Ti-Based Conversion Coating for the Corrosion Protection of Electrogalvanized Steel
a *8 *9 */01- . - / w"#$ - 9 TI-BASED CONVERSION COATING FOR THE CORROSION PROTECTION OF ELECTROGALVANIZED STEEL Aleksey ABRASHOV 1, Nelya RI ORIAN 2, Tigran VA RAMIAN 3, Vladimir MEN‘SHIKOV 4, Anastasiya KOSTIUK 5 1MUCT, - D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of ,ussia, Moscow, ,ussian 1ederation 1abr-ale sey@yandeC.ru, 2ngrig100@mail.ru , 3vagramyan@muctr.ru , 4vm_uti@muctr.ru, 5nasten a.1D0D@yandeC.ru Abstract 2rocess 0as de.eloped for free-chromate passi.ation of 4inc coatings. An optimal composition of the solution 0as de.eloped. It 0as sho0n that titanium-based passi.ating coatings on the electrogal.ani4ed steel articles compare 0ell in corrosion resistance and protecting capacity 0ith iridescent chromate coatings. It 0as re.ealed that, unlike chromate coatings, the de.eloped titanium-based coatings 0ithstand the thermal shock 0ithout degrading of characteristics. Keyw rds: Corrosion protection, con.ersion coatings, Ti-based coatings, chromate-free passi.ation 1. INTRODUCTION To impro.e the corrosion resistance of gal.anic 4inc and cadmium protecti.e coatings, as 0ell as aluminum surfaces, chromate processes are applied. 2rotecti.e chromate films inhibit corrosion processes on the surfaces of these metals and, besides, ha.e the ability to self-heal in case of mechanical .iolations of the integrity of the film 91:. Unfortunately, chromate solutions are .ery to6ic because of the constituent ions of he6a.alent chromium. The problem of replacing the chromating processes became more acute after the adoption of the European Directi.e 20003533EC in 2000 limiting the presence of Cr 7VI8 compounds in con.ersion coatings 92:, and in 2002 the additions to the directi.e, 0hich completely prohibits the presence of Cr 7VI8 in con.ersion coatings applied to parts of cars from July, 2007 93:.
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