Omaha Bryan FB-Paul Limongi, 557-3254 BBB-Eric Behrens 4700 Giles Rd

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Omaha Bryan FB-Paul Limongi, 557-3254 BBB-Eric Behrens 4700 Giles Rd AdamsCentral***Ainsworth***Allen***Alliance***Alma***Amherst***Anselmo-Merna***Ansley***AquinasCatholi c***Arapahoe***Arcadia***ArchbishopBergan***Arlington***Arnold***ArthurCounty***Ashland-Greenwood***Auu burn***Aurora***Axtell***Bancroft-Rosalie***BannerCounty***BattleCreek***Bayard***Beatrice***BellevueEast** **BellevueWest***Bennington***Bertrand***BishopNeumann***Blair***Bloom2010-2011 fi eld***BlueHill***BooneCentral**** BoysTown***Brady***Bridgeport***BrokenBow***Bruning-Davenport***Burwell***Callaway***Cambridge***Cedd arBluffs***CedarRapids***Centennial***CentralCity***Centura***Chadron***Chambers***ChaseCounty***ClarksoNebraska School Activities Association o n***Clearwater***Cody-Kilgore***Coleridge***CollegeViewAcademy***Columbus***ColumbusLakeview***Columm busScotus***Concordia***Conestoga***Cozad***Crawford***CreekValley***Creighton***CreightonPreparatorySchoo ol***Crete***Crofton***CrossCounty***DavidCity***Deshler***Diller-Odell***Dodge***Doniphan-Trumbull***DoCrofton***CrossCountyy***DavidCity***Deshlh er***Diller-Odell***Dodge***Doniphan-Trum o rchester***DouglasCountyWest***DundyCounty-Stratton***EastButler***Elba***Elgin***Elkhorn***ElkhornSouth*uglasCountyWestWest*****D*DuunndyyCounty-Strattttoon*n*****EastButler***Elba***Elgiginn******EElkhorn***Elk * **ElkhornValley***ElmCreek***Elmwood-Murdock***Elwood***Emerson-Hubbard***Eustis-alley***ElmCmCrreeekek*****Elm woodd--MMuurrddock***Elwoo d*** Emmeerrsoson-Hubbard* - Farnam***Ewing***Exeter-Milligan***Fairbury***FallsCity***FallsCitySacredHeart***FillmoreCentral***FortCalhoing***Exeter-Mill-Milliggana ****F* ai rbburury*y*****FFaallllsCCiityy*****FFaalll ssCiittySSaaccrredHdHeeaarrtt*****F*FillmoreCentral** o un***Franklin***Freeman***Fremont***Friend***Fullerton***GardenCounty***Gering***Gibbon***Giltner***Gor***Freeman*****FrF emonnt*****FFrriendd******FFuulllel rrtoonn*****GGararddeennCCoouunnttyy******GGeeriinng *** *Gibbon***Gi r don-Rushville***Gothenburg***GrandIsland***GrandIslandCentralCatholic***Greeley-Wolbach***Gretna***Hampto***Gothenburrg*****G* raanddIIsllaanndd****GGraannddIIssllaannddCCentntraalClCata hhoolil cc***** GrG eeeelel y--WWoollbach***Gretna o n***Hartington***HartingtonCedarCatholic***Harvard***Hastings***HastingsSt.Cecilia***HaySprings***HayesCentn***HartingtoonCCeddarCCatholiclic*****Harvardd****Hastinggs****HaH sttiinnggsSt.Ceciliia*****HaySprings** t er***Heartland***HeartlandLutheran***Hemingford***Hershey***HighPlainsCommunity***HitchcockCounty***Hold***HHearttllaanddSchoolLuL tht eran***Hemingford***Hershey***HighPlainsCommunity***HitchcockCo l drege***Homer***Howells***Humboldt-TableRock-Steinauer***Humphrey***HumphreySt.Francis***Hyannis***Joher****HoH weelllls*s****HHumbbolo ddt-TableRock-Steinauer***Hummphp rey***HumphreySt.Francis***HHy h nsonCountyCentral***Johnson-Brock***Kearney***KearneyCatholic***Kenesaw***KeyaPahaCounty***KeystoneChrntttrrarall******JJohnnsoonn--BrBroco k*k *** Keara ney*y ***Keara neyCathoh lilicc******KeK nesaw*w **KeyaaPaP haaCountyy****K r istianAcademy***Kimball***Laurel-Concord***Lawrence-Nelson***Leigh***Lewiston***Lexington***Leyton***Li*****KKimmbbaallll****LLaauurreell-CConncocordrd*****LLaawwrreenncee--NeNellssonon****L*Leigghh******LLeewwiisstoton*n*****LLeexiinnggttoon*****L i ncolnChristian***LincolnEast***LincolnHigh***LincolnLutheran***LincolnNorthStar***LincolnNortheast***Lincoln***LLinnccoollnnEaasstt****LLinnccollnnHHighgh******LLiinncolnnLLuutthherann******LLinnccoolnnNNoorrtthSStaarr******LiLinnccoollnNnNorrttheae s n PiusX***LincolnSoutheast***LincolnSouthwest***LindsayHolyFamily***LitchollnnSououtht eastt*****L* inncoolnlnSSouutthwhweesstt*****LiindndssayHyHolyyFFammilily*y*****LLitctchfi eeld***LoganView***Loomis***Louildld*****L*LooggannViViewew*****L*Looo i sville***LoupCity***LoupCounty***LourdesCentralCatholic***LutheranHighNortheast***Lynch***Lyons-DecaturNoCity***LoupCounty**up y***Lourdesurdurdese CentralCatholiholic**** LutheranHighg Northeasast***Lyyncn hh******Lyons o rtheast***Madison***Malcolm***Maxwell***Maywood***McCook***McCoolJunction***McPhersonCounty***MeaDirectoryison***Malcolm***Maxwell***Maywood***McCook***McCoolJunction***so a co a we aywood cCoo cCoo Ju ct o *MMccPhheersonCsoCou C a d***MedicineValley***Meridian***Milford***MillardNorth***MillardSouth***MillardWest***Minatare***Minden*** *Mitchell***Morrill***MountMichaelBenedictine***Mullen***NebraskaChristian***NebraskaCity***NebraskaLutherr an***Neligh-Oakdale***Newcastle***NewmanGrove***Niobrara***Norfolk***NorfolkCatholic***Norris***NorthBee ndCentral***NorthLoup-Scotia***NorthPlatte***NorthPlatteSt.Patrick’s***Northwest***O’Neill***Oakland-Craig**** Ogallala***OmahaBenson***OmahaBrownell-Talbot***OmahaBryan***OmahaBurke***OmahaCentral***OmahaChrii stianAcademy***OmahaDuchesneAcademy***OmahaGrossCatholic***OmahaMarian***OmahaMercy***OmahaNatioo n***OmahaNorth***OmahaNorthwest***OmahaRoncalliCatholic***OmahaSkuttCatholic***OmahaSouth***OmahaSt.. PeterClaver***OmahaStreetSchool***OmahaWestside***Orchard***Ord***Osceola***Osmond***Overton***Palmerr ***Palmyra***Papillion-LaVista***Papillion-LaVistaSouth***ParkviewChristian***PawneeCity***Paxton***Pender** **PerkinsCounty***Pierce***Plainview***Platteview***Plattsmouth***Pleasanton***Ponca***PopeJohn***Potter-- Dix***Ralston***Randolph***Ravenna***RaymondCentral***RedCloud***RisingCity***RockCounty***Sandhills*** *SandyCreek***Santee***Sargent***Schuyler***Scottsbluff***Scribner-Snyder***Seward***Shelby***Shelton***Shh ickley***Sidney***SilverLake***SiouxCounty***SouthPlatte***SouthSiouxCity***Southern***SouthernValley***Soo uthwest***Spalding***SpaldingAcademy***St.Edward***St.Mary’s***St.Paul***Stanton***Stapleton***Sterling**** Stuart***Sumner-Eddyville-Miller***Superior***Sutherland***Sutton***Syracuse***Tekamah-Herman***ThayerCentt ral***Thedford***TriCounty***TwinRiver***Valentine***Verdigre***Wahoo***Wakefi eld***Wallace***Walthill**** Wauneta-Palisade***Wausa***Waverly***Wayne***WeepingWater***WestBoyd***WestHolt***WestPointCentralCatt holic***WestPoint-Beemer***WheelerCentral***Wilber-Clatonia***Wilcox-Hildreth***Winnebago***Winside***Wiss ner-Pilger***WoodRiver***Wynot***York***Yutan***AdamsCentral***Ainsworth***Allen***Alliance***Alma***AA mherst***Anselmo-Merna***Ansley***AquinasCatholic***Arapahoe***Arcadia***ArchbishopBergan***Arlington*** *Arnold***ArthurCounty***Ashland-Greenwood***Auburn***Aurora***Axtell***Bancroft-Rosalie***BannerCountyy ***BattleCreek***Bayard***Beatrice***BellevueEast***BellevueWest***Bennington***Bertrand***BishopNeumannn ***Blair***Bloomfi eld***BlueHill***BooneCentral***BoysTown***Brady***Bridgeport***BrokenBow***Bruning- Davenport***Burwell***Callaway***Cambridge***CedarBluffs***CedarRapids***Centennial***CentralCity***CentBoard of Directors uraura***Chadron***Chambers***ChaseCounty***Clarkson***Clearwater***Cody-Kilgore***Coleridge***CollegeView Chadron Chambers ChaseCounty Clarkson Clearwater Cody Kilgore Coleridge CollegeVieww Academy***Columbus***ColumbusLakeview***ColumbusScotus***Concordia***Conestoga***Cozad***Crawford**District I District II District III District IV District V District VI *CreekValley***Creighton***CreightonPreparatorySchool***Crete***Crofton***CrossCounty***DavidCity***Deshle Mark Norvell, Dr. Bob Jay Bellar, Max Kroger, Dr. Dallas Watkins, Kent Halley, r***Diller-Odell***Dodge***Doniphan-Trumbull***Dorchester***DouglasCountyWest***DundyCounty-Stratton***E astButler***Elba***Elgin***Elkhorn***ElkhornSouth***ElkhornValley***ElmCreek***Elmwood-Fillmore Reznicek, Battle Creek Ord Dundy County- Mitchell Murdock***Elwood***Emerson-Hubbard***Eustis-Farnam***Ewing***Exeter-Milligan***Fairbury***FallsCity***FCentral Boys Town (Chairman) Stratton allsCiallsCitySacredHeart***FillmoreCentral***FortCalhoun***Franklin***Freeman***Fremont***Friend***Fullerton***GtyySacredHeart FillmoreCentral FortCalhoun Franklin Freeman Fremont Friend FullertonG ardenCounty***Gering***Gibbon***Giltner***Gordon-Rushville***Gothenburg***GrandIsland***GrandIslandCentraa lCatholic***Greeley-Wolbach***Gretna***Hampton***Hartington***HartingtonCedarCatholic***Harvard***Hastingss ***HastingsSt.Cecilia***HaySprings***HayesCenter***Heartland***HeartlandLutheran***Hemingford***Hershey**** HighPlainsCommunity***HitchcockCounty***Holdrege***Homer***Howells***Humboldt-TableRock-Steinauer***HH umphrey***HumphreySt.Francis***Hyannis***JohnsonCountyCentral***Johnson-Brock***Kearney***KearneyCatholl ic***Kenesaw***KeyaPahaCounty***KeystoneChristianAcademy***Kimball***Laurel-Concord***Lawrence-Nelson** **Leigh***Lewiston***Lexington***Leyton***LincolnChristian***LincolnEast***LincolnHigh***LincolnLutheran*** 2010-2011 NSAA School Directory PUBLICATION of the Nebraska School Activities Association SEPTEMBER 2010 DIRECTORY Code of Abbreviations SCHOOL RELATED ORGANIZATIONS SCHOOL NAME Address GREATER NEBRASKA NEBRASKA MUSIC EDUCATORS City, State, Zip Code SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION School Telephone PO Box 82889 539 North 6th Avenue Lincoln, NE 68501-2889 Broken Bow, NE 68822-1313 Conference - NSAA Phone: 1-888-870-NMEA NEBRASKA ASSOCIATION Fax: 308-872-2902 District - Enrollment OF SCHOOL BOARDS Executive Director/Editor-Joyce Patch School Colors - Team Nickname 1311 Stockwell Street [email protected] Su ............................................................ Superintendent Lincoln, NE 68502 President: Rex Barker Pr ....................................................................... Principal Phone: 402-423-4951 [email protected] 800-422-4572 AD ........................................................ Athletic
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