New York Bureau (New York)

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Public Media NJ Inc. (New York) WSTM-TV (Syracuse) RAI Corporation (Italian National TV) (New York) WTVH-TV (Syracuse) Reuters Television (New York) WKTV-TV (Utica) Russia Today (New York) WICZ-TV (Vestal) SportsNet New York (New York) WWNY-TV (Watertown) Television Eighteen (New York) News 12 Long Island (Woodbury) The Daily Show - Comedy Central (New York) Rainbow News 12 Company (Interactive) The Early Show - CBS Television Network (New (Woodbury) York) News 12 Westchester-Cablevision Of Westchester (Yonkers) The Montel Williams Show (New York) The Tyra Banks Show (New York) Time Warner Cable Of New York (New York) NORTH CAROLINA TitanTV Media (New York) Magazine Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) New York (New York) God's World Publications (Asheville) TV Tokyo - New York Bureau (New York) Charlotte Parent Magazine (Charlotte) VH1 Productions (New York) Creative Loafing-Charlotte Edition (Charlotte) Viacom (New York) Material Handling Industry of America (Charlotte) WABC-TV (New York) Sportsbusiness Daily (Charlotte) WCBS-TV (New York) The Mecklenburg Times (Charlotte) Westwood One Companies Inc. (New York) Today's Charlotte Woman (Charlotte) WNBC-TV (New York) North Carolina Biotechnology Center (Durham) WNET-TV (New York) Southern Exposure (Durham) WNYW-TV (New York) SoHo Today (Greensboro) WPIX-TV (New York) HFN - Home Furnishings News - High Point Bureau WPXN (New York) (High Point) WRGB-TV (Niskayuna) High Point Enterprise (High Point) WPTZ-TV (Plattsburgh) National Home Furnishings Retailer (Holly Springs) R News (Rochester) Piedmont Parent (Jamestown) WHAM-TV (Rochester) Carolina Woman (Raleigh) WHEC-TV (Rochester) Metro Magazine - Raleigh Bureau (Raleigh) WROC-TV (Rochester) Reel Carolina (Wilmington) WXXI-TV (Rochester) Triad GolfToday (Winston-Salem) WWBI-TV (Rouses Point) News Service WRNN-TV (Rye Brook) A Taste of New York Network (Syosset) University Of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) Making Music Magazine (Syracuse) Associated Press - Charlotte Bureau (Charlotte) TW Cable News 10 (Syracuse) Bloomberg News - Charlotte Bureau (Charlotte)

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Associated Press - Raleigh Bureau (Raleigh) Daily News & Record (Greensboro) North Carolina News Network (Raleigh) Greensboro News & Record (Greensboro) Tribune Media Services - Raleigh Bureau (Raleigh) NC A & T Register (Greensboro) Rhinoceros Times (Greensboro) Newspaper Business Journal, The (Greensboro/Winston-Salem) Front Porch, The (Albemarle) Daily Reflector, The (Greenville) Stanly News & Press (Albemarle) Business East (Havelock) Courier-Tribune, The (Asheboro) Daily Dispatch (Henderson) Asheville Citizen-Times (Asheville) Times-News (Hendersonville) Urban News (Asheville) Hickory Daily Record (Hickory) The Mountain Times (Boone) High Point Enterprise (High Point) Sanford Herald, The (Buie Creek) (Jacksonville) Burlington Times-News (Burlington) Concord Independent Tribune (Kannapolis) American City Business Journals (Charlotte) (Kinston) Charlotte Business Journal (Charlotte) Laurinburg The Exchange (Laurinburg) Charlotte Observer, The (Charlotte) Lenoir News-Topic (Lenoir) Charlotte Weekly (Charlotte) News-Topic (Lenoir) Descubre Charlotte (Charlotte) Lexington Dispatch, The (Lexington) Hola Noticias (Charlotte) Lincoln Times-News (Lincolnton) Sports Business Daily, The (Charlotte) Lincoln Tribune, The (Lincolnton) The Charlotte Post (Charlotte) Lumberton Robesonian (Lumberton) Clinton Sampson Independent (Clinton) Marion Mcdowell News (Marion) Independent Tribune (Concord) Monroe Enquirer-Journal (Monroe) The Daily Record (Dunn) Morehead City Carteret County News Times Herald-Sun (Durham) (Morehead City) Independent Weekly (Durham) The News Herald (Morganton) Triangle Technology Journal (Durham) Mount Airy News, The (Mount Airy) Triangle Tribune (Durham) Sun Journal (New Bern) Elizabeth City Daily Advance (Elizabeth City) The Observer-News-Enterprise (Newton) Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville) Business Leader (Raleigh) Forest City Courier (Forest City) Carolina Journal (Raleigh) Franklin Press, The (Franklin) Nando Media (Raleigh) Community News, The (Fuquay-Varina) Que Pasa (Raleigh) Fuquay-Varina Independent (Fuquay-Varina) Raleigh News & Observer (Raleigh) Gastonia Gazette (Gastonia) Triangle Business Journal (Raleigh) Goldsboro News Argus (Goldsboro) Reidsville Review (Reidsville) Carolina Peacemaker (Greensboro) Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald (Roanoke Rapids)

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Rockingham Richmond County Daily Journal WCHL-AM (Chapel hill) (Rockingham) WRQM-FM (Chapel Hill) Rocky Mount Telegram, The (Rocky Mount) WUNC-FM (Chapel Hill) Courier-Times, The (Roxboro) WUND-FM (Chapel Hill) Salisbury Post (Salisbury) WBT-AM (Charlotte) Sanford Herald (Sanford) WBT-FM (Charlotte) Shelby Star, The (Shelby) WEND-FM (Charlotte) Statesville Record & Landmark (Statesville) WFAE-FM (Charlotte) Daily Southerner (Tarboro) WHQC-FM (Charlotte) Washington Daily News (Washington) WKKT-FM (Charlotte) Asheville Citizen-Times - Waynesville Bureau WLNK-FM (Charlotte) (Waynesville) WLYT-FM (Charlotte) Seahawk, The (Wilmington) WRFX-FM (Charlotte) Wilmington Star-News (Wilmington) WWCU-FM (Cullowhee) Wilson Daily Times, The (Wilson) WSGE-FM (Dallas) Winston-Salem Journal (Winston-Salem) WNCU-FM (Durham) Eastern Wake News (Zebulon) WGAI-AM (Elizabeth City) Online WFSS-FM (Fayetteville)

The Right Slant (Alexis) WFNC-AM (Fayettville) (Charlotte) WGBR-AM (Goldsboro) (Charlotte) WYCV-AM (Granite Falls) May Pang-Asian Media Internet News (Fayetteville) WEAL-AM (Greensboro) Confederate Yankee Blog (Fuquay-Varina) WMAG-FM (Greensboro) (Greensboro) WPAW-FM (Greensboro) Rude Mom Blog (Mount Airy) WPTI-FM (Greensboro) ACCSPORTS.COM (Raleigh) WQMG-FM (Greensboro) (Raleigh) WTQR-FM (Greensboro) Storyteller To The Media (Saluda) WLXN-AM (Lexington) The Deal Scoop (Shelby) WJNC-AM (Morehead City) (Winston-Salem) WCMS-FM (Nags Head) WCXL-FM (Nags Head) Radio WBJD-FM (New Bern) WCQS-FM (Asheville) WKNS-FM (New Bern) WKSF-FM (Asheville) WTEB-FM (New Bern) WWNC-AM (Asheville) WZNB-FM (New Bern) WGWG-FM (Boiling Springs) WKBC-AM (North Wilkesboro) WZTK-FM (Burlington) WKBC-FM (North Wilkesboro)

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WGIV-FM (Pineville) WTVD-TV (Durham) Que Pasa (Raleigh) WUNJ-TV (Durham) WCMC-FM (Raleigh) WFMY-TV (Greensboro) WDCG-FM (Raleigh) WITN-TV (Greenville-New Bern-Washington) WDNC-AM (Raleigh) WNCT-TV (Greenville-New Bern-Washington) WKSL-FM (Raleigh) WGHP-TV (High Point) WPTF-AM (Raleigh) WCTI-TV (New Bern) WQDR-FM (Raleigh) TIME WARNER RALEIGH (Raleigh) WRAL-FM (Raleigh) WLFL-TV (Raleigh) WRDU-FM (Raleigh) WNCN-TV (Raleigh) WRVA-FM (Raleigh) WRAL-TV (Raleigh) WYMY La Ley 96.9 FM (Raleigh) UNC Center for Public Television (Research Triangle Park) WCAB-AM (Rutherfordton) WWGP-AM (Sanford) WECT-TV (Wilmington) WWAY-TV (Wilmington) WIOZ-FM (Southern pines) WIOZ-FM Lexi Test (Southern pines) WXII-TV (Winston-Salem)

WNCW-FM (Spindale) WRGC-AM (Sylva) NORTH DAKOTA WVOD-FM (Wanchese) News Service Sixty Seconds Radio Network (Weaverville) WKSK-AM (West Jefferson) Associated Press - Bismarck Bureau (Bismarck) WAAV-AM (Cumulus Radio Group) (Wilmington) Associated Press - Fargo Bureau (Fargo) WHQR-FM (Wilmington) Newspaper WEGO-AM (Winston-Salem) WFDD-FM (Winston-Salem) Bismark Tribune (Bismarck) WSJS-AM (Winston-Salem) Devils Lake Daily Journal (Devils Lake) The Dickinson Press (Dickinson) Television Fargo Forum (Fargo) WBSC-TV (Asheville) The Spectrum - North Dakota State University (Fargo) WLOS-TV (Asheville) Agweek (Grand Forks) News 14 Charlotte (Charlotte) Grand Forks Herald (Grand Forks) WAXN-TV (Charlotte) Jamestown Sun (Jamestown) WBTV-TV (Charlotte) Minot Daily News (Minot) WCCB-TV (Charlotte) Valley City Times-Record (Valley City) WCNC-TV (Charlotte) Wahpeton Daily News (Wahpeton) WSOC-TV (Charlotte) Williston Daily Herald (Williston) WTVI-TV (Charlotte)

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Online KYYX-FM (Minot) KOVC-AM (Valley City) MamaBreak (Valley City) KEYZ-AM (Williston) Radio Television KEYA-FM (Belcourt) KVLY-TV (Fargo) KBMR-AM (Bismarck) KVRR-TV (Fargo) KFYR-AM (Bismarck) KXJB-TV (Fargo) KQDY-FM (Bismarck) WDAY-TV (Fargo) KSSS-FM (Bismarck) WDAZ- TV (Fargo) KXMR-AM (Bismarck) CABLE CHANNEL 10 TV (Jamestown) KYYY-FM (Bismarck) KMOT-TV (Minot) KDLR-AM (Devils Lake) KXMB-TV (Minot) KDVL-FM (Devils Lake) KXMC-TV (Minot) KZZY-FM (Devils Lake)

KCAD-FM (Dickinson) KDIX-AM (Dickinson) OHIO KDXN-FM (Dickinson) Magazine KLTC-AM (Dickinson) KZRX-FM (Dickinson) Akron Legal News (Akron) KEGK-FM (Fargo) The Big Picture Magazine (Cincinnati) KFGO-AM (Fargo) Candy & Snack Business (Cleveland) KFNW-AM (Fargo) Cleveland Magazine (Cleveland) KFNW-FM (Fargo) Industry Week (Cleveland) KRWK-FM (Fargo) Inside Business (Cleveland) WDAY-AM (Fargo) Northern Ohio Live Magazine (Cleveland) WDAY-FM (Fargo) ASM International (Materials Park) WZFG-AM (Fargo) Bee Culture Magazine (Medina) KXPO-AM (Grafton) Farm and Dairy newspaper (Salem) KCNN-AM (Grand Forks) Insurance Newscast (Twinsburg) KNOX-AM (Grand Forks) Vermilion Photo Journal (Vermilion) KSJB-AM (Jamestown) American Vegetable Grower (Willoughby) KSJZ-FM (Jamestown) Greenhouse Grower (Willoughby) KYNU-FM (Jamestown) Youngstown State University Magazine (Youngstown) KNDR-FM (Mandan) KCJB-AM (Minot) News Service KHRT-AM (Minot) Associated Press - Cincinnati Bureau (Cincinnati) KWGO-FM (Minot) Scripps (Cincinnati)

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Associated Press - Cleveland Bureau (Cleveland) Repository, The (Canton) City News (Cleveland) Celina Standard (Celina) Associated Press - State Capitol Bureau (Columbus) Herald Sun (Chagrin) Gannett News Service - Columbus Bureau (Chillicothe) (Columbus) Cincinnati Business Courier (Cincinnati) Hannah News Service (Columbus) Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati) Associated Press - Dayton Bureau (Dayton) La Jornada Latina (Cincinnati) Kent State University (Kent) The Herald (Circleville) Lexis-Nexis (Miamisburg) Al-Sahafa Newspaper Corporation (Cleveland) Muskingum College – Black and Magenta (New Cleveland Jewish News (Cleveland) Concord) Cleveland Scene (Cleveland) Associated Press - Toledo Bureau (Toledo) Crain's Cleveland Business (Cleveland) Newspaper GIE Media, Inc. (Cleveland)

Northern Review (Ada) Plain Dealer, The (Cleveland) (Akron) Sun Newspapers (Cleveland) Babcox Publications Inc. (Akron) The Daily Legal News (Cleveland) Leader Publications (Akron) Blade - State Capitol Bureau, The (Columbus) The Jackson Suburbanite (Akron) Business First (Columbus) Alliance Review (Alliance) Columbus Call and Post (Columbus) Ashland Times-Gazette (Ashland) Columbus Dispatch (Columbus) Ashtabula Star Beacon (Ashtabula) Daily Reporter, The (Columbus) Athens Post (Athens) The Lantern (Columbus) The Athens Messenger (Athens) (Coshocton) Barberton Herald (Barberton) Dayton Business Journal (Dayton) Cleveland Jewish News (Beachwood) Dayton Daily News (Dayton) Sun Scoop Journal (Beachwood) Defiance The Crescent News (Defiance) Beavercreek News Current (Beavercreek) Delaware Gazette (Delaware) Sun Banner (Bedford) Delphos Daily Herald (Delphos) Bellefontaine Examiner (Bellefontaine) Review, The (East Liverpool) Bellevue Gazette (Bellevue) Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria) News Sun (Berea) The Collegian (Elyria) Sun Star (Berea) Sun Journal (Euclid) Bowling Green Sentinel-Tribune (Bowling Green) Courier (Findlay) Sun Journal (Brooklyn) Review Times (Fostoria) Bryan Times (Bryan) News Messenger (Fremont) Telegraph-Forum (Bucyrus) Gallipolis Daily Tribune (Gallipolis) Daily Jeffersonian, The (Cambridge) Sun (Garfield-Maple)

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Greenville Daily Advocate (Greenville) West Side Sun News (North Olmsted) Journal News (Hamilton) Putnam County Sentinel (Ottawa) Times-Gazette (Hillsboro) Sun Post (Parma) Herald Newspaper (Holland) Piqua Daily Call (Piqua) Holland Herald (Holland) The Daily Sentinel (Pomeroy) Ironton Tribune (Ironton) Port Clinton News Herald (Port Clinton) Daily Kent Stater (Kent) Portsmouth Daily Times (Portsmouth) Kent State University - Daily Kent Stater (Kent) Lakewood News Times (Rocky River) Record-Courier (Kent/Ravenna) The Salem News (Salem) Kenton Times (Kenton) Sandusky Register (Sandusky) Lakewood Buzz (Lakewood) Shelby Daily Globe (Shelby) Smart Business - Cleveland (Lakewood) Sidney Daily News (Sidney) Sun Post (Lakewood) Herald Sun (Solon) Lancaster Eagle-Gazette (Lancaster) Sun Messenger, The (South Euclid) Lima News (Lima) Springfield News-Sun (Springfield) Lisbon Morning Journal (Lisbon) St. Marys Evening Leader (St. Mary’s) Logan Daily News (Logan) Herald-Star, The (Steubenville) London Madison-Press (London) Tiffin Advertiser-Tribune (Tiffin) Morning Journal (Lorain) Blade, The (Toledo) The Morning Journal (Lorain) El Tiempo (Toledo) Mansfield News-Journal (Mansfield) Troy Daily News (Troy) Marietta Times (Marietta) Sun, The (Twinsburg) Marion Star (Marion) John Carroll University - The Caroll News (University Martins Ferry The Times Leader (Martins Ferry) Heights) Upper Sandusky Daily Chief Union (Upper Marysville Journal Tribune (Marysville) Sandusky) Massillon Independent (Massillon) Urbana Daily Citizen (Urbana) Medina County Gazette (Medina) Sun Courier, The (Valley View) Sun Banner Pride (Medina) Times-Bulletin (Van Wert) Cox Ohio Publishing Southwest Group (Middletown) Daily News (Wapakoneta) Middletown Journal (Middletown) Tribune Chronicle (Warren) Sun, The (Montrose) Trumbull County Legal News (Warren) Mount Vernon News (Mount Vernon) Warren Tribune Chronicle (Warren) Northwest Signal (Napoleon) Washington Court House Record Herald Times-Reporter, The (New Philadelphia) (Washington) Newark Advocate (Newark) Sun (West Akron) Hills Sun (Nordonia) Sun (West Geauga) Sun Herald, The (North Olmsted) News Herald (Willoughby)

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Willoughby News Herald (Lake Co.) (Willoughby) WBWC-FM (Berea) Wilmington News-Journal (Wilmington) WBNO-FM (Bryan) Wooster Daily Record (Wooster) WCMJ-FM (Cambridge) Fairborn Daily Herald (Xenia) WWKC-FM (Cambridge) The Xenia Daily Gazette (Xenia) WHBC-AM (Canton) Youngstown Vindicator (Youngstown) WBEX-AM (Chillicothe) Youngstown-Warren Business Journal WCHI-AM (Chillicothe) (Youngstown) WKKJ-FM (Chillicothe) Times Recorder (Zanesville) WLZT-FM (Chillicothe) Online WEBN-FM (Cincinnati) WKRC-AM (Cincinnati) (Akron) WLW-AM (Cincinnati) Entertainment Ohio (Barberton) WVXU-FM (Cincinnati) Confessions of a Messy Mama (Cincinnati) WXUT (Cincinnati) (Cleveland) WCPN-FM (Cleveland) Ohio Daily Blog (Cleveland) WCRF-FM (Cleveland) Compuserve (Columbus) WDOK-FM (Cleveland) Life According To GreenVics (Columbus) WJMO-AM (Cleveland) Front Page Freebies (Marion) WVME-FM (Cleveland) Life Full of Laughter (Newark) WVML-FM (Cleveland) (North Ridgeville) WVMS-FM (Cleveland) Buckeye State Blog (Sardis) Ohio News Network (Columbus) (Steubenville) OHIO NEWS NETWORK - RADIOOHIO (Columbus) Liberal Common Sense blog (Toledo) WBNS-AM (Columbus) Radio WBNS-FM (Columbus) WBWR-FM (Columbus) WAKR-AM (Akron) WCBE-FM (Columbus) WONE-FM (Akron) WCOL-FM (Columbus) WQMX-FM (Akron) WJKR-FM (Columbus) WDJQ-FM (Alliance) WMNI-AM (Columbus) WDPN-AM (Alliance) WMNI-FM (Columbus) WRMU-FM (Alliance) WNCI-FM (Columbus) WMTR-FM (Archbold) WOSU-AM (Columbus) WNCO-AM (Ashland) WOSU-FM (Columbus) WATH-AM (Athens) WRKZ-FM (Columbus) WOUB-AM (Athens) WSNY-FM (Columbus) WOUB-FM (Athens) WTVN-AM (Columbus) WXTQ-FM (Athens)

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WVKO-AM (Columbus) WMRT-FM (Marietta) WYTS-AM (Columbus) WMRN-FM (Marion) WTNS-AM (Coshocton) WRXS-FM (Marion) WTNS-FM (Coshocton) WKLM-FM (Millersburg) WDAO-AM (Dayton) WNZR-FM (Mount Vernon) WDKF-FM (Dayton) WNDH-FM (Napoleon) WFCJ-FM (Dayton) WMCO-FM (New Concord) WHIO-AM (Dayton) WTUZ-FM (New Philadelphia) WHIO-FM (Dayton) WHTH-AM (Newark) WHKO-FM (Dayton) WARF-AM (North Canton) WLQT-FM (Dayton) WHLO-AM (North Canton) WMMX-FM (Dayton) WHOF-FM (North Canton) WTUE-FM (Dayton) WKDD-FM (North Canton) WONW-AM (Defiance) WRQK-FM (North Canton) WJER-AM (Dover) WMUB-FM (Oxford) WEOL-AM (Elyria) WOMP-AM (Steubenville) WLFC-FM (Findlay) WCWA/AM (Toledo) WMOH-AM (Hamilton) WLQR-AM (Toledo) WSRW-AM (Hillsboro) WRVF-FM (Toledo) WFHM-FM (Independence) WSPD/AM (Toledo) WGAR-FM (Independence) WSPD-AM (Toledo) WHK-AM (Independence) WVKS-FM (Toledo) WHLK-FM (Independence) WKSD-FM (Van Wert) WMJI-FM (Independence) WCHO-AM (Washington Court House) WMMS-FM (Independence) WCHO-FM (Washington Court House) WTAM-AM (Independence) WRAC-FM (West Union) WKSU-AM (Kent) WCSU-FM (Wilberforce) WKSU-FM (Kent) WKVX-AM (Wooster) WNIR-FM (Kent) WBZI-AM (Xenia) WKTN-FM (Kenton) WYSO-FM (Yellow Springs) WIMA-AM (Lima) WKBN-AM (Youngstown) WIMT-FM (Lima) WPIC-AM (Youngstown) WTGN-FM (Lima) WHIZ-FM (Zanesville) WZRX-FM (Lima) Television WKNA-FM (Logan) WMAN-AM (Mansfield) WOUB-TV (Athens) WYHT-FM (Mansfield) WCPO-TV (Cincinnati)

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WKRC-TV (Cincinnati) News Service WLWT-TV (Cincinnati) Associated Press - Oklahoma City Bureau WXIX-TV (Cincinnati) (Oklahoma City) WEWS-TV (Cleveland) OETA - The Oklahoma Network (Oklahoma City) WJW-TV (Cleveland) Oklahoma News Network (Oklahoma City) WKYC-TV (Cleveland) Associated Press - Tulsa Bureau (Tulsa) WOIO-TV (Cleveland) Newspaper WUAB-TV (Cleveland) WBNS-TV (Columbus) ADA News (Ada) WCMH-TV (Columbus) Altus Times (Altus) WSYX-TV (Columbus) Alva Review Courier/Newsgram-Advocate (Alva) WDTN-TV (Dayton) The Anadarko Daily News (Anadarko) WHIO-TV (Dayton) Ardmore Daily Ardmoreite (Ardmore) WKEF-TV (Dayton) Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise (Bartlesville) WNEO-TV (Kent) Broken Arrow Ledger (Broken Arrow) WLIO-TV (Lima) Catoosa Times (Broken Arrow) WTOV-TV (Steubenville) Chickasha Daily Express (Chickasha) WNWO-TV (Toledo) Claremore The Daily Progress (Claremore) WTOL-TV (Toledo) Daily Progress (Claremore) WTVG-TV (Toledo) Duncan Banner (Duncan) WUPW-TV (Toledo) Durant Daily Democrat (Durant) WFMJ-TV (Youngstown) Edmond Sun (Edmond) WKBN-TV (Youngstown) The Vista (Edmond) WYTV-TV (Youngstown) The Daily Elk Citian (Elk City) WHIZ-TV (Zanesville) Enid News & Eagle (Enid) Grove Sun (Grove) OKLAHOMA Guymon Daily Herald (Guymon) Holdenville News (Holdenville) Magazine Hugo Daily News (Hugo)

View Magazine (Edmond) Idabel Mccurtain Gazette (Idabel) Internet Celebrity Magazine (Muskogee) Inola Independent (Inola) MetroFamily Magazine (Norman) Lawton Constitution, The (Lawton) Music X-Press Magazine (Oklahoma City) Mannford Eagle (Mannford) Oklahoma Banker (Oklahoma City) Sand Springs Leader (Mannford) Oklahoma Today (Oklahoma City) McAlester News-Capital (McAlester) Slice Magazine (Oklahoma City) Miami News-Record (Miami) Muskogee Phoenix & Times-Democrat (Muskogee)

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Norman Transcript (Norman) Routes (Norman) Oklahoma Daily (Norman) (Tulsa) Daily Oklahoman, The (Oklahoma City) Route 66 News (Tulsa) Durocher's Oklahoma City Business (Oklahoma City) Radio El Nacional de Oklahoma (Oklahoma City) KQTZ-FM (Altus) Journal Record, The (Oklahoma City) KRIG-FM (Bartlesville) Oklahoma Gazette (Oklahoma City) KWON-AM (Bartlesville) The Gayly (Oklahoma City) KYFM-FM (Bartlesville) Owasso Reporter (Owasso) KUSH Radio (Cushing) Pauls Valley Daily Democrat (Pauls valley) KECO-FM (Elk City) Ponca City News (Ponca City) KOFM-FM (Enid) Poteau Daily News (Poteau) KTJS-AM (Hobart) Pryor Daily Times (Pryor) KIHN-AM (Hugo) Southwest Tulsa News (Sand Springs) KITX-FM (Hugo) Sapulpa Daily Herald (Sapulpa) KCCU-FM (Lawton) Shawnee News Star (Shawnee) KLAW-FM (Lawton) Stillwater News Press (Stillwater) KNED-AM (Mc alester) The Gayly Oklahoman (Stillwater) KGOU-FM (Norman) Cherokee Phoenix (Tahlequah) KROU-FM (Norman) Tahlequah Daily Press (Tahlequah) KKNG-FM (Oklahoma city) Bixby Bulletin (Tulsa) KMGL-FM (Oklahoma City) Collinsville News (Tulsa) KOMA FM News (Oklahoma City) Glenpool Post (Tulsa) KOMA-FM (Oklahoma City) Greater Tulsa Reporter (Tulsa) KRXO-FM (Oklahoma City) Jenks Journal (Tulsa) KTOK-AM (Oklahoma City) Source Publications, Inc. (Tulsa) KPGM-AM (Pawhuska) Tulsa Beacon (Tulsa) KPNC-FM (Ponca City) Tulsa Business Journal (Tulsa) WBBZ-AM (Ponca City) Tulsa Daily Commerce and Legal News (Tulsa) KGFF AM Radio (Shawnee) Tulsa World (Tulsa) KOSU Radio (Stillwater) Wagoner Tribune (Wagoner) KOSU-FM (Stillwater) Woodward News (Woodward) KFAQ-AM (Tulsa) Online KHTT-FM (Tulsa) KRAV-FM (Tulsa) (Edmond) KRMG-AM (Tulsa) Technojunkyard (Edmond) KRMG-FM (Tulsa) (Edmond)

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KVOO-FM (Tulsa) Newspaper KWEN-FM (Tulsa) Albany Democrat-Herald (Albany) KXBL-FM (Tulsa) Daily Tidings (Ashland) KWEY-AM (Weatherford) Oregon Legal Journal (Ashland) KWEY-FM (Weatherford) Daily Astorian (Astoria) KWOX-FM (Woodward) Baker Democrat-Herald (Baker City) Television Record Courier (Baker City) Bend Bulletin (Bend) WLIO-TV (Alva) Cascade Business News (Bend) KSWO-TV (Lawton) Western Communications Inc (Bend) KETA-TV (Oklahoma city) World, The (Coos Bay) KFOR-TV (Oklahoma City) Corvallis Gazette-Times (Corvallis) KOCO-TV (Oklahoma City) Polk County Itemizer-Observer (Dallas) KOKH-TV (Oklahoma City) The Dalles Chronicle (Dalles) KWTV-TV (Oklahoma City) Upper Rogue Independent (Eagle Point) KWEM-TV31 (Stillwater) Eugene Weekly (Eugene) KJMM (Tulsa) Oregon Daily Emerald (Eugene) KJRH-TV (Tulsa) Register-Guard (Eugene) KOKI-TV (Tulsa) University of Oregon - School of Journalism KOTV-TV (Tulsa) (Eugene) KTUL-TV (Tulsa) Grants Pass Daily Courier (Grants Pass) The Outlook (Gresham) OREGON Hermiston Herald (Hermiston) Hillsboro Argus (Hillsboro) Magazine Keiser Times (Keiser) Joy Magazine (Ashland) Herald and News (Klamath Falls) Wooden Horse Magazines (Astoria) La Grande Observer (La Grande) Inside GNSS magazine (Eugene) The Voice (La Grande) Sexis Magazine (Milwaukie) The News-Register (McMinnville) Christian News Northwest (Newburg) Ashland Daily Tidings (Medford) Commerce Magazine (Portland) Medford Mail Tribune (Medford) Newberg Graphic, The (Newberg) News Service Argus Observer (Ontario) Associated Press - Grants Pass Bureau (Grants Confederated Umatilla Journal (Pendleton) Pass) East Oregonian (Pendleton) Associated Press - Portland, OR Bureau (Portland) Pendleton East Oregonian (Pendleton) Bloomberg News - Portland Bureau (Portland) Business Journal, The (Portland) Associated Press - Salem Bureau (Salem)

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Daily Journal of Commerce (Portland) KMUN-FM (Astoria) Daily Vanguard (Portland) KBND-AM (Bend) El Hispanic News (Portland) KBNW-AM (Bend) Green Heritage News (Portland) KOAB-FM (Bend) Oregon Business Magazine (Portland) KSBA-FM (Coos Bay) Oregonian, The (Portland) KYTT-FM (Coos Bay) Portland Daily Journal of Commerce (Portland) KOAC-AM (Corvallis) Portland Observer (Portland) KKNU-FM (Eugene) Portland Tribune (Portland) KLCC-FM (Eugene) Skanner, The (Portland) KMGE-FM (Eugene) Sustainable Business Oregon (Portland) KRVM-AM (Eugene) Willamette Week (Portland) KUGN-AM (Eugene) News-Review, The (Roseburg) KCST-FM (Florence) Christian Business Chronicle (Salem) KAGI-AM (Grants Pass) (Salem) Talk Radio Network (Grants Pass) Seaside Signal (Seaside) KFLS-AM (Klamath Falls) Sheridan Sun (Sheridan) KFLS-FM (Klamath Falls) Woodburn Independent (Woodburn) KTVR-FM (La Grande) KOAP-FM (Lakeview) Online KQIK-FM (Lakeview) Beaverton Business (Beaverton) KGAL-AM (Lebanon) Gypsy Mama Logs (Central Point) KSHO-AM (Lebanon) Mama Notes (Corvallis) KLYC-AM (McMinnville) Frugal Spots (Damascus) KDOV-FM (Medford) Enobytes (Hillsboro) KSRV-AM (Ontario) Cleantech Concepts (Portland) KRBM-FM (Pendleton) NozzlNewsPDX (Portland) KTIX-AM (Pendleton) Spirit Feast (Portland) KUMA-FM (Pendleton) (Portland) KWHT-FM (Pendleton) (Roseburg) KBPS-AM (Portland) (Salem) KEX-AM (Portland) Sandy Post (Sandy) KFBW-FM (Portland) Sunriver Scene (Sunriver) KINK-FM (Portland) Pretty Pink Momma (Sweet Home) KKCW-FM (Portland) Radio KKOV-AM (Portland) KKRZ-FM (Portland) KSOR-FM (Ashland) KKSN-AM (Portland) KSRG-FM (Ashland)

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KMHD-FM (Portland) Healthcom Media (Doylestown) KOPB-FM (Portland) High Roller magazine (Doylestown) KPAM-AM (Portland) Lancaster Farming (Ephrata) KPDQ-FM (Portland) Tangent magazine (lifestyle pub) (Erie) KPOJ-AM (Portland) Wireless Workforce (Erie) KXL-AM (Portland) Hagerstown Magazine (Hagerstown) Metro Networks (Portland) Central Penn Business (Harrisburg) The Thom Hartmann Program (Portland) (Horsham) KQEN-AM (Roseburg) Today's Diet & Nutrition (Milford) KTBR-AM (Roseburg) Therapy Times (Norristown) KSJK-AM (Talent) 3D Scanning Technologies (North Wales) KODL-AM (The Dalles) PMT Magazine (Paoli) KTMK-FM (Tillamook) Broad Street (lifestyle) (Philadelphia) KWSO-FM (Warm springs) Horizon Press (Philadelphia) KAST-AM (Warrenton) MainLine magazine (lifestlye pub) (Philadelphia) KGRV-AM (Winston) Obaasema Magazine (Philadelphia) Philadelphia Style (Philadelphia) Television Prism Media (Philadelphia) KPTV-TV (Beaverton) ALM Media (Philly) KTVZ-TV (Bend) Steel Business Briefing (Pittsburgh) KEZI-TV (Eugene) MarketingSherpa (Scranton) KVAL-TV (Eugene) Great Vally Publishing (Spring City) KDKF-TV (Klamath Falls) Advertising Specialty Institute (Trevose) KOTI-TV (Klamath Falls) Successful Promotions (Trevose) KDRV-TV (Medford) PWC Magazine (Wallingford) KOBI-TV (Medford) Association for Iron & Steel Technology KTVL-TV (Medford) (Warrendale) KATU-TV (Portland) The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (Warrnedale) KGW-TV (Portland) Andrews Publiching (Wayne) KOIN-TV (Portland) Weekly Reader (York) KPDX-TV (Portland) KMTR-TV (Springfield) News Service

Associated Press - Harrisburg Bureau (Harrisburg) PENNSYLVANIA Gannett News Service - Harrisburg Bureau (Harrisburg) Magazine Radiate Media Solutions (Malvern) Chester County Reporter (Chester County) Associated Press - Philadelphia Bureau (Philadelphia)

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City Hall Newsroom (Philadelphia) Evening Sun (Hanover) Knight-Ridder/Tribune Info. Services - Philadelphia Hanover Evening Sun (Hanover) Bureau (Philadelphia) PA VFW News (Harrisburg) Presslink (Philadelphia) Patriot-News, The (Harrisburg) Reuters - Philadelphia Bureau (Philadelphia) News of Delaware County (Havertown) Associated Press - Pittsburgh Bureau (Pittsburgh) Standard-Speaker (Hazleton) Wall Street Journal (Pittsburgh) Honesdale Wayne Independent (Honesdale) Associated Press - State College Bureau (State The Daily News (Huntingdon) College) Indiana Evening Gazette (Indiana) Pennsylvania State University (State College) Indiana Gazette (Indiana) Newspaper The Centre County Gazette (Indiana)

Morning Call, The (Allentown) Our Town (Johnstown) Altoona Mirror (Altoona) Tribune Democrat, The (Johnstown) Beaver County Times (Beaver) Kane The Republican (Kane) Ellwood City Ledger (Beaver) Leader Times (Kittanning) Bedford Gazette Llc. (Bedford) Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster) Eastern Pennsylvania Business Journal (Bethlehem) Lancaster New Era (Lancaster) Bloomsburg Press Enterprise (Bloomsburg) Lancaster Newspapers (Lancaster) Bradford Era (Bradford) Lancaster Sunday News (Lancaster) Butler Eagle (Butler) Reporter, The (Lansdale) California Univ Of Penn - Cal Times (California) Latrobe Bulletin (Latrobe) Pennsylvania Township News (Camp Hill) (Lebanon) Carlisle Sentinel (Carlisle) Lehighton Times-News (Lehighton) PublicOpinion (Chambersburg) Bucks County Courier Times (Levittown) Clarion University Of PA - Clarion Call (Clarion) Lewistown Sentinel (Lewistown) Progress, The (Clearfield) The Sentinel (Lewistown) The Daily Courier (Connellsville) LockHavenExpress (Lock Haven) Corry Evening Journal (Corry) Daily News, The (McKeesport) Intelligencer, The (Doylestown) Meadville Tribune (Meadville) Express-Times, The (Easton) Harrisburg Patriot & Evening News (Mechanicsburg) Erie Times-News (Erie) Tri-State News (Milford) The News-Herald (Franklin) Milton Daily Standard (Milton) Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg) Monessen Valley Independent (Monessen) Gettysburgian (Gettysburg) Tri-County Record (Morgantown) Tribune-Review (Greensburg) New Castle News (New Castle) Greenville Record-Argus (Greenville) Westminster College - The Westminster Hol (New Wilmington) The Collegian - Grove City College (Grove City) Centurion (Newtown)

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Times Herald (Norristown) St. Marys Daily Press (St. marys) Derrick and News Herald, The (Oil City) Centre Daily Times (State College) Al Dia (Philadelphia) PA Business Central (State College) Green City Journal (Philadelphia) State College Centre Daily Times (State College) Metro (Philadelphia) (Stroudsburg) Philadelphia Business Journal (Philadelphia) Daily Item (Sunbury) Philadelphia City Paper (Philadelphia) Sunbury Daily Item (Sunbury) Philadelphia Daily News (Philadelphia) Valley News Dispatch (Tarentum) Philadelphia Inquirer, The (Philadelphia) Titusville Herald (Titusville) Philadelphia Tribune, The (Philadelphia) Towanda Daily Review (Towanda) The Examiner (Philly Edition) (Philadelphia) Philadelphia Northeast Times (Trevose) The Legal Intelligencer (Philadelphia) The Daily Herald (Tyrone) The Triangle (Philadelphia) Herald-Standard (Uniontown) Gateway newspapers (Pittsburgh) Pennsylvania State University - The Daily (University Park) Greensburg Tribune Review (Pittsburgh) Griffin Publishing (Pittsburgh) Warren Times Observer (Warren) Observer-Reporter (Washington) Pittsburgh Business Times (Pittsburgh) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh) (Waynesboro) Daily Local News (West Chester) Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (Pittsburgh) Wall Street Journal - Pittsburgh Bureau, The West Chester Daily Local News (West Chester) (Pittsburgh) Citizens' Voice (Wilkes-Barre) Mercury, The (Pottstown) Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre) Pottsville Republican & Evening Herald (Pottsville) Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice (Wilkes-Barre) Delaware County Daily Times (Primos) Wilkes-Barre Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre) The Punxutawney Spirit (Punxsutawney) Williamsport Sun-Gazette (Williamsport) The Loquitor (Cabrini College weekly (Radnor) York Daily Record (York) Reading Eagle (Reading) YorkDispatch (York) Ridgway Record (Ridgway) Business Journal (Youngstown) Sayre Evening Times (Sayre) Online Northeast Pennsylvania Business Journal (Scranton) Chronicles (Beach Lake) Scranton Times-Tribune (Scranton) (Erie) The University of Scranton (The Aquinas) (Scranton) (Merion Station) Times Shamrock (Scranton) DoubleSpeak (Philadelphia) News Item (Shamokin) Greenskills (Philadelphia) Sharon Herald (Sharon) Health Camp (Philadelphia) Herald, The (Sharpsburg) Keystone Edge (Philadelphia) Somerset Daily American (Somerset) (Philadelphia)

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TechFun (Philadelphia) Metro Networks (Manayunk) (Philly) WKZF-FM (Manheim) Writer's Digest (Phoenixville) WROZ-FM (Manheim) Steel Business Briefing (Pittsburg) WPEL-AM (Montrose) SecurityFocus (Richboro) WPEL-FM (Montrose) (Seven Fields) WWNW-FM (New Wilmington) (Yardley) KYWAM (Philadelphia) KYW-AM (Philadelphia) Radio WHYY-AM (Philadelphia) Heart to Heart-WDAS-FM (Bala Cynwyd) WHYY-FM (Philadelphia) WDAS-AM (Bala Cynwyd) WIQI-FM (Philadelphia) WDAS-FM (Bala Cynwyd) WRTI-FM (Philadelphia) WISX-FM (Bala Cynwyd) WXPH-FM (Philadelphia) WMGK-FM (Bala Cynwyd) WXPN-FM (Philadelphia) WWDB-AM (Bala Cynwyd) The Handguys Podcast (Phoenixville) WBVP-AM (Beaver Falls) American Urban Radio Network (Pittsburgh) WMKX-FM (Brookville) KDKA-AM (Pittsburgh) WBGM-FM (Danville) KQV-AM (Pittsburgh) WPGM-AM (Danville) WAMO-FM (Pittsburgh) WPGM-FM (Danville) WDVE-FM (Pittsburgh) WDSN-FM (Du Bois) WESA-FM (Pittsburgh) WJET-FM (Erie) WLTJ-FM (Pittsburgh) WGET-AM (Gettysburg) WLTJ-FM\ (Pittsburgh) WGTY-FM (Gettysburg) WRRK-FM (Pittsburgh) WAYZ-FM (Greencastle) WWSW-FM (Pittsburgh) Pennsylvania Radio Network (Harrisburg) WBZU-AM (Pittston) Radio Pennsylvania (Harrisburg) WILK-AM (Pittston) WHKF-FM (Harrisburg) WILK-FM (Pittston) WHP-AM (Harrisburg) WKZN-AM (Pittston) WITF-FM (Harrisburg) WVIA-FM (Pittston) WQLV-FM (Harrisburg) WAVT-FM (Pottsville) WRBT-FM (Harrisburg) WPPA-AM (Pottsville) WRVV-FM (Harrisburg) WQKX-FM (Selinsgrove) WNTP-AM (Lafayette Hill) WQSU-FM (Selinsgrove) WDAC (Lancaster) WKOK-AM (Sunbury) WDAC-FM (Lancaster) WMBS-AM (Uniontown) WLAN-FM (Lancaster) Penn State Public Broadcasting (University Park)

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WPSU-FM (University Park) WNEP-TV (Moosic) WNAE-AM (Warren) Cable 11 News (Pencor) (Palmerton) WJPA-AM (Washington) CN8 (Philadelphia) WJPA-FM (Washington) KYW-TV (Philadelphia) WAEB-AM (Whitehall) WPHL-TV (Philadelphia) WAEB-FM (Whitehall) WPVI- TV (Philadelphia) WZZO-FM (Whitehall) WPVI-TV (Philadelphia) WBLJ-FM (Williamsport) WTXF-TV (Philadelphia) WBYL-FM (Williamsport) KDKA-TV (Pittsburgh) WKSB-FM (Williamsport) Pittsburgh Cable News Channel (Pittsburgh) WPTC-FM (Williamsport) WPGH-TV (Pittsburgh) WRAK-AM (Williamsport) WPXI-TV (Pittsburgh) WRKK-AM (Williamsport) WTAE-TV (Pittsburgh) WSBA News Radio (York) WBRE-TV (Wilkes-Barre) WSBA-AM (York) WPMT-TV (York) WVYC-FM (York)

Television PUERTO RICO Medstar Television, Inc. (Allentown) News Service WFMZ-TV (Allentown) Associated Press - Puerto Rico Bureau (Guaynabo) WTAJ-TV (Altoona) Express Broadcasting Services/Shadow Online Broadcasting (Bala Cynwyd) (San Juan) WCAU-TV (Bala Cynwyd) WCAU-TV (Wireless Headlines Demo) (Bala Cynwyd) RHODE ISLAND Service Electric Cable News (Bethlehem) Cable 11 News (Ephrata) Magazine

WFXP-TV (Erie) Trimed Media Group (Providence) WICU-TV (Erie) WJET-TV (Erie) News Service WSEE-TV (Erie) Associated Press - Providence Bureau (Providence) WHP-TV (Harrisburg) WHTM-TV (Harrisburg) Newspaper WITF-TV (Harrisburg) Newport Daily News (Newport) WJAC-TV (Johnstown) The Times (Pawtucket) WGAL-TV (Lancaster) Providence Business News (Providence) KOAT-TV (Lehigh Valley) Providence Journal-Bulletin (Providence)

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The Kent County Daily Times (West Warwick) Post and Courier, The (Charleston) Westerly Sun (Westerly) State, The (Columbia) The Call (Woonsocket) The Columbia Star (Columbia) Gacsis News (Conway) Online News & Press (Darlington) (Portsmouth) Citizen News (Edgefield) Rhode Island's Future (Providence) The Citizen News (Edgefield) Radio Morning News (Florence) Gaffney (Gaffney) BSR Radio 88.1 FM (Providence) Berkeley Independent (Goose Creek) WBRU-FM (Providence) Goose Creek Gazette (Goose Creek) WHJJ-AM (Providence) Greenville News (Greenville) WHJY-FM (Providence) The Index-Journal (Greenwood) WRNI (Providence) Island Packet, The (Hilton Head Island) WWBB-FM (Providence) Lexington County Chronicle & The Dispatch-News WPRO-AM (Riverside) Lexington (Lexington) Latino Newspaper (Mauldin) Television Moultrie News (Mt. Pleasant) WPRI-TV (East Providence) Myrtle Beach Sun News (Myrtle Beach) Lin Television Corporation (Providence) North Augusta Star (North Augusta) WJAR-TV (Providence) Orangeburg Times & Democrat (Orangeburg) WLNE-TV (Providence) Herald, The (Rock Hill) Seneca Daily Journal And Messenger (Seneca) SOUTH CAROLINA Spartanburg Business Report (Spartanburg) Spartanburg Herald-Journal (Spartanburg) Magazine Journal Scene (Summerville) Alternatives News Magazine (Myrtle Beach) Item, The (Sumter) Union Daily Times (Union) News Service Online Associated Press - Charleston, South Carolina Bureau (Charleston) (Columbia) Associated Press - Columbia Bureau (Columbia) Florence Morning News (Florence) Newspaper (Greenville) The Greer Citizen (Greer) Aiken Standard (Aiken) Kelly's Thoughts On Things (Lexington) Anderson Independent-Mail (Anderson) WBTW-TV (Myrtle Beach) Beaufort Gazette (Beaufort) (Myrtle Beach) Charleston Regional Business Journal (Charleston)

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Radio WRNN-FM (Myrtle Beach) WYEZ-FM (Myrtle Beach) WISW-AM (Cayce) WJZY-AM (Ravenel) WLXC-FM (Cayce) WOLT-FM (Spartanburg) WNKT-FM (Cayce) WDXY-AM (Sumter) WOMG-FM (Cayce) WAVF-FM (Charleston) Television WCKN-FM (Charleston) WCBD-TV (Charleston) WIOP-FM (Charleston) WCIV-TV (Charleston) WTMA-AM (Charleston) WCSC-TV (Charleston) WXST-FM (Charleston) WTAT-TV (Charleston) WCCP-FM (Clemson) WACH-TV (Columbia) WCOS-FM (Columbia) WIS-TV (Columbia) WLTR-FM (Columbia) WLTX-TV (Columbia) WLTY-FM (Columbia) WOLO-TV (Columbia) WNOK-FM (Columbia) WBTW-TV (Florence) WTCB-FM (Columbia) WPDE-TV (Florence-Myrtle Beach) WVOC-AM (Columbia) WHNS-TV (Greenville) WVOC-FM (Columbia) WYFF-TV (Greenville-Spartanburg-Ashville- WXBT-AM (Columbia) Anderson) WZZQ-AM (Gaffney) WMBF-TV (Myrtle Beach) WBJU-FM (Greenville) WRDW-TV (North Augusta) WESC-FM (Greenville) WSPA-TV (Spartanburg) WFBC-FM (Greenville) WYCW-TV (Spartanburg) WMUU-FM (Greenville) WMYI-FM (Greenville) SOUTH DAKOTA WORD-AM (Greenville) WROQ-FM (Greenville) News Service WSPA-FM (Greenville) Associated Press - Pierre Bureau (Pierre) WSSL-FM (Greenville) Associated Press - Sioux Falls Bureau (Sioux Falls) WTPT-FM (Greenville) WYRD-AM (Greenville) Newspaper

WYRD-FM (Greenville) American News (Aberdeen) WEZL-FM (Mount Pleasant) Brookings Daily Register (Brookings) WRFQ-FM (Mount Pleasant) South Dakota State University (Brookings) WSCC-FM (Mount Pleasant) Groton Independent (Groton) WXLY-FM (Mount Pleasant) Huron Daily Plainsman (Huron) WEZV-FM (Myrtle Beach) Madison Daily Leader (Madison)

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Daily Republic (Mitchell) KCCR-AM (Pierre) Mitchell Daily Republic (Mitchell) KGFX-AM (Pierre) (Pierre) KOTA-AM (Rapid City) Capital Journal (Pierre) KQRQ-FM (Rapid City) Black Hills Weekend - The Rapid City Journal (Rapid KZLK-FM (Rapid City) City) KELO-AM (Sioux Falls) Rapid City Journal (Rapid City) KELO-FM (Sioux Falls) Sioux Falls Argus Leader (Sioux Falls) KNWC-AM (Sioux Falls) Black Hills Pioneer (Spearfish) KNWC-FM (Sioux Falls) Black Hills Press (Sturgis) KRRO-FM (Sioux Falls) University Of Dakota (Vermillion) KSOO-AM (Sioux Falls) (Watertown) KSQB-FM (Sioux Falls) Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan (Yankton) KTWB-FM (Sioux Falls) Yankton Press & Dakotan (Yankton) KWSN-AM (Sioux Falls) Online KXQL-FM (Sioux Falls) KXRB-AM (Sioux Falls) About2Buy (Dakota Dunes) KBHB-AM (Sturgis) Radio KIXX-FM (Watertown) KSDR-AM (Watertown) KGIM-FM (Aberdeen) KWAT-AM (Watertown) KBFS-AM (Belle Fourche) KWYR-AM (Winner) South Dakota Public Broadcasting (Bismarck) KWYR-FM (Winner) KBRK-AM (Brookings) KVHT-FM (Yankton) KBRK-FM (Brookings) KYNT-AM (Yankton) KJJQ-AM (Brookings) KIJV-AM (Huron) Television KOKK-AM (Huron) KEVN-TV (Rapid City) KXLG-FM (Huron) KNBN-TV (Rapid City) KZNC-FM (Huron) KOTA-TV (Rapid City) KBJM-AM (Lemmon) KDLT-TV (Sioux Falls) KJAM-AM (Madison) KELO-TV (Sioux Falls) KJAM-FM (Madison) KSFY-TV (Sioux Falls) KBWS-FM (Milbank)

KMSD-AM (Milbank) KORN Radio (Mitchell) TENNESSEE KORN-AM (Mitchell) Magazine KOLY-AM (Mobridge) Dakota News Network (Pierre) Urban Voice Magazine (Chattanooga)

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Spry magazine (Franklin) University Of Tennessee - Daily Beacon (Knoxville) Contemporary Media Inc. (Memphis) Lebanon Democrat (Lebanon) Country Weekly (Nashville) The Pacer University of Tennessee (Martin) Weakly County Press (Martin) News Service Daily Times, The (Maryville) Associated Press - Nashville Bureau (Brentwood) Mcminnville (Mcminnville) Associated Press - Chattanooga Bureau Commercial Appeal, The (Memphis) (Chattanooga) La Raza Memphis (Memphis) Associated Press - Knoxville Bureau (Knoxville) Memphis Business Journal (Memphis) Associated Press - Memphis Bureau (Memphis) Memphis Daily News (Memphis) Bloomberg News - Nashville Bureau (Nashville) Memphis Flyer (Memphis) The First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt (Nashville) New York Times Broadcast Group, The (Memphis) The Daily News (Memphis) Newspaper The Mid-South Tribune (Memphis) Knoxville News-Sentinel - Blount County Bureau University of Memphis - The Daily Helmsman (Alcoa) (Memphis) Daily Post-Athenian (Athens) Citizen Tribune (Morristown) Chattanooga Times Free Press (Chattanooga) Morristown Citizen Tribune (Morristown) Austin Peay State University (Clarksville) Daily News Journal, The (Murfreesboro) Leaf-Chronicle, The (Clarksville) Middle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro) Cleveland Daily Banner (Cleveland) The Murfreesboro Post (Murfreesboro) The Southern Accent (Collegedale) Baptist Press (Nashville) The Daily Herald Columbia (Columbia) City Paper, The (Nashville) Cookeville Herald-Citizen (Cookeville) Nashville Business Journal (Nashville) The Daily Helmsman (Cordova) Tennessean, The (Nashville) Crossville Chronicle (Crossville) The Nashville Ledger (Nashville) Dyersburg State Gazette (Dyersburg) Urban Journal (Nashville) Elizabethton Star (Elizabethton) Vanderbilt University (Nashville) Germantown Appeal (Germantown) The Nolensville Dispatch (Nolensville) Greeneville Sun (Greeneville) Oak Ridger, The (Oak Ridge) Jackson Sun (Jackson) The Paris Post-Intelligencer (Paris) The Northwest Tennessee Times (Jackson) Sevierville Mountain Press (Sevierville) Johnson City Press (Johnson City) Shelbyville Times-Gazette (Shelbyville) Kingsport Times-News (Kingsport) Tullahoma News (Tullahoma) Knoxville Daily Sun (Knoxville) The Messenger (Union City) Knoxville Journal-Express, The (Knoxville) Online Knoxville News-Sentinel, The (Knoxville) Mundo Hispano (Knoxville) Knox Views (Alcoa)

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Gothic Blend (Antioch) WKOS-FM (Gray) (Chattanooga) WQUT-FM (Gray) Skinny Ms. (Crossville) WXSM-AM (Gray) First Officer's Blog (Franklin) WNSW-FM (Jackson) (Knoxville) WNWS-FM (Jackson) (Knoxville) WYNU-FM (Jackson) (Knoxville) WETS-FM (Johnson City) Down Home Politics (Lebanon) WKPT-AM (Kingsport) Neowin (Memphis) WMEV-FM (Kingsport) (Nashville) WRZK-FM (Kingsport) Her Nashville magazine (Nashville) WTFM-FM (Kingsport) (Nashville) WIMZ-FM (Knoxville) restless tech (Nashville) WIVK-FM (Knoxville) midsouthnewz, inc. (Savannah) WJXB-FM (Knoxville) WNML-AM (Knoxville) Radio WNML-FM (Knoxville) WJSQ-FM (Athens) WNRX-FM (Knoxville) WLAR-AM (Athens) WUOT-FM (Knoxville) WTBG-FM (Brownsville) WDXE-FM (Lawrenceburg) WNPC/WGGQ, Morristown Citizen Tribune (Bybee) WWLX-FM (Lawrenceburg) WGOW-AM (Chattanooga) WFTZ-FM (Manchester) WGOW-FM (Chattanooga) WCDZ-FM (Martin) WLND-FM (Chattanooga) WCMT-AM (Martin) WMBW-FM (Chattanooga) WCMT-FM (Martin) WMKW-FM (Chattanooga) WUTM-FM (Martin) WRXR-FM (Chattanooga) WKIM-FM (Memphis) WUSY-FM (Chattanooga) WQOX-FM (Memphis) WAPX-FM (Clarksville) WREC-AM (Memphis) WJZM-AM (Clarksville) WMOT-FM (Murfreesboro) WKOM-FM (Columbia) Chris White Ministries (Nashville) WATX (Cookeville) The Tennessee Radio Network (Nashville) WBXE (Cookeville) WAMB-AM (Nashville) WKXD (Cookeville) WFSK-FM (Nashville) WLQK (Cookeville) WGFX-FM (Nashville) WVCP-FM (Gallatin) WHRS-FM (Nashville) WGOC-AM (Gray) WKDF-FM (Nashville) WJCW-AM (Gray) WLAC-AM (Nashville)

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WNRQ-FM (Nashville) WTVF-TV (Nashville) WPLN-FM (Nashville) WZTV-TV (Nashville) WRVW-FM (Nashville) WSDJ-FM (Nashville) TEXAS WSIX-FM (Nashville) WUBT-FM (Nashville) Magazine

WWTN-FM (Nashville) Austin Family Magazine (Austin) WLIK-AM (Newport) Austin Monthly (Austin) WTNE-FM (Trenton) Dezignare (Austin) WYVY-FM (Union City) Forbes - Austin Bureau (Austin) Television Fortune - Austin Bureau (Austin) Texas Business Review (Austin) WDEF-TV (Chattanooga) Texas Monthly (Austin) WDSI-TV (Chattanooga) Tribeza (Austin) WRCB-TV (Chattanooga) Country Lifestyle (Boerne) WTVC-TV (Chattanooga) Hereford World (Dalhart) WBBJ-TV (Jackson) Advocate Home + Heritage Magazine (Dallas) WJKT-TV (Jackson) Basic Magazine (Dallas) WJHL-TV (Johnson City) Business Development Outlook (Dallas) WKPT-TV (Kingsport) BusinessWeek - Dallas Bureau (Dallas) WATE-TV (Knoxville) D Magazine (Dallas) WBIR-TV (Knoxville) Dallas Home Improvement Magazine (Dallas) WPXK-TV (Knoxville) DallasChild (Dallas) WVLT-TV (Knoxville) Downtown Business News (Dallas) WBII-TV (Memphis) F!D Luxe (Dallas) WHBQ-TV (Memphis) Footwork Media (Dallas) WLMT-TV (Memphis) Philanthropy World Magazine (Dallas) WMC-TV (Memphis) Real Estate and Friends Magazine (Dallas) WPTY-TV (Memphis) Realty Times (Dallas) WPXX-TV (Memphis) ScoreBoard Monthly (Dallas) WREG-TV (Memphis) Southwest Airlines Spirit Magazine (Dallas) WRUG Media (Memphis) Spirit Magazine (Dallas) NewsChannel 5 (Nashville) Stevens Publishing (Dallas) RFD-TV (Nashville) Texas Business (Dallas) WKRN-TV (Nashville) Texas Family Magazine (Dallas) WNPX-TV (Nashville) WHERE Magazine (Dallas) WSMV-TV (Nashville) Women's Enterprise Magazine (Dallas)

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Fort Worth, Texas: The City's Magazine (Fort Associated Press - Fort Worth Bureau (Fort Worth) Worth/Hurst) Associated Press - Harlingen Bureau (Harlingen) Blue Thumb, Inc. (Houston) Associated Press - Houston Bureau (Houston) Caribbean News Now (Houston) Bloomberg News - Houston Bureau (Houston) Cowboys & Indians Magazine (Houston) Dow Jones Bandwidth Intelligence Alert (Houston) HOLA Magazine (Houston) Reuters - Houston Bureau (Houston) Houston House & Home Magazine (Houston) Scripps Howard News Service (Houston) Inside Houston (Houston) Associated Press - Lubbock Bureau (Lubbock) Obvious Magazine (Houston) Associated Press - San Antonio Bureau (San Total Body Magazine (Houston) Antonio) Weddings In Houston (Houston) Newspaper Well Servicing (Houston) Where To Retire (Houston) Abilene Reporter-News (Abilene) Unsigned, The Magazine (Irving) Allen American (Allen) Success For Women (Lake Dallas) Alvarado Post (Alvarado) Laredo Family Time Magazine (Laredo) Shoppers Gazette (Alvin) MetroCatholic (Little Elm) Amarillo Globe-News (Amarillo) Sunday Magazine (Longview) The Amarillo College Ranger (Amarillo) Metro Latino Magazine (Midlothian) Andrews Count News Inc (Andrews) UT Dallas Management Magazine (Richardson) Arlington Morning News - (Arlington) Austin Daze Magazine and AMFM Magazine (Round Rock) Athens Review (Athens) Jewish Journal of San Antonio (San Antonio) Austin American-Statesman (Austin) Juice Weekly, The (San Antonio) Austin Business Journal (Austin) U.25 Magazine (San Antonio) Austin Chronicle, The (Austin) U-TURN Magazine (San Antonio) Corpus Christi Caller-Times - Austin Bureau (Austin) Country World (Sulphur Springs) Daily Texan, The (Austin) DermaScope Magazine (Sunnyvale) The Catholic Spirit (Austin) reviewit Magazine (The Woodlands) High Plains Reader (Bacliff) Matagorda County Advocate (Bay City) News Service The Baytown Sun (Baytown) Reuters - Dallas Bureau (Addison) Beaumont Business Journal (Beaumont) Associated Press - Austin Bureau (Austin) Beaumont Enterprise (Beaumont) Morris News Service (Austin) The Examiner (Beaumont) University of Texas - The Daily Texan (Austin) Big Spring Herald (Big Spring) Associated Press - Dallas Bureau (Dallas) Borger News-Herald (Borger) Bloomberg News - Dallas Bureau (Dallas) Brenham Banner Press (Brenham) Associated Press - El Paso Bureau (El Paso) The Brownfield News (Brownfield)

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Brownsville Herald (Brownsville) North Texas State Univ - Daily Campus (Denton) Texas Southmost College (Brownsville) Cedar Hill Today (DeSoto) (Brownwood) DeSoto Today (DeSoto) Bryan Eagle/Bryan College (Bryan) Duncanville Today (Duncanville) Kilgore News Herald (Bullard) El Diario De El Paso (El Paso) Clear Lake Citizen (Clear Lake) El Paso Inc. (El Paso) Cleburne Times-Review (Cleburne) (El Paso) Clute Brazosport Facts (Clute) Elgin Courier (Elgin) Facts, The (Clute) Ennis Daily News (Ennis) Battalion (College Station) Farmersville Times (Farmersville) Courier, The (Conroe) Diario La Estrella (Fort Worth) The Copperas Cove Leader Press (Copperas Cove) Fort Worth Business Press (Fort Worth) Business Journal of Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi) Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth) Corpus Christi Caller-Times (Corpus Christi) Fort Worth Weekly (Fort Worth) Corsicana Daily Sun (Corsicana) TCU Daily Skiff (Fort Worth) Navarro County Times (Corsicana) Texas Christian University (Fort Worth) Houston County Courier (Crockett) The North Texas Catholic (Fort Worth) The Zavala County Sentinel (Crystal City) African American Focus Newspapers (Fresno) Al Dia (Dallas) Gainesville Daily Register (Gainesville) Chicago Tribune - Dallas Bureau (Dallas) Galveston County Daily News (Galveston) Dallas Business Journal (Dallas) Garland Area Democratic Voice (Garland) Dallas Examiner, The (Dallas) The Garland News (Garland) Dallas Morning News, The (Dallas) Grand Prairie Times (Grand Prairie) El Lider USA (Dallas) Greenville Herald-Banner (Greenville) Oak Cliff Tribune (Dallas) Groveton News (Groveton) Quick (Dallas) Harlingen Valley Morning Star (Harlingen) Richland College (Dallas) Valley Morning Star (Harlingen) Southern Methodist Univ. (Dallas) Henderson Daily News (Henderson) Texas Triangle (Dallas) Hereford Brand (Hereford) The Dallas Observer (Dallas) 1960 Sun (Houston) The Texas Herald (Dallas) African News-Digest (Houston) The United Methodist Reporter (Dallas) Business Pros Newspaper (Houston) Turtle Creek News (Dallas) Copperfield Sun (Houston) United Methodist Reporter (Dallas) Daily Court Review (Houston) Wall Street Journal - Dallas Bureau, The (Dallas) El Gato Media Network (Houston) Del Rio News-Herald (Del Rio) Houston Business Journal (Houston) Denton Record-Chronicle (Denton) Houston Chronicle (Houston)

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Houston Latino Magazine (Houston) The Et Cetera (Mesquite) Houston Press (Houston) The Mesquite News (Mesquite) Little Saigon News (Houston) Midland Reporter-Telegram (Midland) Los Angeles Times - Houston Bureau (Houston) The Midlothian Mirror (Midlothian) New York Times - Houston Bureau, The (Houston) Mineral Wells Index (Mineral Wells) Reuters - Houston Bureau (Houston) Mount Pleasant Daily Trib (Mount Pleasant) The Egalitarian (Houston) Murphy Monitor (Murphy) Wall Street Journal - Houston Bureau, The The Daily Sentinel (Nacogdoches) (Houston) Needville News (Needville) Huntsville Item (Huntsville) New Braunfels Herald Zeitung (New Braunfels) The Collegian (Hurst) Odessa American (Odessa) The Irving Rambler (Irving) Orange Leader (Orange) Jack County Herald (Jacksboro) Palestine Herald-Press (Palestine) Jacksonville Daily Progress (Jacksonville) Pampa News (Pampa) Jefferson Jimplecute (Jefferson) Paris News (Paris) The Jewett Messenger Inc. (Jewett) Friendswood Journal (Pearland) Kerrville Daily Times (Kerrville) Pflugerville Pflag (Pflugerville) Kilgore News Herald (Kilgore) Plainview Daily Herald (Plainview) Killeen Daily Herald (Killeen) Inside Collin County Business (Plano) South Texan (Kingsville) Plano (Plano) The Lake Cities Sun (Lake Dallas) Port Arthur News (Port Arthur) Laredo Morning Times (Laredo) The Lake Front (Portland) Laredo Times (Laredo) Princeton Herald (Princeton) Resolute Media Group (Lewisville) Ellis County Chronicle (Red Oak) Longview News-Journal (Longview) Richardson Morning News (Richardson) Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (Lubbock) The Fort Bend Herald & Texas Coaster (Rosenberg) Texas Tech University-The Daily Toreador Sachse News (Sachse) (Lubbock) San Angelo Standard Times (San Angelo) The Latino Weekly (Lubbock) La Prensa de San Antonio (San Antonio) Lufkin News (Lufkin) North San Antonio Times (San Antonio) News Messenger (Marshall) San Antonio Business Journal (San Antonio) Monitor, The (McAllen) San Antonio Current (San Antonio) The Business Times of the RGV (McAllen) San Antonio Express-News (San Antonio) The Monitor (McAllen) San Marcos Daily Record (San Marcos) McKinney Courier-Gazette (McKinney) The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise (Seguin) McKinney Messenger (McKinney) Seminole Sentinel (Seminole) McKinney Today (McKinney) Herald Democrat, The (Sherman) Eastfield College (Et Cetera) (Mesquite)

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Snyder Daily News (Snyder) Corpus Christi Caller-Times - Austin Bureau (Austin) Area Wide Business & Commerce Journal Daily Texan, The (Austin) (Stephenville) The Catholic Spirit (Austin) Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas (Stephenville) High Plains Reader (Bacliff) Stephenville Empire-Tribune (Stephenville) Matagorda County Advocate (Bay City) Tarleton State University (Stephenville) The Baytown Sun (Baytown) Sulphur Springs News-Telegram (Sulphur Springs) Beaumont Business Journal (Beaumont) Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater) Beaumont Enterprise (Beaumont) Temple Daily Telegram (Temple) The Examiner (Beaumont) Texarkana Gazette (Texarkana) Big Spring Herald (Big Spring) The Tribune (Tomball) Borger News-Herald (Borger) Trinity Standard (Trinity) Brenham Banner Press (Brenham) Tyler Morning Telegraph (Tyler) The Brownfield News (Brownfield) The Van Alstyne Leader (Van Alstyne) Brownsville Herald (Brownsville) Vernon Record (Vernon) Texas Southmost College (Brownsville) Victoria Advocate (Victoria) Brownwood Bulletin (Brownwood) Baylor Lariat (Waco) Bryan Eagle/Bryan College (Bryan) Waco Tribune-Herald (Waco) Kilgore News Herald (Bullard) Waxahachie Daily Light (Waxahachie) Clear Lake Citizen (Clear Lake) Weatherford Democrat (Weatherford) Cleburne Times-Review (Cleburne) Wichita Falls Times-Record-News (Wichita Falls) Clute Brazosport Facts (Clute) Wilmer Public Citizen (Wilmer) Facts, The (Clute) Wylie News (Wylie) Battalion (College Station) Online Courier, The (Conroe) The Copperas Cove Leader Press (Copperas Cove) Abilene Reporter-News (Abilene) Business Journal of Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi) Allen American (Allen) Corpus Christi Caller-Times (Corpus Christi) Alvarado Post (Alvarado) Corsicana Daily Sun (Corsicana) Shoppers Gazette (Alvin) Navarro County Times (Corsicana) Amarillo Globe-News (Amarillo) Houston County Courier (Crockett) The Amarillo College Ranger (Amarillo) The Zavala County Sentinel (Crystal City) Andrews Count News Inc (Andrews) Al Dia (Dallas) Arlington Morning News - The Dallas Morning News (Arlington) Chicago Tribune - Dallas Bureau (Dallas) Athens Review (Athens) Dallas Business Journal (Dallas) Austin American-Statesman (Austin) Dallas Examiner, The (Dallas) Austin Business Journal (Austin) Dallas Morning News, The (Dallas) Austin Chronicle, The (Austin) El Lider USA (Dallas)

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Oak Cliff Tribune (Dallas) Groveton News (Groveton) Quick (Dallas) Harlingen Valley Morning Star (Harlingen) Richland College (Dallas) Valley Morning Star (Harlingen) Southern Methodist Univ. (Dallas) Henderson Daily News (Henderson) Texas Triangle (Dallas) Hereford Brand (Hereford) The Dallas Observer (Dallas) 1960 Sun (Houston) The Texas Herald (Dallas) African News-Digest (Houston) The United Methodist Reporter (Dallas) Business Pros Newspaper (Houston) Turtle Creek News (Dallas) Copperfield Sun (Houston) United Methodist Reporter (Dallas) Daily Court Review (Houston) Wall Street Journal - Dallas Bureau, The (Dallas) El Gato Media Network (Houston) Del Rio News-Herald (Del Rio) Houston Business Journal (Houston) Denton Record-Chronicle (Denton) Houston Chronicle (Houston) North Texas State Univ - Daily Campus (Denton) Houston Latino Magazine (Houston) Cedar Hill Today (DeSoto) Houston Press (Houston) DeSoto Today (DeSoto) Little Saigon News (Houston) Duncanville Today (Duncanville) Los Angeles Times - Houston Bureau (Houston) El Diario De El Paso (El Paso) New York Times - Houston Bureau, The (Houston) El Paso Inc. (El Paso) Reuters - Houston Bureau (Houston) El Paso Times (El Paso) The Egalitarian (Houston) Elgin Courier (Elgin) Wall Street Journal - Houston Bureau, The Ennis Daily News (Ennis) (Houston) Huntsville Item (Huntsville) Farmersville Times (Farmersville) Diario La Estrella (Fort Worth) The Collegian (Hurst) The Irving Rambler (Irving) Fort Worth Business Press (Fort Worth) Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth) Jack County Herald (Jacksboro) Jacksonville Daily Progress (Jacksonville) Fort Worth Weekly (Fort Worth) TCU Daily Skiff (Fort Worth) Jefferson Jimplecute (Jefferson) The Jewett Messenger Inc. (Jewett) Texas Christian University (Fort Worth) The North Texas Catholic (Fort Worth) Kerrville Daily Times (Kerrville) Kilgore News Herald (Kilgore) African American Focus Newspapers (Fresno) Gainesville Daily Register (Gainesville) Killeen Daily Herald (Killeen) South Texan (Kingsville) Galveston County Daily News (Galveston) Garland Area Democratic Voice (Garland) The Lake Cities Sun (Lake Dallas) Laredo Morning Times (Laredo) The Garland News (Garland) Grand Prairie Times (Grand Prairie) Laredo Times (Laredo) Resolute Media Group (Lewisville) Greenville Herald-Banner (Greenville) Longview News-Journal (Longview)

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Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (Lubbock) The Fort Bend Herald & Texas Coaster (Rosenberg) Texas Tech University-The Daily Toreador Sachse News (Sachse) (Lubbock) San Angelo Standard Times (San Angelo) The Latino Weekly (Lubbock) La Prensa de San Antonio (San Antonio) Lufkin News (Lufkin) North San Antonio Times (San Antonio) News Messenger (Marshall) San Antonio Business Journal (San Antonio) Monitor, The (McAllen) San Antonio Current (San Antonio) The Business Times of the RGV (McAllen) San Antonio Express-News (San Antonio) The Monitor (McAllen) San Marcos Daily Record (San Marcos) McKinney Courier-Gazette (McKinney) The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise (Seguin) McKinney Messenger (McKinney) Seminole Sentinel (Seminole) McKinney Today (McKinney) Herald Democrat, The (Sherman) Eastfield College (Et Cetera) (Mesquite) Snyder Daily News (Snyder) The Et Cetera (Mesquite) Area Wide Business & Commerce Journal The Mesquite News (Mesquite) (Stephenville) Midland Reporter-Telegram (Midland) Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas (Stephenville) The Midlothian Mirror (Midlothian) Stephenville Empire-Tribune (Stephenville) Mineral Wells Index (Mineral Wells) Tarleton State University (Stephenville) Mount Pleasant Daily Trib (Mount Pleasant) Sulphur Springs News-Telegram (Sulphur Springs) Murphy Monitor (Murphy) Sweetwater Reporter (Sweetwater) The Daily Sentinel (Nacogdoches) Temple Daily Telegram (Temple) Needville News (Needville) Texarkana Gazette (Texarkana) New Braunfels Herald Zeitung (New Braunfels) The Tribune (Tomball) Odessa American (Odessa) Trinity Standard (Trinity) Orange Leader (Orange) Tyler Morning Telegraph (Tyler) Palestine Herald-Press (Palestine) The Van Alstyne Leader (Van Alstyne) Pampa News (Pampa) Vernon Record (Vernon) Paris News (Paris) Victoria Advocate (Victoria) Friendswood Journal (Pearland) Baylor Lariat (Waco) Pflugerville Pflag (Pflugerville) Waco Tribune-Herald (Waco) Plainview Daily Herald (Plainview) Waxahachie Daily Light (Waxahachie) Inside Collin County Business (Plano) Weatherford Democrat (Weatherford) Plano Star Courier (Plano) Wichita Falls Times-Record-News (Wichita Falls) Port Arthur News (Port Arthur) Wilmer Public Citizen (Wilmer) The Lake Front (Portland) Wylie News (Wylie) Princeton Herald (Princeton) Radio Ellis County Chronicle (Red Oak) Richardson Morning News (Richardson) KACU-FM (Abilene)

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KACC-FM (Alvin) KTEP-FM (El Paso) KIXZ-AM (Amarillo) KTSM-AM (El Paso) KXGL-FM (Amarillo) KTSM-FM (El Paso) ABC Radio (Arlington) The Earth Train (Flower Mound) KCBI-FM (Arlington) KPFC-FM (Gainesville) KPYN-AM (Atlanta) Ask Andrea (Garland) Earth & Sky (Austin) Mother Earth News Radio (Garland) KASE-FM (Austin) KBHT-FM (Grapeland) KAZI-FM (Austin) KPAN-AM (Hereford) KLBJ-AM (Austin) Clear Channel Radio (Houston) KMFA Radio, Texas State Radio Network (Austin) KCOH-AM (Houston) KTXX-FM (Austin) KGLK-FM (Houston) KUT Radio (Austin) KHPT-FM (Houston) KUT-FM (Austin) KHTC-FM (Houston) KVET-AM (Austin) KIKK-AM (Houston) KVET-FM (Austin) KKBQ-FM (Houston) KWNX-AM (Austin) KNTH-AM (Houston) Latino USA (Austin) KPFT-FM (Houston) The Patrick Phillips Show (Austin) KROI-FM (Houston) KLVI-AM (Beaumont) KTHT-FM (Houston) KBYG-AM (Big Spring) KTRH-AM (Houston) WTAW-AM (College Station) KTSU-FM (Houston) KETR-FM (Commerce) KUHF-FM (Houston) KEDT-FM (Corpus Christi) Metro Networks - Houston Bureau (Houston) KKTX-AM (Corpus Christi) NPR's LATINO USA (Houston) KERA-FM (Dallas) Nuevo Milenio Radio (Houston) KLIF-AM (Dallas) Yahoo! Sports Radio (Houston) KPMZ-FM (Dallas) KSKY-AM (Irving) KRLD-AM (Dallas) KFMX-FM (Lubbock) Metro Networks - Dallas Bureau (Dallas) KFYO-AM (Lubbock) Texas State Networks (Dallas) KKAM-AM (Lubbock) USA Radio Network (Dallas) KKCL-FM (Lubbock) WBAP-AM (Dallas) KQBR-FM (Lubbock) KNTU-FM (Denton) KTTZ-FM (Lubbock) KELP-AM (El paso) KZII-FM (Lubbock) KHEY-FM (El Paso) KJTV-AM (Lubbox) KPRR-FM (El Paso) KTTU-FM (Lubbox)

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KURV-AM (McAllen) KEYE-TV (Austin) KCRS-AM (Odessa) KLRU-TV (Austin) KNET-AM (Palestine) KTBC-TV (Austin) KYYK-FM (Palestine) KVUE-TV (Austin) East Texas Radio (Paris) KXAN-TV (Austin) KXDJ-FM (Perryton) Más TV Publicaciones LLC (Austin) Sporting News Radio (Roanoke) News 8 Austin (Austin) KBBT-FM (San Antonio) KFDM-TV (Beaumont) KCOR-AM (San Antonio) KBTX-TV (Bryan) KCYY-FM (San Antonio) KORO-TV (Corpus Christi) KGSX-FM (San Antonio) KRIS-TV (Corpus Christi) KKYX-AM (San Antonio) KDAF-TV (Dallas) KPWT-FM (San Antonio) KDFW-TV (Dallas) KROM-FM (San Antonio) KUVN-TV (Dallas) KSMG-FM (San Antonio) KXTX-TV (Dallas) KTFM-FM (San Antonio) SMU-TV (Dallas) KTKR-AM (San Antonio) Texas Cable News - TXCN (Dallas) KTSA-AM (San Antonio) TPC Studios (Dallas) KXTN-FM (San Antonio) WFAA-TV (Dallas) WOAI-AM (San Antonio) KKCO-TV (Denison) KWED-AM (Seguin) KTEN-TV (Denison) UTN Channel 38.5 (Sugar Land) KDBC-TV (El Paso) KXOX-AM (Sweetwater) KFOX-TV (El paso) KXOX-FM (Sweetwater) KINT-TV (El paso) KKTK-AM (Texarkana) KTSM-TV (El Paso) KTXK-FM (Texarkana) KVIA-TV (El Paso) KNUE-FM (Tyler) KTVT-TV (Fort Worth) KTBB-AM (Tyler) KXAS-TV (Fort Worth) Barrington Broadcasting Group (Images pool) Television (Harlingen) KRBC-TV (Abilene) KGBT-TV (Harlingen) KTAB-TV (Abilene) Belo, Inc. (Houston) KTXS-TV (Abilene) KHOU-TV (Houston) KAMR-TV (Amarillo) KIAH-TV (Houston) KFDA-TV (Amarillo) KPRC-TV (Houston) KVII-TV (Amarillo) KRIV-TV (Houston) KAKW-TV (Austin) KTMD-TV (Houston) KTRK-TV (Houston)

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KXLN-TV (Houston) UTAH KGNS-TV (Laredo) KLDO-TV (Laredo) Magazine

KCBD-TV (Lubbock) Utah Buildings (Orem) KJTV-TV (Lubbock) Luxury Living Magazine (Park City) KLBK-TV (Lubbock) Slug magazine (Salt Lake City) KTRE-TV (Lufkin) Entravision (McAllen) News Service KNVO-TV (McAllen) Associated Press - Salt Lake City Bureau (Salt Lake McAllen Cable Network (McAllen) City) KMID-TV (Midland) Newspaper KWES-TV (Midland) Cedar City Daily News (Cedar City) KOSA-TV (Odessa) The Herald Journal (Logan) Plano Television Network (Plano) Standard-Examiner (Ogden) KACB-TV (San Angelo) The Signpost Weber State University (Ogden) KSAN-TV (San Angelo) Daily Herald, The (Provo) KABB-TV (San Antonio) Daily Universe (Provo) KENS-TV (San Antonio) Deseret News (Salt Lake City) KSAT-TV (San Antonio) Salt Lake City Weekly (Salt Lake City) KVDA-TV (San Antonio) Salt Lake Tribune, The (Salt Lake City) KWEX-TV (San Antonio) Utah Business Magazine (Salt Lake City) WOAI-TV (San Antonio) Spectrum Daily News (St. George) KXII-TV (Sherman) (Tromonton) KRIV-TV (Spring) KCEN-TV (Temple) Online KTAL-TV (Texarkana) Jetson Green (Salt Lake City) KLTV-TV (Tyler) (Salt Lake City) KYTX-TV (Tyler) The Daily Cartoonist (Sandy) KAVU-TV (Victoria) Etcetera (St. George) KWKT-TV (Waco) St. George News (Washington) KWTX-TV (Waco) (West Jordan) KXXV-TV (Waco) KRGV-TV (Weslaco) Radio KAUZ-TV (Wichita Falls) Animal Radio Network (Kanab) KFDX-TV (Wichita Falls) KBLQ-FM (Logan)

KUSU-FM (Logan)

KVNU-AM (Logan)

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KMTI-AM (Manti) VERMONT KCYN-FM (Moab) KCPW-FM (Park City) Magazine

BYU Radio (Provo) Eating Well Magazine (Charlotte) KBYU-FM (Provo) KCPW-FM (Salt Lake City) News Service KEGA-AM (Salt Lake City) Associated Press - Montpelier Bureau (Montpelier) KJMY-FM (Salt Lake City) Newspaper KKAT-AM (Salt Lake City) KMJI-FM (Salt Lake City) Barre Times Argus (Barre) KNRS-AM (Salt Lake City) Times Argus (Barre/Montpelier) KNRS-FM (Salt Lake City) Bennington Banner (Bennington) KODJ-FM (Salt Lake City) Rutland Herald - Bennington Bureau (Bennington) KOSY-FM (Salt Lake City) Brattleboro Reformer (Brattleboro) KRSP-FM (Salt Lake City) Burlington Free Press (Burlington) KSL-AM (Salt Lake City) The Defender (Colchester) KSOP-AM (Salt Lake City) The Critic (Lyndonville) KSOP-FM (Salt Lake City) Manchester Journal (Manchester Center) KUER-FM (Salt Lake City) Newport Daily Express (Newport) KXRV-FM (Salt Lake City) Champlain Business Journal (Rutland) KZHT-FM (Salt Lake City) Rutland Business Journal (Rutland) KDXU-AM (St. George) Rutland Herald (Rutland) St. Albans Messenger (St. Albans) Television St. Johnsbury Caledonian-Record (St. Johnsbury) KUTV-TV (Layton) Stowe Reporter (Stowe) KJZZ-TV (Salt Lake City) Deerfield Valley News (West Dover) KSL-TV (Salt Lake City) Vermont Guardian (Winooski) KSTU-TV (Salt Lake City) Online KTVX-TV (Salt Lake City) KUTV-TV (Salt Lake City) The Carpetbagger Report (Essex Junction) Salt TV Network (Salt Lake City) Radio Starfish Television Network (Salt Lake City) KCSG Television (St. George) WBTN-AM (Bennington) WTSA-FM (Brattleboro) WBTN-FM (Colchester) WRVT-FM (Colchester) WVPA-FM (Colchester) WVPR-FM (Colchester)

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WVPS-FM (Colchester) PETA's Animal Times (Norfolk) WGMT-FM (Lyndonville) Towing & Recovery Footnotes (Norfolk) WRMC-FM (Middlebury) Virginia Maritimer (Norfolk) WNCS-FM (Montpelier) AFE Facilities Engineering Journal (Reston) WLVB-FM (Morrisville) Virginia Nurses Today (Richmond) WJJR-FM (Rutland) Specialized Information Publishers Association (Vienna) WSYB-AM (Rutland) WZRT-FM (Rutland) News Service WKXH-FM (St. Johnsbury) Comtex (Alexandria) WSTJ-AM (St. Johnsbury) Qatar News Agency (Alexandria) WCVT-FM (Waterbury) Knowledge Systems (Chantilly) WDEV-FM (Waterbury) Washington and Lee University (Lexington) Television Gannett News Service (McLean)

Sante Magazine (Bennington) Associated Press - Norfolk Bureau (Norfolk) Associated Press - Richmond Bureau (Richmond) WCAX-TV (Burlington) WFFF-TV (Colchester) Associated Press - Roanoke Bureau (Roanoke) Associated Press - Springfield, Virginia Bureau Greater Northshore Access TV (Manchester Center) (Springfield)

VIRGINIA Newspaper Alexandria Journal (VA) (Alexandria) Magazine Capitol Publications (Alexandria) AH! Cultural Recovery Magazine (Alexandria) Journal Newspapers (Alexandria) American School Board Journal (Alexandria) Northern Virginia Journal, The (Alexandria) Common Ground Magazine (Alexandria) Washington Post - Alexandria Bureau, The (Alexandria) Drug & Biologic Guidance Watch (Alexandria) Capitol Leader (Politico) (Arlington) Journal of Government Financial Management (Alexandria) USA Today (Arlington) Professional Pilot (Alexandria) Washington Business Journal (Arlington) Inside CMS (Arlington) Washington Post Express (Arlington) Mobility (Arlington) Bristol Herald Courier (Bristol) On Tap Magazine (Arlington) Albermarle Tribune (Charlottesville) Albemarle Magazine (Charlottesville) Cavalier Daily (Charlottesville) Community College Week (Fairfax) Daily Progress,The (Charlottesville) Boomer Life Magazine (Midlothian) Chesterfield Observer (Chesterfield) Seniors Guide (Midlothian) Virginian Review (Covington) Inside Business (Norfolk) Culpeper Star Exponent (Culpeper) Norfolk Visitors Guide (Norfolk) Danville Register & Bee (Danville)

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Washington Post - Fairfax Bureau, The (Fairfax) Washington Post - Richmond Bureau, The Falls Church News-Press (Falls Church) (Richmond) Blue Ridge Business Journal (Roanoke) Veterans Vision (Falls Church) The Iron Blade (Ferrum) Roanoke Times, The (Roanoke) Smithfield Times, The (Smithfield) Free Lance-Star, The (Fredericksburg) Warren County Report Newspaper (Front Royal) Springfield Army Times (Springfield) Washington Examiner (Springfield) Daily News-Record (Harrisonburg) Times Community Newspapers (Herndon) Staunton News Leader (Staunton) Northern Virginia Daily (Strasburg) DataTrends Publications (Leesburg) Washington Post - Loudoun County Bureau, The Strasburg Northern Virginia Daily (Strasburg) (Leesburg) Tidewater Hispanic News (Virginia Beach) Loudoun Times-Mirror (Loudon County) The Piedmont Virginian (Warrenton) News & Advance (Lynchburg) Washington Post - Fauquier Bureau, The (Warrenton) Washington Post - Manassas Bureau, The (Manassas) Waynesboro News-Virginian (Waynesboro) Woodbridge News & Messenger (Manassas) Winchester Star (Winchester) Martinsville Bulletin (Martinsville) Potomac News (Woodbridge) DC Examiner (McLean) Online Herndon Connection (McLean) USA Today Sports Weekly (McLean) Cybercast News Service (Alexandria) USA Weekend (McLean) Pam's House Blend (Alexandria) White House Bulletin (McLean) ExecutiveMosaic (Annandale) Daily Press (Newport News) Project Breakout (Annandale) Norfolk Virginian Pilot (Norfolk) Inside The Navy (Arlington) Spartan Echo (Norfolk) Oneplace LLC (Arlington) The Spartan Echo (Norfolk) (Arlington) Virginia Business Observer (Norfolk) Scraps of My Geek Life (Chantilly) Petersburg Progress-Index (Petersburg) Center for Politics (Charlottesville) Southwest Times, The (Pulaski) Newsvine (Christiansburg) The Pulaski County Patriot (Pulaski) Digitizd (Daleville) Springfield Times-Courier (Reston) AOL (Dulles) Media General Inc. (Richmond) American String Teacher (Fairfax) Richmond Free Press (Richmond) Fred2Blue Blog (Fredericksburg) Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond) Everyday Citizen (Herndon) The Heart and Soul of the City Newspaper (Leesburg) (Richmond) Laughing Lindsay Blog (Rural Retreat) Virginia Commonwealth Univ-Cmnwlth Times America Online (Vienna) (Richmond) Comments From Left Field Blog (Virginia Beach)

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Radio WKHK-FM (Richmond) WKLR-FM (Richmond) WESR-FM (Accomac) WMXB-FM (Richmond) NRANews (Alexandria) WRVA-AM (Richmond) Salem Radio Network (Arlington) WRVQ-FM (Richmond) WETA-FM (Arlington) WURV-FM (Richmond) WFHG-FM (Bristol) WXGI-AM (Richmond) WXBQ-FM (Bristol) WFIR-AM (Roanoke) WFOS-FM (Chesapeake) WSLC-FM (Roanoke) WAKG-FM (Danville) WSLQ-FM (Roanoke) WBTM-AM (Danville) WVBE-AM (Roanoke) WFLO-AM (Farmville) WVBE-FM (Roanoke) WFLO-FM (Farmville) WVTF (Roanoke) WFLS-FM (Fredericksburg) WXLK-FM (Roanoke) WGRQ-FM (Fredericksburg) WYTI-AM (Rocky Mount) WWUZ-FM (Fredericksburg) WHEO-AM (Stuart) WYSK-AM (Fredericksburg) WRAR-FM (Tappahannock) WFVA-AM (Fredricksburg) Christian Broadcasting Network (Virginia Beach) WZRV-FM (Front Royal) WGH-FM (Virginia Beach) WTJZ-AM (Hampton) WVBW-FM (Virginia Beach) WACL-FM (Harrisonburg) WXTG-FM (Virginia Beach) WAZR-FM (Harrisonburg) WNNT-FM (Warsaw) WKCI-AM (Harrisonburg) WINC-AM (Winchester) WKCY-AM (Harrisonburg) WINC-FM (Winchester) WKCY-FM (Harrisonburg) WWRE-FM (Winchester) WKDW-AM (Harrisonburg) WWRT-FM (Winchester) WSVA-AM (Harrisonburg) WYVE-AM/WXBX-FM (Wytheville) WSVO-FM (Harrisonburg) WKWI-FM (Kilmarnock) Television WLNI-FM (Lynchburg) News Hour With Jim Lehrer (Arlington) WWMC-FM (Lynchburg) NewsChannel 8 (Arlington) WHRO-FM (Norfolk) Reuters Television - Arlington Bureau (Arlington) WNIS-AM (Norfolk) WJLA-TV (Arlington) WOWI-FM (Norfolk) WCYB-TV (Bristol) WFNR-AM (Radford) WVIR-TV (Charlottesville) Virginia News Network - WRVA-AM (Richmond) WTKR-TV (Hampton Roads) WCVE-FM (Richmond) WHSV-TV (Harrisonburg) WHTI-FM (Richmond)

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Windmill Broadcasting (Irvington) Newspaper WSET-TV (Lynchburg) Daily World, The (Aberdeen) WTKR-TV (Norfolk) Eastside Journal (Bellevue) WVEC-TV (Norfolk) Bellingham Business Journal (Bellingham) WAVY-TV (Portsmouth) Bellingham Herald (Bellingham) WGNT-TV (Portsmouth) (Bremerton) WVBT-TV (Portsmouth) Sun, The (Bremerton) WRIC-TV (Richmond) Federal Way News (Burien) WTVR-TV (Richmond) Camas-Washougal Post-Record (Camas) WWBT-TV (Richmond) The Centralia Chronicle (Centralia) WDBJ-TV (Roanoke) The Chronicle (Centralia) WSLS-TV (Roanoke) Cody Enterprise (Cody) WAVY-TV (Virginia Beach) Empire Press (East Wenatchee)

Daily Record (Ellensburg) WASHINGTON Everett Herald (Everett) Federal Way Mirror (Federal Way) Magazine Forks Forum (Forks) Executive Media Corp. (Ellensburg) The Peninsula Gateway (Gig Harbor) Military & Aerospace Electronics (Liberty Lake) Issaquah Press (Issaquah) 425 Magazine (Seattle) Newcastle News (Issaquah) BusinessWeek - Seattle Bureau (Seattle) Sammamish Review (Issaquah) City Arts (Seattle) Tu Decides/You Decide (Kennewick) DList Magazine (Seattle) Sea Latino (Kent) Lifelong AIDS Alliance (Seattle) GalTime (Kirkland) Seattle Magazine (Seattle) La Conner Weekly News (La Conner) BUILDERnews magazine (Vancouver) Chinook Observer (Long Beach) CoffeeTalk and the Daily Dose (Vashon) The Daily News (Longview) News Service North Seattle Journal (Lynnwood) The Enterprise (Lynwood) Associated Press - Olympia Bureau (Olympia) Mercer Island Reporter (Mercer Island) Gannett News Service - Olympia Bureau (Olympia) Monroe Monitor/Valley News (Monroe) Washington State University (Pullman) East County Journal (Morton) Associated Press - Seattle Bureau (Seattle) Columbia Basin Herald (Moses Lake) Bloomberg News - Seattle Bureau (Seattle) Mount Vernon Skagit Valley Herald (Mount Vernon) Reuters - Seattle Bureau (Seattle) Olympian, The (Olympia) Associated Press - Spokane Bureau (Spokane) Omak Chronicle (Omak) Associated Press - Yakima Bureau (Yakima) Tri-City Herald (Pasco)

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EXHIBIT B Teufel v. Karlin Foods Corporation Stipulation of Settlement

PROPOSED ORDER GRANTING FINAL JUDGMENT AND ORDER APPROVING CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 205 of 212


CASE NO.: 1:14-cv-23100-LENARD/GOODMAN

AMBER GRACE TEUFEL, as an individual and on behalf of all others similarly situated,

Plaintiff, vs.

KARLIN FOODS CORPORATION, an Illinois Corporation,



On ______, 2015, the Court granted preliminary approval to the Stipulation of Class

Action Settlement (the “Agreement”). The Court also provisionally certified a nationwide

Settlement Class for settlement purposes, approved the procedure for giving notice and forms of

notice, and set a final approval hearing to take place on ______, 2015.

On ______, the Court held a duly noticed Final Approval Hearing to

consider: (1) whether the terms and conditions of the Agreement are fair, reasonable, and adequate;

(2) whether a judgment should be entered dismissing the Action with prejudice; and (3) whether

and in what amount to award Class Counsel as attorneys’ fees and expenses and whether and in

what amount to award incentive payments to the Class Representatives.

Based upon the submissions of the Parties and all matters submitted to it at the hearing and



1. The Agreement, including the definitions contained therein, is incorporated by

reference into, and is a part of, this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement. All

1 Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 206 of 212

capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Agreement unless

set forth differently herein.

2. The Court has personal jurisdiction over the Parties and the Settlement Class

Members, and it has subject matter jurisdiction to approve the Agreement, including all exhibits

thereto, and enter this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement. Without in any way

affecting the finality of this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement, this Court hereby

retains jurisdiction as to all matters relating to administration, consummation, enforcement, and

interpretation of the Agreement and of this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement, and

for any other necessary purpose.

3. The Court finds, for settlement purposes only and conditioned upon the entry of

this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement and upon the occurrence of the Effective

Date, that the requirements of Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are met by the

Settlement Class: (a) the number of Settlement Class Members is so numerous that joinder of all

members thereof is impracticable, if not impossible; (b) there are questions of law and fact

common to the Settlement Class; (c) Amber Teufel’s (“Teufel”) claims are typical of the claims

of the Settlement Class they seek to represent; (d) Teufel has fairly and adequately represented,

and will continue to fairly and adequately represent the interests of the Settlement Class; (e) the

questions of law and fact common to the Settlement Class Members predominate over any

questions affecting any individual Settlement Class Member; (f) Karlin Foods, Inc. (“Karlin”) has

acted on grounds that apply generally to the Settlement Class, such that final injunctive relief is

appropriate respecting the Settlement Class as a whole; (g) a class settlement is superior to other

available methods for a fair resolution of the controversy.


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4. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23, this Court hereby finally certifies, for settlement

purposes only, a Settlement Class defined as:

All Persons who, for personal or household use, purchased Karlin Foods Corporation’s Great Value™ Cornstarch, sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores, and labeled as “All Natural,” in the United States from August 22, 2010 through the present. Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (a) all Persons who purchased or acquired the Product for resale; (b) Karlin Foods Corporation and its employees, principals, affiliated entities, legal representatives, successors and assigns, and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and its parents and/or subsidiaries; (c) any Person who files a valid, timely Request for Exclusion; (d) federal, state, and local governments (including all agencies and subdivisions thereof, but excluding employees thereof) and (e) the judges to whom this Action is assigned and any members of their immediate families

5. The Court reaffirms the appointment of Teufel as Class Representative, and finds

that they have adequately represented the Settlement Class for purposes of entering into and

implementing the Agreement. The Court reaffirms the appointment of Joshua H. Eggnatz, Esq.

and Michael J. Pascucci, Esq. of Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP, 5400 S. University Drive,

Suite 413, Davie, FL 33328, as Class Counsel and finds that Class Counsel have adequately

represented the Settlement Class for purposes of entering into and implementing the Agreement.

6. The Court finds that notice was given to Settlement Class Members pursuant to the

Notice Plan and the Court’s Order Granting Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement (the

“Preliminary Approval Order”), and that said notice was the best notice practicable under the

circumstances, and constitutes valid, due, and sufficient notice to the Settlement Class in full

compliance with the requirements of applicable law, including the Due Process Clause of the

United States Constitution. The Settlement Class Members received notice of (a) the pendency of

the Action; (b) the terms of the proposed Settlement, including the Release; (c) their rights under

the proposed Settlement; (d) their right to exclude themselves from the Settlement Class and the

proposed Settlement; (e) their right to object to any aspect of the proposed Settlement; (f) their


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right to appear at the Final Approval Hearing; (g) Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees and

expenses and an incentive award to the Class Representatives; and (h) the binding effect of this

Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement on all Persons who did not timely exclude

themselves from the Settlement Class.

7. The Court finds that notice of the proposed Settlement was provided to the

appropriate state and government officials pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1715. Furthermore, the Court

has given the appropriate state and government officials the requisite ninety (90) day time period

to comment or object to the proposed Settlement before entering this Final Judgment and Order

Approving Settlement and no such comments or objections were received.

8. The terms and provisions of the Agreement have been entered into in good faith

and are hereby fully and finally approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate as to, and in the best

interests of, each of the Parties and the Settlement Class Members. [There were no objections filed

in this Action] or [The Court has considered all objections to the Settlement and overrules them as

without merit]. Accordingly, the Court hereby directs that the Settlement shall be effected in

accordance with the terms of the Agreement (all of which terms and definitions are adopted and

incorporated herein by reference).

9. The terms of the Agreement, and of this Final Judgment and Order Approving

Settlement, shall be forever binding on, and shall have res judicata and preclusive effect in, all

pending and future lawsuits maintained by Plaintiff and all other Settlement Class Members who

did not timely exclude themselves from the Settlement Class, as well as their heirs, executors, and

administrators, successors, and assigns.

10. Karlin is ordered to implement the terms and conditions of the Agreement,

including payment to all Settlement Class Members who have not excluded themselves from this


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Settlement and who submit a timely, valid Claim pursuant to the Agreement; and making the

following changes with respect to the Products within sixty (60) days after entry of this Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement:

a. Karlin shall ensure that its Product is no longer being falsely represented to

the public as being “All Natural,” as alleged by Plaintiff. Specifically, Defendant must

cease using the “All Natural” statement in connection with the sale of the Product upon

execution of this Agreement. If Defendant chooses to resume using the “All Natural”

statement in the future it shall first obtain certification from its suppliers to verify that their

ingredients are not synthetic, artificial or derived from genetically modified and/or

bioengineered sources. Additionally, if Defendant chooses to resume using the “All

Natural” statement Defendant in the future it shall also employ reasonable efforts to obtain

Non-GMO Project approval for all Products that are practically eligible for Non-GMO

Project consideration.

11. Karlin will provide a report to the Court at the end of the sixty (60) day period

following entry of this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement regarding its compliance

with the injunctive relief provisions contained in Paragraph 10 of this Final Judgment and Order

Approving Settlement.

12. This Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement does not preclude Karlin

from making further changes to any of its product labels or marketing that (a) Karlin believes are

reasonably necessary to comply with any statute, Karlin provides accurate product descriptions;

or (c) that are more detailed than those required by the Agreement and Release and/or this Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement.


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13. Karlin shall satisfy all valid Claims made, with a cap on cash payments to the

Settlement Class of $515,000.00. If the total of Approved Claims exceeds $515,000.00, then the

Claims Administrator shall calculate and pay a pro rata reduction of the amount due each

Settlement Class Member, such that $515,000.00 will satisfy all Approved Claims.

14. Upon the occurrence of the Effective Date, Teufel and the Settlement Class

Members, and the Releasing Parties shall be deemed to have, and by operation of the Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement shall have, provided Karlin and the Released Parties

with the Release set forth in Section XI of the Agreement. By this Final Judgment and Order

Approving Settlement and upon the occurrence of the Effective Date, Plaintiff, the Settlement

Class Members, and the Releasing Parties shall be deemed to have, and by operation of the Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement shall have, fully, finally, and forever released,

relinquished, and discharged all Released Claims, which include:

Any individual, class, representative, group or collective action, claim, liability, right, demand, suit, matter, obligation, damage, loss, action, or cause of action, of every kind and description that a Releasing Party has or may have, including assigned claims, whether known or Unknown, asserted or un-asserted, latent or patent, that is, has been, could reasonably have been or in the future might reasonably be asserted under any body of law by the Releasing Party either in a court or any other judicial or other forum, regardless of legal theory or relief claimed, and regardless of the type of relief or amount of damages claimed, against any of the Released Parties arising from, or in any way relating to Labeling, sales, marketing, or advertising, regardless of medium, of any of the Products, including but not limited to any claim that the Labeling is false or misleading in any way. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “Unknown Claim” means any all Released Claims that any member of the Settlement Class, or anyone acting on behalf of or in their interest, does not know or suspect to exist against any of the Released Parties which, if known, might have affected his or her decision regarding the settlement of the Action. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph or of any other paragraph in this Agreement, this Agreement shall not be deemed to release any claim that a Releasing Party has or may have for personal injury.


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15. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(h), the Court awards Class Counsel attorneys’ fees

and expenses in the amount of $155,000.00 to be paid by Karlin within 10 calendar days of the

Effective Date of the Stipulation of Settlement.

16. The Court finds and determines that a service award of $5,000.00 is due and

payable to Teufel for her services and efforts in the representation of the Settlement Class, which

shall be payable by Karlin within 10 calendar days of the Effective Date of the Stipulation of


17. Neither this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement, nor the Agreement,

nor any act performed or document executed pursuant to or in furtherance of the Agreement or the

Settlement is or may be deemed to be or may be used as an admission of, or evidence of, the

validity of any Released Claims, or of any wrongdoing or liability of Karlin or any other Released

Party; or is or may be deemed to be or may be used as an admission of, or evidence of, any fault

or omission of Karlin or any other Released Part in any civil, criminal, or administrative

proceeding in any court, administrative agency, or other tribunal. However, any Released Party

may file the Agreement and/or the Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement in any action

that may be brought against it in order to support any defense or counterclaim, including without

limitation those based on principles of res judicata, collateral estoppel, release, good faith

settlement, judgment bar or reduction, or any other theory of claim preclusion or issue preclusion

or similar defense or counterclaim.

18. This Action (and any and all claims asserted herein at any time) is dismissed in its

entirety, on the merits, with prejudice and without leave to amend, with each Party to bear

his/her/its own costs and attorneys’ fees (except as otherwise expressly provided herein), and all

Settlement Class Members who did not timely and properly execute and submit a Request for


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Exclusion shall be forever barred and permanently enjoined from starting, continuing, or

participating in, litigating, or receiving any benefits or relief from any other lawsuit, arbitration, or

administrative or regulatory proceeding or order based on or relating to the claims, facts, or

circumstances in this Action and/or the Released Claims except claims relating to the enforcement

of the Settlement of the Action.

19. In the event that the Effective Date does not occur, certification of the Settlement

Class shall be automatically vacated and this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement,

and all other orders entered and releases delivered in connection herewith, shall be vacated and

shall become null and void.




Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-2 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 1 of 9

EXHIBIT B Teufel v. Karlin Foods Corporation Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement



CASE NO.: 1:14-cv-23100-LENARD/GOODMAN

AMBER GRACE TEUFEL, as an individual and on behalf of all others similarly situated,

Plaintiff, vs.

KARLIN FOODS CORPORATION, an Illinois Corporation,



On ______, 2015, the Court granted preliminary approval to the Stipulation of Class

Action Settlement (the “Agreement”). The Court also provisionally certified a nationwide

Settlement Class for settlement purposes, approved the procedure for giving notice and forms of

notice, and set a final approval hearing to take place on ______, 2015.

On ______, the Court held a duly noticed Final Approval Hearing to

consider: (1) whether the terms and conditions of the Agreement are fair, reasonable, and adequate;

(2) whether a judgment should be entered dismissing the Action with prejudice; and (3) whether

and in what amount to award Class Counsel as attorneys’ fees and expenses and whether and in

what amount to award a service award payment to the Class Representative.

Based upon the submissions of the Parties and all matters submitted to the Court at the

hearing and otherwise,


1. The Agreement, including the definitions contained therein, is incorporated by

reference into, and is a part of, this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement. All


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capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Agreement unless

set forth differently herein.

2. The Court has personal jurisdiction over the Parties and the Settlement Class

Members, and it has subject matter jurisdiction to approve the Agreement, including all exhibits

thereto, and enter this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement. Without in any way

affecting the finality of this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement, this Court hereby

retains jurisdiction as to all matters relating to administration, consummation, enforcement, and

interpretation of the Agreement and of this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement, and

for any other necessary purpose.

3. The Court finds, for settlement purposes only and conditioned upon the entry of

this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement and upon the occurrence of the Effective

Date, that the requirements of Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are met by the

Settlement Class: (a) the number of Settlement Class Members is so numerous that joinder of all

members thereof is impracticable, if not impossible; (b) there are questions of law and fact

common to the Settlement Class; (c) Amber Teufel’s (“Teufel”) claims are typical of the claims

of the Settlement Class they seek to represent; (d) Teufel has fairly and adequately represented,

and will continue to fairly and adequately represent the interests of the Settlement Class; (e) the

questions of law and fact common to the Settlement Class Members predominate over any

questions affecting any individual Settlement Class Member; (f) Karlin Foods, Inc. (“Karlin”) has

acted on grounds that apply generally to the Settlement Class, such that final injunctive relief is

appropriate respecting the Settlement Class as a whole; (g) a class settlement is superior to other

available methods for a fair resolution of the controversy.


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4. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23, this Court hereby finally certifies, for settlement

purposes only, a Settlement Class defined as:

All Persons who, for personal or household use, purchased in the United States from August 22, 2010 to the present, Wal Mart’s Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, which was distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores1. Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (a) all Persons who purchased or acquired the Product for resale; (b) Karlin Foods Corporation and its employees, principals, affiliated entities, legal representatives, successors and assigns, and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and its parents and/or subsidiaries; (c) any Person who files a valid, timely Request for Exclusion; (d) federal, state, and local governments (including all agencies and subdivisions thereof, but excluding employees thereof) and (e) the judges to whom this Action is assigned and any members of their immediate families.

5. The Court reaffirms the appointment of Teufel as Class Representative, and finds

that she has adequately represented the Settlement Class for purposes of entering into and

implementing the Agreement. The Court reaffirms the appointment of Joshua H. Eggnatz, Esq.

and Michael J. Pascucci, Esq. of Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP, 5400 S. University Drive,

Suite 413, Davie, FL 33328, as Class Counsel and finds that Class Counsel have adequately

represented the Settlement Class for purposes of entering into and implementing the Agreement.

6. The Court finds that notice was given to Settlement Class Members pursuant to the

Notice Plan and the Court’s Order Granting Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement (the

“Preliminary Approval Order”), and that said notice was appropriate under the circumstances, and

constitutes valid, due, and sufficient notice to the Settlement Class in full compliance with the

requirements of applicable law, including the Due Process Clause of the United States

Constitution. The Settlement Class Members received notice of (a) the pendency of the Action;

1. Product means Wal Mart’s Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold exclusively at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.


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(b) the terms of the proposed Settlement, including the Release; (c) their rights under the proposed

Settlement; (d) their right to exclude themselves from the Settlement Class and the proposed

Settlement; (e) their right to object to any aspect of the proposed Settlement; (f) their right to

appear at the Final Approval Hearing; (g) Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees and expenses

and an incentive award to the Class Representatives; and (h) the binding effect of this Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement on all Persons who did not timely exclude themselves

from the Settlement Class.

7. The Court finds that notice of the proposed Settlement was provided to the

appropriate state and government officials pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1715. Furthermore, the Court

has given the appropriate state and government officials the requisite ninety (90) day time period

to comment or object to the proposed Settlement before entering this Final Judgment and Order

Approving Settlement and no such comments or objections were received.

8. The terms and provisions of the Agreement have been entered into in good faith

and are hereby fully and finally approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate as to, and in the best

interests of, each of the Parties and the Settlement Class Members. [There were no objections filed

in this Action] or [The Court has considered all objections to the Settlement and overrules them as

without merit]. Accordingly, the Court hereby directs that the Settlement shall be effected in

accordance with the terms of the Agreement (all of which terms and definitions are adopted and

incorporated herein by reference).

9. The terms of the Agreement, and of this Final Judgment and Order Approving

Settlement, shall be forever binding on, and shall have res judicata and preclusive effect in, all

pending and future lawsuits maintained by Plaintiff and all other Settlement Class Members who


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did not timely exclude themselves from the Settlement Class, as well as their heirs, executors, and

administrators, successors, and assigns.

10. Karlin is ordered to implement the terms and conditions of the Agreement,

including payment to all Settlement Class Members who have not excluded themselves from this

Settlement and who submit a timely, valid Claim pursuant to the Agreement; and making the

following changes with respect to the Products within sixty (60) days after entry of this Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement:

a. Karlin shall ensure that its Product is no longer being falsely represented to

the public as being “All Natural,” as alleged by Plaintiff. Specifically, Defendant must

cease using the “All Natural” statement in connection with the sale of the Product upon

execution of this Agreement. If Defendant chooses to resume using the “All Natural”

statement in the future it shall first obtain certification from its suppliers to verify that their

ingredients are not synthetic, artificial or derived from genetically modified and/or

bioengineered sources, unless the relevant state or federal regulatory agency has

specifically determined that such labeling would be appropriate under the circumstances.

11. Karlin will provide a report to the Court at the end of the sixty (60) day period

following entry of this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement regarding its compliance

with the injunctive relief provisions contained in Paragraph 10 of this Final Judgment and Order

Approving Settlement.

12. This Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement does not preclude Karlin

from making further changes to any of its product labels or marketing that (a) Karlin believes are

reasonably necessary to comply with any statute; (b) if Karlin provides accurate product


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descriptions; or (c) if Karlin provides descriptions that are more detailed than those required by

the Agreement and Release and/or this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement.

13. Karlin shall satisfy all valid Claims made, with a cap on cash payments to the

Settlement Class of $515,000.00. If the total of Approved Claims exceeds $515,000.00, then the

Claims Administrator shall calculate and pay a pro rata reduction of the amount due each

Settlement Class Member, such that $515,000.00 will satisfy all Approved Claims.

14. Upon the occurrence of the Effective Date, Teufel and the Settlement Class

Members, and the Releasing Parties shall be deemed to have, and by operation of the Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement shall have, provided Karlin and the Released Parties

with the Release set forth in Section XI of the Agreement. By this Final Judgment and Order

Approving Settlement and upon the occurrence of the Effective Date, Plaintiff, the Settlement

Class Members, and the Releasing Parties shall be deemed to have, and by operation of the Final

Judgment and Order Approving Settlement shall have, fully, finally, and forever released,

relinquished, and discharged all Released Claims, which include:

Any individual, class, representative, group or collective action, claim, liability, right, demand, suit, matter, obligation, damage, loss, action, or cause of action, of every kind and description that a Releasing Party has or may have, including assigned claims, whether known or Unknown, asserted or un-asserted, latent or patent, that is, has been, could reasonably have been or in the future might reasonably be asserted under any body of law by the Releasing Party either in a court or any other judicial or other forum, regardless of legal theory or relief claimed, and regardless of the type of relief or amount of damages claimed, against any of the Released Parties arising from, or in any way relating to Labeling, sales, marketing, or advertising, regardless of medium, of any of the Products, including but not limited to any claim that the Labeling is false or misleading in any way. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “Unknown Claim” means any all Released Claims that any member of the Settlement Class, or anyone acting on behalf of or in their interest, does not know or suspect to exist against any of the Released Parties which, if known, might have affected his or her


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decision regarding the settlement of the Action. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph or of any other paragraph in this Agreement, this Agreement shall not be deemed to release any claim that a Releasing Party has or may have for personal injury.

15. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(h), the Court awards Class Counsel attorneys’ fees

and expenses in the amount of $155,000.00 to be paid by Karlin within 10 calendar days of the

Effective Date of the Stipulation of Settlement.

16. The Court finds and determines that a service award of $5,000.00 is due and

payable to Teufel for her services and efforts in the representation of the Settlement Class, which

shall be payable by Karlin within 10 calendar days of the Effective Date of the Stipulation of


17. Neither this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement, nor the Agreement,

nor any act performed or document executed pursuant to or in furtherance of the Agreement or the

Settlement is or may be deemed to be or may be used as an admission of, or evidence of, the

validity of any Released Claims, or of any wrongdoing or liability of Karlin or any other Released

Party; or is or may be deemed to be or may be used as an admission of, or evidence of, any fault

or omission of Karlin or any other Released Part in any civil, criminal, or administrative

proceeding in any court, administrative agency, or other tribunal. However, any Released Party

may file the Agreement and/or the Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement in any action

that may be brought against it in order to support any defense or counterclaim, including without

limitation those based on principles of res judicata, collateral estoppel, release, good faith

settlement, judgment bar or reduction, or any other theory of claim preclusion or issue preclusion

or similar defense or counterclaim.

18. This Action (and any and all claims asserted herein at any time) is dismissed in its

entirety, on the merits, with prejudice and without leave to amend, with each Party to bear


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his/her/its own costs and attorneys’ fees (except as otherwise expressly provided herein), and all

Settlement Class Members who did not timely and properly execute and submit a Request for

Exclusion shall be forever barred and permanently enjoined from starting, continuing, or

participating in, litigating, or receiving any benefits or relief from any other lawsuit, arbitration, or

administrative or regulatory proceeding or order based on or relating to the claims, facts, or

circumstances in this Action and/or the Released Claims except claims relating to the enforcement

of the Settlement of the Action.

19. In the event that the Effective Date does not occur, certification of the Settlement

Class shall be automatically vacated and this Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement,

and all other orders entered and releases delivered in connection herewith, shall be vacated and

shall become null and void.




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EXHIBIT C Teufel v. Karlin Foods Corporation Declaration of Joshua H. Eggnatz

MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT Case 1:14-cv-23100-JAL Document 35-3 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/04/2015 Page 2 of 9


CASE NO.: 1:14-cv-23100-LENARD/GOODMAN

AMBER GRACE TEUFEL, as an individual and on behalf of all others similarly situated,

Plaintiff, vs.

KARLIN FOODS CORPORATION, an Illinois Corporation,



Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I hereby declare and state as follows:

1. I am over the age of 18 and am fully competent to make this Declaration. This

Declaration is based upon my personal knowledge, except where expressly noted otherwise.

2. I am a founding partner of Eggnatz, Lopatin & Pascucci, LLP (“ELP”) (formerly

The Eggnatz Law Firm, P.A.). I am one of the attorneys of record for Plaintiff, Amber Teufel, in

the above-captioned case.

3. I make this declaration in support of Plaintiff’s Unopposed Motion for Preliminary

Approval of Class Action Settlement, which Plaintiff is filing concurrently with this declaration.

4. The matters stated herein are based on my personal knowledge and belief. If called

upon, I will competently testify to them.

5. ELP’s practice is concentrated on consumer class actions in both federal and state

courts, with a focus on food and dietary supplement litigation. I have been named to the Florida

Super Lawyers, Rising Stars list for the past three years (2013, 2014, & 2015), and was selected

as a finalist for the Lifestyle Media Group’s Leaders in Law award in 2014.


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6. I am licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and I am admitted to practice

before the following federal courts: United States District Court, Southern District of Florida;

United States District Court, Middle District of Florida; United States District Court, District of

Colorado. I have litigated consumer class actions throughout the United States as part of

coordinated multi-district litigations, and on a pro hac vice basis. I obtained my law degree from

Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, magna cum laude, and a bachelor of

science in legal studies from The University of Central Florida, magna cum laude.

7. My law partner, Michael J. Pascucci, Esq., is also licensed to practice law in the

State of Florida, and is admitted to practice before the United States District Courts for the

Southern District of Florida and Middle District of Florida. I obtained my law degree from Nova

Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, magna cum laude, and a bachelor of science

in legal studies from The University of Central Florida, magna cum laude

8. This case is based on the alleged deceptive and misleading marketing of Wal Mart’s

Great Value™ All Natural Cornstarch, which is distributed by Karlin Foods Corporation and sold

exclusively at Wal Mart stores. The Product is labeled as “All Natural,” when in fact, it contain

unnatural genetically-modified organisms (“GMO”).

9. ELP’s experience in representing consumers in other class actions will assist in the

successful prosecution of this action and adequate representation of the Plaintiff Classes.

10. Some of ELP’s relevant consumer class action experience includes, but is not

limited to: Moore, et al. v. GNC Holdings, Inc., 0:12-cv-61703-WPD (S.D. Fla.) (Appointed Class

Counsel in a contested Florida class action involving creatine dietary supplement labeling); Altman

v. Frito-Lay North America, Inc., 1:12-cv-06105-RRM-RLM (S.D. Fla.) (Centralized in the E.D.

NY, In re: Frito-Lay North America, Inc. All Natural Litigation, MDL No.: 2413) (putative


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nationwide class action involving “All Natural” food labeling); Leo v. Pepperidge Farm, Inc., 13-

cv-2866 (Dist. Colorado) (formerly S.D. Fla. 9:13-cv-80598-KLR (putative Florida class action

involving improper “All Natural” food labeling); Mirabella v. Vital Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 0:12-

cv-62086-WJZ (S.D. Fla.) (putative nationwide class action involving energy drink supplement

labeling, class certification pending); Foster v. Chattem, Inc. 6:14-cv-00346 (M.D. Fla) (putative

Florida class action involving mouthwash supplement labeling, class certification pending); Feiner

v. Innovation Ventures, LLC, 0:12-cv-62495 (S.D. Fla.) (Centralized in the C.D. CA, In re: 5-Hour

Energy® Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation, MDL No.: 2438) (putative Florida class action

involving energy drink supplement labeling); Cruz v. Tropicana Products, Inc. et al., No.: 10-

62926 CA 08, Circuit Court, Miami-Dade County, Florida (putative nationwide class action

involving improper juice labeling; on appeal); Griffith, et al. v. Gruma Corporation, 14-cv-00833-

YRG (N.D. Cal.) (formerly S.D. Fla. 9:13-cv-80791) (putative Florida class action involving “All

Natural” food labeling); Mazzeo v. USPLabs, LLC., 13-62639 (S.D. Fla) (putative Florida class

action involving dietary supplement labeling; presently stayed pending final approval of class

settlement); Batalla v. The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., 14-80246-CV (S.D. Fla) (putative Florida

class action involving “All Natural” food labeling); Bohlke v. The Hain Celstial Group, Inc., 14-

80300 (S.D. Fla) (putative Florida class action involving “All Natural” food labeling); Erye v. T.

Marzetti Co., 9:14-cv-80626 (S.D. Fla) (putative Florida class action involving “All Natural” food

labeling); Dye v. Bodacious Food Co., 9:14-cv-80627 (S.D. Fla) (putative Florida class action

involving “All Natural” food labeling); Epstein v. Aidells Sausage Company, Inc., 9:14-cv-80916

(S.D. Fla) (putative Florida class action involving “All Natural” food labeling); Mackenzie v. The

Blue Buffalo Company, Inc., 9:14-cv-80634 (S.D. Fla.) (Centralized in the E.D. MO as In re: Blue

Buffalo Company LTD Litigation, MDL No.: 2562) (Putative Florida class action involving pet


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food mislabeling); Markley v. Whole Foods Marketing, Inc., 8:14-cv-01892 (M.D. Fla.)

(Centralized in the W.D. TX a In re: Whole Foods Market, Inc., Greek Yogurt Litigation) (Putative

Florida class action involving sugar content mislabeling); Mazzeo v. Nature’s Bounty, Inc., 14-cv-

60580 (S.D. Fla) (Putative Florida class action involving dietary supplement labeling); Monka v.

JAG Specialty Foods, LLC., 9:14-cv-80764 (S.D. Fla) (Putative Florida class action involving “All

Natural” food labeling); Sturdivant v. Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, 9:14-cv-80765 (S.D. Fla)

(Putative Florida class action involving “All Natural” food labeling); Vandenberg v. Medora

Snacks, LLC, 9:14-cv-81010 (S.D. Fla) (Transferred to the N.D. CA) (Putative Florida class action

involving “All Natural” food labeling); and Riveron v. Home Depot USA, Inc., 9:14-cv-81175

(S.D. Fla) (Centralized in the N.D. GA as a In re: Home Depot, Inc., Customer Data Security

Breach Litigation, MDL 2583) (proposed Florida class action involving data breach of consumer’s

personal identifiable information). I have also successfully negotiated confidential pre-suit

settlements in other proposed consumer class action matters.

11. ELP has adequately represented the interests of Plaintiff and the putative class

members in this litigation. I have defended Plaintiff’s deposition in this action, conducted legal

and factual investigation into Plaintiff’s claims and the claims of a putative class of similarly

situated consumers, prepared discovery and analyzed Karlin’s internal documents and records,

attended mediation and engaged in months of arms’ length negotiations, and have worked with

Karlin and a professional claims administrator to draft an unopposed motion for preliminary

approval and class settlement, as well as a notice and administration plan. I will continue to

vigorously prosecute this action on behalf of Plaintiff and members of the putative class, and work

to investigate the claims, conduct further discovery and depositions, draft motions, as well as


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facilitate the class certification and merits process, in the event the Court denies preliminary


12. My involvement in this case began in approximately January 2014, when my firm,

along with co-counsel in this action, The Law Office of Howard W. Rubinstein, P.A., undertook

its initial legal and factual investigation that included interviewing Plaintiff Teufel regarding the

Product, reviewing the Product’s label at issue, consulting with industry experts, and conducting

legal and factual research into Teufel’s claims on behalf of a putative class of similarly situated


13. Prior to filing this action Plaintiff sent a pre-suit notice letter on behalf of herself

and the class informing Defendant of its unlawful practices and requesting relief to compensate

Plaintiff and the putative class.

14. As a result of this correspondence, the parties communicated regarding this case in

hopes of facilitating a resolution, but the parties were unable to come to terms. As a result, this

action was filed on August 22, 2014 in the United States District Court, Southern District of


15. The Complaint asserted claims on behalf of a nationwide class of consumers

regarding Defendant’s use of the term “All Natural” on the Product, despite containing GMOs,

based on the following causes of action: Violation of the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade

Practices Act (Count I), Negligent Misrepresentation (Count II), and Unjust Enrichment (Count


16. Concurrently with the investigation and litigation of Plaintiff’s claims, the parties

engaged in arm’s-length negotiations to resolve this action. The result is a settlement that provides


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meaningful monetary and injunctive relief to a nationwide class of consumers of Defendant’s


17. The Settlement calls for a notice plan intended to reach the maximum percentage

reach of class members practicable under the circumstances, including digital notice, online and

social media publication, such as the creation of a website devoted to disseminating notice of the

Settlement, where class members can submit claims and review the Settlement documents online.

The claims administrator agreed upon will also maintain a toll-free hotline where class members

can receive answers to their questions regarding the Settlement.

18. In sum, Defendant has committed settlement funds in the amount of eight hundred

twenty-five thousand dollars ($825,000) to implement the terms of the Settlement. From these

settlement funds, Defendant shall pay all costs associated with the Settlement, including (i)

Approved Claims, (ii) Settlement Notice and Administrative Expenses, and (iii) the Fee Award.

19. Defendant has guaranteed that it will satisfy all valid Claims made, up to a cap on

cash payments to the Settlement Class in the amount of Five Hundred Fifteen Thousand and

No/100 Dollars ($515,000.00). Defendant has agreed to provide compensation to Claimants,

without proof of purchase, $1.00 per purchase of claimed Products, up to $2.00, for damages

incurred from purchasing the Product during the Class Period. Additionally, Defendant has agreed

to provide compensation to Claimants, who have proofs of purchase, $1.00 per purchase, up to a

maximum of $8.00.

20. The Settlement also provides that Defendant shall, within sixty (60) calendar days

after entry of the Final Judgment and Order Approving Settlement, ensure that the Product is no

longer being represented to the public as being “All Natural.” Specifically, Defendant shall cease

using the “All Natural” statement in connection with the sale of the Product. If Defendant chooses


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to resume using the “All Natural” statement it shall obtain certification from its suppliers to verify

that their ingredients are not synthetic, artificial or derived from genetically modified and/or

bioengineered sources. Additionally, if Defendant chooses to resume using the “All Natural”

statement Defendant shall also employ reasonable efforts to obtain Non-GMO Project approval

for all Products that are practically eligible for Non-GMO Project.

21. Given the robust notice plan, coupled with the ease with which class members may

submit claims, along with the strong prospective measures afforded by the Settlement, I believe

the results achieved by the Settlement are well suited for Court approval.

22. Plaintiff’s counsel have dedicated substantial time and resources to the diligent

investigation and prosecution of class members’ claims herein, and will continue to do so

throughout the pendency of these actions.

23. The proposed Settlement now before the Court was reached only after hard-fought

litigation, substantial investigation, including an formal discovery and voluntary exchange of

information, in-person mediation with a respected third-party neutral, and numerous rounds of

subsequent negotiation over a period of several months.

24. The parties agreed on the terms of the settlement through negotiations conducted

by experienced counsel, who ensured that they had ample information at their disposal before and

during the negotiations to evaluate the terms of any proposed agreement, and to reach a fair and

reasonable compromise.

25. Plaintiff’s counsel recognize that despite their belief in the strength of the claims at

issue, the expense, duration, and complexity of protracted litigation would be substantial, and the

outcome of trial or appeal would be uncertain.


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