LCJE Bulletin Issue 129, September–October 2017
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LCJE Bulletin Issue 129, September–October 2017 11th LCJE European Conference THE REFORMATION — 500 YEARS Franz Julius Delitzsch Remembering Roger Horwood Networking Jewish Evangelism LCJELausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism From the Coordinator We owe a great debt to Martin Luther when it comes to understanding what the Gospel is. As the statement issued by the LCJE 11th European Conference in August 2017 asserts: “we are grateful to Martin Luther and the Fathers of the Reformation who opened the doors for all believ- ers to read and understand the Bible as the true and only authoritative, LCJE Bulletin revealed Word of God....” Nevertheless, at the same time, we also “reject Issue No. 129 Martin Luther’s statements of condemnation against the Jewish people as September–October 2017 completely contradictory to the teachings of the Bible.” 31 October 2017 will mark the traditional date for the 500th anniversary © Lausanne Consultation on of the Reformation, but what are we really marking? It will be the 500th Jewish Evangelism anniversary of the rediscovery of the Gospel by a Gentile (Martin Luther Editor: Jim Melnick and others) of a Messianic Jewish faith (to which Gentiles were grafted Address: LCJE in) that had already been corrupted by Gentiles! (the Roman Catholic P.O. Box 5501 Church). Martin Luther got it right when it came to the core of the Gospel Falmouth, VA 22403 USA - justification by faith and the sola doctrines, but he got it terribly wrong when it came to most of what he wrote regarding the Jewish people, and Printed by: Wave Printing & those writings later had terrible consequences... Graphics, Fredericksburg, VA As someone who grew up in a Lutheran church but came to faith at a USA Billy Graham (Leighton Ford) Crusade in June 1967, I well understand the Individual membership US $25 contradictory nature of Luther’s legacy when it comes to honoring him for annually; subscription US $15 his great contributions to the Reformation while also acknowledging and payable to ‘LCJE’ denouncing his anti-Jewish attitudes. Finding the right balance in this is vital for our joint witness to the Jewish people. We must also continue Payment: By check or bank to educate the Church as a whole. This is a painful process, but we must wire transfer; see face the hard truths of the past. Only then can there be true healing and (under “Contact”) renewal. In this issue of the Bulletin, I have tried to strike the right bal- ance between these two poles with both Armin Bachor’s insightful over- CONTENTS view of Luther’s times in “The Secret of the Reformation,” along with my 2 From the Coordinator own review of Richard Harvey’s sobering but very important book, Luther 3 Devotional: Dwelling in the and the Jews: Putting Right the Lies. Word (Part II) 6 The 11th LCJE European The name of Franz Delitzsch is often mentioned in discussions of his Conference in Berlin famous Hebrew New Testament or among lists of great scholars in Jew- 7 Conference Statement ish ministry from past centuries. But as far as I can tell, we have not 9 The Secret of the Reformation published an article strictly about his life and work in the Bulletin. AMZI’s 12 Assessing Luther’s Contradic- Jurek Schulz presented a paper on Delitzsch at the LCJE European confer- tory Legacy - A Review of ence in August, and we are re-printing it here. Luther and the Jews 13 Franz Delitzsch — Fighter for In this issue we also look at recent LCJE regional conferences in Israel the Authority of the Bible and and South Africa, remembering former South Africa Area Coordinator Creator of the Hebrew New Roger Horwood, as well as the ‘passing of the torch’ to the next genera- Testament tion in Israel and the contributions of some of the Messianic pioneers. 15 LCJE South Africa: David Harley’s second CEO devotional opens this issue as we consider Remembering Roger how to deal with some of the pressures of leadership in ministry. Horwood 16 Roger Horwood article: In our sure hope for the coming salvation of Israel. Jim Melnick My Hope is in You All Day Long (reprinted) Isaiah 45:17: “Israel shall be saved by an everlasting salvation...” 17 LCJE Israel Regional Conference [email protected] 19 Passing the Torch to the Next Generation in Israel 21 Upcoming LCJE Meetings Front cover photos: In this issue, the top image is a photo of the 11th 22 Life in Messiah Ad LCJE European Conference held in Berlin from 14-17 August 2017. The sec- 22 LCJE Facebook & Twitter ond row, from left to right, shows a photo of Franz Delitzsch, famed trans- 23 “On the Derekh” Conference lator of the Hebrew New Testament, followed by a cover image of Dr Richard 23 Caspari Media Review Harvey’s new book, Luther and the Jews - Putting Right the Lies, followed by a photo of Roger Horwood, former LCJE South Africa Area Coordinator. 2 Dwelling in the Word: The Pressures of Leadership (Part II) Numbers 11:1–14; 12:1–3 By David Harley, Past LCJE International Coordinator Editor’s Note: As noted in Issue read in verse 1 they start complain- #128, David Harley’s three-part ing. Verse 1 says they complained series, “Dwelling in the Word,” was about their hardship. The Living one of the most popular segments Bible says they complained about at the Fifth CEO Conference in May their misfortune. Verse 4 says they 2017 in Haslev, Denmark. In this complained about the food. issue we publish Part II. The full The Lord had done so much for series is also now available on the this people. He had rescued them LCJE website at the CEO Webpage. from slavery. He had saved them from Pharaoh’s army. He had guid- Overview ed them and provided for them in In the USA 1,500 pastors leave the desert. He had adopted them their ministries every month due David Harley as his people and given them his to burn out, conflict or moral fail- law and shown them his glory. And ure. 50% feel unable to meet the sandwich and a leg of fried quail. the creator of the universe was liv- demands of the job. 57% would Late at night Moses arrived home, ing among them. And they com- do something else if they could. feeling absolutely exhausted. plain about their misfortune! 94% feel under pressure to have Jethro said to him: “You are Moses hears them. It is just one a perfect family (Pastors at Greater crazy. You will burn out. You will complaint after another. He can’t Risk, by Neil and London, 2003). give yourself a breakdown. You will cope and he cries to God: “Why In the UK, according to a recent have a stroke or heart attack. You have you done this to me? Why survey, 72% of pastors some- can’t go on like this.” have you put me in this situation? times feel they are close to burn Moses’ response was to say that How can I possibly cope with all out. 18% often feel they are on he had to do all this. It was part the people? How can I feed them the verge of burn out or they have of his job description. He was re- in a desert? This is an impossible crossed the line. sponsible. This was what God had task. If this is the way you are go- called him to do. He was a leader ing to treat me, I wish I was dead.” Leaders and burnout who was extremely conscientious. He does not mince his words. Why do so many pastors and mis- He had been appointed to this Moses is not alone in feeling like sion leaders experience burnout? job and he could do things others this. So many committed spiritual One reason is they never stop. can’t. But he couldn’t do every- leaders have felt like that too. It They work 24/7. Christopher Ash, thing. That is the point that Jethro is all too much. They feel that God a leading evangelical in the UK, makes. Sometimes it is wise to lis- is taking them for a ride. They wrote a book called Zeal without ten to your father-in-law! want out. Look at Jeremiah 20 or Burnout. Twice he came to the Jethro said: “You have got to del- the story of Elijah. Here are peo- edge of burnout and had to take egate. You have got to share this ple who are trying to serve God, time out to recover. He realised job with others. Be realistic. Find be faithful to their calling and it he was trying to do too much and people with the right gifts and just becomes too much. Now the solve every problem. His wife said ability, people who are respected advice God gives to Moses is the to him: “When God chose a Mes- within the community, and give same as the advice as Jethro gave. siah, it wasn’t you!” them specific areas of responsibil- You need to share the burden of ity. Then trust them to do the job leadership. You need others who Moses and Jethro - learning to and let them come to you if they will lead with you. Moses is told to delegate have a problem they can’t handle.” gather 70 elders and to bring them Moses tried to do everything. to the tent of meeting where God In Exodus 18, his father-in-law But still there are complaints will endue them with his spirit for came to visit.