14D BALTICS PILGRIMAGE Estonia, Latvia, , & Germany

Tallinn-Riga- - Białystok – - Krakow – Wadowice – Wieliczka – Czestochowa – Oswiecim – Katowice – Wroclaw – Berlin

Itinerary:- with Daily Mass DAY 1 : KUALA LUMPUR – TALLINN ESTONIA • Borneo Pilgrims –Depart KKIA to KLIA and meet main group at Turkish Airline Check in counter. • KL Pilgrims - Assemble3 hours before at Turkish Airline check in counter. • Flight departure at 11.05pm. (Transit at Istanbul, 3hrs 10mins)

DAY 2 : TALLINN (L/D)  Arrive Talinn at 11.30am and proceed for immigration clearance.  After lunch, visit St Peter and St Paul Cathedral.  Mass at .  Lunch.  Check in to the hotel.  Dinner and stay overnight in Tallinn.

DAY 3 : TALLINN - RIGA (B/L/D)  Breakfast and check out.  Mass and sightseeing tour :- Medieval Old Town, KGB Headquaters, Tallinn University, St. Olaf’s Cathedral, Viru Gate, Town Hall and Toompea Castle

† Medieval Old Town– The origins of Tallinn date back to the 13th century, when a castle was built there by the crusading knights of the Teutonic Order. It developed as a major centre of the Hanseatic League, and its wealth is demonstrated by the opulence of the public buildings (the churches in particular) and the domestic architecture of the merchants' houses, which have survived to a remarkable degree despite the ravages of fire and war in the intervening centuries.

† St Olaf's Church – in Tallinn, the city's biggest medieval structure, took its name from the sainted Norwegian king Olav II Haraldsson. The church was first mentioned in 1267. It became one of the main churches in the Lower Town and formed its own congregation, which at first mostly comprised Scandinavian merchants and craftsmen and few Estonians. The evangelical preachings of the then chaplain of the church, Zacharias Hasse, led to the start of the reformation in Tallinn in 1523.

† The barbican of Viru Gate – was part of the defence system of Tallinn city wall built in the 14th century. A couple of centuries later, it already had 8 gates that consisted of several towers and curtain walls connecting them. The main tower of a gate was always square and the barbicans were equipped with one or two small round towers. As the entrances to the Old Town were widened, several gates were demolished. The Viru Gate had to pay its dues to a horse-drawn tram route that connected the Old Market with Kadriorg. However, the corner towers were preserved; also, you can still see a part of the bastion that is called Musumägi. Viru Street with its many shops and restaurants has become one of the busiest pedestrian streets in the Old Town.

† Toompea Castle – was erected on the foundations of the crumbling eastern wing of the fortress built on this site in the 13th and 14th centuries. The castle with its late Baroque façade was built between 1767 and 1773. The history of Toompea is the story of the rulers and conquerors of Estonia, each of whom moulded and reinforced the place to their own needs and according to their own taste. Today the castle is home to the Riigikogu (the Estonian parliament). The blue, black and white of the national flag can be seen flying on top of the 45.6-metre Tall Hermann tower as the symbol of Estonia's independence.

 Visit to Toomkirik Dome Church.  Mass at Church.  Visit Open Air Museum (UNESCO listed)

† The Estonian Open Air Museum – is a life-sized reconstruction of an 18th-century rural/fishing village, which comes complete with church, inn, schoolhouse, several mills, a fire station, twelve farmyards and net sheds. The site spans 72 hectares of land and contains about 80 separate buildings and is located 8 km to the west of Tallinn city center at Rocca al Mare. Established in 1957, the museum showcases 68 farmhouses assembled into twelve farmyards from North, South and West Estonia. Along with the farmyards, old public buildings are arranged singularly and in groups in a way that represents an overview of Estonian vernacular architecture of the past two centuries.

 Lunch  Drive to Riga, Latvia (Approx 4hrs 30mins)  Dinner and stay overnight at Riga

DAY 4 : RIGA – VILNIUS (B/L/D)  Breakfast at Hotel.  Check out and visit Dom Cathedral (Riga Cathedral) and St. Jacob Catholic Catheral and St John.

† Dom Cathedral – The church was built near the River Daugava in 1211 by Livonian Bishop Albert of Riga, who came from Lower Saxony in northwestern Germany. It is considered the largest medieval church in the Baltic states. It has undergone many modifications in the course of its history. David Caspari was rector of the cathedral school in the late 17th century. His son Georg Caspari also served at the cathedral. Religious services were prohibited during the Soviet occupation from 1939 to 1989, and the cathedral was used as a concert hall.In 2011 the copper roofing above the nave was replaced. In 2015 the tower exterior was also re- plated and its wooden support structure renewed.

† St. Jacob Catholic Cathedral – The church building was dedicated in 1225. It was not originally a cathedral since the Rīgas Doms served that function. At the beginning of the 15th century the Holy Cross Chapel was built at the south end of the early Gothic church, and part of the church was transformed into a basilica.

† Cēsis St. John’s Church – is the largest medieval basilica outside Riga. Church is 65 m long and 32 m wide three sphere basilica, in the western part it is being introduced by the massive 65 m high bell- tower with 15 m high Gothic spire. There are 1000 seats provided in the church. A range of interesting historical and art monuments have remained intact in the church up to the modern days and majority of them have been included in the list of State protected cultural heritage monuments. Already from the first half of the 19th century church have attracted attention as a historical and architectural monument. Nowadays world renowned chorus and organ music virtuous perform there. Church has become a home for the International new organ player’s festival. Also painters value the church; different art exhibitions take place there. The Blue hill that is at a distance of 40 km from the church can be seen from the church tower. Doorstep of the church is located exactly 100 meters above the sea level.

 Mass at Church.  After lunch transfer from Riga to Vilnius (Approx. 4h15m)  Dinner and stay overnight at Vilnius.

DAY 5 : VILNIUS (B/L/D)  Breakfast at Hotel  Full day sightseeing tour.  Visit to Gate of Dawn, Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit

† Gate of Dawn – It was built between 1503 and 1522 as a part of defensive fortifications for the city of Vilnius, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It has also been known as the Gate, as it led to the village Medininkai south of Vilnius as well as Aštra broma, which derivative for the word aštra meaning sharp. Of ten city gates, only the Gate of Dawn remains, while the others were destroyed by the order of the government at the end of the 18th century.

† Orthodox Chuch of Holy Spirit – the site of the present church used to be occupied by a wooden church, following the form a cross, erected in 1638, when Vilnius was part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and was known as Wilno. Associated with the church was a convent, opened in 1567. After a fire gutted the wooden church in the 18th century, a stone church was erected in 1749–1753 in the Baroque style, with details of the interior in Roccoco style. It was designed by Johann Christoph Glaubitz, an architect of German descent who was noted for developing a Lithuanian school of , known as Vilnian Baroque.

 Entrance to Shrine

† The Church of the Divine Mercy Sanctuary or the Holy Trinity Church in Vilnius, also called "God's Mercy Sanctuary" – is a Roman Catholic shrine dedicated to the Divine Mercy devotion, originated by Saint . On the site of the present church (Dominikonų St. 12) a Gothic single-nave church was built in the 15th century and named Holy Trinity Church. It was reconstructed after the 1748 and 1749 fires: a new presbytery and two towers were built on, and in a place of a Gothic apse a new portal was erected. The church belonged to the university; one of its deans was the university rector, Jesuit astronomer Martynas Počobutas. The tsarist authorities converted it into a Russian Orthodox church in 1821, but in 1920 it was returned to the Catholics. In Soviet times the church was abandoned. On Divine Mercy Sunday, 18 April 2004 under the care of Audrys Juozas Cardinal Bačkis, the church was restored, blessed, and given the title Shrine of Divine Mercy.

The church was adapted for the display of the original image of Divine Mercy, painted according to the vision of Saint Faustina Kowalska by artist in 1934. The Shrine is also decorated with two sgraffiti made by Nijolė Vilutytė: the Holy Mother of Mercy of the Gates of Dawn and the prayer “Jesus, I trust in you” in eleven languages.

 Lunch  Visit St. Anne Church  Mass at Church.  Visit the Vilnius Cathedral (UNESCO listed), and St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Church

† Vilnius Cathedral – is among the most beautiful cathedrals in the world. It is a classical masterpiece of the capital city of Lithuania. Although during the long course of history Vilnius Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed and burned, until now it proudly stands in the very heart of , at the Gediminas hill slope, and is the most important Catholic shrine all over the country, and a place for the main Christian, ethnic and national festivities.

 Dinner and stay overnight at Vilnius

DAY 6 : VILNIUS – BIAŁYSTOK – WARSAW (B/L/D)  Breakfast at Hotel  Transfer to Bialystok (Approx. 4H30M) (-1H difference)  Mass at Church.  After lunch, proceed to visit the Shrine of Divine Mercy, and House of Congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus.

† Divine Mercy Sanctuary in Bialystok is a church in the district of Bialostoczek, erected in 1984. In 1988 the remains of Michal Sopocko, the spiritual director of Faustina Kowalska, was moved here. In 1993 also a relic of Faustina Kowalska was set. In 1996 besides the church the papal altar from 1991 was reconstructed. Consecration of the church was heldin 2007.

† Congretation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus was founded in 1947 by Fr Michael Sopocko as the answer for the apparition of Jesus Christ, who orded St. Faustina among other things, to find the new religious community,. The members of this congregation begin each activity to renew the message of : Jesus, I trust in You.

 Continue to Warsaw (Approx. 3H)  Dinner and stay overnight at Warsaw

DAY 7 : WARSAW (B/L/D)  Breakfast at Hotel  Full day sightseeing tour :- Warsaw Mermaid, Old Town, Royal Castle, the King Zygmut III Waza Column, the church of St. Martin, and the Warsaw Barbican and Defensive Walls.

† Warsaw Mermaid – There are several legends about mermaid. The City's literature and tour guides say the mermaid decided to stay after stopping on a riverbank near the Old Town. Fishermen noticed something was creating waves, tangling nets, and releasing their fish. They planned to trap the animal, then heard her singing and fell in love. A rich merchant trapped and imprisoned the mermaid. Hearing her cries, the fishermen rescued her. Ever since the mermaid, armed with a sword and a shield, has been ready to help protect the city and its residents. Sometimes this legend is expanded to say the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen is the Warsaw mermaid's sister and they went separate ways from the Baltic Sea. Another states she helped a prince lost hunting and he founded the city in her honour.

† Royal Castle – A castle, built as a residence for the King of Poland, Sigmund III, who descending from the Swedish Vasa dynasty, had a pretense to rule , therefore moved the capital north from Krakow, the traditional capital of Poland. Italian architects built the castle. Until today, this mixture of Polish grand gesture, Italian style and Swedish soberness, despite all the contradictions in terms, is clearly visible in the castle’s structure. During the WWII, Germans have methodically destroyed the Royal Castle. Now the castle is fully rebuilt with an effort of many Poles in the country and abroad.

† The King Zygmut III Waza Column – Sigismund's Column (Polish: Kolumna Zygmunta), erected in 1644, is one of Warsaw's most known landmarks and one of the oldest secular monuments in northern Europe (the oldest in Warsaw). The column and statue commemorate King Sigismund (Zygmunt) III Waza, who in 1596 had moved Poland's capital from Kraków to Warsaw. King Sigismund III Vasa (Zygmunt III Vasa) was elected as the king of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in the year 1587. His long rule, till his death in 1632, was an uneasy period, marked with wars with Sweden and the Cossac uprisings. The column was erected in 1644, on the orders of Sigismund's son and successor, King Wladyslaw IV Vasa. The column was designed by the architect Constantino Tencalla and sculptor Clemente Molli, and casted by the bell-founder Daniel Tym. The sculpture of the king is 2,75 m high, made of bronze.The column was renovated between 1885 and 1887. The original column cylinder, made of conglomerate from Checiny, was replaced by the granite one (you can see the original cylinder exposed east from column, near the side entrance to the Royal castle. On 1/2nd September 1944, during The , the statue was hit by a German projectile. The column has fallen, but the sculpture was only slightly damaged. After WWII the column was re-erected.

† Warsaw Barbican and Defensive Walls –The barbican was erected in 1540 in place of an older gate to protect Nowomiejska Street. It was designed by Jan Baptist the Venetian, an Italian Renaissance architect who lived and worked in the Mazowsze region of 16th century Poland and was instrumental in the redesign of the 14th- century city walls, which by that time had fallen into disrepair. The barbican had the form of a three-level semicircular bastionmanned by fusiliers. It was 14 meters wide and 15 meters high from the bottom of the moat, which surrounded the city walls, and extended 30 meters from the external walls.

 Visit Katedra SW Jana – St. John’s Cathedral (UNESCO listed)  Mass at Church.

† St. John’s Cathedral – This stunning Gothic cathedral in the heart of Warsaw's Old Town is one of the most interesting historical landmarks. Built in the 14th century, St John's Cathedral - or Katedra Sw Jana - is one of the oldest churches in all of Poland, but was completely destroyed during World War II during the Polish Uprising. However, like much of the Old Town, it was reconstructed after the war, true to its original architecture. In addition to being the site of many historical events, such as the coronation of the last Polish king, the cathedral also houses the beautiful red marble tombs of many Mazowian dukes, and its crypt is the resting place of many celebrated Poles such as Nobel Prize-winning author Henryk Sienklewicz.

 Lunch  If time permits shopping at Nowy Swiat  Dinner and stay overnight at Warsaw

DAY 8 : WARSAW – KRAKOW – WIELICZKA – KRAKOW (B/L/D)  Breakfast at Hotel  Transfer from Warsaw to Krakow (Approx. 4H15M)  Lunch in Krakow  Half day visit, Sister Faustina Convent (Sister Divine)  Mass at Church.

† Sister Faustina Convent – The convent of the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, where Sr. Faustina Kowalska lived and died, was founded in Krakow in the second half of the 19th century. This humble nun was given the grand grace of closeness with Jesus Christ. Her mystical visions were described in her Diary, which still remains the most frequently translated Polish book. The future saint experienced her postulant and novitiate in the Łagiewniki convent and took her first and perpetual vows there. From 1936 until her death she stayed in Łagiewniki permanently, working in the garden and at the convent gate. She died on October 5, 1938 and was buried in the tomb at the convent cemetery. The mystic was officially proclaimed blessed in 1993 and she was canonized in 2000.

 Transfer from Krakow to Wieliczka (Approx 15m)  Entrance to Wieliczka Saltmine (UNESCO listed)

† Salt Mine - The mine, built in the 13th century, produced table salt continuously until 2007, as one of the world's oldest salt mines still in operation. Commercial mining was discontinued in 1996 due to low salt prices and mine flooding. The mine's attractions include dozens of statues, three chapels and an entire cathedral that has been carved out of the rock salt by the miners. The oldest sculptures are augmented by the new carvings by contemporary artists.

 Transfer from Wieliczka to Krakow (15M)  Dinner and stay overnight at Krakow

DAY 09 : KRAKOW – WADOWICE – WIELICZKA – KRAKOW (B/L/D)  Breakfast at Hotel, transfer from Krakow to Wadowice (Approx: 45m)  Entrance the House of St. John Paul II

† House of Pope St. Paul II – The Holy Father John Paul II Family Home in Wadowice, Poland was the family home and birthplace of Karol Józef Wojtyła, who was elected Pope John Paul II in 1978, and canonised after his death. Its address is 7 Kościelna Street, Wadowice, in southern Poland. It is described on the Wadowice website as "The family home of Pope John Paul II - Papal Museum" and "Museum of John Paul II in Wadowice". It has been a historic house museum since 1984; it preserves its original structure and houses a collection of objects that belonged to the Wojtyła family. The museum also commemorates Wojtyła's life and his work in Poland until he left Kraków for the Vatican in 1978. In 1919 Wojtyła's family rented two rooms with a kitchen on the first floor. Karol Wojtyła was born in this apartment on 18 May 1920. After his mother's death on 13 April 1929, Karol and his father occupied only one smaller room and the kitchen. Wojtyła lived in this house until 1938, when he moved with his father to Kraków and enrolled at Jagiellonian University.

• Visit Basilica of the presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

† Basilica of the presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – The church was founded at the same time as the city of České Budějovice in 1265; initial construction was completed around 1300. It is a monumental Gothic building with Baroque and Rococo additions and unique medieval fresco paintings.

 Mass at Church.  Lunch  Transfer from Wadowice to Krakow (Approx. 45m)

 Visit (UNESCO listed), and visit to The Cloth Hall, Jagiellonian University and St Mary’s Basillica.  Dinner and stay overnight at Krakow

DAY 10 : KRAKOW – CZESTOCHOWA – OSWIECIM – KATOWICE (B/L/D) • Breakfast at Hotel • Transfer from Krakow to Czestochowa (Approx. 2H15M)

† Czestochowa – is world famous city for the Pauline monastery of Jasna Gora which is the home of the painting, a shrine of the Virgin Mary

• Entrance to Jasna Gora Black Madonna

† Jasna Gora – is one of the main destinations for pilgrims in the contemporary Christian world. The Pauline Fathers were summoned to Jasna Gora in 1382 by Prince Ladislaus of Oppeln. The miraculous painting of the Virgin Mary owned by the monastery has been drawing great numbers thousands of pilgrims since the 15 century, initially from other regions of Poland and later also from other European countries and from the rest of the world.

• Mass at Church. • Lunch • After lunch transfer to Oswiecim (Approx. 1H30M) • Upon arrival, visit Auschwitz – Birkenau (UNESCO listed)

† Auschwitz-Birkenau (Unesco Listed) - Auschwitz (Auschwitz II.) In 1941 near the town of Auschwitz (former name "Oswiecim") built and had the title of "extermination camps." As a symbol of the Holocaust, the name "Auschwitz" made history. By that time more than 5.6 million people murdered 1.1 million were killed at Auschwitz-Birkenau alone. Of them were affected 1 million Jews. Deported Jews who arrived in the camp were abused for medical purposes such as malnutrition, disease and ill-treatment, either gassed immediately upon arrival, or shot (about 200,000 Jews).

• Transfer from Oswiecim to Katowice (Approx. 45M) • Dinner and stay overnight in Katowice

DAY 11 : KATOWICE – WROCLAW – BERLIN (B/L/D) • Breakfast at Hotel • Transfer to Wroclow (Approx. 3H) • Mass at Church. • Lunch • After lunch transfer to Berlin (Approx. 5H) • Dinner and stay overnight at Berlin

DAY 12 : BERLIN (B/L/D)  Breakfast at Hotel  Full day sight seeing tour. View of Bradenburgh Gate, Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, Postdamer Platz and Rotes Rathaus (City Hall) and Kurfurstendamm (shopping)

† Brandenburg Gate – German Brandenburger Tor, the only remaining town gate of Berlin, Germany, standing at the western end of the avenue Unter den Linden. It has served as a symbol of both the division of Germany and the country’s reunification and is one of Berlin’s most-visited landmarks.

† Checkpoint Charlie – (or "Checkpoint C") was the name given by the Western Allies to the best- known Berlin Wallcrossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War (1947–1991). Checkpoint Charlie became a symbol of the Cold War, representing the separation of East and West. Soviet and American tanks briefly faced each other at the location during the Berlin Crisis of 1961.

 Visit St. Hedwigs Cathedral

† St Hedwig Cathedral – is some 240 years old, its foundation stone having been laid in 1747, and the church consecrated on All Saints’ Day 1773. It is the first post-Reformation in Berlin and is modelled on the Pantheon in Rome, albeit with more modest proportions. The church only acquired the status of a cathedral in 1930, when the Diocese of Berlin was established. The church is dedicated to St Hedwig, the onetime Duchess of Silesia (born 1174 and died 1243). She was canonised in 1267. The choice of Hedwig as patron for the new Berlin church was significant. Prussia had annexed Silesia in 1742, and significant numbers of Catholic migrants from Silesia moved to Berlin in the years thereafter. Hedwig’s patronage thus gave a clear link with the Silesian homeland of these new arrivals in Berlin

 Lunch  Entrance to Berlin Cathedral.  Mass at Church.  If time permits, free for shopping.  Dinner and overnight at Berlin.

DAY 13 : BERLIN – KUALA LUMPUR (B) • Breakfast at Hotel • Mass at Church. • In the morning at leisure • Check out at noon. • Free time for last minute shopping. • In the evening transfer to airport for flight check in. • Flight departure at 8.10pm on Turkish Airlines. (Transit at Istanbul, 1hr 25mins)

DAY 14 : KUALA LUMPUR  5.15pm, arrive Kuala Lumpur with the fond memories of your Baltic’s Pilgrimage

~~~~~~~ End of Pilgrimage ~~~~~~~

Proposed Turkish Airline & Schedule:


MH/OD Borneo/KUL TBA TBA TK 061 KUL-IST 11:05PM 5:05(next day) TK 1423 IST-TLL 8:15AM 11:30AM TK 1724 TXL-IST 8:10PM 12:05AM TK 060 IST-KUL 1:30AM 5:15PM MH/OD KUL/Borneo TBA TBA

PACKAGE COST: BOOKING with non-refundable Twin/Triple Single Deposit RM 2,000

EX KUL RM 12,900.00 RM 15,400.00 EX BORNEO RM 13,500.00 RM 16,000.00

*For child computation 2-12 years sharing with 02 adults in same room with extra bed – 80% of adult fare. Maximum 3 persons in a room Note, in Europe child sharing with parents must have extra bed.

PRICE INCLUDES: 1) Return international economy class air ticket + ALL airport taxes based on current rate. 2) Domestic economy class air ticket + ALL airport taxes based on current (For EX Borneo) 3) Hotel Accommodation with breakfast 4) ALL meals as mentioned in itinerary 5) All transfers in air-conditioned car/van/coach 6) ALL sightseeing as mentioned in itinerary including Entrance fees 7) All Tips & Gratuities. 8) English speaking city guides. 9) Experienced Professional Tour Leader from Topaz 10) Complimentary Travel Gift pack & Personalizes bag tag 11) Travel Insurance only for Malaysian passport holders aged below 70 yrs. (Above 71 yrs surcharge apply)

PRICE EXCLUDES: 1) Personal expense such as drinks, telephone, souvenirs and laundry etc. Others not mentioned nor specified above not to be included in the tour prices
