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Issn 1672-8025 ART BEIJING A GUIDE TO THE MAINLAND'S BIGGEST TRASH FAIR Follow us on WeChat Now Advertising Hotline 400 820 8428 城市漫步北京 英文版 09 月份 国内统一刊号: CN 11-5232/GO China Intercontinental Press ISSN 1672-8025 SEPTEMBER 2015 公寓广告设计英文版本210-287_复制.pdf 1 15/8/20 下午5:25 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 主管单位 :中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 主办单位 :五洲传播出版社 地址 :北京市海淀区北三环中路31 号生产力大楼 B 座 602 邮编 100088 B-602 Shengchanli Building, No. 31 Beisanhuan Zhonglu, Haidian District, Beijing 100088, PRC 社长 President of China Intercontinental Press 李红杰 Li Hongjie 期刊部负责人 Supervisor of Magazine Department 邓锦辉 Deng Jinhui 编辑 Editor 刘扬 Liu Yang 发行 / 市场 Distribution / Marketing 黄静,李若琳 Huang Jing, Li Ruolin Editor-in-Chief Stephen George Deputy Editor Oscar Holland Senior Editors Marianna Cerini, Noelle Mateer Designers Tin Wu, Xiaoran Li Staff Photographer Holly Li Contributors Dominique Wong, Andrew Chin, Mia Li, Karoline Kan, Sophia Pederson, Tongfei Zhang, Nancy Tong, Stefano Li Urbanatomy Media Shanghai (Head office) 上海和舟广告有限公司 上海市蒙自路 169 号智造局 2 号楼 305-306 室 邮政编码 : 200023 Room 305-306, Building 2, No.169 Mengzi Lu, Shanghai 200023 电话 : 021-8023 2199 传真 : 021-8023 2190 (From February 13) Beijing 广告代理 : 上海和舟广告有限公司 北京市东城区东直门外大街 48 号东方银座 C 座 9G 邮政编码 : 100027 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie Oriental Kenzo (Ginza Mall) Building C Room 9G, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027 电话 : 010-8447 7002 传真 : 010-8447 6455 Guangzhou 上海和舟广告有限公司广州分公司 广州市越秀区麓苑路 42 号大院 2 号楼 610 房 邮政编码 : 510095 Room 610, No. 2 Building, Area 42, Lu Yuan Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, PRC 510095 电话 : 020-8358 6125, 传真 : 020-8357 3859-800 Shenzhen 广告代理 : 上海和舟广告有限公司广州分公司 深圳市福田区彩田路星河世界大厦 C1-1303 C1-1303, Galaxy Century Building, Cai Tian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 电话 : 0755-8623 3220, 传真 : 0755-8623 3219 Operations Manager Ning Zhu Sales Manager Louise Chen Sales Emma Cao, Clara Li, Daisy Lu, Morri Qin, Christina Zhuang Marketing Manager Justin Culkin Marketing Assistant Vivid Zhu Distribution Manager Yang Juan Web & IT Amul Qiu, Ken Zhou 朝阳店 CHAOYANG PARK STORE TEL: (010) 65016249 \ 65931220 Management 东湖别墅店 EAST LAKE STORE West Gate of Chaoyang Park, TEL: (010) 84511168 Chaoyang District CEO Leo Zhou 朝阳区农展南路 号(朝阳公园西门南 米) B1 of East Lake Villa Club, Dongcheng 1 60 Financial Manager Laura Lu District 东城区东湖别墅东湖俱乐部地下一层 三里屯店 SANLITUN STORE HR Manager Penny Li TEL: (010) 64616928 \ 64635156 Digital Project Manager Bridget O’Donnell 观湖国际店 GREEN LAKE STORE No.6 Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang TEL: (010) 59283525 \ 59283723 District General enquiries (010) 8447 7002 A1 Building of GreenLake International 朝阳区三里屯北小街 6 号 Editorial (010) 8447 7069 Apartment, Chaoyang District 朝阳区观湖国际甲 1 号楼 芳草地店 RITAN STORE Events (010) 8447 7069 TEL: (010) 85630626 Distribution/Subscription (010) 8447 7002 新城国际店 CENTRAL PARK STORE No.4 Ritan North Road, Chaoyang Marketing (010) 8447 7603 TEL: (010) 65336791 District No. 101, Tower 17, Central Park, NO.6, 朝阳区日坛北路 4 号 Advertising (010) 8447 7073 Chaowai Ave. Chaoyang District Fax (010) 8447 6455 朝阳区朝外大街 6 号新城国际 17 栋 101 香江花园店 RIVERA GARDEN STORE TEL: (010) 84701557 \ 84704095 海晟店 SEASONS PARK STORE No.1 Laiguangying East Road, TEL: (010) 64175815 Chaoyang District First floor of Dongchengyishu No.6, 朝阳区来广营东路 1 号 Shizipo Street, Chaoyang District 建外 SOHO 店 JIANWAI SOHO STORE 朝阳区十字坡街 6 号东城逸墅 1 层 广告经营许可证 : 京海工商广字第 8069 号 TEL: (010) 58692326 \ 58692253 法律顾问 : 大成律师事务所 魏君贤律师 逸盛阁店 EAST AVENUE STORE 0413 of Building 4, Jianwai SOHO, Legal Advisor: Wei Junxian, Dacheng Law Firm TEL: (010) 64602658 No. 39 Middle Dongsanhuan Road, 国际标准刊号 ISSN 1672-8025 Room 108 ,East Avenue, No.10 Chaoyang District Xindong Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环中路 39 号建外 SOHO4 号 国内统一刊号 CN 11-5232/GO 朝阳区新东路 10 号逸盛阁 108 室 楼 0413 定价 : 25.00 元 邮发代号 : 2-930 部分非卖品 , 仅限赠阅 2 | SEPTEMBER 2015 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM EDITOR’S DEALS NOTE We‘re giving away tickets to some of SEPTEMBER the very biggest LAST MONTH ENDED, AS THIS MONTH BEGAN – WITH CLEAN BLUE SKIES AND (RELATIVELY) Beijing events, parties, openings, traffic-free streets. Now, imagine for a moment that these types of occurrences were an eve- ryday reality and not a singular event. It’s the sort of tempting fantasy we’d– usually dismiss out of hand (why create false expectations?). But as this month’s Cover Story proves, Beijing’s shows and talks all future isn’t necessarily predestined to live out the mistakes of the present at least not yet. If the experts we spoke with are to be believed, the capital could one day become a genuinely month, alongside a intelligent, well-organized, livable city. How? Turn to page 42 to find out. We’re looking to the future in this month’s City section too, as we head to Zhangjiakou, the whole other host of Bird’s Nest Stadium and a lonely Kazak restaurant on the day of last month’s IOC announce- ment, to assess the reaction to Beijing and Zhangjiakou’s joint winning bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics (page 10). free meals, drinks Elsewhere in the magazine, we preview Beijing Design Week (page 40); meet with our fa- vorite band of the moment, Stolen (page 36); talk Chinese convenience store snacks with the discounts and UK’s most exciting drum ‘n’ bass DJ and producer, Sam Binga (page 34); drink homebrewed spicy gin with the fellas over at Capital Spirits (page 58); engage in an unmoving – and frankly giveaways. All you pointless – interview with British rock outfit Muse (but here it is anyway, page 32); and round up Beijing’s best dressed men, as selected by Fashion Editor, Marianna Cerini (page 22). have to do is scan Until next time, the QR code below, follow us on WeChat Stephen George Editor-in-Chief and stay alert for your chance to win FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Thats_Beijing Oscar [right] and I soaking up the anti-fascist ambience of parade day WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | SEPTEMBER 2015 | 3 QUOTE OF THE MONTH “This is ridiculous! I came here for the ceremony. What’s the point of standing here, when I could go home and watch it on An elderly ZhangjiakouTV?” resident on the announcement of the 2022 Winter Olympics, page 10 6 CITY 8 MUMMY BOYS Tomb raiders are digging for an- cient9 MORAL treasure MAZE in outer Beijing Would Confucius really abandon a critically17 WORD ill ON friend? THE STREET 8 Express your utter hopelessness – using Chinese slang! 18 LIFE & STYLE 18 THE LITTLE ONE SAID …roulou-ver, with new kids clothing20 WRAPPED brand Tang’ UP Roulou Summer28 WINDOW is gone SHOPPING – deal with it We’ve got Beijing’s latest style 18 openings covered 30 ARTS 36 STEAL BAND Chengdu38 ALIVE quintet AND StolenKICKING The live house is dead, long live the40 creativeDESIGNS space FOR LIVING Our guide to this year’s Beijing 28 Design Week 52 EAT & DRINK 54 WHOSE CUP OF TEA Is China falling out of love with an old56 favorite?BEER GOGGLES The Autumn Craft Beer Festival is almost58 SPIRITED here AWAY 54 The Distillery’s craft liquor is the new craft beer 4 | SEPTEMBER 2015 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM THE WRAP 10 COLD LIGHT OF DAY As the Winter Olympics 2022 is announced, we travel to Zhangjiakou, the Bird’s Nest and the Kazakhstani Embassy in search of someone who cares 34 HARBINGA OF BASS DJ and producer Sam Binga talks drum ‘n’ bass (‘n’ pineapple slushies) 22 IT’S A MAN’S WORLD …or it is this month anyway, as we talk to six of Beijing’s best-dressed chaps WWW.THATSMAGS.COM | SEPTEMBER 2015 | 5 THE BUZZ BLASTING OFF Final touches are made to decorations along Chang’an Avenue ahead of this month’s military parade STIFF DRINK RANDOM NUMBER Is the number of songs Chinese authorities have ordered Next time you break out the baijiu, be careful, as the to be pulled from the Internet due to their “severely shots may have more than their usual kick. Last month, problematic content.” The songs include inspired titles Chinese authorities seized more than 5,300 bottles of such as ‘Don't Want to Go to School,’ ‘All Must Die’ and spirits from two manufacturers in Liuzhou, who were ‘Fart.’ The banned songs are mostly by unknown local found adding their own special form of aphrodisiac to hip-hop artists, though popular acts such as Taiwanese their products. The spirits – which were intended for singer Chang Csun Yuk (right) also make the list. sale across the country, including Beijing – were laced According to the Ministry of Culture, no individual with sildenafil and tadalafil, generic forms of erectile or organization is allowed to play or share the songs. dysfunction drugs similar to Viagra. Anyone who doesn’t comply faces “severe punishment.” 6 | SEPTEMBER 2015 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT ASK A LAOBEIJING A Guangzhou university student’s court We met 46-year-old Mo while traveling in his taxi from case against China’s Ministry of Education Panjiayuan to Sanlitun over school textbooks that “demonize” gays and lesbians has been successfully What do you filed at Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s think Beijing will look like Court. Homosexuality was decriminalized in the future? in China in 1997 and removed from an official list of mental illnesses in 2001. But with psychiatry and psychology textbooks continuing to describe homosexuality as something that needs to be “cured,” it’s clear there’s still some way to go. According to the student who filed the case, Chen Qiuyan: “[The authorities] have no idea how harmful a textbook could be to a young student struggling with his or her identity.” “I think the future will be much better! I’ve heard that they will relocate a lot of the government offices out beyond the Fifth Ring Road.
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    INTRODUCTION Looking at various newspapers, magazines and websites over the period 2004 to the present, it becomes apparent that our understanding of the reintroduction of stereoscopy (D3D) is anything but clear. There are disagreements among accounts of D3D regarding its artistic value, and its impact on the entertainment industry and audience. Over the 2004 to the present period, the digital screen period, I have seen D3D cast as an evolutionary step for the industry: ‘Why wouldn’t we want this Darwinian edge in our workplaces, in our sports and entertainment, in all our peak visual experiences?’ (Cameron in Cohen, 2008). I have seen it described as ‘the next great revolution’ of cinema (Giles & Katzenberg, 2010, p. 10) and as a facilitator of art, one that could aid the audience to enter the realm of the on-screen performer (Wenders in James, 2011, p. 22). I have also seen it described as artistically limited, with claims, such as, director, Werner Herzog’s ‘[that] you can shoot a porno film in 3D, but you cannot film a romantic comedy in 3D’ (Herzog in Wigley, 2011, p. 29). Newspaper headlines have described it as a health concern: ‘3D film strikes two movie-goers with bout of motion sickness’ (Helliwell, 2010, p. 2).2 As well, I have seen arguments expounding the idea that stereoscopy’s reintroduction is simply evidence that the popular film industry lacks ideas. For example, popular film critic, Roger Ebert, has argued that D3D was just ‘[a]nother Hollywood infatuation with a technology that was already pointless when their grandfathers played with stereoscopes’ (Ebert, 2010a).
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  • Copyrighted Material
    GAMES INFORMATION The Olympic & Paralympic Movement The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was created in 1894 and the fi rst Olympic Games of the modern era opened in Athens on April 6, 1896. The goal of the Olympic Movement is to build a peaceful and bet- ter world by educating youth through sport, by bringing together ath- letes from all countries in sincere and impartial competition, and by sharing with a spirit of friendship, solidarity, and fair play. No discrimina- tion of any kind is allowed against any country or person on grounds of race, religion, or politics. The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) was founded in 1989 and is one of the largest sport organizations in the world. Representing the vast majority of athletes with a disability, it has taken sport to a new and higher level, providing unique opportunities from a developmental to an elite sport level. Today, thousands of athletes participate in more than 300 international competitions every year all over the world. Through its ideals and activities, the IPC seeks the continuous global promotion of the values of the Paralympic Movement, with a vision of inspiration and empowerment. Every person or organization that plays any part whatsoever in the Olympic and Paralympic Movement must accept the supreme authority of the IOC and the IPC and shall be bound by their rules. The Olympic and Paralympic Games are held every four years, at which time athletes of all nations affi liated with the worldwide Olympic Movement are assembled for fair and equal competition. The Olympic Movement celebrates an “Olympiad,” a period of four successive years.
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