O @QQD Tile Future What Happened to the M and to Their Children
o JOURNAL ' APRIL ' 78 o @QQD TIle Future what happened to the m and to their children. Th ey clung to the organization What of our future? Today, we stand that gave them protection and strength. over 1,000,000 st rong, wi th nearly 1,600 Each era writes its own history. Our local unions scattered the length and union heritage, vibrant and strong, has breadth of the United Sti::ltes and been passed on to us- Whero we go Canada. We are one of th e largest from here depends upon our Brothers unions in the world, and our wages and and Sisters of today. Ihe Inter na tional working conditions are second to none Bro therhood or Electrical itt any comparable field. IBEW members Workers IS as otO as !he now enjoy better health and welfare commercial use 01 electricIty 11sell It .s the coverage, improved penSions, lor.g.". oldest. as weI! as the vacations, and more holidays, as we, lI,i'i IU l y,,~t , ,, 1,,~lI '~dl un,on other ncgoti3ted benefits. in th o world. ThiS IS Ih e We stand where we are today beca u.q '~ twenty-elgh!h ,n a sel,es strong, intelligent. and loyal men and 01 spec,al poslers lIaclng tha h story 01 Ih~ IBE'.'! women created, protected, and preserved our union. They cared 28 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIO NAL BROTHERHOOD EXEClITlVE OF ELECTRICAL WORKER S oFFICEIIS CHARL ES H. PILLARD ,,,,.,,,.,,OM' P".ld.", 1125 15,,. S l , N W JOURNAL· APR • 78 W' l hlnglon, D C.
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