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Doctor Of~Ryttusapijp in WEST ASIAN STUDIES (POLITICAL SCIENCE) AMERICAN POLICY AND THE ARAB-ISRAELI PEACE PROCESS: THE CLINTON ERA THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF doctor of~rytTusapijp IN WEST ASIAN STUDIES (POLITICAL SCIENCE) H. ANWAR MOHD. KHAN Under the supervision of PROF. MOHAMMAD GULREZ DEPARTMENT OF WEST ASIAN STUDIES ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 2012 y i r r ' htsl~m ~ 1 7 NT V -6!I \lU\l\lIl\l\l\\iIl\\lIl1Uhl1tW CONFLICT RESOLUTION & PEACE STUDIES PROGRAMME ((JGCs Programme in Interdisciplinary & Emerging Areas) Centre of (Nest Asian Studies, A.M. U., AUgarh 202002, India Dr. Mohammod Gulrez Director Professor of Politico! Science, CW45 [entrelarSouth Alrkanand Bro nSms" COORDINATOR - Date: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled "AMERICAN POLICY AND ARAB ISRAELI PEACE PROCESS: THE CLINTON ERA" by Mr. H. Anwar Mohd. Khan for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in West Asian Studies (Political Science) has been prepared under my supervision. This is his original work and to the best of my knowledge it has not been submitted anywhere else for the award of any degree. Prof. Mohammad Gulrez Research Supervisor Centre Df VUestAsian Studies A.M.0 , q(garh GSbtaa.745. wm Nns . Marrs VA% Mp 2OaOl os71-27OO92O21 EMM2X-1339) Rw.: os73-2fl041 . Office.F. Os»-27osso4. Mob. ose97iabe3e. taut n +.- PMCRUMA LENTRE OF WEST ASIAN STUDIES ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH-202002 (INDIA) 1 j Date: Declaration I declare that the thesis entitled "AMERICAN POLICY AND ARAB- ISRAELI PEACE PROCESS: THE CLINTON ERA, submitted by me for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY of Aligarh Muslim University is my own work. The thesis has not been previously submitted for the award of any other degree of this university or any other university. H. Anwar Mohd. Khan ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to gratefully acknowledge my supervisor Prof. Mohammad Gulrez for his best guidance on the topic of my Ph.D. thesis. He gave me encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level which enabled me to develop and understand the subject matter. All the subject material that has been found in books and other sources has been mentioned in the bibliography, therefore, a very special thanks to all those authors without whom this thesis would not have been completed. I would also take the opportunity to say my thanks to all of them who helped and supported me throughout in writing the thesis. I would like to express my gratitude to the Library and the staff who provided me all the relevant literature pertaining to my research work. My special thanks to my brother Rizwan Khan and his wife Stacey Khan who helped me much and introducing me to Chief librarian Richard Federman of the New York State Library. It was there that I was able to lay my hands on the primary sources, news papers and journals. Ms. Sheba Khan has also given me a lot of support and cooperation at different stages. At the same time my wife Mrs. Gauhar Anwar Khan and my family remained steadfast and cooperated with me all these years. I would be failing in my duty if I do not record my thanks and gratitude to God, Almighty without His benevolence and mercy I could not have accomplished my thesis. H. Anwar Mohd. Khan LIST OF MAPS PAGE NOS. 1. West Asia 2 2. 1947-UN Partition Plan-1949-Armistice-Commission 27 3. West Asia after June 1967 War 4. Oslo II, 1995 5. Palestinian Authority Jurisdiction Map resulting from Oslo 62 6. Clinton Proposal at Camp David 2000 97 7. Approximate Clinton Plan as Future Palestinian State 100 8. Old City of Jerusalem 105 GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS USED AIPAC American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee CCP Conciliation Commission for Palestine CIA Central intelligence Agency DOP Declaration of Principles ICCR International Committee of the Red Cross ICJ International Court of Justice IDF Israeli Defence Forces PA Palestinian Authority PAA Palestinian Autonomous Areas PFLP Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PLC Palestine Legislative Council PLO Palestine Liberation Organization PNA Palestine National Assembly PNC Palestine National Council PRCS Palestine Red Crescent Society UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNPPP United Nations Palestine Partition Plan UNSCOP United Nations special Committee on Palestine WZO World Zionist Organization PREFACE American government has always emphasised its role in the establishment of the State of Israel. It has vehemently expressed its moral commitment to the Jewish survivors of the Nazi Holocaust. America became Israel's main ally after June 1967 War. During this period of time the Soviet Union and many Arab states started coming closer to each other and this turn of events made America to realize a need of a deeper involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The defeat of Arab states in the June 1967 War, made the Palestinians realise that they had to carry on the struggle on their own. In the mean time the US government pledged not to recognise or negotiate with the PLO until the organisation officially accepted the UN Security Council Resolution 242. The United States changed its policy toward the PLO in 1988 after the PLO had expressed its willingness to accept a small Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel. The US diplomacy has been a major force behind all peace negotiations to reach a settlement in West Asia. However, the US intervention in the region has been seen as biased and in favour of Israel. America continued to find strategic relevance of Israel even after the disintegration of the USSR and the end of the Cold War. The proactive role of the US in the peace process seemed vital for strategic interests of the US in the region. Therefore, America continued to support Israel and its security at the expense of its neighbour's costs. Theoretical Frame work There have been frequent and persistent conflicts throughout history of nations. Contemporary international politics is concerned with conflicts and peacemaking. Conflicts have caused at different levels such as inter-personal, inter- group or inter-state disagreements. It is also caused by a clash of cultures, ideological differences, interests or communal hatred. A conflict situation usually arises between parties who perceive that they possess mutually incompatible objectives. International conflict is undoubtedly one of the most crucial of all the forms of conflicts, because it could threaten the very existence of the whole international system. In the light of various types of conflict there are various theoretical approaches to the understanding of conflict and peacemaking. Conflict management and resolution means the transformation of relationship between conflicting parties by bringing a problem in a form of solution. More often, the term peacemaking is associated with conflict resolution without the use of violence. Peace can also be seen as the coexistence of different cultures and societies to be obtained by improved communication with others, common understanding and ability to tolerate with one another. Since violent conflicts are dreadfully destructive and costly, peaceful settlement is the best option to handle them. The most obvious form of violence is an act to do physical harm to other people. In peaceful settlement, importance is placed on refraining from threat or use of force. Jacob Bercovitch has identified three methods of conflict resolution: violence and coercion; bargaining and vi negotiation; the involvement of third parties in mediation or arbitration or good offices.' Numerous examples of third party assisted negotiations exist in both modern and ancient social settings. The main tools of a third party to intervene in a conflict are through mediation, facilitation and arbitration. Through mediation the third party aids the disputants in reaching an agreement. The function of a mediator is to attempt to establish, or re-establish, sufficiently good communications between conflicting parties, so that they can talk sensibly to each other. It suggests solutions without any decision making power. Through negotiations, the disputants voluntarily abdicate their own decision making power in favour of the arbitrator. Mediation is not aimed at helping one party but to bring about mutual agreements. It has been widely seen as an alternative to the violence.2 In principle third party keep confidentiality in delivering intentions, bring the reassurance of mutual sincerity, and do not advocate particular outcomes. Since the goal is not to help one party win, the process is geared toward encouraging the parties to accept compromised solutions. The trust of both parties can be gained by the impartiality of an intermediary. Maintaining an attitude of impartiality throughout is expected to ensure that all parties show confidence in the process. Neutrality can be achieved by not taking sides. However, being neutral does not necessarily means a lack of care or interest in the fair outcome. Good offices can be used if the conflicting parties wanted to avoid direct contact despite the need to resolve serious 1 hrob Bercov itch (1984 , Sobal Conflicts and I hird Parties, Colorad a: Westview Press, p.1. Ho—Won Jeong(2000, Peace and Conflict Studies, Burli-'gton Ashge±e, p. 130_ disputes. Various types of peaceful settlements can be found through history. Chapter VI of the UN Charter calls for peaceful settlement of disputes through the use of a wide range of methods, including negotiations, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and judicial settlement.3 In international mediation, a third party can be a national government, international organisations, or private intermediaries. Ideally third parties should not have a direct interest in the disputed issues. However, the involvement of the United States in West Asia peacemaking seemed to drive from the influence of domestic constituencies and geo-strategic interests. The US as a third party has been immensely involved in a series of mediation and facilitation through its good offices, assisting the conflicting parties to reach an agreement in this conflict.
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