HERCULES2021 22 February > 26 March, 2021

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HERCULES2021 22 February > 26 March, 2021 http://hercules-school.eu/ nd th HERCULES2021 22 February > 26 March, 2021 CONTENTS ORGANISATION ………………………………………………………………………… p. 3 GENERAL INFORMATION ……………………………………………………….... p. 7 PRACTICAL INFORMATION ………………………………………………………. p. 8 PROGRAMME OF GRENOBLE Planning Session A - Physics and chemistry of condensed matter - general schedule ………........................................................................ p. 15 - practicals / labs / tutorials ……………………………………………………………… p. 19 Planning Session B - Biomolecular structure and dynamics - general schedule ………........................................................................ p. 25 - practicals / labs / tutorials ……………………………………………………………… p. 29 PROGRAMME OF PARTNERS SITES ALBA + European XFEL ……………………………………………………………………………. p. 36 Elettra/FERMI ……………………………………………………………………………………….... p. 39 SLS/SINQ …………………………………………………………………………………………………. p. 43 KIT + European XFEL ……………………………………………………………………………..… p. 46 LECTURERS Lecturers of Grenoble’s programme…………………………………………………………. p. 49 Lecturers of Partners’ programme……………………………………………………………. p. 50 INSTRUCTORS OF PRACTICALS Instructors of Grenoble’s programme……………………………………………………….. p. 51 Instructors of Partners’ programme………………………………………………………….. p. 53 2 HERCULES2021 22nd February > 26th March, 2021 ORGANISATION ORGANISED BY: Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) Grenoble INP SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE M. ALTARELLI, DESY Hamburg P. KING, ISIS Didcot M. A. G. ARANDA, ALBA Barcelona G. MARGARITONDO, EPF Lausanne M. BALLAUF, University of Bayreuth Y. PETROFF, LNLS Campinas T. BAUMBACH, KIT Karlsruhe W. PETRY, FRMII Münich C. CARLILE, ESS Lund H. REICHERT, ESRF Grenoble S. CUSACK, EMBL Grenoble D. RICHTER, IFF-Institute Julich J. DAILLANT, Synchrotron SOLEIL Saint Aubin C. RÜEGG, PSI Villigen P. DAY, Royal Institution London H. SCHOBER, ILL Grenoble E. ELIOT, LLB Saclay F. SETTE, ESRF Grenoble J. ESTRADE, ILL Grenoble J. SUSINI, ESRF Grenoble ORGANISATION R. FEIDENHANS'L, European XFEL Hamburg A. TAYLOR, ISIS Chilton Didcot - A. FRANCIOSI, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste E. WECKERT, DESY Hamburg J. HELLIWELL, Univ. of Manchester W. WEISSENHORN, IBS Grenoble M. R. JOHNSON, ILL Grenoble M. WILMANNS, EMBL Hamburg SUPPORTED BY: ▪ European Commission project CALIPSOplus ▪ DECTRIS HERCULES 2021 HERCULES ▪ European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) ▪ Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) ▪ Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS) ▪ Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) ▪ European XFEL ▪ Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste: Elettra & FERMI ▪ Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS): Institut National de Physique & Laboratoires du Polygone Louis Néel, Grenoble ▪ Commissariat à l’énergie atomique (CEA): Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale (DRF) ▪ Synchrotron SOLEIL ▪ Swiss Light Source (SLS) - Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) ▪ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) ▪ ALBA Synchrotron ▪ Fostering science programm - Grenoble Innovation for Advanced New Technologies (GIANT) - CEA Grenoble HERCULES2021 22nd February > 26th March, 2021 DIRECTORS Univ. Grenoble Alpes / CNRS / Grenoble INP Marc De BOISSIEU, director +33 (0)4 76 82 67 03 [email protected] Univ. Grenoble Alpes / CEA Grenoble / ILL Beatrice GRENIER, director of studies +33 (0)4 76 20 74 23 [email protected] CNRS / IBS Giorgio SCHIRO, deputy director +33 (0)4 57 42 86 94 [email protected] 2021 HERCULES FOUNDING DIRECTORS Jean-René REGNARD, UGA / CEA Grenoble Claire SCHLENKER, Grenoble INP - EUROPEAN SCHOOLS ORGANISING OFFICE AND CONTACTS ORGANISATION Univ. Grenoble Alpes Clotilde BONHOURE EFFANTIN [email protected] Univ. Grenoble Alpes Isabelle GAUVIN [email protected] Univ. Grenoble Alpes Youlia MAZET [email protected] Univ. Grenoble Alpes Joseph GERMIANO [email protected] 4 HERCULES2021 22nd February > 26th March, 2021 ORGANISING COMMITTEE AMATI Matteo Elettra/FERMI Elettra/FERMI +39 040 375 8526 [email protected] local coordinator / contact BAUMBACH Tilo KIT KIT +49 721 608 26820 [email protected] local coordinator /contact BENATALLAH Soumaya HERCULES organisation SOLEIL 01 69 35 99 48 soumaya.benatallah@synchrotron-soleil at Synchrotron SOLEIL BEUTIER Guillaume SIMaP Organisation Session A Practicals & ESRF visits 04 76 82 66 09 [email protected] BONHOURE-EFFANTIN Clotilde UGA HERCULES organisation 04 56 38 71 50 [email protected] CALISTO Bárbara ALBA ALBA +34 93 592 4055 [email protected] local coordinator /contact COATI Alessandro Synchrotron SOLEIL SOLEIL 01 69 35 96 78 [email protected] local coordinator /contact DALMAS Pierre CEA Grenoble CEA contact 04 38 78 52 14 [email protected] DEMÉ Bruno ILL ILL contact 04 76 20 73 11 [email protected] DEMITRI Nicola Elettra / FERMI Elettra +39 040 375 8861 [email protected] local coordinator /contact DREISER Jan Gui-Hyon PSI ORGANISATION PSI +41 56 310 5895 [email protected] local coordinator /contact - FERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ Alejandro alex.fernandez- ISTerre Organisation Session A Practicals 04 76 63 51 97 martinez@ univ-grenoble-alpes.fr FOGLIA Laura Elettra / FERMI Elettra +39 040 375 8651 [email protected] local coordinator /contact FRAGNETO Giovanna ILL ILL contact 04 76 20 70 62 [email protected] FRAISSARD Frédérique HERCULES organisation SOLEIL Users 01 69 35 96 52 [email protected] at Synchrotron SOLEIL FÜGLISTER Martina HERCULES organisation PSI +41 56 310 31 41 [email protected] at PSI GAUVIN Isabelle HERCULES organisation UGA 04 76 88 79 86 [email protected] & contact GEHRKE Rainer DESY / European XFEL DESY +49 40 8998 3914 HERCULES 2021 HERCULES [email protected] local coordinator /contact GERMIANO Joseph UGA HERCULES organisation 04 56 38 70 03 [email protected] GIGLI Lara Elettra/FERMI Elettra/FERMI +39 040 375 8732 [email protected] local coordinator / contact HAGELSTEIN Michael KIT KIT +49 721 608 26186 [email protected] local coordinator /contact HEMBERGER Patrick PSI PSI +41 56 310 3265 [email protected] local coordinator / contact KNIEHL Sandra HERCULES organization European XFEL +49 40 8998 6432 [email protected] at European XFEL 5 HERCULES2021 22nd February > 26th March, 2021 KREUZER Martin ALBA ALBA +34 93 592 4518 [email protected] local coordinator / contact LORET Géraldine ILL HERCULES organisation at ILL 04 76 20 74 18 [email protected] MANGIN-THRO Lucile Organisation Session A Practicals & ILL visits ILL 04 76 20 75 71 [email protected] ILL contact MAZET Youlia UGA HERCULES organisation 04 56 38 71 51 youlia.mazet@univ-grenoble-alpes. NATAF Lucie Synchrotron SOLEIL SOLEIL 01 69 35 96 62 [email protected] local coordinator / contact HERCULES 2021 HERCULES NOLTING Frithjof PSI PSI +41 56 310 5111 [email protected] local coordinator / contact PASCARELLI Sakura DESY / European XFEL European XFEL +49 40 8998 6820 [email protected] local coordinator / contact PEDERSOLI Emanuele Elettra / FERMI Elettra +39 040 375 8841 [email protected] local coordinator /contact PERNOT Petra Organisation Session B Practicals, ESRF 04 76 88 28 42 [email protected] ESRF contact PIERUCCI Debora ALBA ALBA +34 93 592 4538 [email protected] local coordinator /contact PLECH Anton KIT KIT +49 721 608 28665 [email protected] local coordinator / contact POCHARD France HERCULES organisation SOLEIL 01 69 35 96 90 - france.pochard@synchrotron-soleil. at Synchrotron SOLEIL ORGANISATION ROMERO Claudine ESRF HERCULES organisation at ESRF 04 76 88 20 27 [email protected] ROSSI Barbara Elettra / FERMI Elettra +39 040 375 8042 [email protected] local coordinator / contact SEECK Oliver DESY / European XFEL DESY +49 40 8998 2603 [email protected] local coordinator / contact SIMANCAS Maria José HERCULES organisation ALBA User office +34 93 592 4000 [email protected] at ALBA SOLANO Eduardo ALBA ALBA +34 93 592 4430 [email protected] local coordinator / contact TSCHENTSCHER Thomas DESY / European XFEL European XFEL +49 40 8998 6827 [email protected] local coordinator / contact WILHELM Fabrice Organisation Session A Practicals, ESRF +33 (0)4 76 88 24 19 [email protected] ESRF contact 6 HERCULES2021 22nd February > 26th March, 2021 GENERAL INFORMATION HERCULES is a 5 weeks course designed for training students and scientists from European universities and laboratories in the field of neutron and synchrotron radiation. It includes a common part during a week and a half, followed thereafter by two parallel sessions: SESSION A: SESSION B: Physics and chemistry of condensed matter Biomolecular structure and dynamics (55 full-time and 9 part-time* participants). (24 full-time and 2 part-time* participants). * part-time participants do not participate in week 4, neither to the complete practicals / labs / tutorials programme. It is mainly organised from Grenoble, from the European Schools Office at the “Maison des Magistères” on the Polygone Scientifique Louis Néel, where the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) and TION the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) are also located. Due to the sanitary context, this 2021 session is totally organised ONLINE. The HERCULES course includes online lectures and tutorials, remote labs and practicals, together with virtual visits of large scale facilities. It also includes one week of practicals and lectures from different locations outside Grenoble from 15th to 19th March (week 4 of the
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