Official Newsmagazine of the California National Guard
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January 2011 Vol. 6 No. 1 GRIZZLYOfficial Newsmagazine of the California National Guard CNG welcomes new commander in chief “The year ahead 9 will demand COURAGE and SACRIFICE.” — Governor Jerry Brown California National Guard Year In Review 14 Commander’s Corner Changing of the Guard July Brigadier General Mary Kight PHOTOS BY MASTER MASTER BY PHOTOS On Jan. 3 the state of California welcomed In December, California National Guard a new governor, and the California Na- leadership began working with Gov. tional Guard welcomed a new command- Brown’s staff to acquaint him with the er in chief. We enter this period in our his- many changes in the Guard since 1983 and tory with great anticipation of the events to learn his expectations and aspirations to come, as we ready ourselves to fulfill for us. Leaders at Joint Force Headquar- S the vision of our new leader, Gov. Jerry ters briefed the governor’s transition team GT. DAVI GT. Brown. member, Mr. Jacob Applesmith, bureau chief, special assistant attorney general, At the same time, we look back on seven on Army and Air capabilities and deploy- D J. LOEFF J. years under Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneg- ments, civil support, interagency engage- ger, who has done so much for the dedi- ment, youth and family programs, inter- cated men and women of the California national partnerships, state and federal L ER National Guard. It was a challenging time legislation, the Southwest border mission, for the Guard, filled with contingency de- the California State Military Reserve, the ployments overseas and emergency de- Emergency Shelter Program and many ployments in California. Along the way, other topics. The conversation was inter- we were encouraged by words of admi- active, and Gov. Brown’s staff engaged the ration from our commander in chief, who briefers, showing a sincere desire to learn visited troops at homecomings and in more about our programs, capabilities and theaters of war. We are thankful for Gov. deployment process. Schwarzenegger’s unwavering support and tireless pursuit of improved service In his inaugural address, Gov. Brown member and family care. spoke of the need for courage and sacrifice on the part of Californians to overcome the We are grateful, however, to see Gov. difficulties we face. He stressed, however, Schwarzenegger succeeded by someone that these are conditions we have faced be- who knows what it means to be com- fore, and we have continually shown the mander in chief. Gov. Brown served as resolve to achieve solutions. the Guard’s top commander from 1975 to 1983, and that experience will allow a To meet our current challenges, Gov. seamless transition. Brown said, Californians must show “loy- alty to the community, to what is larger Gov. Brown has already made solid con- than our individual needs.” As members of tributions to the Guard. Most notably he the California National Guard, you have al- established one of our greatly successful ready shown yourselves willing to put your youth programs, the Oakland Military In- community, state and country before your stitute (OMI). While serving as mayor of self-interests. Time and again, CNG mem- Oakland in 2001, Brown founded OMI to bers have not only faced difficult situations provide a structured, rigorous academic head-on but sought them out, running to- program that develops cadets as leaders, ward danger when others might flee. scholars, critical thinkers and citizens. Through a military framework, the college Public servants such as yourselves, Gov. preparatory academy inspires honor and Brown said, “give hope for an even more pride in its cadets. abundant future.” One-quarter of the graduates from the “Every Californian is heir to some form of OMI Class of 2010 pursued higher educa- powerful tradition, some history of over- tion at University of California colleges, coming challenges,” Brown said. “From twice the average of public schools state- the native peoples who survived the to- wide and 20 times that of Oakland public tal transformation of their way of life, to schools. OMI cadets also provided more the most recent arrival, stories of courage than 7,000 hours of service to organiza- abound. And it is not over.” tions such as the American Red Cross and American Heart Association in 2010, and You, the Soldiers and Airmen of the Califor- they participated in extensive leadership nia National Guard, epitomize that courage and personal fitness training. This excep- and inspire our state’s citizens. With your tional record shows why OMI earned last selfless dedication, I have no doubt we will year’s prestigious western regional Jeffer- achieve every goal our new commander in son Award for Public Service. chief sets for this organization. TOP: Jerry Brown is sworn in as governor of California alongside his wife, Ann Gust Brown, in Sacramento on Jan. 3. BOTTOM: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger accepts the California Legion of Merit from Brig. Gen. Mary Kight, the adjutant general of the California National Guard, during the National Guard birthday Cadets from the California National Guard’s celebration in Sacramento on Dec. 14. Oakland Military Institute present the colors at For more on Brown, see Page 9. the Jan. 3 inaugural ceremony of Gov. Jerry Brown For more on Schwarzenegger and the National Guard birthday, see Page 8. in Sacramento. INSET PHOTO: Brown gives his inaugural address. 2 From homeless GrizzlyThe Official Newsmagazine of to graduate the California National Guard JanuaryJuly Vol. 6 No. 12011 5 Publisher Brig. Gen. Mary Kight 13 The Adjutant General Giving back Director of Communications Maj. Thomas W. Keegan Editor Brandon Honig Layout, Graphics, Photo Editing Erin Wetzelberger Editorial Staff 1st Lt. Will Martin 2nd Lt. Jan Bender Photographers Master Sgt. David Loeffler Tech. Sgt. Joseph Prouse 40th CAB Submissions 6 heads to Iraq Articles: 250-300 words for a half-page story; TABLE OF CONTENTS 600-800 words for a full-page article Include first and last names, and verify Allied fire response Hail to the chief spelling 4 The 146th AW sent two planes and crews to fight fires in Israel 9 Jerry Brown called for courage and sacrifice following his inauguration as California’s governor Spell out acronyms, abbreviations and full unit designations on first reference Scout’s honor Four Soldiers earned the California Medal of Valor for a Fighting for Oakland’s youths If there is a public affairs officer assigned daring, high-altitude rescue of a Boy Scout Gov. Jerry Brown established the CNG’s Oakland Military to your unit, ensure he or she reviews it Institute in 2001 while serving as that city’s mayor. Chief’s Corner Photographs: The CNG command chief warrant officer discusses her role Holiday missions target needy Highest resolution possible: MB files, not KB 13 The California National Guard takes time each winter to help GED program changes lives Guard members and civilians No retouched photos 5 Formerly homeless, Pvt. Daniel Sanchez found a bright future Caption (what is happening, who is at the National Guard Patriot Academy 2010 hindsight pictured and the date of the photo) 14 Overseas deployments, exceptional service members and the new adjutant general grabbed headlines in 2010 Credit (who took the photo) 40th CAB takes to skies of Iraq The 40th CAB deployed 136 Soldiers for a historic Iraq mission 6 Resilience training E-mail submissions by the 15th Encouraging the troops 18 The CNG looks to replace post-traumatic stress with post- of the month to: Brig. Gen. Charlotte L. Miller met with troops training on Fort traumatic growth [email protected] Hood, Texas, for a deployment to Iraq Defense for our nation’s defenders Feedback: General overview The Army Trial Defense Service represents Soldiers who [email protected] 7 Gen. Craig R. McKinley, chief of the National Guard Bureau, have been charged, punished or investigated visited the Southwest border mission Border mission shows results FEATURES Cover Shot Illegal crossings are down; drug and weapon seizures are up 2 Commander’s Corner Enduring service 8 The CNG celebrated the National Guard’s birthday and the 10 At A Glance career of the outgoing governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger Selfless support 19 News & Benefits California first lady Maria Shriver was recognized for her efforts to aid the California National Guard 19 Did You Know? The California National Guard as of December 2010 Africa/Afghanistan/Germany/ Guam/Iraq/Kuwait/Kyrgyzstan/ Qatar/United Arab Emirates/ Asia U.S. United Kingdom (110) (312) Photos by Europe Afghanistan Master Sgt. David J. Loeffler (295) U.S. (1276) Kosovo (15) Iraq Cadets from the California National Guard’s (784) Oakland Military Institute present the colors at Air the Jan. 3 inaugural ceremony of Gov. Jerry Brown North America in Sacramento. INSET PHOTO: Brown gives his Kuwait inaugural address. Army Africa (1) 3 Grizzly | 2011 | January CNG deploys firefighting assets to Israel P By Maj. Kimberly Holman BY HOTO commandos boarded a Turkish ship carry- Israel has been criticized for lacking fire- 146th Airlift Wing ing humanitarian aid for Palestinians in the fighting assets that could combat a fire of this Gaza Strip, killing nine people. magnitude. Taking advantage of an oppor- Firefighting assets from the California Na- A tunity to learn from officers with firefighting IR tional Guard’s 146th Airlift Wing were called M “We were witness to some monumental experience, the Israeli government asked upon in December to assist with a wildfire C 1ST AN bridges that were built — bridges that went the California Airmen who were already in burning out of control in Israel. beyond the fires,” said Lt. Col. Bryan Allen, Israel to brief mid- and upper-level leader- a MAFFS pilot for the 146th.