Preprint: Original Publication: Wireless & Mobile Technologies, Vol. 1, Issue 1, September 2013. [DOI: 10.12691/wmt-1-1-2] Upcoming Standards in Wireless Local Area Networks Sourangsu Banerji Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, RCC-Institute of Information Technology, India Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT: In this paper, we discuss some widely deployed WLAN technology as of today. of the upcoming standards of IEEE 802.11 i.e. Another renowned counterpart is the HiperLAN Wireless Local Area Networks. The WLANs standard by ETSI. These two technologies are united underneath the Wireless Fidelity (Wi-fi) nowadays provide unlimited broadband usage alliance. In literature though, IEEE802.11 and Wi- to users that have been previously offered fi is used interchangeably and we will also simply to wireline users within a limited range. continue with the same convention in this The newest and the emerging standards fix particular paper. A regular WLAN network is technology issues or add functionality to the associated with an Access Point (AP) in the centre existing IEEE 802.11 standards and will be and numerous stations (STAs) are connected to this central Access Point (AP).There are just two expected to overcome many of the current modes in which communication normally takes standing problems with IEEE 802.11. place. Keywords: Wireless Communications, IEEE Within the centralized mode of communication, 802.11, WLAN, Wi-fi. communication to/from a STA is actually carried across by the APs. There's also a decentralized 1. Introduction mode in which communication between two STAs The wireless broadband technologies were can happen directly without the requirement developed with the objective of providing services associated with an AP in an ad hoc fashion.