Room Stadtwerke

Room Dorint Convention Hall K Klub Room 3 Mohren/ Hall Dialog Room HVB Veolia Room Mercedes- Benz

WC WC Europa-Forum Office




Registration Desk

ENTRANCE LIONS EUROPA-FORUM 2015 LIONS – SYMPATHY AND FRIENDSHIP 9. – 11.10.2015 | Augsburg | Bavaria | Germany Membership Translated Main International Thematic Social & Agora Service Activities Leadership Youth & YEC Meetings Relations Meetings Training

* Translated into English, French, Italian and German INDEX 4 Forewords

PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff, Forum President , Minister-President of Bavaria Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, International President Dr. Kurt Gribl, Lord Mayor of the City of Augsburg EUROPEAN LIONS – SYMPATHY AND FRIENDSHIP

12 Your Host Committee

16 Information A-Z

18 Thursday, Oct 8

24 Friday, Oct 9

Opening Ceremony

44 Saturday, Oct 10

64 Sunday, Oct 11

Closing Ceremony



“Sympathy and Friendship” – the title of the Lions and everything you need to know about the Lions Europa-Forum 2015 is more topical than ever in this Europa-Forum 2015. current refugee situation! Moreover, the “European Programme” will provide It should and indeed will accompany every step we an insight into issues that move LIONS, who are take together at our Lions Forum in Augsburg. Com- the worldwide largest service organisation with passion and understanding for each other, open- the largest number of members. Experience the ness towards other cultures and religions and our international spirit at European level – live and commitment to people in need and hardship – this is “en miniature” in Augsburg. PID DR. MANFRED WESTHOFF what sympathy stands for. On behalf of the entire host committee, we warmly FORUM PRESIDENT Friendship means that we as LIONS approach each and heartily welcome you to Augsburg. Take us at other in a friendly way, form, foster and strengthen our word and experience sympathy and friendship friendships – in order to achieve our common objec- in Augsburg. tives. We gather to encourage humanitarian aid and to support the programmes and objectives of LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL in Europe’s multi-cultural Sincerely, society. We are delighted that you are now holding the programme for the Lions Europa-Forum 2015 in your hands and we ask you: Take a look at the pro- gramme repeatedly, it’s worth the while! You will find an excellent overview of our comprehensive and diverse forum programme, the evening events, Dr. Manfred Westhoff, the accompanying programme, the music contest President of the 61st Lions Europa-Forum 2015 6


Following the slogan “We serve”, people have Moreover, hundreds of thousands of people from teamed up to alleviate hardship, help others in need Africa or the Middle East are looking for protection and make our world a nicer and better place. In this against war, hardship and despair. Considerable way, the Lions are an example of a civic sense of efforts of all involved are required to fulfil our hu- responsibility and commitment – commitment for manitarian duty to offer those people a prospect for which I would like to express my heartfelt thanks. the future and to initiate and advance the necessary developments in their home countries. With their In Bavaria we know what is at stake. Our state of experience in organising help, their international Bavaria offers its citizens extraordinary quality of connections and not least their exemplary commit- life. This standard is the result of our economic suc- ment, the Lions can make an outstanding contribu- HORST SEEHOFER cesses, efficient administration, successful politics tion. MINISTER-PRESIDENT OF BAVARIA and not least our citizens’ considerable commit- ment in the service of the community. Without their The slogan of the Europe-Forum in Augsburg is attentiveness, ideas, community spirit and efforts, “Sympathy and Friendship”. I am convinced that the many valuable cultural, social and community pro- Lions meeting under this banner will be a valuable jects would not exist. Therefore, we are especially inspiration. It will strengthen the organisation’s grateful to the Lions for recognising challenges spirit of friendship, tolerance, brotherhood and everywhere in the country, for developing solutions charity – for the benefit of all and as an excellent and for actively lending a hand. example! I cordially welcome the Lions from all over Europe I wish all Lions from all across Europe a pleasant to their annual meeting in Augsburg. I am confident stay in Bavaria and an interesting and fruitful meet- that they will feel at home in a city that looks back on ing in Augsburg. 2000 years of history full of cultural treasures and in which civic commitment has a long tradition. I’m thinking of the “Fuggerei”, for instance, the world’s oldest social settlement, which was funded by a merchant in the 16th century and still exists today. Europe is facing enormous challenges. Some Horst Seehofer countries are experiencing a great economic crisis. Minister-President of Bavaria 7


The theme for my presidential year is “Dignity. from measles, feeding empty stomachs, planting Harmony. Humanity.” Serving others. Those are not trees, and so much more, are strengthening huma- just words to Lions. Our organization was founded nity and forming bonds of mutual understanding. on that very principle. Our tradition of service con- Our future is bright. We have embarked upon a tinues, and in fact has grown to meet the needs of three-year centennial celebration with an overall our communities and a changing world. But we don’t theme of “Where There’s A Need, There’s A Lion.” just serve. We don’t simply provide food, shelter, or Our celebration will embrace our past while shining address the immediate need. We provide hope. We a light for us to follow in the future. provide the promise of a brighter tomorrow. And DR. JITSUHIRO YAMADA yes, we restore dignity. I challenge all club presidents and district gover- nors to participate in the Centennial Service Chal- The question is “Can we do more”? We MUST do INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT lenge in the areas of youth, preserving sight, fighting more. Our 100 year anniversary is approaching. The hunger, and protecting our environment. centennial service challenge is an ambitious under- taking. In order to reach our goal of serving 100 mil- Together we can make a difference. Together we will lion people in the areas of youth, vision, hunger and strengthen the bonds of service through Dignity, the environment between now and June 30, 2018, it Harmony and Humanity. will be necessary to triple our output of service in those areas. I know we can do it. Lions have shown time and time again their willingness and ability to My very best wishes for a successful Forum. exceed challenges when it means others less fortu- Together in Service, nate will benefit. Service to others is changing the world. Think about it. As we serve others, we are sowing the seeds of harmony, understanding and peace. Our service Dr. Yamada programs – restoring sight, protecting children 8


I heartily welcome all Lions from all across Europe standing of peace, the energy of many communal to this year’s host city Augsburg. Following Istanbul actors influences the encouragement of a construc- and Birmingham in the previous years, I am extraor- tive community in our urban society which is – due dinarily delighted that Augsburg was chosen to host to its share of over 40% of citizens with a migration the important Forum of the European Lions in 2015. background – explicitly shaped in a multi-ethnic Not least was this possible due to the determined way. However, only peace work that is realised all commitment of Augsburg’s four local clubs and year round can make Augsburg an example of a role their members. model for actively lived peace. With this we would DR. KURT GRIBL like to optimally position us within the national and Unquestionably, these international encounters es- international context. In this way, Augsburg is also LORD MAYOR OF THE CITY sentially contribute to raising a general awareness well suited for this year’s slogan “Sympathy and OF AUGSBURG for pressing European issues. Crucial impulses for Friendship”. the future are provided here and opportunities are presented for joint service activities that benefit all We will neither secure nor create world peace with people who are joined together in Europe’s multi- sympathy and friendship alone. But without these cultural society. It is not necessary to emphasise values our society would be all the poorer. With the current importance of this. sympathy and friendship far-reaching results can be initiated and achieved. I wish your Europa-Fo- Augsburg is a city with a worldwide unique public rum, whose supporting programme will lead you to holiday on the occasion of the “Hohe Friedensfest” many places reflecting Augsburg’s exciting history, (Festival of Peace), which we have celebrated each the deserved success. I am convinced that you will year on 8 August since 1650. We like to adorn our- feel welcome and at home here! selves with the promising title of “Friedensstadt” (City of Peace); but being a historically important former Roman settlement that is over 2000 years Sincerely, old, we are also proud to impress with other topics such as Mozart, Fugger or Brecht. We particu- larly endeavour to take account of the demanding standards as “Friedensstadt” (City of Peace) using every effort and professionally combined expertise. Dr. Kurt Gribl Against the backdrop of a comprehensive under- Lord Mayor of the City of Augsburg 9


I value the Lions because of their active support Always in service for applied humanity and free of beyond borders, tolerant as well as united. I am possibly inhibiting differences, which can easily proud to be part of a movement that stands for spring from cultural, traditional and religious or decency, integrity and active help for others. societal differences in perspective. Active, multi-national, tolerant, amicable. These are A century-long success-story and active world the core-factors of our successful tradition, and the of many Lions-generations and the basis for a future pillars of our global motto “WE SERVE“. goal-oriented and identity-building future of our association. EBERHARD J. WIRFS As Lions we have the opportunity to be ambassadors INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT 2009-2010 for our country, for Europe and indeed for our clubs from all around the world, which in themselves have LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL / USA Regards so many exciting, cosmopolitan differences. HONORARY PRESIDENT OF THE LIONS • Future needs heritage – heritage has tradition. EUROPA-FORUM 2015 IN AUGSBURG • Future needs heritage and heritage needs vision. • But vision without action remains fiction. This was and is the basis for active volunteer work and especially for the worldwide activities Eberhard J. Wirfs of Lions Clubs International in the association’s International President 2009-2010 almost 100 year long history. Lions Clubs International / USA Worldwide and international, continental and re- gional. Beyond borders within the strongly uniting thought “WE SERVE“.



When looking through the programme booklet you We hope that you will feel at home in your hotels and will find many forum discussions and workshops on that you may have already selected the supporting highly topical, interesting and internationally dis- programme of your individual choice. Small, striking cussed LIONS issues, which you shouldn’t miss. highlights and typically Bavarian-Swabian activities will give you an impression of our city, which offers The breaks are dedicated to exchange between much to explore and experience. Lions, the evenings to friendly gatherings in a tra- ditional Bavarian and festively elegant atmosphere. Our host committee and our volunteers – recognis- The official reception at the city hall is the city of able by their “Ask-me” shirts and red badges – are Augsburg’s way of thanking our LIONS guests from happy to assist at all important locations. all across Europe. We look forward to seeing you and hope that you Known as the city of Jakob Fugger, the founder will feel at home in Augsburg – and will return as of the world’s oldest existing social settlement, friends! Augsburg looks back on a long tradition of eminent names – birth place of Leopold Mozart, Bert Brecht and Rudolf Diesel – the City of Peace with its own Your Augsburg LIONS unique holiday, the first division team FCA and not least the heroes of the “Augsburger Puppenkiste”. 12


Forum General Secretary Forum Treasurer Forum Program Director Forum Operations Director

PDG PROF. DR. CC DANIEL ISENRICH PCC PROF. DR. KATJA SEGMÜLLER KLAUS LETZGUS LC München-Heinrich der Löwe JÖRG-MICHAEL KIMMIG LC Augsburg-Elias Holl LC München-Heinrich der Löwe LC Stuttgart 13 14

YOUR HOST COMMITTEE Name Responsibility Ankenbrand Sandra Supporting program, hotels Blomberg Josef Auditor Blücher Roland Agora, Gala Night (DEP.), Technique, Interpreter Brookmann Ingo Music Competition Dr. El Masry Chaled VIP-Program Elsäßer Cornelie Press, Opening Ceremony Ferstl Alex Corporate Identity, IT & Apps (DEP.), Printing Dr. Gebhardt Claus Transport, Logistics Gehrsitz Stefan Sponsoring (DEP.) Glück Anna Maria Secretary Goßner Hubert Get-together (DEP.) Günter Hans-Peter Accountancy, Planning Maeser Michael Reception City-Hall Meggle Mario Volunteers Meisinger Kirsten IT & Apps Moes Christoph Law & Contracts Schley Tobias Reception City-Hall (DEP.), Get Together Segmüller Katja Opening Ceremony (DEP.), Gala Night, Closing Ceremony (DEP.) Uhl Karlheinz Printing (DEP.), Souvenirs Vogel Günther Accountancy, Planning Walz Wilhelm Music Competition (DEP.), Closing Ceremony Wepler Axel Sponsoring Dr. Zimmermann Joachim Young Ambassadors 15

SPECIAL EVENT Event “Feel blindness – give sight!” the Lions Experience Mobile

Date Oct 8, 11:00 – 16:00, Moritzplatz Oct 9, 10:00 – 17:00, Moritzplatz Oct 10, 09:00 – 14:00, Convention Centre Core How does it feel to be blind? Why do so many people in Message developing countries suffer from visual impairments or even blindness? And what are Lions Clubs doing on site and internationally in the area of fighting sightlessness? Answers to these questions will be given in the Lions Experi- ence Mobile. A parcours of a special kind is awaiting visitors there. Normally-sighted people experience everyday situations of a blind person themselves. A carelessly placed waste bin, a bicycle in the middle of the sidewalk, a deep puddle: no problem for someone who can see but for blind people or such with bad sight it can quickly become a dangerous situation. Under the motto “Feel blindness – give sight!” the Lions Experience Mobile wants to make aware of the problems of blind and visually impaired people and offers ideas for a helpful interaction. Now, the Lions Experience Mobile opens its doors in Augsburg. 16


A Addresses C Certificate of participation The event address of the Europa-Forum is You can collect a participation certificate at the registration desk. Kongress am Park Gögginger Str. 10, 86159 Augsburg D Dress Codes The Music Competition will take place in the Leopold Mozart Centre for Music and Musical Education Get-together at the „Lions Oktoberfest“: casual/costume Maximilianstr. 59, 86150 Augsburg Gala night: formal The Music Competition Concert will take place in the church Evangelisch St. Ulrich E Emergency Ulrichsplatz 11, 86150 Augsburg Paramedics in the Convention Centre (Malteser) or call: 112 Reception in the City-Hall Rathausplatz 2, 86150 Augsburg F Fire Get-Together call: 112 Klausstraße, 86167 Augsburg-Lechhausen

B Badges Food and beverage During the day, water, tea and coffee will be served for free at the kiosks. You can also buy snacks and sweets there as well as a variety of coffee specialities and soft drinks. At Organisation Team Participant lunch-time you can choose from a selection of 3 dishes or enjoy a delicious 3-course-menu at the Kklub (bookings until 11:00 the same day). If the weather is fine, we’ll open the LIONS EUROPA-FORUM 2015 • ORGA-TEAM LIONS - SYMPATHY AND FRIENDSHIP beergarden in the Wittelsbacher park for you.

Lions Europa Forum Namesschild 2015.indd 1 10.08.15Lions Europa 10:01 Forum Namesschild 2015.indd 2 10.08.15 10:01

I Information Volunteer Exhibitor / Day-Ticket For further/special requests please talk to the host committee.

LIONS EUROPA-FORUM 2015 • VOLUNTEER LIONS - SYMPATHY AND FRIENDSHIP All Information about the program and our partner­-program you will get at the Information-Desk.

Lions Europa Forum Namesschild 2015.indd 3 10.08.15Lions Europa 10:01 Forum Namesschild 2015.indd 4 10.08.15 10:01 Booth see Souvenirs 17

H Hotline (only for urgent cases!) R Reservation call: +49 (0)151 156 110 20 Reservation of seats/table for the Gala Night. Please make your booking not later than 12:30 am on the day of the Gala Night at our booth. Headset Use your second name badge as deposit. In case of loss or S Shopping damage we have to charge € 250,- as compensation. Watch out for the signs in the city centre’s shops. Check the Deutsch: Kanal 1 Italiano: canale 3 welcome flyer in your convention bag. English: channel 2 Français : canal 4 LIONS WELCOME

O Office Smoking Area You’ll find the location of the Forum Office in the floor plan on You will find the Smoking Area in front of the Convention page 2. It will be open from 08:30 – 16:30. Centre; see floor plan on page 2.

P Photobooth Souvenirs Use the exclusive photobooth for your personal memories. You can purchase Lions powerbanks, USB-sticks, golf balls, Our professional photographer will take pictures during scarfs, ties and calendars at our booth. the whole event. Additional personal glamour shoots are available as well. T Taxi Augsburg call: +49 (0)821 350 25 Police call: 110 W WiFi Your free WiFi-registration code is: Public Transport Network: KongressAmPark In the urban area of Augsburg, the use of busses and trams Username: kap8065 Password: n57n9 is free for Forum Participants. Identification via Forum Ticket or badge necessary! 18 19


Room Room Room Room Room The Leopold Mozart Meeting-Lounge Convention Hall Hall Dialog Mercedes-Benz Stadtwerke 3 Mohren/Veolia HypoVereinsbank Dorint Centre for Music 09:00


10:45 THOMAS KUTI Music Competition Press Conference Advisory Committee Meeting 34th fl oor “Hotelturm” (closed) (closed) 12:00

THURSDAY 12:15 Break 12:45

Advisory Committee 13:00 (closed) Council Meeting 14:00 MD 111 (closed) 14:15 14:30

Presenters & Delegates Orientation THOMAS KUTI Council Meeting Long Range Planning Music Competition 16:00 MD 111 Committee (Europe) Round 1 (closed) (closed)



Version: September 18th, 2015 3 20

Event Press Conference (closed) Event Advisory Committee (closed)

Date Oct 08, 10:45 – 12:15 Date Oct 08, 10:45 – 14:15 Venue 34th floor “Hotelturm”, with a brilliant view over Augsburg Venue Room Stadtwerke Chair PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff, Forum President Chair ID Helmut Marhauer, MD 111 Speaker • Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, International President 2015-16 Speaker • PCC Prof. Dr. Jörg-Michael Kimmig, MD 111 • Eberhard Wirfs, International President 2009-10 • PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus, MD 111 • CC Daniel Isenrich, Council Chair, MD 111 • PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus, Forum General Secretary • PCC Prof. Dr. Jörg-Michael Kimmig, Program Director • Katja Segmüller, Operations Director • Ullrich Stoltenberg, Lions Editor 21

Event Thomas Kuti European Music Competition Meeting (closed) 8. Donation of an annual commission of a composition for the European Final of the LEMC through Katja Segmüller

Date Oct 08, 10:20 – 12:00 9. Anniversary “25 years LEMC“ in 2016 Venue The Leopold Mozart Centre for Music 10. Modus of creating the repertoire list Chair Ingo Brookmann, MD 111, Germany 11. Sponsoring for the LEMC, e.g. through builder of instruments Further members of the Committee of the Competition: • Bryan Riley, MD 105 British Isles and Ireland 12. Evolution in the organisation of the competition on • NN from Bulgaria, D 130 national level in each MD or D. Short explanations by • Markus Enzler, MD 102, Switzerland and Liechtenstein country representatives, especially: + Online registration for the competition in Switzerland Members: Country representatives of all Forum Members and Liechtenstein (Markus Enzler) for the Music Competition 13. Other items and announcements Executive Yearly meeting of the Country Representatives of the Lions Summary European Music Competition Thomas Kuti Core Together with the Committee of the LEMC the country rep- Message resentatives take their responsibility for the running of the Agenda 1. Welcome and introduction (Ingo Brookmann, Chairman) present competition. They take care for their candidates and 2. Agreeing on the agenda think about future improvements and the development of the European Competition. 3. Approval of the minutes of the meeting Birmingham 2014 (attached) 4. Election or re-election of the chairperson of the Music Competition (see below) 5. EF 2015 Augsburg LEMC, Germany, Clarinet, information (Ingo Brookmann) 6. EF 2016 Sophia, LEMC, Bulgaria, information (NN from Bulgaria) 7. EF 2017 Montreux, LEMC, Switzerland, announcement of the instrument (Markus Enzler) 22

Event Council Meeting MD 111 (closed) Event Presenters & Delegates Orientation

Date Oct 08, 13:00 – 17:45 Date Oct 08, 14:30 – 16:00 Venue Hall Dialog Venue Room Stadtwerke Chair • CC Daniel Isenrich, MD 111 Chair Katja Segmüller, Operations Director, MD 111 • GS Astrid Schauerte, MD 111 Executive WHERE – WHEN – WHO – HOW Executive 3rd Council Meeting of the 19 Districtgovernors from Summary • Where are the rooms and offices located? Summary Multi-District 111 • Whom to give the ppt-presentations? • Where to get additional equipment? • How to get a transcript writer? • Where to finish the minutes?

Event * Long Range Planning Committee (Europe) (closed)

Date Oct 08, 14:30 – 17:45 Venue Room Mercedes-Benz Chair International President 2009/10 Eberhard Wirfs Agenda Annual Society Meeting 23

Event Thomas Kuti European Music Competition Core In order to encourage talented young musicians all over Eu- Message rope, a Music prize is presented annually on occasion of each Lions Europa-Forum. In 2015 the instrument is the Clarinet, Date Oct 08, 13:00 – 18:30 chosen by the host country, the Lions from Germany MD 111. Venue The Leopold Mozart Centre for Music Participants should be a maximum of 23 years old. Chair Ingo Brookmann, MD 111, Germany Each member of the Europa-Forum may nominate one participant for the competition. Preliminary competitions Local Coordination: Wilhelm Walz are held in most of the participating member countries or in Jury • Prof. Antonio Fraioli, University of Salerno, Italy smaller regional areas. The prizes in Augsburg will be: • Alexandra Gruber, Soloclarinetist of the Munich 1st prize: 3.500 EUR; 2nd prize: 2.000 EUR; 3rd prize: 1.000 EUR. Philharmonics The competition has three parts. All parts are open to the • Prof. Harald Harrer, Leopold-Mozart-Centre of the public. Firstly, all participants play the imposed piece. In the University Augsburg second part all participants perform the first of two pieces • Ludmilla Peterková, Prague, Soloist and Professor for they have chosen out of the repertoire list. Then the jury will Clarinet at the Prague Conservatorium select the “Six Best Candidates” out of the candidates. These • Stephan Vermeersch, International soloist clarinet/Bass “Six Best Candidates” will play the second chosen piece of clarinet, President European Clarinet Association, Inter- the repertoire list in the final: The Concert of the Six Best in national Board Director International Clarinet Association the afternoon of the 10th October in the St. Ulrich Church. Executive All candidates perform the imposed piece : Summary W.A.Mozart Concert in A-Major, K. 622, 2nd and 3rd movement The Lions in Augsburg have arranged three specials: Agenda You are welcome to come and go whilst the candidates are A Live-CD will be recorded of the Concert of the Six Best; changing after each piece. Please don´t enter or leave the a masterclass will be given to three of the candidates on room during the performances. Sunday and: The winner will perform a World Premiere in the closing session, a new composition by Tobias P.M. Schneid. 24 25


Room Room Room Room Room The Leopold Mozart Meeting-Lounge Convention Hall Hall Dialog Mercedes-Benz Stadtwerke 3 Mohren/Veolia HypoVereinsbank Dorint Centre for Music 09:00 GMT/GLT Lions for Europe – Presenters & Membership & Destiny & Hope for Euro-Asia Task Force LCI Youth Exchange Delegates Lions Quest Leadership review Refugees * Orientation (Area 4) *

10:30 10:45 Set Up Lions 100 THOMAS KUTI GMT/GLT Euro-Asia From the successful “How to get EU Music Competition Membership & Lea- Meeting General 11:30 yesterday to the Funds for your Lions Youth Exchange Lions Quest Round 2 dership Strategies Growing old graciously Secretaries

FRIDAY target-oriented Project” for Europe * – staying attractive for tomorrow * young members 12:15 Break 12:45 Alcohol and “How to get EU Violence among Funds for your Lions 1. VP meets VGs * Youth in Europe Project” Feed the world – fi ght 13:30 Integration * Youth Exchange Lions Quest (closed) New scenarios for against food waste Introduction for the fi ght against 1st time voters hunger 14:15 14:30 CEP – Club Excellence Program * Mediterranean 15:15 Council I * WASH Youth Exchange LCIF Coordinators Solidarity Observatory

16:00 16:15

Opening Ceremony * Youth Exchange


Get Together at the „Lions Oktoberfest“


Version: September 18th, 2015 4 26

Event * Lions for Europe – Destiny & Hope for Refugees Event * GMT/GLT (Panel discussion) Membership and Leadership Review for Constitutional Area 4

Date Oct 09, 09:00 – 10:30 Date Oct 09, 09:00 – 10:30 Venue Convention Hall Venue Hall Dialog Chair PCC Prof. Dr. Jörg-Michael Kimmig, MD 111 Chair • GMT International Coordinator PID A P Singh, India • GLT International Coordinator PID Clifford Heywood, Speaker • L Vassiliki Dospra MD 117 New Zealand • PID Roberto Fresia, MD 108 • Einar Lyngar, Coordinating Lion for Belarus, MD 104 Speaker • IP Dr. Yamada • L Dr. Jürgen Micksch, Director Intercultural Council • GMT International Coordinator PID A P Singh Germany, MD 111 • GLT International Coordinator PID Clifford Heywood • L Dr. Wolf Rieh, Council Advisor for Integration, MD 111 • International Family and Women Coordinator • ID Gabriele Sabatosanti Scarpelli, MD 108 PID Sangeeta Jatia • Karl Michael Scheufele, President Government of Swabia Agenda This session is open for all attendees and offers simulta- Core Regarding the situation of the refugees it is task and duty of the neous translation. International President Dr. Yamada will Message Lions in Europe according to their main commitment “We Serve” address the audience and present his strategies for “Dignity to stand by and support those people. And not only by donations – Harmony – Humanity” to strengthen membership and of money and goods. Also by re-establishing a feeling of “I’m at leadership development in Europe. home here” in them. That only works on site, though, and is defi- Lions Clubs International Officers and representatives are nitely no short term activity. All clubs in Europe are called upon to reviewing the membership and leadership development master this huge but honourable challenge. In a panel discussion in Europe with special focus on proactive strategies and we’ll try to find ways on how to realise this target and task. actions. This session also offers the 2015/16 path ahead for Family & Women Membership in Europe. Questions from Event Task Force LCI attendees during the session are very welcome. Core “The International President highlights the key areas for Message the international theme. This will generate discussion on Date Oct 09, 09:00 – 10:30 opportunities for strengthening the Association by develop- Venue Room Stadtwerke ing leadership that would steer an inclusive and sustainable growth of its membership in the next few years, and in the Chair PID Per Cristensen, MD 106 next centennial.” Executive Information for all districts and MDs about new set of Summary rules by LCI 27

Event Euro-Asia Event Lions Quest

Date Oct 09, 09:00 – 11:30 Date Oct 09, 09:00 – 10:30, 10:45 – 12:15, 12:45 – 14:15 Venue Room Mercedes-Benz Venue Room Dorint Chair PDG Renato Carlo Sambugaro, Chair Euro-Asia Committee, Chair Michael Di Maria, International Program Coordinator, LCIF MD 108 Speaker Dr. Jürgen Schalck, Chairman Quest Aid Organisation of the Speaker • Honary Chairperson: PIP Mahendra Amarasurija, German Lions, MD 111 MD 306 Sri Lanka Executive 09:00 – 10:30 • Vice Chairperson: PCC Elien Van Dille, MD 112 Belgium Summary Michael Di Maria – Educational Programs Specialist LCIF • Secretary: L Manuela Lott, MD 111 Germany • What is Lions Quest? • Participants: Committee Representative, • LCIF grant and planning support Forum Delegates, guests are very welcome • Addressing the global need for in-school Life Skills training Core The Committee has the aim to deepen and to stimulate the • What is Social and Emotional Learning Message Lions services in Asia and to examine the possibility of an efficient and effective Lions participation in order to improve 10:45 – 12:15 the welfare conditions for its people. Topics of mutual inter- Michael Di Maria – Educational Programs Specialist LCIF est to Lions within Europe and Asia will be discussed and • What is Social and Emotional Learning (continued, ques- European Lions projects in Asia will be introduced. Forum tions and answers) delegates and guests are welcome to see how the committee • International rollout of new Lions Quest programs th works, to listen to the presentations and to take part in our • 5 Edition of Skills for Adolescence th discussion. WE SERVE. • 4 Editions of Skills for Growing and Skills for Action • Questions and comments 12:45 – 14:15 See more: PID Jørn Andersen – Lions Quest Europe Coordinator, and #EuroAsiaLions #weserve #HelpingPeopleInNeed Michael Di Maria-Educational Programs Specialist • Lions Quest as a tool to increase membership • Lions Quest and the Centennial Service Challenge • Lion involvement to increase sustainability, ultimately rea­ ching as much of the global youth population as possible 28

Event Youth Camp and Exchange Chairpersons Meeting co-financed by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Youth Exchange Bazaar Executive Sum- All meetings will be open to all European YCEC and guests mary except for the Bazaar that is reserved only for YCEC. The participants will learn about the challenges and benefits of Date Oct 08 – 11, 09:00 – 17:45 Inclusion but also contribute to the compilation of a Youth Venue Room 3 Mohren/Veolia Exchange guideline on the topic inclusion based on the output of the meeting as well as on personal experience of the Chair L Dieter Bug, MD 111 Germany participating YCEC as well as on best practices from all over Speaker Facilitator: Europe. The guideline will be made available to all YCEC and • Lion Paul Vanderhaeghen, MD 112 Belgium the public upon meeting completion. Secretary: The meeting is cofinanced by the European Union in the • Lion Gerald Kreuwel, MD 111 Germany scope of their program Erasmus+ Youth in Action. Presenter: • Michelle Anderson, LCI Children & Youth Program Specialist Project Managers: • Rita Bella Ada and Juliane Meißner, MD 111 Germany Event Presenters & Delegates Orientation Participants: European Youth Camp and Youth Exchange Chairpersons and guests; Participation should be confirmed in advance Agenda A copy of the Agenda will be circulated to the participants. Date Oct 09, 09:00 – 10:30 Executive Sum- The aim of the meeting is to improve the European Youth Venue Room HypoVereinsbank mary Exchange with the contribution of Youth Exchange spe- Chair Katja Segmüller, Operations Director, MD 111 cialists from all over Europe and network. It will be a first Executive WHERE – WHEN – WHO – HOW to mainly concentrate on the topic “Inclusion in the Lions Summary Youth Exchange” also regarding the aspects “Standards and • Where are the rooms and offices located? Safety”. The focus of the meeting will be set on how to foster • Whom to give the ppt-presentations? the inclusion of young people with special needs (disabilities, • Where to get additional equipment? social and financial hindrances etc…) within the Lions Youth • How to get a transcript writer? Exchange. • Where to finish the minutes? 29

Event Thomas Kuti European Music Competition Agenda 1. Taavi Orro (D 120 Estonia) Claude Debussy, 1ère Rhapsodie 2. Daniel Gurfinkel (D 128 Israel) st Date Oct 09, 08:00 – 13:30 Carl Nielsen, Concerto op. 57, 1 movement 3. Vera-Marie Karner (MD 114 Austria) Venue The Leopold Mozart Centre for Music Jean Francaix, Thema con Variazioni Chair Ingo Brookmann, MD 111, Germany 4. Mariana Rüegg (MD 102 Switzerland and Liechtenstein) Jean Francaix, Thema con Variazioni Local Coordination: Wilhelm Walz 5. Rachel Coe (MD 105 British Isles and Ireland) Jury • Prof. Antonio Fraioli, University of Salerno, Italy Claude Debussy, 1ère Rhapsodie • Alexandra Gruber, Soloclarinetist of the Munich 6. Leandra Brehm (MD 111 Germany) st Philharmonics Carl Nielsen, Concerto op. 57, 1 movement • Prof. Harald Harrer, Leopold-Mozart-Centre of the 7. Ioan Radu Grelus (D 124 Romania) Jean Francaix, Thema con Variazioni University Augsburg • Ludmilla Peterková, Prague, Soloist and Professor for 8. Lilian Lefebvre (MD 103 France) Edison Denisov, Sonata for clarinet solo Clarinet at the Prague Conservatorium 9. Martinez Merino Germán (MD 116 Spain) • Stephan Vermeersch, International soloist clarinet/Bass Claude Debussy, 1ère Rhapsodie clarinet, President European Clarinet Association, Inter- 10. Annemiek de Bruin (MD 110 The Netherlands) national Board Director International Clarinet Association Jean Francaix, Thema con Variazioni Executive Round two: All candidates perform the first chosen piece from 11. Yagizcan Keskin (MD 118 Turkey) Summary the the given repertoire list. Verdi/Luigi Bassi/Giampieri, Rigoletto - Fantasia di concerto 12. Jeroen Vrancken (MD 112 Belgium) Core (see page 25) Edison Denisov, Sonata for clarinet solo Message 13. Jan Klimaszewski (D 121 Poland) Verdi/Luigi Bassi/Giampieri, Rigoletto - Fantasia di concerto 14. Jonas Morkunas (D 131 Lithuania) Robert Schumann, Fantasiestücke op. 73 15. Andrea Fallico (MD 108 Italy) Carl Maria von Weber, Concert no. 1 f-minor, op 73, 1st movement 16. Hanne Dyrendahl Seter (MD 104 Norway) Robert Schumann, Fantasiestücke op. 73 17. Katharina Pickar (D 113 Luxemburg) Johannes Brahms, Sonata no. 1 f-minor, op. 120, 1st movement You are welcome to come and go whilst the candidates are changing after each piece. Please don´t enter or leave the room during the performances. 30

Event * Lions 100 – From the successful yesterday to the target-oriented tomorrow Event * GMT/GLT Membership and Leadership Strategies for Europe

Date Oct 09, 10:45 – 12:15 Date Oct 09, 10:45 – 12:15 Venue Convention Hall Venue Hall Dialog Chair International President 2009/10 Eberhard Wirfs, MD 111 Chair • GMT Constitutional Area Leader, PDG Christiane Lafeld, MD 111 Executive Future needs a background – every background has a • GLT Constitutional Area Leader Summary tradition. This is and has been the foundation of our volunteer PID Bruno Ahlquist, MD 101 work and especially of the worldwide activities of Lions Clubs International during the nearly 100-year-old history of our Speaker • GMT Area Leader, PID Miklos Horvath association. Executive This session is open for all attendees and offers simultane- Worldwide and international, continental and regional. Summary ous translation. Main subjects of the presentation are the Across borders and boundaries, according to the strongly report on the translation project for various LCI documents unifying slogan WE SERVE. Always acting in the spirit of hu- to support countries with non-official LCI languages, the im- manity and free of potentially limiting differences, that could plementation of the Club Membership Officer to strengthen easily result from cultural, traditionally religious or social membership in each club and the use of leadership institutes perspectives, too. for developing new Lions leaders. Questions from attendees during the session are very welcome. A story of success in „centenary-format“, an activity-world of many Lions generations and the basis for a further, expedient and identity-giving future of our association. 31

Event Meeting General Secretaries Event Growing old graciously – staying attractive for young members

Date Oct 09, 10:45 – 12:15 Date Oct 09, 11:30 – 12:15 Venue Room HypoVereinsbank Venue Room Mercedes-Benz Chair Astrid Schauerte, General Secretary, MD 111 Chair PDG Dr. Hanns-Otto Strumm, MD 111 Agenda • Lions 100: Centennial Speaker • PDG Sabine Rappel, 111-BO • Cooperation with other Service Club Organisations • PP Dr. Walter Swoboda, 111-BN • Efforts and activities regarding the current Executive A new vision of Lionism: The insights of the demographic refugees situation Summary development of our society give ample reason to reconsider • Data protection proceedings in Europe some of our firm beliefs and outlook of Lionism. • Others Core We will show the common insights of demographic change in Message European industrial nations and cover the three major chal- lenges for our Lions clubs resulting from this change: 1. If we want to strengthen our clubs we have to think about how we can become more attractive for younger generations to join us, reaching out to young members with a new vision of Lionism – embracing three generations. 2. We need to give some thought to our club culture, fully inte- grating our elder members, preparing today how we want to be treated tomorrow. 3. Besides our cherished youth programs we should also consider opportunities of volunteer engagement and support networks for older citizens in our communities. 32

Event How to get EU Funds for your Lions project? Executive Workshop and discussion with tutorial elements on how Summary European Lions could use the EU funding programmes for the benefit of their projects in different areas. Date Oct 09, 10:45 – 13:30 Agenda I. Improving the service for the European society – Venue Room Stadtwerke European Funding Programs and Lions Chair PCC Wilhelm Siemen, MD 111 1. General remarks – why Lions should make use of Euro- Speaker • Georg Moser, Bavarian State Ministry of Labour, Social pean funding. PCC Wilhelm Siemen, MD 111 Affairs, Family and Women, Head of the Bavarian ESF- 2. European funding and the Lions – Lions and the EU, fund management together we form the future of a smart, sustainable and • Dr. Karl Borromäus Murr – Director “tim” – state Textile- inclusive society. Georg Moser Bavarian State Ministry and Industrymuseum, Augsburg, Board Member and of Labour, Social Affairs, Family and Women, head of the Chairman of the Judging Committee, European Museum Bavarian ESF-fund management Academy (EMA) • Rita Bella-Ada HDL (German Lions Foundation), 3. Theater, music and museums – Lions supporting European MD 111, Germany culture and creativity. Dr. Karl Borromäus Murr – Director • Juliane Meißner EU-project manager, “tim” – State Textile - and Industrymuseum, Augsburg, HDL (German Lions Foundation), MD 111, Germany Board Member and Chairman of the Judging Committee, • PDG Iris Landgraf-Sator European Museum Academy (EMA). • DG Karl-Heinz Röper • PDG Dr. Wolf-Rüdiger Reinicke – Chairman of the super- II. Experiencing possibilities and going new ways – visory board, Stiftung der Deutschen Lions (SDL) chances, challenges, best practice • Dr. Jana Göbel, EU-project manager, Porzellanikon – 1. “Yes, you also can! Dos and don’ts of a successful grant State Museum for porcelain, Selb application”. Rita Bella-Ada/Juliane Meißner • Wolfgang Schilling M.A., Deputy director Porzellanikon Selb – State Museum for porcelain, member of the Lions- 2. Examples of successful projects: club “Selb an der Porzellanstraße” a. Estonian-German youth project-cooperation, • PDG Detlev Geißler, former head of a department at the PDG Iris Landgraf-Sator Thurigian Ministry of Environment and Agriculture 33

b. Multilateral youth Exchange cooperation with 100 Par­ Core Message “Dignity, harmony, humanity” – Lions follow this year’s presi- ticipants DG Karl-Heinz Röper dent’s theme. Bringing dignity to others is a great challenge for the world. But also in Europe? Yes, indeed! Lionsclubs in the 3. We do it with a small budget: A project in preparation – first European countries are also facing social problems which are thoughts about an EU-funded project. PDG Dr. Wolf-Rüdiger serious. Europe is in a process of change. People are getting Reinicke – Chair of the board supervisory board, Stiftung elder and demographic development requires a new thinking. der Deutschen Lions (SDL) And in some states nearly half of the young are unemployed. Lions are aware of this. But there is also awareness of the III. Practical Workshop: How to get funding and what to needs of disabled people, of social integration of migrants and observe regarding successful applications – Ask the displaced persons. In all these fields Lions want to do best specialists practice service. But of course, it is also a question of monetary 1. “Creative Europe“ – The program and how to apply budgets which are limited no matter as hard as we try. But how Dr. Jana Göbel, EU-project manager, Porzellanikon – State can we generate added value, if budget is limited? One of the Museum for porcelain, Selb answers is: Let´s make use of European funding programs. Why? Because making Europe a better place and strengthen 2. “Interreg V” – The program and how to apply European civil society is also a target of the European Union. Wolfgang Schilling M.A., Deputy director Porzellanikon And what is better than joined actions. Try to cooperate! What Selb - State Museum for porcelain, member of the Lionsclub are the general lines? Specialists will unfold the variety of “Selb an der Porzellanstraße” different programs and their special targets from the social 3. “Europe for citizens” – The perfect EU-program for your and cultural field. What are concrete examples for successful Lions Clubs Twinnings, the program and how to apply. funding projects? The HDL (German Lions Foundation) is very Rita Bella-Ada/Juliane Meißner, EU-project manager, HDL successful with applications, the projects have been developed (German Lions Foundation), MD 111, Germany” by districts and clubs. And the SDL is already preparing a new project with a very limited amount of money. Just listen to these 5. “LEADER and Interreg CE 3.1“ – Another Way of Cooperation: best practice examples and profit from them for your own ideas. how LIONS can promote preservation of nature and rural You never applied and are not sure if and how you can do it? development”, PDG Detlev Geißler, former head of a de- What would be the perfectly fitting program? Just profit from partment at the Thuringia Ministry of the environment, well the knowledge of those who already have been involved! Just experienced in EU-funding projects. meet the experts and ask your questions in small work groups. “Dignity, harmony, humanity” – we, the Lions of Europe need to face up to these challenges and will overcome them through political, community based and European cooperation. 34

Event * Integration Executive Above all, the integration of these migrants into the host soci- Summary ety is of utmost importance. What are the steps that must be taken? MJF Gabriele Meier-Darimont, principal in the Hesse Date Oct 09, 12:45 – 14:15 welfare and integration ministry, gives a review of her work as Venue Convention Hall a Lions District appointee for integration since 2010 with basic approaches, possibilities and lighthouse projects. Chair Dr. Wolf Rieh, GRINT, MD 111 Speaker • Javad Ahmadi, Leo, MD 111 BO • Gabriele Meier-Darimont, KINT, MD 111 MN • Tulin Tanrikut, MD 118 Executive 59,5 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as Summary a result of persecution, conflict, generalized violence, and/or Event * 1. VP meets VGs (closed) human rights violations. This year, there were 8.3 million more refugees than the previous year of 51.2 million. This annual increase is the highest to date in a single year (source: UHNCR Global Trends 2014). Date Oct 09, 12:45 – 14:15 Let us consider on one hand the situation of refugees Venue Hall Dialog and migrants: The reasons for their escape, the dangerous Chair 1. VP Bob Corlew and dire conditions of their forced migration, and the shift of their wayward reality into unfamiliar territory while they seek Core The 1st Vice-President will discuss the President’s theme asylum in a myriad of host countries. Message and the President’s program. Further, he will discuss briefly On the other hand: What can Lions do to promote integration, parts of the theme for the coming year. directly assist the refugees/ migrants, and serve the needs The duties and responsibilities of the First Vice District of our society in flux? Governors will be presented. The Vice District Governor’s Leo Javad Ahmadi reports details of his getaway with human training will be discussed in some short detail, including the traffickers and his current situation in Germany. initial assignments, various on-line assignments, training conducted in each District or Multiple District, and the area What do we know about the situation in the refugee camps ? GMT-GLT training. Former UNHCR Liason and Admin. Officer Ln.Tulin Tanrikut gives an impression of Lions and United Nations Joint Projects Further, there will be discussion of the Seminar presented at in Turkey. Fukuoka just prior to the upcoming International Convention. 35

Event Alcohol and Violence among Youth in Europe A risky lifestyle, low behavioural self-control, an attitude towards violence and involvement in deviant youth groups are factors that are significantly associated with use of consump- Date Oct 09, 12:45 – 13:30 tion of alcohol. The results obtained by the above-mentioned Venue Room Mercedes-Benz study show that the use of alcohol among young Europeans is strongly associated both with delinquency and victimiza- Chair PDG Franco Marchesani, MD 108 tion, and that “binge“ consumption styles are the ones more Executive Focus on the problem of alcohol-related violence in the youth strongly associated both with committing and being subjected Summary in Europe with a request to Lions and Leo, either to address to crime. Considering what has just been told, the Lions are this issue in their Clubs or implement the Lions Quest pro- deeply motivated to apply the Lions Quest programme in the gram in their own activities. most extensive way, particularly after having evaluated the Core Message The existence of a significant correlation between alcohol results already obtained in Finland. and crime has been recognized in scientific literature for many years and constitutes an important social problem. Regarding this, a research study aimed at verifying the Recommendation: existence of meaningful relations between alcohol, delin- Given the importance of this problem, we ask the Lions quency, and victimization in the young, carried out on young European Council to take the following path: Recommend to people of both genders aged between 12 – 16 and living in the MD, D, Undistricted Clubs and Leo Clubs to: 25 different European countries, has mainly focused on the • stimulate the Clubs to debate the problem of alcohol problem of the various ways of alcohol consumption and has consumption and violence among youth during their tried to analyse the weight that all the different situations of meetings, life (age, gender, lifestyle, friends, personality) can have on • introduce dedicated services in their own programes, understanding these relations. Alcohol consumption turns • offer to cooperate with local schools to put into practice out to be a very widespread phenomenon among teenagers, the above mentioned services, within their respective particularly among those who commit crime and others who fields of activity. are victims of a crime. Moreover, it’s been underlined that abusive behaviours are the ones more strongly associated with delinquency and victimization in the young. 36

Event Feed the world – Fight against food waste Event First Time Voters

Date Oct 09, 12:45 – 14:15 Date Oct 09, 13:30 – 14:15 Venue Room HypoVereinsbank Venue Room Stadtwerke Chair CC Roland Chaillot, MD 103 Chair ID Jouko Ruissalo, Forum Archivar, MD 107 Speaker • DG Sylvie Dinneweth MD 103 Speaker PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus, Forum General Secretary MD 111 • DG Yves Tardy MD 103 Core Message The Europa-Forum is an important arena for all Lions of Executive How Lions can contribute to fight food waste according to Europe. In two Council meetings participating leaders make Summary the districts decision the resolutions received from members and propos- Agenda 1. Food budget variations in the World als prepared in the Forum committee’s and work groups. 2. How to feed more and better The decision making process is described in the Europa-­ Forum’s Rules of Procedure. This meeting is important for 3. Fight against food waste voters who participate for the first time in the Forum. 4. Food Bank’s role in our French districts 5. Giving up calibration and beautiful appearance guidelines for fruits and vegetables Core Message The best appropriate solution to feed more people better is to fight against food waste through the cuts in food excess (over­feeding in developed countries) and food lost or dis- carded from agricultural crop up to our plates. 37

Event New Scenarios for the Fight against Hunger In 2015 expired the first target of the Millennium Develop- ment Goals established by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly of 2000 “Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger”, Date Oct 09, 13:30 – 14:15 which provided: Venue Room Mercedes-Benz • Between 1990 and 2015, reduce by half the proportion of Chair PDG Cesare Pasini, MD 108 the population living in extreme poverty (with less than a dollar a day). Executive It should be noted that in 2015 many countries are still • Ensure full and productive employment and decent work Summary suffering from malnutrition, while in others there is excess for all, including women and young people. food and waste. To ensure a more equitable distribution of • Between 1990 and 2015, reduce by half the proportion of resources, we must promote the population’s education people who suffer from hunger. to sustainable development with synergistic actions of all stakeholders. These ambitious goals are discussed again in 2015 and the Core Message Preview of the results of Expo Milan 2015 with the theme new objectives defined by the United Nations for future years „Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life“ are presented during the Universal Exhibition in Milan with the theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life“. Worldwide, there are 842 million people out of a total popu- lation of 7.2 billion suffering from hunger. It means that one We want to expose at the Europa-Forum in Augsburg, with in eight people does not have enough food to eat. Yet, there the emblematic title of “Sympathy and Friendship”, the first is enough food for everyone. However, in perspective, the outcomes on the theme of the Expo, with particular reference world population is expected to grow up to 9.6 billion in 2050. to the role of Lions, within the civil society, to promote This will require an increase of 70 percent in agricultural solidarity, international cooperation in order to reach new production. ambitious targets on sustainable development set by the UN. 38

Event * CEP – The fitness cure program for your club Event Mediterranean Solidarity Observatory

Date Oct 09, 14:30 – 15:15 Date Oct 09, 14:30 – 16:00 Venue Convention Hall Venue Room Stadtwerke Chair L Dr. Ilonka Cerny, GLT District Coordinator, MD 111 Chair PDG Sami Berbari, Co-ordinator MSO 2015-17, MD 108 Executive Is CEP an acronym for a further Lions program? No! Speaker • PDG Aron Bengio, Co-ordinator MSO 2013-15, MD 108 Summary CEP (= Club Excellence Process) is a workshop to strengthen • PID Massimo Fabio, Secretary, Archivist, MD 108 clubs, initiated by LCI. In MD 111–Germany a small work • ZC Tom Restall group made a cultural adaptation of the original version. Executive Core Besides presenting the adapted content of the workshop we Summary Message will suggest some methods of implementation to make the club workshop even more successful. The overall target of this initiative is to provide modules, work Agenda 1. Introduction and report of Coordinator material and valuable suggestions to help troubled clubs, 2. Information of Secretary-Archivist reactivate tired clubs and/or revitalize club life. 3. Report of Pescara Conference 4. Illustration of Malta Conference 2016 5. New Coordination Committee 2015-17 6. Services in progress 7. Open debate of the topic discussed 8. Conclusions of Coordinator 39

Event WASH Two measurable targets: Target 1: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe (potable) water and basic Date Oct 09, 14:30 – 16:00 sanitation (MDG Target 10) Venue Room Mercedes-Benz Target 2: Ensure that all schools have adequate child- friendly water and sanitation facilities, and hygiene Chair PDG Reinhold Hocke, MD 111 education program. Speaker • IPDG Regina Risken, MD 111 • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Bernd Frechen, Head of Faculty of EF WASH Workshop Core Message: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of San- Access to safe (potable) water, adequate sanitation, and itary and Environmental Engineering, University of Kassel proper hygiene education can reduce illness and death, and • DG Sylvie Dinneweth, MD 103 also impact poverty reduction and socioeconomic develop- • Marianne Grosspietsch, Founder-Chairperson Shanti ment. Poor sanitation contributes to 1,000 child deaths every Leprahilfe/Leprosy Relief day due to diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea can have a negative Executive UNICEF Program: Water – Sanitation – Hygiene for All Lions effect on child development. Summary Contribute to the realization of children’s right to survival and Lions Clubs International has identified WASH as an area development with great potential to improve health, life-expectancy, student learning, gender equality, and many other key issues Agenda • Regina Risken : WASH Project 111 MN “Water for Uganda“ of development. • Prof. Dr.-Ing Franz-Bernd Frechen: “Paul – an easy-to-use sophisticated water supply technology“ EF 2015 WASH Workshop objectives: • Marianne Grosspietsch: “Children – the future of • Introduce the concept of the WASH groups “water, sanita- mankind – motivation and sustainable help by using tion, and hygiene” and identify the impact of deficiencies PAUL. (Example Katmandu, Nepal) in each area regarding public health. Core Message Outline: • Discuss various ways of water purification The overall objective of UNICEF in the area of water, sani- • Introduce LIONS WASH projects, give an overview of tation and hygiene (WASH) is to contribute to the realization finished and current activities in respect to results and of children’s rights to survival and development through lessons learned promotion of the sector and support to national programs • Identify areas of future projects that increase equitable and sustainable access to, and use of • Discuss ways of a future cooperation of European MDs in safe (potable) water, basic sanitation services, and promote regard to WASH projects improved hygiene. 40

Event * Council I Agenda 1. Opening by the Forum President  PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff

Date Oct 09, 14:30 – 16:00 2. Establishing the attendance of members, verification of voting rights PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus Venue Hall Dialog 3. Speech of the IP’s Representative Chair PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff, Europa-Forum President 2015 ID Svein Berntsen Vice Chairman:  4. Greeting/welcome by the district governor 111 – BS • PID Phil Nathan, Europa-Forum President 2014 Birmingham DG Waltraud Bauer • PDG Petar Malamov, Europa-Forum President 2016 Sofia 5. Approval of the minutes of the Europa-Forum 2014 Delegate of the IP: PID Phil Nathan • ID Svein Berntsen, MD 104 Norway 6. Auditor‘s Report of the Europa-Forum 2014 Birmingham International Directors:  PCC Peter Brandenburg • ID Geoge Th. Papas, MD 117 Cyprus • ID Pierre H. Chatel, MD 104 France 7. Presentation of undistricted Lions Clubs from Moldova • ID Gabriele Sabatosanti Scarpelli, MD 108 Italy Application for membership in the Europa-Forum • ID Helmut Marhauer, MD 111 Germany 8. Request of the MD 101 Sweden for an additonal – attach- Archivist and Advisor: ment of the Rules of Procedure to the deputy chair in the • ID Jouko Ruissalo, MD 107 Finland Long Range Planning Committee PID Kenneth Persson Auditor: 9. Application to host the Europa-Forum 2019 in Tallin, • PCC Peter Brandenburg, MD 110 Netherlands D 120 Estland PID Kalle Elster Secretary: 10. Request of D 130 Bulgaria for voluntary financial support • PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus, of 0,20 EUR per member according to Art VII (3) of the General Secretary Europa-Forum 2015 Rules of Procedure PDG Petar Malamov Participants: All Lions can attend, but without voting or 11. Miscellaneous speaking rights – these are reserved to the 12. Closing the session/meeting official representative of the member district. 41

Event LCIF Coordinators Event Get Together at the “Lions Oktoberfest”

Date Oct 09, 14:30 – 16:00 Date Oct 09, from 19:00 on Venue Room HypoVereinsbank Venue Oktoberfest-Tent at the “Lechhauser Kirchweih” Klausstr., Augsburg-Lechhausen Chair PID Georges Placet, LCIF Board of Trustees Dress Code Casual/Costume Speaker • Joseph Preston, IPIP and Chairperson, LCIF • Katherine Leander, Regional Development Specialist, LCIF Core Message The citizens of Augsburg are also ready to offer our guests a once-in-a-lifetime event in cooperation with the Lions: Executive This meeting will provide an update to LCIF Coordinators Experience a rustic “Lions Oktoberfest” with us and discover Summary on activities for the 2015 – 2016 Lions year, as well as the the culinary and cultural attractions of Swabian Bavaria! All results of the 2014 – 2015 Lions year, including information on typical food and drinks are included … The Lions Oktoberfest fundraising, grants and special initiatives. begins with the opening of the first beer barrel by Forum Agenda Led by LCIF Board Member Georges Placet and LCIF staff, this President Dr. Manfred Westhoff and the International Presi- seminar is for all LCIF District and Multiple District Coordina- dent Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada! tors and will include updates for the 2015 –2016 Lions Year.

1. Overview and Welcome Please drive directly with shuttle busses from the congress centre to the venue. 2. 2014 – 2015 Fundraising Results 3. 2015 – 2016: Goals and Initiatives 4. Concluding Remarks and Q & A Core Message This is an opportunity for all LCIF Coordinators to get up-to- date on current activities and learn what is in store for the future. 42

Opening Ceremony Oct 09, 16:15 – 17:45 43

Event * Opening Ceremony 5. National anthems • Japan, in honour of International President Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada Date Oct 09, 16:15 – 17:45 • United States, in honour of International Immediate Venue Convention Hall Past President Joseph Preston and First International Vice President Robert E. Corlew Chair PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff, Europa-Forum President 2015 • Norway, in honour of the delegate of International Vice Chairmen: President ID Svein Berntsen • PID Phil Nathan, Europa-Forum President 2014 Birmingham • European anthem “Ode to Joy” • PDG Petar Malamov, Europa-Forum President 2016, Sofia • Germany, the host nation Secretary: 6. Flag ceremony and childrean’s choir • PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus, 7. Greetings General Secretary Europa-Forum 2015 • Member of the Bavarian Government Participants: All Lions • Representative of the City of Augsburg • CC Daniel Isenrich Agenda 1. Overture children’s choir Theatre Augsburg 8. Cultural Program Theatre Augsburg 2. Urmel, Jim Knopf and Lukas der Lokomotivführer intro- duce themselves 9. Verena Bentele, Commissioner of the Federal Republic of Germany for matters relating to disabled persons 3. Opening and Welcome, Speech by Forum President PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff 10. Speech by International President 2015/16 Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada 4. Commemoration of the dead by Ingo Brookmann 11. Speech by International President 2009/10 Eberhard Wirfs 12. Cultural Program Theatre Augsburg 13. Closing words of Forum President PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff 14. Final: Children’s choir incl. all soloists 44 45


Room Room Room Room Room The Leopold Mozart Meeting-Lounge Convention Hall Hall Dialog Mercedes-Benz Stadtwerke 3 Mohren/Veolia HypoVereinsbank Dorint Centre for Music 09:00 Solar Cookers Speakers Corner: GMT/GLT Eastern Europe Euro-Africa Lions and advocacy Meet your IP * Shaping our Future Youth Exchange Interactive (closed) A Bridge of Peace (closed) of disabled people Workshop and Brotherhood among Nations 10:30 10:45

Speakers Corner: Europ. Lions LCIF Lions Europa Youth Exchange GMT/GLT Eastern Europe Leos meet Lions Euro-Africa Committee on General Session * Agenda 2020 * Bazaar (closed) „Rare Diseases“ SATURDAY 12:15 Break 12:45

Speakers Corner: Think big – act big – VDG-Training Young Ambassadors The 2019 Lions how networking Sight First Youth Exchange Special Olympics* Leos with Lions Meeting Clubs Convention In benefi ts your (Universal Eye Health) Bazaar (closed) Milan And The Youth activities * Reading Action 14:00 Program 14:15 14:30 THOMAS KUTI Competition Round 3: COUNCIL: Lions and People Leos to Lions – Youth Exchange Young Ambassadors Young Ambassadors Concert Discussion * with Disabilities „Leo Transition“ Bazaar (closed) (closed) (in St. Ulrich’s church)

16:00 16:15 16:30 Young Ambassadors Young Ambassadors Reception City Hall (closed) (closed) 17:30 17:45

Conversion for Gala Night FORUM PROGRAM FORUM 19:30

Gala Night


Version: September 18th, 2015 5 46

Event Lions and advocacy of disabled people Event * Meet your IP

Date Oct 10, 09:00 – 10:30 Date Oct.10, 09:00 – 10:30 Venue Meeting-Lounge Venue Convention Hall Chair PDG Francesco Ferraretti, MD 108 Chair Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, International President 2015/16, Japan Core Legal provisions and measures for the protection of the Executive DIGNITY – HARMONY – HUMANITY Message minors and partially or entirely dependent persons Summary 1. The aim of the report 2. Cases of temporarly or partially incapability, but not cases of interdiction or absolute incapability 3. Institute applied: COURT APPOINTED GUARDIAN 4. What the COURT APPOINTED GUARDIAN can do A member of the Minokamo Lions Club, Yamada has been a 5. What each Lion can do Lion since 1985. He has held many offices in the association, 6. Can this one be paid? including district governor and GLT constitutional area vice leader. He served on the international board from 2005 to 7. Comparison of the institutes in some Europeans Countries 2007 as a member of the Executive Committee and the Long Range Planning Committee and vice chairperson of Conven- tion Committee. Yamada also served as a board appointee for 2011-2012. In recognition of his service to the association, Yamada has received numerous awards, including the Humanitarian Partners Award, 10 International President’s Awards and an Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the asso- ciation bestows upon its members. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. IP Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada works as a neurosurgeon. 47

Event * Shaping our Future Event Eastern Europe (closed)

Date Oct 10, 09:00 – 10:30 Date Oct 10, 09:00 – 10:30 Venue Hall Dialog Venue Room Mercedes-Benz Chair Peter Lynch, Chief Strategic Adviser LCI Chair PID Phil Nathan, MD 105 Core The Association is busy developing a new strategic plan Speaker PDG Heiko Dallman, MD 111 Message called LCI FORWARD that will guide us for the next 5 years Core 1. Welcome and shape our next century. Part of that includes the Service Message Program Assessment and development of revised humani- 2. Review & Presentation: Strategic Plan tarian service commitment at the Centennial Convention in 3. Discussion Chicago to announce in June 2017. 4. Management Meeting: January 2016 To help ensure the association receives feedback and ideas from a cross-section of Lions world-wide, special Shaping 5. 3rd CEE Conference Our Future focus groups, or larger seminars, will be held at 6. Questions every forum. 7. Summary and Close It is essential that this seminar is not just for Lions who hold or held a certain office, but is especially for a cross-section of all Lions. Module Description: Strategic Review of extension, leadership and membership in the CEEI countries. 48

Event Euro-Africa (closed) Core Message The Committee will discuss about possible joint actions between Lions Clubs in Africa and Europe for the future of the youth of the African Continent. Date Oct 10, 09:00 – 10:30 Indeed, we all feel that a “Tsunami in the Mediterranean” Venue Room HypoVereinsbank became the cemetery of migrants between the African Chair PID Roberto Fresia, MD 108 continent and Europe. • Co-Chair: PID Manoj Shah, MD 411 Africa is not the only concerned by this Tsunami but still too • Vice Chair: PDG Xavier de Franssu, MD 103 many young Africans leave the continent and their countries • Secretary: LCIF MDC Claudia Balduzzi, MD 108 fleeing war, lack of water, drought with climate change, lack of education, training, work, care – in short, of future. Speaker • PID Alexis Vincent Gomes, MD 403 • PDG Israel Beno, MD 112 The network Lions Clubs International is present in Europe • PDG Hermann Heinemann, MD 111 and Africa and can to mobilize considerable force in favor of • PDG Francoise Faure, MD 103 the youth and create what they need to stabilize. • MDIRC Ole Romslo Traasdahl, MD 104 This assistance is not restricted to a particular European • PDG Franco Marchesani, MD 108 country – it is all of us together, Europeans and Africans, • PDG Ilkka Siissalo, MD 107 who bring assistance in different forms among others, to • PDG Jean Marie Haguenoer, MD 103 participate in the stabilization of youth in their countries in Executive The Committee will speak about the members of the particular in the villages where there is great poverty. Summary Committee and their participation, will approve the minutes of last year and will discuss as main theme the situation of These young people who leave for an unattainable paradise refugees. do not know what to expect in Europe. Agenda 1. Approval of the minutes of the meeting held in Birmingham 2. Situation about the participation of the members at the works of the Committee 3. Tsunami in the Mediterranean 49

Event Promoting Use of Solar Cookers in Developing Countries Event GMT-GLT Interactive Workshop

Date Oct 10, 09:00 – 09:45 Date Oct 10, 09:00 – 10:30 Venue Room Stadtwerke Venue Room Dorint Chair PID Tapani Rahko, MD 107 Chair GMT Area Leader, PCC Elisabeth Haderer, MD 110 Speaker PDG Heikki Saarinen, MD 107 Speaker • PDG Christiane Lafeld, MD 111 • GLT Area Leader, PCC Geoff Leader, MD 105 Executive Finnish and Kenyan Lions carry out a Nordic LCIF project Summary for making solar cookers in Kenya. Woods are diminishing, Executive Strengthen your Club – Dignity – Harmony – Humanity and collecting fire wood takes a lot of effort. Solar cookers Summary will help in uplifting standard of living and in saving our Agenda This interactive workshop offers the attendees to develop environment. strategies to strengthen the club with special focus on the Core Dignity and humanity, in harmony with nature. “Blueprint for a stronger Club” tool. Message Share your experiences on how important this year’s motto “Dignity – Harmony – Humanity” is for the members of your club and for our Centennial celebration. Core How strong is your club today? Message 50

Event A Bridge of Peace and Brotherhood among Nations – An International Seminar of Leo Clubs in Israel Event Lions and Rare Diseases: a systematic approach

Date Oct 10, 09:45 – 10:30 Date Oct 10, 10:45 – 12:15 Venue Room Stadtwerke Venue Meeting-Lounge Chair L Ilana Tempelhof Guttman, Chairman of International Chair PDG Gianfranco Ferradini, MD 108 Relations Committee Lions Israel , D-128 Speaker PDG Dr. Ulrich Oberschelp, MD 111 Speaker DG Marwan Zeibak, D 128 Executive Rare Diseases is a phenomenon only nominally ‘rare’: Executive New “International LEO Seminar” main goal is to strengthen Summary 30-40 million families in Europe are dealing with one or more Summary young leadership for greater understanding among different of the 8000 known pathologies; 80% of them occurring in the cultures and religions. The seminar includes youth and first years of life and are the third leading cause of death. important officials from Israel and abroad and represents a The major problem to detect and treat them is the scarcity of true symbol of “recognizing the other”. cases of a single disease in a given territory. Core Message Inspired by Israel’s DG, Marwan Zeibak, D-128 has estab- lished a new “International LEO Seminar” whose goal is Many Lions Clubs are already acting on this issue on an to strengthen young leadership for greater understanding individual basis; but only having a systematic approach, among different cultures and religions. The seminar repre- concentrating the number of cases, addressing the problem sents a true symbol of “recognizing the other” as Mr. Zeibak at the supranational level we can exponentially increase the himself is a Christian Arab whose Nazareth club includes chances of success. both Muslims and Christians. We talked about this issue also in Istanbul with good success and enthusiastic membership of the MD 111 - Germany that decided to join us to propose the creation of a European Lions Committee on Rare Diseases. We are certainly talking of a challenging goal, but the Lions have the network, the head, the heart, and the connections to deal with it. 51

Event * LCIF Seminar with the Chairperson Event Eastern Europe

Date Oct 10, 10:45 – 12:15 Date Oct 10, 10:45 – 12:15 Venue Convention Hall Venue Room Mercedes-Benz Chair Joe Preston, Immediate Past International President, Chair PID Phil Nathan, MD 105 LCIF Chairperson Speaker PDG Heiko Dallman, MD 111 Speaker PID Georges Placet, member of the LCIF Board Trustees Agenda 1. Health and safety announcements LCI Staff Executive Led by LCIF Chairperson Joe Preston, this session will famil- 2. Welcome and introductions Summary iarize Lions with Lions Programs and grants, including new 3. Membership, clubs and service activities intiatives and opportunities. 4. GMT performance and strategies for membership growth Agenda 1. Introduction and Overview of LCIF 5. Reporting and regular payment of dues 2. LCIF Initiatives and Grants 6. GLT performance and Leadership activities, 3. LCIF Coordinators and Structure 7. Translations, Public Relations 4. Concluding Remarks and Q&A 8. Perspectives for their country by local leaders 5. Presentation of LCIF Coordinator Awards 9. Discussion 10. Summary and Close

Module Description: Lions Leaders from Central and Eastern European countries will discuss the extension of Lionism in these countries and will consider the progress being made, the opportunities presented and the threats to continuing growth. 52

Event * Lions European Agenda 2020 So as to achieve the objective of a European Lions identity, it is indispensable for the European districts and multiple districts to cooperate on an organisational level that goes Date Oct 10, 10:45 – 12:15 beyond the Europa-Forum and the many existing club and Venue Hall Dialog district partnerships. Joint efforts and activities are required, particularly in the areas of youth, community work and cul- Chair PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus, ture, which traditionally are the key areas of Lions work. General Secretary Europa-Forum 2015 Since it not yet seems possible to involve all multiple districts Speaker Introduction: and districts of the European area in joint activities, several • Past District Governor Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus neighbouring districts of different states should initially seek Long Range Planning Committee: to achieve so-called “isolated solutions”, which partially • International President 2009/2010 Eberhard Wirfs already exist in various forms today. Nordic Council: Lions have excellent possibilities to enhance the integration • Past International Director Per Christensen of the European countries, e.g. by way of youth exchange schemes, joint forums or social activities. In particular, Baltic Sea Lions: European Lions can revert to their experience gained during • Past District Governor Lutz Baastrup the opening of Eastern Europe and the humanitarian and Alpine Lions Cooperation: organisational activities implemented back then to achieve • Past District Governor Robert Gareißen these goals. Youth Exchange in Europe: It is also likely that the European Area as leading NGO and • Past District Governor Lutz Sass the European Commission should work together to achieve these goals. Agenda 2020 of the EU: • Markus Ferber, Member of the European Parliament The seminar will feature introductory remarks on the goal of Executive European Lions´ identity in the areas of youth, community the European Lions identity and the political positioning of the Summary work and culture European Commission’s Agenda 2020, followed by reports on the organisation and tasks of individual already existing Core Message The objective of the European Commission’s Agenda 2020 is a international associations of European Lions districts as well strategy for sustainable growth and employment. In accordance as on European-wide activities. with the objectives of the Lions Clubs International, the Lions in Europe have to consider whether and how they can provide help reaching beyond the understanding between nations. 53

Event Leos meet Lions Event GMT-GLT (closed)

Date Oct 10, 10:45 – 12:15 Date Oct 10, 10:45 – 12:15 Venue Room Stadtwerke Venue Room Dorint Chair Luc Debois, Multiple District Leo Advisor, MD 112 Belgium Chair International President 2015/16 Dr. Yamada Speaker President of the Leo ILO-board and/or delegate Speaker • GMT International Coordinator, PID A P Singh, India • GLT International Coordinator, PID Clifford Heywood, Executive Leos meet Lions New Zealand Summary The purpose of this session is to learn about the Leos and their structure Executive Business meeting for IP Dr. Yamada, International Coordina- Summary tors, LCI representatives and CA4 GMT & GLT area leaders Discussion: and special advisors „What can be improved in the structure(s) to optimize the st collaborations between Leo and Lions at all levels.“ Agenda GMT & GLT review of revised 2015/16 goals and 1 quarter goals compared to actual status. Club extension challenges Agenda • Welcome and Introduction and strategies to meet the target. • What are Leos? What are they doing? • What is the ILO-board? Presentation of “to do” lists, strategies and joint action plans • What is the Leo Advisory panel? from each area leader and special advisor to get a clear view • Discussions of what will be accomplished in the year. + Question time. Discussion about needs to turnaround the declining trends. • Closing Inputs from officers and international coordinators are included into the discussion. Core Attendees: Message Chairs, officers, LCI Committee Chairperson Membership Development, LCI Committee Chairperson Leadership and GMT & GLT Area Leaders and Special Advisors from Consti- tutional Area 4 – Europe 54

Event Euro-Africa Agenda 1. Education projects of single Clubs, MD 111 2. Maternal and Child Mortality in Africa, MD 411 Date Oct 10, 10:45 – 12:15 3. “Bonsomnooré: move from words to deeds” in Burkina Faso, Venue Room HypoVereinsbank MD 108 Chair PID Roberto Fresia, MD 108 4. Lions Clubs from Europe and Africa together helping youth in Africa to thrive in their environments, MD 103 and in this • Co-Chair: PID Manoj Shah, MD 411 arguments will be explaining the position of the Committee • Vice Chair: PDG Xavier de Franssu, MD 103 discussed in the Closed meeting will be held prior of this • Secretary: LCIF MDC Claudia Balduzzi, MD 108 meeting (see the Agenda); Speaker • PDG Hermann Heinemann, MD 111 5. Africa Lions Day in EXPO 2015, Monday October 12th, • PDG Franco Marchesani, MD 108 MD 108 and African Lions; Executive The meeting has the aim to deepen and stimulate the Lions st Summary service activities in Africa, to provide information for contact 6. 21 All Africa Conference in Lagos (Nigeria), through Lions of Europe and Lions of Africa and to hear the February 10 – 14, 2016. African needs. Core Message From 2007 the symbol of Euro Africa Commitee is a bridge connecting Europe and Africa. In Tampere 2009 was authorized, that the Commtee became also a Committee of “All Africa Conference“ and in Marrakech 2010 this Agree- ment was approved. Now the Euro-­Africa-Commitee works in the „Europa-Forum“ and in the “All Africa Conference“ for a better understanding and cooperation between Lions of Europe and Africa. 55

Event The 2019 Lions Clubs Convention in Milan and the Youth Event * Special Olympics

Date Oct 10, 12:45 – 14:15 Date Oct 10, 12:45 – 14:15 Venue Meeting-Lounge Venue Convention Hall Chair PDG Mario Castellaneta, MD 108 Chair IPCC Barbara Grewe, MD 111 Core Italian Lions have a unique opportunity to have a dialogue Speaker Björn Köhler, SO, Initiative Manager SO-EE, Coordinator Message with the youth, a dialogue at the same time feisty and full “Opening Eyes” of values. In July 2019 more than 200 countries that are Executive Attendees will be given an update about the cooperation be- part of the Lions Clubs International, will meet for 5 days in Summary tween Special Olympics and Lions Clubs International. Health nd Milan to celebrate their 102 Convention. During these days programs like “Opening Eyes” or the Family Health Forums everything will hinge upon a key word: solidarity; several but also any other activities to support Special Olympics and workshops will take place in the prestigious rooms of the thus the idea of Inclusion (e.g. Unified Sports) will be presented Fiera Milano City; the youth of the world are very sensitive to and discussed. those subjects. The message stemming from the meetings of these days will have one paramount purpose: to root in the Agenda 1. Short Welcome and Introduction soul of everybody, particularly young people, the mission to 2. Cooperation SO and Lions move forward to help those in need. Italy’s best asset is the warp and woof of his history and monuments, something with 3. Opening Eyes a great potential to put the seed of solidarity in the soul of the 4. Family Health Forums youth. Thousands of Lions will attend the parade that will take place in a beautiful Renaissance’s scenario on Saturday, 5. Unified Sports July 6, 2019. It will be, in a nutshell, the message of peace, Core The intent of this workshop is to give the attendees a short solidarity and mutual understanding among peoples handed Message summary about the cooperation between Lions Clubs Interna- out to the new generations, the message of the values under- tional and Special Olympics. On the one hand this cooperation pinning the Lions Clubs International. focuses on the “Opening eyes” program but we also want to re-energize Lions all over Europe to actively participate in the Special Olympics activities, not only supporting Special Olym- pics contests and their health programs, but also supporting any other activities organized by their local/country groups. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss directly with European wide Professionals from the Special Olympics team and share their thoughts and exchange ideas first hand. 56

Event * Think big – act big – how networking benefits your activities Event Leos with Lions

Date Oct 10, 12:45 – 14:15 Date Oct 10, 12:45 – 14:15 Venue Hall Dialog Venue Room Stadtwerke Chair PDG Barbara Götz, CFO Finance at the German Lions Chair Luc Debois, Multiple District Leo Advisor, MD 112 Belgium Foundation, MD 111 Speaker • Eva Huysmans, National Leo President MD 112 Belgium Executive Joining forces with big partners building powerful networks • 4 members of the Leo ILO board Summary to have a bigger impact in your community. How Lions tele- Executive Leos With Lions: thons in MD 111 tripled funding with strategic alliances Summary The purpose of this session is to tell about successful social Core Message Outline: German Lions dispose of a huge partner network. collaborations between Leo and Lions. One of the best examples is the RTL telethon where Lions Discussion: annually present their current SightFirst project. Co-funded “How can Leo and Lions improve their collaborations when by the tv channel RTL’s foundation and the German develop- organizing social projects and activities? What can Leo and ment ministry, Lions raise 1.5 million Euros every year for Lions do together related to Centennial Celebration?“ their annual SightFirst project. With the disposal of medical infrastructure and accompanying measures mostly on the Agenda • Welcome and Introduction African continent, Lions help to reduce blindness and poverty • 5 successful social projects/activities of in these countries. Our implementation partner Christoffel 5 different countries Blindenmission (CBM) realizes the SightFirst projects on • Discussions site. But also Clubs, Districts and Zones can benefit from + Question time networking activities. • Closing Core Message: Lions co-operate with partners in many fields. The intensity of the partnerships as well as the character of the co-operations vary from case to case. Some partners implement Lions projects, others are part of a larger alliance. 57

Event Sight First – “Achieving Universal Eye Health“ Ronald Menzel-Nazarov The collaboration of the MD-111, the German Lions, and Christian Blind Mission Germany (CBM) is a success story Date Oct 10, 12:45 – 14:15 and might serve as good practice for how to achieve sus- Venue Room Mercedes-Benz tainable impact if the right partners come together. Overall objective is to fight together against preventable blindness Chair Dr. Qureshi, Chairman Vision 2020 CBM, London and vision-related diseases of children in the poor regions Speaker Dr. Irmela Erdmann, Representative CBM Africa of this world. The collaboration started in 1992; almost 3 million patients have been treated, over 200’000 eye- Agenda • Dr. M.Babar Qureshi: Universal Eye health surgeries being conducted and some 40 clinics have been • Ronald Menzel-Nazarov: Lions collaboration with CBM supported in Africa, Asia, Latin- and South-America. • Dr. Irmela Erdmann: Case study from Africa • Dr. M. Babar Qureshi: Case study from Pakistan Dr. Irmela Erdmann • Panel discussion West-Africa is probably the most challenging region on the Core Message Dr. M. Babar Qureshi African continent. Hit by several crises – the outbreak of the The World health Organization has launched the WHO Action Ebola Virus Epidemic in three countries; violence in Nigeria plan “towards Universal Eye health”. This plan focuses three by Boko Haram, political crisis in Ivory Coast and Mali while things in eye health, cataract, human resource development Sierra Leone and Liberia are still recovering from many and evidence in visual impairment. All this to be delivered years of civil unrest. The German Lions together with CBM through strengthening health systems. The paper discusses decided to help this region and initiated child eye care pro- the new plan and its implications on eye health. grammes in Togo and Ivory Coast. Components are detection and referral, sight-restoring surgeries, low vision support and special education for those with remaining poor vision. Up-dates on the projects will be presented. Dr. Babar Qureshi Strengthening health systems is the most challenging and difficult strategy to undertake but it produces long lasting sustainable and high impact results. A very successful case study where CBM with lions and many other partners have contributed to the reduction of prove- nance of blindness from 1.78% to 1% in ten years. 58

Event Young Ambassadors (closed) Benefits for Youth The Lions Young Ambassadors Award offers youth these Date Oct 10, Event will spread over the afternoon benefits: • Encourages them to seek experience in community Venue Room HypoVereinsbank and Room Dorint involvement, leadership and public speaking Chair L Dieter Van Hoye, Chairperson European YAA • Broadens awareness of community service opportunities and organizations Jury • Knut Wuhler • Sharpens interview and communication skills Supervisor Eckert Schulen Augsburg • Recognizes the value of their achievements. • Christiane Strom Head mistress Elias-Holl-Grundschule Augsburg Core Message By example and through encouragement, Lions play an im- Benefits for Lions portant role in fostering leadership qualities and community service commitment in young people. The Lions Young Am- The Young Ambassadors Award offers Lions these benefits: bassadors of the 21st Century Award program expands Lions • Furthers the Lions motto, “We Serve,” by encouraging opportunities to inspire and recognize outstanding youth. young people to pursue community service involvement • Renews Lions members’ enthusiasm and commitment The award recognizes young people (suggested ages 15-19) to youth and service, through exposure to committed, for their outstanding community service involvement, leader- enthusiastic young leaders ship accomplishments, public speaking skills and scholastic • Strengthens public awareness of Lions and their youth achievement. Recommended for the district, multiple district and service initiatives and constitutional area levels, the award provides youth with • Introduces young people to future service and leadership an incentive to excel in service and leadership. opportunities. At the same time, the award program enables a Lions dis- trict/multiple district to challenge young people and provide resulting benefits for youth and Lions. 59

Event Experience and Information for GLT Coordinators on Extra Leadership Modules in VDG-Training (closed) Event Reading Action Program – Round Table

Date Oct 10, 12:45 – 13:30 Date Oct 10, 13:30 – 14:15 Venue Room Dorint Venue Room Dorint Chair PID Tapani Rahko, MD 107 Chair George Muskens, Chairman of the RAP Commission , MD 110 Speaker MD GLT Coordinator Antti Forsell, MD 107 Speaker Delegates, giving a report of their reading actions and mak- ing suggestions for further actions, theories and LCI-policies Executive Concept of social styles is a model to improve communication Summary and group dynamics. Concept of L4 Leader’s Window helps to Core Message What have we accomplished in the frame of LCI’s define leadership styles. MD 107 has included extra models Reading Action Program? in VDG training and wishes to share experience with GLT What can we do and what should we do in our clubs, zones, Coordinators. districts, region etc. Core Message Effective ways of leadership training. 60

Event Thomas Kuti European Music Competition Agenda 1. Taavi Orro (D 120 Estonia) Carl Maria von Weber, Concert no. 1 f-minor, op 73, 1st movement 2. Daniel Gurfinkel (D 128 Israel) Date Oct 10, 14:00 – 16:00 Edison Denisov, Sonata for clarinet solo 3. Vera-Marie Karner (MD 114 Austria) Venue Ev. St. Ulrich’s Church, Ulrichsplatz 11, Augsburg Carl Maria von Weber, Concert no. 1 f-minor, op 73, 1st movement Chair Ingo Brookmann, MD 111, Germany 4. Mariana Rüegg (MD 102 Switzerland and Liechtenstein) Johannes Brahms, Sonata no. 1 f-minor, op. 120, 1st movement Local Coordination: Wilhelm Walz 5. Rachel Coe (MD 105 British Isles and Ireland) Jury • Prof. Antonio Fraioli, University of Salerno, Italy Robert Schumann, Fantasiestücke op. 73 • Alexandra Gruber, Soloclarinetist of the Munich 6. Leandra Brehm (MD 111 Germany) Philharmonics Verdi/Luigi Bassi/Giampieri, Rigoletto - Fantasia di concerto • Prof. Harald Harrer, Leopold-Mozart-Centre of the 7. Ioan Radu Grelus (D 124 Romania) Claude Debussy, 1ère Rhapsodie University Augsburg • Ludmilla Peterková, Prague, Soloist and Professor for 8. Lilian Lefebvre (MD 103 France) Carl Maria von Weber, Concert no. 1 f-minor, op 73, 1st movement Clarinet at the Prague Conservatorium 9. Martinez Merino Germán (MD 116 Spain) • Stephan Vermeersch, International soloist clarinet/Bass Carl Maria von Weber, Concert no. 1 f-minor, op 73, 1st movement clarinet, President European Clarinet Association, Inter- 10. Annemiek de Bruin (MD 110 The Netherlands) national Board Director International Clarinet Association Johannes Brahms, Sonata no. 1 f-minor, op. 120, 1st movement Executive Concert of the Six Best. In this final 3rd round of the Competition 11. Yagizcan Keskin (MD 118 Turkey) Summary the “Six Best Candidates” – chosen by the jury – perform the Johannes Brahms, Sonata no. 1 f-minor, op. 120, 1st movement second piece from the given repertoire list. At the beginning of 12. Jeroen Vrancken (MD 112 Belgium) the concert you will be told who the “Six Best Candidates” are. Claude Debussy, 1ère Rhapsodie 13. Jan Klimaszewski (D 121 Poland) Core (see page 25) Johannes Brahms, Sonata no. 1 f-minor, op. 120, 1st movement Message 14. Jonas Morkunas (D 131 Lithuania) Claude Debussy, 1ère Rhapsodie 15. Andrea Fallico (MD 108 Italy) Gioacchino Rossini, Introduction, theme and variations 16. Hanne Dyrendahl Seter (MD 104 Norway) Carl Maria von Weber, Concert no. 1 f-minor, op 73, 1st movement 17. Katharina Pickar (D 113 Luxemburg) Verdi/Luigi Bassi/Giampieri, Rigoletto - Fantasia di concerto You are welcome to come and go whilst the candidates are changing after each piece. Please don´t enter or leave the room during the performances. 61

Event Lions and People with Disabilities Core Message The main focus will be on the role of Lions Clubs today, whose members are called to engage in finding solutions now for our aging society with increasing physical restrictions. Date Oct 10, 14:30 – 16:00 Lions should involve themselves when streets, public parks Venue Room Mercedes-Benz or buildings are built or reconstructed. Lions should talk to Chair PDG Rolf Peter Saal, MD 111 those responsible for the execution and use their influence to achieve better accessiblity. Not only for those, depending Speaker • Verena Bentele, Sporting Star and Commissioner of the on aids such as wheelchairs or rollators, but also for people Federal Republic of Germany for matters relating to with impaired vision or bicyclists, mothers pushing prams or disabled persons. She won 12 gold medals in Paralympics people with shopping trolleys. biathlete and cross country skiing • L Christian Muench, MD 111 We will show that – besides head and heart – we need to use • 1. VG Eva Küpers, MD 111 our hands. Executive In many areas, accessibility is still lacking and Lions should Summary get involved in developing a better environment for disabled people. Please note: In the lobby/agora we will give the opportunity to test a wheel- What actions do Lions take over from other countries ? chair in a steeplechase or GERT – the age simulation suit. What is the present status of executing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ? Agenda RP Saal: • Base Lecture: “Lions and People with Disabilities“ Verena Bentele, Commissioner of the Federal Republic of Germany for matters relating to disabled persons: “Good and Bad Experiences“ Discussion: • Eva Küpers: 3-5 Exemplary Activities Verena Bentele • Christian Münch: “Professional Inclusion“ 62

Event Leos to Lions – “Leo Transition” Event * Council Discussion

Date Oct 10, 14:30 – 16:00 Date Oct 10, 14:30 – 16:00 Venue Room Stadtwerke Venue Hall Dialog Chair Luc Debois, Multiple District Leo Advisor, MD 112 Belgium Chair PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff, Europa-Forum President 2015 Executive Leos To Lions – “Leo Transition”: Vice Chairman:  Summary The purpose of this session is to discuss about the Leo and • PID Phil Nathan, Europa-Forum President 2014 Birmingham Lions relationships, the Leo to Lions transition and recruit- • PDG Petar Malamov, Europa-Forum President 2016 Sofia ment. Delegate of the IP: Discussion: • ID Svein Berntsen, MD 104 Norway “What are the possibilities and how can we increase the International Directors:  number of Leo members who transfer to Lions clubs? What • ID Geoge Th. Papas, MD 117 Cyprus are the ‘problems’, …?“ “What is your Lions club doing to • ID Pierre H. Chatel, MD 104 France recruit these ‘new’ members?“ • ID Gabriele Sabatosanti Scarpelli, MD 108 Italy Agenda • Welcome and Introduction • ID Helmut Marhauer, MD 111 Germany • What is the Leo 2 Lion program • Discussion time in small groups – Archivist and Advisor: 4 discussion items / questions (max. 30 min) • ID Jouko Ruissalo, MD 107 Finland • Feedback from the small groups Auditor: • General discussion and actionplan • PCC Peter Brandenburg, MD 110 Netherlands + Question Time • Closing Secretary: • PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus, General Secretary Europa-Forum 2015 Participants: All Lions can attend, but without voting or speaking rights – these are reserved to the official representative of the member district. Core Message MD 108 Italy presents the International Convention in Milan. PDG Mario Castellaneta, MD 108 (Chairman of the Host Comittee). The Council Discussion offers delegates the opportunity to exchange views on pressing issues of the Forum. 63

Event Reception City-Hall Event Gala Night

Date Oct 10, 16:30 – 17:45 Date Oct 10, from 19:30 on Venue City-Hall Venue Convention Hall and Hall Dialog Core Message On Saturday there will be a reception by Augsburg’s Mayor for Dress Code formal all attendees at the beautiful Golden Hall. The City-Hall that Core Message Enjoy a free 3-course-menu with dance and music in two big was built by Elias Holl between 1615 and 1620 is the landmark ballrooms. Two bands will be playing. of the city and it is also said to be the most significant secular Highlight: Ceremonial handover of the charter certificate to Renaissance building north of the Alps. The restored Golden the new LC Friedrichshafen – Schloss Hersberg Cyber by the Hall is famous for its magnificent, pompous portals, coffered International President. ceiling and mural paintings. Please make your table reservation at our booth! Short speeches by Mayor Dr. Kurt Gribl, Forum Presi­dent Dr. Manfred Westhoff and International President Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada. 64 65


Room Room Room Room Room The Leopold Mozart Meeting-Lounge Convention Hall Hall Dialog Mercedes-Benz Stadtwerke 3 Mohren/Veolia HypoVereinsbank Dorint Centre for Music 09:00

Demography: Centennial Action IP meets DGs* Advisory Committee Quo vadis, Lions in Meet your IDs * UN + NGO Workshop Committee MyLCI Workshop (closed) (closed) Europe? * (closed) Masterclass

10:30 10:45 Training and youth 11:00 employment in Workshop for a Europe Young Ambassadors Europ. Privacy European Future * European Council II * SMiLE Core Team Meeting Presentation Protection Act „Vision meets Reality“ Lions Clubs as

SUNDAY ambassadors of youth mobility 12:15 12.30

Closing Ceremony *

13:30 13:45

Supervisory Committee (closed)


Version: September 18th, 2015 6 66

Event * Demography: Quo vadis, Lions in Europe? Core Message A voyage introspective in our Association in Europe must be done. The demography has changed in the last five/ten years. What happened in this period? Our Association is a mirror of Date Oct 11, 09:00 – 10:30 the society or don’t we see us inside the mirror because we Venue Convention Hall are behind? How must Lions change themselves for being more attractive? What will be the initiatives for changing Chair PID Roberto Fresia, MD 108 the situation? What has changed in the thinking of the new Vice Chair: PID Guðrún Björt Yngvadóttir, MD 109 generation? Speaker Lion:  The new generation wants to have facts and not words, • PID Kalle Elster, D 120 because for facts it is possible to insert them inside the social • PDG Christiane Lafeld, MD 111 network better than words. Is it a good concept? • PDG Katarzyna Gebert, D 121 Leos are a resource for Lions or don’t we understand the • PDG Andreja Stojkovski, D 132 importance to have new Lions members already prepared Leo: and in action? • ILO MD 106, Andreas Vejlstrup Speakers of all parts of Europe will try to interpret the • ILO MD 108, Emilia Fresia changes that may be different in different parts of Europe. Executive The meeting has the aim to deepen the situation of European Summary Lions, why in the last 5 years we continue to lose members. Participants must bring their contribution of ideas and solutions. Agenda Each of the 8 speakers has 5 minutes for the speech for a total of 40 minutes; the participants have 40 minutes for the interventions. 67

Event UN/NGO (Lions International Relations) Workshop Core Message Lions Clubs International has held consultative status tot he Economic and Social Council oft he united Nations (UN) since the UN formation in 1945. However, we Lions are practical Date Oct 11, 09:00 – 10:30 people who need to see, and identify with, the good that we Venue Room 3 Mohren/Veolia are doing for the community, and for the less fortunate, locally and globally. Chair PID Howard Lee, MD 105 This Workshop will concentrate on discussing practical ways Speaker • PID Robert Rettby, MD 102 that Lions Clubs and Districts can be involved in working with • PDG Evan Jones, MD 105 the UN and ist agencies to bring tangible benefits to those in Agenda 1. Welcome and Introduction by Chairperson need. PID Howard Lee, MD 105 2. Updates to reports, proposals for action and discussion a. UN Geneva, PID Howard Lee, MD 105 b. UN Vienna, PID Ernst Musil, MD 114 c. WHO, PID Dr. Domenico Messina, MD 108 d. UNICEF, ID Robert Rettby, MD 102 e. UNESCO, PCC Daniel Gontier, MD 103 f. Council of Europe, PID Ermanno Bocchini, MD 108 Event Advisory Committee II (closed) g. FAO, PID Massimo Fabio, MD 108 h. UN-WOMEN, PID Claudette Cornet, MD 103 i. LCI-European Union Steering Committee, PID Philippe Gerondal, MD 112 Date Oct 11, 09:00 – 10:30 3. Possible new Lions/UN collaboration through UNAIDS Venue Room Stadtwerke 4. Question and Answer Chair To be elected 5. Closing Remarks by Chairperson PID Howard Lee, MD 105 Core Message Confirmation Speaker 2015/16Present Members AC 6. Adjournment Further Course by Speaker 2015/16 68

Event MyLCI Workshop The purpose of this workshop is to demonstrate the value of using MyLCI to manage Lions business for new users; to introduce new features to existing users such as the new club Date Oct 11, 09:00 – 10:30 charter function and to exlpore the possibility of using it as a Venue Room Dorint reference tool for officers who use their own systems. Chair Kevin Lin, Manager IT Division, LCI Audience discussion is a major part of the workshop. Attend- ees are encouraged to bring management challenges to the Executive MyLCI is the system recommended by the board for member- workshop. Summary ship management and service activity reporting. It will be the only system to deliver new services from LCI in the future. The workshop will introduce MyLCI to the new users and explore new ways to use it for the existing users. Agenda • Overview of MyLCI • Future plan for the system • Interactive discussion Core Message MyLCI is the only system developed by LCI headquarters and used by Lions officers from clubs to multiple districts worldwide to charter new clubs, report membership up- dates, pay statements, submit service activity reports, print membership cards and various other reports on membership and service activities. It can also be used as a reference tool to check the latest information from LCI including the official membership summary and service activities. 69

Event Masterclass Event * Meet your IDs

Date Oct 11, 09:00 – 11:00 Date Oct 11, 09:00 – 10:30 Venue The Leopold Mozart Centre for Music Venue Room Mercedes-Benz Chair Ingo Brookmann, MD 111, Germany Chair ID Svein Bernstein, IP’s Representative, MD 104 Local Coordination: Wilhelm Walz Core Message The current IDs quickly present themselves. Participants can ask them about their work. Jury • Prof. Antonio Fraioli, University of Salerno, Italy • Alexandra Gruber, Soloclarinetist of the Munich Philharmonics • Prof. Harald Harrer, Leopold-Mozart-Centre of the University Augsburg • Ludmilla Peterková, Prague, Soloist and Professor for Clarinet at the Prague Conservatorium Event * IP meets DGs • Stephan Vermeersch, International soloist clarinet/Bass clarinet, President European Clarinet Association, Inter- national Board Director International Clarinet Association Executive Masterclass for Candidates of the Music Competition Date Oct 11, 09:00 – 10:30 Summary Venue Hall Dialog Agenda Teaching clarinet playing and interpretation. Listening to it. Chair PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff, Europa-Forum President 2015 Core Members of the jury give a masterclass for three of Speaker International President 2015/16, Dr. Yamada Message the finalists of the Music Competition. The other participants of the competition are invited to listen. Core Message The IP explains his motto and his annual program to the DGs. 70

Event Centennial Action Committee (closed) Event Workshop for an European Future – “Visions meet Reality”

Date Oct 11, 09:00 – 10:30 Date Oct 11, 10:45 – 12:15 Venue Room HypoVereinsbank Venue Convention Hall Chair IPCC Barbara Grewe, MD 111 Chair PDG Prof. Friedrich Büg, MD 111 Core Message Centennial coordinators of Europe exchange ideas and get Speaker • Prof. Dr. Jan Kosturiak, (SK) information about the worldwide centennial program President Fraunhofer IPA Slovakia • Dr. Sven Sohr, (D) Head of the Berlin Institut for FutureCoaching • Dr. Ilona Diesner, (D) Lecture, University St. Gallen • Helmut Lang, (D) ALZP, MD 111 Germany (D 111 BN) Participants at the LIONS Int. Youthforum 2014 – Germany: • Maren Wiesendorf, (D) • Maria Morvillo, (I) • Kristina Melsova, (CZ) • Johannes Paul Groß, (D) • Stéphane Mérigaud, (F) • Boris Privrodski, (SRB) Core Message In this workshop, various future “LIONS funding schemes for students in Europe” are presented as well as discussed and developed with regard to their feasibility. 71

Executive Lions funding schemes for students in Europe Together with this elite, we can develop and spread the Summary required new and promising behavioural patterns for Europe. In this workshop (WS), various future “LIONS funding In the process it will become clear that the advice given by schemes for students in Europe” are presented as well as Benjamin Franklin is not to be rejected: “An investment in discussed and developed with regard to their feasibility. knowledge pays the best interest”. During the WS, participants will have the chance to contrib- It is we who have to carry the responsibility today for what ute their own ideas to the discussion. The systems which will happen on the markets in no later than 10 to 15 years. It is people have to master today are becoming increasingly com- we who are responsible or what the best students are taught plex. Every day, knowledge is growing to an unfathomable today. extent. Thus, people in the year 2015 are subject to extremely rapid change processes in their immediate environment. The societies in Germany and Europe will only have a legitimate chance of future sustainable welfare if we are Furthermore, difficult times lie ahead of Europe. Large areas successful in making our necessary contribution based on of Europe are characterised by a rapidly aging society and an according scientific knowledge and the ability to solve prob- alarmingly high unemployment rate among young genera- lems efficiently and on a world-wide basis. tions. The supply of dwindling resources e.g. increases the prices for energy and water supply to problematic levels, and SPEAKERS: Experts from research institutions and busi- the strong capital base of non-European competitors lowers nesses plus participants of Lions Int. Youth Forum 2014 – innovative development in Europe, among others. MD 111 Germany To combat these signs of our times, the prevailing changes and transformations have to be designed and managed with regard to actual “world improvement”. To achieve this, we have to strive for meaningful influence on the development in Europe by way of returning to proven European management values. Already 40 years ago, renowned captains of industry have proclaimed the following message: “He who does not move with the times, will be removed over time!” – This still applies today. This insight should make it clear that the following must apply to us LIONS: for logical reasons, world improve- ment requires the young generation to be involved. Who is supposed to fix it if not us? Together with the best experts and the best students! 72

Event Training and youth employment in Europe Event European Privacy Protection Act

Date Oct 11, 10:45 – 11:30 Date Oct 11, 10:45 – 12:15 Venue Room Mercedes-Benz Venue Room Dorint Chair IPDG Luigi Pozzi, MD 108 Chair Kevin Lin, Manager IT Division, LCI Core The condition of young people in Europe is a varied reality, Executive European Union has published the directive on privacy Message a conglomerate of cultures that refuse to be leveled by the Summary protection. LCI is working with the European workgroup laws of economy and it depends on the stage of economic on developing a set of common approaches for improved development and historical – sociological factors peculiar privacy protection for all European Lions. This is the open to each nation. The behavior of young people is due to the meeting for the workgroup. crisis in the social and political system and to the technolog- Agenda • Review the progress of the workgroup ical development that burns quickly cultures and working • Resolve issues experiences in a climate of heightened competitiveness. • Determine the next step The central issue remains the unemployment which is the underlying problem compared to the low rate of growth. Core Message Privacy protection is becoming ever more important in The inclusion of the “youth program” within EU policy aims this online and connected world. European Union has to make Europe a laboratory and an opportunity for studing recently published the directive on privacy protection. and working and it revolves around the concepts of mobility Many countries that are not part of EU are also working and cultural exchanges in order to overcome the old concept on their own policies regarding privacy protection. LCI of “an initial education and a useful job for life”. The link is very much interested in improving privacy protection between the professional value and employment levels is for Lions in Europe. A privacy protection workgroup with indisputable, but there is still too much distance between representatives from many countries has been estab- the school and the enterprise that should have a common lished to create a common set of information processing response to the issue of youth. In Brussels it’s clear the need approaches for the European lions. This is a workgroup to revitalize the two main channels of education and training, meeting and opens to everyone interested in finding the first in terms of aggregation of the national educational out more about improved privacy protection. It also projects, the second as a natural completion of schooling. provides an opportunity for lions to raise their concerns And this is the challenge of the third millennium “Europe for on the topic for the workgroup to address. The common young Europeans“ to which Lionism will not have to miss a approach developed by the workgroup will govern future contribution in the name of solidarity and friendship among information processing for European clubs, districts, peoples. multiple districts and LCI. It is beneficial for officers at all levels to attend and exchange ideas with the workgroup. 73

Event SMiLE – Social Media for Lions by Lions Event Young Ambassadors Presentation

Date Oct 11, 10:45 – 12:15 Date Oct 11, 10:45 – 12:15 Venue Room Stadtwerke Venue Room 3 Mohren/Veolia Chair PID Kenneth Persson, MD 101 Chair L Dieter Van Hoye, MD 112 Belgium Secretary: Roman Jansen-Winkeln, MD 111 Executive The goal is: Speaker Stefan Kaufmann, MD 111 Summary • to inform participants about the European Young Executive SMiLE, the LCI social media competency team, provides a Ambassadors Award, Summary practical guide for Lions on social media use and its benefits • to clarify who may participate, for clubs and districts. A social media overview from a Lions • to give tips on how to identify young people under­taking­ point of view, easy steps to get started and best practises are service projects in their communities and how to given. approach them. Agenda • Social media & Lions – a snapshot Second part of the meeting will be: • Social media platforms – what’s available, how to start • the presentation of the candidates • “Likes“, “Followers“ and “Friends“ – how do they work • the proclamation of the winners of this year’s competition for Lions • the explanation and reasoning behind the judging as • Content is king (public relations) well as tips for the candidates regarding the future of the • Integration with (an existing) website projects. • Case studies & best practises Time for questions of the audience • SMiLE - a social media resource for Lions • Introducing the Lions Social Media Directory Agenda 1. Introduction Core Internet and social media are essential for Lions! Learn 2. Presentation of the YAA Message about social media platforms in a Lions context. Listen to 3. Proclamation of the winners of this year real Lions experience about set up and running a facebook or Twitter account for club or district. Lean how to optimize 4. The jury speaks to us social media profiles and care about privacy settings. Get 5. Questions + Answers tips and tricks to get likes, followers and to increase traffic to club, district and convention websites. Learn about SMiLE, the social media resource for Lions, by Lions. 74

Event * Council II Agenda 1. Opening by the Forum President PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff

Date Oct 11, 10:45 – 12:15 2. Establishing the attendance of members, verification of voting rights PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus Venue Hall Dialog 3. Vote on the request from the Moldova Provisional Zone Chair PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff, President Europa-Forum 2015 for membership in the Europa-Forum Speaker Vice Chairman:  4. Request of the MD 101 Sweden for an additonal – attach- • PID Phil Nathan, President Europa-Forum 2014 Birmingham ment of the Rules of Procedure to the deputy chair in the • PDG Petar Malamov, President Europa-Forum 2016 Sofia Long Range Planning Committee PID Kenneth Persson Delegate of the IP: 5. Application to host the Europa-Forum 2019 in Tallin, • ID Svein Berntsen MD 104 Norway D 120 Estland PID Kalle Elster International Directors:  6. Request of D 130 Bulgaria for voluntary financial support • ID Geoge Th. Papas MD 117 Cyprus of 0,20 EUR per member according to Art VII (3) of the • ID Pierre H. Chatel MD 104 France Rules of Procedure • ID Gabriele Sabatosanti Scarpelli MD 108 Italy • ID Helmut Marhauer MD 111 Germany 7. Confirmation of the 3 new elected members of the Advisory Committee Archivist and Advisor: • ID Jouko Ruissalo MD 107 Finland 8. Report on the seminars and workshops PCC Prof. Dr. Jörg Kimmig Auditor: 9. Vote on resolutions and recommendations decided upon in • PCC Peter Brandenburg MD 110 Netherlands the seminars and workshops Secretary: 10. Presentation of the ID candidates for 2016-2018 • PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus • MD 105 British Isles & Ireland General Secretary Europa-Forum 2015 • MD 107 Finland - PCC Markus Flaaming, Participants: All Lions can attend, but without voting or will be represented by CC Jari Rytkönen speaking rights – these are reserved to the • MD 110 Netherlands - PCC Elisabeth Haderer official representative of the member district. will be represented by PID Tom Soeters 11. Miscellaneous 12. Closing the session/meeting 75

Event Lions Clubs as ambassadors of youth mobility Core Message In our opinion, Lions association, in consonance with its long-winded tradition in the youth exchanges, can and must propose itself as across-the-board ambassadors­ and young Date Oct 11, 11:30 – 12:15 people mobility supporter through the following strategies: Venue Room Mercedes-Benz • Conducting a census of the twinning between Chair Aldagiso Amendola, MD 108 the European clubs • The institution of interacademic relationships through the Speaker Immacolata Parisi, MD 108 Lions Clubs commitment Executive The essential importance of dialogue among different • Giving punctual and exhaustive information to Summary cultures is at everyone’s fingertips by now, but dialogue and families and students involved in the exchange “comprehension between world people” are not, and must • Organizing welcome and assistance during the stay not be intended as, abstract processes. they can become practical only if they pass through people, institutions and grass roots.

Core Message The European Union has been promoting, for more than Event Supervisory Committee (closed) 30 years, a cooperation and integration policy in the matter of education, in order to give to millions of young people the opportunity of getting in contact with different idioms and cultures. Date Oct 11, 13:45 – 15:30 We could take as good examples, not only the renown lifelong Venue Room Stadtwerke learning program (LLP), divided in four sectorial programs: Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig, but Chair Petar Malamov, Europa-Forum President Sofia 2016 also the Jean Monet program that promotes education, re- Speaker Stanislav Sirakov, Europa-Forum Secretary 2016 search and reflections in the intraeuropean integration field. Executive Hosting the Europa-Forum 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria However, to fully experience European mobility, it’ is neces­ Summary sary to fully comprehend the approached reality, trying to Presentation of dates, venue, accomodation and facilities for deepen the awareness on the main identity features of the holding the event hosting country such as educational system, working envi- Core United to Serve ronment, lifestyle and local traditions. Message 76

Closing Ceremony Oct 11, 12:30 – 13:30 77

Event * Closing Ceremony 6. Summary of the Forum by the IP’s Representative ID Svein Berntsen

Date Oct 11, 12:30 – 13:30 7. Leopold Mozart Presto assai: Symphony in D-Major (Eisen D Major 17) Venue Convention Hall • The Global Players, Conductor: Wilhelm F. Walz Chair PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff, Europa-Forum President 2015 8. Presentation of the 62nd Europa-Forum in Sofia Vice Chairmen: PDG Petar Malamov • PID Phil Nathan, Europa-Forum President 2014 Birmingham 9. Europa-Forum President 2016 PDG Peter Malamov • PDG Petar Malamov, Europa-Forum President 2016, Sofia 10. Handover of the flags of the 61. Europa-Forum Augsburg Secretary: to the Europa-Forum 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria • PDG Prof. Dr. Klaus Letzgus General Secretary Europa-Forum 2015 11. Wolfgang Amadé Mozart Agenda 1. Opening Forum President PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff Menuetto: Symphony in A-Major, K. 201 • The Global Players, Conductor: Wilhelm F. Walz 2. Wolfgang Amadé Mozart Allegro molto: Symphony in D-Major, K. 196 12. Closing Forum President PID Dr. Manfred Westhoff • The Global Players, Conductor: Wilhelm F. Walz 13. Wolfgang Amadé Mozart 3. Announcement of the results of the Music Competition Allegro con spirito: Symphony in A-Major, K. 201 Ingo Brookmann • The Global Players, Conductor: Wilhelm F. Walz • Presentation of the 1st prize winner: Extracts of the Clarinet Concert in A-Major, K. 622 W.A.Mozart • The Global Players, Conductor: Wilhelm F. Walz 4. Announcement of the results Young Ambassador Award Dieter Van Hoye 5. Tobias P.M. Schneid World Premiere: “Vertical Horizon IV (Mozart-) Concert Variations for Clarinet in A” • Short introduction of the composer 78


NOTES: WE WANT TO THANK ALL THOSE who have contributed to implement and accomplish this event successfully.

EDITOR LIONS-EUROPA-FORUM 2015 Augsburg e.V. Ulrichsplatz 4, 86150 Augsburg

LAYOUT AND PRINT Friends Media Group Augsburg Zeuggasse 7, 86150 Augsburg

PICTURE CREDITS page 6 – ©manfredxy page 12 – ©SeanPavonePhoto page 20/26/46/66 – ©Regio Augsburg Tourismus page 63 – ©SPD others – ©Europa-Forum 2015 Lions EF-Tasche2_Layout 1 13.05.15 09:58 Seite 1 -

1 Kongress am Park – Convention Centre 6 St. Ulrich and St. Afra LIONS EUROPA-FORUM 2015 Music Competition

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3 City-Hall Augsburg 8 Augsburg Railway Station Reception in the Golden Hall 8 2

5 4 Regio Augsburg 9 Fuggerei Augsburg Guided Tours Oldest Social Settlement in the World

6 10 5 10 Leopold-Mozart-Centre 7 Tram No. 1 Music Competition 1 From EUROPA-FORUM to Down town

Kartengrundlage: Map based on: Amtlicher Orientierungsplan Augsburg “Amtlicher Orientierungsplan Augsburg” © Stadt Augsburg, Geodata Office © Stadt Augsburg, Geodatenamt