Don't Let This Happen to You!!!
04/2002 Don't Let this Happen to You!!! NEOPOINT, INC. its use only by the company named on the license, but was then illegally transferred. BXA controls the export of this type of In February of 2002, the Bureau of Export camera for national security reasons because Administration imposed a $95,000 civil of its potential application in military penalty on Neopoint, Inc., of San Diego, surveillance. California, to settle charges that on ten occasions between March 1998 and June 1999, the company exported 128-bit BS&B PROCESS SYSTEMS encryption software to South Korea without the requisite export licenses. BS&B Process Systems Inc. settled charges that on or about April 15, 1996, on or about ELI COHEN May 5, 1997, and on or about February 5, 1998, BS&B Process Systems, Inc. exported On January 30, 2002, the Commerce oil production equipment from the United Department imposed a $10,000 civil States to Iran, through the United Kingdom, penalty, and a five year denial of export without obtaining the authorization it knew privileges, on Eli Cohen of Haifa, Israel, or had reason to know was required, pursuant to a settlement agreement. The thereby committing violations of Sections Department's Bureau of Export 764.2(a) and 764.2(e) of the Regulations, Administration (BXA) had alleged that and that in connection with the export to Cohen had concealed an illegal transfer of Iran on or about May 5, 1997, BS&B Process an infrared camera from BXA agents. Systems Inc. prepared a Shipper's Export According to BXA's charging letter, Eli Declaration stating that the ultimate Cohen provided false and misleading destination of the export was the United information to Special Agents of BXA's Kingdom, when in fact the ultimate Office of Export Enforcement concerning destination was Iran, thereby making a false the camera's location when the agents or misleading representation directly or sought to verify its end-use in Israel.
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