
Parshat Vayera 15 Cheshvan, 5778/November 4, 2017 Vol. 9 Num. 9 This week’s Toronto is dedicated by Rabbi Charles and Lori Grysman

Bernie Goldstein z”l ,דב בן גרשון ,for the shloshim of Lori’s father An Old/New Anti-Semitism Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner In 2004, then-MK Natan Sharansky (26:18-19), they suggested that Yitzchak was not a true heir to described a “New Anti-Semitism”: anti- Yishmael shot arrows at his baby Avraham. She responded by insisting Jewish activism which disguises itself brother, pretending that it was only a that Yishmael be evicted; onlookers as political opposition to the State of joke. Since Yishmael posed a mortal would expect that Avraham would not Israel. A central characteristic of this threat to his brother, Sarah ordered him evict his biological child in order to school is delegitimization – claiming evicted. (Bereishit Rabbah ibid.) protect the reputation of his stepchild. that we lack the right to our Israeli homeland. However, Rabbi Naftali Zvi Finally, our Sages offered a third Per Netziv, Sarah exiled Yishmael Yehuda Berlin (“Netziv”) contended approach, relying not so much on the because he threatened the identity of more than a century ago that word mitzachek as on Sarah’s Yitzchak, and his heirs, as members of delegitimization is not new. Rather, it statement, “This maid’s son will not Avraham’s family. This was the original dates back to the first biblical enemy inherit with my son, with case of “New Anti-Semitism”, an attempt of the Jewish people: Yishmael. Yitzchak.” (Bereishit 21:10) Yishmael to delegitimize the Jews’ claim to the laughed at Yitzchak, saying, “Fools! I mantle of our ancestors. Avraham Yishmael’s Sin: Three Approaches am the firstborn, and I receive a double objected to the exile, believing that As opposed to Esav’s “I will kill my portion.” (Bereishit Rabbah ibid.) Sarah’s harsh response was too brother, Yaakov” (Bereishit 27:41), extreme, but G-d endorsed her position. Yishmael’s threat was veiled. The All of these approaches present This Divine approval demonstrated that Torah only records, at the party Yishmael as a classic villain, in terms of concern for delegitimization is real, and celebrating Yitzchak’s weaning, “And his threatening conduct and attitude worthy of a strong response. Sarah saw the son of Hagar the toward Yitzchak. However, the Netziv Egyptian, whom she had birthed to saw Yishmael’s sin differently. A Sign of Hope? If Yishmael was the first delegitimizer, Avraham, mitzachek.” (Bereishit 21:9) Delegitimization Mitzachek is normally translated as then we may have some hope for the The Netziv noted that the root of the future. Bereishit 25:9 says of Avraham’s ridiculing. Sarah ordered the 17-year word mitzachek already appeared earlier old Yishmael’s eviction – but what was funeral, “And his sons, Yitzchak and in the story of Yitzchak’s party, when Yishmael, buried him,” and the Talmud his great sin? Sarah said, “Elokim has made tz’chok (Bava Batra 16b) explains this to mean Clearly troubled by the strength of for me; all will be tzocheik at me. that Yishmael placed his younger Sarah’s reaction to what sounds like (Bereishit 21:6)” The Netziv explained, brother before himself, demonstrating standard teenage behaviour, our Sages “The Divine attribute of justice has repentance. If Yishmael’s sin were of noted other explanations of mitzachek. made me ridiculous, meaning, all will immorality, idolatry or murder; or The Torah uses this word in contexts laugh at me… doubting whether I had threatening his brother’s life; or greed of sexual immorality (Bereishit 39:17), birthed a child to Avraham.” Sarah for an inheritance, it would not be clear idolatry (Shemot 32:6) and murder believed that Avraham’s old age, and that placing Yitzchak first demonstrated (Shemuel II 2:14). Given these her recent stay in Avimelech’s palace, repentance. But if Netziv’s read is definitions, Yishmael’s conduct was would lead people to believe that correct, and Yishmael’s sin was to inappropriate for the home of Avraham Yitzchak was actually a Philistine, and question Yitzchak’s connection with and Sarah, and the place which would not a Jew at all. Avraham, then affirming that shape the infant Yitzchak. (Bereishit This concern led Avraham to hold a connection was indeed a suitable act of Rabbah 53:11) public feast; his demonstration of love repentance. Yishmael eventually came to accept Yitzchak’s legitimacy; may the Our Sages also offered another for Yitzchak was intended to dispel doubts about the child’s legitimacy. same occur for Yishmael’s spiritual approach, using the “ridiculing” heirs. definition of mitzachek. Based on an However, Sarah saw Yishmael invocation of mitzachek in Mishlei mitzachek – ridiculing, claiming that [email protected]





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Israeli Landmarks: Tel Dan Adam Friedmann

On the northern border of modern The second time we encounter the city David to Melachim I 12:30) Ultimately, Israel, just west of the Golan Heights, of Dan is in the story of Yeravam in the city was conquered from the tribe of lies the Tel Dan nature reserve. In the Melachim I 12. Having successfully led Dan during the Assyrian conquest. heart of this reserve is the Tel itself, a a revolt against Rechavam, King mound comprised of layers of Shlomo’s son and successor, Yeravam Today, the Tel Dan reserve features an settlement, possibly dating back as needed to consolidate his authority. He archaeological dig which has early as the Neolithic period. The area is was concerned that popular opinion reconstructed several of the ancient significant in Jewish history, playing a would shift against him in his newly layers of the city. One of the Bronze Age role in two different stories in Tanach. formed Israelite Kingdom, and the gateways to the city has been people would seek to return to the reconstructed. In addition, the area In Shoftim 18, the town is referred to by house of David. In order to prevent his used for religious worship has been its original name, Layish. At that time subjects from worshipping at the Beit rebuilt, with a steel frame indicating the members of the tribe of Dan lived in the HaMikdash, which was outside of his original size and shape of the altar that area of Tzorah ve’Eshtaol (near modern territory, Yeravam set up two centres was there. Beit Shemesh). They sent scouts north of worship. One was in Beit El, which to find a suitable area to settle in. The was relatively close to the Beit The site at Tel Dan provides a rare scouts decided on Layish, a city which HaMikdash, and the other was at the glimpse into the deep past of the Jewish was in a prime location, and easily borders of his kingdom, in Dan. In settlement in Eretz Yisrael, and an conquered. In an unsavory move, the each centre he set up a golden calf, opportunity to thank G-d for uprooting soldiers of Dan sent to conquer the city which was to serve as a substitute for idolatry from our land. [See Shulchan stole the idols and false-priest of the Beit HaMikdash itself. The text Aruch, Orach Chaim 224:2.] Michah, who lived in the territory of the describes that even though the original tribe of Ephraim. They conquered intent was not to serve these calves as [email protected] Layish, changing its name to Dan, and gods in and of themselves, they installed the idol and the priest as their eventually did become full-fledged method of worship until they were idols. This was true to the extent that ultimately dispersed into exile. people would travel to the far-out city of Dan to worship. (See Metzudat

The Zionist Idea: The Netziv: Anti-Zionist or Arch-Zionist? Yaron Perez

Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehudah Berlin (“The Netziv”) was born in in Volozhin from its founding, and in 1886 he was 1816. After 25 years of intense Torah study, he was appointed to a formal advisory position. appointed to lead Yeshivat Eitz Chaim, the famed Volozhin Yeshiva, in 1850. The Volozhin Yeshiva was considered the Counter to the typical Hareidi view that one must wait for paradigmatic Lithuanian yeshiva. The Netziv served as Rosh Messianic redemption, the Netziv wrote, “We have seen that Yeshiva for 39 years; he then sought to ascend to Israel, but G-d has been with the spirit of His nation, Israel, in all parts illness prevented him from fulfilling his desire, and he passed of the globe… And the voice of G-d knocks upon the doors of away in 1893. our hearts, saying: Open a door for Me in your activities, for the time has come when the Land of Israel will no longer be Some see the Netziv as a classic Lithuanian “Hareidi”; his called ‘abandoned, without anyone to seek her.’” Torah is studied in all of the yeshivot built along that model. Unlike many of his rabbinic contemporaries who were Regarding opposition to partnership with non-observant associated with Zionism, the Netziv disagreed with the heter Jews to implement the Zionist ideal, the Netziv wrote in a mechirah which permitted selling land in Israel during letter, “And as it was in the days of Ezra the Scribe, who shemitah, enabling some forms of farming. When the gathered thousands in Babylon from all types of people – underground Nes Ziona Zionist movement in the Volozhin Torah giants and Jews who revered G-d, as well as those yeshiva was discovered, the Netziv fined the members of the men who married foreign women, who were accustomed to group. In our own day, in the battle of Israeli Hareidi yeshivot violate Shabbat, and who did not know Torah at all. All of against introduction of general studies, many have cited the these were gathered, and they prepared the settlement of Netziv’s position on the subject. As his son Rabbi Chaim the land in cities, so that afterward the land was filled with Berlin said it, “He sacrificed his energies for the Volozhin her children.” Yeshiva, to prevent introduction of any general studies [by Russian authorities]. Because of this the yeshiva was closed, How would the Netziv see himself today? and this led to the illness from which he never recovered.” [email protected] On the other hand, others view the Netziv as one of the first leaders of . He was a rebbe and mentor to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook, and in his name the religious kibbutz Ein haNetziv was established in the Beit She’an Valley. The Netziv was active in the Chovevei Zion movement

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Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli The Standing of International Law in Halachah

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli, Amud haYemini 16:5 Translated by Rabbi Jonathan Ziring Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli was born in Slutzk, I saw that the Baal HaTanya in Shulchan אלא שראיתי לרב בעל התניא בשו “ ע שלו .Belarus, in 1909, to a rabbinic family ,(Aruch HaRav (addendum chapter 5 בקו “ א )ח “ ה, ה ‘ הפקר והשגת גבול(, His father was exiled to Siberia for the wants to distinguish and assert that שנראה ממנו שרוצה לחלק ולומר שיש שני crime of teaching Torah, and was not there are two different bases for dina יסודות שונים לדינא דמלכותא, שבפנים heard from again. Rabbi Yisraeli fled dimalchuta (that the law of the land is המלכות ושמחוצה לה. Russia for Poland in 1933, and from there he emigrated to then-Palestine with recognized in Jewish law): within the the aid of documents sent by Rabbi country and without. Kook.

,He writes in his Shulchan Aruch, “A king שכתב שם בפנים השו “ ע: מלך אפילו נכרי Rabbi Yisraeli studied in Yeshivat Mercaz even a non-Jew, who conquered a state in שכבש איזו מדינה במלחמה קונה אותה haRav under Rabbi Yechiel Michel war, acquires it… This is the law of וכו ‘ לפי שזהו ממשפטי וחוק המלכות שכל Charlap, and he received ordination from kingdoms, that all land, with its rivers and forests, is under the authority of the הארץ כולה עם הנהרות והיערים היא Rabbi Charlap and Rabbi Isser Zalman king, whether it is his state, or a state he ברשות המלך בין מדינתו בין מדינה שכובש Meltzer. In 1938, Rabbi Yisraeli was has conquered.” This is in accordance במלחמה. וזהו כפי שכתבנו לעיל ,chosen as the first Rabbi of Kfar haRoeh with the positions of early authorities מהראשונים שיש גם דינא דמלכותא .itself the first moshav to choose a Rabbi that [the authority of] the law of the land במדינות הכיבוש. Here Rabbi Yisraeli applied halachah to the needs of communal farms, applies in conquered land. addressing issues like shemitah, Elsewhere, however, he writes… “It is אולם בקונטרוס אחרון כתב שם וז “ ל: … Shabbat milking, and the Torah’s many because the people of the land have שהרי הסכימו עליו בני אותה ארץ וסמכה laws of farming. This led to his first agreed and treat him as their master, and דעתן שהוא אדוניהם והם לו עבדים, דהא published book, Eretz Chemdah, on the laws of farming. Residents said of Rabbi they are his servants…” It seems from his עיקר הקנין הוא באומה אחרת, אלא שכ “ ה -Yisraeli, “He turned us into almost words that [the authority of] the law of משפטי כל המלכים במלחמותיהם עכ “ ל. rabbis, and we almost turned him into a the land domestically is based on consent נראה מדבריו .… ”.farmer and willing acceptance of the laws of the kingdom… During his time in Kfar haRoeh, Rabbi In my humble opinion: We have already הנלע “ ד בזה, שהנה כבר הערנו לעיל בדברי Yisraeli taught in local schools, including noted above, from the words of Shulchan הרב שו “ ע שנראה ממנו שיסוד ד “ ד בין Rabbi Moshe Zvi Neriah’s famed Yeshivat Aruch HaRav, that it seems that the basis מדינה למדינה הוא על בסיס אחר מאשר Kfar haRoeh, and he developed a for the principle of [the authority of] the בפנים המדינה. ,curriculum for Jewish thought. In 1949 he helped found the rabbinical law of the land between countries is on a association of HaPoel Mizrachi, which he basis that is different from [its basis] led for many years; he also edited their within countries. journal, HaTorah v’haMedinah, and articles he wrote in that capacity were However, we see that conquest and war מה שאנו רואים בכל זאת שגם כיבוש collected in a book, Amud haYemini, on must be conducted by specific laws, ומלחמה צריכים להתנהל עפ “ י חוק מסוים matters related to running a Jewish based on the customs that kings לפי מנהג שנהגו המלכים. ולכאורה אין לזה country. [governments] practice. It seems that הבנה לפי הסברו שזה אינו מטעם הסכמת according to [Shulchan Aruch Harav’s בני האדם מה לנו אם נהגו או לא, ובמה In 1953, Rabbi Yisraeli joined the Chief statement that international law is based Rabbinate’s Rabbinic Council, in which on force] this should make no sense, for המנהג יכול להפקיע האיסור של ז‘ מצוות? he became very active. In 1959, Rabbi [if international authority] is not based on Yisraeli began to deliver a weekly shiur the agreement of people, why should we in Yeshivat Mercaz haRav, at the invition care about particular practices, and how of Rabbi Zvi Yehudah Kook; he could custom uproot the prohibitions of continued to do this for 36 years, until the Seven [Noachide] Laws? shortly before his passing. In 1965,

Rabbi Yisraeli was appointed to the It seems that the basis of “the law of the ע “ כ נ “ ל שיסוד של ד “ ד אחד הוא וגם בין rabbinic Supreme Court of Appeals; at land” is one; even when it is between עם לעם הוא רק מצד הסכמה , כי הרי גם ,this point he left Kfar haRoeh. His books nations, it is predicated on consent. But באמרנו הסכמת בני המדינה אין פירושו ,Chavat Binyamin and Mishpitei Shaul even when we invoke the consent of the שכל אחד ואחד הסכים לזה, אלא שהולכים collect his judicial rulings; the name of members of the nation, this does not אחרי הסכמת הרוב , והמיעוט בטלה דעתם. the former book includes the names of mean that each and every person וכמו כן אפשר לומר שמה שנהגו בו המלכים both of his parents, Chavah and agreed to this. Rather, we follow the והמלכויות השונות נחשב כהסכמה כללית Binyamin. In 1982, Rabbi Yisraeli was consent of the majority, and the minority appointed as Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat is nullified to them. Similarly, it could be של באי עולם. Mercaz haRav, along with Rabbi that what kings and different Avraham Shapira; he served there until governments practice [in conquest] is 1993. Rabbi Yisraeli passed away in considered [authoritative because of] the general consent of humanity. Therefore, 1995. even if some individuals do not agree to this, their opinion is nullified. [email protected]

Call our office at: 416-783-6960 3 The 613 Mitzvot: #610 - Use Maaser Sheni for Food Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner The Torah mandates that in the first, second, fourth and does not sustain the body.” (Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Maaser fifth years of every seven-year shemitah cycle, we separate Sheni 3:10) Sefer haChinuch codifies this as the Torah’s 610th 10% of our produce and designate it as maaser sheni. We mitzvah, an additional prohibition against using maaser sheni bring it to and consume it there. However, those funds for inedible products. [One may also use it to purchase who live far from Jerusalem may redeem maaser sheni for oil to anoint one’s skin; see Rambam ibid.] money, and bring the money to Jerusalem. The Torah states that a principal benefit of this mitzvah is As we have already seen, Devarim 14:22-27 instructs us to that it will lead us to “revere G-d for all time.” (Devarim 14:23) use these maaser sheni funds for food, specifically; Sefer Tosafot (Bava Batra 21a ki) explains that spending time in haChinuch includes that in the Torah’s 473rd mitzvah. Jerusalem, in an environment of service for G-d, will influence However, the triennial viduy maaser declaration adds that us to immerse ourselves in reverence for G-d and study of we have not given our tithe “to the dead,” and Rambam Torah. explains this to mean, “We have not spent it for that which [email protected] Weekly Highlights: Nov. 4 — Nov. 10 / 15 Cheshvan — 21 Cheshvan

Time Speaker Topic Location Special Notes

Nov. 3-4 שבת

Fri. pre-minchah R’ Jonathan Ziring Parshah and Kugel BAYT

After hashkamah Adam Friedmann Parshah Analysis Clanton Park

Before minchah R’ Jonathan Ziring Daf Yomi BAYT Rabbi’s Classroom

After minchah R’ Mordechai Torczyner Gem. Avodah Zarah BAYT Simcha Suite

Sun. Nov. 5 Medical Halachah w/CME: BAYT 8:45 AM R’ Mordechai Torczyner Laypeople welcome Logotherapy Simcha Suite 8:45 AM R’ Jonathan Ziring Responsa BAYT Hebrew 8:45 AM R’ Josh Gutenberg Contemporary Halachah BAYT Not This Week Mon. Nov. 6 7:00 PM Adam Friedmann Great Jewish Thinkers Terraces of Baycrest Open to all A Connected World 3: 8:30 PM R’ Jonathan Ziring Shomrai Shabbos For men The Skype Minyan

Tue. Nov. 7

1:30 PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner Enter Nechemiah! Shaarei Shomayim

Wed. Nov. 8

Mental Health in To register: 10:00 AM R’ Mordechai Torczyner Beth Emeth Week 2: Addiction torontotorah.com/mh

2:30 PM R’ Jonathan Ziring Exploring Bamidbar 32 Timberlane Ave. For women

8:00 PM Adam Friedmann Why do we do that? Shaarei Tefillah Shaarei Shomayim In Easy Hebrew הפרשה ואני PM Yaron Perez 8:00

Thu. Nov. 9

1:30 PM R’ Mordechai Torczyner Shoftim: Shimshon’s End 49 Michael Ct. For women

Fri. Nov. 10 10:30 AM R’ Jonathan Ziring Melachot of Shabbat Yeshivat Or Chaim Advanced For University Men, at Yeshivat Or Chaim 11 AM Sunday, Adam Friedmann, Contemporary Halachic Issues 8:30 AM Monday, Rabbi Jonathan Ziring, Nefesh haChaim 8:30 AM Friday, Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner, The Book of Yeshayah

For University Women, at Ulpanat Orot 9:30-11:30 AM Monday, Mrs. Elliezra Perez, From Rachel Imeinu to Racheli Frenkel 9:30-11:30 AM Tuesday, Mrs. Ora Ziring, Shabbat 9:30-11:30 AM Wednesday, Mrs. Ora Ziring, Contemporary Halachah 9:30-11:30 AM Thursday, Mrs. Elliezra Perez, Parshah in the Eyes of Chassidut