Index of Names
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Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48356-8 — The Cambridge Companion to Vatican II Edited by Richard R. Gaillardetz Index More Information Index of Names Adam, Karl, 200 Daniélou, Jean, 23–24, 35, 37, 59, Alfrink, Bernard, 232 160 Alvarez-Icaza, José and Luz-Marie, 89 Day, Dorothy, 16, 54 Aquinas, Thomas, 9, 259, 272–73, 335 de Lubac, Henri, 79, 240, 346 Athenagoras I of Constantinople, 87 nouvelle théologie/ressourcement, 21, 23–25, 36–38 Bea, Augustin, 34, 65, 285, 307, 346 de Smedt, Émile, 233, 289 Beauduin, Lambert, 16, 26–28, 56, 58, de Vaux, Roland, 31–32 176 Döpfner, Julius, 67, 82, 345 Benedict XV, Pope, 44, 46–48, 51, 54, Duchesne, Louis, 27, 42 57–58 Benedict XVI, Pope, 94, 152–53, 171–72, Feiner, Johannes, 88, 285 193, 241, 314–15 Felici, Pericle, 64, 67 see also Ratzinger, Joseph. Folliet, Joseph, 25 Betti, Umberto, 163 Ford, John, 331–32, 334 Bobrinskoy, Boris, 36 Francis, Pope, 45, 136, 153, 167–68, 193, Botte, Bernard, 8–13, 26 233 Bouillard, Henri, 24, 37, 39, 59 bishops’ conferences and synods, Bouyer, Louis, 20, 29 241–42 Brown, Raymond, 34–35 dialogue, 315–16 Bugnini, Annibale, 187–89, 191 sensus fidei, 244–46 Franzelin, Johann Baptist, 20, 168, 199 Cardijn, Joseph, 16 Frings, Josef, 82–83 Casel, Odo, 28 Fuchs, Josef, 324–25, 328, 333–34 Cerfaux, Lucien, 29–30 Chaillet, Pierre, 25 Gargitter, Giuseppe, 146 Charue, André Marie, 80 Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, Chenu, Marie-Dominique, 22, 24, 36, 38, 22, 59 59, 326, 346 Gasparri, Pietro, 45, 51 Chupungco, Anscar, 176, 191–94 Goldie, Rosemary, 89, 348 Cicognani, Amleto, 66 Grillmeier, Alois, 109–10, 140 Colombo, Carlo, 85 Grootaers, Jan, 78, 90–92 Congar, Yves, 162, 200, 232, 245, 251 Guardini, Romano, 19, 28, 55, 57 ‘hierarchology’, 59, 196, 199 Guéranger, Prospe, 26, 176 as peritus, 79, 81, 156, 346 Guitton, Jean, 89, 348 laity, 55, 212 Gut, Benno, 189 Lumen Gentium, 131, 219–20 nouvelle théologie/ressourcement, 20, Häring, Bernard, 322–24, 326, 332–34 22, 36–39 Harnack, Adolf, 43 Cullmann, Oscar, 32–33, 87–88, 166, 285 Hegel, Georg Friedrich, 115, 117 353 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48356-8 — The Cambridge Companion to Vatican II Edited by Richard R. Gaillardetz Index More Information 354 index of names John Paul II, Pope, 147, 237, 239, 242, role during the council, 68, 88, 101, 277–78 130, 234, 251, 260, 268 ecumenism, 300 Péguy, Charles, 21–22 evangelization, 152 Philips, Gerard, 55, 79–81, 92, 341 other religions, 312–15 Pius IX, Pope, 11, 44, 53, 64, 142, 288 John XXIII, Pope, 118, 272, 289 Pius X, Pope, 6, 176–77, 123, 180 calling/preparing the council, 64–67, modernism, 33, 42–45 78, 119–22, 138–39, 177, 196–97, Pius XI, Pope, 34, 48–51, 54, 57, 63, 248 283–84, 305–7 ecumenism, 58, 282–83 opening the council, xvi, 126, 143, 145, Pius XII, Pope, 23, 51–53, 58–59, 63, 122, 164–65 249, 267 role during the council, 68, 157, 233, 333 biblical scholarship, 34, 55, 117, 156, 168, 170 Käsemann, Ernst, 32 liturgy, 56–57, 176–77, 182 Kelly, Gerald, 331–32 Mystici Corporis Christi, 55, 118, 199, König, Franz, 82, 84–85, 166, 169, 234 214, 283 Küng, Hans, 84–86 see also Pacelli, Eugenio. Lagrange, Marie-Joseph, 29–31, 56 Rahner, Karl, 107, 199, 236, 238 Leo XIII, Pope, 57, 267, 297 as peritus, 78, 81–84, 156 biblical scholarship, 31, 33–34, 41–42, Ratzinger, Joseph, 190–91, 240–41, 299, 168 314–15 Lercaro, Giacomo, 67, 187–89 as peritus, 81–87, 156 Loisy, Alfred, 31, 43–44 see also Benedict XVI, Pope. Lottin, Odon, 321–22, 327 Rynne, Xavier, 90, 349 Maritain, Jacques, 25, 289 Sarah, Robert, 242 Marmion, Columba, 20 Scheeben, Matthias, 20, 199–200 Marx, Karl, 116–17 Schillebeeckx, Edward, 84–87, 92 Mersch, Émile, 55, 214, 324 Schmemann, Alexander, 87 Meyer, Gregory, 66, 234 Schuman, Robert, 57 Michel, Virgil, 16 Schütz, Roger, 87 Möhler, Johann Adam, 19–20, 36, 162, Semmelroth, Otto, 82, 157 198–99, 214 Smulders, Piet, 160 Montini, Giovanni Battista, 66 Spellman, Francis, 67 see also Paul VI, Pope. Suenens, Leo Joseph, 21, 66, 85, 138–39, Murphy, Francis X., 90, 349 141, 345 Murray, John Courtney, 37, 289–90, 329, Lumen Gentium, 80, 146, 233 331 women in the church, 72, 89, 218, 267 Mussolini, Benito, 49, 52 Tardini, Domenico, 64 Newman, John Henry, 19, 43, 59, 162, Thurian, Max, 87 168, 211–12, 225 Tillmann, Fritz, 321 Nissiotis, Nikos, 87, 347 Tobin, Mary-Luke, 89 Tromp, Sebastian, 79, 199, 346 O’Malley, John W., 144–46, 258 Ottaviani, Alfredo, 82, 86, 122, 285, 345 Vischer, Lukas, 87, 347 Visser ’t Hooft, Willem, 87 Pacelli, Eugenio, 47, 49–51, 240, 284, 312 Vito, Francesco, 89 see also Pius XII, Pope. Volk, Hermann, 83–84 Pangrazio, Andrea, 88, 165, 285 von Rad, Gerhard, 32 Paul VI, Pope, 136, 151, 240, 284, 312 Vosté, Jacques-Marie, 34 birth control, 230, 334 liturgy, 175, 187, 191 Willebrands, Johannes, 58, 88, 289 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48356-8 — The Cambridge Companion to Vatican II Edited by Richard R. Gaillardetz Index More Information Index of Subjects 1985 Extraordinary Synod, 97, 104, 137, bishops, conferences of, 63, 71–72, 140, 208, 238 239–40, 261, 335 and liturgical adaptation, 184, 191, Acta Synodalia, 341–44 193, 239, 242 Action Française, 21, 54 authority of, 240–42 Ad Gentes, 132, 159, 205, 226, 261, bishops, synod of, 74, 91, 240–44 311 black week, 85, 88, 91 culture, 144, 183–84 mission, 148–51 canon law, code of, 45, 65 aggiornamento, 98–99, 115, 121, 138, Catholic Action, 16, 20, 54–55, 57 267 Catholic social teaching, 16, 57, 117, anti-semitism, 50, 304, 307 See also justice, social Apostolicam Actuositatem, 205, 215, Catholic Worker, 16, 54 218, 222–23, 225 catholicity. See under unity drafting of, 348 charism, 205, 207–9, 213, 224, 276–79 Apostolos Suos, 240, 242 Christ, 172, 274, 323 auditors. See under participants at the church, 178–79, 196–206, 221, 286 council liturgy, 177–80, 203 authority ordained priesthood, 252–55 episcopal, 235–36, 240–42 revelation, 157–61 papal, 7, 232, 240, 304–5 Christus Dominus, 71, 205, 239, 253 teaching, 163–64, 165, 212, 238–39, church 243 as communion, 136–37, 179, 207–9, see also infallibility. 212–13, 230, 237–38 as communion-in-mission, 136–38, baptism, 146–47, 213, 221–23, 270 152 as foundation for ministry, 222, 224, ecclesia docens/discens, 6, 213, 245 262–63 eschatology, 121, 123, 128, 206 ecumenism, 150, 215, 220–21, 294–97 as hierarchical, 4, 6–7, 11, 45, 53, 126, equality of all baptized, 146, 224, 262 137, 198, 212, 214, 232, 276 membership in the church, 215, as holy and sinful, 126, 128, 130–31, 219–20 219 biblical renewal movement, 20, 24, 26, as institution, 118–19, 123, 125–26, 29–35, 55–56, 117 137, 286 see also Divino Afflante Spiritu. membership in, 127, 150, 220, 283, birth control, 5, 74, 319–20, 332–35 286–87, 291 see also Humanae Vitae. mission of, 119, 129, 133, 207, bishop, 217, 235–42 226–27 fullness of orders, 236, 253, 256–57 see also under Christ; Eucharist; Holy see also collegiality. Spirit; salvation; Trinity. 355 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48356-8 — The Cambridge Companion to Vatican II Edited by Richard R. Gaillardetz Index More Information 356 index of subjects church (cont.) and style, 103, 144–46 as mystery, 137, 199, 201–2, 214 culture, 132, 143–44, 151, 181–84, 187, as (mystical) body of Christ, 55, 118, 191–92, 216–17, 229, 279 126, 178–79, 198–99, 206, 214–16, Curia, Roman 283, 287–88 implementation of the council, 70, and (modern) world, 17, 21, 120–21, 188–89 142–43, 227–28, 262, 270, 326, 329 preparation for the council, 64, 78, 120 as needing ongoing reform, 21, 121, reform of, 45, 70, 74 123, 127–28, 131 role at the council, 66, 68, 70, 100 as people of God, 109, 124–26, 137, 146, 202, 216–21, 246, 286 deacons, permanent, 260–61, 264 as pilgrim, 124, 126–33, 163, 197, 206, Dei Filius, 155 218–19 Dei Verbum, 104, 131, 141, 157–64, as sacrament, 82, 86, 127–29, 137, 151, 204–5, 254 222, 227 drafting of, 68, 82–83, 156–57, 161 as society, 6, 118, 126, 286 scripture, 168–73 and state, 45, 288–90 scripture and tradition, 131, 204 Churches, Eastern Catholic, 48, 50, 53, development of doctrine. See under 185, 293 doctrine Churches, Eastern Orthodox, 50, 53, dialogue 293–94 as principle of the council, 98 collegiality, 74, 80, 83, 110, 232–33, 236–38 ecumenical, 150, 283, 292, 312 debate on, 83, 233–35 interreligious, 150–51, 311–16 instruments of, 239–40 with the world, 142, 150, 227–28, 312 Commission, Antepreparatory, 64, 120, Dignitatis Humanae, 131–32, 149–50, 342 318 Commission, Theological/Doctrinal, 65, drafting of, 86, 285–86, 289–90 78–82, 85, 91, 235 freedom of religion, 228, 288 commissions, conciliar, 66, 68–70, dignity, human, 142, 150, 227–28 73–74, 78, 100, 105 Divino Afflante Spiritu, 30, 33–34, 56, commissions, preparatory, 65, 68–69, 118, 156, 168, 170 100, 120, 177, 342 doctrine communion ecclesiology.