WELCOME TO/ Bienvenidos a ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON Registration forms are in the back of Church or available from the office. Formas para registro en la parroquia están disponibles en la mesa que esta en la parte de atrás de la iglesia o en la oficina.

Father’s Notes Notas del Padre Fourth Sunday of Lent Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma

This Wednesday, March 9 is the feast of Este miércoles, 9 de marzo es la fiesta de St. Frances of . She is an Italian who Santa Francisca de Roma. Ella es una Santa Italiana, was a wife, mother, mystic, organizer of many que era una esposa, madre, mística, organizador de services for the poor and a founder of a woman’s muchos servicios para los pobres y una de las funda- religious community. She died on March 9, 1440 doras de la comunidad religiosa de mujeres. Murió el 9 de marzo del 1440 y es patrona de los conductores and is of automobile drivers. de automóviles. St. Frances of Rome serves as an Santa Francisca de Roma sirve como una inspiration for us during Lent. She lived a normal fuente de inspiración para nosotros durante la Cua- childhood and was baptized in her local parish resma. Vivió una infancia normal y fue bautizada en in Rome, St. Agnes in . Her life su parroquia local en Roma, Santa Inés, en la Piazza had many struggles including losing two children Navona. Su vida tuvo muchas luchas incluyendo la to the plague. However, she always turned to pérdida de dos hijos en la plaga. Sin embargo, ella God and the Blessed Mother for strength. She was siempre se refugio en Dios y a la Santísima Madre very aware of how the physical world connects to por fuerza. Ella era muy consciente de cómo el mun- the spiritual world. Physically, she helped the poor do físico conectaba con el mundo espiritual. Física- by sharing food from her own table. Spiritually, mente, ella ayudó a los pobres mediante el intercam- she prayed to her guardian angel for protection bio de comida de su propia mesa. Espiritualmente, and help. rogó a su ángel de la guarda por protección y ayuda. In fact an angel used to light the road De hecho un ángel iluminava la carretera de- before her with a lantern as she traveled to keep lante de ella con una linterna mientras viajaba para her safe from hazards. The roads of Rome mantenerla a salvo de los peligros. Los caminos de were dangerous even in the 1400’s! In 1925, Roma eran peligrosos incluso en la década de 1400! Pope Pius XI declared her patron saint of car En 1925, el Papa Pío XI la declaró patrón de los con- ductores de automóviles. A medida que continuamos drivers. As we continue our Lent journey, let us nuestra jornada de Cuaresma, que nos permita conti- continue to be more aware of the physical world nuar ser más conscientes del mundo físico y el mun- and the spiritual world around us. And this week, do espiritual que nos rodea. Y esta semana, podemos we can be more aware of our guardian angel ser más conscientes de nuestro ángel de la guarda watching over us every day. St. Frances of Rome, velando por nosotros todos los días. Santa Francisca pray for us! de Roma, ruega por nosotros!

Padre Jeff Fr. Jeff


Mon. Mar. 07 Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2,4-6,11-12a,13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tue. Mar. 08 Ez 47:1-9,12; Ps 46:2-3,5-6,8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wed. Mar. 09 Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9,13c-14,17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thu. Mar. 10 Ex 32:7-14; Ps 106:19-23; Jn 5:31-47 Fri. Mar. 11 Wis 2:1a,12-22; Ps 34:17-21,23; Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30 Sat. Mar. 12 Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3,9b-12; Jn 7:40-53 Sun. Mar. 13 Is 43:16-21; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 3:8-14; Jn 8:1-11 1 “Giving Our First Fruits to God” MASS INTENTIONS/Intenciones de la Misa “Dando Nuestros Primeros Frutos a Dios” Mon Mar. 07 8:00am No Mass Tue Mar. 08 8:00am Rita Joseph Total Contribution for the Week $5,657 Wed Mar. 09 8:00am +John & Maria of 02/21/2016 Thu Mar. 10 8:00am +John & Maria Fri Mar. 11 8:00am +Virgilio Parone Last year, same week $7,515 Sat Mar. 12 5:30pm +Edgar Calderon Año Pasado, misma semana Sun Mar. 13 8:00am David Family 11:00am Pope Fancis 1:00pm People of the Parish Property Development Fund $161,797 account balance as of 2/21/2016 Please remember in your prayers those who are ill: Balance de cuenta del Fondo de Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones a los enfermos: Desarrollo al día de 2/21/2016 Deena Creamer, Vincent & Mario, Kevin Hylton, Kathleen Casey, Paul Tran, Marie Tran, Laurie Barlean, Angela, Crisman, Jacob Benedict, Francis Tu Ngo, Qui Nguyen, Jerry, Sharon Clifton, Dave Mitchell, Ben Petrick, Mary Gregory, Bernadette Taylor, Al Den- feld, Monica & Jean, Sher Bauman, Ivan Orozco, Romesh Jinadasa, John McDonald, Kim Thank you for your generosity! Fitzgerald, Louise Stangel, Mary Graves, James Waylen, Jose Pinto, Fred Lau IV, Sandra Gracias por su generosidad! McPeak, David Dooley, Jaime Maguire, Thomas J. Martian, Brady, Richard & Catherine, Denise Gutierrez, Kendal Wheeler, Stacy & Randy, Molly Bitter, Taylor E., Jennie Blake, Mary Jo Hopkins, Diane Matson, Yvonne Morgan, John Zuercher, Miguel Reyes, Teresa Nguyen, Tony Tran, Noe Orozco, Daniel Callaghan, Caleb Bailie, Fortunato Sanchez, Rae PRAYER ALERT Marie Matelich, JoAnn Brown, Shauri Lamkin, Anna Nguyen, Thanh Ha, Isis and Family, Kurt Kaul, John Landstrom, Anne Cummings, Vinny Castro, Miranda Castro, Romero During this year of Mercy, we have Divine Mercy Estrella, Daniel Estrella, Tayanna Estrella, Odie Enfield, Clark Smith, Susan Cook, Ivan Loock. Olivia Melgar, Mayte Samayoa, Margie Herron, Mariano Vargas Martinez, Andrea prayers for the sick suffering and dying said at Christina Martinez, Cleo Archuletta 5:00pm on Fridays during Adoration Please come and pray with us. This is a wonderful opportunity for spir- Please let us know when a person’s circumstance has changed and they need to be removed from the prayer list. itual graces for our souls and others. Por favor dejenos saver cuando las circunstancias cambian y necesitan ser “If you, family members or friends would like movidos de la lista de oraciones. prayers for peace, healing or any intention, please MILITARY PRAYER LIST call Dolly Hunt at 503.649.3973 or for Spanish, Please remember in your prayers, those who are serving our country, and their families. please call Lupe Kasten 503.591.9286. The Prayer Por favor recuerden en sus oraciones, a los que sirven a nuestro pais, y a sus familias. Alert Ministry will include your confidential request  Eddie Hammond Marines Iraq in their daily intentions.”  April Hammond Navy United States  Randon Berg Army Iraq Bautizos en Español  Matt Tardio Army United States  Robert DeLeon Army Iraq Sacramento del Bautismo  David Green Army Afghanistan  Xavier Martian Coast Guard United States NO HAY CELEBRACION  Leonardo Gonzalez III Marines USA DURANTE LA CUARESMA  Danielle Clevidence Navy USA  Michael Purcell Navy USA Las platicas para Bautismo son las  Mario Ortiz USAF Belgium siguientes fechas:  David Itel Army USA  Ryan Brace USAF USA Marzo 6 2:30pm  Paulo David Army USA Abril 3 2:30pm  Kyle Bedard Army USA  Boris Raykhel USAF South Korea Para mas información favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.  James Niver Army Afghanistan  Taylor Matteson Army USA  Chris Singleton Army USA Advertiser of the week  Thomas Baker Marines Japan Oppor-Tune-ist  Jose Roberto Contreras Jr. Marines USA  Nicolas Vaughn Army USA Piano Services If you have a family member or loved one to add to our military prayer list, 503-642-1883 please call Cindy in the office. Si tiene a un miembro de su familia para agregar en la lista de oraciones militar, Thank you! por favor llame a Cindy en la oficina.

2 Book Study MARRIED COUPLES AGESONG, Meditations for our Later Years The Gospel today is the story of the prodigal son, This book gently opens our hearts and minds as which is really all of our stories, because we have we come together to reflect upon and to share one all fallen short of the mark at times. God always another’s journey into these elder years. Elizabeth waits for us with open, loving arms. Sign up today Bugental, the author did exactly that for me. By to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Mar- sharing her experiences and her dreams as an el- riage Encounter Weekends are April 29th - May der, she invites us to do the same. By joining us in 1st at Powell Butte Retreat Center near Bend, Ore- this book study expect a pleasurable nudge to- gon, and May 27th - 29th at Our Lady of Peace Re- wards creating a new/old age for yourself at this treat Center in Beaverton, Oregon. For more infor- precious time in your life. mation call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line Dates: March 8, 15, 29, April 5, 12 at www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional dates Time: 10:00am—11:30am and locations are listed on-line. Cost:$75 per person Facilitator: Claudette Pelletier WOMEN’S CLUB ANNUAL TEA Franciscan Spiritual Center 25125 SE Monroe St. Milwaukie, OR 97222 503-794-8542 Our Lady of Peace SAVE THE DATE! April 15 – 17, 2016. Our Lady of Peace Retreat in Beaverton is hosting a Men’s Silent Retreat with Fr. Gregory Dick, O.Praem. The retreat theme is “The Holy Spirit at Work in the Age of Mercy.” The weekend begins with dinner on Friday evening and concludes after brunch on Sun- day. $150 per person. For inquires or to register, ST PIUS X WOMEN’S CLUB ANNUAL TEA please phone the retreat house at 503-649-7127 or email [email protected] or www.olpretreat.org. Host Families Needed Spring is in the Air Ciee (Council on International Educational Ex- change) is looking for homes for several Catholic SATURDAY APRIL 9, 2016 students that will be arriving in Oregon in August 12:30 PM Table Viewing for the 2016-17 school year. These students speak 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Tea very good English, and come with Insurance and their own spending money. What is required of a St. Pius X Community Center host family is to provide a bed, a quiet place to study, three meals a day, along with love and ac- ceptance into your family. Here is one of the stu- dents I need a family for. Michelina from Italy is a 4.0 student; she is talka- tive, reliable, open minded and honest. While on the program she would like to swim on the school team, she also enjoys skating and skiing. She would also like to volunteer with the elderly or TICKETS $28.00 young children. For tickets, contact ANNE Please contact me if you or someone you know would like to host Michelina or someone like her: HANCHEK Kathy Barclay 503-707-6387 or email me at 503 526-9693 [email protected] 3 4 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2016 Sandi What a weekend!!! A weekend filled with rejuvenating liturgies reminding me why we celebrate  a Nigerian Mass with drums and vibrant singing  a Syriac Mass making us aware of the plight in Syria and Iraq  a prayer service that helped us get in touch with the reality of pain (disability, divorce, racism) in every day living  an intercultural Mass that reflects the diverse church that we have and are proud of belonging to  the liturgy dancing that brought creative joy to my being A weekend with workshops reminding me what we believe and how to pass it on  where I learned about new activities and to-dos to enrich the class- rooms  how to meet the parents where they are at and empowering them  how to do more with our families  how we eat and how it can learn to eat at the “table”  how to be merciful in our lives and how we are merciful to each other A weekend refreshing the soul and refreshing the body reminding me what an awesome priest, deacon and staff that we have.

Thank you for allowing us to attend this fabulous conference. Thank you for supporting us in serving you.

Los Ángeles Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2016 Sandi ¡¡¡Qué fin de semana!!! Un fin de semana lleno de liturgias rejuvenecedoras recordándome por qué celebramos  una misa de Nigeria con tambores y el canto vibrante  una misa Siría para hacernos conscientes de la difícil situación en Siria e Irak  un servicio de oración que nos ayudó a conseguir el contacto con la realidad del dolor (discapacidad, el divorcio, el racismo) en la vida diaria  una misa intercultural que refleja la iglesia diversa que tenemos y somos orgullosos de pertenecer el baile liturgia que trajo alegría a mi ser creativo Un fin de semana con talleres recordándome lo que creemos y cómo lo transmitimos  donde aprendí sobre nuevas actividades y tareas para enriquecer las aulas  cómo conocer donde los padres están y dándoles el poder  cómo hacer más con nuestras familias  la forma en que comemos y cómo podemos aprender a comer en la "mesa"  cómo ser misericordioso en nuestras vidas y la forma en como ser misericordiosos el uno al otro Un fin de semana de descanso del alma y de refrescar el cuerpo recordándome de que impresionante sacerdote, diácono y personal tenemos.

Gracias por permitirnos asistir a esta conferencia fabulosa que eras. Gracias por su apoyo en el servicio hacia ustedes. 5 Candy Sales?? Please help us get ready for our Easter Egg Hunt for the children with a donation of candy, mini stuffed animals, bubbles, Easter treats, etc.

Ventas de dulces?? Por favor, ayúdanos a prepararnos para nuestra búsqueda de huevos de Pascua para los niños con una donación de dulces, mini peluches animales, burbujas, golosinas de Pascua, ext.

Easter Flower Donations Envelopes for donations for Easter flowers in Memory of a Loved one are in the back of our church.

Donación de Flores de Pascua Sobres para donación de flores para la Pascua en Memoria de algún ser querido están atrás en la Iglesia.