Manchester Historical Society

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Manchester Historical Society Spencer Cirele of ^ ard A. Jaworaki and Cari^^a-G.^ Gilroy, for alteratioha to ____ Jethodlel WSOB will meet Jaworski, property on Burnham Rh- ‘ 70 Olcott Dr., $3,800. eaday at 13:S0 noon at the home Winifred. A'. I ^ e r ty to Francis J3. Contracting Co., for LAWN MOWCRS of Mias Ethel Goalee, Boltop Lake. E. Boland and Chju'lottc Q-. Bo^ . »vin, for a garage at Tbe llahfebMler brandi.'tif the A committee composed of Mrs. Ed­ AdinininUmter's Deeds land, property at Stephen and Cone St., $1,575. • SHARPiNED WOCTU wllllMet TueedAy lit h30 ward Perris Jr., Mrs. Earl Trotter Gladys A. Vennart, administra­ Sts. ; \ . Marriage Licenses Notice of InteaUoa to SeU 'Joseph Valardiv-Si, of Seaford, • REPAIRED pja. *t the ^aourth Meth(wirt and Mrs. W. Donald Stroud will be trix of the estates of Minnie 'and Edgar Van Horire-Coughlin, 390 i- 1.. was uninjured »i an accident Pl^tteUP aad DELIVERT jClyarch. It wty w^^^ower MiMion In charge of the pdonic luncheon. Martha Hewitt, to Russell R. Ven­ Florence Savoy gives notice of intention to -seli her bne-half inter­ Woodland St., and Hele^n Doris yesterday o n .R t iS, neaf the Oak Day, tnd^ihw aM ** are urjed to Mrs. John Suhie will handle trans­ nart, property at 81 Foater St. Hanson, 98 Deepwood Di\ Lodge. ■- N - VOL. LXXyi, NO. 212 ■ (TWEl^^E PAGES) MANCHESTER, cW n ., SATURDAY. lUNE 8, 1957 (Gbusifled A'dvertlslag on Pago 10) tortac: ^XMlqueta to be'bent to shut- portation. ' est in, the Acadia Restaurant, 103 PWCE flTE CENTS Wasrantee Deeds <■ Tolland Tpkc.,,.to Joteim Shpia and Richard Brendin Dillon. Wlhd- TTie left rear tire on Valird^ Bruce's Agnes B. Clough to William Less- Albert Sapla. ham, and, Oelina Judith Kelllher,' 'c*c blew out, cajising the rar-<o MAN0HE8TER—aO 9-7958 Second Lt. Gordon C. Glckler, son ard, prcq>erty on .Ferguaon Rd. ; Building Permits 30 Glenvirood St., June 19. St. go Off. the road and overturn-. nual toAbting atuK^cnlc of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Eickler, Burnham Estatga, Inc., to Leon­ James’ Church.- • No afre'st was made. o t the ''^ttocheater Garden^^ub 16 Byron Rd., recently was grad­ To Berube Woixiworklng Co. for wUl be held'Konday at 5:30>,at uated from the Army’s Antiair­ Gain Pravda Hit^ the home of Mta,.^Horace Ltarhefk craft Artillery and Guided Missile M yoreet St., falrtsjr ahlne. Mem- ■’^hool at Fort Blias«Tex. He grad- •tiere will bring box Tupchea, cup. iled from the University of Con- In War on Claim Reds ailverware and najpkliw^..^s8ert t^ c u t in 196«: , r and coffee will be hirnlahe^y the 1 hoateaa oommltlee. E ig h t, young persons..will be onfirmed^ at the 10 a.m. service Miaa Sandra Doutt, 740 benter Shtiday at Concordia Lutheran Whether you enjoy y6ur vacation St, haa returned from Saraaota,' Churfrh. They have completed two Philadelphia, June 8 (/P)— By HAROIJD K. MII.KH Fla., where ahe la a firat year atu> years rf^udy in the catechetical away or at home, Hale’s has all Ae sport, Moscow, June 8 (JP) —Prav- dent atudylng conrmeD^al art at classes and have >met the require­ The National Multiple Sclero­ the Ringllng School of 'A rt' ments for confirmed niembership. play and swim clothes t^at you’ll, need. Our selec­ sis Society "sRys jt is pleased,, oftN declared today Sio sub- Members of the clads are Edward by the publication'of findings ver^.e organization” is be­ lliembera of the Mancheater E. Clough, Eileen 1^. CuSter, tion was never more cbn^plete. P.S. Priced within by a Russian-born wdmaii hind Inv.Linus Pauling. , ^ Country Club will hold a apeclal Marlene T. Porde, Kennisth Sharp, Ens. E. J. PeresHilui II scientist who says she has The Soviet Communist part.v meeting tonight at 8 o'clock to Carol Attn and David 'Sibrinsn, X newspaper d^ended the Nobel diacuaa future )Jana for the Coun­ Bonnie ll Valente and S arn n M.. Edmund J. son of everyone’s imdget too found the germ that causes prize winning CkHfornia biochem­ try Cluib. Werner. They will be confirmed Mr. and Mrs. Edmund * J. Pere- multiple sclerosis. ist who faced qvremionlng by the ' CoiVo Anxious by Pastor Erich Brandt and will sluha, Watrous Rd,, Bolton, was Roze IcKelson, gray-haired U.S, Senate Intern'ai.^ Secprit.v Starts Fight ICaa Jane M. Amea', 91, Ldurel receive Communion for the first ommtsaioned an Ensign this researcher , at St. Luke’s and siih rnm m ittes about a- -jlyptost ,.b.v ! S t, and Roilald I. MHIot of Rocky time, ' sunoay, June 18, at the oming during graduation exer­ eOTFON, CHARMER... Children’s Hoiptttrt—“irere, an­ himself and some 2,ot)0 offter sci­ A^Saud^Visits HiU will b^ married tomorrow at second service. i » cises at the U.S. NaVal Academy, . ‘'V nounced yesterday she has s:ic- entists against h.vdrogen Bopib cessfully isolated a, live micro­ testing, For Control 1 p.m. In S t Mary'a EHriacopal Annapolis, Md. He entered Annap­ ■V?.. glamorous curves in comfort CKurcb. Members of Temple Chapter, olis on a Congressional appoint­ organism which she has "100 per " Hearing June 18 W ith Hussein No. '53. OES, are reminded of the ment after graduating from Man- \ i cent reason to believe’’ is the ’ The subcommittee, headed by xT he Salvation army Band will food sale to be held tomorrow cheater High School. <, culprit behind multiple sclerosis Sen. Eastland (D-Miss). Issued a Bv THE .\SSOCI.VTED I*KES.«r In Congress pw jK at Bulkeley High School, morning in Hale's store. Those of ".MS.” subpoena Thui'sday directing Paul­ Saum..^.Arlil)ia’.s King Saud who desire pickup of' food do­ "If Miss Ichelson’s report is ing to appear before it at a public HartWMt tomorrow evening iCt the A jiurprise ,2lst anniveraary arrived irt .\mman, Jordan, to- Jack W^Ti^n “^olrd of tilfe nations may contact Mrs. Elisabeth. Colorful - ri ■ubstanliated by other workers a hearing in Washington .lune 18. Washington; June 8 {IP)— Geissler, chairman, or Mrs, Robert dinner in h o n o r'd Mr. and Mrs. great stride will have been made," Yesterday, however, the subrom- da.v for a 6-day vi.sil with . Touth ItalljS^The- bandsmen will Russell Clough of ICast Hartford, President Eisenhower has meet at ^:S0 ahdtplay before the Richmond. the society stated in New York. mltlee announced it was dropping Joi'dail's young King Hussein formerl.v of Mancheater, was given "If thia .report be found true,” it temporarily Its plan (o question aimed at .strengthening the combined a slashing attack oh meeting, and agata during the last night at the home of Mr. and BEACH BAGS coaat-to-coast'radio aervlce. Band­ Mrs. Carl W. Zeller of Gibaon- •aid. ."thiPrirst step has been nistde. the Democrats with knuckle­ burg, Ohio, wdll be honored by'.the Mrs. William Johnson, 47 Alex­ To hold youi* comb, lotion, suit, towel I A means of treatment must b^ noT ap^p^aTthat day^ln p'rsadTnL'' ‘f."*,' >>ctween the neighboring rapping of some Republican master C. Peter Carlaon will be in ander St. Guests from Glaston­ chajge. Department of Connecticut, Amer­ snd other beach accessories. developed. ^ again requlrUig re­ Calif.,'Pauling said hr had asked Aiab countries. • leaders. It may put a new ican Liegion. Auxiliaries, at a bury, Windsor. Rhode Island and search, inasmuch as we know of fhat the date be moved forward to meeting of the two kings >ner.Sunday at 8:30 p.m. at the Manchester were present. The no medication which altera the next week he is starting a In some quarters ip strain on his relations with , New 'Britain. A reception couple^ received many gifts. course of the disease."' lecture tour of F'lance June IS Cairo that the so-called "liberated Congress. for the national president -wrill be $ 1 .0 0 *" $ 2 .9 8 W ith o u t a known cure, MS af­ The Soviet account did not touch 'ed by President Nas­ , In some of thq sharpest phraa- held at 5:90 p.m. -The following Misa Nora Addy, 43 Garden St., flicts an estimated 300,000 persons on This development ■ setYobg•>t be further endangered, Ihg-lie._haa~u*edr-Elaenhower ye»»- loc^ members will attend: Mrs. wrlll receive a master in education in this country—most of them in P ravda the chairm an President Shukri Sy- terday labeled the Democrats aa Henri Peasini, president; Mrs. J. degree at the graduation exercises the 30-45 age bracket, although "the notorioiis Senate suiKottuiiit-" ria, Nasser's closest ally, was on "easy spending, patemallsUc, FOOD The Queen Has a Winner hand in Egypt in of need. buslness-baiUng inflationists.’’ He F. Wallett, secretary; Miss Bar­ o ' Hillyer College Sunday at Bush- some children also have been tee on home serurity',', and his as- bara WUlett, sergh^t-at-arms; nell Memorial. Miss Addy majored Bathing. Hats . ....... 98c ea. •tricken. Smiling, Queen .Elizabeth leads her,, filly, Carrozza, to unsaddling slalants "will torment Pauling be­ \1 arm W elcome said they are "hopelessly split" and Mrs. Earl PetersoA Assistant in humanities siid srts. For seven Develops Skin Test enclosure Jhpje 7 after horse won 179th running of the classic hind cIo.scd doors in the ne.xt few SaUd and Hussein exchanged a as a party.
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