CenSQS of India 1971-SerieS-18 Raja' n is being publisbed in tbe following parts:

Government vf India Publications

Part I-A General Report. Part I-B An analysis of the demographic, social, cultural and rtIigration patterns. Part I-C Subsidiary Tables. Part JI-A General Population Tables. (The present volume) Part Il-B EcoDomi& Tables. Part I1-C(i) Distribution of PopulatIon, Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. Part 1I-C(ii) Other Social & Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Composition. Single Year Age, Marital Status, Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes, etc., Bilingualism. Part I1I-A Report on Establishments. Part III-B Establishment Tables. Part IV Housing Report and Tables. Part V Special Tables and Notes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. Part VI-A Town Directory. Part VI-B Special Survey Report on Selected Towns. Part VI-C Survey Report on Selected Villages. Part VII Special Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel. Part VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration. } For official use only. Part VII.·B Administration Report-Tabulation. Part IX Census Atlas. Part IX-A Administrative Atlas.

Government of Rajasthan Publications

Part X-A & X-B District Census Hand Book-Town and Villag~ Directory & Primary O:nsu s Abstract. Part X-C District Census Hand Book-Census Tab~es and Official Statisticl. I Population Statistics 1971 (Pocket book), PREFACE

HOW MANY ARE WE; how is our population distributed by districts, tehsils and by towns, as also by, the rural and urban areas of the districts and tehsils; what is the density of population for all these units; what is the number of inhabited and un-inhabited villages, how many towns are there and what is the number of occupied residential hl)uses and the number of households? Also, what is the decadal variation in our district population during ~he last seventy years, and, what is the classification of our villages and towns by population sizes? Answers to all these questions are the subject matter of this volume.

Basic information on these points was extracted during the course of the primary tabulation of the Census data and first compiled in the form of the Primary Census Abstract. Further processing yielded more information. This is contained in the set of four tables and the Primary Census Abstract, presented in this volume. An introductory note, which precedes these tables, attempts to provide the necessary orientation and background to the reader. Towards the end of this book, a special annexure has been provided which details the names of villages in certain population ranges, an information which is in great demand by various government and private agencies.

I express my deep gralltude to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, Registrar General, India, Shri K. K. Cbakravorty, Assistant Registrar General and to Shri S. C. Srivastava, Assistant Central Tabulation_ Officer for their guidance.

For the preparation of this volume all credit goes to Dr. U. B. Mathur, Deputy Director. He was ably assisted by Shri S. R. Luhadia, Assistant Director, Shri R. C. Bhargava, Investigator, Shri S. P. Kashyap, Senior Technical Assistant, and other members of the staff listed overleaf. I thank them all.

Rambagb Palace Annexe, V. S. VERMA Jaipur Director, 25th March, 1973. Census Operationr, Rojasthan OTHER MEMBERS OF THE STAFF ASSOCIATED WITH TIllS WORK

1" data processing: 1. Shri R. N. Verma Tabulation Officer 2. Shri Abdul Waheed Statistical Assistant 3. Shri T. C. Basandani Statistical Assistant 4. Shri A. R. Bhakar Junior Investigator S. Shri T. C. Bhandari Junior Investigator 6. Shri S. K. Kala Computor 7. Shri O. P. Sharma Assistant Compiler 8. Shri Yogesh Manglani Assistant Compiler 9. Shri L. R. Chandnani Assistant Compiler

1" preparatio" of Maps: 1. Dr. R. K. Tyagi Geographer 2. Shri M. L. Kumawat Senior Artist 3. Shri M. P. Pareek Assistant Compiler

I" Print ina : 1. Shri M. M. Goyal Tabulation Officer 2. Shri T. C. Patni StatIstical Assistant PART D-A


POPULATION Total Persons 25,765.806 Males 13.484,383 Females 12.281,423-

Rural Persona 21.222,045- Males 11,060,995 Females lO,161.0S()

Urban Persons 4,543,761 Males 2,423,388 Females 2,120,373


AREA IN Sq.Km. 342,214.0



LITERACY RATE Persons 1907 Males 28.74 Females 8.46




(II) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Persons 9.31 Males 7.63 Females 20.80

(III) OTHER WORKERS Persons 25.77 Mllles 27.30 Females 15.29




NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 35,795 Inhabited 33.305 Uninhabited 2,490


PAGES PREFACE ADMINISTRATIVE MAP OF RAJASTHAN \ PHYSICAL MAP OF RAJASTHAN , INTRODUcrORY NOTB', (i) ANNEXURE-I-Exttacts from Instructions to Enumerators for filling up the HouseHst (xliv) ANNEXURE:..fI-E:xtracts from rnstructions to Enumerators for filling up the Individual Slip • • (xlv) MAPS: (lxv)


T~LE A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION UNION TABLE 2 STATE TABLE 5 ANNEXURE 31 APPENDlX·I-1961 Territorial units constituting the present set-up of Rajasthan State 38 SUB APPENDIX TO APPENDIX-I-List of Towns whkh have undergone changes in jurisdiction since 1961 45 ANNEXURE TO APPENDIX·I-Particulars of villages under transfer .. 46 APPENDIX-II-Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 68 APPENDIX-III-Houseless and institutional population 71,

TABLE A-II-VARIATION iN POPULATlON DURING SEVENTY YEAttS •. 9S APPENDIX-State and districts showing 1961 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in ]961, changes in area and the population of 1961 adjusted to jurisdiction of 1911 101


TABLE A-IV-ToWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMeRATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1971 wrm VARIATION SINCS 1901 131 APPENDIX-I-New towns added in 1971 and towns in 1961 declassified in 1971' 169 APPENDIX-I-NOTE A-Showing constituents of new town added in 1971 170 APPENDIX-I-LIST A-List with a population of under 5,000 treated as towns for the first time in 1971 •• 171 APPENDIX-I-LIST B-Places with a population of under 5,000 in 1961 which were' treated as towns in 1961 but have been omitted from the list of towns in 1971 172 APPENDIX-II-Changes in area of towns (with population) between 1961 and reasons for change in area 173 ANNEXURE-Alphabetical list of Towns and Urban Agglomerations in Rajasthan 179 STATE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 1 APPENDIX 152 SPECIAL ANNEXURE: (a) Villages having population 2,000-4,999 155 (b) Villages having population 5,000-9,999 •. ., . 173 (c) Villages baving population 10,000 and above 176 ERRATA 177 _.., ::; .. ~ ~ ~ .. .. N ~ g'" ~ N .. - :::: ~ o._ "" o._ ~ ~ :; ~ ~ Z ""~ ""~ ""z iii ~

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THIS volume presents the basIc 197 I Census data Of the 157 places considered as towns, II arc tabulated on full count and furnishes inFormation governed by municipal councils, 134 by municipal on the tehsilwise and townwise on area, houses and boards. I by Notified Arel\ Committee and I by a population; growth of population since 1901 (district­ Cantonment Board. The remaining 10 places, wise); Villages classified by population; and popula­ although governed by Panchayats, have been treated tion of towns and urban agglomerations since 1901. as census towns as they fulfil the criteria mentioned The four tables containing this data are followed by above. the Primary Census Abstract, which is the basic table giving essential information down to the level of a Three other concepts viz., outgrowths, part­ teh~i1 and a town, where particulars relating to the viIIa~$ and urban agglomerations may a!so now be total number of persons belonging to scheduled noted <.:astes and scheduled tribes, literate and educated Most of the towns in Rajasthan do not comprise persons, workers classified under broad industrial of whole revenue villages which means that some categories, and non-",orkers are presented in addition to figures of area, occupied residential houses, number village-portions have been left out of the municipal of households and population by sex. Readers who limits. For these areas an attempt has been made to ascertain their true nature i. e. urban or rural. As may be interested in knowing about the concepts such those cases having rural character have been ust:d for the 1971 Census, may refer to the extracts considered as part-villages and have been included frum Instructions to the Enumerators for filhng up the Houselist and Establishment Schedule, and, the in the rural areas. Those having urban characteristics Instructions to the Enumerators for filling in the have been designated as outgrowths and hdve been added to the urban agglomeration of the con.;erned Individual Slip given as Annexure I and II at the end of this note. Other important concepts not ("He towns. An urban agglomeration is a continuous covered in these Annexures are explained below : urban spread constituted by a town and its adjoining urban outgrowth or two or more physically Urban and rural classification contiguous towns together with their outgrowths, if any. InFormation has been presented for rural and urban areas. The rural ar~as are composed of whole Area figures villages as well as the part-villages. A village is a revenue mauza including all its hamlets. (The concept We have followed two sources as rt'gards the of a part· village is explained at'a later stage.) There pr~sentation of area figures. The figures for the total are 35,795 uiJlages in Rajasthan out of which 33,305 area of the district have been taken from the Survey (lDcludlo r06 part-villages) are inhabited. of India. The actual urban area for a district has heen deducted from the Surveyor General of India's The urban area covers all the municipal towns, figures for the district as a whole to give the rural cities, cantonment and notified areas. It also area at the district level. The urban areas have , of includes t II other places which satisfy the following course, been received from the municipalities and criteflan : tehsils and in a few cases, where part-villages are concerned, approximate urban areas have been made (i) A minimum population of 5,OCO; (ii) At use of. At the tebsillevel, however, the total area least 75 per cent of the male working population has been arrived at by adding the actual urban and engaged 10 non-agricultural pursuits; and (Iii) A rural areas, the latter having heen obtained by denSity of population of at least 1,000 per sq. mile totalling up the areas of all its constituent vtllages/ (390 per sq. km.). part-villages. Thus, it will be seen that while urban ( ii ) area figures in the tehsil will add up to the urban Territorial changes during 1961-71 component at the district level, the same is not true An inter district transfer of area between Chittaur­ for rural area in as much as the tehsil level rural area garh and districts took place during the figures will not add up to the rural areas as reported intercensal period. Details about the territory at the district level. At the district level, the total transfered are available in Appendix J to Table A-I. area has been given in sq. km. upto one place of On account of this inter-district transfer of territory, certain adjustment of population in these districts decimal but uplO two places of decimal in case of has been made to study the variation of population urban centres and in case of rural also in sq. km. through the past censuses. This is explained in the but upto one decimal place only. statement below :

Adjusted Pop.1 Census years District Unadjusted ~------~------~------~ Pop. 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

I, UdaipUl Adjusted 1,426,840 1,163,344 989,546 829,759 725,081 682,797 552,,137 Ulladjustl'd 1,464,276 1,193,652 1,015,326 851,376 743,971 700,586 566,522

2. Chittaurgarh Adjusted 747,568 614,446 543,471 458.667 400,969 376,093 304,98] Unadjusted 710,132 584,138 517,691 437,050 382.,079 358,304 290,596

Twenty-nine inter-tehsil transfers have also taken Density per sq. km. place during tho! period 1961·71, details of which are ,..------'------. available in the aforesaid Appendix. State/District Total Rural Urban

Having noted the concepts used, we may now 15. Pali 78 71 562 proceed to study the salient features of various tables 16. Barmer 27 25 1,654 contained in this volume. 17. Jalor 63 60 2810 18. Sirohi 83 69 1,300 Density of population 19. Bhilwara 101 91 616 20. Udaipur 104 92 1,612 The density of population per sq. km. for Rajas­ 21. Chittaurgarh 87 79 797 than as a whole is 75. It is only 63 for its rural 22. Dungarpur 141 133 1,522 areas; tbe density for the urban areas, however, is 23. Banswara 130 124 1,451 24. Bundi 81 70 888 1,198 persons to a square km. as would be seen from 25. Kota 92 71 1.333 the table below : 26. Jhalawar 100 92 810 Density per sq. km. ,.... ____...A...- ____ ~ State/District Tota) Rural Urban Spea~ing for the total areas at the district level, BharatpIJr, laipur, Alwar, Ihunjhunun, Dungarpur, RAJASTHAN 75 63 1,198 Ajmer, I Sikar, Banswara, Sawai Madbopur and 1. Ganganagar 68 57 2:697 Udaipur districts compose areas of high densities 2. Bikaner 21 12 1,360 ranging from 104 to 184. Bhilwara, Ihalawar, Kota, 3. Churu 52 37 1,151 4. Jhunjhunun 157 131 2,031 Tonk. 'Chittaurgarh, Sirohi. Bundi, and Pali also 5. Alwar 166 152 1,866 have densities higher than the State average ranging 6. Bharatpur 184 162 1,364 from 78 to IO!' The remaining districts namely 7. SaVlai Madhopur 113 100 1,470 Nagaur, Ganganagar, Jalor, Churu, J.Jdhpur, Barmer, 8. Jaipur 177 128 1,931 9. Sikar 135 113 2,932 Blkaner have densities ranging from 21 to 71 and 10. Ajmer 135 85 4,207 the desert district of laisalmer has a very low 11. Tonk 87 74 618 density of 4 persons to a sq. km. ]2. Jaisalmer 4 4 70 13. Jodhpur 50 35 807 ]n the rural areas of the various districts, the ]4. Nagaur 71 63 647 first two places of high densities are taken by districlJ ( iii )

Bharatpur (162) and Alwar (152) followed by Sex ratio Dungarpur (133), Ihunjhunun (131), Jaipur (128) There are 911 females to a thousand males in and Banswara (124). Rajasthan as a whole. The sex ratio in the rural areas is 919 but in its urban areas the ratio is only The highest density in the urban areas of the 875. The table below gives the sex ratio for the rural various districts is found in Ajmer (4,207) followed and urban areas of the various districts. by Sikar (2,932); J~lor (2,810); Gangaoagar (2,697) No. of females per 1000 males and Jhunjbunun (2,031). ..-_____..A- ______-.. State/District Total Rural Urban Size of households RAJASTHAN 911 919 875 We have an average sized household consisting 1. Ganganagar 874 886 817 of 6 members It is true for both rural and urban 2. Bikaner 901 90S 892 areas of Rajasthan. Fourteen distTicts have such 3. Churu 946 935 973 average sized households. the rest have five· member. 4. Jhunjhunun 928 934 903 In the rural areas of the districts also, the same 5. Alwar 887 891 S35 Bharatpur 840 840 position exists. In the lIrban areas, however, while 6. 837 7. Sawai Madhopur 864 866 852 ten districts have six· member bouseholds the rest 8. Jaipur 890 903 860 have only five·member households. The followmg 9. Sikar 961 960 966 table presents the data regarding the average size of 10. AJmer 910 931 877 households in the State and its various districts: 11. Tonk 909 911 901 12. Jaisalmer SIO 823 739 Average size ofa household 13. Jodhpur 900 916 865 14. Nagaur 942 948 899 State/District ~------~------~ Total Rural Urban 15. Pali 950 959 881 16. Barmer 887 892 817 RAJASTHAN 5.72 5.76 5.56 17. Jalor 932 934 878 1. Ganganagar 6.18 6.30 5.63 18. Sirohi 958 968 909 2. Bikaner 6.17 6.09 6.27 19. Bhilwara 910 915 870 3. Churu 6.54 6.62 6.37 20. Udaipur 957 970 871 4. JhuoJhuoUD 6.63 6.63 6.61 21. Chitlaurgarh 930 935 889 5. Alwar 6.31 6.39 5.67 22. Dungarpur 1.015 1.021 931 6. Bharatpur 6.15 6.21 5.78 23. Banswara 978 980 937 7. Say,al Madhopur 5.61 5.67 5'20 24. Bundi 885 884 891 8. Jalpur 6.03 6.18 5.70 25. Kola 884 902 830 9. Sikar 6.31 6.33 6.32 26. Jhalawar 921l 922 894 10. AJmer 5.46 5.49 5.42 The bighest sex ratio is found in district Dungar­ 11. Took 5.~2 5.98 5.65 12. Jalsalmer 5.36 5.36 5.36 pur (1,015); where the females outnumber the males, 13. Jodhpur 5.96 6~07 5.74 followed by district Banswara (978). Notable distrtcts 14. Nagaur 6.15 6.16 6.02 with sex ratios higber than the State average are 15. 4.80 Pall 5.18· 5.23 Sikar (961); Sirohi (958) and Ud~ipur (957). 16. Barmer 5.83 5.87 5.35 17. Jalor 5.42 5.45 4.S6 In the rural areas of the various districts, Dungar­ 18. SlIohi 4.89 4.86 5.04 pur again has an excess of females(l,021) and notdble 19. Bhllwara 4.94 4.94 4.91 districts with _sex ratios higher than the State average 20. Udaipur 5.04 5.05 4.96 21. Chlttaurgarh 4.&7 486 4.92 are Banswara (980), UdaIpur (970J and Sirohi (968). 22. Dungarpur 5.61 5.65 5.08 It is in district Churu, however, that the highest 23. Banswara 5.91 5.94 5.44 24 Bundi 5.41 5.47 5.04 urban sex ratio (973) is found, foHowed by Slkar 25. Kota 5.27 542 4.83 (966). Otber notable districts of high urban sex 26. Jhalawar 556 5.59 5.24 ratio are Banswara (937), Dungarpur (931) and Sirohi (909). It may be noted that two districts viz., There bave been erratic changes in the sex ratio Ihunjhunun and Churu have even larger households. in the past. The table given below presents the varied Jhunjhunun district has Jarger households even In picture of sex ratio for the rural and urban areas its urban areas. separately for the State and its various distriCts. ( iv )

Total Females per 1,000 Males RUral ~------~------~ State/District Urban 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

RAJASTHAN T 911 908 921 906 907 896 908 905 R 919 913 919 907 908 896 904 898 U 875 882 928 897 903 897 936 947

l. Ganganagar T 874 842 836 814 797 857 818 853 R 886 852 847 818 801 851 813 847 U 817 784 776 773 752 936 977 975

2. Bikaner T 901 910 925 863 890 885 9{)4 916 R 908 906 900 892 899 883 880 890' U 892 916 958 828 875 891 974 987

3. Churu T 946 938 939 908 92~ 926 922 932 R 935 917 902 901 892 887 889 899 U 97J 985 1,011 923 1,000 1,027 1.058 1,060-

4. Jhunjbunun T 928 943 956 881 878 878 9J6 884 R 934 950 948 865 862 854 883 858 U 903 911 983 954 948 985 1,002 984

5. Alwar T 887 892 896 890 891 884 914 922 R 892 895 898 889 891 879 915 919 U 835 857 884 902 894 923 904 946

6. Bharatpur T 840 842 835 840 837 820 841 859 R 840 845 832 837 833 819 839 853 U 837 826 850 857 861 830 855 8Q5

7. Sawai Madhopur T 864 870 879 88' 873 859 869 870 R 866 872 874 882 875 861 868 869 U 852 851 919 901 861 842 881 880

8. Jaipur T 890 890 918 914 896 883 913 903 R 903 901 921 918 903 882 909 899 U 860 860 912 898 868 885 931 919

9. Sikar T 961 964 972 920 913 886 899 877 R 960 957 955 904 896 865 876 854 U 966 996 1,039 998 994 991 1,016 996 I 10. Ajmer T QlO 913 925 903 836 885 898 R 931 934 946 9~290 942 894 905 897 U 877 879 895 850 828 731 837 899

11. Tonk T 909 910 925 903 915 911 905 91~ R 911 910 909 898 911 900 900 897 U 901 909 1,003 922 932 959 924 979

12. laisalmer T 810 802 817 829 851 808 837 870 R 823 795 820 816 813 781 807 839 U 739 874 793 932 961 1.002 1,027 1,010

13. JOdhpur T 900 888 900 885 885 870 891 888 R 916 898 901 888 890 861 873 869 U 865 865 899 879 873 892 944 943 ( v)

~--- Total Females per 1,000 Males Rural ,------~------~ State/District Urban 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

14. Nagaur T 942 9~5 936 912 920 900 928 914 R 948 949 929 909 911 889 921 903 U 899 921 985 938 988 986 986 1,005

IS Pall T 950 943 946 943 954 934 938 946 R 959 948 948 942 948 930 931 937 U 881 897 933 955 1,016 977 1,005 1,025

16. Barmer T 887 868 868 873 891 860 880 814 R 892 868 866 870 889 859 877 871 U 817 868 902 921 935 886 941 926

17. Jalor T 932 919 918 921 910 911 916 898 R 934 921 914 92l 908 906 912 893 U 878 870 964 910 941 1,043 1,009 1,008

48. Sirohi T 958 948 965 947 946 936 937 917 R 968 960 965 957 961 962 952 926 U 909 889 964 882 847 771 841 869

J9. Bbilwara T 910 906 934 943 943 940 931 920 R 915 909 935 943 941 939 931 919 U 870 868 924 943 959 952 944 927

20. Udaipur T 951 939 960 943 943 940 932 920 R 970 949 965 950 948 943 933 916 U 871 865 932 878 883 909 915 944

21. Chittaurgarh T 930 933 959 944 942 939 928 911 R 935 937 961 944 943 940 927 906 U 889 899 938 941 926 923 935 956

22. Dungarpur T 1,015 991 1,003 970 988 987 1,012 1,000 R 1,021 995 1,003 970 985 990 1,001 993 U 931 930 1,001 968 1,023 961 1,070 1,123

23. Banswara T 978 971 983 996 1.009 1,011 1,025 1,022 R 980 973 984 997 ],009 ],010 1,024 1,019 U 937 938 964 973 1,019 1,044 1,050 1,085

14. Bundi T 885 897 913 918 916 916 932 930 R 884 897 905 913 912 912 924 919 U 891 896 951 945 942 939 994 999

2S Kota T f84 897 930 919 931 926 937 940 R 902 910 935 924 935 928 937 942 U 830 844 903 886 901 910 944 9)0

26. Jhalawar T 920 928 954 928 920 920 921 931 R 922 929 951 927 915 913 916 923 U 894 914 977 948 974 989 1,039 1,003 ( vi )

Two bold points emerge out of this statement. Variation in Population The sex ratio has been most erratic in the region of We have grown with a rapid rate in the past Jaisalmer district. The tribal districts of Dungarpur seventy years. We were about I03lakhs in Rajas~ and Banswara continue to maintain ideal sex ratios. than in 1901 and now we are around 258 lakhs, and thus, we have more than doubled during this period. Rural and urban composition of population If we look at the history of our growth we find that A very high proportion (82.37) per cent of our almost whatever we had as a net addition in our population resides in the rural areas of the State as numbers, during 1901·11 was offset by the deletion would be seen from the table below: from the population of an equal number during 1911·21 on account of the disease and war. We Percentage of Rural and Urban Population to total Population however, added 14.51akhs in the next decade 1921-31; .------"------. 211akhs in 1931·41; and 211akhs again in 1941-51. State/District Rural Urban The intercensal period 1951-61, which followed, gave 2 3 an additIOn of over 42 lakhs of people to our popula­ tion, and an all time high figure of 56 lakhs of RAJASTHAN 82.37 17.63 persons was added during 1961-71. 1. Ganganagar 8l.S2 16.48 2. Blkaner 58.62 41.38 The last twenty years have, thus, been crucial 3. Churl! 70.42 29.58 and have contributed the largest share to our growtlt 4. Jhunjhunun 82.56 17.44 during these past seventy years. As would be seen, 5. Alwar 90.88 9.12 6. Bharatpur 86.24 13.76 while tbe first fifty years added only 60 lakhs, the 7. Sawai Madhopur 88'10 11.90 last twenty were responsible for an addition of as 8. Jaipur 69.95 30.05 many as around 100 lakh persons. Trends in the 9. Slkar 82.97 17.03 growth of the State population as well as in 10. Ajmer 62.35 37.65 the population of the various districts during the 11. Tonk 82.55 17.45 12. Jaisalmer 85.40 14.60 past seventy years are shown in the table below: 13. Jodhpur 68.05 31.95 Addition to population (in Lakh of persons) 14. Nagaur 87.72 12.28 15. Pali 88.82 11.18 State/District 1901-51 1951-71 16. Barmer 92.74 7.26 17. Jalor 95.58 4.42 RAJASIHAN 5677 97.95 18. Sirohi 82.13 17.87 1. Ganganagar 4.87 7.64 19. Bhilwara 8897 11.03 2' Bikaner 1.53 2.30 20. Udaipur 87.70 12.30 3. Churu 2.63 3.51 21. Chittaurgarh 89.64 10.36 4. JhunJhunuo 247 3.40 22. Dungarpur 94 II 5.89 5. AlwH 0.09 5.29 23. Banswara 94.93 5.07 6. Bharatpur 0.11 583 24. Bundi 85.40 14.60 7. Sawai Madhopur 1.50 4.28 25. Kola 75.95 24.05 8. Taipur 3.13 9.58 26. Jhalawar 90.55 9.45 9. Sikar 2.10 366 10. Ajmer 2.92 3.28 Nineteen districts have proportions even higher 11. Tonk 1.46 219 than the State average and of these the most notables 12. Jaisalmerl 0.34 058 4.80 are Jalor (95.58); Banswara (94.93) Dungarpur 13. Jodhpur 2.48 14. Nagaur 2.40 4.98 (94.11); Barmer (92.74); Alwar (90.88); and 15. Pali 2.67 309 Jhalawar (90.55). Only 17.63 per cent of our popu­ 16. Barmer 1.64 2.98 lation lives in its urban areas. Seven districts, how­ 17. Jalor 1.52 244 ever, exceed this state average where the proportion ]8. Sirohi 1.27 1.34 of urban population ranges between 17.87 to 41.38 19. Bhilwara 3.76 3 6 6.11 6.40 percent. Most notable of these districts are Bikaner 20. UdaipUr 21. Chittaurgarh 3.09 3. ~1 (41.38); Ajrner (37.65); Jodhpur (31.95) and Jaipur 22. Duogarpur 208 2.22 l30.05). Most districts have lower proportions of 23. Banswara 191 228 urban poP,l.\lation than the State average and the 24. Bundi 1.09 1.69 range of variation of this proportion is from 4.42 25. Kota 2.08 4H 218 in Jaw district to 17.45 in Tonk district. 26. JhalBwar I 51 (vii )

Interesting patterns are observed at the district lalor; Sirohi; Bhilwara; Udaipur; Chittaurgarh; level. There are districts like Churu; Barmer; Banswara Dungarpur and Ihalawar displayed a pattern where and Ajmer which have a growth history of the type of the additions to their populations in the first fifty the State in so far as they have also added to their years and the last twenty years were more or less population in the same style viz. It times more equal. during the last 20 \years than what they bad Mded in their first 50 years. Districts like Gangaoagar; This takes us to a discussion on the growth rates Bikaner; Sawai Madbopur; Jaipur; Sikar; Tonk; of our population as observed from decade to decade Jodhpur; Nagaur; B'Undi and Kota have grown in during the last seventy years and specially during such a way that their g{owth during the past twenty the past twenty years. A glance at the table below years is double than their growth during the first would show that (apart from the setback received fifty years. Most remarkable trends are, however, during ]911·21 and also during the earlier decade seen in Alwar and Bh~1Catpur districts. In Alwar when epidemics were rampant in many areas of tbe while only 0.09 lakhs of persons (9,000) were added State) we have been growing at the rate of 14 to 18 in the first fifty years, as may as 5 ]akhs and more per cent every ten years during the period up to the were added in the last twenty years. In district forties. We grew at a rapid rate of 26 per cent Bharatpur, only 0.11 lal

State/District 1961-1971 1951-1961 1941-1951 1931-1941 1921-1931 1911-1921 1901-1911

RAJASTHAN +27.83 +26.20 +15.20 +18.01 +14.14 -6.29 +6.70 1. Ganga nagar +34.37 +64.64 +18.01 +54.58 +102.49 -17.22 +43.66 2. Bikaner +28.94 +29.56 +8.77 +34.29 +18.24 -3.93 +8.57 3. Churu +32.69 +25.85 +14.98 +24.56 +22.26 -0.09 +15.05 4. Jhunjhunun +29.12 +22.24 +19.90 +21.08 +14.83 -4.32 +8.05 5. Alwar +27.63 +26.45 +1.96 +9.76 +6.86 -11.39 -4.64 ~. Bharatpur +29.60 +26.72 +5.35 +16.27 +2.13 -11.64 -8.45 7. Sawai Madhopur +26.49 +23.32 +12.11 +13.01 +10.05 -1008 -0.78 8. Jaipur +30.53 +24.75 +28.31 +13.86 +11.51 -17.98 -5.80 9. Sikar +27.11 +21.29 +10.04 +17.93 +12.66 -1.46 +0.60 10 Ajmer +17.53 +19.09 +20.24 +14.94 +13.16 -3.72 +3.18 11. Tonk +25.74 +22'32 +23.39 +10.94 +16.48 -7.67 +5.99 12. Jaisalmel +18.83 +28.62 +13.06 +23.27 +\3.60 -2Q.62 +15.43 13. Jodhpur +30.15 +31.67 +20.37 +25.86 +15.97 -12.05 +2.47 14. f\agaur +35.00 +22.40 +16.37 +15.47 +16.61 -12.81 +6.66 15. Pali +20.40 +21.91 +18.95 +17.44 +17.29 -11.67 +15.94 16. Barmer +19.2+ +36.14 +20.98 +27.98 +9.53 -6.04 -4.34 17. Jalor +22.10 +29.16 +14.99 +14.08 +15.77 -7.15 +10.69 18. Sirohi +20.30 +2l.S7 +22.92 +8.84 +14.74 -0.48 +16.40 19. Bhilwara +21.84 +18.84 +15.25 +19.26 +14.44 +6.20 +23.61 20. Udaipur +26.41 +22.65 +17.56 +19.26 +14.44 +6.19 +23.66 21. Chittaurgarh +26.41 +21.67 +13.06 +18.49 +14.39 +6.61 +23.32 22. Dungarpur +30.30 +32.02 +12.38 +20.54 +20.22 +18.90 +59.03 23. Banswara +37.74 +33'29 +18.89 +15.05 +18.74 +17.10 +13.38 24. Bundi +32.84 +20.49 +12.49 +15.07 +15.85 -14.48 +27.74 25. Kota +3483 +26.61 +5.37 +13.17 +7.51 -2.78 +16.31 26. lhalawar +26.78 +21.40 +8.13 +13.47 +10.19 -0.60 +18.115 (viii)

At the district level, it will be observed tnat (all around 23 per cent) can mainly be attributed certain districts have registered abnormal high in· to the inmigration as a rl;sult of the construction of creases, even during the period earlier than the past railway lines. A rather 'otery high increase was seen twenty years, and they deserve some explaination. in district Dungarpur (59.03) during the decade The high growth rates recorded in Ganganagar 190 I-I I. This followed a lanJ settlement in the district were due to the inmigration on account of li) area which induced the wandering tribals to settle irrigational facilities which became available in down in Villages. Bundi distriot had registered Suratgarh tehsil during 1901-11; (ii) construction of an increase of 27.74 per cent during 1901-11. a Railway line and the Gang Canal during 1921·31; The plausible reaSons for this high increase at and (iii) construction of Railway hne in Bhadra that time could be found in the conslruc1ion of tehsil during 1931-41. The high increase (34.29) the railway track and erection of the Lakheri Cement registered for Bikaner district in 1931-41 was due to Works. the construction activities, mainly of roads such as Nokha-Sujallgarh road, undertaken in connection A study of the patterns at the rural and urban with the golden JUbille of Gangasingh High in­ levels of the State and the various districts may be creases seen in Jaisalmer district during 1931-41 helpful in appreciating this matter in further detail. (28.62) and 1951·61 (23.27) were directly connected For those who may be interested in such a study with good rains. High increases recorded in 1901·11 tbe basic figures have been made available in the in districts Bhilwara; Udaipur and Chittaurgarh following table: Percentage Rural Decade Decade StatefDistrict Urban Year Persons Variation Variation Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RAJASTHAN STATE Rural 1901 8,743,434 4,607513 4,135.921 1911 9,507,680 +764,246 +8.74 4,994,019 4.513661 1921 8,817,313 -690,367 -7.26 4,651,417 4,165,836 1931 10,018,769 +1.201,456 +1363 5,251,923 4,766,846 1941 11,746,758 +1,727,989 +17.25 6,158,822 5,587,936 1951 13,015,499 +1,268.741 +10.80 6,781,048 6234,451 1961 16,874,124 +3,858,625 +2965 8,820,880 8053,244 1971 21,222,045 +4,347,921 +25.77 11,060,995 10,161,050

Urban 1901 1,550,6'56 796,476 754,180 1911 1,475,829 -74,827 -4.83 662,187 713,64:2 1921 1,475,335 -494 -0.03 777.901 697,434 1931 1,729,205 +253,870 +17.21 908,687 820 SIS 1941 2,117.101 +387,896 +22.43 1,115,857 1001,244 1951 2,955,275 +838,174 +39.59 1,532,835 1,422,440 1961 3,281,478 +326,203 +11.04 1,7"3,202 1,538.276 197] 4,543,761 +1,262,283 +38.47 2,423,388 2.120,373

1. Gaoganagar District Rural 1901 136,346 73,810 62.53& 1911 198,144 +61.798 +45.32 109,319 88,825 11921 1,8,806 -39.338 -19.8S 85,776 73 f31} \93\ 318,473 +159,667 +\00.54 176,1146 141,627 194\ 485,85B +167,385 +52.56 267,255 218,60) 1951 539,217 +53,3S9 +10.98 292,010 247,207 1961 887,471 +348,254 ' +64.59 479,181 408,29() 197\ 1,164,2'42 +276,771 +31.19 617,443 546,799

Urban 1901 7,096 3,<93 3,<;03 1911 7,924 +828 +11.67 4,008 3,916 1921 11,787 +3.863 +48.75 6,089 5,698 1931 26,963 +15,176 +128.75 15,39\ 11,57! 1941 48,116 +2\,153 +7845 27.141 2(1.975 1951 90,913 +42,797 +8895 51,182 )Q,731 1961 149,952 +59,039 +6494 84,050 65902 1971 229,769 +79,817 +53.1' 176.449 10\320 (ix)

, Percentage Rural .. Decade Decade State/District Urban Year Persons ,(ariation Variation Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2. Bikaner District Rural 1901 137,382 12,698 64,684 1911 150,944 +13.562 +9.87 80,308 70,636 1921 129,242 -21,702 -14.38 68,653 60,589 1931 148,955 +19,713 +15.25 78,424 70,531 1941 178,617 +29,662 +19.91 94,425 l!4,192 1951 194,103 +15,486 +8.67 W2,153 91,950 1961 256,489 +62,386 +32.14 134,539 121,950 1971 315,998 +79.509 +31.00 176,117 159,881

Urban 1901 53,075 26,i09 26,366 1911 55,826 +2,751 +5.18 28,275 27,551 1921 69,410 +13,584 +24.33 36,712 32,698 193J 85,927 +16,517 +23.80 45,832 40,095 1941 136,801 +50,874 +59.21 74,839 61,962 1951 148,98'8 +12,187 +8.91 76,104 72,884 1961 188,026 +39,038 +26.20 98,160 89,866 1971 237,151 +49,125 +26.13 125,322 111,829

3. Churu District Rural 1901 203,090 106,939 96,151 1911 235,617 +32,527 +16.02 124,764 110,853 1921 212.273 -23,344 -9.91 112,467 99,806 1931 253,371 +41,098 +19.36 133,942 119,429 19·U 301,172 +47.801 +18.87 158,460 142,712 1951 338,548 +37,316 +12.41 178,003 160,545 1951 450,968 +112,420 +33.21 235,228 215,740 1971 615,811 +164,843 +36.55 318,203 297,608

Urban 1901 57.096 27,720 29,376 1911 63,732 +6,636 +11.62 30,962 32,770 Inl 86,794 +23,062 +36.19 42,817 43,971 1931 112.258 +25,464 +29.34 56,115 56,143 1941 154,268 +42,010 +37.42 80,221 74,047 1951 185,102 +30,834 +19.99 92,059 93,:>43 1961 208,043 +22,941 +12.39 104,820 103,22) 1971 258,628 +50,585 +24.31 131,076 127,552

4. JhunjhunUD District Rural 1901 269,428 144,971 124.457 1911 295,275 +25,847 +9.59 156,834 138,441 1921 285,554 -9,721 -3.29 154,019 131,535 1931 324464 +38,910 +13.63 174,266 150,198 1941 397,284 +72,820 +22.44 213,019 184,265 .1951 448,410 +51,126 +12.87 2;0,240 218,170 1961 592,330 +143,920 +32.10 303,821 288.509 1971 767,191 +174,864 +29.52 396,738 370,456

Urban 1901 72,144 36,367 35,777 1911 73,806 +1,662 +2.30 36,858 36,9~8 Inl 67,586 -6,220 -8.43 34,053 33,533 1931 81,055 +13,469 +19.93 41,614 39,441 1941 93,719 +12,664 +15.62 47,967 45,752 1951 140,326 +46,607 +49.73 70,748 69,578 1961 127,320 -13,006 -9.27 66,636 60,684 1971 162,036 +34,716 +27.27 85,135 76,901


Percentage Rural Decade Decade State/District Urran Year Persons Varution Vanation Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8. Jaipur District Rural 1901 971,559 511,484 460,015 1911 939,032 -32,527 -3.35 491,771 447,261 1921 748,114 -190,918 -2033 397,446 350,668 1931 822,436 +74,322 +993 432,140 390,296 1941 926,942 +104,506 +12.71 483,271 443,671 1951 1,089,129 +'62,187 +17.50 566,963 522,166 1961 1,402,441 +313,312 +28.71 737,684 664,757 1971 1,736,509 +334,068 +23.82 912,581 823,928

Urban 1901 239,697 124,91I 114,786 1911 201,933 -37,764 -15.75 104,570 97,363 1921 187,714 -14,219 -7.04 99,608 88,106 1931 221,086 +33,372 +17.78 118,355 102,731 1941 261,189 +40,103 +18.14 137,587 123,602 1951 435,364 +174,175 +66.6j 227,692 207,672 1961 499,315 +63,951 +1469 268,450 230,865 1971 745,876 +246,561 +49.38 401,O~7 344,839

9. Sikar District Rural 1901 38~,720 207,518 171,202 1911 386,555 +1,835 +0.48 206,085 180,470 1921 383,132 -3,423 -0.89 205,378 177,754 1931 427,199 +44,067 +11.50 225,311 201,888 1941 506,607 +79,408 +18.59 266,109 240,498 1951 528,034 +21,427 +4.23 270,151 257,883 1961 676,589 +148,555 +28.13 345,759 330,830 1971 865,100 -+188,511 +27.86 441,319 423,781

Urban 1901 81,904 41,031 4O,8Yl 1911 82,885 +981 +1.20 41,118 41,767 1921 79,463 -3,422 -413 39,907 39,556 1931 93,960 +14,497 +18.24 47,122 46,838 1941 107.971 +14,017 +14.92 54,052 53,925 1951 148,284 +40,307 +37.33 72,734 75,550 1961 143,CJ97 -4,581 -3.09 72,004 71,693 1971 177,548 +33.851 +23.56 90,331 87,217

10. Rural 1901 381,642 201,13~ 180,508 1911 391,)93 +9,951 +2.61 205,5'iO 186,003 1921 347.7u8 -4J,885 -11.21 183,592 164,116 1931 398,517 +50809 +'461 205,177 193,340 1941 4~O,587 +52,070 +1307 233.453 217,134 1951 491,386 +41,799 +9.28 253059 239,327 1961 610,940 +118.554 +24.08 315,8)8 295,082 197J 715,619 +104,619 +17.13 37D,569 345,050

Urban 1901 146173 76,956 69,217 1911 153,013 +6,840 +4.68 83,186 69,727 1921 176MI +23,638 +15.45 102,033 74,618 1931 194,823 +18,172 +1029 106,587 88,236 19i1 231.376 +36.553 +18.76 125,050 106.326 1 51 327,591 +96,215 HU8 172,841 154,744 1961 365,607 +38,016 +11.60 194,588 171,019 1971 432,110 +66,503 +18.19 230,193 201,917 (x Ii)

Percentage Rural Decade Decade State(District Urban Year Persons Vanatlon Vanation Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

11. Tonk District Rural 1901 202,800 106,904 95,896 1911 217,444 +14,644 +7.22 114,462 102,982 1921 203,659 -13,785 -6.34 107,196 96,463 1931 237,781 +34,122 +16.75 124,423 113,358 1941 264,381 +26,600 +11.19 139,285 125,096 1951 334.221 +69,840 +26.42 175,032 159,\89 196\ 424,143 +90,U2 +26.96 222,\51 202,19\ ]971 516,636 +92,293 +21.75 270.3~S 246,281

Urban J901 58,001 29,310 28,691 1911 58,984 +983 +1.69 30,663 28,321 1921 51,557 -7,427 -12.59 26,323 25,234 193\ 59,494 +7,'l37 +15.39 30,787 28,707 1941 65,409 +5,915 +9.94 34,024 31,385 1951 72,700 +7,291 +11.15 36,304 36,396 1961 73,386 +686 +0.94 38,437 34,949 1971 109,194 +35,808 +48.79 57,451 51,743

12. Jalsalmer District Rural 1901 60,945 33,133 27,812 191I 73,576 +12,631 +20.73 40,722 32,854 1921 59.M6 -13,930 -18.93 33,490 26,156 1931 66,651 +7,005 +11.74 36,369 30,282 1941 84,838 +18,187 +27.29 46,729 38,109 1951 95/,71 +11,133 +13.12 52,728 43,243 1961 I 26,69Z +30,721 +32.01 70,590 56,102 1971 142,414 +15,722 +12.41 78,133 64,281

Urban 19{)1 14,262 7,094 '1,168 19l1 13,234 -1,028 -7.21 6.530 6,704 1921 9,268 -3,966 -29.97 4,630 4,638 1931 11,636 +2,368 +25.55 5.935 5,701 1941 11,668 +32 +0.28 6,040 5,628 1951 13,143 +1,475 +12.64 7,330 5,813 1961 13,646 +503 +3.83 7,281 6,365 1971 24,347 +10,701 +78.42 14,002 10,345

13. Jodhpur DistrIct Rural 1901 310,970 ,.. 166,423 144,547 1911 320,749 +9,779 +3.14 171,227 149,522 1921 279,053 -41,69~ -13.00 149,916 129,137 1931 313,872 +34,819 +12.48 166,106 147,766 1941 390,502 +76,63p +24.41 206,831 183,67) 1951 449,383 +58,881 +15.08 236,433 212,950 1961 620,453 +171,070 +38.07 326.932 293,521 1971 784,474 +1 64,1Y21 +26.44 409,396 375,018 ,I

Urban 1901 113,835 58,598 55,237 1911 114,557 +722 +0.63 58,934 55,623 1921 103,802 -10,755 -9.39 54,874 48,928 1931 130,141 +26,339 +25.37 69,466 60,675 194t 168,339 +38,198 +29.35 89,593 78,746 1951 223,270 +54,931 +32.63 117,582 105,688 1961 265,210 +41,940 +18.78 142,215 122,99' 1971 368.238 +]03,028 +38.85 197,406 170,832 (xiii)

Percentage Rural Decade Decade State/District Urban Year Persons Variation VaTlation Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14. Nagaur District Rural 1901 464,007 243,794 220,213 1911 501,658 +37,651 +8.1l 261,101 240,557 1921 431,806 -69,852 -13.92 228,590 203,216 1931 498,249 +66,443 +15.39 260,724 237,525 1941 576,630 +78,381 +15.73 302,080 274,550 1951 664,250 +87,620 +15.20 344,419 319,831 1961 814,291 +150,041 +22.59 417,763 396,528 1971 1.107,201 +292,910 +35.97 568,287 538,914

Urban 1901 60,210 30,030 30,180 1911 57,453 -2,757 -4.58 28,927 28,526 1921 55,656 -1,797 -3.13 28,019 27,637 1931 70,185 +14,529 +26.11 35,313 34,872 1941 79,741 +9,562 +13.62 41,151 38,596 1951 99,579 +19,832 +24.87 50,156 49,423 1961 120,657 +21,078 +21.17 62,823 57,834 1971 154,956 +34,299 +28.43 81,578 73,378

15. Pali District Rural 1901 350,113 180,776 169,337 1911 413,918 +63,805 +18.22 214,307 199,611 . 1~21 365,830 -48,088 -11.62 189,553 176,277 1931 430,190 +64,360 +17.59 220,786 209,404 1941 500.694 +70,504 +16.39 257,819 242,875 1951 570,727 +70,033 +13.99 293,005 277,722 1961 728,947 +158,220 +27.72 374,167 354,780 1971 861,571 +132,624 +18.19 439,829 421,742

Urban 1901 43,724 21,593 22,131 1911 42,709 -1,015 -2.32 21,300 21,409 1921 37,488 -5,221 -12.22 18,960 18,528 1931 42,873 +5,385 +14.36 21,264 21,609 1941 54,892 +12,019 +28.03 28,073 26,819 1951 90,129 +35,237 +64.19 46,621 43,508 ]961 76,735 -13,394 -14.86 40,448 36,287 1971 108,431 +31,696 +41.31 57,633 50,798

16. Barmer District Rural 19G1 298,726 159,624 139,102 1911 285,572 -13,154 -4.40 152,132 133,440 1921 267,476 ~18,096 -6.34 143,904' 123,572 1931 292,009 +24,533 +9.17 154,575 137,434 1941 372,535 +80,526 +27.58 199,228 173,307 1951 444,m +71,980 +19.32 238,276 206,239 1961 610,084 +165,569 +37.25 326,553 283,531 1971 718,580 +108,496 +17.78 379,703 338,877

Urban 1901 14,376 7,463 6,913 1911 13,946 -430 -2.99 7,185 6,761 1921 13,962 +16 +0.11 7,404 6,558 1931 16,255 +2.293 +16.42 8,401 7.854 1941 21.994 +5,739 +35.31 11,449 10,S4S 1951 32,767 +10,773 +48.98 17,225 15.542 1961 39,710 +6,943 +21.19 21,258 18,452 1971 56,225 +16,515 +41.59 30.945 25,280 (xiv)

Percentago Rural Decade Decade State/District urban Year Persons Vanallon Varlatron Males Females

2 3 4 5 0 7 8

17. Jalor Dlstrrct Rural 1901 259,375 136,982 122,393 1911 287,536 +28,161 +10.86 150,413 137,123 1921 267,586 -19,950 -6.94 140,370 127,216 1931 309.671 +42,085 +15.73 162,280 147,391 1941 352,868 +43,197 +1395 18),631 169,237 1951 395,502 +42,634 +12.08 206,599 188,903 1961 522,358 +126,856 +32.07 271,865 250,493 1971 638,422 +116,064 +22.22 330,093 308,32~

Urban 1901 11,988 5,970 6,O1~ 1911 12,838 +850 +7.09 6,389 6,44C} 1921 11,302 -1,536 -11.96 5,531 5,771 1931 13,196 +1,894 +16.76 6,799 6,391 1941 15,470 +2,274 +17.23 8,101 7,369 1951 28,051 +12,581 +81.33 14,280 13,771 1961 24,714 -3,337 -1l.90 13,216 11,498 1971 29,528 +4,814 +19.48 15.721 13,801

18. Sirohi Distnct Rural 1901 139,598 72,492 67.106 1911 165,500 +25,962 +1860 84,799 80,761 1921 165,365 -195 -0.12 84,280 81,085 1931 189,374 +24,009 +14.52 96,581 92,793 1941 205,985 +16,611 +8.77 105,259 100,726 1951 24~,948 +38,963 +1892 124,641 120,307 1961 29-l,556 +49,6(;8 +1025 150,276 144,280> 1971 348,098 +53,542 +18.18 176,835 171,263

Urban 1901 23,367 12,505 10,862 1911 24,124 +757 +3.24 13,106 11,018 1921 23,416 -708 -2.93 13,219 10,197 1931 27,228 +3,812 +16.28 14,742 12,486- 1941 29,775 +2,547 +9.35 15,818 13,957 1951 44,843 +15,008 +;061 22,838 22,005 1961 57,747 +12,1104 +28.78 30,577 27,170 1971 75,717 +17,970 +31.12 39,669 36,048

19. Bhllwara DIStrict Rural 1901 321,149 167,325 153,824 1911 4U6,674 +85.525 +26.63 210,645 196,029 1921 433,444 +26,770 +6.58 223,492 209,952 1931 497,VO.J +63,558 +1466 255,992 241,OJ(} 1941 592,316 ;'95,314 +1918 304,797 287,519 1951 661,017 +68,701 +1160 341,643 319,374 19d 802,364 +141,3-17 +21.38 420,296 382,068- 1971 938,584 +136,220' +16.98 490,207 448,377

Urban 1901 31,478 16,337 15,141 1911 29,436 -2,042 -6.49 15,145 14,291 1921 29,710 +274 +0.93 15.219 14,491 19,1 33,023 +3,313 +11.15 16,859 16,164 1941 39,812 +6789 +20.56 20,492 19,32() 1951 67,505 +27,693 +69.56 35,077 32,428 1961 63,433 -4,072 _6.03 33,957 29,476 1971 116,306 +52,873 +83.35 62,186 54,120 (xv)

Percentage- Rural Decade Decade Slate/Distnct Urban Year Persons Variatiol1 VarJ8tlon Males Females

2 3

20. Rural 1901 4791130 250,024 229,106 1911 626,785 +147,655 +30.82 324,254 302,531 1921 664,959 +38,174 +6.09 342,228 322,731 1931 758,966 +94,007 +14.14 389,561 369,405 1941 900,320 +141,354 +18.62 461,693 438,627 1951 1,015,365 +115,045 +12.78 516,845 498,520 1961 1,266,841 +251,476 +24.77 649,842 616,999 1971 1,581,781 +314,940 +24.86 803,128 178,653

Urban 1901 73,007 37,554 35,453 1911 56,012 -16,995 -23.28 29,249 26,763 1921 60,122 +4,110 +7.34 31,487 28,635 1931 70,793 +10,671 +17.75 37,587 33,206 1941 89,226 +18,433 +26.04 47,511 41,715 1951 147,979 +58,753 +65.&5 76,588 71,391 196] 159,999 +12,020 +8.12 85,799 74,200 1971 221,899 +61,900 +38.69 118,605 103,294

21. Cbittaurgarh District Rural 1901 273,448 143,488 129,960 1911 347,193 +73,745 +2697 180,145 ]67,048 1921 370,037 +22,844 +6.58 190,731 179,306 1931 418,456 +48,419 +13.08 215,317 203,139 1941 491,102 +72,646 +17.35 252,638 238,464 1951 551,292 +60,190 +12.26 281,133 270,159 1961 679,879 +128,587 +23.32 351,086 328,793 1971 847,107 +167,228 +24.60 437,872 409,235

Urban 1901 31,533 16.125 15.408 1911 28,900 -2,633 -8.35 14,933 13,967 1921 30,932 +2,032 +7.03 16,082 14,850 1931 40,211 +9,279 +30.00 20,873 19,338 1941 52,369 +12,158 +30.24 26,978 25,391 1951 63,154 +10,785 +20.59 32,590 30,564 1961 67,689 +4,535 +7.18 35,636 32,053 1971 97,874 +30,185 +44.59 51,818 46.056

22 Dungarpur District Rural 1901 94,009 47,180 46,829 1911 14~,309 +50,300 +53.51 7\,9\5 '72,394 1921 172,138 +27,829 +19.28 86,495 85,643 1931 209,943 +37,805 +21.96 105,779 104,164 1941 255,165 +45,222 +21.54 129,526 125,639 1951 286,501 +31,336 +12.28 143,044 143,457 1961 385.534 +99,033 +34.57 193,246 192,288 1971 499,001 +113,467 +29.43 246,931 252,070

Urban 1901 6,094 2,870 3,224 1911 14,883 +8,789 +144.22 7,190 7,693 1921 17,134 +2,251 +15.12 8,738 8,396 1931 11,601 +467 +2.73 8,701 8,900 1941 19,117 +1,516 +8.61 9,715 9,402 1951 21,742 +2,625 +13.73 10,868 10,874 1961 21,410 -332 -1.53 11,096 10,314 1971 31,257 +9,847 +45.99 16,185 15,072 (xvi)

Percentage Rural Decade Decade StatefDistrict Urban Yeal Persons Variation Variation Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

23. Banswara District Rural 1901 158,312 78,406 79,906 1911 177,209 +18,897 +11.94 87,571 89,638 1921 208,205 +3C,996 +17.49 103,598 104,607 1931 247,157 +38,952 +18.11 123,045 124,112 1941 283,621 +36,464 +14.75 141,998 141,623 1951 336,874 +53.253 +18.78 169,780 167,094 1961 450,415 +113,541 +33.70 228,290 222,125 1971 621,382 +170.967 +37.96 313,752 307,630

Urban 1901 7,038 3,376 3.662 1911 10,259 +3,221 +45.77 5.005 5,254 '1921 1l,319 +1,060 +10.33 5,539 5,7S!) 1931 13,513 +2,194 +19.38 6,692 6,821 1941 16,292 +2,779 +20.57 8,258 8,034 1951 19.685 +3,393 +20.83 10,025 9,660 1961 24,830 +5,145 +26.14 12,812 12,018 1971 33,204 +8,374 +33.73 17,139 16,065

24. Bundi District Rural 1901 147,413 76,817 70,596- 1911 194,172 +46,759 +31.72 100,897 93.275 1921 160,787 -33,385 -17.19 84,079 76,708 1931 184,664 +23,871 +14.85 96,596 88.o6S 1941 214,272 +29,608 +16.03 111,987 102,285 1951 232,760 +18,488 +8.63 122,170 110,590 1961 286,271 +53,51 ( +22.99 150,907 135.364 1971 383,473 ,+97,202 +33.95 203,501 179,972

Urban 1901 23,814 11,914 11,900 1911 24,558 +744 +3.12 12,314 12,244 1921 26,281 +1,723 +7.02 13.556 12,72S 1931 32,058 +5,777 +21.98 16,505 15,553 1941 35,102 +3,044 +9.50 18,051 17,051 1951 47,758 +12,656 +36.05 24,482 23,276 1961 51,739 +3,981 +8.34 27,286 24,453 1971 65,548 +13.8C9 +26.69 34,657 30,891

25. Kota Distnct Rural 1901 404,411 208,290 196,121 1911 478,850 +74,439 +18.41 247,265 231,585 1921 466,551 -12,299 -2.57 241,991 224,560 1931 497,402 +30.851 +6.61 257,096 240.306 1941 557,255 +59,853 +12.03 289,678 267,577 1951 558,202 +947 +0.17 288,485 269,717 1961 688,309 +130,107 +23.31 360,350 327,959 1971 868,819 +180,510 +26.23 456,795 412,024

Urban 1901 57,798 29,942 27.~56 1911 58,756 +958 +1.66 30,226 28,530 1921 56,098 -2.658 -4.52 29.37S 26,723 1931 64,508 +8.410 +14.99 33,937 30,571 1941 78.663 +14.155 +21.94 41,719 36.944 195[ 11 [,858 +33,[95 +42.20 58,783 53.075 1961 160,080 +48,222 +43.11 86.831 73.249 1971 275,051 +114,971 +7182 150,321 124.730 (xvii)

, Percentage Rural Decade Decade StatefDistrict Urban Year Persons Vat,iation VarIatIon Males Females 1 1 ;, 4. 5 6 '1 1\

26. Jbalawar District Rural 1901 222,3~6 115,618 106,708 19I1 273,060 +50,734 +22.82 142,523 130,537 1921 273.704 +644 +0.24 143,050 130,654 1931 303,202 +29,498 +10.78 158,333 144,869 1941 345,509 +42,307 I +13.95 179,330 166,179 1951 354,869 +9.360 +2.71 181,875 172.994 1961 453,065 +98,196 +27.67 234.851 218,214 1971 563,196 +110,131 +24.31 292,994 270,202

Urban 1901 30,696 15.323 15,373 1911 27,657 -3,039 -9.90 13.563 14,094 1921 25,202 -2,455 -8.88 12,669 12,533 1931 26,173 +971 +3.85 13,258 1!.91S 1941 28,221 +2,048 +7.82 14.490 131.H 1951 49,255 +21,034 +74.53 24,913 24,342 1961 37,544 -11,711 -23.78 19.611 17,933 1971 58,805 +21,261 +56.63 31,046 27,759

Villages classified by population villages of tbe State have population more than a thousand persons. Of these vilJagc:s having popu­ We have earlier stated that our rural population lation more than a thousand persons (and they are lives in 33,305 villages. These villages are of diffe­ 5,707). more than a half have popUlation upto rent population SIzes, which vary from very tiny 2,000 persons and around a quartc:r between two Villages baving a population of one single person to and five thousand. Th~re are 165 Villages having very large ones with a population of over 10 to 15 population between 5 to 10 thousand. Only 10 thousand persons. More than half of the total num­ ber of villages in Rajasthan, however, have popu­ villages have population of 10,000 persons aLd above. lation only less than 500 persons. About another The following table shows the distribution of vil­ quarter have population between 500 and less than lages by various size classes of popUlation and their 1,000. Thus, only less than a quarter remaining proportionate distribution by size classes.

No of VIllages by sIze class of population (percentages m brackets) r- ~------Less than 200- SOO- 1,000- 2,000- 5,000- 10,000 State/District 200 499 999 1,999 4,999 9.999 + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RAJASTHAN 8,771 11,010 7,817 4,008 1,514 165 10 (26.33) (33.06) (23.47) (12.03) (4.58) (0.50) (0.03)

1. Ganganagln 1,051 686 :'7>5 11:' ~l ., 1 (44.09) (28.7S) (14.04) (8.93) (3.86) (0.29) (9.04)

2. Bikaner 164 159 116 75 26 (30.37) (29.44) (21.48) (13.89) (4.82)

-3. Churu ]]7 263 303 138 2S 4 (13.76) (30.94) (35.65) (16.24) (2.94) (0.47)

4. Jbunjhunun 35 174 227 169 76 12 (5.05) (25.11) (32.72) (24.39) (10.97) (1.73) ( xviii!

No. of villages by size class of populatIOn (percentages in bracket~) r- ______-'- ______Less than 2eO- 500- 1,000- 1,000- 5.000- 10.COO State/District 200 499 999 1,999 d.Q99 9,999 + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5. Alwar 327 669 533 251 82 7 ( 17.50) (35.79) (28.52) (13.43) (4.39) (0.37)

6 Bharatpur 346 605 544 288 79 6 (18.52) (32.39) (29.12) (15.42, (4.23) (0.32)

7. Sawai Madbopur 320 498 412 219 76 6 (20.90) (32.53 ) (26.91) ( 14.31) (4.96) (0.39) S Jalpur 672 989 598 257 136 18 1 (25.05) (36.86) (22.29) (9.95) (S.07) (0.67) (011)

9. Sikar 65 186 288 176 78 16 I (802) (22.96) (35.56) (21.73) (9.63) (1.98) (0.12)

10. Ajmer 170 297 270 156 57 4 (17.82) (31.13) (28.30) (16.35) (5.98) (0.42)

11. Tonk 340 344 198 87 35 2 (33.80) (34.19) (19.68) (8.65) (3.48) (020)

12. Jaisa1mer 219 141 48 17 6 I (5069) (32.64) (11.11) (3.94) (1.39) (0.23)

13. Jodhpur 93 143 187 174 96 9 ( 13.25) (20.37) (26.64) (24.79) (13.67) (1 28)

14. Nagaur 140 309 417 250 88 12 (1151) (25.41 ) (3429) (20.56) (7.24) (0.99)

15. Pali 90 221 247 169 77 20 (10 92) (26.82) (29.98) (20.51) (9.34) (2.43)

16. Harmer 178 202 231 145 74 6 I (21.27) (24.13) (27.60) (17.32) (884) (0.72) (0.12)

17. Jalor 49 106 208 162 66 4 (8.24) (17.81) (34.96) (27.23) (11.09) (0.67) 18. Sirohi 76 112 124 76 33 2 (17.97) (2648) (29.31) (17.97) (7.80) (0.47) 19. Bbilwara 374 545 344 176 60 7 2 (24.80) (36.14) (22.81) (11.67) (3.98) (0.47) (0.13) 20. Udalpur 1,047 1,076 606 88 91 8 (33.60) (34.S3) (1945) (1 .24) (2.92) (0.26) 21. Chiftaurgarh 881 753 335 1116 35 2 1 (41.50) (35.47) (15.78) (5.46) ( 1.65) (0.09) (0.05) 22. Dungarpur 198 295 201 96 34 (24.00) (35.76) (24.36) Qll.64) (4.12) (0.12) 2~. Banswara 513 541 269 89 2S 2 (35.65) (37.60) (18.69) (6.18) (1.74) (0.14) 24 •. Bundi 170 321 159 58 19 2 (23 32) (44.03) (21.81 ) (7.96) (2.61) (0.27) 25. Kola 620 767 372 97 44 4 I (32.55) (40.26) (19.53) (5.09) (2.31) (0.21 ) (005) 26. Jbalawar 515 608 245 56 14 3 (35.74) (42.19) (17.00) (3.89) (0.97) (0.21) txix)

A glance at the table above would show that the Three of such villages are located in district Jaipur, largest number of villages in size class less than 200 , two in Bhilwara and one each in districts Ganga­ population are found in district Ganganagar (1,052) . nagar, Sikar, Barmer, Chittaurgarh and Kota. It followed by district Udaipur (1,047). Ihunjhunun would be interesting to know about two of these district has the sfilallest number (35) of such villages. large villages which have recorded very high Largest number of villages in size class 200-499 are rate of growth. Vilfage Rawatbhata in tehsil Begun found in Udaipur diStrict (1,076) followed by Jaipur of Chittaurgarh district has the largest population (989). Jalor district, has the smallest number (106) (15,604). This village which had a population of of such villages. 16 districts namely Ganganagar, 2,512 persons only in 1961 has rapidly grown during BIkaner. Alwar, Bharatpur, Sawai Madhopur. Jaipur this decade on account of Rana Pratap Sagar dam Tonk and districts Jaisalmer, BhIlwara, Udaipur and the Atomic Power Project for which construction Chittaurgarh. Dungarpur, Banswara, Bundi, Kota work IS going on in this village. Rawatsar village ,and Jhalawar belong to the category of districts where in tehsil Nohar of district Ganganagar has a more than half of their villages have population less population of 13,843. In 1961 this VIllage had than SOD persons. 13 di~tricts v.iz., Churu, J~un­ 6,409 persons. This high growth is on account jhunun, Alwar, Bharatp~r, Sawal Madhopur, Sikar, of tn-mjgr~tion due to the opening up of irriga­ Jodhpur, Nagaur, Pali, Barmer, Jalor, Slfohi and tional facilitIes from the Bhakra Nanga! system of also Dungarpur ,belong to a category of distrIcts canals. where about one, fourth of theIr villages have popu­ lation between 500 and less than 1,000. Largest We have earlier stated that 82 37 per cent of our number of villages with population ranging between population lIves in the rural areas. About 73 per . 1,000 to 1,999 are found in district Bharatpur and cent of the total rural population lives in villages Udaipur (288 in villages in Jaipur district e~h). 136 having population between five hundred to five followed by 96 villages in Jodhpur district, have thousand persons. 17 per cent reSides in villages population between 2,000 to 4,999 District Pali has baving two hundred to five hundred souls. Of the 20, Jaipur 18, Sikar 16, and Ihunjhunun 12 villages remaming 10 per cent of the popUlation, 45 per cent with population between 5,OCO-9,999; other districts, Jives in villages havlllg less than 20U persons, 5 per with the exception of district Blkaner, whiCh does cent in those baving five thousand to ten thousa'ld not have any such village, do have such villages but persons and 05 In Villages having more than IO,OO() their number IS small. persons. This will be seen in the following table As I:'lready stated there are only ten villages in which presents the percent~ ge of population hving the State having population more than 10,000 persons. in the Villages of various population Slzes :

Percentage of populallon Jiving III Villages of varIOUS sizes ,..------"-- -, Less than 200- 500- 1,000- 2000- 5,000- 10,000 State/District 200 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RAJASTHAN 441 L7.37 26.03 25,89 20.69 507 054

1. Ganganagar 597 19.67 20.24 26.03 22.70 4.20 1.19 2. Bikaner 4.89 16.10 25.56 30.97 22.48 3. Churu 2.65 t5.66 37.08 29.76 11.42 3.43 4. JhunjhUDun O.fO 7.89 22.02 31.20 27.66 \(1.63 5. Alwar 3.04 18.11 29.72 27.0\ 1814 3.78 6. Bharatpur 3 18 16.19 29.92 30.33 1684 3.54 7. Sawai Madhopur 3. '8 16.12 27.73 28.32 21.12 3.33 8. Jaipur 4.25 1893 2395 20.98 2302 703 1.84 9, Sikar 0.86 7.70 24.22 27.40 26.66 11.87 1.29 (xx)

Percentage of population living in villages of various sizes -~------~ Less than 200- 500- I,Qoo- 2,000- 5,000- 10,OCO State/District 200 499 999 1,999 4,999 9,999 + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10. Ajmer 2.78 14.13 27.00 29.43 23.45 3.21 II. Tnnk 7.38 21.44 26.56 23.66 18.90 2.06 12. laisalmer 12.25 31.61 23.66 15.89 11.38 5.21 13. JodhJ'lur 1.38 6.34 17.46 31.17 3632 7.33 14. Nagaur 1.40 9.87 26.87 31.21 73.18 7.27 15. Pali 1.05 8.93 20.71 27.10 27.15 15.06 16 Barmer 2.57 9.74 23.03 28.67 28.92 5.59 1.48 17. ]a)or 0.89 6.15 23.75 34.83 30.08 430 18. Sirohi 2.17 11.02 25.05 30.50 27.91 3.35 19. Bhil\\ara 4.68 19.61 25.56 25.31 18.20 4.35 2.29 20. Udaipur 7.38 22.05 26.53 24.70 16.19 3.JS 21. Chittaurgarh 10.84 28.88 2700 18.81 11.36 127 1.84 22. Dungarpur 5.01 19.98 28.75 26.83 18.35 1.08 23. Banswara 9.62 28.32 29.99 19.12 11.23 1.72 24. Bundi 5.74 27.73 28.27 21.16 13.37 3.73 25. Kola 8.22 28.92 28.69 14.49 14.70 3.75 1.23 26. Jhalawar 10.70 34.36 30.14 12.98 8.47 3.35

At the district level, it will be observed that Towns and Urban Agglomerations classified by popu­ there are fifteen districts namely Bikaner, Churu, lation Jhunjhunun, Alwar, Bharatpur, Sawai Madhopur, Jaipur, Sikar, Ajmer, Jodbpur, Nagaur, Pali, We have already stated that there are 157 places Barmer. lalor, Sirohi and Dungarpur which have which have been considered as towns for the 1971 more than 73 per cent of their rural population living Census. We have also earlier reffecred to the con­ in villages having 500 to 5,000 persons. In the cept of the urban agglomeration (U.A.) which is a remaining eleven districts also, more than half of their continuous urban spread constituted by a town and population resides in villages of this size. Distri­ its adjoining urban outgrowth or two or more physi· bution of population into villages having two hund· cally contiguous towns together with their out· red to five hundred population varies from 6.15 per growths, if any. We have 15 cases of urban agglome­ cent in lalor to 34.36 per cent in Ihalawar district, ration in the [State, three constituting only cities/ and, regarding villages having less than 200, it towns, one cdnstituting of towns as wen as an out­ varies from 0.60 per cent in Ihunjhunun to 12.25 in growth and eleven constituting of only single core laisalmer district. towns alongwith their outgrowths. It may be noted that while considering urban agglomeration as a The range of variation of population, living in single unit, six towns viz, Gangashahar and Bhinasar villages of population size five thousand to ten (urban components of jikaner U.A.), Amber and thousand in various districts, is from 1.08 in Sanganer (urban components of l.!iPUL!hA.), vidya­ Dungarpur district to 15.06 in Pali district. We vihar (urban component of Pilani U.A.) and Man have already stated before that Bikaner district bas Town (urban component of Sawai Madhopur U.A.) no village in tbis population range In the seven have been treated as part units of the aforesaid urban districts which have villages in the size ten thousand agglomerations for table A·IV. and above, tbe proportion of -population living in such villages varies from 1.19 per cent in Ganganagar The towns are classified into six categories accor­ district to 2.29 per cent in Bhilw.ara. ding to their size of population al under : (xxi)

Class I Population 100,000 and above considering only 151 units and not 157 units as the Class II Population 50,000 to 99,999 remaining six places have been considered as a part Class III Population 20,000 to 49.999 of the urban agglomerations. These six places have Class IV Population 10,000 to 19,999 already been mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs. Class V Population 5,000 to 9,999 Class VI Popullj.tion Less than 5,000 There are 7, class I towns in Rajasthan. An Class I towns baving a population 100,000 and equal number of towns belongs to the II class. -above are termed as cities. There are 31 in class IU, 64 in class IV, 38 in class V and only 4 ID class VI. The following table gives Before we proceed further, it may again be the number of towns by size classes fvr the past noted that for the purposes of this note we shall be Censuses:

No. of towns by class during Census years ~------~------~ Catego'y 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971

Class I 1 1 2 2 4 4 6 7 Class II 4 3 2 2 2 4 4 7 Class III 8 8 7 9 13 20 23 31 Class IV 25 24 20 26 28 37 52 64 Class V 47, 48 S4 55 58 61 51 38" Class VI 14. 18 25 19 13 16 9 4

Total 99 102 110 113 118 142 14S lSI

It would be observed that of the lSI urban units, classification of urban units from 1901 to 1971. Tho we now have, as many as 99 were there in 1901 following statement shows the cbanges in tbe classi­ also. Three joined in 191 t, 8 in 1921, 3 in 1931, fication of each urban unit in the past Censuses. and 5 in 1941. In the Census of 1951, 24 new units The statement also includes the names of all were added. 3 were added in 1961, and, 6 more units have been added in 1971. those places which were considered as urban in the respective Censuses and which may have ceased to It would be interesting to see the changes in the be considered as such in any subsequent Censuses.

classification of urban units in Census years ~------~ Town District 91 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Jaipur Jaipur I ... I I I I I I 2. Jodhpur Jodhpur 1 1 I I II II II II 3. Ajrner Ajrner I I I I I I II IT 4. Kota Kota I I II III III ITI III III 5. Bikaner Blkaner J I I I II II II II -6. Udaipur Udaipur I I II II III III III ID 7. Alwar Alwar I II II II III m III II 8. Ganganagar Ganganagar J1 11 III IV V 9. Bhilwara Bhilwara II III III III IV IV IV IV 10. Silear Silear {t II II III 1lI III III III III 11. Bharatpur ..!Jharatp ..!. II III 111 III m JIl III III 12. Beawar Ajrner -. II II II III III IJJ III In (xxii)

Classification of urban units in Census years ~------~------Town District 1911 196\ 1951 194\ \93\ 192\ 191\ 1901

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

13. Took Tonk '\C II III III III III If[ lH III 14. Cburu Churu -~ II III III IIf III IV IV IV 15, Pali Pall J! III III II[ TV IV IV IV IV 16. Sawai Madbopur Sawai MadboiMr III· III IV V V V IV IV 17. Sujmgar.h ' Churu "lC III. III III III IV IV IV V' 18. Barmer. Barmer"§- III m III IV V V V V 19. S3fdarsbahar Churu u- !II III III III IV IV IV IV 20. Kishaogarh AJmer "'iL III III III IV IV V IV IV l'iagaur 7ii III III IV IV IV IV IV IV 21. Nagaur '" ,_ 22. Fatehpltr Sikar -'U- III III III HI IV IV IV IV 23. Bundi ((( Bundl Tii. III 111 III III IV IV IV IV 24. Gangapur IIj Sawal Madhopur'1jI.m· HI IV IV V V V V 25. Han~mangarh Ganga nagar rI- JII, IV V V VI 26. Jhunjhunuo )// Jhunjhunun III, III III IV IV IV IV IV 27. Dholpur 1,/ Bharatpur Ill, III Jl[ III IV IV IV IV 28. Ratangarh 'II Churu JlI III III III IV IV IV IV 21J. Baran II/ Kotd III III III IV IV IV V V 30. Ladpu Ifl Nagaer III Jll lJI IV IV IV V V· 31. Hmdaun II, Sawai Madhopur III m IV IV IV V IV IV 32, Karauh .1/ ' Sawai Madhopur III lH IV IV IV IV IV III 33. Banswara ff, Banswara III IV IV IV IV V V V 34. Nawalgarh II, Jhunjhunun 1Il III III I1l IV IV IV IV 35. Chlttallrgarb /II Chittaurgarh III IV IV V V V V V 36. NaSlTabad III Ajmer m III III IV III IV UI III 37. Abu Road "I Slrohi III IV IV V V V V V 38. Makrana III Nagaur II[ IV IV IV V V 39. Rajgarh ,II Churu III IV IV IV V V VI VI 40. beeg ill Bharatpu[ III IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 41. Lachbmangarb,,/Slkar lIl' IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 42. Dungargarh f II Churu III. IV IV IV V V 43. Chomu II) Jalpur lII, IV IV V V V V V 44. Pilani JhunjhuDUD ' III' IV IV 45. Jhalawar 'II lhalawar IH. IV IV IV IV V IV IV 46:'"'nungal pur III Dungarpur IV IV V V V V V V 47. Bari II' Bbaratpur IV IV IV IV IV V IV IV 48. Dausa III Jalpur IV IV IV V V V V V 49. Nathdwala II, UdaIpur IV IV IV V V V V V SO. Sirohl I" Sirchi IV IV IV V V V V V 51. Didwana Ilf Nag~ur IV IV IV V V V IV V 52. Kuchaman III Nagaur IV IV IV IV IV V V IV 53. Suratgarb 1'1 Ganganagar IV V V V VI VI VI VI 54. Balotra III Barmer IV IV V V V V V V 55. Bilara "I Jodhpur IV IV IV V V V V V 56. Pratapgarh 'Ii Chlttaurgarh IV' IV IV IV IV V V V 57. Phalodi /1/ Jodhpur IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 58. Merta til Na.aur IV IV V VI VI VI VI VI 59. !'.ohar ." Ganganagar IV IV IV V V V V VI {iO. Sojat (11 Pali IV IV IV IV V V IV IV '61 . .Iaisalmer Jaisalmer IV V V V V VI V V -62. Nimbahera "'.11 Chittaurgarh IV IV IV V V V VI V '()3. Lakheri iii Buodi IV IV IV .V V VI ,,, 64. Sambhar i V Jaipur IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 65. Kaman iV Bharatpur IV IV V V V V V IV 66. Pi par 11! Jodhpur IV IV IV V V V V V (xxiii)

CJa~si~cation, of urban units in Census }ears ~------~-----~------~ Town District 1971 1961 1951 19~1 1931 1921 1911 1901

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 !Ii 111 67 Man Town Sawai Madhopur U.C.oC Sawai- MadMpur U.A .... '" 68. Jalor 11/ Jalor IV IV V V V V V v- (j9. Bayana IT£ Bbar~tpur IV IV V V V V V V 70. Shahpura jll Bhilw.r'l IV IV IV V V V V V 11. Chlrawa ii' Jhunjhunun IV IV IV IV V V V V '72. Ramgarh IV Sikar IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 13. Kekri • II Ajmer IV IV V V V V V V 74. Sadri 1v Pali IV IV IV V V V VI V 75 Rajsamand 'II/ Udaipur IV IV V 7(;. Bhadra 111 Gangan~gar IV IV V VI VI VI 77. Bhinmal Ilf Jalor IV IV V V V V V VI 78. Malpura Iii Tonk IV IV V V V V V V 19. Gangashahar '11 Bikaner I~ U.C.of -Bibner U.A. IV V ... 1l0. Bandikui ,.... Jaipur IV IV V 81. SangaTia tV Ganganagar IV' V VI 82. Rajakhera I II Bharatpur IV V V V V V V V 83. Rlijaldesar /v Churu IV' IV V V V V 84. Taranagar ,11 Churu IV IV IV V V V V V .85. Phulera Jaipur ,V ®~ V V 86. Khandela IV Sikar IY' IV V V V V V V 87. Jhalrapatan II" Jhalawar IV' V V V V V V V 118. Udaipur ' tV Jhunjhunun IV- V V V V V V V 89. Kotputii III Jaipur IY' IV IV V V V V V 90. Deoli Tonk lV IV' V VI VI VI VI V 91. Sheoganj IV Sirohi IV· V V VI VI VI VI VI "92. B~li /v Pali IV' V V V V VI V Y 93, Sangaoer "1 Jaipur jII U.C. of Decla- Jaipur U.A. ssified V ... "94. Neem-ka-thana,v'Sitar IV' IV V V V V V V 95, Karanpur I" Ganganagar IV IV V V 96. Sagwara IV Dungarpur lV' V V V V V VI "97. Bidasar IV' Churu IV' V V V V V 98. Nokbamandi Blkaner II/ IV· V VI 99. Ramganjmandi Kota iV IV, V V 100. Bhawanimandi Jhalawar tV IV V V 101. Rajgarh Iv' Alwar IV' IV V V V V V IV 102. Raisinghnagar Ganganagar I!/ IV· V V 103. Kapasan II! Ch·ttaurgarh IV' V V V V ]04. Todaraisingh .-/ Tonk IV' Declassified V V VI VI VI VI J 05. Khairthal ,I! Alwar IV' 106. Todabhim 1'0/ Sawai Madhopur IV' V V V V VI V V 107. Sumerpur lV Pali IV, 108. Bisau IV Jhunjhunun IV' Declassified V V V V V V· 109. Chaksu II! Jaipur IV' V V VI VI VI VI VI 110. Sri Madhopur Sikar IV IV' IV V V V V V V' 111. Nawai Iv Tonk IV' V V V VI VI VI VI .!J1....Mukundgarb IV Jhuojbunun IV V V 113. Amber J I! Jaipur "V U.C.of ;/ Jaipur U.A. V V V VI VI 114. Bhindar IV Udaipur V • V V V V V VI V IlS. Mandawa .,/ JbunjbunuD V V V V V V V V (xxiv)

Classification of urban units 1D (ensus yeats ,... -'------., Town District 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

116. Mount Abu I II Sirohi V V VI VI vl VI VI VI 117. Surajgarb iV Jbuojbunun V V V V V V V VI 118. Piodwara ,t! Sirohi V. V V 119. Cnhabra III Kota V· V V V V V V V· 120. Chhapar I v' Churu V V V V 121. Chboti Sadri iii Chittaurgarh V. V V V V, VI VI V 122. Gangapur III Bbllwara V V V 123. Jahazpur Iv Bhilwara V. Declassified VI VI VI VI VI VI 124. Barl Sadri tV Chittaurgarh V. V V V 125. I t/ Udaipur V V V V VI VI VI VI 126. Weir III Bharatpur V. V V V VI VI V Y 127. Napasar tV Bikaner V. V V VI 128. Nadbai I II Bharatpur V V VI 129. Deogarh tV Udaipur V' V V V V VI V V 130 Chhipabarod IV Kota V' 131. Khetri (II Jhunjhuoun V' V V V V V V V 132. Bljainagar 1.1 Ajmer Vo V V 133. Begun \II Chittaurgarh V' Declassified V VI VI VI VI VI 134. Deshnoke rv B·kal'er V. V V V 135. Sunel 'II Jhalawar V. V V V VI VI VI VI ;36. Naiowa V Bundi V· V V VI VI VI VI VI 137. NawaV Nagaur V' V V V V VI V V 138. Pokaran \ v' Jaisalmer V· V V VI VI VI V V 139. Sarwar II Ajmer V· V VI VI VI VI VI VI 140. Sadulshahat /II Ganganagar V, 141. v' Ajmer V, V V 142. Keshoraipatan IV Bundi V' VI VI VI VI V{ 143. PJrawa V Jhalawar V' DeclaSSified V V VI VI VI VI 144. Bagar Iv' Jhunjhunun V· V V ... 14S. Bbioasar i'v Blkaner ~ U.C.of Bikaner U. A. V VI 146. Mandi Padampur Oanganagar I II V· 147. Uniara '1/ Tonk V' V VI VI VI VI VI VI 148. Kushalgarh II Baoswara V.· V VI VI VI VI VI 149. Parbatsar 1/ Nagaur V V 150. Jobner II Jaipur V' VI VI 151. Ratannagar ..; Churu V VI VI 152. Vidyavihar v Jhunjhunu~ U.C. of Pilani U.A. VI IS3. Sojat Road ..,. PaJi V VI 154. Kherli ',f Alwar VI VI VI ... ISS. Anupgarh IV Ganganagar VI VI VI IS6. Gajsinghpura v Ganganagar VI VI VI IS7. Iodergarh VL Kota VI VI VI '158. Lakheri A.C.C. Bundi~ U.C. of Merged in I Lakheri U.A. Lakheri V 159. Latsot v{ Jaipur V V V V V V 160. Losal v' / Sikar V ... 161. Manohar7 Jaipur V VI VI VI VI V 162. MangroJ I Kota V V VI VI VI V 163. Bhusawar Bharatpur V V V V VI V 164. Nimbaj I Pali V V V VI V VI 165. Pur Bhilwara Merged in Bhilwara Town Declassified V V VI VI VI VI (xxv)

Clas~lllcalllln of urbau uruts In Cellsu. y~a[s ,- ~---- Town Di~tTict 1911 19H ~9SI 1941 1931 1921 1911 190t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 / 166. _8hahpura Jaipur V VI V VI VI V 167. Sangod Ko\a V V VI VI V VI 168 Bagri Pali\ V VI 169. Banera Bhilwara V VI VI VI VI VI 170. Gudha Jhunjhunun V 171. lobawat Joobpur V V V VI VI V V 172' Mundawa Nagaur V V VI V V 1113. Samvd Jaipur V VI VI VI VI VI V In Guhala Sikar I 175. Amet Udaipur' V .... 176. Reengus Sikar V 177. Naraina Jaipur V VI VI VI V V V 178. Kanor Udaipur 179. Kumher Bharatpur V V VI VI V V V 180. Dania 7garh Sikar V V 181. Tijara Alwar V V V ,.V V H2. Takbatgarb' Pali VI )83. Bamanwas Sawai Madhopur V VI VI VI V V V VI VI 184. Bairath Jaipur V V, VI ] 85. Jailaran Pelli V VI VI VI VI V 18(,. Paras'ampura JbunjhunuD 187. Bhandarej Jaipur V Bhllwara VI 188. Gu labP~ VI )89. Ahore / Jalor VI 190. Mandrelav Jhunjhunun VI 191. Bhim UdaIpur 192. Raipur ./ Pali VI 193. S:wari Pali VI VI 194. Bocli Sawai Madhopur VI 195. Siana Jalor VI VI VI VI V ,V 196. Behror/ Alwar Bbaratpur VI 197. Nagar VI 198. Mahuwa Sawai Madhopur VI V VI VI 199. Baswa Jaipur V V 200. Sar Matbura Bharatpnr VI VI VI 20t. Ramgarb Alwar VI VI VI V Jbalawar VI ... 202. Dag VI 203. Robeda Sir obi VI VI VI VI 204 Bahadurpur Alwar VI yI Jhunjhunun VI V V VI V V 205. Slnghaoa VI 206. Phagi Jaipur ...... 207. Malarna Oungar Sawai Madbopur Vi VI 208. Gangdhar Jhalawar VI VI VI VI VI 209. Gahakoy Dungarpuf Jhalawar VI 210. Aklera VI V[ VI VI 211. Rupnagar Ajmer VI YI VI VI VI VI 212. MandJail Sawai Madbopuf VI VI y-I VI VI 2! 3. Govindgarh Alwar VI Bharatpur VI 214. Raseri VI 215, Rupbas Bharatpur

VI ~ 216. Wazlrpur Sawai Madhopur ... (xxvi)

ClassIfIcation of urban units ID Census-years ,....------_...... Town Distnct 1971 1961 1951 19~1 1931 1921 1911 1901

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

217. M()jamabad Jaipur VI 218. Kapren Bundi VI 219. KOlkasim Alwar VI 220. Paota Jaipur VI 221. Khandar Sawai Madhopur VI 222, Pachpahar Jhalawar VI 223 Sepau Bharatpur VI 224 ~Ikrai Jaipur VI 225 Lachhrnangarh Alwar VI 226. Pachpadra Barmer VI VI vi VI VI VI 227. Sa potra Sawai Madhopur VI VI VI VI 228. Nimrana Alwar VI .1. 229. Lunkaransar Bikaner VI 230. Udaipur VI 231. S~bla Dungarpur VI 232. Pahari Bharatpur VI 233. Kherwara Cantt. Udaipur VI VI VI VI VI VI

234. Hindumal Kat Ganganagar VI .. ~ 235. Nadauti Sawai Madhopur VI 236, Kotra Cantt. Udaipur VI VI VI VI VI VI 237. Kuchera Nagaur VI 238, Etinpura Cantt. Sirohi VI VI VI VI VI Merged in Jodhpur 239. Jodbpur Town Jodhpur City III IV Merged in 240. Bhimganj Mandi Kota Kota City VI

Note :-U. C. stands fcc urban component.

It would be observed from the above statement Todaraisingh, Sumerpur and Sanganer have been that Alwar has been added only in 1971 to the considered as towns in 1971. list of I class towns containing J aipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Kota and Udaipur. Jaipur has In class y towns 11 new towns have cc:me up of been a town of this category ever since 1901 while which 6 towns have been treated as census towns Ajmer was classified in thIS category in 1921, in 1971. Jodhpur and Bikaner in 1941 and Kota and Udaipur in 1961 only. A glancF now at the table preceeding the state­ ment above would confirm the observation that Bhilwara, Bharatpuf, Tonk and Churu have while the number of larger towns is increasing, the found their places only in 1971 amongst the class II number of smaller towns is decreasing. It will be towns namely Ganganagar, Beawar and Sikar. seen that while class I towns have increased from 1 to 7, class II from 4 to 7, class III from 8 to 31 and To the list of 19 class III towns, 12 new towns class IV from 25 to 64, the number of smaller towns have been added in 197I. in class V have decreased from 47 to 38 and class VI from 14 to 4 The proportionate strength of the 24 new towns have been classified as class lV in larger towns is also showing the same trend as would 1971 of which five places viz" Bisau, Khairthal, be seen from the table given below : (xxvii)

Percentage of towns to total num ber ,- ~------~ Category 1971 1%1 19S~ ~9U 1931 1921 1911 190t

I Class I 4.64 4.14 1.76 2.55 1.33 1.36 0.73 0.74 Class II 4.64 2.76 1.76 1.27 1.34 1.36 2.17 2.96 Class III 20.53 15.86 8.81 8.28 6.00 4.76 6.52 --593 Class IV 42.38 35.86 15.86 17.84 17.33 13.61 17.39 19.26 Class V 25.16 35.17 42.29 47.13 42.67 39.46 43-48 47.41 Class VI 2.65 6.21 29.52 22.93 31.33 39.45 29.71 23.70

It will be observed \that while the proportion of from 47.41 to 25.16 in case of class V and from class I towns has increaked from 0.74 in 1901 to 4.64 23.70 to 2.65 in case of class VI towns. in 1971, from 296 to 4.64 in case of class II towns, Most of the urban popUlation of Rajasthan re­ from 5.93 to 20.53 in class III towns, and, from sides in class I towns. ThIs trend started from 1941 19.26 to 42.38 in class IV towns, it has decreased as would be seen from the table below :

Percentage of population to total urban popUlation .------'------Category 1971 1961 1951 1941 1931 1921 1911 1901

Class I 41.87 37.84 26.58 27.26 IS 25 15.84 9.29 10.33 Class II 10.75 7.35 8.92 5.38 10.45 9.69 13.64 1574 20.34 19.11 17.69 16.99 14.82 17.68 Class III 20.47 1621.,.._- Class IV 19.77 21.56 15.93 18.30 20.83 18.26 21.60 21.88 Class V 6.78 11.87 21.74 25.01 26.20 26.77 26.97 27.77 Class VI 0.36 1.04 7.72 6.36 10.28 14.62 10.82 8.07

It will be observed that from 10.3 per cent in Primary Census Abstract 1901, the proportion of population hving in class I towns have now come upto 41.9 per cent in 1971. We have earlier mentioned about the density of About 11 per cent of OUf urban population lives in popUlation but have so far DOt mentioned the details class II towns. Erratic changes in the proportions about the area and population. Rajasthan COhrs an area of 342.214 Square Kilometres. which is of population living in such towns are observed about 10 43 per cent of the total area of lhe COUnlfy, during the past censuses. Class III towns have and stands second in .ank amongst the other States generally shown increase in the proportions of popu­ of India. It has a population of 25.765 806 persons, lation living in such towns. Towns in the Class IV, which is about 4.70 per cent fof India's to:al popu­ V and VI have shown decrease in proportions; not­ lation and stands tenth in rank in the country. abl) in the case of class V, the proportion has gone The table below presents the area and population of do\\n from 27.8 in HOI to 6.8 in 1971, and, in case Rajdsthan as well as of other states and union of class VI from 8.0 to 0.4. territories of India. (llXviii)

Percentage Rank Percentage SI. Country/Stale/Union Area in to country's in Total to country's Rank in No. TelTitories Sq.Km. area Area Porulatron Population population 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

INDIA 3,280,483* 100 00 547,949,809 ICO.CO 1. Andhra Pradesh 276,754 8.44 43,502,7C8 7.94 5 2. Assam 99,610t 3.04 12 14,957,542 2.73 13 3. Bihar l73,876 5.30 9 56,353,369 10.28 2 4. Gujarat 195,984 5.97 7 26,697,475 4.87 9

5. Haryana 4~,222 1.35 17 10,036.808 1.83 15 6. Himachal Pradesh 55,673 1.70 15 3,460,434 0.63 18 7. Jammu and Kashmir 222,236* 6.77 6 4,616,632 0.84 16 8. Kerala 38,864 1.18 18 21,347,375 3.90 12 9. 442,841 1350 1 41,654,119 7.60 6 10. Maharashlra 307.762 9.38 3 50,412,235 9.20 3 11. Manipur 22.356 0.68 20 1,072,753 0.20 20 12. Megnalaya 22,489 0.69 19 1,011,699 0.18 21 13. Mysore 191,773 5.85 8 29,299,014 5.35 8 14. Naga'and 16,527 0.50 21 516,449 0.09 23 15. Orissa 155,842 4.75 10 21,944,615 4.01 11 16. Punjab 50,362 1.54 16 13,551,060 2.47 14 17. Rajasthan 342,214 10.43 2 25,765,806 4.70 10 18. Tamil Nadu 130069 3.96 11 41,199,168 7.52 7 19. Tripura 10,477 0.32 22 1,556.342 0.2R 19 20. Uttar Pradesb 294,413 8.97 4 88,341,144 1612 1 21. West Bengal 87,853 2.68 13 44,312,01l 8.09 4

Union Territories 1. Andaman Nicobar Islacds 8,293 0.25 23 115,133 0.02 27 2. Arunachal Pradesh 83,578 2.55 14 467,511 0.09 25 3. Chandigarh 114 N 28 257,251 0.05 26 4. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 491 0.02 26 74,170 0.01 28 S. Delhi 1,485 0.05 25 4,065,698 0.74 17 6. Goa, Daman and Diu 3,813 0.12 24 857,771 0.16 22 7. Laccadive, Mioicoy and Amindivi Islands 32 N 29 31,810 0.01 29 8. Pondicherry 480 0.01 27 471,707 0.09 24

• Includes 78,932 Sq. Kms, under illegal occupation of Pakistan and 5,180 Sq. Kms illegally banded over by Pakistan to China. Also includes 37,555 Sq. Kms. under illegal occupation of China.

t Includes Mizo district (now a separate Union Territory called Mizoram).

* Includes 84,112 Sq. Kms. area under illegal occupation of Pakistan. (xxix)

Wide variations is respect of area and population_ .all the dIstricts, Dungarpur district is the smalle~ of the various districts of the state are observed as district and covers only 1.10 per cent of the total would be seen in the table below which gives the area of the State. While the highest contribution to rank of districts according to their area and popu­ \ the population of the State is made by Jaipur lation. distflct, which is 9.64 per cent of the total population of Rajasthan, Jaisalmer district contnbutes only 0.65 While Jaisalmer d\strict covers 11.22 per cem of the total area of the State, which is the highest among per cent to such population.

,Area PopUlatlOD Area PopulatlOD ___ +-A.. ___-. ,---_.A.______. r-----"----- ~----L-____.. Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage to Stale'l!- to Stale's to Mate's to State's State/Djqtriet Area Rank p,'pulatlon Rank StatefDistrict Area Rank Population Rank

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

RAJASTHAN ItO 00 100.00 13. Jodhpur 6.68 4 4.47 8 14. Nagaur 5.18 6 4.90 6 I. Ganganagar 6.03 5 5.41 4 15. Pali 3.62 11 3.76 13 2. Bikaner 7.96 3 2.23 22 16. Barmer 8.30 2 3.01 17 3. Churu 4.92 8 3.39 16 17. Jalor 3.ll I3 2.59 18 4. Jhunjhunun 1.73 22 361 15 18. Sirohi 1.50 24 1.64 25 5. Alwar 5 245 IV S.40 19. Bhllwara 3.05 15 4.09 11 6. Bharatpur 2.36 18 5.78 3 20. Udaipur 5.05 7 7.00 2 7. Sawai Madhopur 3.10 14 4.63 7 21. Chittaurgarb 3.17 12 3.67 14 8. Jaipur 4.09 9 9.64 22. Dungarpur 1.10 26 2.06 23 9. Sikar 2.26 19 4.05 12 23. Banswara 1.47 2S 2.54 19 10. Ajmer 2.48 16 4,46 9 24. Bundi 1.62 23 1.74 24 11. Tonk 2.10 20 2.43 20 25. Kota 3.63 10 4.44 10 12. Jaisalmer 11.22 0.65 26 26. Jhalawar 1.82 21 2.41 21

Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes smaller and only 12.13 per cent of the State's popula­ tion belongs to tribal communities. The proportion 15.82 per cent of the total population of the of the tribal population in rural areas of tbe State State belongs to the scheduled castes. While 16.46 is 14.41 per cent while in urban areas it is only per cent of the population in the rural areas of the 1.49 per cent. The table below presents the per­ State belong to this category, 12.81 per cent of the centage distribution of scheduled castes and scheduled urban population belongs to the scheduled castes. tribes in the State and its various districts by total, The -population of the scheduled tribes is, however, rural and urban areas.

Percentage of Scheduled Castes to total Percentage of Scheduled Tribes to total population population ~------, ,------"- State{District Total Rural Urban Total Rllral Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rt\JASTHAN STATE 15.82 16.46 12.81 12.13 14.41 1.49 I. Ganganagar 24.03 25.38 17.20 0.08 0.06 0.19 2. Bikaner 15.48 20.26 8.70 0.07 003 0.13 3. Churu 17.36 20.00 11.09 0.39 0.39 0.38 4. Jhunjhunun 14.00 14.03 13.84 1.77 2.05 0.45 S. Alwar 17.30 17.71 13.24 7.99 8.57 220 (xxx)

Percentage of Sch~duled Castes to total Percentage of Scheduled Tnbes to total population population ------~--~ .------'------....._ State/District Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7

6. Bharatpur 20.89 21.14 19.31 2.96 3.34 0.53 7. Sawai Madhopur 21.16 21.48 18.8l 22.68 25.3S 2.90 8. Jaipur 16.09 18.21 11.17 11.14 15.17 1.76 9. Sikar 12.98 13.50 10.44 2.50 2.85 0.82 10. Ajrner 17.28 16.93 17.84 1.34 2.00 0.23 11. Tonk 19.68 2047 15.94 11.37 1368 046 12. Jaisalmer 13.56 14.48 8.16 4.13 4.34 2.88 13. Jodhpur 13.44 15.06 9.98 2.11 2.52 1.25 14. Nagaur 17.48 18.45 10.53 0.16 0.17 0.10 15. Pali 15.03 15.33 12.62 470 506 1.78 16. Barmer 14.38 14.44 13.70 5.74 609 129 17. lalor 16.27 16.32 15.10 7.81 7.80 8.10 18. Sirohi 16.66 18.00 10.50 21.48 24.63 7.01 19. Bhilwara 15.83 16.11 13.60 9.36 1015 3.05 20. Udaipur 7.76 7.77 7.72 33.66 38.00 2.73 21. Chittaurgarb 13.64 13.99 10.60 19.57 21.62 1.81 22. Dungarpur 3.98 3.85 6.09 63.64 66.83 12.78 23. Banswara 3.78 3.70 5.35 72.93 76.42 7.55 24. Bundi 18.64 19.11 15.S9 19.27 22.41 0.92 25. Kola 18.09 19.20 14.58 14.54 18.48 2.09 26. Jbalawar 16.39 17.21 8.53 1030 11.16 1.99

Down at the district level, the percentage of to 12.78 per cent in Dungarpur district in case of scheduled castes for the total areas ranges from urban arer of the districts. 3.78 per cent in Banswara district to 24.03 per cent in Ganganagar district. While in rural areas it Out of a total population of 4.075,580 persons ranges from 3.70 per cent in Banswara to 25.38 in of the scheduled castes which lives in the State, the Ganganagar district, it varies from 5.35 per cent in bulk (3,493.437 persons) resides in the rural areas. Banswara district to 19.31 per cent in Bharatpur There are 3,125 506 persons of the scheduled tribes district in case of urban areas of the districts. The residing in the State. Of these as many as 3,057.790 percentage of scheduled tribes in the various districts persons live in the rural areas while remaining 67,716 for the total areas varies from 0.07 per cent in persons are found in the urban areas. The following Bikaner district to 72.93 per cent in Banswara dis­ table provides the actual population and percentage trict. It ranges from 003 per cent in Blkaner district share of various districts in the formation of scheduled to 76.4 ~ per cent in Banswara district in case of castes and scheduled tribes population of the State rund areas and from 0.10 per cent in Nagaur district by total, rural and urban areas. (xxxi)

Scheduled Castes populatioJi Scheduled TrIbes population (Percentage in brackets) (Percentage in brackets) .J... ______----.. ~------~------,-- StatelDistrict Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7

RAJASTHAN 4,075,580 3,493,437 582,143 3,125,506 3,057,790 67,716 (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

1. Ganganagar 335.037 295,509 39,528 1,144 667 447 (8.22) (8.46) (6.79) (0.04) (0.02) (0.66)

2. Bikaner F8,70() 68,068 20,632 417 98 319 (l.17) (1.95) (3.54) (0.01) (N) (0.47)

3. Churu 151,825 123,150 28,675 3,413 2,422 991 I (J.71) (3.5J) (4.93) (0.11) (0.08) (1.46)

4. JhunjbuDun 130,054 107,636 22,418 16.454 15,732 722 (3.19) (3.08) (3.85) (0.S3) (0.51) (1.07)

5. Alwar 240,713 223,910 16,803 1ll,104 108,318 2,786 (5.91) (6.41) (2.89) (3.55) (3.54) (4.11)

6. Bbaratpur 311,305 271,697 39,608 44,037 42,948 ]'089 (764) (7.78) (6.80) (1.41) (1.40) (1.61)

7. Sawai Madbopur 252,578 225,84!l 26,734 270,694 266,567 4,127 (6.20) (6.46) (4.59) (8.66) (8.72) (6.10)

8. Jaipur 399,525 316,219 83,306 276,577 263,480 13,097 (9.80) (9.05) (14.31) (8.85) (8.62) (19.34)

9. Sikar 135,329 116,785 18,544 26,109 24,660 1,449 (3.32) (3.34) (3.19) (0.84) (0.81) (2.14)

10. Ajmer 198,274 121,186 77,088 15,326 14,331 995 (4.87) (3.47) (13.24) (0,49) (0.47) (1.47)

II. Tonk 123,174 105,771 17,403 71,181 70,678 503 (3.02) (3.03) (2.99) (2.28) (2.31) (0.74)

12. Jaisalmer 22,612 20,625 1,987 6,882 6,180. 702 (0.56) (0.59) (0.34) (0.22) (0.20) (1.04)

13. Jodbpur 154,898 118,150 36,148 24,322 19,730 4,592 (3.80) (3.38) (6.31) (0.18) (0.65) (6.18)

14. Nagaur 220,656 204,341 16,315 2021 1,877 150 (5.41) (5.85) ~2.80) (0.06) (0.06) (0.22)

15. Pali 145,787 132,104 13,683 45,546 43,614 1,932 (3.58) (3.78) (2.35) (1.46) (1.43) (2.85)

16. Barmer 11 1,429 103,728 7,101 44,508 43,783 125 (2.13) (2.97) (1.32) (1.42) (1.43) (1.07)

17. Jalor 108,615 104,21S 4.460 52,188 49,797 2,391 (2.67) (2.98) (0.77) (1.67) (1.63) (3.53) (xxxii)

Scheduled Castes population Scht'duled Tribes population (Percentage in brackets) (Percentage in brackets) ~------~------~ ,------. State IDistrict Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7

18. Sirohi 70,611 62,657 7,954 91,044 85,736 5,308 (1. 73) (1.79) (1.37) (2.91) (2.80) (7.84)

19. Bhilwara 167,031 151.208 15,823 98,784 95.235 3.549 (4.10) (4.33) (2.72) (3.16) (3.11) (5.24)

20. Udaipur 139,976 122,843 17,133 607,107 601,057 6,050 (3.43) (3.52) (2.94) (19.42) (19.66) (8.94)

21. Chittaurgarh 128,910 118,534 10,376 184,949 183,173 1,776 (3.16) (3.39) (1.78) (5.92) (599) (2.62)

22. Duogarpur 21,115 19,213 1,902 337.480 333,485 3,995 (0.52) (0.55) (0.33) (10.80) (10.91) (S.90)

23. Banswara 24,774 22,996 1.778 477,369 474,862 2,507 (0.61) (0.66) (0.31) (15.27) (1553) (3.70)

24. Bundi 83,710 73,297 10,413 86,537 85,936 601 (2.05) (2.10) (1.79) (2.77) (2.81) (0.89)

25. Kota 206,920 166,805 40,115 166,301 160.557 5.744 (5.08) (4.77) (6.89) (5.32) (5.25) (8,48)

26. Jbalawar 101,962 96,946 5,016 64036 62,867 1,169 (2.50) (2.78) (0.86) (2.05) (2.06) (1.73)

The largest contribution to tbe scheduled castes of the districts. Of tbe urban scheduled tribes population is made by Jaipur district (9.80 per cent) population 19.34 per cent is contributed by Jaipur­ followed by Ganganagar (8.22 per cent), Bbaratpur district while tbe contribution of tbe other districts. (7.64 per cent) and Sawai Madhopur (6.20 per cent). is very small and ranges from 0.22 per cent in Nagaur The proportionate contribution of the remaining district to 8.94 per cent in Udaipur district. districts varies from 0.52 per cent in Dungarpur district to 5.91 per cent in Alwar district. Majority Literacy of the s<:heduled castes population lives in tbe rural areas of (be various districts. Of the urban scheduled 19.07/per cent of the total population of the State castes population, 14.31 per cent is contributed by is literat (tbe literacy rate for the country as a Jaipur district, followed by Ajmer (13.24 per cent), whole is 29.46 per cent). While 43.47 per cent of KOla (6.89 per cent), Bharatpur (6 80 per cent) the urban popUlation knows how to read and write, Ganganagar (6.79 per cent) and Jodhpur (6.31 per only 13185 per cent of the rural population ~as this cent) districts. Other districts contribute between attainment. Male literacy rate in the State IS 28.74 0.31 per cent to 4.93 per cent. Udaipur district per cent. It is 22.87 per cent in case of rural areas. contributes 19.42 per cent of the scheduled tribes The literacy among urban males is, however, 55.53 population of the Slate followed by Banswara per cent. Literacy among women-folk is comparati­ (15.27 per cent), Dungarpur (10.80 per cent), Jaipur vely poor. 1hough the State average comes to 8.46 (8.85 per cent) and Sawai Madhopur (8.66 per cent). per cent. it is only 4.03 per cent in case of rural The percentage contribution of the remaining dis­ areas, 1t is, however, 29.69 per cent in the urban tricts ranges from 0.01 per cent in Bikaner district areas of the State. The following table presents Ihe to 5.92 per cent in Cbittaurgarh district, The bulk literacy rates by sex and by (otal, rural and urban . Df the tribal population is round in the rural areas areas for the State and its variobs districts :


At the district level, the literacy rates for the Working Population total areas vary from 10.13 per cent in Ialor district to 30.30 per cent in Ajmer district. The range of On the basis of the main economic activity, the variation in rural areas of the various districts is population of the State is divided into 31.24 per from 8.38 per cent in Barmer district to 20 80 per cent workers and 68.76 per cent non-workers. Male population of the State is divided into 52.09 per cent cent in Ihunjhunun district. In the case of urban workers and 47.91 per cent non-workers. The pro­ areas it ranges from 32.68 in Tonk district to 5398 portion of non-workers in respect of female popu­ in Ajmer district. Male literacy rates in the various lation is as high as 91.66 per cent and only 8.34 per districts vary from 16 . .52 per cent in Ialor district to cent of the total female population is economically 41.29 per cent in Ajmer district. In case of rural active. A large variation in distribution pattern of areas these rates range from 13.91 per cent in Barmer workers and non·workers is observed in the rural district to 34.70 per cent in Jhuojhunun district and urban areas of the State. The proportion of while in urban areas the percentage of literacy workers and non·workers in case of rural areas varies from 45.19 per cent in Tonk district to 65.76 is 1:2 while it is 1:3 in the urban areas. The per cent in Ajmer district. Low hteracy figures for rural male population is divided into 53.63 per females are observed at the district level ranging cent workers and 46.37 per cent non-workers. The from 3.27 per cent in Ialor district to 18.23 per cent proportion of rural female non-workers is slightly lower than that of total areas viz., 90.73 per cent. in Ajmer district. More distressing picture is seen In case of urban arras, the male population has at the level of rural areas of the districts where fe­ 45.08 per cent workers and 54.92 per cent non-wor­ male literacy rates vary from 1.22 per cent in kers and the proportion of non· workers in case of laisalmer district to 5.91 per cent in Ihunjhunun urban females is very high viz., 96.14 per cent. The district. The rates for urban female literacy, table below provides the distribution of workers and however, range from 18.47 per cent in Sikar district non-workers in the State and its various districts by to 40.98 per cent in Banswara district. total, rural and urban areas.

Total Percentage of workers Percentage of non-workers Rural ,------~------, ~------~------State/District Urban Persons Males Females Pt'rsons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RAJASTHAN STATE T 31.24 5209 8.34 68.76 47.91 9166 R 32.39 53.63 9.27 67.61 46.37 90.73 U 25.84 45.08 3.86 74.16 5492 9614

1. Ganganagar T 28.85 51.53 2.90 71.lS 48.47 97.10 R 29.15 52.25 3.06 70.85 47.75 9694 U 27.33 47.98 2.06 72.67 52.02 97.94

2. Bikaner T 28.86 48.83 6.70 71.14 51.17 93.30 R 32.46 53.92 882 67.54 46.08 91.18 U 23.75 4167 3.67 76.25 58.33 9633

I 3. Churu T 30.12 49.19 9.98 69.88 50.81 90.02 R 33.42 52.34 13 19 66.58 47.66 86.81 U 22.27 41.54 2.48 77.73 58.46 97.52

4. Jhunjhunull T 25.29 44.63 4.47 74.71 55.37 95.53 R 26.05 45.80 4.90 73.95 54.20 95.10 U 21.68 39.15 2.35 78.32 60.85 97.65

5. Alwar T 27.98 48.76 4.55 72.02 51.24 95.45 R 2832 49.43 4.65 71.68 50S:' 95.35 U 24.68 42.34 3.55 75.32 57.66 96.45 (xxxv)

10lai l'ercentage 01 wOlkers Percentage ..A.of ______non-workers -. Rural ~---~----~ State/District Urban Persons Males , Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

6. Bbaratput T 28.87 50.83 2.71 71.13 49.17 97.29 R 29.37 51.79 2.68 70.63 48.21 97.32 U 25.70 44.82 2.87 74.30 55.18 97.13

7. Sawai Madhopur T 3227 52.11 8.61 67.73 41.29 91.39 R 33.03 53.62 9.26 66.97 46.38 90.14 U 26.58 46.03 3.76 73.42 53.97 96.24

8. Jaipur T 30.37 50.40 7.86 69.63 49.60 92.14 R 31.98 52.f)7 9.74 68.02 41.93 90.26 LI 26.61 46.60 3.36 73.39 53.40 96.64 9. Sikar T 2693 47.09 5.95 73.07 52.91 94.05 R 28.02 48.47 6.73 71.98 51.53 93.27 U 21.60 40.38 2.14 78.40 59.62 91.86

10. Ajmer T 34.15 51.67 16.17 65.25 48.33 83.83 R 39.88 56.26 22.28 60.12 43.74 77.72 U 26.27 44.28 5.74 73.73 55.72 94.26 66.13 11. Tonk T 33.87 54.43 11.26 45.57 88.74 R 3S.29 56.22 12.31 64.71 43.78 87.69 U 27.19 46.02 6.27 72.81 53.98 93.71 12. Jaisalmer T 31.69 53.86 4.31 68.31 46.14 95.69 R 31.98 54.56 4.54 68.02 45.44 95.46 U 2996 49.97 2.87 70.04 50.03 97.13 7.74 69.72 13. Jodbpur T 30.28 50.55 49.45 92.26 R 32.18 54.10 9.50 67.22 45.90 90.50 U 24.96 43.20 3.89 75.04 56.80 96.11 14.95 66.02 48.09 14. Nagaur T 33.98 51.91 85.05 R 35.27 53.01 16.56 64.73 46.99 83.44 U 24.75 44.21 311 75.25 55.79 9689 1087 67.78 47.50 IS. Pali T 32.22 52.50 89.13 R 3281 5303 11.72 67.19 46.97 88.28 U 27.52 48.42 3.81 72.48 51.58 96.19 920 65.94 43.90 16. Barmer T 34.06 56.10 90.80 R 34.63 56.86 9.72 65.37 43.14 90.28 U 26.73 46.78 2.19 73.27 5322 97.81 6.75 68.46 45.37 17. lalor T 31.54 54.63 93.25 R 31.75 54.93 6.93 68.25 45.07 93.07 U 26.98 48.32 2.69 73.02 51.68 97.31 608 70.16 47.41 18. Sirobi T 2984 52.59 93.92 R 30.16 54.15 6.62 69.14 45.85 !}3.38 U 25.60 45.66 3.53 74.40 54.34 96.47 15.51 60.72 39.10 19. Bbilwara T 39.28 6090 84.49 R 40.33 62.11 16.52 59.67 37.89 83.48 U 30.75 51.35 7.08 69.25 48.65 92.92 7.64 68.04 44.77 20. Udaipur T 31.95 55.23 92.36 R 32.65 56 S5 8.00 67.35 43.45 92.00 U 21.05 46.33 4.92 72.95 53.67 95.08 17.01 61.34 41.21 82.99 21. Cbittaurgarh T 38.66 58.79 R 39.90 6009 18.30 6010 39.91 81.70 U 27.91 47.81 5.52 72.09 52.19 94.48 (xxxvi)

Total Percentage of workers Percentage of non-workers r--______l... Rural ~------~------~ State/District Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 'I 8

22. Dungarpur T 27.94 50.64 5.59 72.06 49.36 94.41 R 28.24 51.23 5.71 71.76 48.77 94.29 U 23.24 41.66 3.46 76.76 58.34 96.54 23. Banswara T 28.03 51.01 4.53 71.97 48.99 95.47 R 28.21 51.41 4.54 71.79 48.59 95.46 U 24.70 43.16 4.37 15.30 56.24 95.63 24. Bundi T 33.12 55.00 8.42 66.88 45.00 91.58 R 34.48 56.91 9.06 65.52 43.03 90.94 U 25.17 43.44 4.67 74.83 56.56 95.33 25. Kota T 30.90 52.33 6.66 69.10 47.67 93.34 R 31.41 53.25 7.19 68.59 46.75 92.81 U 29.28 49.51 4.90 70.72 50.49 95.10 26. Jhalawar T 31.93 54.31 7.60 68.07 45.69 9240 R 32.57 55.42 7.81 67.43 44.58 92.19 U 25.80 43.87 5.60 74.20 56.13 94.40

Down at the district level, the proportion of 63.91 per cent of the females are engaged in cultiva­ workers in the total areas of the districts varies from tion while the remaining 7.63 per cent males and 25.29 per cent in Jhunjhunun district to 39.28 per 20.80 per cent females work as agricultural labourers. cent in Bhilwara district. While in the rural areas Still higher proportions are observed in the rural the proportion of workers ranges from 26.05 per areas of the State where 83.72 per cent of the males cent in Ihunjhunun district to 40.33 per cent in and 90.05 per cent of the females, among their res­ Bhilwara district, in the urban areas of the districts pective working population, are engaged in agri­ it varies from 21.60 per cent in Sikar district to 30.75 cultural activities. In the urban areas of the State, per cent in Bhilwara district. Male contribution to male and female participation in the agricultural the working force in the total areas ranges from activities is 12.85 and 2~.22 per cent respectively. 44.63 per cent in Ihunjhunun district to 60.90 per Other economic activities which engaged a sizable cent in Bhilwara district. It varies from 45.80 per number of workers are other services, trade and cent in Ihunjhunun district to 62.11 per cent in commerce, manufacturing other than household BhiIwara district in the rural areas and from 39.15 industry and transport, storage, and communication. per cent in Ihunjhunun district to 5l.35 per cent in Other services account for 29.11 per cent of the Bhilwara district in case of urban areas. Female urban male workers and 42.66 per cent of the ur,ban participation in the economic activity in the various female workers. While 19.91 per cent of the urban districts ranges from 2.71 per cent in Bharatpur male worker~ are engaged in trade and commerce, district to 17.01 per cent in Chittaurgarh district. At manufacturiqg other than household industry also the level of rural areas of the districts, the pro­ accounts for 15.72 per cent. Apa,rt from these 10.35 portion of female workers varies from 2.68 per cent per cent of the urban male workers are employed in in Bharatpur district to 22.28 per cent in Ajmer tran~port, lltorage and communications. Among the district and from 2.06 per cent in Ganganagar urban female workers 13.08 per cent belong to those district to 7.08 per cent in Bhilwara district in case working in household industry while 9.78 per cent of urban areas. are found working in manufacturing other than Agriculture is the mainstay of the bulk of the bousehold industry. Female participation in other people in the State for 72.70 per cent of the male economic activities is, rather, small. The following working population and 84.71 per cent of the female table provides the percentage distribution of workers working population are engaged in this work. Of the by sex and industrial categories for the State and its agricultural workers 65.07 per cent of the males and various districts. (xxxvii)

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Down at the district level also, majority of the in Jaisalmer district to 25.67 per cent in Ganganagar workers in the various districts are engaged in agri­ district, manufacturing other than household industry cultural activities. As many as 53.05 per cent of the accounts for from 3.26 per cent in Jaisalmer district male workers in Ajmer district to 89.06 per cent in to 25.73 per cent in Pali district. Apart from this, Banswara district and as many as 64.32 per cent of the percentage of urban male workers employej in the female workers in Jaisalmer district to 94.28 per transport, storage and communications varies from eent in Nagaur district work in this primary aativity. 3.86 per cent in Jalor distrU to 19.46 per cent in Still higher proportions of agricultural workers are Ajmer district. The participation of urban female observed in the rural areas where the percentage of wilrkers in household industry ranges from 4.72 per male agricultural workers ranges from 71.46 per cent cent in Sirohi district to 22.66 per cent in Jhunjhunun in Sirohi district to 93.14 per cent in Churu district district, while, in manufacturing other than house­ and that of female "';orkers from 69.02 per cent in hold industry, the percentage of female workers Jaisalmer district to 96.01 per cent in Churu district. varies from 2.05 per cent in Sirohi district to 21.41 In the urban areas of the various districts, the pro­ per cent in Ajmer district. Female participation in portion of male agricultural workers ranges from other activities IS, rather, small. 4.45 per cent in Ajmer district to 34.46 per cent in ChufU district while such proportion of female agri­ A batch of five maps, which now follows, illustra­ cultural workers varies from 6.38 per cent in Bundi tes the area and popUlation, growth of population, district to 54.08 per cent in Bhilwara district. 1901-71, distribution of villages, dispersal of towns and progress of urbanisation, 197L Other important economic activities which engage a sizable number of workers in the urban areas of Towards the end of this book a special annexure the various districts are the other services, which has been provided which details the names of villages account from 18.12 per cent of male workers in in certain popUlation ranges, an information which Churu district to 52.77 per cent in Jalsalmer district is in high demand by various government and and from 23.54 per cent of the female workers in private agencies It will be observed that there are Tonk district to 57.96 per cent in Dungarpur district. 1,524 villages in the population range 2,000 to 4,999, Besides, trade and commerce, in which activity the 165 villages in range 5,000 to 9,999 and 10 villages urban male workers are engaged from 13.19 per cent in range 10,000 and above in the state. ANNEXUREl


18. Census House: A "Census house" is building one of these rooms had been separately occupied by or part of a building having a separate main entrance independent households and if each portion had from the road or common court-yard or stair-case separate main entrance then each will be justified etc., used or recognised as a separate unit. It may to be treated as a separate census house. In a hostel be inhabited or vacant. It may be used for a building even if the door of each room in which an residential or non-residential purpose or both. inmate lives opens on to a common verandah or stair-case as it happens almost invariably, the entire 19. If a building has a number of flats or blocks bostel building may bave to be treated as one census which are independent of one another having separate bouse only. In some parts of the country in the entrances of their own from the road or a common rural areas, the pattern of habitation is such that a stair-case or a common court-yard leading to a main single household occupies a group of huts within an gate, they will be considered as separate census houses. enclosed fence which has one main entrance. Each If within a large enclosed area t here are separate of tbe apparently separate structures is an integral buildings, then each such building will be one or part of the housing unit as such. In such cases it more separate census houses. If all the structures may be more realistic to treat the group as one census within an enclosed compound are together treated house. Care should be taken to ascertain if only as one building tben each structure with a separate one household occupies such a unit or shared by entrance should be treated as a separate census house. more than one household. Thus the definition of a census house will have to be applied having due 22. The definition of census house may ;ome­ regard to the actual situation in such exceptional times be difficult of application in its literal sense in cases. the context of varying patterns of structures and their usage. For example, in cities and towns, one does come aCf{)SS a situation when a flat in the occupa· 24. Household: A household is a group of per­ tion of one household as residence may be made up sons who commonly live together and would take of four rooms or so and all the rooms may have their meals from a common kitchen unless the direct entrance from a common court-yard or a exigencies o~ work prevented any of them from doing stair-case. In terms of the definition of a census so. There /may be 'one-member household, two­ house each of these rooms ba ving entrances from the member household or multi-member household', common stair-case etc., may qualify to be treated For census purposes each one of these types is as census houses. But it does not reali~tically reflect regarded ali a "Household". Again, there may be the situation of the number of houses. In such case, a househol'J of persons related by blood or house­ 'singleness' ef use of these rooms alongwith the main house by the household should be taken into hold of unrelated persons; the latter are Boarding account and the entire flat comprising four ro.)ms Houses, Hostels. Residential Hotels. Orphanages, should be treated as one census house only and Rescue Homes. Ashrams etc. These are called assigned one number. If on the other hand each e'lnstitutional Hou~eholds". ANNEXURE II


-General March, 1971 and end it on 31st March, 1971. You will, therefore, have to cover your jurisdiction As a Census enumerator, you are performing a and enumerate every person as will be explained in duty which is of great national importance. The data the succeeding paragraphs during that period of 21 you provide through thi census, form the basis for days. But in order to bring the picture up·to-date the demarcation of electoral constituencies; the as at sunrise of 1st April. 1971 i.e., the reference national planning largely depends on the accuracy date for the census, you will have to quickly go of the census data. Census data are also depended round your jurisdiction again Qn a revisit from 1st upon heavily by the pubIie and Government Orga­ to 3rd April, 1971 and enumerate any fresh arrival nisations. You are privileged to be a Census enume­ in your jurisdiction who might not have already rator. At the same time, your responsibilities are been enumerated elsewhere and also take account .also heavy. You have to fulfil them with a sense of of any fresh births that might have taken place in pride and devotion to duty. any of the households after your previous visit and before the sunrise of lst April, 1971 and fill in 2. For your information certain provIsIons of fresh Census schedules to cover such cases. As a of the Indian Census Act which clothe you with the corollary you will have to also cancel the census legal power to canvass the census questionnaire and SChedules relating to persons who may have also prescribe your responsibilities are reproduced unfortunately died since your last visit to a house­ in Appendix I of these instructions. hold but prior to the sunrise of 1st April, 1971. Births or deaths and arrivals of visitors that had 3. Please take particular note of the provision of taken place after the sunrise of lst April, 1971 need sections 11 (I) (a) and (b) of the Census Act which not be taken note of by you. require you to perform your duty as a census officer diligently and to keep the information collected at the census confidential. Pad no. and Slip no.

4. The Indian Census has a rich tradition and 6. The census charge officer or the supervisor bas enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best would have issued the required number of enume­ in the world. It is hoped that you will help in ration schedule pads of individual slips to you. Some may be in pads of 100 schedules and some of keeping up this good name. 25. On the top of the pad, the pad number would Reference date and enumeration period have been noted prominently by the charge officer. Soon after you receive your pad, you should check 5. The reference date for the population Census them and note on the right hand corner of each of 1971 is the sunrise of ) st April 1971 i.e., the individual slip, within each book in the space census is expected to provide a picture of the provided for the purpose, the Pad no. as given on population of the country as it exists at sunrise of the top of the cover and you should also allot serial 1st April 1971. It is obviously not possible to number to each schedule. The serial number of the ascertain the particulars of every individual through­ schedules will have to be given by yourself in one out the length and breadth of the country at this sequence starting with one on the first schedule of fixed point of time. Therefore, the enumerator will the pad and ending with 100 in case of pads of 100 .actually commence his work of enumeration on 10th schedules and ending with 25 in case of pads of 25 (xlvi)

schedules. In some pads the actual number of to the adjoining house number. You should als(} schedules may by mistake be a little more or little know the deviding line between you and the ad­ less. The last serial number in such pads may, joining enumerator. Make sur? that he also knows therefore, vary accordingly. The ultimate idea is the boundaries of your jurisdictions so that there is that every slip should be allotted the pad number as no ambiguity, and overlapping or omission. In case well as the distinct serial number. of any doubt you should immediately consult your Supervisor or the Charge Officer. Location code and your jnrisdiction 10. Immediately you are appointed a Census 7. On the top covet page of each book you will Enumerator please prepare a detailed sketch of the also find the location code number of your village or area alloted to you showing the streets, other promi­ town indicating the district number, the tehsil or nent land marks and also the location of the thana or town number and the village number. You actual hous~~ that you enumerate. This sketch is may find that the district No, and the teh~il No. important in order that your area may be identified have been already stamped on each slip in the rural by anyone even at a later date. This sketch will pads. In the case of urban areas, the town No. also ensure complete coverage at the Census. You may also be rubber stamped along with the district will be required to give this sketch with your final No. In rural areas you will have to note in addition abstract to your Supervisor immediately after the the villa~e No. and the enumerator Block No. an,d Census enumeration is completed. for towns ward No., if any, and enumerator Block No. But if on any slip, location code has not been Persons to be enumerated stamped through oversight, you will have to note the combined location code No. made-up of the 11. While your appointment order may indicate district No., tehsil or thana or town No, and the all the houses that fall in your jurisdiction you will village/ ward No. and enumerator block No. on have to locate every household in your area. A each schedule on the left hand top corner in the household is defined as 'the entire group of persons space provided for the purpose. Elements of each code who commonly live together and take their meals should be !eparated by oblique strokes. The from a common mess unless the exigencies of work enumerator block number may be noted within prevent them from doing so'. A household can be round brackets at the end of the location code. either a one person household i.e., a person who Please also see the instructions in para 22 below. makes provision for his own food or other essentials You must get yourself fully acquainted with the for living without combining with any other person complete code numbers allotted to your area. This to form part of a multi-person household. It may will be intimated to you by your Census Charge be a multi-person household i.e., a group of two Officer. or more persons who make common provision for food or other (essentials for living. They may be 8. If you have, by any chance been put in charge related or unrelated persons or a combination of of more than one village or urban block, please both. Households usually occupy a whole or part make sure that you have separate pads for each of not more than one housing unit but they may village or urban block. Do not enumerate the also be fourd living in camps, in boarding houses or population of a second village or a second urban hotels or other institutions or they may be block in continuation of the fmt in a common pad. homeless. The enumeration schedule pads of each village or 12. You will have to make note of the areas urban block will have to remain separate. within YQur jurisdiction where there is a likelihood of houseless persons such as the pavement dwellers 9. Your appointment order would have defined or nomads living. Those houseless persons should your Census jurisdiction. You must acquaint ~our­ all be censused on the night of 31st March, 1971. self with your jurisdiction immediately your appoint­ You will also have to cover that night, persons ment order is received. You should get to know living in boats, if any, in your jurisdiction. the relevant house numbers of the houses which you are expected to visit for enumeration. Any new 13. All persons normally residing at a place houses that might have come up within the limits within your jurisdiction during the Census enume­ of your jurisdiction for which no number had been ration period are eligible for enumeration. A allotted before, should be indicated by a sub-number person is considered as normally residing there jf be . (dW.i) normally stays in that place during the enumeration ~articulars on the Population Record and you have period i.e., (rom 10th March till 31st MaTch, to also prepare an Abstract. You have to record 1971, and had in fact actually, resided there during tbe answers as laid down in the slicceeding instruc­ .any p~rt of the enumeration period. If a person tion briefly . had been away throughout the enumeration period Census schedule (Individual Slip) he is not to b~ considered eligible for enumeration here. He wiII be enumerated wherever,he is actually 17. A specimen of a filled in census schedule, found during the enumeration period. Similarly, a which is called the Individual Slip that you will person who would have normally resided at another be required to canvass, is given on the following place during the enumer4tioD period but in fact was page. absent during the entire period from that place will 18. One slip will have to be filled for each bp enumerated if he is to be found in any household individual in each [household that you visit in your io your jurisdiction as a visitor. Such persons should, jUrIsdiction. You should first enumerate the Brad bowever, be cautioned tbat they should not get of the household followed by the other members of themselves enumerated again in case they may move the household in the most convenient order and from this place. ensure that none of the persons in the household is 14. Thus, when you visit a household for the left out. Perhaps it is best that after enumerating the purpose of enumeration, you will enumerate the Head of the household, you cover the near relatives following persons : first such as, the wife, sons and daughters, son's wife and son's children, daughter's husband and their (i) All those who normally stay and are present children forming part of the household, then distant in that household during the entire period relatives, and domestic servants or other boarders or of enumeration i.e. from 10th March to visitors, forming part of the household and entitled 31st March; (both days inclusive). to be enumerated here. (ii) Also those who are known to be normally Please make repeated enquiries about infants and residing, and had actually stayed during a very young children for they are often liable to be left part of the enumeration period (10-31st out of count. March) but are not present at the time of 19. The various items to be canvassed on the your visit; Individual Slip are explained in the following (iii) Also those who are known to be normally instructions : residing and are not present at the time of your visit but are expected to return befote Pad No. and Slip No. lst April, 1971 and • 20. Make sure that the Pad No. and the Slip No. have been noted by you on the top right hand corner (iv) Visitors who are present in household cen­ of each schedule against the item provided as already sused by you but had been away from the indicated earlier under the general instructions. The place (s) of their usual residence during the noting of Pad No. and the Slip No. is necessary for, entire enumeration period. For the purpose you will be later required to tabulate in an Abstract of enumeration such visitors will be treated certain items of information of each schedule on a as normal residents of the place (household) separate form where you will have to indicate the where they were actually found during the Slip No. concerned against which you will be posting enumeration period provided they have not the data. The Pad No. is the number already been enumerated elsewhere. furnished on the top of the enumeration schedule 15. You should plan out your work in such a way Pad and the Slip No. is the serial number that you that you will be able to cover your entire jurisdiction will be giving for each schedule in this Pad. You are in a systematic manner and you do not leave the also advised to use the Pads in a sequence starting work to be accumulated towards the end. with the lowest Pad number.

16. Your task is simple. You will be required to 21. In case your jurisdiction covers more than one canvass only one simple Individual Slip containing 17 villltge or more than one urban block please ensure questions for each individual to be enumerated in tbat you do not make use of a common pad of your jurisdiction. You wi11 have to later post some schedules for all the villages or urban blocks in your (;dviii)

Specimen of a filled in Indiddual ali p

17 (~~ (a;r,~;r.• '1II.;J:.3R)-41m-l.... r (~)a;ma;r~ ~ (lr)~a;r;mr e (~)'liirtr.otJ11IR",lmr ___--6 __ ~ 111 ~ a;r itlRr x (xlix)

charge. There should be separate pads for each provided for the purpose. As you may be aware, village or urban block even if there were a few blank Houselisting and Hou~enumbering operation was schedules left oVer iQ the pad of a particular village undertaken during 1970 with a view to numbering or urban block. e~cb census bouse and l,lcating all households hving in census houses. In the course of thIS operation, Location Code each census house was given a number and house­ holds found therem would also have been allotted a 22. Though tbis bas already been referred' to number. The census house numbers would be generally earlier, It is w\>rth elaborating. The location painted on the houses at prominent place, like the .code is the method by which every village or town pillar of the main gate, top of the main door etc • in a tehsil/taluk/police stl\tlon/anchal/Island in every Sometimes there may be more permanent house­ district of a State IS ide~ltified by a combination numbering plates affixed. In the case of thatched o~ numbers. For this purpose, every district, houses, numbers may have been wrilten out on a tin tethsi!, taluk, police station~ anchal or Island, village plate or wooden board and left with the households or town in your State would have been allotted code with a request to preserve the same. You should numbers. )' Qur Charge Officer would have indicated use this number. to you the district, tehsil, iPolie~ station, anchal or Island and the village or town numbers as also the 25. It may happen that when you visit your area ward Dumber of tbe tOWD pertaining to your jurisdic­ for Census taking you may come across some census tion. By a combination of these numbers one can houses which did not exist at the time of house listing exactly locate your village or town. Thus, a code and therefore, no numbers had a..:tually been allotted to them. You should allot a number after number running as 10/3/46 would mean village No. consulting the order of numbering prevailing in 46 in Tehsil No.3 of District No. 10 of a State, or a your jurisdiction and locate the households living code number running as 6/11/5 would mean ward No.5 in Town No. Il of District No.6. Note that therein. For example, if in between bUildings 9 and 10 another building has come up; you should the Town No. is given in roman figure to distinguish it from rural code No. At the end of the location allot the number 9/1 to this structure and in case code you should add within round brackets the more than one building has come up numbers like 9/1, 9/2, 9/3 bnd so on should be used for the new enumeration block number that has been allotted to structures than locate the census houses and there you by your Charge Officer thus 10/3/46 (60) or after locate the households and allot numbers in the 6/II/5 t4). You will be identified by enumerators' prescribed manner. block number and this has to be entered In your Daily PostlDg Statement. (The enumerators' block numbers will be a continuous number for the tehsil/ 26. The household number will be the same as tal uk/town etc.). the house number jf only one household is living in a house. If there were more than one househ'lld 23. Make sure that you know the correct location then alphabetical sub-numbers within brackets as code of the area allotted to you. You should note 19 (a), 19(b), etc. will have to be added to the down the location code on each blank individual slip house number to distinguish each household. It immediately the enumeration pads are issued to you. may also happen that the number given at the time This will save you the trouble of noting the location of houselisting has been obliterated. You should code number later when you actually visit each allot the correct number having regard to the household within your block for enumeration. When preceding and succeeding buildings. you visit the household you may have to then note only the household number as indicated in the next 27. If the household happens to be an institutional para by the s'lde of the location code number which household such as a boarding house. hostel, hotel. you would have already indicated. chummery etc. where a group of unrelated persons stay together then add 'INST' to the household number. HOQsehold No.

24. The identifying household number of the 28. If you are enumerating the houseless persons, household that you are covering at the Census you should record '0' boldly in the space provided should be noted within the sq uare brackets for the household number. 29. In all the individual slips pertaining to the or Superintendent etc. of an institutional household members of the same household, the household that he/she has not been enumerated at any other number will be repeated. You will then start household. recrrding the particulars of each individual against 34. In the case of absence of a normal 'Head', questions indicated in the Individual Shp according the person on whom the responsibility of managing to the instructions that follow. the affairs of the household falls, should be regarded Please do not write anything in the spaces enclosed by as the Head. dotted lines in question Nos. 2. 3, 5, 6(b), 7(b), 7(c), 7(d), 8(b) 8(c).8(d), 9-15, lfi(a). 16(d), 16(e) 16(f) '7(a). 17(d) 35. All relationships in thi, question should be 17(e) and 17(f). These are rneaDt for writing code nurnbers recorded in relation to the Head of the household. in the Tabulation Offices. Write the relationship in full. Do not use words Question 1 : Name like 'nephew', 'niece or uncle'. but state whether brother's or sister's son or daughter (for nephew or 30. Write the name of the person enumerated. If niece) or father's or mother's brother (for uncle), a woman's name is not given Ollt. descrihe her as 'Son' will include 'adopted son' or 'step son'; 'so and so's wife, mother or daughter'. By custom similarly for a daughter. In the case of visitors. if a woman finds it difficult to give the name of her boarders, or employees, write 'visitor', 'boarder', husband and if the man is absent at the time of or 'employee as the case may be. In the case of enumeration but his particulars have to be recorded institution, the members should be recorded a5 write 'so-and-so's husband' if you have failed to as­ 'unrelated'. certain the name even from tho:: neighbours. 36. If on the check of revisional round between For newly born infants who have not vet bf'en 1st and 3rd April 1971 the Head of the household given the name write "baby" and add father's or as recorded previously is found to have died, the mother's name. person in the household who succeeds him by com­ mon consent as head should be recorded as Head Question 2 : Relationship to Head and the relationships in all other slips will have to 31. In the case of the Head of the household be suitably corrected. The slip of the deceased write 'Head'. The Head of the Household for JIead of the household will, of course, be canceUed. census purposes is a person who is recognised as such in the household. He is J!enerally the person Question 3 : Sex who bears the chief responsibility for the maintenarce 37. For males write 'M' and for females write of the household and takes decisions on brhalf of 'F' within the circle indicated against thi(question. the household. The Head of the househl)ld need Even for eunuchs and hermaphrodites, write 'M' not necessarily be the eldest male member. but may only. Verify with reference to the name and relation even be a female or a younger member of either sex. ship to Head against questions I and 2 respectively You need not enter into any long argument about it that you have noted the sex correctly. but record the name of the person who is recognised by the Household as its Head. Question 4 : Age 32. In the case of institutions like boarding 38. Re~ord the age of the person in total years houses, messes or friends living to~ether in one completed/last birthday. Very often there is a ten­ Census house, which should be regarded as house­ dency on the part of the individuals to return 'years holds of unrelated persons living together. which running' rather than the 'years completed'. Make may be called Institutional Households, the Manager sure that: only the actual number of years completed or Superintendent or the oerson who haC! administra­ is record,d. tive responsibility or who by common consent is regarded as the head should be recorded as the Head 39. In rt'spect of infants who might not Itave of the household. completed one year by the day of enumeration their age in completed year should be invariably shown as 33. The Manager or Suoerintendent who does '0' as they have not yet completed one year of age not stay normally in the institution should be enume­ and add 'Infant' in brackets. As was stated under rated at his place of normal residence. You should general instructions make sure that infants even if a make sure before filling up the slip for the Manager day old are invariably enumerated. You should not ell'er the age in months. The age of an infant who ,Por all others a cross may be put through the two ~b-parts of this question. who has not yet completed one year should , invariably be noted as '0' only. 6{a) Age at marriage 40. Age is one of the most important items of demographic data and you should ascertain the ,age 44. Age at marriage : You should ascertain the with greatest care. \ Many persons particularly in age at which the currently married woman whom the rural areas cannot ¥ive their age correctly. They you are enumerating was married and record that should be assisted to state the correct age by stimu­ age in completed years. It the currently married lating their memory with, reference to any historical woman had been married more than once, the age event etc., well known in the area. Sometimes the at which she got married for the first time should be age can be ascertained with reference to the age of recorded. another person of a known age ~hat may be in the 6(b) Any child born in the last one year 'arne household or in the neighbouting household or that of a well known perspn of the village such as 45. Any child born in the last one year: You Headman of the villa!1je. A person can more should ascertain if tbe currently married woman easily say whether he was 'older or younger to such whom you are enumerating gave birth to a child in a person and by how many years. This will help the last one year prior to the date of enumeratIOn. you to record the age more accurately. Since it may be difficult for.a perspn to reckon the Question 5 : Marital Status exact year with reference to the English calendar dates, the perIod of one year may be ascertained 41. In answering this question use the following with reference to a well known festival day which abbreviations : falls close to Feb.-March, as determined by the NM : Never Married Census Superintendent of the State. You should ask if a chIld was born on or aLer this festival day M : Currently Married last year to the date of enumeration. Only if the W - : Widowed child was born alive, even if the child had dIed S : Separated or Divorced soon after birth, should the answer be 'Yes', to this question. Still birth, i.e. a child which is born dead 42. For a person who has never been married at shOUld not be taken into account for lhis purpose. So any time before, write 'NM'. For a person currently While you should make sure that every case of birth married, whether for the first or another time and of child born alIve, even if it is not alive on the whose marriage is subsisting at the time of enume­ date of enumeration, is reported, you should not ration with the spouse living, write'M'. Write 'M' reckon it if the chIld was born lifeless. also for persons who are recogmsed by custom or society as married and for the persons in stable de 46. It is common experience that the birth of the facto union. Even if a marriage is disputed in the child may not be re!lorted readily if the child is not locality write 'M' If the person concerned says he or actually surviving at the time Qf enumeration. she is married or is in stable de facto union. For a Infant deaths are sull high in the country. There is widowed person whose husband or wife is dead, and a chance of a number of such cases being missed who has not been married again, write 'W'. For a unless specifically questioned about them. It is person who has been separated from wife or husband necessary to record all live births even if the child and is living apart with no apparent intention of had died soon thereafter or had not survived to the living together again or who has been, divorced day of enumeration. Therefore where the initial either by a decree of a law court or by an accepted answer to this question is 'no', you should ask a social or religious-custom but who has not remarried specific question if there has been a case of child write'S'. For a prostitute return her marital status having been born ahve in the last one year and as declared by her. later dying before the enumeration date. This IS l!o delicate question and should be asked with tact in Question 6 : For currently DlJIrried women only a manner not to offend the sensibility of thf\ respon­ 43, This question has to be answered in respect dent. Where a currently married woman first ans­ of all currently married women only i e., all women wers that she had no child born in the last one year. whose marital status is shown as 'M' against Q. 5. you may perhaps question her as follows: (Iii)

"rt has been found in some houses that a child ag&inst sub-item (a) and fill the other details against

was born and had died soon after or a few days or sub-items (b), (c) and (d). I months later and such cases had not been reported. 7 (b) : RuralfUrban It is my hope that there are no such cases here. Am I right ?" 50. For those born outside the village or town of enumeration ascertain if the place of birth was a This may bring in the required response. If she village or town at the time of his birth. To enable a reports 'no' then you can be sure that no birth has person to determine whether the place was a town or been missed. You have to make sure that any live a village he may be required to i~dicat: the birth that has occurred to the currently married status of the place of birth in compartson WIth a woman in the last one year is netted whether the known town in the neighbourhood of the place of child is surviving till the date rf enumeration or not. enumeration. You may mention some important ,Similarly, probe to f liminate still births may be urbdn. characteristics to enable the person to make necessary. For example, when the arswer is 'yes' out if the place of his birth was rural or urban e.g. under question 6(b) the enumerator might ask if existence of a local administrative body, Industrial the child is here in this house. If the answer is townships declared as towns etc. 'yes', no furthpr question is needed. If 'no', the enumerator might ask where he has gone. The For a person born in a village, write 'R'. answer may be 'dead' or he hfls gone elsewhere. If For a person born in a town/city, write 'U'. 'dead' then the enumerator might ask when did the For a person born in a foreign country put 'X' chIld die and this will bring out the fact whether or against this sub-item and also against sub·item (c). not it was a still birth. If all efforts to classify the place of birth as rural! 47. Write 'Yes', If the currently married woman urban fail, write 'not known'. had given birth to a live child from the prescribed 7 (c) : District festival day last year to the date of enumeration or 'no' if she had not. In case of twin or multiple births 51. For a person born outside the villa~e or town of enumeration but within the district of enumeration write 2, 3, etc., as the ca~e may be within round brackets after the entry 'Yes'. write'D'. For a person born in another district of the State of enumeration, or other State/Union Terri­ Note:-You may find on your revisional round tory in the country, write the name of the district. from 1st 10 3rd April, 1971 that a child is born to If the person cannot name the district, write 'not a marritd woman in a household after your last known'. visit but before the sunrise of 1st April, 1971. You will have to take thiS into account and correct the 7 (d) : State/Country answer against the Q. 6 (b) accordingly. You must 52. For persons born within the State of enume­ enquire specifically if any such birth has taken place. ration write 'X' against this item. Make sure that While ignoring still births all other birthS where the the earlier entries made in sub-items (a), (b) and (c) child was born alive even if it did not survive long are consistent with such an answer; that is 'PL' might should be taken into account. have alre~dy been written against sub-item (a) or '0' is written against sub-item (C) or any other district of Question 7: Birth Place the state of enumeration is mentioned against sub­ 4g. Answer to this que~tion has to be filled with item (c). , reference to the place of birth of the persons enume­ 53. 'For persons born outside the State of enume­ raled and the pardculars recorded under the four ration but within the country, write the name of sub· items of this question. the State/Union Territory where born. 7 (a) : Place of Birth 54. For those born outside India, note merely the 49. Write 'PL' for a person born in the village or name of the country and there is no need to enter town where he is being enumerated. Where 'PL' is the name of the constituent State of the foreign noted against this question put 'X' against sub-items country. Where a person cannot name the country, (b), (C) and (d). the name of the continent may be noted. For those born outside the village or tOWll of 55. For a person born on sea, record 'born at enumeration write the actual name of the place sea', against this sub-item and put 'X' againstsub. (lUi) items (a), (b) and (c). If a person was born in a ration (irrespective of his place of birth), write the train, boat or bus etc., within the country, write actual name of the village or town where his last the particulars in (a), (h) and (c) with reference to residence was against sub-item (a) and fill the other the admi nistrative territory where the event occurred details against sub-items (b), (c) and (d). ·or was registered. 8 (b) : Rural/Urban -Question 8 : Last Residence 58. For a person why had previously resided 56. Answer to this question will have to be filled outside the place of enumeration ascertain if the in respect of every person if he had another place of place of last previous residence was rural or urban normal residence irrespective of his place of bilth, and record the answer. For a person whose last before he came to the present place where he is previous residence was a village write'R', For a enumerated. Even if a person was born at the person whose last previous residence was a town/ place of enumeration, thy the nature of his work or city, write 'U', For a person who last resided in a for studies etc., he had snifted subsequently to another foreign country write 'X', For a person whose last village or t_own and bad come back again to the previous residence cannot be classified, write 'Not place of enumeration, !he should be deemed to have known', had another place of residence prior to his enume­ ration here. Rural or Urban status has to be determined with reference to the time of migration from the place of The last previous residence is relevant only if he last previous residence to the place of enumeration. had been outside the village or town of enumeration and not simply in another house or lacality in the For helping the person to determine whether a same place. For example. if a person born in one place was .rural or urban, you may mention impor­ part of Bombay City is found residing in another tant urban characteri~tics as indicated in the instruc­ part of Bombay at the time of enUmeration, the tions against item 7 (b) in para SO. change of residence should not be treated as change of place of residence became both the areas are com­ 8 (C) : District prised in the same City of Bombay. Similarly, a 59. For a person who had previously resided in person born in hamlet 1 of village Rampur and found another place, i.e., for whom 'PL' is not written in hamlet 2 of the same village at the time of enume­ against sub· item (a) you have to fill in this item in ration, should not be deemed to have had any other the manner indicated below. place of residence than the village where he is enume­ rated. Where a person had merely gone out to For a person who previously resided in another another place or had been shifting from nlace to village or town within the district of enumeration place purely on tour or pilgrimage or for temporary write 'D'. For a person who previously resided in business purposes, he should not be deemed to have another district of the State/Union Territory of nad another residence different from the place enumeration or of other State/Union Territory in the where he or his family normally resides but if the country, write the name of the district. If he can­ person had his normal residence. i.e., if his normal not name the district write 'Not known'. For a home bad been elsewhere at any time before be is person whose last previous resid:!nce was outside enumerated at his place of present residence. irres­ India write 'X' 'against this sub·item. pective of where he was born, such place of his previous residence sbould be recorded here. 8 (d) : State/Country 8 (a) : Place of last residence 60. For a person whose last previous residence was outside the village or town of enumeration but with­ 57. For a person who had been in the village or in the State or Union Territory of enumeration write town of enumeration continuously since birth (ex­ 'X' against this item but if it was outside the State cept for shifting to other places outside the village or or Union Territory of enumeration but within the town of enumeration for a purely temporary stay) country write the name of the State/Union Territory. write 'PL' against sub-item (a) and put 'X' against For a person whose last previous residence was out­ 1mb·items (b), (c) and (d). side the country write the name of the country and FOI a person who had his last previous residence if name of the country is not forthcoming write the .at any place outside the village or town of enume- name of the continent . For persons who had not moved out at all from, then record the name of the scheduled ~ast-e ot; the present place of enumeration from birth (except scheduled tribe which should find place in the list for purely temporary stay) this sub-item need not be f,urnished to you. The answer should be recorded filled and 'X' should be put in respect of person$ against the correct rectangle provided for the against this sub·item. purpose against this question. For a person v.h{} is not a member of any scheduled caste or Question 9 : Duration of Residence at the village or scheduled tribe write 'X' in both the rectangles. town of Enumeration 65. If the person belonging to a scheduled caste 61. Note here the period of the existing con­ or scheduled tnbe returns his caste or tribe by tinuous residence in the village or town where the synonym or generic name of a caste or a tribe it person is being enumerated, in completed years. should be t:Dlered only if it finds a place in the list Tbis will apply to even a person born at the place furnished to you. Do not write the names of of enumeration. If he had left this village or town scheduled castes in general terms as 'Hanjan' or and had lived elsewhere for sometime i.e., in Q. 8 'Achhut'. You should ascertain the name of the another place of last residence is reported and has caste when it is returned and write it in the rectangle come back again to tuis village or town, then the provi.ded for recurding the name. Si.milarly, do not duration of residence to be noted against this write the names of scheduled tribes in general term question is the period of the last cominuous residence. as 'Adlvasl'. You should ascertain the name of the But if a person had been away on a temporary visit tribe when It is returned and write it in the rectangle or tour etc., that should not be taken as a break in with broken lInes provided for recording the same. the period of his continuous residence here. If the If a person is negligcnt and insists on calling himself person was born at the place of enumeration and merely' Hanjan' or 'Achhut' or 'Adivasi' as the case also had no other place of last residence i.e., 'PL' has may be, tell him Ihat this description is not adequate been noted in Q. 8(a) then 'X' may be put against Q.9. for census purposes and persuade him to give out the actual name of the caste or tribe. You should For a person whose duration of continuous make all efforts 10 ascertain the correct name of the residence at the place ot enumeration is less than scheduled caste or scheduled tribe as found in the 1 year, it should be noted as '0'. notified lIst. If the person merely claims to be a Question 10 : Religion scheduled caste or s..:he.:luled tribe but says that he does not belong to any of the notified communities­ 62. In answering this question use the following applicable to the area, he will not be entered as a abbreviations : scheduled caste or scheduled tribe. H : Hinduism 66. Scheduled castes can belong only to the 1 : Islam Hindu or Sikh religions. If a person belongs to C : Christianity scheduled caste, there will be either 'H' or'S' in tb,e answer to question 10. Scheduled tribes may S : Sikhism b~long to an~ rehgion. B : Budhism Question 12 ~ Literacy (L or 0) J : Jainisrn 67. Dejin'ition of a literate: A person who can For others, record the actual religion as returned both read ~nd write With understanding in any fully. language is to be taken as literate. A person who 63. If a person says that he has no religion it may can merdy tead but can not write is not a literate. be recorded accordingly. Do not mistake religion 68. It is not necessary that a person who is for caste which will not be recorded here. literate should have received any formal education Question 11 : Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe Of should have passed any minimum educational 64. You have been furnished with a list of sche. standard. duled castes and scheduled tribes notified for your 69. For a person who is literate i.e., who can State. Asc,ertain if the person enumerated bclong:i to both read and write, record 'L' in the triangle against a $Cheduled caste or scheduled tribe and if he does, question 12. If there is any doubt about a person's, ,(I'r)

:ability to read or write, the test that may be applied and B.E. (Bachelor in Engineering), the technical for reading is his/her ability to read any portion of the , qualification should be given preference in rtcord­ printed matter in the EnumeratClr's Instructions and , ing the highest educational level attained. Where -similarly for writing he/she should be able t<' write the general educational level is higher than the a siIl\ple letter. Ability merely to sign one's name technical educational level or where it is not possible ill not adequate to qualify a person as b~ing able to to decide which of the two levels is relatively higher. write with understanding. If a person claims to be the highest level of education as returned by the literate in some other language with which the en~me. person concerned should be recorded. rator is not acquainted" the respondent's word has to be taken as correct. Other members of the household In recording the highest educational level of a may also be able to te\;tify to the literacy of the graduate or a post-graduate, subject of specialisation person enumerated. such as 'B.Sc. (Maths.), M,A. (Economics). M.Sc. (Botany), B.Sc. (Agriculture)" etc., should be noted. 70 For a person whio is illiterate i.e .. who can You should not use abbreviations which are neither read nor write orlcan merely read but cannot not in common use. In such cases, the degree or write, in any language, write '0' in the triangle diploma .should be speJt out fully. against question 12. All c~iJdren oftbe age of 4 years or less should be treated as illiterate even if the 73. Whenever you come across graduates or post­ child is going to a school and may have picked up graduates as also those with a technical diploma or reading and writing a few odd words. degree, you will have to issue him a "Degree-holder and Technical Personnel C~rd" and ask the 'person QuestiOD 13 : Educational level concerned to fill it. You should note the location code on the card while issuing it. Put a tick (v') 71. This question will be asked of those for after noting the educational level against question whom 'L' has been recorded against question 12. 13 immediately after you issue a carJ. When you For a person who is illiterate and '0' has been pu, collect it after some time but before you complete against him in the answer to question 12, there is the enumeration of your area, cross the tick and put no advantage in ascertaining the educatiunal level a circle. even if he had at some stage attended school and passed a standard and had relapsed into illiteracy. You will have to ensure that the card issued to In such a case you should put 'X'. You have to all the graduates and the technical degree or diploma ascertain and record the highest educational level holders are collected back. The non-crossed tick, attained by a person for whom 'L' is recorded in if any, against question 13 will show that the card answer to question 12. has not been collected. 72. For a person who is still studying in a Question 14 : Motber-tongue particular class, the highest educational level attained . by him will be one that he has actually passed and 74. Definition. Mother-tongue is the language not the one in which he is studying. For example, spoken in childhood by the person's mother to the a person studying in 1st year B.A. should be recor. person. If the mother died in infancy, the language ded as only 'PUC' or 'Higher Secondary', as the mainly spoken in the person's home in childhood case may be. Similarly. a person studying, say, in will be the mother-tongue. In the case of infants the 4th year of 'MBBS' should not be noted as 2nd deaf mutes the language usually spoken by the 'MBBS' but as 3rd year 'MBBS' which is the highest mother shall be recorded. level he has actually attained. If YOIl are not sure whether a person has passed Primary, Middle, 75. Record mother-tongue in full whatever be the Higher Secondary or other definite levels, you may name of the language as returned and avoid use of record the actual standard passed such as say IIIrd abbreviations. You are not expected to determine standard, VIIlth standard, 1st year B.Com. etc. jf the larrguage returned by a person is the dialect of another major language and so on. You should The highest educational level attained by the not try to establish any relationship between religion person enumerated should be recorded. When a and mother-tongue. You are bound to record the person holds both general and technical qualifications language as returned by the person as his motherR both of which are of equivalent level such as say tongue and you should not enter into any argument B. Sc. (Zoology) and M.B.B.S. or B.A. (Maths.) with him and try to record any thing other than what (lvi)

is returned. If you have reason to suspect that in as engaged in regular work in which he would havlt any area due to any organised movement, mother­ otherWise been employed but for his temporary tongue was not being truthfully returned, you should ab~e~ce. Persons under training such as apprentices­ record the mother-tongue as actually returned by with or without stipends Of wages should be con­ the respondent and make a report to your superior sidered as economically active and recorded as­ Census Officers for varification. You are not autho­ working. A person who has merely been offered rised to make any correction on your own. work but has not actually JOIned it, is not to be treated as engaged in work. Quesdon 15 : Other languages 81. There are certain' types of works which are 76. After recording the mother-tongue in question not carried on throughout the )ear such as cultiva­ 14 enquire whether the person knows any other tion, livestock keeping, plantation work, some types­ language (s). Indian or foreign and record language of household industry, etc. A person's main acti­ (s) returned by him against this question. In case vity should be ascertained with reference to suell he does not know any language apart from his work, in the last one year even if he was not econo· mother-tongue put 'X' against this question. mically active in the week prior to enumeration. It 71. The number of languages recorded under is lIkely that even when a person 1S engaged jn some this question need not be more than two. These other work during the period of one week prior to the date of enumeration, the main actlvity.of the languages should 'be other than his mother· tongue person may be cultivation, agrIcultural labour or and they should be recorded in the order in which some other work attended to normally by him in he speaks and understands best and can use with the course of the year. Care must be taken to see understanding in communicating with others. He that the main activilY is properly ascertained in such need not necessarily be able to read and write these cases. For example a person's main activity may be languages. It is tOO ugh if he has a working know­ agricultural labour and in the week prior to enume­ ledge of these subsidIary languages to enable him to ration he JDay be engaged as a sugarcane factory converse in that language with understanding. labourer or as a road cooly_ He should be catego­ Question 16 : Main Activity rised for his mam activity as agncultural labourer only as returned by him as he engages himself 78. Every person will be asked what his mostly in that work and the other work should be main activity is, that IS, how he engages himself treated as his subsidiary work. mostly. For the purpose of this question, al1 persons will get themselves divided into two broad streams 82. A man or woman who is engaged primarily of main activity namely, (I) as workers and (2) as in household duties such as cooking for own house­ non·workers according as the type of main activity hold or performing one's own household duties or a that the person returns himself as engaged in mostly. boy or a girl who IS primarily a sludent attending inslitution, even if such a person helps ID the family 79. 'Workers' Defined: A 'worker' IS a person economIc activity but not as a full time worker whose main activity is participation in anyeconoml­ should not be treated as a worker for the main cally productive work by his physical or mental actIvity. Work involves not only actual work but activIty. 01 the othdt hand. if a person is pnmaniy effective supervisIon and direction of work. engaged in ome economic activity but at tbe same time does Iso attend to some household ch. res Of 80. Reference period : The reference period is attends a night school etc., he. or she shouJd be one week prior to the date ot enumeration in the treated basically as a worker for the main activity case of regular work lD trade, profession, service or and categoflsed accordingly. business. If a person had participated m any such regular work on anyone of the days during this 83. A person who merely receives an income reference period and this has been returned as his such as a rent receiver or a pensioner who does not main activity, the person will be categorised accor. have to work for receiving the income, Will not be dingly. A person who normally works but had treated as economically active unlells tbe person is been absent from work during this reference period also engaged in some economic activity and it that on account of illness or travel, holiday, temporary activity is returned as the main actIvity of th~ breakdown, strike etc., the person should be treated individual. '(lvH)

Q. 16(a) ; Broad Category (i) Worker (C, AL, 91. Definition of an Agricultural Labourer: A HHI,OW) (iiJ Non-worker lH, ST, H, D, B, 1,0). person who works in aoother person's land for wages m money, kind or share should be regarded 84. The main activity returned by the pt'rson will as an agncul:ural labourer. He has DO Clsk in entitle him to be categorised either as a worker in 16 the Culllvallon but he merely worki in another (a)(i) or as a non· worker under 16 (a) (iI) \ person's land for wages. The labourer could have 16(a) (i) : Worker (C, AL, HHl, ow) no fight of ledse or contract on IdUd on which he works. 85. Where the main actIvity of a person qualifies him to be treated as a worker he should be further HUl : Household Industry categorised accordIng to the type of work and one of the appropriate abbreviations indicated agamst 92. Por a person who returns his main activity this question should b~ entered in the box provIded as engaged in some productIon, procebSlng, servIcing for the purpose. If the person is not engaged in any or repaIr of aTlkles of goods su~h as, say. handloom economic activity an ·X~ should be noted in the box. weavmg, dyelog, carpentry, bidi roIllOg pottery The abbreviations to be used for workers are ex­ manufactunng, bl~~cle repairing, blacksmuhy, tatlor­ plained below: iDg eIC., It has to be ascertamtd If it IS a household C: Cultivator industry, and If so, It should be indicated by the abbrevtatlon 'HHl' tn the box. 86. For a person who returns hIS main activity as working as a cultivator, the abbrevIatIon 'C' 93. D('finitlOn of a Household Industry : A should be used. HousehOld Industry is defined as an lDdustry 87. Definition of Cultivator: For purposes of conducted by the Head of the household bim~elf1 the Census a person is wOlkmg as Cultivator if he or herself and/or matnly by the members of the house­ she is engaged in cultivation by oneself or by super­ hold at home or WIthin the VIllage in rural areas and vision or direction in one's capacity !IS the owner or only WIthIn tne premIses of the house where tbe lessee of land held from Government or as a tenant household lIve:. JO urban are.1s. The mdustry should of land held from private persons or institutions for not be run Oll the SCale of a registered fdctory. payment of money, kind or share. 94. The maIO criterion of a Household Industry 88. Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and barvesting and production of cereals and millet crops is the pdrtlClpatlon of one or more memhers of a such as wheat, paddy jowar, baJra ragi etc., and household. 1 hIS ~ rIlellon should apply to urban area toO. Even If the mdustJy IS not actually located pulses, raw jute and kindred fibre crop, cotton etc., and other crops such as sugar-cane, groundnuts, at home In rural an:as there is greater POSSIbIlIty of tapioca, etc., and does not include fruit growing, the members of the household participatmg even if vegetable-growing or keeping orchards or groves or it IS located anywhere wllhm the village hmits. In the urban areas where organised industry takes workmg of plantations like tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona and other medicinal plantations. greater prominence the Hou~ehold Industry &hould be confined to the precincts of (he house where the 89. A person who merely owns land but bas participants hve. In urban areas evc:n if the mem­ given out Jand to another person or persons for bers of (be bousehold by tbemselves run an industry cultivation for money, kind or share of crop and but at a place away from the precincts of theIr borne, who does not even supervise or direct cultivation of it Will not be coosldered a household iodustry. It land, will not be treated as working as ('ultivator. sbould be located wlthlD the prectDcts of the bouse­ Similarly, a person working in another person's where the members hve. land for wages in casb, kind or sbare (Agricultural labourer) Will not be treated as cultivator in this 95. A Household Industry should relate to pro­ question. dUCllon, processmg, servIcIng, repaIring or making and selling (but not merely selling) of goods It does AL: Agricultural Labourer not mclud.: profes!>1 ns such as a pleader or doctor 90. A person who returns his main activity as or barb r, musiCian, dancer, waterman, dhobi, 'engaged as agricultural labourer, the abbreviation .astrologer. etc., or merely trade or services are run 'AL' should be used in the box. -at home by members of household. (lviii)

96. Sometimes it is lilcely tbat tbe person who a whole-time worker and if the person has returned may not be working in his own Household Indugtry his or her main acttvity as attending to household may be working as a petty employee in another duties. The main activity of such a person should Household Industry. You should, therefore, en­ be entered as 'H'. If a person whose main activity is quire whether the person wbo is not working in his attending to household dutie~. also engages oneself own Household Industry is working in any other in some other economic activity such as helping in Household Industry as an employee and record as family cultivation or preparing cowdung ca1(es at per instructions given above. odd time~ for sale etc., that economic activity will be covered as c;econdary work under question 17. On OW: Other Workers the other hand, a woman who works primarily as a factory worker or a plantation labourer or an agri­ 97. If a person gives his main activity as engaged cultural labourer or in some office or shop etc., in any other work which is not cultivation, agri­ and also attends to household duties, obviously her cultural labour or housebold industry. this may be main activity will be the economic activity in which indicated by merely noting 'OW' in the box. The she is mostly engaged in and should oot be catego­ type of workers that may come under the 'Other rised as 'H' for her main activity in this questIon. Workers' category are factory workers. those wor­ She should have been treated basically as a worker king in trade or transport, all Government servdnts and her main economic activity should have been municipal employees, teachers. mining workers, recorded again&t 16 (a) til. political or social workers. building labourers, etc. In effect, all types of economic actIvity not covered ST: Student by cultivation, al!ricultural labour or household industry will come under this residual category. 10 I. This refers to those whose main activity is Workers eng3ged in plantation or forestry should returned as a student. 1 his will cover all full-time not be treated as cultivators or agricultural labourers students or children attendmg school. Even if such but as 'Other workers.' persons participated in some work but not to the same extent as a full-time worker, by merely helping 98. Further details pertaining to this 'Otber' casuallv as an unpaid family worker in farr,i1y cul­ category of workers. as also those engaged in house­ tivation, household industry. trade or business, hold industry, will be recorded in the subsequent they should be treated primarily as students, if that sub-parts (b) to (f) of question 16. is There main activity. 'ST' should be entered in the box; The other economb activity. if any, that 16(a) (ii) : Non-worker CR, ST, R, D, B, I, 0) such persons attend to will be reflected under question 17 as secondary work. 99. As was stated earlier, question 16 is intended to ascertain the main activity of every individual R : Retired persons or a Rentier whether he or she is economically active or not. While 16 (a) (i) helps to broadly categories all those 102. A person who has retired from service and who have returned some work as their main activity is doing no other work i.e. not employed again in 16 (a) (ii) will help to categories those whose main some full-tl~e work or does not engage himself in activity is not engaged in any economically produc­ some other i work as cultivation, in busin~ss, trade tive work, but are basically non-workers. These etc., or a person who is a rentier or living on agri­ may be categorised under seven broad heads whose cultural or non-agricultural royalty, rent or dividend abbreviations are indicated against this question. or any otb'lr person of independent means for secu­ The appropriate abbreviation Will have to be entered ring which he does not have to work, will come in the box provided. The abbreviations are explai­ under Ihis category. 'R' should be noted in the box ned below: for a perl>on coming under this categllry.

H: Household Doties D: Dependent

100. This covers all those persons basicallyen­ 103. This category will include all dependents gaged in unpaid home duties doing no other work, such as infants or children not attending school or or even If such a person may also be participating a person permanently disabled from work because of in some other work, it is not to the same extent as illness or old age. If a girl or an old woman attend. ( lilt) to household duties she should be categorised under his main activity has been indicated in the bolt 'R' for her main activity rather than 'D'. against questian 16 (a) (i)_ then question 16 (a) (ii) will not apply to the person and an 'X' should be pependents will include all non· workers even if put in the box against question 16 (a) (ii). 1hus Ifi ablebodied who have no other activity coming under (a) (i) and 16 (a) (ii) are mutually exclusive. any of the cateporles of non-workers and who are not seeking any wotk either but are purely dependent. Q. 16(b) to 16(f) , '

B : Beggars etc. 108. These sub-parts of question 16 will have to be filled only to describe the details of the household 104_ This will cover beggars, vagrants or such industry or other work indicated against qu;!stion cases as independent women without indIcation of 16 (a) (i). If the main activity has been shown as source of !Dcome and those of unspecified sources 'C' or 'AL' against 16 (a) (i), there is no need to of sub~istence and who are not engaged in any give the details of the cultivation or agricultural economically productive work. labour in these su b-sections.

I : Institutions 109. Similarly, if the main activity of an indivi­ dual has been returned as a n lfi-worker against 16 105 This will cover convicts in jails or inmates (a) (ii). sub-sections (b) to (f) Will not apply and a of a penal, ment,,1 or charitable institution, even if 'X' may be put right across all these questions. such persons are compelled to do s"me work such as carpentry. carpet weavin'!, vegetable growing etc_, Q. 16(b): Place of work (Name of village/town) in such imtitutl"ns. An under-trial prisoner in a jaIl should not. however, be brought under this 110. Ascertain from each person who is already category but ha.. to be IDdicated according to the taken as a worker other than in cultivation or agri­ rna in activity he WflS engaged in before he appre­ cultural labour i.e. question 16 (a) (iJ has been hended. Inmates of such 'nstitutioDs will be noted answered as HH[ or OW. the village or town where as'!'. he or she works. If the place of work is the same as the village or town of enumeration write 'PL'. In all o : Otber Non-workers other cases you should write the name of the place fully. If a person has no fixed place of work such as, 106. This will include all non-workers who may say, a travelling vendor of vegetables or a pedlar or not come under any of the six categories above but a rickshaw puller who may go from one Village or are se~king work. they should be noted as '0' in town to another, note 'No fixed place of work'. If the box. A boy or girl who has completed educa­ he works in one particular town OJ village that tion or :bas stopped stud)ing and IS seeking work, should be noted. will come under thiS category. If a person is merely spending his time at home as a dependent and is Q. 16(c) : Name of Establisbment not doing any work and is not seeking any work will come under' D' rather than '0'. A person irrespec­ Ill. This question and the sub-sequent sub­ tive of age and whether educated or not, if he reports sections of question 16 need not be answered for that he is not engaged in any other activity but is cultivators and agricultural labourers who are already seeking work will come under this category. noted as 'C' or 'AL' against question (16) (a) (i).

107. If the main activity of the person who is Record here the exact name of the factory, firm, enumerated does not qualify a person to be treated workshop, business house, company; shop office etc., as a worker and he do~s not fall under any of the and in respect of public offices you should clearly four broad categories of workers covered by 16 (a) indicate whether they are Central or State Govern­ (i) and an 'X' has been put in tho box against that ment or local body offices, etc. If the establishment question, then he must necess&rily be categorised does not have any definite name such as. say, in the under anyone of the seven broad types of non­ case of a household industry like hand pounding of workers and the appropriate abbreviation entered in rice, gur making, bee keeping, handloom weaving, the box opposite to question 16 (a) (ii). Conversely potter's house, blacksmithy etc., note 'No particulat if a person has already been treated as a worker and name'. iOX) " J

Q. 16(d) : Nature of Industry. Trade. Profession or particulars of work performed by an individual for ~ervice being recorded against question 16 (e).

II? The answer to this question will have to be 115. It has been found in the past that substantial adequately precise to enable proper classification of number of persons are recorded merely as general the sector of economy in which the person is WOf­ labourer'l. It is nec~ssary to make a probe and filld king. The sector of economy in which a person out m which type of work he is mostly engaged as a works may relate to (i) Plantation, Forestry. Fishing. labourer such as. say, a road coolie, a loader or Livestock et::.. (Ii) Mmmg and/or Quarrving (iii) unloader at a market. a constructhln labourer, etc. Manufacturing (iv) Construction (v) Elf'ctricity. Gas or Water Supplv (VI) Transport and Communications 116. For those in Military service it IS enough if (vii) Trade and Commerce (viii) Professions and it is merely noted as "in the service of the Central Services. Full details of the type of industry, trade­ Government". Otber detajls need not be glv~n. profession or service in which th'! person is engaged will have to be recorded here. To help you to appre­ General: ciate the details that may have to be furnished to 117. There need be no confusion as to the scope classify the economic activity appropriately. substan­ of 16 (d) and 16 (el. 16 (d, would represent tbe tial description of various econom IC activitIes are nature of industry, trade, profession or service i.e. bein! furnished separately categori~eci under certain the field of economic actiVIty in which a person is broad classifications. Th's. however, is not engaged in work anj 16 (e) represents the occupation exhaustive. You shall have to describe the nature of or the actual work that the person does in the Industry, Profession. Trade or Service whatever it industry, trade, profession or service in which he is is, in as precise a detail as possible. engaged. Thus, for example the answer to question Q. 16(e) : Description of work 16 (d) may be say Cotton Textile manufacture and the answer to question 16 (e) may be Chemical Engi­ 113. This question has to be filled up for all neer in that mdustry or a clerk or an accountant in persons for whom the main activity is shown as 'HHl' that industry or a labourer in that indu~try or a truck or 'OW' in question 16 (a) (i) and for whom you driver or the managing director of that industry and should have also to answer the other sub· sections of so on. Similarly in question 16 (d) the nature of que'>tion 16. Under this question the description of service may be some department of the State the actual work that the person enumerated is to be Government Service and in question 16 (e) the des­ recorded irrespective of which type of industry, trade, cription of work may be a clerk or an accountant, a profession or service he may be working and which Director of the Deptt.. jeep driver in the Deptt. etc., is already recorded under question 16(d). His actual Again say, agaimt question 16(d) the answer may be work should also be given in sufficient detail. If for private medical practice and in 16 (e) may cover example a person is merely recorded as say. clerk orthopaedic surgeon, or nurse or a sweeper etc., with no other details. it will be impossihle to pro­ working in that private medical practitioner's nursing perly categ:>rise him as to the type of work he does. home. The sample answers furnished in the specimens He may be a clerk attending to correspondence or at the end of the book of instructions the Industrial book keeping or accounting. Similarly if a person and Occupafional lists provided to you and Will were merely to be recorded as a mechanic, it not the instructi~ns given by your superiol' Census help to determine what type of mechanic-electrical Officers may ihelp you to clear any doubts you may mechanic, or a motor mechanic or a locomotive have in your mind regardmg the scope of questions mechanic, etc., he is. The description of the actual relating to l')lature of,lndustry. Trade. Profes~ion or work done by a person 'i>bould be ascertalned in ade­ Service covered by question 16(d) and the description quate detail and recorded against this question. of actual W Irk of the individual enumerated by question 16 (e,. 114. To guide you in answering question 16 (e), the types of particulars that need to be ascertained Q. (16) f, : Class of Worker in respect of a few typical occupations are also 118. For a person who is; separately given. (i) an Employer, that is, who hires one or more This i~ by no means exhaustive. This just persons in his work described in question 16 mustrates the need to ascertain the full details of the (e), write ... Ell ~xi)

:(ii) an Employee, that is, who does his work des­ 122. A family worker is a member who works cribed in question 16 (e) under others for ,without receiving wages in cash or kind, in an wages or salary in cash or kind, write EE industry, business, trade or service. For example, the working members in a family of Dhobies where (iii) a Single Worker, that is, who is doing his they all participate and each does not receive wages work described in question 16 (e) without separately will be family workers. There may be employing others except casually, and without family workers in industry, trade or professions as \ I the help of other members of the family well. For the purpose of this definition members except casually and a participant in work as of a familv may be drawn from beyond the limits members of cooperatives, write SW of the household by ties of blood or marriage. The family workers may not be entitled to a share of {iv) a Family Workel\ that is, who is doing his the profits in the work of the business carried on work described in question 16(e) in a family either by the person or Head of the Household or enterprise alongwith other members of the other relative. family without w4ges or salary in cash or kind write ,.. FW I 123. Members of the household who help solely I in household duties should not be treated as family For a person for whom an 'X' is put in questions workers. 16 (d) and 16 (e) put an 'X' in this question also. 124. In the case of persons engaged in household Explanation : industry i.e., in the case of persons for whome the answer to question 16 (a) (I) is 'HHl' there will be 119. An Employer is a person who has to employ three classes of workers viz., Family Worker, other persons in order to perform the work entered Single Worker and Employee. There will be no Em­ in question 16 (e). That is to say, such a person is ployer. Household industry by its very definition is not only responsible for his own personal work but conducted by the head of the household himself or/ also for giving work to others in business mentioned and other members of the household, the role of in question 16 (e). But a person who employs domes­ hired workers being secondary. If the head along­ tic servants for household duties or has sub-ordinates with the members of the household is working in a under him in an office where he is employed by household industry employing hired workers, the others, is not an employer, even if he has the power head and other members who are working should be to employ another person in his office on behalf of treated as 'Family workers'. If the head alone is his own employer or employers. working with the assistance of hired worker (s) 120. An Employee is a person who usually works whose role would be secondary as indi::ated above, under some other person for salary or wages in cash he would be treated as a 'single worker'. or kind. There may be persons who are employed as managers, superintendents, agents, etc., and in Q. 17 : Secondary Work that capacity employ or control other workers on behalf of their own employers. Such persons are only 125. This question should be; asked of every employees, as explained above, and should not be person whether he bas returned some work as his regarded as employers. main activity against 16 (a) (i) or had returned him­ self under any of the basically non-working cate­ 121. A Single Worker for the purpose of question gories against question 16 (a) (ii). As was noted 16 (f) is a person who works by himself. He is not earlier. 16 (a) (ii) will cover cases like persons per­ employed by anyone else and in his turn does not forming household duties or students who may not employ an:ybodv else, not even members of his house­ be engaged in any other economicaJly producive hold except casually. This definition of a Smgle work at all, as also those who, though basically are Worker will include a person who works in joint performing household duties or students etc., for the partnership with one or several persons hiring no purpose of their main activity, still participated in employees, and also a member of a producer's co­ some other economic activity such as helping the operative. Each one of the partners or members of household in several items of work, as in cultivation such producers' co·operatives should be recorded as or in household industry or in looking after the 'Single Worker'. cattle, in attending to family business etc. but not (Ixii)

to the extent as a full-time worker. Such participa­ vation during some parts of the season. But if tion will be considered as secondary work of these a girl student, whose main activilY is shown persons. as 'ST' under 16 (a) (ii), also helped in weaving cloth purely for domestic consumption on a 126. Ask of each person if, besides what he had loin loom at home, or helped in attendlDg to house­ already returned as his/her main activity against hold chores, she WIll not be treated as having any qt.estions 16 (a) (i) or 16 (ii)' he/she participated in secondary work, Secondary work will be reckoned any secondary work. A number of unpaid family only if the 1>erson is engaged in some economic acti­ workers participating in the household enterprises, vity even if marginal in addition to whatever is the who might have returned themselves mainly as 'H' main activity under qlJestion 16. A person whose or 'ST' or 'R' under question 16 (a) (ii) for their main activity is shown as, say, a clerk in a Govern­ main activity will be netted here for their economic ment Office or a teacher under question 16, also activity which is subsidiary. Mere rendering of attends to some cultivation by his direct supervisIOn service for ones own home or production of goods or undertakes some tuition, this will be shown as for purely domestic consumption are not to be treated secondary work under question 17. A person's main as economic activity. For example, a servant who activity may be cultivation in question 16 and his works as a cook in his or her employer's home for subsidiary actIvity money lending in question 17. wages will be considered economically active but, a Again main activity may be agricultural labourer and housewife, even jf she may work much more than a subsidiary work sugar factory labourer and so on paid servant, in having to cook for the family or and so forth. looking after the household will not be treated as economically active for the purpose of this classifica­ 127. The instructions for the usage of abbrevia­ tion. SimIlarly, women who may produce cloth tions in categorising workers under 16 (a) (i) and on a loin loom at home for domestic consumption filling in the details under 16 (b) to (f) will apply will not be treated as economically active unless the mutatis mutandis to question 17 (a) to (f). except products ar.e sold and the household derives an income. Participation in work that goes to augment that while question ]6 (3) (i) will cover the main the income of the household will only be treated as work Q. 17 (a) is intended to cover secondary work economic actIvity. A boy whose main activity is which may be possibly part-time. It may also be shown as a student under 16 (a) (ii), can have the noted that the non-working categories of activity the secondary work of say, cultivation if he helped will not be reported as secondary work under the head of the household in the family culti- question 17. APPENDIX I


ASking of questions and obligation to answer Penalties , "8. (I) A census officer may ask a'l such ques­ II. (I) (a) Any censu~ officer or any person tions of all persons within the limits of the local lawfully required to give assistance towards the area for which he is appoi'nted as, by instructions taking of a census who refuses or neglets to use l issued in this behalf by the State Government and reasonable diligence in performmg any duty imposed published in the Official Gazette, he may be directed upon him or in obeying any order issued to him in to ask. accordance with this Act or any rule made there· under or any person who hInders or obstructs (2) Every person of whom any question is asked another person in performing any such duty or in under sub· section (I) shall be legally bound to answer obeying any such order, or su~h question to the best of his knowledge or belief.

Occopier or manager to fill op schedule (b) Any census officer who intentionally puts 10. (I) Subject to such orders as the State any offensive or improper question or knowingly Government may issue in this behalf, a census officer makes any false return or, without the previous may, within the local area for v.hlch he is appointed, sanction of the Central Government or the State leave or cause to be left a schedule at any dwelling­ Government discloses any information which he house or with the- manager or any officer of any has received by means of, or for the purpose of a. commercial or industrial establishment, for the census return, ...... purpose of its being filled up by the occupier of such house or of any specified part thereof or by such (c) any person who intentionally gives a false manager or officer with such particulars as the State answer to, or refuses to answer to the best of his Government may direct regarding the inmates of knowledge or belief, any question asked of him by a such house or part thereof, or the persons employed census officer which he is legally bound by section 8 under such manager or officer, as the case may be at to answer. the time of the taking of the census.

(2) When such schedule has been so left, the said x x x x x x occupier, manager or officer, as the case may be shall fill it up or cause it to be filled up to the best of his knowledge or belief so far as regards shall be punishable with imprisonment which may the inmates of such house or part thereof or the extend to six months. persons employed under him, as the case may be, at the time aforesaid, and shall sign his name thereto and, when so required, shall deliver the schedule so (2) Whoever abets any offence under sub-section filled up and signed to the census officer or to such (l) shall be punishable with fine which may extend person as the census officer may dlfeet. to one thousand rupees."


1. Area and Population 2. Growth of Population-1901-71 3. Distribution of Villages 4. Dispersal of Towns 5. Progress of Urbanisation, 1971 RAJASTHAN

AREA AND POPULATION (IN'OOO) is PUNJAB ao 40 "'"U~ &0 ...,.... 20 50 0 50 100 fSOKMS ~ i -=iiri>­ 8OUNDIIAIE.5 INTERNATIONAL _._ STIITE vi DISTRICT __ - -.- / ,0 '00.J 50 \.-" ...... _.'" ~ / .....}.'OOO) __ ~GANGANAGAR n\..:) to ~o / ~""\'hN"OOO) r .... 1 JV. '" \ 20·... r".j .- \ 0 "_!. &1".,. - " ( • \ IS ';\ J 1:1.'''(0001 t,N'QOOO)

".1>001 0 (I ,O~' 0","\ ,.. "f S 40 '( I 10 ....~OOOl ,) 50 (J .... '1 5 50 t;' ",,'t,,:\ ('0 " N ..,' -"'\ • '00 ., 0 .' "1"''''"QOOO' 2r r ./-.- I,.. ~OO"'~'" ~)\ ~.ISO .I. O _.,,-o_ '\ • 50 , CHURU i'OO JHUN° ~-)UNOOOl I ~.~..o U' 30 ...... / I ~ Jl:(UNIJN l I 10 loor,.()" I ~.1 1 \ '11(0001/"" _.\. ('5 SO' a~o ; ., UN'O.oool 'f ,. • r .r \."),.;. ' "a. "':_ BlKANER 1- J...JO" ( ,l t. .o~~ ~ .. O () 'f r ~!..~ ( flN'OOOI I l1li000) ~ "I> • / J l ", 15 IIN'O.oOO, sttCAR 15 150 -'01 100 -r •/ <. '0 /' ' •.,f 150 <' .:" ~ ALWAR Il .....~ \. 1- 'l-,) -. ~ 10 100 "'\.r ,-. l" \) '5 5/ " HS (IN"Qg~Ol 100;>_ ) \ ...." _ I ..,,, IflN'~OI 5 50 U~I ~""l~8°' .~/ - v" J .f'\ ',._. J '0 100 - "'" 5 ,50 BHARATPUR ~_ ) ~ '00'ffi: '~\'001 100 to '00 ~ r" J UNOOOI" '0 \ NAGAUAJ" , JAIPUR., l I r . .r 30 t '"'... \/'" \...... " -"\' , l.. """" J , .... ,_ \ }_..,. .... ( 5 50l ~~tIIt00 ~ ...... ,' so ;0' j JAISAUdER " J" .r " \. ./ ~ JODHPUR i ''1 / ,. .J ...,.,' N _---"~ ~ AJMER \_' ,;__ '""'''OIUo r ' I >I 20 v • \.1 \ ~"" r -'-26 ., - ,.. I "j(ttNQOOOI '''",,. i . i _. " 1l~~OO' 'r'f I 100 ''''f,~;. ''':''9'0_°' \., TOJ'~"'i~.... ~{ .. \... -. 10 liN' 0001 10 r ), ,'" 5 ,/}0 I ~- """. .'Tl'Rl""""""'" IINI--Y5~"0 ~ 100 liN 0000, ~ I)' 50 .I. '0. ( _, • .' I I ~ \ > so I. 50 -:' PAll J > \', I ~'o 100_ •...,J...... 141 , \. ,) I .... l ,/ ':J ,.lIHILWARA 1 BUNDI J' , i / J) ... «:'OOI(l.o.O~ /"~ "."'_} \! ' so ._."",. • BAR,t!!ER JALOR ",<000' liN ~oooi / -;.. .:}-._ / <. () O 0- \ t (' 5~;0~ i IS ""I lI'm'm) \\...; J'*" ~ '! ,!! .J \. . (I I . ...,./' 2l I'Noooool '0 .00 ... t..~) """f~li..'1.0~'O'1i"9.dOOl 50,.. 100I \'. 1..., .P ...... · . ). I (} ,. .50 ,,' I 5 50 1.... ~ OUNGARPUR.... -. .r '0 200 i ... . V'",\BANSWAR~ 0 ~ 2 "',.J! ... 150 ~ .,. :..... " 5 .. .. a \ '0 100 j '0



WILES 20 0 2F 40 60 80 IC?O ~!.~,"~"e1E=~~"~~~!! ~O () SO 100 ISOKMS 80UNDARIES INTERNATIONI,L _o_ STATE OISTRICT



N It q 27 - 24

/ /

tOOl J121 314151 6111 STAT£

N N d 21 """ '" ""'"'''' 'j ~\' 'i '" RAJASTHAN DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES

_ N MILES 20 0 40 60 ---;(f I- ...... I so 0 50 100 150KMS IIOUNDARIES INTERNATIONAL _._ STATE _._.-

~ST~T -----

N 2r

.r ."

N ---0 l· N 26 2b"





Q N N --0 24 J 24° 4 NOTE·


II -.N ;1 22 7/E '1"'"'' "'" """ '1' "\ '1' RAJASTHAN DISPERSAL OF TOWNS

. N "3if

N 28°


CL"SS II TOWNS 50.000 -99.999 o CLASS III TOWNS •• CLASS IV TOWNS 10.000 - 19,999

0 t..-/o_' ') ., ,.,Nli' 'r ·t""~.;" ~ aJtl1fl~o'it ,0 50 ~"N0001?), 10 (, ,. .-,/ ) " ~ - \-~ ",,' ,0 _'I ·r ., ~ ,.. , /' /.r\.J.",~~"\~, I_ .... ~ ... I·"( .0'~'O "fa., • J tINOOOOJ): J (lNqoOOl ~90111211141'5161711,-1 Ul_lll_Lj ,., ~ ~ ' <. 40 ... \ / 20

, • ".0000) '0'l~ I 0:1rnitlIJ···.. I'- ~ ""'~rco \." ':,)' ,.,.,~':',~I l ttJftl11"" - 00 0 ... f '" - to .... • oN "" til "" '" oN C'11-1 d' ,;'' -"'l1li 40 lO J "'" J.#"'t \ 19~r,'1 21 31 4' SI 61 711 J 20 r-"""_ \", ~HlI II 21 31 41 £161 71 I r" tlNoaOOI J "" '\...._. JAISAlMER ~ NAGAUR r· I 1901112131'" 51 61111 2~ .. \ ,J, "\ r' {,'O, " ,," 4' " 6' 1, " BU,Npl,/ 0.-)..... '. '\ ~ /'"l / IINOOOO' .l'BHllWARA \ J Jt90111 2131 AI SI 61 'V J 30 T ...... ; \ \ r Q ~ \. /- - ~.. JAl:< • ~11b:l~1,,~ . 'to:: \\ _" (~- ~,:, ~ "K3IO'T''1 6\" :;- i'::I::1::t1ll. ~ (\-. r / ... ION QOOO) • 1""'./ ·.,.;"'·-..,...... r 1901 /1 21314151617, ,.. 10"\ ••J'(IN'OOO'01...... ) rJ , 1'0 ) f.... 1.1· - ~ SIROHI ) ~", • • G ·1J'-·4 I ~( ... _'~~I'o I'\.~ H-f...i:ti'f1 h ...... ,j '-;r "Jb~iPM'" lm-tuu \. .. O'~~";LAJIAit ~ (It.lQOOO) lJ ~ "c'HWfAURGARH () ...... ",....i..,.) N N r-- N. OF TOWNS_iii 24 - 450 J '.J\. i. ,'"00001 I' ) ,...... I . ~ 24° !"' J ~ - 1'0 " ;> ..... )....; '. S'...... \,," N"" 'ON"QOOOI ,. 'a .~I i C 7 7 'j' ii 0 100111213141 ~I bil6171 / ( .. N 300§ -9 DUNGARPUR -" N N , ?-n ~ (1901 II 2t3",u SI 61 i1 ~ ~ .'" \if BANSWARA ~ III.,.. ~I '" " (.~ o !:!!:!:!/ "'A ",",\-,/' \

1901'11.21 !r 415"61 ." STATE ,., 21 70 UST OF GPHNWICH '1 'i 'i



This is the basic population table, which presents information on area, density of population, number of inhabited and uninhabited villages, number of towns, number of occupied residential houses, number of households and population by males and females for the State/District/ Tehsil/City and Town for rural and urban areas separately. Data for urban agglomerations are also shown separately. The first part of the table, called the Union Table, gives details only upto the districts. The table is almost similar to its counterpart of 1961 census.

The table has three appendices-The first shows territorial units as obtaining in 1961 constituting the present set up of each unit. It is supplemented with a statement giving the areas for 1961 and 1971 for those towns which have undergone changes in area since 1961 and also gives population for the transferred area according to 1961 and 1971 censuses. The second appendix presents the number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns under 5,000 of population,. while the third appendix furnishes figures for the number of houseless and institutional households, and houseless and institutional population. UNION TABLE A-I 2

<'lOr<) o-a> ..... 0001 I'" NIflI'­ ... 00 N 'CN ..... I'; "".0, <'l_ r--;, 00,.. 00...... 0100 -01- cO ('f")"" -4 16 --c::>QO'-CN \ON..,. N ...... 1'-"'­N_ ... ""i. 00 r") I~ roio'roi I ...... - I gl", a>I'-N ..;: I.!! "'-N"<1"-.., ..'S~i ..... "':.,J5l£)*' 5.1 - 0", ...... '"... ~I 1 I '" 00 _ '0 ... '" OON\O V>OI\O 00 0 r­ "

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",11">00 ", ..... 00 "'...... _ N0\ .,.,--.1" ",00"" (",I I.f"l r--- --<71""­ ,...._ "',....<'"l"'" '" - .... '" -0 "''''0 .,... 00 '" "''''v) 0-,'" .....v) ~.. r-:'''l5 0.0'" _; v) f'I"l 0\" ~ oo~ 00<--_ -:xl", _<'"l"'" O ..... N -N ....- N_ N - '" .....

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u .~ .. a.. 0.=' =' ... ~ ..o "C to .....o Z ~ cO -o .....- vi... - UNION TABLE A-I 4

i ~ l"i 1 6 '" 1r.1! I I I 51", ..... No,> ",on", .- I ., ..... 00"""_ ~~'" .... Orrlr--:' '[,:E ...... M - °1 ~I I '", 0_'" Is:: 00000'> o ~ r--: 00.. I~ '" _..... I~ 000'" l~ 00.. ""!.. ~ ~ .....

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" .c ~ ...... Q)~ '0' "0 .s CIl a • ...C Z zo C"Ii 169 APPENDIX-I TO TABLE A-IV


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Q ::s Q ::s .c...... c ::s .c... ~Ol'E A TO ArPENDIX-I TO TABLE A-IV 170

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..g:, ..=~ ..co= ~ APPENDIX-U TO TABLE A.IV 174

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... ::sE ._g_ .<::0 .!:;U APPENDIX-II TO TABLE A-IV I 176

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:s~ III is ...... 01 e E 15 as.. -aI j Q:la:l APPENDIX~I1 TO TABLE A-l V 178

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...... ~ II Q 179


( Alphabetical List of Towns & Url'J.,~n Agglomerations in Rajasthan)

Town/UrblUl Class/S.No. Town(Urban Class(S.No. S. Agglomera- of Table Page S. AggJomera- of Table Page No. tion District A-IV No. No. tion District A-IV No.

2 3 4 5 2 J 4 5

1. Abu Road Sirohi Ill/23 145 43. DhoJpur Bharatpuf l1l)l3 142 2. Ajmer U.A. Ajmer 1'3 133 44. Didwana Nagaur IVJ6 14S 3. Alwar Alwar 1/7 135 45. Dungargarh Churu IIl/2S 146 4. Anupgarh Ganganagar VIj2 16& 46. Dungarpur Dungarpur IV/l 147 5. Bagar Jhunjhunun V/31 167 47. FateJ:>pur Sikar III/S 140 6. Bali Pali IV/4S 158 48. Gajsingbpura Ganganagar VII3 }68 7. BaJotra Bar~er IV 19 149 49. Ganganagar Ganganagar Il/} 136 8. Bandikui U.A. Jaipur IV/33 ISS 50. Gangapur Bhilwara V/9 }63 9. Banswara Banswara I1I/19 144 51. Gangapur U.A. Sawai Madhopur 1II{IO 141 10. Baran Kota Ill/IS 143 52. Hanumangarh 11. Bari Bharatpur IV/2 147 U.A. Gaoganagar IITJlI 142 12. Sari Sadri Chittaurgarb VIII 163 53. Hindaun Sawai Madhopur llI/17 143 13. Barmer Barmer 111/4 139 54. Indergarh Kota VI/4 168 14. Bayana Bharatpur IV!23 153 55 JahazpUf Bhilwara V/JO 163 15. Beawar Ajmer IllS 137 56. Jaipur U.A. Jaipur III 132 16. Begun Chittaurgarh V/20 165 57. Jaisalmer Jaisalmer IV/16 151 17. Bhadra Ganganagar IVj30 154 58. Jalor JaJor IV/22 152 18. Bharatpur U.A. Bharatpur 1I/4 136 59. Jhalawar Jhalawar Ill!31 146 19. Bhawanimandi Ibalawar IV/52 159 60. Jhalrapatan Ihalawar IV/40 156 20. Bhilwara Bhilwara n;2 136 61. Jhunjhunun Jhunjbunun III/12 142 21. Bhindar Udaipur VII 161 62. Jobner Jaipuf V/36 167 22. Bhinmal Jalor IV/31 154 63. Jodhpur Jodhpur 1/2 133 23. Bidasar Churu IV/49 158 64. Kaman Bharatpur IV/20 152 24. Bijainagar Ajmer V!19 165 65. Kapasan Chittaurgarh IV/55 159 25. Bikaner U.A. Bikaner liS 134 66. Karanpur Ganganagar IV!47 158 26. Bilara Jodbpur IV/tO 149 67. Karauli Sawai Madhopur Ill/IS 143 27. Bisau JbunjbuDun IV/60 160 68. Kekri Ajmer IV/27 154 28. Bundi U.A. Bundi 1II/9 141 69. Kcshoraipatan Bundi V/29 166 29. Chaksu Jaipur IV/61 160 70. Khairthal Alwar IV/57 160 30. Chhabra Kota V{6 162 71. Khandela Sikar IV/39 156 31. Chhapar Churu V/7 162 72. Kherli Alwar VIII 168 32. Cbhipabarod Kota V/17 164 73. Khetri Jhunjhunun V/18 164 33. Chhoti Sadri Chittaurgarh V/8 163 74. Kishangarh Ajmer IIT/6 140 34. Chirawa JhunjhuDun IV/25 153 75. Kala Kola 1/4 134 35. ChittaurgaIh Chittaurgarh Illl21 144 76. Kotputli laipur IVj41 157 36. Chomu Jaipuf 111/29 146 77. Kuchaman Nagaur IV/7 148 37. Chum U.A. Churu I1f7 137 78. Kusbalgarh Banswara V/34 lli7 38. Dausa Jaipur IV/3 147 79. Lachhmangarh Sikar Ill/27 145 39. Deeg Bharatpur III/26 145 80. Ladnu Nagaur III/I 6 143 40. Deogarh Udaipur VII 6 164 SI. Lakberi U.A. Bundi IV/18 151 41. Dcoli Tonk IV/43 157 S2. Makrana Nagaur I1I(24 145 42. Desbnoke Bikaner V/21 165 83. Malpura Tonk IV/32 155 180


( Alphabetical List of Towns & Urban Agglomerations in Rajasthan)

Town/Urban Class/S No. Town/Urban Class/S.No. S. Agglomera- or Table Page S. Agglomera­ of Table Page No. tion District A-IV No. No. tion District A-IV No.

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

84. Mandawa Jhunjhunun V/2 161 119. Ramganjmandi Kota IV/51 159 85. Mandi Padampur Ganganagar V/32 167 120. Ramgarh Sikat IV/26 153 86. Merta Nagaur IV/13 150 121. Ratangarh Churu IIl/14 142 87. Mount Abu Sirohi V/3 162 122. Ratannagar Churu V/37 168 88. Mukundgarh JhuoJhunun IV 64 161 123. Sadri Pali IV/28 154 89. Nadbai Bharatpur VIIS 164 124. Sadulshahar Ganganagar V/27 166 90. Nagaur Nagaur III/7 140 125. Sagwara Dungarpur IV/48 158 91. Nainwa Bundi V/23 165 126. Sa1umbar Udaipur V/12 163- 92. Napa~ar Bikaner V/14 164 127. Sambhar Jaipur IV/19 152 93. Nasirabad Ajmer m/22 144 128. Sangaria Ganganagar IV/34 155 94. Nathdwara Udaipur IV(4 148 129. Sardarshahar 95. Nawa Nagaur V/24 166 U.A. Churu III!5 139 96. Nawai Tonk IV/63 161 130. Sarwar Ajmer V/26 166· 97. Nawalgarh Jhunjhunun III/20 144 131. Sawai Madhopur 98. Neem-ka-thana Sikar IV/46 158 U. A. Sawai Madhopur IIIf2 138 99. Nimbahera Chittaurgarh IV/I? 151 132. Shahpura Bhilwara IV/24 153 100. Nohar Gaoganagar IV/14 150 133. Sheoganj Sirohi IV/44 157 101. Nokhamandi Bikaner IV/50 159 134. Sikar SikaI IIf3 136 102. Pali Pali III/I 138 I3S. Sirohi Sirohi IV,S 14B 103. Parbat! ar Nagaur V/35 167 136. Sojat Pali IV/IS lSI 104. Phalodi Jodhpur IVfl2 150 137, Sojat Road Pali V/3B 168 105. Phulera U.A. Jaipllr IVf38 156 138. Sri Madhopur Sikar IV(62 16(} 106. Pilani U.A. Jhunjhunun IIIf30 146 139. SUjangarh Chum III!3 139 107. Pindwara Sirohi V/5 162 140. Sumerpur Pali IV/59 160 108. Pi par Jodhpur IV/21 152 141. Sunel Jhalawar V/22 165 109. Pirawa Jhaiawar V/30 167 142. Surajgarh Jhunjhunun V/4 162 UO. Pokaran Jaisalmer V/25 166 143. Suratgarh U.A. Ganganagar 1V/8 149 111. Pratapgarh Chittaurgarh IV/II 150 144. Taranagar 'Churu IV/37 156 112. Push lear Ajmer Vj28 166 145. Todabhim Sawai Madhopur IV/~8 160 II3. Raisinghnagar Ganganagar IV/54 159 146. Todaraisingh Tonk IV/56 159 114. Rajakhera Bharatpur IV/35 155 147. Tonk Tonk II(6 137 115. Rajaldesar Chum IV/36 155 148. Udaipur Jhunjhunun IV/4l 157 116. Rajgarh Alwar IV/53 159 149. Udaipur Udaipur 1(6 135 117. Rajgarh Chum IlI/25 145 150. Uniara TODk V/33 167 118. Rajsamand Udaipur IV/29 154 151. Wei( Bharatpur V/13 164 STA TE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

The table presents the basic data of the 1971 Census at the State! District/TehsilJCity or Town level and provides information regarding area, number of occupied residential bouse!! and number of households. It also gives total population, population of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, number of literate and educated persons, the break Up of the total popula­ tion into 9 broad industridl categories of workers and non-workers all by sex. Data is also provided for the various urban agglomerations.

The distribution of population by broad industrial categories has been made on the 1961 pattern except for the fact that Category III of 1961 has been divided inro two categories viz., Category III workers in Live­ stock, Forestry Fishing. Hunting, Plantations, Orchards and Allied activi­ ties and Category IV-workers in Mining and Quarrying. The Category IV of 1961, namely workers at Household Industry have been brought under Category V, namely workers in Manufacturing, Servicing. Repairing etc. But the two are distinguished by suffixes (a) and tb) viz .• Category V(a) at Household Industry and Category V(b) workers in Manufacturing etc. Other than Household Industry. At the 1961 Census "Household Industry" covered establishments falling under Division '0' and 'I' of the National Industrial Classification e. g. cattle rearing, orchardry, plantations etc. apart from Divisions 2 and 3. At the 1971 Census, Household Industry is combined to Divisions 2 ,and 3 only, i. e. it covers only manufacturing, processing, servicing or repairing only. There is no other change to the remaining broad industrial categories of workers and non-workers except for the fact that 'business services' as also tea stalls and restaurants which were included in Category IX at the 1961 Census are now included in Category VII namely workers in Trade and Commerce.

Wide variations in the proportions of workers obtaining in 1961 and 1971 may be observed. The broad classification of workers in the two censuses is not comparable on account of a significant conceptual difference. While at the 1961 Census, stress was laid on work so that all people who work, including family workers who ate not in receipt of any income and/or who cannot earn enough for their maintenance, were also included as 'workers', at the 1971 Census the p~rsons have' been classified for their economic activity on the basis of what a person had returned as his maio activity. The main activity was first ascertained according as he spent his time basically as a 'worker' producing goods and services or as a 'oon­ worker'. Thus, those who had returned themselves as housewives or students or retired persons etc. for their main activity have been classified accordingly under the category of Non-workers. For regular work io industry, trade or service the reference period was the week prior to the enumeration (which was a fortnight in 1961) and for seasonal work such as agriculture etc. the last one year. 2


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houseless population) ~ ______A ______~ SI. State/District/Tebsi II Rural Area in Residential of house- No. U.A.lTown Urban Sq.Km Houses holds Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

RAJASTHAN STATE T 342,214'0 4,326,680 4,503,898 25,765,806 13,484,383 12,281423 R 338,421'7 3,554,051 3,686,619 21,222,045 11,060,995 10,161,050 U 3,792'3 772,629 817,279 4,543,761 2,423,381! 2,120,373

1. Ganganagar District T 20,629'0 214,35S 225,695 1,394,011 743,S92 650,119 R 20,543'8 176,105 184,880 1,164,242 617,443 546,799 U 85'2 38,253 40,815 229,769 126,449 103,320

!. Karanpur Tchsi! T 821'3 15,356 15,814 95,046 50,178 44,868 R 819'2 13,389 13,812 83,508 44,039 39,469 U 2'1 1,967 2,002 11,538 6,139 5,399

I Karanpur Town U 2'10 1,967 2,002 11,538 6,139 5,399

2. Ganganagar Tehsil T 992'5 34,406 36,241 213,864 116,109 97,755 R 986'4 19,199 20,046 123,822 65,704 58,118 U 6'1 15,207 16,195 90,042 50,405 39,637

II Ganganagar Town U 6'09 15.207 16,195 90,042 50,405 39,637

3. Padampur Tehsil T 845'3 14,121 14,838 93,260 49,331 43,929 R 842-4 12,384 12,987 82,426 43,540 38,886 U 2'9 1,737 1,851 10,834 5,791 5,043

./ III Gajsinghpura Town 'U 0'92 684 766 4,475 2,409 2,066 -- IV Mandi Padampur TowtV='" 1'95 1,053 1,(185 6,359 3,382 2,977

4. Sadulshahar Tehsil T 793'9 10,001 10,530 68,187 36,233 31,954 R 784'3 8,888 9,328 60,539 32,098 28,441 U 9'6 1,113 1,202 7,648 4,135 3,513

- XII Sadulshahar Town "u 9'57 1,113 ],202 7,648 4 135 3,513

5. Sangaria Tebsil T 690'9 11,034 11,189 72,629 39,018 33,611 R 687-3 8,952 9,067 59,629 31,860 27,769 U 3-6 2,082 2.122 13,000 7,158 5,842

<"' V Sangaria Town U 3-64 2,082 2,122 13,000 7,158 5,842

6. Tlbi TehsiI T 744'0 10,772 11,080 71.237 37,577 33,660 R 744'0 10,772 11,080 71,237 37,577 33,660 U

7. Hanumangarh Tehsil T 1,226'6 20.730 22.580 135,380 72,67C 62.710 R ],217-7 15,111 16,388 102,848 54,749 48,099 U 8'9 5.619 6,192 32,532 17,921 14,611

Hanumangarh U. A. /u g'91 5,619 6,192 32,532 17,921 14,611 3


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes LIterate & Educated Persons ~------~--~----~ ,--- ~------~-----~--~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

4.075.580 2.129.108 1,946.472 3.125.506 1.619.210 1.506.296 4.914,293 3,875,435 1,038,858 3.493.437 1.821.399 1,672,038 3,057,790 1,581,089 1.476.701 2.939.205 2.529,846 409.359 582,143 307.709 274,434 67,716 38,121 29,595 1,975,088 1,345,589 629.499

335,037 178,988 156,049 1,114 657 457 281,396 216,218 65,178 295,509 157,582 137,927 667 387 280 179,293 147,205 32,088 39,528 21,406 18,122 447 270 177 102.103 69,013 33,090

29,311 15.654 13,657 22,508 15,857 6,651 26.226 13,965 12.261 17,312 12,617 4,695 3,085 1,689 1,396 5,196 3,240 1,956

3,085 1.689 1.396 5,196 3,240 1.956

48,877 26.231 22,646 162 96 66 69.463 49,438 20,025 33,136 17,636 15,500 25,473 20,033 5,440 15,741 8,595 7,146 162 96 66 43,990 29,405 14,585

15,741 8,595 7,146 162 96 66 43,990 29,405 14,585

24,263 12,935 1l,328 34 24 10 21,564 16.211 5,353 21,937 11.713 10,224 24 18 6 16,601 12,963 3,638 2,326 1,222 1.104 10 6 4 4,963 3,248 1,715

1.181 604 577 10 6 4 2.113 1,371 742 1,145 618 527 2,850 1,877 973

15,963 8,482 7,481 47 30 17 11,483 9.449 2,034 14.551 7,745 6,806 23 13 10 8,607 7,417 1.190 1,412 737 675 24 17 7 2,876 2,032 844

1,412 737 675 24 17 7 2,876 2,032 844

15,507 8,433 7,074 23 14 9 14.548 11,408 3,140 13,189 7,178 6,011 16 10 6 9,072 7,734 1,338 2,318 1,255 1,063 7 4 3 5,476 3,674 1,802

2,318 1,255 1,063 7 4 3 5,476 3,674 1.802

17,384 9,313 8.071 129 79 50 8,729 7,457 1,272 17,384 9,313 8.071 129 79 50 8.729 7,457 1,272

34,758 18,443 16,315 130 84 46 26,102 20,030 6,072 29,404 15.550 13,854 54 34 20 12,652 10,803 1.849 5,354 2,893 2,461 76 50 26 13,450 9,227 4,223

5,354 2,893 2,461 76 50 26 13,450 9,227 4,223 4


WORKERS ~------~------~

Total ,-______Total Workers-A- ______(I-IX) ----, ,-______Cultivators.J... ______--." SI. StatefDistrictjTehsii/ Rural No. U.A·frown Urban Persons Males Female~ Persons Males Females

2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

RAJASTHAN STATE T 8,048,859 7,024,655 1,024,204 5,225,296 4,570,690 654,606 R 6,874,604 5,932,226 942,378 5,103,641 4,461,176 642,465 U 1,174,255 1,092,429 81,826 121,655 109,514 12,1 1

1 Ganganagar District T 402,157 383,292 18,865 244,058 232,351 11,707 R 339,353 322,621 16,732 237,400 225,847 11,553 U 62,804 60,671 2,133 6,658 6,~04 154

1. Karanpur Tehsil T 26,876 25,566 1,310 13,134 12,747 387 R 23,873 22,772 1,101 12,921 12,538 383 U 3,003 2,794 209 213 209 4

I Karanpur Town U 3,003 2,794 209 213 209 4

2. Ganganagar Tebsil T 58,620 57,041 1,579 18,766 18,567 199 R 33,226 32,520 706 17,923 17,736 187 U 25,394 24,521 873 843 831 12

II Ganganagar Town U 25,394 24,521 873 843 831 12

3. Padampur Tehsil T 25,158 24,728 430 13,640 13,569 71 R 22,440 22,120 320 13,525 13,457 68 U 2,718 2,608 110 115 112 3

111 Gajsingbpura Town U 1,106 1,068 38 41 40 1 IV Mandi Padampur Town U 1,612 1,540 72 74 72 2

4. Sadulsbabar Tehsil T 18,897 18,619 278 13,056 12,965 91 R 16,932 16,682 250 12,514 12,425 89 U 1,965 ],937 28 542 540 2

XII Sadulsbahar Town U J,965 1,937 28 542 540 2

5. Sangaria TebsiJ T 19,955 19,654 301 i 12,222 12,146 76 R 16,679 16,479 200 ]1,892 11,818 74 U 3,276 3,175 101 330 328 2

V Sangaria Town U 3,276 3,175 10J 330 328 2

6, Tibi Tehsil T 20,052 19,748 304 ]J,B37 ]1,765 72 R 20,052 19,748 304 ] 1,837 11,765 72 U

7. Hanumangarb Tehsil T 39,185 37,449 1,736 22,008 20,957 1,051 R 30,306 28,735 1,571 20,948 19,919 1,029 U 8,879 8,714 165 1,060 1,038 22

Hanumangarh U.A. U ,8,879 8,714 165 1,060 1038 22 5


WORKEI\S -'------... It III IV

Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agriculturaf Labourers Plantations, Olchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying r-----.-L_____ ~ ~------~------~ r------...A..------~ Person~ Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

749,116 536,103 213,013 205,823 171,979 33,844 36,050 31,957 4,093 711,368 505,215 206,153 197,082 163,936 33,146 29,407 25,854 3,553 37,748 30,88~ 6,860 8,741 8,043 698 6,643 6,103 540

69,686 65,872 3,8J4 2,845 2,675 170 93 88 5 67,139 63,421 3,718 2,529 2,368 161 72 67 5 2,547 2,451 96 316 307 9 21 U

8,107 7,483 624 289 285 4 6 6 8,017 7,393 624 269 266 3 5 5 90 90 20 19 1 1 1

90 90 20 19

t 1,769 11,371 398 584 570 14 10,858 10,482 376 497 488 9 911 889 22 87 &2 5

911 889 22 87 82 5

6,173 6,007 166 332 312 IO 6,124 5,959 165 294 217 17 49 48 1 3& 35 3

21 21 26 24 2 28 27 12 11

3,503 3,362 141 75 74 3,325 3,185 140 74 73 178 177 1 1

178 177

4.140 4,022 118 57 56 1 3 3 3,676 3,578 98 51 50 1 3 3 464 444 20 6 6

464 444 20 6 6

6,494 6,310 184 66 65 8 8 6,494 6,310 184 66 65 8 8

6,179 5,782 397 283 276 7 7 7 5,890 5,500 390 239 232 7 6 6 289 282 7 44 44 1 1

289 282 7 44 44 6


,--______WORKERS...J-. ______, V VI Manufacturing. Processing, SerVicing and Repairs r- (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction SI. State/DistrictfTehsil/ Rural ,.------"------, ,.-____...L ____--, ,--___...L __--. No. U.A,fTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

RAJASTHAN STATE T 276,227 245.773 30,454 257,607 244,655 12,952 99,784 93,891 5,893 R 196,818 177,029 19,789 77,955 73,020 4,935 48,742 45,028 3,714 U 79,409 68,744 10,665 179,652 171,635 8,017 51,042 48,863 2,179

1. Ganganagar District T 6,777 6,294 483 15,091 14,384 . 707 6,891 6,658 233 R 4,452 4,110 342 4,614 4,232 382 3,944 3,781 163 U 2,325 2,184 141 10,477 10,152 325 2,947 2,877 70

1. Karanpur Tehsil T 826 750 76 707 659 48 199 193 tY R 673 635 38 97 97 101 96 5 U 153 115 3!!, 610 562 48 98 97 1

I Karanpur Town U 153 115 38 610 562 48 98 97

2. Ganganagar Tehsil T 1,530 1,436 94 6,794 6,693 101 965 937 28 R 507 463 44 653 622 31 192 187 5- U 1,023 973 50 6,141 6,071 70 773 750 23

II Ganganagar Town U 1,023 973 50 6,141 6,071 70 773 750 23

3. Padampur Tehsil T 686 644 42 747 723 24 192 192 R 586 549 37 309 297 12 166 166 U 100 95 5 438 426 12 26 26

III Gajsinghpura Town U 19 17 2 201 200 1 19 19 IV Mandi Padampur Town U 81 78 3 237 226 11 7 7

4. Sadulshabar Tehsil T 251 241 10 322 316 6 63 63 R 191 182 9 101 95 6 42 42 U 60 59 1 221 221 21 21

XII Sadulshahar Town U 60 S9 221 221 21 21

5. Sangaria Tehsil T 286 266 20 532 519 13 222 221 R 140 128 12 122 120 2 124 124 U 146 138 8 410 399 11 98 97

V Sangaria Town U 146 138 8 410 399 11 98 97

6. Tibi Tehsil T 202 187 15 278 260 18 257 252 5 R 202 187 15 278 260 18 257 252 S U

7. Haoumangarh Tehsil T 435 410 25 1,560 1,473 87 878 865 13' R 319 296 23 698 614 84 339 332 7 U 116 114 2 862 859 3 539 533 6

Hanumangarh U.A. U 116 114 2 862 859 3 539 533 6 7


WORKERS ~------~--~------~ VII VIII IX X

Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers ,,--______..-L _____...... r------L.--~--_, r-~---...)._-----_, ~----~------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

358,306 351,Q32 7.274 160,348 158,020 2,328 680,30i. 620,555 59,747 17,716,947 6,459,728 11,257,219 136.210 133,493 2,717 45,945 44,878 1,067 327,436 302,597 24,839 14,347,441 5,128,769 9.218,672 222,096 217,539 4.557 114,403 113,14:2- 1,261 352,866 317,958 34,908 3,369,506 1,330,959 2,038,547

21,945 21,793 152 I 6,991 6,955 36 27,780 26,222 1,558 991,854 360,600 631,254 6,262 6,217 45 1,772 1,762 10 11,169 10,816 353 81,.1,889 294,812 530,067 15,683 15,576 107 5,219 5,193 26 16,611 15,406 1,205 166,965 65,778 101,187

1,664 1,623 41 214 213 1,730 1,607 123 68,170 24,612 43,558 724 7J4 10 76 75 990 953 37 59,635 21,267 38,368 940 909 31 138 138 740 654 86 8,535 3,345 5,190

940 909 31 138 138 740 654 86 8,535 3,345 5,190

6,858 6,818 40 2,023 2,017 6 9,330 8,631 699 155,244 59,068 96,176 651 651 291 291 1,653 1,599 54 90,596 33,184 57,412 6,207 6,167 40 1,732 1,726 6 7,677 7,032 645 64,648 25,884 38,764

6,207 6,167 40 1,732 1,726 6 7,677 7,032 645 64,648 25,884 38,764

1,557 1,550 7 305 305 1,525 1,425 100 68,102 24,603 43,499 430 430 116 116 889 868 21 59,986 21,420 38,566 1,127 1,120 7 189 189 636 557 79 8,116 3,183 4,933

425 424 1 75 75 279 248 31 3,369 1,341 2,028 702 696 6 114 114 357 309 48 4,747 1,842 2,905

649 648 196 196 782 754 28 49,290 17,614 31,676 210 210 78 78 397 392 5 43,607 15,416 28,191 439 438 118 1)8 385 362 23 5,683 2,198 3,485

439 438 118 118 385 362 23 5,683 2,'198 3,485

1,134 1,130 4 319 319 1,040 972 68 52,674 19,364 33,310 230 226 4 86 86 355 346 9 42,950 15,381 27,569 904 904 233 233 685 626 59 9,724 3,983 5,741

904 904 233 233 685 626 59 9,724 3,983 5,741

400 398 2 74 74 436 429 7 51,185 17,829 33,356 400 398 2 74 74 436 429 7 51.185 17,829 33,356

2,780 2,762 18 1,955 1,936 19 3,100 2,981 119 96,195 35,'221 60,974 675 673 2 146 146 1,046 1,017 29 72,542 26,014 46,528 2,105 2,089 16 1,809 1,790 19 2,054 1,964 90 23,653 9,207 14,446 2,105 2,089 16 1,809 1,790 19 2,054 1,964 90 23,653 9,207 14,446 8


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and

Total Occupied Number ,-______houseless population),.A.. ______-, SI. Sta te jDistrict(Te hsi 1/ Rural Area in Residential of house- No. U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

VI Hanumangarh TownVU 2'24 4,989 5,558 30,017 16,422 13,595

(i) 3 NWN Outgrowth* ~ 6'67 630 634 2,515 1,499 1,016

8. Raisinghnagar Tehsil T 1,321'8 14,389 15,066 90,411 48,504 41,907 R 1,320'6 12,606 13,229 79,434 42,241 37,193 U 1'2 1,783 1,837 10,917 6,263 4,714

VII Raisingbnagar Towu.-U 1·17 1,783 1,837 10,977 6,263 4,714

9. SUratgarh Tehsil T 3.766'0 24,841 26,308 157,513 84,921 72,592 R 3,763'7 21,351 22,552 139,670 75,050 64,620 U 2-3 3,490 3,756 17,843 9,871 7,972

Suratgarh U.A. 'U 2.30 3,490 3,756 17,843 9,871 7,972

VIn Suratgarh Town ~U 1.49 2,553 2,734 14,491 7,890 6,601

(i) SUratgarh Outgrowthf"'(; 0'81 937 1,022 3,352 1 ,981 1,37/

10. Nohar Tehsil T 4.379'8 26,287 27,575 182,397 95,775 86,622 R 4,333-8 23.871 24,920 165,693 87,1S0 78,543 U 46'0 2,416 2,655 16,704 8,625 8,079

_" IX Nobar Town -U 46'00 2.416 2,655 16,704 8,625 8,079

11. Bhadra Tehsil T 1,660'4 19,226 19,913 134,960 70,595 (i4,365 R 1,659-7 17,223 17.832 120,880 62,947 57,933 U 0'7 2,003 2,081 14,080 7,648 6,432

X Bhadra Town "u 0-72 2,003 2,081 14,080 7,648 6.432

12. Anupgarh Tehsil T 3,301'7 13,195 14,561 79,127 42,981 36,146 R 3,299-9 12,359 13,639 : 74,556 40,488 34,068 U 1'8 836 922 4,571 2,493 2,078

...-' XI Anupgarh Town IU l'84 836 922 4,571 2,493 2,078

2. Bikaner District T 27,231'0 87,776 92,96~ 573,149 301,439 271,710 R 27,056'7 51,825 55,170 335,998 176,117 159,881 U 174'3 35,951 37,798 237,151 125,322 111,829

1. Bikaner Tebsil T 9,101'4 47,3l3' 50,921 313,583 165,713 147,870 R 8,929'9 13,143 14,928 87,654 46,039 41,615 U 171'5 34,170 35,999 225,929 119,614 106,255

--Bikaner U.A. U 59-75 31,426 33,204 208,894 111,373 97,521

* Consisting of the urbanised thougb non-municipalised portion of 3 NWN village. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Suratgarh village. 9


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons ,--______-..J- ______r---______.J.. ,-_!_-----__.\.----'------. -, Persons Males Females Persons Males- - Females Persons ' Males Females

10 11 12" 13 14 15 - 1-6 - ~. ~t'1 ~- lit

5,290 2,855 2,435 76 50 26 12,593 8,623 3,970

64 38 2) 857 604 253

27,302 14,770 12,532 21 20 19,632 14,980 4,652 24,609 13,272 11,337 ' 14,188 11,305 2,883 2,693 1,498 1,195 21 20 5,444 3,675 1,769

2,693 1,498 1,195 21 20 5,444 3,675 1,769

35,949 19,436 16,513 99 55 44 25,016 20,128 4,888 33,060 17,845 15,2}5 60 35 25 17,394 14,840 2,554 2,889 1,591 1,298 39 20 19 7,622 5,288 2,334

2,889 1,591 1,293 39 20 19 7,622 5,288 2,334

2,499 1,375 1,124 26 13 13 5,842 4,126 1,716

390 216 174 13 7 6 1,780 1,162 618

34,375 17,985 16,390 185 100 85 24,017 20,370 3,647 32,911 17,253 15,658 87 48 39 17,676 16,0;9 1,617 1,464 732 732 98 52 46 6,341 4,311 2,030

1,464 732 732 98 52 46 6,341 4,311 2,030

25,845 13,564 12,281 261 142 119 23,327 19,815 3,512 24,660 12,920 11,740 253 138 115 18,200 16,049 2,151 1,185 644 541 8 4 4 5,127 3,766 1,361

1.185 644 541 S 4 4 5,127 3,766 1,361

25,503 13,742 11,761 23 13 10 15,007 11,075 3,932 24,442 13,192 11.250 21 12 9 13,389 9,928 3,461 1,061 550 511 2 1.618 . 1.147 471

1,061 550 511 2 1,618 1,147 471

88,700 46,939 41,761 417 235 182 147,965 105,507 42,458 68,068 35,919 32,149 98 57 41 39,360 33,545 5,815 20,632 11,020 9,612 319 178 141 108,605 71,962 36,643

39,571 20,892 18.679 327 183 144 116,819 79,642 37,177 19,677 10,309 9,368 14 8 6 12,599 10,628 1,971 19,894 10,583 9,311 313 175 138 104.220 69,014 35,206

17,011 9,120 7,S'l1 313 175 138 98,121 65,047 33,074 10



~- I

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivatol S SI. State/District/l'ebsil/ Rural ~------~------~ ~-----~-----~ No. U.A.{fown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

VI Hanumangarh Town U 8,027 7,868 159 1,042 1,022 20

(i) 3 NWN Outgrowth * U 852 846 6 18 16 2

8. Raisinghnagar TebsiI T 27,207 26,128 1,079 16,495 16,151 344 R 23,816 22,846 970 16,347 16,009 338 U 3,391 3,282 109 148 142 6

VII Raisingbnagar Town U 3,391 3,282 109 148 142 6

9. Suratgarh Tehsil T 46,428 44,890 1,538 29.820 29,249 571 R 41,173 39,945 1,228 29.318 28,760 558 U 5,255 4,945 310 502 489 13

Suratgarh U.A. U 5,255 4,945 310 S02 489 13

VIII Suratgar t. Town U 3,994 3,775 219 493 480 13

(i) Suratgarh Outgr()wth; U 1,26/ 1,170 91 9 9 10. Nohar Tebfil T 55,669 51.055 4,614 46,686 -42.731 3,955 R 51,573 47,097 4,476 45,296 41,396 3,900 U 4,096 3.958 138 1,390 ],335 55

IX Nohar Town U 4,096 3,958 138 l,l90 1,135 55

11. Bbadra Tehsil T 40,413 35,396 5,017 34,694 29,978 4,716 R 36,879 31,916 4,963 33,637 28,943 4,694 U 3.534 3,480 5~ 1,057 1.035 22

X Bhadra Town U 3,534 3,480 54 1,057 1,035 22

12. Anupgarh Tehsil T 23,697 23,018 679 11,700 1l,S26 174 R 22,404 21,761 643 11,242 11.081 161 U 1,293 1,2S7 36 458 44S 13

XI Anupgarh To\\n U 1,293 1,257 36 458 445 13

2. Bikaner District T 165.391 147,190 18,202: 90,734 79,086 11,648 R 109,067 94,970 14.097 87,307 76,044 11,263 U 56,325 52,220 4,105 3,427 3,042 385

1. Bikaner TehsiJ T 82,028 74,065 7,963 22,663 19,410 3,253 R 27,889 23,970 3,919 19,710 16,836 2,874 U 54,139 50,095 4,044 2,953 2,574 379

Bikaner U.A. U 50,013 46,642 3,371 1,166 1,040 126

• Consistmg of the urbanised thougb non-municipalised portion of 3 NWN village. t Consisting of the urbanised thougb non-municipalised portion of Suratgarh village. II


WORKBRS ~------~------~------~ II III IV

Livest~ck, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labourc:rs Plantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying ,---___..A..._ ~------~------~ r------'------...... Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

261 254 7 12 12

28 28 32 32

5,705 5,160 545 119 117 2 5,673 5,131 542 110 JOB 2 32 29 3 9 9

32 29 3 9 9

6,453 6,052 401 187 184 3 23 19 4 6,230 5,842 388 128 125 3 16 12 4 223 210 13 59 59 7 7

223 210 J3 59 59 7 7

220 207 13 44 44 6 6

3 3 15 15 1 1

3,338 2,895 443 287 254 33 16 16 3,155 2,732 423 257 224 33 6 6 183 163 20 30 30 10 10

183 163 20 30 30 10 10

1,453 1,317 136 208 160 48 4 4 1,405 1,269 136 189 141 48 3 3 48 48 .... 19 19 I

48 48 19 19

6,372 6,111 261 358 322 36 23 22 1 6,292 6,040 252 3SS 319 36 23 22 1 80 71 9 3 3

80 71 9 3 3

11,240 9,377 1,863 1,767 1,587 180 853 760 93 9,367 7,686 1,681 1,452 1,311 . 141 752 661 91 1,873 1,691 182 315 276 39 101 99 2

5,317 4,601 716 742 694 48 571 490 81 3,489 2,955 534 434 425 9 479 400 79 1,828 1,646 182 308 269 39 92 90 2

1,483 1,366 117 298 259 39 90 \\8 2 12'


WORKERS-J-______V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs ,-._------'------. (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction ,.-____-A.. _____-... ,--____..)._ ___~ SI. StatejDistrict/Tehsil/ Rural r- No. U. A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

VI Hanumangarh Town U 1I6 114 2 846 843 3 256 250 6

(i) 3 NWN Outgrowth* U 16 16 283 283

8. Raisinghnagar Tehsil T 465 396 69 596 576 20 209 208 R 433 31i5 68 189 182 7 137 137 U 32 31 407 394 13 72 71

VII Raisinghnagar Town U 32 31 407 394 13 72 71

9. Suratgarh Tehsil T 567 529 38 1,590 1,347 243 2,434 ' 2,295 139 R 360 342 18 860 782 78 1,275 1, l7:l 102 U 207 187 20 730 565 165 1,159 1,122 37

Suratgarh U.A. U 207 187 20 730 565 165 1,159 1,122 37

VIII SUratgarh Town U 205 185 20 612 492 120 189 )82 7

(i) Suratgarh Oulgrowth$ U 2 2 JI8 73 45 970 940 30

10. Nohar Tehail T 672 618 54 629 609 20 281 264 17 R 473 428 45 343 325 18 242 226 16 U 199 190 9 286 284 2 39 38

IX Nobar Town U 199 190 9 286 284 2 39 38

11. Bhadra Tehsil T 541 526 15 485 461 24 140 138 2 R 261 252 9 190 166 24 42 40 2 U 280 274 6 295 295 98 98

X Bbadra Town U 280 274 6 295 295 98 98

12. Anupgarh TehsiI T 316 291 25 851 748 103 1,051 1,030 21 R 307 283 24 7741 672 102 1,027 1,006 21 U 9 1 8 77 76 24 24

XI Anupgarh Town U 9 8 77 76 24 24 , 2. Bikaner District 259 T 4,735 - 3,744 991 6,~3 5.978 485 5,080 4,821 R 1,217 854 363 858 713 145 2,261 2,145 116 U 3,518 2,890 628 5,605 5,265 340 2,819 2,676 143

1. Bikaner Tehsil T 3.876 3,098 778 5,842 5,390 452 3,446 3,279 167 R 551 389 162 403 289 114 705 (\81 24 U 3,325 2,709 616 5,439 5,101 338 2,74t 2,598 143

Bikaner U.A. U 2,780 2,404 376 5,287 4,953 334 2,563 2,463 100 • Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalistd portion of 3 NW N village. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipaJised portion of Suratgarh village. 1"3


WORKERS r------...... ------, vcr VIII IX X

Transport, Storage and Trade and Com~erce Communications Other Services Non-Workers ------'----,-----, ,..------'------r------"-----~ ~------~------Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

2,065 2,049 16 1,762 1,743 19 1,666 1,580 86 21,990 8,554 13,436

40 40 47 47 388 384 4 1,663 653 1,010

985 981 4 236 235 1 2,396 2,303 93 63,204 22,376 40,828 149 149 101 100 1 677 665 12 55,6\8 19.395 36.223 836 832 4 135 135 1,719 1,638 81 7,586 2,981 4,605

836 832 4 135 135 1,719 1,638 81 7,586 2,981 4,605

1,963 1,950 J3 680 676 4 2,711 2,589 122 111,085 40,031 71,054 1,077 1,067 to 301 298 3 1,608 1,544 64 98,497 35,105 63,392 886 883 3 379 378 1,103 1,045 58 12,588 4,926 7,662

886 883 3 379 378 1,103 1,045 58 12,588 4,926 7,662

875 872 3 373 372 977 935 42 10,497 4.115 6.382

1J 11 6 6 126 110 16 2,091 811 1,280

1,702 1,692 10 299 297 2 1,759 1,679 80 126,728 44,720 82,008 590 584 6 124 122 2 1,087 1,054 33 114,120 40,053 74,067 1,112 1,108 4 175 175 672 625 47 12,608 4,667 7,941

1,112 1,108 4 175 175 672 625 47 12,608 4,667 7,941

1,152 1.145 7 371 371 1,365 1,296 69 94,547 35,199 59,348 254 248 6 105 105 793 749 44 84,001 31,031 52,970 898 S97 1 266 266 572 547 25 10,546 4,168 6,378

898 897 266 266 572 547 25 10,546 4,168 6,378

1,101 1,096 5 319 316 3 1,606 1,556 50 55,430 19,963 35,467 872 867 5 274 271 3 1,238 1,200 38 52,152 18,727 33,425 229 229 45 45 368 356 12 3,278 1,236 2,042

229 229 45 45 368 356 12 3.278 1,236 2,042

11,646 11,449 197 8,212 8,173 39 24,662 22.215 2,447 407,757 154.249 253,508 1,389 1,369 20 805 802 3 3,659 3.385 274 226,931 81.147 145,784 10.257 10,080 177 7,407 7.371 36 21,003 18,830 2,173 180.826 73,102 107,724

10,038 9,855 183 7.661 7,624 37 21,872 19,624 2,248 231,555 91.648 139,907 436 427 9 351 350 1 1,331 1.218 113 59,765 22,069 37,696 9,602 9,428 174 7,310 7,274 36 20,541 18,406 2,135 171,790 69,579 102,211

8,975 ·8,808 167 7,232 7,196 36 20,139 18,065 2,074 158,881 64,731 94,150 14


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number house less population) SI. State(DistrictjTehsill Rural Area in Residential of house- ~------~------~ No. U.A.lTown Urban Sq,Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I Bikaner City ~U 38'09 28,532 29,990 188,518 101,439 87,079 II Gangasbahar Town ~U 11'87 1,900 2,153 13,716 6,638 7,078 III Bhinasar Town "1.J 9'79 994 1,061 6,660 3,296 3,364

IV Napasar Town U 76'52 1,375 1,397 8,804 4,371 4,433-

- V Deshnoke Town U 35'26 U69 1,398 8,231 3,930 4,301

2. Lunkaransar Tehsil T 6,544'9 11,824 12,848 75,547 40,473 35,074 R 6,544'9 11,824 12,848 75,547 40,473 35,074 U

3. Kulayat Tehsil T 7.953'8 9,660 9,804 58,321 30,663 27,658 R 7,953'8 9,660 9,804 58,321 30,663 27,658 U

4. Nokha Tehsil T 3,796'3 18,979 1~,389 125,698 64,590 61,108- R 3,793,5 17,198 17,590 114,476 58,942 55,534- U z.s 1,781 1,799 11,222 5,648 5,574

VI Nokba Mandi Town." U 2-81 1,781 1,799 11,222 5,648 5,574-

3. Churn Distrkt T 16,829'0 126,264 133,641 874,439 449,279 425,16~ R 16,604'3 88.713 93,036 615,811 318,203 297,608 U 224,7 37,551 40,605 258,628 131,076 127,552

1. Taranagar Tehsil T 1,794'9 11,026 11,610 79,876 41,475 38,401 R 1,755'7 9,319 9,722 67,160 34,952 32,20g. U 31j'2 1,707 1,888 12,716 6,523 6,193-

'--I Taranagar Town U 39'16 1,707 1,888 12,71~ 6,523 6,193-

2. Rajgarh Tebsil T 2,216'5 21,040 ' 22,038 155,546 81,145 74,401 R 2,203'7 17,644 18,478 132,367 68,980 63,387 U 1208 3,396 3,560 23,179 12,165 11,014

II Rajgarb Town U 12'77 3,396 3,560 23,179 12,165 11,014-

3. Sardarsbahar Tehsil T 3,851'9 19,105 20,130 129,476 66,178 63,298 R 3,814'5 13,5')2 13,987 91,130 46,863 44,261 U 37-4 5,513 6,143 38,346 19,315 19,031

Sardarsbahar U A.§ "'"U 37-37 5,513 6,143 38,346 19,315 19,031

III Sardarshahar Town ..... U 32'56 5,429 6,049 37,703 18,824 18,879 (i) Sardarshahar Outgrowtht fi 4'81 84 94 643 491 152

§ Consisting of the Sardarshahar Town and its outgrowth. 't Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Sardarshahar village, 15


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons ,------'- ---. ,..___ ----. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

15,266 8,212 7,054 313 175 138 89.058 59,486 29,572 669 334 335 6,461 3,846 2,615 1,076 574 502 2,602 1,715 887

] ,593 829 764 3,]89 2,138 1,051

1,290 134 656 2,910 1,829 ],081

13,575 7,374 6,201 6 4 2 9,682 8,208 1,474 13,575 7,374 6,201 6 4 2 9,682 8,208 1,474

13,134 7,006 6,128 48 27 21 5,803 4,861 942 13,134 7,006 6,128 48 27 21 5,803 4,861 942

22,420 11,667 10,753 36 21 15 ]5,661 12,796 2,865 21,682 11,230 10,452 30 18 12 11,276 9,848 1,428 738 437 301 6 3 3 4,385 2,948 1,437

738 437 301 6 3 3 4,385 2,948 1,437

151,825 78,686 73,139 3,413 ],780 .1,633 165,753 129,114 36,639 123,156 63,735 59,415 2,412 1,167 1,155 74,376 66,732 7,644 28,675 14,951 13,724 99l- 513 478 91,377 62,382 28,995

14,120 7,395 6,725 321 171 150 11,356 9,519 1,837 12,596 6,588 6,008 308 163 145 7,321 6,670 651 1,524 807 717 13 8 5 4,035 2.849 1,186

1.524 807 717 13 8 5 4,035 2,849 1,186 27.543 14,371 13,172 1,371 726 645 26,003 22,206 3,797 23,651 12,281 11,370 1,102 578 524 18,098 16,580 ],518 3,892 2,090 1,802 269 148 121 7,905 5,626 2,279 3,892 2,090 1,802 269 148 121 7,905 5,626 2,279

19,838 10,234 9,604 553 290 263 25,645 19,758 5,887 17,444 8,974 8,470 238 134 104 10,788 9,922 866 2,394 1,260 1,134 315 156 159 14,857 9,836 5,021 2,394 1,260 ],134 315 156 159 14,857 9,836 5,021

2,368 1,245 1,123 265 135 • 130 14,428 9,458 4,970 26 15 11 50 21 29 429 378 51 16


WORKERS ,------_,__------~ I

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators ,-______-l. ______~ 81. 8tatefDistrictfTehsil/ Rural ,- J... No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females-- Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

I Bikaner City U 46,087 43,068 3,019 907 818 89 II Gangashahar Town U 2,484 2,245 239 125 94 31 In Bhinasar Town U 1,442 1,329 113 134 12& 6

IV Napasar Town U 2,252 1,852 400 960 822 13S

V Deshnoke Town U 1,874 1,601 273 827 712 115

2. Lunkaransar Tehsil T 24,947 22,776 2,171 20,651 18,818 1,833 R 24,947 22,776 2,171 20,651 18,818 1,833 U

3. Kolayat Tehsil T 18,894 17,321 1,573 14,692 13,580 1,112 R 18,894 17,321 1,573 14,692 13,580 1,112 U

4. Nokha Tehsil T 39,523 33,028 6,495 32,728 27,278 5,45fr R 37,337 30,903 6,434 32,254 26,810 5,444 U 2,186 2,125 61 474 468 6

VI Nokha Mandi Town U 2,186 2,125 61 474 468 6

3. Churu District T 263,412 220,998 42,414 201,922 165,165 36,757 R 205,806 166,551 39,255 184,702 149,155 35,547 U 57,606 54,447 3,159 17,220 16,010 1,210

1. Taranagar Tehsil T 26,673 22,303 4,370 21,086 18,177 2,909- R 23,685 19,414 4,271 19,363 16,504 2,859 U 2,988 2,889 99 1,723 1,673 50

I Taranagar Town U 2,988 2,889 99 1,723 1,673 SO

2. Rajgarh Tehsil T 41,116 38,979 2,137 34,605 32,980 1,625 R 35,666 33,674 1992 32,223 30,625 1,598 U 5,450 5,305 145 2,382 2,355 27

II Rajgarh Town U 5,450 5,305 145 2,382 2,355 27

3. Sardarshahar Tehsil T 41,671 32,905 8,766 32,970 24,913 8,057 R 33,455 25,060 8,395 31,222 23,236 7,986 U 8,216 7,845 371 1,748 1,677 71

Sardarshahar U.A.§ U 8,216 7,845 371 1,748 1,677 71

III Sardarshahar Town U 7,970 7,~IO 360 1,695 1,630 65 (i) Sardarshahar Outgrowtht U 246 235 11 53 47 6

§ Consisting of the Sardarshahar Town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Sardarshahar village. 17



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labollrers Plantations, Olchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying ,---______-L _____---, ....., r- oJ- r- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1,:m 1,225 97 256 224 32 86 84 2 153 134 19 32 27 5 4 4 8 7 10 8 2

96 73 23 3 3

249 201 42 1 7

921 781 140 200 151 49 80 15 S 921 781 140 200 151 49 80 75 5

2,015 1,738 277 604 544 60 190 183 7 2,015 1,738 277 604 544 60 190 183 7

2,987 2,257 730 221 198 23 12 12 2,942 2,212 730 214 191 23 3 3 45 45 7 7 9 9

45 45 7 7 9 9

11,044 8,716 2,328 3,182 2,207 975 211 200 11 8,105 5,963 2,142 2,853 1,889 964 67 57 10 2,939 2,753 186 329 318 11 144 143 1

2,095 1,297 798 1,131 654 477 2 2 2.060 1,263 797 1,116 639 477 35 34 15 15 2 2

3S 34 15 15 2 2

1,325 1,093 232 320 214 106 1,169 942 227 291 186 105 156 151 5 29 28 1

156 151 5 29 28

1,116 920 196 522 358 164 7 7 694 510 184 477 313 164 422 410 12 45 45 7 7

422 410 12 45 45 7 7

419 407 12 43 43 7 7 3 3 2 2 1&


.------'-WORKERS V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs ---"- (II) (b) Tota] Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction ,--______.l... _____-, SI. State/District{Fehsill Rural r---_..j.__--~ ,-_ _J,...... No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females :2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

I Bikaner City U 2,303 2,001 302 4,894 4,598 296 2,036 1,951 85 II Gangashahar Town U 357 308 49 199 188 11 131 125 6 III Bhinasar Town U 120 95 25 194 167 27 396 387 9

IV Napasar Town U 386 186 200 83 80 3 90 83 7

V Deshnoke Town U 159 1I9 40 69 68 88 52 36

2. Lunkaransar Tehsil T 86 75 11 . 150 145 5 1,522 1,430 92 R 86 75 11 150 145 5 1,522 1,430 92 U

3. Kolayat TeasiI T 222 167 55 147 131 16 13 13 R :m 167 55 147 131 16 13 13 U

4. Nokha Tehsit T S51 404 147 324 312 12 99 99 R 358 223 135 158 148 10 21 21 U 19} 181 12 166 164 2 7B 78

VI Nokha Mandi Town U 19>3 181 12 166 164 2 78 78

3. Cburu Distrirt T 6,12(; 5,476 650 5,662 5.425 237 2,798 2,744 R 1,42& 1,14& 272 818 747 71 234 217 17 U 4,706 4,328 378 4,844 4,678 166 2,564 2,527 37

1. Taranagar Tehs T SI2 375 137 168 167 107 97 10 R 300 195 105 73 72 70 60 10 U 212 ISa 32 95 9S 37 37

I Taranagar Town U 212 ISO 32 95 9S 37 37

2. Rajgarh Tehsil T 328 296 32 619 601 18 98 98 R 200 179- 21 149 13S 14 21 21 U 128 111 11 410 466 4 71 77

II Rajgarh Town U 128 117 II 470 466 4 77 77

3. Sardarsbabar TebsH T (;74 605 69 1,1155 1,IlS 40 435 18 R III 93 18 : 84 67 17 ~~ 34 5 U 563 512 51 1,071 1,048 23 414 401 13

Sardarshahar U.A.§ U ~63 512 51 1,071 1,048 23 414 401 13

III Sardarshabar Town U $63 512 51 1,069 1,046 23 414 401 13 (J) Sardarshahar Outgrowtht U 2 2

§ Conshting of Sardarshahar Town aod its outgrowth. t ConsIsting of the urbanised though DOD-muoi~ipalised portion of Sardarshahar village. 19


WORKERS ~------~------'---~------~ VII VIII IX X

Transport, Storage' and Trade and Commerce Communications Olher Services Non-Workers ,-___J- _____-, r-----...}.._ r----__;_-----. ,- J- Persons Males :females Persons Males Femaks Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

7,891 7,740 151 7,106 7,070 36 19,286 17,357 1,929 142,431 58.371 84,060 776 768 8 57 57 650 540 110 11,232 4,393 6,839 308 300 8 69 69 203 168 35 5,218 1,967 3,251

384 384 42 42 207 178 29 6,552 2,519 4,033

243 236 7 36 36 195 163 32 6,357 2,329 4,028

400 395 5 249 248 688 658 30 50,600 17,697 32,903 400 395 5 249 248 688 658 30 50,600 17,697 32,903

286 283 3 75 74 650 608 42 39,427 13,342 26,085 286 283 3 'is 74 650 608 42 39,427 13,342 26,085

922 916 6 227 227 1,452 1,325 127 86,175 31,562 54,613 267 264 3 130 130 990 901 89 77,139 28,039 49,100 655 652 3 97 97 462 424 38 9,036 3,523 5,513

655 652 3 97 97 462 424 38 9,036 3,523 5,513

11,985 11,796 189 4,167 4,158 9 16,315 15,111 1,204 611,027 228,281 382,746 1,287 1,250 37 883 880 3 5,437 5,245 192 410,005 151,652 258,353 10,698 10,546 152 3,284 3,278 6 10,878 9,866 1,012 201,022 76,629 124,393

610 608 2 99 99 863 827 36 53,203 19,172 34,031 163 161 2 39 39 501 481 20 43,475 15,538 27,937 447 447 60 60 362 346 16 9,728 3,634 6,094

447 447 60 60 362 346 16 9,728 3,634 6,094

1,035 1,030 5 653 650 3 2,132 2,016 116 114,430 .42,166 72,264 185 184 1 182 182 1,246 1,220 26 96,701 35,306 61,395 850 846 4 471 468 3 886 796 90 17,729 6,860 10,869

850 846 4 471 468 3 886 796 90 17,729 6,860 10,869

1,986 1,958 28 311 311 2,477 2,283 194 87,805 33,273 54,532 148 143 5 54 54 626 610 16 57.675 21,803 35,872 1,838 1,815 23 257 257 1,851 1,673 178 30,130 11,470 18,660

1,838 1,815 23 257 257 1,851 1,673 178 30,130 11,470 18,660

1,837 1,814 23 256 256 1,667 1,494 173 29,733 11,214 18,519 1 1 1 1 184 179 5 397 256 141 20


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number bouse less population) SI. State/District/Tehsil/ Rural Area in Residential of house- ,------"- No. U.A.ITown Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4. Churu TehsiJ T 1,589-1 17,881 19,433 129,486 66,611 62,875 R 1,520'4 9,661 10,671 70,911 36,254 34,657 U 68'7 8,220 8,762 58,575 30,357 28,218

Churu U.A.§ -U 62-81 7,406 7,882 53,185 27,748 25,437

IV Churu Town ..u 62'36 7,228 7,697 52,502 27,278 25,224 (i) Churu Outgrowtht .JJ 0'45 178 185 683 470 213

V Ratannagar Town v"U 5'86 814 880 5,390 2,609 2,781

5. Dungargarh Tehsil T 2,999'1 14,333 14,841 92,290 47,382 44,908 R 2,995'6 11,051 11,249 70,878 36,864 34,014 U 3'5 3,282 3,592 21,412 10,518 10,894

,/ VI Dungargarh Town -'U 3'52 3,282 3,592 21,412 10,518 10,894

6. Ratangarh Tehsil T 1,697'8 17,240 18,588 114,472 58,407 56,065 R 1,690'6 10,623 11,281 70,094 36,047 34,047 U 7'2 6,617 7,307 44,378 22,360 22,018 ./ VII Ratangarh Town ./U 2'29 4,784 5,149 31,506 15,979 15,527

~ VIII Rajaldesar Town /U 4'95 1,833 2,158 12,872 6,381 6,491

7. Sujangarb Tehsil T 2,622'5 25,639 27,O~Jl 173,293 88,081 85,212 R 2,566'6 16,823 17,64i1 113,271 58,243 55,028 U 55'9 8,816 9,353 60,022 29,838 30,184

/ IX Bidasar Town 5,675 "" U 18'55 1,575 1,780 11,268 5,593 / X Chhapar Town ""U 32'17 1,548 ],655 9,681 4,700 4,981

,r XI Sujangarb Town v'U 5-18 5,693 5,918 ; 39,073 ]9,545 19,528

.... Jbunlhunun District T 5,929'0 126,239 140,208 929,230 481,873 447,357 R 5,849'2 103,881 115,678 767,194 396,738 370,456 U 79'8 22,358 24,53~ 162,036 85,135 76,901

1. Jhunjbunun TehsiJ T 1,592'1 30,533 33,748 226,161 115,252 110,909 R 1,585'8 22,238 24,781 167,035 85,032 82,003 U 6'3 8,295 8,967 59,126 30,220 28,906

I Sagar Town .-'U 1'36 1,001 1,054 6,834 3,473 3,361 J , IJ JhunjhuQun Town u 3'08 4,323 4,655 32,024 16,870 15,154

§ Consisting of Churu Town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised tbough non-municipalised portion of Churu village. 21


Scheduled Castes ' Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons r------'------.. r------.. ,-- --, Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

20,289 ]0,360 9,929 489 251 238 29,946 23,392 6,554 14,574 7,448 7,126 333 168 165 9,248 8,415 833 5,715 2,912 2,803 156 83 73 20,698 14,977 5,721

5,086 2,617 2,469 40 26 14 19,030 13,838. 5,192

5,030 2,573 : 2.457 34 23 11 18.758 13,601 5,157 56 44 12 6 3 3 272 237 35

629 295 334 116 57 59 1,668 1,139 529

15,658 8,174 7,484 299 165 134 17,006 12,844 4,162 14,236 7,428 6,808 180 104 76 9,054 7,869 1,185 1,422 746 676 119 61 58 7,952 4,975 2,977

1,422 746 676 119 61 58 7,952 4,975 2,977

20,077 10,465 9,612 256 117 139 23,135 17,413 5,722 14,148 7,385 6,763 180 79 101 8,394 7.323 1,071 5,929 3,080 2,849 76 38 38 14,741 10,090 4,651

3,940 2,029 1,911 42 21 21 11,171 7,741 3,430

1,989 1,051 938 34 17 17 3,570 2,349 1,221

:34,300 17,687 16,613 124 60 64 32,662 23,982 8,680 26,501 13,631 12,870 81 41 40 11,473 9,953 1,520 7,799 4,056 3,743 43 19 24 21,189 14,029 7,160

1,737 911 826 3,670 2,342 1,328

1,759 894 865 26 11 15 3,580 2,111 1,469

4,303 2,251 2,052 17 8 9 13,939 9,576 4,363

130,054 66,289 63,765 16,454 8,422 8,032 216,067 179,514 36,553 107,636 54,720 52,916 15,732 8,021 7,711 159,554 137,665 21,889 22,418 11,569 10,849 722 401 321 56,513 41,849 14,664

35,977 18,331 17,646 4,548 2,224 2,324 53,325 43,237 10,088 28,335 14,377 13,958 4,278 2,On, 2,200 34,526 29,650 4,876 7,642 3,954 3,688 270 146 124 18,799 13,587 S,212

1,803 919 884 27 15 12 2,642 1,889 753

3,347 1,791 1,556 68 43 2S 9,824 7,422 2,402 22



Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivato! s 51. State/DistrictI rebsil/ Rural ~------~------~ ~-----~------~ No. U. A.fTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

4. Churu Tehsil T 36,382 31,054 5,328 23,941 19,153 4,788 R 23,212 18,480 4,732 21,296 16,760 4,536 U 13,170 12,574 596 2,645 2,393 252

Churu U.A.§ U 11,962 11,494 468 1,936 1,793 143

IV Churu Town U 11,651 11,220 431 1,855 1,746 109 (tj Churu Outgrowth t U 311 274 37 81 47 34

V Ratannagar Town U 1,208 1,080 128 709 600 109-

5. Dungargarh Tehsil T 33,678 24,233 9,445 28,126 19,295 8,831 R 29,212 20,070 9,142 26,530 17,848 8,682 U 4,466 4,163 ,)03 1,596 1,447 149

VI Dungargarh Town U 4,466 4,163 303 1,596 1,447 149

6. Ratangarh Tehsil T 33,025 28,449 4,576 23,155 19,335 3,820' R 22,863 19,000 3,863 20,169 16,622 3,547 U 10,162 9,449 713 2,986 2,713 273

VII Ratangarh Town U 7,108 6,630 478 1,378 1,223 155

VIII Rajaldesar Town U 3,054 2,819 235 1,608 1;490 118

7. Sujangarh Tehsil T 50,867 43,075 7,792 38,039 31,312 6,727 R 37,713 30,853 6,860 33,899 27,560 6,339 U 13,154 12,222 932 4,140 3,752 388

IX Bidasar Town U 2,600 2,457 143 787 772 15

X Chhapar Town U 2,097 1,940 157 935 848 87

XI Sujangarh Town U 8,457 7,825 632 I 2,418 2,132 286

4. Jhunjhunun District T 235,015 215,036 19,9791 150,905 136,199 14,706 R 199,879 181,709 18,170 144,452 130,246 14,206 U 35,136 33,327 1,80~ 6,453 5,953 500

1. lhunjbunun Tehsil T 54,539 49,906 4,573 33,841 30,604 3,237 R 41,334 37,536 3,798 31,297 28,294 3,003 U 13,205 12,430 775 2,544 2,310 234

I Bagar Town U 1,376 1,278 98 387 346 41

II Jhunjhunun Town U 7,622 7,275 347 1,079 967 112

§ Consisting of Churu Town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipaJised portion of Churu village. 1~


WORKERS " ~------~------~ J[ III IV

Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Lab~l.!rers Plantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying r------'------. _---'------. r-- Persons Males Females Perrons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

/' 1,169 1,027 142 191 162 29 87 87 '687 563 124 78 50 28 3 3 482 464 18 113 112 84 84

401 387 14 III 110 84 84

396 383 '13 111 110 84 84 5 4 1

81 71 4 2 2

1,519 1,125 394 10'5 76 29 9 9 1,314 939 375 84 56 28 205 186 19 21 20 1 9 9

205 186 19 21 20 9 9

1,254 l,mt2 172 511 399 112 10 6 4 671 573 98 <169 360 109 4 1 3 58l 509 74 42 39 3 6 5 1

421 361 60 28 25 3 4 3

162 14'8 14 14 14 2 2

2,566 2,172 394 402 344 58 95 81! '1 1,510 1,173 337 338 285 53 60 53 7 1,056 999 57 64 59 5 35 35

245 229 16 11 10 33 33

331 306 25 15 14 1

480 464 16 38 35 3

15,511 13,255 2,256 2,6f7 2,31'8 299 3,371 3,290 81 13,603 11,403 2,200 2,2N1 1,914 273 3,025 2,948 77 1,908 1,852 56 37fJ 344 26 346 342 4

3,543 'Jo,077 466 293' 208 85 71 71 2,820 2,364 456 243 lSi! 85 35 35 723 713 10 50' 50 36 36

83 81 2 4 4 3 3

30'4 300 4 23 23 26 26 24


WORKERS ,------""------. V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs ,-- ~------~ (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction Sl. State/District/Tehsilj Rural r-----.J.------~ r----__._-----~ r---J------__ No. U. A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

4. Churu Tehsil T 1,537 1,459 78 968 956 12 932 928 4 R 115 95 20 71 67 4 24 Z4 U 1,422 1,364 58 897 889 8 908 904 4

Churu U.A.§ U 1,314 1,258 56 853 B45 8 874 870 4

IV Churu Town U 1,314 1,258 56 853 845 8 874 870 4- 0) Churu Outgrowlht U

V Ratannagar Town U 108 106 2 44 44 34 34

S. Dungargarh Tehsil T 424 373 51 391 370 21 242 233 9- R 167 147 20 84 80 4 4 4 U 257 226 31 307 290 17 238 229 9

VI Dungargarh Town U 257 226 31 307 290 17 238 229 9

6. Ratangarh Tehsil T 1,212 1.123 89 903 812 91 366 362 4 R 173 142 31 143 127 16 50 48 2 U 1,039 981 58 760 685 7S 316 314 2

VII Ratangarh Town U 741 694 47 568 541 27 303 301 k

VIII Rajaldesar Town U 298 287 11 192 144 48 13 13

7. Sujangarh Tehsil T 1,439 1,245 194 1,458 1,404 54 600 591 9- R 354 297 57 214 199 15 26 26 U 1,085 948 137 1,244 1,205 39 574 565 9

IX Bidasar Town U 20Z 175 27 193 180 13 199 197 2

X Chhapar Town U 63 63 13S 127 ' 8 15 14

XI Sujangarh Town U 820 710 110 91~ 898 18 360 354 6

4. Jbunjbunun District T 9,216 8,309 907 5,265 5,065 200 4,702 4,422 280 R 5,699 5,202 497 2,132 2,014 118 2.166 1,904 262 U 3,517 3,107 410 3,133 3,051 82 2,536 2,518 18 , 1. Jhunjhunun Tehs:1 r 2,346 1,990 356 1,622 1,550 72 1,232 1,225 7 R 9S8 814 144 428 402 26 210 209 1 U 1,388 1,176 212 1,194 1,148 46 1,022 1,016 6

I Hagar Town U 112 103 9 173 171 2 73 70 3

II Jhunjhunun Town U 638 584 S4 679 662 17 719 716 3

§ Consisting of Churu Town and its outgrowth. - t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Churu village. 2S



Transport, Storage land Trade and Commerce ,-_____CommunicationsJ... Other Services Non-Workers ------'.---~ r--_J... r------'-----__. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 4$ 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

: 2,375 2,307 68' 1,368 1,367 3,814 3,608 206 93,104 35,557 57,547 100 93 7 161 160 677 665 12 47,699 17,774 29,925 2,275 2,214 61 1,207 1,207 3,137 2,943 194 45,405 17,783 27,622

2,206 2,145 61 l,i87 1,187 2,996 2,815 181 41,223 16,254 24,969

2,199 2,138 61 1,182 1,182 2,783 2,604 179 40,851 16,058 24,793 7 7 5 5 213 211 2 372 196 176

69 69 20 20 141 128 13 4,182 1,529 2,653

1,198 1.184 14 230 229 1,434 1,339 95 58,612 23,149 35,463 196 190 6 117 116 716 690 26 41,666 16,794 24,872 1002 994 8 113 113 718 649 69 16,946 6,355 10,591

1,002 994 8 113 113 718 649 69 16,946 6,355 10,591

1,938 1,910 28 1,016 1,013 3 2,660 2,407 253 81,447 29,958 51,489 186 179 7 221 220 1 777 728 49 47,231 17,047 30,184 1,752 1,731 21 795 793 2 1,883 1,679 204 34,216 12,911 21,305

1,311 1,298 13 752 750 , 2 1,602 1,434 168 24,398 9,349 15,049

441 433 8 43 43 281 245 36 9,818 3,562 6,256

2,843 2,799 44 490 489 2,935 2,631 304 122,426 45,006 77,420 309 300 9 109 109 894 851 43 75,558 27,390 48,168 2,534 2,499 -35 381 380 2,041 1,780 261 46.868 17,616 29,252

445 437 8 99 99 386 325 61 8,668 3,136 5,532

338 337 31 31 233 199 34 7,584 2,760 4,824

1,75[ 1,725 26 251 250 1,422 1,256 166 30,6[6 11,720 18.896

9,232 9,126 106 2,579 2,567 12 31,617 30,485 1,132 694,215 266,837 427,378 3,154 3,100 54 1,102 1,096 6 22,299 21,822 477 567,315 215,029 352,286 6,078 6,026 52 1,477 1,471 6 9,318 8,663 655 126,900 51,808 75,092

2,694 2,663 31 855 85[ 4 8,042 7,727 315 171,622 65,286 106,336 451 445 6 237 237 4,655 4,578 77 125,701 47,496 78,20S 2,243 2,218 25 618 614 4 3,387 3,149 238 45,921 17,790 28,131

155 15S 45 45 341 300 41 5,458 2,[95 3,263

1,469 1,447 22 428 424 4 2,257 2,126 131 24,402 9,595 14,807 26


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number house Jess population) SI. StatefDistrictfTehsilf Rural Area in Residential of house- ,..------'- No. U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

III Mandawa Town U 1'46 1,487 1,609 9,851 4,780 5,071 _,- IV Bisau Town U 0'38 1,484 1,649 10,417 5,097 5,320

2. Chirawa Tehsil T 1,333-2 26,609 30,522 209,358 110,586 98,772 R 1,288'6 20,278 23,601 164,278 85,797 78,481 U 44'6 6,331 6,921 45,080 24,789 20,291

PiIani U.A.§ U 19-42 2,890 3,009 20,059 11,825 8,234

V Pilani Town U 14-24 1,961 2,027 13,101 6,991 6,110 VI Vidyavihar TOWD U 5-18 929 982 6,958 4,834 2,124

VII Surajgarh Town U 6'19 1,418 1,536 9,780 5,039 4,741

VIII Chirawa Town U 19'03 2,023 2,376 15,241 7,925 7,316

3. Khetri Tehsil T 1,467-8 32,623 34,568 227,323 119,873 107,450 R 1,463'5 31,371 33,140 218,654 115,172 103,482 U 4-3 1,252 1,428 8,669 4,701 3,968

./ IX Khetri Town 'U 4'25 1,252 1,428 8,669 4,701 3,968

4. Udaipurwati TehsiJ T 1,534'8 36,474 41,370 266,388 136,162 130,226 R 1,510-2 29,994 34,156 217,227 110,737 106,490 U 24-6 6,480 7,214 49,161 25,425 23,736

I'U ./ X Nawaigarh Town 0·62 3,643 3,903 26,565 13,661 12,904

XI Udaipur Town , 'U 15-86 1,597 ],984 12,442 6,424 6,018

./ XII Mukundgarh Town vU 8'13 1,240 1,327 10,154 5.340 4,814

S. Alwar District T 8,382'0 213,7J8 220,363 1,391,162 737.373 653,789 r R 8,313'9 192,203 1",973 1,264,280 668)46 596,034 U 68-1 21,515 22.390 126,882 69,127 57,755

1. Behror Tehsil T 729-9 23,645 24,916 159,437 82,307 77,130 R 729-9 23,645 " 24,916 159,437 82,307 77,130 U

2. Mandawar Tehsil T 573-8 16,405 16,672 106,649 55,890 50,759 R 573-8 16,405 16.672 ]06,649 55.890 50,759 U

3. Kishangarh Tehsil T 747'2 19,806 20,572 137,365 72,546 64.819 R 726'1 18,460 18,918 126,678 66,809 59,869 U 21-1 1,346 1,654 10,687 5,737 4,950

§ Consisting of I'ilani and Vidyavihar towns_ 27


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons ,..------'- ,--- ,..- ...... Persons Males \ Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1,547 754 793 47 25 22 3,279 2,080 1,199

945 490 455 128 63 65 3,054 2,196 858

35,496 18,344 17,152 2,089 1,115 974 54,168 45,196 8,972 27,735 14,284 1'3,451 2,033 1,078 955 34,288 30,566 3,722 7,761 4,060 VOl 56 37 19 19,880 14,630 5,250

2,408 1,273 j,135 39 25 14 10,913 8,060 2,853

2,188 1,141 1,047 19 11 8 5,152 3,813- 1,339 220 132 88 20 14 6 5,761 4,247 1,514

2,914 1,507 1,407 6 5 3,155 2,329 826

2,439 1,280 1,159 11 7 4 5,812 4,241 1,571

29,458 15,141 14,317 3,101 1,647 1,454 48,965 42,977 5,988 28,459 14,627 13,832 3,098 1,644 1,454 45,721 40,429 5,292 999 514 485 3 3 3,244 2,548 696

999 514 485 3 3 3,244 2,548 696

29,123 14,473 14,650 6,716 3,436 3,280 59,609 48,104 11,505 23,107 11 ,432 11,675 6,323 3,221 3,102 45,019 37,020 7,999 6,016 3,041 2,915 393 215 11& 14,590 11,084 3,506

3,802 1,928 1,874 6 5 8,476 6,353 2,123

1,274 609 665 174 96 78 2,589 2,184 405

940 504 436 213 114 99 3,525 2,547 978

240,713 126,177 114,536 111,104 59,266 51,838 274,469 223,288 51,181 223,910 117,216 106,694 108,318 57,664 50,654 214,170 182,107 32,063 16,803 8,961 7,842 2,786 1,602 1,184 60,299 41,181 19,118

20,312 10,390 9,922 1,984 981 1,003 42,392 35,398 6,994 20,312 10,390 9,922 1,984 981 1,003 42,392 35,398 6,994

19,911 10,345 9,566 2,748 1,438 1,310 23,202 19,983 3,219 19,911 10,345 9,566 2,748 1,438 1,310 23,202 19,983 3,219

25,536 13,464 12,072 380 214 166 27,987 22,873 5,114 23,732 12,479 11,253 335 191 144 23,666 19,953 3,713 1,804 98' 819 45 23 22 4,321 2,920 1,401 28


WORKERS __.).._ I

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators 51. StatefDistrict(Tebsilj Rural ,- --"- -. No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Female~ Persons Males Females 1 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

III Mandawa Town U 2,138 1,927 211 475 416 59

IV Bisau Town U 2,069 1,950 119 603 581 22

2. Chirawa Tehsil T 55,312 49,320 5,992 36,510 31,593 4,917 R 45,453 39,968 5,485 35,272 30,443 4,829 U 9,859 9,352 507 1,238 1,150 88

PHani U.A.§ U 4,220 3,962 258 327 308 19 - V Pilani Town U 2,867 2,739 128 315 297 18 VI Vidyavihar Town U 1,353 1,223 130 12 II

VII Surajgarh Town U 2,218 2,131 87 412 379 33

VIn Chirawa Town U 3,421 3,259 162 499 463 36

3. Khetri Tehsil T 59,127 56,283 2,844 37,716 35,908 l,80S R 57,170 54,378 2,792 37,533 35,747 1,786 U 1,957 1,905 52 183 161 22

IX Khetri Town U 1,957 1,905 52 183 161 22

4. Udaipurwati TehsiI T 66,037 59,467 6,570 42,838 38,094 4,744 R 55,922 49,827 6,095 40,350 35.762 4,588 U IO,ll5 9,640 475 2,488 2,332 156

X Nawalgarb Town U 5,197 4,946 251 691 615 76

XI Udaipur Town U 3,102 2,966 136 1,519 1,474 45

XII Mukulldgarh Town U 1,816 1,728 88 278 243 35

S. Alwar District T 389,299 359,558 29,741 266,057 247,875 18,182 R 357,982 330,289 27,693 263,763 245,836 17,927 U 31,317 29,269 2,048 2,294 2,039 255

1. Behror Tebsil T 36,369 34,652 1,717 23,988 22,985 1,003 R 36,369 34,652 1,'117 23,988 22,985 ',003 U

:z. Mandawar Tehsi1 T 26,590 25,659 931 17,806 17,437 369 R 26,590 25,659 931 17,806 17,437 369 U

3. Kisbangarh Tehsil T 34,916 33,567 1,349 22,606 22,189 417 R 32,405 31,144 1,261 21,943 21,544 399 U 2,511 2,423 88 663 645 111

§ Consisting of PHani and Vidyavibar towns. 29



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultur~1 Labourers Plantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying r- -'- ---'------, Persons Males Females---- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

188 185 3 12 12 2 2

148 147 11 11 5 5

3,346 2,992 354 509 460 49 27 27 2,902 2,571 325 394 346 48 8 8 444 415 29 115 114 1 19 19

164 153 11 43 43 11 11

164 153 11 34 34 11 11 9 9

45 39 6 39 38 3 3

235 223 12 33 33 5 5

3,689 3,350 339 1,07.5 1,028 47 3,109 3,030 79 3,669 3,330 339 1,069 1,022 47 2,828 2,751 77 20 20 6 6 281 279 2

20 20 6 6 281 279 2

4,933 3,836 1,097 740 622 118 164 162 2 4,212 3,132 1,080 .541 448 93 154 154 721 704 17 199 174 25 10 8 2

253 251 2 117 117 2 2

226 218 8 57 34 23 8 8

242 235 7 2.5 23 2

33,121 26,975 6,146 5,821 5,023 798 732 707 25 32,248 26,237 6,011 5,630 4,844 786 685 662 23 873 738 135 191 179 12 47 45 2

3,610 3,239 371 319 314 5 94 87 7 3,610 3,239 371 319 314 5 94 87 7

2,995 2,613 382 588 .571 17 163 163 ... 2,995 2,613 382 588 571 17 163 163

4,638 3,977 661 290 286 4 20 20 4,379 3,736 643 278 274 4 19 19 259 241 18 12 12 1 1 30


WORKERS ~------V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs ,.... __,__ (a) (b) ---- Total Other than Household Industry Construction Household Industry ...... ,-____.A.. 81. State/District/Tehsilj Rural .J.. ..J-___--. No. U. A.fTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

III Mandawa Town U 36t! 265 103 197 176 21 158 158

IV Bisau Town U 270 224 46 145 139 6 72 72

2. Chirawa Tehsil T 1,798 1,604 194 1,372 1,324 48 972 933 39 R 1,004 877 127 362 334 28 272 238 34 U 794 727 67 1,010 990 20 700 695 5

piJani U.A.§ U 127 110 17 401 390 11 281 280

V Pilani Town U 109 93 16 338 333 5 279 279 VI Vidyavihar Town U 18 17 1 63 57 6 2 1

VII SUrajgarh Town U 361 359 2 241 238 3 189 187 2

VIII Chirawa Town U 306 2S8 48 368 362 6 230 228 2

3. Khetri Tehsil T 1,752 1,633 119 806 771 35 1,277 1,058 219 R 1,716 1,598 118 635 601 34 1,126 908 218 U 36 35 1 171 170 1 lSI 150 1

IX Khetri Town U 36 35 1 171 170 lSI 150

4. Udaipurwati Tebsil T 3,320 3,082 238 1,465 1,420 45 1,221 1,206 15 R 2,021 1,913 108 707 677 30 558 549 9 U 1,299 1,169 130 758 743 15 663 657 6

X Nawalgarh Town U 647 573 74 534 526 8 450 448 2

XI Udaipur Town U 337 310 27 108 103 5 103 99 4

XII Mukundgarh Town U 315 286 29 116 114 2 110 110

5. Alwar District T 15,036 13,840 1,196 7,335 7,143 192 3,618 3,569 49 R n,520 11,626 894 4,049 3,908 141 2,281 2,243 38 U 2,516 2,214 302 3,286 3,235 51 1,337 1,326 11

1. Dehror Tehsil T 1,866 1,769 97 665 649 16 415 414 1 R 1,866 1,769 97 665 649 16 415 4[4 1 U

Z. t4andawar Tehsil T 1,159 1.098 61 501 491 10 169 169 R 1,159 1,098 61 501 491 10 169 169 U ,. Kisba.Dlllrh T.hsiJ T 1,494 1,432 62 623 599 24 494 485 9 R 1,241 1,189 52 498 477 21 415 406 9 U 253 243 10 125 122 3 79 79 § CoDaisting of PiIani", Vid,avibar towns. 31


WORKERS ------"------, VII VIII IX X

Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers ------'------, ,------'------, ,------' ...., ,-- Persons Males 'Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 -52 53 54

328 326 2- 75 7S 335 312 23 7,713 2,853 4,860

291 290 70 70 454 411 43 8,348 3,147 5,201

2,120 2,088 32 652 649 3 8,006 7,650 356 154,046 61,266 92,780 437 420 i17 198 197 1 4,604 4,528 76 118,825 45,829 72,996 1.683 1.668 15 454 452 2 3.402 3,122 280 35,221 15,437 19,784

480 473 7 163 161 2 2,223 2,033 190 15,839 7,863 7,976

419 413 6 132 131 1 1,066 995 71 10,234 4,252 5,982 61 60 1 31 30 1 1,157 1,038 119 5,605 3,611 1,994

425 423 2 95 95 408 370 38 7,562 2,908 4,654

778 772 6 196 196 771 719 52 11,820 4,666 7,154

1,463 1,436 27 497 496 1 7,743 7,573 170 168,196 63,590 104,606 1,147 1,122 25 335 334 1 7,112 6,965 147 161,484 60,794 100,690 316 314 2 162 162 (i31 608 23 6,712 2,796 3,916

316 314 2 162 162 631 608 23 6,712 2,796 3,916

2,955 2,939 16 575 571 4 7,826 7,535 291 200,351 76,695 123,656 1,119 1,113 6 332 328 4 5,928 5,751 177 161,305 60,910 100,395 },836 1,826 10 243 243 1,898 1,784 114 39,046 15,785 23,261

1,171 1,165 6 186 186 1,146 1,065 81 21,368 8,715 12,653

360 356 4 7 7 377 357 20 9,340 3,458 5,882

305 305 SO 50 375 362 13 8,338 3,612 4,726

15,360 15,166 194 4,466 4,414 52 37,753 34,846 2,907 1,001,863 377,815 624,048 8,392 8,316 76 2,326 2,311 15 26,088 24,306 1,782 906,298 337~57 568,341 6,968 6,850 118 2,140 2,103 37 11,665 10,540 1,125 95,565 39,858 55,707

1,039 1,029 10 261 261 4,112 3,905 207 123,068 47,655 75,413 1,039 1,029 10 261 261 4,112 3,905 207 123,068 47,655 75,413

719 715 4 187 185 2 2,303 2,217 86 80,059 30,231 49,828 719 715 4 187 185 2 2,303 2,217 86 80,059 30,231 49,828

1,768 1.761 7 274 270 4 2,709 2,548 161 102,449 38,979 63,470 1,152 1,146 6 186 184 2 2,294 2,~69 125 94,273 35,665 58,608 616 615 1 88 86 2 415 379 36 8,176 3,314 4,862 32


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houseless population) SI. State/District/Tehsil/ Rural Area in Residential of bouse- ,.--- J...... No. U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----- J ..- I Khairthal Town U 21'09 1,346 1,654 10,687 5,737 4,950

4. Tijara Tehsil T 683'0 14,811 15,588 102,510 54,325 48,185 R 683'0 14,811 15,588 102,510 54,325 48,185 U

5. Bansur Tebsil T 662'7 14,901 15,518 97,876 52,260 45,616 R 662'7 14,901 15,518 97,876 52,260 45,616 U

6. Alwar TehsiI T 1,701'5 49,442 50,376 312,558 167,765 144,793 R 1,661'0 32,070 32,641 212,180 112,980 99,200 U 40'5 17,372 17,735 100,373 54,785 45,593

w/ II Alwar City U 40'47 17,372 17,735 100,378 54,785 45,593

7. Thanagazi Tehsil T 1,072'6 13,914 14,608 87,446 46,361 41,085 R 1,072'6 13,914 14,608 87,446 46,361 41.085 U

8. Rajgarh Tebsil T 1,423'5 24,997 25,417 154,186 81,586 72,600 R 1,417'2 22,975 23,250 143,167 75,656 67,511 U 6'3 2,022 2,167 11,019 5,930 5,089

/ III Rajgarh Town vl'u 6'25 2,022 2,167 11,019 5,930 5,089

9. Lachhmangarh TehsiI T 1,169'5 35,797 36,696 233,135 124,333 108,802 R 1,169'3 35,022 35,861 228,337 121,658 106,679- U 0.2 775 834 4,798 2,675 2,123

.v IV Kherli Town /U 0'18 77S 834 4,798 2,675 2,123

6. Bharatpur District T 8,093'0 235,430 242,443 1,490,206 810,026 680,180 R 7,942'7 201,444 206,954 1,285,111 698,401 586,710 U 150'3 33,936 35,439 205,095 111,625 93,47G

1. Kaman Tehsil T 723'3 23,759 23,954 148,161 78,306 69,855 R 697-4 21,030 21~170 132,407 69,926 62,481 U 25'9 2,729 2,784 15,754 8,380 7,374 -I Kaman Town (" U 25'94 2,729 2,784 15,754 8,380 7.374 2. Nagar Tehsil T 468'3 14,995 15,162 97,442 51,589 45,853 R 468'3 14,995 15,162 97,442 51,589 45.853 U

3. Decg Tebsil T 501'1. 16,114 16,338 103,957 55,905 48,052 R 490'7 12,492 12,695 81,690 43,899 37,791 U 10'4 3,622 3,643 22,267 l2,006 10,261 33


& ..-______Scheduled..A... Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate Educated Persons -, r-- --. ....L -...... Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females Persons Males Females ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1,804 985 819 45 23 22 4,321 2,920 1,401 I

15,458 8,198 7,260 151 79 72 15,400 13,218 2,182 15,458 5,198 7,260 151 79 72 15,400 13,218 2,182

15,074 7,766 7,308 3,796 2,018 1,778 12,822 11,284 1,538 15,074 7,766 7,308 3,796 2,018 1,778 12,822 11,284 1,538

55,624 29,376 26,248 12,144 6,568 5,576 79,212 58,121 21,091 42,727 22,483 20,244 9,634 5,162 4,472 30,579 25,159 5,420 12,897 6,893 6,004 2,510 1,406 1,104 48,633 32.962 15,671

12,897 6.893 6,004 2,510 1,406 1,104 48,633 32.962 15,671

13,229 6,869 6,360 16,066 8,545 7.521 11,029 9.347 1,682 13,229 6,869 6,360 16,066 8,545 7,521 11,029 9,347 1,682

27,502 14,370 13,132 46,598 24,804 21,794 25,535 21,915 3,620 25,580 13,385 12,195 46,380 24,637 21,743 20,842 18,426 2,416 1,922 985' 937 218 167 51 4,693 3,489 1,204

1,922 985 937 218 167 51 4,693 3,489 1,204

48,067 25,399 22,668 27.237 14,619 12,618 36,890 31,149 5,741 47,887 25,301 22,586 27,224 14,613 12,611 34,238 29,339 4,899 180 98 82 13 6 7 2.652 1,810 842

ISO 98 82 13 6 7 2.652 1,8lO 842

311,305 167,496 143,809 44,037 23,777 20,260 283,316 237,1~3 46,163) 271,697 146,098 125,599 42,948 23,148 19,800 204,731 182,022 22,709 39,608 21,398 18,210 1,089 629 460 78,585 55,131 23,454

18,184 9.601 8,583 1,021 558 463 20,093 16.671 3,422 15,641 8,254 7,387 485 259 226 14,878 12,806 2,072 2,543 1,347 1,196 536 299 237 5,215 3,865 1,350

2,543 1,347 1,196 536 299 237 5,215 3,865 1,350

17,250 9,036 8,214 1,826 971 855 14,675 12,331 2,344 17,250 9,036 8,214 1,826 971 855 14.675 12,331 2,344

21,657 11,561 10,096 409 204 20S 20,082 16,833 3,2~9 15,815 8,441 7,374 403 200 203 12,456 11,281 1,175 5,842 3,120 2,722 6 4 2 7,626 5,552 2,074 34


WORKERS ~------~

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators SI. State/Districtl fehsill Rural ,--______J- ______-----.. ~------~------~ No. U. A.jTown Urban Persons Males Females Persous Males Females

2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

I Khairthal Town U 2,511 2,423 88 663 645 18

4. Tijara Tehsil T 27,223 26,592 631 20,865 20,533 332 R 27,223 26,592 631 20,865 20,533 332 U

5. Bansur Tehsil T 27,615 26,467 1,148 20,150 19,665 485 R 27,615 26,46i 1,148 20,150 19,665 485 U

{i•. "lwar Tehsil T 90,433 80,455 9,978 50,691 44,451 6,240 R 65,314 57,113 8,201 49,498 43,455 6,043 U 25,119 23,3-12 1,777 1,193 996 197

II Alwar City U 25,119 23,342 1,777 1,193 996 197

7. Thanagazi Tehsil T 29,008 25,322 3,686 20,229 17,868 2,361 R 29,008 25,322 3,686 20,229 17,868 2,361 U

8. Rajgarh Tehsil T 47,461 42,875 4,586 35,882 32,463 3,419 R 44,941 40,511 4,430 35,527 32,147 3,380 U 2,520 2,364 156 355 316 39

III Rajgarh Town U 2,520 2,364 156 355 316 39

9. Lachhmangarh Tehsil T 69,684 63,969 5,715 53,840 50,284 3,556 R 68,517 62,829 5,688 53,757 50,202 3,555 U 1,167 1,140 27 83 82 1

IV Kherli Town U 1,167 1,140 27 83 82

-6. Bbaratpur District T 430,174 411,739 18,435 310,599 301,667 8,932 R 377,463 361,714 15,749 300,598 291,997 8,601 U 52,711 50,025 2,686 10,001 9,67~ 331

1. Kaman Tehsil T 42,032 39,735 2,297 31,546 30,436 1,110 R 37,617 35,652 1,965 30,236 29,170 1,066 U 4,415 4,083 ~32 1,310 1,266 44

I Kaman Town U 4,415 4,083 332 1,310 1,266 44

2. Nagar Tehsil T 28,088 26,499 1,589 21,990 20,882 1,108 R 28,088 26,499 1,589 21,990 20,882 1,108 U

3. Deeg Tehsil T 28,312 26,955 1,357 19,063 18,378 685 R 22,704 21,577 1,127 17,894 17,228 666 U 5,608 5,378 230 1,169 1,150 19 35

CENSUS ABSTRACT-eontd. r------...... ------WORKERS'..... II III IV

Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and

Agricultural Ubourcrs r-Plantations,______Orchards__.l.. ______& allied activities___, Mining and Quanying r-- ..,.------, r-- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

259 241 18 12 12

2,190 2,031 159 281 266 15 19 18 1 2,190 2,031 159 281 266 15 19 18 1

2,403 1,991 412 556 541 15 92 90 2 2,403 1,991 412 556 541 15 92 90 2

6,078 4,5% J,482 869 787 82 136 125 11 5,513 4,130 l,3S3 717 647 70 93 84 9 565 466 99 152 140 12 43 41 2

565 466 99 152 140 12 43 41 2

2,381 1,843 538 1,108 718 390 47 46 1 2,381 1,843 538 1,108 718 390 47 46 1

2,482 1,879 603 1,057 874 183 124 122 2 2,447 1,862 585 1,036 853 183 122 120 2 35 17 18 21 21 2 2

35 17 18 21 21 2 2

6,344 4,806 1,538 753 666 87 37 36 1 6,330 4,792 1,538 747 660 87 36 35 1 14 14 6 6 1

14 14 6 6

38,596 33,212 5,384 3,140 3,005 135 974 913 51 36,507 31,375 5,1.32 2,847 2,718 129 954 904 50 2,089 1,837 252 293 287 6 20 19 1

3,950 3,269 681 332 326 6 20 16 4 3,546 2,960 586 316 311 5 20 16 4 404 309 95 16 15

404 309 95 16 15

2,246 1,937 309 330 311 19 2 2 2,246 1,937 309 330 311 19 2 2

3,312 2,913 399 182 178 4 1 1 3,029 2,668 361 117 114 3 1 1 283 245 38 65 64 1 36


WORKERS ~------~----_ V VI Manufacturing, Processing, SerVIcing and Repairs ,------'------, (a) (b)

Total Household Industry Other,--____ than Household-L ___ Industry-----, Construction Sl. State!DistrictfTehsilf Rural ,....-----__...A-. _____ ...... , r-----J------. No. U.A./Town Urban Pers<)ns Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

I Khairthal Town U 253 243 10 125 122 3 79 79

4. Tijara Tehsil T 938 911 27 236 227 9 220 211 9 R 938 911 27 236 227 9 220 211 9 U

5. Bansur Tehsil T 1,075 1,034 41 366 353 13 153 152 1 R 1,075 1,034 41 366 353 13 153 152 1 U

6. Alwar Tehsil T 3,464 2,914 550 3,284 3,198 86 1,260 1,248 12 R 1,547 1,266 281 544 504 40 148 147 U 1,917 1,648 269 2,740 2,694 46 1,112 1,101 11

II Alwar City U 1,917 1,648 269 2,740 2,694 46 1,112 1,101 11

7. Thanagazi Tehsil T 1,834 1,672 162 324 315 9 214 208 6 R 1,834 1,672 162 324 315 9 214 208 6 U

8. Rajgarh Tehsil T 1,491 1,378 113 824 811 13 505 494 11 R 1,274 1,180 94 532 519 13 366 355 11 U 217 198 19 292 292 139 139

III Rajgarh Town U 217 198 19 292 292 139 139

9. Lachhmangarh Tehsil T 1,715 1,632 83 512 500 12 188 188 R 1.586 1,507 79 383 373 10 181 181 U 129 125 4 129 127 2 7 7

IV Kherli Town U 129 125 4 129 127 2 7 7

O. Bharatpur District T 9,210 8,497 713 9,892 9,627 265 4,302 4,216 86 R 6,330 5,951 379 2,919 2,828 91 1,702 1,649 53 U 2,880 2,546 334 6,973 6,799 174 2,600 2,567 33

Kaman Tehsil T 968 849 119 620 604 16 276 272 4 R 622 572 50 218 211 7 83 81 2 U 346 277 69 402 393 9 193 191 2

I Kaman Town U 346 277 69 402 393 9 193 191 2

2. Nagar Tehsil T 667 653 14 358 344 14 228 220 8 R 667 653 14 358 344 14 228 220 8 U

3. Deeg Tehsil T 1,036 1,000 36 581 566 15 497 492 5 R 463 453 10 75 71 4 48 47 1 U 573 547 26 506 495 11 449 445 4 37


WORKERS ,.....------'------~ VII VIII IX X

Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Cornmun,ications Other Services Non-Workers ,------'------.., .------'-_----, ,------'-----...., ,------'- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

616 615 88 86 2 415 379 36 8,l76 3,314 4,862

601 596 5 158 158 1,715 1,641 74 75,287 27,733 47,554 601 596 5 158 158 1,715 1,641 74 75,287 27,733 47,554

591 588 3 115 115 2,114 1,938 176 70,261 25,793 44,468 591 588 3 115 115 2,114 1,938 176 70,261 25,793 44,468

6,590 6,476 114 2,276 2,234 42 15,785 14,426 1,359 222,125 87,310 134,815 ],294 1,279 15 367 360 7 5,593 5,241 352 146,866 55,867 90,999 5,296 5,197 99 1,909 1,874 35 10,192 9,185 1,007 75,259 31,443 43,816

5,296 5,197 99 1,909 1,874 35 10,192 9,185 1,007 75,259 31,443 43,816

643 641 2 202 202 2,026 1,809 217 58,438 21,039 37,399 643 641 2 202 202 2,026 1,809 217 58,438 21,039 37,399

1,456 1,430 26 459 459 3,181 2,965 216 106,725 38,711 68,014 936 926 10 357 357 2,344 2,192 152 98,226 35,145 63,081 520 504 16 102 102 837 773 64 8,499 3,566 4,933

520 504 16 102 102 837 773 64 8,499 3,566 4,933

1,953 1,930 23 534 530 4 3,808 3,397 411 163,451 60,364 103,087 1,417 1,396 21 493 489 4 3,587 3,194 393 159,820 58,829 100,991 536 534 2 41 41 221 203 18 3,631 1,535 2,096

536 534 2 41 41 221 203 18 3,631 1,535 2,096

15,198 15,009 189 6,409 6,374 35 31,854 29,209 2,645 1,060,032 398,287 661,745 6,005 5,924 81 2,579 2,569 10 17,022 15,799 1,223 907,648 336,687 570,961 9,193 9,085 108 3,830 3,805 25 14,832 13,410 1,422 152,384 61,600 90,784

1,287 1,269 18 159 157 2 2,874 2,537 337 106,129 38,571 67,558 601 592 9 69 69 1,906 1,670 236 94,790 34,274 60,516 686 677 9 90 88 2 968 867 101 11,339 4,297 7,042

686 677 9 90 88 2 968 867 101 11,339 4,297 7,042

736 731 5 95 95 1,436 1,324 112 69,354 25,090 44,264 736 731 5 95 95 1,436 1,324 112 69,354 25,090 44,264

1,183 1,156 27 258 256 2 2,199 2,015 184 75,645 28,950 46,695 190 185 5 30 30- 851 780 77 58,986 22,322 36,664 993 971 22 228 226 2 1,342 1,235 107 16,659 6,628 lO,O3,! 38


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and hquseless population) Total Occupied Number (""" ______..J. ______~ Sl. State/District/Tehsill RUral Area in Residential of house- No. U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9

..,. II DeegTown /u 10'36 3,622 3,643 22,267 12,006 10,261 4. Nadbai Tebsil T 446'7 14,403 14,465 90,390 48,635 41,755 R 431'8 12,930 12,980 81,601 43,849 37,752 U 14'9 1,473 1,485 8,789 4,786 4,003

.--III Nadbai Town ,/U 14'91 1,473 1,485 8,789 4,786 4,003

5. Bharatpur Tehsil T 954-8 39,695 40,839 256,008 139,453 116,555 R 931-4 27,643 27,942 186,106 100,983 85,123 U 23'4 12,052 12,897 69,902 38,470 31,432-

~ Bharatpur U.A.§ ...-U 23042 12,052 12,897 69,902 3M71) 31,432

IV Bharatpur Town .... U 19'88 11,794 12,375 68,036 37,183 30,853 ...... - OUTGROWTHSt (i) Cimmco Wagon Factory'U 3'54t 168 424 1,524 1,029 495 (ii) Industrial Area /U 90 98 342 258 84

6. Weir Tehsil T 613-9 18,943 19,962 117,060 62,717 54,343- R 597'5 17,567 18,557 108,212 58,014 50,198 U 16'4 1,376 1,405 8,848 4,703 4,145 .- V Weir Town ./ U 16'44 1,376 1,405 8,848 4,703 4,145 7. Bayana Tehsil T 804-0 19,065 19,351 111,884 61,559 50,325 R 795'0 16,407 16,675 96,439 53,208 43,2.31 U 9-0 2,658 2,676 15,445 8,351 7,094- --- VI Bayana Town ./U 8.96 2,658 2,676 15,445 8,351 7,094 8. Rupbas TehsiJ T 549.1 17,114 17,292 105,649 57,303 48,346 R 549.1 17,114 17,292 105,649 57,303 48,346 U 9. Baseri Tehail T 997.8 14,768 15,999 94,828 52,902 41,926 R 997.8 14,768 15,999 94,828 52,902 41,926 U 10. Bari Tehsil T 808.8 15,073 15,369 ' 94,206 52,409 41,797 R 795.5 11,967 12,145 74,957 41,870 33,087 U 13.3 3,106 3,224 19,249 10,539 8,71(} <""VII Bari Town V U 13.26 3,106 3,224 19,249 10,539 8,71(} 11. Dholpur Tehsil T 815.4 31,305 32,811 200,909 110,812 90,097 R 807.2 26,323 27,500 169,044 93,550 75,494 U 8.2 4,982 5,311 31,865 17,262 14,603 § Consisting of Bharatpur town and its outgrowtbs. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portions (Cimmco ~agon Factory and Industrial Area, Bharatpur) of Bbaratpur village. t Tncludes area of Tndustrial Area as separate area figures Cor (i) -Cimmco Wagon Factory and (ii) Industrial Area are not available. 39


Schedulet;! Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons r------~------~ r- --'------. r------L----_~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

5,842 3,120 2,722 6 4 2 7,626 5,552 2,074

21,177 11,261 9,916 2,412 1,325 1,087 19.143 16,688 2,455 19,045 10,063 8,982 2,286 1,250 1,036 15,838 14,332 1,506 2,132 1,198 934 126 75 51 3,305 2,356 949

2,132 1,198 934 126 75 51 3,305 2,356 949

56,686 :;0,465 26,221 3,924 2,092 1,832 71.940 57,121 14,819 43,819 21,501 20,318 3,763 1,995 1,768 38,579 34,881 3,698 12,867 6.964 5,903 161 97 64 33,361 22,240 11,121

12,867 6,964 5,~3 161 97 64 33,361 22,240 11,121

12,643 6,812 5,831 155 92 63 32,617 21,685 10,932

123 86 37 606 432 174 101 66 35 6 5 1 138 123 15~

-Z9,931 15,886 14,045 10,035 5,350 4,685 21,256 18,538 2,718 28,321 15,014 13,307 9,958 5,309 4,649 18,533 16,418 2,115 1,610 872 738 77 41 36 2,723 2,120 603

1,610 872 738 77 41 36 2,723 2,120 603

-ZS,869 15,570 13,299 2,996 1,615 1,381 20,923 18,098 2,825 24,930 13,489 11,441 2,923 1,568 1,355 14,971 13,681 1,290 3,939 2,081 1,858 73 47 26 5,952 4,417 1.535

3,939 2,081 1,858 73 47 26 5,952 4,417 1,535

25,971 13,895 12,076 1,186 638 548 21,478 18,767 2;711 25,971 13,895 12,076 1,186 638 548 21,478 18,767 2,711

20,173 11,137 9,036 12,972 7,063 5,909 13,962 12,010 1,952 20,173 11,137 9,036 12,972 7,063 5,909 13,962 12,010 1,952

21,222 11,685 9,537 7,177 3,906 3,271 13,532 11,421 2,111 17,568 9,683 7,885 7,132 3,881 3,251 8,400 7,709 691 3,654 2,002 1,652 45 2S 20 5,132 3,712 1,420 3,654 2,002 1,652 45 25 20 5,132 3,712 1,420 36,938 20,195 16,743 76 52 24 35,875 29,690 6,185 31,978 17,506 14,472 12 12 23,646 21,177 2,469 4,960 2,689 2,271 64 40 24 12,229 8,513 3,716 40


_____.__WORKERS I

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators• .A. _____ --. SI. StatejDistrict/Tebsilj Rural ,.-- No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

If Deeg Town U 5,608 5,378 230 1,169 1,150 19

4. Nadbai Tehsil T 24,646 23,858 788 18,613 18,353 260 R 22,331 21,680 651 18,098 17,842 256 U 2,315 2,178 137 515 511 4

III Nadbai Town U 2,315 2,178 137 515 511 4

5. Bharatpur Tehsil T 67,486 65,075 2,411 35,120 34,452 668 R 49,614 48,189 1,425 34,436 33,828 6GS U 17,872 16,886 986 684 624 60

Bharatpur U.A.§ U 17,872 16,886 986 684 624 60

IV Bbaratpur Town U 16,935 15,971 964 684 624 60 aUTORO WTHSt (i) Clmmco Wagon Factory U 708 708 (ii) Industrial Area U 229 207 22

6. Weir Tehsil T 35,013 31,717 3,296 25,372 23,635 1,737 R 32,881 29,632 3,249 24,430 22,702 1,728 U 2,132 2,085 47 942 933 9

V Weir Town U 2,132 2,085 47 942 933 9

7. Bayana Tehsil T 34,722 32,185 2,537 23,854 22,612 1,242 R 30,917 28,553 2,364 23,411 22,178 1,233- U 3,805 3,632 173 443 434 9

VI BayaDa Town U 3,805 3,632 173 443 434 9-

8. Rupbas Tehsil T 29,048 28,210 838 20,838 20,450 388 R 29,048 28,1.10 838 20,838 20,450 388 U

9. Baseri Tehstl T 30,586 29,643 943 25,974 25,357 617 R 30,586 29,643 943 ~4 25,357 617 U to. Bari Tehsil T 29,806 29,101 705 24,688 24,399 28~ R 24,393 23,966 427 22,775 22,613 162 U 5,413 5,135 278 1,913 1,786 127 VII Bari Town U 5,413 5,135 278 1,913 1,786 127

11. Dbolpur Tehsil T 59,180 57,872 1.308 45,219 44.641 578 R 51,578 50,671 907 44,381 43,822 559 1J 7,602 7,20l_ ---- 401 838 819 19 ~~-- _.--

§ Consisting of Bharatpur town and its outgrowths. : Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portions (Cimmco Wagon Factory and Industrial Area, Bharatpur) of Bharatpur Village. 41



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and AgriculturalJ... Lltbourers_____ -, PlantatHms, Orchards & allied actlVlties Mining and Quarrying r- ~------~------~ ~-----.J...---____, Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

283 245 38 65 64

2,069 1,762 307 325 290 35 4 4 1,978 1,681 297 320 285 35 4 4 91 81 10 5 5

91 81 10 5 5

6,959 6,453 506 386 363 23 25 25 6,574 6,096 478 309 288 21 23 23 385 357 28 77 75 2 2 2

385 357 28 77 75 2 2 2

385 357 28 74 72 2 2 2

3 3

5,005 3,678 1,327 245 241 4 95 94 1 4,883 3,570 1,313 211 207 4 95 94 1 122 108 14 34 34

122 108 14 34 34

3,947 3,003 944 427 411 16 358 321 37 3,784 2,871 9]3 409 393 16 354 318 36 163 132 31 18 18 4 3

163 132 31 18 18 4 3

4,338 4,078 260 180 175 5 109 105 4 4,338 4,078 2~0 180 175 5 109 105 4

1,428 1,209 219 366 349 17 236 236 1,428 1,209 219 366 349 17 236 236

1,077 819 258 74 72 2 34 34 835 594 241 40 39 1 34 34 242 225 ]7 34 33 242 225 17 34 33 3,270 3,114 156 179 176 3 89 84 S 3,023 2,882 141 144 142 2 75 70 5 247 232 15 35 34 14 14 42 StAtE PklMARY

WORKERS ~------_....._------V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs ,------.. .)._------~ (a) {b) Total Honsehold Industry Other than Household Indusiry Construction 81. 8tate/Oistrict/Tebsil/ Rural ,,-______..).______~ ,.-______J._ ____~ ,--___J- ____--... No. U. A.fTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

II Oeeg Town U 573 547 26 506 495 11 449 445 4

4. Nadbai Tehsil T 511 497 14 534 456 78 270 263 7 R 449 436 13 102 99 3 110 108 2 U 62 61 1 432 357 75 160 155 5

III Nadbai Town U 62 61 432 357 75 160 155 5

S. Bharatpur TeHsil t 2,024 1,790 234 3,862 3,796 66 1,149 1,112 37 It 1,024 971 53 595 576 19 320 297 23 U 1,000 819 181 3,267 3,220 47 829 815 14

Bharatpur U.l\.§ U 1,000 819 181 3,267 3,220 47 829 815 14 ,p~ IV Bharatp\Jr Town U 998 817 181 2,494 2,468 26 829 815 14 OUTGROWTHS~ (i) Cimmco Wagon Factory U 708 708 (ii) Industrial Area U 2 2 65 44 21

6. Weir Tebsil T 837 795 42 487 467 20 254 249 5 R 746 707 39 368 350 18 154 150 4 U 91 88 3 119 117 2 100 99 1

V Weir Town U 91 88 3 119 117 2 100 99

1. Bayana Tebsil T 818 738 80 569 557 12 475 466 9 R 643 582 61 149 143 6 187 179 8 U 175 ]56 19 420 414 6 288 287 1

VI Bayana Town U 175 156 19 420 414 6 288 287 1

8. Rupbas Tehsil T 480 442 38 478 465 13 156 154 2 R 480 442 38' 478 465 13 156 154 2 U ••• ,II 9, Baseri Tebsil T 298 282 16 166 165 161 159 2 R 298 282 16 166' 165 161 159 2 U

10. Bari Tebsil T 418 393 25 62~ 614 8 178 175 3 R 129 124 5 34 33 1 13 13 U 289 269 20 58B 581 7 165 162 3 VII Bari Town U 289 269 20 588 581 7 165 162 3 11. Oholpur Tehsil T 968 891 77 1,398 1,380 18 529 525 4 R 667 597 70 350 345 5 225 224 1 U 301 294 7 1,048 1,035 13 304 301 3

§ Consisting of Bnaratpur town and its outgrowths. ; Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portions (Cim~co' Wagon Factory and Industrial Area, Bharatpur) of Bbaratpur village. 43


r--______WORKERSJ... ______-., VII VIII IX X

Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers ------"------, r----.J....---~ r------'------... ~-----~-----~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

993 971 22 228 226 2 1,342 1,235 107 16,659 6,628 10,031

788 784 4 173 173 1,359 1,276 83 65,744 24,777 40,967 300 297 3 47 47 923 881 42 59,270 22,169 37,101 488 487 1 126 1::6 436 395 41 6,474 2,608 3,866 I 488 487 1 126 126 436 395 41 6,474 2,608 3,866

4,124 4,076 48 2,525 2,509 16 11,312 10,499 813 188,522 74,378 114,144 741 730 11 665 660 5 4,927 4,720 207 136,492 52,794 83,698 3,383 3,346 37 J,860 1,849 11 6,385 5,779 606 52,030 21,584 30,446

3,383 3,346 37 1,860 1,849 11 6,385 5,779 606 52,030 21,584 30,446

3,381 3,344 37 1,858 1,847 11 6.230 5.625 605 51,101 21,212 29,889

816 321 495 2 2 2 2 155 154 1 113 51 61

839 825 14 176 176 1,703 1,557 146 82,047 31,000 51,047 612 598 14 131 131 1,251 1,123 128 75,331 28,382 46,949 227 227 45 45 452 434 18 6,716 2,618 4,098

227 227 45 45 452 434 18 6,716 2,618 4,098

1,222 1,207 15 994 991 3 2,058 1,879 179 77.162 29,374 47,788 442 433 9 643 641 2 895 815 80 65,522 24,655 40,867 no 774 6 351 350 1,163 1,064 99 11,640 4,719 6,921

780 774 6 351 350 1,163. 1,064 99 11,640 4,719 6,921

806 798 8 295 295 1.368 1,248 120 76,601 29,093 47,508 806 798 8 295 295 1,368 1,248 120 76,601 29,093 47,508

739 734 5 168 168 1,050 984 66 64,2-12 23,259 40,983 739 734 5 168 168 1,050 984 66 64,242 23,259 40,983

1,154 1,145 9 245 240 5 1,316 1,210 106 64,400 23,3Q8 41,092 108 107 1 82 81 1 343 328 15 50,564 17,904 32,660 1,046 1,038 8 163 159 4 973 882 91 13,836 5,404 8,432

1,046 1,038 8 163 159 4 973 882 91 13,836 5,404 8,432

1,923 1,893 30 1,264 1,258 6 4,341 3,910 431 141,729 52,940 88,789 647 639 8 330 n9 1 1,736 1,621 115 117,466 42,879 74,587 1,276 1,254 22 934, 929 5 2,605 2,289 316 24,263 10,061 14,102 44



(Including institutional and Number Total Occupied ,.--- ______house less population)...L Sl. StatejDistrict(TehsiJl Rural Area in Residential of house- No. U.A.ITown Urban Sq.Km. Houses bolds Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

~ VIII Dholpur Town /U 8.21 4,982 5,311 31,865 17,262 14,603

12. Rajakhera Tehsil T 387.3 10,195 10,901 69,712 38,436 31,276 R 358.5 8,208 8,837 56,736 31,308 25,428 U 28.8 1,988 2,064 12,976 7,128 5,848 - IX Rajakhera Town vU 28.82 1,988 2,064 12,976 7,128 5,848

7. Sawai Madhopur District T 10,593.0 205,383 212,767 1,193,528 640,298 553,230 R 10,496'3 179,452 185,427 1,051,442 563,567 487,875 U 96.7 25,931 27,340 142,086 76,731 65,355

1. Mahwa Tehsil T 477.8 16,833 17,141 96,828 51,541 45,287 R 477.8 16,833 17,141 96,828 51,541 45,287 U

2. Todabhim Tehsil T 539.9 18,256 19,081 106,792 57,400 49,392 R 525.1 16.569 17,303 96,338 51.835 44,503 U 14.8 1,687 1,778 10,454 5,565 4,889

/" I Toclabhim To .... n ./ U 14.80 1,687 1,778 10,454 5,565 4,889

3. Hindaun Tehsil T 642.7 23,481 24,926 140.265 76,127 64,138 R 630.7 18,942 20,115 112,370 61,173 51,197 U 12.0 4,539 4,811 27,895 14,954 12,941

,./ II Hindaun Town ../U 12.00 4,539 4,811 27,895 14,954 12,941

4. Nadauti Tehsil T 652.6 11 ,238 11,665 65,738 34,964 30,774 R 652.6 11,238 11,665 65,738 34,964 30,774 U

5. Bamanwas Tebsil T 739.2 13,396 13,469 79,135 41,778 37,357 R 739.2 13,396 13,469 79,135 41,778 37,357 U

6. Ganga pur Tehsil T 642.6 21,375 21,887 123,934 66,588 57,346 R 639.2 15,151 15,597 91,274 48,812 42.462 U 3.4 6,224 6,290 32,660 17,776 14,884

,/ Gangapur U.A.§ ,.U 3.44 6,224 6,290 32,660 17,776 14,884

In Gangapur Town ..,u 2.31 5,177 5,243 27,453 14.941 12,512 (i) Gangapur OUfgroll'tht,-U 1.13 1.047 1,047 5,207 2,835 2,372

7. Karauli Tehsil T 1,817.0 27,362 28,471 160,901 88,138 72,763 R 1,782.0 22,774 23,336 133,108 73,171 59,937 U 35.0 4,588 5,135 27,793 14,967 12,826

/ IV Karauli Town ../U 35.00 4,588 5.13S 27,793 14,967 12,826 § Consisliog of Gangapur town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion, of Gangapur village (Railway Colony). 45


,-______Scheduled-L __Castes• _____ ,--______Scheduled.J______Tribes Literate & Educated Persons r------...t ------...._ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

4,960 2,689 2,271 64 40 24 12,229 8,513 3,716

13,247 7,204 6,043 3 3 10,357 8,985 1,372 11,186 6,079 5,107 2 2 7,315 6,629 686 2,061 1,125 936 1 1 3,042 2,356 686 2,061 1,125 936 3,042 2,356 686

252,578 133,408 119,170 270,694 145,248 115,446 194,471 165,800 28,671 225,844 119,200 106,644 266,567 142,884 123,683 143,869 128,155 15,714 26,734 14,208 12,526 4,127 2,364 1,763 50,602 37,645 12,957

20,933 10,987 9,946 24,002 12,835 11,167 16,696 14,392 2,304 20,933 10,987 9,946 24,002 12,835 11,167 16,696 14,392 2,304

21,916 11,630 10,286 34,129 18,272 15,857 17,358 15,675 1,683 20,361 10,800 9,561 31,623 16,964 14,659 14,647 13,452 1,195 1,555 830 725 2,506 1,308 1,198 2,711 2,223 488 1,555 830 725 2,506 1,308 1,198 2,711 2,223 488

39,618 21,107 18,511 19,415 10,652 8,763 26,480 22,459 4,021 32,666 17,487 15,179 19,371 10,614 8,757 17,692 15,830 1,862 6,952 3,620 3,332 44 38 6 8,788 6,629 2,159

6,952 3,620 3,332 44 38 6 8,788 6,629 2,159

12,602 6,624 5,978 14,965 7,930 7,035 8,890 8,103 787 12,602 6,624 5,978 14,965 7,930 7,035 8,890 8,103 787

15,229 8,060 7,169 25,691 13,401 12,290 9,828 9,091 737 15,229 8,060 7,169 25,691 13,401 12,290 9,828 9,091 737

26,428 13,893 12,535 22,629 12,172 10,457 27,091 22,177 4,914 20,371 10,626 9,745 21,847 11,701 10,146 13,429 12,217 1,212 6,057 3,267 2,790 782 471 311 13,662 9,960 3,702

6,057 3,267 2,790 782 471 311 13,M2 9,960 3,702 5,356 2,865 2,491 668 395 273 10,756 8,115 2,641 701 402 299 114 76 38 2,906 1,845 1,061 31,990 17,127 14,863 28,658 15,786 12,872 22,079 18,612 3,467 28,282 15,146 13,136 28,440 15,633 12,807 13,750 12,227 1,523 3,708 1,981 1,727 218 153 65 8,329 6,385 1,944 3,708 1,981 1,727 218 153 65 8,329 6,385 1,944 46




Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators Sl. State/DistrictfTehsii/ Rural r------..J..----___-, ,------..)...------....., No. U. A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

VIII Dholpur Town U 7,602 7,201 401 838 819 19

12. Rajakhera Tehsil T 21,255 20,889 366 18.322 18,072 250 R 17,706 17.442 264 16,135 15,925 210 U 3,549 3,447 102 2,187 2,147 4() IX Rajakhera Town U 3549 3,447 102 2,187 2,\47 40

7. SaJfai Madhopur District T 385,110 337,496 47,614 269,576 238,135 31,441 R 347,337 302,179 45,158 263.832 233,002 30,838- U 37,773 35,317 2,456 5,744 5,133 611

1. Mahwa Tehsil T 30,400 26,003 4,397 22,880 19,828 3,052 R 30,400 26,003 4,397 22,880 19,828 3,052 U

2. Todabhim Tehsil T 35,171 29,718 5,453 27,282 23,080 4,202 R 32,252 27,042 5,210 26,040 21,904 4,136- U 2,919 2,676 243 1,242 1,176 66

I Todabbim Town U 2,9J9 2,676 243 1,242 1,176 66-

3. Hindaun Tehsil T 44,872 40,292 4,580 30,470 27,463 3,007 R 37,595 33,305 4,290 28,753 25,861 2,892- U 7.271 6,987 290 1,717 1,602 115

II Hindaun Town U 7,277 6,987 290 1,717 1,602 115

4. Nadauti Tehsil T 21,033 18,498 2,535 15,057 13,721 1.336 R 21,033 18,498 2,535 15,057 13,721 1,336 U

5. Bamanwas Tehsil T 28,004 22,9J8 5,086 20,495 17,489 3,006 R 28,004 22,918 5,086 20,495 17,489 3,006 U

6. Gangapur TehsiJ T 37,564 32,959 4,605 22,471 19,190 3,281 R 29,587 25,229 4,358 22,114 18,848 3,266 U 7,977 7,nO 247, 357 342 15

Gangapur U.A.§ U 7.977 7.730 247 357 342 15

III Gangapur Town U 6,794 6,582 212 357 342 15 (i) GangapurQutgrowth t U 1,183 1,148 35

7. Karauli T~b~n T 52,169 46,874 5,286 3-7,844 34,771 3.073 R 45,019 40,~5 4,654 ~,309 33,514 2,795 U 7,141 6,5P9 (i32 1,535 1,257 278

IV Kara~lj Town U 7,l41 ~,5P9 (i32 1,-535 1,257 278 - § Consisting of Ganga pur town aDd its Qutgrowili. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipaJiscd portion, of Gangapur village (Railway Colony). 47


~------______WORKERSL__ II III IV

Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labourers Plantahobs, Orchards & allied activaies Mining and Quarrying r-- _.A. --, ,------, r------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females - 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

247 232 15 35 34 1 14 14

995 977 18 114 113 1 1 1 843 829 14 105 ~04 1 1 1 152 148 4 9 9 152 148 4 9 9

33,022 22,435 10,586 6.547 S,!ul 1,b46 3,238 3,H" 174 31,527 21,:151 10,275 6,1;3 !l,lti9 1,024 3,161 2,997 164 1,495 1,184 311 3'54 j32 22 ii7 117 10

2,793 1,689 1,104 211 187 24 25 24 1 2,793 1,689 1,104 211 187 24 15 24 1 ......

3,742 2,752 990 280 209 71 18 18 .3,350 2,477 873 :t17 166 71 18 18 392 275 117 -13 43 392 275 117 43 43

3,714 2,562 1,152 357 328 29 569 566 3 3,434 2,333 1,101 321 292 29 Sti3 561 2 280 229 51 36 36 6 5 1

280 229 51 36 36 6 5 1

3,228 ,257 971 335 256 79 3,228 2,257 971 335 256 79

4,090 2,523 1,567 729 420 309 4,090 2,523 1,567 729 420 309

~,444 2,600 844 404 357 47 146 106 40 3,214 2,407 807 385 340 45 145 105 40 230 193 37 19 17 2 1 1

230 193 37 19 17 2 230 193 37 19 17 2

3,594 2,148 1,446 859 794 65 884 881 ~ 3,190 1,797 1,393 721 663 58 784 781 3 ~ 351 53 138 131 7 100 100 404 351 53 13'8 131 7 100 100 48


WORKERS ,------"- V VI Manufacturing, Processing, ServIcing and Repairs r-- (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction SI. State/Distnct/Tehsil/ Rural r------l.-___ --, ---. ,- ..)...----- No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females. 1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

VIII Dholpur Town U 301 294 7 1,048 1,035 13 304 301 3

12. Rajakhera Tehsil T 185 167 18 217 213 4 129 129 R 142 132 10 26 26 17 17 U 43 35 8 191 187 4 112 112

IX Rajakhera Town U 43 35 8 191 187 4 112 112

7. Sawai Madhopur District T 13,605 12,231 1,374 8,823 8,520 303 3,469 3,364 105 R 10,622 9,673 949 3,604 3,484 120 2,074 2,021 53 U 2,983 2,558 425 5,219 5,036 183 1,395 1,343 5Z.

1. Mahwa Tebsil T 1,055 988 67 464 449 15 327 322 5 R 1,055 988 67 464 449 15 327 322 5- U

2. Todabbim Tebsil T 1,082 1,022 60 262 256 6 211 208 3 R 869 833 36 144 139 5 119 117 Z U 213 189 24 118 117 1 92 91 1

I TOdabhim Town U 213 189 24 118 117 92 91

3. Hindaun TehsiI T 1,504 1,377 127 1,360 1,330 30 587 582 5 R 1,001 893 108 450 437 13 268 266 2 U 503 484 19 910 893 17 319 316 3

II Hindaun Town U 503 484 19 910 893 17 319 316 3

4. Nadauti Tehsil T 635 580 55 282 275 7 227 210 17 R 635 580 55 282 275 7 227 210 17 U

5. Bamanwas Tebsil T 1,059 980 79 205 190 15 96 96 R 1,059 980 79 205 190 15 96 96 U

6. Gangapur Tehsil T 1,165 1,040 125 961 950 11 374 365 9 R 900 809 91 218 214 4 108 107 1 U 265 231 34 743 736 7 266 258 8

Gangapur U.A.§ U 265 231 34 743, 736 7 266 258 8

III Gangapur Town U 254 221 33 738 731 7 264 256 8 (i) Gangapur Outgrowth t U 11 10 . 1 5 5 2 2

7. Karauli Tehsil T 1,806 1,495 111 720 703 17 460 448 12 R 1,110 900 210 90 87 3 142 133 9- U 696 595 101 630 616 14 318 315 3

IV Karauli Town U 696 595 101 630 616 14 318 315 3 § ConsIstIng of Gangapur town and Its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised thougb Ilon-municipalised portion, of Gangapur village (Railway Colony). 49



Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications, Other Services Non-Workers r-- ...l.- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

1,216 1,254 22 934 929 S 2,605 2,289 316 24,263 10,061 14,202

397 391 6 57 56 838 770 68 48,457 17,547 30,910 83 80 3 24 23 330 305 25 39,030 13,866 25,164 314 311 3 33 33 508 465 43 9,427 3,681 5,746 314 311 3 33 33 508 465 43 9,427 3,681 5,746

13,496 13,259 237 17,821 7,739 82 25,463 23,197 2,266 808,418 302,802 505,616 6,891 6,802 89 3,315 3,283 32 16,118 14,496 1,622 704,105 261,388 442,717 6,605 6,457 148 4,506 4,456 50 9,345 8,701 644 104,313 41,414 62,899

792 786 6 323 323 1,530 1,407 123 66,428 25,538 40,890 792 786 6 323 323 1,530 1,407 123 66,428 25,538 40,890

630 622 8 104 104 1,560 1,447 113 71,621 27,682 43,939 384 377 7 78 78 1,013 933 80 64,086 24,793 39,293 246 245 26 26 547 514 33 7,535 2,889 4,646 246 245 26 26 547 514 33 7,535 2,889 4,646

2,200 2,185 15 820 817 3 3,291 3,082 209 95,393 35,835 59,558 605 599 6 443 440 3 1,757 1,623 134 74,775 27,868 46,907 1,595 1,586 9 377 377 1,534 1,459 75 20,618 7,967 12,651

1,595 1,586 9 377 377 1,534 1,459 75 20,618 7,967 12,651

396 391 5 46 46 827 762 65 44,705 16,466 28,239 396 391 5 46 46 827 762 65 44,705 16,466 28,239

405 400 5 111 108 3 814 712 102 51,131 18,860 32,271 405 400 5 III 108 3 814 712 102 51,131 18,860 32,271

2,335 2,308 27 3,451 3,427 24 2,813 2,616 197 86,370 33629 52,741 532 523 9 1,007 998 9 964 878 86 61,687 23,583 38,104 1,803 1,785 18 2,444 2,429 15 1,849 1,738 111 24,683 10,046 14,637

1,803 1,785 18 2,444 2,429 15 1,849 1,738 111 24,683 10,046 14,637 1,796 1,778 18 1,446 1,442 4 1,689 1,601 88 20,659 8,359 12,300 7 7 998 987 11 160 137 23 4,024 1,687 2,337 1,646 1,608 38 391 390 1 3,956 3,636 320 ]08,741 41,264 67,477 643 634 9 109 108 1 1,921 1,748 173 88,089 32,806 55,283 1.003 974 29 282 282 2,035 1,888 147 20,652 8,458 12,194

1,003 974 29 282 282 2,035 1,888 147 20,652 8,458 12,194 50


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number bouseless population) 81. State{District/Tebsill Rural Area in Residential of bouse- __.- ..I- No. U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

8. Sapotra Tehsil T 1,403.6 13,625 14,198 85,329 "5,868 39,461 R 1,403.6 13,625 14,198 85,329 45,868 39.461 U

9. Malarnachor T ehsil T 1,016.5 17,909 18,223 102,420 54,109 4S,311 R 1,016.5 17,909 18,223 102,420 54,109 48,311 U

10. Sawai Madhopur Tehsil T 1,669.0 31,715 33,316 177,027 94,250 82,777 R 1,637.5 22,822 23,990 133,743 70,781 62,962 U 31.5 8,893 9,326 43,284 23,469 19,815

./ Sawai Madbopur U.A.§ -U 31.45 8,893 9,326 43,284 23,469 19,815 V Sawai Madhopur Town..tJ 7.87 4,043 4,130 21,105 11,170 9,935 VI Man Town .... U 22.63 3,258 3,603 15,522 8,587 6,935 (i) Chak Chainpura Outgrowth t (Cement Factory) ""u 0.95 1,592 1,593 6,657 3,712 2,945

11. Khandar Tehsil T 960.1 10,193 10,390 55,159 29,535 25,624 R 960.1 10,193 10,390 55,159 29,535 25,624 U

8. Jaipur District T 14.000.0 391,112 411,583 2,482,385 1,313,618 1,168,767 R 13,613.7 268,760 280,787 1,736,509 912,581 823,928 U 386'3 122,352 130,796 745,876 401,037 344,839

1. Kotputli Tehsil T 823.9 23,756 23,900 147,883 78,208 69,675 R 8220 21,659 21,792 135,540 71,535 64,005 U 1.9 2,097 2,108 12,343 6,673 5,670 ,/ I Kotputli Town U 1.87 2,097 2,108 12.343 6,673 5.670

2. Bairath Tehsil T 1,022.4 25,634 26,303 157,047 81,866 75.181 R 1,022.4 25,634 26,303 157,047 81,866 75,181 U

3. Amber TehsiI T 1,242.2 30,362 32.451 211,014 110,415 100,599 .R 1,180.0 25,824 27.780 180,941 94,498 86,443 U 62.2 4,538 4,671 30,073 15,917 14,156 ,./ II Cbomu Town U 22.59 3,022 3,139 20,180 10,651 9,529 ,; III Amber Town· ,.U 39.65 1,516 1;532 9,893 5,266 4,627

4. Phulera TebsiI T 1,374.9 29,657 31,086 188,954 98,492 90,462 R 1,334.9 23,249 24,485 154,857 80,325 74,532 U 40.0 6,408 6,601 34,097 18,167 15,930 IV Jobner Town I ." U 25.13 1,017 1,047 5,625 2,997 2,628 § Consisting of Sawai Madbopur town, Man town and Chak Chainpura outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Chak Chainpura village (Cement Factory). • Consolidated figures of Jaipur Urban Agglomeration which spread over Jaipur Tehsil, Amber Tehsil and Sanganer Tebsil are given at the end in an Appendix. 51


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons .------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

17,606 9,360 8,246 30,982 16,755 14,227 10,029 8,769 1,260 17,606 9,360 8,246 30,982 16,755 14,227 10,029 8,769 1,260

19,105 9,988 9,117 25,868 13,612 12,256 13,807 11,974 1,833 19,105 9,988 9,117 25,868 13.612 12,256 13,807 11,974 1,833

32,370 16,856 15,514 38,923 20,844 18,079 36,044 29,014 7,030 23,908 12,346 11,562 38,346 20,450 17,896 18,932 16,566 2,366 8,462 4,510 3,952 577 394 183 17,112 12,448 4,664 8,462 4,510 3,952 577 394 183 17,112 12,448 4,664 2,988 1.548 1,440 176 133 43 8,465 6,160 2,305 3,470 1,871 1,599 264 176 88 5,757 4,335 1,422

2,004 1,091 913 137 85 52 2,890 1,953 937

14,781 7,776 7,005 5,432 2,989 2,443 6,169 5,534 635 14,781 7,776 7,005 5,432 2,989 2,443 6,169 5,534 635

399,525 208,854 190,671 276,577 147,217 129,360 589,182 444,300 144,882 316,219 164,567 151,652 263,480 139,900 123,580 245,114 215,475 29,639 83,306 44,287 39,019 13,097 7,317 5,780 344,068 228,825 115,243

21,027 10,890 10,137 6,556 3,500 3,056 25,083 21,679 3,404 19,435 10,061 9,374 5,554 2,950 2,604 20,534 18,151 2,383 1,592 829 763 1,002 550 452 4,549 3,528 1,021 1,592 829 763 1,002 550 452 4,549 3,528 1,021

22,489 11,459 11,030 7,455 4,060 3,395 24,386 21,313 3,073 22,489 11,459 11,030 7,455 4,060 3,395 24,386 21,313 3,073

26,534 13,736 12,798 12,326 6,496 5,830 37,597 32,590 5,007 22,656 11,724 10,932 11,554 6,104 5,450 30,179 26,411 3,768 3,878 2,012 1,866 772 392 380 7,418 6,179 1,239 2,153 1,100 1,053 106 52 54 5,678 4,706 972 1,725 912 813 666 340 326 1,740 1,473 267

34,074 17,735 16,339 5,036 2,667 2,369 40,557 31,704 8,853 26,249 13,617 12.632 4,734 2,495 2,239 25,969 21,448 4,521 7,825 4,118 3,707 302 172 130 14,588 10,256 4,332 1,570 822 748 232 ]28 ]04 1,999 1,517 482 52



Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators-.J... _____ --. SI. StatejDistricf/Tehsil! Rural ,.- -'- ,- No. U.A·fTown Urban Persons Males Female!' Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

8. Sapotra Tehsil T 27,799 25,011 2,788 22,295 20,238 2,057 R 27,799 25,011 2,788 22,295 20,238 2,057 U

9. Malarnacbor Tebsil T 33,761 29,592 4,169 25,472 22,526 2,946 R 33,761 29,592 4,169 25,472 22,526 2,946 U

10. Sawai Madbopur Tebsil T 56,119 49,041 7,078 31,584 26,954 4,630 R 43,660 37,626 6,034 30,691 26,198 4,493 U 12,459 11,415 1,044 893 756 137 Sawai Madhopur U.A. § U 12,459 lJ,415 1,044 893 756 137 V Sawai Madhopur Town U 5,860 5,302 558 210 164 46 VI Man Town U 4,763 4;377 386 682 591 91 (i) Chak Chainpura OutgroWlh t (Cement Factory) U 1,836 1,736 JOO 1 1

11. Khandar Tehsil T 18,227 16,590 1,637 13.726 12,875 851 R 18,227 16,590 1,637 13,726 12,875 851 U

S. Jaipur District T 753,860 662,027 91,833 410,819 351,750 59,069 R 555,379 475.142 80,237 400,436 342,542 57,894 U 198,481 186,885 11,596 10,383 9,208 1,175

1- Kotputli Town T 39,430 37,929 1,501 27,226 26,446 780 R 36,608 35,210 1,398 26,561 25,806 755 U 2,822 2,719 103 665 640 25 I Kotputli Town U 2,822 2,719 103 665 640 25

2. Bairath Tehsil T 45,416 40,508 4,908 19,019 25,801 3,218 R 45,416 40,508 4,908 19,4)19 25,801 3,218 U

3. Amber Tehsil T 60,448 53,632 6,8.6 38,161 33,786 4,375 R 52,614 46.339 6,275 35,374 31,338 4,036 U 7,834 7,293 541 2,787 2,448 339 II Cbomu Town U 5,068 4,712 356 1,626 1,388 238 III Amber Town ... U 2,766 2,581 '185 1,161 1,060 101

4. Phulera Tehsil T 54,336 47,779 6,557 31,603 27,298 4,305 R 45,662 39,881 5,781 30,933 26,773 4,160 U 8,674 7,898 776 670 525 145 IV Jobner Town U 1,414 1,270 144 103 96 7 § Consisting of Sawai Madhopur town, Man town and Chak Cbainpura outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Chak Chainpura village (Cement Factory) • ... Consolidated figures of Jaipur Urban Agglomeration which spread over Jaipur Tehsil, Amber Tehsil and Sanganer Tebsil are given at the end in an Appendix. ~3



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Mining and Quarrying AgriculturalJ... ______Labourers ---, ,-Plantations,_____ Orchards_J______& allied activities----, ,-- ,------'------, Persons MaleS Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :73

] ,951 1,430 531 555 507 48 62 54 8 1,961 1,430 531 555 507 48 62 54 .:1 8

2,272 1.673 599 950 733 217 16 14 2 2,272 1,673 599 950 733 217 16 14 2

2,443 1,595 848 1,344 1,203 141 1,568 1,451 117 2,254 1,459 795 1,226 1,098 128 1,548 1,440 108 189 136 53 118 105 13 20 11 9 189 136 53 118 105 13 20 11 9 49 34 15 87 74 13 17 9 8 138 101 37 28 28

2 1 1 3 3 3 2 1

1,741 1,207 534 523 507 16 1,741 1,207 534 523 507 16

45,015 32,128 12,887 18,368 14,371 3,997 2,563 2,347 216 42,298 29,938 12,360 17,410 13,504 3,906 1,981 1,803 178 2,717 2,190 527 958 867 91 582 544 38

2,713 2,358 355 594 586 8 128 126 2 2,667 2,322 345 582 574 8 124 122 2 46 36 10 12 12 4 4 46 36 10 12 12 4 4

3,102 2,347 755 1,432 1,163 269 343 296 47 3,102 2,347 755 1,432 1,163 269 343 296 4'

5,245 4,030 1,215 1,557 1,253 304 285 247 38 4,837 3,665 1,172 1,482 1,180 302 282 245 37 408 365 43 75 73 2 3 rz , 209 195 14 22 21 1 3 2 lJ 199 170 29 53 52 1

3,808 2,955 853 1,400 1,095 305 428 395 33 3,491 2,707 784 1,350 1,045 305 223 200 23 317 248 69 50 50 205 195 10 83 75 8 17 17 1 1 S4


WORKERS r- V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs r0- o ..... (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction 51. 5tate{District{I'ehsill Rural No. U. A.{fown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalej. 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

8. ,Sapotra Tebsil T 656 621 35 265 255 10 144 144 R 656 621 35 265 255 10 144 144 U

9. Malarnachl)r Tehail T 1,039 952 87 494 476 18 230 229 1 R 1,039 952 87 494 476 18 230 229 1 U

10. Sawai Madhopur Tebsil T 3,096 2,714 382 3,691 3,519 172 744 695 4~ R 1,790 1,655 135 873 845 28 344 332 12 U 1,306 1,059 247 2,818 2,674 144 400 363 31 Sawai Madhopur U.A. § U 1,306 1,059 247 2,818 2,674 144 400 363 31 V Sawai Madhopur Town U 1,120 894 226 904 837 67 243 227 16- VI Man Town U 181 160 21 419 402 17 147 132 15 (i) Chok Chainpura OufgroIVlh t (Cement Factory) U 5 S 1,495 1,435 60 10 4 6

11. Khandar Tehsil T 508 462 46 119 117 2 69 65 4- R 508 462 46 119 117 2 69 65 4- U

8. Jaipur District T 43,259 38,454 4,805 44,215 42,903 1,312 13,659 13,205 454 R 27,942 25,033 2,909 7,953 7,516 437 6,300 6,120 180 U 15,317 13,421 1,896 36,262 35,387 875 7,359 7,085 274

1. Kotputli Town T 2,122 2,011 111 1,088 1,066 22 826 790 36 R 1,929 1,833 96 699 680 19 729 695 34 U 193 178 15 389 386 3 97 95 2 I Kotputli Town U 193 178 IS 389 386 3 97 95 2

2. Bairath Tehsil T 3,318 2,993 325 1,066 1,017 49 711 706 5 R 3,318 2,993 325 1,066 1,017 49 711 706 5 U ... I

3. Amber Tehsil T 3,932 3,442 490 1,485 1,414 71 1,063 1,047 16 R 3,242 2,812 430 829 793 36 621 612 9 U 690 630 60 656 621 3S 442 435 7 I II Chomu Town U 490 456 34 412 '449 23 195 193 2 III Amber Town ,. U 200 174 26 184 172 12 247 242 5

4. Phu)era Tehsil T 3,561 3,203 358 1,724 1,625 99 888 853 3S R 2,986 2,773 213 691 630 61 734 712 22 U 575 430 145 1,033 995 38 154 141 13 IV Jobner Town U 343 285 58 146 142 4 31 27 4 § CODsisting of Sawai Madhopur town, Man town and Chait ehainpura outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion, of Chak Chainpura village (Cement Factory). ,. Consolidated figures of Jaipur Urban Agglomeration which spread over ]aipur Tehsil, Amber Tehsil and Sanganer Tehsil are given at the end in an Appendix. ss



Transport, Storage and Trade and Com,merce Communications Other Services Non-Workers -...., _..)._ ....-----..)... Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 -

641 638 ' 9 164 158 6 1,050 966 84 51,530 20,851 36,613 641 638 9 16~ 158 6 ],050 966 84 57,530 20,857 36,673

883 876 7 266 263 3 2,139 1,850 289 68,659 24,517 44,142 883 876 266 263 3 2,139 1,850 289 68,659 24,517 44,142 ,·7..

3,086 2,917 109 2,114 2,072 42 6,449 5,861 588 120,908 45,209 75,699 1,128 ],110 18 131 730 7 3,069 2,759 310 90,083 33,155 56,928 1,958 1,867 91 1,377 1,342 35 3,380 3,102 278 30,825 12,054 ]8,771 1,958 1,867 91 1,377 1,342 35 3,380 3,102 278 30,825 12,054 18,771 1,439 1,378 61 367 365 2 1,424 1,320 104 ]5,245 5,868 9,377 483 • 454 29 975 948 27 1,710 1,561 149 10,759 4,210 6,549

36 35 1 35 29 6 246 221 25 4,821 1,976 2,845

476 468 8 31 31 1,034 858 176 36,932 12,945 23,987 476 468 8 31 ~1 1,034 858 176 36,932 12,945 23,987

49,507 48,682 81;5 25,771 25,484 287 100,684 92,703 7,981 1,728,525 651,591 1,076,934 11,875 11,769 106 6,415 6,379 36 32,769 30,538 2,231 1,181,130 437,439 743,691 37,632 36,913 719 19,356 19,105 251 67,915 62,165 5,750 547,395 214,152 333,243

1,577 1,572 5 429 427 2 2,727 2,547 180 108,453 40,279 68,174 1,012 1,007 S 236 234 2 2,069 1,937 132 98,932 36,325 62,607 565 565 193 193 658 610 48 9,521 3,954 5,567 565 565 193 193 658 610 48 9,521 3,954 5,567

1,232 1,230 2 448 .J47 1 4,745 4,508 237 111,631 41,358 70,213 1,232 1,230 2 448 447 1 4,745 4,508 237 11 1,631 41,358 70,273

2,185 2,165 20 961 953 8 5,574 5,295 279 150,566 56,183 93,783 1,237 1,228 9 605 597 8 4,105 3,869 236 128,327 48,159 80,168 948 937 11 356 356 1,469 1,426 43 22,239 8,624 13,6lS 772 762 10 272 272 1,007 974 13 15,112 5,939 9,173 176 175 1 84 84 462 452 10 7,127 2,685 4,442

2,612 2,563 49 3,401 3,369 32 4,911 4,423 488 134,618 50,713 83,905 1,268 1,258 10 1,256 1,251 5 2,730 2,532 198 109,195 40,444 68,751 1,344 1,305 39 2,145 2,118 27 2,181 1,891 290 25,423 10,269 15,154 216 216 33 33 441 378 63 4,211 1,727 2,484 S6


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houseless population) SI. State/District/fehsill Rural Area in Residential of house- No. U.A.(fown Urban Sq.Km. Houses hulds Persons Males Females - -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4} - V Sambhar Town U 5.81 2,853 2,980 15,811 8,281 7,530 r Phulera U.A. § ./U 9.10 2,538 2,574 12,661 6,889 5,772 VI Phulera Town ..... U 8.12 1,721 1,757 8,913 4,782 4,131 (i) Phulera Outgrowth t...... (Railway Colony) U 0.98 817 817 3,748 2,107 1,641

5. Jaipur Tehsil T 596.7 107,060 115,479 667,937 359,349 308,588 R 390.6 7,026 7,481 52,679 27,949 24,730' U 206.1 100,034 107,998 615,258 331,400 283,858- VII Jaipur City" Vu 206.06 100,034 107,998 615,258 331,400 283,858

6. Jamwa Ramgarh Tebsil T 1400.9 24,425 25,974 156,256 82,017 74,239 R 1400.9 24,425 25,974 156,256 82,017 74,239 U '" " 7. Baswa Tebsil T 636.2 20,895 22,346 131,629 69,895 61,734 R 632.7 18,374 19,766 118,477 62,698 55,771) U 3.5 2,521 2,580 13,152 7,197 5,955

.- Bandikui U.A. ~ -U 3.52 2,521 2,580 13,152 7,197 5,955 VIII Bandikui Town .... U 2.34 1,321 1,377 7,830 4,221 3,601) (i) Bandikui Outgrowrh"" (Railway Colony) .,u 1.18 1,200 ],203 5,322 2,976 2,346-

8. Dudu Tehsil T 1,338.9 13,599 14,491 89,954 47,140 42,814 R 1.338.9 13,599 14,491 89,954 47.140 42,814 U

9. Sanganer TebsiJ T 635.5 .14,352 14,394 99,209 52,514 46,695 R 622.6 12,646 12,668 87,592 46,344 41,248 U 12.9 1,706 1,726 11,617 6,170 5,447 ..-- IX Sanganer Town* 'u 12.86 1,706 1,726 11,617 6,170 5,447

10. Bassi Tehsil T 654.5 16,459 17,155 102,555 53,988 48,567 R 654.5 16,459 17,155 102,555 53,988 48,567 U

11. Dausa Tehsil T 928.4 22,831 23,'927 144,405 76,048 68,357 R 909.3 19,568 20,650 125,480 65,962 59,518 U 19.1 3,263 3,277 18,925 10,086 8,839 ,r X Dausa Town JU 19.11 3,263 3,277 18,925 10,086 8,839 § Consisting of Phulera town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though nOD-muDicipalised portion of Phulera village (Railway Colony). • Consolidated figures of Jaipur Urban Agglomeration which spread over Jaipur Tehsil, Amber Tehsil and Sanganer Tehsil are given at the end in an Appendix, t Consisting of Bandikui town and its outgrowtb. •• Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Bandikui village (Railway Colony). 57


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons ,------_...... _------.... r------~------~ Persons Males Females-- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

3,361 1,726 1,635 3 6,320 4,373 1,947 2,894 1,570 1,324 66" 41 2S 6,269 4,366 1,903 1,781 942 839 28 20 8 4,191 2,955 1,236

1,113 628 485 38 11 17 2,078 1,411 667

68,499 36,528 31,971 12,384 6,903 5,481 305,845 201,677 104,168 9,305 4,923 4,382 2,369 1,285 1,084 8,577 7,783 794 59,194 31,605 27.589 10,Q15 5,618 4,397 297,268 193,894 103,374 59,194 31,605 27,589 10,015 5,618 4,397 297,268 193,894 103,374

24,962 12,902 12.060 41,774 22,067 19,707 20,409 18,338 2,071 24,962 12,902 12,060 41,774 22,067 19,707 20,409 18,338 2,071

25,183 13,200 11.983 25,287 13,550 11,737 25,061 20,690 4,371 22,826 11,916 10,910 25,202 13,486 11,716 17,623 15,681 1,9U 2,357 1,284 1,073 85 64 21 7,438 5,009 2,429 2,357 1,284 1,073 85 64 21 7,438 5,009 2,429 1,200 651 549 4 4 4,023- 2,806 1,217

1,157 633 524 81 60 21 3,415 2,203 1,212

19,574 10,320 9,254 3,006 1,629 1,371 12,009 10,124 1,885 19,574 10,320 9,254 3,006 1,629 1,377 12,009 10,124 1,885

19,620 10,257 9,363 10,385 S,49t .(,894 16,734 14,413 2,321 18,073 9,427 8,646 10,181 5,386 4,795 12,702 11,319 1,383 1,547 830 717 204 lOS 99 4,032 3,094 938 1,547 830 717 204 lOS 99 4,032 3,094 938

21,886 11,528 10,358 30,007 IS,711 14,296 13,603 12,221 1,382 21,886 11,528 10,~58 30,007 15,711 14,296 13,603 12,221 1,382

31,545 16,312 15,233 37,291 19,620 17,671 20,990 18,207 2,783 27,436 14,132 13,304 36,716 19,290 17,426 14,874 13,512 1,362 4,109 2,180 1,929 575 330 245 6,116 4,695 1,421 4.109 2,180 1,929 575 330 245 6,116 4,695 1,421 58



~ I

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators Rural Sl. State/District/Tetts ill ~------~------~ ~------~-----~ No U. A.frown Urban PersoDs Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

V Sambhar Town U 4,162 3,658 504 425 311 114 Phulera U.A. § U 3,098 2,970 128 142 118 24 VI Phulera Town U 2,162 2,055 107 142 ll8 24 (iJ Phukra OUfgrowtht (Railway Colony) U 936 915 21

S. Jaipur Tehsil T 182,731 170,816 11,921 15,620 12,997 2,623 R 17,351 14,534 2,823 11,725 9,528 2,197 U 165,380 156,282 9,098 3,895 3,469 426 yn Jaipur City'" U 165,380 156,282 9,098 3,895 3,469 426

.s. Jamwa Ramgarh Tehsil T 57,496 44,540 12,956 39,770 30,431 9,339 R 57,496 44,540 12,956 39,770 30,431 9,339 U

7. Baswa Tehsil T 37,439 34,572 2,867 26,297 24,487 1,810 R 34,412 31.655 2,757 26,264 24,454 1,810 U 3,027 2,917 110 33 33

Bandikui U.A.~ U 3,027 2,917 110 33 33 VIII Bandikui Town U 1,775 1,712 63 32 32 (iJ Bandikui Outgrowth·· ( Railway Colony) U 1,252 1,205 47 1 1

'8. Dudu Tebsil T 32,510 15,856 6,654 23,220 18,490 4,730 R 32,510 25,856 6,654 23,220 18,490 4,730 U

9. Sanganer Tebsil T 35,409 27,312 8,097 23,995 17,737 6,258 R 32,198 24,502 1,696 23,352 17,211 6,141 U 3,211 1,810 401 643 526 117

IX Sanganer Town. U 3,211 2,810 401 643 526 117

10. Bassi Tehsil T 33,629 28,665 4,964 24,380 20,570 3,810 R 33,629 28,665 4,964 24,380 20,570 3,810 U

11. Dausa Tehsil T 43,807 38,208 5,599 31,978 27,894 4,084 R 39,025 33,865 5,160 31,256 27,282 3,974 U 4,782 4,34) 439 722 612 110 X Dausa Town U 4,782 4,341 439 722 612 110 § Consisting of Phulera town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised tbough DOD-municipalised portion of Phulera village (Railway Colony). • Conso1idated figures of Jaipur Urban Agglomeration which spread over Jaipur Tehsil Amb:r Tehsil and Sanganer TehsU are given at the end in an Appendix. • *Consisting of BIlndikui town and its outgrowth . •• Consisting of tbe urbanised thouah non-ll'lUniclpaliaed partion of Bandikpi ~lage (Railway Colony). 59



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and AgricuJtu~1 Labourers Plantations, Olchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying ------. ~ Persons Mliles Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

180 141 39 26 26 203 193 10 54 32 22 7 7 53 31 22 7 7 1

1 1

2,556 1,905 651 1,048 896 - 152 326 301 25 1,172 814 358 356 287 69 25 24 1 1,384 1,091 293 692 609 83 331 277 24 1,384 1,091 293 692 609 83 301 277 24

5,023 3,070 1,953 2,140 1,535 605 589 543 46 5,023 3,070 1,953 2,140 1,535 605 589 543 46

2,249 1,650 599 382 290 92 13 13 2,229 1,631 598 382 290 92 9 9 20 19 1 4 4 20 19 4 4 13 13 4 4

7 6 1

2,723 1,714 1,009 2,721 2,096 625 28 28 2,723 1,714 1,009 2,721 2,096 625 28 28

2.729 1,785 944 644 537 107 42 38 4 2,677 1,739 938 630 524 106 42 38 4 52 46 6 14 13 52 46 6 14 13

2,586 1,890 696 658 539 \l9 83 77 6 2,586 1,890 696 658 539 119 83 77 6

2,753 1,880 873 40& 358 50 129 126 3 2,523 1,676 847 323 277 46 76 76 230 204 26 85 81 4 53 50 3 230 204 26 85 81 4 53 SO 3 60


WORKERS V VI Manufacturing, Processing, ServIcing and Repairs (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction Sl. State/DistrictfTehsil/ Rural ,-----_ ___.t______-.." r------L------, ,-- No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Female 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

V Sambhar Town U 155 14 81 '783 749 34 81 79 2 Phulera U.A. § U 77 71 6 104 104- 42 35 7 VI Phulera Town U 77 7! 6 100 100 41 34 7 (i) Phulera Outgrowtht (Railway Colony) U 4 4 1 1

5. Jaipur Tehsil T 12,934 II,j72 1,362 33,310 32,522 788 6,310 6,045 265 R 826 721 105 247 239 8 370 350 20 U 12,108 10,851 1,257 33,063 32,283 780 5,940 5,695 245 VII Jaipur City • U 12,108 10,851 1,257 33,063 32,283 780 5,940 5,695 245

-6. Jamwa Ramgarh Tehsil T 3,516 2,933 583 762 697 65 538 29 9 R 3,516 2,933 583 '62 697 65 538 529 9 U

1. Baswa Tehsil T 1,510 1,38' 123 464 457 , 441 428 13 R 1,328 1,215 1t3 363 357 6 417 405 12 U 182 172 10 101 100 1 24 23 1 Bandikui U.A.t U 182 112 10 101 100 24 23 VII Bandikui Town U 174 165 9 101 100 24 23 (i) Bandikui Outgrowth" (Railway Colony) U 8 1 1

8. Dudu Tebsil T 1,097 991 106 359 343 16 255 245 10 R 1,091 991 106 359 343 16 255 245 10 U

9. Sanganer Tebsil T 2,138 1,569 569 897 870 21 734 708 26 R 1,430 1,089 341 575 557 18 388 367 21 U 708 480 228 322 313 9 346 341 5

IX Sanganer Town'" U 708 480 228 3~2 313 9 34(; 341 5

10. Bassi Tehsil T 1,893 1,726 16' '86 618 68 567 549 18 R 1,893 1,726 16' 686 618 63 567 549 18 U

11. Dau~a Tehsil T 2,404 2,096 308 932 900 32 457 455 2 R 1,840 1,701 13) 452 428 24 193 192 1 U 564 389 m 480 472 8 264 263 1 X DausaTown U 564 389 17S 480 472 8 264 263

§ Consisting of Phulera town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Phulera village (Railway Colony). • Consolidated figures of Jaipur Urban Agglomeration which spread over Jaipur Tehsil. Amber Tehsil and SangaDer Tehail are given at the end in an Appendix. , ~ Consisting of Bandikui town and its outgrowtb. "'''' Consisting 01 tho urbanised though non-municipaliaed portion of Bandikui villaae (Railway Colony). -61


r___----___ WORKERS VII VJlI IX X

Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce CommunicationsJ...______,...--_-J...Other Services______Non-Workers r- r------'- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

764 734 30 303 292 11 1,242 1,059 183 11,649 4,623 7,026 364 355 9 1,809 1,793 J6 498 454 44 9,563 ,,919 5,644 362 353 9 984 978 Ci 395 362 33 6,751 2,727 4,024

2 2 "'I 815 815 10 103 92 11 2,812 1.192 1,620

32,789 32,139 650 14,807 14,627 ISO 63,037 57,812 5,225 485,200 188,533 296,667 208 206 2 348 348 2,080 2,017 63 35,322 13,415 21,907 .32,581 31,933 648 14,459 14,279 180 60,957 55.795 5,162 449,878 175,118 274.760 .32,581 31,933 648 14,459 14,279 180 60,957 55,795 5.162 449,878 175,118 274,760

996 984 12 419 408 11 3,743 3,410 333 98,760 37,477 61,283 996 984 12 419 408 11 3,743 3,410 333 98,760 37,477 61,283

1,281 1.255 26 2,868 2,826 41 1.934 1.779 ISS 94.190 35.323 58,867 724 701 23 1,283 1,280 3 1,413 1,313 100 84,065 31,043 53,022 557 554 3 1,585 1,546 39 521 466 55 10,125. 4,280 5,845 557 554 3 1,585 1,546 39 521 466 55 10,125 4,280 5,845 552 549 3 372 370 2 503 456 47 6,055 2,509 3,546

5 5 1,213 1,176 37 18 10 8 4,070 1,771 2,299

589 585 4 139 139 1,379 1,225 154 51,444 21,284 36,160 589 585 4 139 139 1,379 - 1,225 154 51,444 21,284 36,160

953 921 32 474 470 4 2,803 2,677 126 63,800 25,202 38,598 523 503 20 309 305 4 2,272 2,169 103 55,394 21,842 33,552 430 418 12 165 165 531 508 23 8,406 3,360 5,046 430 418 12 165 165 531 508 23 8,406 3,360 5,046 688 682 6 42S 425 .. - 1.663 1,589 74 68,926 25,323 43,603 688 682 6 425 425 1,663 1,589 74 68,926 2S,323 43,603

1,555 1,549 6 664 663 1 2,527 2,287 240 lOO,59~ 37,840 62,758 705 701 4 287 287 1,370 1,239 131 86.455 32.097 54.358 8S0 848 2 377 376 l,1S7 1,048 109 14,143 5,743 8,400 8S0 848 2 377 376 1 l,1S7 1,048 109 14.143 5,743 8,400 STATE PRIMARY

TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number house less population) Sl. State/DistrictfTehsill Rural Area in Residential of house- --"- No. U.A.!Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

12- Sikrai Tehsil T 503.4 15,994 16,435 93,543 49,542 44,001 R 503.4 15,994 16,435 93,543 49,542 44,001 U

13. Phagi Tehsil T 1,114.3 12,907 12,973 82,388 43,395 38,993- R 1,114.3 12,907 12,973 82,388 43,395 38,993 U

14. Chaksu Tehsil T 810.6 14,059 14,511 90.266 47,447 42,81'} R 770.0 12,274 12,676 79,855 42,020 37.835 U 40.6 1,785 1,835 10,411 5,427 4,984

- XI Chaksu Town U 40.62 1,785 1,835 10,411 5,427 4,984-

15. Lalsot Tehsil T - 873.5 19,122 20,158 119,345 63,302 56,043- R 873.5 19,122 20,158 119,345 63,302 56,043 U

9. Sikar District T 7,732.0 144,496 165,300 1,042,648 531,630 510,998 R 7,671.5 119,188 137,203 865,100 441,319 423,781 U 60.5 25,308 28,097 177,548 90,331 87,217

I. Fatehpur Tehsil T 1,070.6 18,809 19,935 124,892 62,497 62,395 R 1,038,4 11,168 11,941 74,895 37,942 36,953- U 32.2 7,641 7,994 49,997 24,555 25,442

- I Ramgarh Town ~ U 5.08 2,241 2,409 15,068 7,386 7,682

./ II Fatebpur Town VU 27.16 5,400 5,585 34,929 17,169 17.76()

2. Lacbhmangarh Tehsil T 1,220.0 19,335 21,756 135,858 67.981 67,877 R 1.219.3 15,936 18,250 113,700 56,939 56,761 U 0.7 3,399 50 22,158 11.042 11,116- 3, 1 .- III LacbhmaDgarh Town $ 0.65 3,399 3,506 22,158 11,042 11,116-

3. Sikar Tehsil T 1,516.0 31,024 35,7~9 231,756 117,847 113,909- R 1,491.3 21,466 24,988 160,769 80,935 79,834 U 24.7 9,558 10,781 70,987 36,912 34,075

(' IV Sikar Town J U 24.71 9,558 10,781 ~0,981 36,912 34,075-

4. Neem-ka-tl,laoa Teb,sit T 1,191.9 22,306 25,459 158,891 82.794 76,(1)1 R 1,191.5 20,866 23,454 141,279 76,502 70,777 U 0.4 1,440 2,005 11,611 6,292 5,320 /' V Neem-lta-thana Town J1 0.42 1,440 2,OOS 11,612 6,292 S,320 CENSUS ABSTRACT-contd.

Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons Persons Males Females----- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19,730 10,257 9,473 22,879 12,318 10,561 11,349 10,180 1,169 19,730 10,257 9,473 22,879 '12,318 10,561 11,349 10,}80 1,169

19,762 10,358 9,404 3,009 1,570 1,439 10,268 8,868 1,400 19,762 10,358 9,404 3,009 1,570 1,439 10,268 8,868 1,400

20,451 10,744 9,707 16,288 8,605 7,683 11,084 9,758 1,326 17,647 9,315 8,332 16,146 8,519 7,627 8,425 7,588 837 2,804 1,429 1,375 142 86 56 2,659 2,170 489

2,804 1,429 1,375 142 86 56 2,659 2,170 489

24,189 12,628 11,561 42,894 23,030 19,864 14,207 12,538 1,669 24,189 12,628 11,561 42,894 23,030 19,864 14,207 12,538 1,669

135,329 68,172 67,157 26,109 13,627 12,482 204,514 170,947 33,567 116,785 58,736 58,049 24,660 12,836 11,824 146,343 128,886 17,457 18,544 9,436 9,108 1,449 791 658 58,171 42,061 16,110

18,033 9,020 9,013 461 222 239 26,206 21,009 5,197 12,963 6,481 6,482 299 141 158 11,395 10,632 763 5,070 2,539 2,531 162 81 81 14,811 10,377 4,434

1,665 864 SOl 57 29 2S 4,426 3,024 1,402

3,405 1,675 1,730 lOS 52 53 10,385 7,353 3,032

21,290 10,541 10,749 1,120 537 583 25,999 22,001 3,998 18,645 9,229 9,416 I,04S 508 540 18,642 16,778 1,864 2.645 1,312 1,333 72 29 43 7,357 5,223 2,134

2,645 1,312 1,333 72 29 43 7,357 5,223 2,134

29,971 15,234 14,737 2,878 1,514 1,364 51,256 41,856 9,400 23,758 11,988 11,770 2.374 1,242 1.132 27,411 24,515 2,896 6,213 3,246 2,967 504 272 232 23,845 17,341 6,504

6,213 3,246 2,967 $04 272 232 23,845 17,341 6,504

17,994 9,208 8,786 8,995 4,712 4,283 29,091 25,288 3,8\)3 16,309 8,320 7,989 8,584 4,464 4,120 24,446 21,763 2,683 1,685 888 797 411 248 163 4,645 3,525 1,120

1,685 888 797 411 248 163 4,645 3,525 1,120 64



Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators SI. StatefDistrictfTehsilJ Rural r-- No. U.A.{Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 J9 20 21 22 23 24

12. Sikrai Tehsil T 30,837 26.691 4,146 25,022 21,634 3,388 R 30,837 26,691 <4,146 25,022 21.634 3,388 U

13. Phagi Tehsil T 31,057 24,223 6,834 22,268 17,482 4,786 R 31,057 24,223 6,834 22,268 17,482 4,786- U

14. Chaksu Tehsil T 29,714 26,402 3,312 22,838 20,642 2,196- R 26,963 23,779 3,184 21,870 19,687 2,183 U 2,751 2,623 128 968 955 13

XI Chaksu Town U 2,751 2,623 128 968 955 13

15. Lalsot Tehsil T 39,595 34,894 4,701 29,422 26,055 3,367 R 39,595 34,894 4,701 29,422 26,055 3,367 U

9. Sikar District T 280,760 250,361 30,399 187,821 165,298 22,523 R 242,415 213,886 28,529 183,440 161,307 22,13> U 38,345 36,475 1,870 4,381 3,991 390

1. Fatehpur Tehsil T 30,378 27,423 2,955 19,881 17,582 2,299 R 20,537 18,172 2,365 18,124 15,949 2,175 U 9,841 9,251 590 1,757 1,633 124

I Ramgarh Town U 3,019 2,745 274 505 468 37

II Fatehpur Town U 6,822 6,506 316 1,252 1,165 87

2. Lachbmangarh Tehsil T 40,623 32,676 7,947 31,809 24,843 6,966- R 36,065 28,429 7,636 31,088 24,234 6,854 U 4,558 4,247 311 721 609 111-

III Lacbhmangarh Town U 4,558 4,247 311 721 609 112

3. Sikar Tehsil T 60,636 54,337 6,299 35,736 31,231 4,505 R 44,542 38,770 5,772 34,747 30,331 4,416 U 16,094 15,567 527 989 900 89-

IV Sikar Town U ]6,094 15,567 527 989 900 89'

4. Neem·ka·thana Tehsil T 42,348 39,079 3,269 27,537 25,661 1,876- R 39,802 36,652 3,150 27,186 25,347 1,839' U 2,546 2,427 119 351 314 37

V NeelJl·ka·tbana Town U 2,546 2,427 119 351 314 37 65



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labourers r-______.J,.__\.__ ___ ~ Plantati9ns, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying ,------., Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33

1,850 1,348 502 387 307 80 36 28 8 1,850 1,348 502 381 ~O1 80 36 28 8 I ...

2,675 1,620 1,055 2,931 2,156 715 26 24 2 2,615 1,620 1,055 2,931 2,156 775 26 24 2

1,814 1,191 623 1,179 816 303 12 12 1,554 1,010 544 1,149 841 302 260 181 19 30 29 1 12 12

260 181 19 30 29 12 12

3,189 2,385 804 887 684 203 95 93 2 3,189 2,385 804 887 684 203 9S 93 2

14,981 12,236 2,145 7,291 5,113 2,178 750 725 25 13,331 10,808 2,529 6,%1 4,793 2,168 670 648 22 1.644 1,428 216 330 320 10 80 77 3

1,131 857 280 311 266 45 67 66 1 624 502 122 158 114 44 2 2 513 355 158 153 152 65 64 1

369 221 142 40 39 14 14

144 128 16 113 113 51 50 1

2,013 1,640 373 602 291 311 41 30 11 1,678 1,312 366 571 261 310 41 30 11 335 328 7 31 30 1

335 328 7 31 30

3,028 2,517 511 1,368 797 571 190 186 ... 2,707 2,211 496 1,319 753 566 187 183 4 32. 306 15 49 44 5 3 3

321 306 15 49 44 5 3 3

2,908 2,1~ 724 1,978 1,691 287 159 156 3 2,666 1,950 716 ],970 1,683 287 15S 154 I 242 234 8 8 8 4 2 2

242 234 " 8 8 8 4 2 2 66


WORKERS ~------.-.I..------V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs .------_.\_------.. (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction SI. State(District/TehsiI( Rural r------"-----~ r--_____.A.. ,.---~---- No. V.A/Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

12. Sikrai Tehsil T 1,090 1,013 77 310 292 18 186 182 4 R 1,090 1,013 77 310 292 18 186 182 4 U

13. Phagi Tehsil 'f 881 807 74 237 217 20 III 109 2 R 881 801 74 237 217 20 III 109 2 U

14. Chaksu Tehsil T 881 865 16 467 459 8 235 232 3 R 584 574 10 249 242 1 143 140 3 U 297 291 6 218 217 1 92 92

XI Chaksu Town U 29'1 291 fj 218 211 92 92

15. Lalsot Tehsil T 1,982 1,846 136 428 406 22 337 321 10 R 1,982 1,846 136 428 406 22 337 327 10 U

9. Sikar District T 13,041 12,015 1,026 7,814 7,437 377 6,992 6,853 139 R 9,587 8,881 706 3,402 3,194 208 1,646 2,549 97 U 3,454 3,134 320 4,412 4,243 169 4,346 4,304 42

1. Fatebpur Tehsil T 794 728 66 1,306 1,267 39 1,501 1,492 9 R 158 148 10 44 41 3 49 47 2 U 636 580 56 1,262 1,226 36 1,452 1,445 7

I Ramgarh Town U 175 154 21 380 314 6 281 281

II Fatehpur Town U 461 426 3S 882 852 30 1,171 1,164 7

2. Lachhmangarh Tehsil T 981 837 144 588 570 18 507 502 5 R 494 445 49 143 130 13 91 91 U 487 392 95 445 440 5 416 411 5

III Lachhrnangarh Town U 487 392 95 445 440 5 416 411 5

3. Sikar Tehsil T 2,641 2,426 215 ',103 1,993 110 2,407 2,379 28 R 1,353 1,231 122 448 384 64 331 318 13 U 1,288 1,195 93 1,655 1,609 46 2,076 2,061 15

IV Sikar Town U 1,288 1.195 93 1,655 1,609 46 2,076 2,061 15

4. Neem-ka-tbana Tehsil T 2,050 1,929 121 879 830 49 668 648 20 R 1,864 1,751 113 683 642 41 560 547 13 U 186 17& S 196 188 8 108 101 'I

< V Neern-ka-thana Town U 186 1'18 I 196 188 8 103 101 'I 67



Transport, Storage a.Qd Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers r-----J.. J,._ r-- -, oJ- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

737 735 2 113 112 1 1 106 1,040 66 62,706 22,851 39,855 1 737 735 2 113 112 1 1,106 1,040 66 62,706 22,851 39,855

646 644 2 129 128 1,153 1,036 117 51,331 19,172 32,159 646 644 2 129 128 1,153 1,036 117 51,331 19,172 32,159

649 645 4 214 210 .ot 1,425 1,270 155 60,552 21,045 39,507 292 292 138 138 984 849 135 52,892 18,241 34,651 357 353 4 76 72 4 441 421 20 7,660 2,804 4,856

357 353 4 76 72 4 441 421 20 7,660 2,804 4,856

1,018 1,013 .5 280 280 1,957 1,805 152 79,750 28,408 51,342 1,018 1,013 5 280 280 1,957 1,805 152 79,750 28,408 51,342

13,549 13,407 142 4,038 4,020 HI 24,483 23,257 1,226 761,888 281.289 480,599 4,824 4,754 70 2,074 2,061 13 15,474 14,891 583 622,685 227,433 395,252 8,725 8,653 72 1,964 1,959 5 9,009 8,366 643 139,203 53,856 85,347

1,772 1,741 31 556 556 3,053 2,868 185 94,514 35,074 59,440 65 62 3 89 89 1,224 1,218 6 54,358 19,770 34,588 1,707 1,679 28 467 467 1,829 1,650 179 40,156 15,304 24,852

585 572 13 119 119 551 497 54 12,049 4,641 7,408

1,122 1,107 15 348 348 1,278 1,153 125 28,107 10,663 17,444

1,296 1,268 28 218 217 1 2,568 2,478 90 95,235 35,305 59,930 245 241 4 116 ll5 1 1,598 1,570 28 77,635 28,510 49,125 1,051 1,027 24 102 102 970 908 62 17,600 6,195 10,805

1,051 1,027 24 102 102 970 908 62 17,600 6,795 10,805

4,677 4,653 24 1,323 1.319 4 7,163 6,836 327 171,120 63,510 107,610 522 513 9 239 238 1 2,689 2,608 81 116,227 42,165 74,062 4,155 4,140 15 1,084 1,081 3 4,474 4,228 246 54,893 21,345 33,548

4,155 4,140 15 1,084 1,081 3 4,474 4,228 246 54,893 21,345 33,548

1,765 1,731 34 697 693 4 3,707 3,556 151 116,543 43,715 72,828 1,211 1,178 33 594 591 3 2,913 2,809 104 107,477 39,850 67,627 554 553 1 103 102 1 794 747 47 9,066 3,865 5,201

5S4 553 103 102 794 747 47 9,066 3,865 5,201 68


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and bouse less population) Total Occupied Number ,.-______...A.. ______~ 81. State/District/Tebsil1 Rural Area in Residential of bouse- No. U.A./Town Urban Sq. Km. Houses holds Peuons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5. Sri Madhopur Tebsil T 1,377.2 30,606 36,708 22,7,346 116,641 110,705 R 1,374.7 27,336 32,897 204,552 105,111 99,441 U 2.5 3,270 3,811 22,794 11,530 11,264

.- VI Khandela Town ""U 1.52 1,978 2,002 12,500 6,236 6,264

;' VII Sri Madhopur Town _lJ 1.01 1,292 1,809 10,294 5,294 5,000

6. Danta Ramgarh Tehsil T 1,378.2 22,416 25,673 163,905 83,890 80,015 R 1,378.2 22,416 25.673 163,905 83,890 80,015 U

10. Ajmer District T 8,479.0 203,661 210.173 1,147,729 600,762 546,967 R 8,376.3 127,001 130,393 715,619 370,569 345,050 U 102.7 76,660 79,775 432,110 230,193 201,917

1, Ajmer Tehsil T 2,403.0 89,395 92,378 511,809 269,998 241,811 R 2,332.5 37,680 39,090 214,445 111,642 102,803 U 70.5 51,715 53,288 297,364 158,356 139,008

,;' I Pushkar Town / U 0.36 1,509 1,542 7,341 3,979 3,362

Ajmer U.A.§ .".,U 47.19 46,488 47,940 264,291 140,113 124,178

II Ajmer City ...... U 45.40 46,205 47,656 262,851 139,229 123,622

OUTGROWTHS t : (i) Regional College "u 1.79 ) t 55 56 521 372 149 (ii) Subhashnagar " U J 228 228 919 512 407 III Nasirabad Town Ju 22.93 3,718 3,806 ' 25,732 14,264 11,468

2. Kishangarh Tebsil T 1,728.8 26,413 27,418 157,95~ 83,833 74,121 R 1,721.7 19,536 2d,099 120,549 63,263 57,286 U 7.1 6,877 1,319 37,405 20,570 16,835

IV Kishangarh Town ..,IU 7.12 6,877 7,319 37,405 20,570 16,835 , 3. Beawar Tehsil T 1,468.2 44,882 46,528 239,221 123,201 116,020 R 1,456.3 31,140 3],788 164,605 83,839 80,766 U 11.9 13,742 14,740 74,616 39,362 35,254

V Beawar Town Ju 6.67 12,767 13,081 66,114 34,786 31,328

VI Bijainagar Town /u S.23 975 1,659 8,502 4,576 3,926

§ Consisting of Ajmer City and its outgrowths. t Consisting of tbe IIrbanised though non-municipalised portions (Regional College and Suhhashnagar, Ajmer) of Ajmer village. t Separate area figures for (i) Regional College and (ii) Subhashnagar are-not available. 69


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons ,------\--- ,------'------_ ,.------_...... Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

23,514 11,797 11,717 8,572 4,517 4,055 43,001 36,420 6,581 20,583 10,346 10,237 8,272 4,356 3,916 35,488 30,825 4,663 2,931 1,451 1,480 300 161 139 7,513 5,595 1,918

1,400 685 715 2 2 2,816 2,248 568

1,531 766 765 298 159 139 4,697 3,347 1,350

14,527 12,372 }2,155 4,083 2,125 1,958 28,961 24,373 4,588 24,527 12,372 12,155 4,083 2,125 1,958 28,961 24,373 4,588

198,274 103,135 95,139 15,326 7,948 7.378 347,788 248,077 99,711 121,186 63,040 58,146 14,331 7,368 6,963 114,542 96,708 17,834 77,088 40,095 36,993 995 580 415 233,246 151,369 81,877

138,312 46,008 42,304 2,267 1,224 1,043 209,370 140,415 68,955 33,106 17,300 15,806 1,608 837 771 37,569 31,290 6,279 55,206 28,708 26,498 659 387 272 171,801 109,125 62,676

1,137 595 542 3,287 2,335 952

48,486 25,366 23,120 627 366 261 155,358 97,383 57,975

48,340 25,288 23,052 626 366 260 154,526 96,771 57,755

15 11 4 463 341 122 13/ 67 64 1 1 369 271 98

5,583 2,747 2,836 32 21 11 13,t56 9,407 3,749

30,371 16,017 14,354 1,420 804 616 32,000 24,384 7,616 24,870 13,059 11,811 1,383 770 613 15,262 12,394 2,868 5,501 2,958 2,543 37 34 3 16.738 11,990 4,748

5,501 2,958 2,543 37 34 3 16,738 11,990 4,748

32,192 16,477 15,715 3,604 1,856 1,748 65,032 49,775 15,257 19,388 9,888 9,500 3,497 1,799 1,698 28,432 25,359 3,073 12,804 6,589 6,215 107 57 50 36,600 24,416 12,184

11,773 6,025 5,748 44 20 24 32,385 21.580 10,805

1,031 564 467 63 37 26 4,215 2,836 1,379 70



Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators 51. State/District/Tehsil! Rural r- --'- No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 ]9 20 21 22 23 24

5. Sri Madhopur Tehsil T 59,497 55,675 3,822 39.715 37,500 2,215 R 54,191 50,692 3,499 39,152 36,965 2,187 U 5,306 4,983 323 563 535 28

VI Khandela Town U 3,107 2,873 234 464 440 24

VII Sri Madhopur Town U 2,199 2,110 89 99 95 4

6. Danta Ramgarh Tehsil T 47,278 41,171 6,107 33,143 28,481 4,662 R 47,278 41,171 6,107 33,143 28,481 4,662 U

10. Aimer District T 398,887 310,419 88,468 201,763 146,898 54,865 R 285,379 208,491 76,888 197,665 N3,598 54,067 U 113,508 101,928 11,580 4,098 3,300 798

1. Ajmer TehsiI T 158,204 129,707 28,497 50,315 37,511 12,804 R 83,659 61,513 22,146 49,670 36,948 12,722 U 74,545 68,194 6,351 645 563 82

I Pusbkar Town U 1,882 1,699 183 71 64 7

Ajmer U.A.§ U 64,537 59,021 5,516 505 437 68

II Ajmer City U 64,183 58,708 5,475 455 406 49

OUTGROWTHS ~ : (i) Regional College U 59 50 9 (ii) Subhashnagar U 295 263 32 50 31 19

III Nasirabad Town U 8,126 7,474 652 69 62 7

'l. Kisbangarh TehsiI T 52,979 45,870 7.109 30,575 26,635 3,940 R 41,800 35,657 6,143 30,195 26,366 3,1l29- U 11,179 10,213 9~6 380 269 111

IV Kishangarh Town U 11,179 10,213 966 380 269 111

3. BeawarTehsiI T 92,510 63,092 29.118 56,706 34,252 22,454 R 71,927 45,578 26,349 55,962 33,651 22,311 U 20,583 17,514 3,069 744 601 143-

V Beawar Town U 18,224 15,368 2,856 510 396 114

VI Bijainagar Town U 2,359 2,146 213 234 20S 29

§ Consisting of Ajmer City and its outgrowths. t. Consisting of the urbanised though non-munkipalised portionl (Regional College and Subhashnagar, Ajmel) of Ajmer village. 71



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultu~al Labourers Pll\ntations, OIchards & allied activities Mining and J-Quarrying______...... Persons Mflles Females Persons Males Fe,males Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

2.693 2,4B 280 1,799 1,222 577 191 188 3 2,460 2,208 252 1,710 1,136 574 183 180 3 233 20S 28 89 86 3 8 8

182 161 21 49 47 2 7 7 I 51 441 7 40 39

3,202 2,625 577 1,233 846 387 102 99 3 3,202 2,625 577 1,233 846 387 102 99 3

33,153 17,773 15,380 21,827 16,845 4,982 828 681 147 31,265 16,533 14,732 21.132 16,217 4,915 609 517 92 1,888 1,240 648 695 628 67 219 164 55

13,726 7,073 6,653 7,241 5,392 1,849 609 492 117 13,133 6,663 6,470 6,804 5,002 1,802 419 354 65 593 410 183 437 390 47 190 138 52

212 139 73 3ei 32 4

347 241 106 368 330 38 184 132 52

327 22' 102 361 330 38 184 132 52

20 16 -I

34 30 4 33 28 5 6 6

3,582 2.369 1,213 3,318 2,765 553 33 26 7 3,367 2,273 1,094 3.222 2,671 551 25 18 7 215 96 119 96 94 2 8 8

215 96 119 96 94 2 8 8

5,752 3,339 2,413 3,443 2,400 1,043 116 96 20 5,309 2,995 2,314 3,390 2,353 1.037 102 84 18 443 344 99 53 47 6 14 12 2

297 241 S6 37 31 b 11 9 2

146 103 43 16- 16 3 3 72


WORKERS V VI Manufacturing, Processing,..J.__ Servicing______and Repairs

(a) (b) Construction Total ,-____Household....J.- _____Industry ""'"' .---Other than Household Industry_____ .----__.J.___ ---. SI. State{District{Tehsill Rural No. U.A.{Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

S. Sri Madhopur Tehsil T 3,666 3,404 262 1,962 1,842 120 1,192 1,127 65 R 2,809 2,615 194 1,108 1,062 46 898 841 57 U 857 789 68 854 780 74 294 286 8

VI Khandela Town U 501 450 51 615 552 63 154 154

VII Sri Madhopur Town U 356 339 17 239 228 11 140 132 8-

6. Danta Ramgarh Tehsil T 2,909 2.691 218 976 935 41 717 70S 12 R 2,909 2,691 218 976 935 41 717 705 12- U

10. Aimer District T 14,938 12,251 2,687 23,971 21,252 2,719 5,318 4,872 446 R 9,131 8,084 1,047 3,845 3,605 240 1,596 1,484 112 U 5,807 4,167 1,640 20,126 17,647 2,479 3,722 3,388 334

I, Ajmer Tehsil T 6,654 5,238 1,416 9,673 9,167 506 3,477 3,191 286 R 3,203 2,830 373 1.304 1.221 83 962 903 59 U 3,451 2,408 1,043 8,369 7,946 423 2,515 2,288 227

1 Pushkar Town U 47 46 160 152 8 163 145 18

Ajmer U.A.§ U 2,812 2,017 795 7,531 7,248 283 2,050 1,853 197

II Ajmer City U 2,795 2,000 795 7,519 7,236 283 2,044 1,847 197

OUTGROWTHS t : (i) Regional College U (ii) Subhashnagar U 17 17 12 12 6 6

III Nasirabad Town U 592 345 247 678 546 132 302 290 IX

1. Kishangarh Tehsil T 1,569 1,369 200 4,929 4,681 248 470 423 47 R 1,086 1,015 71 717 682 35 125 117 8 U 183 354 129 4,212 3.99~ 213 345 306 39 I IV Kishangarh Town U 483 354 129 4,212 3,99~ 213 345 306 39

3. Beawar Tehsil T 3,222 2,577 645 7,842 6,134 1,708 910 836 74 R 1,848 1,595 253 1,182 1,096 86 278 240 38- U 1,374 982 392 6,660 5,0~8 1,622 632 596 36-

V Beawar Town U 1,207 855 352 6,339 4,731 1,608 536 500 36-

VI Bijainagar Town U 167 127 40 321 307 14 96 96

§ Consisting of Ajmer City and its outgrowths. l Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipaJised portions (Regional College and Subhashanagar, Ajmer) or Ajmer village. 13 eENSUS ABSTRACf--contd.

WORKERS .-'------~ .------VII VIII IX X

Transport, Storage and Trade and Commer

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

2,692 2,679 13 872 S65 7 4,715 4,435 280 167,849 60,966 106,883 1.434 1,425 9 664 658 6 3,773 3,602 171 150.361 54,419 95,942 1,258 1,254 4 208 207 942 833 109 17,488 6,547 • 10,941

642 638 4 90 89 403 335 68 9,393 3,363 6,03~

616 616 118 118 539 498 41 8.095 3,184 4,911

1,347 1,335 12 372 370 2 3,277 3,084 193 116,627 42,719 73,908 1,347 1,335 12 372 370 2 3,277 3,084 193 116,627 42,719 73,908,

16,543 15,863 680 22,561 11,289 173 47,984 41,695 6,289 748,842 190,343 458,499 4,716 4,629 87 2,491 2,459 32 12,929 11,365 1,564 430,240 162,078 268,162 21,827 21,234 593 20,071 19,830 241 35,055 30,330 4,725 318,602 1Z8,265 190,337

15,820 15,332 488 19,375 19,157 218 31,314 27,154 4,160 353,605 140,291 213,314 1,863 1,814 49 1,678 1,653 25 4,623 4,125 498 130,786 50,129 80,657 13,957 13,518 439 17,697 17,504 193 26,691 23,029 3,662 222,819 90,162 132,657

287 272 IS 126 126 780 723 57 5,459 2,280 3,179

12,485 12,075 410 16,785 16,594 191 21,470 18,094 3,376 199,754 81,092 118,662

12,476 12,066 410 16,728 16,537 191 21,287 17,929 3,358 198,668 80,521 118,147

59 50 9 462 322 140 9 9 57 57 124 115 9 624 249 375

1,185 I,m 14 786 784 2 4,44L 4,212 229 17,606 6,790 10,816

2,506 2,461 45 990 976 14 5,007 4,165 842 104,975 37,963 67,012 641 631 10 274 270 4 2,148 1,614 534 78,749 27,606 51,143 1,865 1,830 35 716 706 10 2,859 2,551 308 26,226 10,357 15,869

1,865 1,830 35 716 706 10 2,859 2,551 308 26,226 10,357 15,869

5,609 5,506 103 1,783 1,749 34 7,127 6,203 924 146,711 60,109 86,602 674 665 9 322 321 I 2,860 2,578 282 92,678 38.261 54.417 .,935 4,841 94 1,0461 1,428 33 4.267 3,625 642 54.033 21,848 32,185

.,247 4,169 78 1,262 1,231 31 3,772 3,205 573 47,890 19,418 28,472

688 672 16 199 197 2 489 420 69 6,143 2.430 3,713 14


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number ,.-______housf'less ...L population) SI. State/District/Tehsill Rural Area in Residential of house- No. U.A.fTown Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4. Sarwar Tellsil T 1,041.4 13,130 I3,45Z 75,890 39,285 36,605 R 1,040.9 11,646 11,957 68,162 35,237 32,925 U O.S 1,484 1,495 7,728 4,048 3,680

." VII Sarwar Town .JU 0.46 1,484 1,495 7,728 4,048 3,680

5. K.ekri Tebsil T 1,808.2 29,841 30,397 162,855 84,445 78,410 R 1,795.5 26,999 27,464 147,858 76,588 71,270 U 12.7 2,842 2,933 14,997 7,857 7,140 __ U - VIII Kekri Town 12.66 2,842 2,933 14,997 7,857 7,140 11. Tonk Distrirt T 7,200'0 100.635 105,744 625,830 327.806 298,024 R 7,023'4 82,803 86,411 516.636 270,355 246,281 U 176'6 17,832 19,333 109,194 57,451 51,743

1. Malpura Tehsil T 1,462'6 17,000 17,992 106,423 55,79Z 50,631 R 1,417'2 14,566 15,506 92,452 48,421 44,031 U 45'4 2,434 2,486 13,971 7,371 6,600 - I Malpura Town """'-U 45'35 2,434 2,486 13,971 7,371 6,600 2. Nawai TebsiI T 1,032'3 15,304 15,892 95,863 50,202 45,661 R 1,031.9 13,441 13,969 85,665 44,718 40.947 U 0'4 1,861 1,923 10,198' 5,484 4,7l4 -- II Nawai Town ". U 0'42 1,861 1,923 10,198 5,484 4,714 3. Todaraisingh Tehsil T 976'3 11,875 12,130 75,484 39,164 36,320 R 922'2 10,010 10,223 64,651 33,514 31,137 U 54-1 1,865 1,907 10,833 5,650 5,183

,- III Todaraisingh Town ,_AJ 54'14 1,865 1,901 10,833 5,650 5,183

4. 'tonk Tehsil T 1,493'2 25,159 27,iu 166,470 87,073 79,397 R 1,478'1 16,91\0 17,913 110,604 58,060 52.5~4 U 14'5 8,199 9,328 55,866 29,013 26,853

IV Tonk Town .Iu 14'53 3,199 9,328 55,866 29,013 26,853

S. ])eoli Tehsil T 1,274'2 18,395 19,091 105,710 55,833 49,877 R 1,246.8 16,003 16,540 93,.Hl 49,056 44,355 U 27-4 2,392 2,551 12,299 6,777 5,522 V Deoli Town r u 27044 2,392 2,551 12,299 6,777 5,522

6. Uniara Tehsil T 986'5 12,902 13,398 75,880 39,742 36,138 R 951.7 11,821 12.260 .69,853 36,586 33,267 U 34'S 1,081 1,138 6,027 3,156 2,871

VI U nia.ra Town / U 34-76 1,081 1,138 6,027 3,156 2,871 7S


Literate & Educated Persons Scheduled Castes , Scheduled Tribes ,.-______J_ r------J- Persons Males Females----- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females----- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

15,632 8,050 7,582 3,418 1,708 1,710 10,573 8,806 1,767 14,450 7,448 7,002 3,235 1,611 1,624 8,462 7,252 1,210 1,182 602 580 183 97 86 2,111 1,554 557

1,182 602 580 183 97 116 2,111 1,554 557

31,767 16,583 15,184 4,617 2,356 2,261 30,813 24,691 6,116 29,372 15,345 14,027 4,608 2,351 2,257 24,817 20,413 4.404 2,395 1,238 1,157 9 5 4 5,996 4,284 1,712

2,395 1,238 1,157 9 5 4 5,996 4,284 1,712

123,174 63,367 59,807 71,181 37,864 33,317 96,112 78,157 17,955 lO5,77l 54,272 51,499 70,67S 37,549 33,129 60A19 52,196 8,233 17,403 9,095 8,308 503 315 188 35,683 25,961 9,722

21,244 10,875 10,369 3,207 1,729 1,478 15,399 12,760 2,639 18,742 9,593 9,149 3,143 1.683 1,460 11 ,261 9.583 1.678 2,502 1,282 1,220 64 46 18 4,138 3,177 961

2,502 1,282 1.220 64 46 18 4,138 3.177 961

19,896 9,966 9,930 14,167 7,488 6,679 15,614 12,099 3,515 17,631 8,764 8,867 14,049 7,421 6,628 11,643 9,093 2,550 2,265 1,202 1,063 118 67 51 3,971 3,006 965

2,265 1,202 1,063 118 67 !H 3,971 3,006 965

15,662 7,972 7,690 4,845 2,566 2,279 10,624 9,011 1,613 13,786 7,005 6,781 4,834 2,559 2,275 7,414 6,603 811 1,876 967 909 II 7 4 3,210 2,408 802

1,876 967 909 11 7 4 3,210 2,408 802

34,117 17,750 16,367 to,632 5,685 4,947 29,163 22;735 6,428 25,515 13,235 12,280 10,491 5,606 4,885 11 ,251 10,293 958 8,602 4,515 4,087 141 79 62 17,912 12,442 5,47()

8,602 4,515 4,087 141 79 62 17,912 12,442 5,47()

19,743 10,374 9,369 19,598 10,522 9,076 15,564 13,086 2,478 18,318 9,604 8,714 19,489 10,444 ',045 10,935 9,543 1,392 1,425 770 655 109 78 31 - 4,629 3,543 1,086

1,425 770 655 ]09 78 31 4,629 3,543 1,086

12,512 6,430 6,082 18,732 9,874 8,858 9,748 8,466 1,282 11,779 6,071 5,708 18,672 9,836 8,836 7,925 7,081 844 733 359 374 60 38 22 1,823 1,385 438

733 359 374 60 38 22 1,823 1,385 438 76


WORKERS ~------_'___

Total Total Workers (I-IX) CultivatOl S ~J. Sla t~ IDistrict{Tehsill Rural r------___ -'- ______--.. ~------~------~ No. u. A.I rown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

4. Sarwar Tehsil T 33,716 23,70~ 10,012 23.079 16,444 6,635 R 31,213 21,637 9,576 21,901 15,460 6,441 U 2,503 2,067 436 1,178 984 194

VII Sarwar Town U 2,503 2,067 436 1,178 984 194

5. Kekri Tehsil T 61,478 48,046 13,432 41,088 32,056 9032 R 56,780 44,106 12,674 39,937 31,173 8,764 U 4,698 3,940 758 1,151 883 168

VIII Kekri Town U 4,698 3,940 758 1,151 883 2611

U. Tonk District T 211.994 178,428 33,566 145,511 122,861 22,650 R 182,308 151,988 30,320 139,916 118,137 21,779 U 29,686 26,440 3,246 5,595 4,724 871

1. Malpura Tehsil T 36,257 31,741 4.516 22,831 21,074 1,757 R 32,477 28,213 4,244 21,715 20,024 1,691 U 3,780 3,508 272 1,116 1,050 66

I Malpura Town U 3,780 3,508 272 1,116 1,050 66

2, Nawai Tehsil T 37,349 27,471 9,878 29,401 20,949 8,452 R 34,455 24,904 9,551 28,79J 20,477 8,314 U 2,894 2,567 327 610 472 138

II Nawai Town U 2,894 2,567 327 610 472 138

3. Todaraisingh Tebsil T 30,030 2Z,544 7,486 22,679 16,649 6,030 R 26,499 19,594 6,905 21,241 15,476 5,765 U 3,531 2,950 581 ,438 1,173 265

III Todaraisingh Town U 3,531 2,950 581 1,438 1,173 265

4. Tonk Tehsil T 49,094 44,408 4,686 29,973 27,530 2,443 R 34,041 31,140 2,901 28,046 25,971 2,075 U 15,053 13,268 1,785 1,927 1,559 368

IV Tonk Town U 15,053 13,268 1,785 1,927 1,559 368

5. Deoli Tebsil T 35,323 30,452 4,871 23,210 20,648 2,562 R 32,492 27,722 4,770 23,088 20,535 2,553 U 2,831 2,730 101 122 lU 9 V DeoliTown U 2,831 2,730 101 122 IIJ 9

6. Uniara Tehsil T 23,941 21,812 2,12<) 17.417 16,011 1,406 R 22,344 20,395 1,94<) 17.035 15,654 1,381 U 1,597 1,41'1 180 38Z 351 25

VI Uniara Town U 1,597 1,417 180 38Z 357 25 1'1


WORKERS ,------'-...... II Ill, IY

Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and r------Agriculturl\!__-"- Labourers______---, Plantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying ~------~----.-~ ,------'------. Persons Ml;ll~s Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

4,033 1,61~ 2,421 3,393 2,669 724 21 20 1 3,7.tO 1,488 2,252 3,350 2,628 722 19 18 1 293 124 169 43 41 2 2 2

293 124 169 43 41 2 2 2

6,060 3,380 I 2,680 4,432 3,619 813 49 47 2 5,716 3,114 2,602 4,366 3,563 803 44 43 1 344 266 73 66 56 10 5 4

344 266 78 66 56 10 5 4 1

16,904 10,234 6,670 10,096 8,791 1,305 485 441 15,201 9,134 6,067 9,598 8,310 1,288 380 345 35'" 1,703 1,100 603 498 481 17 lOS 9' 9

4,487 2,537 1,950 3,172 2,699 473 HZ 93 19 4,067 2,244 1,823 3,075 2,609 466 110 91 19 420 293 127 97 90 7 Z 2

420 293 127 97 90 7 2 2

1,722 960 762 1,082 830 252 88 74 14 1,597 930 667 1,059 809 250 44 34 10 125 30 9.5 23 21 2 44 40 4

]25 30 95 21 21 2 44 40 4

2,390 1,353 ],037 1,690 1,525 165 81 79 2 2,050 1,222 828 1,597 1,436 161 75 73 2 340 131 209 93 89 4 6 6 340 131 209 93 89 4 6 6

2,790 2,082 708 906 814 92 68 63 5 2,249 1,642 607 706 618 88 18 18 54! 440 101 200 196 4 50 45 j 541 440 101 200 196 4 SO 45 5

3,884 2,082 1,802 2,185 1,933 252 81 84 3 3,780 1,984 1,796 2,143 1,891 252 84 81 3 104 98 6 42 42 3 3

104 98 6 42 42 1 3

1,631 1,220 411 1,061 990 71 49 48 1 1,458 1,112 346 1,018 947 71 49 48 , 173 108 65 43 43

173 ]08 65 43 43 n


WORKERS...... _ V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs _,__ -__, (a) (b) Total Hous~hold Industry Other than Household Industry Construction SI. State/DistrictjTehsill Rural r-----...,)..-____, r-- J.. No. V.A·fTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

4. Sarwar Tebsil T 963 835 128 290 272 18 123 121 2 R 756 656 100 142 132 10 41 39 2 U 207 179 28 148 140 8 82 82

VII Sarwar Town U 207 179 28 148 140 B 82 82

~. Kekri Tebsil T 2,530 2,232 298 1,237 998 239 338 301 31 R 2,238 1,988 250 500 474 26 190 185 5 U 292 244 48 731 524 213 148 116 32

VIII Kekri Town U 292 244 48 731 524 213 148 116 32

11. Tonk District T 7,487 6,685 S02 5,466 5,122 344 1,744 1,618 126 R 4,653 4,361 292 1,790 1,688 102 599 558 41 U 2,834 2,324 510 3,676 3,434 242 1,145 1,060 85

1. Malpura Tebsil T 1,133 1,065 68 571 521 SO 249 234 15 R 845 788 57 372 326 46 147 132 15 U 288 277 11 199 195 4 102 102

I Malpura Town - U 288 277 11 199 195 4 102 102

2. Nawai Tehsil T 890 823 67 651 630 21 215 191 18 R 671 631 40 292 268 24 116 100 16- U 219 192 27 365 362 3 99 97 2

II Nawai Town U 219 192 21 365 362 3 99 97 2

3. Todaraisingh Tchsil T 791 680 111 336 322 14 135 132 3- R 464 413 51 121 114 7 31 31 U 327 267 60 21S 208 7 104 101 J- III Todaraisingb Town U 327 267 60 215 208 7 104 101 y

4. Tonk Tebsil T 2,640 2,223 417 2,934 2,714 220 718 642 7& R 955 914 41 377 367 10 56 56 U 1,685 1,309 376 2.557 2,347 210 662 586 76- lV TDnk TDwn U 1,685 1,309 3'6 2,557 2,347 210 662 586 76-

5. Dcoli Tehsil T 1,037 944 93 568 552 16 249 242 7 R 921 838 83 344 340 4 123 117 6 U 116 106 10 224 212 12 126 125 1 V Deoli Town U 116 106 10 224 212 12 126 125

6. Uniara Tcbsil T 996 950 46 400 383 17 178 171 7 R 797 777 20 284 273 11 126 122 4 U 199 173 26 116 110 6 52 49 3 , VI Uniara Town U 199 173 26 116 110 6 52 49 3 " CENSUS ABSTRACT-contd.


Transport, Storage and Trade and ComqIerce Communicatic;>ns Other Services Non-Workers r-____--L __----, r-----_._------, r----.....L-----., --'- Persons Males ;Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

567 556 '11 38 38 1,209 1,137 72 42,174 15,581 26,593 333 328 5 22 22 909 866 43 36,949 13,600 23,349 234 228 6 16 16 300 271 29 5,225 1,981 3,244

234 228 6 16 16 300 271 29 5,225 ],981 3,244

2,041 2,008 33 376 359 7 3,327 3,036 291 101,377 36,399 64,978 1,205 1.191 14 195 193 2 2,389 2,182 207 91,078 32,482 58,596 836 817 19 181 176 5 938 854 84 10,299 3,917 6,382

836 817 19 181 176 5 938 854 84 10,299 3,917 6,382

/,544 7,433 111 2,050 1,974 76 14,707 13,269 1,438 413,836 149,378 264,458 3,134 3,101 33 577 568 9 6,460 5,786 674 334,328 118,367 215,961 4,410 4,332 78 1,473 1,406 67 8,247 7,483 764 79,508 31,011 48,497

1,117 ],104 13 268 265 3 2,317 2,149 168 70,166 24,051 46,115 601 593 8 ISS 153 2 1,390 1,273 117 59,975 20,188 39,787 516 511 5 113 112 927 876 51 10,191 3,863 6,328

516 511 S 113 lI2 927 876 51 10,191 3,863 6,328

1,075 1,065 10 314 312 2 ],905 ],631 274 58,514 22,731 35,783 461 454 7 ]87 185 2 1,237 1,016 221 51,210 19,814 31,396 .614 611 3 127 127 668 615 53 7,304 2,917 4,387

-614 611 3 127 127 668 615 53 7,304 2,917 4,387

711 706 5 116 114 2 1,101 984 117 45,454 16,620 28,834 292 288 4 31 29 2 597 512 85 38,152 13,920 24,232 419 418 1 85 85 504 472 32 7,302 2,700 4,602

419 418 85 85 504 472 32 7,302 2,700 4,602

2,715 2.659 56 1,118 1,052 66 5,232 4,629 603 117,376 . 42,665 74.711 544 539 5 61 60 1 1,029 955 74 76,563 26,920 49,643 2,171 2,120 51 1,057 992 65 4,203 3,674 529 40,813 15,745 25,068 2,171 2,120 51 1,057 992 65 4,203 3,674 529 40,813 15,745 25,068

1,238 1,226 12 • 126 125 2,739 2,616 123 70,387 25,381 45,006 740 737 3 63 63 1,206 1,136 70 60,919 21,334 39,585 498 489 9 63 62 1,533 1,480 53 9,468 4,047 5,421

498 489 9 63 62 1,533 1,480 53 9,468 4,047 5,421

688 6n 15 108 106 2 1,413 1,260 153 51,939 17,930 34,009 496 490 6 80 78 2 1,001 894 101 47,509 16,191 31.318 192 183 9 28 28 412 366 46 4,430 1,739 2,691

192 183 9 28 28 412 366 46 4,430 1.739 2,691 , SlATE PRIMARY;

TOTAL POPULA nON (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houseJess population) SI. State/District/TehsiIl Rural Area in Residential of house- r------.A.------~ No. U.A.fTown Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

12. Jaisalmer District T 38,401'0 30,426 31,130 166,761 92,135 74,626 R 38,050'9 26,071 26,584 142,414 78,133 6<1,281 U 350'1 4,355 4,546 24,347 14,002 10,345

1. Jaisalmer Tehsil r 32,627-3 16,478 16,928 87,652 49,096 38,556 R 32,501'0 13,702 13,970 71,074 39,334 31.74(} U 126'3 2,776 2,958 16,578 9,762 6,816

I laisalmer Town /U 126'27 2,776 2,958 16,573 9,762 6,S16

2. Pokaran Tehsil T 9,047'0 13,948 14,202 79,109 43,039 36,07l} R 8,823'2 12,369 12,614 71,340 38,799 32,541 U 223'8 1,579 1,588 7,769 4,240 3,529- --- II Pokaran Town ."V 223-84 1,579 1,588 7,769 4,240 3,52~ 13. Jodhpur District T 22,860'0 185,916 193,430 1,152,712 606,802 545,916- R 22,403'9 125,933 129,257 784,474 409,396 375,078- U 456-1 59,983 64,173 368,238 197,406 170,832.

1. Pbalodi Tebsil T 7,737'6 25,519 25,863 153,225 80,477 72,748- R 7,666'5 22,269 22,484 135,846 71,584 64,262 U 71'1 3,250 3,379 17,379 8,893 8,486

.... I Phalodi Town ./ U 71'10 3,250 3,379 17,379 8,893 8,486-

2. Osian Tehsil T 4,162-1 27,047 27,574 172,129 89,456 82,673- R 4,162'1 27,047 27,574 172,129 89,456 82,673- U

3. Shergarh Tehsil T 3,814'6 22,529 22,866 135,654 71,414 64,241>' R 3,814'6 2:1.529 22,866 135,654 71,414 64,24() U

4. Jodhpur Tehsil T 3,519'5 75,300 80,600 476,695 253,870 222,825- R 3,289'3 24,352 25,~64 159,083 82,831 76,252 U 230'2 50,948 54,936 317,612 171,039 146,573-

_ II Jodhpur City /u 230'18 50,948 54,936 317,612 171,039 146,573

~, BiJara Tehsil T 3,400'0 35,521 36,527 215,009 111,585 103,424 R 3,245'2 29,736 30,669 181,762 94,111 87,651 U 154'8 5,785 5,858 33,247 17,474 15,773

m pjparTown ",.- U , 52'57 2,125 2,773 15,722 8,178 7,544 IV BiJara Town /1 102'22 3,060 3,085 17,525 9,296 8,229 i1


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes .--____Literate & EducatedJ,_ Persons -'- r---- Persons Males, Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females------10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

22,612 11,917 10,695 6,882 3,729 3,153 22,357 19,417 2,940 20,625 10,801 9,824 6,180 3,335 2,845 12,426 11,641 785 1,987 1,116 871 702 394 308 9,931 7,776 2,155

12,333 6,532 5,801 3,609 1,972 1,637 14,157 12,087 2,070 11,262 5,889 5,m 3,302 1,794 1,508 6,525 6,167 358 1,071 643 428 307 178 129 7,632 5,920 1,712

1,071 643 428 307 178 129 7,632 5,920 1,712

10,279 5,385 4,894 3,273 1,757 1,516 8,200 7,330 870 9,363 4,912 4,451 2,878 1,541 1,337 5,901 5,474 427 916 413 441 395 216 119 1,299 1,'056 44}

916 473 443 395 216 179 2,299 1,856 443

154,898 81,049 73,849 24,322 12,934 11,388 246,468 184,994 61,474 118,150 61,384 56,766 19,730 10,422 9,308 83,356 75,755 7,601 36,748 19,665 17,083 4,592 2,512 2,080 163,112 109,239 53,873

21,842 11,534 10,308 3,956 2,105 1,851 19,322 16,508 2,814 19,806 10,475 9,331 3,863 2,056 1,807 13,202 12,030 1,172 2,036 1,059 977 93 49 44 6,120 4,478 1,642

2,036 1,059 CJ77 93 49 44- 6,120 4.478 1,642

25,518 13,203 12,315 4,789 2,518 2,271 17,109 15,383 1,726 25,518 13,203 12,315 4,789 2,518 2,271 17,109 15,383 1,726

20,419 10,505 9,914 5,666 3,073 2,593 12,767 12,054 713 20,419 10,505 9,914 5,666 3,013 2,593 12,767 12,054 713

54,171 28,574 25,597 9,:m 4,917 4,414 167,195 115,060 52,735 23,819 12,299 11,520 4,893 2,481 2,412 18,815 16,874 1,941 30,352 16,275 14,077 4,438 2,436 2,002 148,980 98,186 50,794

30,352 16,275 14,077 4,438 2,436 2,002 148,980 98,186 50,794

32,948 17,233 15,115 580 321 259 29,475 2S,n9 3,486 28,588 14,902 ]3,686 519 294 225 21,463 19,414 2,049 4,360 2,331 2,029 61 27 34 8,012 6,575 1,437

1,898 1,021 877 61 27 34 3,556 2,755 801 2,462 1,310 1,152 4,456 3,820 636 &2



...L ~ I

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators..A.. ______----. SI. State/DistrictjTebsil/ Rural ,-- -'- No. U.A.jTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

12. Jaisalm er District T ~2.842 49,627 3,215 32,720 31,106 1,614 R 45,548 42,630 2,918 32,211 30,612 1,599 U 7,294 6,997 297 509 494 15

1. Jaisalmer Tehsil T 28,582 27,158 1,424 14,080 l3,734 346 R 23,167 21,904 1,263 13,834 13,493 3H U 5,415 5,254 161 246 241 5

I laisalmer Town U 5,415 5,254 161 246 241 5

2. Pokaran Tehsil T 24,260 22,469 1,791 18,640 17,372 1,268 R 22,381 20,726 1,655 18,311 11,119 1,258 U 1,879 1.743 136 263 253 10

II Pokaran Town U 1,879 1,743 136 263 253 10

13. Jodhpur District T 349,039 306,165 42,274 216,862 188,380 28,482 R 257,121 221,481 35,634 210,014 182,566 27,448 U 91,918 85,278 6,(40 6,848 5,814 1,034

1. Phalodi Tehsil T 46,362 42,806 3,556 37,456 '34,749 2,707 R 42,567 39,258 3,309 36,776 ,34,116 2,660 U 3,795 3,548 247 680 633 47

I Pbalodi TOWD U 3,795 3.548 247 680 633 47

2. Osian Tehsil T 60,008 49,471 10,537 49,631 41,161 8,410 R 60,008 49.471 10,537 49,631 41,161 8,470 U

3. Shergarh Tehsil T 43,084 39,690 3,394 36,483 33.918 2,565 R 43,084 39,690 3,394 36,483 33,918 2,565 U

4. Jodhpur TehsiJ T 128,794 116,853 11,941 42,231 36.656 5,575 R 50,355 43,487 6,868 40,717 35,252 5,465 U 78,439 73,366 5,073 1.514 1,404 llO

n Jodhpur City U 78,439 73,366 5,073 1,514 1,404 110

5. Bilara Tehsil T 70,791 57,945 12,846 51,06l 41,896 9,165 R 61,107 49.581 11,526 46,407 38,119 8,288 U 9,684 8,364 1,320 4,654 3,177 877

III PiparTowD U 4.306 3,896 410 1,700 1,533 161 IV Bilara Town U 5,378 4,468 9)0 2,954 2,244 110 33



Livestock. Forestry. Fishing, Hunting and

Agriculturltl Labourers Plantations, Olchards & allied activities Mining and_J._ Quarrying _____ -. r--- -. --"- --. Persons Males Females Peri;ons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 1,6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

4.493 4,03,9 454 2,892 2,880 12 82 80 2 4.136 3,721 415 2,826 2,817 9 54 52 2 357 318 39 66 63 3 211 28

2,666 2,504 I 162 2,472 2,462 10 61 59 2 2,492 2,340 152 2,434 2,426 8 52 50 2 1'14 164 ' 10 38 36 2 9 9

174 164 10 3B 36 2 9 9

1,827 1,535 292 420 418 2 21 21 1,644 1,381 263 39-2 391 2 2 183 154 29 28 27 1 19 19

183 154 29 78 27 19 19

23,662 16,749 6,913 4,0'4 3,644 400 2,640 2,396 1044 21,791 15,178 6,613 3,426 3,100 32G 269 261 8 1,871 1,571 300 624 544 80 2,371 2,135 236

2,381 1,896 485 486 448 38 44 42 2 2,229 1,753 476 475 438 37 30 28 2 152 143 9 11 10 14 14

152 143 S 11 10 14 14

4,935 3,203 1,732 403 346 57 39 39 4,935 3,203 1,732 403 346 57 39 39

3,025 2,360 665 346 290 56 33 33 3,025 2,360 665 346 290 56 33 33

5,092 3,831 1,261 1.279 1,\75 104 2,483 2,241 242 4.254 3,075 1,179 848 795 53 129 123 6 838 756 82 431 380 51 2,354 2,118 236

838 756 82 431 380 51 2,354 2,118 236

8,229 5,459 2,770 1.530 1,385 145 41 41 7.348 4,787 2,561 1,348 1,231 117 38 38 881 672 209 182 154 28 3 3

456 342 114 87 62 25 425 330 95 95 92 3 3 3 S4


WORKERS ------~V VI ,.--______Manufacturing, Processing, ..l-______Servicing and Repairs _...... "

(a) tb) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction 81. State/District/Tebsilj Rural ,..------'------.. r------'- r-----'---- No. LI. A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

12. Jaisalmer District T 2,228 1,860 368 582 466 116 694 525 169 R 1,622 1,308 314 333 238 95 471 326 151 U 606 552 54 249 228 21 217 199 18

I. laisalmer Tehsil T 1,537 1,275 262 412 314 98 562 406 156 R 1,125 889 236 285 191 94 422 278 144 U 412 386 26 127 123 4 14{) }28 12

I Jaisalmer Town U 412 386 26 127 123 4 140 128 12

2. Pokaran Tehsil T 691 S85 106 170 152 18 132 119 13 R 497 419 78 48 47 I 48 48 7 U _194 166 28 122 lOS 17 71 71 6

n Pokaran Town U 194 166 28 122 105 17 '17 71 6

13. Jodhpur District T 9,281 8,199 1,082 14,576 14,046 530 4,429 4,253 176 R 4,238 3,750 488 1,670 1,574 96 339 324 15 U 5,Q43 4,449 594 12,906 12,472 434 4,090 3,929 161

1. Phalodi Tehsil T 990 840 150 692 669 23 114 112 2 R 569 496 'T3 148 145 3 39 38 1 U 421 344 " 544 524 20 Y5 74 1 I Pbalodi Town U 421 344 71 544 524 20 '5 14

2. Osian Tehsil T 868 77' 91 390 381 9 13& 132 4 R 868 .,." 91 390 381 9 136 132 4 U

3. Shergarh Tehsil l' 355 31' 36 220 213 1 16 14 :2 R 355 319 36 220 213 '1 16 14 2 U

4. Jodhpur Tehsil T 4,423 3,905 51S 12,254 11,857 397 3,932 3,771 161 R 637 59'1 40 403 386 17 72 69 3 U 3,786 3,308 478 11,351 11,471 380 3,860 3,702 158

II Jodhpur City U 3,786 3,308 418 11,851 11,471 380 3,860 3,702 158

5. Bilara Tebs il T 2,645 2,358 287 1,020 926 94 231 224 1 R 1,809 1,561 248 509 449 60 76 71 5 U 836 797 39 511 477 34 155 153 2

JII PiparTown U 528 520 8 245 237 8 64 64 IV Bilara Town U 308 277 31 266 240 26 91 89 2 85



Transport, Storage and

Trade and CoriJ_merce ,-_____Communications--'- ____ ,,----___Other _.L Services ____ -, Non-Workers ------'- ~------~------Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 SO 51 52 53 S4

1,439 1,386 53 898 890 8 6,814 6,395 419 113,919 42,508 71,411 497 463 34 392 390 2 3,000 2,703 297 96,866 35,503 61,363 942 923 19 506 500 6 3,814 3,692 122 17,053 7,005 10,048

950 910 40 543 540 3 5,299 4,954 345 59070 21,938 37,132 294 262 32 229 227 2 2,000 1,748 252 47,907 17,430 30,477 656 648 '3 314 313 1 3,299 3,206 93 11,163 4,508 6,655

(iS6 648 1\ 314 313 1 3,299 3,'206 93 l1,163 4,508 6,655

489 476 13 355 3:0 5 1,515 1,441 74 54,849 20,570 34,279 203 201 2 163 ]63 1,000 955 45 48,959 18,073 30,886 286 275 11 192 187 5 515 486 29 5,890 2,497 3,393

286 275 11 192 187 5 SIS 486 29 5,890 2,497 3,393

"1:8,510 18,044 466 14,198 14,114 84 40,837 36,940 3,897 803,673 300,037 503,636 3,000 2,898 102 1,604 1,583 21 10,776 10,253 523 527,353 187,909 339,444 15,510 15,146 364 12,594 12,531 63 30,061 26,687 3,374 276,320 112,128 164.192

1,172 1,143 29 478 478 2,549 2,429 120 106,863 37,671 69,192 376 372 4 235 235 1,690 1,637 53 93,279 32,326 60,953 796 771 25 243 243 859 792 67 13,584 5,345 8,239

"796 771 25 243 243 859 792 67 13,584 5,345 8,239

869 835 34 369 368 1 2,368 2,229 139 112,121 39,985 72,136 869 835 34 369 368 1 2,368 2,229 139 112,121 39,985 72.135

353 348 5 83 8Z 1 2,170 2,113 57 92,570 31,724 60,846 353 348 5 83 82 1 2,170 2,113 57 92,570 31,724 60,846

14,405 14,071 334 12,780 12,702 78 29,915 26,644 3,271 347,901 137,017 210,884 562 545 17 600 585 15 2,133 2,(\60 73 108,728 39.344 69,384 13,843 13,526 317 12,180 12,lJ7 63 27,782 24,584 3,198 239.173 97,673 141,500

13,843 13,526 317 12,180 12,117 63 27,782 24,584 3,198 239,173 97,673 141,500

1,711 1,647 64 488 484 4 3,835 3,525 310 144,218 53,640 90,578 840 798 42 317 31'3 4 2,415 2,214 201 12().655 44,530 76,125 871 849 22 171 171 1,420 1,311 109 23,563 9,110 14,453

495 480 IS 78 78 653 580 73 11,416 4,282 7,134 376 369 '7 93 93 767 '731 36 12,147 4,828 7,319 TOTAL POPULA nON (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houseless population) SI. State/District/Tehsil/ Rural Area in Residential of house- r------Jo..------~ No. U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

14. Nagaur District T 17,718'0 197.752 205,363 1,262,157 649,865 612,292 R 17,478'3 173,745 179,615 1,107,201 568,287 538,914 U 239'7 24,007 25,748 154,956 81,578 73,378

1. Ladnu Tehsil T 1,256'6 14,509 15,667 102,625 51.904 50,721 R 1,195'3 10,635 11,250 74.399 37,849 36,55() U 61'3 3,874 4,417 28,226 14,055 14,171

-- I Ladnu Town ""-u 61'26 3,874 4,417 28,226 14,055 14,171

2. Didwana Tehsil T 1,661'9 22,026 23,305 150,845 76,463 74,382' R 1,647'8 19.276 20,345 132,603 66,768 65,835' U 14.1 2.7S()' 2,960 18,242 9,695 8,547

-- II Didwana Town tu 14.12 2,750 2,960 18,242 9,695 8,547

3. Jayal Tehail T 2,071'3 16,613 17,021 106,307 54,682 51,625 R 2,071'3 16,613 17,021 106,307 54,682 51,625 U

4. Nagaur Tehsil T 4,706'7 38,974 40,377 241,358 125,881 115,477 R 4,702-6 32,863 34,018 204.910 106,258 98,652 U 4'{ 6,111 6,359 36,448 19,623 16,825

III Napur Town 'u 4'05 6,111 6,359 36,448 19,623 16,825

S. Nawa Tef:isil T 1,5ZZ'3 32,(40 23,661 152,620 78,344 74,276 R 1,471'0 18,044 19,227 126,578 64,956 61,622 U 51'3 4,096 4,434 26,042 13,388 12,654

IV Kuchaman Town .IU 18'85 2,715 2,959 18,218 9,336 8,882 V Nawa Town ,u 32045 1,381 1,475 7,824 4,052 3,772

6. Degana Tehsil T 1,906'0 22.560 22,638 13-3,529 69,021 64,508 R 1,906'0 22,560 22,638 133,529 69,021 64,508 U

7. Parbatsar Tehsil T 2,222'8 33,541 34.845 218,108 111,863 106,245 R 2,175-0 29,353 30,400 189,09.1 96,433 92.658 U 47-8 4,188 4,445' 29,017 15,430 13,587

VI Makrana Town U 31'54 3,213 3,416 23.243 12,278 10,965 VII ParbatsarTowD ~u 16'24 975 1,029 5,774 3,1.52 1.622

8. Merta Tehsil T 2,280'4 27,389 27,849 156,765 81,707 75.058 R 2,219'3 24,401 24,716 139,784 72,320 67,464 U 6H 2,988 3,133 16,981 9,387 7,594 / VIII Merta Town U 61'05 2,988 3,133 16,981 9,387 7,594 "7

CENSt18 ABirt'ltM:T-contd.

,-----Scheduled\Castes___-L ______SCbeduled Tribes r---______Literate & Educated..A. Persons

Persons Ma1e~ Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

220,656 113.856 106,8611 2,1127 1,035 992 190,513 155,239 35,t74 204,341 105,227 99,114 1,877 956 921 137,728 117,009 20,719 16,315 8,629 7,686 ISO- 19 71 52,785 38.230 14,555'

16,440 8,478 7,962 43 23 20 19,740 14,784 4,956 13,886 7,123 6,763 43 23 20 9,584 8,235 1.349 2,554 1,355 1',199 10,156 6,549 3,607

2,554 1,355 1,199 10,156 6,549 3,667

25,653 12,984 12,669 66 32 34 27.98'5 21,475 6.510 24,168 12.162 1~,006 66 32 34 22,515 17,332 5,183 1,485 822 669 5,470 4,143 1,327

1,485 822 663 5,470 4,143 1,327

24,461 12,584 11,877 22 12 10 11,18'5 9,909 1,276 24,,161 12,584 11,877 22 12 10 11,185 9,909 1,276

39,112 20,878 18,834- 8S 4-1 38 31,010 30,477 6,S:n 35,991 18,863 17,128 50 29 21 22,851 20,288 2,563 3,721 2,015 ],706 35 18 17 14,159 10,189 3,970

3,721 2,015 1,706 35 18 17 14,159 10,189 3,970

26,475 13,757 12,718 1,725 87S 850 23,5[7 18,894 4,623 22,457 11,761 10,696 1,621 821 800 14,790 12,550 2,240 4,018 1,996 2,022 104 54 50 8,727 6.344 2,383

2.726 1,339 1,387 92 4g 44 5,966 4.322 1,644 1,292 657 635 12 6 6 2.761 2,022 739

22,738 11,723 11,015 12 S 7 15,566 13,261 2.305 22,738 11,723 11,015 12 S 7 15,566 13.261 2,305

38,152 19,546 18,606 5S 30 25 31,976 26,478 5,498 35,235 18,010 17,225 46 25 21 24.752 20,729 4,023 2,917 1,536 1,381 9 .5 4 7.224 5,749 1,475

2,185 1,143 1,042 2 :1 5,267 4.202 1,065 732 393 339 7 3 4 1,957 1,547 410

27,025 13,906 13,119 19 11 8 23,534 19.961 3,573 25,405 13,001 12,404 17 9 8 16,485 14,705 1,780 1,620 905 715 2 2 7,049 5,256 1,793

1,620 905 715 2 2 7,049 5,256 1,793 STATE PRIMARY


Cultivatol s Total Total Workers (I-IX) ,..--______J...---- ____ State/District/Tebsil/ Rural ~------~------~ Females 51. Males Females Persons Males No. U. A./rown Urban Persons 22 23 24 2 3 19 20 21

244,408 76'(;02 T 428,840 337,330 91,510 321,010 14. Nagaur District 39,995 75,939 R 390,495 301,266 89,229 I 5,934 4,413 663 U 38,345 36,064 2,281 5,076 18,101 12,009 T 38,478 25,659 12,819 30,110 1. Ladnu Tehsil 17,156 11,935 R 32,587 20,077 12,510 29,091 945 74 U 5,891 5,582 309 1,019 1,019 945 74 I Ladnu Town U 5,891 5,582 309 27,714 7,291 T 45,601 37,332 8,269 35,011 2. Didwana Tehsil 26,680 7,138 R 41,100 33,137 7,963 33,818 1,034 159 U 4,501 4,195 306 1,193 1,193 1,034 159 II Didwana Town U 4,501 4,195 306 26,197 13,373 T 44,246 30,205 14,041 39,570 3. Jayal Tehsil 26,197 13,373 R 44,246 30,205 14,041 39,570 U 55,511 47,473 8,038 Nagaur Tehsil T 74,509 64,668 9,841 4. 46,899 7,961 R 65,034 55,775 9,259 54,860 574 77 U 9,475 8,893 582 651 574 77 1lI Nagaur Town U 9,475 8,893 582 651 27,093 6,178 5. Nawa Tehsil T 48,296 40,396 7,900 33,271 26,283 6,107 R 41,967 34,459 7,508 32,390 810 71 U 6,329 5,937 392 881 477 8 Kuchaman Town U 4,156 4,041 115 485 IV 333 63 V Nawa Town U 2,173 1,896 277 396 29,017 10,598 T 50.208 37,288 12,920 39,615 6- Degana Tehsil 10,598 R 50.208 37,288 12,920 39,615 29,017 U 40,403 12,031 Parbatsar Tehsil T 74,692 59,130 15,562 52,434 fl. 11,901 R 67,098 51,866 15,232 51,679 39,778 130 U 7,594 7,264 330 755 625 234 15 VI Makrana Town U 6,073 5,960 113 249 391 115 VII Parbatsar Town U ],521 ]',304 217 506 7,078 8. Merta Tebsil T 52,810 42,652 10,158 35,488 2~,410 6,926 R 48,255 38,459 9,796 34,911 27,985 U 4,555 4,193 362 577 425 152 152 VIII Merta Town U 4,555 4,193 362 577 425 &9



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labourel'll P)antations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying r------'- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females ·25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

32,489 22,819 9,670 6,511 5,259 1,252 1,970 1,798 172 30,483 2l,l38 9,245 6,207 4,961 1,246 1,335 1,179 156 2,006 1,581 425 304 298 6 635 619 16

1,461 ],087 374 2]4- 195 19 35 33 2 1,224 852 372 123 106 17 6 4 2 237 235, 2 91 89 2 29 29

237 235 2 91 89 2 29 29

3,073 2,540 533 279 218 61 81 80 1 2,821 2,304 517 260 199 61 48 48 252 236 16 lq 19 33 32

252 236 16 19 19 33 32

1,757 1,299 458 152 120 32 194 193 1 1,757 1,299 458 152 120 32 194 193 1

3,998 3,144 854 1,270 1,092 178 68 67 3,506 2,755 751 1,195 1,019 176 29 29 492 389 103 75 73 2 39 38 1

492 389 103 75 73 2 39 38

4,142 3,186 95n 1,015 827 188 405 337 68 3,587 2,810 777 972 784 188 351 284 67 555 376 179 43 43 54 53 1

161 153 8 24 24 2 2 394 223 17t 19 19 52 51

5,422 3,495 1,927 524 430 94 225 161 64 5,422 3,495 1,927 524 430 94 225 161 64

5,483 3,520 1,963 2,309 1,726 583 928 893 35 5,326 3,395 1,931 2,266 1,684 582 451 429 22 157 125 32 43 42 1 477 464 13

7 7 41 41 477 464 n 150 118 32 2

7,153, 4,548 2.605. 748 651 97 34 34 6,840 4,328 2,5~2 715 619 96 31 31 313 220 91 33 32 1 3 3

313. , 220 93 33 32 3 3 90


______WORKER')J;.______~ V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs --'------~ (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction SI. State/District/Tebsil/ Rural ,------"-----~ ,------'- ~---..L-_--- No. U. A.(fown Urban Persons Males Females persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 . 42

14 Nagaur District T 13,153 11,637 1,516 9,773 9,377 396 2.785 2,667 118 R 9,539 8.323 1.216 3,071 2,8n 260 1,010 937 73 U 3,614 3,314 300 6,702 6,566 136 1,775 1,730 4S

1. ladnu Tehsil T 754 653 101 1,054 941 113 516 519 7 R 199 169 30 322 235 87 38 38 U 555 48" 71 732 706 26 488 481 1

I Ladnu Town U 555 484 71 732 706 26 488 481 7

2. Didwana Tehsil T 1,260 1,082 178 766 731 29 195 190 S R 927 785 142 436 414 22 61 57 4 U 333 297 36 330 323 7 134 133

II Didwana Town U :rn 297 36 330 323 7 134 133

3. Jayal Tehsil T 518 435 83 182 168 14 54 54 R 518 435 83 182 168 14 54 54 U

4. Nagaur TehsiI T 2,091 1,937 154 1,684 1,609 75 546 516 30 R 1,135 1,066 69 459 440 19 104 103 1 U 956 871 85 1,225 1,169 56 442 413 29

III NagaurTown U 956 87) 85 1,225 1,169 56 442 413 29

5. Nawa Tehsil T 2,638 2,366 272 1,107 1,057 50 449 431 18 R 1,677 1,456 221 434 397 37 181 163 18 U 961 910 51 673 660 13 268 268

IV Kuchaman Town U 866 825 41 445 434 11 181 181 V Nawa Town U 95 85 10 228 226 2 87 87

6 Degana Tehsil T 1,125 1,008 117 340 329 11 87 86 1 R 1,125 I,OOS 117 340 329 11 87 86 1 U

7. parbatsar Tehsil T 2,975 2,493 482 3,829 3,744 85 304 299 5 R 2,444 2,002 442 590 526 64 138 13S 3 U 531 491 40 '3,239 3,218 21 166 164 2

VI Makrana Town U 395 376 19 3,150 3,138 12 123 122 VII Parbatsar Town U 136 115 21 89 80 9 43 42 1

S Merta Tdasil T 1,192 1,663 129 811 792 19 624 572 52 R 1,514 1,402 112 308 302 6 347 301 46 U 278 261 1'7 503 490 II 277 271 6

VIII Merta Town U 278 261 17 SOJ 490 n 277 271 , 91




Transport, Storagej and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers ,--___J... __----. ,...... _____J._ r---_J__----.. _.J... Persons Males Fi:males Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

12,231 12,093 133 4,635 4,610 25 24,283 22,662 1,621 833,317 312 535 520,782 5,544 5,474 70 2,438 2,426 12 14,934 13,922 1,012 7J6,706 267,011 449,685 6,687 6,619 68 2,197 2,184 13 9.349 8,740 609 116,611 45,514 71,097

1,515 1,488 27 177 276 2,532 2,366 166 64,147 26,245 37,902 366 353 13\ 114 114 1,104 1,050 54 41,812 17,772 24,040 1,149 1,135 141 163 162 1,428 1,316 112 22,335 8,473 13,862

1,149 1,135 14 163 162 1,428 1,316 112 22,335 8,473 13,862

1,330 1,325 S 264 262 2 3.342 3,184 158 105,244 39,131 66,113 570 570 110 110 2,049 1.970 79 91,503 33,631 57,872 760 755 5 154 152 2 1,293 1,214 79 13,741 5,500 8,241

760 755 5 154 152 2 1,293 1,214 79 13,741 5,500 8,241

379 371 8 94 93 1,346 1,275 71 62,061 24,477 37,584 379 371 8 94 93 1,346 1,275 71 62,061 24,477 37,584

3,067 3,044 23 719 713 6 5,555 5,073 482 166,849 61,213 105.636 1,123 1,110 13 282 281 1 2,341 2,073 268 139,876 50,483 89,393 1,944 1,934 10 437 432 5 3,214 3,000 214 26,973 10,730 16,243

1,944 1,934 10 437 432 5 3,214 3,000 214 26,973 10,730 16,243

1,663 1,647 16 470 470 3,136 2,982 154 104,324 37.948 66,376 474 468 6 180 180 1,721 1,634 87 84611 30,497 54,114 1,189 1,179 10 290 290 1,415 1,348 67 19,713 7,451 12,262

925 916 9 143 143 924 886 38 14,062 5,295 8,767 264 263 147 147 491 462 29 5,651 2,156 3,495

785 777 8 457 455 2 1,628 1,530 98 83,321 31,733 51,588 785 777 8 457 455 2 1,628 1,530 98 83,321 31,733 51,588

1,872 1,845 17 635 631 4 3,923 3,576 347 143,416 52,733 90.683 1,069 1,059 10 348 345 3 2,787 2,513 274 121,993 44,567 77,426 803 786 17 287 286 1,136 1,063 73 21,423 8,166 13,257

623 608 15 239 238 769 732 37 17,170 6,318 10,852 180 178 2 48 48 367 331 36 4,253 1,848 2,405

1,620 1,596 24 1,719 1,710 9 2,821 2,676 145 103,955 39,055 64,900 778 766 12 853 848 5 1,958 1,877 81 91.529 33,861 57,668 842 830 12 866 862 4 863 799 64 12,426 5,194 7,232

842 830 12 866 862 4 863 799 64 12,426 5,194 7,232 STATE PRIMARY

TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number bouse less population) J.. ____~ SI. StatejDistrict/Tehsill Rural Area in Residential of house- ,-- No. U.A./Town Urban Sq, Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 ., 8 9

15. Pali District T 12,391'0 183,386 187,439 970,002 497,462 472,540 R 12,198'2 161,672 164,871 861,571 439,829 421,742 U 192.11 21,714 22,568 108,431 57,633 50,798

1. Jaitaran TehSiJ T J,371'6 J9,I23 19,586 106.482 54.604 51,878 R 1,371'6 19,123 19,586 106.482 54,604 51,878 tJ

2. Sojat Tehsil T J,677·, 21,304 21,761 111,97'1 57,139 54,838 R 1,635"9 16,955 17,273 90,299 45,849 44,450 U 41-8 4,349 4,488 21.678 11,290 10,388

I Sojat TowD U 33'24 3,330 3,429 16,628 8.594 f,034 11 Sojat Road Town U 8'60 1,019 1,059 5,050 2,696 2,354

3. Raipur Tehsil T 1,019'2 17,644 18,098 95,041 48,818 46,229 R 1,019-2 17,644- 18,098 95.041 48,818 46,229 U

4. Pali Tehsil T 3,086'1 34,303 35,1l7 18t,443 95,067 86,376 R 3,073'1 23,91'1 24,314 131,609 67.851 63,758 U 13'0 10,386 10,803 49,834 27.216 22,618

.."III PaJi Town U 12,95 10,386 10,803 49,834 27.216 22,618

5, Kharchi Tehsil T 1,392'3 22.285 22,756 116,816 511,951 56.1159 R 1,392-3 22,285 22,756 116,816 59,957 56,859 U

6. Desuri Tehsil T 1,281'9 25,263 25,780 131,992 67,245 64,747 R 1,196'4 22,332 22,784 117,332 59.793 57,539 U 8s·S 2,931 2,996 14,66() 1.452 7,208

--IV Sadri Town U 8N2 2,931 2,996 14.660 1,452 7,208

7. Bali Tehsil T 2,382'4 43,464 44,341 226,245 114,632 111,613 R 2,329-9 39,416 40,060 203,986 102,957 101,029 U 52-5 4,048 4.281 22,259 11,675 10,584

,./ ,- V Bali Town U 43'30 2,204 1,228 11,821 6,089 5,732 -VI Sumerpur Town ,U 9'19 1,844 2,053 10,438 5,586 4,852

16_ Barmer District T 28,387'0 130,595 132,991 774,805 410,648 .364,157 R 28,353'0 120,375 122,477 71S.S80 379,703 338,877 U 34'0 10,210 10,514 56,225 30,945 25,280

1. Sheo Tehsi! T 6,629'8 10,549 10,570 51,945 31,290 26,655 R 6,629-8 10,549 10,510 51.945 31.290 26,655 U

--- ,_- - -. . ~-. 93


Scheduled 'Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons -, ,-- r------__....A-_ ,------~------...... Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

45,787 75,058 70,729 45,546 23,928 21,618 166,797 133,851 32,946 132,104 67,750 64,354 43,614 22,873 20.741 125,989 104,457 21,532 13,683 7,308 6,375 1,932 1,055 877 40,808 29,394 11,414

14,163 7,385 6,778 14,400 12,189 2.211 14,163 7,385 6,778 14,400 12,189 2,211

17,019 8,796 8,223 74 40 34 20,260 16,457 3,803 14,552 7,459 7,093 61 30 31 12.319 10,880 1,439 2.467 1,337 1,130 13 10 3 7,941 5,577 2,364

1,662 901 761 4 2 2 5,598 3,910 1,688 805 436 369 9 8 1 2,343 1,667 676

9,999 5,178 4,821 94 48 46 13,076 11,329 1,747 9,999 5,178 4,821 94 48 46 13,076 11,329 1,747

28,979 15,112 13,867 8,029 4.257 3,772 37,389 29,483 7,906 23,275 11,988 11,287 7,427 3,932 3.495 16,236 14,226 2,010 5,704 3,124 2,580 602 325 277 21,153 15,257 5,896

5,704 3,124 2,580 602 325 277 21,153 15,257 5,896

18,081 9,178 8,903 2,483 1,275 1,208 17,746 14,811 2,935 18,081 9,178 8,903 2,483 1,275 1,208 17,746 14,811 2,935

22,398 1),549 10,849 4,261 2.258 2,003 22,631 17,839 4,792 19,195 9,857 9,338 3,472 1,829 1,643 18,785 15,105 3,680 3,203 1,692 1,511 789 429 360 3,846 2,734 1,112

3,203 1,692 1,511 789 429 360 3,846 2,734 1,112

35,148 17.860 17,288 30,605 16,050 14,555 41.295 31,743 9,552 32,839 16,705 16,134 30,077 15,759 14,318 33,427 25,917 7,510 2,309 1,155 1,154 528 291 237 7,868 5,826 2,042

1,158 579 579 33 20 13 3,782 2,700 1,082 1,151 576 575 495 271 224 4,086 3,126 960

111,429 58,336 53,093 44,508 23,620 20,888 82,000 69,612 12,388 103,728 54,308 49,420 43,783 23,195 20,588 60,232 52,810 7,42% 7,701 4,028 3,673 725 425 300 21,768 16.802 4.%6

8,407 4,395 4,012 1,658 850 808 4,647 4,323 324 4,407 4.395 4,012 1,658 850 808 4,647 4,323 324 94



Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators SI. State/District/Tebsi), Rural r- _,__ No. U.A./Town Urban PerSOns Males Female. Persons Males Females 2 3 ]9 20 21 22 23 24

15. Pali District T 3]2,517 261,160 51.357 155,812 135,434 20,328 R 282,676 233,256 49,420 151,790 131,744 20,046 U 29,841 27,904 1,937 4,011 3,740 282

1. Jaitaran Telrsil T 40,428 28.912 11,516 25,637 19,052 6,585 R 40,428 28.912 11,516 25,637 19,052 6,585 U

2. Sojat Tehsil T 36,909 30,250 6,659 20,358 17,241 3,117 R 31,081 2",982 6,(}q9 18,977 16,050 2,921 U 5,828 5,268 560 1,381 1,191 190-

I SojatTowD U 4.498 4,008 490 1.290 1,106 184 Il Sojat Road Town U 1,330 1,260 70 91 85 6

3: Raipur Tehsil T 31,314 26,207 5,107 18,851 16,378 2,473 R 31,314 26,207 5,107 18,851 16,378 2,473 U

4. Pali TehsiI T 57,245 50,826 6,419 27,089 25,235 1,854 R 42,760 37,189 5,571 26,749 24,917 1,832 U 14,485 13,637 848 340 318 22

III Pali Town U 14,485 13,637 848 340 318 22

5. Kharchi Tehsil T 40,052 31,633 8,419 19,601 16,210 3,391 R 40,052 31,633 8,419 19,601 16,210 3,391 U

6. Desuri Tehsil T 41,900 35, "\37 6,563 18,138 16,956 1,182 R 38,243 31,928 6,315 17,604 15,831 1,'113 U 3,657 3,409 248 1,134 1,125 9

IV Sadri Town U 3,657 3,409 248 1,134 1,125 9

7. Bali Tehsil T 64,669 57,995 6,674 25,538 24,4l2 1,126 R 58,798 ;2,405 6,393 24,371 23,306 1,065 U 5,871 5,590 281 1,167 1,106 61

V Bali Town U 2,908 2,150 158 813 829 44 VI Sumerpur Town U 2,963 2,840 123 294 277 17

16 Barmer District T 263,866 230,360 33,506 211,993 186,083 26910' R 248,835 215,8S3 32,952 211,633 184,195 16,843 U 15,031 14,477 354 1,355 l,288 67

1. Sbea TehsiI T 18,910 18,231 679 16,510 16,017 493 R 18,910 l8,231 ~79 16,S10 ]6,017 493 U 95


WORKERS ~ --. n I~I IV

Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labourers Plantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying..A. _____ -. ,- ....., Persons MaJes Females persons Males Females Persons ¥ales Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

61,611 38,267 24,344 17,539 16,142 1,397 505 470 35 60,411 36,!IS 23,896 17,127 15,735 1,392 321 293 28 2,200 1,752 448 412 407 5 184 177 7

8,562 4,209 4,353 1,066 978 88 6 6 8,562 4,109 4,353 1.066 978 88 6 6

6,736 3,910 2,826 2,26' 2,083 182 224 200 24 6,081 3,427 2,654 2,199 2,017 182 76 59 17 655 483 172 e6 66 148 141 7

586 433 IS3 ~ 57 148 141 7 69 50 19 9 9

5,113 3,189 1,924 1,643 1,440 203 142 132 10 5,113 3,189 1,924 1,643 1,440 203 142 132 10

8,243 4,cn5 3,318 3,521 3,322 199 17 16 1 7,939 4,652 3,287 3,436 3,235 195 11 10 1 304 273 31 91 87 4 6 6

304 273 31 91 87 4 6 6

9,465 5,613 3,852 2,291 2,021 270 5 5 9,465 5,613 3,852 2,291 2,021 270 5 5

9,259 5,547 3,712 2,625 2,305 320 44 44 8,494 4,956 3,538 2,537 2,217 320 37 31 765 591 174 88 88 7 7

765 591 174 88 88 7 7

15,233 10,874 4,359 4.128 3,993 135 67 67 14,757 10,469 4,288 3,961 3,827 134 44 44 476 405 71 167 166 1 23 23

269 233 36 125 124 15 15 207 172 35 ~ 42 8 8

17,805 13,310 ",495 J.,m 2,632 511 542 480 62 17,250 11,so1 ",441 3,157 2,581 5'76 482 420 62 555 SU8 47 56 51 5 60 60

893 775 118 161 154 g 893 775 118 Mil 154 8 96


WORKERS ------. V VI Manufacturing, Processing, SeI'Vlcing and Repairs oJ... ---. (a) (0) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction 51. 5tate{Districtrrehsill Rural ,------'------, ,-- No. U.A.tTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males ----Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

IS. Pali District T 17,695 15,944 1,751 13,959 13,243 716 2,788 2,637 151 R 15,664 14,103 1,561 6,436 6,063 373 2,097 1,969 128 U 2,031 1,841 190 7,523 7,180 343 691 668 23

1. Jaitaran Tehsil T 1,640 1,436 204 692 654 38 201 197 4 R 1,640 1,436 204 692 654 38 201 197 4 U

z. Sojat Tehsil T 1,945 1,749 196 947 899 48 164 147 17 R 1,524 1,351 173 405 376 29 III 94 17 U 421 398 23 542 523 19 53 53

I SojatTown U 328 312 16 366 351 15 20 20 Il Sojat Road Town U 93 86 7 176 172 4 33 33

3. Raipur Tehsil T 1,665 1,559 106 875 765 110 108 105 3- R 1,665 1.559 106 875 765 110 108 105 3, U

4. Pali Tehsil T 2,342 2,091 251 6,705 6,371 334 637 602 35 R ],433 1,327 106 587 557 30 210 194 16- U 909 764 145 6.118 5,814 304 427 408 19

III Pali Town U 909 764 145 6,118 5,814 304 427 408 II)

S. Kharchi Tehsil T 3,018 2,580 438 744 642 102 246 243 .} R 3,018 2,580 438 744 642 102 246 243 3- U

6. Desuri Tehsil T 2,992 2,658 334 1,175 1,146 29 464 455 !t R 2,665 2,343 322 968 942 26 406 397 C} U 327 315 12 207 204 3 58 58

IV Sadri Town U 327 315 12 207 204 3 58 58

7. Bali Tehsil T 4,093 3.871 222 2,821 2,766 55· 968 888 80 R 3,719 3,507 212 2,165 2,127 38 815 739 76 U 374 364 10 656 639 17 153 149 4

V Bali Town U 179 179 263 259 4 85 82 3 VI Sumerpur Town U 195 185 10 39~ 380 13 68 67 1

16. Barmer District T 4,938 4,206 732 3,006 2,871 135 527 513 14- R 3,509 1,889 620 1,382 1,314 68 223 220 3 U 1.429 1.317 112 1,1;24 1,557 67 304 293 11

1. Sbeo Tebsil T 176 134 42 . 87 85 2 36 36 . - R 176 134 42 87 85 2 36 36 U ... -- - -_ 97



Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce CommunicatIOns Other Services Non-Workers .A._ r------'-----.. ,..--.-_____l_. ---. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

15,553 15,091 462 4,999 4,969 30 21,056 18,913 2143 657,485 236,302 421,183 10,008 9,668 340 3,555 3,533 22 15,267 13,633 1,634 578,895 206,573 372,322 5,545 5,423 122 1,444 1,436 8 5,789 5,280 509 78,590 29,729 48,861

877 857 20 162 162 1,585 1,361 224 66,054 25,692 40,362 877 857 20 162 162 1,585 1,361 224 66,054 25,692 40,362

1,482 1,418 64 727 717 10 2,061 1,886 175 75,068 26,889 48,179 495 483 12 200 196 4 1,013 929 84 59,218 20,867 38,351 987 935 52 527 5:1 6 1,048 957 91 15,850 6,022 9,828

650 604 46 191 190 1 862 794 68 12,130 4,586 7,544 337 331 6 336 331 5 186 163 23 3,720 1,436 2,284

862 845 17 407 407 1,648 1,387 261 63,733 22,611 41,122 862 8~5 17 407 407 1,648 1,387 261 63,733 22,611 41,122

3,608 3,539 69 717 715 2 4,366 4,010 356 124,198 44,241 79,951 816 798 18 206 206 1,379 1,293 86 88,849 30,662 58,187 2,792 2,741 51 511 509 2 2,987 2,717 270 35.349 13,579 21,770

2,792 2,741 S1 511 509 2 2,987 2,717 270 35,349 13.579 21,770

1,364 1.279 85 1,018 1,008 10 2,300 2,032 268 76,764 28,324 48,440 1,364 1,279 is ],018 1,008 10 2,300 2,032 268 76,764 28,324 48,440 ."

2,546 2,482 64 628 625 3 3,429 3,119 31O 90,092 31,908 58,184 2,114 2,051 63 526 523 3 2,892 2,631 261 79,089 27,865 51,224 432 431 1 102 102 537 488 49 11,003 4,043 6,96()-

432 431 102 102 537 488 49 11,003 4,043 6,960

4,814 4,671 143 1,340 1,335 5 5,667 5,118 549 161.576 56,637 104,939 3,480 3,355 125 1,036 1,031 5 4,450 4,000 450 145.188 50,552 94,636 1,334 1,316 18 304 304 1,217 1,118 99 16,388 6,085 10,303

389 381 8 74 74 636 574 62 8,913 3,339 5,574 945 935 10 230 230 581 544 37 7,475 2,746 4,729

7,599 7,507 92 2,496 2,479 17 10,747 10,279 468 510,939 180,288 330,651 4,178 4,121 57 1,659 1,651 8 5,357 5,090 267 469,745 163,820 305,925 3,421 3,386 35 837 828 9 5,390 5,189 201 41,194 16,468 24,726

370 364 6 17l 171 504 494 10 39,035 13,059 25,976 370 364 6 171 171 504 494 10 39,035 13,059 25,976 98


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houSl"less population) SI. State/DistrictJTehsill Rural Area in Residential of house- .A- No. U.A.lTown Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2. Barmer Tehsil T 12,035-4 59,310 60,250 361,516 192,366 169,150 R 12,025-1 52,411 53,140 322,886 170,849 152,037 U 10-3 6,893 7,110 38,630 21,517 17,113 I BarmerTown V 10'29 6,893 7,110 38,630 21,517 17.113

3_ Pachpadra Tehsil T 3,4590 2[.019 21,763 124.041 64,115 59,326 R 3,435-3 17,752 18,359 106,446 55,287 51,159 V 2H 3,327 3,404 17,595 9,428 8,167 ( -II Balotra Town U 2371 3,327 3,404 17,595 9,428 8,167 4. Chohtan Tehsil T 4,673-9 22,211 22,573 133,161 71,550 61,611 R 4,673-9 22,217 22,573 133,161 71,550 61,611 U 5_ Siwana Tehsil T 2,723'3 17.440 17,835 98,l42 50,721 41,415 R 2,723-3 11,440 17,835 98,142 50,727 47,415 U

J7. Jalor District T 10,640-0 118,757 123,229 667,950 345,814 322,136 R 10,629-4 112,868 117,151 638,422 330,093 308,329 U 10-6 5,889 6,078 29,528 15,721 13,807 1. Ja10r Tehsil T 2,245-6 29,808 31,188 163,358 84,257 79,101 R 2,239'5 26,719 27,959 147.880 15,935 71,945 U 6'1 3,089 3.229 15.478 8,322 7,156 I JaJor Town U 6'06 3,089 3,229 15,478 8,322 7,156 2, Abore Tebsil T 1,86204 23,405 24,126 122,380 61.963 60,417 R 1,862-4 23,405 24,126 122,380 61,963 60,417 U 3. Sanchore Tehsil T 3,016-1 24,289 25,172 148,959 78,148 70,811 R 3,016-1 24,289 25,172 148,959 78,148 70,8U V 4. Jaswantpura Tehsil T 3,430-3 41,255 42,743 233,253 121,446 IlI,807 R 3,425-1 38,455 39,894 219,203 114.047 105,156 U 4'5 2,800 2,849 14,050 7,399 6.651 11 Bhinma1 Town U 4.45 2.800 2,849 14,050 7,399 6,651

18_ Sirohi District T 5,135'0 84,956 86,646 423,815 216,504 207,311 R 5,076-8 70,221 71,617 348,098 176,835 171,263 U 58'2 14,735 15,029 7S,717 39,669 36,048 1. SheoganJ Tehsil T 895.3 13,792 13,989 69.186 35,351 33,829 R 892.3 It ,552 11,685 57,151 29,269 27,888 U 3,() 2,240 2,304 12,029 6,088 5,941 1 Sbeoganj Town U 2'99 2,240 2.304 12,0211 6,088 .s,941 ----- 99


Scbeduled castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons .--- r-----__J.. ----, Persons Male. Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

48,809 25,621 23,188 14,814 7,963 6,851 38,041 33,585 4,456 43,867 23,038 20,829 14,488 7,757 6,731 22,545 21,471 1,074 4,942 2,583 2,359 326 206 120 15,496 12,114 3,382

4,942 2,583 2.359 326 206 120 15,496 12,114 3,382

16,083 8,266 7.817 8.327 4,421 3,c06 19,007 14,127 4,880 13,324 6,821 6,S63 7,928 4,202 3,726 12,735 9,439 3,296 2,759 1,445 1,314 399 219 180 6,272 4,688 1,584

2,759 1,445 1,314 399 219 180 6,272 4,688 1,584

22,687 11,962 10,725 12,lIi 6.421 5,690 7,366 6,968 398 22,687 11,962 10,725 12,111 6421 5,690 7,366 6,968 398

15,443 8.092 7,351 7,598 3,965 3,633 12,939 10,609 2,330 15,443 8,092 7.351 7,598 3,965 3,633 12,939 10,6C9 2,330

108,675 56,535 52,140 52,188 27,610 24,578 67,655 57,129 10.526 104,215 54,208 50,007 49,797 26,328 23,469 57,142 49,345 7,797 4,460 2,327 2,133 2,391 1,282 1,109 10,513 7,784 2,729

29,681 15,445 14,236 11,997 6,320 5,677 19.065 15,245 3,820 27,544 14,347 13,197 10,543 5,530 5,013 13.070 10,898 2,172 2,137 1,098 1.039 1,454 790 664 5,995 4,347 1,648

2,137 1,098 1,039 1,454 790 664 5,995 4,347 1,648

19.881 10,310 9,571 12,835 6,849 5.986 15,933 12,943 2,990 19,881 10,310 9,571 12,835 6,849 5,986 15,933 12.943 2,990

23.732 12,422 11.310 5,581 2,982 2,599 11,809 11,026 783 23,732 12,422 11,310 5,581 2,982 2,599 11.809 11,026 783

35,381 18,358 17,023 21,775 11,459 10,316 20,848 17,915 2,933 33,058 17,129 15,929 ;0,838 10,967 9,871 16,330 14,478 1,852 2,323 1,229 1,094 937 492 445 4,518 3,437 1,081 2,323 1,229 1,094 937 492 445 4,518 3,437 1,081

70,611 36,881 33,730 9J,044 47,079 43,965 71,129 54,299 16,830 62,657 32,706 29,951 85,736 44,265 41,471 37,370 30,928 6.442 7,954 4,175 3,779 5,308 2,814 2,494 33,759 23,371 10,388

11,780 6,236 5,544 9,740 5,136 4,604 10,351 7,975 2,376 10,720 5,684 5,036 9,133 4,810 4,323 5,325 4,411 914 1,060 552 508 607 326 281 5,026 3,564 1,462

1,060 552 508 607 326 281 5,026 3,564 1,462 100



Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators 81. State{DistrictlTehsil/ Rural r--______..J.. ~------~------~ ~ No. U. A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

2. Barmer Tehsil T 126,947 107,545 19,402 105,668 88,384 17,284 R ] 16,370 97,338 19.032 104,924 87,689 17,235 U 10.577 10,207 370 744 695 49 I Barmer Town U 10,577 10,207 370 744 695 49

3. Pacbpadra Tebsil T 37,689 34,564 3,125 25,974 24.509 1,465 R 33,235 30,294 2,941 25,363 23,916 1,447 U 4,454 4,270 184- 61J 593 18 II Balotra Town U 4,454 4,270 )84 611 593 18 4. Chohtan Tehsil T 50,454 43,060 7,394 44,683 ;8,432 6,251 R 50,454 43.060 7,394 44,683 38,432 6,251 U

5. Siwana Tehsil T 29,866 26,960 2,906 20,158 18,741 1,417 R 29,866 26.960 2,906 20,158 18,741 1,417 U

17. Jalor District T 210,659 188,913 21,746 141,187 130,646 10,541 R 202,692 181,317 21,375 139.525 119,050 10,47S U 7,967 7,596 371 1,662 1,596 66- 1. JaJor Tehsi} T 50,274 45,834 4,440 30.621 28,841 1,780 R 45,884 41,703 4,181 29,792 28,053 1,739 U 4,390 4,131 259 8~9 788 41 I Jalor Town U 4,390 4,131 259 829 788 41 Teh~i1 T 2. Ahore 31,624 32,570 5,054- 21,379 19,207 2,172 R 37,624 32,570 5,054 21,379 19,207 2,172 U Sanchore Tehsil T 3. 46,894 43,761 3.133 37,252 35,552 1,700 R 46,894 43,761 3.133 37.252 35,552 1,700 U 4. Jaswantpura Tebsi} T 75,867 66,748 9,119 51,935 47,046 4,889 R. 72,290 63,183 9,001 51,102 46,238 4,864 U 3,577 S,465 112 833 808 2S II Bhinmal Town U 3,577 3,465 112 833 808 2S 18. Sirobi District T 126,471 113,867 12,604 54,473 52,'242 2.231 R. 107,086 95,753 11,333 52,902 50,721 2,ISI U 19,385 18,1l4 1,271 1,57l 1,521 SO 1. Sheoganj Tehsil T 21,484 18,987 2,497 7,797 7.483 314 R 18,660 16,247 2,413 7,600 7.288 312 U 2,824 2,740 84 }97 195 2 Sheoganj Town U 2,824 2.740 84 197 195 2 101



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labourers PlantatIons, Olchards & allied activIties Mining and Quarrying ,- ---.. -. ---'------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

4,810 3,918 892 1,045 649 396 387 333 S4 4,525 3,646 879 1,004 612 392 331 283 54 285 212 13 41 37 4 50 50 285 272 13 41 37 4 50 50

4,650 3.336 1,314 640 544 96 133 125 8 4,380 3.100 I 1 280 625 530 95 123 liS 8 270 236 34 15 14 1 10 10 270 236 34 15 14 1 10 10 3.251 2,331 920 422 376 46 3,251 2,331 920 422 376 46

4,201 2,950 1,251 944 909 35 21 21 4,201 2,950 1,251 944 909 35 21 21

.30,950 22,113 8,837 8.684 8.114 570 132 128 4 30,494 21,693 8,801 8,632 8.064 568 111 108 3 456 420 36 52 50 2 21 20 1 8,316 6,183 2,133 2,249 2,198 51 47 46 1 7,932 5,830 2,102 2,228 2,177 51 31 30 1 384 353 31 21 21 16 16

384 353 31 21 21 16 16 7.773 5,486 2.287 2,407 2,277 130 2 2 7.773 5,486 2,287 2,407 2,277 130 2 2

4,407 3,317 1.090 989 820 169 50 49 1 4,407 3,317 1,090 989 820 169 50 49 1

10.454 7,127 3,327 3,039 2,819 220 33 31 2 10,382 7,060 3,322 3,008 2,790 218 28 27 1 72 67 5 31 29 2 5 4 1

72 67 5 31 29 2 5 4

26.055 18,504 7,551 10,156 9,396 760 244 232 12 24,974 17,706 7,268 9.689 8,979 710 203 191 12 1,081 798 283 467 417 50 41 41

6,079 4,280 1,799 2,305 2,201 104 18 18 5,832 4,066 1,766 2,250 2,146 104 17 17 247 214 33 55 5S 1 1 247 214 33 55 55 1()2


WORKERS V VI Manufacturing, Processing,..... Servicing and Repairs (a) tb) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction Sl. State/District/Tebsill Rural ,...------_..... --'- No. U. A.(fown Urban Persons Males Females Persoll5 Males Females Persons Males Female&- 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

2. Barmer Tehsil T 2,198 1,829 369 1,403 1,308 95 293 282 11 R 1,413 1,090 323 418 3i4 34 32 32 U 785 739 46 985 924 61 261 250 11 I Barmer Town U 785 739 46 985 924 61 261 250 11

3. Pachpadra Tebsil T 1,374 1,259 liS 891 879 12 55 55 R 730 681 49 252 246 6 12 12 U 644 578 66 639 633 6 43 43 II Balotra Town U 644 578 66 639 633 6 43 43 4. Chohtan Tehsil T 474 331 143 109 96 13 5 5 R 474 331 143 109 96 13 5 5 U

5. Siwana Tehsil T 716 653 63 516 503 13 138 135 J. R 716 653 63 516 503 13 138 135 3- U

17. Jalor District T 7,269 6,739 530 2,874 2.724 150 800 736 64 R 6,635 6,lZ7 508 2,288 2,165 123 506 473 33 U 634 612 22 586 559 27 294 263 31 1. Jalor Tehsll T 1,736 1,642 94 1,019 966 53 277 245 32 R 1,545 1,466 79 662 628 34 103 98 5 U 191 176 IS 357 338 19 IH 147 27 I Jalor Town U 191 176 15 357 338 19 174 147 27 2. Ahore Tehsil T 1,730 1,576 154 586 557 29 197 183 14 R 1,730 1,576 154 586 557 29 197 183 14 U 3. Sanchore Tehsil T 1,261 1,197 64 274 262 12 58 56 2 R 1,261 1,197 64 274 262 12 58 56 2 U 4. Jaswantpura Tehsil T 2,542 2,324 218 995 939 56 268 252 16 R 2,099 1,888 211 766 718 48 148 136 12 U 443 436 7 229 221 8 120 116 4 II Bhinmal Town U 443 436 7 229 221 8 120 116 4

18. Sirobi District T 6,393 6,061 332 3,101 3,092 109 2,082 1,931 151 R 5,280 5,008 272 I,SU 1,729 83 1,316 1,205 111 U 1,113 1,053 60 1,389 1,363 26 766 726 4f)- 1. Sheoganj Tehsil T 1,361 1,305 56 "'673 656 17 160 159 1 R 1,055 1,011 44 317 303 14 57 57 U 306 294 12 356 353 3 103 102 1 I Sheoganj Town U 305 294 12 356 3S3 3 103 102 1 1003



Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers r-- _J._ ,-_____.,..)._...._ ____~ ~-----.J.-._-----_ r------.J._------Persons Males Females"""' Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

3,592 3,548 44 1,036 1,024 12 6,515 6,270 245 234,569 84,821 149,743 1,226 1,212 14 393 390 3 2,098 2,000 98 206,516 73,511 133,005 2,366 2,336 30 643 634 9 4,417 4,270 147 28,053 II,310 16,743

2,366 2,336 30 643 634 9 4,417 4,270 147 28,053 11.310 16.743

1,751 1,725 26 393 392 1 1,828 1,740 88 86,352 30,151 56,201 696 675 21 199 198 1 855 821 34 73,211 24.993 48,218 1,055 1,050 , 5 194 194 973 919 54 13,141 5.158 7.983 1.055 1,0:0 5 194 194 . 973 919 54 13,141 5,158 1,983 627 625 2 39 39 844 815 19 82,707 28,490 54,217 627 625 2 39 39 844 825 19 82,707 28,490 54,217

1,259 1,245 14 857 853 4 1,056 950 106 68,276 23,767 44,509 1,259 1,245 14 857 853 4 1.056 950 106 68,276 23,767 44,509

8,180 8,008 172 1,126 1,109 17 9,457 8,596 861 457,291 156,901 300,390 "',460 6,348 112 833 816 17 7,208 6,473 735 435,730 148,776 286,954 l,nO 1,660 60 293 293 2,249 2,123 126 21,561 8,125 13,436

2,557 2,488 69 420 415 5 3,032 2,810 222 .113,084 38,423 74,661 ]'757 1,728 29 248 243 5 1,586 1,450 136 101,996 34,232 67,764 800 760 40 172 In 1,446 1,360 86 11,088 4,191 6,897

800 760 40 172 172 1,446 1,'360 86 11,088 4,191 6,897

1,480 1,451 29 124 117 7 1,946 1,714 232 84,756 29,393 55.363 1,480 1,451 29 124 117 7 1,945 1,714 232 84,756 29,393 55,363

, 1,369 1,353 16 . 115 115 1,119 1,040 79 102,065 34.387 67.678 1,369 1,353 16 115 115 1,119 1,040 79 102,065 34,387 67,678

'].,774 2,716 58 467 462 5 3,360 3,032 328 157,386 54,698 102,688 ),854 1,816 38 346 341 5 2,557 2,269 288 146,913 50,764 96,149 920 900 20 121 121 803 763 40 10,473 3,934 6,539

920 900 20 121 121 803 763 40 10,473 3,934 6,539

7,112 6,885 227 5,149 5,037 112 11,606 10,487 1,119 297,344 102,637 914,707 3,483 3,351 132 l,628 1,565 63 5,799 5,298 501 241,012 81,082 159,930 3,629 3,534 95 3,521 3,472 49 5,807 5,189 618 56,332 21,555 34,777

1,397 1,383 14 220 219 1 1.474 1,283 191 47,702 16,370 31.332 459 446 13 95 94 1 978 819 159 38,497 13,022 25,475 938 937 1 125 125 496 464 32 9,205 3,348 5,857

938 937 125 125 496 464 32 9,205 3,348 5,857 104


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Ocoupwd Number ,--______bouse less k population) ______.--...... 81. State/District/Tebsil/ RUral Area in Residential of house- No. U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses bolds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2. Sirohi Tehsil T 1,175.7 18,973 19,361 89,541 44,804 44,137 R 1,175.0 15,063 15,354 70,767 35,026 35,741 U 0'7 3,910 4,007 18,774 9,778 8,996

It Sirohl Town U 0.71 3,910 4,007 18,774 9,778 8,996

3. Pindwara Tebsil T 1.122'1 18,632 19,144 95,838 48,691 47,147 R 1,091-6 16.692 17,174 86,095 43.664 42,431 U 30.5 1,940 1,970 9,743 5,027 4,716

III Pindwara Town U 30'54 1,940 1,970 9,743 5,027 4,716

4. Abu Road Tehsil T 887'7 16,500 16,891 84,124 43,945 40,179 R 863-7 9,855 10,143 48,953 25,169 23,784 U 24'0 6,645 6,748 35,171 18,776 16,395

IV Mount Abu Town U 21'41 1,847 1,890 9,840 5,490 4,350 V Abu Road Town U 2'58 4,798 4,858 25,331 13,286 12,045

S. Reodhar Tehsil T 1,088'8 17,059 17,261 85,126 43,707 41,419 R 1,088'8 17,059 17,261 85,126 43,707 41,419 U

:19. Bllilwara District T 10,450.0 205,448 213,515 1,054,890 552,393 502,491 R 10,261.1 183,960 189,841 938,584 490,207 448,377 U 188.9 21,488 23,674 116,306 62,186 54,120

1. Asind Tehsil T 1,134.6 23,666 23,750 122,566 63,495 59,071 R 1,134.6 23,666 23,750 122,566 63,495 59,071 U

2. Hurda Tehsil T 617.4 10,680 10,851 56,466 29,546 26,920' R 617.4 10,680 10,851 56,466 29,546 26,920 U

3. Shahpura Tehsil T 1.126.4 18,328 20,229 101.825 53.178 48,647' R l,1l7.9 15,738 17,261 86,491 45,161 41,33{} U 8.5 2.590 2,968 15,334 8,017 7,317 1 Shabpura Town U 8.47 2,590 2,968 15,334 8,017 7,311

4. Jabazpur Tehsil T 1,083.6 19,731 20,117 101,191 53,595 47,596 R 1,038.3 18,023 18,372 91,878 48,752 43,126 U 45.3 1,708 1,745 9,313 4,843 4,470 n Jahazpur Town U 45.30 1,708 1,745 9,313 4,843 4,470

5. Mandai Tehsil T 1,210,0 23,281 24,128 116,784 60,735 56,049 R 1,210.0 23,281 24,128 116,784 60,735 56,049 U 105


Scheduled <;:astes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated"Persons ___.A______~ ,---.-----'- ...... ,-- -'- Persons Males Femaks Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 , 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

17,763 9,144 8,619 5,333 2,799 2,534 17,788 13,672 4,116 15,321 7,870 7,451 3,976 2,063 1,913 9,633 7,939 1,694 2,442 1,274 1,168 1,357 736 621 8,155 5,733 2,422

2,442 1,274 1,168 1,357 736 621 8,155 5,733 2,422

10,538 5,466 5,072 31,715 16,354 15,361 13,319 10,703 2,616 8,947 4,638 4,309 31,274 16,114 15,160 10,279 8,419 I,SfO 1,591 828 763 441 240 201 3,040 2,284 756

1,591 828 763 441 240 201 3,040 2,284 756

4,745 2,480 2,265 35,372 18,137 17,235 22,130 15,718 6,412 1,884 959 925 32,469 16,625 15,844 4,592 3,928 664 2,861 1,521 1,340 2,903 1,512 1,391 17,538 11 ,790 5,748

955 514 441 1,544 804 740 4,968 3,466 1,502 1,906 1,007 899 1,359 708 651 12,570 8,324 4,246

25,785 13,555 12,230 8,884 4,653 4,231 7,541 6,231 1,310 25,785 13,555 12,230 8,884 4,653 4,231 7,54l 6,231 1,310

167,031 87,006 80,025 98,784 52,364 46,420 159,292 127,973 31,319 151.208 78,693 72.515 95,235 50,462 44,773 111,066 94,168 16,898 15,823 8,313 7,510 3,549 1,902 1,647 48,226 33,805 14,421

16,126 8,248 7,878 9,269 4,789 4,480 14,814 12,583 2,231 16,126 8,2~8 7,878 9,269 4,789 4,480 14,814 12,583 2,231

8,274 4,324 3,950 4,562 2,349 2,213' 9.,375 7,609 1,766 &,274 4,324 3,950 4,562 2,349 2,213 9,375 7,609 1,766

19,740 10,316 9,424 8,697 4,586 4,111 15,471 12,093 3,378 17,467 9,083 8,38~ 8,476 4,462 4,U14 8,8~5 7,528 1,317 2,273 1,233 1,040 221 124 97 6,626 4,565 2,061

2,273 1,233 1,040 221 124 97 6,626 4,565 2,061

17,079 8,992 8,087 33,006 17,741 15,265 12,560 10,635 1,925 15,970 8,445 7,525 30,613 16,460 14,153 9,941 &,624 1,317 1,109 547 562 2,393 1,281 1,112 2,619 2,011 608

1,109 547 562 2,393 1,281 1,11~ 2,619 2,011 60S.

, 17,475 9,058 8,417 6,389 3,352 3,037 14,375 12,212 2,163 17,475 9,058 8,417 6,389 3,352 3,037 14,375 12,212 2,163 106



Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators ~. State/District(fehsil! Rural r- -'- o. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Female9 Person~ Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

2. Sirohi Tehsil T 24,804 21,924 2,880 7,761 7,419 342 R 20,091 17,714 2,367 7,373 7,050 323 U 4,713 4,200 513 388 369 19

II Sirohi Town U 4,713 4,200 513 388 369 19

3. Pindwara Tehsil T 27,606 25,742 1,864 14.245 13,905 340 R 25,239 23,447 1,792 13,628 1~,291 337 U 2,367 2,295 72 617 614 3

HI Pindwara Town U 2,367 2,295 n 617 614 3

4. Abu Road TehsiJ T 25,620 23,085 2,535 10,079 9,764 315 R 16,139 14,206 1.933 9,710 9,421 289 U 9.481 8.879 602 369 343 26

IV Mount Abu Town U 3,149 2,877 212 109 98 11 V Abu Road Town U 6,332 6,002 330 260 24:i 15

5. Reodhar Tehsil T 26,957 24,129 2,828 14,591 13,671 92D R 26,957 24,129 2,828 14,591 13,671 920 U

19. Bhlhvara District T 414,318 336,400 77,918 294,850 237,767 57,083 R 378,555 304,470 74-,.085 286,718 231,331} 55,388 U 35,763 31,930 3,833 8,131 6,437 1,695

1. Asind Tehsil T 51,247 38,893 12.354 36,211 27,856 8,355 R 51,247 38,893 12,354 36,211 27,856 8,355 U

2. Hurda Tehsil T 24,260 17,769 6,491 16,664 12,094 4,570 R 24.26() 17,769 6,4!H 16,664 12,094 4,570 U

3. Shahpura TehsH T 34,549 31,697 2,852 23,539 22,300 1,239 R 30,65G 28,022 2,628 22,677 21,496 1.181 U 3,899 3,675 224 862 804 58 I Shahpura Town U 3,899 3.675 224 862 804 58

4. Jahazpnr Tehsil T 37,930 31,666 6,264 28,665 24,177 4,488 R 35,163 29,322 5,841 27,167 23,014 4,153 U 2,767 2,344 423 1,498 1.163 335 II Jabazput Town U 2.761 2,344 413 1,498 1,163 335

S. Manda] Tebst} T 45,021 37.477 7,j50 33.981 28.514 5,473 R 45,O~ 37,477 1,SjO- 33,987 28,514 5,473 U 107



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labour.::rs PLantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying r------__.J... ______---, ,-...------'------.. ,..----_..... -, Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Penons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

6,065 4.220 1,845 2,277 2,175 102 45 44 1 5,650 l,990 1,660 2,086 2,019 67 16 15 1 415 230 185 191 156 35 29 29

415 230 185 191 156 3S 29 29 , 4,835 '3;fi89 1,146 1.952 1,863 89 22 22 4,740 3.611 1,129 1.859 1,774 85 20 20 9S ' 78 17 93 89 4 2 2

95 78 17 93 89 4 2 2

4,002 2,591 1,411 '910 724 i86 83 73 10 3.678 2,315 1,363 '782 607 175 74 64 10 324 276 48 '128 117 11 9 9

99 80 19 27 22 5 3 3 225 196 29 101 95 ' 6 6 6

5,074 3.724 1,350 2,712 2,433 279 76 75 1 5,074 3,724 1,350 2,712 2,433 279 76 75 1

27,311 16,336 10.975 23,545 18,797 4.748 3,090 2.629 461 26,103 15,506 10,597 23,220 18,502 4,718 2,757 2,375 382 1,2Q8 830 378 325 295 30 333 254 79

4,975 2,570 2,405 3,915 2,958 957 82 63 19 4,975 2,570 2,405 3,915 2,958 957 82 63 19

2,978 1,700 1,278 1,502 1,120 382 6 6 2,978 1,700 1,278 1,502 1,120 382 6 6

2,619 1,751 868 3,056 2,594 462 12 12 2,320 1,492 828 3,021 2,560 461 10 10 299 259 40 35 34 1 2 2 299 259 40 35 34 2 2

2,496 1,423 1,073 2,961 2,478 483 89 84 '5 2,435 1,372 1,063 2,900 2,422 478 80 78 2 61 51 )0 61 56 5 9 6 3

61 51 10 ,61 56 5 9 6 3

3,176 '1,940 1,236 2,500 2,000 500 393 369 24 3,176 ' 1,940 1,236 2,500 '2,000 m 393 369 24 ...

~ ------108


WORKERS --A V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs -~------~ (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction ,...--_____-l- ____ ----.., r---_____...L __------.. Sl. State/DistrictfTehsil/ Rural J- No. U.A./Town Urban Persens Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

2. Sirohi Tehsil T 1,709 1,638 71 724 682 42 550 471 79 R 1,458 1,400 58 429 397 32 36l 288 73 U 251 238 13 295 285 10 189 183 6

1I Sirohi Town 1] 251 238 13 295 285 10 189 183 6.

3. Pindwara Tehsil T 1,309 1,232 77 749 737 12 800 774 26 R 1,096 1,029 67 541 534 7 640 614 26 U 213 203 10 108 203 5 160 160

III Pindwara Town U 213 203 10 208 203 5 160 160

4. Abu Road TehsiI T 632 588 44 666 652 14 430 392 38 R 289 270 19 136 130 6 116 III 5 U 343 318 25 ' 530 522 8 314 281 33

IV Mount Abu Town U 42 41 I 145 144 1 211 187 24 V Abu Road Town U 301 277 24 385 378 7 103 94 9

5. Reodhar Tehsil T 1,382 1,2fJ8 84 389 365 24 142 135 7 R 1,382 1,298 84 389 365 24 142 J35 7 U

19. Bhilwara District T 13.349 12,129 1,220 10,861 10,369 492 3089 2,872 217 R 10,733 9,736 997 3,842 D,623 219 2,143 1,983 160 U 2,616 2,393 223 7,019 6,746 273 946 889 57

L Asind Tehsil T 1,604 1,435 169 458 413 45 251 241 10 R 1,604 1,435 169 458 413 45 251 241 10 U

2. Hurda Tehsil T 809 680 129 257 243 14 241 228 13 R 809 680 129 257 243 14 241 228 13 U

3. Shahpura Tehsil T 1,560 1,492 68 496 468 28 179 179 R 941 892 49 225 207 18 52 52 U 619 600 19 ' 271 261 10 127 127 I Shahpura Town U 619 600 19 271 261 10 127 127

4. Jahazpur Tehsil T 1,028 927 101 325 316 9 184 181 3 R 838 774 64 210 2()3 7 III 108 3 U 190 153 37 1l~ 113 2 73 73 II Jahazpur Town U 190 153 37 115 113 2 73 73

S. MandaI Tehsil T 1,367 1,226 141 431 393 38 238 234 4 R 1,367 1,226 141 431 393 38 238 234 4 U 109



Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers .- ...L.. _____-, ,-_____.L __------. r----___.J..... __--' __-. r-----~ __ J..______~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44, 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

1,718 1,665 53 715 665 50 3,240 2,945 295 6~,737 22,880 41,857 974 959 15 420 371 49 1,324 1,235 89 50,676 17,302 33,374 744 706 38 295 294 1,916 1,710 206 14,061 5,578 8,483

744 706 ' 38 295 294 1,916 1,710 206 14,061 i,578 8,483

1,347 1,2~8 49 619 615 4 1,728 1,607 121 68,232 22,949 45,283 9B 882 41 465 463 2 1,327 1,229 98 60,856 20,217 40,639 424 416 8 154 152 2 401 378 23 7,376 2,732 4,644

424 416 18 154 152 2 401 378 23 7,376 2,732 4,644

1,792 1,727 65 3,428 3,374 54 3,598 3,200 398 58,504 20,860 37,644 269 252 17 481 473 8 604 563 41 32,814 10,963 21,851 1,523 1,475 48 2,947 2,901 46 2,994 2,037 357 25,690 9,897 15,793

457 438 19 78 75 3 1,978 1,789 189 6,691 2,613 4,078 1,066 1,037 29 2,869 2,826 43 1,016 848 168 18,999 7,284 11,715

858 812 46 167 164 3 1,566 1,452 114 58,169 19,578 38,591 858 812 46 167 164 3 1,566 1,452 114 58,169 19,578 38,591

13,003 12,714 289 2,690 2,671 19 22,530 20,116 2,414 640,572 215,993 424,579 7.551 7,420 131 1,121 1,107 14 14,367 12,888 1,479 560,029 185,737 374,292 5,452 5,294 158 1,569 1,564 5 8,163 7,228 935 80,543 30,256 50,287

1,174 1,150 24- 269 266 3 2,308 1,941 367 71,319 24,602 46,717 1,174 1,150 24 269 266 3 2,308 1,941 367 71,319 24.601" 46,717

620 608 12 179 179 1,004 911 93 32,206 11,777 20,429 -620 608 12 179 179 1,004 911 93 32,206 11,777 20,429

970 950 20 257 256 1.861 1,695 166 67,276 21,481 45,795 477 461 16 86 85 841 767 74 55,841 17,139 38,702 493 489 4 171 171 1,020 928 92 11,435 . 4,342 1.093 493 489 4 171 171 1,020 928 92 11,435 4,342 1,093

697 689 8 127 127 1,358 1,264 94 63,261 21,929 41,332 479 474 5 58 58 885 819 66 56,715 19,430 37,285 218 215 3 69 69 473 445 28 6,546 2,499 4,047 218 215 3 69 69 473 445 28 6,546 2,499 4,047

1,006 991 15 154 153 1 1,175 1,651 118 11,757 23,258 48,499 1,006 99J 1.5 1.54 153 1 1,77.5 1,6.57 lJ8 7l,7S7 23,2.58 48,499 110


TOTAL POPULATION (IncludlDg institutional and Total OccupIed Number houSl"less population) SI. StatejDistnctjTehsll/ Rural Area ID ResIdentIal of house- ~ No. U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9

6. Banera Tehsll T 677.0 12,595 12,797 63,8l1 32,994 30,837 R 677.0 12,595 12,797 63,831 32,994 30,837 U

7. Bhilwara Tebsil T 961.9 33,963 35,761 171,270 90,740 80,S3!) R 842.8 ]8,689 18,729 89,115 46.410 42,705 U 119.1 15;274 17,032 82,155 44,330 37,825-

~ III Bhilwara Town U 119.11 15,274 17,032 82,m 44-,330 37,825-

8. hipur TehsiI T 517.6 10,125 10,401 53,409 27,628 25,181 R 517.6 10,125 10,401 53,409 27,628 25,781. U

9. Sahara Tehsil T 652.1 14,504 14,644 73,308 37,966 35,342' R 636.1 12,588 12,715 63,804 32,970 30,834 U 16.0 ]>,916 1,929 9,504 4,996 4,508-

---tV Gangapur Town viI 15.97 1916 1,929 9,504 4,996 4,508-

10. Kotri Tehsll T 930.3 16,079 17,225 81,855 43,018 38,837 R 930.3 16,079 17,225 81,855 43,018 38,837 U

11. Mandalgarh Tehsil T 1,539.4 22,496 23,612 11 2,385 59,498 52,887 R 1,539.4 22,496 23,612 112,385 59,498 52,887 U

10. Udaipur District T 17,267.0 350,031 357,702 1,803,680 921,733 881,947 R 17,1293 306,578 312,999 1,58:1,781 803,128 778,653 U 137.7 43,453 44,703 221,899 118,605 103,294

1. Bhim TehsIl T 577.2 15,245 15,588 73.764 36,494 37,270 R 577.2 15,245 15,588 7.3,764 36,494 37,270 U

2. Deogarh Tehsll T 597.7 10,823 11,021 54,401 27,856 26,545- R 573.6 9,078 9,275 45,663 23,398 22,265 U 24.1 1,745 1,746 8.738 4,458 4.280

,./ I Deogarh Town U 24.11 1,745 1,746 8.738 4,458 4,280

3. Amet Tehsll T 535.1 10,756 11,130 56,599 29,126 27,473 R 535.1 10,756 ll,I30 56,599 29.126 27,4n. U

4. Kumbba1garh Tehail T 776.1 16,624 17.286 82,897 42.275 40,622 R 7161 . 16,624 17,286 '-82,897 42,245 40,622 U 111


Scbeduled Castes Scbeduled Tribes Literate &; Educated Persons ,- ---.. Persons M~les Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

10,701} 5,530 5,179 4,326 2,235 2,01}l 7,596 6,263 1,333 10,701} 5,530 5,179 4,326 2,235 2,091 7,596 6,263 1,333

25,40) 13,283 12,120 4,833 2,628- 2,205 45,432 33,062 12,370 14,858 ~,719 7,139 4,098 2,233 1,860 9,944 8,421 1,523 10,545 5,564 4,981 735 390 34$ 35,488 24,641 10.847

10,545 5,564 4,981 735 390 345 35,488 24.641 10,847

7,363 3,802 3,561 2,931 1,549 1,382 6,430 5,441 989 7,363 3,802 3,561 2,931 1,5411 1,382 6,430 5,441 989

11,310 5,886 5,4.24 4,396 2,339 2,057 11,560 9,621 1,939 9,414 4,917 4,497. 4,196 2,232 1,964 8,067 7,033 1,034 1,896 969 927 200 107 93 3,493 2,588 905

1,896 969 927 200 107 93 3,493 2,588 905

13,720 7,182 6,538 4,425 2,365 2,060 8,123 6,885 1,238 13,720 7,182 6,538 4,425 2,365 2,060 8,123 6,885 1,238

19,832 10,385 9,447 15,950 8,431 7,519 13,556 11,569 1,987 19,832 10,385 9,447 15,950 8,431 7,519 13,556 11,569 1.987

139,976 71,806 68,170 607,107 308,3711 298,729 314,038 244,674 69,~ 122,843 62,898 59,945 601,057 304,909 296,148 200;~98 170,403 30,395 17.133 8,908 8,225 6,050 3,469 2,581 113,240 74,271 38,969

7,562 3,713 3,849 1,536 189 747 11,363 10,333 1.035 7,562 3,713 3,849 1,536 789 747 11.368 10,333 1,035

8,869 4,537 4,332 2,111 1.088 1.023 8,133 6.755 1,378 7,510 3,845 3,665 2,058 1,059 999 4,935 4,354 581 1.359 692 667 S3 29 24 3,198 2,401 797

1,359 692 667 53 29 24 3.19.8 2AOI 197

8,472 4,413 +,OS!)' ",14S l,98S 8,046 6,60S 1,441 8,472 4,413 4,059 4,145 2.''''1,160 1,985 8,046 6,605 1,441

?,526 3,876 3.650- 18,711 9,$S~ 9,2l1 9,541 U5G 1,291 7,526 3.876 ].650 18.78.-1 9~9 9,22Z 9,S41 8,250 1,291

- --~--~- 112


WORKERS ------~------.------

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators 81. State/DistrictJTehsil! Rural ~ ,- .J... No. U A./lown Urban Persons Males Female,"""' Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

6. Banera Tehsil T 23,737 20,107 3,630 18,788 15,999 2.789 R 23,737 20,107 3,630 18,788 J5,999 2,789 U

7. Bhilwara Tehsil T 66,065 53,724 12,341 33.856 25,797 8,059 R 39,729 30,452 9,277 28,824 22,031 6,793 U 26,336 23,272 3,Q64 5,032 3,766 1,266

III Bhilwara Town U 26,336 23,272 3,064 5,032 3,766 1,266

8. Raipur Tehsil T 20,300 16,773 3,527 15,618 12,965 2,653 R 20,300 16,773 3,527 15,618 12,965 2,653 U

9. Sahara Tehsil T 24,766 23,061 1,705 17,683 16,653 1,030' R 22,005 20,422 1,583 16,943 15,94!1 99~ U 2,761 2,639 122 740 704 36

IV Gangaplfr Town U 2,761 2,639 122 740 704 36

10. Kotri Tehsil T 39,244 27,780 11,464 33,515 23,113 10,402 R 39,244 27,780 11,464 33,515 23,113 10,402 U

J I. Mandalgarh Tehsil T 47)93 37,453 9,740 36,324 28,299 8,C25 R 47,193 37,453 9,740 36,324 28,299 8,025- U

20. Udaipur District T 576,484 509,100 67,384 402,138 361,404 40,734 R 516,461 454,154 62,307 398,305 358,015 40,290 U 60,OZ3 54,946 5,077 3,833 3,389 444

1. Bhim Tehsil T 26,936 19,286 7,li50 20.542 14,576 5,966 R 26,936 19,286 7,650 20,542 14,576 5,966 U

2. Deogarh Tehsil T 19,308 15,888 3,420 14,099 11,466 2,633 R 17,104 13.789 3,315 13,702 11,075 2,627 U 2,204 2,099 ~05 397 391 6

I Deogarh Town U 2,204 2,099 i05 397 391 6

3. Arnet Tebsil T 20,105 17,~19 2,786 15.235 13,198 2,037 R 20,105 17,319 2,786 15,235 13,198 ~O37 U

4. Kumbhalgarh Tel:Jsil T 31,567 25,525 6,042 22,946 19.961 2,9S:5 'R 31,567 25,525' 6,042 22,946 19,961 1,~85 U

~ ____L ___ -~ .. - ~ . ------.~. --.,..-' - ----~ ... -.... --~~~-----~---~-. 113



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural ~abourers Plantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying

Persons Male's Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1,514 869 645 1,011 928 83 17 17 1,514 869 645 1,011 928 83 17 17

3,242 1,762 1,480 3,805 2,894 911 459 357 102 2,505 1,332 1,173 3,587 2,700 887 142 116 26 737 430 307 218 1~4 24 317 241 76

737 430 307 218 194 24 317 241 76

1,581 1,042 539 817 625 192 34 30 4 1,581 1,042 539 817 625 192 34 30 4

1,607 1,297 310 886 694 192 182 178 4 1,496 1,207 289 875 683 192 177 173 4 III :JO 21 11 11 5 5

111 90 21 11 11 5 5

1,221 710 511 1,591 1,290 301 296 295 1 1,221 710 511 1,591 1,290 301 296 295 1

1,902 1,272 630 1,501 1,216 285 1,520 1,218 302 1,902 1,272 630 1,501 1,216 285 1,520 1,218 302

37,282 23,200 14,082- 11,902 8,374 3,528 3,804 3,540 264- 35,5SO 21,823 13,727 11,673 8,189 3,484 3,372 3,115 257 1,732 1,377 355 229 185 44 432 425 7

2,275 1,243 1,032 1,443 933 510 11 9 2 2,275 1.243 1,032 1,443 933 5]0 II 9 2

1,207 803 404 1,036 828 208 23 23 955 587 368 1,025 817 208 19 19 252 216 36 11 11 4 4

252 216 36 11 11 4 4

1,241 sn 36& 427 332 9S 2 2 1,241 873 368 427 332 95 2 2

5,550 2,726 2,824 318 258 60 8 8 5,550 2,126 2,824 318 258 60 8 8 114


______.l.. WORKERS V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs r-- J... (a) tb) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction SI. StatejDistrict/Tebsil/ Rural r------...l------.... ,..-_____J... .------'------No. U. A.(fown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41

6. Banera Tehsil T 632 584 48 345 338 7 116 116 R 632 584 48 345 338 7 116 116 U

7. Bbilwara TebsiJ T 1,639 2,349 290 7,101 6,814 287 884 798 86 R 1,115 979 136 706 678 28 278 242 36 U 1,524 1,370 154 6,395 6,136 259 606 556 50

III Bhilwara Town U 1,524 1.370 154 6.395 6,136 259 606 556 50

8. Raipur Tehsil T 800 745 55 112 106 6 56 56 R 800 745 55 112 106 6 56 56 U

9. Sahara Tehsil T 971 929 42 498 483 15 345 334 11 R 688 659 29 260 247 13 205 201 4 U 283 270 13 238 236 2 140 133 7

IV Gangapur Town U 283 270 13 238 236 2 140 133 7

10. Kotri Tehstl T 802 716 86 287 259 28 59 59 R 802 716 86 287 259 28 59 59 U

11. MandaJgarh Tehsil T 1,137 1,046 91 551 536 15 536 446 90 R 1,137 1,046 91 551 536 15 536 446 90 U

20. Udaipur District T 16,962 15,156 1,806 15,183 14,539 649 7,571 6,698 873 R 13,847 12,495 1,352 6.584 6,215 369 5.317 4,708 609 U 3,115 2,661 454 8,604 8,324 280 2,154 1,990 264

1. Bhim Tehsil T 540 492 48 256 245 11 82 79 3 R .540 492 48 256 245 11 32 79 3 U

2. Deogarh Tehsil T 579 521 58 344 328 16 152 148 4 R 344 301 43 179 169 10 40 36 4 U 235 220 15 165 159 6 112 112

I Deogarh Town U 235 220 15 165 IS9 6 Il2 112

3. Amet Tebsil T 70S 623 82 377 362 IS 180 168 12 R 70S 623 82 371 362 15 180 168 12 U

4. Kumbhalgarh Tehail T 603 554 49 216 211 S 266 240 26 R 603 SS4 49 216 211 S 266 240 26 U 115


WORKERS _...... ---, VII yJII IX X

Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers r-___-_L ____... _" r------J------., ,---____J______-... ------_._-~__..----.. Persons Males Pemales Persons Males Fc;males Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

387 383 4 107 107 820 766 54 40,094 12,887 27,207 387 383 4 107 107 820 766 54 40,094 12,887 27,2'17

4,923 4,762 161 1,262 1,253 9 7,894 6,938 956 105,205 37,016 68,189 644 033 11 88 84 4 1,840 1,657 183 49,386 15,958 33,428 4,279 4,129 150 1,174 1,169 5 6,054 5,281 773 55,819 21,058 34,761

4,279 4,129 150 I' 1,174 1,169 5 6,054 5,281 773 55,819 21,058 34,761

571 552 19 13 13 698 639 59 33,109 10,855 22,254 571 552 19 13 13 698 639 59 33,109 10,855 22,254

993 989 4 183 183 ],418 1,321 97 4~,542 14,905 33,637 531 52.8 3 28 28 802 747 - 55 41,799 12,548 29,251 462 461 1 155 155 616 574 42 6,743 2,357 4,3'86

462 461 1 155 155 616 574 42 6,743 2,357 4,386

504 492 12 18 18 951 828 123 42,611 ]5,238 27,373 504 492 12 18 18 951 h28 123 42,611 15,238 27,373-

1,158 1,148 10 121 116 5 2,443 2,156 287 65.192 22,045 43,147 1,158 1,148 10 121 116 5 2,443 2,156 287 65,192 22,045 43,147

26,318 25,598 720 8,427 8,198 229 46,892 42,393 4,499 1,227,lf 6 412,633 814,563 14117 l3,8,u 335 3,170 2,997 173 24,466 2l,755 I,71L 1065,320 348,974 716,346 U,141 11,756 385 5,257 5,201 56 22,426 19,638 2,788 161,876 63,659 98,217

548 541 7 129 126 3 1,110 1,042 68 46,828 17,208 29.620 548 541 7 129 126 3 1,110 1,042 68 46,828 17,208 29,620

658 651 7 335 335 875 785 90 35,093 11,968 23,125 213 211 2 212 212 415 362 53 28,559 9,609 18,950 445 440 5 123 123 460 423 37 6,534 2,359 4,175

445 440 5 123 123 460 423 37 6,534 2,359 4,175

820 796 24 180 138 42 938 827 III 36,494 11,807 24,687 820 796 24 180 138 42 938 827 III 36,494 11,807 24,687

625 612 13 53 53 982 902 80 51,330 16,750 34,580 625 612 13 53 53 982 902... 80 51,330 16,750 34.580 116


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number bouse less population) Sl. State/District/Tebsil/ Rural Area in Residential of house- r------J- No, U.A./Town Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5. Rajsamand Tehsil T 598.6 17,437 17,738 89,904 45,436 44,468 R 588.5 14,733 15,007 75,662 38,093 37,569 U 10.1 2,704 2,731 14,242 7,343 6,899

- II Rajsamand Town t.A; 10.08 2,704 2,731 14,242 7,343 6,899

6. Railmagra Tehsil T 558.8 12,983 13,085 68,126 34,758 33,368 R 558.8 12,983 13,085 68,126 34,758 33,368 U

7. Nathdwara Tehsil T 939.2 27,382 27,630 130,849 66,462 64,387 R 921.6 23,576 23,737 111,956 56,564 55,392 U 17.6 3,806 3,893 18,893 9,898 8,995

_ III Nathdwara Town /u 17.55 3,806 3,893 18,893 9,898 8,995

~. Mavli Tebsil T 843.1 24.963 25,184 119,036 61,392 57,644 R 843.1 24,963 25,184 119,036 61,392 57,644 U

9. Tehsil T 871.4 16,374 16,666 83,175 41,991 41,184 R 871.4 16,374 16,666 83,175 41,991 41,184 U

10. Tehsil T 1,029.4 26,302 27,339 131,009 66,724 64,285 R 1,008.1 24,400 25,323 121,149 61,734 59,415 U 21.3 1,902 2,016 9,860 4,990 4,870 -- IV Bhindar Town t/ U 21.31 1,902 2,016 9,860 4,990 4,870 1l. T 1,686.2 61,111 62,622 311,841 165,137 146,704 R 1,627.0 29,609 30,144 150,563 77,696 72,867 U 59.2 31,502 32,478 161,278 87,441 73,837

.,,-- V Udaipur City /u 59.21 31,502 32,478 161,278 87,441 73,837

12. Kotra Tehsil T 1,208.1 13,257 14,069 76,699 39.894 36,805 R 1,208.1 13,257 14,069 76,699 39,894 36,805 U

13. Phalasia Tehsil T 1,436.9 15,461 15,688 87,239 44,535 42,704 R 1.436.9 15,461 15,688 87,239 44,535 42,704 U

14. Lasadia TehsiJ T 1,219.7 17,486 18,191 94,657 48,526 46,131 R 1,219.7 17,486 18,191 94,657 48.526 46,131 U 117


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated, Persons ,-.- r- Persons ¥aJes Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females----- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

10,143 5,249 4,894 10,714 5,412 5,302 17,573 13,742 3,831 8,072 4,183 3,889 10,213 5,160 5,053 11,365 9,488 1,877 2,071 1,066 1,005 501 252 249 6,208 4,254 ],954

2,071 1,066 1,005 501 252 249 6,208 4,254 1,954

10,748 5,525 ' 5,223 5,297 2,729 2,568 9,968 8,510 1,458 10,748 5,525 5,223 5,297 2,729 2,568 9,968 8,510 1,458

H,OI9 5,649 5,370 24,786 12,765 12,021 26,194 20,543 5,651 9,876 5,070 4,806 23,404 12,063 11,341 17,084 14,432 2,652 1,143 579 564 1,382 702 680 9,110 6,111 2,999

1,143 579 564 1,382 702 680 9,110 6,111 2,999

12,663 6,506 6,157 19,688 10,296 9,392 20,761 16,646 4,115 12,663 6,506 6,157 19,688 10,296 9,392 20,761 16,646 4,115

-6,741 3,423 3,318 30,962 15,730 15,232 9,545 8,148 1,397 -6,741 3,423 3,318 30,962 15,730 15,232 9,545 8,148 1,397

12,148 6,177 5,971 29,305 15,120 14,185 21,706 17,917 3,789 10,996 5,600 5,396 28,532 14,717 13,815 17,934 15,273 2,661 1,152 577 575 773 403 370 3,772 2,644 1,128

1,152 577 575 773 403 370 3,772 2,644 1,128

20,607 10,878 9,729 71,635 37,069 34,566 106,451 72,810 33,641 10,045 5,319 4,726 68,494 35,110 33,384 19,762 16,824 2,938 10,562 5,559 5,003 3,141 1,959 1,182 86,689 55,986 30,703

to,562 5,559 5,003 3,141 1,959 1,182 86,689 ,55,986 30,703

1,368 710 658 65,314 33,659 31,655 3,239 2,874 365 1,368 710 658 65,314 33,659 31,655 3,239 2,874 365

2,627 1,338 1,289 55,573 27,971 27,602 7,307 6,254 1,053 2,627 1,338 1,289 55,573 27.971 27,602 7,307 6,254 1,053

4,445 2,299 2,146 71,580 36,569 35,011 8,384 6,902 1,482 4,445 2,299 2,146 71,580 36,569 35,01l 8,384 6,902 1,482 1'1&


r------______WORKERS -'--______

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators SI. Slate/DistrictlTehsill Rural r------..}._------., ,------'------No. U. A.(T'own Urhan Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

5. Rajsamand Tehsil T 28.003 25,669 2,334 18,361 17,203 1,158 R 24,078 22,195 1,883 17,796 16,772 1,024 U 3,925 3,474 451 565 431 134

II R'ljsamand Town U 3,925 3,474 451 565 431 134

6. Railmagra Tehsil T 25.363 21,279 4.084 19,142 16.172 2,970 R 25,363 21,279 ' 4,084 19,142 16,172 2,97£} U

7. Nathdwara Tehsil T 42,021 37,189 4,832 28.658 25.673 2,985 R 37,030 32,549 4,481 28,306 25,350 2,956 U 4,991 4,640 351 352 323 29

III Nathdwara Town V 4,991 4.640 351 352 323 29'

s. Mavli Tehsil T 39,012 35,980 3,092 27,839 26,028 1,8tl R 39,072 35,980 3,092 27,839 26,028 1,811 U

9. Go,gunda Tehsil T 29,783 23,943 5,840 25,110 20,352 4,'58 R 29,783 23,943 5.840 25,110 20,352 4,758 U

10. Vallabhnagar Tehsil T 41,430 38,448 2,982 31,071 29.428 1,643 R 38,662 35,988 2,674 30,171 28,627 1,544 U 2,768 2,460 308 900 801 99

IV Bhindar Town U 2,768 2,460 308 900 801 99

11. Girwa Tehsil T 93,735 84,488 9,247 35,641 32,111 3,530 R 49,825 44.298 5,527 34,335 30,969 3,366 U 43,9JO 40,J90 3,720 1,306 1,142 J64

V Udaipur City U 43,910 40,190 3,720 1,306 1.142 164

12. Kotra Tebsil T 23,398 22,816 582 20,923 20.480 443 R 23,398 22,816 582 20,923 20,480 443 U

13. Phalasia Tehsil T 28,843 24,935 3,908 23,232 20,905 2,327 R 28,843 24,935 3,908 23,232 20,905 2,327 U

14. Lasadia Tehsil T 29,479 27,258 2,221 24,S79 23,439 1,140 R 29,479 27,258 2,221 24,579 23.439 1,140 U

~ ~~-~-- 119


WQRKERS ...... _------II III IV

Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Huntmg and AgricllltuJallabourers Plantations, Orcbards &. allied activities Mining and Quarrying ,-____ ....__J-_____---, _,_ ,...------~------, __, Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Per,olls Males Females \ 25 26 27 28 29 }O 31 32 3}

1,517 1,133 384 724 545 179 67 65 2 1313 984 329 702 534 168 15 15 204 149 55 22 11 11 52 50 2

204 149 55 22 11 11 52 50 2

2,003 1,335 668 693 496 197 23 23 2,003 1,335 ' 668 693 496 197 23 23 ••• 1

3,228 2,214 1,014 725 529 196 142 114 28 3,041 2,062 979 686 499 187 135 107 28 187 152 35 39 30 9 7 7

187 152 35 39 30 9 7 7

2,448 1,720 728 704 544 160 44 43 2,448 1,720 728 704 544 160 44 43

1,121 661 460 892 541 351 19 19 1,121 661 460 892 541 351 19 19

2,001 1,439 562 707 489 218 28 27 1 1,848 1,320 528 700 483 217 27 26 1 153 119 34 1 6 - 153 119 34 7 6

3,863 2,722 1,141 860 674 186 1,816 1,622 194 2,975 2,025 950 71S 554 164 1,451 1,262 189 888 697 191 142 120 22 365 360 5

888 697 191 142 120 22 365 360 5

517 465 52 325 283 42 517 465 52 325 283 42 - 1,071 515 S56 2,033 1,209 824 23 21 2 1,071 51!! 556 2,033 1,209 824 23 21 2

1,741 970 171 356 222 134 23 21 2 1,741 970 171 356 222 134 23 21 1 120


WORKERS V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs r- .J._ -----.. (a) Ib) Total Housebold Industry Otber tban Household Industry Construction 81. 8tate/DistrictITehsi1/ Rural r------J--~ ,... ,---_..).._-----.. No. U. A.[fown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

5. Rajsamand Tebsil T 1,333 1,173 160 786 752 34 606 567 39 R 975 899 76 385 366 19 367 337 30 U 358 274 84 401 386 15 239 230 9

II Rajsamand Town U 358 274 84 401 386 15 239 230 9

6. Railmagra Tebsil T 1,123 1,040 83 309 291 12 542 429 113 R 1,123 1,040 83 309 297 12 542 429 113 U

7. Nathdwara Tebsil T 1,414 1,256 158 1,026 988 38 1,045 945 100 R 890 806 84 438 419 19 825 730 95 U 524 450 74 588 569 19 220 215 5

III Nathdwara Town U 524 450 74 588 569 )9 220 215 5

8. Mavli Tehsil T 1,542 1,406 136 1,094 1,064 30 331 325 6 R ),542 1,406 136 1,094 1,064 30 331 325 6 U

9. Gogunda Tehsil T 601 456 145 207 179 28 88 84 4 R 601 456 145 207 179 28 88 84 4 U

10. Vallaobnagar Tehsil T 1,634 1,410 224 714 685 29 408 398 10 R 1,300 1,178 122 507 485 22 322 320 2 U 334 232 102 207 200 7 86 78 S.

IV Bhindar Town U 334 232 102 207 200 7 86 78 8

11. Girwa Tehsil T 2,692 2,383 309 8,064 7,762 302 3,106 2,597 509 R 1,251 ) ,101 150 1,040 966 74 1,550 1,283 267 U 1,441 1,282 159 7,024 6,796 228 1,556 1,314 242

V Udaipur City U 1,441 1,282 159 7,024 6,796 228 1,556 1,314 242

12. Kolra Tehsil T 212 202 10 220, 212 8 6 6 R 212 202 10 220 212 8 6 6 U

13. Pbalasia Tebsil T 374 321 53 311 278 33 31 31 R 374 321 53 311 278 33 31 31 U

14. Lasadia Tebsil T 558 520 38 159 137 22 ~_79 236 43 .R 558 520 38 159 137 22 279 236 43 U . ~-~----~~---~-.~ ~ ~ - - 121



Transport, Storage and Trade and Com'VIerce Communications ,-____J.. Other Services Non-Workers .------__}.__--...... Persons Males Females Persons -'------...... Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

1,377 1,354 23 355 355 2,877 2,522 355 61,901 19,767 42,134 731 725 6 148 148 1,646 1,415 231 51,584 15,898 35,686 646 629 17 207 207 1,231 1,107 124 10,317 3,869 6,448 646 629 207 n 207 1,231 1,107 124 10,317 3,869 6,448 667 657 10 8 8 853 822 31 42,763 13,479 29,284 667 657 10, 8 8 853 822 31 42,763 13,479 29,284

1,772 1,741 31 521 520 3,490 3,209 281 88,828 29,273 59,555 781 772 9 204 204 1,724 1,600 124 74,926 24.015 50,911 991 969 22 317 316 1,766 1,609 157 13.902 5,258 8,644

991 969 22 317 316 1,766 1,609 157 13,902 5,258 8,644

1,530 1,511 19 830 826 4 2,710 2,513 197 79,964 25,412 54,552 1,530 1,511 19 830 826 4 2,710 2,513 197 79,964 25,412 54,552

787 760 27 56 53 3 902 838 64 53,392 18,048 35,344 787 760 27 56 53 3 902 838 64 53,392 18,048 35,344

1,963 1,933 30 386 279 107 2,518 2,360 158 89.579 28,276 61,303 1,417 1.393 24 327 220 107 2,043 1,936 107 82,487 25,746 56,741 546 540 6 5'~ 59 475 424 51 7,092 2,530 4,562

546 540 6 59 59 475 424 51 7,092 2,530 4,562

10,414 10,025 389 4,928 4,872 56 22,351 19,720 2,631 218,106 80,649 137,457 1,511 1,417 94 488 486 2 4,506 4,235 271 100,738 33,398 67,340 8,903 8,608 295 4,440 4,386 54 17,845 15,485 2,360 117,368 . 47,251 70,117

8,903 8,608 295 4,440 4,386 54 17,845 15,485 2,360 117,368 47,251 70J17

427 423 4 20 20 748 725 23 53,301 17mB 36,223 427 423 4 20 20 748 725 23 53,301 17,078 36,223

838 798 40 58 58 872 799 73 58,396 19,600 38,796 838 798 40 58 58 872 799 73 58,396 19,600 38,796

910 893 17 43 43 831 777 54 65,17S 21,268 43,910 910 893 17 43 43 831 777 54 65,178 21,268 43,910 122


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houSf'less population) SI. State/District,ITehsil/ Rural Area in Residential of house- -.. No. U.A.lTown Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

15. Sarada Tebsil T 1,083.4 20,815 21,011 113,363 57,272 56,091 R 1,0834 20,815 21,011 113,363 57.272 56,091 U

16. Salumbar Tehsil T 926.5 21.839 22,014 108,855 54,511 54,344 R 921.1 20,045 20,175 99,967 50,036 49,931 U 5.4 1,794 1,839 8,888 4,475 4,413

."- VI Sa'umbar Town U 5.37 1,794 1,839 8,888 4,475 4,413

17. Kherwara Tehsil T 1,089.3 21,173 21,440 121,266 59,344 61,922 R 1,089.3 21,173 21,440 121,266 59,344 61,922 U

21. Chittaurgarb District T 10,858.0 189,477 194,233 944,981 489,690 455,291 R 10,735.2 170,387 17.... 356 847,107 437,872 409,235 U 122.8 19,090 19,877 97,874 51,818 46,056

1. Rashmi Tehsil T 450.3 10,O~7 10,786 50,139 25,574 24,565 R 450.3 10,047 10,786 50,139 25,574 24,565 U

2. Gangrar Tehsil T 722.8 15,141 15,249 70.533 36,336 34,197 R 722.8 15,141 15,249 70,533 36,336 34,197 U

3. Begun Tehsil T 2,358.7 27,975 28,120 125,625 66,388 59,237 R 2,352.1 26,147 26,286 117,277 62,036 55,241 U 6.6 1,828 1,834 8,348 4,352 3,996

_I Begun Town U 6.58 1,828 1,834 8,348 4,352 3,996

4. Chittaurgarh TebsiI T 691.0 20,036 20,700 99,140 52,323 46,817 R 666.7 14,914 15,090 73,223 37,898 35,325 U 24.3 5,122 5,610 15,917 14,425 11,492 vi] -- II Chittaurgarh Town 24.31 5,122 5,610 25,917 14,425 11,492 5. Kapasan Tehsil T 899.4 22,199 22,691 110,089 56,779 53,310 R 870.9 20,036 20,499 99,182 51,149 48,033 U 28.5 2,163 2,192 10.907 5,630 5,277

...... III Kapasan Town' ../ U 28.54 2,163 2,ln 10,907 5,630 5,277

6. Bbadesar Tehsil T 542.2 12,196 12,611 59,501 30,725 28,776 R 542.2 12.196 12,611 59,501 30,725 28,776 U 123


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate & Educated Persons ~ ~---. r------__.L-_____ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 ' 15 16 17 18

4,841 2,480 2,361 60,319 30,695 29,624 14,518 12,311 2,207 4,841 2,480 2,361 60.319 30,695 29,624 14,518 12,311 2,207

5,809 2,890 I 2,919 49,591 25,117 24,474 14,270 11,641 2,629 4,963 2,455 I 2,508 49,391 24,993 24,398 10,001 8,766 1,241 846 435 411 200 124 16 4,'263 2,875 1,388

846 435 411 200 124 76 4,263 2,875 1,388

4,388 2,143 2245 85,770 41,650 44,120 11,034 ]4,433 2,601 4,388 2,143 2,245 85,770 41,650 44,120 17,034 14,433 2,601

128,910 66,625 62,285 184,949 95,423 89,526 165,518 135,542 29,976 118,534 61,246 57,288 183,173 94,309 88,864 121,661 104,854 16,813 10,376 5,379 4,991 1,776 1,114 662 43,851 30,688 13,163

9,826 4,869 4,957 2,813 1,442 1,371 6,146 5,324 822 9,826 4.869 4,951 2,813 1,442 1,311 6,146 5,324 822

11,555 5,983 5,572 5,145 2,672 2,473 9,647 8,032 1,615 11,555 5,983 5,572 5,145 2,672 2,473 9,647 8,032 1,615

17,620 9,251 8,369 22,228 11,632 10,596 23,643 19,232 4,411 16,252 8,554 1.698 22,196 11,602 10,594 20,460 16,833 3,621 1,368 697 671 32 30 2 3,183 2,399 784

1,368 697 671 32 30 2 3,183 2,399 78~

14,722 7,729 6,993 10,094 5,284 4,810 22,729 17,946 4,783- 11,9J4 6,191 5,723 9,197 4,709 4,488 10,115 8.846 1,269 2,808 1,538 1,270 897 575 322 12,614 9,100 3,514

2,808 1,538 1,270 897 575 322 12,614 9,100 3,514

17,681 9,093 8,588 10,961 5,732 5,229 17,615 14,843 2,772 16,274 8,367 7,907 10,723 5,610 5,113 13,466 11,821 1,639 1,407 726 681 238 122 116 4,149 3,016 1,IH

1,401 726 681 238 122 116 4,149 3,016 1,133

9,615 5,039 4,636 4,273 2,215 2,058 7,447 6,394 1,053 9,675 5,039 4,636 4,273 2,215 2,058 7,447 6,394 1,053 124


WORKERS ....L_ 1

Total Total Workers (I-IX) ,-____Cultivators....L SI. State!DistrictjTehsil/ Rural r- ....L No. V.A·frown Urban Persons Males Female!'""" Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

15. Sarada Tehsil T 33,551 30,681 2,870 24,918 23,203 1,715 R 33,551 30,681 2,870 24,918 23,203 1,715 U

Iii. Salumbar Tehsil T 32,723 30,037 2,686 25.878 24,132 1,746 R 30,498 27,954 2,544 25,565 23,831 1,73~ U 2,225 2,083 142 313 301 12

VI Salumbar Town U 2,225 2,083 142 313 301 12

17. Kherwara Tehstl T 31,167 28,359 2,808 23,964 23,077 887 R 31,167 28,359 2,808 23,964 23,077 887 U

21. Chittaurgarb District T 365,314 287,881 77,433 270,292 211,805 58,487 R 337,998 263,107 74,891 265,968 208,038 57,930 U 27,316 24,774 2,542. 4,324 3,767 557

1. Rashmi Tehsil T 20,034 16,362 3,672 15,139 12,528 2,611 R 20,03~ 16,362 3,672 15,139 12,528 2,611 U

2. Gangrar Tehsil T 29.614 22,913 6,701 23,418 17,677 5,741 R 29.614 22,913 6,701 23,418 17,677 5,741 U

3. Begun Tehsil T 50,329 39,389 10,940 35,117 26,397 8,720 R 47,820 37,088 10,732 34,489 25,850 8.639 U 2,~09 2,30l 208 628 547 81

I Begun Town U 2,509 2,301 20S 628 547 81

4. Chittaurgarh TebsiJ T 34,692 29,452 5,240 21,836 18,458 3.378 R 27,308 22,661 4,647 20,990 17,714 3,276 U 7,384 6,791 593 846 744 102

II Chittaurgarh Tehsil U 7,384 6,791 593 846 744 102

5. Kapasan Tehsil T 49,136 35,799 13,337 37,734 27.220 10,514 R 45,789 32,941 12,848 36,683 26,377 10,306 U 3,347 2,858 489 1,051 843 208

III Kapasao Town U 3,347 2,858 489 1,051 843 208

6. Bhadesar Tebsil T 25,811 19,088 6,723 21,205 15,431 5,774 R 25,811 19,088 6,723 21,205 15,431 5,774 U 125



Livt;stock, Forestry, Fishing, Huntmg and

Agricultural Labourers Plantations, Orcbards & allied activIties Mining and.J-_ Quarrying____ -, ~------~------~ ,.------'------, r--- Persons Males Females Pel Sons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

37 1,274 863 328 248 80 1,507 1,479 28 2,137 1,274 863 328 248 80 1,507 1,479 28

1,755 1,264, 491 303 218 85 35 35 1,707 1,220, 487 295 211 84 32 32 48 44 4 8 7 1 3 3

48 44 4 8 7 3 3

3.601 1.843 1,764 28 25 3 33 29 4 3607 1,843 1,764 28 25 3 33 29 4

28,411 16,495 11,916 9,043 6,641 2,402 1,573 1,346 227 26,909 15,517 11,392 8,847 6,457 2,390 1,416 1,212 204 1,502 978 524 196 184 12 157 134 23

1,126 782 344 1,060 727 333 5 2 3 1,126 782 344 1,060 721 333 5 2 3

1450 1,024 426 852 678 174 56 52 4 1 450 1,024 426 852 678 174 56 52 4

3,309 1,913 1,396 1.353 1,191 162 121 IO~ 13 3,188 1,816 1,372 1,324 1,164 160 118 105 13 121 97 24 29 27 2 3 3

121 9; 24 29 27 2 3 3

2,470 1,593 877 778 569 209 241 186 55 1,201 1,385 816 751 545 206 154 120 34 269 208 61 27 24 3 87 66 21

269 208 61 27 24 3 87 66 21

2,999 1,648 1,351 2,179 1,324 B55 171 102 69 2,705 1,479 1,226 2,155 1,304 851 171 102 69 294 169 125 24 20 4

294 169 125 24 20 4

1,279 745 534 810 634 176 213 167 46 1,279 745 534 810 634 176 213 167 46 lLO


WORKERS ---'- V VI Manufacturing. Processing, Servicing and Repairs • ...c.. .--., (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction SI. State/District/Tehsil/ Rural ,-----~-----~ ,_--___.__-~ No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

15. Sarada Tehsil T 1.113 1,077 36 283 263 20 311 309 2 R 1,113 1,077 36 283 263 20 311 309 2 V

16. Salumbar Tehsil T 1,198 1,037 161 612 574 38 108 106 2 R 975 834 141 393 360 33 67 65 2 U 223 203 20 219 214 5 41 41

VI Salumbar Town U 223 203 20 219 214 5 41 41

17. Kherwara Tehs!l T 741 685 56 210 202 8 30 30 R 741 685 56 210 202 8 30 30 U

21- Chittaurgarb District T 9.388 7,955 1,433 7,205 6,782 423 2,682 2,461 221 R 7,018 5,986 1,032 4,035 3,742 293 1,654 1,523 131 V 2,370 1,969 401 3,170 3,040 130 1,028 938 00

1. Rashmi Tehsit T 664 535 129 396 358 38 101 99 2 R 664 535 129 396 358 38 101 99 2 V

2- Gangrar Tehsil T 902 732 170 272 248 24 99 98 R 902 732 170 272 248 24 99 98 U

3. Begun Tebsil T 1,095 979 116 761 714 47 738 650 88 R 807 724 83 390 363 27 622 541 81 U 288 255 33 371 351 20 116 109 7

I Begun Town U 288 255 33 371 351 20 116 109 7

4. Chittaurgarh Tehsil T 896 742 154 1,526 1,398 118 450 393 51 R 637 523 114 555 489 66 138 137 I U 259 219 40 971 909 62 312 256 56

II Chittaurgarh Tehsil U 259 219 40 971 909 62 312 256 56

5. Kapasan Tehsit T 1,430 1,139 291 1,305, 1,232 73 239 233 6- R 1,120 911 209 1,060' 996 64 144 140 4 U 310 228 82 245 236 9 95 93 2

III Kapasau Town U 310 228 82 245 236 9 95 93 2

6. Bbadcsar Tebsil T 606 555 51 278 260 18 91 84 7 R 606 555 51 278 260 18 91 84 1 U 127



Transport, Storage and Trade and Cpmmerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers ,---_ ___.L_____ ~ ,-____-'- __~ ,.---___-L _____--., ,---_____-L-

Persons Males Females Persons Male~ Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 ' 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

t 1,018 1,004 14 182 181 1,754 1,643 111 79,812 26,591 53,221 1,018 1,004 14 182 181 1,754 1,643 111 79,812 26,591 53,221

1,241 1,191 50 239 228 11 1,354 1,252 102 76,132 24,474 51,658 631 621 10 128 118 10 705 662 43 69,469 22,082 47,387 610 510 ' 40 III 110 649 590 59 6,663 2,392 4,271

610 570 '40 III IJO 649 590 59 6,663 2,392 4,271

723 708 15 104 103 1,727 1,657 70 90,099 30,985 59,114 723 708 15 104 103 1,727 1,657 70 90,099 30,985 59,114

11,217 10,995 222 2,276 2,227 49 23,227 21,174 2,053 579,667 201,809 377,858 5,403 5,283 120 722 692 30 16,026 14,657 1,369 509,109 174,765 334,344 5,814 5,712 102 1,554 1,535 19 7,201 6,517 684 70,558 27,044 43,514

448 442 6 2 2 1,093 887 206 30,105 9,212 20,893 448 442 6 2 2 1,093 887 206 30,105 9,212 20,893

550 547 3 77 74 3 1,938 1,783 155 40,919 13,423 27,496 550 547 3 77 74 3 1,938 1,783 155 40,919 13,423 27,496

1,260 1,229 31 200 179 21 6,375 6,029 346 75,296 26,999 48,297 845 817 28 135 114 21 5,902 5,594 308 69,457 24,948 44,509 415 412 3 65 65 473 435 38 5,839 2,051 3,788

415 412 3 65 65 473 435 38 5,839 2,051 3,788

1,941 1,907 34 618 610 8 3,936 3,596 340 64.44B 22,871 41,577 418 409 9 99 99 1,365 1,240 125 45,915 15,237 30,678 1,523 1,498 25 519 511 8 2,571 2,356 215 18,533 7,634 10,899

1,523 1,498 25 519 511 8 2,571 2,356 215 18,533 7,6)4 10,899

1,121 1,095 26 337 334 3 1,621 1,472 149 60,953 20,980 39,973 601 593 8 156 156 994 883 111 53,393 18,208 35,185 520 502 18 181 178 3 627 589 38 7,560 2,772 4,788

520 502 18 181 178 3 627 589 38 7,560 2,772 4,788

507 480 27 42 42 780 690 90 33,690 11,637 22,053 507 480 27 42 42 780 690 90 33,690 11,637 22,053 118


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houseless population) SI. StatefDistrictrrehsil1 Rural Area in Residential of house- r------~ No. U.A./Town Urban Sq. Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

7. Nimbahera Tehsil T 833.3 16,256 16,630 84,7(8 44,0.32 40,676 R 818.1 13,188 13.462 68,166 35,321 32,845 V 15.2 3,068 3,168 16,542 8,711 7,831

_IV Nimbahera TOND ...... u 15.20 3,068 3,168 16,542 8,711 7,831

8. Chhoti Sadri Tehsil T 710.1 11,901 12,371 63,031 32,668 30,363 R 693.7 10,006 10,449 53,411 27,694 25,717 U 16.4 1,895 1,922 9,620 4,974 4,646

._./ V Chhoti Sadri Town V U 16.39 1,895 1,922 9,620 4,974 4,646

9. Bari Sadri Tehsil T 510.1 12,421 12,774 61,265 31,379 29,886 R 491.1 10,677 10,916 52.127 26,658 25,469 U 19.0 1,744 1,858 9,138 4,721 4,417

__ VI Bari Sadri Town ../U 19.04 1,744 1,858 9,138 4,721 4,417

10. Dungla Tehsil T 493.5 11),581 11,275 53,298 27,233 26,065 R~ 493.5 10,581 11,275 53,298 27,233 26,065 U

11. Pratapgarh Tehsil T 2,172.3 30,724 31,026 167,652 86,253 81,399' R 2,159.5 27,454 27,733 150,250 77,248 73,002 U 12.8 3.270 3,293 17,402 9,005 8,397

__ VII Pratapgarh Town ..Iv 12.80 3,270 3,293 17,402 9,005 8,397

22. Dungarpur District T 3,770.0 93,297 94,516 530,258 263,116 267,142 R 3,749.4 87,368 88,365 499,001 246,931 252.070 U 20.6 5,929 6,151 31,257 16,185 15,072

1. DungarpllC Tehsil T 1,572.3 44,162 44,575 262.020 l3l.567 130,453 R 1,566.4 40,555 40,812 242.247 121,077 121,170- U 5.9 3,607 3,763 19,773 10,490 9,283

/' I Duogarpur Town VU 5.81 3.607 3,763 19.773 10.490 9,283

2. Aspur Tehsil T 666.9 18,628 18,905 96,563 46,760 49,803 R 666.9 18,628 18,905 96.563 46.760 49,803 U

3. Sagwara TehsiJ T 923.9 30,507 31,036 171,675 84,789 86,886 R 909.2 28,185 28,648 160,191 79,O9~ 81,097 U 14.7 2,322 2,388 11,484 5,695 5,789

./ II Sagwara Town Ju 14.67 2,322 2.388 11,484 5,695 5,789 129


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate &. Educated Persons r-- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females----- 10 11 12 13' 14 15 16 17 18

12,166 6,340 5,826 10,242 5,336 4,906 17,647 14,658 2,989 10,741 5,622 5,119 10,029 5,224 4,805 11,2G8 10.049 1,159 1,425 718 707 213 112 101 6,439 4,609 1,830

1,425 718 707 213 112 101 6,439 4,609 1,830

7,216 3,723 3,493 18,189 9,469 8,720 12,460 10,500 1,960 5,967 3,111 2,856 18,037 9,378 8,659 7,995 7,311 684 1,249 612 637 152 91 61 4,465 3,189 1,276

1,249 612 637 152 91 61 4,465 3.189 1,276

7,495 3,850 3,645 15,275 7,873 7,402 10,764 8,707 2,057 6,523 3,347 3,176 15,237 7,847 7,390 6,913 6,115 798 972 503 469 38 26 12 3,851 2,592 1,259

972 503 469 38 26 12 3,851 2,592 1,259

7,651 3,923 3,728 6,628 3,368 3,260 7,044 6,006 1,038 7,651 3,923 3,728 6,628 3,368 3,260 7,044 6,006 1,038

13,303 6,825 6,478 79,101 40,400 38,701 30,376 23,900 6,476 12,156 6,240 5,916 78,895 40,242 38,653 21,226 18,117 3,109 1,147 585 562 706 158 48 9,150 5,783 3,367

1,147 585 562 206 158 48 9,150 5,783 3,367

21,115 10,496 10,619 337,480 168,856 168,624 75,893 60,607 15,286 19,213 9,537 9,676 333,485 166,577 166,908 60,108 50,4311 9,670 1,902 959 943 3,995 2,279 1,716 15,785 10,169 5,616

7,453 3,689 3,764 193,829 97,066 96,763 35,888 29,140 6,748 6,136 3,081 3,155 192,058 95,908 96,150 25,159 22,084 3,075 1.117 608 609 1,771 1,158 613 10,729 7,056 3,673

1,217 608 609 1,771 1,158 613 10,729 7,056 3,673-

5,441 2,685 2,756 45,710 22,639 23,071 11,897 9,768 2,129 5,441 2,685 2,756 45,710 22,639 23,071 11,891 9,768 2,129

8,221 4,122 4,099 97,941 49,151 48,790 28,108 21,699 6,409 7,536 3,771 3,765 95,717 48,030 47,687 23,052 18,586 4,466 685 351 334 2,224 1,121 1,103 5,056 3,113 1,943

685 351 334 2,224 1,121 1,103 5,056 3,113 1,943 130



Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators 81. State/DistrictlTehsill Rural ~------~------~ -'------. No. U. A.fTown Urbim Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

7. Nimbahera Tehsil T 28,510 24,823 3,687 19,230 16,873 2,357 R 23,956 20,685 3,271 18,584 16,332 2,252 U 4,554 4,138 416 646 541 lOS

IV Nimbahera Town U 4,554 4,138 416 646 541 105

8. Chhoti Sadri Tehsil T 25,203 18,781 6,420 18,952 14.023 4,929 R 22,515 16,375 6,140 18,369 13,471 4,898 U 2,688 2,403 280 583 552 31

V Chhoti Sadri Town U 2,688 2,408 280 583 552 31

9. Bari Sad ri Tehsil T 21,404 18,532 2,872 16,158 13,984 2,174 R 19,042 16,302 2,740 15,821 13,662 2,159 U 2,362 2,230 132 337 322 15

VI Bari Sadri Town U 2,362 2,230 132 337 322 15

10. Dungla Tehsil T 22,015 16,612 5,403 17,355 13,541 3.814 R 22,015 16,612 5,403 17,355 13,541 3,814 U

11. Pratapgarh Tehsil T 58,566 46,128 12,438 44,148 35,673 8,475 R 54,094 42,080 12,014 43,915 35,455 8,460 U 4,472 4,048 424 233 218 15

VII Pratapgarh Town U 4,472 4,048 424 233 218 15

22. Dungarpur Distriet T 148,177 133,254 14,923 112,151 106,685 5,466 R 140,914 126,512 14,402 111,375 105,933 5,442 U 7,263 6,742 521 776 752 24

1. Dungarpur Tebsil T 71,973 66,091 5,882 56,939 54,354 2,585 R 67,073 61,566 5,507 56,583 54,016 2,567 U 4,900 4,525 375 356 338 18

I Dungarpur Town U 4,900 4,525 375 356 338 18

2. Aspur Tehsil T 28,005 24,419 3,586 20,703 19,575 1,128 R 28,005 24,419' 3,586 20,703 19,575 1,128 U

3. Sagwara Tebsil T 48,199 42,744 5,455 34,509 32,756 1,753 R 45,836 40,527 5,309 34,089 32,342 1,747 U 2,363 2,217 14t5 4W 414 6

II Sagwara Town U 2,363 2,217 146 420 414 6 131


WORKERS...__ n III IV , Livestock. Forestry. Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labourers Plantations, Olchards & allied actIvities Mining and Quarrying r--- __.___------~ ,-- -'------, -'- --. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

2,589 1,703 886 396 3]6 60 716 685 31 2,365 1,573 792 362 304 58 654 625 29 224 130 94 34 32 2 62 60 2

224 130 94 34 32 2 62 60 2

2,991 1,741 1,250 249 189 60 20 17 3 2,626 J,547 J,079 227 167 60 18 15 3 365 194 171 22 22 2 2 I 36S 194 171 22 22 2 2

1,334 944 390 312 214 98 7 7 1,200 832 368 301 203 98 6 6 134 112 22 11 11

134 112 22 11 11 1

1,946 793 1,153 661 445 216 6 6 1,946 793 1,153 661 445 216 6 6

6,918 3,609 3,309 393 334 59 17 14 3 6,823 3,541 3,282 344 286 58 15 12 3 95 68 27 49 48 1 Z Z

95 68 27 49 48 2 2

'17,044 9,556 7,488 980 529 451 238 219 19 16,897 9,442 7,455 947 501 446 129 110 19 147 114 33 33 28 5 109 109

5,963 3,478 2,485 277 170 107 209 193 16 5.902 3,433 2,469 259 157 102 114 98 16 61 45 16 III 13 5 95 95

61 4S 16 18 13 5 95 9S

4,597 2,405 2,192 119 47 72 2 2 4,597 2,405 2,192 119 47 72 2 2

6,484 3,673 2,811 584 312 272 27 24 3 6,398 3,604 2,794 569 297 272 13 10 3 86 69 17 15 15 14 14

86 69 17 15 15 14 14 132


WORKERS ~ ______~ ______J.. V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs -'------.---. (a) Ib) Total Household Industry Other than HOllsehold Industry Construction J.._____ ~ ,-_____J.. SI. Sta te IDistrictJTebsi II Rural ,---__)._----...... No. U. A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

7. Nimbahera Tehsil T 737 658 79 963 940 23 253 233 20 R 477 436 41 291 2i8 13 109 108 1 U 260 222 38 672 662 10 144 125 19

IV Nimbahera Town U 260 222 38 672 662 10 144 125 19

8. Chhoti Sadri Tehsil T 568 518 50 446 438 8 203 195 8 R 267 255 12 153 149 4 ]22 114 8 U 301 263 38 293 289 4 81 81

V Chhoti Sadri Town U 301 263 38 293 289 4 81 81

9. Bari Sadri Tehsil T 849 732 117 389 367 27 183 180 3 R 435 375 60 227 208 19 54 51 3 U 414 357 57 ]62 ]59 3 129 129

VI Bari Sadri Town U 414 357 57 162 159 3 129 129

10. Dungla Tehsil T 465 386 79 166 153 13 61 52 9 R 465 386 79 166 153 13 61 52 9 U

It. Pratapgarh Tehsil T 1,176 979 197 703 674 29 264 244 20 R 638 554 84 247 240 7 113 99 14 U 538 425 113 456 434 22 151 145 6

VII Pratapgarh Town U 538 425 113 456 434 2}. 151 145 6

22. Dungarpur District T 3,087 2,715 372 1,741 1,576 165 485 453 32 R 2,593 2,287 306 994 864 130 278 263 15 U 494 428 66 747 712 35 207 190 17

l. Dllngarpur Tehsil T 1,141 996 145 815 721 94 142 140 2 R 829 738 91 262 192 70 84 84 U 312 258 54 553 529 24 58 56 2

I Dungarpur Town U 312 258 54 553 529 24 58 56 2

2. Aspur Tehsil T 571 504 67 • 218 205 13 13 12 R 571 504 67 218 205 13 13 12 U

3. Sagwara Tehsil T 1,375 1,215 160 708 650 58 330 301 29 R 1,193 1,045 148 514 467 47 181 167 14 U 182 170 12 194 183 11 149 134 15

II Sagwara Town U 182 170 12 194 183 11 149 134 15 133



Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers r- _____...A... ______,--______...... A-...__--...... -"------., ,------'- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females \ 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

1,404 1,369 35 349 343 6 1,873 1,683 190 56,198 19,209 36,989 361 342 19 24 24 729 663 66 44,210 14,636 29,574 1,043 1,027 16 325 319 6 1,144 1,020 124 11,988 4,573 7,415

1,0~3 1,027 16 325 319 6 1,144 1,020 124 11,988 4,573 7,4)5

649 640 9 III 111 1,014 91l 103 37,828 13,885 23,943 185 181 4 8 8 540 468 72 30,896 11,319 19,577 464 459 5 103 103 474 443 31 6,932 2,566 4,366

464 459 5 103 103 474 443 31 6,932 2,566 4,366

994 988 6 177 176 1 1,001 940 61 39,861 12,847 27,014 375 372 3 68 68 555 525 30 33,085 10,356 22,729 619 616 3 109 108 446 415 31 6,776 2,491 4,285

619 616 3 109 108 446 415 31 6,776 2,491 4,285

543 539 4 22 22 790 675 115 31,283 10,621 20,662 543 539 4 22 22 790 675 115 31,283 10,621 20,662

1,800 1,759 41 341 334 7 2,806 2,508 298 109,086 40,125 68,961 570 561 9 89 83 6 1,340 1,249 91 96,156 35,168 60,988 1,230 1,198 32 252 251 1 1,466 1,259 207 12,930 4,957 7,973

1,230 1,198 32 252 251 1,466 1,259 207 12,930 4,957 7,973

4,107 4,008 99 897 887 10 7,447 6,626 821 382,081 129,862 l52,219 2,533 2,469 64 342 336 6 4,826 4,307 519 358,087 120,419 237,668 1,574 1,539 35 555 551 4 2,621 2,319 302 23,994 9,443 14,551

1,879 1,832 47 707 703 4 3,901 3,504 397 190,047 65,476 124,571 818 795 23 199 199 2,023 ]'854 169 175,174 59,511 115,663 1,061 1,037 24 508 504 4 1,878 1,650 228 14,873 5,965 8,908

1,061 1,037 24 508 504 4 1,878 1,650 228 14,873 5,965 8,908

682 663 19 35 31 4 1,065 975 90 68,558 22.341 46,217 682 663 19 35 31 4 1,065 975 90 68,558 22,341 46,217

1,546 1,513 33 ISS 153 2 2,481 2,147 334 123,476 42,015 81,431 1,033 1,011 22 108 106 2 1,738 1,478 260 114.355 38.567 75,788 513 502 11 47 47 743 669 74 9,121 3,478 5,643

513 502 11 47 47 743 669 74 9,121 3,478 5,643 134


TOTAL POPULA nON (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number ,.---____bouseless ..J- population)______--.. SI. State/Di&trictITehsiIJ Rural Area in Residential of house- No. U.A./Town Urban Sq. Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

23. Bllnswara District T 5,037.0 109,267 110,750 654,586 330,891 323,695 R 5,014.1 103,345 104,645 621,382 313,752 307,630 U 22.9 5,922 6,105 33,204 17,139 16,065

I. Obatol Tehsil T 1,304.4 23,480 23,562 132,085 67,002 65,083 R 1,304.4 23,480 23,562 132,085 67,002 65,083 U

2. Oarbi Tebsil T 708.3 19,891 20,184 115,930 58,057 57,8B R 708.3 19,891 20,184 115,930 58,057 57,873 U

3. Banswara Tehsil T ],141.8 25,825 26,538 ]53,951 77,906 76,045 R 1,121.1 21,011 21,554 126,588 63,853 62,73!} U 20,7 4,814 4,984 27,363 14,053 13,310

. I Banswara Town U 20.65 4,814 4,984 27,363 14,053 13,310

4. Bagidora Tehsil T 858.9 21,081 21,204 129,373 65,366 64,007 R 858.9 21,081 21,204 129,373 65,366 64007 U

5. Kusbalgarh Tehsil T 1,041.6 18,990 19,262 123,247 62,560 60,687 R 1,039.4 17,882 18,141 117,406 59,474 57,932 U 2.2 1,103 1,121 5,841 3,086 2,755

_II KUshalgarh Town I'U 2.24 1,108 1,121 5,841 3,086 2,755

24. Bundi District T 5,550.0 80,117 83,048 449,021 238,158 210,863 R 5,476.1 67,6115 70,048 383,473 203,501 179,972 U 73.9 12,512 13,000 65,548 34,657 30,891

1. Hindoli Tehsil T 1,373.9 16,730 17,511 97,168 51,540 45,628 R 1,373.9 16,730 17,511 97,168 51,540 45,628 U

2. Nainwa Tehsil T 1,095.1 14,477 14,779 82,175 43,384 38,791 R 1,091.2 12,987 13,234 74,313 39,210 35,103 U 3.9 1,490 1,545 7,862 4,174 3,68&

""1 Nainwa Town U 3.89 1,490 1,545 7.862 4,174 3,68&

3. Bundi Tehsil T 1,922.0 29,491 30,506 161,049 86,328 74.721 R 1,899.2 22,935 23,,681 126,557 68,091 58,466 U 22.8 6.556 6,825 34,492 18.237 16,255 /" Bundi U A. § U 22.76 6,556 6,825 34,492 18,237 16,255 II Bundi Town U 2Q.23 6,511 6,776 34,279 18,125 16,154 (i) Bundi Outgrowlh t (Bhojpllra Dhani) U 2.53 45 49 213 112 101

§ Consisting of Bundi town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Bundi village (Bhojpura Dhani). 135


Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes "..- ______Literate & Educated.J- __- Persons______--., ...------__.,._ ,- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 \\1

24,774 12,413 12,361 477,369 241,178 236,191 81,330 64,796 16,534 22,996 11,551 11,445 474,862 239,767 235,095 63,893 53,943 9,950 1,778 862 916 2,507 1,411 1,096 17,437 10,853 6,584

5,615 2,827 2,788 104,664 52,928 51,736 11,206 9,780 1,426 5,615 2,817 2,788 104,664 52,928 51.736 11,206 9,780 1,426

6,312 3,179 3,133 60,266 30,604 29,662 19,313 15,1 \5 4,198 6,312 3,179 3,133 60,266 30,604 29,662 19.313 15,115 4,198

5,376 2,636 2,740 100,194 50,628 49,566 26,121 18,860 7,261 3,861 1,918 1,943 98,445 49,650 48,795 11,570 9,893 1,677 1,515 718 797 1,749 978 771 14,551 8,967 5,584 1,515 718 797 1,749 978 771 14,551 8,967 5,584

4,656 2,339 2,317 105,661 53,197 52,464 13,352 11,441 1,911 4,656 2,339 2,317 105,661 53,197 52,464 13,352 11,441 1,911

2,815 1,432 1,383 106,584 53,821 52,763 11,338 9,600 1,738 2,552 1,288 1,264 105,826 53,388 52,438 8,452 7,714 738 263 144 119 758 433 325 2,886 1,886 1,000 263 144 119 758 433 325 2,886 1,886 1,000

83,710 43,640 40,070 86,537 45,763 40.774 71,885 58,306 13,579 73.297 38,136 35,161 85,936 45,384 40,552 44,730 39,352 5,378 10,413 5,504 4,909 601 379 222 27,155 18,954 8,201 18,223 9,627 8,596 16,543 8,'153 7,791 8,534 7,450 1,084 18,223 9,627 8,596 16,543 8,753 7,790 8,534 '7,450 1,084

13,812 6,668 7,144 17,375 9,199 8,176 9,781 8,409 1,372 12,825 6,125 6,700 17,310 9,169 8,'l41 7,306 6,509 797 987 543 444 65 30 35 2,475 1',900 575 987 543 444 65 30 35 2,475 1,900 575 27,461 14,738 12,723 30,025 15,967 14,058 31,533 24,411 7,122 24,250 13,041 11,209 29,811 15,825 13,986 15,889 13,967 1,922 3,211 1.697 1,514 214 142 72 15,644 10,444 5,200 3,211 1,697 1,514 214 142 72 15,644 10,444 5,200 3,202 1,694 1,510 138 107 31 15,618 10,423 5,195

9 j 4 76 35 41 26 21 5 136


WORKERS ~------.------~------

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators SI. State/District/Tehsil/ Rural ..J... ..J... No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

23. Banswara District T 183,468 168,803 14,665 149,965 . 141,924 8,041 R 175,266 161.303 13,963 149,401 141,409 7,992 U 8,202 7,500 702 564 515 49

1. Ghatol Tehsil T 35,570 33,733 },837 30,978 29,801 1,177 R 35,570 33,733 1,837 30,978 29,801 1,177 U

2, Garhi Tehsil T 33,844 29,525 4,319 25,429 23,687 1,742 R 33,844 29,525 4,319 25,429 23.687 1,742 U

3. Baoswara TehsiJ T 41,671 38,923 2,748 29,686 28,831 855 R 34,961 32,803 2,158 29,280 28,459 821 U 6.710 6,120 590 406 372 34 I Banswara Town U 6,710 6,120 590 406 372 34

4. Bagidora Tehsil T 39,317 33,951 5,366 34,425 30,257 4,168 R 39,317 33,951 5,366 34,425 30,257 4,168" U

5. Kushalgarh Tehsil T 33,066 32,671 395 29,447 29,348 99' R 31,574 31,291 283 29,289 29,205 84 U 1,492 1,380 112 158 143 15- II Kusbalgarh Town U 1,492 1,380 112 158 143 15

24. Bundi District T 148,730 130,982 17,748 87.620 79,468 8,152 R 132,233 115,927 16,306 86,128 78,018 8,110 U 16,497 15,055 1,442 1,492 1,450 42 1. Hindoli Tehsil T 34,588 29,649 4,939 24,173 21,417 2.756 R 34,588 29,649 4,939 24,173 21,417 2,756 U 2. Nainwa Tehsil T 28,855 24,59S 4,260 20,650 17,478 3.172 R 26,837 22,672 4,165 20,069 16,900 3,169 U 2,018 1,923 95 581 578 3 I Nainwa Town U 2,018 1,923 95 581 578 3 3. Bundi Tehsil T 52,941 47.548 5,393 25,934 24,838 1,096 R 43,776 39,384 4,392 25,541 24,465 1,076 U 9,165 8,164 1,001 393 373 20 Bundi U.A.§ U 9,165 8,164 1,()UI 393 373 20 II BundiTown U 9,1>52 8,093 959 385 365 20 (i) Bundi OutgrolVth t (Bhojpura Dhani) U 113 71 42 8 8

§ Conshting of Bundi town and its outgrowth. t Consisting orthe urbanised thougb non-municipalised portion of Bundi village (Bbojpura Dhani).



WORKERS V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs -'- (a) tb) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry ,..---_..J..-Construction_____ ...... Sl. Sta tefDistrict/Tebsi If Rural -'----~ r------'- No. U. A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

23. Banswara District T 3,807 3,353 454 l,nO 1.586 134 658 632 26 R 3,027 2,670 357 1,032 932 100 202 191 11 U 780 683 97 688 654 34 456 441 15

I. Ghatol Tehsil T 595 500 95 223 191 32 24 23 R 595 500 95 223 J91 32 24 23 U

2. Garhi Tehsil T 821 762 59 376 348 28 64 60 4 R 821 762 59 376 348 28 6~ 60 4 U

3. Banswara Tehsil T 982 869 113 865 815 50 466 448 18 R 457 415 42 234 214 20 47 44 3 U 525 454 71 631 601 30 419 404 15 I Banswara Town U 525 454 71 631 601 30 419 404 15

4. Balidora Tehsil T 723 634 89 122 112 10 37 34 3 R 723 634 89 122 112 10 37 34 3 U 5. Kushalgarh Tehsil T 686 588 98 134 120 14 67 67 R 431 359 72 77 67 10 30 30 U 255 229 26 57 53 4 37 37 II Kushalgarh Town U 255 229 26 57 53 4 37 37

24. Bundi District T 5,332 4,744 588 5,009 4,713 296 3.678 3,175 503 R 3.7].]. 3,419 303 ],408 1,300 108 3,058 2,598 460 U 1,610 1,325 285 3,601 3,413 188 620 577 43 1. Hindoli Tehsil T 1,091 984 107 370 326 44 151 141 10 R 1.091 984 107 370 326 44 151 141 10 U

2. Nainwa Tehsil T 1,217 1,169 48 308 297 11 235 205 30 R 905 872 3J 153 144 9 187 157 30 U 312 297 15 155 153 2 48 48 I Nainwa TOWD U 312 297 15 155 153 2 48 48 3. Bundi Tehsil T 1,757 1,466 291 1,774 1,651 123 2.971 2,529 442 R 844 799 45 445 413 32 2,521 2,119 402 U 913 667 246 1.329 1.238 91 450 410 40

Bundi U.A.§ U 913 667 246 1,329 1.238 91 4~0 410 40 II Bundi Town U 913 667 246 1,304 1.227 77 449 .. 409 40 (I) Bundj Outgrowth t (Bhojpura Dhani) U 25 Jl 14 I 1

§ Consistmg of Mundi town and its outgrowth. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portion of Bundi village (Bhojpura Dhani). 139



Transport, Storage and

Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services ,-______Non-Workers.J...... ------.}._ _oJ... .J... Persons Males ' Females Persons Males F~males Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

4.448 4.331 117 702 70t 1 8.148 7,422 726 471.118 162,088 309,030 2,661 2,612 49 263 262 1 4,881 4,555 326 446,116 152,449 293,667 1,787 1,719 68 439 439 3,167 2,867 400 25,002 9,639 15,363

492 480 12 30 30 766 739 27 96,515 33.269 63,246 492 480 12 30 30 766 739 27 96,515 33,269 63,246

822 809 I3i 59 58 1,513 1,427 86 82,086 28,532 53,554 822 809 13 59 58 1,513 1,427 86 82,086 28,532 53,554

1,914 1,835 79 476 476 3,767 3,314 453 112,280 38,983 73,297 565 486 19 82 82 1,005 898 107 91,627 31,050 60,577 1,409 1,349 60 394 394 2,762 2,416 346 20,653 7,933 12,720

1,409 1,349 60 39~ 394 2,762 2,416 346 20,653 7,933 12,720

572 568 4 69 69 1,116 1,055 61 90,056 31,415 58,641 572 568 4 69 69 1,116 1,055 61 90,056 31,415 58,641

648 639 9 68 68 986 887 99 90.181 29,889 60,292 270 269 1 23 23 481 436 45 85,832 28,183 57,649 378 370 8 45 45 505 451 54 4.349 1,706 2,643

378 370 8 45 45 505 451 54 4,349 ],706 2,643

4,761 4,585 176 1,557 1,343 214 12,880 11,203 1,677 300,291 107,176 193,115 2,071 2,016 55 860 671 189 7,844 6,793 1,051 251,240 87,574 163,666 2,690 2,569 121 697 672 25 5,036 4,410 626 49,051 19,602 29,449

534 523 11 52 52 1,414 1,302 112 62,580 21,891 40,689 534 523 11 52 52 1,414 ],302 112 62,580 21,891 40,689 .. , 756 749 7 113 103 10 1,288 1,151 137 53,320 18,789 34,531 452 449 3 82 73 9 774 692 82 47,476 '16,538 30,938 304 300 4 31 30 I 514 459 55 5,844 2,251 3,593

304 300 4 31 30 514 459 55 5,844 2,251 3,593 2,472 2,356 116 807 613 194 7,548 6,461 1,087 108,108 38,780 69,328 670 650 20 326 ]87 179 4,122 3,457 665 82,781 28,707 54,074 ],802 1,706 96 481 466 15 3,426 3,004 422 25,317 10,073 15,254

1,802 1,706 96 481 466 15 3,426 3,004 422 25,327 10,073 15,254

1,801 1.705 96 481 466 15 3,350 2,956 394 25,227 10,032 15,195

J 1 76 48 28 100 41 59 140


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number houSfOless population) 81. 8tate/District/Tehsil/ Rural Area in Residential of house- ..... No. U.A.ITown Urban Sq. Krn. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4. Keshoraipatan Tebsil T ],184.2 19,419 20,252 108,629 56,906 51,723 R 1,137.0 14,953 15,622 85,435 44,660 40,775 U 47.2 4,465 4,630 23,194 12,246 10,948 -Lakheri U.A.§ U 21.28 3,039 3,129 15,908 8,281 7,627 III Lakheri Town U 4.69 1,277 1,364 6,642 3,487 3,155 OUTGROWTHS t : (i) Anandnagar U 16.59' 104 104 524 263 261 (iiJ A.C.C. Factory U J,658 1,661 8,742 4,531 4,21l -IV Keshoraipatan Town ~ 25.91 1,427 1,501 7,286 3,965 3,321 25. Kota District T 12,437.0 208,653 217,082 1,143,870 607,116 536,754 R 12,230.8 153,658 160,168 868,819 456,795 412,024 U 206.2 54,995 56,914 275,051 150,321 124,730 1. Pipalda Tehsil T 1,125.7 17,857 18,413 97,753 51,229 46,524 R 1,112.3 17.433 17,973 95,098 49,852 45,246 U 13.4 424 440 2,655 1,371 1,278 ,. I Indergarh Town U 13.38 424 440 2,655 1,377 1,278 2. Digod Tehsil T 912.8 13,213 13,721 75,887 39,734 36,153 R 912.8 13,213 13,721 75,887 39,734 36,153 U 3. Mangro} Tehsil T 965.8 16,905 17,779 98,244 51,283 46,961 R 965.8 11',905 17,779 98,244 51,283 46,961 U 4. Baran Tehsil T 632.0 15,307 15,687 84,422 44,675 39,747 R 612.5 9,628 9,947 54,613 28,744 25,869 U 19.5 5,679 5,140 29,809 15,931 13.878 ,_II Baran Town AJ 19.52 5,679 5,740 29,809 15,931 13,878 5. Kishanganj Tehsil T 1,429.0 10,748 11,497 60,767 32,051 28,716 R 1,429.0 10,748 1l,497 60,767 32,051 28,716 U

6. Shah bad Tehsil T 1,469.1 9,O8~ 9,360 48,400 25,639 22,761 R 1,469.1 9,084 9,360 48.400 25,639 22,761 U 7. Ladpura Tehsil T 1,540.3 55,864 58.347 284,834 155,196 129,638 R 1.399.1 12,576 13,321 71,843 37,878 33,965 U 141.2 43,288 45,026 212,991 117,318 95,673 1Il Kota City U 141.23 43,288 45,026 212,991 117,318 95,673 8. Ramganj Mandi TehsiI T 796.7 16,595 17,277 89,517 47,087 42,430 R 785.9 14,387 15,010 78,33Z 41,114 37,218 U 10.8 2,208 2,267 11,185 5,973 5,212 IV Ramganj Mandi Town .JtJ 10.82 2,208 2.267 11,185 5,973 5,212

§ ConsistinS {){ Lakheri tOWn and ';tsoutgwwt.b&.~ - t Co;)sisti;'lg of the urbanised though non-rnunicipalised portions (Anandnagar and Cement Factory, Lakheri) of Lakheri village. t Separate area figures for (i) Anandnagar and (ii) A.C.C. Factory are not available. 14-1


Scheduled Castes Schedul~d Tribes Literate & Educated...L_____ Persons ---. ~---~~------~ ,------'------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

10 JI , 12 1~ 14 15 16 17 18

24,214 12,601 11,607 22,594 11,844 10,750 22,037 18,036 4,001 17,999 9,343 8,656 22,272 11,637 10,635 13,001 11,426 1,575 6,215 3,264 , 2,951 322 207 115 9,036 6,610 2,426 5,010 2,600 2,410 209 132 77 6,127 4,386 1,741 1,064 558 5U6 91 70 21 2,406 1,807 599

241 122 II9 165 127 38 3,705 1,920 J,785 118 62 56 3,556 2,452 1,104 1,205 664 541 H3 75 38 2,909 2,224 685 206,920 108,747 98,173 166,301 87,851 78,450 289,181 223,157 66,024 166,805 87,319 79,486 160,557 84.466 76,091 1511,991 134,693 24,298 40,115 21,428 18,687 5,744 3,385 2,359 130,190 88,464 41,726 21,964 H,208 10,756 21,243 1l,319 9,924 15,970 13,611 2,359 21,399 10,917 10,482 21,238 11 ,314 9,924 15,000 12,905 2,095 565 291 274 5 5 970 706 264 565 291 274 5 5 970 706 264 15,698 8,176 7,522 13,222 6,858 6,364 15,193 13,166 2,027 15,698 8,176 7,522 13,222 6,858 6,364 15,193 13,166 2,027

18,360 9,594 8,766 14,257 7,518 6,739 22,523 17,702 4,821 18,360 9,594 8,766 14,257 7,518 6,739 22,523 17,702 4,821

18,941 9,997 8,944 10,342 5,447 4,895 23,980 18,568 5,412 13,422 7,110 6,312 9,898 5,180 4,718 10,525 9,261 1,264 5,519 2,887 2,632 444 267 177 13,455 9,307 4,148 5,519 2,887 2,632 444 267 177 13,455 9,307 4,148 9,569 5,127 4,442 20,020 10,453 9,567 7,404 6,248 1,156 9,569 5,127 4,442 20,020 10,453 9,567 7,404 6,248 1,156

7,342 3,854 3,488 14,599 7,509 7,090 5,790 4,930 860 7,342 3,854 3,488 14,599 7,509 7,090 5,790 4,930 860

40,294 21,540 18,754 14,552 7,906 6,646 118,543 82,706 35,837 11,458 6,030 5,428 9,932 5,182 4,750 14,745 12,495 2,250 28,836 15,510 13,326 4,620 2,724 1,896 103,798 70,211 33,587 28,836 15,510 13,326 4,62Q 2,724 1,896 103,798 70,211 33,5&7 19,695 10,467 9,228 9,555 5,080 4,475 21,464 17,073 4,391 17,862 9,504 8,358 9,028 4,799 4,229 16,797 14,017 2,780 1,833 963 870 527 281 246 4,667 3,056 1,611 1,833 963 870 527 281 246 4,667 3,056 1,611 142


WORKERS ~------~

Total ,--______Total Workers.A.. ______(I-IX) -, Cultivators SI. State/DistrictlTehsil1 Rural ,,------...)..------.. No. U. A.fTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

4. Keshoraipatan Tehsil T 32,346 29,190 3,156 16,863 15,735 1,128 R 27,032 24,222 2,810 16,345 15,236 1,109 U 5,314 4,968 346 518 499 19 Lakheri U.A.§ U 3,279 3,055 224 170 164 6 III Lakheri Town U 1,471 1,363 108 157 151 6 aUTGRO WTHS t : (i) Anandnagar U 102 102 10 10 (ii) A.C.C. Factory U 1,706 1,590 JI6 3 3 IV Keshoraipatan Town D 2,035 1,913 122 348 335 B 25. Kota District T 353,442 317,684 35,758 167,016 156,726 10,290 R 272,898 243,256 29,642 163,495 153,447 10,048 U 80,544 74,428 6,116 3,521 3,279 242 1. Pipalda Tehsil T 29,831 28,082 1,749 18,535 17,905 63(} R 29.180 27,505 1,675 18,498 17,868 630 U 651 577 74 37 37 I Indergarh Town U 651 577 74 37 37 2. Digod Tehsil T 22,527 21,003 1.524 12,712 12,481 231 R 22,527 21,003 1,524 12,712 12,481 231 U 3. Mangrol TehsiI T 28,514 26,712 1,802 15,177 14,894 283 R 28,514 26,712 1,802 15,177 14,894 2B U 4. Baran Tehsil T 24,497 22,215 2,282 10,049 9,689 36(} R 16,574 15,108 1,466 9,586 9,259 327 U 7,923 7,107 816 463 430 33- II Baran Town U 7,923 7.107 816 463 430 33 5. Kishanganj Tehsil T 18,816 17,240 1,576 11,892 11,616 276 R 18,816 17,240 1,576 11,892 11,616 276 U 6. Shahbad Tehsll T 16,902 14.162 2,740 10,948 9,988 96(} R 16,902 14,162 2,740 10,948 9,988 96~ U 7. Ladpura TehsiI T 85,623 78,825 6,798 11,981 11,604 377 R 21,922 19,602 2,320 10,148 9,893 255 U 63,701 59,223 4,478 1,833 1,7 II 122 III KotaCity U 63,701 59,223 "',478 1,833 1,711 122 8. Ramganj Mandi Tebsil T 29,980 25,212 4,768 14,120 13,017 1,103 R 26,683 22,254 4,429 13,795 12,738 1,057 U 3,297 2.958 339 325 279 46 IV Ramganj Mandi Town U 3,297 2,958 339 325 279 46

§ Consisting of Lakheri town and its outgrowths. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portions (Anandnagar and Cement Factory, Lakheri) of Lakheri village. 143



Livestock. Forestry. Fishing. HUnting and Agricultural Labourers Plantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying ,------..}._------. r------..J...______~ r------_J.______Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 ' 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

5.551 4.239 1,~12 1,550 1,509 41 23 22 5,322 4,035 1,287 1,476 1,436 40 19 18 229 204 2S 74 73 1 4 4 44 38 6 44 43 36 33' 3 33 33

1 1 7 4 ' 3 11 10 1 1 185 J66 19 30 30 4 4 54,291 40,765 13,526 9,240 8,719 521 - 5,154 3,753 1,401 52,826 39,644 13,182 8,577 8,128 449 4,742 3,384 1,358 1,465 1,121 344 663 591 72 412 369 43 5,llO 4,325 785 1,191 1,164 27 96 89 7 5,098 4,319 779 1,167 1,141 26 80 74 6 12 6 6 24 23 16 15 12 6 6 24 23 16 15 1 5,280 4,270 1,010 1,016 998 18 48 21 27 5,280 4,270 1,010 1,016 998 18 48 21 27

5,777 4,974 . 803 734 712 22 28 27 5,777 4,974 803 734 712 22 28 27

4,855 3,817 1,038 546 520 26 63 58 5 4,614 3,625 989 471 463 8 8 8 241 192 49 75 57 18 55 50 5 241 192 49 75 57 18 55 50 5 4,871 3,685 1,186 328 324 4 15 14 4,871 3,685 1,186 328 324 4 15 14

3,659 2,087 1,572 426 349 77 21 17 4 .3,659 2,087 1,572 426 349 77 21 17 4

4,435 3.382 1.053 1,533 1,433 100 681 616 65 .3,484 2,620 864 1,068 1,013 55 385 355 30 951 762 189 465 420 45 296 261 35 951 762 189 465 420 45 296 261 3S 3.157 1,830 1.327 769 723 46 3,878 2,633 1,245 3.077 1,782 1,295 734 695 39 3,835 2.592 1,243 80 48 32 35 28 7 43 41 2 80 48 32 3S 28 7 43 41 2 144


WORKERS v VI Manufacturing, Processing,.. J..-- ServIcing______and Repairs (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction 81. StatejDistrictjTehsilj Rural ,----____,.)_, ____ ~ ,---__--L ___ ---, r-----'- No. U.A./ToWD Urban Persens Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

4. Keshoraipatan TehsiI T 1,267 1,125 142 2,557 2,439 118 321 300 21 R 882 764 118 440 417 23 199 181 18 U 385 361 24 2,117 2,022 95 122 119 3 Lakheri U.A.§ U 143 139 4 1,757 1,670 87 62 61 III Lakheri Town U 102 99 3 486 459 27 42 42 OUTGROWTHS t: (i) Anandnagar U 3 3 50 50 1 1 (ii) A.C.C. Factory U 38 37 1 1,221 1,161 60 19 18 I IV Keshoraipatan TowD U 242 222 20 360 352 8 60 58 2 25. Kota District T 13,346 11,338 2,008 22.993 21,765 1,228 7,349 6,629 720 R 10,153 8,809 1,344 4,619 4,168 451 3,114 2,639 475 U 3,193 2,529 664 18,374 17,597 777 4.135 3,990 245- 1. Pipalda Tehsil T 845 797 48 572 519 53 273 239 34 R 822 780 42 445 427 18 228 198 30 U 23 17 6 127 92 35 45 41 4 I Indergarh Town U 23 17 6 127 92 35 45- 41 4 2. Digod Tebsil T 653 624 29 335 319 16 179 178 1 R 653 624 29 335 319 16 179 178 J U 3. Mangrol Tehsil T 2,111 1,809 302 569 554 15 619 521 98 R 2,111 1,809 302 569 554 IS 619 521 98 U 4. Baran Tehsil T 1,162 974 188 1,295 1,167 128 449 424 25- R 407 402 5 260 237 23 98 96 2 U 755 572 183 1,03S 930 105 351 328 2} n Baran Town U 755 572 183 1,03S 930 105 351 328 2J. 5. Kishanganj Tehsil T 365 315 50 192 187 5 70 69 1 R 365 315 50 192 187 5 70 69 l' U 6. Shahbad Tehsil T 313 268 45 145 137 8 62 54 8 R 313 268 45 145 137 8 62 54 8- U 7. Ladpura Tehsil T 4,t59 3,073 1,086 16,807 16,081 726 3,872 3,588 28~ R 2,223 1, ~71 652 793 583 210 361 280 81 U 1,936 1,502 434 16,Q14 15,498 516 3,511 3,308 203- III Kola City U 1,936 1,502 434 16,014 15,498 516 3,511 3,308 203 8. Ramganj Mandi Tehsil T 813 752 61 1,017 920 97 842 744 98 R 694 64l 53 '614 547 67 683 596 87 U 119 111 8 403 373 30 159 148 11 IV Ramganj Mandi Town U 119 111 8 403 373 30 159 148 11

§ Consisting of Lakberi town and its outgrowths. t Consisting of the urbanised though non-municipalised portions (Anandnagar and Cement Factory, Lakheri) of Lakheri village. 145



Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers r-- ....., ,---_J... ,--- ...------'--- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

999 957 42 585 575 10 2,630 2,289 J41 76,283 27,716 48.561 415 394 21 400 399 1 1,534 1,342 192 58,403 20,438 31,965 584 563 21 185 176 9 1,096 947 149 17,880 7,278 10,602 344 327 17, 73 70 3 642 543 99 12,629 5,226 7,403 227 213 14 3S 35 353 298 55 5,171 2,124 3,047

27 27 1 1 9 9 422 161 251 90 87 3 37 34 3 280 236 44 7,036 2,941 4,095 240 236 4 112 106 6 454 404 50 5,251 2,052 3,199 21,009 20,193 8161 13,934 13,351 583 39,110 34,445 4,665 790,428 289,432 500,996 6,840 6,542 298 2,362 2,031 331 16,170 14,464 1,706 595,921 213,539 382,382 14,169 13,651 518 11,572 11,320 252 22,940 19,981 2,959 194,507 75,893 118,614 1,032 994 38 445 430 15 1,732 1,620 112 67,922 23,147 44,775 925 890 35 385 372 13 1,532 1,436 '" 96 65,918 22,347 43,571 107 104 3 60 5S 2 200 IS4 16 2,004 SOO 1,204 107 104 3 60 58 2 200 184 16 2,004 800 1,204

499 475 24 95 95 1,710 I,S4~ 168 53,360 18,731 34,629 499 475 24 95 95 1,710 1,542 168 53,360 18,731 34,629

933 897 36 265 252 13 2,301 2,072 229 69,730 24,571 45,159 933 897 36 265 252 13 2,301 2,072 229 69,730 24,571 45,159

2,330 2,241 89 846 826 20 2,902 2,499 403 59,925 22,460 37,465 261 244 23 88 88 775 686 89 38,039 13,636 24,403 2,063 1,997 66 758 138 20 2,127 1,813 314 21,886 8,824 13,062 2,063 1,997 66 758 738 20 2,127 1,813 314 21,886 8,824 13,062 302 295 7 23 23 758 712 46 41,951 14,811 27,140 302 295 7 23 23 758 712 46 41,951 14,811 27,140

305 293 12 29 29 994 940 54 31,498 11,477 20,021 305 293 12 29 29 994 940 S4 31,498 11,477 20,021

11,196 10,774 422 10,514 10,254 260 20,445 18,020 2.425 199,211 76,371 122,840 999 978 21 480 432 48 1,981 1,877 104 49,921 18,276 31,645 10,197 9,796 401 10,034 9,822 212 18,464 16,143 2.321 149,290 58,095 91.195 10,197 9,7% 401 10,034 9,822 212 18,464 16,143 2,321 149,290 58,095 91,195 1.549 1,497 52 853 657 196 2,982 2,439 543 59,537 21,875 37.662 792 759 33 415 236 179 2,044 1,668 376 51,649 18,860 32.789 757 738 19 438 4Z1 17 938 771 167 7,888 3,015 4,873 757 738 19 438 421 17 938 771 167 7,~88 3,015 4,873 145


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number house less population) Sl. State/ District/TehsilJ Rural Area in Residential of house- ~------~------~ No. U.A.fTown Urban Sq. Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9. San god Tehsil T 1,191.4 16,019 16,965 93,802 49,331 44,471 R 1,191.4 16,019 16,965 93,802 49,331 44,471 U Jo. Atru Tehsil T 855.6 12,061 12,603 70,745 37,269 33,476 R 855.6 12,061 12,603 70,745 37,269 33,476 'J -PI. Chbipabarod Tehsil T 832.5 13,595 13,674 75,498 39,788 35,710 R 823.8 11,994 12,065 66,794 35,122 31,672 8.7 1,601 1,609 8,704 4,666 4,038 _,.v Chhipabarod Town .{; 8.73 1,601 1,609 8,704 4,666 4,038 12. Chhabra Tehsil T 799.1 11,405 11,759 64,001 33,834 30,161 R 786.5 9,610 9,927 54,294 28,778 25,516 11 12.6 1,795 1,832 9,707 5,056 4,651 -VI Chhabra Town Ju 12.60 1,795 1,832 9,707 5,056 4,651 26. Jhala'll'ar District T 6,216,0 109,530 111,939 622,001 324,040 297,96\ R 6,143.4 98,890 100,708 563,196 292,994 270,202 U 72.6 10,640 11,231 58,805 31,046 27,759 ]. Khanpur Tehsil T 932.] 15,334 ]5,695 87,103 45,540 41,563 R 932.1 15,334 15,695 87,103 45,540 41,563 U 2. Jha1rapatan TehsiJ T 1,159.6 24,717 25,287 140,980 73,740 67,'240 R 1,126.5 18.935 19,151 108,477 56,503 51,974 33.] 5,782 6,136 32,503 17,237 15,266 .- I lhalawar TowD v~ 12.95 3,617 3,859 20,035 10,773 9,262 II Jhalrapatan Town v"U 20.17' 2,165 2,277 12,468 6,464 6,004 3. Aklera Tehsil T 1,419.9 24,504 24,978 135,155 70,669 64,486 R 1,419.9 24,504 24,978 135,155 70.669 64,486 U 4 Pachpahar Tehsil T 7[3.0 ] 2,495 13,Q38 74,424 38,872 35,552 -R 708.1 ]0,423 30,603 10,777 63,388 32,785 U 4.9 2,072 2,261 J1,036 6,087 4.949 III Bhawani Mandi TowD ....t1 4.89 2,072 2,261 11,036 6,087 4,949 -5. Pirawa Tehsil T 1,038.1 18,191 18,453 103,174 53,540 49,634 R 1,003.5 15,405 15,619 87,908 45,818 42,090 V 34.6 2,786 2.834 15,266 7,722 7,544 ~ IV Sune] Town IU 26.25 1,500 1,535 7,989 3,998 3,991 '" V Pirawa Town U 8.35 1,286 1,299 7,277 3,724 3,553 6. Gangdhar TehsiI T 914.2 14,289 14,488 81,165 41,679 39,486 R 914.2 14,289 14,488 81,165 41,679 39,486 U Note: 1. 'U.A: Stands for Urban Agglomerations. 2. District 'Total' of area figures represent "Geographical Area" supplied by the Surveyor General. Figures for Urban area are those supplied by the Local Bodies. Area figureR for Rural area are derived by substracting the 'Urban area from the Total area of the district. The total of the area figures of the tchsils will not tally with the district figures because the former represent Land use area and are derived from the figures supplied by the Director of Land Records. 147


& Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literate EducatedJ_____ Persons-----, ---'- r- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

18,212 9,542 8,670 8,355 4,452 3,903 20,953 17,668 3,285 Ill,212 9,542 8,670 8,355 4,452 3,903 20,953 17,668 3,285

15,296 8,043 7,253 12,545 6,616 5,929 15,618 13,266 2,352 15,296 8,0431 7,253 12,545 6,616 5,929 15,618 13,266 2,352

11,333 5,931 5,402 16,290 8,634 7,656 11,399 9,684 1,71S 9,649 5,044 4,605 16,213 8,579 1,634 7,987 1,150 837 1,684 887 797 77 55 22 3,412 2,534 878 1,684 887 797 77 55 22 3,412 2,534 878 10,216 5,268 4,948 11,321 6,059 5,262 10,344 8,535 1,809 8,538 4,378 4,160 11,250 6,006 5,244 6,456 5,885 571 1,678 890 788 71 53 18 3,888 2,650 1,238 1,678 890 788 71 53 18 3,888 2,650 1,238 101,962 53,232 ..s,730 64,036 33,421 30,615 109,204 87,764 21,440 96,946 50,550 46,396 62,867 32,760 30,107 81,928 69,354 12,574 5,016 2,682 2,334 1,169 661 508 27).76 18,410 8,866 16,226 8,554 7,672 12,169 6,366 5,803 17,558 14,937 2,621 16,226 8,554 7,672 12,169 6,366 5,803 17,558 14,937 2,621

20,008 10,561 9,447 16,836 8,658 8,178 34,405 25,804 8,601 17,136 9,030 8,106 16,086 8,223 7,863 18,519 15,052 3,467 2,872 1,531 1,341 750 435 315 15,886 10,752 5,134 1,846 982 864 49'1 295 202 9,905 6,846 3,059 1,026 549 477 253 140 113 5,981 3,906 2,075 14,840 7,663 7,l77 30,070 15,807 14,263 13,643 11,534 2,109 14,840 7,663 7,177 30,070 ]5,807 14,263 13,643 11,534 2,109

14,216 7,493 6,723 2,146 1,146 1,000 15,637 12,640 2,997 12,894 6.757 6,137 ],803 957 846 10,152 8,891 1,261 1,322 736 586 343 189 154 5,485 3,749 1,736 1,322 736 586 343 189 154 5,485 3,749 1,736 17,582 9,171 8,41I 2,292 1,161 1,131 17,394 14,154 3,240 ]6,760 8,756 8,004 2,216 1,124 1,092 11,489 10,245 1,244 822 415 407 76 37 39 5,905 3,909 1,996 441 225 216 3,458 2,20l 1,257 381 190 191 76 37 39 2,447 1,708 739 19,090 9,790 9,300 523 283 240 lo,s67 S,695 1,872 19,090 9,790 9,300 523 283 240 10.567 8,695 ],872 148


WORKERS r------______~_

Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators ,-- S1. State/District/Tehsill Rural ,- ""------~ No. U.A.(Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 ]9 20 21 22 23 24

9. Sangod Tehsil T 27,714 25.299 2,475 15,924 15,155 169 R 27,774 25,299 2,475 15,924 15,155 769 U ]0_ Atru Tehsil T 21,881 18,800 3,081 12,949 11,674 1,275 R 21,881 18.800 3,081 12,949 11,674 1,275 U 11. Chhipabarod Tehsil T 22,964 20.918 2,046 15,844 15,163 681 R 20,581 18,809 1,772 15,446 14,789 657 U 2,383 2,109 274 398 374 24 V Chhipabarod Town U 2,383 2,]09 274 398 374 24 12. Chhabra Tehsil T 24,133 19,216 4,917 16,885 13,540 3,345 R 21,544 16,762 4,782 16.420 13,092 3,328 U 2,589 2,454 135 465 448 17 VI Chhabra Town U 2,589 2,454 135 465 448 17 26. Jh'llawar District T ]98,632 175,985 22,647 ]26,442 119,277 7,165 R ]83,458 162,365 21,093 124,726 117.792 6,934 U 15,174 13,620 1,554 1,716 1,485 231 1. Khanpur Tehsil T 26,988 23,982 3,006 15,298 14,765 533 R 26.988 23,982 3,006 15,298 14,765 533 U 2. Jhalrapatan Tehsil T 43.206 36,452 6,754 25,699 22,395 3,304 R 35,344 2



Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, HUnting and ,.... Agricultural Labourers Plantations, Orchards & allied activities Mining and Quarrying Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalet 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

6,125 4.889 1.236 849 801 48 81 77 4 6.125 4,889 1,236 849 801 48 81 77 4

4,630 3.510 1,120 506 399 107 206 175 31 4,630 3,5\0 1,120 506 399 107 206 175 31

3,118 2,04' 1,074 499 478 21 3 3 3,016 2,004 1,012 482 462 20 3 3 102 40 62 17 16 I 102 40 62 17 16 3,274 1,952 1,322 843 818 25 34 23 11 3,195 1,879 1,316 796 771 25 32 21 11 79 73 6 47 47 2 2 79 73 6 47 47 2 2 .33,651 21,098 12,553 4,993 4,717 276 383 342 41 32,653 20,460 12,193 4,784 4,510 274 337 296 41 998 638 360 209 207 2 46 46 6,853 4,773 2,080 515 487 28 34 30 4 6,853 4,773 2,080 515 487 28 34 30 4

.5,883 3,430 2,453 1,358 1,233 125 290 257 33 .5,655 3,258 2,397 1,291 1,167 124 246 213 33 228 172 56 67 66 44 44 185 141 44 32 31 32 32 43 31 12 35 35 12 12 3,482 2,385 1,097 448 432 16 24 24 3,482 2,385 1,097 448 432 16 24 24

4,648 2,916 1,732 860 845 IS 10 6 4 4,503 2,795 1,708 838 823 15 10 6 4 145 121 24 22 22 145 121 24 22 22 7,855 4,590 3,265 1,060 977 83 16 16 7,230 4,245 2,985 940 858 82 14 14 625 345 280 120 119 1 2 2 374 183 191 91 90 1 251 162 89 29 29 1 1 4,930 3,004 1,926 752 743 9 Q 9 4,930 3,004 1,926 752 743 9 9 9 150


WORKERS V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs ..t.. (a) Ib) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction 51. State/District/Tebsill Rural r- --.. No. ll. A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

9. Sangod Tehsil T 1,014 966 48 549 533 16 444 375 69 R 1,014 966 4& 549 sn 16 444 375 69 U 10. Atru TehsB T 654 609 45 417 353 64 307 214 93 R 654 609 45 417 353 64 307 214 93 U 11. Chhipabarod Tebsil T 808 745 63 639 556 83 140 137 l- R 620 580 40 163 162 1 42 41 1 U 188 165 23 476 394 82 98 96 Z V Chhipabarod Town U 188 165 23 476 394 82 98 96 2 12. Chhabra Tehsil T 449 406 43 456 439 17 92 86 6- R 277 244 33 137 129 8 21 17 4 U 172 162 10 319 310 9 71 69 2' VI Chbabra Town U 172 162 10 319 310 9 71 69 2 26. Jbalawal District T 6,569 5.941 628 4,922 4,650 272 1,594 1.367 22r R 5,665 5,196 469 2,465 2,353 112 1,205 998 20r U 904 745 159 2,457 2.21)7 160 389 369 20 1. Khanpur Tehsil T 1,056 998 58 633 606 27 594 436 158 R 1.056 998 58 633 606 27 594 436 158- U 2. Jhalrapatan Tehsil T 1,460 1,232 228 1,338 1,285 53 391 381 10' R 987 859 128 266 258 8 182 179 3 U 473 373 100 1,072 1,027 45 209 202 7 1 Jhalawar Town U 371 275 96 393 379 14 143 141 2 II Jhalrapatan TOWD U 102 98 4 679 648 31 66 61 5 3. Aklera Tehsil T 1.483 1,383 100 343 :m 6 120 118 2 R 1,483 1.383 100 343 337 6 120 118 2 U 4. Pachpahar Tebsil T 554 534 20 1,713 1,558 155 200 167 3l- R 50S 493 12 552 510 42 108 8S 23 U 49 41 8 1,161 1.048 113 92 82 10 111 Bhawani Mandi Town U 49 41 8 1,161 1,048 113 92 82 1()- S. Pirawa Tehsil T 1,100 961 139 564 544 20 189 177 12 R 718 630 88 340 322 18 101 92 9- U 382 331 51 224 222 2 88 85 3 IV SuneI Town U 164 IS7 7 113 1I2 1 34 31 3 V Pirawa Town U 218 174 44 11,1 110 1 54 54 6. Gangdhar Tehsil T 916 833 83 331 320 11 100 88 12 R 916 833 83 331 320 11 100 88 12 U 151



Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications__ J.. ___ Olher Services Non-Workers r ______J._ ____ ~ ___ ----J.. ---, ..------'------Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

43 44 45 46 47 I 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

813 791 22 210 206 4 1,765 1,506 259 66,028 24,032 41,996 813 791 22 210 206 4 1,765 1,506 259 66,028 24,03:1. 41,996

599 533 66 281 207 74 1,332 1,126 206 48,864 18,469 30,395 599 533 66 281 207 74 1,332 1,126 206 48,864 18,469 30,395

706 690 16 105 105 1,102 997 105 52,534 18,870 33,664 245 236 9 21 21 543 511 32 46,213 16,313 29,900 461 454 7 84 84 559 486 73 6,321 2.557 3,764 461 454 7 84 84 559 486 73 6,321 2,557 3,764 745 713 32 268 267 1.087 972 115 39,868 14,618 25,250 161 151 10 70 7U 435 388 47 32,750 12,016 20,734 584 562 22 198 197 652 584 68 7,118 2,602 4,516 584 562 22 198 197 652 584 68 7,118 2,602 4,516 .6,814 6,611 203 1,298 1,287 11 11,966 10,695 1,271 423,369 148,055 275,314 3.875 3,755 120 657 648 9 7.091 6,357 734 379,738 130,629 249,109 2,939 2,856 83 641 639 2 4,875 4,338 537 43,631 17,426 26,205 663 651 12 68 68 1,274 1,168 106 60,115 21,558 38,557 _ 663 651 12 68 68 1,274 1,168 106 60,ll5 21,558 38,557

1.957 1,859 98 490 486 4 4,340 3,894 446 97,774 37,288 60,486 511 477 34 70 67 3 1,024 957 67 73,133 27,164 45,969 1,446 1,382 64 420 419 3,316 2,937 379 24,641 10,124 14,517 656 626 30 308 308 2,288 2,041 247 15,358 6,580 8,778 790 756 34 112 III 1,028 896 132 9,283 3,544 5,739 835 810 25 133 133 1,581 1,447 134 94,020 32,135 61,885 835 810 25 133 133 1,581 1,447 134 94,020 32,135 61,885

1,364 1,345 19 319 317 2 1,372 1,260 ll2 49,513 16,717 32,796 495 488 7 146 145 1 684 643 41 41,803 13,714 28,089 869 857 12 173 172 1 688 617 71 7,710 3,003 4,707 - 869 857 12 173 172 688 617 71 7,710 3,003 4,707 971 955 16 71 70 1 1,851 1,595 256 67,984- 23,323 44,661 347 338 9 23 22 1 980 811 169 56.704 19,024 37,680 624 617 7 48 48 871 784 87 11,280 4,299 6,981 241 235 6 25 25 413 367 46 5,890 2,209 3,681 383 382 1 23 23 458 417 41 5,390 2,090 3,300 1,024 991 33 217 213 4 1,548 1,331 217 53,963 17,034 36,929 1,024 991 33 217 213 4 1,548 1,331 217 53,963 17,034 36,929 152


TOTAL POPULATION (Including institutional and Total Occupied Number housrless population) S1. State/District/Tehsil/ Rural A.rea in Residential of house- __, No. U.A.ITown Urban Sq.Km. Houses holds Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

latpuf U.A. U 258.57 103,256 111,256 636,768 342,836 293,932 Jaipur City See Jaipur Tehsil Amber Town See Amber Tebsil Sanganer Town See Sanganer Tebsil


Total Total Workers (I-IX) Cultivators Sl. StatelDistrict/Tehsill Rural ,------'------, ,------_...... ------___....., No. U. A.jTown Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24

Jaipur U.A. U 171,357 161,673 9,684 5,699 5,055 644


r------__ --V VI Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs r------~---______~ (a) (b) Total Household Industry Other than Household Industry Construction SI. State/District/Tehsil/ Rural ,------_...... ------, ,-.- No. U.A./Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Jaipur U.A.. U 13,016 11,505 1,511 33,569 32,768 801 6,533 6,278 255 153


Scheduled Castes ScheduledJ.______Tribes -, Literate & Educated Persons J... ---.. ,.-- ,...------"------...., Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PerSClns Males females 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

62,466 33,347 29,119 10,885 6,063 4,822 303,040 198,461 104,579


WORKERS --'------.. II III IV

Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Agricultural Labourers Plantations, Orchards & allied aetivaies Mining andJ... ______Quarrying -, r------'------r------'------~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

l,63~ 1,307 328 759 674 85 301 277 24



Transport, Storage and Trade and Commerce Communications Other Services Non-Workers ,...----'------,--- ,....------"- Persons Males Females-- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fell1ales 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

33,187 32,526 661 14,708 14,528 180 61,950 56,755 5,195 465,411 181,163 284,248




(a) Villages having Population, 1,000 - 4,999 (Figures in brackets denote the ~~mber of such villages)

Tehsil Name of Village Population Tehsil Name ar Village Population

2 '3 2 3

GANOANAGAR DISTRICT (92) Hanumallg8rh (14) 2KNJ 4,328 6JRK 4,138 4RRW 3,230 t 'U Karanpur (3) 4,837 24LLW 3,133 32 F 2,978 37 SSW 3,044 6V 2,360 29 SSW 2,971 5LK 2,507 Ganganagar (1 S) Chal¢ Ganesb Garh 4,837 14 JRK 2,381 15 FJ 3,170 14LLW 2,338 3 GI 3,156 9MD 2,334 12 F 3,150 17 KSP 2,308 5P 2,965 2C 2,160 4HH 2,943 28 FTP 2,048 3 Q 2,941 14NDR 2,047 30G·9· 2,667 1 F 2,504 Raisinghnagar (1) 17 TK 2,096 5U 2,451 2HHI 2,399 7B 2,379 Suratgarh (8) 11 SGM ],017 2B 2,303 lSLGW 2,947 2F 2,148 14LKS 2,871 8Y 2,096 24JLK 2,760 22JRK 2,630 Baropal 2,554 Padampur (5) Biran Bayla 3,979 3PWM 2,511 Narsinghpura Barani 2,248 17 PBN 2,269 8BB 2,134 2PP 2,103 Nobar (9) Gandheli 4,692 60 LNP Ridmal- Parlika 4,050 Sarmandi 2,053 Ramgarh 3,878 Bhookarka 3,723 Sadulshahar (3) 36PTP 2,939 Sondi 2,799 22PTP 2,206 Birkali 2,622 4BNW 2,035 Bad Virana 2,499 Barwali 2,202 Sangaria (9) 6BGPA 4,741 Diplana 2,116 11 DIP 4,074 25 TP 3,011 Bbadra (17) Neeth Rana 4,708 2PTP 2,853 Cbani Bari 4,652 16BGP 2,743 Kalana 3,712 5NGR 2,601 Ajit Pura 3,642 3LLW 2,586 Gandhi Bari 3,202 11 PTP 2,416 Sherda 3,043 20FTP 2,074 Bbirani 3,024 Jhansal 2,962 Tibi (5) 12 CDR Surewala 3,950 Ninan 2,872 SGGR 3,359 Dabri 2,841 1 MG Meharwala 2,605 Munsari 2,695 7 SLW Siiwala Khurd 2,534 Karanpura 2,609 1 CDR Khara Kbera 2,515 Aoupsbabar 2,467 156


(a) Villages having Population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

Tehsil Name of Village Population Tc:h,il Name of Villdge Population

2 3 2 3

Bhadra-concld. Jogibala 2,428 Rajgarh (7) Sankhoo 4,007 Mahrana 2,399 Sldh Mukh 3,526 Mal Khera 2,118 Dadrewa 2,955 DUl'grana 2,072 Chand Gothi 2,118 Rampura 2,085 Anupgarh (3) I GB Including Mandi Bhesli 2,019 Jailpar 3,028 Nalshal 2,001 Kugiya Including Rohi 2,,86 Bilochiya 2,186 Churu (3) D lodwa Khara 3,587 Ghanghoo 2,390 BlKANER DISTRICT (26) Ghanlel 2,241

Bikaner (10) UdTamsar 3,193 Dungargarb (2) Biga 3,500 Chattargarh 2,Q9S Riri 2,979 Palana 2,867 Shivwari 2.776 Ratangarh (2) Lachharsar . 2,780 Mundsar 2,160 Daudsar 2,40i Ramsar 2,153 Barsinghsar 2.0~9 Sujangarh (5) Sand wan 3,976 Seen thai 2,063 Charwas 3,287 Jamsar 2,013 Sh,)bhasar 2,841 Bambloo 2,002 Lalgarh 2,459 Gopalpura 2.008 Lunkaransar (5) Kaloo 4.496 Lunkaransar 4,086 JHUNJHUNUN DISTRICT (16) Mahajan ?878 Jaltpur 2,,27 Jhunjbunun (13) Islampura 4,610 Shekhsar 2,011 Budana 3,501 Tamkor Kishangarb 3,236 Kolayat (I) Jbajboo 2,178 Nuoan 2.864 Chun Chatarpura 2.754 Nokha(lO) Jasra~ar 4.798 Als'sar 2,725 Pancboo 4,674 Mahansar 2,641 Kakku 3.841 Gangyasar 2,537 Beekasll 3.633 Maha Khar 2,153 Kakra 2,75* Sona,ar 2,152' Saruda 2,714 Ladusar 2,151 Rora 2,700 T,lDec 2.144 Himatsar 2,4' 0 Dabri 2,104 Jagioo 2,489 Bhadla 2.152 Chirawa (10) ,Narhar 3,500 Klthana 3,246 ~ CHURU DISTRICT (25) Adooka 3,124 Jakhod 2,666 Taraeagar (6) Dheerwas 3,267 Bhadoonda KalaD 2,493 Satyoo 3,182 Chandana 2,461 Buchawaa 2,960 Ojtoo 2,249 Rajpura 2,690 Deo Road 2,168 Bain 2,6 Q6 Budaniya 2,079 Raiyatunda 2,373 \ Bhoothari 2,OS1 157


(a) Villages having Population 2,ODO - 4,999-contd. \ (Figures in brackets denote the humber of such villages)

Tehsil Name of Village Poplllalion Tehsil Name of Village Population

2 3 2 3

Khetri (22) ,Babai 4,612 Udaipulwati-concld. Gothra 2,140 'Jas,apur 4,073 Hamlawas 2.(]65 barau 3,730 Seenthal 2,051 Pacberi Kalan 3,700 Manaksas 2,032 ~uhana 3,565 Bay 2,015 B4sai 3,297 Mandawala 2,015 Sqimla 3,251 Gpeir 2,962 ALWAR DISTRICT (82) Duodhwa 2,615 ~ihor 2,480 Behlor (9) Shahjahanpur 4,032 Kh<:tri Rural 2,459 Gandala 3,560 Madhogarh 2,416 Jakhrana Kalan 2,894 B


(a) Villages having population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

Tehsil Name of Village Population Tebsil Name of Village Population

2 3 2 3

Alwar~oncld. Chandoli 2,562 BHARATPUR DISTRICI'(79) Baleta 2,550 Beejwar 2.417 Kaman (7) Jurhara 4,024 Barkhera 2.403 Pabari 3,479 Bahadurpur Patti Miran 2,363 Kaithwara 2,974 Alwar Rural 2,3\5 Sahsan 2,674 Bhoogor 2.281 Naunera 2,365 Bamboli 2,248 Gopalgarh 2,354 Prathvipura 2,221 Vaulkhera 2,175 KaroH 2,212 Nagar (3) Sundrabali 2,761 Thanagazi (6) Kasba Thanagazi 4,406 Khohri 2,599 Pratapgarb 2,743 Seekri Patti 2,090 Mundawara 2,322 2,308 Garhi Deeg (7) Sinsini 4,598 Agar 2,169 Bahaj 4,062 2,115 Kisbori Janoothar 2,959 Korer 2,518 Rajgarb (12) Reni 3,9d6 Panhori 2,280 Pinan 3,937 Khoh 2.268 Machari 3,193 Kasot 2,068 Sakal 3,053 Rajpur 2.759 Nadbai (3) Kawai 2,475 Rajgarh Rural 2,745 Bachhamadi 2,210 Garhi Sawai Ram 2,699 Bhadeera 2,067 JamdoJi 2,489 Karoth 2,452 Bharatpur (9) Awar 3,496 Tahla 2,415 Ajan 3,400 Bahed Kho Kalan 2,264 Sewar Kalan 3,243 Dhamred 2,032 Satrook 3,162 Belak 2,740 Lachbmangarh (18) Mojpur 4,729 Gunsara :;},682 Lachhmangarh 4,298 Rarah 2,401 Tasai 4,231 Malah 2,255 Kalhoomar 4,096 Uhar 2,010 Samoochi 3,367 Sonkhari 3,364 Weir (6) Pathain 3,367 Khohra Malawali 3,325 Nithar 2,880 Jawli 3,071 Bal'abhgarb 2,141 Garoo 3,003 Balaina 2,490 Sonkhar 2.801 Sarsaioa 2,275 HarS'lna 2,724 Salem pur Kalan 2,025 BarodRmeo 2,716 Kalwari 2.524 Bayana (6) Brahmabad 3,537 Boontoli 2,500 Mahmadpura 3,375 KherIi ReI 2,194 Bagren 2,415 Bhanokhar 2,189 Nahroli 2,183 Masari 2,155 Khareri 2,182 Sooth 2,013 Bajna 2,C46 IS9


ra) ViHages having Population ,2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures,in brackets denote the nu~ber of such villages)

Tehail Name of VilIalle Population Tehsil Name of Village Population

1 2 3' 1 2 3

Rupbas(7) Rupbas 4,982 Todabhim (8) Morda 3,130 Uc:hchain 3,799 Moondiya 2,959 Rupawal 3,047 Mehswa 2,917 Kh~nuwa 2,848 Padampura 2,749 DUIllriya 2,414 Nanga) Sherpur 2,652 Pichoona 2.225 Bani 2,471 K ha nsurjapur 2,OS4 Nisoora 2,211 Tighriyan 2.096 Baseri (10) BaS%i 4,753 Sale pur 3,057 Hindaun (6) Sooroth 4,894 Ratanpur 2.984 Jagar 4,562 Boreli 2,836 Didora 3,209 BarauJi 2,722 Katkar 3,171 Bagthar 2,445 Jhareda 2,739 Jarga 2,416 KachroJi 2,380 Mamaudhan 2,358 Timasiya 2,273 Nadauti (7) Kemri Bujarg 3,813 MaugulawaJi 2,163 Gurha Chandji 3,066 Shahar 3,034 Bari (4) Jayawali 2,481 Garh Mora 2,874 ChilaChand 2,205 Sop 2,73i Umreh 2,149 Kemla 2,594 Rudhera 2,038 Bardala 2,101

Dholpur (14) Saipau 3,667 Bamanwas (6) Bamanwas Patti Kalao 4,586 Kherli 3,557 Bamanwas Patti Khurd 3,520 Mal1grol 3,298 Amarwa with Doongar Taseemo 3,072 Patti 2,961 Maniyan 3,029 Liwali 2,912 MoroJi 3,014 Riwali 2,077 Pachgaon 2.861 PipJai 2,002 Maloni Panwar 2,636 Kankoli 2,398 Gangapur (9) Udai Kalan 4,056 Birodha 2,261 Piloda 3,445 Donari 2,139 Khandeep 3,186 Bishnoda 2,126 Mahu Kalan 3,017 Pipbera 2,091 Udai Khurd 2,939 Malauni Khurd 2,079 Sewa 2,643 Mirzapur 2,206 Rajakhcra (3) Hathwari 3,346 Narayanpura (Tatwara) 2,163 Narauli 2,331 Syaroli 2,123 Ganhedi 2.318 Karauli(9) Mandracbal 3,95'1 SAWAI MADHOPUR DISTRICT (76) Lauhra 3,894 Fatebpur 3,193 Mahwa(6) Mandawar 4,514 Rodbai 2,565 Pawta Goojar 3,100 Gudla 2,343 Gadh Himmat Singh 2,782 Masalpur 2.192 Santba 2,733 Bhankri 2,122 Kherla Bujarg 2,133 Kota 2,082 Kot 2,034 Maholi 2,018 160


(a) Villages having Population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the Dumber of such villages)

Tehsi!· Name of Village Population Tehsil Naml' of Village Population

'2 3 2 3

Sapotn (1) Sapotra 3,054 Bairath-concld. Na:lan 3,'264 Narauli 3,023 Mahar Kburd 3,081 Salempur 2,812 Dholi 3,OOS JorH 2,652 Vilandarpur 2,891 Gothra 2,332 2,867 Inayati 2,143 Devan 2,828 Haroti 2,032 Norangpura 2,808 Dhanota 2.768 Malarnachor (4) Malarna Doongar 4,92S Khoralar Kbani 2,571 Malarnachor 3,578 Radawas 2,305 Peepalda 2,869 Vishangarh 2,284 Mitrapura 2,262 Teori 2,280 Sahiwad 2,059 SlIwai Madbopur (J 0) Bhagwat Garh 4,604 Shiv.ar 4,458 Amber (21) Morija 4,283 4,070 Isarda ·3,814 Needar Soorwal 3.226 Sigod Khurd & Kalan 4,066 Khilchipur 3,176 Samod 3,726 Tigariya 3,f87 Kushtala 2,620 Sar-sop 2,581 Goviodgarh 3,591 Gangi SfJyampura 2,541 Udaipuriya 3,463 Kundera 2,495 Itawa 3,406 Phaiodi 2,062 Cheethwari 3,11'6 2,861 Khandar (4) Khandar 4,324 Mundota 2,729 Bahra Wada Khurd 2.246 Jahota 2,638 Baler 2,240 Niwana 2,326 Chhan 2,098 Asti Kalan with Khurd Jaitpura 2,243 JAIPUR DISTRICT (136) Harota 2,241 Haslera 2,230 2,177 KotpatJi (14) Pragpura 4,778 Harmara 2,146 Paola 4,381 Anantpura 2,081 Barnagar 4,347 Ki~hanpura 2,032 Dantil 3,913 Nangal Sbarda 2,023 Baneti 3,767 Dhodsar )Sareda 2,914 Phulera (I') Badhal 4,918 Bhankhri 2,i!12 Mandha Bheemsingb 4,750 Kbelna 2,728 Kanchroda 3,779 Bhanraj Bhuree 2,522 Bhadwa 3,398 Pachho Dala 2,339 Bhainslana 3,390 Bhonawas 2,170 Bagawas 3,044 Mandha 2,143 Asalpur 2,900 Dhadha Sudarpura 2,142 Bhainsawa 2,865 Buchabera Rural 2,033 Dhani Boraj 2,7115 Kajipura 2,576 Bairath (18) Med' 4,938 Hirnoda 2,434 Amarsar 4,706 Sinodi}a 2,223 Bhabroo 4,\\<1 BarGoti 2,088 Kareeri 3,867 Harsoli 2,077 Jaisinghpura 3.561 Hlilgoniya 2,052 16l


(al Villages having Population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote tbe n~mber of such villages) ,

Tehsil Name of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village 'Population

1 2 g 2 3

Jaipur (5) Jaisinghpura Khor 3,052 Dausa (7) Alooda 3,793 Paehar 2,992 Lawan 3,440 S\rsi 2,520 Pap-arda 3,244 Gajadharpura 2,257 Kbawa 2,640 Nagai laisa Bobra 2,175 Sainthal 2,602 Chhareda 2,089 Kala Khoh 2,075 Jamwa Ramgarh (12) Mappur Macbeti 3,596 Raisar 3,399 Sikrai (5) Sikandra 4,928 Nayla 3.227 Sikrai 3,380 Anhdi 2.813 Manpur 2,670 Kalan 2,673 Bairanwanda 2,610 Rundal 2.605 Tarda 2,292 Tholai 2,589 Khawa Raniji 2,326 Pbagl (6) ReowaJ 3,463 Buj with Badb 2,132 Choru 3,056 Tala 2,073 Madhorajpura 3,029 Chawaodya 2,058 Ladana 2,796 Dangarwara 2,025 Peepla 2,328 Nimeda 2,154 Baswa (8) Bariyal Kalan 4,171 Anantwara 3,252 Cbaksu (2) Kotkhawda 3,447 Syalawas Kalan 3,222 Chaodlai 2,840 Gurha Katla 2,740 Baodl-Kui-Jagecr 2,543 Lalsot (5) Deedwana 4,684 Syalawas Khurd 2,143 Mandawari 4,399 .Hingota 2,123 Ramgarh Pachawara 2,961 Biwai with chak 2,094 Bagdi 2,096 Btlauna KaiaD 2,039 Dudu(9) Mozmabad 4,431 Dudu 4,035 SIKAR DISTRICT (78) Boraj 4.005 Sawarda 2,732 Fatchpur (1) Beswa 2,710 Sewa 2,506 Jhag 2,420 Lachlamangarb (5) Nechbwa 3,473 Rahlana 2,154 Magloona 2,711 Mahlan 2,013 BalaraD 2,289 Gurha Barsal 2,003 lajod 2,270 Palri 2,120 Saogancr (4) Watka 4,564 Goner 2,478 Slkar(l6} Bed 4,626 Bhankrota Kalan 2,400 Koleera 4,042 MuhaDa 2,042 Gungaran 4,022 Rughnathgarb 3,341 Baasi (5) Baskho 3,938 I


(a) Villages having population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

Tebsil Name of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village Population

2 3 2 3

Sikar-concld. Daulatpura 2,536 Sri Madhopur-(:oncld. Jugalpura 2,091 Singrawat 2,475 Kotri Dayalan 2,079 KirdoJi 2,474 Nirnera 2.045· Kansli 2.330 Koodan 2.274 Danta Ramgarh (14) Khatoo 4,8M Bajor 2.101 Shishyoo 4.459" Sihot Bari 2,011 Ramgarh 4,073 Khood 3,925 Nccm-ka-thana (20) Gaonri 4,918 Khachariyawas 3,629- Mawanda Khurd 4.601 Pachar 3.143 Cheep lata 4,198 Banoora 2,728 Ganesbwar 4,076 Karad 2,645 Peethampuri 3.362 Roopgarb with Tebat 2,498 Patan 3,091 Manda 2.493 Chala 3,005 Dbeengpur 2,462 Neem-ka-thana Rural 2,884 Rewasa 2,349 leelo 2,865 Kochhor 2,13~ Charanwas alias Gowati 2,034- Puranawas 2,637 Govindpura 2,598 AJMER DISTRICT (57) Dabla 2,513 Ajllleri 2,445 Raipur Patan 2,379 Ajmer (18) Rarnsar 4,450- Mawanda Kalan 2,369 Shree Nagar 4,284 Mahawa 2,339 Saradhana 4,271 Tooa 2,293 Jethana 4,121 Kishorpura 2,174 Rajgarh 3,444 Asampura 2,125 Narwar 3,071 Raipura Jageer 2,059 Leeri 2,903 Kandel 2,760' Sri Madhopur (22) Ajeetgarb 4,982 Gola 2.684 Kanwat 4,623 Bidakchiyawas 2.562 Sri Madhopur Rural 3,994 Nagclao 2,516 Kotri Luharwas 3,901 Picboliya 2,492 Thoi 3,858 Gagwana 2,382 Mau 3,824 Rajosi 2,29& Abhawas 3,666 Somalpur 2,254 Garh Taknet 3,189 Bbanwata 2,171 Dadiya (Rampura) 3,011 Tabiji 2,lll Loharwara 2,846 Makhoopura 2,030- Chowkri 2,780 Hanspur 2,529 KisbanSarh (12) Roopangarh 4,1U Hathidesh Hardas- Arain 3,278- ka bas 2,434 Karkedi 3,167 Gurara 2,402 Harmara 3,155 Khandela Rural 2,371 Sursara 2,63B" Kotri 2,341 Barna 2,S6(} Aspura 2,341 Bandar Sindhri 2.501 Lisariya 2,232 Dadiya 2,428 Sargoth 2,230 Kucbeel 2.386 163


(a) Villages having PopulatiolV,OOO - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote tbe DUmber of such villages)

Population TehsiJ Name of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village • 2 3 2 3

Kishangarh-conc:ld. !.amba 2,353 Todaraisiogh (4) Pawaliya 2,565 Ka'lsoora 2,294 Bhasoo 2,514 SanlNatsar 2,024 Baori 2,443 I Hameerpur 2,429 Beawar(9) Tatgarh 4,913 Mas~oda 4,680 Tonk (5) Peeploo 3,560 Kbarwa 4,492 Jbarana 2,447 Jaliy~ II 4,211 Mehandwas 2,146 Jban~ 3,801 Ranoli 2,145 Loolwa 2,950 Bagri 2,025 Shyamgarb 2,598 Sikhrani 2,140 Deoli (8) Dooni 4,644 Sathana 2,088 Rajmahal 3,888 Nasarda 3,762 Sarwar (5) Tantoli 2.463 Nagar 2,745 SapIa 2,437 Deoli 2,488 Fatebgarb . 2,386 Anwan 2,393 Jotayan 2,120 Ghar 2,157 Goyla 2,100 Thanwala 2,153 Kekri (13) Baghera 4,406 Uoiara (3) Banetha 4,113 Kadera 3,506 Aligarh 3,779 Jooniya 3,388 Shop 2,320 Mehroonkalan 3,248 DeoJiya Kalan 3,214 JAISALMER DISTRICT (6) Bandanwara 2.958 Jaisa\mer (1) Mohangarh 2,385 Deogaon 2,745 Chapaneri 2,645 Pokaran (5) Bhaniyana 4,504 Pranhera 2,604 Raj Mathai 2,494 GhatiyaJi 2,390 Lawa 2,298 Khawas 2,348 Nacbana 2,279 BadJi 2,326 Shakra 2,254 Para 2,295 JODHPUR DISTRIcr (96) TONK DISTRICT (35) Pbalodi (17) Bap 4,316 Malpura (8) Lawa 4,800 Lohawat Jetwu . 3,829 Tordi 3,587 Denok 3.694 Chamisan 2,936 Bhojasar 3,2U Lamba Hari Singh 2,929 Kheechan 2.795 Soda 2,348 Aall 2,789 MorIa 2,346 Sanwreej 2,449 Nagar 2.098 Gandla 2,435 Budha Dewal 2,055 Ridmalsar 2,406 Jamba 2,231 Nawai (7) Jhilai 3,697 Bhee~asar 2.223 Banastbali 3,240 Paleena 2,185 Siras alias CbatarbhuJPura 2,507 Jaisala 2,173 Raholi 2,139 Pari~al _2,168 Natwara 2,136 Kusblawa 2,112 Dangarthal 2,O8l GhantiyaJi 2,071 NawaiRural 2,041 Kanasar 2,020 - ~ ~ --- - - ~~--' ._- - - _- ~ - "-~ =---~-~~-- 164


(a) Villages having Population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

Tehsil Name of Village Population Tebsil Name of Village Population

2 3 2 3

Osian (21) Baori 4.582 lodbpur-concld. Salawas 2,807 Bheekamkor 4,008 Feencb 2.717 Tinw~ri 4,007 lhalamand 2,6119 Samrau 3,911 Bhetanda 2,650 Nawra 3,800 Palasni 2,610 Bedhwasiya 3,381 Satlana 2,550 Gag!ni 3,351 ]\'andwana 2,277 Pali 3,295 Pal 2,273 Danwara 3,043 Doli 2,161 lakban 2,955 Beroo 2,147 Paonasar 2,882 Daikara 2.013 Naser 2,849 Matara 2,701 HiraTa (20) Boroonda 4,899 ]eloo Gagad 2,611 Bhawee 4,746 Khabra Khurd 2,595 Hariyadana 4,477 Bher 2,329 Kosana 3,720 Bapini 2,327 Khariya MeetbapUl 3,426 Tapoo 2.126 Khangta 3,210 Khetasar 2,083 Ransigaon 3,079 Beejbariya 2,049 Satheen 3,030 Balkba 2,043 Ralkurdiya 2,993 Kht>jarJa 2,901 Shergarh (19) Chamu 4,908 Kaparda 2.488 Belwa 4,848 Pichiyak 2,465 Balesar Satan 4,830 Salawa Khurd 2,354 Solankiya Tala 4,546 Riyan 2,269 Shergarb 4,289 Khawaspura 2,25) Tena 3,839 Nadsar 2,171 Setrawa 3,519 Rajlani 2,142 De,hoo 3,392 Gajsin&bpura 2,095 Bahesar DugawataD 3,341 Bala 2,022 Nathrau 3,283 Devatara 2,000 Chaba 3,191 Dasaniya 3,159 NAG.I\UR DISTRICT (88) Suwaliya 2,969 S~khala 2,700 Chandsama 2,565 Ladnu (~) Jaswanlgarh 4,548 KetooKalan 2,444 Nimbi lodha 4,111 Khudiyala 2,309 Ratau 2,506 Nimbon-ka-Gaon 2,145 Rodoo 2,416 Agolaj 2,109 Dhyawa 2,028

Jodhpur (19) Jhanwar 4,228 Didwana(8) Dhan Koli 4.423 Ghughala 3,549 Taseena 4,011 Sal wan Kalan 3,401 Koh) a 3,987 Gurha Bishnoiyan 3,239 Molasar 2.918 Chanwa 3,200 Khun Khuna 2,740 Ilisalpur 3,160 Bansa 2,480 Dhawa 3,056 Ladariya 2,399 Keroo 2,961 Nimbod 1,199 165


(a) Villages having Popu1atio~ 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

Tebsil Name of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village Population,

2 3 2 3

Palri Kalan 2,166 JayaJ (9) Deh 4,338 Degana-concld. R(llkaji:yan 3,966 Degana 2,120 Kathoti 2,926 Chui 2,018 Tarnau 2,821 Rajpd 2,566 Parbatsar (13) Baroo 4,634 Phatdod 2,439 Budsoo 4,151 Looosara 2,138 Manana 2,963 Jhareli 2,077 Harnawa 2,872 Samda 2,071 Bidiyad 2,708 Peeh 2,639 Gular 2,591 3,863 Nagaur(16) Pochla Sldha Jawala 2,534 Tadas 3,691 Bhadwa 2,438 Kheenwsar 3,422 BhakIi Molas 2,352 Gudha Bhagwandas 3,180 Joosri 2,322 Sbri Balaji 3,004 Peelwa 2,181 Khajwana 2.941 Kurada 2,133 Roon 2.932 Birloka 2,864 Merta (13) Harsolao with chak Sankbwas 2,857 Hasolao 4,808 Madpur 2,745 Tookliya 4,680 Kurchhi 2,437 Padoo Kalan 3,997 loana 2,436 Jasl)agar 3,906 Pancbori 2,383 Dagawas 3,225 Kumari 2,356 Mokala 2,875 Satberao 2,344 Gagrana 2.579 Kadloo 2,029 Poondloo 2,451 Kurdaya 2,297 Nawa(12) Paochwa 4,830 Iodawar 2,227 Minda 4,022 Gatben 2,215 Marotb 3,944 Sodas 2,081 Gbatwa 3,670 Rohisa 2,001 Meethri 3,313 Looowa 3.181 PAll DISTRICT (77) Kukanwali 2,586 Chitawa 2,576 Jaitaran (10) Baloonda 4,856 Lichana 2,425 Lambi:ya 2,786 Gurha Salt 2,352 Balara 2,503 Araksar 2,342 Deoriya 2,456 Jiliya 2,160 Agewa 2,216 Kurki 2,145 Asarlai 7,111 Degana(12) Thanwala 4,402 Harsor 3,786 Sewariya 2,100 Alniyawas 3,445 Nimhol 2,050 Bherunda 2,986 Patwa 2,On Goreri Chancha 2,924 lJiwa 2.778 Sojat (4) Atbara 3,736 Chandaroon 2,715 Chaodawal 3,653 Saoju 2,340 Beelawas 2,817 Butati 2,211 Sandiya 2,609 166


(aJ Villages having Population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

-- --~ - Tebsil Name of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village population

~ ~ - .... ~-~- 3 2 3 2

4,046 Deoli Kalan 3,837 Bali-coneld. Khiwandi Raipur (9) 3,652 Giri 3,815 Pawa 3,418 Peepliya 3,095 Bisalpur 3,388 Bar 3,027 Bbeemana 3,384 Birantiya Kburd 2,866 ' Lunawa 3,362 Chang 2,692 Bbandar 3,361 Jhoonta 2,280 Bankli 3,274 Kalaliya 2,176 Dujana 3,118 Nimbera Kalan 2,118 Khinmel Balwana 2,927 2,667 Pali (9) Khor 4,323 Bhatoond 2,497 Gudba Endla 3,413 Balana 2,447 GUndClj 3,030 Nawi 2,435 2,849 Koyalbao Boo~i 2,423 Pali Rural 2,758 Palri 2,277 Rohat 2,459 Bharunda 2.104 Chachori 2,346 Korta llenda 2,230 BARMER DISTRICT (74) Miniyari 2,133 Sheo (9) Harsani 4,461 Kharchi (IS) Auwa 4,562 Jaisindbar 3,447 Dhaola 4,2\ \ Medusar 2,934 Ranawas 3,344 Undoo 2,795 Kltarchi 3,270 Kolra 2,657 Banta 2,833 Gadra Road UrI Siryari 2,802 Berseengdesar 2,599 Savrad 2,563 Bhreyar 2,548 Deoli 2,532 Girab 2,197 Bl1haura Kalan 2,473 Sundra 2,195 Dudaur 2,472 Ishali 2,308 Barmer (35) Mahbar 4,644 Dhamli 2,255 Rawatsar 4,264 Manda 2,199 Hodoo 3,999 Nebli Manda 2,116 Bayloo Bhopji 3,750 Bazar Kharchi 2,054 DhorimaQa 3,690- Sawau Padam Singb 3,556 Desuri (8) Ghanerao 4,927 Chaba 3,522 Des'Jri 4,869 Khokhar 3,303 Narlai 4,127 Dhoondha 3,302 Bij"wa 4,056 Sarli 3,223 Khlwara 3,371 Add 3,143 Rani Kalan 2,706 Bishala 3,074 Ja"ali 2,558 Sanawara 2,956 Dadai 2,108 Bandra 2,915 Nagar 2.887 Bati (22) Mundara 4,896 Bay too Bhimjl 2.827 Chawanderi 4,828 Dhoodhoo 2,788 Knselao 4,569 BhoOrtiya 2,740 BeejaJ'ur 4,518 Sheokar 2,674 Chanod 4,112 Nokhra 2,515 167


(a) Villages having Populotfen 2,000 - 4,999--<:ontd. ,, (Figures in brackets denote the rlumber, of sueh villages)

_. _-~~- ~ Tehsil Name of Village Population Tehsil Name' of Village Population

2 3 2 3

Barmer-<:ODcJd. Bay too Panji 2,403 JALOR DISTRICT (66) ~badarwa 2,371 2,362 Bay too Chimanji Jaior (19) Bagra 4,949 2,348 r<,oloo Sayla 4,877 2,340 Rateu Sathoo 4,574 1,302 Pareu Sirana 3,941 Akdara 2,207 Khetra 3,548 Dankba 2,18$ Mandwala 3,222 2,178 Sin~hri Cbauseera Bakra 3,182 2,170 Sanjta Surana 3,166 Madpura Barwaia 2,167 Kesblllana 2,668 Kbadeen 2,155 Elana 2,496 2,079 Nosar witb Cbakook Balwara 2,455 Cbokbala 2,041 lalor Rural 2,380 Ramsar 2,015 ,[iloda 2,333 Akoli 2,139 iPachpadra (8) Jasal 4.92\ Patberi 2,119 Pachpadra 3,555 Chorau 2,094 Asara 3,045 Otwala 2,093 Korna 2,853 Babatra 2,082 Asotra 2,811 Thalwad 2,011 Kanana 2,691 Par 100 2,501 Abore (12) Harjee 4,311 Tapra 2,223 Gurba Balotan 3,636 Bhawaraoi 3,486 4,499 .cbohtan (16) Cbohtan Bhadrajoon 2,795 3,704 Bisarniya Chandrai 2,711 3,638 Netrad Agwari 2,456 Taratara 3,071 Padatli 2,383 2,972 Leelsar Rama 2,342 Dbanau 2,868 Raitbal 2,327 2,641 Bhooniya Bhooti 2,150 2,490 Konra Thanwla 2,039 2,375 Barwasar Sankbwali 2,032 Beejrad 2.357 Alamsar 2,36 Sanchore (13) Keriya 4,818 BamarIa 2,113 Chitalwana 4,296 Bamnor Bhanwarshab 2,112 Pur 3.334 Dharasara 2,067 Gundau 2,722 Kitnoriya 2,052 Arnay 2,679 Gaogasara 2,046 Dootbwa 2,443 Jhab 2.338 Siwana(6) Khandap 3,440 GurbaHema 2,217 Majal 2,695 Karola 2,J27 Indrana 2.3l2 Khara 2,123 Mithaura 2,271 Sankar 2,062 Karmawas 2.128 Hariyali 2,060 Kuseep 2,118 Beechhawari 2,024 168


(a) ViI/ages having Population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

Tehsii Name of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village Population

2 3 2 3

Jaswantpura (22) Punasa 4,595 Pindwara-concld. Dhanari 2,449 Daspan 4,117 Wasa 2,357 Dhansa 4,054 Basantgarh 2,229 Morseem 4,018 Veerwara 2,066 Ramseen 3,965 Abu Road (2) Kbantpur 3,190' 3,875 Raniwara Kalan Mungthala 2,744- Bargaon 3,666 Karda 3,178 Reodhar (4) Anadra 4,043 Dhumbariya 3,146 Reodbar 2,770 Modra 2,970 Dantarai 2,636 Bharvi 2.942 Bhatana 2,(80 Jaswantpura 2,873 Bali 2,735 BHILWARA DISTRlcr (60) Tawab 2,732 4,73& Bagora 2,664 Asind (11) Badnor 3,123 Joojani 2,548 DauJatgarh 3,081 Malwara 2,440 KaJiyas 2,904 Narla 2,332 Banani 2,647 Kori Dhawecha 2,290 Shambhoagarh 2,484 Bhinmal Rural 2,277 Sareri 2,469- Borla 2,234 Lachhoora 2,380 Jakhri 2,115 Nimbahera Patan 2,336 SIROHI DISTRICT (33) Ambesar 2,275 Para soli 2,057 Sheoganj (8) Las 4,244 Hurda (3) Hurda 3,999 Manadar 3,740 Ansucha 2,113 Posaliyan 3,599 Roopaheli 2,000 Palri 3,363 Arathwara 2,724 Sbabpura (7) PhooJiya Kalan 3,674 Bagseena 2,240 Kbamor 2,842 Joy!a 2,031 Dha:nop 2,831 Uthaman 2,012 Dheekola 2,318 Sangriya 2,263 Sirohi (6) Kalandri 4,572 Kanechhan Kalan 2,223 Pade~v 2,980 Kotbiyan 2.191 Barloot 2.919 Goili 2,324 Jahazpur (6) Ropan 4,475 Mandwara 2,296 Pander 3,975 Mohbatnagar 2,280 Peeplund 2,353 Sarsiya 2,295 Lubari Kalan 2.267 Pindwara (13) Bhawri 4,694 Sakargarh 2,044 Rohira 4,598 Jhado1i 3,669 MandaI (3) Bhagwanpur 2,630 Ajari 3,216 Kareda 2,587 Nadiya 2,662 Lohariya 2,088 WaJoriya 2,642 Bbarja 2,606 Banera (3) RayJa 3,931 Bhoola 2.583 Sardamagttr 2,211 Vatera 2,492 Kundiya Kalan 2,113 169


(aJ Village.f having Population 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in bracKets denote the n~mber of such villages)

• Tebsil ~ame of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village Population

2 3 2 3 I

Bhilwara(6) Man~rop 4,263 Rajsamand (5) Kelwa 3,799 Suwana 2,876 Kunwariya 3.629 K~roi Kalan 2,794 Mobi 3,142 KCllduKota 2,348 Dboinda 2,675 Pa~sal 2,219 Peeparda 2,069 GurIan 2,132 Railmagra (4) Gi)und 4,171 Raipur(2) Raipur 4,239 Kuraj 4,120 Borana 2,579 Railmagra 3,701 Dhaneriya 2,013 Sabara (7) Koshithal 3,941 Potla 3,774 Natbdwara (5) De)wara 2,869 Sahada 3,095 Jha)on ki Mandar 2,633 Lakhola 2,320 Khamnor 2,540 Khakhla 2,260 Kothariya 2,510 AmJi 2,156 Molela 2,381 Mahendragarb 2,073 Mavli (9) 3,557 Kotrf (5) Kotri 4,948 Ghasa 3,532 Nandrai 4,122 Intali 3,018 ParoU 3,625 Thamla 2,944 Barliyas 2,898 Dabok 2,609 Akola 2,647 2,433 Jawar 2,327 ;Mandalgarb (7) Bijoliya Kalan 4,552 Gadoll 2,119 Baroondni 3,281 Gurli .2,018 Kachhola 2,827 Katwara 2,575 Gogunda(2) Gogunda 4,897 Nayanagar 2,157 Nandeshama 2,155 Manpura 2,135 Mahuwa 2,072 Vallabhnagar (7) Kberoda 3,882 3,319 Menar 2890 UDAIPUR DISTRICT (91) Nawaniya 2,541 Karanpur 2,422 Bhlm (3) Cbhapll 3,909 Mori 2216 Peepli 2,203 Bbatewar 2,068 Dawer 2,106 Girwa(19) Kanpur 4,631 "Deogarh (2) Lasani 2,687 Nai 3,574 Tal 2,382 Barapal 3,496 3,258 LakhawaD 3,249 Amet(l) Sardargarb 3,640 Lakarwal 2,943 lagal 2,597 Kumbhalgarb (') Reecbher 2,998 Kurawar 2,567 Garhbor 2,869 Bbuwana 2,548 Majbera 2,702 Debari 2,505 Kelwara 2,648 Bambora 2,454 Sameecba 2,261 GudU 2,313 170


(a) Villages having Population 2,000 - 4,999-(;()otd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

Name of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village Population Tehsil

2 3 2 3

Gangrar (3) Gangrar 4,512 Glrwa~lICld. 2,303 2,228 Pootbcli 2,178 Sakroda 2,107 Rama 2,207 Sooiyaoa Chanawada 2,073 2,900 Sa roo 2,072 Begun (2) Bhainsror Garb 2,080 Padoona 2.005 Bbeechor Todi 2,003 Chittaurgarh (4) Sawa 3,62'- Ghosunda 3,113 Lasadla (6) Dhariyawad 3,981 Ghati'yaowali 2,510 Lasadia 3,929 Bijaipur 2,019- Kesbariyawad 3,304 Mandvi 3,003 Kapasan (6) Jashma 3,198 Parsola 2,781 Singhput 3,029- Kalibheet 2,061 Kakarwa 2,969 Bhopal Sagar 2,851 Sarada (13) Bhalriya 3,775 Dhamana 2,462 Tokar 3,426 Tana 2,101 Semari 3,284 Jhadol 3,283 Bhadesar (3) Bhadsora 3.124- SaHara 2,976 Bbadesar 2,379 Cbawand 2.909 Kannoj 2,278 Natbara 2,773 Adwas 2,614 Nimbahera(3) Kanera 3,466 Sadkari 2,608 Beenota 2,87() Baluwa 2,311) Atnoda 2,\2& Parsad 2.076 Kunda 2,021 Bari Sadri (3) Bohera 4.838 Sarada 2.001 Nikoom 2.772 Bansi 2,32~ Salumbar (6) Bhawarana 2,830 Dungla (3) Dungla 4.036 Seriya ~,557 Maogalwad 2,157 Dal 2,500 Chikarda 2,12> Geegela 2,329 Utharda 2,299 2,610 Dagar 2,079 Pratapgarh (3) Arnod Ambirama 2,3l} Dalot 2,211 Kbcrwara (4) Rikhabdeo 4,235 Baleecha 2,763 DUNGARPUR D1STRICf (34) Kberwara Cbbaoni 2,646 Kagdar Pbala Bbatiya 2,159 Duogarour (17) Paldewal 3,935 Gandhwa 3,648 CHITTAURGARH DISTRICf (35) Chundawara 3,529 Rasta 3,135 Rashmi(S) Pahuna 3,259 Peftb 3,116 Rashmi 2,878 Gamri Ahara 2,866 Arni 2,493 Bokhla 2,702 Diodoti 2,210 Balwara 2,630 Bheemgarh 2,071 Seemalwara 2,589 J 171


(a) Villages having Populati~ 2,000 - 4,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote tbe number of such villages)

Tehsil ,Name of Villale population Tehsil Name of Villago PopulatioD

2 3 2 3

DlIngarpur-eoncld. Matbll gamra Pal 2,575 Banswara (4) Talwara 4,515 I)bambola 2,489 Kbandoo 2,872 sbishod 2,485 Teojpur 2,069 Basipal 2,300 Samriya 2,004 Gamri Pal 2,129 Ba~emli 2,069 Bagidora (5) Nogama 3,480 Damri 2,008 Chheencb 2,760 Pu~ali 2,004 Karji 2,728 ! Barodiya 2,294 Tembi Moti, Aspur (8) Bankora 2,9~3 2,109 Sabia 2,802 Pal Nithauwa 2,557 BUNDI DISTRICf (19) Punjpur 2,511 Pindawal 2,'53 Munger 2,350 RiDdoll (7) Alod 3,023 Reenchhan 2.137 Bara Nayagaon 2,736 Katlsor 2,097 laJawar 2,701 Gotbara 2,597 Dablana 2,563 Bbeeloori 4,042 sagwara (9) Barhodiya 2,558 Saroda 3,380 Dhowara 2,018 Obrl 2,939 Khargda 2,813 Parwa 2,779 Nainwa (4) Dei 4,120 lethana 2,753 Karwar 3,029 Cheentri 2,391 Dugari 2,913 Thakarda 2,326 Bansi 2,831 Barda 2,176 Bundi(4) Baroodban 2,383 Budbpura 2,381 BANSWARA DISTRICT (25) Namaoa 2,097 Gurba 2,081 Gbato) (6) Gbatol 4,895 Doongarawani 3,092 Keshoraipatan (4) Kapren with Majra Jagpura 2,507 JoshiYOD ka khera Ganora 2,291 Kareeriya 4,165 Badana 2,089 Bara Khera 2,880 Vasiada 2,053 Jbaliji ka BaraDa 2,189 Jaitbal 2,006

GaTbi(1Q) GaTbi 3,843 Bori 3,687 KOTA DISTRICf (44) Lauhariya 3.008 Anjna 2,968 Pipalda (6) Itawa 4,474 Pa)auda 2,900 Kbatoli lau)ana 2,763 3,713 Geta Arthuna 2,388 3,056 Orwara 2,237 PipaJda Kalan 2,992 Sateri Bari 2,124 Andbora 2,495 Ador 2,099 Karwar 2,098 t 72


(a) YJIlagts having populati()n 2,000 - 4,999--concld.

(figures in brackets denote tbe Gumber of sucb villages)

Tebsi) Name of VIllage Population Tebsil NameofVmage Population

2 3 2 3

Digod (6) Sultat'lpur 4,165 Sangod(S) Kaowas 3,t80 Digod 2.446 Anwa 3,084 MaDdawara 2,353 Bapawar Kalan 2.781 Barod 2,328 Moi Kalan 2,510 Kotra Deepsingh 2.176 Dhoolet 2,185 Notau. 1,\<\8 Atru (4) Kawai 3,316 3,096 Mangro) (5) Palaylha 3,136 Atru Majara Laxamipura 2,626 BOhath 2,683 Mothpur 2,407 Bamori Kalan 2,546 Badaura BargaoD 2,511 3,572 Badwa 2,112 Chhipabarod (2) Harnawada Sbabji Sarthal 2.519 Baran (2) Koyla 4,172 JHALAWAR DISTRICT(14) Fatebpur 2,619

Khan pur (4) Sarola Kalan 4,712 Kishanganj (3) Kishal1ganj 3,374 Hari garb 3,001 Bhanwargarb 3,257 PaDwar 2,879 Nabargarb 3,009 Tarai 2,014

Shahbad (2) Kasba thana 2.295 Jbalrapatan (3) Bakani 4,520 Shah bad 2.089 Ratl:ti 2,991 Asnawar 2,480 Ladpura (1) Mandana 2,932 Aklera (2) Manohartbana 4,574 Ramganj Mandi (8) Sukel 4,812 Bhalta 2.244 Chechat 4,285 Pachpahar 4,114 Satal Kheri 3,697 Pacbpahar (2) Mishroli 2,405 Khairabad 3.316 Udpura 2.953 Pirawa (I) Raipur 3,700 Julm! 2.104 Morak 2,022 Gangdbar (2) Gangdhr 4,11)4 Kumbbkot 2,003 Kolvi Alias Rajendtaput 3,901 173


( b) Villages having Pop¥lation 5,000 - 9,999

(Figurea ID brackets deDote tbe ftUmber of such vilJaaes)

Tebsil Name of Village Population Tebsil Name of Village Population

2 3 2 3


Sadulsbabar (I) 8LLG 6,095 Nagar (1) Kasba Nagar 8,363 Tibi (I) 2TLW 5,674 Bbaratpur (2) Kumher 9,783 HaDumangarb (I) 1 DBL 8,635 Jagblaa 5,985 \ Suratgarb (1) 9PBN 9.194 Weir (I) Bhoosawar 8;602 Nobar(l) Pbepbanll 6,074 Baseri (I) Sar Mathura 6,509 Juana 5,081 DhoJpur(l) Basai Nawab 6,309 Anupgarh (1) Vijai Nagar 8,224


Taraoagar (1) Sabba 5,169 Mabwa(l) Mabwa 6,108 Duogargarh (I) Momasar 5,071 Gangapur (I) Wazirpur 5,323 Ratangarh (1) Parihara 5,565 MaJarnachor (2) [(asha Bonli 6,329 Kbirni 5,093 Sujaogafh (1) Dariba 5,312 Sawai Madhopur (2) Todra (Phalodi) 7,031 JHUNJHUNUN DISTRICT (12) Cbauth-Ka-Barwara 5,188

Jhuaihunun (1) Malsisar 5,901 JAIPUR DISTRICT (18) Chirawa(2) Mandrela 7,730 Sultana 6,372 Kotputli (I) Rajaota 6,601 Khetri (3) Papurana 8,526 Bairath (3) Shahpura 9,032 Singhana 6,679 Bairath 7.S78 Gotbra 6,290 Antela 5,376

Udaipurwati (6) Chirana 8,664 Amber (2) Khejroli 8,580 Gura Gorji 8,] 11 Kaladehra 5,206 Parasrampura 7,404 Phuiera (2) Narena 7,505 Khiror 5,443 Jobner (N. M. A,) 7,089 Bharki 5,220 Chbapoli 5,189 Jamwa Ramgarh (2) Jamwa Ramgarb 5,439 Achrol 5,281 ALWAIt DISTRICT (7) Baswa (i) Baswa 9,820

Dehror (I) Bardod 7,019 Dausa (I) Bhandarej 7,623 Tijara (I) Tiiara 8,043 Dudu(2) Bichoon 5,207 Sankhoon 5,189 Bansor (2) Rampur Kasba 8,604 Kasba Bansur 6,237 Sanganer (1) Bagru Kalan 7,319 Alwar (I) Ramgarh 5,720 Bassi (I) Kasba Bassi 8,090 Tbanagazi (1) Narayanpura 6,682 Si\rai (1) Geejaarh ',333

~cbhmangarh (1) Govindgarh 5,430 Phagi (1) Pbagi 5,714 ------,-..-.... -...... -,,_~----- 114


(b) Villages having Population 5,000 - 9,999-contd.

(Figures in brackets denote the number of such villages)

Tehsil Name of Village Populati~n Tehsil Name of Village Population

2 3 1 2 3


Sikar(J) Piprali 5,344 Didwana (I) Khatu Kburd 7.077 Neem-ka-thana (4) Guhala 8.544 Jayal(2) Khatu Kalan 6,787 Rhondoli 6,770 Jayal 6,095 Sirohi 5.336 Nagaur (5) Mundwa 8,637 Mandoli 5,197 Kuchera 8,178 8,165 Sri Madbopur (7) Reengus 9,340 Balni Jharli 7,149 KarDu 5,156 Dellrala 6,975 Alay 5,107 l'alhoosar 6.024 Parbatsar (1) Borawad 7,450 Mundru 5,706 Merla(3) Riyawari 6,406 Jaltusar 5,437 Merta Road (Pbalodi) 6,342 Mahroli 5,120 Jawa!i 5,123 Danta Ramgarh(4) Danta 8,022 Ranoli 7,033 PALl DISTRICT (20) Palsana 5,685 Jaitaran (4) Nimaj 9,056 Bay 5,016 Jaitaran 7,892 Anandpur Kalu 6,576 AlMER DISTRICT (4) Ras 6,050 Ajmer(2) Pi'agan 6,701 Sojat (I) Bagri 7,189 Goviodgarh 5,353 Raipur (4) Raipur 7,712 6,147 Kckri (2) Bhinay 5.771 Babra Khushalpura 5,967 Sawar 5,166 Sumel 5,303 TONK DISTRICT (2) Pali(l) Khairwa 5.008 Kharchi (2) Kantaliya 5,902 Mal:,ura (2) Pachewar 5.487 Jojawar 5,526 Diggi 5,159 Desuri (2) Rani Khurd 5,653 -~ ... Narhol JAISALMER DISTRICT (I) 5.507 Bali (6) Takhatgarb 8,664 Pokaran (I) Phalsunda 7.4:21 Dhani 7,324 Sewari 6,478 JODHPUR D'STRICT (9) Bera 6.378 Sadairaw 5,968 Pbalodi (3) Paliwa 8,023 Nana 5,431 Lohawat Visbnawas 6,026 Chari 5,172 BAR MER DISTRICT (6)

Osian (3) Ossia 7,409 Barmer (1) Gudha 5,531 Mathaniya 6,368 Pachpadra (I) Palodi 9,452 Cherai 5,905 Siwana (3) Samdari 8,401 Shtr[!srh (I) Sai 5,557 Mokalsar 6,075 BHara (2) Bhopalgarb 7.856 Padru 5,545 Asop 5,182 Barmer (1) Baladu 5.171 I ris


(b) Villages hDving Popu/a,tion 5,000 - 9,999-concld.

(Figures in brackets denote the, number of sucll villages)

TehsiI Name of Village Population Tehsil Name of Village Populatioo

2 3 2 3


Jalor (2) Siyana 6,223 Gangrar (I) Bassi 5,042 Gol Ummedabad 5,468 Kapasan

Sanchore (I) Sanchore 8,048 DUNGARPUR DISTRICT (1)

SlROIh DISTRICT (2) Sagwara (I) Galiya Kot 5,375

Sirohi (I) Jawal 5,045 BANSWARA DISTRICT (2) Reodhar (1) Mandar 6,620 Garhi (I) Pratappur 5,519 BHlLWARA DISTRICT (7) Bagidora (1) Bagidora 5,158 Asind (1) Asind 6,778 MandaI (2) Bagor 5,900 BUNDI DISTRICT (2) Karera 5,363 HindoIi (1) Hindoli 5,180 Banera(l) Banera 7,058 Bundi (I) Kharnipur 9,107 Bhilwara(l) Hamirgarh 5,209 KOTA DISTRICT (~) Mandalgarh (2) Bigod 5,300 Mandalgarh 5,257 Mangrol (2) Anta 7,430 Seeswali 6,169 UDAIPUR DISTRICT (II) Ladpura (I) KailhooD 9,303 Bhim (3) Bhim 6,862 Barar 5,804 Sangod (I) San god 9,696 Kukra 5,290

Amet (I) Arnet 7,882 JHALAWAR DISTRICT (3)

Mavli (2) Mavli 5,554 KbaDpur(l) Khanpur 6,367 Sanwar 5,488 Aklera(l) Aklera 6,382 Vallabbnagar (2) Kanod 'A' 7,129 Vallabhnagar 5,815 Gangdhar(l) Dag 6,112 SPECIAL ANNEXllRE - .' (~) Villages having Population 10,000 Qn~ above.

(Figures in brackets denote the Dumber of such villages) 177


Page Column Item For Read'

viii 7 Rajasthan (U 1911) 66i,I87 762,187 xi 8 Jaipur (U 1941) 123,6 2 123,602~, xi 7 Jaipur (U 1971) 401,07 401,037, xi 7 Ajmer (R 1961) 315,8 8 315,858, xxxi 5 I. Ganganagar 1,144 1,114-

General PopalatioD Tables

~' 2 Rajasthan State T .5 2 .. R 5 10 Ganganagar District (R) J, 64,242 1,164,242 7, 3 Bikane~ District (T) 27,231.7 27,231.0 2S 11 3. Pac1)padra Tebsil (R) 55,277 55,287 '33" 3 Nainw~' rehsil (U) 39 3.9 33 3 Nainwa (M) 3 89 3.89 33 3 4, Keshoraipatan Tehsil (U) 47 2 47.2 35 3 Jhalawar District (U) 726 72.6 36 1 Bhawanimandi (M) Bhawani Mandi Bhawanimandi (M) 38 7 S. Hanumangarh Tebsil 691 7 691.7 57 2 Talera Tehsil (5) Mandawri Mandawari 92 2 Kanwas Tehsil (23) Haripur Khariput 66 3 Manoharthana Tebsil (103) 2.8 2.3 66 2 Manobartbana Tehsil (127) Birjpura Brijpura 66 2 Dag Tehsil (4) Rhol Kheri Kho) Kheri 82 2 2. Osian Tehsil R 87 2 10. Kotri Tehsil R T 109 22 4. Sadulshahar Tebsil 3,20 3,240 139 10 4. Barmer (1961) 14,8 9 14,829 140 8 8. Fatehpur (1921) + 1 +21 14~ 9 (a) Suratgarh (1921) +28.0 +28.70 154 7 27. Kekri (1911) 5,96 5,926 156 7 40. Jhalrapatan (1951) 6.97 6,967 157 8 42. Kotputli (1921) +28 +278 164 10 15. Nadbai (1961) 3,04 3,204 166 10 25. Pokaran 3,569 3,519 168 2 38. Sojat Road Sojatroad Sojat Road 118


Page Column Item For Read

State Primary Census Abstract

47 26 4. Nadauti Tehsil (T) ,257 2,257 55 Sl II Chomu Town (U) 13 33 76 20 I. Malpura Tehsil (R) 28,2 3 28,233 76 22 3. Todaraisingb TehsiI (U) ,438 1,438 88 22 14. Nagaur District (R) 15,934 315,934 88 23 14. Nagaur District (R) 39,995 239,995 93 10 IS. PiIfi'bistrict (T) 45,787 145,787 103 54 18. Sirohi District (T) 914,707 194,707 112 23 10. Kotri Tehsil (T) 2 ,113 23,113 115 52 20 Udaipur District (T) 2,227,1 6 1,227,196 125 2S 15. Sarada Tehsil (T) 37 2,137 139 47 3. Bundi Tehsil (R) 187 147 LIST OF AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF GOVT. OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS AS ON 31-3-1970

Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents

AGRA- AMBALA CITY- 1 National Book House, Jeoni Mandi. (Reg.) 1 Sethi Law House, 8719, Rly. Road (Reg.) 2 Wadhwa & Co" 45 Civil Lines. , (Reg.) AMRITSAR- 3 Banwari Lal Jail;l, Publishers, Moti Katra. (Rest.) lAmar Nath & Sons, Near Post Office, 4 Asa Ram Balded Dass & Sons, Majith Mandi. (Reg.) Bagh Muzaffarpur. (Rest.) 2 Law Book Agency, G. T. Road, Putlighar. (Reg.) AHMADABAD- 3 The Booksellers Retreat, Hall Bazar. (Reg.) I I Balgovind BookseI1~rs, Gandhi Road. (Rest.) ANAND- 2 Chandra Kant Chirp an Lal Vora, 1 Vijaya Stores, Station Road. (Rest.) Gandhi Road. I (Reg.) BANGALORE- 3 New Order Book Co., Gandhi Road, 1 Bangalore Press, Lake View, Mysore Ellis Bridge. (Reg.) Road, P. O. Box 507. (Reg.) 4 Sa stu Kitab Ghar, Near Relief Talkies, 2 International Book House (P) Ltd., . Patthar Kuva, Relief Road. (Reg.) 4-F. M. G. Road. (Reg.) 5 Gujarat Law House, Near Municipal 3 Makkala Pustak Press, Balamandir, Swimming Bath. (Rest.) Gandhinagar. (Reg.) 6 Mahajan Bros., Opp. Khadia Police Gate. (Rest.) 4 S. S. Book Emporium, 118, MOllnt 7 Himanshu Book Co., 10 Mission Market, Joy Road, Hanumant Nagar. (Reg.) Nr. Gujarat College. (Rest.) 5 Standard Book Depot, Avenue Road. (Reg.) AHMADNAGAR- 6 Vichara Sahitya (P) Ltd., Balep¢t, (Reg.) I V.T. Jorkar, Prop. Rama General Stores, 7 Atma Stores, 5th Cross Malleswaram. (Rest.) Navi Path. (Rest.) BAREILLY- AJMER- . 1 Agarwal Bros., Bara Bazar. (Reg.) (Reg.) 1 Book Land, Madar Gate. BARODA- 2 Rajputana Book House, Station Road. (Reg.) 1 New Medical Book House, 540, ALIGARH- Maden Zampa Road. (Rest.) 1 Friend's Book House, Muslim University 2 Sh. Chandrakant Mohan Lal Shah Gaini Market. (Reg.) Shankar Bldg. Diwanji's Wada 2 New Kitab Ghar, Mill Market. (Rest.) Dandia Bazar. (Rest.) ALLAHABAD- BHAGALPUR- 1 Kitabistan, 17-A, Kamia Nehru Road. (Reg.) 1 Paper Stationery Stores, D.N. Singh Road.(Reg.) 2 Law Book Co., Sardar Patel Marg, BHOPAL- Post Box 4. (Reg.) 1 Lyall Book Depot, Mohd. Din Bldg., 3 Ram Narain Lal Beni Madho, 2-A Sultania Road. (Reg.) Katra Road. (Reg.) 2 Bhopal Sahitya Sadan, Publishers, 4 Universal Book Co., 20 M. G. Road. (Reg.) Booksellers & Stationers, 37, 5 University Book Agency (of Lahore) Lalwani Press Road. (Rest.) ~~~~. ~~ 1JHUBANESHWAR- 6 Bharat Law House, 15 Mahatma Gandhi 1 Prabhat K. Mahapatra, Bhubaneshwar Marg. (Rest.) Marg. (Reg.) 7 Chandralok Prakashan, 73, Darbhenga BHAVANAGAR- Colony. (Rest. ) 1 Shah Parsotam Dass Gigabhai, 8 Ram Narain Lal Beni Prasad, 2-A M.G. Road. (Rest.) Katra Road. (Rest.) BOLAPURA- AMBALA CANTT- 1 Bolapur Pustakalaya, Rabindra Sarai, 1 English Book Depot, Ambala Cantt. (Reg.) P. O. Bolpur, Birbhum (W. B.) (Rest,) II


Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents

BlJAPUR- 23 Secretary, Salestax Practitioner Association 1 Sh. D. V. Deshpande, Recognised Law Room No.8, Palton Road. (Rest.) Booksellers Prop. Vinod Book Depot, 24 Usha Book Depot, 585 Chira Bazar. (Reg.) Near Shiralshetti Chowk. (Rest.) CALCUTTA- BELGHARIA- 1 Chatterjee & Co., 3/1 Becharam 1 Granthloka, 5/1, Ambica Mukherji Road, Chatterjee Lane. (Reg.) 24 Parganas, West Bengal (Rest.) 2 Current Literature Co., 208, M. G. Road. (Rest.) BIKANER- 3 Dass Gupta & Co,. Ltd., Bhandari Bros., Goga Gate. (Rest.) 54/3, College Street. (Reg.) BOMBAY- 4 Firma K. L. Mult.) 4f3-B, Bankim Chatterji Street. (Rest.) 20 All IJldia Supply Co., 25 N. M. Roy Chowdhury Co. (P) Ltd., 342, Kalbedevi Road. (Rest.) n, M. G. Road. (Rest.) 21 Amalgamated Press, 41 Hamam Street. (Rest.) CHANDIGARH- 22 Asian Trading Co., 310, the MirabaUe 1 Jain Law Agency, Shop No.5, Sector 22D. (Reg.) P. B. 1505. (Rest.) 2 Mehta Bros., 1933, Sector 22 B. (Reg.) III


Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agent.

3 Rama News Agency, Booksellers, Sector 32 (Reg.) 16 Universal Book Traders, 4 Universal Book Store, Booth No. 25 80, Gokhie Market. (Reg.) Sector No. 22 :0. (Reg) 17 Youngman & Co., Nai Sarak. (Reg.) 5 English Book Shop, 34, Sector 22 D. (Rest.) 18 Adarsh Publicity Service, 5A/I0 Ansari CALlCUT- Road, Daryaganj. (Rest.) I Touring Book Stall, Court Road (Rest.) 19 Amar Hind Book House, Nai Sarak. (Rest.) \ 20 All India Educational Supply Co., CUTTACK- I 1 Cuttak Law Times, Cuttack. (Reg.) Sri Ram Buildings, Jawahar Nagar. (Rest.) 2 D.' P. Soor & Sons, Manglabag. (Rest.) 21 B. Nath & Bros. 3808, Charkhawalan, 3 New Students Stor~. (Rest.) (Chowri Bazar). (Rest.) DEHRADUN- 22 General Book Depot, 1691, Nai Sarak. (Rest.) 1 Bishan Singh and Mahendra Pal Singh, 23 Hindi Sahitya Sansar, 1547, Nai Sarak. (Rest.) 318, Chukhuwala. ' (Reg.) 24 Law Literature House, 2646, Balimaran (Rest.) 2 Jugal Kishore & Co., Rajpura Road. (Reg.) 25 Munshi Ram Manohar Lal, Oriental 3 National News Agency, Paltan Bazar. (Reg.) Booksellers & Publishers, P. B, No. 1165, 4 Sant Singh & Sons, 28 Rama Market. (Rest.) Nai Sarak. (Rest.) 5 Universal Book House, 39-A, RajpuT Road. (Rest.) 26 Premier Book Co., Printers, Publishers 6 Natraj Publishers, 52, Rajpur Road. (Reg.) and Booksellers, Nai Sarak. (Reg.) DELHI- 27 Overseas Book Agency, 3810 David Street, Daryaganj. (Reg.) I Atma Ram & Sons, Kashmere Gate (Reg.) 28 Amir Book Depot, Nai Sarak. (Rest.) 2 Bahri Bros, 243, Lajpat Rai Market. (Reg.) 29 Rajpal & Sons, Kashmeri Gate. (Rest.) 3 Bawa Harkishan Das Bedi (Vijaya 30 Saini Law Publishing Co., General Agencies Delhi) Ahata Kedara, 1899, Chandni Chowk. (Rest.) Chamalian Road. (Reg.) 31 Moti Lal Banarsi Dass, Bangalow Road, 4 Book Well, 4 Sant Narankari Colony, Jawahar Nagar. (Reg.) P. B. 1565, Delhi-9. (Reg.) 32 Sangam Book Depot, Main Market, 5 Federal Law Depot, Kashmere Gate. (Reg.) Gupta Colony. (Reg.) 6 Dhanwant Medical & Law Book House, 33 Summer Bros,. PO Birla Lines (Rest.) 1 522, Lajpat Rai Market. (Reg.) 34 University Book House 15, U. B. 7 Imperial Publishing Co., 3 Faiz Bazar, Bangalow Road, Jawahar Nagar. (Rest.) Daryaganj. (Reg.) 35 Om Book Stall, Civil Court Compound. (Reg.) 8 Indian Army Book Depot, 3, Ansari DHANBAD- Road, Daryaganj. (Reg.) 1 New Sketch Press Post Box 26. (Rest.) 9 J. M. Jaina & Bros., Mori Gate. (Reg.) DHARWAR- 10 Kitab Mahal (Wholesale Division) (P) Ltd. 1 Bharat Book Depot & Prakash an, 28, Faiz Bazar. (Reg.) Subbas Road. (Rest.) II K. L. Seth, Suppliers of Law, Commercial 2 Akalwadi Book Depot, Vijay Road. (Rest.) & Tech. Books, Shantinagar, Ganeshpura. (Reg.) ERNAKULAM- 12 Metropolitian Book Co., 1, Faiz Bazar. (Reg.) 1 South India Traders, C/o Constitutional 13 publicatoD Centre, Subzi Mandi, Law Journal. (Reg.) Opp. Birla Mills. (Reg.) 2 & Co., Broadway. (Rest.) L 4 Sat Narain & Sons, 3141, Mohd. Ali FEROZEPORE CANTT- (Rest.) Bazar, Mori Gate. (Reg.) 1 English Book Depot, 78, Jhoke Road. (Reg.) 15 Universal Book & Stationery Co" GAYA- 16, Netaji Subhas Marg. (Reg.) I Sahitya Sadan, Gautam Budha Marg. (Reg.) IV


Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents Station Name of the IParty Cat. of Agents

GOA- JAIPUR CITY- I Snghals Book House P. O. B. 7 1 Bharat Law House, Booksellers & Publishers Near the Church. (Rest.) Opp. Prem Prakash Cinema (Reg.} GURGAON- 2 Popular Book Depot, Chaura Rasta (Reg.) I Prabhu Book Service, Nai Subzi Mandi (Rest.) 3 Vani Manddir, Sawai Mansingh Highway (Reg.) GUNTUR- 4 Raj Books & Subs. Agency. 1 Book Lovers (P) Ltd., Arnudclpct, 16 Nehru Bazar tRest.) Chowrasta. (Reg.) JAMSHEDPUR- GWALIOR- 1 Amar Kitab Ghar, Diagonal Road, (Reg.) ] Loyal Book Depot, Patankar Bazar, P. B. No. 78 Lashkar. (Rest.) 2 Gupta Stores, Dhatkidih (Reg.) 2 Tater Bros., Sarafa (Rest.) 3 Sanyal Bros., Booksellers & News Agents Main Road (Rest.) 3 Anand Pustak Bhandar, M. L. B, Marg (Rest.) 26, 4 M. C. Daftari, Prop. M. B. Jain & Bros., JAMNAGAR- Booksellers, Sarafa, Lashkar. (Rest.) 1 Swadeshi Vastu Bhandar, Ratnabai Masid 5 Grover Law House, Nr. High Court Gali (Rest.) Road (Reg.) 6 Kitab Ghar, High Court Road (Reg.) JODHPUR- GHAZIABAD-- 1 Chopra Bros, Tripolia Bazar (Reg.) 1 Jayana Book Agency, Outside S. D. Inter 3 Dwarka Das Rathi, Wholesale Books and College, G. T. Road (Rest.) News Agents (Reg.) 2 S. Gupta, 342 Ram Nagar (Reg.) 3 Kitab Ghar, Sojati Gate. (Reg.) HYDERABAD- 4 Rajasthan Law House, High Court Road (Rest.) I The Swaraj Book, Depot, Lakdikapul (Reg.) JUBALPUR- 2 Bhasha Prakashan 22-5-69 Gharkaman (Rest.) 1 Modern Book House, 286, Jawaharganj (Reg.) 3 Book Lovers P. Ltd. Kachiguda Chowrasta (Rest.) 2 Popular Book House, Nr. Omti P. O. (Rest) 4 Book Syndicate, Devka Mahal, Opp. Central JULLUNDER CITY- Bank. (Reg.) 1 Jain General House, Bazar Basanwala (Reg.) 5 Labour Law Publications, 873, Sultan 2 Hazooria Bros., Mai Hiran Gate (Rest.) Bazar. (Reg.) 3 University Publishers, Railway Road (Rest.) 6 Book Links Corporation, Narayanagoda (Reg.) JHUNJHUNUN (RAJ)- HARDWAR- 1 Shashi Kumar, Sharat Chandra (Rest.) 1 Sewa Kunj, Kanshal Bhawan Brashampuri(Rest.) KANPUR- HUBLI- 1 Adwalli & Co., P. Box 100, The Mall (Reg.) I Pervaje's Book House, Station Road (Reg.) 2 Sahitya Niketan, Shradhanand Park (Reg.) IN DORE- 3 Universal Book Stall, The Mall (Reg.) 1 Wadhwa & Co., 27 Mahatma Gandhi Road(Reg.) KAPSAN- 2 Madhya Pradesh Book Centre, 1 Parkashan Prasaran, 1/90 Namdhar Niwas 4 I, Ahilyapura (Rest.) Azad Marg. (Reg.) 3 Modern Book House, Shiv Vilas Palace (Rest.) KOLHAPUR- 4 Swarup Bros. Kh~juri Bazar (Reg.) Maharashtra Granth Bhandar, Mahadwar 5 Vinay Pustak Bhandar (Rest.) Road (Rest.) v


Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents

KUMTA- MANGALORE 1 S. V. Kam~t, Booksellers & Stationers 1 U. R. Shenoye Sons, Car Street. P. B. 128 (Reg.) ( S. Kanara), (Reg.) 2 K. Bhoga Rao & Co., Kodial Bail (Rest.) LUCKNOW- MEERUT-- 1 Balkrishna Book Co. Ltd. Hazratganj (Reg.) I Loyal Book Depot, Chbipi Tank (Reg.) 2 British Book D¢pot. 84, Hazratganj (Reg.) 2 Prakash Educational Stores, Subhash , I 3 Eastern Book Co., 34 Lalbagh Road (Reg.) Bazar (Reg.) 4 Ram Advani, Hazra,tganj, P. B. 154 (Reg.) MUZAFFARNAGAR- 5 Universal Publishers (P) Ltd., Hazratganj (Reg.) 1 B. S. Jain & Co., 71 Abupura (Reg.) 6 Acquarium Supp~ Co., 213, Faizabad '2 Gargya & Co., 139 G, New Market (Rest.) Road . (Rest.) MUZAFFARPUR-- 7 Civil & Military Education Stores, 100/B, Sadar Bazar (Rest) 1 Scientific & Educational Supply Syndicate (Rest.) LUDHIANA- MYSORE- 1 Lyall Book Depot, Chura Bazar (Reg.) 1 H. Venkataramiah & Sons, Krishnarajendra Circle (Reg.) 2 Mohindra Bros., Katcheri ~oad (Rest.) 2 People Book House, Opp, Jagan Mohan 3 Nanda Stationery Bhandar, Pustak Bazar (Rest.) Palace (Reg.) 4 The Pharmacy News, Pindi Street. (Rest.) 3 Geeta Book House, New State Circle (Reg.) MADURAI- 4 Indian Mercantile Corpn., Ramvilas (Rest). 1 Oriental Book House, 258 West Masi St. (Reg.) MANDSAUR- 2 Vivekanand Press, 48, West Masi Street (Reg.) 1 Nahta Bros., Booksellers & Stationers (Rest.) MATHURA- MUSSOURI- 1 Rath & Co., Tilohi Bldg., Bangali Ghat (Rest.) 1 Hind Traders, N.A.A. Centre, Dick Road (Rest.) MADRAS-- NAGPUR- I Account Test Institute, P. O. 760, Erogora (Reg.) 1 The Executive Secretary, Mineral Industry 2 C. Subbiah Chetty & Co., 62 Big Street, Association Mineral House, Near All India Radio Square . (Rest.) Triplicance (Reg.) 2 Western Book Depot, Residency Road (Reg.) 3 K. Krishnarourty, Post Box 384 (Reg.) NILGIRIS- 4 P. Vardhachary & Co., 8 Linghi Chetty St. (Reg.) 1 Mary Martin Booksellers, Kogagiris Madras 5 C. Sitaraman & Co., 33, Royapettach High States (Rest.) Road (Reg.) NAINITAL- {j M. Sachecbalam & Co" 14 Bankuram 1 Consal Book Depot, Bara Bazar (Reg.) Chetty St. (Rest.) 7 Madras Book Agency (Rest.) NADIAD- 8 Nav Bharat Agencies, 18, Andiappa St., 1 R. S. Desai, Station Road (Rest.) Sadhana Sadan (Rest.) NEW DELHI- 1 Amrit Book Co., Connaught Circus (Reg.) 9 T~Rex Trading Co., P. B. 5049, 31 & 32 James St. (Rest.) 2 Apki Dukan 5/5777, Dev Nagar (Reg.) 3 Bhawani & Sons, 8 F, Connaught Place (Reg.) to Mohan Pathippagam & Book Depot, 3, 4 Central News Agency, 23/90 Connaught Pycrofts, Triplicance (Rest.) Circus (Reg.) 11 Naresh Co., 3, Dr. Rangachari Road, 5 English Book Stores 7-L, Connaught Mylapore (Rest.) Circus. P. O. B. No. 328 (Reg.) 12 Reliance Trading Co., 79/10 Shambu Das 6 Jain Book Agency, C/9 Prem House, Street. (Reg.) Connaught Place. (Reg) VI


-Station Name of the Party Cat. of Agents Station Name of the Part, Cat. of Agents- I 7 Jayana Book Depot. P. B. 2505, Karol 3 Moti Lal Banarsi Dass & Co., Padri ki Bagh (Reg.) Haveli. (Reg.) 8 Luxmi Book Stores, 72 Janpath, P. B. 553 (Reg.) 4 Today & Tomorrow, Ashok Rajpath (Rest.)' 9 Mehra Bros. 50-G, Kalkaji, New Delhi-19 (Reg.) POONA- to Navyug Traders, Desh Bandhu Gupta 1 Deccan Book Stall, Deccan Gymkhana (Reg.) Road, Dev Nagar, (Reg.) 2 Imperial Book Depot, 286, M. G. Road (Reg.)' 11 New Book Depot, Latest Books, Periodicals, Sty. P. B. 96, Connaught Place (Reg.) 3 Sarswat, 67 Patel Flates, 2 Bombay Poona Road (Rest.) 12 Oxford Book & Stationery Co., Scindia 4 International Buok Service, Deccan House (Reg.) l3 Peoples Publihsing House (P) Ltd., Rani Gymkhana (Reg.) Jhansi Road (Reg.) 5 Raka Book Agency, Opp. Natu's Chaw}, 14 Ram Krishna & Sons (Of Lahore) Near Appa Balwant Chowk (Reg.) 16/B, Connaught Place (Reg.) 6 Secy. Bharati Itibasa Samshodhalia Mandir, 15 R. K. Publishers 23, Beadonpura, Karol 1321, Sadashiv Peth (Rest.) Bagh (Reg.) PONDICHERRY- 16 Sharma Bros., 17, New Market, Moti Nagar(Reg.) 1 Honesty Book House, 9 Rue Duplix (Rest.) 17 The Secretary, Indian Met. Society, Lodhi PUPUKKOTTAI- Road (Reg.) 1 Meenakshi Pattippagam, 4142 East Main 18 Suneja Book Centre, 24/90, Connaught Street. (Rest.) Circus (Reg.) 3 Sh. P. Swaminathan Shivam & Co., East 19 United Book Agency, 31, Municipal Market Main Road (Rest.) Connaught Circus (Reg.) 20 Hindi Book House, 82, Janpath (Reg.) RAJKOT- 21 Laksbmi Book Depot, 57, Regarpura, 1 Mohan Lal Dossbhai Shah, Booksellers & Karol Bagh (Rest.) Subs. & Advt. Agent (Reg.) 22 N. C. Kauncal & Co., 40 Model Basti, P.O. RAJPUR- Karol Bagb, New Delhi-5 (Rest.) 1 Pustak Pratisthan, Sati Bazar (Rest.) 23 Ravindra Book Agency, 4D/50,Double RANCHI- Storey, Lajpat Nagar (Reg.) 1 Crown Book Depot., Upper Bazar (Rest' 24 Sant Ram Booksellers, 16 New MuniCipal REWARI- Market, Lodi Colony (Rest.) 1 Tika Ram Sing Lal (Reg.) 25 Subhas Book Depot, Shop No 111, Central SAUGAR- Market, Sriniwaspuri (Rest.) 1 Yadav Book Stall, Publishers & Booksellers


Station Name of the Party Cat. of Alents Name oftbe Party

1'RICHINOPOLf"Y- RAILWAY BOOKSTALL HOLDERS 1 S. Krishnaswami & Co., 35, Subhash Chandra 1 Sis A. H. Wheeler & Co., 15, Elgine Road, Bose Road (Reg.) Allahabad. TRIPURA- 2 SIs Higginbothams & Co. Ltd., Mount Roady 1 G. R. Dutta & Co., Scientific Equipment Madras. Suppliers (Rest.) 3 Gablot Bros., K. E. M. Road, Bikaner. TRIV ANDRUM- 1 International Book Depot, MClin Road (Reg.) FOREIGN 2 Reddiar Press & Boof DepoCP'. B. No.4 (Rest.) 1 SJs Education Enterprise Private Ltd., Kath­ TEZPUR- mandu (Nepal). 1 Jyoti Prakashan Bhawrn, Tezpur, Assam (Rest.) 2 SIs Aktiebologat, C. E. Fritzes Kungl Hovbo­ UDAIPUR- khandel, Fredsgation-2 Box 1656, Stockholm-16 1 Book Centre, Maharana Bhopal College (Sweden). Consumer, Co., Op. Society Ltd.. (Rest.) 3 Reise-und-Ver Kehrsverlage Stuttgart., Post 730 2 Ashutosh & Co., StatiQn Road, Opp. Gutenbergstre]ee 21, Stuttgart Nr. 1 ]245 University of Udaipur (Rest.) Stuttgart, den (Germany West). ,UJJAIN- (Rest.) 4 SIs Book Centre, Laksbmi Mansion, 46, The 1 Rami Bros. 41, Mallipura (Rest.) Mall Labore (Pakistan) VARANASI- 5 Sis Drgbi Rancbi International Booksellers, via 1 The Manager, Banaras Hindu University Cavour T -9-11, 35000 Padova. (Italy). Book Depot (Reg.) 6 SIs Wepf & Co. Booksellers, Englisb Deptt., 2 Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Gopal Elsengasse 5 Basel, (Switzerland). Mandir Lane P. B. No. 8 (Reg.) 3 Kohinoor Stores, University Road, Lanka (Reg.) 7 Otto Harrassowitz. Buchhandiung und Anti­ .. Viswavidhyalaya Prakashan, K 40/18, Bhairo quarial, 6200 Wisesbaden, Taunustra, (Germany)• Nath Marg (Reg.) 8 SJs A. Asber & Co. 386 Herengracht, Globe Book Centre, PO Hindu University (Rest.) Amsterdam. (C Holland). ·~APATAM- 9 SIs Swets & Zeitlinger N. V., 471 & 487 :Jupta Bros" Vizia Building (Reg.) Keizersgracht Amsterdam (Holland). ,.jle Secretary, Andhra University General 10 M. G. Von Piere, Recbitract 62, Eindhoven '0. Op. Stores (Rest.) (Hoiland.) ~HA- 11 H. K. Lowis & Co, Ltd., 136 Gower Street, 7 "'JJaya Bhandar, Rathi Market (Reg.) London W. Col. ,RE- 12 Herbert Wilson Ltd., Booksellers & Sub Agents, '4fikatasubban Law Booksellers (Reg.) 9 161 Borough High Street, London S. E. 1. FOR LOCAL SALE (England). h India Kitab Mahal, Janpath, Opp. India 13 Buch Und Ziitachrifren, M. B. H. I-Ind Export l{puse, New Delhi, Phone No. 44561 Grosso Und, Knnissionbuch Handling Inter­ «jovt. of India Book Depot, 8, Hastings Street, nation Verlagsa-Uslieferundenm Hambarg I.t:alcutta, Phone No. 23-3813 (Germany). 1- High Commissioner for India in London, India 14 SIs Store Nordiske Videnskaboghandel, Remer.. House, London W. C. 2 sgade 27 D K 1362 (Compenbagen K) VIII


Name of the Party Name ophe Party

-15 The Ex-Libris, Buchhandeisgellschaff, Harinnon 17. The Officer· in-charge, Assam, Govt. B. D. Oswold & Co K. G, Frankfurt/Main Shillong. (Germany)' 18. The O. I/C., Extension Centre, Clud Road, 16 Dr. Ludwing Hantaschel Universitats­ MuzafferpuI· Buchhandlung, 34, Cottingen (Germany) 19. The O. l/C, Extension Centre, Industrial 17 Otto Koeltz Antiquaiat, 624 Koenisgting/Taunus Estate, Kokar. Rernnwaldstr-6 (W. Germany). 20. The O. I/C., State Information Centre, 1S Asia Library Service, 1841, 69th Avenues, Hyderabad California (u. S. A. ) 21. The O. I/C., s. I. S. I. Extension Centre, 19 Publishing and Distributing Co. Ltd., Mitre MaIda. House, 177 Regent Street, London W. I. 22. The O. I/C., s. I. S. I. Habra, Tabaluria, 24 20 Reise-U-Verkehrsverlag, 7 Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Parganas. Postfaih-80-0830, Hosigwiesenstr-25(Germany) 23. O. I/C., University Employment Bureau, Lucknow. S & R AGENTS 24. The O. I/C., S. I. S. I. Chromtanning Extension l. The Asstt. Director, Extension Centre, Bhuli Centre, Tangra 33/1, North Topsia Road, Road, Dhanbad. Calcutta-46. 2. The Asstt. Director, Extension Centre, 25. The O. IjC., S. I. S. I. Extension Centre, Santnagar Hyderabad-18, (Footwear), Calcutta-2. 3. The Asstt. Director, Govt. of India, S. I. S. I. 26. The O. I/C., S.I.S.1. Model Carpentry Workshop­ Ministry of C & I Extension Centre, Kapile­ Puyali Nagar, P. O. Burnipur, 24 Parganas. shwar Road, Belgaum. 27. Publication Division, Sales Depot North Block, 4. The Asstt. Director, Extension Centre, Krishna New Delhi. Distt. (A. 1) 28. The Press Officer, Orissa Sectt. Cuttack. 5. The Asstt. Director, Footwear Extension Centre, 29. The Registrar of Companies, Andhra Bank Polo Ground No. I. Jodhpur. Bldg., 6, Linghi Chetty Street P. B. 1530" 6. The Asstt. Director, Industrial Extension Centre, Madras. Nadiad (Gujarat). 3 O. The Registrar of Companies, Assam, Manipur, 7. The Development Commissioner, Industries, and Tripura, Shillong. Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi. 31. The Registrar of Companies, Bihar Journal 8. The Dy. Director, Incharge, S. I. S. 1 C/o Road, Patna-I. Chief Civil Admn. Goa, Panjim. 32. The Registrar of Companies, 162 Brigade Road, 9. The Director, Govt. Press, Hyderabad. Bangalore. to. The Director, Indian Bureau of Mmes, Govt. 33. The Registrar of Companies, Everest, 100. of India, Ministry of Steel, Mines & Fuel, Marine Drive, Bombay. Nagpur. 34. The Registrar of Companies, Gujarat State, 11. The Director, S. I. S. 1. Industrial Extension Samachar Building, Ahmedabad. Centre, Udhna-Surat. 35. The Registrar of Companies, Gwalior (M. P.) 12. The Employment Officer, Employment Exchange, 36. The Registrar of Companies, H. N. 3~:-837, Dhar, M. P. Hyder Guda, Hyderabad. 13. -Do-- Gopal Bhawan, Morena 37. The Registrar of Companies, Kerala, 70 Feet 14. -Do- Jhabue Road, Ernakulam. 15. The Head Clerk, Govt. Book Depot, 38. The Registrar of Companies, M. G, Road, Ahmedabad. West Cott. Bldg. P. B. 334, Kanpur. 16. The Head Clerk, Photozincographic Press, 39. The Registrar of Companies, Narayani Bldg. S Finance Road Poona. Brabourne Road, Calcutta-I. IX


Name of the Party Name of the Party

40. The Registrar of CompanIes, Orissa, Cuttack 67. The Director of Supplies and Disposal, Deptt; Chandi, C;uttacK. of Supply, 10 Mount Road, Madras-2. 41. The Registrat of Companies, Pondicllerry. 68. Director General of Supplies and Disposal; 42. The Registrar of Companie~, Punjab and L. I. C. Bldg., New Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Link Road, J ullundur City. 69. The Controller of Imports & Exports, Rajkot: 43. The Registrar of Companies, Raj. & Ajmer, 70. The Inspector, Dock Safety, MIL & E Madras, Sh. Kumta Prasad House, 1st Floor 'C' Harbour, Madras-I. Scheme, AshoR Marg, Jaipur. 44. The Registrar


Name of the Party Name ofthe Party I g9. The Director, IIC, S. I. S. I. Kalan Nagar, Ill. The Ofticer-ift-Cl\arge, information Centre, Srinagar. i Sawai Ram Singh Road, Jaipur. 90. The Director of Inspection, New Marine Lines, 112. The Director General of Civil Aviation, New Bombay-I. Dell\i. 113. Controller of Ael1Odromes, Delhi. 91. The Dy. Chief Controller of Import & Exports, i T. D. Road, Ernakulam. 114. Controller of Ae~odrome$, Calcutta. 92. The Asstt. Director, Govt. Stationery & Book 115. Controller of Aerodromes, Bombay. Depot, Aurangabad. 116. Controller of Aerodromes" Madras. 93. The Asstt. Director IIC., S. 1. S. I. Club Road, 117. The Registrar, Punjab Agrl. University, Hubli. Ludhiana. 94. The Empolyment Officer, Talcher. 1I8. The Land & Deve]opement Officer M. of Health, 95. The Director of Inspection, Dte. G S & Disposal Family PlanOlI)g W. H. & U. D. NiTman 1, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Calcutta. Bhilvan, New Delhi. 96. The Collector of Customs, New Custom House , 119. Director of Census Operations, Manipur, Bombay. Imphal. 97. Th~ Controller of Imports and Exports, 120. DiritctoI' of Census O_peiations, 29 British, Bangalore. Indian S1. Calcutta. 98. The Admn. Officer, Tariff Commissioner Director of Census Operations, Hyderabad. Queen's Road, Bombay. Jirector of Census Operations, Port Blair. 99. The Commissioner of Income Tax, Patir: .",3. Director of Census Operations, Patna, Bihar. 100. The Director, Ministry of I & Supply, (De!,"" 124. Director of Census Operations, M. P., Bhopal. of Industry) Cuttack. 125. Director of Census Operations, Tripura, 101. The Dy. Director of Public Relations, State Agartala. Information Centre, Patna. 126. Director of Census Operations, Nagaland, 11()2. The Registrar General, 11').dia, New Delhi. Kohima. 103. The Officer-in-Charge, State Information Centre, 127. Director of Census Operations, Bangalore. Madras. 128. Director of Census Operations, Himachal 104. The Asstt. Director, S.1. S.I., M. 1. Road, Jaipur. Pradesh, Simla. 105. Th~ Collector of Customs, Madras. 129. Director of Census Operations, Goa, Daman & 106. National Building Orgn., Nirman Bhavan, New Diu: Panaji. 130. Director of Census Operatio,ns, Nagar Haveli, Delhi. Panaji. 107. The Controller of Communication, Bombay Region, Bombay. 131. Dirttor of Census Operations, Ch¥digarh. 132. Dir tor of Census Operations, Madras. 108. The Karnatak University, Dharwar. 133. Dir ctor of Census Operations, Karanwala 109. The Sardar Patel University. Vallabh Vidyanagar. Building, Ellis Bridge, Ahmadabad. 110. The Principal Publications Officer sending 134. Diljtctor of Census Operations, Grand Hotel, Commission for Scientific & Tech., Terminology Uq'der Hill Road, Delhi. UGC., Building, New Delhi. 135. Director of Census Operations, NEFA, Shillong.