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12-22-1960 The Advocate - Dec. 22, 1960 Catholic Church

Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Missions and World Christianity Commons Archbishop Plans 7 High Schools, 4 Homes for Aged in Archdiocese NEWARK Plans for a multi-million dollar construction In pro- Bergen County, however, a high school for 1,500 girls is ex- The new building at is to provide seven new high schools and fouY new homes for the to philosophy Darlington expected to cost gram pected be completed next September in ™ Washington Township; ldlon and Wlll include a and one in each of the four counties of the Newark chapel recreation facilities aged, Archdiocese, and one to accommodate 1,500 is to be for itsV among boys expected ready Sep- features for the 250 students. have been announced Archbishop Boland. in by tember, 1962, the Hohokus area. Estimated cost of construction IN for each school is $3 million. REVEALING the overall construction at the THE ARCHBISHOP revealed the building plans at separate plan meetings lor the pastors and assistants, meetings with pastors and assistant pastors at East Orange Catholic UNION Archbishop Boland stated that final COUNTY sites will be in the Roselle area for the boys’ and and Essex complete information on all phases of the program be High School Catholic High School on Monday and Tues- school and the Plainfield for the will an- area girls. nounced early in 1961. day this week. The North Hudson area is one of the sites for Hudson County He further stated that studies are The Is to cost in excess of presently under way program expected $36 million. It while Jersey City and Bayonne are considered for other. involving being the long-range plans in the fields of will accommodations for additional In each specialized medical service, hospi- provide 10,000 high school stud- case the seating capacity will be 1,500 students and the tal facilities and other services rendered the ents through construction of two new high schools each in estimated cost by Archdiocese. Bergen, $3 million. The and Hudson and complete range of seminary needs is also under Union Counties one in Essex County. study, the THE NEW SCHOOL for Essex will be in the Archbishop revealed, and the possibility of anew Also included in the plan is anew philosophy building at the County located prep seminary is listed the area of Verona and Bloomfield and accommo- among long-range under consideration. seminary at Darlington and debt reduction for two high schools in general Caldwell, will projects Essex East date 1,000 girls with future possibility for a boys’ unit. Construction IN County Orange Catholic, where an auditorium-gym- ANNOUNCING the building to the cost is estimated at program assembled nasium is planned —and Essex Catholic. $2.5 million. priests, declared: Archbishop Boland “As we complete plans for Archbishop Boland revealed that the new homes for the this aged great undertaking, I wanted our and to BECAUSE OF the scope of the which in each of four pastors priests have first undertaking, Archbishop the counties will be located as close as to word of possible our I am confident of the program. that under their inspired Boland described as "unsurpassedin the history Archdiocese,” general hospitals. Each of the homes is to accommodate planned ap- leadership, the enthusiasm and must the actual sites and construction time tables for of support which come from the several the high proximately 100 residents and the total cost is estimated at $5 mil- Catholic people of our Archdiocese will schools have not been decided make this project a tremen- upon yet. lion. dous success.” Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter Tie Advocate Among Four New Cardinals Official Publication of the Archdiocese of Newark. N. J„ and Diocese of Paterson, N. J. VATICAN CITY An American, an Italian and two 9 No. Vol. 52 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1960 PRICE: TEN CENTS named Latin Americans were to the Sacred College of Cardinals by Pope John and will receive their Red Hats at a secret consistory on Jan. 16 Pope John thus raised membership in the Sacred College to an all-time high of 80, and increased number of the 1958 when he raised membership American Cardinals to six by in the Sacred College from 70 naming Archbishop Joseph E. to 75 with his first appointments. Ritter of St. Louis. Subsequently he raised the mem

bership to 79, then 85 and now 86 THE HOLY FATHER gave Venezuela Cardinal its first in OK THE CARDINAL named Jose Humberto Quin Archbishop by Pope John, a majority (23) tero of Caracas. Venezuela is the have been nun Italians, including sixth first country getting its Car the first Catdinals in Mexico, dinal in two years as Pope John Uruguay, Venezuela, Japan, the uses the Sacrea College to stress Philippines and Tanganyika. the universality of the Church. America now ranks behind Italy The other Latin American (32) and France (8) in national named was Archbishop Luis representation. Concha Cordoba of Bogota, There are two Cardinals In Colombia. Latin America now Africa, including Cardinal Ru- Is the Sarred represented in g.mihwa, thr first Nrgro over College by II prelates. named to thr Sacred College, Also named in the new group and six native Cardinal* In waa Archbishop Giuseppe Ferret Asia. Two Cardinals, Cardinal to. a native ol Rome who is sec- Wysivnskl ol Poland and Car- retary of the CoUcge of Cardinals dinal Mlndsxcnty of Hungary, and Assessor of the Sacred Con- occupy Sees behind the Iron sistorial Congregation. He visited Curtain. Another Iron Curtain America briefly last September prelate, Cardinal Tien, cannot FAMILY MATTERS: Among principals attending the first national of meeting Their order of precedence in the return to his See in Red China. diocesan Family Life directors left to are, right, seated, Bishop J. Sacred will be fol- is Christopher College as It expected that Archbishop Weldon, Springfield, Mass., episcopal moderator, National Life lows: Ritter, Arch- Family Bureau, Archbishop Fcrrotto will continue to be as- and Cardinal E. St. bishop Quintero, Con- signed to NCWC; Joseph Hitter of Louis, convention host. Standing, Rev. Archbishop the Reman Curia, with cha and Korrelto. the other Neil Smith, Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City, Newark archdiocesan associate di- Archbishop Cardinals retaining Life their Sees. rector, Family Apostolate; Rev. Henry Sattler, C.Ss. R., assistant director, Na- THE NEW nominations by Rnef biographies of the new tional Life Rev. Pope John sre the fourth by him Family Bureau, NCWC; James F. Johnson, administrator, St. An- Cardinals follow: in a little over two He thony’s, Northvale, Newark archdiocesan Family Life director; Msgr Irving A. De- years. elevated 23 Cardinals at a Decern Blanc, director, National Family Life Bureau, and Rev. John Dericks, (jirtlinulKilter NCWC; pastor, her, 1958, consistory; eight at a Paterson The Indiana born Holy Spirit, diocesan Life director. lait December and prelate, 68, Is Pequannock, Family (Story, Page 3). consistory Cardinal Ritter nationally known for his success- seven at s consistory In March. I£M7 ful fight to St Three others were named "in desegregate Church lauis Catholic Bertha Lucttc Ritter of New Al the In Latin America ha* Petto” (within the breast). schools, his un Pre-Christmas Pope bany, Ind., where Mr. Ritter was been one of his constant concern*, Father Riordan of John usual plan to aid the priest short withholding their names for in Church Latin a baker, Archbishop Hitler has 1955 he appealed for voluntc«ra (he time being. in America, his In been a for 27 He from hi* own priest* and Fast and sistcnce on an Bishop years. among Excluding the Cardinals "In active role for lay was elevated to the hierarchy in sent three of those who responded people at Mass Petto'' Pope John and his analyses St. Peter’s Dies his created consecrated to La Par, Bolivia, where 11*33. when he was Abstinence of the layman » role they (7 new Cardinals. As In the mod- now con- as Titular Bishop and Auxiliary founded and staffed mission, ern Church. a a In sirtur of the decree of the stituted, the Sacred College has JERSEY CITY A Jesuit for 24 years, the One of ol the Indianapolis Diocese, for being supported by the St. Louis priest of 31 six children of Nicholas Sacred Congregation the Italian and 51 non Italian last 17 of which he at St Peter's Rev. Wil- which he was ordained in May, Archdiocese. The Archbishop him- taught Prep, Council of Dec. 1939, every members with that ratio chang- 3, 1917. self visited Bolivia in 1954 to liam Riordan, died Dec. 16 at St. Clare’s is ing to 31-54 S.J., Hospital, Catholic permitted to decide with the new ap- the Cardinal Hailed He became the Bishop In 1934 check on progress of th* mis- New York. He had been in ill health for for himself whether to observe pointments. They will many years represent and sion. when Hie See was raised to the and 31 countries In tlx A Mass for the was pre-Christmas fast ab- continents. l or Requiem repose of his soul of- Rare Stand Hie status of archdiocese In As for active liturgical partici- stinence (complete) Friday, Pope John In his an St. on appointments fered in Peter's Church on VATICAN 1944, he became Its first Arch- pation by the laity, the Arch- Dee. 23, Saturday, Dec. has departed from long-estab- CITY (NO-Cardl 19. or on Dec. Celebrant was Very Rev. William and Ktiiaboth Murphy nal designate E. bishop He was transferred to St bishop has called It "most im- 24, of this year. Kvery one over lished tradition i Joseph Ritter B. rector eight times, John Morris, S.J., and Riordan He entered the Society of St. Louis got Louis in 19-46. portant.” In recognition of his seven years old Is bound to fast breaking a 400-year precedent in special praise and he In 1958 pastor. Deacon and subdeacon of Jesus on Aug. 14, 1921, here for his work In interest, was named and/or abstain, according to • behalf of his IN 1947, SKVEN years before were Rev. James Rohan, S.J., served his novitiate and junioratc justice for Negroes. by his fellow Bishops to be th* age; he is allowed to determine the Supreme Court's order St. Ignatius, New York, and Rev. His l 1 S first head of the Com- at Si Andrew on Hudson The Vatican press office bulle Bishops' on whlrh of the two days to do for To Broadcast desegregation in public the William Hoar, S.J., St. Peter's studies taken at tin lauded the mission on Liturgical Apos- philosophy were he Archbishop's "pis so. It elects Saturday, Dec. schools. Archbishop Ritter called tolatc. Spokane, Wash , and Wcalun, loral zesl" and called him 24, he is still bound by the "one for integration In St. Ixjuis Cath Mass .ol the most The Archbishop attended paro- normal complete abstinence of Talk esteemed prelates of olic schools. Pope’s the Uniteil States " chial school in New Albany, After a period of teaching at Friday, Dec. 23. A small band of Catholic lay Ind., VATICAN CITY (NO then in 1906 entered St. Canlsius School, liuffalo, he ; "In his diocese," the bulletin Meinrad, High men or{anlzed to oppose hlv At lrd least 10 radio networks said, "he made a , Seminary, conducted by studied theology at Woodstock great contribu program and announced they tlon for Benedictines Following bis ordi- College, Woodstock. to broadcast "live” the the establishment of a to Md., and was Peter's Prep plan would begin legal action pre- climate of brotherhood nation. he served four months as ordained on June 21, 1936. He Is survived by two sisters, Christmas message of Pope i among vent it. the various an Indianapolis pastor, then was After ordination, he returned Kilecn races, above all de The remained Riordan, Sunnyside, 1,. I ; John and another six Archbishop XXIII, the transferred to the cathedral, fending Just aspirations of of thr to teaching al Canlsius High and Mrs Charles O’Connor, networks have firm, warning members asked for delayed Negro citizens." where he became rector. He be School until 1943, when he aas nieces organization In pastoral letter Bronx, Ihree and a neph- a (ieneral transmission. New came Vicar of the In the St In York, meanwhile. Rev to assigned to faculty al ew that they weir subject ex Pope John will deliver his John dlanapolls Diocese In 1913 That Lafarge, SJ, a leader in communication If they under- Christmas at 8 message p m Ihe interracial same >ear, he became a Bishop. movement, called took legal action. Asa result, Home time (2 pm KST i on Archbishop Hitter s elevation a the organization disbanded. The Dec. 22. It will be carried direct morale booster (-artliiiulOuintero Fr. Rainone Dies at for racial justice Integration program proceeded, In by networks Italy, France. Hr! "No act of beloved our Holy and thr Archbishop was praised Archbishop Quintero, 57, has Kium, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Fattier could afford grtalcr en In secular and religious pub- been Archbtshcp of Caracas for Switzerland, Ireland, Luxembourg St. couragemcnt to tbe cause of tn lications for his determination. 10 Newark and Monaco. scarcely weeks He Is known Lucy’s, terracial justice," he said The shortage of priests to serve l Continued on Page 2) Other networks will carry it on NKWARK A Requiem Mass for Rev Thomas Rai- a delay basis, among them NBC In the U. S. The American net none. assistant pastor at St Lucy’s Church here, was of work did not fered Dec 21 Father know Immediately Ratnone suffered a heart attack in when it would schedule the braod to St. Luke Father Riordan the ami died Dec 17 rectory cast. According Archbishop Boland presided at the Mass and gave the Present in the sanctuary wore final VATICAN RADIO will broad At that time: a absolution Celebrant was decree went forth And then* were in the same W country Auxiliary Bishop Martin Stan cast the In 30 Rev Gaetano Ruggiero, Church. New York and then Pope's message from Caesar that the whole and ton ol Newark and Vm pastor City, Augustus shepherus watching, keeping the Itlshop languages during its regular pro Deacon and suhdearort were Hcv was appointed to ihe world should he cent J Truk, chaplain enrolled This lirst en night watches over their flock And be- 1 Kennally, S , o( grains In the following Dec Gerard M of St the days Santora, pastor, Holy Sisters John llaptist, roliment was made Caroline Islands 22 Radio Free will broad by Cyrinus, the gov- hold, an of the Lord stood Itusary, Jersey City, and Hcv Mt St John's Academy, Glad- Furope angel by them, cast delayed transmissions in ernor of Syria And all went to be enrolled, and the of God shone round ACCORDING TO one of the Henry M Naddeo, Holy Family. stone brightness translations to Poland, Bulgaria, one into his own and feared priests at St Peter's, I alher Nutley Itev Sebastian J Chtego, During his stay at Gladstone, every city. them, they greatly And the Rumania, Hungary and ITecho And ttiordan was a scholar of Ihe pastor Assumption, Itoseltc Park, the school was destroyed Joseph went up from (iaililee, angel said to them Fear not, for by slov akla behold, first Ills interest was master of ceremonies and from the order prime fire lather Itainone was of Nazareth, Into Judea to news of Vatican Radio will also broad city I bring you good great joy, which l.atin The credited with the was In the and Greek clas tulogy was preached saving lives the of which is called Bethle- by cast the Pupe’s Midnight Mass city David, shall be to all the people; for this day Is sirs, hut he bruught to his studies Hev Joseph O M I of scores of students, leading Ferrecchla, the night of Dec. 24 short hem, because he was of the house and born to the on you in city of David a a perception and chaplain. Villa them lo Savior, deep a Walsh, Mur safrty. wave lengths, 4* 41 31 47, M, 10. of David, to be enrolled with Marv who is Christ In other fields Prior io lo Si family the Lord And this shall be knowledge as well. rtstown coining Lucy s, and 25.55; also on medium wave his who with Child. "Acutely aware of the meaning f alher Itainone was al espoused wife, was a sign to you. Ye shall find a babe pastor length 194. of FATIIKR HAINONK hern <>ur of suffering in his own life, his had Lady Sorrows, Garfield, And it came to that while were in On Christmas Day al pass they wrapped swaddling clothes and assistant at St noon Va lying solicitude others heart Lucy's for the and assistant at Our of lit for was Lady lie will there the for her were com- in an Radio broadcast on the days delivery a manger He past 24 years He was in felt,-deep and constant was horn Carmel Newark same wave lengths the Pope's And with and Palma Campania, pleted suddenly there was the an- a fatherly counselor genial Italy, and was Surviving are three brothers, blessing "To the and the ordained in Mi City And she forth her first-born of the to all who knew him." Rome years ago itaffaelc of and brought gel a multitude heavenly host, companion Brooklyn, Hlaglo World" which he will from prais- to S 16 impart him Coming the L' years and Francesco and three son, and wrapped up in God, and God in Italy, Hie hi swaddling ing saying Glory to on PATH HR horn balcony overlooking HIORDAN was ago Father Kalnoae first served sisters, Lucia, Mlchellna and clothes, and laid him in a because and on earth Bronx, of the lute Peter s Square after delivering a manger high peace to men of In the son at Our good hĥfgh Lady of Mt. Carmel Teresa, In Italy short message there was no room for them in the inn. will. 2 THE ADVOCATE December 22, 1960 N.Y. Raises $35 Million NEW YORK (RNS) - Cardinal Places in the News Spellman has announced that Catholics in the New York Arch- diocese had raised more than $35 Ottawa University in Canada is| A million dollar retreat housa million for construction of new planning a $33 million expansion for laymen has been dedicated in educational facilities. program for the next 20 years Detroit and will be operated by The minimum goal of the fund The Catholic Interracial Conn Passionist Fathers. New drive, known ar the "Cardinal's cil in York has been praised Fifty American scholars will Campaign for the by a city official its series of New Seminary for work on open a talks in Cin- behalf cinnati and High Schools.” had been set of interracial understand i next month on the rela- at $25 million. ing. Final .returns are tionship between religion and lib- expected to exceed $4O million. Reports are current In eral arts subjects. Funds will he used to finance Formosa that the Nationalist "The Apostolic Layman—New the Chinese construction of anew sem government will author Responsibilities in Christian inary near Herriman in ize a birth Orange control program Unity'' has been selected as the 300 I County for seminarians, a The Diocese of de Valles has theme for the 1961 convention to high school expasion program to been established in Mexico with the National Council of Catholic for provide 5,000 additional stu- territory taken from two other Men in Pittsburgh May 4-7. dents and replenishment of the dioceses in the northern section The Council of Cathrlic Men archdiocesan educational fund. of the country. in Toledo, Ohio, is campaigning The Franciscan Fathers In to keep Catholics from holding Jerusalem are office An Hour a Week for celebrating the or attending Christmas 400th SOMETHING NEW: The Sisters of Charity of St. Eliz- anniversary of the estab- parties where intoxicants will bo abeth New Dutch Churdles lishment of their headquarters at served. Convent Station are head- of adopting the new St. Savior's dress HFRTOGENBOSCH, The Neth- Monastery. Cardinal Mclntyre has asked pictured at right. At left is the former headdress erlands—Bishop Willey Bekkers Anew elevator is being in Catholics in Ixis Angeles to offer familiar to generations of North of Hertogenbosch’s stalled in St. Jerseyans taught by has asked the Peter's Basilica. special prayers for the perse- the Vatican Sisters. The will effected the Catholics of his diocese to work EXPANSION: The constructed convent City, to take visitors to cuted, for Africa, for Latin Amer- change be during newly in Nativity parish, Midland Park, was one hour a week the roof of the church and for the United Christmas holidays, according to Mother Joanna on construction dedicated by Boland on Dec. 17. Anew and ica States Marie, of 55 Archbishop wing chapel were added the new churches he plans Catholics in India have been during a year-end triduum Dec. the will now accommodate 10 superior general. to in building Sisters of St. Dominic of Caldwell. to build the next five years. and asked pray for the Catholics 29 31. the Archbishop are from Sister M. Rita in With left, Joseph, O.P., superior at Nativity; Ceylon where the government The Universe Catholic weekly Mother M. Dolorita, and is schools. in Ixindon O.P., superior general, Rev. Francis J. Ballinger, pastor. taking over private published with a cir- A Sees New four week ban on Bible-read culation at 500,000, has observed Pope Priests ing and recitation of the Lord's the looth anniversary of its found- Prayer in the public schools in ing. Four Wyoming, Cardinals... Mich., has been lifted Protests from angry parents at the request of church leaders forced the school board in Cause (Continued from Page 1) It was imposed after a teacher Boulder, Colo., to moderate its to for widely for his read her an announce- on As Optimism writings and paint- class ban traditional Christmas ob- ings, ment which include portraits of of a weekly Bible servances in the schools. The VATICAN CITY Seventy newlv-ordained toothache which had been bother- atudy priests his class in most of them predecessors in Caracas. a Protestant church. board decided on the ban last Americans were received in audience ing him for several days. by In late October, only about 60 Two Councils for Interracial summer but kept it secret until Pope John XXIII who voiced the it In his random special joy save him remarks, he days after he was named to the Understanding have been estab- pupils brought the word homo to so revealed that when See, greet many young, exuberant shepherds of souls. he entered Archbishop Quintero openly lished in Boston as the first proj- recently. his 80th year Nov. 25 he supported ects of made President Romulo Bet- of the new interracial Three million pilgrims, many of Fifty the priests were from the Pontifical North pro- an entry in his diary ancourt the of of the American stating: in face a revolt. gram Third Order of St. them invalids, visited the Ba- College in Rome where "It is to In late Francis. selected necessary for one bend November, when rioting silica of Our Lady of Guadalupo students from U. S. Jio- dained by Archbishop O'Connor his knee began before the I,ord in again, he walked out into Rembrandt's famous painting, in Mexico City on the feast day ccses are sent to their complete in the chapel of the North Amori the thanksgiving, and abandon one- streets and asked demonstra- The Adoration of the Magi, Is of the national patroness. training. They were accompanied on 18. self tors to College Dec. Included to His will.” disperse. His automobile the theme for a commemorative An international on by Archbishop Martin jean competition J. O'Con- in the was Rev. Gene A. was wrecked and group He said his of burned, but he stamp issued by New Zealand missionary films produced since nor, rector of tho serenity spirit college. Most Herbster of West Orange, or- is was unharmed for special use 1955 be a consequence of this attitude on the Christmas will a feature of the of them also were at the joined j dained for the Newark Archdio- of mail. "Meeting in Christian Brother- audience their resignation to the divine will BORN SKPT. 23, by parents. cese. 1902, in Muc American in in which he The Latin Confeder- hood" Lille, France, Jan. 16-18. always feels him hies, (he new Cardinal the The 50th member of the is son SPEAKING FROM his self ready for "the ation of Christian Trade Union- Vandals have destroyed a 12th throne In last sum- ot a poor family. He studied at class, Rev. Thomas S. Maloney mons.” ists in Santiago, Chile, has an century stained glass window the Clementine John the I Hall, Pope Merida diocesan seminary of Louisville, was ordained In nounced it will work for land re- that was one of the most valued said the sight of so John and many newiy- Pope said he docs not ask then was sent to the Gre- Rome on the same day by his form and try to unionize farmers ■ treasures of the ordained priests made him to gorian in Strasbourg, “look remain longer on this University Rome for brother, Auxiliary Bishop earth, throughout Latin America. I France, cathedral. on things with optimism.” but since more studies in Charles a little time remains theology and "There is G. Maloney of Louis- no reason to be for him he wishes to canon law. ville. do as much otherwise than work He was optimistic," he good as he can. ordained In Rome All the priests will return to said, "when these new forces Aug. 22, 192 C. Upon his return Cardinal Quintero Addressing himself to Cardinal Cordoba added their home dioceses after com a group President Praises are to the this to Venezuela, he Church, of priests became a pro- their who were pleting theological studies In present *he fessor of law and became Ita first new exnrberant youth which Pontiff at the State uni- Archbishop June. said the world today at- in 1954 when both versity of Merida. He later the See waa gives trust and courage taches greater was importance to in fev- promoted to raised rank. He was active for the future.” IN ANOTHER Pope erish dean of the faculty. Work for Cubans audience, activity than to contempla While there in foaterlng religious The he was a he vo- Pope recalled his emotions John expressed his grief over tion. teacher, was AUGUSTA, Ga. (NC) President Elsenhower has also Vicar cations and built two on the occasion General of the dio- sem- of his own or- “the mournful events in Algeria,” “When one goes to the Lord cese. inaries. praised the help Catholic agencies are giving Cuban refu- dination and his first the where Mass in scores of persons have to have in familiarity with Him, It On Sept. 7, 1953, he He was named gees southern Florida. crypt of St. Peter’s Basilica, al- been killed and hundreds wounded was named Archbishop of Is more to he Important leave ur- a Titular Bishop and Bogota on May 18, 1959. The Chief Executive lauded the work” of though did not have the oon- in anti-French rioting. The gent Coadjutor “inspiring business at the door," he Archbishop of Merida. He insisted aolation of having his parents Pontiff audience the Diocese of Miami and the "instant response” of Catholic spoke during an admonished. upon making trips through the Cardinal Ferrutto present. But he said Pius granted to students Relief Service*—NCWC to Pope and teachers dangerous mountain gov- X, now regions of Archbishop native a saint, gave him lift of Rome’s Latin American Col- IN' ANOTHER Ferrctto, a ernmental requests for action. fre* medical care. a audience during the diocese to visit the by saying: faithful, Roman, has lived all his life In Mr. Eisenhower's More than Cuban chil- "May your priesthood lege for the blessing of a stone the week, the gratitude! 2,500 Pope said charity supervised reconstruction of the the shadows of St Peter's be a comfort to the Church of from St. Peter's tomb that finds its Basil- was expressed in a letter to Car dren, few of whom speak Eng- will be greatest approval Merida cathedral and in built anew ica. God!" placed in the dlnal Spellman of New York In' lish, have been enrolled in Miami | college's new build- Christianity. He spoke to dele- seminary On £ept ], i%n, he He said the 70 A Vatican official for three which the President thanked Catholic schools. The Increased priests were ing. gates the| a attending the second was of na- named-Archbishop Cara decades, Is Cardinal for $lO,OOO is born* reminder of the first 70 tional he a studious man 1 a donation' cost being by the par discinlcs At the audience, which took convention of Italy's St < a s "hose fir to Ishes. of Christ. Vincent -I line u a rrhi-olngy U. S. relief work among the place the of Our I.iirlv ranted "That he start a program of Christian ac- capitalistic system, the solu can continue to have a Slav O'Donnell described as ployes Church-state relations threatened to a "monstrous ac- of had stolen 60 apply a "surgical lions that are offered otf with their families." Chicago were consecrated In 1 Batista) 50, or cusation” Castro’s tion Inspired by strong spiritual- by ma- day Archbishop I-eon Ktirnne Duval knife” to recent asser- Holy Name 100 million pesos that did not purge their ranks terialistic and atheistic Cathedral there by tion ity commu of Algiers took to tlie radio to that priests accept bribes 1 UK IOL’RT said that the law matter to There main turn out to Cardinal Meyer the Cardinal are some "good" be invalid. In- for in the to preach anti-government appeal peace wake of "Jhe Cardinal Judges ter A BTATKMKNT Issued at the and outdated against sales on Sunday was an was there, as there are ."good” adequate Catholic Moslem and Dip(l . . mons of exercise of the week-long European , conclusion the pin youth unconstitutional the ( ardlnal did not write priests and these be meeting must present the valid pas- would Castro’s only rioting. J charges have bzen the for the youth state Anthony Beck of Detroit 74 torals Ihe there spared In pointed problem solution, by spreading and s police power Cardinal went the "purification” taken ap Archbishop Giovanni iron The to Panieo, editor of the to that up by Curtain conn group pl> the decision was a blow Michigan Catholic 1 gHe a Judas kiss to the “everyone it ini; social teaching of the demanding," tries Apostolic Nunico to Portugal, was 1922 1958 Prague Radio In Ciecho “The picture of Latin Amer- Miami clergymen and mer- and president of the bloody dictator. The misery he threatened. Church the Slovakia awarded Grand Cross of the ( atholic Press Association recently said "reaction- ica Is characterised by Its un- ' Because of the Inflltiatlon chant! who were organising a 1928 reigning In our country, ihr In- Castro spoke of Order of Prince the on the same lay ary” Catholic Blah drive laws to ban the Sun- Henry 1930 elements, the derdevelopment In the econom- International communism Into for justice reigning in our his country government signed five ops, the and Navigator by that nation on the a Vatican American ic system, Injustice In the social America, day sales of all non esaentlala. Auxiliary Bishop Kile Vaude —that did not maltrr. which is manifested by Judges, year trade pact with communist 23th anniversary of his walle "Imperialism" working for Ignorance In A automo- consecra- of Versailles, 59, result 1 are system. (he cul- attempts to make our young taw banning Sunday 49 a monks, military men, land- Kast peo tion Germany At the end of ihe an armed station tural and as a Bishop of injuries in an aulo conflict 'Hie religious fields, and pie materialists cast bile sales In New Jersey is in ef- accident owners, financiers, speculators, talk, Castro and them Edward Fischer of J. Bitter uf announced that eon attempted to the materialism In the lealm of into fect in Notre, Carl I.oulssllic, 63 monopolists all these give Impression one mold, it Is urgent that New Jersey It has been Dame were trary to his earlier that America the University, movie and TV year old younger brother of Car promise, was using Ideas and customs.” young Catholics reaffirm their upheld by the Stale more or less the same thing," workers’ Supreme critic for Ave Maria traditional Christmas clergy to infiltrate Cuban life and On the of communism, Christian magarine, dinal designate Joseph E. Ruler he in subject life, In upholding the Court and the U. S rased his efforts to stir bonuses will be smaller than Supreme will be given the Alumni Merit! of St Louis in prepare the way for "Interven- the Catholic leaders Court the young spiritual values of the human ass legitimate exercise of people against ” up the the past. -1 ’’ tion stated; person police power. December 1960 Dominican Republic 22, THE ADVOCATE 3 To Deport Nuns Priests Responded CIUDAD TRUJILLO Nuns in charge of govern- To Air ment hospitals and charitable institutions in the Dominican Tragedy Republic have been informed that their contracts are to be BROOKLY N the (NC) More than 30 priests were cancelled and that they are to leave country. among the hundreds of rescue workers who This is the latest development in the stepped-up anti- fought the holocaust here after the airliner collision 136 Church campaign being waged by which killed persons. hirst the government, according to an NCWC NEWS also reported that priest to arrive was Rev. Raymond J. Morgan who was NCWC News Service dispatch. the government has announced a walking outside St. Augustine’s Church, a block away. The campaign dates back to last law eliminating religious instruc- tic estimated 30 priests arrived in January when the Bishops issued tion primary and secondary soon after. i FATHER MORGAN said he a pastoral letter protesting a schools, and that an Italian teach- FATHER entering the rectory at about MORGAN saw the [was wave of arrests. ing Brother and a Spanish priest 10:45 a.m. when he heard loud United Air j a have been from crippled L’ncs DC-8 expelled the coun- "I jet It whistling noise. looked up and crash. had collided with a I try without explanation. An es saw a great silver object flash Serra Honors Trans World Airlines Constella- i timated 4G priests have been ex- I tion against the sky. thought it which fell on Miller i since last March. Army pelled looked like a guided he Altar Boys t icld, Staten Island. The disaster missile,” Most of the Sisters affected said. was the worst in aviation his- UPPER MONTCLAIR Fifty by government contract cancel tory. “Then I heard a loud crash. altar of St. Cassian’s parish lations arc of Spanish nalionali- boys I ran to The the comer and saw here were honored Dec. 10 by the ty, although Mexican and native possibility of even great- ' what looked like the entire er disaster was Scrra Club of Montclair and the Sisters are also the 130 barely averted among block engulfed in flame. I ran church for their cooperation dur- when the jet plummeted to ! facing deportation. SERVICE ACKNOWLEDGED: A 268 of the bark to plaque commemorating years service by Religious Teachers Filippini, the rectory, got the ing the Because of de- rarth. missing by only a few past year. The latest reports come on tiie and the order's 50th holy oils to anniversary in the was Dec. Aurora of the the administer the East U.S., presented 11, by Caravan, Order Alhambra, feet towering of St. votion to their responsibilities heels of a story in the govern- steeple Rites | in ceremonies held at Villa and shouted for the other Walsh, Morristown. Shown at the of the the likeness of the Augustine’s Church, one of they were described as a major mcnt-controlled newspaper El unveiling plaque bearing to ] priests follow me. foundress, St. Lucy are from Alfred F.X. Brooklyn's oldest. potential source of religious voca- Caribe to the effect that the gov- Filippini, left, Fanelli, sculptor; August Michelini, grand commander; "The flames were several stor- tions to the priesthood and reli- ernment is considering legisla Sister Helen Ippolctti; Dr. A.F. Senaldi, and Rev. James Next door lo the church, 850 high past grand commander; Murrav,chaplain. ies and so hot we could do gious life by Msgr. William F. ition which would imme- students of the normal total of permit nothing for almost an hour,” he Serra 1.500 at St Furlong, chaplain. diate deportation of any person Newark Priest on Augustine's School said. "Since we Steering Group couldn't get near As director of vocations in the "social order and had braved early morning snow the acting against airplane, we went into the to attend classes Close is St. Archdioccss of Newark, Msgr. public peace” or intervening 'in Scholarship by buildings, ringing doorbells and affairs.” Augustine's school, Furlong observed that former al- public boys' high escorting tenants into the street.” tar Diocesan w ith a student of 750. were Directors Delay Asked boys represented among body Meanwhile, other priests were of the Organize The school used approximately 90% clergy parochial was arriving from nearby St. Teresa Christmas TRENTON The State in this He addressed the St. Bureau as a shelter for homeless resi area. and St. Francis Xavier Churches, Association of Col- dents of Cassian's boys following the regu- National Private the crowded residential and from as far Offers Aid to Life away as St. lar monthly Mass for Scrrans and Family and to, area in downtown Brooklyn. James Pro Group leges Universities, Cathedral. their families. A presentation to of Needy Families ST. LOUIS (NC) Diocesan becoming an oven more dy- concerned with family matters. which the state's Catholic in- each boy was made on behalf of life from 73 di namic family directors force in the life of the Others he suggested the stitutions has asked Serra and the by Msgr. NEWARK The Christmas are belong, parish ocescs approved here the forma Church and of the country if To Offer Memorial local seminary rector, who could the Legislature not to amend the Mass and Rev. William Mad- Bureau, one of the serv- their Furlong special tion of a federation of family life numbers and talents are pass on to future pries s the 1959 state law at this den of St. Cassian’s. ices of the Council of Social Agcn bureaus. organized." scholarship of of Newark, and needs and problems modern time For On Dec. 9 Serra members with ries Irvington The action was taken at the Bishop McCarthy Msgr Deßlanc said that family diocesan West is to family life; superinten A bill to eliminate the restric- their dinner Hudson, helping insure first daughters as guests national conference of Cath life bureaus in EEIZABETH - A spoclal me- secrated are so new the dents of schools; and representa tion the number of scholar as Auxiliary Bishop of a happy Christmas for needy in on heard Sister Vincent de Paul of olic life directors. The con morial Mass for tho late family Church that there are no provi- fives of Catholic Charities. Con- Bishop Newark. Three years later he dividuals and families. ships which can be used at out the Sisters of St. of New Mrs ference called Justin Joseph was by Bishop sions for them in J McCarthy of Cam'lcn was named of Thomas J Smith, of thp current fraternity of Christian Doctrine, of state colleges has passed the Bishop Camden ark discuss her experiences as a president Christopher J. Weldon of will he offered 9 Spring Code of Canon Law, at a m , Dee. and installed 1957. promulgated Newman Club, various lay or- Senate and awaits action the on Mar. 19, later the Mt. Carmel Guild, is chair in young business woman and field. Mass., episcopal adviser of 1917. 31. in St Mary's Church here. Me Dec in The family life secre- ganizations, family-centered lay died on 26. 1959 member the order. Sister man Assembly Currently only 15'; of, as a of the NCWC Family Life Bureau. tariat at the Bishop McCarthy in The NCVVC was begun groups, the medical and legal the be crew up sponsoring organizations Vincent de Paul visited Montclair Industrial groups, church or-1 awards can used for study, movement Elizabeth and the Mass is being for memorial MSGR. IRVING A. Deßlanc, ! life numbers 165 di professions and oganized labor. of the the Mass include of St. Jo social clubs, depart out state as a representative and organizations of this the St director of the NCWC Bureau, assistant directors Such sponsored by Mary's parish societies, for Children, Rock- ment stores and individuals (rectors a bureau, he said, offers seph's Village have) lfor 129 dioceses I>R. FRANKLIN of community. Ordained John ! said the federation is needed "be- an opportunity to F. Moore Apr 16, Dawson Gilmary Shea As- lcigh. an opportunity of sharing with implement of the family Rider College here, association 1927. he served at the Immacu- sembly, Fourth Degree A eall to MA 3 6030 cause the needs the family life program as well Knights the needy. will MSGR. to I DKBLANC also sug- said amendment late Conception for 26 of Columbus, the are far too complex be handled as to coordinate of president, the Seminary Elizabeth coun- provide pertinent information on programs gested broadening the concept of would allow "millions of dollars years, mostly as spiritual direc- cils of the K. of Iganizations,in I by an individual, or even a single the various C., the Catholic families need. The Christmas groups represented. diocesan Family Life Bureaus, tor. of only diocese." derived from state tax fund* to Women's Club Elizabeth, the AN IDEAL | Bureau acts as a clearinc their "The issue is not whether or "A forceful national fedcra- 'saying membership should be spent outside the state There- I.aler he was pastor of Our Catholic Daughters of America house between the giver and the not this is 'another organiza- range from the diocese s Chan Eady of Sorrows. South tion is absolutely necessary,” fore the association urges that Orange and the Catholic Lawyers Guild recipient. I tion.’ The issue is whether or not to representatives of the the On June he GIFT FOR... I he said. “Our priests and lay Legislature not take any ac 17, 195-1, was con of Union County. Each request is carefully veri jcellor this federation is the most effec- family life leaders are capable local governmental agency most lion which would radically change Ified. The giving is directed to tive means available to promote this law before there has been PRIESTS avoid duplication and to insure optimum Christian family life in the enough experience with it tn en that gifts are in keeping with the diocese and not merely re REMEMBER accurate appraisal of its ST. JUDE season. Commission medial programs," he said. (able an MANHATTAN Opens I effects to be made ” Requests for aid arc to be made TIIK NEW national federation "Through THIS CHRISTMAS directly to the “help agencies." this experience,” here SEND A CLERGY SHIRTS j which include Associated Catholic formed will be guided by a he added, "It is quite possible DONATION TO: Charities and Mt. Carmel Obscenity Study steering committee whose mem- that other and better solutions Guild bers are: Msgr. George A Kelly, to the problem might be Rev. Leonidas Oandasan TRENTON Joint Legislative Com- un- - The six-member SUITS TOPCOATS New York; Msgr. James R. covered.” Parish St. Jude Thaddeus Literature is of Hospital Staff Halils mission on Obscene currently holding private Rev South legislators SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Cummiskcy, Philadelphia; Jersey arc healings m the (list phase of its investigation James F. Johnson, Newark; for the c'o Financial Christmas Party pushing passage of Secretary Mildred Hughes of Union is ft*'- J”hn i Knott, Hartford: Thrv claim the Mol; It IN I<>U \ The annual Assemblywoman Harry amendment law Archbiihop't Residence TO THE CLERGY K.-v Walter Imhlnrskl. chairman of the commission, authorized In the Chicago. as II now slan.l. ill sr r t nunairs Christmas party of the medical Legislature It'S Vignn, lllocos Donald Milwaukee, slmtrills Sur, Philippines Wrlirr, a gain*-! from thrlr staff of All Souls Hospital here earlier this year-. Its task is to arras Suits Mad* To Order and Rev. V. battler, for of Henry because many them out of held Dec. 18 at the study the scope of the obscenity was hospital For Seminarians CSS R , assistant director of the EXPERT FITTING state colleges are more conven members problem, methods of dealing with The guests, of the NCWC Family Life Bureau. ient than Jersey institutions it, its effects on young people staff and their wives, “Minute Father Johnson and the effectiveness of state is director of They also oppose the 15% lim Men," Volunteer Corps and of Trust Fund dealing with the Family Life Apostolatc of the Ration because it means that MANZI'S ficers of Die and state and local laws "When other auxiliary Newark Archdiocese ard is with for cut , obscenity. pas so many applying alumnae were greeted by Sister tor at 404 SO. ORANGE AVE. Not Taxable St. Anthony's, Northvale. of state grants they must meet gifts arelforgotten Mary Eleanor, hospital admin- He of the NEWARK, N.J. THE COMMISSION is to re was one speakers at higher financial and academic istrator. TRKNTON A trust fund the MA 3-2100 port its findings to the Lcgisla conference. standards to nualifv. SHE’LL REMEMBER HER for the turc by January. 1962. It has left education of sem- Nil* Till »: P M. Op.n (vary SCIENTIFIC truth can never to draft reme- empowered inarians is not taxable as a contradict religious truth. jbeen where necessary Brothers Plan (dial legislation religious bequest, the State Christian Initial witnesses at private Court ruled here. Illfew WATCH Sovingt Injured to $lO,OOO Earn 4% hearings hate been Roger 11. ! Supreme By 5-0 the court Education Conference HOME MORTGAGE LOANS McDonough, director of the a vote, re- earlier Slate and Essex Coun versed rulings by '.he ALEXANDER HAMILTON Library, NEW YORK The ISIh an Brother Erancli I Offer, F.S.C SAVINGS Sheriff Nell G. Duffy. Sher- State Tax Division and the Ap- ty , nua Educational Conference of If . principal of Essex Catholic, Iff conducting pelate Division of Superior and LOAN ASS N Duffy has been the Christian Brothers of Ireland will preside at the panel devoted I COIT state's most effective drive Court. ITlin SH 7-411 S PATH lON. N l the will be held at All llallowß High to the investigation of parent against obscene publications. School here Dec. 27. The theme information such THE CASE arose out of 09- programs as Assemblywoman Hughes said a is: "Realizing Our Vocations college nights. year trust fund of $220,927 the left she hopes commission will Schol of .V-', by Maurice Kroehllch of Newark Through the Pursuit of Brother Eugene B O'Brien, be able to a report and "produce for the "education astlc Excellence Among Our Stu Essex Catholic will be a member s-n PERSONNEL which will nlle of poor woi< hy legislative action denis." Brothers participating of Brother Offer's panel. Brothers Homan Catholic young men" viatc the horrible conditions un-1 will include faculty members M. Clark, and Richard A citrring service studying for the In Joseph rendered which priesthood dor our young people and from Bergen Catholic High D. Berryman, both of from the trust Bergen by • to come would te well-trained, efficient others are being pressured School in Oradcll and Essex Cath- Catholic's into faculty, will also be tuff is ward evil." put a scholarship fund for your suursnce of t olic High School, Newark. panelists at the conference the education of BendicGnc sem- General chairman of the mult. con- Brother Clark will share In eval factory IN NEW YORK, meanwhile, a inarians. ference, at which over 300 Broth uation of a four year r' The State Tax Division program man described as ihe “kingpin" ruled < rs will attend, is Brother James of standardized testing for high of the racket ha* after Froellrh'x death In 1956 pornography II Vaughan. ESC 11 , Provincial schools, while Brother Berryman A BULOVA DIAMOND-SCT. WATCH been sentenced to three year* In that the money wax a religious ; Consultor who is on the Bergen will contribute to the discussion bequest subject to tax A NEYERTO-BEf ORQOTTEN Oim Jail and lined $12,500 He is Kd a on Catholic of ol faculty. Principals a reading improvement pro ward Mishkin of Yonkers and the everything over $5,000. lIUMim MIUIUi uni uit u rum both New Jersey schools will be gram In high school. T»*s *'4'l W l« sentence he received was one of Executors of the will contended t in'!*--;! irt Iwlf wliti. II Ffieirti ii.ilrj | t chairmen of two separate i tan: >n> pan- M'( am iMitll 1 « !<•!•! Ml.' >1 turf m the heaviest ever meted out in the gift was for educational U«'IIU»I| pur els. Brother Eugene D. McKen THE INKI'SKD virtues are r ’/i II an obscenity case poses and therefore was tax • kUMult* IM •».*» j ex- na. ESC II , principal «f Bergen those like faith, hope and charity A three-judge Special Ses- empt under New law The Jersey Catholic, will direct the discus- which are not acquired by re sions Court the Court Imposed sen- Supreme upheld that opin- sion of recent developments in pealed acts of the individual but tence after Mishkin was found ion in reversing previous rulings group guidance procedures, while are given by Cod guilty of 172 of the 19X charges brought against him. r-.,



o: SAVE MORE...EARN MORE 3 h with m S A VINGS S. MARSH & SONS Z ACCOUNT f lISS IS HEADQUARTERS u better tor that spare You'll go tar to find a use o WILL than to it. REMAIN OPEN FOR dollar In your pocket or purse use tor the uorlJ't ototi exolu Account at The Trust now, to open a Savings jml famou* fiet fume * and < New Jersey. Try it! See how easy Company of toimeliti. . . . YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE here how money It is to save quickly your Come earning 3% a interest oh*nit unh grows . ■ year ( our tomielu In to ol our 12 ottices or save by mail, we any fir lull •/ hell Remember all ottices * * j . . . i help you pay tho postage . . . HALF DAILY 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. to look your lot elicit night \ L* r 4-QP* n Monday evenings jtw day for the exuting holt Jay DEC. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. The i eaioit ahead SAT., 24th,

'//rust Company MERRY CHRISTMAS: The expression on the face of Sandra Paindester speaks for lISS Itself as with doll she is presented a by Bishop McNulty at a Christmas Party for of New the children of St. Jersey DRUG DEPT STORE Peter Claver Mission, Paterson. At right, Joyva Jones calmly jewaßK AMD SaVtRSMITHS SJNCf 1908 awaits her turn on are from Walter 5) JOU'MUI \ H JC Looking left, Marguerite Geerinck, Msgr. 11. Clly • Moboksn • Weetiswken Jersey Open 36} Ou r i • Ytar Hill, rector, St. John's Rev. Thomas Our of NEWARK MILLBURN • • »eceucus Cathedral, Boyle, pastor, Lady Victo- Union City West New York Op«n 'III 1 A M and Daily l*»*l Coipoistia* ries, Paterson The noth annual was the Paterson Unit of the M.M UlM* Member fedsrsl Deposit tnavrsncs 51004-74)1 party sponsored by Mt. Carmel Guild. Miss Geerinck is president. 4 THE ADVOCATE December 22, 1960 Holy Name Societies The CLASSIFIED MARKET PLACE Hudson County Federation held in their respective parishes Deadlin* for Classified Ads 12 Monday Noon - Call MArkef Pursuing its efforts to stamp out on next Jan. 14. 4-0700 printed filth in the area, this fed- Morris County Federation eration at its monthly meeting Emilio J. Gervasio, St. Mar- NOTICES WASHING MACH. authorized its legislative com- SERVICE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. garet's, was elect- mitee to arrange conferences Morristown, AMERICA'S FORGOTTEN CHILDREN ALL MAKES ed at the are out on the windswept plains of the MOUNTAIN LAKES with the N president annual meet- 24 J. State Joint Legis- Oglala Sioux Indian Reservation. You HOUR SERVICE ing held at SS. and Metho- ANYWHERE lative Cyril can help them by sending Committee on Obscenity to your can REASONABLE RITA B. MURPHY 11. celled stamps (any kind EXCEPT the SERVICE CHARGES dius, Boonton, Dec. Gervasio FOR THE FINF-ST 237 W. present its recommendations. small, presidential 1. 2. 3. and 4c SERVICE N. * succeeds Vincent St. : CALL OLdfield 3-5038 The federation's committee is Fitzgerald, series) to: Father Edwards. Holy Rosarv Mary's, Denville. Other officers Mission. Pine Ridge. S. Dak. DO IT MOUNTAIN LAKES & VIC. composed of former RIGHT NOW SO YOU WONT FORGET* REALTORS Judge New ••lilting!" elected include: E. Vincent Cos- TELL YOUR FRIENDS! complete with photo*. James F. McGovern, assistant JNION COUNTY grove Jr., Morris Plains, vice KLINTRUP, INC., Reoltor LOST - corporation counsel Francis Mc- ISO Blvd. (Off Rt. 4(1 > DE 4 0400. president; Richard our c«p»rifncf la Herbert, your protection. Ltl ul Reel Estate at "ISO" Since and Man’s Brown hrlo «r ISIS Inerney, Hudson County as- Zip lined Coat, size .13. vou at have .o Florham Park, secretary; Ed- many l)th „ h<[) . At Caldwell College dance Sat . Nov n» name owoera In Union County anil tha sistant prosecutor Harold J. Ru- surrounding PARSIPPANY-TROY HILLS ward Wendt, Boonton, marshal. IP. Grev Coat left by mistake. Call area. PI voldt. 3-44R5. To Ranch nr»r new Buy or Soli Call on Rt 710 73 bedroom*, living. The officers will be in- ainlnK John p. McMahon room, fireplace, hot water heat, stalled HELP appliance* Included Union by Msgr. Andrew V. Ste- WANTED FEMALE IMS Morru . . *18.300 County Federation Av*., Union MU 134.14 fan, spiritual at MARY A. BERNHARDT Archbishop Boland will director, the Oprn Eve* and Weekend* be the **• Rt. organizational Feb. 12 GIRLS 10 Whlppany TU 7 5070 at meeting NUTLEY principal speaker the fifth an- at St. Margaret's parish, Morris- RIDGEWOOD nual dinner Jan. 30 at the Eliza- Bl'Y NOW SELL OR TRADE - RIDGEWOOD beth town. 1961 GRADUATES INVESTIGATE OUR TRADE-IN PLAN AND VICINITY Carteret Hotel, Elizabeth. Wc ''E will ||«t tour house for sale. CODDLE OUT-OFTOWNERS or BOO Since it was consider buying It If purchase MULTIPLE LISTINGS September, report- Plan to discuss you an HEAL WELCOMING A FRIEND: Rev. Mark at your future in other hoU*e SITHENS ESTATE Gt 5-0000 Tsai, pastor of the Catholic mission Mucha, ed at the through our office. Let ISO regular meeting that Meet u* Franklin Ave . Spanish Bishops know your requirement*. Evenings Ridgewood is St. Peter the 400 with The Marine Mid- OPEN 7 DAYS AND Taipei, Formosa, greeted by his friend, Rev. Daniel Collins, men have joined' the society MADRID banking and Holiday* call Mr*. Kelly. WE EVENINGS pastor, (NC)—Cardinal Pla y 9 3022 Apostle, River Edge. After 14 of and and the goal is to double this Deniel. land Trust STANLEY JOHNSON years parish work, teaching study in the U.S., Primate of Spain, pre- Company during WE'VE SPLIT A RANCH AT figure by the end of the FOX Father Tsai went to Formosa in 1955. He is here now seeking help for his struggling year. sided here at the annual meeting the CHRISTMAS VACATION. LOTS FOR SALE HOLLOW FARMS, SPARTA Msgr. Thomas F. Open for admiration mission. this month St. Mulvancy, of the Spanish Bishops. Deci- your U the Early Peter the Apostle parishioners gave $1,200 to the We'll be open for interviews FAYSON LAKES concept In space convenience spiritual director, announced sions of ihe meeting will not •nd comfort Neetllng be YEAR ROUND VACATION LIVINO perfectly Into Chinese priest in a special collection. He to the on Dec. that the contour* of spoke Holy Name Society the new members will be published until have been from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., Tues- BUILDING LOT Its plus »rre of they gentle land l* a de luxe quality M 13. At left are Rev. James inducted Uo‘*lls* C. Sharp, spiritual and Thomas in ceremonies to be made known to root lona. 3 bedroom. director, Belger, presi- the Holy See. EXCELLENT LOCATION bath split day through Friday. level home, finished \ dent of the (4.000 recreation room society. Plua rear porch—compliment the Price Include* public water aupply . beautiful colonial styling of this By participating in one of Year Round Hornet Available newest addition to Suaaex County's From (13.000 to j (40.000 * >‘** r round Lake community, MARINE MIDLAND'S located Saturday FAYSON LAKE on the Sparta-Newton Road Indian JuM Aiding west of Our Lady of the Lake work- Put in 'Darkness' Training Programs or by COMMUNITY, Inc. < hurch and School Center In Sparta. Boonlon Yourself after school Ava. Faraon Lake Rd E. G. Realtor ing ANDERSON, part-time Mnnelon Morria County. N. J U MOHAWK-SPARTA. Radio Schools TErmlnal Mfltfl fveping Vic. will be assured of Office hours, you a Rt. 13. SparU PA (41S1 Peru REAL ESTATE FOR SAIE~ To PUNO, Thousands of Peruvian Aymara job when you graduate. In the Others WAYNE Help Indians in BERGEN COUNTY Enlighten mountain villages are cate- here their learning meantime, you'll earn $1.35 an Both the and chism shepherds the through radio broadcasts with a Passaic hour while found Our Lord originating attending classes Magi in the dark missionary. AT the shepherds through the for the or working part-time. Society Propagation Rev. Arthur who St. aong of the angels; the Magi Prull, M.M., directs Radio Gabriel of the Faith for the Training Programs: North through a star Maryknoll Fathers in Arlington The the Wise Archdiocese of Newark: Penas, Bolivia, is providing thel Power Heights on Magi were Men for Father Trail's sta- • Office Assistants Schuyler Ave. MERE! Most transmitter with 200-mile' OPEN FOR INSPECTION who discovered Wisdom not in the Rev. Martin W. Ph.D., L.L.D. a tion comes from a 15-year-old Stanton, S.T.D., • « NEW MODEL HOMES brilliance of their and 31 Mulberry St., Newark J. range. diesel generator Bookkeeping knowledge 2, N. Phene MArket 2-2*os which has CAPES • RANCHES • SPLITS science and but in Hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to to 12. broken down once and threat- • 1.8. M. Proof CHRISTMAS education, 5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.». TIUS AREA Is within the sta-| Machine FROM faith. Diocese of Paterson: ens to do so again. It costs tion's range and Rev. Robert E. also How shall the pagans in the Rt. Rev. Msgr. William F. Louis: about $3,000 to operate the sta- $17,990 ARmory 4-0400 Kearns, M.M., of New York has • Part-time Jobs MODELS OPEN DAILY WY world find Christ today except 24 DeGrasse N.J. tion for a year. Weekdays 17310 St., Paterson 1, Phone: ARmory 4-0400 installed receiving sets in various the darkness A through momentary Hours: 9 to graduate of Pope Pius XII after school. Daily, a.m. 5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12. villages on the Peruvian side of BERGEN COUNTY into which you put yourself High Father Prall JOHN WEISS & by Donations to tht Socitly for tht ikt Lake Titicaca. The is School, was SEE ANY OF A FINE CO„ Reoltor Propagation of project Intorvlowt SELECTION sacrifice and self-denial? Faith ordained in 1952 and has been OF HOMES rHSC 1207 Paterson Hamburg Tpk Wayne art incomt lax dtducliblt. helping solve the of too Tuaiday through Friday Open 7:3fk—Sun. cost problem to 1 to 5 OX 4-0300 Has our faith us anything? stationed in Bolivia ever since. SMITH & MOONEY few priests to teach the half mil- t A. M. to S P. M. It cost Our Blessed Lord His life. Besides his LAKE MOHAWK lion in religion, station in- REALTORS Indians living the rugged, 111 Kind’Em 1e Rd In imitation of Him our mission- structs in THE MARINE MIDLAND . Moolvalk, N J Exceptional value! Four bcdroom( lw# for a very reading, writing, sani- PArk Rldon great favor receiv- sky-high villages of the Andes 0-2400 end a half hath*, living room will* ary priests, Sisters and Brothers tation, personal TRUST COMPANY fireplace, ed, Mountains. hygiene and NEW MILFORD dining area, full cellar, ott namely, a non-malignant Charmtno ColonlaL heat If* give their lives to the and Obituary farming methods. « htdrooim, and LAKEFRONT. pagans diagnosis OF NEW YORK 2 lull hatha. nnar in a condition where Gathering in central points of think avarr- *28.300 of the world. It is a and wholesome MOJOO poor I holy bad grave reason to fear each village, the Aymara Indi- HOUSE REALTY INC EMMA B. LAPOINTE Will you not them thought to pray for the dead Personnel 6th Floor 3>- fl 0 give your Dept. 10] T j- 0 223, *“««• IS Sparta. otherwise. ans, along with trained cate- N. J. Gets Real Open Dally and prayers and your sacrifices? that they may be loosed from Pope 120 Broadway, N. Y. C. DENVILLE Sunday “I wish chists, tune their receivers Into Parkway g 3730 The Holy Father's for only some ailing mis-, their sins. We recommend to Society catechism FARMS lessons, sermons and • HOMES - ESTATES the of sionary might be able to receive the prayers our Portable Throne Woman wanted to cook GRIFFIIH Propagation the Faith of readers the for 7 Slat era. PRIDEAUX, INC- the wonderful medical prayers, all spoken In their na- pleaaant morris iiijntejiihjn. : and the VATICAN surrounding«. Call WH 5-4708 TORS “ INSURERS markc* helps, your to surgi- repose of of - by charity, bring souls the fol- CITY Pope John after 3 P. M *•u Indian Rd rot care tive tongue. . D*nvlU«, N. J. to cal which I was fortunate now Christ the spiritually and the lowing who have recently de- has a black Mercedes se- OAkwood WOMAN, middle e 7-4300 «... 'enough to obtain." Impressed with the results, ag preferred, to run ‘vn&gr materially poor of the world. parted this life: dan equipped with a back scat ('athollc woman * re•udenre ( arable of “Sara in a th. Hub M Morrla ( ttanlng. Murray MAX) Father Kearns to home work oanlr” hopes install and ccf>«klna Uw aalary Send your sacrifice to the Rev. similar to a throne. dedicated society James O’Loughlen, or lat< e LAKE HOPATCONG' R. McWilliams, Realtor a battery of receivers, at a cost vocation Oppor and that Our Lord will Seeking Funds It was tunlly to do good c'harttable work. OL Main St., Chtilar N. J. pray re- S.D.B. given to him as a TR OSIJI of $27 each, in more remote vil- 3-1945. - imburse you with the gifts of His Christmas gift by HOWSE REALTY INC? To Buy Rev. Thomas Rainone lages. Bishop .Tulio Gonzalez of German APARTMENTS FOR~RENT ('lmpels POSITION WANTED M3 Pnllaadaa A>. grace. workers. Fritz chair- . Trannrk N J ‘ Rev. William A. Riordan, S.J. Puno has also been Koenecke, |TE irhool opportunity facing Rev. teacher l n ion ounly preferred liy Medical ISeics plant in Stuttgart, l |to« Water _ John vance ever made In teach- Germany, No I. The Advocate. . front lot 73 fr IVY HILL Murphy, S.J., in Honduras. made 31 Clinton M ' front |.iJtno Everyone who loves another the presentation. Newark 3. N J Another wtih m foot it*r frontage. Several ing catechism in my diocese." i buildings which can be ACLU The only 14.730. See t's First In New Jersey Opposing car is the most modern person with Divine Charity will made into FOR SALE j chapels for villages THERE ARE auto given show the greater love, the bigger Scenes some IS radio to the Pope in re having no such facilities avail Nativity schools Radio 'cm It has ro, p *'*d road. lIJIM shopping. One Block Placing Nativity scenes on the hours day dows, M pair. 114%.|3 • ii*”*. with the and the like ,> ' • the following gift: a first throne chair itra long 81 pr Inaulaled 3 bedroom TV Matter Antenna Fruit Cos. and the cost for each SUP-lIOSK 8.1 cotteke. Capitol mall in Salem and at “class" has pair t«!#00. • Automatic Laundries starting at 6 *5 a m. for a moveable back. Call Mias “It me Daly - OR 3-1737 AU Outside gives great pleasure,” (purchasing, re- • Picture transporting, the Pioneer Post Office in Port- those who must Tor writes a work in the After asking Koenecke to con- be.) bur. on New Window Rooms benefactor, “to send building) is A For Sale, second grade school Jereer'e leneet only $5OO. gift of land was here the A hand • Full Cersmlc Tile Bsths protested by fields. pole vey his thanks the desk* P *’ lt '* k * “wee) Reeerve to flag run up a sum- to of vartoua Apply I*in' !*, I • the enclosed $lOO check workers, sizes. Queen ri!iiOffice _ t lub plen. Psrquet Floors yon any size would be a help. Time is of Peace 5i?J American Civil Liberties Union. mons the students. and School. WYman 8 4223 Office • for the missions in thanksgiving expressing sympathy on Club plen. Landscaped (hardens Important in this issue. • Fireproof 14 Story the recent death of Kocncckc's BUSINESS buildings DIRECTORY I-eke fort.) Office FRtr only son, the • Css. Flsctrlcily Pontiff took a ARTHUR D. CRANE CO. APPLIANCE • Parking brief REPAIRS Houle ride in tho car. l»—S mile, north of Dover. Bulletin Tells NJ. • !>ecorstlng • of Progress MERRY CHRISTMAS LAKE Recreation Rooms HIAWATHA 3 Rooms H bedrooms) 188 30 to 109 Of 4 Rooms (1 bedrooms) *lOB 00 to Illi.Oi In Scandinavian Dooley in Brace A FEW CHOICE YEAR-END Countries OPENINGS NOW nENTINO gsr IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY NEW - Returns Laos YORK St. Ansgar's olic church in Sweden since 1938 to Bulletin, annual publication of the dedicated in Malmo. Mnst hong KONG was (FINS) - Dr St. Ansgar's Scandinavian Cath- parishes continue to be served Thomas A. Dooley, noted jungle Phone or Write for Free olic League, this year features small Sfefoef by chapels made out of a physician, left a hospital here Brochure and Literature Catholic JOHN D DALY. K*s Mgr. reports on developments room in a private house or apart- wearing a brace from hips to in Sweden Denmark, Norway, ment. The government has given shoulders, to return to his hospital 3 MANOR DRIVE NEWARK N and Finland. In 8. J. approval for the first cloistered l-aos ESSEX 8-1424 In the Lutheran The 33 DAILY TO 130 r. M Denmark, convent (Carmelite) in modern year old American doc- LILLIAN HEIGHTS RADIO DELANEY, INC. \ WEEKENDS TO 130 P M Bishops have agreed to allow times. tor was fitted with an - TV SERVICE 3*a N ftevrrw orthopedic f M«»rr»>ck >ch HitK«1 DK 4 2031 * Catholics to teach HVI Summit A«« . jrnrr Olr 7. N SPECIAL FOR COMMtTKRS ff history in pub- brace after X rays showed bony J Catholics number in Public Service Ivy Hill Hua No lic 27,416 107 schools, a privilege previously destruction of the vertebrae, SEASON'S •EXPRESS) runs direct from our prop, Sweden, but are refugees GREETINGS FAYSON LAKES many erty to New York Port Authority Ten. forbidden by custom. Four Danes which said was unable physicians prob- minal. 41st Kt . and Bth Ave In 40 rat»> to help the Church. While rAYtiOS LAKKN have recently been ordained and ably an extension cancer YKAft u«ea. to minute rush hour headway. conversions arc ire of the Hot M» VACATION LIVING PY 20 limited, they CAR Five minutes from Gsrdsa others arc studying in sem- that hit Dr. In 111 lI.DIMi LOT made Dooley 1959. j Male Parkway. 11*11 143A. right being mostly among young lIOiM3- on inaries. The Catholic "• Madlaon Ave to end. Stuyveaant population am standing straighler than rX( tUXNT LOCATION aye., married people with children short right to first left turn iMt. Ver- now at ever M.OOO stands 26,593 and the before but spirits non PI direct One is of my arc f*»U* ». to property. first problem the shortage I nil u wa.her all In color opened diocesan fund drive has supplies lloorman aer.tceo his twicc-yearly Catholic Forum in passed its $l6 million mittees for providing Christmas toys for child- return. 110 PER ( ENT HIKE PARKING goal by needy 4 ROOMS (ONE REKROOM' alas Oslo has popular with $270,000. The ROOMS proved average gift was ren, show some of tho gifts to Msgr. Joseph 3 (|wo bdrma. 3 U|g A. Dooling, AIJM) PROFESSIONAL non-Cathollc Intellectuals of the $3BO. archdiocesan Mt. Carmel Guild director. Ban Christmas Trees APARTMENTS AVAILARt.E area. APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED Behind icfcr- AT RENTAL OEEICE The first new full-sized Cath- Iron Curtain Open II lo 7 Including Rundara VIENNA (IlNS)—Radio broad 44 SOUTH MUNN AVE. EAST ORANGE. casts in Iron Curtain countries MANGIERI NEW JERSEY Cardinal Starts s 2 ORange 4 7344 urged the to THE people give up "the ELECTRIC COMPANY DATOR AGENCY See Our EurnUhed Model Ap| !{ DIRECTIONS NEWARK custom of a FROM Christmas silly having Christ M l.ssl X « IJM 2 »Y CAR] Sir.lain out ( enlr.l A.a I, Trip mas tree In ■kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkil Munn. every home,” calling turn n*M on Munn A«e hall ANCHORAGE, Alsska (NC>- the custom MOUNTAIN LAKES block "actually pagan and - PILLOWS QUIITS • Y tut; Take No 31 lo Munn A.o, 1(4 block, Csrdinal Spellman mad» the first superstitious." aouth lo properly or (tueeeeiieiieeeeefiiK^,,,, (eke No 34 or 44 bu. end stop of tits loth consecutive Warsaw PILLOWS - QUILTS to Central Radio said that one Munn Area, walk hair block north I* Christmas visit to servicemen % good reason against selling and at 5 m. in here, 15 _ arriving a buying Christmas trees was "the KITE A BETH Modern Elector Apia. PENNER degree weather on Dec. 17. About serious BROS. depletion of forests every SEASONS 100 airmen and soldiers met the " Pierce Manor year Cardinal at Anchorage Interna- greetings 4 Rmt. (1 from $123 PLUMBING & HEATING bedrm.) tional Airport. 5 Rrnt. (2 bedrmt.) from $139 The Cardinal chatted informal Michael T. Baudermann, Inc. 6 Rmt. (3 bedrmt, 2 balht) ly with each member of the re BtIMBING AM) HEATING l«l WILLIAM st. NEWAItK J from $169 ception party and was driven to ma One b!oi k to : noi Immaculate ( umsDlliieV Elmendorf Air Force Base where ySarulers i. Bracken, Realtor) l hurch 4a K« howl RELIGIOUS GOODS 4 Open dally be ROoe bouU.erd U “tain t ake# I to 3 I* M was quartered in the "Alaska MOVING? and * utfatriuai 1319 Tuesday Friday until a P. ft* J Sunday Chateau,” a residence for digni- im iuiol's amticlkb '.kbkkbkkiikm> 13 PM THE Frcaldential Management taries MIMACLE SHOE fcf. 4 who visit the Alaska Com- 31* Hula® Kaail. L>n hit,LK I 343 Montkutueo si Jciki Ot». N J ficki t bfu*4 *>l are . , turn ruht to ruo4«l *pi» OH. from W«*tii«i4 Damian, 1½ years old, Michael 2½, William 3½, and Martha, 10 months old. TELEeHONE HE !4W *Mil t H/u«d St lu ru«d«i «ot« • • at. lo j*«4 a..n etu ii Wtx DAILY AND SUNDAY o A M TO • P 14 December lflfiO THE Bishop Larrain of Chile Tells Giving Food to Korea 's Poor 22, ADVOCATE 5 Honor Bishop Swanstrom Needs America Urgent ofLatin Is Belleville Youth’s Career For World Relief Efforts WINOOSKI PATERSON In Latin Amer- PARK, Vermont of GO boys whose main source ous I’d be openings. only too NEW YORK Bish- to —Last Christmas is Auxiliary award for his help immigrant*. ica, said Bishop Manuel Jack Dono- of income rag-picking. It to Larrain happy supply information in op Edward E. Swanstrom of hue was 21 and I waa Bishop Swanstrom was one of the Talea, Chile, the communists worried about cost about $lOO. was able to this field,” he adds. honored at two dinners here for founders of the committee and come netting enough Vermont secure some tents and lumber many times because we turkey his for his work in directing Catholic Re- still serves on its board of direc- open the door for them. The own holiday. from the U. S. Army. IN THE SENIOR yearbook, lief Scrvices-NCWC, the world- tors. is This Christmas, he's worried “There still remain, Bishop, who vice president of though, Donohue's sketch begins: “Jack wide relief organization main- The second dinner was CELAM, the that a quarter of a million Ko- alHHit 40 other such In is spon- Latin American groups energy plus. He embodies un- tained by American Catholics. Oc- sored by 20 American Catholic reans won’t get enough to eat. Seoul more in Pusan —but Bishops’ organization, spoke at ending spirit and drive, a com- The casion for both dinners was his nationality in a dinner in his honor here. wiry lad with the twink- money is short and so is time,” bination great groups recognition producing things recent consecration in Rome. of ling Irish is the only he writes. the Bishop's work on behalf Bishop Larrain was welcomed eyes when harnessed properly.” The American American Committee on of their former countrymen. Some by Bishop and by working in Pusan for “If any young Michaclmen The at Michael's McNulty Ger- betting St. Italian 750 Catholic in Migration sponsored the persons from ald F. Relief Scrvices-NCWC. are interested the lay-mis- is that distinguished Mische, director of the the Donohue energy is first dinner, at which the Bishop all walks of life attended the din- Association for A June graduate of St. Mi- sionary field, there are numer- International De- properly harnessed. was chael's given the committee’s 1960 ner. velopment, with headquarters in College here, Donohue Paterson. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Donohue of The Chilean Bishop said that Belleville, Winner of a scholarship from the greatest problem for Latin the Belleville Foundation, Don- America is in the rural areas. ohue was a dean's list student If the distribution of land is not and student council treasurer made in good he said, the at is St. Michael’s. He found time door open for ail the reactions to star with the The- that come from communism. Burlington ater Club.

BISHOP LARRAIN pointed out WRITING that 32 TO Rev. James “every years we double of at the in Coombs, S.S.E., dean men EFFICIENCY'S population Latin Amer- St. Michael’s, Donohue reports: ica." The vocations are growing, he “Our program here consists said, but not enough to keep mostly of food. We im- pace with the population growth. surplus about 7G \ He said that all the large cities port million pounds of S have Bishop is shown Advent food a year, about one million o critical slum problems, that Larrain lighting the wreath the at a pounds of clothing and an equal worker is unhappy, and that special reception given in his honor by the Women I he is amount of medicinal supplies, V looking for better living Volunteers Association in Washington. l conditions. Betty Behrend, also jeeps and building mater- WVA direcor, and Gerald Mische, director of Associ- ials and most anything needed That is the the Bish- danger, ation to for International are begin a mission." op Development, Paterson, emphasized, beeause any- “I like the shown with the job very much,” one who offers a program can Bishop. he continues. "It keeps me become a leader. quite busy but it docs give me He stressed the of importance an opportunity to do the things the lay apostolate, and I expressed like. Most of the work is con- his appreciation of what AID has Them cerned with shipping our sup been Pray for doing. "It has a real mis- plies and trying to make sure *ion eTM vision,” he said, “because reach the B\u they poor. It is not for the “We looking only are six feed about 250,000 23'D Sr. M. O.S.F. brothers, including Rev. peo- problems of this country but for Anthony, ple daily feeding \ at stations Electric Kevin P. Flood, S.J., Loyola the world." He remarked that STATEN ISLAND A Re- Genera Seminary, Shrub Oak, N.Y., and serving hot commcal and milk. 1961 1 Its social quiem Mass for Sister work in the field is a Mary We feed six sisters including Sister Ma- an additional 20,000 most important one. Anthony, 0.5.F., was offered Dec. through institutions. rian S.C., Mt. Ever! 9 at the Mission Patrick, Kisco, Time Bishop Larrain said, “The of the Immacu- “We also have 250 N.Y.; Sister I,ouis Mary, 0.P., our assim- First late Virgin here, where she had priests’ apostolate Is indispens- Woodside, Queens; Sister Maria ilation projects which are most- able but we need the served for 50 years to ly to feed lay apos- helping Winifred, S.C., Staten Island, and the people while they tolate, the Papal volunteers. care for homeiess children. work to build either homes .Sister Mary Turibius, S.C., Rye or A member of the Sisters St. People are looking for leaders, of NY. new farm land or factories un- and the time Is ripe to have Francis, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. til they become self-supporting Y., Sister more priests and greater lay Mary Anthony died Ed Willock Dies . . and a general parish re- activity.” Dec. 6, at St. Mary's Hospital, lief program which feeds about where He also said that In the past Orange, she had been a At 44, 300,000 people. 30 to 40 the middle class patient for two years. Integrity S»««-0 years “A has There immediate YEAR AGO I would grown, so that there is now arc no sur- vivors. Co-Founder never have dreamed I’d be do- beginning the social environment ing this type of work," Jack from which more vocations will WEST NYACK, N. Y. Ed r confides. "While I was still in c a WttK [wm come. Mrs. Shercr Willock, a co-founder of ‘'lnteg- 1775 Mary I Seoul, had an opportunity to rity,'’ died Dec. 18 at the age » YWWWWHJ MONTCLAIR The funeral of of build | Jp K, MISCHE POINTED out that Mrs. 44 after long series a small home for a group Mary Sherer took place a of illnesses, last year the US. had 50.- Dec. 17 which at various with a Requiem Mass in times had in-1 000 foreign students and 30,000 i eluded m-. •*“ Immaculate Church paralysis and strokes A Dec. 29 foreign visitors, and that AID Conception Meeting here. She Requiem Mass was died Dec. 13. celebrated; For was interested in developing a for the of his Science Guild fuU-po*«' two repose soul in St. with - M® oo Surviving are sons, Rev. COBWU program to help them. JAMAICA, N Y.—The W-* 00 * Harry Shercr and Rev. Margaret's Church, Pearl River, Albertus M-Mtfty Joseph Magnus Bishop Larrain said that many on Dec. 21. Guild will hold its an tutor**' Sherer, three daughters, two sis-1 persons come on business from nual dinner at St. John's ters and 10 grandchildren. Integrity was a lay-edited mag- meeting Latin America and have no con- University here Dec. 29. The guild The final absolution at the azine, primarily on the lay apos-j i+- n **• tact with Catholics in the U.S. which is is a national organization of Cath Mass was given by tolate, no longer pub-j *•*«* He thought it would be "a great Auxiliary lished. olic scientists. •Model Bishop Walter W. Curtis. Willock was a co-editor ovenUdUjoo»ltrt».aK help" if they could be assisted with Carol Jackson in its forma- The dinner will be followed by •q. taL pWirt*- to be closely associated a discussion more Mrs. Edward tive period. His drawings and panel on "Method with Catholic organizations in the liarrett in Science writing for the publication at- and Philosophy." U.S. WEST CALDWELL A Re- tra'-ted much rational attention Speakers will be Dr. Karl F quiem Miss for Mrs. Edward In In later i h r/fcM of the Catholic t his closing remarks, Bishop years Willnrk itnl (rec 'niversi Barrett, 101 Hillside Ave., was of- lance ty of America; I)r. 11. Austin McNulty expressed his pleasure fered writing and cartooning for NO DOWN Dec. 19 in Sacred Heart New York PAYMENT at AlD’s location in Paterson, many Catholic magazines, al- Taylor. University, and Church, Vailsburg, Newark. She seeing it "tremendous though this was made Dr. Vincent E. Smith. St. John’s DELIVERY holding po- died increasing' BEFORE CHRISTMAS Dec. 16. difficult tentialities for the Church." by his illness. A collcc FIRST PAYMENT Surviving are a daughter, a DUE IN FEB. tion of his cartoons was pub Bishop Larrain had come to | Named Gifts Chairman son, two brothers, Rev. Thomas the U.S from the Fifth Congress | lished in "The Willock Book,”! Fitzpatrick, Our Lady of Grace, For Xavier Fund of Latin American Catholic [and another book, "Ye Gods," Hoboken, and Rev. John Fitz- Action was published in 1948. NEW YORK-Milton F. Lewis in Mexico. He has now patrick, St. Joseph’s, Sliding, a I Born in Boston, he of West Englewood has been returned to his home diocese. sister was active and seven grandchildren. named | in the Catholic Worker movement national gifts chairman I there before coming to New York of the Xavier High School De- aylight Vincent deP. Flood Btoe to help found Integrity. velopment Fund A 1930 Xavier oes NEWARK A victim of the He is survived 3 by his wife Dor graduate, he is a member of 'g»er IV plane collision over New York othy and 12 children. Holy Trinity parish, Hackensack. City Dec. 16, Vincent de Paul fund The development was es- Flood, 185 formerly of South Or- Iron tablished with a minimum goal ange South Curtain Bars Ave., Orange, was of $1,500,000 to start rcconstruc >Y buried Dec. Z OF after a Requiem tion of the school Mass in St. CharitableAid Zotf , Antoninus Church pnce here He was 19. FRIBOURG (RNS)—The Swiss Cross The young man (Brother Law- Catholic Mission, in its annual Holy Raises rence of the Dominican Order) Christmas appeal for aid to reli LTD. J Pay for Teachers was returning for a visit to his gious institutions behind the Iron WORCESTER. Mass. (NC) - COMPLETE parents from St. Curtain, said the J Joseph’s Do situation had Cross Holy College has an I minican Priory, Somerset, 0., worsened in recent months. 'SELECTION OF EVERY-* nouncod faculty salary increases where he was studying for the Excessively high customs of more than 15% over the cur [THING FOR THE MAN priesthood. duties make it to send S impossible rent His scale. Professors can now •IMtMMIIMIHIHH * parents are Mr. and Mrs. linen or used clothing to institu earn to $15,000 Patrick in up Flood Mr. Flood is an lions Yugoslavia and Poland, The range of salaries Is: in- instructor at Seton Hall the Mission said. GIFT CERTIFICATES \ Univer- structor, $5,500 fer* to $7,500; assis sity and director of the St. John Officials added, however, that tant professor, $6,500 to $8,500; Baptist Society for delayed vo- shoes, most foodstuffs m. $173 A and medi- associate professor, to *•* cations In the Diocese $B,OOO $l2, WEEK of Pater- cines wero gratefully received. 000; and $9,500 to I j son. professor, 4/ The Mission L^JJpjoa made a special ap $15,000. A graduate of Seton Hall for cash to Prep. peal buy foodstuffs *"*oea with erdUit* Vincent attended Fordham Uni- and pay the excessively high FINAL SENTENCE to heaven versity and Providence College, transport charges. or hell will be passed all and upon H 1., was the sixth of the the Some of money, the Mission at the Last Judgment. 1? * I'lood children to enter From $5.00 ! a re- said, would go to aid inmates of I ligious order. 1 concentration camps for Oecfrte ***** priests "2 Ste«fc» c£u **P««h, « «d otp «*- Surviving besides his parents and nuns. i • rut Porl«64u* « iSTTL.? Cana Calendar MfTJKKinO DCAtnt ALL CLOTHING 5 yi> * nifTTUO* PURCHASED UP TO canrtK P*E CANA SAT., DEC. 24 WILL BE J«n 813 lUronnr. Srt Joarph'a. J lIK 6 3808 For Christmas Jan 13 23 Upper MontrUir. St Ready 2 C Adrian-. HU 3 7783 Jan 2D Feb Mewu|Ctata 3 (**p*oo

• BRIDAL HEAD WEAR A JESUIT DAY SCHOOL NAME m • HATS FOR CLERGY FOR BOYS (For Oor»«ou» your shopping conven-* designer* temple* In fh* -O' ADDRESS we will be [ience open 'tilJ Announce* 'til 11 P. M. every* [be open CITY 24th. Men'e Neme Brend STATE ■ night thru Sat. Dec. * GENUINE syi Scholarship COME IN . . DO NOT MAIL FUR FELT 4 And Values $7.50 to $2O Entrance • f RETAIL AT LOW WHOLESALE PRICESI Examination FACTORY OUTLET Sat., Jan. 28, 1961 555 r Tonnele Ave. 249 Newark Ave 313 3rd Street, Jersey City I? FOR APPLICATION FORM (U S. ROUTED (1 Block off Newark Ave.) JERSEY CITY CALL OL 9-9300 2 Bletki No of Manhatla LDT. J I T,/, Apply to: ■ RANCH OUTL ITSi EFFICIENCY OLdfield 3-6700 313 JACKSON AVE. JERSEY CITY J Reverend .A",',!.. 490 Communipaw Ave. 525 Ave Headmaster JERSEY CITY N. J. * Jersey 5, (•t Iho Junction) 10pp. OPIN DAILY ASP Mtrktli Park Avenue at 83rd Street HEATING & Of IN DAILY A SAT 'til 4 5-6688* APPLIANCE CO. [DE 3-3660 HE A MODERN HAT Mon . Thun , f PM GIVE OR A New York 28, N. Y. M. 'til MODERN HAT GUT CERTIFICATE BUtterfield 8-6200 THE 6 ADVOCATE December 22, 1960 'He 's Waiting for You' Toward Religious Peace THE QUESTION BOX The recent proposal of Presbyterian I)r. Eu- tianity to bring some measure of understanding Carson Most Ref. Walter W. Curtis, 76 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. ]■, gene Blake for Protestant church and unity solution to world problems. He might very was greeted is editor of The Box. he submitted to him as “shocking yet gratifying" the Question Questions may well pose a challenge to churches: "Put your ahocking, because of the nature for answer in this column. daring of the own house in order first; establish peace in the plan; gratifying, because it was still another kingdom of God before trying to bring voice harmony (J. What is Modernism and rically opposed to Chris- heard in a growing chorus for churcn to the kingdom of Caesar." by whom is the oath it ! tianity"? one-ness. against A divided Christendom presents a peculiar The taken? A. The statement quoted by comparatively modern expression "cold picture to the world. A return to Christian inji'y A. It is difficult to define our inquirer is justified many war ' has lately been applied to the four-centur- on will present a formidable spiritual sword against modernism in the brief of counts. It is true that some ies-old conflict between Protestantism Ca scope and the menace of communism; even more, it will tholicism a newspaper article. St. Pius X Masonic Lodges do social and Admittedly, a certain stiffness and in- effect a greater unfolding of the redemptive work “the colors the called it synthesis of all charitable work, for which they transigence relationship between the of the Church. As theologian Father Baum ob- various heresies,” because it revived and deserve the gratitude of the bene- sects, but recent years have finally seen the serves: "While Body of Christ is fully brought a little together many of the er ficiaries. Such philanthropy, how- unbending, an advance from spiritual iso- equipped to reconcile all with humanity God of the is lation to round-table conversation between rors past. ever. only accidental; it is not oppo- •.his saving mission is prevented from its most site Modernism as such was the of the essence of the order. religious groups. perfect and manifestation complete by the per- movement The recent of the late tilth and Masonry is opposed to Chris- historic meeting of the Archbish- sistence of Christian factions." 20th of and early centuries within the tianity because it is itself re- op Canterbury the Holy Father attracted A united Christian not a world will enjoy a re world Church; it had many ligion. with its wide, hopeful attention; the publi- tomorrow exponents, temples, altars, highly birth or the next day, but these proh cized plans for the who differed widely among them vestments, worship, etc. It Is not, coming ecumenical council ings, these soundings in the field of inter-faith stimulate renewed interest in religion and selves. Irrespective of the par however. Christian, because it arouse concord are, at least, thought-provoking, soul- ardent titular points forward this does not expectations for an eventual reunion of put by recognize Christ as the stimulating; they pave the way to a greater all Christendom. These or that individual modernist, Son of God It does not recognize happenings signal a understanding of, and charity for the opposite the breakthrough, however small, in the impasse side. While there was in the movement a personal God of Christianity there can be no retreat or compro- that has stifled Catholic-Protestant basic idea that the original divine hut only “the Grand Architect of rapport since mise on dogmatic matters for Catholics, at least revelation of the it the Reformation. Christianity should Universe"; is a form of they may come to regard Protestants not so It is an that dedicated to be modified, brought up to date theism or natural religion which anomaly religions, much as separated, but as brethren, redeemed made a God of peace and have so long been dis- and more acceptable to rejects the very concept of a love, by God. destined for God. And Protestants could united not on matters modern society. divine revelation only doctrinal, but on set aside once and for all their caricature of or a superna- things far removed from As examples of this tural religion such theology. Fears, sus- horned and cloven-hoofed Catholics, and realize "adapta as Christianity. picions, mistrust among church tion" modernists taught such er Masonry ignores groups hardly that without Catholicism, there could be, there | ant rejects promote the spread of the rors as these: that the most of the Gospel, much less would he no Protestantism. divinity fundamental beliefs make for harmonious This of Christ is not proved from the of Christianity, such the doc- community living. op- In this season of peace and good-will, efforts as between but rather trine of position denominations gives the secu- in these Gospel is a dogma the Trinity, the directions would be our greatest gift to Divinity larist grounds to at which the Christian of sneer the power of Chris- the Prince of Peace. conscience Christ, the fall of man, the deduces from the notion of the Incarnation, the Redemption, tha Messiah; that in the Gospel text Resurrection, the role of the Christmas the name "Son of God" is equiva Church in human salvation, the Gift Suggestions lent only to the name “Messiah.” existence and efficacy of the Sev- and by no means indicates that en Sacraments, the inspiration of “Are We Neglecting Our Children's Religious Great emphasis is given to “Keeping Christ in Christ is the natural Son of God; the Bible (which it places Education?” is the on a question-title of the lead arti- Christmas " of How much Christ does the child that Christ did not teach body par with the recent a Koran, the Book of cle in a issue of Parents Magazine. Milton keep after Christmas? We think of Christmas as of doctrine applicable to all times Mormon, etc ). J. E. Senn, M.D., director of the Yale University a religious and all a family feast. To think of it and to men, hut rather in In professing to be able to ab- Child Study Center, the article from adapted separately _ religious, because to certain sorb we go church augurated a religious men of any and all religious his address at the 1960 White House Conference family, because we arc all movement and he together and ex adapted to beliefs. Masonry contributes to on Children and Youth. change gifts, is precisely the neglect Dr. Senn adapted to differing times and the rise of religious indifference. Dr. Senn questions, not because he doesn't speaks of Through Christmas parents should places. Such indifference, of care about religion, but because he docs. course is Ninety teach and children should learn the meaning of These and other errors were contrary to the Christian teach- per cent of Americans identify themselves as re- Christmas' gifts. St that affiliated. explicitly condemned by Pius ing Christ founded one reli- ligiously Yet we have corruption in The theory of Christmas celebration is to re X in the decree “Lamcntahili" gion. one Church. public office, adultery in private life, member lying under and rejoice over God's of Is great gift the First of July 3. 1907 On Sept 8 fnl In some of its related oath, business Steward organiza- shady practices an almost end Himself to us. the Incarnation. It is the Mary less compromise with model lowing, he issued a famous en tions i such as the York and religious conviction. When and reason for all the other is gift giving. It the cyclical (“Pascendi donuniei gre Scottish rites). is adults arc only going through the motions of be- Masonry vig- reason we go to church to worship God in Cis" > detailing at greater length orously and bitterly anti Catholic. ing religious, children can learn to do the thanks for His only gift “He came In great unto his own God’s and unequivocally This is not true *ame. Grace condemning of the basic and his him own received not. But to as Dispensing many the errors of the modernist Masonic organization'!which When the between and move con- gap principle prac- as received him, he gave the power of becoming By Frank J. Sliced their effect ment tice is too will is taken for granted the application of Christ's fers only three degrees), which great, a child not benefit bv tak sons of How re God." many children learn from At I bus St Haul ing instructions full the Annunciation, theol can tell his con demption to the souls of Three years later the saintly is willing to accept religious time, released time parents to think of men: Catholics, themselves as sons of God. ('Clans hold that with sorts to Pontiff "Be it done pray for others precisely as I have found it necessary to re provided, of course, that the lat- or part-time. the said, we are all as they celebrate birth of God's Son become unto because me aecordinc to thy word there is one mediator called new his defense of the true Faith ter will A growing child with his intense feelings of upon to help in the ap- keep their religion strict- Mary’s Child. 'ur ( Lady uttered the of between (iod and (1 still right and his search for consent man Tim plication, but she is the Co- The modernists were active ly private and out of the lodge. wrong, moral leadership As look at the they statue of the Infant in the the human the H 5) In and race to first step other words the fact redemptress. So ly promoting their erroneous be However, the inspiring leaders, his willingness to aspiro straw, who took human that once again- same objections on a nature like theirs that and to in its redemption Our Lord is mediator does liefs. What made the danger listed above strive for idealistic causes may become how children she represents the race, the re- par apply to these forms many arc reminded by of not disillusioned and parents The Assump I make our for insidious was the of to rationalize his often cynical how took His divine prayer one deemed race. ticularly fact masonry as well as the bit- they on nature in their own lion behavior means that another unnecessary, it makes ■So of that these men professed to he anti Catholic A subsequent as, "Everybody docs it, why Infant Baptism? much what we say when terly variety. shouldn't in heaven she n effective. loyal children who 1?" we speak of her and when of Mother Church Catholic becomes a Mason As they go to Mass on we Christmas, how many the If we lay aside the represents speak of the and that their false doctrines is exommunicated. chip on the shoulder, we children have learned from Church is inter- automatically watching their par- human race L\ Klt Y<)\L S to might ask ourselves some of re prayers can her seemed have a special appeal Dr. Scnn's ques- ents that the changeable we call our greatest exchange of gifts will he in deemed: she help others, but tions 'about Christmas and its gifts. How much church: the holier, the mother for instance and in the for the young Accordingly, on when they get God and He gets them in do children learn from alone is, n ore. Sept. 1, 1910, Pius X spoke out Christmas about Christ? Communion? body] next breath we speak of our holy Hours and soul, where! With Christ Forty and in Christ I Mother the Church. The truth is again; in the Motu Proprio "Sae- all the saved I we are all called to Antistitum" upon take a that what the Church, the Mysti- rorum he published will be part one day I in redeeming others. All are in the text of an oath against mod- Archdiocese jCal Body, does its other mem- of Meteoric Caesar We must look a I meant to have a His ernism and listed Supreme part in re- bers more or less well those who d*c. ii. mo according little morel (•coining work, but .she above all: the individual's would be required to take it, Christmas to e (u a During the recent will to cooper- F rpf I Rourr Shrine. Morris and campaign the «cll known her M she elerlion in Puerto Rim, was timed that closely at relation to the f r uas sinless, she ate she thereby pledging thn 1 1 ntii hi %I>- nrol per frilly She 'tier a' i n.. r tc. state was quoted she regularly, little the moral aspect of the One points represents, premely. first proscribed doctrines. J«n 1. 19*0 controversy. ,is the steward in the dis Among vehemently and with eloquence: “Render Tha Octave of Chrltlmas unto correspondent touched the sensitive of The Mystical Body exists for pensing of those who must take this oath Caesar the spot the WL ( AI.I, HLR graces Si Alovstus. Fleming Air . and Free- things that are Caesar's, and to Cod our mother, altercation very this are the seminarian man SI Newark that " succinctly with comment before he re the things are God's and for most of the matter M Krancta llnapttal. 23 K Hamilton "The real the us re But question, which Church's enemies teives subdiaconate; the priest H . Jersey City many Americans were not convinced that i()uires no discussion Vet it systematically to re before attempted evade, was whether he becomes pastor of a this principle would be followed pays discussion If Diocese Paterson with diligence a Catholic we take for of can licitly vote in conscience parish; the professor in a semi and if against Communist Oat consistency a Catholic were elected to the his Granted that she is our mother IS. M4O own religious convictions." Congress nary or religious house of stu Chrlitmat White House. And there was implied and some- simply because she is Christ's, Xavltr Ola pal. Convent The picture that enfolds itself in Cuba has dies, at the beginning of each Station times fear, that Jan. 1. mo outspoken the Catholic Church grim we omit something that matters would its forebodings of what may happen to the Renews academic year. Tha Oilava o, Chrlltmai inject influence into matters of for our Class Sarrrd llaart. state, c of what War 1«5 hurch on that island. The understanding Randolph Av»., encroachment of Cas- <). Why did The Advocate re- Cllflon and attempt to control or dominate she As in the sphere tro means to us her Son of upon the domain and authority of the Catholic cently print a statement to the politics. He drew His natural life By Louis F. Budenz vanced that Church has been deliberate from socialism can easily effect In the current and definite, and | that "Freemasonry Is an number of “View" (Yonkers. her; but, because It is the Kremlin's some observers He was her function to take over the world. N. believe the ultimate goal of the international fraternity dlamet- Mass Calendar Y.), a pleasant and instructive Catholic Cuban Hedeemer. she drew her (ire its followers with the convic state Is complete subjugation of the super monthly, there is a most natural Hon IT IN timely article with the Bishops. life from Him and it Is that communism is putting WAS order to further title: Is "The Shoe on the Other Koot." its these tier n Its pur- The who in the supernatural order, the stamp indelibly on the com- aims that the main features Hun Son's ap- milleni International, though not appointed deposed Bishops at will, priests: ‘ hri.!m*a I -**t <;o»p«>l of KplPh«nr ters of the Church —and not of "the given that vice versa. and exerted pointment. In the Collect to her um name It was attend.-I I>r* 2*» Mnndßr Ht Stephen. powerful influence in the election of The testimony and > lr»t VUftir fhoublr of 2rwl ( l*«i Rr. so-called “Dark 'l* of Christ lie was sentenced to death the rty hilizcd for the class 1(1 < l ( r Pr»f Kc . ot for political Ages" there (•races, Church saw it—- great war Rev. M-cr Kreileric C' Chrtrtm** existed the perfidious procedure of r Tup«Uy John. aggression: ihi the St Apo» "Everyone who makes himself king, "() Lord Jesus Christ, our Me eve which Moscow and Peking have O'Neill. Doe last Ur *ol] r.««R*r||»t Double “lay investiture," which was in fact state control 24, of 2nd Clava acts himself against Caesar.” of the Nov 7 been Itov u h»lr 2nd C'oJI „( thr Nativity. 3 And this in spite of of the Catholic dlator with the Lather, unitedly whipping up for the Malthiat J ' N t*' hierarchy lioylan Dee ' ‘ * r PrW . rtr , of Chrt*t- the fact that Christ proclaimed Who * "Uglovs of year very solemnly There have hast deigned to appoint past The length of the ses 24, 1956 been fierce, rampant attacks " oinputa* Mol* “I am a King, but the Communist 'lons was due * l mo- My Kingdom Is not of this the in your most blessed \ i to the many re Rvv Thnmai Dec Vl.ffffa upon Church this country we saw some irgin Moth yumn, 28 IVtuhlr of 2nd I U« World.” Harties of the eath olr« N.» (,| 2ml of this during the late er to be our mother." ports which of the parties 1960 ( <>|| of thr Nituil*, campaign, when an at 2 * N « P Cr Prrf rtr of Christ* And If we hurdle over 20 centuries world in Mos presented llev and sec tempt was made to the The • was made Nicholas K Soil* put Catholic candidate to appointment Dec lw-s what is going on we have low the No This 1913 jv Thursday st Thom*» of today, a shocking, a test. But it upon t alv try When Our laird revival In fact of the 28, religious was an unofficial and not «'*ntrrhurr lltafw.p Mantyr Doubt* Rr«l flagrant example of the state mat- v ember Issue of World Most llev J Cal Jnsi fon of thr Nativity .i A Interfering in a constitutional test America a Case her tile \postle John to tie Marxist Communist International tells Justin «N», ters has clean record | McCarthy, •* l*rrf pti .0/ hriatmai of the Church in Puerto lies rededirated the Dec 1 * f . I Rico, which is prac- on that This her son, He not mak lew coni us how true words of 26, 1959 Ibrr >0 P score. is something for which w> was simply were the rtf I* > \I«M of Sunday tically in our own bark yard. rades to their tasks with J * uh.n of thr Nativity Douhl* It has been said should all be grateful mg provision (or her Lor ttiat an ar Sen. Thomas J. Dodd In Rev John Out water Dec that Let us hore and pray that Paris \CH-ite (.1 2nd 1 Saturday St s*t«r*trr I. Written by A of the race's redemption, Sobolev, one of "psychological warfare" 29. 1931 ' '-Iraasif Douhlr While (,| every while 2/t«! the 'oil »f thr Nrtlvtty I A N' ( .pi and leading Soviet communists Rev Krancis < r Prrf «lc in thing that lie did said on the "philoso j are professionals. Castellano, Dec of Chrlotrnaa Prayer Public Schools Cross pliers, it is in the light of this We swallowed .70, 1931 HunaUy Orlj»« of thr Nr- Is related to that So with quite convenient ti»»l* ..f iKar t*.,rrl 1M CU« White Ct determination to His Our and attain "roniniu Iv the lirtlon that Stalin * f * ,r ' i f, ‘ of ('hnsmai In December of 1031 ihc New words to Lads St had Itiocem- KEY til . York Stale God to a must of Pntfrum Cr ('reed A for acknowledge tie part of our msin" that we view the just emlrd the everyday John It was as of Communist pe*«c |t nr Ihr C from Board of Regents by a unanimous vote recom- part Ills plan Interna Rev f Popp, thr Vo- life The court in this in Kertlinaml Heckmann, liar M«a. decision was reality of adjourned communist congress. tional the of »f lloly Ghotl. N Arrhdlorra* mended for use In the redemption, that lie was giv In midst World public schools the rrclta the OK M , Dec 29. Of Vr.tfk P (home of Paleroon. Coll. sustaining rights of those who believe in II 1956 of certain God ing her to he the of War and the I olivet |*ref Preface tion a prayer, which reads, ami mother John IT IS THIS commitment to thereby opened • Almighty Mis recognition the even in public school —not of way for our naive God, we acknowledge our John as himself hut as turning over dependence upon Thee, system The great danger of achieve "communism” which ex a contrary opinion, ol Poland, ( hlna, and and we beg Thy blessings uian From that moment she is many upon us. our parents, which could prohibit mention God's plains why "the peace loving of name iri the othrr our and mother of all countries to Soviet rule. teachers, our country." The use of this us Khrushchev" (who much of our prayer daily in the schools, would be that the prayer was The second challenged in the courts by the New students buffeted general press led us to believe feature of the eon themselves, as are in their WHAT IX)I' S motherhood carry York they cress IS that It THE Civil Liberties Union. The prayer had been would stand against anti Amen Is directed at war AROUND PARISH daily lives by indifference, secularism, und moral with if line and considered to be Ksscnlially total ring against As a non compulsory prayer, can warfare to the point of the United States. in irresponsibility, would be afforded of Those ".split other no choice willingness to serve two words, it was a ling" with China) lias The Worker points out to the prayer which was sug '.heir own of fted praying for divine help At least now things Catholic have ala Rested only and which students s ass seen comrades the could say or they launched in the name of "peace are enabled to consider the need of God in her, her refuse to and telling their needs say without ful coexistence" "Whereas the 19.'i7 penalty >f praye.' in their school be an offensive Ueelaratlon In life, which can and with confidence. In the appeal before the complete the C Appellate Division is against S In three Imme- had referred to aims' of the ag in as important as their academic training scardly conversing with her (ree Brooklyn, all five affirmed the diate areas Justices ruling The courts are with Ctessivc imperialist circles of the the plagued many such an l> That is, we prav to her upholding Hoard of the These his Tinted Regents on ground peals the voices of arc demands that States.' the statement is h Seemingly confusion are which means that ask her to that the irst Amendment to the Constitution we I N mostly sueil tills did louder than the voices of troops, Americans, week characterizes not prohibit the right reasoning. George pras lor us for .ill kinds of voluntary recitation of withdraw from T S imperialism' the a non Washington himself said that there Immediately as chief denominational can not tie things but especially for grace, prayer. Korra, that the Congo he given bulwark of world reaction morality wthout religion Wlih of and an I his millions boys which is what mattered most to decision w as a victory for those lo Lumumba and tied international w lu and girls attending schools over con- gendarme An public in America, i 1 her i matters most to us 100 amt Dial trol. that the Moscow- enemy of the of the whole is the use of such a will peoples hoped prayer give though do not alwavs reall/e " we Initiated world of least the hot war In l.aus end In some them at habit of recognizing and. Almighty lied vlitury. It explains further God in their lives daily and m par the In ene>i heal "Ad diem' l.\L\ the New why this xaiiir "peace loving" York Times ticular, of begging His help. His assistance M an I Tins X calletl tier the first The could in Advocate Khrushchev has issued a mani- cry out editorial His anguish blessing upon our nation, our and steward parents, in tile dispensing of that festo threatening all of Khrushchev in effect bail de " sorts as- Official even upon our leathers Ia. Publication of the It e s reived Archidoccc of saults upon the l . S. In 1961. , them, that his "peaceful Newark and liie With of Diocese of Paterson. this we eotiir to an elr. Ihe another World Marxist Kevicw art! coexistence" was merely Moai ment in the Kev Thomas A. S I Arch Peter Speaks irdeiuption whieti ie war" Boland, 0., t not only p onuses world coni name for "tho class hi bishop of Newaik. we 100 easily fall lo nutter. munism vvithir. our many directions That paper ruriUthtU weekly generation, lay lUm Ai)»oi «i« I'uMisfimi iu hrlsl nitre lord us, hut It llOfti Uml He. .„ < Is In Cut down conditions which called a t 'i.iin** \ ll ;t%mr A U Be mindful to ask for lo tndlsldual of tlie Ul>, Ml It.. U.«, gradually what souls re lie laken in low further 1961 that our nation had hern enervat- U It ~.1,1. ~,,1 It, tu. u„, in l*»ul fA >,,u want to obtain from Sa.e de in . t' J| Clin,on at 5...,, . your chlltlren for pi inn (hrlsl won should hr the ed much of tin- N. } I *v Kremlin and its followers m part by press MA'.I, .0700 .cry Jesus unusual cases, wants —and you 100 by Irlluw members of the lair Member lhe r.l/,..1u r,r*. I lose t olid It.oils are that Hus with daydreams Hut Mirusli pi 5..„. .„j the must warn titr entrusled ut *h« Catholic I'KII plants to your caie we are all called to he stewards clirv bubtuibci lo nan production lie stepped up to 1 could rave us from bar ln» N l W l S«m« h(MUf to grow gradually and not Therefore, 111 the ol hurriedly dispensing giucrs the taunt where distribution "ac humus Ited China if PhD Mu., It., t 1.,,., rt you want to raise them to certain the Ui„l. .lU, Hi it., w,„ a height, if principal ways for eirry cording to one .v needs" will be Any true offensive to which )ou want to we t* tto. see them flourish and flower to the one of fjc- ' Me., J„hl> 1 s,.u.Af*fl> ~1 L. us are lose, prayer, ionic tin- rule, that Soviet cdui 1 sau, v.„ a 'Americans must commit our tu., u.„r,. w ar... sin v«r» utmost, you must know how to tend them If suffering. »*“">•. *< H., lion bring afxiut "the communist must ht done the hard “f* U 0 I« m .. W selves, ° N children are allowed to run too much, of these **Pi ,**’ s at.,d mis, it.* t. they may None things would tie man" the in,.i„ mi stumble who will reject idea way by demanding at once the. Ur. s I 1... n«* b i «nci* J Houghton I 1 and fall Likewise, of iMf«. placing burdens on 1 any effect if Christ had not E»«rullv« *nr hi M* v \l.*r John o' private property and expulsion of Ited fronU J h>i«> their shoulders too private Hungary PkUfkon,, H«v C»rl heavy for them to carry may died for J WoUln. bU us, hut in union with His gain, and that the "decay" US' ■•nMtftl Hu>d of the and the suspension of I Andertoa. M 6 0 slow down then steps, if It does not It would Pri.e stop them I edempliv e act are of mi easier for Mrs. O'Brien to Mpn.i, 14 yearly i they imperialist" economy and the Soviet Kussia fur its hold the S«r«n

The pages are Illustrated with the symbols of the two saints and of the Church Ihese help to unde the formal and liaddumal aspects of the ]m mum uiu mu iu mhh uui niwm in n»n i nun Church’s past with the living limited Engetiment actions of lit-r saints SPECIAL 2:00 PM MAT. (/rjttnui Dtntng in a ( om/menlsi Almotpbm ORANGE 'The style seems a bit mature Week SAVINGS Every Christmas Day for teens bul the advanced j Banquet Rooms pre seventh or eighth grader would ( RESERVE hunh lutunoni - Home end Ollkc I'artttJ be NOW FOR ST. AT OAT. ORAM! enjoy and It would an Impor tant NEW YEAR'S Smtl IIM (ommumun Hrcaklaiti —. Wedding Keveptioni step toward placing their EVE religion on an adult basis. 3 Home of SHOWS: 2:00.7:00.10:00 our Suburban and Metropolitan J D. Never Shown In New Jersey Before And Will l aier mg Sen ice (Sank Never Be Shown In Any Other New Jersey The.itre HU a 7 200 HI } 7000 IMPECCABILITY is the In AMHLr rare pahhinc t vinincs and ail oav sunua> ability to sin 8 THE ADVOCATE December 22, 1960 Peace, Bright Star, Mary, Baby, King, Love—Are Christmas Words June choirs of on who By Dwyer remind us the angels high PLACE, MEN OF good will, to hope, joy God had come and fulfilled the sang the Gloria, "Gloria in Exclesis Deo." the prophecy Silent world, redemption, gates of Heaven, God that a night, bright star, soft King would come who would be Christ breeze, an- And the were singing above the stable made man, Mother on angels Mary, prophecy fulfilled, the Lord the * high, Gloria; stable, hard straw, tired King came right from the king- , where a tired family had found refuge from kingdom of Heaven, each soul, love. dom of Mar y- Heaven to each soul, to King, Baby Jesus;' the save each cold: where Mary and Joseph wrapped the These are the gifts that of shepherds, walk, hills, the tiny King us. sheep, poor gifts, love King, the Jesus, in swaddling clothes and brought with King; wise Baby Him on that Silent men, travel, bright star, rich Night: peace hills, laid Him on the hard straw. to men of good THOSE guts, love. King. will; hope for salvation, for a ARE the words we humans have On that Silent Night the shepherds saw better world, for given to How understanding, for reunion the greatest event In the world They easily we can dream the the with Christmas the star and heard angels on high the King in Heaven. are little bright words - star, love. with King. an- story just words as keys. And the whole and walked and walked over the hills with Little hands gels Baby, they held out joy to the world for —and they a *•“““» ta^c a carry simple truth: ’God King who came to earth their under their poor gifts for God on sheep arm as came down to redeem us. The Gates loves us. • Slient Night is unfolded again for the world the tiny King their gifts of love. of Heaven would be to to hear in soon open each of us Merry Christmas to each of its heart and to use the Wise Men for you to each as a guide On that Silent Night saw (rod had become man— God lor had chosen of you who is so wonderful the coming year. that God loves the bright star and they traveled over hills to a Mother, for you Mary, the world to comfort us you May bring the Infant Babe your love in bring their rich gifts to the King gifts of and to guide us, to THE understand and to love return for all He has us BRIGHT star shines as the given In those key- again love. us, to protect us. words that mean Christmas. Lives of the Saints A Christmas Saint On Christmas Eve, 1865, a should be raised to know and a branch for men who would woman died who had spent her love the soil they would tend care for male life orphans. Always giving honor to the Holy as farmers. the Holy Family congregation Family and spreading the mes- in area A HEAVENLY CHRISTMAS: Addie has asked her Many the surrounding would teach their children to be sage of the Babe of Bethlehem. tried to the angel friends to with her for help young woman proud of their life as farmers. pose the above pictures. She was Blessed Paula in her is Cerioli, work but some said that Blessed Paula It her Christmas to each and did not live card every member of whom we honor Dec. 24. she was To "cracked." this, long after she founded the male the Advocate Club To Blessed Paula, the Young bring her message of youngest Constance would answer: "So congregation. She had a weak to of 16 I joy life, not color the and it children, was born in a am, by the why picture hang with lunacy of the heart and had always been amall Italian village. She was Cross.” your other cards? frail. The extra worries and married when she was 19 to a Others came to help Con- who problems weighed her down man was 60. This marriage stance. The women joined to- and she died in her Dec was the sleep, arranged by family gether as the Sisters of the 24. At a and Paula, then known as Con- Familiar Location Holy Family and Constance Blessed Paula who had stance. accepted it. tried willingly took the name Paula Elizabeth. to give orphans a family and Constance’s husband was who had a special FIVE YEARS after devotion to cranky and unattractive but the nuns St. Joseph is one of the anew oriental formed, Blessed Paula set saints the young girl was a faithful up who is honored during the wife for the 19 years that her Christmas season. husband lived. They had three Club Note! This Christmas try to do children, two who died restaurant as ba- something with one day of your bies and one son who lived to HEADQUARTERS Due to life as an offering to the Holv be 16. the snowstorms and the fact under Family. If you do that each and new management that schools were closed last WHEN CONSTANCE’S hus- every day, you will soon find week, the deadline for the band died he left a you, too, have given your en- great deal Christmas contest was moved to of money to his wife. She did tire life the Babe of Bethle- comes to JOURNAL SQUARE up to Friday, December 23. hem. not use it for her own good; in- The judges will try to get stead she took two orphans into the certificates and the free with the her mansion and cared for passes to the Gingerbread Cas- them. Then she decided that tle mailed out to tho winners ROBERT she would spend the rest of her right after Christmas so the life for the orphans -\ caring who TREAT Young Advocates can go to the GRAND castle during the vacation. OPENING Civics Club Set HOTEL of the In Scotch Plains PARK PLACE, NEWARK

SCOTCH PLAINS The Lead CORDIALLY INVITES YOUR FOR OUR FATHER: The children of St. eri of Tomorrow Civics Club of Joseph's Vil- RESERVATIONS FOR St. Bartholomew's received its lage, Rockleigh, gave a special performance of their official charter from the Com- • COMMUNION patriotic musical for Boland when vis- Archbishop he mission on American Citizenship HtW ited them ACCORDIONIST recently. Donna presented a floral tribute in Washington recently. BREAKFAST to the Archbishop as the (left to Officers are Edwin Miller, FOR All OCCASIONS boys right) Jackie, • ORDINATION Louis and president; Natalie Magee, Con- Francis looked on. The musical had been stance Perry, Allen Blasucci and DINNERS RONNY presented for over OWENS previously 1,000 persons. It was an Gregory Short TODAY. DEC. 22nd 621 VALLEY ROAD original play which traced the of The Leaders POSTAGE • WEDDING development America of Tomorrow re- The NEW UPPER and cently had Mass CHINA CLIPPER features the MONTCLAIR ended with a a • wbmx tableau of the Immaculate offered for • . tore by mafl RECEPTIONS Concep- fom most exotic and the persecuted Church ®* MoherwkJ W« oriental dishes known to PI 6-6734 tion being named as the patroness of the United States in Cuba pay pontoon and for the conversion • OTHER SOCIAL the of world and of America of its ene- gourmets the to the privi- mlc* there. few Lali FUNCTIONS leged of Hong Kong. Here in Jersey Dividend ity will be able to for the first Advocates =•3l* ( you enjoy Young time the original dishes that are completely Modern air conditioned different from Chinese FROM FROM anything you may facilities fine savings insured to banquet have eaten before. $lO,OOO food and service MIDTOWN MIDTOWN always. fl or raor» •iart> an ommiwt STANLEY J AKUS SAVINGS Holiday foal mall cWk. By return mall Manager SAVINGS Trimmings Here are just a few of our most FREE yom win iwcajr* account book HEADQUARTERS The Young Advocates have sent us and tr— three portexjt •nr#lop«. unusual wonderful suggestions for favors that Club members taste-tempting dishes: can mako themselves to fOR RESERVATIONS brighten up their homes during the LICHEE STEAK KEW • . - Prim# filet mlgnon cut holidays. MOHAWK Call MArket 2-1000 in cubes, prepared with Chinese garden vegetable*, HOLLY MAN French mushrooms and the aristocrat lauce of Ho BAVINOB end Loon Ann. Materials Holly ltd (about 14 cleaners A KNOTT HOTEL Yu. Served with lichee fruit. : its ); pipe (about 40 Commerce St.. Newark 2, N B).' scotch tape; small of resl J. LOBSTER SOONG • • . Diced cut lobster meat, pork piece fell; small piece of green ALBEIT W STENDER. PrmWmt and Chinese felt; a ball of cotton. vegetable, topped with fragile rice Make stick noodle. a body out of pipe cleaners by attaching them two together arms, two legs and one center piece, 'lake the holly leaves and scotch The tape them over the pipe NEW CHINA CUPPER has been beautsfully Blanket cleaners. Make a collar of the red felt. Friar Given out Put the collar Tuck Inn redecorated. Your boils, Hill ami Richard, incite at the of the tile 71“ i top pipe cleaner body. to m with Each Routa 23 (Newark you relax in complete comfort in a pleasant at- Take the ball cotton Pompton Turnpike) Cedar 90 of and put on red felt red felt Grove, N. J. \otin New $5OO Ac- lips while enjoy the finest in nose and For Reservations - mosphere you foods pre- bound - green felt eyes Attach them in place with straight CEnter 9-4500 tom count or Addition pins. Cut out red pared by tu o of the most outstanding chefs a little felt hat and attach it with straight recently pletely wathablo ol $5OO to Present Ac- arris ed pins. Then put the head on top of the pipe cleaners. from /long Kong. Individually waled in count. Only one Blanket You * nd can hang the Holly Man on the door plotlic or make several Robin Hood bay to Bach Account for table favors Inn You'll find we have a diversified menu of 1129 VALLEY ROAD, N.J. MADONNA LOG CLIFTON, American food, too all For Re»ervationi deliciously pre- Materials-. Pilgrim 4-4510 One egg; two colors of Cbristnsai ribbon; cel- pared. lophane; a picture of and COMPLETE Mary Jesus small enough to fit PRIVATE BANQUET FACILITIES inside the Catering for parties on or off premises. egg; silt er sparkle; scotch tape; si ax. ACCOMMODATIONS FROM 15 TO 500 Wines and Crack hole Liquors. Orders to Take Out. a in one side of an egg and take out the Inside. do Make sure you not break the shell. Clean out the inside Spicidlning im and insert tho picture • Free Souvenirs of Mary and the Baby Jesus. You may WEDDINGS • SOCIAL & FRATERNAL as Our Grand pife, also add INSURED M tiny beads. Melt some wax and put it inside the p • SHOWERS v- egg shell to hold the picture straight and to FUNCTIONS Gift to Money received the 15th et each Kxnv'/ up keep the You by beads Opening m onth Irom from moving. O#IVI IN AINOOW earns dividends the Ist Take the piece of 46-49 ••II 'i.UNC cellophane and cover the hole. Put PUBLIC DININO ROOM AND COCKTAIL LOUNGS JOURNAL SQUARE SA V INGS sparklo around the ON •tlUllll opening of the shell so It covers tho A lO A N end OUN of the OPEN DAILY Jersey City SW. 5-0213 Otllt MIDTOWN cellophane. (Cloied Mondays) ASSOCIATION » »«* ID I m lake the two colors Stn OL. 3-9307 of ribbon and make a corsage bow img “0N0»» to » rM 103 U Broad SI NewaiK U Clinton Ave >MA 2 3366 out of them. Then attach the back of the egg shell to the Family Style Dinners Businessmen's Luncheons ribbon FREE PARKING at with scotch tape. Square Ramp Park The favors can be hung from the tree, used at the table or used In a centerpiece.

Hospitality Earns MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU Honorary Title DES MOINES, lowa (N'C) —A woman's lay apostolate of hos- WELCOME Invest it pitality has earned her an ap- our ) wisely through pointment as honorary Guate- LIFE INCOME malan consul in lowa. TO OUR NEW MISSION CONTRACT For eight years Mrs. Mar- READERS guerite Dwight has opened her and you will receive home for foreign students. She AND has served since 1952 as Guate- malan chairman for the lowa y A rat* Board of International food of interest om Am assured dependable income Educa- "THANKS" investment. tion. your as as live. long you With six children of her own J A in and a husband to take care of. remembrance the prayers and Masses of our To Our Mrs Dwight's generosity has Old Friends For S.V.D. missionaries in Renewing Japan and the been to Philippines. known cause problems, especially at meals. "Some- WORRY NO times," she "I _HO CARS said, have to _ _ tell my family at dinner 'K.H.B. ■m complete Information about you ■ e. 'family, hold back.' There are many feature* in The Advocate that

Name _ will intere»t Aqb everyone. We ask that you look through Address MAGICIAN For it for the any occasion carefully—looking special features that C*y States 808 OWENS appeal to each member of the family. REV. FATHER RALPH ,s.v.d. catholic universities 621 Valley Rd. 316 N. Upper Montclair, N. J. MICHIGAN CHICAGO 1 Phone Pilgrim 6-6734 Irvington Principal Accepts New Roles December 22, 1960 THE ADVOCATE 9 In Human Relations and Book Editing IRVINGTON Sister Mary Gerard book. Gerard, Mary said. new First, the emphasis must be on principal of Walsh the each the Archbishop High School At head of of discussion the fact it is an encyclopedia; second, it is here, received two special invitations dur- Croups are co-chairmen: a nun and a pub- a Catholic encyclopedia rather than the a gen- ing past weeks. One was to attend lic school teacher. of the im- eral a "This is one one; third, it must be a teaching tool luncheon in her honor given state by the portant achievements of our project,” said for junior high and high school students Committee of the National Conference the of Archbishop Walsh principal. "Many that would be acceptable in public as well Christians and Jews; the other was to non-Catholics know Catholics but they have as parochial schools.” serve on the advisory board of the new never met a before. hard to break "This nun It's encyclopedia can also be a Junior Catholic big Encyclopedia. throuch the habit . . . but now some teach- help the in home,” said the principal. “Not Needless to say, Sister Mary Gerard ers are out will it finding that we are human after only help the teen get an educational accepted both invitations. all.” and spiritual influence into his life, it will also benefit THE SECOND invitation came from the parent who has steered THE N'CCJ was paying tribute to Sis- Cardinal and asked Sister away from other because ter and to two other Irvington residents Spellman Mary encyclopedias he lacks the Gerard to join 21 Catholic educators at formal education to understand for their work on behalf of human rela- top a meeting Dec. 9 and 10 at the Cardinal’s them." tion;. During the past two years. Dr. Rich- ard residence. The committee includes top The will Beck, supervisor of Irvington public per- advisory group have to rule sons from areas in the U. S., officers of such schools; Mrs. Harry Ncustadt, chairman of key on questions as: should we include all the National Catholic Educational Associa- American Presidents the Irvington Human Relations commit- in the book even tion and the Sister and though some of them not tee; and Sister Mary Gerard have been a Formation, college did directly ef- professors. There were only two secon- fect Catholicism in in- steering committee behind a joint meeting America; should we dary principals chosen from all of the clude all of of public and parochial school teachers to the Popes though some of them discuss United States and Canada. did influence the general topic: "Pursuit of Un- not directly America; should derstanding.” The committee will advise, recommend students be exposed to truths about the and edit articles in their fields. worldliness The teachers discussed critical issues specific of some of the hierarchy: will and tried to They not write any articles nor will should the entire Constitution find ways that they can help be included their they be concerned with the technical as- or just specific students understand all peoples. Such articles. questions pects of publication. The will do most as housing, integration, and the group In two years McGraw-Hill hopes to of its work through the mails, importance of the individual in God's world meeting have the book on the market. In the mean- about MERRY CHRISTMAS: The Seton arc discussed. six times a year. The next meeting 22 Bayley League time Catholic education specialists in- has been set for Easter week in Atlantic wished the of the Christmas season to cluding our own Sister Mary Gerard will blessings Arch- “IT IS A direct to move oppose the ma- Citv during the XCEA meeting. be adding another chore to their bishop Boland in a in his honor terialistic trends of already luncheon-reception our day and the com- "THIS GROUP is anything but a 'yes' busy schedules in order to "form and in- Dec. 15 at the Hotel East Shown munistic tendency which does not recognize Suburban, Orange. committee," said Sister Gerard. "We form” the Catholic of the Mary youth North Amer- left to importance of each individual,” Sister are to exchanging greetings are, right: Msgr. Thomas Our trying bring out three points in the ica. Introducing Gilhooly, moderator; Mrs. Frank W. Nolan, luncheon chairman; Msgr. John J. Dougherty, Seton Hall presi- dent; Rev. Edward Seton Hall Fleming, vice president; VILLAGE and Mrs. William T. Henderson, Bayley Seton, presi- SHOP dent and host for the luncheon. Since 1903, Zampella’a hat been known for (heir traditional, natural men'a Archdiocesan Council type wear ... Forms Speakers’ Bureau NOW OUR VILLAGE SHOP WE CATER TO THE NEWARK—A Christmas mes- reau. Any affiliated organiza- SPORT MINDED LADY from Boland tion sage Archbishop may make use of the bu and the announcement of a reau by contacting Miss Me- If you're inclined toward the speakers' bureau were the high (ilynn {fit Duncan Avc , Jersev casual, natural lights of the and distinctive quarterly meeting City) six weeks before the look in Ladies' Sportswear . . . of the Archdiocesan Council of speaking date. Women's of Wc would appreciate serving you! Catholic board di- Archdiocesan officers and 17 at rectors Dec Thomm's committee chairmen will act Restaurant as here speakers and will not ac “We have no reason to feel cept any stipend Other speak envious of the shepherds or ers, secured through the bu even of Our Lady or St. Jo- reau, will be compensated for seph in their nearness and time and traveling / expense by M naci 190 J Our proximity to Savior," the the sponsoring group. said "Christmas Archbishop Mrs Ernest P. Tibbitts of means Christ's Mass and we East Orange, archdiocesan 254 Newark Avenue, have Christmas day Jorsey City every chairman of international rcla OL 3-1888 Two golden and six silver even in our hearts every day, announced JUBILARIANS: jubilarians lions, a planned trip if we want to. We live at a time jubilarians celebrated recently at St. Francis Convent, to the l'N, and Mrs. Richard when He is actually nearer to J Union City, provincial house of the Franciscan Sisters Caldwell Strasser, archdiocesan pres- Juniors us . . . we can receive Him in the Cop Cup ident, reported on the national Immaculate Pictured " of Conception. with Rev. even closer union convention at Las Mass Vegas. Ignathis Ryan. C.P., celebrant, are, left to right: With Play About Salerno The Archbishop suggested: Sisters standing: Mary Aloysius Kyle, (golden); "When we are celebrating at Mary CALDWELL The junior both of Caldwell. Mural Exhibit Edmund Driscoll; Mary Loretta and our family dinner on Christmas Casey; Mary class of Caldwell College won for actress Prizes, the best Day, let us give a toast to our By Girls Augustine King, (golden); seated: Sisters Rufina the coveted Christ- In Jersey Mary competitive each play were awarded to: Divine Savior, for the only rea- PURCHASE, NY. - Mary O’Sullivan; mas play cup which recently Valerie Mary Fulgence Lydon; Mary Laboure Cetmlo, Newark, se- son for the celebration is that a round Clarke of and Don’t opened nf hnlidnv Jersey City Mary and Loretta nr nior: Judith it is " be Sister McC.laflin Rlnnm- a [?]caly; Mary Casey Fulgen ce [?] His own birthday toe.u s that , ulnoiinted with the \nnn Doherty of Summit will stationed at St. the other f ' ld. junior Miami, Si haible. Francis, jubilarians reside I lot traditional banquet and i and '• ; n It nice It: \Mllt Mi 111%nil, I, exhibit itinr paper murals New York. > 'opt, and an in ing 20. of the the Dec. Anita Tursinl, Vineland, fresh- diocesan chairman of libraries Nativity at Manhat The juniors presented an m an. and literature, announced the tnnville College art gallery here PARENTS original one act play, "Five formation of the speakers' bu Jan -1 DISHWASHER, Felicians Miles South of Salerno," by or Sth. 7th. Bth. and 9th traders Trenton Help your child to enter huh Saundra Birch of at New Nuns school: order the Dec. 15 HOW TO PRIPARS FOR HIOH competition. Announce The SCHOOL IHTRANCI ANO sophomore class placed SCHOLARSHIP IXAMINATIONS second with "The Visit," by To Plus 3 b-*oka conleinlnf official Help Ann Bayonne, and achia« vmrnt. aptitude, and dloceaen Mary Zito, testa aiih and llcltckon a And Before answers. Europe Trip committee of classmates. \ on Buy rte«le« All for 110 00 Bl tick Any 0 LODI The Felician Sisters’ The seniors presented "Christ- feet Send check or money order to YES Hooka. l»ept A. second annual European sum- HELENA, Mont. (RN'S) A At Any Price • Ra.lmad Way. I-»nhmont. N Y mittee headed by Diane Bruck mer seminar will again take new order of nuns, which will tU emdmedti 1961 ach of North Caldwell. The See Waste Universal place in during July and work primarily on the Black- Kin*; freshmen offered August, it was announced by "Leprechauns feet Indian Reservation in Msgr. Arthur in Bethlehem" by Jacquelmj Rojek of Leo northwest Montana, has filed Compare. Only Waste Kin/? Universal offers the Pagano and Joanne Hoffman, • you push-buttoa Mouse New York, tour direc- here for incorporation • AMERICAN TOURISTW OSHKOSH tor. The order, called "The Hand- * ktt of MACIMATIC CYCLE SELECTION: 3 • • WINGS simple button After the successful maids Atlantic products outcome Seniors of Immacula," es- Jersey Mary that of the 1960 summer • (1) Pre-Wash few seminar, tablished a motherhouse in Ana- • SAMSONrTE LARK a breakfast dishes, 12) do the Poll 4 Pan* it was decided to visit Have Leads conda Ireland, College a year and a half ago. $ England, " >be come rom F'ance, Italy, Switz- DALLAS, Pa-Adele Cioban Composed of women range, and (3) Full mostly LIATHIR OOODS i GIFTS - FRII MONOGRAMMINO Cycle...prfltinae, erland and Poland. of Linden and Elizabeth Galvin from Montana and California, •crub WATCH IT The will leave and acour with pilgrimage of Jersey City, seniors at Mis- the congregation has already We Welcome DINERS' Club, "lnternetlonel Cherfe”, detergent-activated hater, flush suda New York July 16, hy jet MOW! and ericordia College here, played sent several members to will return 23. Certe Ulinche ind American Chirje* away double-rinse and Aug All students, the lead roles of Mary and Browning, in the reservation Express v air condition dry a full load of IS their parents and alumnae are Joseph respectively in the col- area, where they are giving re- invitrd to register contact- place Plus a 15 other hy lege's Christmas pageant. ligious instruction to the Black- aettings. good ing Sister Justitia, Mary at feel WASTE KING Immaculate High Luggage shop feature* that make it the best auto- 3w _ Conception The nuns at Browning have School here. Form 36th Unit work X also taken up social ’1“ H4ISFY 2-5090 The ST.. NEWARK 2. N.J. Mitchell matic dishwasher can Sisters will accompany you buy. among the Indians, the the students as the in previous Of Columbicttes Church's first efforts since Holy year Audiences with the Holy S Family Mission was abandoned Father, with ether JERSEY CITY The 36th Bishops, and in 1931. with the Primate of Poland Auxiliary of Columbicttes in * will be arranged. New Jersey was formed re- cently at the Knights of Co- St. E’s Seniors lumbus Hall here. To be known A YEAR Dominicans Win as the Conception Columbicttes To Have Dance tafUP©4 Jk. the group was exemplified in Debate CONVENT—The senior din- Trophy honor of Rev 1,00 J Martin, ner-dance for students at the CONVENT - Mt St. Dom- pastor of Our Lady of Victories College of St Elizabeth will be U K of inic Academy, Caldwell, won Church and chaplain the new lM held Dec 26 at the Hotel Nella’s both the debate unit. and best speak- Fierro, New York. 91 if er awards at a debate held at During December the state Annette Schmidlin of Orange, FASHIONS the College of St. Elizabeth degree team has also held ma- and Jeanne Heimbold, laing 6 CONVENIENT OFFICES Dec 10 Toni Lee Cerulli was jor degrees for Madonna Coun- Branch are co chairmen. The the best speaker of the day. cil. Englewood. New Bruns ARE THE ticket committee includes Mary The of St wick Columbicttes Im- HACKKNtACK Academy Elizabeth and for Minicucel and Diane Clifford v Main and Barry twnH followed Morrow to Dwight High maculate Columbi- C.LAMOROL’S ©pan U 4 dAlly *liU « on Monday Conception Andrea Oorska and Joy Destro School in the winner's column. TIANICK cttes, Spotswood are hostesses Cadar Lana at Larth Avanoa ©pan Il« < daily otoß on Friday GIF I S CL IP F lIDI PARK II? Ml Andarion Aianua THAT ARE Hi ©pan a lo « daily a lo a on I rtday PALIIAOIS PARK ?' I 111 Broad Avanya PRACTICAL © ???:»! Pan •lo 4 dally Il«I on Monday euteflehL, PARAMUI w TOO! Oardan ttata Plata. Rt» 4 and IF 5 SO OKANGE ave. SOl'Til OKANGE, N. ©lran V lo 4 dally -a lo S on Friday J ll ' hrrr tlegjiue Al>J I.Ac KAWANNA RIOOIPIILO II M 441 nrrd null Rraad Avanwa mil hr »" SO 3-4168 ©pan »lo 4 dally sloa on Monday You will find fashions and TREMENDOUS CHRISTMAS SAVINGSI beauty priced to rest at on your budget . . •AVI NOS INVESTED Du« to lit# unuiuolly Intliminl lightly . . . woathal w« cua ilaihiog pi BEFORE THE lOtk OF on our entire collet lion ot t«quilite Jewelry. Including SCOTT KITCHENS EVKIVY MONTH Ptarli and Antique piece* 537 .EARN DIVIDENDS Nella’s BROADWAY, BAYONNE HE 7-1161 FROM THE FIRST • REDUCTIONS UP TO 50 °°! HIS & 111 R I lAI HI.RW I AR TANKE CUSTOM TOPS 1039 CLINTON Come In ond be convinced N/ir aso txtrrjsG < oil terms or . . . AVE, IRVINGTON ES 5-301 You II hardly believe theie incredible voiuei Su Ulottie u ilb coordinated skirl) or Panli, eaten, ALLIED CRAFTSMEN, INC. leather Jaekel & Imported Handbag I, I toali. 601 CHESTNUT EXPERT WATCH ANI) JEWELRY REPAIRS AVE., TEANECK TE 6-J72 535A Weil Side Ave., JERSEY CITY ()U) GOLD BOUGHT e APPRAISALS IKI 1 PARKING for A every 'III 9 PARKER our lUHomcn Open night HOUSE done all kinds of leather 1140 ROUTE Alterations on goods 46, CUFTON OR 1-3700 10 THE ADVOCATE December 22, 1960 Holiday Greetings From Ed and Al St. Peter's Invitational Has Best Field Balanced Scoring Is Trademark Among 10 Christmas Holiday Tourneys Of Peacock, Pirate Success NEWARK Topped by the second annual St. Peter’s Hawthorne at the latter’s court Invitation affair in North on Dec. 27. JERSKY Jersey City, 31 Jersey Catholic CITY A balanced scoring punch has been Johnny Kbner scored 36 point* Ramsey is the hot favorite to the in high schools will take in ID Christmas week basket- secret behind the success of both St. the two Rames and freshman part win the title. / Peter’s College ball 15-1) and Butch Carnathan had 16 aßainst tournaments this year. Seton Hall (4-0) during the current basketball ST. MARY’S—This has Jersey City. Once the lightest week of the cage season, the seven perhaps season. ST. PETER'S SCORINO days between the best field of Catholic entries Christmas and Newi The Peacocks and Pirates will take their high-powered G. F. rt«. Ave, next to the St. Peter's affair. Bill Smith 37 SB 130 21 7 Year’s has now become the heavi- into j plays Walsh in the first round machines tournament action 1 Clem Berk 3B 22 04 1.V7 Queen of Peace meets GenrEP est—the only one of the entire, Dec. 27 and the winner Kearny next Sullivan 40 II 01 13 2 on should week and their rivals have Pete and O.L. Valley plays the host points in this one, marking just Norton 29 R B 8 110 year in which NJSIAA member! have little trouble against only to [ Bob Murray 33 0 2 the look down the scoring the tune in 10 17 on Dec. 26, while St. Cecilia's fourth his three year Ron HsrrlEan schools arc allowed to three , 12 3 29 7 3 play first game survivor. tables for each club to see the SETON HALL SCORINO (K) faces Immaculate Conception career that he had not led St. games. problem which fares them St G r Pt». Avr. and Pius tackles Ruther- Peter's in scoring. This honor Art Hlc-k* 2B R 4 210 St. Mary’s HUDSON COUNTY St. Mi- Pope 32 (E) Is the defend- Peter's, averaging 83 7 points per I Hank Guntpr 33 14 B 4 21 0 chael’s and ford on Dec. 27. The winner went to Reck with 20 points. in Holy Family are of I I A1 Srnavit Is 2B 14 70 17 3 ing champion the St. Peter’s Same, has had at least four Ken matched respectively with Union the Valley-St Mary’s game could Should Seton Hall Walker 11 24 48 11 5 affair, which has in upset Ohio Ron Olemior R 9 23 8.3 gleaned the the players double numbers for Hill and Emerson in first go all way, though Queen of State in the will Hank Kurch ciearn of North round its ECAC tourney, it 8 7 23 3 8 the crop among last five starts; Seton Hall, games 23. This Peace and Immaculate face Jersey public on Dec. preview will be the winner of a game be- and Catholic averaging 91.5 points a game, of the northern HCIAA race has rough. tween St. John’s and Providence Cross Names schools and has also brought in has a similar record for each of Holy Dcmarcst as the favorite. on the evening of Dec. 29 If it a strong New York entry, All NEW YORK—St. Joseph's (W) its four contests. Skinner loses, it meets Hallows. The latter is St. the loser of that Co-Captain Mary’s JERSEY CITY-A tnpleheader and Marist are entered in Seton Hall will need all of its sep- other game the first round in arate on afternoon of WORCHESTFR Richie Skin- opponent a Dec. on Dec. 27 opens play St. New York tourneys, spon- guns as it fares Ohio State in 'he with thr 6 which also matches same day. The finals of both ner of Jersey City was recently program Mary’s (JC) against Ferris, St. sored by their teaching orders. first round of the Eas'crn Col Snyder and ihampionship and consolation elected co captain of the 1960 St. Benedict’s, Tren- Michael’s (JC) meeting St. An- The Blue Jays have St. Peter’s lege Athletic Conference Holiday ton Catholic and Newark South (5.1.) rounds are set for Dec. 31. Holy Cross football team. The thony’s and St. Aloysius taking as a first round rival in Festival at Madison Square Car Crusaders had for Side, St. Peter's and Cranford. on Dickinson. the Christian Dec. 27. captains each St. Michael's has Brothers affair at !den on The defending ST. PETER’S with has a date Rame durinß the season and Seeded first this year is Sny- a good chance to win this Manhattan on Dec. 27. Marist NCAA led by their one. champions, the winner or loser of a contest Skinner der with meets and his fellow season St. Peter’s as second the winner of a game be- Olympic star I.ucas, look between and Jerry lona Wagner on Dec choice. However, NORTH BERGEN—St Luke's tween Dubois captain, Jim Rhodes, served for the spacious and St. Agnes in to be even better than they were 28, with the round is the only Cctholic final being the Boston court at the entry here the semi final Colleße Rame. Jersey City Armory of the Marist Invi- a year ago. slated for Dec. 29. this against five school Others in produced some notable public rivals. tational “B” division Skinner is a 1957 praduatc of upsets on Dec. 28. tourney are St. Fair- The Lucans THE Francis, last will be hard-pressed Both FIRST ROl’NI) hurdle St. Peter's is year and could do so again. local Hubs have a good L Prep, as the co- to leigh Dickinson, I U. and Si win a first round game might also be Cross The semi-finals are listed for the against chance to win. the toughest for captain of the Holy basket- ena. j St. in afternoon of Dec. 28 and the fi- Peters the first Middle bail team, Cieorße Blancy. An 82 80 of nals for the evening of Dec. 30. Eastern College Athletic Associa- upset Jersey City State on Dec. 15 gave tion invitation tournament at Seton Hall Here Is a rundown of the Christmas the other Tournament Schedule on year. mission helpers in the or of Providence St Rosro. Ramsey) Bergen Catholic and St. Cecilia’s John's depend two can tame, inc on Its own Monday. But if the Jersey clubs Diocese of the Laghouat. euoce««> Dac. 34 (E). All three will be active in River Dell in vs St Cecilia’a (£). fl pm perform as they have their Dtc. 31 Rercen WSOU Saturday, Catholic vs Follows the opening on Rercen/ield. 7 30 tripleheader Dec. Final round p m most recent starts, no obstacle 26, St. Cecilia’s meeting MECAA HOLIDAY FESTIVAL I>on Rosco Dumont. River vi 9 pm. may be too rough for them Seton LAt Jersey City Armory Pirate Dell, Bergen Catholic facing Tuasday. Dac 27 Hall Cagers Tuesday, Dec. 37 r Ociiu-. overwhelmed Boston College 'Vi,' ..'"•“ i' winner v. and Don I. I I . va Stem. 2pm l»on Boeoo Bergenfield Bosco tak Dumont winner. 7 13 pm with a 64 point half (a SOUTH ORANGE All Seton St Franrie vs. Fairlelrh Ramapn second on Dirkinaon. Valley vs Rercen Catholic- ing Dumont. 4 pm. school record) in Hall basketball both Rercenfield winner. B 43 pm a ITS 87 vic- games, lona vs. Wsaner. 7pm MOVING? Thursday. arc S4. Peter’s leMovnr. Dec 3t tory at Walsh Gymnasium on home and away, being broad- DON BOSCO TECH—A new vs. 0 p m. af Championship came, fl 43 pm Wednesday. Dec 21 DON Dec. 17. St cast live this WSOU, fair, this one has team BOSCO TECH INVITATIONAL Peter's tripped year by the host flatter* of first round contests n Rosro meet Tech. Paterson) Georgetown the 89 7n. the university’s FM radio sta- In one side of the In afternoon doubleheader. same night, draw with starting Tuesday. at 2 p m > Dac 37 and then took io FLORIDA r r hn ' VB a road tion Eastern Paterson Tech I U,n P * lrr »° Terh. game from Christian, lnn,r '* S < frinrla *ni n f alrlelah T J'm Loyola, 83 on Dec 12. and Saddle Ihcklnaon w,nner. 7 61, The team of Bill Rhatican, Brook and four Cath- pm S ,r ,ir,w>k v* Hon Rosro Tech. CALIFORNIA lona-Warner winner vs St Peter a B*43 Hank Furch some stir olic schools in the other side: laeMoyne winner. 9pm provided raid Nini and Ron Sultan are Wednesday. Dec 31 St. Thursday. Dec Jt prise punch for the Seton Hall announcing the the Bonaventure, Bayley-EUard, M Bonaveniurs Rarley games over or rrt n PARIS Con eolation round pLavoffs. 2pm vs F.Uard. Morris i attack when he subbed for co- DePaul and Catholic. Don Championship round playoffs. 7pm 89.5 frequency band, which has Def'sul vi ST PETER’S INVITATION Morris Catholic. B 43 pm captain Ron and Bosco is favored. TOURNEY Olcndcr scored a range of about 10 miles Thursday. from •''hi rn 11 'iiok mori rail City Armnn Dec 24 17 Eastern Christian Paterson Teoh points. High man for the Pi the Monday. Dec 34 win campus. ESSEX CATHOLIC St ner vs .Saddle Brook Don Rosro Terh A two- Mary’s vs All Hallows. 2 rates, however, was Art Hicks p m winner. 7 13 p m It was .Snyder vs announced this week day, four-team affair with St Benedict s. 4pm M Borva with 29 It St. Trenton venture Ray lev ElLard winner was a fairly close ENGEL Catholic vs Newark South that the WSOU team had BROTHERS James, St. Michael's Stde. 7pm I>ePsul Morrla Catholic winner. the re- (N) and B 3 game until last 11 minutes, St Peter's pm ceived permission to vs. Cranford. 9 pm. broadcast MOVING anil STORAGE Walsh the other entries. Essex Saturday. Dec 31 when the Pirates ran off 36 Wsdnetday, Dec 31 Seton Consolation came. 7 1.1 all of Hall's ECAC Holi- •*** Mary’s All Hallows pm HiOM VK Cl lt» winner vs Championship rame. 9 13 points. ? IWO i • Snyder -St Itenrdirt's winner. 2pm pm day Festival games from Madi- NORTH BIROIN CHRISTMAS M Peter’» Cranford winner vs Tran FESTIVAL ST. son Square Garden, starting with SI NO 10* tool Ine lit* a rtn* STATION WAGON ton Catholic-v South S*de winner PLTKR'S had a big first i t (At Glen Rock H S > 4 pm. half against the Ohio State game on Dec. 27 #t.l< Hhl®iil(ii 901Mu M»t* !' •>.--if N Friday. Dec 23 Georgetown, rolling Friday. Dec 30 Ramsey to at 9 m. HEADQUARTERS Consolation vs fast Paterson. 7 30 p a 50-33 lead, p fame. 7pm Glen m with Mike Murray Rock »t Paerack Valley. 9 p m. LTvamxXonahip came. 9pm controlling the hoards, a Monday. Dec 24 despite ESSEX CATHOLIC TOURNEY (At Hawthorne H. S.) set of ‘At Fwase* CkthoPo stitches in one hand, and lit Duke's Hawthorne. Tuesday. Dec. 37 at 9 pm. Bill Smith, Clem Reck, Pete Nor St. James St. Oac. 17 SETON HALL UNIVERSITY va. Michaels (N). 7 pm. Tuesday. Eeaes Catholic (At Rock H Hi ton and va. Walsh. B 30 p m Glen George Sullivan scorch M I.uke V Haw e MfTAI 800 IK HOM UH Wednesday, Dec. 31 thorn winner va Glen ing the nets. A followed the ConaolaUon 7 Rock Paerack Valley winner.. 9 slump rame. pm. p m SCHOOL OF Champtonehlp Thursday. Oac. 3» halftime EDUCATION fame. BX) pm. School intermission, hut the All (At Hawthorne 11. ) Roundup »T. MARY’S TOURNEY *» team tyckic Consolation broke loose again in the (At St. Mary'a. flutherford» came. 7 30 pm. Championship 9 ANNOUNCES Monday, Dec. 34 rame. pm. last 10 minutes as HCIAA TOURNEY Smith wound ■ad Mo4tU Queen of Peace vs 730 Kearny. pm *At H S L Valley vs Weehawkrn ) up the night with 28 O Sl. \Urr i«K*. 9pm NJCC Race in points. Monday. Oec 34 Spotlight Tuesday. Dec At Baltin. ore thr- Prrwt, REMEDIAL 37 n » AND PACE i «»« n,u. MOTORS Sl Cecilia's vs NKWAItK North school basketball Immaculate Con 030 pm Jersey high teams a bad first but scored ceptAon. 7 30 pm. half, 52 Wf r>.m,r.»i »1 will in a last CWTUL AVL Pope Pius re. Rutherford. Hoi, F.mllr. » p.m. get hit of scheduled activity this weekend be- 9 pm. ■points in the final 20 minutes as IMPROVEMENT SERVICES M.morUl <■ \V..h*.ku. B » Dac. p m . fore the Christmas tournament season IAST OIUN6I Thursday. 2t Wednesday, Oac. 21 descends and North St. (*erl Reck, Sullivan and Norton led lie’s-Immaculate winner n M MlrhaclVl nion HiU Pope winner ve Jersey Catholic Conference teams arc again in the Piue-Rutherford winner. 7 lO Demerest Holy Family spotlight. the attack Smith 13 winner. 7 m scored only For Children and Pm Emerson p Two league games will be School Students vs Memorial \% eehawken played on Dec. 22, one as orig- High winner. B .30 p m inally scheduled between Walsh and St Friday. Dec 3® Mary's (R) and the Championship other, contest came, fl pm. a postponed between St. Aloysius and Holy Dons Win Own READING JERSEY CITY TOURNEY Trinity No league action is slated in the Tri County Catholic (At .St Peter'a Collefei Conference or the Passaic Bergen Catholic WINTER Tuasday. Oac 37 Conference. Track Meet SPRING 1961 WONDERLAND Ferris va s< Mary's (JO. 3 SEMESTER pm These two M Michael games could go a long way toward s vs St Anthony’*. clearing up RAMSKY 130 Connie Vono and Scion Hall N. pm the "A" division picture, which is muddled now. often afternoon and J.’a Largest Stock of Ice Skates and M slightly right University evening pro- Aioywut vs iHrkinaon. 9 Jim Megiel led Don Bosco to pm. St (Hi. victories three in remedial Winter Sports Thursday. Dec Mary's with in its last starts (all grami and improvement services at the Uni- Equipment 3t the team title in the first annual Unroln va. Feme St. Mary’s winner. t.on-league affairs), is COMPARE OCR PRICES REAL VALUES ! ! in the league cellar thanks to an open- versity Campus, South Orange, New ini indoor track and field meet con- Jersey, ing loss to It should correct M Michael's St Anthony's winner Trinity. that situation against *• the St A ioysc uaIHrkl ducted at nw>n winner. Walsh school's gymna- * 9pm * sium on Dec 17 READING Sunday. Jen 1 Holy Trinity, on the ether hand, chance to PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS gets a affirm \ ( onaolation came. 2pm ono won the 50 yard dash in its right as a contender a St. Championship came UO pm against Aloysius club which has These services are provided for students botween the CHRISTIAN 56. defeating Bruce of BROTHERS TOURNEY been disappointing in its early starts. Byrne SKIS and SKIING •At The Aloysians also had ages of eight and EQUIPMENT Manhattan Colleeei Pascack while eighteen. a Dec. 20 date St Valley, Megiel to Tuesday. Dec 37 with Mary's (JC). Save up 20",. on all M first Children will be Interviewed and tested and will then Skiing Equipment Jfkseph'eiWi vs fit Peter’* took place in the rope Island). World Eamous Kastle - Metal A Wood Skis •Hlaten 3 43 p m I I’SKTS CONTINI Kll mark climb and be to classes to league play last week was second in the pole assigned small-group taught by spe- Wednesday. Dec 31 Complete Line of Dartmouth, Hart Metal M Walsh followed its over ' nult to Jim cialists. Joseph ssc Peter • vs victory St. Aloysius by dropping an Moore of Ridge- and Childrens' Sets and Accessories lalwlis Ansdemv overtime decision to S' w«mkl Mary's (JC). whose Boh Pierre 'I his accounted for IJ of Interviews and will be held at Thursday. Oec 3» testing Univorslly -scored Campus, ( >w*miwor\*hip cams. 13 (aunts But then St. Michael's (Jt'i Don Rosen s 20 Pascark • W pm stepped into points South Orange, New Jersey, until 14, 1961. COMPLETE SKI MABIST the and January INVITATIONAL picture quickly moved to the top position by whack \ alley placed second with 13 •At Ml M Michaels, the Bruns) semi will mg St. 82 and Ihe Twenty weekly sessions be held Jan- SHOP FACILITIES Wednesday Oec 31 Aloysius. 51, Walsh, 64 42, within a 48 hour Dons also won the fresh begining Xarut vs Ihittou M Aanea winner uary 16, 1961. Enrollement limited. period man title uith 2H to for is Skis Rented by day, week-end or week Friday. Oec )• joints 16 Championship Just when St Michael's seemed to the No For and further Skis edged. Leather Bindings Installed Cams. A 30 p m have 1 spot Pascark Don Corey urn the 50 application information contact: secure, up stepped SI Mary's (It with its 62 51 5 9 and CLOTHING FOR MEN AND WOMEN I upset of a in pla< <*d second in the strong Immaculate Conception team Though this high jump to the frosh ★ 23% off on Bass, Soudler, Europa game, of pace No Matter has How course, no direct affect on the Mr. ANTHONY B. SURACI Service Ski Boots (slock limited) league standings, it unit cates that the giant tlaels will have to be Director of Remedial You restored to the NEW YORK Services Get There original of favorite TOBOGGANS SLEDS position co they held before the season began At Its Best SETON HALL SNO COASTERS Dining UNIVERSITY Phil Sheridan and (lenrge Nash 49 gunned points against SOUTH NEW JERSEY which ORANGE, Immaculate, was fresh from an eight point conquest of GILHULY'S yueen of Peace Prank Desmond, who had hit for 27 SO SAVE UP TO 20% points Telephone: 2-9000 - Ext. 171 in the RESTAURANT defeat of the Irish, was held to nine by the Gaels. and BAR lUt lIKI3. [>r llrtoua l.unchfnni Generous In ACTION GOT under way In the Passaic Bergen with ars»l |Hnn«f« Trad* Allowance loop •rr*c**4 ili it • «iv4e limit** ub !• u(t AND INSTITUTIONS Mrmmli lew benki fete* AT lmm#Ui#i| c t <1 •«] 11 1. V all«> at Hal I laasli aft) IMCIAIISM IN o»w« III! tie r M—tel PM Fndi? Oat 2) Margaret G. MURPHY BROS. mi e • Murphy Uuc«n of I'rotr •( lUi kiiiiuii Residential Roofing B A M Motor • S„ DIRECTOR DENVILLE BOAT & Sales M « evlklaaK- at M Man • Ji . Leaders & Gutters I*li>ilrr at liul> t >mil) Eliiabath 5-5600 WARD-FORD • h«*r.le l altmlli al Mai vat J \ I'aUlik a at h«>.c> tUlaii] Siding SPORT CENTER 501-511 No. Broad Strati M ?39 CENTRAL AVENUE 1/ v 11-.£ l•><» al Sctuti Hall Seton Hall EL 700 Route 46 31 University DENVILLE OA 7-3030 NEWARK 3. N J. Monday. Oat 24 O(M* Do.I, aAM Is » PM. 151 EUISON STREET Open thru Aluiitm al Sailed Hetalt MS MW POINT lOAD Monday Saturday till 9:90 P.M. isiu/da>i is a a m Ml 3-6000 Alumni at Salon llall IIIiASHM N I PATERSON 2, NEW JERSEY "AMtl Wt tilt - Wt Tuiido Oat 2/ H»VI“ I in 16 I 8* • n 4• »• a Aluiti/ti at lliily Tiuut* tSIAIUSHtO l»IS " Norlit Jarwy ll‘ Poster 1960 Contest Scheduled December 22, THE ADVOCATE 11 For Catholic Press Month Fordham's First Rhodes NEW \ORK (NC) The second annual students’ Scholar poster contest for Catholic Press Month will be held in connection with the February, 1961, observance, the Catho- lic Press Association announced Is Old Hand at here. Winning Grants The 1961 contest will have three divisions, compared GLEN RIDGE Winning scholarships is an old trick with only two last accord- year, for Brian but ing A. Daley, the 20-year old St. Peter’s to James Doyle, CPA ex- awarded to the teachcra of the Prep giaduate admits to ecutive secretary. winning students. In addition, being “completely shocked” about his role as the Union Plans End An elementary-junior high winning posters will be offered to first Rhodes Scholar produced bv Fordham school division has been added to publication members of the Cath- University. the contest, Doyle announced, for olic Press Daley is ore 32 To Association for repro- of scholars seven years ego when Brian 'Wallfowers' Catholic students of the 7th, 3th duction. from all of finisned parts the United first among 728 com- ELlZABETh—Dancing class- and 9th grades. The contest will States to whom two-year schol petitors in an examination given es for “wallflower” members of also have the high school and the EACH PARTICIPATING school Oxford arships at University by St. Peter's Prep the Union County CYO Senior divisions in 1960. were college as will hold its own local Catholic presented last week. He is Youth Council will be held each Cash prizes will he awarded to Press Month contest then the second North AFTER FOUR —and Jersey scholar highly success Wednesday night until May at to winning students in each of '.he will submit the winning to earn this honor in recent ful years at St. Peter’s—his poster av- the St. Michael's parish hall. divisions. Duplicate will be the national CPA years, the last been Reg- erage was the in prizes contest, Doyle having highest the Rosemary Kane, social chair- said. inald Stanton, graduate of St. school's history, 98.09— Brian man for the council, said that Complete details and rules Peter's College and a nephew of won a National Merit Scholar- St. Cecilia's Named the idea for the project came in for the contest contained Auxiliary Bishop Martin W ship 1957 and entered are in Ford- from membets who complained Grid Contest Stanton. ham to major In In the official Catholic Press Month classical litera- that too few of their fellow The ture. NEW YORK kit, now available for Si the parade of to - St. Cecilia's from scholarships members knew what to do the 2!) I His is (E) was one in Catholic Press 6 Daley household at Lor- eventual goal to be- of the runners-up Association, E. when the music starts. the 39th New raine St., East Orange, began come a university professor. voting for the 'Crusader St , York 16, N. Y. ACCOUNTING AWARD: Raymond "It isn’t just that they don't McSorley accepts He is not certain about the Trophy," given by Holy Cross Winners will be selected by a check from John know the new steps," she said, a $5OO Baum of Haskins and course to three-man Sells as Vocation Notes of studies he will pursue College the outstand'ng Catho- judging committee of "many of them don't know any at the student in at St. Oxford. One possibility to lic high school football team in professional artists working in the outstanding accounting Peter’s is steps at all." study for master's the Catholic on are a degree in metropolitan area. press. The judging will College. Looking Very Rev. Edward F. Clark, Classes begin at 8:30 p m , his present field, another to The winner was Chaminadc he St. A Priest Was take of conducted during Catholic president of Peter’s, and Walter Born with instruction by profes- S.J., Ruschmeyer, a more general course Mineola, L. I , which Press Month at toward won the the Overseas of the New York office of Haskins and Sells. sionals. New York right, Msgr. William another bachelor's degree. CHSAA title this year. Press Club in New under By F. Furlong about 40 York, No grind. Brian Already members is to scnools On Christmas in over 1.900 has found Competition limited supervision of Rev. Luke M. morning, Bethlehem, years ago have signed for the courses time at Fordham to be up which of a priest was born His name was Jesus. president are members the five Ciampi, 0.F.M., chairman of the Perhaps we seldom In May, a contest will be held think of the Fordham Club and Catholic school of Him as a priest, but He is the a mem- high leagues in CPA's Catholic Press Month com- strictly speaking, only for the students and, mean- priest of the New ber of the university honors the area. mittee. Law. All other Catholic priests priests pro- Parish CYO Briefs are while, they'll be able to polish only because they in His gram, student council, Inter- participate priesthood In a special their at racial classics up technique a series way and through a special sacrament the sacrament Council, French, of of council dances. A combined Christmas party Orders. and anthropology clubs. January activity will be a visit Holy “Then Of maybe the walls will will be held at Holy Rosary to Graymoor Because the first priest, Christ, his award, Daley said, “As Monastery. came have to find something else to H the into the world at the first Rhodes scholar from D (Elizabeth) by boys' and Professional stars on the first Christmas morn- recording hold them up,” Miss Kane con- girls’ units. ing, for many years in the Fordham, the school will really will be on hand for a St. early Church new cluded I members St. priests other collect more of the than I Junior of Mi- Theresa's (Kenilworth) teen- Christs came into the glory 1 world will." chael's (Elizabeth) are receiv- dance Jan on an anniversary of the first Christ- agers on 7 . . . received G V mas It was He news of the ing Holy Communion each The annual semi formal Christ- morning. customary for ordina- award 17 Ad- nations to be held on Christmas on Dec. following a A Thursday morning during mas dance for St. Elizabeth until the Wedding Reception 49i long scries of H I vent at 7 with vear when Pope Gelasius I directed interviews con- °li o’clock Mass (Linden) juniors will he held that ducted at Johns breakfast the cafe- Holy Orders be conferred on Ember Satur- Hopkins. following in on Dec. 28 in the parish hall. ON YOUR days. D teria. Marjorie Manhardt has E St. (Newark) Lucy's juniors A Priest Was PLAZA HOTEL SAVINGS replaced Albert Lyons as presi- will Born hold their annual Christ- In to E dent of the Chi Rho senior giving the world the Priest, Jesus Christ, DOLLY MOUNT danee God the Wu. }—*f Oh J» S mas "The Sicighboll ather gave Christmas f. group there. l a gift so great that He could not have Serenade," on Dee. 2? at the given IM a greater. Also, is The adults unimaginably great a to NURSING HOME Dto«lfl*4 limv«4 >MI young of St. parish vocation the • T Community Corner. priesthood an to nt *• M«t AstiO’Atio »ot pcriod invitation in a Catharine's (Glen Rock) will participate, special way, in Undar Stall licanta Anthony lnneo is chairman. Christs priesthood. • C*Mn .TAtriNC JAMAH l»l. Apparently, 1060 D sponsor a semi formal dance however, very few think so An aitablliKad hem* that ii qvlat. The dance to lor most • pHIM is open mem- young men reject the invitation. on Dec. 28 from 9 to raitful and tvavrioui. laaofad p m 1 bers all CYO an • Cffrrf «H—h— 4*toAi of units in the It All to S a m. at the parish hall Mem Depends ipacioui Qroundi Far tha ogad county. Wiww IMhri Ci ■i i4l—t Although they might not advert to 111 and hers of other nearhy units arc it, when folks will say chranlcolly i canvalaicanta. A Christmas to • SAVINGS INSURED • dance will be you. Merry Christmas," 14 Havr Staff ACCOUNTS OPENEO iV THI to tradition will make it mean Nunlng invited attend. on "1 UP TO SlO.OOO held Dec 26 at Immaculate "r ou a Oldfield 3-0100 10th EARN EROM THI lit Mary s Christmas.” But SYLVIA St. Teresa’s (Summit) juniors I'.'* ’ just how much vour NOLL BOLSTCR, R.N. Tout Heart of Christmas Neighborhood Sovinpi InttHuhon Mary (Map'ewood), will be like will hold their Mary's Christmas will depend on how Dlr»rtr.. l annual holiday to which members of nearby much vou are like Mary dance on Dec. 28 in the parish units have been inv ted ''T' LAmk.rl 1-7477 .. . like —I An being Mary was very much impressed hall ice skating party is Blessed Sacrament byi he 1* VAlllY lOAO CIIFYON. N J (East Or- following incident, but not mmm nearly so much, I am sure, planned for January at South ange) members as the are selling young lady to whom it On Mountain Reservation. happened a cold winter Another Christmas trees in the evening, parish seeing a little boy in rags into looking longingly a pi ik parking lot to raise funds for store window, she asked him For Perton* Over 21 what he was thinking about a donation to am for v a mission in In- asking God anew pair of > I shoes," was his answer, ♦:00 P. M. to 12:30 A. M. !^ dia. .he the W bought shoes for him, and warm too. She stockings As even him Long helped put them on. He was silent all the while but when she was leaving him, he looked DANCING mm NEW YEAR'S WEEK-END up at her and said Would you by any chance be God Mother?" As You Live RETREAT FOR s Can you imagine WOMEN how thrilled she must have been? EVERY NIGHT 249 KEARNY you will •calve FRIDAY AVE. (Near Bergen) N. J. r a DEC. 30th To JAN 1 What About KEARNY, DEPENDABLE and You? Houri: GOOD Daily 9 to 3; Frl. 9 A M. to 7 P.M. INCOME if You young ladies would be thrilled Continuously Invest too, wouldn’t you’ your aa WEEK-END RETREATS 1 ro« ala erhaps you have reason to be CLUB ST. nc our thrilled even now. You do if LEO S.V.D ANNUITY FOR THE LAITY you have been trying to live PLAN. your life in such a wav that ‘■rjms wif T+sims Markot at the East N. ~:jr < JPIND A WIIKIND WITH 000 perhaps, occasionally, there might flash St., Boulevard, Paterion, J. Yon »Uo that through the mind of r»«al woi K of th 'nor m.'thrr or diet "THI or your brothers or M s(e OICHf STRAt OP For: MEN, "■•ohor. r s or sour WOMEN, it h whom JOE PAYNE and DUKE COLLINS" IN HUSHED PrleeCa and Hr , vs sou the \ Ua Mkakons. ll,ought. EXPECTANCY, HUSBAND and WIFE about her that reminds of Miu ' ' ' me Mary." Direction*: »t etch Chri.lmaa, C.tholtca the • Certain tax advantages Can think of £ throughout world A you anything that could more • Lasting Memorial and ( Conducted tbe monlii of be flattering’ re-live by SC every thrilling moment of the Dm Chriatma. remembrances in Alphonsus Liguori, M many Saint Paul's a Doctor of the Driving South on Garden Stato Maaaaa aad Abbey Church, taught Parkway, Exit 138 prayer*. that Mary was the they wait for Chrlat’a very first nun. Have Eucharistic birth Wine FOR FRff INFORMATION! Pleaie make reservations early. you ever thought of Driving North on Gordon Stato Exit 137 being like Mary in that way? Parkway, ea ear ilUn. Million, of Catholics U>U Writ# (Ono Minuto from olthor SOCIETY OF for Information tot Apostolate Exit) Chriatma. .. for Vocations wIU are the Prince af Fum DIRECTOR OF RETREATS Newark Archdiocese Msgr W,ll„m K. Eaeh.ri.tle.lly bora THE DIVINE WORD Eurlong, Seton in Churehee £ Queen Peace of Retreat Hews# y> ° ranfie N J Trlc P hone: Or- by Man', Annuity Dept. GIRARD. PA. St. NEW JERSEY generoaity, M be.atifaUy ap- | Paul's Abbey, Newton, N.J, angc 2.51w0 ' ' ' CALDWELL, Paterson ****** m Poaaible; other milUoaa. he- Diocese: Rev. John P. McHugh DoPaul Hieh* £ School. N J. eaaM of Wayne, Telephone rireumaUnee. they are power- C OXbow 4 6759 CALDWELL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN laaa la chance, will attend ChrULnaa ( la CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF ST. DOMINIC Mim placea hardly beflltinc the aubllmity of the Each- STONY LODGE k School Notes ST. JOSEPH'S VILLA artatie birth, la the Mlaalon Station ■ Accredited - A.B. of KODI’MON In | LAIAIOIN, PRAPACK. N j. Fully Offering and B.S. Degree* SOUTH INDIA the for Ou«it Houii for Womtn aetting Midnlcht Man. will he an $ and abandoned Ossining-on-Hudson, New York ■ •treat Hovio barrack, building—not for lack of love any | Winter Artlatlc French o( the S.vloar Theme rhateau of hreath will thl. be. hot the A Private In* be * f people are h Psychiatric Hospital, completely ul * In th# Some reel Hilla 1199 the equipped (or in modern Founded In by Sitter* of » aaable la afford a Chareh. IJ.SOO U .mount facllltiea. Healthful Charity the needed climate | Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental and Nervous Excellent maala Open roar •* bnl,d Could the Conditions. I aar yoa help people of thl. village S For round to Coßealeacenta. la Marylawn vacationist* » "ora fitting for the •nd permanent cuaata of Saint Elizabeth 5 place celebration of Mu. 1 Insulin Retreata Coma from June College Electroshock SOUTH ORANGE September by ne.t Chrlalmaa? _ The an to J. Psychotherapy eicept the Thankigiiring. Chriitmaa. nual Senior I’rom * of Marylawn of n ? i ,’* w Y «*f'a Weekenda Dan Convent Station, New Masses •nd Evening a of Recollection. Jeney and Sacraments Available Ihe Oranges will be held at the Directed Hotel by the llttora of It. John A HAPPY AND A HOLY Suburban, Summit on Pee. the Baptist. Plapack CHRISTMAS LEO J. 9 0)14 Mff TO ALL OUR PALMER, M D. 2£, with FRIENDS, MEMBERS. BENEFACTOR*. "King Winter's Court” its theme Medical Director GEORGIAN COURT COLLEGE Co-chairmen Susan Reynolds BIBLES & BOOKS "MtLLAHIN" ohe the farmer* aro W Egypt ooaattta end Maureen Powers Or All TVPtI three-fourth, of the popni.Uon of that Charles A. M.D. Maurice J. have chos- A accredited Liberal Art* country. The avermr Bright, O'Connor, M.D. en fully College “fellah'.” Income la .boat red and white as the color - REBOUND fIOS . year and Associate Director Associate Director thl. scheme, with poinsettla Conducted the Sitter* of eat . married man mu.l and doe. nlants on NEWARK BINDERY, INC. by Mercy H p the tables port hi. family. ALFONSO and a huge Christmas r #LD AMIR and Telephone 914 Wl 1-7400 OOKOON. I*icl Apply: Director of Admitiiont, Lakewood, N. J. GABRIELE am. tree to lend the note rt Clinton SI. Ncw.rk I PAUMI, of ''fellahln' are holiday », N. student. for the A Christmas MAihrl 101*1 prte.lhood at SAINT CYR- pageant was held IL'S SEMINARY EGYPT. at the school Dec 21 la It will coat on with U edae.ta each of stage scenes being them and their presented by ACADEMY OF father* are m.alfe.tly to rontrlbnte the Glee Club and the Goneaian SAINT ELIZABETH BE A FRANCISCAN anything toward thla .mount. WIU Club PRIEST you .uu Sister Margaret Rose and one of throe lICONDAIY ICHOOL *o* •III! hoy.? Siser Mary AC ro Philip in r.wedwd 1(00 r«U| A.croAIMO charge. The Glee ImltAt* Club will also lIHon of Ckiritr Cbrltt In All Thingt sing at Altman's Coo.col Now loint Tt> MOLD THE in Short Hills LIVES Of CHILDRK on Dec. 22 and at Veterans’ Hos JEfferton 9-1600 Do HIS Work In on the pattern af the Saviour af Bethlehei Periihei, School*, —IhU I. the holy deelre pital, Hast Orange, on Dec. 23. of young Cathol i Home A Foreign Minion* fUU who wi.h to Bayley-Kllard held Its aerve God a. leaching at holiday ter*. The festival on Dec. 15 at St. Vln ANTONIAN SISTERS In LKB/ Tor further Information write: NON conduct cent's. Madison, with 300 students Jerome J. twenty arhoola there in whle Stanley FRANCISCAN FATHERS. they train Lebanese children participating in a program In the way. i spoil • * CHURCH GOODS $4. I«r««rdin« , i Monastery, 177 ChrtaL SISTER MARIE NOEL sored by the Hayley Ellard Guild and NINTE Hollldftyibwrf, P*. ROSE DANIEL novice. The Glee Club, directed 116 washinoion street are In thl. Comrei by Sis alty. Cm toe ter Charles pay the U.lnlug af one af them? The aa Mary, sang a group MA 2-6071 NEWARK. N J. la MM. o J carols and five tableaux were directed by Sister Assumpta Mary ▲ CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THE PALESTINE REFUGEES' THE DID YOU SEND ONE? TRINITARIAN If fOR HOME REASON FATHERS iforgrt/ulnru. I.rk of time far R>e College Notes aeoemary .hopping) you are In need of ■ Chrlalmaa remem- otter on opportunity to men ond boyi of Grammar brance for somebody, why not one af the following: (ieorge Carse of Summit is School and High School to become a pneet or a Brother L Mu. or Maun for the Intention, of the recipient. a member of the elec club at In the Lack of *■ Mrmber.hlp ta the Trinitarian Order. fund* no Impediment. CATUOUC NEAR FAST WELFARE St. Joseph’s College l Indiana I ASSOCIATION. Write William Meinhardt of io< S. A donation far the build lag anew Church. School Con- Hackensack has won a $2,000 vent. VOCATION scholarship offered by the DIRECTOR, O.S.S.T. t. A Sacred Article fee Minion Church. a Scott I’aper Company founds Bax 8741, Baltimore S. 8, Maryland Membership la a CATHOLIC NEAR EAST MimiOH lion and will use it to com- CLUB. Dedicate your life to Christ plete engineering studies at •• A donation for In.tllutlon of In an nu-rry la MImien hmda. and Hl» Rlened Mother Vlllanova. You are invited to enroll yoursetf or If YOU WISH TO REMEMBER ' um ril u In any of p>e above helping teen-age girl* with Two North Jersey students loved one will aend that way. are perooe a beautiful Chriatmu become Gift Card, are among the 17 juniors at problem* . . . a telling of your gift la bla her honor There b or (till time ter St. Michael’s (Vt i selected the Card to reach the peraon during thr Christina. of the Semen. for inclusion in the 1061 edi- Sister tion of Who's Who Among Good Students in American Univer Shepherd Miles and Colleges They are ACTIVITIIIi FRANCIS CARDINAL SPILLMAN, Fredda* ALBERT H. HOPPER, Inc. Charles Messenger of May- Social Work, Teaching, Dietetic#. iMlharall* txund uMiticaU mull'd lmm

Hold Ordinations At Darlington DARLINGTON The Orders of Porter and Lector con- s were ®"* ferred by Auxiliary Bishop Mar- ssr&iß tin W. Stanton on 36 s"*- candidates of the Archdiocese of Newark, one of the 30- Diocese of Trenton, APPLE or. nine of the Diccese of Paterson JUICE can and two of the Diocese 29 of Cam- SLATED den. The FANCY FOR SPRING: This is how the new main building of St. Elizabeth's Hos- ceremony took place the Quart pital, Elizabeth, will look to in chapel of Immaculate Con- , according the architects, Eggers and Higgins of New 2 York ception Seminary on Dec. 17. Dottles City. Sister Ellen Patricia, administrator, annuonced this week that construc- SS™' SAUCE 45 The ordination followed a three- tion will start in The at mid-April. building right is the present main building which day retreat made by those to be 16 02 will become a of ordained. wing the new structure. Retreat Master was 2 Very Rev. Vincent S«o"wbe cans A. McCormick, S.J , former rector of the Gregor Pint St. Elizabeth’s ian University in Rome and for- Reveals mer American quart Hospital assistant to the pineapple General of the Society of juice Jesus' » at CROBE • • the society’s headquarters in # Rome. 46 Plans for New onmnu 02 Main pium 1^ 2 Building puddlng cans 49 ELIZABETH Plans for the ing new hospital construction. i will not be remodeled. Name American 1-lb new St. Elizabeth Hospital have Eggers and Higgins, New York The second floor calls for been \ plan can completed and construction City architects who the designed an operating suite with six ma- Bolivian 45 of the $5,262,387 is Mellon Bishop fWMSAOCE building ex- Museum in can Washington jor operating rooms, a 12 bed to 89 in mid it VATICAN CITY (RNS) pected begin April, and other struc- Rev. distinguished recovery room, and six intensive has been announced by Sister tures Thomas P. Collins, M.M., of San PACKARD'S 5*4 throughout the country, care beds. 02 Ellen Patricia, administrator hrancisco, has been of planned the new appointed hospital. An obstetrical lar the institution. 1 suite with three Bishop of the Pando Vicariate in COFFEE ■"ir-r 45 THE rooms GROUND floor will con- delivery and seven labor the "Green The 220-bed will be fi- Hell" jungle area of project will tain the beds be on the third floor, TAYLOR'S Club nanced by donations to the build X-ray laboratory, emerg- northeastern Bolivia, it was an- Mb. which also ency room and pharmacy depart will contain 14 ma nounced here ing fund drive, a federal grant ag central ternity beds and 20 full term 55 of $877,347 12 menls; room, Father Collins, 45, has SlV£fr and a $3 million supply served kitchen, general and bassinets. The present building Sister supplies as a in the Pando Vi- *7OOl bag mortgage, Ellen ratricia missionary POTATOES w can 59 laundry. Anew will be altered to contain 30 bas- cariate Voc ‘'o said. outpatient de since his ordination in m or partment will he sinets. *yrvp developed by 1942 The "(Ireen Hell" is Notification of approval of the area new construction 2 for and The Bfi£ remodeling fourth, fifth, sixth and so named for the dangers it AD federal by the U S pre- grant He of the 2? 45 existing fire-resistant seventh floors of the new build sents to inhabitants in the form of partment of Health, Education building. ing will contain 50 general nurs- alligators, jaguars, and Welfare was at St wild pigs, received entrance T The main will be on ing beds each All construction giant snakes and other *Blf 2 loaves deadly Elizabeth's this month. the first | floor, which will con- will be fireproof with face brick forms of animal and aquatic life' NAPK/NS 35 of tain part the administration, exterior finishes in the THE NEW BUILDING, with a finish. Interior tropical jungle. staff and medical records ground floor, zcven upper stor- de- will be permanent and will be As Vicar Apostolic of Pando, I pkg of din- iea, and partments, and the main selected for ease of maintenance. the ■ r a penthouse for me- Bishop elect will supervise * Y,»*on. '"•Cry pri( with Jaunty Dress Shops of Newark comply with regulations govern- ply the law or face the legal consequences as a result and Alfar Shops of Neptune, Gar of new rulings in Superior Court here and Federal Court field and North Bergen each Grants Available I in Camden. 29 TilK SI IT the attornev I Superior Court Judge Theodore is also a party to suits before names the of IJ. Labrecque issued two dcci the U.S. Supreme Court challeng- general, prosecutors Ber- At Seton Hall Passaic, jslons, both denying motion* for ing Sunday sales laws in Mary- gen, Morris, Hudson. :::::: relief Union, Middlesex, Monmouth and Jumbo Euncb 25c SOUTH ORANGE—Application from enforcement sought land and Pennsylvania, asked the Two for Somerset Counties, and the for National Defense Foreign by Guys From Harrison. court some other relief from police CELERY 12 PASCAL In the law of cities as defendants. A tem- Language Fellowships in Chinese Camden, Fedora* Judge if the injunction were FRESH injunction was asked but box and Japanese ranging firm $3,250 Thomas Madden lifted a tempo denied. Specifically, the chain porary lb. 49c Madden took no action on’ a sought permission to Judge NUTS to $2,750 year are open at Seton rary injunction which had been sell items MIXED the motion, made the same day Hall University's Institute of Far granted to Bargain City USA of it considered to be in "gray 1 NEW CROP areas," that is, he lifted the injunction given froHi, citron, lomon pool, pinoopplo. Eastern Studies, according to Ur.. Deptford Township a week pre- items which can of doto* fig*, tuttl Bargain City. l I lino John Tsu, Institute direclor. viously. bo classified either as coming Attorneys asked that the The under the scope of the law ar as fellowships are awarded! JUDGE main suit be LABRKCQUK, In his being outside it. made a compan- under the 1958 National Defense: initial Dec. ion suit ruling 16, denied an Judge denied to that filed by Bar- Education Act to encourage study, l.abreequr that application for an gain A special three- [ injunction motion on Dec. 20. At the same City. of rarely taught languages ur-l sought Two The judge Federal by Guys: chain, time he upheld of Court has been gently needed in the right the government, which has been in the named to forefront police to act store hear the Bargain City business, education and against the industry of the battle for unrestricted Sun suit in Trenton, when it is in violation of probably dur- Aside from the basic to the stipend selling, the day asked for the injunc law. ing week of Jan. 16. the the individual, grants will tion after 50 r— Mj] more than of its This in reference Hearing the case will ho Judge also tuition and other school was to the pay had been Madden, Arthur employes arrested Dec arrests made Dec 11. after liar Judge Lane of "" FINE fees while $l5 per week DAIRY ■ providing \ 11. the U S District Court OVEN-FRESH PRODUCTS gam City had the and Judge BAKED for each of the recipient's gained tempo GOODS —i depen- Judge I.abrrcque denied the Philip Foreman of the US. Cir- dents. rary injunction. Although Two Fresh roll, IMPORTED, HOLLAND'S FINEST motion cuit of bokod for an Injunction on the not Court Appeals in Phila doily on ,h. j Guys was a plaintill in that premi,e„ w% The fellowships are open to grounds that the situation had suit and enforcement delphia special for officials in the holidayi American cilitens or not changed Judge Madden said he refused- EDAM permanent materially since the counties where it residents of this operates country who are the State Supreme Court re- llargain City's request for a were not named as defendants, FRUIT graduates or will receive college fused an injunction in 1*59. the chain and several other i permanent injunction because of it- a bachelor's degree before start- the also said CHEESE Two Guys operates 12 stores in stores went to ! early hearing He back unrestricted _ the ing graduate studies under New Jersey, most of them in | the special court will decide STOLLEN Sunday selling until police moved *-°rgo round or whether block grants. Applicants must intend to counties where the sales law is in in . to consolidate the Bar- leach enter or government serv- effect. It has already unsuccess- gain City and Vornado cases. ice. -POK.LeOEND'N, EXTRA SHARP fully contested the law all the JI'DGF MADDKN in Camden Tlie Vornado case is the PACKARDS (Whit.) seventh the law way up to the State Supreme lifted the temporary restraint attacking since into effect November, CANADIAN * once and is In the process of against Gloucester police officials It wen* in FRUIT CAKE CHEDDAR 7 of the ~ Camden doing so again. Dec 16 1959 Only two cases have 79 IMPORTED GENUINE Bishop after being assured by C FRENCH the been decided, both in favor Its Dec. 11 defiance of referen state attorney general's of of ASSORTED the duins fice that no criminal acCon law BRIE Marks Jubilee favoring the law was its would CHEESE ». 1. second such action. A year be taken against Bargain City CAMDEN ago FLEICHMANN'S (NO Archbishop Two Guys did for Its sales of Dec. BUTTER COOKIES * GOLDEN OIL obtain a tempo- policies 11. 98c CORN (‘destine J. Damlano, of With the Bishop rary Injunction against enforce injunction no longer Season’s Camden, marked the 23th anm in Greetings uicnt but neglected to effect, a state Investi- MARGARINE name coun police versary of his ordination 25 3 with a gators visited the store Dec. lit PIES . ty prosecutors as defendants and 65c. IMPORTED M»»* in the Cathedral of the Im- 90c ‘1 DENMARK'S FINEST those officials were able to and arrested a sales clerk when maculate cn Conception here. clerk *PPI. * C0,..,,, Cu force the law. A contempt suit the sold him a pair of „„, d The PORTSALUT Archbishop, who was or- Initiated by Two Guys Upheld the trousers in violation of the law. CHEESE "-T dained in Rome, has been Bishop right of the prosecutors to act. Bargain City's partial success of Camden since Feb 10, i960 in Camden led Two Guys to step He came here TIMF from booth Africa THIS the prosecutors j Into the picture there als>. It where he served for seven year* were named in the Injunction mo- did so through Vornado Inc., a MEATS & Sll as Apostolic Delegate. He was tion. as the chain argued that Kansas appliance firm which is nr QUALITY named TOP an Archbishop when he it was being harassed by police part of the Two Guys corporate was sent to South Air ca Vornado YB Counsel for Two Guvs, which setup Joining as plain ®US Fresh SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OMHStMAS CLUBS For a Deliciouj, MOBTGACU LOANS Plans for Nutritious Bread PASSBOOK LOANS FIL Complete TKAVnjKS' CHECKS HADDOCK NONET OBOE *3 l Strr* ~. PVBUC SEP VIC I ML PAYMENTS Presentation Ball M 1 SAVINGS

WtClAl NEWARK Plans have been for third . p 49‘ completed the* o#t cwcn annual Presentation KM ivtty Hall to be held on Jan 2 at the Hotel Robert Treat here. OCTASK3H The day’s activities will start with a Pontificial Mass at 9 30 a in in Heart L Sacred Cathedral, celebrated by Arch- your bishop Ho la ml The sermon will vs':8-24 lb». t>« delivered E by Msgr William at 6 piu , with Mrs. Leonard mK J. MclHmald. rector of Catholic liurke as toastmaster service' and feXTOM University, honorary presi At » p m., the young debu- dent of the International Kedcra tante* will be presented lo Arch lion of Catholic Alumnae bishop Uolaud by Hcv Paul K. A Vs«f Csinstundsd HAMS Qv«rl«rtv SMOKED Immediately after the Maas l.ang, moderator of the presen Pr•p« id Po»t«w« on & SPIRES • Monl M«il P«vm«nf» cikJC WINES . Ridoowood there will he a Communion break- lalion committee. The ball will S WIWC3 Quality Bor •W* PACKARD FINE Ram , B y at Vi ,it fast the Hotel Hubert Treat continue unlll 1 am with Mrs George Maghei of Sum 'ltie activities of the Presenta- EQUITY mit as toastmaster, and the tion Day are under sponsorship Archbishop as principal speaker of the Suburban Kssex Circle of SAVINGS Mi Lbaa Assn ihe International Federation of Your •ntir* family will love A ktCmtO.N honoring the Catholic Alumnae. Proceeds of thii womlirful Archbishop will he held at 5 brtad. Vi IMIIT, Mtw . p m Ihe event benefit the Archbishop In the hotel Thomas A. Poland Scholarship ’|WV«« V-0101 ® A formal dinner will take place Fund. Ouiy. Mm The Advocate Supplement to The Advocate Dec. 22, 1960 2 ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS December 22, 1980 Church’s Seven Songs for Waiting n the fullness of becomes the Word of God which pro- closes; You close and no man opens. savior: Come, God's time and ceeds "from the Most High,” and save us, 0 Lord our the Come, and deliver him from the chains 'Aord Who "in God.” when was the beginning” and of /4I all things prison who sits in darkness and in the without Whom nothing was made. The shadow In the word, Emmanuel, is summed were in readiness of death.” Word is Christ, God's wisdom and other up all the magnificence of the fulfillment Christ The the came into the attributes clothed key, symbol of be- of the in flesh and given to power, hopes of the ages for Em- to to longs the Messias both the keys world as Man and us "teach us the way of of manuel means God with Emmanuel prudence,” Oavid's us. that is. to teach us to live kingdom, since He Is the is Christ God a new life as true heir, Himself living brought and to the of among Christians. Kingdom God, with which as out and to men, they live, of love solici- earth’s people The that kingdom is liturgical symbol often symbolically identified. tude for us. Isaias asso- We wrote (7:14): “There- This was the event ciated with the "O Wisdom" can superimpose Christ's words to fore the Lord Himself antiphon shall give you a Peter when He gave to for which the ages is a triangle, to represent the triune Peter and the sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive priesthood the and had God, in which is enclosed “keys of the of sighed; this was the answer to the an eye, the kingdom bear a son, and his name shall be called heaven" and the to of the And old symbol of the power forgive sins. Emmanuel." Isaias longing Old Testament. we all-wise, all-seeing also wrote (33:22): have “Whatever you bind earth will had Emmanuel — Creator. on be “The Lord is God with us — our judge, the Lord bound in heaven. is our for two Whatever loose nearly centuries. you on lawgiver, the Lord is our He SECOND king. will Yet THE antiphon: earth shall be loosed in heaven” each year as the Church Christ or save us." “O Adonai and Ruler of the House in other words, to deliver established lives out the of men from the cycle Ills "Come, and save us” the of Israel. You appeared to Moses the “chains” and “prison" of Church liTe, we are asked to relive the in evil. centuries prays. Then she moves on to the breath- of longing fire of the burning bush, and on Mount A key, often even though the longing was ornamented with a less Vigil of Christmas, confident Sinai gave him Your Law: that ended when the Come, and cross, is the obvious symbol of Word-made flesh was this an- her prayers have been and with outstretched heard, that born of In the an arm redeem ui!” tiphon. Mary. liturgy of th" her beseechings will be answered with "Adonai" is an Old Testament word Church we relive that longing and ex- the coming of Christ. The God as lord and ruler. THE FIFTH corollary is not real denoting The an- antiphon: pectation in the sense in which that to the tiphon recalls the Old Testament “0 person whose prayers for a the Jews longed and expected for ap- Rising Dawn, Radiance of the we coming of Christ into his own soul have pearance of God in the burning bush to Eight eternal and Sun of have fulfilled, and Justice; come, Hope we can be unit- ard been heartfelt will come also that confi- ed make Moses the leader who was to de- enlighten those who sit in darkness with the Expected One every dence on Christmas day. liver and in Eve that the Light But sigh for His the Jews from slavery, and later the shadow of death.” I we new coming to our of the World will illuminate hia God's of the Ten Commandments The own life ■ouls, to give life giving Jews thought of the us annually new in expected as a Christian. as the rule of life to for the chosen people. Messias in terms of these Him, prepare again our hearts for His three figures The “0 | The plea is for the same God to come Emmanuel*’ antiphon is us- incarnation which of speech in the Books of transforms us. Zachary, He- represented again as the Christ to save His people and ually with a manger to sig- brews, Malachy, respectively ’ Fol- the in the is from the of nify humble birth of the Savior. NOWHERE liturgy this re slavery sin and give them lowing on these ideas of the Redeemer living of the His New Law. years of waiting more as a source of illumination and warmth The () Idramatically accomplished than the Adonai antiphon is we think of Christ in usually as the Light of the O Antiphons of the Church's official symbolized by the twin tablets on which and World, we long for His coming with the Divine Office. Study were written tho Ten illumination Our prayer, and un- Commandments. and Cover warmth into our cold 0 derstanding of the Antiphons, en- and dreary souls. THE THIRD antiphon: The original color art on the cover trance into their spirit and significance, ”(J of A sunburst is often of our Christmas Root Jesse, You stand for an the symbol asso- Supplement for i960 can help the Christian to enter into the ciated Christ ensign of mankind; before You kings with this antiphon. represents as the fulfilment of living expectation of the Church during the | shall keep silence, and to You all expectations of the ages. the days before Christmas and na- accom- tions THE SIXTH The Nativity scene is shall have recourse. Come, save antiphon: presented plish in him the climax of joy and ful- ”0 of the aßainst Js, and do not delay." King Gentiles and the De- a background of tha "0 Anti- fillment which Christmas should be sired of all, You are the cornerstone phons” which express the longing of the It originates in messianic every year. prophesies that binds two world for the into one: Come, and save coming of tha Messias. The of Isaias (11 and 52). Jesso O Antiphons are sung at Ves- was David’s poor man whom you fashioned out of The 0 Antiphons are further father and commented one each day from 17 among his descendants was jpers, Dec. through clay.” upon in the to be the story above. Dec 23, the eve of the Vigil of King of Peace. The Angel Ga- | Christ- The This is a briel identified Christ idea of a Savior of others be- Nativity scene with a dif- inas Almost all of them arc taken from as that Descen- ference. sides the chosen recurs Although Mary and Testament dant when he told Mary her Son would people among Joseph are jOld passages Viewed from the Old Testament seen in their traditional attitudes inherit "the of prophets, for ex- of the perspective of Christmas, the anti- throne David." The horn I in Aggeus adoration, the Christ Child is tell age of kings indicates the of the ample, (2:8): “The Desired depicted phons us what we have in God power of not all nations shall come." So realistically —as a helpless Babo made Man Messias and the "all nations” does the and how urgent was the Idea Is in His crib idea of the Messias as “the sleeping —but symbolically Christ later elaborated upon Isaias corner- peed filled by His coming. by with spe- the Child SYMBOLS: A is trimmed stone" which was selected —•as Who fulfills the prophecies with cut-outs of the cific reference to the Gentiles. by Our Lord ANTIPHON "Jesse Tree" symbols We are and the which in terms of Old THE the Himself to illustrate expectations voiced over the represent Christ Testament Messianic FIRST antiphon: Gentiles, for Christ to His support of His references which pleading come centuries "O which to while the world awaited have been into ! Wisdom. You came forth and is Church, was bind Jew and Him incorporated of the Divine Office to the from save us the cross his "ensign.” Here is the O Antiphons speak long- the mouth the Most Gentile “into one.” We Wisdom, Adonai, here is the of High, and reach This are the “poor ing the for the Savior. Children can antiphon is by root and ages make the symbols out depicted a man fashioned Root of Jesse the of David of of cardboard- ■ ng from beginning to end, . . , out of clay” Key the you ordered with a flower wrote: begging triangle for "O 10 Commandments " Isaias "And Rising Dawn, the Wisdom,” tablets for all tilings mightily and our King to save us from sins King, Emmanuel. Here a "O Adonai the "Root sweetly. Come, there shall our and come forth a rod out of tho is the Redeemer Jesse," the of the teach " weakness. beginning the trans- "Key David," Rising Dawn," a crown for and us the way of prudence of of “O King.” a man- root Jesse, and a flower shall rise The up cendent work of our salvation. ger for "Emmanuel.” an old words originate in Kcclesiasti- " A crown is the The Jesse Tree is custom out of his root symbol of this an- being revived (like so many The Christmas cover is the cu» 124 3 1 and Wisdom (8:1). In each tiphon. Work of the customs in this section). It reminds us that the Christmas tree is Virginia a the Old Broderick, noted Catholic artist of symbol of rase Testament writer extolls THE FOURTH antiphon: Christ, newborn. the eternal THE SEVENTH of Wauwatosa, Wis., done creative wisdom of "() antiphon: expressly for God. Key of David and Scepter of tho The Advocate. This the "O Emmanuel, our wisdom, in Christian sequel. house of King and Law- Israel: You and no man open giver, the Expected of nations and their Keep Christmas The Church gives us a Christ- mas season that lasts, joyously, Carton* of KING until Feb. 2, when, and only when, after the feast of Candle- bottl*» give £ you MOHI mas, the liturgy takes on a NEW! • for . your money. penitential air. 4>,_ < Our 1960 Christmas Supple- , ment Is an attempt to help you Christinas make but in your CANADA DRY heart and home. The following pages explain some Christmas- SPARKLING rifle time customs, beginning with tome, let us Christmas Eve, concluding on W£FRUfI , Feb. 2. fife We hope you will keep the grapefruit ~yfr Supplement and that it will help abort siml' has fresh fruit flavor you to have an even happier Christmastide the six weeks of spiritual Joy that the Church ■*-*- gives her children. . „ j.r;

- M

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Chin* Club nil**! At (A* conclusion of the program, June to, member* must A 1981, a** on deposit • minimum */ til for each unit nojuired or bt subject to o service charge of December 1960 22, ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS 3



CHRI ST MAS EVE: Asa of way sharing their Christmas joy their gift of about the - and music - the Beirne family goes caroling outside homes of neighbors on Christmas Eve From left are Marv Frances, Mrs. Beirne, Dan- ny. Brian and in Dr. t: Marty standing front of Beirne, and Peter. \ Family Carolers Share Joy t is Christmas Eve. You are about a In busy tall, iomt carrying bells, "ay at all if you were ainon g hundred and some lanterns to brighten the things, maybe wondering a dozen or so friends and night for reading from carol where you misplaced the real spirit neighbors of Dr and Mrs Don Imoks What would think aid amid all the modern clutter. Suddenly you P Iteirne of Hast Orange that this was kind of some You'd know immediately that you hear singing voices—sweet clear ( hr!.stm.v. dream, some rc-cre- the Beirnes, with their choir of voices "a ntion caroling capella.” And of the when foe red they past people haired angels, were are coming nearer wrrr not too In about here to you busy go again to bring the good their t'hn.tmas spreading Joy ”f ■■■■ Suppose then you go to umr win- - I"-' as 111. s

••Is.■ h iln dow and . it.i on isi nias l- ii see coming up your walk seven ikr a ill I Ia II o. .| HI I Ins gaily bundled figures ranging from MU HIIIIJIN'T think that tiny and day age but as real and alne 7 as the spirited little clan which includes Peter. 12, Mary Frances. 11, Brian. 8, Marty, 7, and Danny, 5.

"WT IK) SO MICII singing." explains Betty Belrnc of her family's tradition of caroling we "—when are in the car and around home . . " "We thought we would share it.” chimes in Mary Frances

"Yes, spread a little Christ mas \ cheer to others.” smiles i*3 her mother. "We began six years ago with Just two of the children, Peter and Mary It is ? ranees Me go to about 12 homes and last year we went to the rectory and consent of as it should ho - our parish. Our l.ady Help of Christians " u* rrmernhrr VI MHS, 111 IBM! explained that Many of

the original plan was to admit each child te the caroling thr huppir*t time* in our

group when he manifested an to ability sing But when this livr* ultra our fumilir* \ happened at a scry early age in each child rule made a seas riirnr from fur nail u idr must one have attained age fise to in- eligible This sear to */mrr the thi* day of huppinrs* ; youngest, Danny, earns the K. sought after permission and and *o it i* our makes the caroling a complete today, hopr family enterprise that Music is more you thr tiondrrou* than Just a find family custom for the Beirnes In the and The ( spirit of friendship good u ill youngsters base performed *pirit of liri*tma* in harmonious as a group at par that is Christmas we thank our . , . many ish functions in All Fast thr hrart Souls, of your family . . . Orange, and si customers for their continued Philip's. ( lif patronage! ton has Peter soloed at Mid S4 to you and your lovrd oar* To all, our sincere wishes for holiday night Mass with the chance! joy! choir at Our Daily Help of lie u i*h a l Christians and last w ar turned rry in an engaging performance as Anna Mrrr\ ( liri.stma* s son in the parish CYO production of The King and I Both Dr and Mrs Beirne (rank A. Mcßride base lent their fine tenor and alto Company wines to respectively the parish choir And all the chtl dren Danns Mechanical except study piano, Contractors "bile Peter added guitar a year ago

Mil CAHOI , l , IMI as a Plumbing , Heating , Sprinklers fa Is mi ssith brigh' milieus holding a hook and singing !>' Air lantern light ' \deste Fid-

" S. Conditioning h» MAItMI Deck Halls A. the tai. SONS Itoss Bose a Der Blooming. Mtiat Child Is This’” —this Is tin* greatest 75 spring strut joy jkwki kks—silversmiths Belly Beirne, wile of a busy dial! ii p< tan mother of In e. filler of a long Christmas list DIAMOND IMPORTERS tor PATERSON, NEW JERSEY numerous friends and tela B'c' is tuny on Christmas I■ too But after • dinner on SINCE 1908 Ibis dasti about day she pushrs hack Established 61 Years Phone ARmorv 8-1251 a ssisp of hair, corrals her • aiolers, and steps out into the

night And outside a dozen homes ihe Vinces rise suddenly, NEWARK MILLBIJRN gal and sweet sharing their gift of music and uf Christmas Joy 4 ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS December 22, 1960 Christmas Morn 'Curtain' Baking a Lamb Cake For St. For Agnes, Jan. 21 Family For the Feast of St. Agnes, Grease Nativity Play pans well and then flour. Jan. 21, in the heart of the Mix enturics ago in Europe simple folk began morn drama has, according to flour, baking powder Church’s Christmas Cycle, hake (double a custom of acting out the of Christ- Mrs. Knapp, "made the story action) and salt. Sift story a Lamb Cake from for of Christmas much more vivid Betty together three times. Cream mas the purpose of teaching and to the children to Knapp’s recipe, and use this butter, add sugar small the especially a inspiring people. The were to be read the father plays the little ones who don't go to prayer by amount at a time, and continue called of the family: mystery plays. school." creaming until mixture is light "Let us gain for This very Christmas morning in Further, it is part of the par- courage our and fluffy. Add beaten eggs and to own battle by honoring the mar- vanilla. Pompton Plains, N. J, some little—- ents' daily-waged campaign Add flour and milk al- tyrdom of the "establish the climate of Christ glorious virgin, ternately. Be sure to mix and therefore reasonably simple—folks light- in our As Hetty Agnes. St. Agnes, vessel of hon- and the found family.” Knapp ly keep batter smooth. will be a presenting mystery play puts it: "Children must come or, flower of unfading frag- Pour batter into "face half" in their own room. will be living They to realize that these things are rancc. beloved of the choirs of of the mold. Fill to the top, be- the children of Mr. and Mrs. not just reserved for the school angels, you are an example to ing careful to get batter into Peter Knapp: Gregory, 9. Kris- front of the to and the church . . . that the worth of virtue church: teach. grace and chasti- nose and ears. Place “back tine, 7, Peter, 4, Paul, 3, and the is of life as whole. ty. 0, you who Only Knapp children are a part a wear a mar- half” of the mold on the top Brian 19 months. teaching themselves in the Christ lives in the family: the tyr’s palm and a virgin's bake face down place on tray Their Is essentially "little church" of Nazareth should wreath, purpose which is their atmosphere pray for us that, though and bake from 40 to 45 minutes. the same ns that of the medie- home. the home.” unworthy of a pervade special crown, Remove from oven after 40 val mystery players who per- And there is one more rea- we may have our names writ- minutes and gently remove in THE ANNUAL ten in formed in the tqwrn square Christmas son for the family Nativity the list of saints." back to half test. If done, re- play: "It’s fun,” declares the RECIPE FOR LAMB CAKE place back half and allow to vibrant (32) mother. She l-H sugar stand young cup for 5 minutes before re- "I think 2 laughed. don't religion eggs moving cake. should be grim. After all there t tsp. vanilla When cake from MYSTERY removing were a lot of haopy saints. . .” PLAY: 3/4 cup milk Gregory, as Joseph, knocks on closet door mold, remove back half first from which emer- 2 sifted ges Peter, cups cake flour and then THAT CHILDREN gruff innkeeper who announces: “We have no front half. Allow to THE as room," while Mary, 3 tsp. baking powder cool standing erect. agree to the fun of their play is played by Kristine, listens with downcast It a the eyes. is scene from Knapp chib- 1/4 tsp. salt When by the with dren's cool, ice with a boiled proved frequency Nativity play which recalls the medieval custom of 1/2 cup butter presenting mystery cover which repeat per- plays frosting, with cocoanut, they stage Use a lamb mold at Christmas. available in use 1/2 raisin for each formances every time they eye and hardware stores. a small piece of cherry for visit someone during the Christ- make excellent wraps for over every- laughing, and immediate- makes the home observance of Heat oven to 375 degrees. mouth. mas season. one from the Blessed Mother ly began flinging off his towel- St. Agnes a to Day natural (or Mrs. created what she the humblest shepherd. turban and bathrobe. Knapp “It is any family, with or without terry-cloth its gaily calls "the for the Striped dish towels not,” comments script" Betty Knapp own Agnes. are made-to-order for the Nativity play, which was pre- mas- drily, “all sweetness and light, culine Mrs. Knapp bakes a Lamb sented headgear which was the you see.’* as a sur- Cake for and the feast (recipe else- prise for Dad. "Welr\ it isn’t vogue in Bethlehem its en- where on this page) and Kris- she virons 19 centuries ago. "STILL,” SHE continues, a script," explains. "you have to do these tine reigns over a "I to things. family par- just talk the children Props are simple too Joseph You can't just abandon ty. Kristine helps a bit with about the Christmas stoiV and knocks on the door of a closet your to the the child the school or even the cake—sprinkling cocoa- tell each one what he is U) from which the inn- say emerges for nut which makes the lamb’s and when.” Ad keeper. A footstool church his religious train- libbing, bow- approxi- wool. All the ing. So much of it just has to while Mrs. Knapp ever, is and some- mates the manger permitted, on which chats about come from the home." St. Agnes, her holi- times the two parents, who Mary lays her child. The ness and purity, her martyrdom make up the audience, are hard Tho dramatis Knapps are members of personae line at tho age of 13, the custom of put to remain straight-faced the Cana Committee of the up this way: Peter is the inn- Paterson Diocese, making Bishopr, Pallia from the when a shepherd is likely to keeper and later and Betty is a shepherd; wool of lambs blessed at star chairman of the her sight the and exclaim: Gregory is family life St Joseph. Kristine altar in of Rome. Kristine, who "Holy Smoke!” is and later committee the Butler Dis- Mary the angel originally disliked her trict of the Diocesan Council of middle Mrs. Knapp is also ward- who proclaims the good tidings; name, now has an appreciation mistress Catholic Women. Lately she’s robe and she estab- Paul is a shepherd. Last year been of it and of her holy patroness. lishes sort called upon to give talks some of record for Brian, at age 7 months, was about tho the time it takes for costume the home liturgy cus- a Christ Child; this year, THE KNAPPS toms which are of got into home change It takes a jiffy to sajs his part their only mother, "We re about going liturgy four years ago. to family life. transform a small boy into a mako him a Wise Man— GETTING INTO COSTUME: wo Among their other customs are Peter Knapp helps ready gruff innkeeper, and another jif- hope" Hopes are slim, ONE OF the his role in ( THESE customs Advent Wreath, the Empty young son, Paul, for family Nativity play fy to make him into a though. shepherd Judging from a recent stretch Manger during helps the holy season Advent, a Lamb on Christmas morning. The Knapps find bathrobes for the next scene. dress rehearsal when Brian, in beyond Christmas and Epiph- Cake for Easter. make costume, caught and striped towels suitable for a glimpse of any and well into the quick and garb THIS IS BECAUSE the whole liturgical "You can’t give this sort himself in mirror, of Bethlehem men and a doubled Christmas cycle. This is the kings. thing is kept simple. Bathrobes thing in big doses,” explains observance of the Feast of St. Betty Knapp. "For example, Agnes, Jan. 21. with the Family Rosary, we Sisters List As it Kristine’s confine happens, mid- it to a decade at a dle name is Agnes and her time. It is important that tho birthday is near the Jan. children enjoy It, and that it Goodies feast, ST. AGNES DAY: King Kristine, whose middle name is 13. Her grandmother's name is doesn't become something Ag- nes, smiles of Lamb MERRY Agnes also. So a special ob- grim." approval Cake baked by Mrs. for ForJan.6 servance Is distinctly In the Knapp the feast of St. Jan. • f appropri- Knapps’ Early Ameri- Agnes, 21. Statue of St. ate Of the enurse, appeal of can home, the Agnes which Kristine holds The kitchen at Malllnrkrodt "atmosphere of will grace the table at the the youthful saint to children Nararrth" includes fun. Consent, provincial house of post-Christmas party honoring the saint. the Sisters of Christian Charity, plays a big part In the Sisters’ IN elaborate and Joyous celebra- 5* tion of the Feast of the Epiph- any. ■*_ yte Here, as an Epiphany * * gift from the Siiters to The Advocate's readers, n: are three 7 recipes for Kings Day goodies each good for vN W< about a dozen. E (Read about Epiphany at Mai- AND A FROM linckrodt on Page 9). BEAN COOKIES 2 1 2 cups * *> sugar 4 cups flour 4 tsp baking powder 1 tsp. salt 1 cup shortening 4 eggs 1 1 2 cup milk 2 tsp. vanilla * 1 cup raisins 1 cup chopped nuts 1 dried lima Iwan, wrapped in foil Sift together sugar, flour, baking powder and rail Add all at once to flour mixture and (seat for two minutei Fold In and ralilns nuts Droo teaspoon on greased tin, two Inches Bake apart at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes For Three a Kings surprise, mcms the (wan put In one of the cookies before baking Tho l oer x x son who gets the "fated" cookie is King.

lIOUDAY KINGS 1 4 lb margarine 1 4 lb sugar 1 egg CHILDREN'S ▼ WORLD 1 2 lb U'ur 1 tsp cinnamon I 4 tip allspice 1 4 tip sal! 1 4 tip baking powder Cream shortening and sugar until light and fluffy Add egg and heal well Mft dry ingre- dients together and add to su-

gar mixture Let stand over I.obrU whose talent for dressing youngsters has lured parents for these night Roll out thin and cut with floured past four decades Is well named Thr Children's Store. cutter camels, kings, stars Bake on lightly For here find the finest in for from cradle to you clothing every age, campus greased tin for about 11 min- Here is your magnificent selection of nursery lovelies for the new baby. utes, giJO degree oven Here can find so you many, many practical gifts for the active toddlers SAMI TkKfS the fashionable fineries for ladles and 1 lb your young plus togs dress-ups for granulated sugar And be 1 lb shortening little men. not to overlooked are the official outfits and equipment (part margar- ine i for your lilrl Scouts and Boy Scouts * 1 lb (lour Yes, Indeed l hristmas at labels double shopping is a pleasure: yours m J eggs to finding it so easy give the best theirs, the delight m the unwrapping 1 tip > anilla % he entire and the Makr It fund staff of wearing a point to drop In this week . . . Cream sugar and shortening raising Community well add eggs and heat until •Official Hoy Scout Agency —at Btrjcfl Mall and ElaU Paterson sown light and fluffy Add flour grad Scout •OffjcUl Girl Agency—at Hcr*cu Stall. KaM Paterson A West New York store* ually Do not uicihiii Seruice extends to its let dough set warmest overnight or at Counselling you wishes for least three hours 801 l out thin and • PAKAMUS cut with cutter —2" dia- meter Brush mill beaten BERGEN MAIL egg white and sprinkle with a cluiia a Blessed Christmas and happy New Year • HACKENSACK Dion sugar I'rras half nut In I*o MAIN STREET center Bake on lightly greased (or to tin mm degree oven. • EAST PATERSON Cookies may be wrapped Elmwood Shopping Cenler prettily with a (oil covered bean Inside as many wrappers as • WEST NEW YORK there are to be characters in BERGENUNE AVE , at 59ih St your Epiphany pageant kings, camel driver, star bearer, (or example December 1960 22, ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS 5 Happy Day, Holy Night: Christmastime at Darlington

Traditional Start: In a traditional a student at Woodsmen: ceremony, Seminarians gather pine for the wreaths and Tree Trimmers: Trimming the main Christmas tree in Immaculate Conception the candles Seminary lights four decorations wchich will hung throughout the is be seminary the refectory a beloved tradition and eagerly-approach- on the huge Advent wreath for the last time - on Christ- in the best old-fashioned tradition of “Deck the Halls.” ed-project for the seminarians. mas Eve. The in wreath hangs front of the lectern in the as snow Sometimes, above, falls, on the seminary campus refectory; the candles are lit at the main as to daily meal make the scene even more picturesque. the seminarians prepare for the Christmas celebration.

Fraught with tradition, Christmas at stirringly beautiful , Darlington is cherished by the seminarians , long-remem- bered after they are ordained priests.

Silent Night: On Christmas Eve, shortly after dinner, Call to Mass: As nears on Christmas midnight Eve, the Philosophy Mail Call: The Christmas season also brings groups of seminarians carol at the convent and nearby Choir, composed of third and fourth-year college students, sings with it thoughts of home, and here the the homes eager of lay workers at Darlington. Above, Sisters Ciristmas carols in the halls to wake the seminarians for Mass. Car- seminarians respond to mail call bringing brave the cold to Charity night’s accept the musical rying lighted candles the choristers move the in- of through corridors holiday greetings from their loved ones. greeting. viting: “Venite Adoremus.”

Let Us Adore Him: A seminarian stops to Moment The climax Christmas at pray of Glory: of the seminary is the celebra- Raised in Song: The Philosophy Choir glorifies at the crib erected by his classmates in the tion the solemn Mass in of higth Midnight the seminary chapel. Cod, sinning Christmas Midnight Mass. chapel. 6 ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS December 22, 1960 Renew a 'Resolution ' on New Year's Day nee upon a time you made a resolution, not merely for a New Year, but for a 14. 1 new life. Your resolution was to "rc- nounce Satan and all his works and pomps.” You made it. probably through the lips of your godparents, at the time of your Raptism—the birth of your soul to new in life Christ, the dawn of your personal, lifelong New Year. What then could be a more appro- priate custom for each New Jesus Christ, Your Son. Our Year's Day 'han a renewal of shall come to claim His own, your Baptismal vows’ This can you may be worthy to erect be done in a brief, simple and Him with all the saints in the lovely ceremony in the home, heavenly court and live with the children participating. forever. Amen." Jan. 1 is the Seventh Day of The children have been Christmas; with candlelight and re- minded in advance that these prayers from the Mass which words are the continue to crlehrate the story same as those spoken by the priest when he of the Nativity, this ceremony baptized each of them; they serves to prolong the real spirit of Christmas. know that their godparents re- ceived the candle for them at See how the New Year's Day that time because they wer 1 ritual is carried out. as dem- as tiny as Baby Adrian onstrated in the accompanying though now they can hold their photos by Alice and Larry Crimes of Glen Ridge and their own randies and accept the re- of being on seven children: Margaret, 9, sponsibility good RECEIVE their own. THIS LIGHT: Mary Ellon radiantly accepts Louise, 8, Matthew Joseph, 7, lighted candle from her Dad who begins renewal of Mary Ellen, 6, Amy, 4 1/2, Cy- WHKN EVERYONE has his ril, 2, and Adrian, 1 baptismal promises by admonishing each child “Re- month candle, all, including the par (who will wear his baptismal the ceive this burning light and ents, repeat baptismal safeguard your Baptism robe this year). promise in unison I (each by a blameless life...” and The short simple cere- name) A BLESSED candle Is light- supplies his own prom reminds children and mony adults of their Christian ed ise to renounce Satan and all for each child and present- at his works and responsibilities received Baptism, and it provides an ed to him hy his father with pomps.” Then from the Mass of the impressive candle-lighted rite for the Seventh Day of the admonition: ''Receive this Feast of the Circumcision the Christmas. New Year’s Day is a fine occasion for visits burning light and safeguard mother may read the Prayer your Baptism by a blameless from godparents who have a special right to "O God, the fruitful participate. life. Keep the Commandments by vir- ginity of Blessed Mary. You bestowed upon the human race the rewards of eternal salva tion; grant, we beseech You. that feel the we may power of her intercession, through whom we have been made worthy to receive the Au'hor of life. Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our NEW YEAR'S DAY: Larry Grimes leads his family in Uird the renewal of their baptismal promise, “I renounce Satan " in AM) THE FATHER reads a family ceremony for Jan. 1, the day New Year's the Epistle: of resolutions. The five oldest of the seven "Beloved: The of God grace Grimes children cluster around their mother, Alice, our Savior has appeared to all each holding a lighted candle reminiscent the men, instructing us, in order of bap- tismal from that, rejecting ungodliness and ceremony. Children, left, are: Louise, worldly lusts, we may live tem- Amy, Margaret, Joe and Mary Ellen. perately and justly and piously the in this world; looking for the cookies made In shape of Cream butter and sugar, add their own blessed hope and glorious com initials Alice Grimes eggs and blend together until this found in ing of our great God and uses recipe, smooth. Add almond flavoring "Christmas to Candlemas in and 1 in \ Savior. Jesus Christ, Who gave a flour. Chill for hour a Catholic Home" by Helen Me- long roll Then form into himself for us that He might ini- l.<>ughlin Press, Col- tials Allow to stand 2 3 redeem us from all iniquity and t Liturgical or ). cleanse for Himself an accept legcville, Minn hours on a cookie sheet to dry able people, pursuing good INITIAL COOKIES the surface Then brush with works " egg white mixed with a table- 2 3 cup butter or margarine spoon of milk Sprinkle with Then all answer "Thanks 1 cup sugar be to God.” chopped almond and sugar. 2 yolks or 2 whole eggs Bake in a moderate oven for AFTERWARDS the Grimes 4 cups pastry flour about 15 minutes. kiddies delve into a plate of 1 2 tsp almond flavoring

Till IMTI \l. rookies give an opportunity lor conversation about the giving of a saint's name at Baptism and about the life and virtues of the patron saint of each child. Baptismal robes can be trotted out too, May the holy and baptismal candles if these are a custom in your family. is of the It also a nice occasion for happy pint inviting godparents to visit your home first Christmas abundantly INITIAL New Year's resolutions can COOKIE: Joe attempts to explain to his bless and loved tie discussed at this time, too. little brother that cookie stands for "Cyril,” you your ones. "C" shaped Newly reminded of their special the saint’s name the tot acquired at Baptism. Cyril is belonging to God through Bap- Stores at all in favor of the cookie custom, part of New Year's In This Holy Season . . . tism, children —and adults too receive in of the first for Day family ritual. Tray holds cookies in of other lei us give and the spirit —find new impetus good- shape HACKENSACK Grimes children's Christmas, and wo will koop HIM in Chrislmasl ness. initials. SPRINGFIELD Tell Christmas Tales ORANGE m AILSBURG POMPTON PLAINS Blossoms Berries EATONTOWN Boughs, and

VEN THE and of countryside at a lime of year W J SCMMIDU flowers plants Christ- when other plants are withered 81 MOUNT VERNON PLACE NEWARK 6. N.J. mas can serve as props for instructing and brown, reminds us of the children about the real of the meaning Christ Child, Who brought light feast ami hope lo the world when It There are also many legends as- was sick and troubled She that of sociated with such growing things as might add people long ago made holly a symbol holly, pomsottia, ivy, mistletoe, bay- Peace of Moses' burning bush and of on earth, will to and the rest can enrich good all berry, which Mary's flaming love for God. Christmas tradition for adults as well. She could point out 100 that tho To begin with, as mother hangs prickly holly wreath so painful to the touch recalls another at the C hristmas season a holly wreath on the door and places a joyous wreath the thorny crown glowing pomseltia on Ihr piano, which Christ was to wear when and a ccntcrpiccc of the of heaven for arranges open gates He completed the redemption red roses and shr the pine can rx us And evergreen plants of mankind w|th Ills death. to m the Interested tot at are to remind plain and trees used Perhaps from hearing his her elbow she Is doing it eternal life "Ye shall find the babe wrapped In why us of mother explain the Advent / A She is thr “decking halls" wreath, the child knows that In And sud- In the ancient tradition because AS A CHILD admires the swaddling clothes, lying a manger. any sort of wreath is used to Christmas is the shining green leaves and happy day on spiked symbolise eternity circular there was with the a host which we celebrate Cod » In- bright red berries of the denly angel heavenly holly, and endless as it Is coming a Man and beginning a the mother might point out that God and to God In the w' life which to the praising saying, 'Glory on earth was re the holly, which brightens TDK POINBKTTIA. In bril- liant red or glorious white, Is highest,and on earth to men of w 111’." peace good bound to attract the imagina- tion of a child Its shape recalls V the Star of Beilhlehrtn A beautiful legend about the poinsettia comes from Mexico Across the years echo the words of where it is called "flower of the " holy night A little girl, the Christmas legend to the story, an Inspiration, a promise goes, once trudged church on Christmas Eve, sad and a blessing to all mankind. At this holy, because sue nad no flower lo 1 offer when the other people of Joyous season, we wish to all our friends and Oi the village would offer bios sums at the creche. customers a rich In the holiday spiritual re- In her grief she knelt on the 7 bare ground outside the church wards of Christmas, and a full of all 7 portion and prayed When she rose, she cried out with Joy, because the good things that a happy Yuletlde holds. there before her stood the most gurgeous crimson pe Ialed plant, hers to pluck and present at the manger It was a pom- aeltla, which has been, ever old Ibe tlor > ijkci neu meJHtnf e*ub yejr since, the traditional flower of nb h j, i. r i. you Christmas ALBERT H. HOPPER INC. ... 2ui A Merry Christmas ami a Happy New Year

MAYBERRY _ AMI'S r. CAIIRIiV The bay tree J & SON with Its was MONUMENTS purple berries the MAUSOLEUMS i KrutguueJ Nrrili# Sjrat# 1HBV” ancient Greek symbol of victory —how I‘cmim) Is Avenue 8(8) Avenue appropriate that it should 329-311 l dnid Lyons Itldge Koad North Arlington, N J. be associated with Christmas, Newark, N J Irvington, N. J. the beginning of the life of the / (s/he) J, Jama / idfffty, 11l Redeemer which was the great victory over sin. December 22, 1960 The 12thDay of Christmas ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS 7 OPENING When the • DECEMBER 20, 1960 Magi Arrive ... ith a a blessing, cake, a little king wear- ceremony, gleaned from the JIXl ing a crown, and gifts to recall the Magi, Mass and the Divine Office, the of the goes this way: HF 1/ Feast Epiphany, Jan. 6, can Father: Many shall be made much of in the home. This come from Saha. feast, after all, has wonderful to lessons Family: Bringing gold and Benziger teach: it is the day commemorating the frankincense. manifestation of Christ to bather: 0 the Gentiles, Ixird, hear my of his as of His prayer. recognition King, recep- Brothers, tion of which Family: And let my cry come gifts have come to sym- unto Thee. Ilf bolize our own love, prayer and sacrifice. Father: Let 0 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. us pray. God, Inc. who by the guidance of a star Birdsall of Ridgefield Park add ligion and Interweave them didst on this day manifest traditional home customs for with their lives." The children Thine only-begotten Son to the Kpiphany to a growing list of are: Ellen, 11, Jane, 10, David, Gentiles, mercifully grant that family observances which they 6, and Peter, 3 1/2. 7 East we who know Thee by faith 51st St. feel "help the children under- THE FIRST THING to may also attain the vision of stand the mysteries of our re- be done on the morning of Thy glorious majesty. Through Jan. u : 6, the 12th Day of Christmas, Christ our Lord. (Opposite is to move the figures of the Family: Amen. Bt. Patrick’s three Wise Men into the Na- Father: Be enlightened, be tivity scene, to which they have enlightened, 0 Jerusalem, for Cathedral) been gradually advancing from thy light is come, and the a far point in the living room glory of the Ixird is risen upon ever since Christmas Eve. thee—Jesus Christ bom of the Then there Virgin is the Epiphany Mary. Now. anew midiown Cake store-convenientlylocated regally adorned with a Family: And the Gentiles featuring New York’s most complete crown of jewel-like gum shall selection of drops walk in thy light and Catholic to Books and remind even a tot of the kings in the splendor of thy Religious Articles. crowns worn by the Kings from rising, and the glory of the the East, and the crown of Lord has risen upon thee. MAGI BLESSING: Dick Birdsall chalks Three Kings’ initials and Christ the Into the cake. PRAYERBOOKS... Missals and Bibles King. Father: la?t us pray. Bless, the Birdsall has .i year numbers, 1961, over doorway in traditional blessing of the Evelyn baked 0 Lord God almighty, this Jan. 6 bean and whoever finds it in home on as his wife, Evelyn, and their children, Ellen, Peter, borne, that in it there may be his piece is king for the day. David and Jane look on. At right Peter gleefully examines lualth, purity, the strength of Epiph- The "king” which will wears a card- victory, humility, goodness and any gifts he present to other members of the family. board crown covered with foil, mercy, the fulfillment of Thy His foil crown as well as the of out privilege handing the gifts end has the privilege of dis- law, thanksgiving to God the come to him because he found the bean in his piece of Epiphany tributing little gifts to the Father and to the Son and to others, in the of the the Cake which made him king for a day. The cake wears a fluffy spirit Magi Holy Spirit. And may this hringing gifts to is the Christ blessing remain upon this home white frosting upon which placed a ring of vari-colored gum Child ar.d upon all who dwell herein. drops to look like a jewelled crown. Peter loves the ceremonies, Through Christ our Lord. IN' A LITTLE family ritual learns about their meaning by asking questions. Family: Amen. the father reads the Gospel of THE HOLY BIBLE BLESSED the Feast MY PRAYERBOOK of the Epiphany after THEN THE FAMILY goes in Catholic SACRAMENT Family By Rev. F. X. La MISSAL since which the family recites: a little procession from Library Edition. room MostMr,it popular prayer* Full-colorlllustratlons Large Sund4y to type book m English "From the East came room—or just to the front 3C-215lmitationLea- Missal. Illustrated. the 144-2001 Imiti, to door if ther. Red 210-2002 Magi Bethlehem h adore the preferred—where the Black. or Black Leather 13 75 « clo,h 000 " and 175 30i5 Lord: and opening their treas- father writes with chalk over - •SSVri Large”;” C ° the lneMorocco r! 210 ures they offered precious gifts: doorway the traditional in- Le?the U 2011 Imitation LeJlher'’’ *"j*So L lh 0ld itials “ * r '« Others to *12.00 gold for the great King, incense of the Magi, Caspar, Other bmdin.Vhom J&*0 for the true God, and myrrh in Melchior, and Balthassar, to- *4.7S to *19.75 Others to *11.50 symbol of His burial." gether with the numbers of the Also New Roman Missal, SI. Mary Missal, Then current year, with each item the father sprinkles the Si Andrew Missal, St. Joseph Missal and All Others separated by a cross. Like this: room with holy water while the 19 + C -i- M + B + 61. mother, or the whole family, recites the BOOKS all Magnificat. Our This is an old tradition re- ...of publishers full Lady's canticle so of mes- calling the blessedness of the sage for us at Christmastide. entrance by the Magi into the Ht house and ' long trail The father follows with the of Mary Joseph and raying 1/ird's Prayer, allowing the in effect: "Let this nmu.o coildren to respond: "But de- symbolic visit to our home by " the liver us from evil. Amen Three Kings make it a blessed place like the home of ml THE REST OF the home the Holy Family.” e in ]om you sayin • • •

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JOURNEY'S END: Jane places the first King in the creche as Ellen stands by with the other [?] members the Import of Magi group. The little occurs at the ad St. Chrtsfophar Auto ••Llfatlma” Cry»tal Ro»arv. ceremony Bronx# Plaqua, silver plated Round larga facetted crystal house on Jan. the madal created by Farnand Py. Birdsall 6, the Feast of Epiphany. baad* on Sterling Silver chain 55.00 with crucifix and |olnar In all Since Christmas Eve of the have been .. , the figures Magi Staffing Silver Madonna Modal Starling Silver. Gift boxed, moved each with blue enameled center *16.00 a little closer to the from day manger S3.SO Miraculous _ Medal on medium Sterlinir Silver of St. Gen- \\ their on side Medal IB* chain. Gift boxed. starting point the other of the living room. Pa*'"* nf A-fn** weight 76* All Sterling Silver. *2 75 Also available in 14KT All 1OB T Epiphany ceremonies are just one of the many home gold gold 520 00 512.00 All l4hT gold ft2*oo rituals the Birdsalls enact; one elaborate ceremony is Also G ifla for Clergy and the of Religious eating the Paschal Meal on Holy Thursday, sometimes with one of the parish priests presiding. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES.. .for the home

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h isA£R^ Our lady of Grace Imported ceremic statue, pleasingly designed end decoreted. trimmed 32 In gold. 14" (19-00 high. Boxed o\sTNA^ 4 s*ck Cell Cn “4* Crucitu. 13*4* high with plastic cor- nu.. contents candles, holy water bottle, cot- iuui ton and instruction sheet. Boxed *4.00 Holy V.ater font. Bronx* Madonna end Child »•> contrasting wood plaque, bronre cup with « .ax liner t> V high. Bo.ed »J.2S

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■ oo >‘ur IUJ Years The Mail Complete Store Setting American Calholie* County-Wide Banking Service For Over 100 Years JOS. M. BYRNE CO. BENZIGER BROTHERS, INC. >2l BROAD STRUT NEWARK 2. NEW JIRSIT BANK Prompt §ertut given to Phone urwi Mail Ordtn Ttltphon* MA 21740 HUDSON COUNTY NATIONAL Midtuan tier* Oewntewn Store Pta/e 2 J//J 5 ORagons 7050 / D«p«»(t» Iniw'td Up To $lO 000 >r Th* talt 51 Street t rt b a relay St. New York 22 New York B M**«l D«p««il Imwruru* CprpPfOliPM ADVOCATE 8 CHRISTMAS December 22, 1960

From Your Neighborhood Pharmacist For Tho BEST DRUG BUYS NEWARK * Inril Mirlarant, Prana. U*r PHARMACY Baiablithad }r.r M run Paar Raalttarad Phirnulria rraa Dallvarr Onaa Rrarr Dtr Prom • a.aa. la 11 pm 714 Mt. Pratnaat Avanwa aar. Mantclalr Avanwa HU 1-4741 Htwtrk, H. i. JERSEY CITY VALINTI'S PHARMACY iOUPH VALENTI, Rh. PMr. Prttcrlrtioat Bab? Nn4i Phot# Dort. Frtt DoUtott ril WNt fid* Avtw or* Ftirrltw Jtrtty City, N. J. PHONIi D1 3*1114 WESTFIELD CINTRAL PHARMACY Mltktal 1. Carmala. Raa. Pkar. Praaartatloai CaradaOr Compouadad DECORATION: Drava Parfunaa CaaataWaa MAKE A CHRISTMAS Lovely for a Btek Roan luppllaa 114 Caatral WlllflaH Hdl mantel or wall-side table is this "candle” decoration. Ava- Peter seventh N UTLEY grader at Our Lady Help of Beirne, BAY DRUB CO. Christians, how East Orange, shows it's done. Above, iauaa Rlaala, Rat. Pkar. Babr Naada he assembles materials: a box (like a shoe box, without Praaarlntlaaa PratnnUr Plliad Cal Rala its lid), three tubes from Drui aad Caamatlaa wrapping paper rolls, a pic- IT'S EASY: In 111 Prawklla Ava. HOrtk MW ture from top photo Peter uses artist’s knife to a Christmas card, construction to paper cov- cut round holes in box for ORANGE er the box and inserting tubes. Christmas make the Chi-Rho on PORD't DRUB ITORB middle candle, card picture ornaments foil to front of box. Below, Peter Pawl Daalal, Pk.B. paper cover the tubes, Praaatiallaaa CaUad some holly sprigs, paste, crumples red foil into tar in bbA DiMriril ruler and knife. flame-shape and stuffs top scissors, “candle.” (See 0* 4-1117 Praa DaUvarv of Peter on Page 3 too). <47 Mala Itraa4 Ortaaa. N. 4

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X o >, \ Ontartti, > 7^ $ Peace 2/ s, Z' Ken OFGoodwill

MERRY CHRISTMAS .From... Your Catholic Funeral Directors

FOxcroft FLOOD FUNERAL HOME MURPHY MEMORIAL NECKER-SHARPE 6-0520 RIDGEWOOD, N. J. KIERNAN FUNERAL HOME MILLER-BANNWORTH HOME FUNERAL HOME Gilbert Andrew W. Flood, Mgr. 102 FLEMING AVENUE FUNERAL HOME 4-7650 101 UNION AVENUE 2 So. Munn N 525 45th STREET CLIFFORD 11 Ave. NEWARK, J. 1055 EAST JERSEY H. PEINECKE BELLEVILLE, N. J J. PASSAIC COUNTY ST. East Orange, N. J. MArket 3 0514 UNION CITY, N. 1321 TEANECK ROAD PLymouth 9-3503 ELIZABETH, N. J. ORange 4-4445 UNIon 7-0820 WEST ENGLEWOOD, N. J. JOHN MArket 2-2530 CODEY'S FUNERAL SERVICE F. MURPHY UNIon 7-0120 GORMLEY FUNERAL HOME ELlzabeth 2-6664 FRANCIS X. FAHEY, HIGH 480 SANFORD OPACITY 69 STREET AVENUE RIEMAN FUNERAL HOME 154 WASHINGTON PLACE Manager FUNERAL HOME ORANGE, N. J. NEWARK, N. J. 1914 NEW YORK AVENUE PASSAIC, N. J. MASTAPETER TE 7-2332 722 Clinton ORange 4-7554 ESiex 3-6053 UNION PRescott 9-3183 Avenue CITY, N. J. FUNERAL HOMES THOMAS J. DIFFILY Newark 8, N. HUELSENBECK UNIon 7-6767 J, JOHN J. QUINN HENNESSEY FUNERAL HOME 400 FAITOUTi AVE. 41 AMES AVENUE MEMORIAL HOME ESsex. 4-6677 FUNERAL HOME LEBER FUNERAL HOME 171 WASHINGTON PLACE ROSELLE N. RUTHERFORD, N. J. Michael J. 1108 So. Orange Ave. PARK, J. Murray, Mgr. 323-329 PARK AVENUE 20th ST. & HUDSON BLVD. PASSAIC, N. J. WEbster 9-0098 WOZNIAK Newark N. J. CHestnut 5-1558 6, ORANGE, N. J UNION CITY, N J. PRescott 7-0141 HENNESSEY MEMORIAL ESiex 2-1600 ELlzabeth HOME ORange 3-6348 UNion 3-1100 8-4855 FUNERAL HOME 320-22 Karl W. Huelienbeck GORNY & GORNY Myrtle Avenue EARL F. BOSWORTH 232 KIPP AVENUE Director FRANK McGEE MORTUARY Irvington, N. J. 311 WILLOW AVENUE GORNY A OORNY HASBROUCK N. J. Conrad 525 SUMMER AVENUE 519 MARSHALL STREET HEIGHTS, & Ray Woiniak, CODEY'S FUNERAL SERVICE HOBOKEN. N. J. MORTUARY N ATlas 8-1362 Dlrecton 77 PARK STREET NEWARK, J. PATERSON, N. J. OLdfield 9-1455 330 ELIZABETH TRINKA FUNERAL ESsex 3-0606 HUmboldt 2-2222 4-5400 AVENUE SERVICE MONTCLAIR, N. J. OLdfield 9-1465 MUlberry CORNY N. J. MAYWOOD - & GORNY ELIZABETH, BOGOTA Pilgrim 4-0005 WILLIAM SCHLEMM, INC. QUINLAN FUNERAL HOME LITTLE FERRY MORTUARY ELlzabeth 2-1415 DECAPUA FUNERAL HOME HUDSON 2200 HUDSON BLVD. 27-29 HARDING AVENUE 303 MAIN COUNTY HUbbard 7-3050 STREET N 269 MT. PROSPECT AVE. UNION CITY, J. CLIFTON, N. J. EAST N. ORANGE. J. UNion 7-1000 PRescott GROWNEY FUNERAL HOME NEWARK, N. J. WILIAM 7-3002 ORange 2-2414 SCHLEMM, INC. HUmboldt 2-3333 WILLIAM SCHLEMM, 1070 NORTH BROAD STREET ESSEX COUNTY L. V. MULLIN 539 BERGEN AVE. l SON MANAGER N HILLSIDE, N. J. 976 BROAD STREET GEORGE AHR & SON JERSEY CITY, J. SUSSEX COUNTY 700 NYE AVENUE HEnderson 4-04 1 1 ELlzabeth 2-1663 MURRAY NEWARK, N. J. MORRIS COUNTY FUNERAL SERVICE MArket 3-0660 IRVINGTON, N. J. JOHN J. CARTY, FERGUSON-HOUSE MICHAEL J. PETER J. QUINN ESsex 3-1020 MANAGER DANIEL J. LEONARD A SON MURRAY, TARTAGLIA'S FUNERAL HOME Director Funeral Director REZEM FUNERAL HOME HOWARD J. BRENNAN MORTUARY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME Paul B. F urguson, Owner 206 BELLEVILLE AVENUE 320 BELLEVILLE AVENUE 579 Grove Street 6414 BERGENLINE AVE. 71 WASHINGTON ST. 27 CHESTNUT ST. 242 WEST JERSEY STREEI BLOOMFIELD, N.J. N. J. BLOOMFIELD, Irvington, N. J. WEST NEW YORK, N. J. MORRISTOWN, N. J. SUSSEX, N. J. J. PI 3-2527 ELIZABETH, N. Pilgrim 8-1260 ESsex 2-8700 UNion 7-0373 JEfferion 8-6878 2-4941 ELlzabeth 2-5331 December 22, 1960 ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS 9 Sisters Have a 'Merry Epiphany' By Anne Mae Buckley Four other Sisters find beans designating livos. The young religious made the Star call them of him Omar. A as the two other the who Bethlehem of Magi, angel a symbol their vocation and week will carry the star, and the AlAr or so after Christ- camel driver compared the relentless quest of the Wise | who will pull Omar by his fancy halter. In Men for the new with the 1V\/mas every year he other King prompt- dining rooms novices, and ness with postulants which the novice should follow makes his appearance aspirants find duplicate assignments in the call of God. The gifts of the Wise Men in the of Mal- their corridor cake, because the Epiphany rites are were easily compared with the gift of a inckrodt enacted separately each at Convent, the by group the young girl's self to God; the geld symbol- provincial house. ized her love Mendham provincial of God, the myrrh her spirit IT LS of self-denial, the frankincense her house of the Sisters THE JOB of the "king” to plan attitude the entertainment of prayer. of Christian for Epiphany night and Charity. to obtain from the Sister-procurator a gift THE GIFTS WHICH Omar is a camel. the "king-for-a- for everyone. The entertainment distributes Omar usually day” to her Sisters are usually comes to help the Sisters cele- consists of singing, games and a dramati- little necessities brate the like darning cotton, a type- 12th Day of Christmas the zation of the Feast Epiphany story, the Magi fol- writer ribbon, an eraser or a bottle of of the Epiphany, Jan. 6. He hand ar- lowing the star to Bethlehem to find the lotion. One the rives a few days year gifts were supplied for early so that the Sisters Christ Child. But within that and novices format are the population of the provincial house and postulants and aspirants infinite by opportunities for variety from year Sisters of Christian in passing by him in the hallway will into to Charity the various get year, and the inventive, devout and "fun- convents of the the spirit of the coming feast. The area. way the loving Sisters of Christian make Sisters of Christian Charity Another time the Sisters opened their Charity celebrate the most of them. packages to find that is, to each had received Epiphany say the least, full of spirit. Once, for a example, the Mother Provin- toy. For the rest of Omar is not a real camel. Epiphany evening He is the cial herself drew the "king" It bean. was there was in the convent product of the ingenuity and skill of a great “rootie- Sister Mother Augustilde, immediate M. Oswina, predecessor toot-toot and rummie-tum-tum" from an S.C.C., who at other times of of Mother as- he “Magi” arrive at Convent in dramatic Virgina. She rode into the rec- sortment of “little tin horhs and little EPIPHANY PROCESSION: T Mallinckrodt splendor whit realistic the year concentrates her talents on toy "camel." From left are super- rea.ion room on the camel-float and the Three Kings Marianne the reign- drums.” Next day they surrendered portrayed by King, Williamsport Pa.; Geraldine Arnold, vision of gardening at the provincial ed their gleefully as she summoned each Sister toys to Reading. Pa.; Mary Miele, house. _Under Omar’s a gift bag for needy children. and Williamsport; Doris Ward of Greenville, N.C., as came; driver, and Ellen rich tapestries and in turn and demanded that she perform. There is also a from the brown paper hide are clever gift Provincial Ainsley as the star-bearer. The a arrange- "We were the court of Philadelphia girls are postulants. Jesters," recalls one for each ment of cardboard Superior Sister —a religious arti- boxes mounted on Sister a "Sisters who couldn’t a tune cart with carry cle or holy picture and a little cache of wheels; inside Omar's long neck had to sing; one Sister had to ride the cam- goodies like and soulful dates or cookies or fruit. The facial features (painted el into on a the novitiate; another had to stand in Sisters in turn make paper is a gift to Mother. bag) a long-handled mop anchored front of Mother and make facial expres- among the boxes. Omar is a piece of work! sions at Mother’s VISITING IS ANOTHER custom for request. 'Register joy,’ she and this day which commemorates say. Then ‘Surprise.’ Then ‘Sorrow’." the Magi’s THE SISTERS OF CHRISTIAN visit to the Christ Charity Even now Sister has to chuckle when she Child. The Sister* are inherit their Epiphany festivities given to —as weil tells it. permission visit with any Sister, as a list of other long charming Christmas Another time novice or postulant in the convent. (Nor- and the "three kings” arrived post-Christmas traditions act out the various they pulling a thick mally groups lead entirely sep- (The heavy rope. They pulled and annually Advocate, Dec. 19, 1958) arate lives.) from pulled, grunting like longshoremen loading their forebears in once Germany where an ocean Only has this custom been inter- their liner, as the assembled Sisters motherhouse is located. rupted. That was In Europe strained to see the giant object that the year when the con- the Feast of the would which Epiphany is often the day appear at the end of vent, is a headquarters for teacher- the gifts of rope. The object: a toy the Christmas season are camel training of ex- some four inches tall. The result: young religious, found itself wel- changed to commemorate the bringing of one convent coming a quite unexpected visitor recreation room filled to its from th» gifts to the Christ Child the outside world the by Magi. There ceiling with happy holiday school inspector from too he custom of laughter. l mystery plays about the the State Board of Education. Intramural Three THEN THERE WAS the Kings originated centuries time the cam- visiting came to an halt ago. In el abrupt and teach- some areas the was "live" —one Sister was people annually enact its front, ing Sisters scurried to their the another its classrooms; journey of the Magi back, and the camel did a became with a procession Epiphany a working day. dance that The through the town three was positively vaudevillian. And was by men, dressed a- feastday saved after all, however the time the Kings, sometimes with the "king-for-a day" decreed they when a sudden snowstorm church as their beset the remote destination, sometimes would "play church;’’ the delivered Morns hills with pauses along "king" where Mallinckrodt nestles, the way to visit fellow a sermon —and in the gift-giving spirit of the school townspeople in their inspector right back to homes. Epiphany, passed around a box of candy Trenton. in place of At a collection basket. One can only Mallinckrodt Convent, Epiphany imagine, of course . . Naturally the fun part of the feast day but doesn't it preparations begin on the seem possible that the evening of Jan. does not as 5 obscure the holiness of vvhen a Sister finds the occa- happy tradition of Epiphany in her piece of cake sion and the day was re- or ’’camel cookie" people who are celebrating. sumed by the Sisters that a silver foil bean which One ...... well, Epiphany dramatization by the novices that telu her she will be this year's "king." viewing the scene, o,mar the camei applied the story of the their might have Magi to own winked knowingly?

BRINGING GIFTS: To recall the of OF bringing gifts to the Christ NICE Child OMAR: Dorothy Heinzmann, by the Magi, postulant Mary comes Miele splendidly garbed as an from a aspirant Jersey City, king to bestow gaily wrapped presents on Sister gives Mary Annette, left, "Omar," the Epiphany Day camel, an and Sister Madeleine Sophie. affectionate hug.

FOR _ m^wxm l\;.v


All CONDITIONED May you, thii year, redijcover all the Sp. coining In HOME MADE shining wonder of Christmas, Ravioli — Cavatelli dear THE FATED BEAN: “If I so to your Manicotti were king ...” What’s that you say, Sister’’ Giggling childhood , . , recapture CaAvuoSLthwp M Janice whose iece of «ke P has just oufthe In bean whlT!h ‘' ” spilled your heart all 3 PRIVATE C C gn ° S h r BANQUET “ klng of ‘ h e novitiate's t , f Epiphany celebration. She’ll the infinite and PlanH,? the entertainment °, |oys ROOMS distribute gifts, over the CARDEN STATE merriment. Happy onlook- blessings of this PLAZA, PARAMUS r0m 1* fl ‘ ers M v ls cronica, M Louise, M. Francisca and , M. Cordelia. happiest time of all 925-31 West Ave. |in „ o '.J ’ Side o*d Among the professed Sisters, and postulants aspirants other are h "kings” finding Under Personal Supervision ak C 3t Ma linckrodt Convent K LOBEL'S 214 MAIN ST , PATERSON °r Epiphany recipes the Sisters PITH IIVINTO If rhrn Th . by S ian a n V s e age YOUTH ' recipes and the CENTER HE 3-8945 theih "L ( . °, Epiphany customs, including Jersey Ci»y. king tradition,, the gifts and 8 Park procession, are old rituals imported from Ger- PI., Morristown many, site of their motherhouse. JE 8-1505



Diamond 2-271 1


JOHN J MURPHY. V-f As You'll Like foWMJtb THE BRASS HORN & /I IfFor Banquet Room* Available for All Occasions • Open Dally Your Pleasure CIRCULATION CH.*, DEPARTMENT - r A W G.anJ tl»., h i, FIRST SUBSCRIPTION $4 50 THE ADVOCATE ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS - $4 00 ONI 31 Clinton St., Newark N J. ADD OP NEWARK'S RESTAURANTS 2, $2.00 FOR FOREIGN; $1 00 FOR CANADA SIRVINO THE ULTIMATE in It.U.. ONLY ONE All faadi caabad p., PLEASE ENTER THE FOLLOWING SUBSCRIPTION. 1 ENCLOSE $ AILISE’S • ALSO PIZZERIA • Located on and cor. Bloomfield Clifton Aves., Newark | Ona Block f»m Sued N»n Cart.. dial | TO; THE ORIGINAL 1ST I I WEEK f fl TO GO I NAME . _ SWISS CHALET Banquet and ADDRESS . restaurant Wedding 17 >t If trotf!. c,: You Did Not Renew During the School Crusadeand ramsey, n. j. Facilities . CITY ZONE STATE _ COCK I All LOUNGE Do Not Live in Si a ng il.. Mo.ill.- Spun... N 1 Complete Coverage Parish Your Sub- I 12 21 FAMOUS FOR ITS FOOD Count' I f Dining at Pl.c, scription Will With The Next Issue! FROM Expire I FULL COURSE

. NAME YMJdJL ON THE PLAZA DINNERS •' l l J L ADDRESS cocktai^ lo^ge | -rSPARTA, NN.J.T Send The Advocate To A LUNCHEON Friend, Your Daughter I CITY ZONE STATE fleBBit-. American • German • Swiss Cuisine ! A Or Op.n 7 Dan Julr (tom 12 Son. Fill In The Aug no«« till 1 Attached Coupon. 12 22 WBCSSk CLOStO THURSDAYS 10 ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS December 22, 1960 A Conclusion to Christmas ot until Feb. the Feast of with the liturgy of the Church. Elizabeth 2, theupurifica- as the aged prophet- tion, does the Church close the Christ- ess, Anna. The rest of the fam- THE ROBERT HAACKS of mas season. ily looks on carrying candles. f RKr She expects our Christ- Glen Ridge, with their six chil- last mas spirit to as long. dren: Elizabeth, 9, Susan, 8, WHEN MARY AM) JOSEPH tVion h a lnU */ .>hnillH f orooliA i Timothy, 7, Mark, Should then the creche — which 5, Peggy, 4. approach Simeon with the Child and Peter, 2, show how it Is he takes stood empty during Advent to stimu- Him in His arms and done in the accompanying says: "Now late enthusiastic of pho- You dismiss Your expectation the tos. servant, O to Christ Lord, according Child’s arrival, which came ablaze A First, the dismantling of the our word, in peace; because with on Christmas when lights Mary and creche is made into a family my eyes have seen Your salva- and affair, tion, which Joseph the Child arrived, which re- perhaps accompanied by You have prepared before ceived the Magi on Jan. 6 reminiscences about the events the face of all peoples: be its place of honor until Feb. of quietly, uncexemoniously the family Christmas season, a light of revelation to the Gen- 2 and then, with a little drama- tiles, and packed away on Jan. 7, and rerhaps also with several mem- a glory for Your peo- tization appropriate to the with it all the shining joy of great bers of the family standing by ple Israel.” and significant Feast of the with the Christmas season? lighted candles. Simeon then hands the Child Purification, end the Christmas hack to and Why not keep your creche in The Feast of the Purification Mary declares: season in home in stop your of "Behold this Child is destined or Candlemas Day is, course, for the fall and for the day on which the Church the rise of in blesses candles, and recounts many Israel, and for a sign that in the Gospel Simeon’s greeting shall be contradicted. And of the Christ Child in the temple thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that the as “a light of revelation to the thoughts of A many hearts be 'Jiapplesi Gentiles.” candlelight pro- may revealed.” (If cession to the place where the "Simeon" is not quite up to Gospel narrative will be drama- memorizing these words, an older member of the tized is impressive to young- family can be °lMolidays sters. designated as reader and the temple scene staged as silent The cast of the Candlemas a tableau). to playlet at the llaacks’ in- you cludes: Mark in a white fringed THEN THE FAMILY recites tablecloth and Brownie cap as together: "It had been revealed Susan to Simeon; as Mary with Simeon by the Holy Spirit, a doll wrapped in carefully ar- that he should not sec death be- ranged "swaddling clothes” as fore he had seen the Christ of the Christ HAPPY Child; Timmie as the Lord." ENDING FOR CHRISTMAS: A Candlemas playlet on Feb. 2 helps the Joseph carrying a bird cage The little procession led by family bring their family Christmas season to a close at the same time as the in which the parakeet and Haack a Mary and Joseph, with Simeon Church ends the >■ Christmas the in the are: Susan S2 toy bird portray the pigeons and Anna, and the candle- cycle. Enacting presentation temple brought Mary, Mark Simeon, Timmie as and Elizabeth as while as temple offering; and bearers following —then moves as as Joseph Anna, Peggy and Mr. and Mrs. out of the room to signal the Haack stand watch with lighted candles. Props for the dramatiza- JL'or unto end of the tion Wishing Our Friends ceremony, and, are home-grown: “Mary” holds a doll, “Simeon” wears fringed table-cloth and dramatically and beautifully, Brownie beanie, “Joseph” carries bird cage with family parakeet. The candles re- A Very Christmas ■Wappy -HoMuj the end of the long and joyous Merry call that Feb. 2 is the the Church candles. us a Christmas season. day blesses and a Bright New Vear king Hail 'Chief' We is born greatly appreciate the buiineu don 7 forctt with which MARCHE, Ark ( RNS) - The our many customers TO JOIN pastor of a Catholic church Is favored us during 1960. out NIW the new fire chief here. CHRISTMAS ClUft Please let us help you moke the But for Msgr. Thomas J year ahead even more worthwhile. Prendcrgast it’s all "chief” and is no Indians because Marche, a little Polish town 12 miles north & Building Maintenance of Little Rock, has no fire de- H*Ut St it cm Si NATIONAL tortwiT »• UHW v BANK partment. OF Janitorial Services PASSAIC COUNTY Nevertheless, Msgr. Prender- Building Services Corporation gast owns an official looking ItOOMIIUAU nSMjASt. of Now Jersey badge and to MOusTirv me « *»*.«• :j isn.tx ,t tgrcvi helmet, presented 550 Nawark Avo. him POM»T9«um :;sfKM9uu in recently hy Bishop Albert J«rt«y City 4, N. J. L. of Little WUIStW *»*rv* ?** Wtlt Hft/Mt Fletcher Rock. Since OLdfield 3-1777 the parish had just bought a government surplus water truck U J to keep the school's cistern filled, some visionary parishion- ers had suggested their pastor Cbpistmas be made chief of Marche's em- byronic one piece "fire depart- ment." May the joy that filled the heart* of the Holy Family This is illerrp In Bethlehem brighten from the your home during this Bank That’s Cfjristmag Chriitmas season. Strong for You I to all! Merry Christmas, Your loyil one and alll a friendship

b one of the

ounjr blessing* for which

we give thinks. S/iOOkdak ANOTHER RITUAL: The Nativity scene remains on view all through the Christmas cycle until Feb 2 when the family dismantles it and gets set to begin the pen- ENGEL Brookdale the Church Season's Greetings itential season of year Here Mr. and Mrs. Cos. Haack, with Peter and Peggy, have one last talk about Beverage the Christmas figures as they make a family ritual of ★ packing them away. The creche stands empty during Advent, receives figures of Holy Family on Christmas BLOOMFIELD & N. J. CLIFTON, Eve and the Magi on Jan. 6 Then it is removed as PHONE ED 8-5757 the season of penance begins. JAMES J. O'SHEA, Sales Manager LARGEST Catholic Unit ‘ Arms' household mover in New Jersey College Gfi offers direct service to 30 states , . Modern warehouses. 6 Shining /v nigilts of CamcloC >1 F.— Some •»/ the of "Camelot." ENGEL BROTHERS DUBI'QI splendor the new fidelity Broadway hit musical. or'sinalcd with the drama department union Rypkcma Dairy TRUST INCOSPOSATID of Catholic Lora* College here Sword* earned by "Camelot" COMPANT Old Hook Road ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY made of old truck knights are »pring», their shields are aged MA WUTWOOD. N J fMmU 0 2-1170 saucer shaped sled* covered with animal hides, and their «$««.( ln«fi*n C*r»*nfiM armor is decorated with tilting* from a discarded bra»» bed all from 1-oras College The project came about latl summer when Itev. Karl Schrocder, head of the Uiras drama department, suited the k* >tudln for of Helene I’oni, costumer "Camelot," who was hav- ing difficulty obtaining au-hentic prop* for the musical set In medieval time* Schrocder Quoth Father in knight in shining armor fashion: " "We'll help Back llahl who in Dubuque, 800 senior student * been the Joyous Christinas technician and on drama department productions had expert ' nee in making armor lor Shakespearian plays was called in So Hex on the Job was Kenneth Dowling of the I.atm and Creek faculty, as technical adsiser When the springs and sleds and the brass bed had been I.ot u* in into rejoice the transformed trappings of glorious antiquity the props were w ° ■» ou- wi>h * shipped to New York where they drew both critical and audl >zzzz:r cnee rases' true meaning of Christina*

with sincere reverence ao ° d ’ ' h°'° l hin9 ' '°PP,Yul"idZj4, flQ and amt to the PP/ Now a VOf y On c.irtli to V- harken words y ear ' peace men of will *•■ of tiie angel: Ambroiino, N c thall I mil the lorr Y Ambro.ino babe vwap|**d tit svtaihilinK to God in the A C. "Glory highest, CHfyßoiir clothe* , I> 11*k m 4 manner And suddenly there has and on earth h ith the Angel a heatedly peace hmt and praising C#od say- Olory l#txl the to of »»»*. to in men good will." ami earth highest, on peace

to men ot good h ill ftlGjJapdeft

For BETTER BUYS in QUALITY FURNITURE Sint. 1880' yCHKVJO 317 Amity St , 400 Faitoute Ave , » ELIZABETH: • WOODBRIDGE Elizabeth, N J Roselle Park N J. 1152 E Jersey S» EL 2-5600 9 at King G.o. VA 6-4700 Elizabeth 3 4855 CMestnuf 51558 Hwy. 3085 HUDSON BIVD , JERSEY CITY December 1960 22, ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS 11 The Ukrainian Christmas Begins on Jan. 6 By Ed Grant n Jan. 6, when Christmas trees are being stripped of their decorations in many North Jersey homes, Ukrainian Catholics will be sitting down to their traditional supper of the “Sviatyj Vechir,” or "Holy Eve." At the home of Wasyl Pashchak in Irvington, five places will be set around the festive board: one for his wife Sophia, one for his older daugh- ter Grysla, one for the younger daughter Anna and the fifth in 13, the Feast of St. Andrew in commemoration of the freedom the Julian calendar, parties are fighters in the mountains of held at which the young girls the Ukraine. pour wax into water, then hold This family, which came to the cooled figures up to the look America a little over a decade light, presumably getting a husbands. ago, carries on the thousand- at their future year-old mixture of folk and St. Nicholas Day on Dec. 19 religious customs which mark is the time of gift-giving for the Ukrainian celebration of the children. Good boys and Christ’s coming. Since their girls can expect to find pres- rite follows the Julian (rather ents under their pillows, or than the Gregorian) calendar, around their beds, brought dur- Christmas comes 13 days ing the night by the good saint. "late,” on Jan. 7. For the bad ones, there are But for Christ- twigs, a reminder to be better preparation the spiritual of mas in the Ukrainian church during the next 12 months. meaning too begins even earlier, compara- Christmas itself is good to bly speaking, then in the Latin a time end in one day, so the with season be you this rite. On Nov. 28, which this it lasts from Holy Eve to the year fell one day after the feast of St. Stephen on Jan. 9. opening of Advent, the period In the Ukraine, these three Christmas, and bring its blessings called "Pylypivka" began. days were marked by the vis- More like Lent than Advent in its of carolers presenting short To All Our Friends and Patrons its observance, it was marked playlets telling of the birth of in the old country by fasting the Child, by visiting all around on Wednesdays and Fridays, a and by attendance at Mars practice no longer obligatory each morning. So far as pos- but still honored by many sible, the Ukrainians in Amer- here. Dancing is forbidden ica keep these customs alive, walls of Ukrainian homes "SVIATYJ VECHIR": The of Pashchak family Irvington kneels in prayer before the six weeks. looking to the day when their the and. throughout throughout year on beginning the traditional Ukrainian celebration Tft&twrfkb which land will again be free. Holy Eve, those of St. Nicho- of Sviatyj Vechir (Holy Eve), SEVERAL FEASTS mark the falls on Jan. 6, the before in their las, St. Michael the Archangel night Christmas rite. At right is Wasyl Pashchak, approach to Christmas. On Dec. BEFORE DETAILING the at left his wife to NEWARK . and St. Volodymyr (Vladimir) Sophia, the rear daughter Orysia and, in UNION customs which precede and fol- foreground, daughter are most prominent. Hay, sym Anna. low Christmas day. it should • NORTH bolizing the manger, is placed BERGEN be pointed out that the Ukraine both the and under and on table. (dried and cooked fruits) and obtains blessed water is totally a farming country, with A loaf of bread, called "ko- (doughnuts served the ‘ breadbasket of Europe," panpushky which to sprinkle the house and with in land lach,’’ a candle placed with marmalade). farm. This water is also mixed a where snow falls In it, is on the table. This sym- with flour and used for draw- early December and last* till CHRISTMAS will bolizes the first star TREES ha March. Winter then is time of Holy ing crosses on all door frames. a found in Ukrainian homes here, of Eve, whose appearance signals On Gtt waiting for the rebirth of the 18th, the entire tillage of Some but were unknown in the old VloMwj the start the feast. Spring and the weaving-in of would go to the river, where will country In their place was a eg&ujp for in have fasted all day before cut out prayers a good harvest boys large cubes of ice ' diduch" a big sheaf of wheat the meal. In the Ukraine, a I and the new year with those of in the shape of a cross. The • BOWLING rirndly bright and glou ing or, our (symbolizing the harvest), dec- Christmas thanksgiving for Christ's com- watch was kept on the moon priest would then celebrate • BOXING • OUNS orated with fruit and nuts. Aft grrrtings and warm uisbtt tor • JACKET! ing is inevitable. tainside and a long horn blown Mass by the riverside. Among • TROPHIES you. May good haalth er the mother would • SWEATEE! On when the star appeared supper, carols • BASKETBALL Holy Eve, the father of the special sung for this ttui cheer be Excellent Value throw into this coins and nuts, • FOOTBALL good yours. • UNIFORMS the family visits the church feast Is the fol- one that lias come • FISHINO AS THE MEAL begins, the children then to find • RINK SKATES Highway No. 1 where the bread for the meal, trying to Frontag* Property us, in slightly altered form • BASEBAU lowing Wasye Pash- them, making to imitate • ICE SKATES is blessed the prayer, noises “Prosphora," by as "Silver Bells." BERNIE • SOFTBALL chak will hand out pieces of the the (arm animals all the while. • DART BOARDS GOLDWEBER’S HALL AGENCY priest He then returns to the • OOLF prosphora, with to earh When the feast is THE CHANCE TO celebrate • ARCHERY home, where meal of 12 dish- honey, over, the • TENNIS a Christmas • LUGGAGE 251 NO. BROAD ST. member of the family, children take some of each openly is cherished es the 12 • NAME TAFES (symbolizing Apos- • AMMUNITION AAA SPORT saying, "Khristus course to their and by the Pashchaks. For Wasyl CENTRE ELIZABETH, N. J. tles) has been the Bavhdayet- godparents • TRACK prepared by and sia" (Christ is born), to which grandparents and the father Sophia spent most of their BE EL 3-3054 «v«« FU 8-0423 mother. AMERICAN BUY AMERICAN DON 7 SHOP ON SUNDAY each will answer "Slavitc Yo- brings more out to the farm life under the Red rule of their Pictures of saints -deck the C. Y. 0., INDUSTRIAL CLUB AND SCHOOL OUTFITTERS ho" (Praise Him). animals. There is a legend homeland. Their oldest daugh- "Everything for tho Sportsman" that at ter, born in bur- 553 BROADWAY Bet. 25th & Among the delicacies at the among the Ukrainians ITiramia, was 26th Sts. BAYONNE Phone. FEderal 9-7800 led in meal (which Is meatless) will midnight on Christmas Eve, Germany as they fled are before the be kutia, a mixture >f wheat farm animals given power battleground of of In honor of their World II wonder (symbolizing the richness of :he speech at- War Little then that Ukrainian tendance at the stable in Beth Christmas can neier May the Star of Beth- earth), honey (from he taken for this the bees kept on almost every lebern granted In home lehem thin* on you farm) and poppy seeds; Midnight Mass completes the hot beet evening's festivities and then AT a filled FIRST borshch, soup, NATIONAL... and and the thrre your*, bring with ushka (little ears), dough days of Christmas

shaped like ears and filled with begin Carolers go about sing- you all of the rich vegetables: holubtsi, cabbage ing songs that go back to 'he filled rice dawn in the bleitingt and abid- G/ie*tixqC with or potatoes; of Christianity oseledtsl, various types of fish. Ukraine (9fW>. 1961 ing of Chriitmai. A mushroom |oy» special satire BUT EVEN NOW Christmas 1961 JANUARY served with the fish is made Is far from over. On Jan M from a type of mushrooms Is the triple feast of the Ctr- T F grown chiefly in the Ukraine w cumclsion, Epiphany and St M and the S quite different from Vasyl (Basil). founder of East- American varieties According ern monaaUclsm. Little boys 7 to Orysia, many North Jersey go around carrying wheat in a 6 GRATZEL’S families 4 still receive these bag and throwing it on the 2 3 mushrooms each year from walls of each house to bring a relatives In the Ukraine, who good harvest. tJuletLde/ Gwctuun believe that they cannot get BAKERY The season ends on from finally your the proper kind in the United Jan 18 with the cclebrntion of Store 10 States and who wint Thrifty Drug evidently the Christ Its tie 9 Baptism of the Sidney lamer, 8 474 Cedar Lane customs to be followed here Reg Phar. Tcaneck, N. Is called Vechir'' J. "ShehedryJ 479 Cedar even if they can't be at home Lane (Generous Evening) and is cel- IIANICK. N j. 19 There is also kapusta (cab- ebrated much as Is Christmas TE 18 6-1431 - TE 6-4680 17 bage specially treated), komjiot Eve The father visits church 15 16 25 26 A Very Merry Christmas 22 23 24 TO ALL OUR FRIENDS SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUI 31 AND NEIGHBORS! 29 30 t. Christmas Blessings May the peace and joy of vt'j&i Christmas he with ivith you DEPOSITS MADE ON OR today and always BEFORE JANUARY 10 WILL DRAW INTEREST rv FROM JANUARY 1!

MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING For those who don’t have a First NationalSavings Account, THE BEST OF HEALTH AND there's no better time than right now to start one. It takee just a few minutes of your time at any one of Pint NationaTt GREATER PROSPERITY TO ALL I Particular Council of Jersey City, N.J. 10 conveniently-located offices throughout Hudson County. There'll probably one near your home or where you work. And

HOWARD SAVINGS SALVAGE BUREAU THE ST institution OUR TRUCKS ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. JUST PHONE ONE OF y.itabluhtil 1857 THESE FIRST NATIONAL NUMBERS FOR PROMPT, FREE, COURTEOUS PICK-UP OF BANK. MAIN OFFICEi 7(W BHOA1) ST.. NEWARK 1. N. J. USUABLE Ot'JEHSEY CITY BHANCIIES i ARTICLES TO HELP THE POOR. Bloomfield Aw. at Clifton Avo. South Orange Ave. at Sandfoad Aw SpringfieldAw at Bergen St. Plane St at Raymond Blvd. 44 STATE STREET JERSEY CITY N. ■aia IN SOUTH OHANCE i Sooth Orange Ave. neur I-ackawanna Station 4, J. Office: One Exchange Place, Jersey City

IN NORTH CALDWELL, 27 Bloomfield Avenue ...and nine other convenient offices in DElaware 3-7224 DElaware 3-0552 r«Ur*l LhpotU injurant* West L. CorywraMon Jersey City, Hoboken, New York, Harrison and Kearny 12 ADVOCATE CHRISTMAS December 22, 1960


OPEN LATE WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY to 9 pm-FRI. to 10 pm-SAT. to 6 pm SHOPPERS NOTE: CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY. DECEMBER 26th Plan Your Christmas Menu Around A Food Fair Turkey

U.S. Government U.S. Government #l% INSPECTED GRADED -U.S* mvmtmintoo/ Ev*ry Turkty *old at Food Fair I* Evary Turkey told at Food Fair I« a*«kuitv«i/ (j. S. Gov't INSPECTED for U. S. Gov't Grade "A" for Top FRESH Wholejom«n«»». £1 Quality. CRANBERRIES OCEAN I U.S. GOVERNMENT GRADE “A” YOUNG SPRAY boa"15= ★ WELCH JELLIED SAUCE Turkeys 2 14 *~45= ★

HYGRADE'S or ARMOURS 20 to 24 10 to 19 PORK SAUSAGE lb>. lbs. Our Famoui "Cream of the Flock" Farmef X 39c Gray Grade "A" Turkey! Priced ★ lb. lb. FYNE SPRED 39* 45< Slightly Higher MARGARINE 2^35= Appetizers and Soups: APPLEBERRY HUNT S YELLOW CLING PEACHES 2 29 or earn 55c SAUCE large italic 1 CALIF. PASCAL CELERY i-tl >••••••••• 3:-49c - N c c Queen Stuffed Olive* O'l 49 Lipton Onion Soup Vu 33 ★ Sr*U' c m Taste Stuffed Olive* 33 Seedless 6 35c DECKERS V/ Fyne Grapefruit ' ‘X" "L 1 '‘” Shrimp Cocktail '\"49~ Fyne Taste Sweet Pickle* 29° FLOUR rs 5 49 c Entrees: bag t REYNOLD’S


c c Beef Steaks * 79 Italian •' H * •*> 69 King’s Sausage COVIA lII,V\ TOMATO PASTE 4 ‘ 45c u> Vegetables: TOMATO PUREE 2'^25c ll' CALIF. BRUSSELS SPROUTS 2*. 35c TOMATO PUREE 4",.VP TOMATOES 3?.rT“ FOR SLICING carton 3 SELECTED TOMATOES 19c ITALIAN TOMATOES 23 c

GREEN GIANT SWEET PEAS 3 1259= Mr*. Kornberg* Freih Froian F.F. DELUXE BROCCOLI SPEARS FRESH FROZEN 4p°“69 c Chopped

Fre Mar Sweet Potatoes 2"“ 47c Mixed D ’ 4 69° CHICKEN Vegetable* !,L f ',£ n °°,', LIVERS Bird* Limas,4B9 Bird* Cauliflower 4 99° Eye Baby Eye ,’"1" p 5,"

c Webster Sweet Potatoes 2'iZ 29 Yellow Turnip* Ib 5° X. 49c

Desserts and Sweets: WESTON


C Morton’* Apple Pie Horpkg. 39 Fyne Ta*te Mince Meat % ie Crust Sticks 2 *".37 % m Beverages and Mixes: * COFFEE RITTER’S TOMATO JUICE IX25= LADY FAIR FYNE TASTE ♦1 , c c Fre*h Orange Juice v ***> * 33 Midtown Beverage* T.V 4"«! 49 Mb. Mb- ECct Dole’s Juice 2 39 c Grenadine 27° C7C Giroux I" bagj/ I b.g JJ

Offer For the Fruit and Nut Bowl: lonui Stamp Holiday * QA EXTRA MERCHANTS 1 GREEN STAMPS FLORIDA TANGERINES »««*■ns t 15.1,29= FOR EACH EMPTY BAG FROM LADY FAIR OR Cashew* 89 c * Diamond Walnut* 49' Hygrade FYNE TASTE Almond* , 53 Peanut* 64° COFFEE Neplu* 0 .1VJ Hygrade * Mixed Fruit* ".7.35 Hygrade Mixed Nut* . :



* COFFEE COFFEE .► m 8 Ib.can Ib. 69 .U\ can