Growth at Home

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Growth at Home ANNUAL REPORT 2016/2017 Annual Report 2016/17 Growth at Home GROWTH Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade andAT SME DevelopmentHOME |1 ANNUAL REPORT 2016/2017 © Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Published by the Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development, 2017. Reproduction is permitted, provided the source is acknowledged. Physical Address Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block B Cnr. Dr. Kenneth Kaunda & Goethe Streets Windhoek Postal Address Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Private Bag 13340 Windhoek Namibia Growth at Home MITSMED Contact Centre: +264 61 283 7311 MITSMED website: 2 | Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development ANNUAL REPORT 2016/2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations and Acronyms 4 Foreword by the Minister 5 Part One: General Information 10 1.1. Vision 10 1.2. Mission 10 1.3. Core Values 10 1.4. Strategic Objectives 11 1.5. Legislative Mandate 11 1.6. Public Entities Reporting to the Minister 12 Part Two: Highlights of the Year 2016 15 2.1. Investment Conference 2016 15 2.2. MSME Policy and 10 Growth Strategies Launch 16 2.3. National Single Window Consultative Workshop 18 2.4. Key Missions Led by the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and SME Development 19 Part Three: Programme Performance 23 3.0. Voted Funds 23 3.1. Aim of Vote 23 3.2. Performance per programme 23 3.2.1. Programme 1: Industrial Development 23 3.2.2. Programme 2: Trade promotion and commerce 23 3.2.3. Programme 3: Namibia Investment Centre 29 3.2.4. Programme 4: Administration and Coordination 30 3.2.5. Programme 5: Special Industrialisation Initiative 32 4.0. Human Capital Management and Oversight 33 5.0. Conclusion 33 Growth at Home 6.0. Address list of Ministry and Foreign Economic Offices 34 7.0. INVESTMENT CONFERENCE 2016 (PICTURES) 38 Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development |3 ANNUAL REPORT 2016/2017 BIPA Business and Intellectual Property Agency COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa DID Directorate of Industrial development DIT Directorate of International Trade DRC Democratic Republic of Congo EAB Estate Agents Board EAC East African Community EPA Economic Partnership Agreements EU European Union FDI Foreign Direct Investment FTA Free Trade Agreement GDP Gross Domestic Product ABBREVIATIONS GRN Government Republic of Namibia ICT Information Communication Technology IN Investment Conference IUMP Industrial Upgrading and Modernization Programme MTEF Medium -Term Expenditure Framework MITSMED Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises NACC Namibia Competition Commission NCCI Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry NDC Namibia Development Corporation Growth at Home NDP National Development Plan NSW National Single Window NSI Namibia Standards Institute ODC Offshore Development Corporation SACU South Africa Customs Union SADC Southern Africa Development Countries SME Small Medium Enterprise TFTA Tripartite Free Trade Agreement USAID United States Agency for International Development WTO World Trade Organization 4 | Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development ANNUAL REPORT 2016/2017 FOREWORD This MITSMED Annual Report is a refl ection of major activities undertaken and achievements realized as well as constraints encountered during the 2016/17 Financial Year. It provides the essential facts about the ministry’s mandate, which is “promoting growth and develop- ment of the economy through the formulation and implementation of appropriate policies to attract investment, increase trade, develop and expand the country’s industrial base. MITSMED strives to be a centre for growth in creating an enabling environment for increased domestic and foreign direct investment, trade and industrial base for the benefi t of all Na- mibians. MITSMED continues to promote development through partnership with bilateral and multilateral development cooperating partners, non-governmental organizations, research institutions and other relevant institutions in order to achieve a “prosperous and industrialized Namibia,” as envisaged in Namibia Vision 2030. The Annual Report refl ects on the manner in which the MITSMED utilised opportunities on a wide range of platforms to communicate the Ministry’s strategies, approaches and concepts with stakeholders. During the reporting period, the following important activities among oth- ers were undertaken: 1. MITSMED hosted a successful International Investment Conference and worked close- ly with the Presidential Advisors. The main objective of the conference was to attract stra- tegic investors and business ventures for selected and prioritized sector-based investment projects for Namibia. 2. MITSMED launched the MSME policy that was approved by cabinet and parliament. The major objectives of the policy are to foster the development of MSMEs by adopting international good practices for modernization and upgrading of technology. The ministry also launched the 10 growth strategies after a public private dialogue process with relevant stakeholders approved the strategies to enhance value addition, expand industrial output and increasing growth rates. Growth at Home 3. National Single Window, the MITSMED through the department of International Trade in collaboration with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) facilitated a con- sultative workshop on National Single Window (NSW) project. The project hopes to signifi - cantly reduce the time as well as cost of shipping goods across national borders and lower trade costs, improve the competitiveness of a country’s products regionally and internation- ally. Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development |5 ANNUAL REPORT 2016/2017 The continual recurring theme of MITSMED’s “Growth at Home” concept and strategy in line with Vision 2030 and NDP4, reinforces the importance of accelerating economic growth, reducing income inequality and increasing employment creation. The strategy also looks at commod- ity-based industrilisation by strengthening local as well as national value chains and creating more efficient linkages within the economy. The aim is to develop value chains based on locally available raw materials, include a regional value chains concept by accelerating regional value chains that enhance economic integration. During the 2016/17 financial year, an amount of N$531million was appropriated to the Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development for both operational and capital expenditure. The provisional expenditure as of 25 February 2016 was N$476 million which translates into 90 per cent of the total allocation of resources spent. The variance was mainly due to budgets cuts and delays in the implementation of some of the development projects. I thank all MITSMED staff – your contributions to this issue of our Annual Report are indeed appre- ciated. Enjoy the read. Hon. Immanuel Ngatjizeko, MP Minister Growth at Home 6 | Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development ANNUAL REPORT 2016/2017 MITSMED TOP MANAGEMENT Hon. Immanuel Ngatjizeko Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Hon. Pieter van der Walt Deputy Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development Mr. Gabriel P. Sinimbo Permanent Secretary of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development MANAGEMENT Growth at Home Ms. Bernadette Ms. Artivor Bernadette Dr. Artivor Michael Dr. Humavindu Michael Humavindu Ms. Ms. Bernadette Bernadette Artivor Artivor Dr. Michael Dr. Michael Humavindu Humavindu Ms. Annascy Ms. Annascy Mwanyangapo Mwanyangapo Deputy Permanent Deputy Secretary Permanent Deputy Secretary Permanent Deputy Secretary Permanent Secretary Ms. Annascy Mwanyangapo Deputy Permanent Secretary Deputy Permanent Secretary Ms. Annascy Deputy Permanent Mwanyangapo Secretary Deputy PermanentNamibia Investment Namibia centre Investment IndustrialDeputy centre Development PermanentIndustrial and Development and Deputy Deputy Permanent Permanent Secretary Namibia Investment centre Industrial Development and Deputy Permanent Trade and Secretary Commerce Agencies Agencies Trade and Commerce Secretary Agencies Secretary Trade and Commerce Secretary Namibia Investment Industrial Development Trade and Commerce Centre DIRECTORSDIRECTORS DIRECTORSMinistry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development |7 Mr. Benjamin Katjipuka Mr. Munu Kuyonisa Ms. Petrina Nakale Director Mr. Benjamin Katjipuka Director Mr. Munu Kuyonisa Ms. Mr. Petrina Benjamin Nakale Katjipuka Mr. Munu Kuyonisa Director International Trade Director Administration and FinanceDirectorMs. Petrina Nakale DirectorDir ector Director Industrial Development International Trade Administration Director and Finance Industrial International Development Trade Administration and Finance Industrial Development Ms. Ms. Bernadette Bernadette Artivor Artivor Dr. Dr. Michael Michael Humavindu Humavindu Deputy Deputy Permanent Permanent Secretary Secretary Deputy Deputy Permanent Permanent Secretary Secretary Ms. Ms. Annascy Annascy Mwanyangapo Mwanyangapo Namibia Namibia Investment Investment centre centre IndustrialIndustrial Development Development and and Deputy Deputy Permanent Permanent Secretary Secretary AgenciesAgencies Trade Trade and and Commerce Commerce DIRECTORSDIRECTORS ANNUAL REPORT 2016/2017 Mr. Mr. Benjamin Benjamin Katjipuka Katjipuka Mr. Mr. Munu Munu Kuyonisa Kuyonisa Ms. Ms. Petrina Petrina
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