Checklist to the Mammals of Alaska

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Checklist to the Mammals of Alaska ARLIS Alaska Resources CHECKLIST Library & Information Services Anch _r ....~~, ,\:.aska TO THE MAMMALS OF ALASKA by GORDON H. JARRELL & STEPHEN 0. MacDONALD UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA MUSEUM 1989 INSECTIVORA Soricidae Sorex cinereus common shrew, masked shrew Sorex ugyunak barrenground shrew Sorex jacksoni St. Lawrence Island shrew Sorex pribilofensis Pribilof shrew Sorex monticolus dusky shrew Sorex palustris (incl. alaskanus) water shrew Sorex tundrensis tundra shrew IS Sorex hoyi pygmy shrew CHIROPTERA Vespertilionidae Myotis lucifugus little brown bat Myotis keenii Keen's myotis Myotis volans long-legged myotis Myotis californicus California myotis [ Lasionycteris noctivagans silver-haired bat] Eptesicus fuscus big brown bat LAGOMORPHA Ochotonidae Ochotona collaris collared pika Leporidae Oryctolagus cuniculus • European rabbit Lepus americanus snowshoe hare Lepus othus tundra hare ........... QL. /1'1 A'-1 :J37RODENTIA I t:? g · Sciuridae Marmota monax woodchuck Marmota broweri Alaska marmot Marmota caligata hoary marmot Spermophilus parryii arctic ground squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus red squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus northern flying squirrel Castoridae Castor canadensis beaver Muridae Peromyscus maniculatus deer mouse Peromyscus sitkensis Sitka mouse Neotoma cinerea bushy-tailed woodrat Clethrionomys ruti/us northern red-backed vole Clethrionomys gapperi Gapper's red-backed vole Microtus pennsy/vanicus meadow vole Microtus oeconomus tundra vole, root vole Microtus longicaudus (incl. coronarius) long-tailed vole Microtus xanthognathus yellow-cheeked vole Microtus miurus (incl. abbreviatus) singing vole Ondatra zibethicus muskrat Lemmus trimucronatus (incl. nigripes) brown lemming Mictomys borealis northern bog lemming Dicrostonyx groenlandicus collared lemming Rattus norvegicus * Norway rat Mus musculus* house mouse Dipodidae Zapus hudsonius meadow jumping mouse Zapus princeps western jumping mouse Erethizontidae Erethizon dorsatum porcupine CARNIVORA Canidae Canis latrans coyote Canis lupus wolf Alopex /agopus arctic fox Vulpes vulpes red fox Ursidae Ursus americanus black bear Ursus arctos brown bear Ursus maritimus polar bear Procyonidae Procyon lotor* raccoon Mustelidae Martes americana marten (Martes pennanti fisher] Mustela ermines ermine Mustela nivalis least weasel Mustela vison mink Gulo gulo wolverine Lutra canadensis river otter Enhydra lutris sea otter Felidae Felis lynx lynx Otariidae Eumetopias jubatus Steller's sea lion Zalophus californicus California sea lion Cal/orhinus ursinus northern fur seal Odobenidae Odobenus rosmarus walrus Phocidae Phoca vitulina harbor seal Phoca largha larga seal, spotted seal Phoca hispida ringed seal [Phoca groenlandica harp seal] Phoca fascists ribbon seal Erignathus barbatus bearded seal Cystophora cristata hooded seal Mirounga angustirostris northern elephant seal ARTIODACTYLA Cervidae Cervus elaphus * wapiti Odocoileus hemionus mule deer Alces alces moose Rangifer tarandus caribou Bovidae Bison bison * bison Oreamnos americanus mountain goat Ovibos moschatus * muskox Ovis dalli Dall's sheep CETACEA Balaenidae Balaena mysticetus bowhead whale Balaena glacialis black right whale Eschrichtiidae Eschrichtius robustus gray whale Balaenopteridae Balaenoptera musculus blue whale Balaenoptera physalus fin whale Balaenoptera borealis sei whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata minke whale Megaptera novaeangliae humpback whale Physeteridae Physeter catodon sperm whale Monodontidae Monodon monoceros narwhal Delphinapterus leucas white whale, belukha Ziphiidae Berardius bairdii Baird's beaked whale Mesoplodon stejnegeri Stejneger's beaked whale AR Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier's beaked whale Delphinidae Orcinus orca killer whale Globicephala melaena long-finned pilot whale Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Pacific white-sided dolphin Grampus griseus Risso's dolphin Lissodelphis borealis northern right whale dolphin Phocoenidae Phocoena phocoena harbor porpoise Phocoenoides dalli Dall's porpoise . * introduced . I I not substantiated ~ W. D. Berry sketch courtesy of Alaska Archives, Fairbanks .
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