Independence 1990-2015 On 22 March, I may wake up at 12h00 Africa has produced strong, effective and world-class leaders • 25 young Namibians to take to lunch • What happened to our dreams? • A young man called Untag speaks out • Hits and misses of education • Born on Independence Day • The rise and fall of fishing • Gerhard Mans, an eagle’s eye on rugby • FW de Klerk: I admire Namibia INSIDE CREDITS Physical address: Industria Street - Erf 189 Printing of newspapers, Lafrenz (Ext 1) Windhoek Namibia inserts and special supplements 25th Namibian Independence New, reliable, proven 1990-2015 print (Goss) machines with advanced technology Competitive pricing EDITOR Tangeni Amupadhi WINDHOEK OFFICE Phone: 061 279 600; Fax: 061 279 602 MAGAZINE COMPILED BY Christof Maletsky Address: John Meinert Street Personal client and SUB EDITING Cindy van Wyk & Natasha Uys P.O. Box 20783, Windhoek troubleshooting advice COVER The Namibian OsHAKATI OFFICE Phone: 065 220 246; Fax: 065 224 521 Experienced Children from Moria Grace Shelter in Katutura management COVER IMAGE Address: Metropolitan Building, Corner of Main Road and sta team celebrating independence. Photograph by Tanja Bause and Robert Mugabe Avenue Opposite the Magistrate’s Court High quality LAYOUT Caroline de Meersseman P.O. Box 31, Oshakati production and Dudley Minnie Oswald Shivute’s contact details: Tanya Turipamwe Stroh 081 241 2661; e-mail:
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