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‘TtS' . ■ ' :4',t ' •'' '■ 'v.Tf . WEDNE8 DAT. FEBEUABT ft, l t » ^ page foubteen AVnUOB OAILT CIBCCIJ^TION AuirteBter Eontino EthiUi tor lha maatk af iaaaaty, ttW TUB inUmni reremat el D.'^ Weather Bamaa The regular meeting of the Army The Ladles Aid society of the Snow today Is sxpectsd to hamper A class In Italian, with Loula Swedish Oongregstlonal church will wrork just startsd tha Park atroet, Oenovaat as Instructor, which meets 6,172 and Navy club auxiliary will take ^ , Metnbar of Um AaM rartty dkaiy taalgM aa. riU^, ABOUTTOWN place In the clubraoms tomorrow hold lU monthly roeeUng at tba bfidga Dus to tbs bad repair of at the Trade School t o r Inetruetlofia, church tomorrow evening at T;4fl. Uis stnKtiiia, work was begun yee- wrlll hold a eeaelen tomorrow night Popular * Spring Bmean of Obemanoae alewty tWa night. Mrs. Sophie McCormick and when text books wSI bo dkdrlhutad. TiM T«Q OwUn wUI bold uiotbv her committee will be hostesses. Mlaa Ellen Hull and Mrs. Beda terday to relay the planking and BtnfO Party tomorrow night at the Olaon will be hostesses. some etrlngera. It bad beea planned MANCHESTER - A (TTY OF VnXAGE CHARM T Uaaonlc Temple at 8 :Sb. They In to have tba job completed by Sat FABRICS rL 3 9 « vite the public to share in the seven Former Seleetman Frank V. WU- Mrs. WUUam Roeber of Union urday. Meaawrhlie, Park street VOL. LVIll., NO. 123 Aevrrllalag ea Pago U) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 3 ,1 9 3 9 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEf door prises o( Sft each. In addition llrnu of Tolland Turnpike, who has City, N. J., has returned home afUr from New street to Elm terrace has been 111 for nearly two months, and ATLANTIC ____________i___________ to these prizes the monthly prises spending a week with her stater, been closed to traffic. • •r* nekywset Printe will be awarded to the lucky per at the Memotiel hospital for the Mra. Julius .Satnnik of 14 Middle past five wrecks, has no far recovered Turnpike West. , Rayolite • •t” Plain Crown Teetcd Span Bayen sona attending. as to be able to alt In a chair todsy Much over half of the old age as With Nnbby Weave Mmrs Marches in the Sand for the ftrst time. Yesterday was sistance tax has been collected to • M** Everfaat S h an tv g Broadclotk The public rcbofjls of Manchester The final session of the training date, according to Tax Collector's FRANCE TAKES hts birthday and he waa remembered course for teachers and church R a n g e O il \ Prtated OLD AGE PENSIONS ire enjoying a threc-day vacation by personal calls, flowers, greeting flgurea The office, cloecd today. for the rest of the week and regu school worker^ will take place to- wUI be open tomorrow to 9 p.m. and Tou wlU wrant aeveral different pat- SARDINIA HOUSE REJECTS PLAN cards and other gifts. Gniloa ITAL lar. classes will be rrsiimod for the rrorrow evening at 7:30 at the Sec on Saturday to 5 p.m. for the ac tsme In your Spring wardrobe. AH HRMPOSmON tprlng term next Monday morning, ond Congregational church. commodation of those who wish to y V in too gaL lota types of patterns and coloringa running for 29 days until April 6, It was reported today that all make payment. CHANGES WILL BE srhen a ten-day vacation Is sebed- alleiu will be laid oil local WPA, Krv. Sidney Wallace of Christ jobs during the next pay peiitKi. Cliurch f^athedral, Hartford, will be TO PEACE lled before the summer term from Temple Chapter, Order of the National Sew and Save Week, E D / 7- \prll 17 through June 16. The and that the plarea of those dls- the guest preacher at the Uenten FUEL o n . M TO MAKE GUAM POST:-* winter term of 36 days closed yes- mlased may be taken by new men service tonight at 7:30 at St. Mary'a Eastern Star, will meet as usual to 6 Smart Some additional Manchaster men Episcopal church. night In the Maaonie Temple. Maa- MADE BY EXPERTS IIZERTE tsrday. Dabdier, h Poiited Talk, have been Interviewed for possible cheeter Assembly, Order of Rain 6 c gal. bow will be guests and the officers ' Due to the Ulneas of a member, the wrork, but as yet no assignments The card party wiilch Mary Bush- *PA^(^gn.LSItlA have been gnuited. Heretofore nell auxiliary, U.8 .W.V., was to will exemplify their wrork for the Spring Fabrics 5c WiNimantic Thread... .2 Makes Phii Geven- CMirt of Hoi»r of the Boy Scouts entertainment of the Star members. FOR NAVY SEAPLANES aliens with flrst papers couli secure hove held tomorrow afternoon at All numbers. Black and c Jndiciary Committee Has Double Chance | of America, scheduled for this Fri Refreshments and a social time will day night, has been postponed a WPA worfc. but with the rut down the home of Mrs. Minnie Hollister, LT.WoodCo. ors. « ■eat's PeGcj Of Refill^ in appropriations, there will he work has been postponed to a later date follow, with Mrs. Ruth Leggett and week and will be held Friday, March Mrs. Eva Wood, oo-chalrmen. PHONE 44»6 holds UnfaTorable Re- 3, at the South Methodist church. only for Amerlcsna hrcaiuf of her lUaesa. 2 0 c y»«* 5c Darning Cotton, Silk i Slnffs to Graduates Adogls 1^ ToBer Yste Wool......... ................ 2 Te Yield To "Bhckmai.” HINT MEDIATION fortsUstil Adfice Gres g e 36” Ererfast Printed Linenea " 5c Snap Fasteners............2 193 Ts 164 5c Common Pina , ............2 • 36” Plain Shantang Broadcloth Ob Whole Thorny ProMem Paris, Fab. 18.—(AP)—Pranea, OVER COLONIES 5c Tatting ’Thread. •••••• ,2 wttb what Fronchmen -eonslderad T i Strike Itoi Fn« a e 36” Everfaat Dimity 5c Shoe Laces . ................2 Implied American and British sup SUto CapitoL Hartford, Teh. 38— IN I T M PRESS 5c De lAing Hairpins....... 2 port, today look the firmest stand ^ A Btse B l; Despente HALE'S SELF SERVE • 36” Preshnink Fine Manlinn (API — The Oenerai Aaeembly'a 1 for "paaca with honor” that aha has 5c Bobby Pins...................2 • 36” Fine Quality Prints Judiciary Committee withheld un adopted atoca Italy started tha cam- leapt Made Te Heed 10c ’Thimbles...................... favorable reporta on a large batch pal^ for a share of French African ChanbeHan Rqiorted Pre- • 36” Novelty Fabrics 10c Bias and Ric Rac Tape.. of bUla for “Ubaralizlng'’ the old ago eol^es. Premier Deladier, In a pointed CLASH RiPOKfSB Drive Agikot Froii For dresses, blouses, and children’s wear, 10c Shoe Laces.................... pmeloa lawa today amid algna that pariof Plan To Settle Dm- the laaue waa still a thorny problem addresa last night to the American IN THIS SECTOR. housecoats and smocks. New colorings and 10c 4-Yd. Pieces Elastic .... for Connecticut law-makerz. club of Paris, made plain hla gov- T H s ee designs that are really different. All guar 10c Bobby Pins.................. O O T . Raymond E. Baldwin an- animent'a policy of bending every FRENCH official Chims For Terri" WaablagtoB. Feb. 88—(At Douncad at hiz preae oonferenoe reasonable effort to maintain paace Heum tmtattvaly rejected tto i 10c Sewing Needles........... DEFENSE anteed washable. that the commlttoe would aeek -ex but refusing to yield to "blackmail." LINES omtroverrtal Item In "We reject any Idea of surrender," torj Now Held By Freick pert advice" on the whole subject Roosevrit’e |8S3,OOOJ)(M before coming to a final decision on Daladler declared. "We camkit admit p K fi to o what changea to rooommend, and at anything but peace with h<mor.'' M ILES program today-a propoeal to i STOCK BP! tha aame time Democratic leaders Reply To Amertcaa Criticism Rome, Feb. 33.—(AP)—Hints ef tto far away Istand of served notice they would fight for a The premter'a words were Inter mediation by British Prime MInto- Naval aeaplaai outpost maaaurt Incrmslng the maximum preted wkMy as a reply to Ameri Map riiowa appraxlmataly loeartton of a reported etaeh between ter Chamberlain of tha differeneea After tkrm days df otOnoy« tto projoet too Houm ad No. t Can Burt OhMy*! pmston from ITto <9,— can criticism, like that fat tha ad- French and Italian troops fai Franoa'a territory of Tunisia, la which arising from Italian aapiratloiia to 00 drees by Senator Plttmaa (Uezz., by a teller vote of IN to ld4,'< FREE Delivery On A ll Orders THE •anata Chairman Anthony J. Rich 84 men were reported killed. Italy has demanded a eUee of French ward Flench territory appoared- to Siloed Osrdea (B).- who announced last night the Nevada) denouncing tha Engnsta- territory, preferably In Tunisia, gateway to Italy's Libya. •admmt by Keprmentatlm/ For $ 1 .0 0 a n d M ore. GREEN Judtdary Committee had voited un- French appeasement potley. day In two Italian nawapapars. b (D., MJ.). to oMto tto. P Beefs STAMPS favorhble reporta on a larga batch' Daladlsr expressed conildanee, n Popolo dl Roma, tai a dlapateh ),000 Quam Itoai from too Ulk providing tor Inoreaaea rangi neverthelaBa, In the "aoUdaitty" of from London, said Chamberlain waa tOOflOO naval air bam bOt ) GIVEN o t Waahingtaa, Prik. 83.—(AP) — tto ruten however, there oUB' lag up to $30, reiterated today Us France and the United States la preparing a plan to aattto Italy’s aa WITH M odess yet unofficial elalma for Frtneh Mid-torm graduatm ef Oaorga chanoa too Houeo. arigltt i FREE Parking for Hale's and House's smertlon that the predominant een- working for liberty aad democracy.