Franz Delitzsch

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Franz Delitzsch M F R A N Z D E L I T Z S C H El m e mo r i a l ( tr i b u te. V SAMUEL I ES CURTISS , P F E S S O R I N CH ICA T H E ICA E I N A Y R O GO OLOG L S M R . E D I N B U R G H . C L A R K 3 8 O T T , GE R GE S T REET . 1 8 9 1 . P IN T E D BY M I N A N D I R ORR SO G BB , F O R B T . 85 T . C L R K E D N U R G H . A , I N D N H AMI T N AD AM A N D C O . LO O , L O , S , D I E E H E E U N T . BL , G ORG RB R N E ‘V Y K C I N E A N D VVE L F O RD OR , S R B R . ‘ E u my $210t Qfiumm h z I N T Y A N D V S UD , RECREATION , CHRISTIAN SER ICE , P G 1 878-1 878 LEI ZI , , A A R R E N E R E Y D R PH , P R OF E S S O R C S P G G O , . , THIS SLIGHT TRIBUTE T O T H E MEMORY OF OU R BELOVED TEACHER IS DEDICAT ED AS W E CLASP H ANDS ONCE MORE V B I S G V O ER RA E . PR E F A C E . THIS Memorial was u nd e r ta ke n at the suggestion of m ! o f y friend , Professor Caspar Ren Gregory the f s r o . Unive sity Leipzig It is not de igned , however , i n a ny w a y to forestall a large wor k which is r i n r n A s s r e r e p omised Ge ma . eve al y a s may lapse r r e n befo e that work can appea , it is hoped m a while that this little volu me may be welcom ed by those wh o n a nd r e r k ew loved P of sso Delitzsch . no s i s It lays claim to completenes , although it based o n a n intimate acquaintance with h im which began i n 1 8 7 3 o n a car efu l examination o f original u m e n no t vi s r a nd o n doc ts , pre ou ly b ought to light ; personal i nt e rviews with those who we re acqu ainted r r a nd m r fo r with P ofesso Delitzsch his othe years , o ne of whom wa s a n Old schoolm ate at the Nicolai u m Gymnasi . h i s r n e n a nd While it does not contain co respo d ce , many detail s which would be so interesting to for mer u s p pils , it may perhaps present some picture which may be helpful in giving at least a faint conception PREFACE . o f the noble personality which we associate with the name Franz Delitzsch . If all o u r theologians could be animated with his s r di s pi it , debatable questions in theology would be t r n cussed withou bitte ess , and childlike faith would n b e combi ed with scientific research . N o effor t h a s been made to suppress anything r e f conce ning his arly di ficulties and struggles . The o to whole st ry is told so far as it is known me . I can only believe that the more his life is studied r o u r fo r the g eater must be admiration his industry, - fo r his learning, his self denying labours , and his warm devotion to the cause o f Christ . AMUEL ES URT S IV C ISS . G F e br u a r 1 89 1 . CHICA O , y C ON T E N T S . CH A P .! ’ . K D E L I T Z S C s I S ETCH OF H LIFE , W II . THE LAST FARE ELL, A S A N D G III . DELITZSCH TEACHER THEOLO IAN , D E L I T z s o H A S A N D Iv . AUTHOR FRIEND OF AUTHORS , V T H E OF . DELITZSCH AS FRIEND ISRAEL, A E N D X P P I . V I . ITA , G P Y II . AUTOBIO RA H , . P OF W K III ARTIAL LIST OR S , F RAN Z DEL I TZ S CH. CHAPTER I . ’ SKETCH OF D EL ITZ S C H S LIFE . ' em e m e r : Th e n m Of e en s u fi e r eth e n e a nd th e R b ki gdo h av viol c , ’ t e itb r — v e nt e . D iol ak y fo c ELITZSCH . m n n r e HE fa ily , whose name Fra z Delitzsch i he it d , o ne . e r was a very humble The name , how ve , ’ r o . as appears f om the records , was D litzsch The n u u l father, who was born in Leisnig, a tow bea tif ly u r e n wa s sit ated on the road f om Leipzig to Dresd , a r i n s n - r e r deale eco d hand clothes . The g andfath , who was a gr enadier i n a regiment under th e com mand o f 1 r - n r L e co r n Majo Ge e al q, came f om We disch Luppa, i n O a small place Saxony, near schatz . n u e wa s His mother, whose maiden ame was M ll r, m u n r fro Schke ditz , a town ear Leipzig, on the oad Y o' to Halle . oung D litzsch was married quietly on th e l s t 1 8 03 r of June , when he was a little ove 1 T h e fi gu r e s i n th e te xtr e fer to th e notes a tth e e nd of th e e rs chapt . 2 FRANZ DELITZSCH . n o f twe ty years age . It is clear from the church records , which I have examined with greatest r o f ca e , that both the families represented in this m a n arri ge were of pure Germa extraction , without a n o f y trace Jewish blood , as has sometimes been imagined . So far as we can learn , there was no r o f f uit this union until about ten years later, as will s oon appear. Some years ago Professor Delitzsch wrote regar d i n r e r g a discovery made by his colleague , P of sso K o f abuis , a Magister Andreas Delitzsch , who was connected with the University o f Leipzig in the time f o the Reformation . In this article Professor De l itz sch fo r r to o says that nea ly ten years he , , was n a know as M gister Delitzsch , and seems to wish that i n some way a connection mi ght be established between h im a nd the o ne whose name was thus ex h u m e d l from Ob ivion . With evident regret , however , he remarks that probably there is no connection b e tween the family Of D Ol itz sch and that o f Delitzsch o n o f ff o f account the di erent spelling the name . l h n fo r But the Spe ling proves not i g , down to the present century the spelling o f names often differs to according the sound , and the sound according to f provincial varieties o pronunciation . Thus we find ’ in duplicate records o f the baptism o f D e li tz sch s ffi father , that in the o cial record kept by the sexton 3 D Ol itz sch the name is written , while in the copy kept by the superintendent of the parish the name is o f a o f Delitzsch , and in the record the marri ge his ’ K D ELITZ S CH S 3 S ETCH OF LIFE . parents at Schkeuditz the name is a lso written 4 Delitzsch . i o f m No nob lity fa ily , however, could add any f thing to the lustre o his name . All who may hereafter bear it might well wish to prove that in some way their families were connected with his . He first saw th e light in a house which was then N o 1 2 9 9 Gr im m a sch e o f . Steinweg, a continuation G r im m a sch e o f Strasse , outside the ancient city m 2 r 1 8 1 On 4th 3 d 3 . li its , February , the of March m n i n ni i mediately followi g, accord g to the u versal custom of th e Lutheran Church at that time of b u t allowing little delay between birth and baptism , z he was bapti ed in the Nicolai Church .
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