Minutes of President Tuđman's Meeting with HDZ Bih Delegation
Tran.flatitm Z 2117- A 00837861 RECORDED! MINUTES of a meeting betweeri the President of the Republic of Croatia, Dr Franjo TUĐMAN, and a delegation of the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina, held in Zagreb, on 27 December 1991. Also attending are officials of the Republic of Croatia. Beginning at 6 p.m. Chaired by: Dr Franjo TUĐMAN, President of the Republic of Croatia THE PRESIDENT: Gentlemen, this meeting is open. I welcome our guests, a HDZ /Croatian Democratic Union/ delegation from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with whom we are going to talk about an issue currently of the greatest importance for Croatia, and we may add for Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. I think there is no need for me to make any opening remarks. Let me just say that Croatia bas won international recognition, it is there and no one can tbwart it now, although powerful international forces opposed it. However, witb the international recognition of Croatia the crisis in tbe former Yugoslavia is shifting to Bosnia and Herzegovina.Therefore, it would be good to hear the views of tbe gentlemen from Bosnia and Herzegovina, how the whole thing went with the claim for, with the recognition of Bosnia and Herzegovina, what the reaction of the Serbian side was. Also, what is going on with the acceptance by Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Yugoslav dinar, whether this effectively means that Bosnia and Herzegovina bas agreed to remain within this rnini-Yugoslavia, or rather Greater Serbia, and, in that connection, what our position will be with regard to the Croatian part of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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