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RESOLUTION LEWISBORO PLANNING BOARD NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF SIGNIFICANCE WILDER BALTER PARTNERS, INC. Sheet 5, Block 10766, Lots 19, 20 and 21 Cal. # 12-10 P.B. December 20, 2016 WHEREAS, \Xi'ilder Balter Partners, Inc. (''WBP'') proposes a 46-unit multifamily residential development comprised of five (5) buildings, a clubhouse, recreational facilities, an access road off of New York State Route 22, on-site parking for 92 vehicles and stormwater management (the "proposed action") on ±35.4 acres of land located on the east side of New York State Route 22 north of the 1-684 northbound exit (Exit 6A) ramp; and WHEREAS, the proposed action is to be sited on property consisting of three (3) tax parcels identified on the Tax Map of the Town of Lewisboro as Sheet 5, Block 10776, Lots 19,20 & 21 ("the subject property"), which is currend,' undeveloped and vacant; and WHEREAS, WBP has applied to the Planning Board for Site Development Plan Approval, and the issuance of a Wetland Activity Permit and Town Stormwater Permit, authorizing the proposed action on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the proposed action is an Unlisted Action under the State Environmental Review Act ("SEQRA"); and WHEREAS, a coordinated review of the propost J action is underway and the Planning Board is serving as SEQRA Lead Agency for purposes of this review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has received and reviewed application plans and materials, submissions, reports and verbal commentary from WBP and its consultants, submissions, comment letters and verbal commentary
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