The Taiwan Malacofauna 111. Gastropoda-Neogastropoda Wen-Lung Wu, Ph.D. Research Fellow and Professor of Zoology Institute of Zoology and Research Center for Biodiversity Academia Sinica Taipei 11 5 -29, TAIWAN Telephone : 02-27899547 - 02-27899553 Fax : 02-27899547 E-mail :
[email protected] Web-site : http://shell.sinica.edutw Copyright 02003 by Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, TAIWAN 37, Nanhai Road, Taipei 100, TAIWAN Editorial Oflice Laboratory of Malacology Institute of Zoology and Research Center for Biodiversity Academia Sinica Taipei 11 5-29, TAIWAN On the Cover : Photograph of the Taiwan Neogastropods by Yen-Chen Lee and Wen-Lung Wu GPN : 1009204485 ISBN 957-01-5925-1 First published 2003 urn: .ttt $$EjWgg $$$I11 i!j$$#m-$fifl?jfg Family Buccinidae @a% Appisana crenilabrum (A. Adarns, 1855) R@j$Egmontrouzieri Crosse, 1862 o 3B*6 : EEbi&E-E%#%;./J\%f$ O g3fJ$gJgf: 200001 Aulacofusus insulapratasensis Okutani et Lan, 1994 %$$@kg +@** : jtEbi&E- gp?72+)lqF: E+mjgigi&a- %?$SE %+lag @fJ$gj& @fJ$gj& 000207 100279 * 100358 o Babylonia areolata (Link, 1807) %3Rk% 3@**: +$ggJ!l& ; jtgbi&E-BjtBjgig gmjgig : @iEBi&E-3+$$$@ @ ; @&Jji&E- $$?a:&@ * t&fljt%bgiig : $jgbi&E- @iE?gig&+ E$j@$@2EB@@&@+E*%T St&@@ E%#%%B; E +rn$@@i&E- B?$g& : &,%i&E-&FYj@@ O @3$2& : 0001 90 * 000224 - 000274 - 100263 * 100291 * 200001 * 200 114 * 200 118 o Babylonia areolata forma austraoceanensis %'@%3Rk% +$g*?fi E+m:&igi&E- E+rn$Ej @fJ$gJgf: 100291 o Babylonia feicheni Shikama, 1973 $EBRk% +$!$** : +$&@@O @fJ$gj& @fJ$gj& : 100263 - 100321 o Babylonia formosae habei Altena et Gittenber, 198 1 i;@"bjE$,@ 3$!$**: 3$g$&!l&@jtzbgiig; jtgbi&E - %jtBj@@- gmjgig O @fJ$gj& @fJ$gj& : 100263 o Babylonia formosae (Sowerby, 1866) 3@jjF&kg 3:@**: +:mg@ ; j tEbi&E- gJgJ#%@j@; js:$gi&E - $$?ajtgpgig : i&E-3BEE?@@7 &3%E$z$@3%%@@-@ 7 +%+iZ+ * Babylonia japonica (Reeve, 1842) El $E@ &Bfi;ffj: ltgLi&E - A tS; Ei%i&E - i%tEi@%7 ERA@J\EER o : 200001 Babylonia kirana Habe, 1965 &@fi;ffj: &~/&@ O @+gm : 100263 o Babylonia lutosa (Lamarck, 1822) %zjE%@ &$gfi;ffj: &mg@m;l t$L@fsfi .